HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1973.01.12 - 39572h
oakland county service center 2800 watkins lake road pontiac, michigan 338-6196
R. Eric Reickel Frances Clark
Director Chairman
December 20, 1972 Donald
W, Nick
Henry A. Schiffer
To the Members of the Clarence A. Durbin
Oakland County, Michigan William L. Mainland
Paul W. McGovern
Carl W. O'Brien
Ladies and Gentlemen: William M. Richards
E. Frank Richardson
The meeting of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION scheduled
for January 5, 1973 has been changed as follows:
NEWTIME ......................... 9:30 a.m.
Friday, January 12, 1973
PLACE............................Parks and Recreation Office
2800 Watkins Lake Road
Pontiac, Michigan 48054
PURPOSE..........................Regular Meeting
The meeting is called in accordance with authorization of
Frances P. Clark, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission.
January 12, 1973
1. Call Meeting to Order.
2. Roll Call.
3. Approval of minutes of December 8, 1972.
4. Approval of Payments -Voucher 12-1 through 12-130.
5. Statement of Operations November, 1972.
6. 1972 Park Activities Report.
7. Development Report 73-1.
8. Old Business
a. Award Bid -Maintenance Shed Springfield
b. Communication System
c. Groveland Oaks Entrance
d. Contract Agreement-D.N.R.
9. New Business
a. 1973 M.R.P.A. Conference
b. 1973 Garden & Flower Show -Pontiac Mall
c. Park Guide Signs
d. Survey -Springfield Oaks Golf Course
e. Moving Expense -Mr. Lacey
f. 1973 Fee Schedule
g. Election of officers
10. Adjourn
oaklond county service center
R. Eric Reickel
August 10, 1972
2800 watkins lake road
TO: Parks and Recreation Commission
FROM: R. Eric Reickel
SUBJECT: Park Development Progress Report 72-1
pontiac, michigan 338-6196
Frances Clark
Donald W. Nick
Vice -Chairman
Henry A. Schiffer
Clarence A. Durbin
Emil Jawors
William L. Mainland
Paul W. McGovern
Carl W. O'Brien
William M. Richards
E. Frank Richardson
The purpose of this report is to inform you as to the progress of
the projects that we presently have going on in our parks system.
1. Springfield -Oaks Clubhouse: A letter was written to
O'Dell, Hewlett and Luckenbach, Inc. dated July 24, 1972
from Patrick J. Mason (copy attached) stating that they
were willing to face their responsibilities. Mr. Frank
Doornweerd of the Department of Facilities and Operations
met with Paul Mason, Jr. on August 9, 1972 and discussed
the project. The results of that meeting are that the
sill has been fixed and both sill plates are in. The
ceramic tile will be repaired and that the mechanical
contractor is to start up the air conditioner on August
10, 1972. It has been determined that the moisture
condition in the dry wall was caused from the lack of
use of the building and it is difficult to assign the
responsibility to anyone. I asked Mr. Doornweerd to try
to find out who the dry wall contractor is so when he
comes in to repair the dry wall that was taken out of the
upper lobby, that he be contracted to replace the dry wall
in the toilet facilities. It was also determined that the
price variance in the insulation from aluminum faced
insulation to the tar paper insulation on the overall
project would have been $30 credit to us. I asked for a
letter stating the reason for the change in the type of
insulation specified and how the price differential was
2. Springfield -Oaks Manager's Residence: The foundation is in
and the block walls have been erected and tarred. We are
presently waiting for the trusses to be delivered and the
contractor has promised occupancy of October 1, 1972.
Page 2 - Parks & Recreation Commission
(Progress Report 72-1)
Letter dated August 10, 1972
3. Groveland-Oaks Sanitary Facility & Dumping Station: The site
is almost on grade. A change order had to be issued for
approximately $1,900 for the added foundation costs because
of a discrepancy in topo. The foundation is started and the
holding tanks are ready to be dropped.
4. White Lake -Oaks Clubhouse: All of the carpeting has been
installed. Tables and chairs have been delivered. The
kitchen installation is more than 90 percent completed and
the bar should be installed by the conclusion of next week.
We hope to be in full operation for the weekend of August
18, 1972 with the buffet for the County Commissioners scheduled
for August 24, 1972 after their Commission meeting. We are in
the process of hiring the waitresses for the facility. Cooks
have been hired.
5. Waterford -Oaks Doors: The doors at Waterford -Oaks have been
installed and are working out very nicely.
6. Addison -Oaks Swimming Pool: A field inspection was made on
Tuesday, August 1, 1972 by members of the County Health
Department and a representative from the State Department
in charge of public swimming pools, Addison -•Oaks Park Manager,
Arnold Johnston and myself. Mr. Hodges, from the State Health
Department, performed an in-depth inspection of the pool facility
and the conclusion of the meeting authorized us to operate on a
limited basis permitting only 50 swimmers at any one time in this
facility with only minor adjustments required. There will be no
need for any major expenditures above what have already been made
in the past. This report surprised us as it did not call for
any other changes as indicated earlier. We have applied for the
permit to open this facility but as of yet have not made any
definite plans as to exactly how we will use the pool.
7. Asphalt Paving: The bids have been advertised for the
asphalt paving and are to be submitted to this office and
opened on August 17, 1972. If everything is in order we will
be in position to recommend the awarding of these bids.
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