HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1980.08.05 - 3960OF COUNTY, MICHIGAN 04KLAND ADD I SON TOWNSHIP PRIMARY (ARV SS OF VOTES CAST AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION HELD ON AUGUST 5. 1980 (DATE. OF .ELECTION). AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS INAME OF COUNTY. CITY. TOWNSHP OR VILLAGE) MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION supply :m411.4FAci1uREgs STATIONERS AND ::PRINTERS 1919:: :EiNf iKilOoie. Rood • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN 1,44444 4.4 14.4 4 44E 41,..,,Ixpe.r4 nr,x,,naz Order by FOrni No. M-398-PC CANVASSER BOOK—PRIMARY PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER 'IV 'Mr PARTY OFFICE CANDIDATE NAMES SUPERVISOR Robert W. Ousnamer; ERK Mary. Ann Thompson Sandra Hawthorne -Ke-rtyn.117-Gross John L. Leonard Robert J. Swift Connie C. Sutherb Ray E. Terry TRUSTEE Albert J. Patrell A. J. Roy, Jr. Mary E. Wolfe ,j•-ed 7' /5' n the total amount of-.,.neneral a 11110_,Sea___ea m taxes which •may The whole number of votes given for and against the POL I CE PROTECT ON PROPOS IT I ON - For the purpose of providing police protection for Addison Township shall the tax limitati :POT MOM IT IN THIS COLUMN 1 upLreaL County, Michigan be increased as provided In, of Mich. by three fourth (3/4) mill., said funds to be cktOttal.On anCfpr theL_purpose was of which number used for the purpose of policell STATEMENT OF VOTES votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against the was of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against the was of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, ...• ,• ole number of votes given by the REPUBLICAN Party for candidates for the office a 2. 3. 4, The TOTAL 4, TOTAL Clerk and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS was 2. 3, TOTAL .A I 4. The whole number of votes given by the Party fo anclidates for the office of 1 • .1 • • .1 . I . 2 3, L 4. IOTA STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given e DEMOCRATIC Party for candidates for the office of • POT FIGURES IN THIS COUIMN Supervisor was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OP VOTES.WRITTEN,IN.WOBES Supervisor was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS Rthert_y_Ansnar=r_ 2. 3. 4. The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC Party for candidates for the office of TOTAL Clerk was and they were given for the fallowing named persons; PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 1. 2. 3, NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS The whole number of votes given by the REPUBL I CAN Party for candidates for the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER or VOTES WRITTEN,IN WORDS The whole number of votes given by t TREASURER was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES • fa_Fisenhrdt e DEMOCRATI C Pa y for candidates kr the office of tpin MURES IN TM COLUMN NUMBER OF VOTES WRTITEN IN WORDS TREASURER was and they were given for the following named persons::' PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 1 - Merlyn R. Gross TOTAL or the office of OF VOTES WRIVEN IN WORDS NUMBER TOT-At ,fi-/ee.; Party for candidates Z. NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL 4 STATEMENT OF VOTES 2. Sandra Hawthorne 3. 4. The whole number of votes given by the REPUBL I CAN John L. Leonard 3 - Robert J. Swift 4. C onn i e C. Sutherby 5.; ' 4y7 :Terry The Who' c_aumber_of vote_s_g I ven—loq _the_..,DEMDCRATIC PARTY for_cand i da te office of TRUSTEE (VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 2) and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIV I AG THE VOTES JNUMaER_OF VOTES "WR1 TT EN 1.-Nkla1OR104 2. 2. 3. The whole number of votes given by the REPUBLICAN Pliny for candidates for the office of ----Note for not more than 2) Trnstee Was and they were given for the following nomed persons; PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES yuLchaej_sbaurLfyian 2- Thomas Patch 3, Albert J. Patrel 1 4, A. J. Roy, Jr. 5 Mary E. WOlfe IOTA OAKLAND ejqhty sufficient number of votes is n ominated., . . candidate by the-- .-REP.1.11.41...I.CAN.. That__ . candidate by the_ _DEMOCRATIC rig receiver: sufficient nu bar of votes is elected •:•:•hci '..:CERTIFICATE • .."OAKL:AND. • • .STATE.••:PIP COUN TY ay Ike Board of Canvassers of the having Ascertained and Canvassed the day af._ Do Hereby Cereify anti Deter OF DETERMINATION . _ _ --COUNTY C.TY nit VIII AGE) the Votes at the Primar y Election, held on__ August _, one thousand nine hundred end_ Determine That -- --- candidate by the..........DEKOI.RATIC__- _Party for the office of _ _ That . „. having received sufficient number of votes is nominated SU PERV I SOR having received sufficient number of votes is nominated .SUPERV 1 SQR... _having received CLERK candidate by the....._ -REPIRL J.CAN_ _ _ _Party for the office of. _ REPILEiLI.CAli t -:-Party for:the offide o candidate by the. ..I_C.... _Party for the office of .. _DENQCfittitc. _Party for the office of . _havin g received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office of _C.LERK. having received sufficient number of votes is nominated TREASURER Party for the off ice of That candidate by the _....-REPILRL1 (Ai That- "- That_ candidate by the — .. having received sufficient number of votes is nominated . -Party for the office of .. TREASHRER_. having received sufficient number of votes is nominated ..-Part y for the office of . TRUSTEE , having received sufficient number of votes is nominated TRUSTEE candidate by the_ „ Party For the office o candidate by the _ the ,•_REPUBLI :CAN candidate:by Party For the office of Party For the office of_ hayin g :ritai•Ved. :Sufficient number of votes is nominated : if TRUSTEE " haViwreCeil•,-ed sufficient n irmber' of votes is n orni E TRUSTEE : 'cited .hoVing "receiyed•sufficien candidate by the Party for the office of That- candidate by the Party for the office of That candidate by the Party for the office of number : VefeS'is...nOMinated::: _ having received sufficient number of votes is no having received sufficient number of votes is the office o mated nomi nate d 'Tbdt having rece ived sufficient :number of candidate by the_ __ _Pady for the office of • : That b y the _____ For the office of That having received suffiCient a:Limber:Of votes: is noininated: candidate by the Patti for the office of_ that---------------- _ _______ __ , ___ _____ -------having received sufficient number of votesUs el ected:: by the Party For the office 01_ That : : havin g received sufficient number of 'votes :is elected: by the . .Party for the office of That- • : having received, sUfficient:nintiber of :votes is elected by the.. : Patti for the Office Of. That having receiver Suffici ent efUtriber of votes i.ES :elected by the Pa rty for Ole oltice of That votes is nominated ...-.-- . -.having received..§offkj•6hil.number.OVvetes'•i:S:.nomincrted riumber of votes' number of 'votes is eleCted:: ninnber of :votes is eleeted tfuriibe r of votes Cs :el ected by the _Party for the office o .•That • • • • iiaVing •received...sUffici•ont aki.mbe:raf•Votes.IS.• elected:. by the • • ••• • • :EParty.forthe.•:officeOf..• • ••. • • :• • • • .•" • • •:• .• • •••• • •• •• That •• • • • • • . . • •:••••••.• • • •.: • • .••.• ••- 'having .received.sufficient..number•of.:.votes. i s :nomia.ated..• candidate: = • '• • .. •PoritYi.for...the..effiee Of. • •• • • • • • . • • • • • .,•• ••••••• •.•• ent nutnher.of.votes..i.s.. elected:: That havin g received sufficient number of votes candidate by the Party for the office of_ ....• • • • . . . . . . . s nominated. having re.cei ,ied sufficient nornber of voies is noir:noted _ - vi rig received suffic out numOer of 'iotes is porninoted . having received sufficient number F . 'votes: • is riominoited • aying received suffi c ient number of votes is nerninoted having received s u fficient numoer of votes is nominated received s6H-iciéeit number Of votes is nominated the office .of,. hasv i rig reO voo Fuffu fit lu n'Xr :of yOtes iSiriat-„inoted having received sufficient nbrh'.jer of Votes is nominated having received suff -i ent number of votOs is nominated • • hi Party for the office of NAME OF. PROPOSMON • Received navina Not Receiv Passed Sufficient votes was d Defeated ATTEST risERIC OF BOARD OF ANVASSERS, A RiviAN. BOARD OF CANVASSERS :CHAIRMAN OF BOARD Ol''cANVASSEBS, CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION That- haying 1.4!6,1,iVo.disufficieni:ininnb:er of votes is nominated candidate by theL For the office of • That____ __ candidate by the P6My: for the office of : • That . candidate by the:- ----- for the oFfiCe crf_ candidate by the . Party hr the office candidate bY the Part* forthe office - - --- - -- candidate by ---- -- For the.:Office oF That candidate by the :Peat" for the offi ce at That.. candidate by the_ ------- for the Off iCeief_. That •candidate bY for the office of__ That_ .. candidate by -- -Pad* far the. office That candidate by the: Part" fo ----------- ----- candidate by the.. - --- -- for the:office of-_--.. That ______ -------------- candidate by the Parity kr the 6i-fic0 OF- , RICIf candidate by - -- 7 -- ectrity for the offiCe of- :That_____— candicicife by ihe Do Further Hereby Deterrnirse: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: having received sufficient number of votes is nominated : flaying. recei ved sutjti icnt ii-unber of y6:te5,:i5:ne..).inindiieo having recelYv...d sufficient number of .:,!.O-1.0s is fianimated . , • having received siffi ciont number of vOtes is nominated . . •p. OL NAME OF PROPOSITION CE PROTECTION PROPOSITION Received Pgssed..._ rlaving Surricient votes wall-5-4_60.w/. . NAME. OF PROKSMON . Having NoRtecReei:Vved Sufficient votes was Defeated In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands ond affixed the Seal of the County _of Oakland , ;County, Citr, Township or Village) (County, City, Township or Village) this _ _day oF___A-Lig t:Is_t__. - ----- in the year one thousand nine hundred and E f