HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1975.08.22 - 39618\� � PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION oakland county service center 2800 watkins lake road pontiac, michigan 48054 858-0906 R. Eric Reickel E. Frank Richardson Director Chairman James W. Dunleavy Vice -Chairman Lewis E. Wint August 19, 1975 Secretary • Velma M. Austin Fred L. Harris To the Members of the George W. Kuhn Joseph R. Montante PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Richard V. Vogt Oakland County, Michigan Richard R. Wilcox Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . 10:00 a.m. Friday, August 22, 1975 PLACE . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan PURPOSE . . . . . . . Regular Meeting The meeting is called in accordance with authorization of E. Frank Richardson, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Cordialhy l R. Eric Reicke..l' Director RER/cn Addison - Oaks • Groveland - Oaks • Independence - Oaks • Waterford - Oaks • White Lake - Oaks • Springfield - Oaks OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION August 22, 1975 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes - August 12, 1975. 4. Approval of Payments - Voucher 8-60 through Vo. 8-189. 5. Statement of Operations for July, 1975. 6. Springfield -Oaks - Mill Pond Lease. 7. Springfield -Oaks - Miscellaneous Rodeo Agreements. 8. Director's Report. 9. Unfinished Business. 10. New Business. 11. Adjourn. NOTE: Next scheduled meeting September 12, 1975. VOUCHER NUMBER 8-60 8-61 8-62 8-64 8-65 8-66 8-67 8-68 8-69 -70 8-71 8-.72 8-74 8-75 8-76 8-77 8-78 8-79 8-80 8-81 -82 8-83 8-84 8-85 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VENDOR O.C.Register of Deeds Waterford Typ. W/S System Sundry (Advance) Vic Chiasson Ceift Engineering, Inc. L.C.Betts General Excavating Co, Contractor Publishing Company Culligan Water Conditioning anner Linen Service The Spinal Column Payroll Lakeland Tribune Suburban Office Services, Inc. Midwest Skate Company Oliver Supply Companv Taylor Auto ,Paint Comfy Indianwood Automotive, Inc. Interstate Alarm Systems, Inc. Anthony M. Franco, Inc. Wayne Ball Lawyers Title Insurance Corp. Bernadine Paull Robert Ortez WMHS Marie Hutson Newman Film Library Michican Bell -Telephone Compan PURPOSE To record discharge of Mortgage Waterford - Utilities Mobile Recreation - Going to Special Olympics in Mt.Pleasant White Lake - Golf Inventory. Parking Lot Project White Lake - First Payment Final Payment Springfield - Septic System Proif Advertisement for Bid; Waterford -for Wave Action Machi� &ite Lake - Utilities Spring.- Laundry & Dry Cleaning 3pring.YAC - 4H Fair Advertisment 'ay Period Ended 8/1/75 3pring.YAC.- 4H Fair Advertisemen kdmin.-� File Cabinet (Fire -Proof) Skate Mob.- Supplies Iddison - Hskp. & .Janitor Suppli.e Supplies Mobile Rec. - Prorata (All Units) �1 Small Tools, & Equip. %ddison - _ _ __ r —. _ __ .L ring. - Bldg. Maintenance AMOUNT 135.75 464.00 14.00 420.00 ct 15,753.6; ery 66.0( 42.6 28.0 124. E 37,200.27 min. - Promotional Advertising.-11,373. ter.- Sq.Dance Caller 8/l/75 67. Warren Property. min. - Land Acquisition 85. 22 7/29, & 8�5/75. ter.- og dbedience I structor 189. ter. - Refund of Deposit & Rental 200. ring.YAC- Refund of Deposit 50. bile Rec. - Special Grant Suppl les 61. ring, YAC, Addison, & Cf.Center. 10.70, 21.40,�14.85, $17.15 64. VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER AUGUST, 1975 NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 8-86 East Detroit Ford Tractor, Inc. Spring.,Groveland, Addison - 8-87 Acme Sporting Goods Co. Sports Mob.- Supplies 13.19 8-88 Golf Car Distributors Commission on White Lake - Golf Cart Rentals 1,838.00 8-89 O.C.Radio Communications Admi.n.,Tech.Sup.,Puppet Mob.,YAC Grove. Add. Wh.Lk.- Radio Re'.Co tra t456.42 8-90 O.C.Central Stores YAC,Water._,Add.,-Jan.Supplies. Pu et Mob. S ecial Grant ,& Pror to F All Units - Supplies 494.28 8-91 Kin Bros.,Inc. Spring.,Add.,Wh.Lk.-Equip.Rep. Inde .- Grounds Maint. 199.25 8-92 Turfgrass, Inc. White Lake _ Grounds Maint. 118.50 8-93 The Larson Company Addison -.Pool Expense 12.28 e 8-94 Bob Thomas Studio Admin.- Promotional Advertising 18.00 b-95 Colonial Pro Hardware Addison - Building Maint. 15.98 8-96 Gniewek's Trophies, Inc. Wh.Lk.- Golf Tournament Expense 36.00 8-97 Mitco Inc. Maint. Bldg. Grove.- Well - M is Residence & 11.0E 8-98 Kott Koatin s White Lake = Miscellaneous Ex . 99.0C 8-99 Pontiac Farm & Ind. Tractor Co. Addison - Ecruip. Rep. & Maint. 47.9` 8-100 Wilkie Turf Equipment Co. Spring, Grove.,Addison. - Ecruip, R & Mainj. 8-101 Sundry (Advance) Spring.- Rodeo - Telephone Sales 349.7. 8-102 Detroit Edison Spring.-$572.61; YAC.-$1,170.73, Inde .- 4.62 Water.- 702.26 Add.Cf.Ct.-$1,176.72, Wh.Lk.—$ 818.42 4,445.3 8-103 J.D.Armstrong LandscaiDe Co. Phase III S rin .- Pa t.Y2 Golf Course - 8-104 Oakland Co. Utilities Fund Waterford - Rubbish Removal 35.0 8-105 Waterford Disposal Service Groveland - Rubbish Removal 935.0 r 106 B & J Disposal Service White Lake - Rubbish Removal 30.( 8-107 Jerry Cokewell Grove.- Caller of Sq.Dance 8 7 75 45.( 8-108 Amoco Oil Company Grove,- Equip Rep. & Maint. 138.,' 8-109 State of Michi an White Lake - Sales Tax Payable 189.: VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION AUGUST, 1975 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 8-110 The Oakland Press Spring.YAC.- 4H Fair Advertising 262.90 8-111 Arlo Flesher, Custodian White Lake - Reimburse PettyCas 18.94 8-112 Ernst Stephan Ernst,Jr.&Patricia M. Water: Purchase of Property 80,091.30 8-113 Town5hi2 of Waterford Ernst Property Water- Sewer Connection char e 1,901.91 8-114 Oakland ount Treasurer Property1.00 Water.- Tax Certification Ernst 8-115 Oakland Co. Register of Deeds Water..-- State Revenue Stamp, Recordin fees_ 8-116 Ste han R. Gillette Custodian Property 8-117 Michigan Bell -Telephone Co. Spring,-$206.47, YAC.-$229.721 Gro - 10 .67 t r - Addi5on.-$85.33, Wh.Lk.-$176.15 819.36 8-118 Bill's Road Oiling Service YAC Water. Addison Wh.Lk.-,. Grounds Maint. Q-119 Co.of Oakland Planning Div. Independence First Phase Design 15.00 8-120 Industrial Cleaning Supply Co. Groveland - Hs]cp & Jan.Supplies 10.20 8-121 O.C. Stationery Stock Admin.,YAC (Rodeo), YAC, Office Su lies Expense 1,289.32 8-122 Swanson Associates Inc.Wave-Act.. � Pool Water.- 3rd, P-a ent for Wave Act. 17 247.7.. 8-123 Sundry Comm.Meetin Admin.- Special Mtgs 8/1/ & 8/12 Regular Mtg, 8 8 75 8-124 E F k Righardgon Admin.- Reimburse for Travel Exp. to Meetincr in Lansina to discuss - Waterford -Oaks - 8/12/75 29.7: 8-125 O.C.Road Commission Admin.- Special Meeting 7175 for Frederick L. Harris 35.0f 8-126 Jennings Climbers Grove.- Equi .for Park Hill & Da e 571.2• 8-127 Town & Country Communications I ZMegapphone for Beach) c,, Add.- iscellaneous Exp. 89.9 8-128 O.C.Laundr Admin.,Tech.Supp.,Spring.,YAC, Grove. Inde Water. Add. Wh.Lk. 758.4 8-129 F & M Distributors, Inc. Mobile Rec. - Special Grant 130 Doug Godfrey Addison - Request Refund of Fee 1.5 8-131 Thomas McEachin Addison - Request Refund of Fee 2._` 8-132 Bruce Godfrey Addison - Request Refund of Fee 1.` 8-133 L & E Chemicals Addison - Grounds Maint. 87. VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 8-134 Xerox Corporation Admin. - Office Supplies $. 381.04 8-135 Pontiac Motor Parts Add.- E i .Re . & Small Tools 36.00 8-136 J.& J Dis osal Removal of Add.- Service for 7175 Rubbish 114.00 8-137 Harve 's School/office Supplies dmin.& Add. - Office Supplies 24,7A 8-138 Banner Linen Service White Lake - Laundr & Dry Clean. 106.44 8-139 Independent Printing Co. Inc. pring.YAC- - Advertising Rodeo, oncerts Circus 4-H Fair. 105.00 8-140 Air -Land Surveys' The Clarkston News Capital Project Exp. prim Golf Course 926 50 6.QO 8-141 L-rina.YAC—Publication RenewA 8-142 Man & Manager, Inc.Admin.- Publications Subscription 87.6C 8-143 Michi an Rental Service rin - Grounds Main t. 312.45 144 The Reminder Inc.ow, Sapri hg. YAC- Advertis_i.ng; Antique Rodeo. Circua, 47d Fair Dog Show. 103.8( 8-145 Dave & Sons Spring. & Grave.- Bld Maint. 57.5( 8-146 Faultless S or•ts dhite Lake - Golf inventory Supp. 561.3i 8-147 Lawyers Title Insurance Corp. Land Acquisition 'Water..- Title Insurance, for 1 412.0 8-148 Calico Corners Inc. Mob. Rec. - Movie Mobile Supplies 48>5 8-149 Service Glass Co. Inc. Mob.Rec.= Sports Mobile Expense 12.0 8-150 John A. Biewer Co. Inc. Mob.Rec.- Swim Mobile Supplies 9.0 8-151 Midwest Skate Com an Mob.Rec.- Skate Mobile Supplies 20.£ 8-152 Cal Gas -Pontiac Inc. Mob.Rec.= Swira Mob.Expense 228,; is Company Spring. - Grounds Maint. 40.< 8-154 Triarco Arts & Crafts Groveland - Recreation Program 148.; Q 155 Morley Brothers Mob.Rec.= Swim Mobile Expense, Grove. Add. Wh.Lk - Equip.Rep & Small Tools 191. 8-156 Young Supply Company Tech.Support - Small Tools 374. 8-157 Sundr Extra Help) YAC - Telephone Calling, Ticket Sales for Lon hord Rodeo 135. VOUCHER NUMBER 8-158 8-159 8-160 8-161 8=162 8-163 8-164 8-165 8-166 8-167 ~ F 8'> 68 8-169 8-170 8-171 R-179 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION August, 1975 VENDOR The Clarkston News Lakeland Tribune The Spinal Column O.C. Equipment Fund National Wildlife Federation Sutherland Oil Ward S. Newman, Jr. N.R.P.A Congress ii Dunlop Tire & Rubber Corp. Stephen R. Gillette, Custodian Oakland Co.Register of.Deeds Oakland County Treasurer Roger A. Kidwell & Shirley E.. Kidwell, his wife Demmink's Nursery, Inc. Jim Mansfield, Custodian Consumers Power Co. Co. 8-175 The Harold Pa er Co. Inc. 8-176 Banner Linen Service 8-177 Jerry Cokewell 8-178 Harvey's School Office Su lie 8 -79 Sears Roebuck & Co. 8-180 GMC Truck & Coach Division 8-181 Gordon Trethewey 8-182 Jan Kennedy PURPOSE 4-H Fair YAC - Advertising for Concert & YAC - Advertising for Rodeo YAC - Advertising for Rodeo Admin. Spring, YAC, Grove.,Add., k - R n aI Pxpens Mob.Rec. —Movie Mob. Expense Addison - Equip.Re & Maint. 4ugust Admin. - Custodial Services for dmin.- Travel & Conference ite Lake - Golf Inventory Cash Fund roveland - Reimbursement Petty Kidwell Property- dmin.-Transfer Tax,Record Deed, Record Discharge Kidwell Property dmin.-Tax Certification - Kidwell Property Admin.- Land Acquisition prince.-6th Payment_Phase II 111 C- J,\C-7-lull u 1, -- 1 - I I v in $10.80, Grove.,-$151.62, - 7.37, Cf.Ct.4280.88 erford - Coin Telephone oet Mobile Su-oDlies - T.rninclry F. Dry C = Rr-r_nnnnP ('tiller 8/1 1 AMOUNT 53.65 14.00 72.60 7.10 288.30 270.00 79.97 59.16 15.70 1.00 71.66 AC.- Rodeo Expenses___ 3.1( rove.- Small Tools 77.2 Capital Equipment Dbile Rec.- Repair & Modificat:o s 2 186.0 Grove.- Refund of Fees 12.0 Grove.- Refund of Fees' 10.5 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION August, 1975 VlITTrupp NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 8-183 Mr. H.M.Herzog Grove.- Refund of Fees 10.00 8-184 Sue Addis Grove.- Reimbursement for Milea e 7.50 8-185 Julie Purves Grove.- Reimbursement for Mileage 18.00 8-186 Jack Rose, Treasurer Admin.- Membership Dues for Professional Grounds Manaccerdent Society for Arnold Johnston 20.0( 8-187 Kathr n.Sluiter White Lake- Office Drapes & Rods 142.0( 8-188 O.C. Garage All Parks - Equip. Rep. & Maint. 4 986.41 8-189 Ferguson Sales Co. White Lake - E i .Re .& Maint. 10.8 TOTAL FOR ATTACHED SHEETS 235 584.5� OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION ANALYSIS OF FUND BALANCE As of July 31, 1975 Cash on Hand - 1/1 75 Investments - 1/1 75 FUND BALANCE - 111175 Add; Revenue over Expenditures - Per Statement Collections on Accounts Receivables Depreciation charges (Non Cash Item) Sales Tax Collected DNR Grant (Pike Rearing Pond - Independence) Deduct: Payments for Capital Equipment Payments on Capital Projects Payments on Vouchers Payable Increase in Golf Merchandise Inventory Income on Equipment Traded (Non Cash Item) FUND BALANCE - 7/31/75 RECAP OF FUND BALANCE: Cash on Hand - /31/75 Investments - 7131175 FUND BALANCE - 7/31/75 AMOUNT ENCUMBERED - 7/31Z75 Capital Equipment on Order Capital Projects in Process Vouchers Payable Estimated Expenses over Income for Balance of Year. $1,230,616.55 204,395.15 78,954.77 171.42 410.57 $ 107,529.23 693,372.88 85,976.05 3,394.39 300.00 $ 17,470.77 953,568.69 3,051.17 444,440.15 $1,418,530.78 1. $ 130,969.38 _1,125,000.00 $1,255,969.38 1,514,548.46 $2,770,517.84 890,572.55 $1,8791945.29 $ (45,054.7: 1 925,000.Ot $1,879,945.2' Oakland County Parks and Recreation COMBINED OPERATING STATEMENT For the Period Ended 241175 Revenues Administration Mobile Recreation Springfield Oaks: Golf Course YAC Groveland Oaks Independence Oaks Waterford Oaks Addison Oaks: Park Conf. Center White Lake Oaks TOTAL REVENUE Operating Expenses Administration Mobile Recreation Springfield Oaks: Golf Course YAC Groveland Oaks Independence Oaks Waterford Oaks Addison Oaks - Park Conf. Center White Lake Oaks Contingency TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE NET INCOME (LOSS) Budget ExpQnditures: 50.7% Budget Balance: 49.3% .Actual Year to Date 7/31/75 $1,700,707.59 2,404.10 18,705.01 12,487.22 76,338.83 -0- 17,351.79 23,414.07 4,471.89 151,484.75 $2,007,365.25 $ 199,110.00 75,645.79 61,377.28 63,779.56 85,521.48 23/108.35 35, 514.25 104,945.94 23,637.03 104,103.97 - -0_ $.. 7_ 4 6 , 748.70 $1,230,616.55 1975 Eudget $1,671,400.00 42,200.00 45/531.00 165,321.00 102,570.00 -O- 27,030.00 32,470.00 13,500.00 219,035.00 $2,319,057.00 2. Actual (Over) Under Budaet $ (29,307.59) 39,795.90 26,825.99 . 152,833.78 26,231.17 9,678.21 9,055.93 9,028.11 67,550.25 $ 3111691.75 397,793.00 $ 193,683.00 124,690.00 49;04-4.21 122,124.00 60,746.72 _165,321.00._ 101,541.44- 169,901.00(1) 84,379.52 46,139.00(1) 23,030.65 71,768.00 36/253.75 195,985.00 91,039.0( 25,700.00 2,062.92 165,755.00 61,646.0- 47,705.00*(2) 47,705.0( $1,532t881.00 -$ 756,132.3( $ 786,176.00 $(444,440.5' (1) Transfer of salary &. fringe benefits from Groveland to independence (See Operating Expenses .for details) (2) Transferred-$2,295.00 to Independence Oaks for "Chipper" Repair. Oakland County Parks and Recreation I Current - Month Revenue ADMINISTRATION Statement of Operations For the Period Ended _ 7,/31/75 $ (152.47) Tax Revenue 3.20 Interest Delinq. Tax 32,315.28 Income on Investments 155.25 Misc. Income $32,321.26 TOTAL REVENUE Operating Expenses Administration Actual Year to Date 7/31 /75 $1,634,485.70 217.96 65/695.73 308.20 $1,700,707.59 .�,449.57 Salaries - Full. Time $ -0-. - Part Time -0- - Reserve -0- Service Increments -0- Fringe Benefits -0- Rental Expense 373.36 Communications_ -0- Equip. Rep. S'Mai,nt. 486.08 -- Per Dien & Mileage - Com. -0- insurance 3.00 Laundry & Dry Clean -0- Building Maint, 22.50 Membership Due & Pub. -0- Miscellaneous Exp. -0- Propery Lease Payt. 353.20 Office Supplies 60,500.00 Professional Services (73.47) Transportation 504.59 Travel & Conference -0- Housekeeping Sup. 353.17 Depreciation 7.34 Radio Rep. Contract -0- Purchasing Dept. Services 10,760.48 Promotional Expense 270.00- Custodial Services .$30,009.82 TOTAL ADMIN. EXPENSE 72,339.73 720.00 50.75 -0- 17,408.63 573.00 2,066.03 26.74 3,258.59 .-0- 24.00 -61.66 620.76 2.92 �0- 4,571.40 13,672.00 2,804.12 2,101.91 98.95 2,220.95 1,139.38 -0- 32,751.83 1,860.00 $ 158,373.35 1975 Budget $1,580,000.00 400.00 90,000.00 1,000.00 $1,671,400..00 144,924.00 3,327.00 1,000.00 1,716.00 32,480.00 3/500.00 4,800.00 1,200.00 12,500.00 3UO.U0 400.00 500.00 1,500.00 300.00 1,800.00 7,000.00 6,000.00 5,500.00 6,000.00 200.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 7,000.00 40,000.00 31240.00 $ 291,187.00 �3. Actual (Ove Under Budget $(54,485.70 182.04 24,304.27 691.8C $(29,307.5S $ 72,584.2' 2,607.0 949.2 1,716.0 15,071.3 2,927.0 2,733,5 1,173.1 9,241.1 300.( 376.( 438. 879. 297. 1,800. 2,428. (7,672. 2,695. 3,898. 101, 1,779, 860 7,000 7,248 1,380 $132,813 Oakland County Parks and Recreation ADMINISTRATION Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 7/31/75 Continued from Page 1. 4. Actual Year Actual (Ove: Current to Date 1975 Under Month Technical Support 7/31%75 Budget Budget $ 3,985.74 Salaries - Full Time $ 26,247.44 $ 70,505.00 $ 44,257.5( -0- - Part Time -0- -0- -0- -0- - Reserve -0- 1,000.00 1,000.0( -0- Service Increments -0- 1,190.00 1,190.01 -0- Fringe Benefits 6,166.79 15,511.00 9,344.2 -0- Rental Expense -0- 500.00 500.0 18.20 Equip. Rep. & Maint 43.97 600.00 556.0 -0- Insurance -0- 1500.00 500.0 69.40 Laundry & Dry Clean 364.35 850.00 485.6 -0- Uniform Expense -0- 500.00 500. C ,757.31 Transportation 5,339.51 101000.00 4,660.4 -0- Travel & Conf. -0- 500.00 500.0 9.04 Small Tools 9.04 300.00 290.5 288.59 Depreciation 2,161.53 4,000.00 1,838.z 98.86 Radio Rep. Contract 404.02 650.00 245.E $ 6,227.14 TOTAL TECHNICAL SUPPORT $ 40,736.65 $__106,606.00 $ 65,869.: 36,236.96 TOTAL OPERATING EXP. 199,110.00 397,793.00 198,683.( $(.4915.70) NET REVENUE OVER EXPENSES $1,501,597.59 $14273,607.00 990. Budget Expenditures: 50.1% Budget Balance: 49.9% 5 O80 ' 31 `11. 40 $5,33 Zti,l 6171 0 S �D g�Cpg.Z50� Off' �sTg�Tz0� o�� ANY th °f '5 5 232'7S 152,47 14,60 3 •Z° 11,1?,9 •�� 32f315,28 46Z•05 155 '25 449 ,7 L 32 321'26 ►LAI ax �o D��e p18 , 67 Ye 197 5 - 247 485'70 1 634 3$ 2,17 ,96 16 303 5 695'73 106.35 65 r __... 499.11 �e1yz� `��5�ments 014.5 1a�eo� 1 7 0-7 .59 �1,471 r40 0.35 Current Month $ 175.00 275.00 110.00 195.00 -0- 90.00 120.00 -0- 965.00 39.,344.93 $38,379.93 Oakland County Parks and Recreation MOBILE RECREATION Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 7.131175 Revenue Rent - Show Mobile - Skate Mobile - Swim Mobile - Puppet:Mobile - Fashion Mobile - Movie Mobile Sports Mobile Porta Jon TOTAL REVENUE LESS: Operating Exp. NET INCOME (LOSS) A Actual Year to Date 7/31.175 $ 614.10 660.00 110.00 590.00 -0- 90.00 265.00 75.00 $ 2,404.10. 75,645.79 $(731241.69) 1975 Budget $ 7,800.00 8,800.00 8,800.00 4,800.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 4,800.00 -0- $ 42,200.00 124,690,00 $(82,490.00) 6. Actual (OvE Under Budget $ 7,185.90 8,140.00 8,690.00 4,210.00 3/600.00 3,510.00 4,535.00 (75.00) $39,795.90 49,044.21 $ 9,248.31 7. Oakland County Parks and Recreation MOBILE RECREATION Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 7 31 75 Actual Year Actual (Over Current to Date 1975 Under Month Operating Expenses 7131175 Budget Budget $ 858.93 Salaries - Full Time $ 6,086.29 $ 11,004.00 $ 4,917.71 29,931.10 - Part Time 32,979.06 48,935.00 15,955.94 -0- Fringe Benefits 1,614.63 2,450.00 835.37 1,170.66 Advertising 1,170.66 21000.00 829.34 60.51 Communications 317.44 400.00 82.56 960.66 Equip. Rep. & Maint. 988.56 2,000.00 1,011.44 -0- Insurance -0- 500.00 - 500.00 -0- Dues & Publications 45.00 100.00 55.00 -0- Miscellaneous -0- 100.00 1001'.00 268.13 Office Supplies 359.06 800.00 440.94 146.22 Uniforms 146.22 900.00 753.78 937.31 Mobile Rec. Supplies 1,534.70 3,000.00 1,465.30 1,202.20 Transportation 6,378.29 9,576.00 3,197.71 -0- Travel & Conference 192.30 500.00 .307.70 110.48 Small Tools 125.47 100.00 (25.4.7) 31F628.73 Depreciation 23,638.11 42,000.00 18,361.89 70.00 Radio Repair Contract 70.00 325.00 255.00 $39,344.93 TOTAL OPER. EXPENSES $75,645.79 $124,690.00 $49,044.21 Budget Expenditures: 60.7% Budget Balance: 39.3% OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REVENUE COMPARISON MOBILE RECREATION Month of Julv. . 1975 vim,., ,, . 7 /�, /7 G 1974 -0- 1975 $175.00 Variance $ 175.00 Rent - Show Mobile 1974 $ 75.00 1975 $ 614.10 Variance $ 539.10 -0- 275.00 275.00 Rent - Skate Mobile -0- 660.00 660.00 -0- 110.00 110.00 Rent - Swim Mobile -0- 110.00 110.00 125.00 195.00 70.00 Rent - Pu et Mobile 125.00 590.00 465.00 -0- -0- -0- Rent - Fashion Mobile -0- -0- -0- -0- 90.00 90.00 Rent - Movie Mobile -0- 90.00 90.00 -0- 120.00 120.00 Rent = Sports Mobile -0- 265.00 265.00 -0- -0- -0- Rent - Porta John 37.00 75.00 38.00 447.91 -0- 447.91 Mini Grant 447.91 -0- 447.91 $572.91 --- $965.00 $ 392.09 TOTAL $684.91 $2,404.10 $1,719.19 9. Current Month $ -0- -0- -0- -0- (16.00) -0- -0- -0- (16.00) 9,315.91 $(9,331.91) Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRI_`ZGFIELD GOLF COURSE Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 7131175 Revenue Comm. - Food Sales Sales - Pro Shop Rent - Golf Carts - Other Equip. Green Fees Contract Comm. Phone Miscellaneous Clubhouse Rental TOTAL REVENUE LESS: Operating Exp. NET INCOME (LOSS) Actual Year to Pate 7/31/75 $ 1.00 2,106.01 664.00 301.01 15,372.99 -0- -0- 260.00 $ 18,705.01 61,377.28 $(42,672.27) 1975 Budget $ 1.00 .41500.00 2,500.00 1,400.00 37,000.00 30.00 100.00 -0- $ 45,531.00 $(76,593.00) Actual (Ovi Under Budget $ -0- 2,393.99 1,836.00 1,098.99 21,627.01 30.00 100.00 260.00 $26,825.99 60,746.72 $33,920.73 Current Month $3,603.03 1,344.78 350.18 -0- -0- 201.52 925.17 -0- 710.57 925.09 -0- 71.76 100.45 -0- -0- 3.70 -0- 140.00 -0 - 1.75 113.61 824.30 -0- -0- -0- -0- Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRINGFIELD GOLF COURSE Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 7131175 Operating Expenses Salaries - Full Time - Part Time - Reserve Fringe Benefits Rental Expense Communications Equip. Rep. & Maint. Rubbish Removal Grounds Maint. Utilities Insurance Laundry & Dry Clean. Bldg. Maint Dues & Publications Misc. Expense Office Supplies Uniforms Transportation Travel & Conyerence Housekeeping Sup. Small Tools Depreciation Shortage/Overage Comm. Golf Carts Golf Mdse. For Resale Radio Repair Contract $9,315.91 TOTAL OPERATING EXP. i e Budget Expenditures: 50.3% Budget Balance: 49.7% Actua? Year to Date 7.131.17 5 $25,700.92 4,761.10 989.43 8,033.08 13.00 979.75 21675.20 377.00 1,308.22 4,189.50 1,629.00 501.55 1,894.78 45.00 -0- 49.66 4.00 965.32 -0- 188.81 243.49 4,813.21 (27.65) 266.00 1,776.91 -0--- $61,37.28 1975 Budget $ 48,326.00 8,938.00 1,900.00 11,100.00 150.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 500.00 7,00.0.00 10,000.00 7,400.00 1,050.00 3,500.00 200.00 '. 100.00 600.00 500.00 1,500.00 500.00 800.00 200.00 7,410.00 -0- 1,250.00 3,000.00 200.00 $122,124.00 10. Actual (Ove: Under Budget $22,625.08 4,176.90. 910.57 3,066.92 .137.00 20.25 2,324.80 123.00 5,691.78 5,810.50 5,771.00 548.45 1,605.22 155.00 100.00 550.34 496 00 534.68 500.00 611.19 (43.49) 2,596.79 27.65 984.00 1,223.09 200.00 $60,746.72 M 191 �' e Oo 91 1r005.33 '0" 00 1 133c). $ <16 fr r�12 ,84�/f Cp�xSS-=pig OZ,F 1974 15 372.99 30.95 °46 2 106.01 3 23 136'96 " �°e Gxeen fee s Y1° S 2 32.7� 2 60.00 ,313.g2 z° S�1es P 1 113,7 � 1 005.33 0°zy �dc °yssy°ns 0 d1 11.00 1.00 g65.01 14• 08 e ge G1�r,o�s 5a1��. 0�8,y8 96) noo. C°znm • eat C10 , $ 05� 330. r�29 r 519.9-'91 864.3� 12 �,, 12. $ Current Month 675.00 200.00 158.00 -0- -0- 413.00 1,165.00 4.07 45.40 137.23 2,797.70 Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRINGFIELD-OAKS YAC Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 7�31�75 Revenue Rent - YAC Fees - Antique Car - Rodeo - Circus - Horse Show - 4 H Fair - New Comm. Phone Misc. Income Comm. Food Sales TOTAL REVENUE Actual Year to Date 7 /31.,/7 $ 5,925.00 200.00 158.00 3,000.00 -0- 413.00 2,365.00 18.90 221.57 185.75 $ 12,487.22 11,152.44 LESS: Operating Exp. 63,779.56 $(8,354.74) NET.INCOME (LOSS) $(51,292.34) 1975 Budget $ 8,000.00 7,500.00 29,000.00 3,000.00 200.00 600.00 4,000.00 -0- 112,021.00 1.000.00 $165,321.00 165,321.00 $ -0- Actual. (Ove Under Budaet $ 2,075.01 7,300.01 28,842.0, -0- 200.0 187.0 1,635.0 (18.9 111,799.4 814.2 $152,833.i 101,541.E $ 51,292. 13. Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRINGFIELD-OAKS YAC Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 7 31 75 Actual Year Actual (Ove Current to gate 1975 Under Month Operating Expenses 7/331Z75 Budget Budget $ 2,589.09 Salaries - Full Time $20,586.29 $ 51,572.00 $ 30,985.7 1,577.72 - Part Time 4,570121 9,263.00 41692.7 205.19 - Reserve 785.82 5,000.00 4,214.1 -0- Service Increments -0- 416.00 416.0 -0- Fringe Benefits 6,036.68 12,540.00 61,503.3 3,718..70 Special Events 4,080.75 44,000.00 39,919.2 1.00 Rent Expense ' 69.00 500.00 431.0 191.66 Communications 1,397.88 1,700.00 302.1 55.30 Equip. Rep. & Maint. 67.12 1,500.00 1,432.E 614.15 Grounds Maint. 1,784.89 1,500.00 (284.E 955.08 Utilities 10,137.87 16,000.00 51862.1 -0- Insurance 3,581.00 4,000.00 419.0 37.06 Laundry & Dry Clean 259.10 630.00 370•5 551.69 Bldg. Maint. 7,384.32 10,000.00 2,615.E -0- Dues & Publications 61.00 200.00 139.( -0- Miscellaneous -0- 100.00 100.( 230.71- Office Supplies 557.51 800.00 .242.E -0- Uniforms 23.80 300.00 276.: 188.34 Transportation 1,071.53 1,500.00 428., -0- Travel & Conf. -0- 400.00 400.t -0- Housekeeping Sup. 272.47 lj500.00 1,227.: 45.1.1 Small Tools 110.60 300.00 189., '132.52 Depreciation 527.83 1,000.00 472.. 59.12 Radio Repair Contract 413.84 600.00 186. $11,152.44 TOTAL. OPERATING EXP. $63,779.56 $165,321.00 $101,541. Budget Expenditures: 38.6% Budget Balance: 61.4% 4 il OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REVENUE COMPARISON SPRINGFIELD YOUTH ACTIVITY CENTER Month of July ypn-r to nn+a 7/'1 /7S 1974 -0- -0- -0- 1975 -0- 675.00 _-0- Variance -0- 675.00 -0- Sales.- Food Rant - Activities Center 1974 1,914.39 _3 312.00 100.00 365.42 1.975 -0- 5,925.00 -0- -0- Variance $ l 914.39 _ 2,613.00 365.42 Special Rentals -0- -0- -0- Gratuities -0- -0- -0- Fees - Entrance 2,686.72 -0- (2,686.72) 765.00 -0- 14936.00 4.07 1,171.00 4.07 Fees - Special Events Contract Commissions 13 136.40 9.19 6,136.00 18.90 (7,000.40) 9.71 -0- 45.40 45.40 Miscellaneous 211.82 221.57 9.75 211.17 137.23 (.73.94) Commission - Food Serv. 211.17 185.75 (25.42) 976.17 $2,797.70 $1,821.53 TOTAL $21,947.11 $12,487.22 $(9,459.89) 15. Current Month $ 580.06 475.00 3,862.95 5,061.75 29,201.15 223.63 40.35 $39,4.44.89 21,815.99 17,628.90 Oakland County Parks and Recreation GROVELAND OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended —7Z31 75 Revenue Comm. - Food Service Rental Facilities Rental - Equipment Fess - Entrance Fees - Camping Contract Comm. Misc. Income TOTAL REVENUE LESS: Operating Exp. OPER. INCOME (LOSS) ADD: Other Income 160.00 Rent Houses -0- Less: Maintenance 160.00 NET OTHER INCOME (LOSS) $17,788.90 NET INCOME (LOSS) Actual Year to Date 7Z31175 $ 580.06 1,775.00 6,616.10 8,646.25 56,816.11 326.76 358.55 $75,118.83 85,065.87 (9,947.04) 1,220.00 455.61 764.39 $(9,182.65) 1975 Budget $ 2;000.00 1,920.00 9,000.00 14,000.00 75,000.00 500.00 150.00 $102,570.00 1691F401.00* (66,831.00) --0- 500.00 (500.00) Change from Original Budget - See Operating Expenses for detail. Actual (Ov Under Budget $ 1,419.94 145.00 2,383.90 5/353.75 18,183.89 173.24 (208.55 $27,451.17 84,335.13 56,883.96 (1,220.00 44.39 1 264.39 $58,148.3� 16. Oakland County Parks and Recreation GROVELAND-OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended -7_/3 ,,_/Z Actual Year Actual (Ove Current to Date 1975 Under Month O�eratincq Expenses 7/31/75 Budget Budcret $ 5,375.06 Salaries -- Full Time $25,017.22 $:461497,00(l) $21,479.78 8,182.90 - Part Time 17,710.06 43,899.00 26/188.94 13.50 - Reserve 2,191.09 3,000.00 808.91 -0- Fringe Benefits 6,371.53 10,494.00(2) 4,122.47 -0- Rental -Expense 69.00 1,000.00 931.00 118.74 Communications 647.98 11150.00. 502.02 1,132.79 Equip. Rep. & Maint. 2,811.13 6,000.00 3,188.87 910.00 Rubbish Removal 1,507.00 4,000.00 2,493.00. 1,019.67 Grounds Maint. 5,282.29 81000.00 2,717.71 2/148.55 Utilities 61394.00 121000.00 51606.00 -0- Insurance 879.00 3,000.00 2,121.00 210.56 Laundry & Dry Clean 682.70 1,490.00 807.30 446.39 Bldg. Maint. 1,596.10 3,000.00 1,403.90 -0- Dues & Publications 60.00 100.00 40.00 25.00 Miscellaneous Expense 66.22 300.00 233.78 123.24 Office Supplies 310.64 750.00 439.36 -0- Uniforms 23,80 300.00 276.20 66.00 Transportation 770.55 3,000.00 2,229.45 -O- Travel & Conference 188.30 500.00 311.70 59.40 Housekeeping Sup. 948.20 3,000.00 2,051.80 19.16 Small Tools 185.84 200.00 14.16 1,588.71 Depreciation 9,887.17 14,721.00 4,833.83 69.80 Shortage/Overage 97.95 -0- (97.95 67.48 Radio Repair Contract 478.86 1,500.00 1,021.14 -0- Promotional Expense 500.00 500.00 -0- 239.04 Rec. Prog. Expense 389.24 1,000.00 610.76 $2.1,815.99 TOTAL OPERATING EXP. $85,065.87 $169,401.00 $84,335.12 Budget Expenditures: 50.2% Budget Balance: 49.8% (1) Transfer $13,200.00 to Independence. P.Zemilis' Salary. '2) Transfer $3,300.00 to Independence. P.Zemilis Fringe Benefits. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REVENUE COMPARISON GROVELAND-OAKS m- ti +", �-F T..,.. vory, +� 7/31/75 1974 1975 Variance -0- Rent - Buildings 1974 1,380.00 1975 1,220.00 Variance 160.00 475.00 475.00 Rent - Facilities 1,100.00 _ ,_, , _1,775.00 675.00 ,11, 688 .�5 189.44 -,9_,�� ..� J�5.,.,, ._.__._..._.......(_2.,...87.10 223.63 34.19 Fees - Camping 41 786. 50 189.44 56 816.11 326.76 15,.029. 61 137.32 Contract Commissions 93.00 40.35 52.65 Miscellaneous 189.00 358.55 169.55 4,077.50 3 862.95 214.55 Rent. - Equipment 4,077.50 6,616.10 2,538.60 71,336.75 5,061.75 2,275.00 Fees - Entrance 10,967.00 8,646.25 (2,320.75) 438.93 580.06 141.13 438.93 580.06 141.13 $43,983.87- $39,604.89 $ 4,378.98 TOTAL $60,128.37 $76,338.83 $16,210.46 18. Oakland County Parks and Recreation INDEPENDENCE OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 7 31 75 Actual Year Actual (Over Current To Date 1975 Under Month Operating Expenses 7/31/75 Budget Budget $1,514.87 Salaries - Full Time $12,888.83 $26,412.00 (1) $13,523.17 -0- Fringe Benefits 3,335.22 6,207.00 (2) 2,871.78 -0- Communications -0- 500.00 500.00 19.60 Equip.Rep.& Maint. 3,340.35 3,795.00 (3) 454.65 9.66 Grounds Maint. 323.99 200.00 (123.99) -0- Utilities -0- 750.00 750.00 -0- Insurance 18.25 200.00 181.75 34.70 Laundry & Dry Clean. 190.85 225.00 34.15 -0- Dues & Publications 20.00 100.00 80.00 -0- Miscellaneous 108.15 100.00 (8.15; 12.19 Office Supplies 12.19 150.00 137.81 318.36 Transportation 1,409.20 1,550.00 140.80 -0- Travel & Conference 180.84 350.00 169.16 -0- Housekeeping Supplies -0- 100.00 100.00 5.88 Small Tools 481.20 100.00 (381.20 199.95 Depreciation 704.03 5,000.00 4,295.97 48.00 _ Radio Repair Contract 65.25 400.00 334.75 -0- Uniform Expense 30.00 -0- (30.00 �21163.21 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE $23,108.35 $46,139.00 $23,030.65 Budget Expenditures: 50.1% Budget Balance: 49.9% (1) Transfer $13,200.00 from Groveland. P.Zemilis Salary. (2) Transfer $3,300.00 from Groveland. P.Zemilis Fringe Benefits:: (3) $2,295.00 Transferred from Contingency Fund for "Chipper" Repair. 19. Current Month $ 520.91 530.00 187.75 -0- -0- -0 337.50 -0- 115.50 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- $ 1,691.66 - 4 262.65 (2,570.99) 257.00 11.19 245.81 $.(2,325.18) Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD - OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 7 3I 75 Revenue Comm.- Food Service Rent - Facilities Fees - Dog Obedience - Ballet - Belly Dancing Golf Classes -- Sq. Dancing Bridge Kiddie Movies -- Ballroom Dancing Sr.Citizens Taxidermy - Astrology - Photography -.Charm Class - Needle Point Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUE LESS: Operating Expense OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) ADD: Other Income Rent Houses Less - Maintenance NET OTHER INCOME NET INCO14E (LOSS) Actual Year to Date 7 31 75 $ 570.29 2,375.00 4,587.75 -0- 1,326.00 1,000.00 31297.50 96.00 155.25 1,408.00 696.00 420.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- $ 15,931.79 351466.06 (19,534.27) 1,420.00 48.19 11371.81 $(18,162.46) 1975 Budget $ 1,000.00 7,000.00 71000.00 600.00 6,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 -0- 500.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 450.00 500.00 $ 24,750.00 71,518.00 (46,768.00) 2,280.00 2,030.00 $(44,738.00) Actual (0" Under Budget $ 429.71 4,625.00 2,412.2E 600.00 4,674.00 -0- (2,797.5( (96.0( 344.7' (1,408.0t 696.0( (420.0( -0- -0- 450.0 500.0 200.0 $ 8,818.2 36,051.S 27,233.; 860.1 201. 658. $26,575. 20. Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD-OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 7 31 75 Actual Year Current to Date Month Operating Expenses 713IZ75 $1,718.86 Salaries - Full Time $12,362.31 -0- Part Time -0- -0- - Reserve 91.01 -0- Service Increments -0- -0- Fringe Benefits 2,942.83 699.25 Spec. Events Exp. 71047.55 -0- Rental Expense -0- 76.83 Communications 508.98 290.38 Equip. Rep. & Maint. 997.26 35.00 Rubbish Removal 210.00 300.00 Grounds Maintenance 1,277.07 555.51 Utilities 4/952.82 -0- Insurance 691.50 34.70 Laundry & Dry Clean 313.90 127.75 Bldg. Maintenance 693.56 -0- Dues & Publications 25.00 -0- Miscellaneous -0- -0- Lease Payment -0- 1.00 Office Supplies 43.40 -0- Travel & Conference -0- -0- Housekeeping Sup. 621.34 59.99 Small Tools 128.87 363.38 Depreciation 21558.66 $4,262.65 TOTAL OPER. EXPENSES $35,466.06 Budget Expenditures: 49.6% Budget Balance: ',. 50.4% 1975 Budget $23,210.00 -0- 1,000.00 629.00 61819.00 101000.00 11600.00 450.00 2,000.00 420.00 3,000.00 8,000.00 1,000.00 850.00 1,800.00 50.00 50.00 5,400.00 150.00 100.00 1,000.00 100.00 3,890.00 $71,518.00 Actual (Ove Under Budget $10,847.69 -0- 908.99 629.00 31876.17 2/952.45 1,600.00 (58.98) 1/002.74 210.00 1/722.93 31047.18 308.50 536.10 11106.44 25.00 50.00 5,400:00 106.60 100.00 378.66 (28.87 1,331.34 $36,051.94 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMISSION REVENUE COMPARISON VIATERFORD-OAKS Mnnt- i nT .T„1-,r 1974 $ -0- 1975 $ -0- Variance $ -0- Sales - Food 1974 $ 566.40 1975 $ -0- Variance $ (566.40) 190.00 257.00 67.00 Rent- Buildin s 1,340.00 1,420.00 80.00 283.00 530.O0 247.00 Rent - Facilities 4,265.20 2,375.00 (1,890.20) -0- -0- -0- Special Events 4.00 -0- (4.00) 1,852.50 640.75 (1,211.75) Fees - Act.Classes 10,351.50 12,986.50 2,635.00 11.82 -Q- (11.82) Contract Commission 39.04 -0- 39.04 - 21.00 -^ 573.03 -0- 520. 91 21.00 (52.12) Miscellaneous 504.00 573.03 -- -0-(504.0_0)_.__ 570.29 y„ ___(2•• 74 $2,931.35 $1,948.66 $ (982.69) TOTAL $17,643.17 817,351.79 S (291.38) N ti 22. Current Month $ 178.87 575.00 762.17 264.00 -0- 4,367.00 5/027.00 136.52 $11,310.56 Oakland County Parks and Recreation ADDISON-OAKS PARK Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 7/31/75 Revenue Comm. -Food Service Rental - Facilities Rental - Pedal Boats - Row Boats - Hay Rides Fees - Entrance - Camping Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUE Actual Year To Date $ 230.08 1,824.20 1,126.17 457.50 17.20 9,831.00 9,403.00 524.92 $ 23,414.07 17,176.39 LESS: Operation Expense 104,945.94 $(5,865.83) NET INCOME (LOSS) �( 811 531.87) 1975 Budget $ 720.00 -0- 1,500.00 150.00 -0- 17,000.00 13/000.00 100.00 $ 32,470.00 195,985.00 $1 163,515.00) Actual(Ove Under Budaet $ 489.92 (1,824.20) 373.83 (307.50) (17.20) 7,169.00 3,597.00 (424.921 $ 9,055.93 ,91,039.06 $81,983,13 23. Current Month $ 6,166.69 5,753.76 996.81 -0- _0_ 91.26 26.10 916.40 120.00 246.73 (1.,451.62) -0- 227.91 713.68 -0- 11.30 256.49 -0- 564.38 -0- 151.29 44.15 1,975.84 8.93 67.48 288.81 $17,176.39 Oakland County Parks and Recreation ADDISON OAKS PARK Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 7 31 75 Actual Year to Date 1975 Operatinq Expenses 7/31 75 Budget Salaries - Full Time - Part Time - Reserve Fringe Benefits Rental Expense Communications Pool Expense Equip. Rep. & Mdint. Rubbish Removal Grounds Maintenance Utilities Insurance Laundry & Dry -Clean Bldg. Maintenance Dues & Publications Miscellaneous Office Supplies Uniforms Transportation! Travel & Conference Housekeeping Sup. Small Tools Depreciation Shortage/Overage Radio Rep. Contract Sewage Expense TOTAL OPERATING EXP. Budget'Expenditures: 53.5% Budget Balance 46.5% $ 41,648.49 11,069.26 3,967.05 11,624.18 13.00 461.40 701.12 4,437.13 828.00` 7,053.42 866.99 882.00 1,143.95 2,039.34 40.00 53.81 388.57 63.32 2,553.93 282.38 462.52 248.56 13,326.97 29.38 472.36 288.81 $104,945.94 $ 68,954.00 34,101.00 6,000.00 16,500.00 300.00 950.00 1,200.00 8,000.00 1,500.00 5,000.00 2,400.00 1,800.00 1,680.00 2,500.00 100.00 250.00 500.00 500.00 3,000.00 500.00 900.00 300.00 17,850.00 -0- 1,200.00 20,000.00 $ 195,985.00 Actual (Ov Under Budget $27,305.51 231031.74 2,032.95 4,875.82 287.00 488.60 498.88 3,562.87 672.00 (2,053.42) 1/533.01 918.00 536.05 .460.66 60.00 196.19 111.43 436.68 446.07 217.62 437.48 51.44 4,523.03 (29.38 727.64 19,711.19 $91,039.06 OAKLAc"!D COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSSION REVENUE COMPARISON ADDISON-OAKS Mon tl-h n r Ji i l zr N .- - -- 7T--_ -7 /-31 /-7c 1974 $ -0- 1975 $ _-0- Variance $ -0- Sales - Food 797q. $ 2,478.12 $ 1975 -0- / Variance $ (2,478.12) -0- -0- -0- Rent - Buildings 200.00 -0- (200.00) 5,630.00 668.29 5,027.00 4,367.00 (603,00) 301.29 Fees - Camping 7,995.65 9,403.00 1,407.35 Fees - Entrance 11,168.85 -0- 9,831.00 -0- .(1� 337.85) -0- -0- -0- -O- Contract Commission -0- 136.52 136.52 Miscellaneous 15 915.16 524.92 15 390.24 50.00 575.00 525.00 Rent.- Facilities. 50.00 1,824.20 1 774.20 114.99 178.87 63.88 Comm. -Food Service 114.99 230.08 115.09 797.65 1,026.17 228.52 Rent - Ec ruipment 1,070.55 1,600.87 3 ;11" 62 0.93 $11 310.56 49.63 TOTAL $38,993.32 _823,414.07 $(15,579.25) N ,P 25. Current Month -$2,811.40 -0- 2,547.69 -0- (106.53) 17.15 582.91 $3,041.22 _(229.82) Oakland County Parks and Recreation ADDISON-OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 7 Revenue Comma - Food Service LESS: Operating Exp. Grounds Maintenance Utilities Insurance Building Maint. Miscellaneous Depreciation TOTAL OPERATING EXP. NET INCOME (LOSS) Actual Year to Date 7/31/75 $ 4,471.89 298.88 11/353.93 2,505.00 5,296.25 102.65 4,080.37 $ 23,637.08 (19,165.I9) 1975 Budget $ 13,500.00 -0- 13,500.00 3,000.00 4,000.00 100.00 5,100.00 $ 25,700..00 (12,200.00) Actual (Ove Under Budget $ 9,028.11 (298.88) 2,146.07 495.00 (1,296.25) (2.65) 1,019.63 $ 2,062.92 (6,965.19) OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REVENUE COMPARISON. ADDISON CONFERENCE CENTER 1974 $ -0- 1975 $ -0- Variance -0- Sale - Food 1974 337.40 ic.ar Lo gaze 1975 -0- / 51 I Variance 337.40 _ -0- -0- -0- Rent - Conference Center -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -Q- -0- -Q- -0- Special Rentals Gratuities 1,397.75 859.39 -0- -0- (1,397.75) 859.39 1,500.00 2,811.40 1,311.40 Comm.- Food Service 1,500.00 4 471.89 2 971.89 $1,500.00 $2,811.40 $1,311.40 TOTAL 3 419.74 $4,471.89 I, 052.15 27. Current Month $ 2,679.36 4,784.80 3,780.00 616.05 18,542.50 1,094.50 27.71 364.00 $31,888.92 -3,082.18 3,806.74 180.00 -0- 180.00 $ 8,986.74 Oakland County Parks and Recreation WHITE LAKE OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 7 / 1 /7 9 Revenue Comm. - Food Service Sales - Pro Shop Rent - Golf Cart Rental - Golf Other Greens Fees Fees - Special Events Contract Comm. - Phone Misc. Income TOTAL REVENUE LESS: Operating Exp. OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) Other Income Rent - Houses Less - Maint NET.OTHER INCOME NET INCOME (LOSS) Actual Year to Date 7/31 Z75 $ 4,825.36 15,031.81 9,159.00 2,705.68 114,754.80 3,876.10 37.00 375.00 $150,764.75 104,108.97 46,655.78 720.00 -0- -7 n^ -- $47,375.78 1975 Budget $ 18,000.00 25,000.00 15,000.00 4,000.00 155,000.00 2,000.00 35.00 -0- $219,035.00 165,755.00 $ 53,280.00 --0- -0- 53,280.00 $ 53,280.00 Actual (Ove: Under Budget $13,174.64 9,968.19 5,841.00 1,294.32 40,245.2C (1,876.1C (2.00 (375.00 $68,270.2: 61,646.0: 6,624.2: (720.0 -0- (720.0 $ 5, 904.2 28. Oakland County Parks and Recreation WHITE LAKE OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended_7/31/75 Actual Year Actual (Ove Currr;nt to Date 1975 Under Month Operating Expenses 7 31175 Budget Budget $ 5,014.75 Salaries - Full Time $ 28,040.48 $ 48,117.00 $ 20,076.52 3,963.44 - Part Time 9,001.65 24,063.00 15,061.35 523.95 - Reserve 1,185.82 31000.00 1,814.48 -0- Fringe Benefits 7,889.71 14,200.00 6/310.29 297.42 Special Events 300.42 1,000.00 699.58 6.00 Rental Expense 105.98 400.00 294.02 132.47 Communications 693.03 1,250.00 556.97 544.87 Equip.. Rep. & Maint. 11651.86 41000.00 2,348.14 60.00. Rubbish Removal 140.00 450.00 310.00 1/223.39 Grounds Maint. 8/663.08 8,500.00 (163.Of 2,318.39 Utilities 71521.77 13,000.00 5,478.2: -0- Insurance 31241.25 5,000.00 1,758.7! 262.46 Laundry & Dry Clean 998.41 1,150.00 151.51 808.39 Bldg. Maint. 2,418.93 1,200.00 (1,218.9: -0- Dues E. Publications 113.00 200.00 87.01 38.00 Miscellaneous 64.11 200.00 135.8' 377.48 Office,Supplies 586.66 1,000.00 413.3 -0- Uniforms 23.80 400.00 376.2 243.25 Transportation 1,369.86 2,500.00 11130.1 -0- Travel & Conf.. 275.40 500.00 224.6 325.48 Housekeeping Sup.;, 456.88 750.00 293.1 10.30 Small Tools 180.48 200.00 19.5 21364.75 Depreciation 151035.94 11,825.00 (3,210.5 19.15 Shartage/Overage 34.08 -0- (34.0 1/528.00 Comm. - Golf Cart Rental 2,737.00 71500.00 4.,763.0 2,982.82 Golf.Mdse.for Resale 11,213.73 15,000.00 3,786., 37.42 Radio Repair Contract 165.94 350.00 184.(( $�3g?8 TOTAL OPERATING EXP. $104,108.97 $165,755.00 $ 61,646.( Ludget Expenditures: 61.0% Budget Balance: 39.OY, O.AKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REVENUE COMPARISON MHITE LAKE - OAKS Mnn-}-T, n-F T-1 , Vranr fin T)nt a -7 /-7 ff 1974 -0- 4�920.87 90.00 1975 -0- 4,784.80 ,..... 180.00 Variance -0- 136.07 90.00 Sales - Food P�vera e S2 e s - Pro Shop 1974 14 374,.0,7 270.00 9,633.98 1975 -0- 15 031.81 720.00 11,864.68 Variance s(13,874.96 657.74 450.00 2,230.70 Rent - Buildings 4,701.34 4,396.05 (305.29) Rent - Equipment -0- -0- -0- Gratuities 1,621.16 -0- (1,621.16) 29,351.34 18,542.50 (10 808.84) Entrance Fees, 112 980.29 114 754.80 L.,774.51 -0- 27.71 27.71 Contract Commissions 35.32 37.00 1.68 -n- 16 Miscellaneous • _n_ 375.00 37.5.00 60.00 1,094.50 1,034.50 Special Events_ 692.50 3,876.10 3,183.60 1,999.98 2,679.36 679.38 Commission - Food Service 1 999.98 4,825.36 2,825.38 11,341.76 -0- (11,341.76) LWF 18,497.16 -0 (180497.IQ $52,465.29 $32,068.92 $(20,396.37) TOTAL $173,979.42 $151,484.75 $(22,494.67) ITEM #6 SPRINGFIELD-OAKS MILL POND LEASE The attached lease has been prepared by Springfield Township attorneys and reviewed by our attorneys. This lease is based upon Commission approval a couple of months ago, pertaining to turning the Mill Pond over to Springfield Town- ship for operation. Our Counsel approved the lease, except for the last sentence in paragraph 6, which is found on Page 2. Inasmuch as the Commission is only being paid One ($1.00) Dollar a year for the Lease, the least the Township of Springfield could do is to bear the cost of removing the equipment; so the last word of that sentence should read "Lesee" not "Lessor." Staff concurs with Counsels' recommendation. o � a m w t m M � m w a m a, � � 6 LEASE LEASE AGREEMENT made this day of 1975, by and between OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION, 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Pontiac, Michigan, hereinafter referred to as "Lessor" and TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION, Davisburg, Michigan, hereinafter referred to as "Lessee". 1. Lessor for and in consideration of the mutual covenants, conditions and agreements hereinafter set forth, does.hereby lea: to Lessee 5.7 acres of land situated in the Township of Spring- field; Oakland County, Michigan, more particularly described as follows: Part of the North 1/2 of Section 17, Myron Hickey Addition, known as the Davisburg Mill Pond Site, together with all buildings, re- creational equipment and improvements thereon. 2. The term of said lease shall be one year. Said lease may be renewpa fnr ar�r7; �; nria9 nr,o vo5r v.c.r;nr7, „ •,1 •,-,� .__ ment by I- . I s= such additions or improvements to the director of Oakland County. Parks and Recreation Commission for approval. 6. Lessee shall have the option, upon termination of said lease, to remove any movable fixtures or improvement which Lessef 4 has made to said property during the term thereof and in particu• lar, any recreational equipment installed by Lessee if Lessee is unable to agree with Lessor as to a reasonable amount to be paid to Lessee for reimbursement for such fixtures, equipment or improvement. Any costs of such removal shall be born by Less 7. Lessee shall assume all responsibility for any property damage done to the premises during the term hereof and any and all -liability for damages to persons or property on the subject premises, except for acts done by the lessor and except for any and ;all damages to persons or property which might be occasione< by any unknown defects in said subject premises and improvement thereon. 8. Lessee shall pay to Lessor an annual rental in the sum II of One ($1.00) Dollar per year. IN W- and II s, Item #7 SPRINGFIELD-OAKS MISCELLANEOUS RODEO AGREEMENTS Three agreements pertaining to: 1. Ted Samuel Property for additional parking 2. Holly Volunteer Ambulance 3. Sound System These agreements are necessary for the Rodeo production. Copies attached. oakland county service center 2800 Watkins lake road pontiac, michigan 48054 858-0906 R. Eric Reickel E. Fraok Richardson Director Chairman James W. Dunleavy From the Office of: AGREEMENT Vice -Chairman Lewis E. Wint Secretary e Velma M. Austin This agreement is between Ted Samuel, Fred L. Harris George W. Kuhn 7141 Hall Rd., Davisburg, and Oakland County Joseph R. M ontante Richard V. Vogt Richard R. Wilcox Parks & Recreation Commission, 2800 Watkins Lake Rd., Pontiac, for the rental of about 7.9 acres of land on Hall Rd. West of Spring- field -Oaks, and owned by Ted Samuelts. The land is to be used to park cars during the 1975 Longhorn World Championship Rodeo to be held August 22 through August 25, 1975. Oakland County Parks & Recreation agrees to rent said land from Ted Samuel and to pay $100.00 for the three day rental. Approved by: OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION M SSION Agreed to by Date 8/15/75 T. Samuel 7141 Hall Rd. E. Frank Richardson, Chairman Davisburg, Michigan 48019 Agreed to by f (" Ge!-.� Date 8/15/75 G G. Lace 12451 Andersonv ille R Davisburg, Michigan 48019 Addison - Oaks • Groveland - Oaks • Independence - Oaks • Waterford - Oaks • White Lake - Oaks • Springfield - Oaks August 15, 1975 "arcl. Lacey County Parks & Recreation 00 Watkins Lake Road ohtiac, Michigan We, the dolly Volunteer Ambulance, Inc., will furnish an ambulance on the gounds of Springfield Oaks, from the hours of 8:00 P.M,, until the performance is completed, on August 22nd and 23rd, 1975, and on August 24, 1975, from 2:30 P.M., until the performance is completed. The following rate will apply: Flag fee of $200,00(in advance), plus $50,00 per person transported to any hospital facility. The County will be responsible to same $50.00 per person, if the account is uncollectible after sixty(60) days, - If the Gerson transported happens to be a member of HVA, Inc., the regular rates will apply, Donald D. Rodgers, President, HVA, Inc. Oakland Co, Parks & Recreation E. Frank Richardson, Chairman 5041k EAST MAPLE, HOLLY, MICHIGAN 48442 PHONE (313) 634 - 4991 RENTAL OF SOUND SYSTEMS THIS contract for the rental of sound systems and one mixing man for the dates of August 22, 23, 24, made this day, August 18th, 1975, between the Purchaser - Oakland County Parks & Recreation and Lessor - Harold G. Buchanan. One Hundred dollars for each e4ings performance, plus twenty-five dollars for extra expenses incurred for Sundays performance. (Supplying sound for the Ford Nix Group). A total of Three Hundred and Twenty Five Dollars will be paid to Harold G. Buchanan by check or cash before the first evenings performance. Harold G. Buchanan Date Oakland County Parks & Rec. Date