HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1973.11.09 - 39584PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION oakland county service center 2800 watkins lake road pontiac, michigan 48054 R. Eric Reickel Director November 6, 1973 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . 9:30 a.m. Friday, November 9, 1973 PLACE Parks & Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan PURPOSE . Regular Meeting The meeting is called in accordance with authorization of Frances P. Clark, Chairperson of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Cordially, R. Eric Reickel Director RER/kj • 338-6196 Frances Clark Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox Vice -Chairman Henry A. Schiffer Secretary • Emil Jawors George Kuhn William L. Mainland Roger H. Marz Ted McCullough, Jr. William M. Richards E. Frank Richardson `Addison - Oaks • Groveland - Oaks • Independence - Oaks Springfield - Oaks • Waterford - Oaks • White Lake - Oaks OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION November 9, 1973 AGENDA 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes of October 26, 1973. 4. Approval of Payments - Voucher 10-163 through 10-202 Voucher 11-1 through 11-54 5. Activities Report for October, 1973. 6. Agreement-Centrex II System. 7. M.R.P.A. Winter Conference. 8. Tree Trimming--Groveland Oaks. 9. Mobile Recreation Program. 10. Unfinished Business. 11. New Business. 12. Adjourn. Next meeting November 30, 1973. VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION OCTOBER 1973 VOT1CHF.R NUMBER-j1O'PURPOSE 0 �Administration and All parks Full -Time and Part time Administration Kitchen Su ies - Addison •■ .u••• - - for -• • • •� • • 1 - .III • • ! * •.._ • Services • • • .• •• 11 N - - Addison - • - .••- -• _i... Cancelled party White Lake :����§-Refund 'Cancelled party of deiposit Addison ��[F-suip �Administration • • All parks t Maintenance 'Administration, 0 so I - . - • u • • • Springfield, • - • • • • • • • • .�■ - • - • • Waterford - Administration _ _con •• • M., 1,249.00 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION OCTOBER 1973 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT Alarm10-188 Interstate 5yptgma, Inc.i n Alarm - administratiQ Springfield, Waterford, White Lake Purchase of Ggod Used Gglf Balls 23.00 mileage Administration 0- 90 Lowry Process Ecruipment maintenance - Whit 0-190A Sundry Commission Meeting) Administration Regialar Meeting of 10 1 73 1 -191 Clarkston Dis osal Rubbish R moya - S12ringfield 10-192 AliDine Ice Services Ice Machine Rental - White Lake 0 10-193 Waiter Hagen Golf EgUiRment Golf EgUipment - Springfield 116 '--194 Da 's Sanitary Service Septic Vaults - Groveland 1,335.00 10-195 Hamiltons of Holly Grass Seed - Groveland 120.00 10-196 W. F. Miller CompanyCoMpany Weeder Eater - Groveland 10-197 Automatic Stoker Service Building M i an 10-198 Mich' gn Bell lelephgng C m n Waterford o - IQ-122 GiacalQue Electric -Addison 486-on Waterford Full and part time VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION NOVEMBER 1973 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 11-1 Vermeer Sales & SeKyice E i ment Ex ense - Groveland 34.55 aint nance - White Lake 19.01 Eguipment Expense - Groveland 2.94 Building Maintenance - Addison 9.20 Waterford, r R sale - Springfield 447.00 White Lake Qyerage charged on din er 35.35 279.24 1 -8 i on 33.92 1-9 56 -'-10 r Rgzalg - Addison. 6.08 11-11 Addison 332.0 11-12 P=ynnaine Enull Waterford Dog Obedience Instruction - 132.00 Instruction - Waterford 48.00 11-14 Compauy Groveland Building Maintenance - Addison 198.35 -Sher-win-Williams, MiscellaneousExpense - White Lake 32.00 3 Ecruipment Maintenance - Springfield 35.50 Equipment, Grounds, Building Springfield, Groveland, Waterford White812.30 - _ Y'1 gf, P_ 0_ - - Springfieldc-- - _ v - ® i on Company Springfield Electricity - Groveland Wh. Lk. 675.30 bbi h Removal - White Lake 100.00 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION NOVEMBER 1973 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 26.43 11-27mm,--ake Orion Buildin Maintenance - Addison 1-28 Equipment, Grounds, Building Maintenance S rin field Grovela d 1,360.17 11-29 ration & A licence E i ment Maintenance - White Lk 191.20 11-30 for Inc. E i ment Maintenance - Grovelan 67.76 I1-31 i & Sons EquiDment Maintenance - Wh. Lake 10.00 11-32 Springfield, Conditionin Water softenerSalt - White Lake 37.44 11-33 o i s Grounds Maintenance - S rin fiel 400.00 11-347711 1 Fuel - Springfield 186.72 11-35 Janitorial Supplies - Waterford 101.00 tomotive Inc. Equipment Maintenance - Addison 67.40 11-37 White Lake Golf Su lies For Resale - 11.76 11-38 Natural Gas - Waterford Wh. Lk. 106.14 11-39 Rubbish Removal - S rin field 205.00 11-40 Administration , Springfield ' td E i ment Rental - White Lake 137.50 11-41 Milea e - Administration 24.57 11-42 -ZZaipment Maintenance - Administration 3.55 11-43 Advertisement - Administration 27.13 11-44 o ian Lett Cash Fund - Groveland 20.74 11-45 ian PettyCash Fund - Springfield 18.96 11-46 Arl n P1 t= odiailPettyCash Fund - White Lake 47.42 11-47 Petty Cash Fund - Addison. Conf. tr. 95.69 11-48 Springfield, rounds Maintenance - Waterford 219.89 49 Administration, Springfield ® Insurance Costs - Waterford Add son 252.00 11-50 B ildin Maintenance - S rin fie d 183.70 11-51 White Lake hon Service - Addison 251.03 11-52 9 in Phones - Addison 30.75 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION NOVEMBER 1973 VOUCHER NUMBER_ VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT ;�)ljper-mn-rw�j:s I LIU, L R iu.LC tiSau-L;7Vi1 I Administration 11 tZA c..,...7..^.. ttl-......4--4-- Mcc+inn _ lr)19r.17.i .�7S_87 ITEM # 5 1973 MONTHLY PARK AND FACILITY ATTENDANCE REPORT ADDISON®OAKS PARK Month of OCTOBER, 1973 Groups Parti® ci ants Year to Date groups Parti® ci ants Caiiipers 42 254 1,580 7,226 Day Use 84 333 5,113 23,162 ADDISON CONFERENCE CENTER Functions 19 1,942 199 16,852 GROVELAND®OAKS - Campers 230 1,239 8,458 34,327 Day Use 0 0 7,239 30,779 SPRINGFIELD-OAKS Y.A.C. Functions 9 1,785 121 82,261 SPRINGFIELD-OAKS CLUBHOUSE Functions 0 0 18 1,149 SPRINGFIELD®OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 holes 0 772 209 15,301 Rounds Played 18 holes 0 43 0 1,074 Mill Pond 0 700 0 6,898 WATERFORD-OAKS Functions 56 2,292 321 19,966 WHITE LAKE -OAKS CLUBHOUSE Functions 16 919 208 12,460 Regular Business 0 2,188 0 49,568 WHITE LAKE. -OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 holes 0 2,352 574 38,500 Rounds Played 18 holes 0 740 0 14,448 TOTALS 456 15,559 24,040 353,971 ITEM #6 CENTREX II The County Commissioners are in the process of going into the Centrex II Service. This Commission has been tied in with the county services in the past and in reviewing this with the county repre- sentatives, it is recommended that we tie in with the Centrex II System. This pertains only to our Waterford -Oaks Park. It will not include any of the other parks. When the Bell Telephone people come over to review our present service, we will request that they look into proper service for our other five parks. It has been requested by the Commissioners that we sign an agreement so they may have a record of our concurrence. Mrs. McCormick will have more details, if necessary, at your meeting. ITEM #7 MICHIGAN RECREATION AND PARK ASSOCIATION WINTER CONFERENCE The MRPA Winter Conference is scheduled January S through January 10, 1974. January S and 6 will be set aside for Board and Commission members and January 7, 8 and 9 will be for the general membership. Permission is requested that Mr. Reickel and Mr. Kipke be authorized to attend the full conference and that all other personnel be authorized to attend on a day to day basis if the subjects pertain to their area. It is encouraged that the Parks and Recreaction Commission attempt to attend the Board Commission Institute which opens on January S and continues through January 6. More information will follow. ITEM #8 GROVELAND-OAKS PARK TREE TRIMMING AND REMOVAL OF DEADWOOD There are 147 trees at Groveland-Oaks which should be elevated, trimmed, and deadwood removed. Most of these trees are in areas extensively used by park patrons and their present condition could cause injury to a person or damage to his property while visiting the park. Quotations to have this tree work done have been re- ceived. It is our recommendation to award the work to Peter Carsley who was the low bidder. Total amount of the bid is $15.00 per tree or $2,205.00. Bids received: Peter Carsley Johnson Tree Service Jasso Tree Service Ayer Brothers *Deadwood only $IS.00 ea. 16.SO ea. 23.00 ea. *12.00 ea. $2,205.00 2 , 4 2 S . S 0 3,381.00 1,764.00 ITEM #9 MOBILE RECREATION PROGRAM It was stated at our last meeting that the Mobile Recreation Program would be presented to the Commission during budget time. On second thought, it would be better to deal with the subject indi- vidually; therefore, Mr. Kipke has been requested to prepare a detailed presentation for the meeting. I am sure you will find the enclosed information interesting and exciting. MOBILE RECREATION A mobile recreation program at the county level will provide a quick and economical recreation service to communities without long-term building of facilities. This program can service all areas of the county with a wide variety of recreational activities including sports programs, cultural activities, dances and live performances. To be successful, the mobile recreation program must involve the local community and be responsive to its needs and requests. These vehicles will travel wherever facilities are lacking and recreation services are needed. Not only will they provide a basic program for small rural communities, they will also service established recreation programs in need of supplementary services On August 8, 1973, representatives and staff members from the Parks and Recreation Commission visited the mobile recreation program in New York City and Nassau County. The purpose was to view both programs in action and evaluate their success and possible implementation in Oakland County. This program was very well received by the communities. Its operation provided great flexibility in program location and an unlimited variety of recreation program content. It serviced school districts, villages, towns, cities and service organizations. Although the program was conceived as a summer operation, geared toward youngsters, the scope of activities now service all ages, including senior citizens, and many units are capable of year 'round operation. One of the keys to the success of the mobile program is local community involvement. This must take place not only during the operation of the program but also during the planning and past evaluation. As part of this department's community involvement, a meeting was held on October 26, 1973 with the recreation professionals and other community leaders who could benefit from a mobile program. The reaction to the presentation of what mobile vehicles were and how they could be used was positively accepted by all who were present. Each person spoke out and expressed how these units could be used to provide or supplement an existing program in their community. In view of the favorable response by the recreation pro- fessionals in Oakland County and the visible success of the Nassau County program, it is the staff's recommendation that the Parks and Recreation Commission authorize the establishment of a mobile recreation program. Attached you will find staff recommendations for Phase I of a mobile program. This phase would be ready to operate during the summer of 1974. MOBILE PROGRAM - PHASE I The mobile program for the summer of 1974 is an eight week program structured to coincide with the majority of Oakland County's Municipal Playground programs. (June 24 - August 16) However, this does not limit`it to this eight week schedule. Operation for most vehicles would be five days per week from 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Each vehicle would make a minimum of one visit in the morning and one in the afternoon, each for 2 hours. The number of visits or locations a vehicle could make in a day would depend on the type of unit and the distance between stops. Some units may also be used evenings and weekends. Recreation leaders for the units will be part-time employees, trained and skilled in providing activities for which the assigned unit was designed. In order to fully develop, promote and supervise a quality mobile recreation program, it is recommended that a full-time Recreation Supervisor's position be established. The responsi- bilities of this position would include hiring and training part- time persons to operate the mobile units, promoting the use of mobile units throughout the county, scheduling the visitations of the units, supervising the operation of the program, and recommending future expansion and development of the mobile recreation program. In addition, this person would be responsible for coordinating and developing recreation programs for more extensive use of all of the park systems facilities and areas. It is recommended that the following units be acquired to start the mobile recreation program for the summer of 1974: SWIM -MOBILE The swim -mobile lets you bring water fun to youngsters in their own neighborhood. The 8' x 32' trailer pool holds 5,000 gallons when filled. This unit is complete; water heater and filter system with skimmer that operates at any one of three levels. Cost: $23,500. Size: 8' x 32' Visits: 2 sites per day Length of Visit: 2 hours per site Staff: 1-Driver/Lifeguard 1-Lifeguard The program will consist of recreational "fun" swims. It could be used for instructional classes if it'made regular visits to the same sites. Page 2 - Mobile Program - Phase I SKATE -MOBILE (2 units) This is a roller rink that travels wherever there is pave- ment for skating. Inside the unit are 120 pairs of shoe roller skates, a skate repair kit, portable PA system with record desk, an industrial sweeper and street barricades. Cost: $12,775. Size: 8' x 20' Visits: 2 sites per day Length of visits: 2 hours per site Staff: 1-Driver/leader 2-Recreation leaders. Open skating with some games and races will be part of this unit's program. PUPPET -MOBILE (2 units) Stories will come to life on the stages of the Puppet and Marionette Mobile. This unit provides a stage and work area for the puppeteer along with storage for spotlights, portable sound system and street barricades. Cost: Size: Visits: Length of visits: Staff: $4,110. 8' x 12' 2 sites per day 2 hours per site 1-Driver/leader 1-Program specialist Youngsters throughout the county will be introduced to the excitement of puppetry through live performances of skilled personnel. After the show, a demonstration will be given to help stimulate the children into producing their own puppet show. FASHION -MOBILE This unit can bring the world of fashion and beauty into every area of the county. It is equipped with a beauty shop sink, reclining beauty chair with shampoo attachment, manicure table, portable hair dryers, mirrors, chairs, and sewing machines. Air conditioning water storage, and a 7500 watt generator are also part of the standard equipment. Cost: Size: Visits: Length of visits: Staff: Programming will consist of grooming classes, demonstrations, girls and ladies of all ages. $16,585. 8' x 20' 2 sites per day 2 hours per site 1-Driver/leader 1-Program specialist fashion shows, sewing lessons, and other related activities for Page 3 - Mobile Program - Phase I MOVIE MOBILE A combination of a traveling library and movie theatre makes this mobile unit a traveling entertainment and educational center. It is equipped with a day time movie screen, 16 MM projector, and shelving on both sides of the unit for reading literature. Cost: $ 9 , 5 0 0 . Size: 8' x 20' Visits: 2 sites per day Length of visits: 2 hours per site Staff: 1-Driver/leader 1-Recreation leader Story telling, movies, and reading literature will be the base for a program from this unit. Depending on the age of the children and the leaders' skills, expanded programming will include games, drama, and group discussions, stimulated from the materials presented. ZOO -MOBILE All the excitement of a day at the zoo will accompany this unit to its site. This unit houses special enclosures for all kinds of animals, plus feed bins, heaters, air conditioners, lights, water storage, and portable PA system. Cost: $18,335. Size: 8' x 35' Visits: 2 sites per day Length of visits: 2 hours per site Staff: 1-Driver/leader 1-Program specialist The mobile zoo will be the focal point for starting a nature program at any location. It will have animals available for viewing along with a discussion and nature presentation by the units staff. The source of animals will hopefully come from either the Detroit Zoo or the Drayton Plains Nature Center. Page 4 - Mobile Recreation Program - 1974 Estimated Revenue I. Revenue reimbursement for program services A. Swim -Mobile (80 visits) 40 days x 2 sites per day = 80 visits $1,820. staff cost=80 visits = $24.00 per visit 1,000. (1/10 super cost)-80 visits 12.50 per visit 500. (1/10 mat.& supply)t80 visits = 6.25 per visit 42.7S $43.00 per visit x 80 visits - $3,440.00 B. Skate -Mobile (80 visits) $5,600.00 staff cost:160 = $35.00 per visit 2,000.00 super cost=160 = 12.50 per visit 1,000.00 mat.cost:160 = 6.25 per visit 53.75 $54.00 per visit x 160 visits = 8,640.00 C. Puppet -Mobile (80 visits) 80 x 2 units = 160 visits $4,640.00 staff:160 = $29.00 per visit super cost = 12.50 per visit mat. cost = 6.25 per visit 7.75 $48.00 x 160 visits = 7,680.00 D. Show -Mobile (With program) 40 visits $1,920.00 staff = 40 visits = $48.00 per visit program = 100.00 per visit super cost = 12.50 per visit mat. cost = 6.25 per visit 166.75 $167.00 x 40 visits = 6,680.00 E. Fashion -Mobile (80 visits) $2,640.00 staff : 80 visits = $33.00 per visit super cost = 12.S0 per visit mat. cost = 6.25 per visit 51.75 $52.00 x 80 visits = 4,160.00 F. Cinema -Mobile (80 visits) $1,920.00 staff cost = 80 visits = $48.00 per visit super cost = 12.S0 per visit mat. cost = 6.25 per visit 42.75 $43.00 x 80 visits = 3,440.00 G. Zoo -Mobile (80 visits) $2,640.00 staff cost = 80 visits = $33.00 per visit super cost = 12.50 per visit mat. cost = 6.25 per visit 51.7S $52.00 x 80 visits = 4,160.00 Total Revenue = $38,200.00 MOBILE RECREATION 1974 I. Capital Expenditures: Swim -Mobile $23,500.00 Skate -Mobile $12,775.00 x 2 25,550.00 Puppet -Mobile 4,110.00 x 2 8,220.00 Fashion -Mobile 16,585.00 Movie -Mobile 9,500.00 Zoo -Mobile 18,335.00 Total Capital Outlay II. Operational Costs A. Lease Vehicles for Towing: 1. 3 - 1 ton trucks 2. 6 - 2 ton pickups B. Materials, Chemicals & Supplies C. Salaries 1. Full-time Recreation Supervisor 2. Part-time a. Swim -Mobile: 1-Driver @$3.25 ph. 1-Lifeguard @ 2.75 ph. $6.00 ph. x 320 hrs. 1,920.00 3. Skate -Mobile (2 each) I -Driver @$3.25 ph. 2-Recreation Leaders @ 2.75 ph $8.75 ph. x 320 hrs.x 2 units 5,600.00 4. Puppet -Mobile (2 each) 1-Driver @$3.25 ph. 1-Program Specialist @ 4.00 ph. $7.25 ph. x 320 hrs.x 2 units 4,640.00 S. Show -Mobile 1-Driver @$3.25 ph. 1-Recreation Leader 2.75 ph. $6.00 ph. x 320 hrs. 1,920.00 6. Fashion -Mobile 1-Driver @$3.25 ph. 1-Program Specialist 5.00 ph. $8.25 x 320 hrs. 2,640.00 7. Movie -Mobile 1-Driver @$3.25 ph. 1-Recreation Leader 2.75 ph. $6.00 x 320 hrs. 1,920.00 $101,690.00 8,100.00 5,000.00 11,000.00 Page 2 - Mobile Recreation - 1974 8. Zoo -Mobile 1-Driver @$3.25 ph. 1-Program Specialist 5.00 ph. $8.25 ph. x 320 hrs. 2,640.00 D. Uniforms $21,280.00 Shirt & Pants @$15.00 ea. 20 emp. x 3 sets x 15.00 ea. 900.00 Total Operational Cost $46,280.00 PARK EMPLOYEE BONDING October 26, 1973 As was requested by the Commission, the following information was obtained from Mr. Glen Dick, Director of the County Central Services. Mr. Dick is in charge of all insurance for County departments. All Parks and Recreation employees are bonded for $25,000 under the blanket policy issued to the County. Until such time as our people handle more than the $25,000 at one time, Mr. Dick stated this should be sufficient coverage. In addition to this, we have an institutional messenger policy which insures us for $70,000.00 in case of theft. TELEPHONE SERVICE CHARGES October 26, 1973 The following is presented due to the Commission's request regarding the Parks telephone service. The County is in the process of converting from its present telephone service to the new Centrex II system. This change over is set for April 1, 1974. Michigan Bell's marketing division will be making a survey of all County service the first part of November and at this time recommenda- tions will be made by the telephone company as to the type of service needed for efficient and economical service. On October 16, 1973, all business phones were placed on a metered service which of course was mandatory. Because of the structure of the Park system, our service bill will no doubt increase, so until recommendations are received from the telephone company, an endeavor will be made to keep charges as low as possible.