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Agendas/Packets - 1975.12.12 - 39619
d PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION oakland county service center 2800 watkins lake road pontiac, michigan 48054 858-0906 R. Eric Reickel Director December 8, 1975 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . 10:00 a.m. Friday, December 12, 1975 PLACE . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan PURPOSE . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting The meeting is called in accordance with authorization of E. Frank Richardson, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Cory R. ric Rei el Director cn E. Frank Richardson Chairman James W. Dunleavy Vice -Chairman Lewis E. Wint Secretary • Velma M. Austin Fred L. Harris George W. Kuhn Joseph R. Montante Richard V. Vogt Richard R. Wilcox Addison - Oaks • Groveland - Oaks • Independence - Oaks • Waterford - Oaks • White Lake - Oaks • Springfield - Oaks OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION December 12, 1975 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes of November 14, 1975; November 25, 1975 and December 3, 1975. 4. Approval of Payments - Voucher 11-72 through 11-164. 5. Activities Report for November, 1975. 6. Statement of Operations for October, 1975. 7. Springfield -Oaks - Clubhouse Wells. 8. Lakeville Gas Associates. 9. Addison -Oaks - Master Plan Revision. 10. M-59 Right -Of -Way. 11. 1976 Budget Adoption. 12. Director's Report. 13. Unfinished Business. 14. New Business. 15. Adjourn. NOTE: Next scheduled meeting December 26, 1975. VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION NOVEMBER/ 1975 IfnITr..14F.R NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 11-72 Oakland County Laundry All Parks - Laundry & Dry Cleaning 646.00 11-73 Marilyn Hicks. 9/24/75 - 11/26/75 Water.- Round Dancing I structoT 120.00 11-74 W O=P Ball Water.- Square Dance Caller 11 7 45.00 11-75 Floyd Snyder 11K14/75,&,11�28�75 Water.- Se for Citize s and 270.00 11-76 Oakland County Stationery Stock Admin. - Office Supplies 462.51 11-77 Michi an.Rental Service Expense Groveland - Managers Residence 13.00 11-78 School Office Supplies White Lake - Offia:e Supplies 5.96 _Harvey's 11-79 Oakland Co. Road Commission Admin. - Per Diem & Mileage - Comm 35.00 11-80 Bueter-O'Flynn Inc. Project Independence - Payt. No. 2 on 4,410.00 11-81 Charter Township of Waterford Water.- Payment No.l on Project 41,630.00 11-82—County of Oakland11-83 Admin. & Mobile Rec. & Water.- ;Payroll For Pay Period Ending 1117175 21,228.22 11-84 Gerald Lee Admin.- Travel & Conference Exn. 38,00 11-85 Ellis Arndt & Truesdell Inc. Independence - Services Rendered 409 6 11-86 Swanson Associates In . Water.- Wave Action Pool Project 3,025.QQ _ B Spring.,YAC.,Grovel.,Indep.,Wate - Qmmunisa ; 0 ., 678 -_ 9B 11-88 P ramid Construction Co. Independence - Pa tallo.8 119 398.95 11-89 Karen S. Smith Admin.- Mileage Reimbursement 12.00 11-90 East Detroit Ford Tractor Inc. Spring.,Groveland, Addison - Waterford Fuel & Supply Co. YAC - Utilties 273.55 11-92 Briar Building Co. ll Indep. & Grove�inaPayment No.5 11,456.11 11-93 Sutherland Oil Addison - Equip.Rep. & Maint. 215.79 1' 94 GMC Truck & Coach Division Spring. - Equip. Rep. & Maint. 44.91 11-95 Van Beau Admin.- Promotional 12.00 11-96 Geraldine Lawcock Admin, Milea rsgmenj 8.10 11-97 The Larson Company Add.Cf.Ct.- Building Maint. 229.44 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION NOVEMBER, 1975 un"ruvD NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 11-98 Interstate Alarm Systems, Inc. Admin. - Building-Maint. 8.90 11-99 Waterford Block & Readv Mix Admin. - Building Maint. 174.00 & Motor White Lace - Building Maint. 831.29 Banner Linen Sgryice White Lake - Laundry r 11-102 Xerox Co io Admin. i 11-103 0. Q. Utj lI tiegg d Waterford - Rubbish Removal---- 11-104 Cynthia E. Norris Admin. - Mileacre Reimbursement 11-105 Wavetek Automated Swimpools Inc. Waterford - Payment No.1 24,371.1.0 11-106 Michigan Bell Telephone'Co. Waterford - Communications 8.85 11-107 Waterford Disposal Service Spring & -Grove.- Rubbish Removal 560.00 108 Amoco Oil Company Groveland - Equip. Rep. & Maint. 320.72 11-109 Howard Signs of Waterford S ring.- Grounds Maint. 20.00 11-110 Oxford Mining Co. storation Spring. -Phase II Storm Dama e Re+ 32.55 11-111 Amusement Business YAC - Publication & Dues 20.00 11-112 Sundry Commission Meeting) Admin.- Comm -Mt . of 11 14 75 117.90 11-113 4192 Kmart Addison - Equip.Rep. & Maint. 55.80 11-114 Banner Linen Service S rin . - Laundry & Dry Cleaning 35.00 11-115. Harvey's School Office Supplies,Iic. YAC - Office Supplies 9.04 _ 11-116 Detroit Edison 'Spring.,Groveland & White Lake - 11-117 Arnold Johnston ment. Tech.SuD ort - Travel Ex .Reimbu se- 16.65 11-118 O.C.De t.of Public Works YAC - Building Maintenance 315.00 11- 19 Sr)aldina White Lake - Golf Inventor 36.15 11- 20 Uniroyal Inc. White Lake - Golf Inventory 21.60 1 -121 Weingartz Suipply Addison - E i .Re . & Maint. 55.50 11-122 Drive In Equip. & Rental Co. White Lake - Rental Expense 64.00 11-123 dith Hardware Groveland - Equip.Rep.& Maint., Grounds & Bldq.. Maint. 33.19 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION NOVEMBER, 1975 ITATTr..14 R.R NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 11-124 The Golf Mart, Inc. White Lake - Golf Inventory 220.47 11-125 Davisburg Lumber Co. YAC - Building Maintenance 10.00 11-126 Savard & Son Hardware Bldg. Maint.,Small Tools Addison - Equipment Re .& Maint. 60.06 11-127 Hamilton's of Holly Groveland - Utilities 460,52 11-128 Robert Pa'tas Groveland - Equip. Re .& Maint. 181.53 11-129 Oakland Co. Garage Transportation & Equipment Rep. Overhead Service for October,75 19.50 11-131 The Economics Press, Inc. Admin. - Publication & Dues 24.88 11-132 Industrial CleaninSj Supj2 ly Co. Addison - Janitorial Supplies 38.50 11-133 Davisburg Hardware Spring.,Equip.Rep.,Grounds Maint., S .& YAC - Bldg. Maint.,Sm.Tools 112.99 1- '.34 Kerton Lumber Co. YAC - Bldg. Maintenance - Grove.- Super.Rps Expense od es Supplv Co. Admin.-Equip.Maint., Grove.-Supe j. Maint. ,Add. R s x nse YAC-Bldc . - Pool Expense, Water. -Bldg. Maint. 776.31 11-136 Standard Electric Co. Grove.-Mgrs Res.Exp.- Spring.-Gr. Maint.- Wh.Lk.- E i .Re .& Bld aint 222.23 11-137 Pa roll for Sick Leave Admin. & Spring. = Reimbursement ,_ 11-2.38 State of Michigan - n _ 2s 11-139 Ward-S. Newman, Jr. Admin. - Custodial Services 270.00 11-140 Holforty Associates Inc. no.l. Grove.& Inde .- Maint.Bld . Pa t. 374.63 11-141 Leisure Admin. - Miscellaneous Ex ense 20.75 11-142 O.C.De t. of Public Works Addison S wa e Ex ense 11-143 Hiram F.Godwin & Son S rin . - Grounds Maint. 3 30.00 11-144 J. D. Armstrong Landscape Co., Inc. Spring. -Phase III,Payment #5. 61,329.63 11-145 County of Oakland Admin. - Communications 19.68 1 _46 Sundr Commission Meeting Waterford Wave Pool Groundbreaking Admin. - S ec.Mtg. 11/20/75 154.40 11-147 Pontiac Vals ar Paint Center Addison - Bldg. Maintenance Grove -Managers Res.Exp. 80.03 11-148 Pontiac Photo Service Admin. - Promotional 44.00 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION NOVEMBER, 1975 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 11-149 Lake Orion Lumber Co. Add.Cf.Ct.- Building Mai_nt. 3.70 11-150 Pioneer Hardware Wh.Lk.- Equip.Rep., Gr.& B1dg.Ma' t. 55.57 11-151 Golf Car Distributors Spring. - Equip. Rep.& Mai.nt. 60,184 11-152 Genesee Welding Supply Inc. Grove . & Add,- Equip. Rep, 25.86 11-153 Sherwin Williams Grove.- Building Main t. 170.00 11-154 Young Supply Company YAC = Building Mai:nt. 49.26 11-155 Interstate Alarm Systems; Inc. White Lake - Bldg. Maint. 37.50 11-156 Walter Hagen Golf Equip.Co. White Lake - Golf Inventory 9.70 11-157 Burke Bldg. Center Groveland, Indep.,Water.,fidd., Wh.Lk.- Bld . Maint. Rental Prop. Mainz., Grounds Maint.,Sm.Tools 1,139.48 1 58 W.F.Miller Co. Spring.,Groveland, Water.,Addison 11-159 Payroll_ For Pater Period Ended 11 21 75 20 996�50 11-160 Frank Ostrowski Custodian Addison - Reimburse Petty Cash 105.48 11-161 O.C. Health De t. Inde . - Permit for Septic System 35.00 11-162 O.C.Health Dept. Groveland - Permit for Se tic S s. 35.00 11-163 Consumers Power-CoMany Grove. Water. White Lake- Utilities 777.07 11-164 Michi an Bell Telephone Co. Water.- Commuriic.ations 14.25 Total for Sheets Attached 332 746.84 Total for Month of November 374,160.,ll ADDISON-OAKS PARK Campers Day Use ADDISON CONFERENCE CENTER Functions GROVELAND-OAKS Campers Day Use SPRINGFIELD-OAKS Y.A.C. Functions SPRINGFIELD-OAKS CLUBHOUSE Functions SPRINGFIELD-OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds_Played 18 Holes SPRINGFIELD-OAAKS MILL POND Day Use WATERFORD-OAKS Functions WHITE LAKE -OAKS CLUBHOUSE Functions WHITE LAKE -OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes Cross -Country Skiing TOTALS 1975 MONTHLY PARK AND FACILIII. ATTENDANCE REPORT Month of November Year to Date Grou s Participants Groups Participants 1974 1975 1974 1975 1974 1975 1974 1975 3 4 12 80 2693 1933 11589 8162 1 0 32 0 7566 7266 57728 58118 8 12 1085 696 168 175 18651 21488 45 47 180 188 8566 8334 37694 33367 0 0 0 0 5911 4776 32605 21939 10 17 3400 3875 129 172 128449 127455 3 4 243 235 30 28 2277 1586 0 0 0 0 119 38 15702 4932 0 0 0 0 1 0 2681 256 0 0 0 0 1 0 4768 0 14 33 1515 1436 245 396 27264 32966 10 8 959 635 175 205 13789 17095 0 0 321 548 457 546 4154E 45045 0 0 164 429 11 13 .1279E 15953 0 0 0 0 0 6 C 80 94 125 79111-11.111, 8122 26072 23888 407538 388442 ADDISON-OAKS PARK Campers Day Use ADDISON CONFERENCE CENTER Functions GROVELAND-OAKS Campers Day Use SPRINGFIELD-OAKS Y.A.C. Functions SPRINGFIELD-OAKS CLUBHOUSE Functions SPRINGFIELD-OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes SPRINGFIELD-OAKS MILL POND Day Use WATERFORD-OAKS Functions WHITE LAIC -OAKS CLUBHOUSE Functions WHITE LAKE -OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes Cross -Country Skiing TOTALS PARK AND FACILITY Ei.LTENDANCE REPORT For the Month of November , 1975 Grou s per Week Participants per Week lst. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. lst. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 3 l 0 0 0 65 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 0 3 0 183 188 0 325 0 47 0 0 0 0 188 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 5 1 0 2695 505 575 100 0 1 1 1 1 0 50 60 40 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 8 7 0 435 360 312 329 0 4 1 2 1 0 315 60 210 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 494 39 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 409 5 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 21 16 13 0 4834 1232 1167 889 9 SWIM -MOBILE SKATE -MOBILE PUPPET -MOBILE FASHION -MOBILE NIOVT17-MOBILE SHOW-MOBIL].. Entertainment Unit Only SPORTS -MOBILE TOTALS MONTHLY UNIT ACTIVITIES REPORT MOBILE RECREATION Month of November, 1975 Year to Date Groups Participants Grou s Partici ants 1974 1975 1974 1975 1974 1975 1974 1975 0 0 0 0 31 70 1860 4960 0 0 0 0 148 132 11191 8012 10 0 1390 0 163 147 12730 9993 0 0 0 0 48 36 1160 1296 0 0 0 0 62 70 3963 5143 0 0 0 0 45 50 7235 14133 1 1 0 50 7 41 170 51995 0 0 0 O 0 90 01 5819 11 1 1390 50 504 636 38309 101351 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION ANALYSIS OF FUND BALANCE As of October 31, 1975 Cash on Hand - 1/l/75 Investments - 1/l/75 FUND BALANCE - 1/l/75 Add: Revenues over Expenditures - Per Statement $1,011,779.14 Collections on Accounts Receivable 202,614.21 Sales Tax Collected 47.55 DNR Grant -.Pike Rearing Pond - Independence 410.57 DNR Grant - Red Run Drain 9,221.25 Michigan Council of Art's Grant - Troupe in Transit 800.00 Decrease in Golf Mdse. - Inventory 687.01 Depreciation Charges - (Non Cash Items) 116,267.07 Deduct: Payments for Capital Equipment Payments on Capital Projects Payments on Vouchers Payable Gain on Equipment Traded (Non Cash Item) FUND BALANCE - 10/31/75 RECAP OF FUND BALANCE: Cash in Bank & On Hand - 10/31/75 Investments - 10/31/75 FUND BALANCE - 10/31/75 AMOUNT ENCUMBERED - 10/31Z75 Estimated Expenses over Revenue needed for Park Operations for Balance of Year. Capital Equipment Capital Projects Awarded - Not Yet Paid Vouchers Payable $ 114,479.15 1,324,150.10 85,056.11 300.00 $ 225,603.14 10,520.85 815,541.16 y �3� 847.24 $1,055,512.39 $ 130,969.38 1,125,000.00 $1,255,969.38 1,341,826.80 $2,597,796.18 1,523,985.36 L10734810.82 $ 423,810.82 650,000.00 $1,073,810.82 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Revenues Administration Mobile Recreation Springfield Oaks: Golf Course YAC Groveland Oaks Independence Oaks Waterford Oaks Addison Oaks: Park Conf. Center White Lake Oaks TOTAL REVENUE O-perating Expenses Administration Mobile Recreation Springfield Oaks: Golf Course YAC Groveland Oaks Independence Oaks Waterford. Oaks Addison Oaks: Park Conf. Center White Lake Oaks Contingency TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE NET INCOME (LOSS) COMBINED OPERATING STATEMENT For the Period. Ended 10 31 75 Actual Year to Date 1975 16/31/75 Budget $1,741,951.96 $1,671,400.00 31,065.01 42,200.00 19,000.06 28,617.77 119,372.63 -0- 23,486.00 34,365.34 8,279.56 203,912.56 $2,210,050.89 $ 282,810.60 120,151.97 99,832.47 114,392.48 142,442.65 31,464.30 49,429.10 157,884.68 36,306.46 163,557.04- -0- $1� 198,271.75 $1,011,779.14 45,531.00 165,321.00 102,570.00 -0- 27,030.00 32,470.00 13,500.00 219,035.00- $2,319,057.00 Actual (Over) Under Budget $ (70,551.96) 11,134.99 26,530.94 ..1361703.23 (16,802.63) -0- 3,544.00 (1,895.34) 5,220.44 15,122.44 $ 109,006.11 $ 397,753.00 $ 114,982.40 124,690.00 4,538..03 122,124.00 22,291.53 ,165,321.00 50,928.52 169,901.00*(1� 27,458.35 46,139.00:� 1 14,674.70 71,768.00 22,338.90 195,985.00 25,700.00 165,755.00 47 , 705.00 *(2 ) $1,.532,881.00 $ 786,176.00 38,100.32 (10,606.46) 2,197.96 47,705.00 $ 334 609.25 $(225,603.14 Budget Expenditures: 78.2% Budget Balance: 21.8% '^(1) Transfer of Salary 8 Fringe Benefits from Groveland to Independence (See Operating Expenses for details) '^(2) Transferred $2,295.00 to Independence for "Chipper"Repair. r rage i . Current Month $ 1,125.88 -0 .16,165.08 -0_. $17,290.96 $16,160.09 -0- -0- -0- -0- 124.50 354.97 60.90 583.10 -0- 3.00 -0- 5.00 97.75 -0- 557.08 -0- 191.39 754.23 -0- 361.42 199.34 4,891.50 1,661.93 270.00 Oakland County Parks and Recreation ADMINISTRATION' Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 10/31/75 Revenue Tax Revenue Interest Delinq. Tax Income on Investments Misc. Income TOTAL REVENUE. Operating Expenses Administration. Salaries - Full Time - Part Time Reserve Service Increments Fringe Benefits Rental Expense Communications Equip. Rep. & Maint. Per Diem & Mileage - Com. Insurance Laundry & Dry Clean Building Maint. Membership Due & Pub. Miscellaneous Exp. Propery Lease Payt. Office supplies Professional Services Transportation Travel & Conference Housekeeping Sup. Depreciation Radio Rep. Contract Purchasing Dept. Services Promotional Expense Custodial Services $26,276.20 TOTAL ADMIN. EXPENSE S Actual Year to Date 10/31/75 _ $1,638,641.41 223.72 103,001.44 85.39 1975 Budget $1,580,000.00 400.00 90,000.00 1,000.00 $1,741,951.96 $1,671,400..00 $ 110,003.68 720.00 50.75 -0- 17,408.63 1,194.50 3,141.11 87.64 5,064.77 -0- 33.00 129.86 1,320.81 101.07 -0- 8,013.24 14,872.00 4,410.73 4,614.96 98.95 3,305.21 1,641.40 4,891.50 38,723.66 2,670.00 144,924.00 3.1327.00 1,000.00 1,716.00 32,480.00 3,500.00 4,800.00 1,200.00 12,500.00 300.00 400.00 500.00 1,500.00 300.00 If800.00 7,000.00 6,000.00 5,500.00 6,000.00 200.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 7,000.00 40f000.00 3,240.00 Actual (Over) Under Budget $(5.8,641.41) 176.28 (13,001.44) 914.61 $(70,551.96) $ 34,920.32 2,607.00 949.25 1,716.00 15,071.37 2,305.50 1,658.89 1,112.36 7,435.23 300.00 367.00 370.14 179.19 198.93 1,800.00 (1,01 3.24) (8,872.00) 1,089.27 1,385.04 101.05 694.79 358.60 2,108.50 1,276.34 570.00 $ 222,497.47 $ 291,187,00 $ 68,689.53 Continued on Page 2. Page G. Oakland County Parks and Recreation ADMINISTRATION Statement of Operations For the Period Ended Continued from Page 1. Current Month Tecrnical Support $ 6,537.20 Salaries - Full Time -0- - Part Time -0- - Reserve -0- Service Increments -0- Fringe Benefits -0- Rental Expense 2.02 Equip. Rep. & Maint -0- Insurance 70.20 Laundry & Dry Clean 36.00 Uniform Expense 1/041.58 Transportation (63.00) Travel & Conf. 7.50 Small Tools 288.59 Depreciation 50.86 Radio Rep. Contract $ 7,970.95 TOTAL TECHNICAL SUPPORT 34,247.15 TOTAL OPERATING EXP. $ 116,956.19) NET REVENUE OVER. EXPENSES Budget Expenditures: 71.1% ]budget Balance: 28.9°0 Actual Year to Date 103175 $ 40,756.12 -0- -0- -0- 61166.79 -0- 78.63 -0- 573.35 36.00 8/504.12 57.00 557.22 31027.30 556.60 $ .60,313.13 282,810.60 $1,459,141.36 1975 Budget $ 70,505.00 -0- 1., 000.00 1,190.00 15,511.00 500.00 600.00 1500.00 850.00 500.00 10,000,00 .500.00 300.00 4,000.00 650.00 $ 106,606.00 397,793.00 $1,273,607.00 Actual (Over) Under Budget $ 29,748.88 -0- 1,000.00 1,190.00 9,344.21 500.00 521.37 500.00 276.65 464.00 1,495.88 443.00 (257.22) 972.70 93.40 $ 46`292.87 114,982.40 $(185,534.36)' I/ __--_ ,�--''��_ A2Ip� C���'SSIO Oakland County Parks and Recreation MOBILE RECREATIOl' Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 1 /Q/aj /Z 5 Actual Year Current to Date 1975 Month a 75 Y3udq_et- $1,345.00 Rent - Show Mobile $ 2,314.10 $ 7,800.00 770.00 - Skate Mobile 4,815.00 P,800.00 495.00 - Swim Mobile 715.00 8,800.00 510.00 - Puppet Mobile 2,270.00 4,800.00 -0- - Fashion Mobile 45.00 3,600.00 112.50 - Movie Mobile 847.50 3,600.00 1,260.00 - Sports Mobile 2,480.00 4,800.00 -0- Porta John 75..00 --0- -0- Special Grant 17,443.41 -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income 60.00 -0-- $4,492.50 TOTAL, REVENUE $ 31,065.01 $ 42,200.00 ' 023.04 LESS: Operating Exp. 120,151.97 124,690.00 ($4,53054) _ NET INCOME (LOSS) $(89,086.96) $.(82,490.00) Actual (Over.) Under Bucket $ 5,485.90 3,985.00 8,085.00 2,530.00 3,555.00 2,752. 50 2,320.00 (75.00) (17,443.41) (60.00) $ 11,134.99 4,538,03 $ (6,596.96) C�.�rent Mcnth $1;356.21 1,854.14 31.50 -0- lll.-32 156.29 149.95 -0- -0- 15.00 65.16 2.95 107.92 1,378.41 100.00 -0- 3,694.19 -0- $9,023.04 Coklc» COu a� - _ _ - ._ - - -=-- Operct- ng Ex-pe.::•_ _ - Fo_ the Period Ended-0 10 31 75 Oiler _ __nc Expenses Salaries. - Full Time ?art Time Reserve Fringe Benefits Advertising Com manications Equ:ip.Rep. s :Saint. :Cr! surc:tnce Dues & 't-Lblications Miscellaneous Office Supplies Uni.forms Mobile RE.c. Supplies Transportation Travel 8. Conference Small Tools Depreciation. Radio Repair Contract TOTAla OPERATING EXP. B;,uget Expenditures: 96.4% Budget Balance: 3.6% Actual Yec_ to Date 10/311 75 $ 9,250.78 50,406.35 1,963.73 1,614.63 1,281.98 913.17 2,251.10 -0- 119.50 15.00 424.22 158.51 4,118.93 11,691.09 987.35 164.95 34,720.68 70.00 $120,151.97 1975 Budget $11,004.00 48,935.00 -0- 2,450.00 2,000.00 400.00 2,000.00 500.00 100.0.0 100.00 800.00 900.00 3,000.00 9,576.00 500.00 100.00 42,000.00 325.00 ,1244690.00 Actual. (Over) Under Budget $ 1,753.22 (1,471.35) (1,963.73) 835.37 718.02 (513.17) (251.10) 500.00 (19.50) 85.00 375.78 741.49 (1,118.93) (2,115.09) (487.35) (64.95) 7,279.32 255.00 $ 4,538.03 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REVENUE COMPARISON MOBILE RECREATION Vanr +n n„-l-A 1974 190 00 1975 1 345.00 Variance 1 155.00 Rent - Show Mobile 1974 708.00 1975 2,314.10 1,606.10 Variance 220.00 770.00 550.00 Rent - Skate Mobile 2,200.00 4,815.00 21615.00 135.00 495.00 360.00 Rent - Swim Mobile 450.00 715.00 265.00 150.00 510.00 360.00 Rent - Puppet Mobile 1,300.00 2,270.00 970.00 53.00 -0- 53.00 Rent - Fashion Mobile 159.00 45.00 114.00 135.00 112.50 22.50 Rent - Movie Mobile 495.00 847.50 352.50 -0= 1,260.00 1,260.00 Rent � Sports Mobile -0- 2,480.00 2,480.00 160.00 -0- C160.00 Rent - Porta John 222.00 75.00 147.00 10,021.41 -0- (10,021.41) Mini Grant 18 657.95 17 443.41 1 214.54 -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous -0- 60.00 60.00 11 064.41 84 492.50 (6,571.91) TOTALS 1$24,191.95 $31,065.01 $ 6,873.06 Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRINGFIELD GOLF COURSE Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 10 31 75 Actual Year Current to D-ate 1975 Month Revenue 10/31Z75 Budget $ -0- Comm. - Food Sales $ 1.00 $ 1.00 -0- Sales - Pro Shop 2,181.06 .4r500.00 -0- Rent - Golf Carts 664.00 2,500.00 -0- - Other Equip. 301.01 1,400.00 -0- Green Fees 15,372.99 37,000.00 -0- Contract Comm. Phone -0- 30.00 -0- Miscellaneous -0- 100.00 185.00 Clubhouse Rental 480.00 -0- 185.00 TOTAL REVENUE $ 19,000.06 $ 45,531.00 17, 850.43 LESS; Operating Exp. 99,832.47 122,124.00 $(17,665.43) NET INCOME (LOSS) $(80,832.41) $(76,593.00) 9 Actual (Over) Under Budaet $ -0- 2,318.94 1,836.00 1,098.99 211627,01 30.00 100.00 480.00 $26,530.94 22,291.53 $(4,239.41) Current Month $11,529.66 543,01 785.34 -0- 3.25 266.91 1,664.78 -0- 791.16 768.56 -0- 100.08 8.73 -0- 19.58 -0 - 10.50 147.50 -0 - 355.00 32.07 824.30 -0- -0- -0- -0- $17,850.43 Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRINGFIELD GOLF COURSE Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 10 31 75 peratinq Expenses Salaries - Full Time - Part Time Reserve Fringe Benefits Rental Expense Communications Equip. Rep. & Maint. Rubbish Removal Grounds Maint. Utilities Insurance Laundry & Dry Clean. Bldg. Maint Dues & Publications Misc. Expense Office Supplies Uniforms Transportation Travel & Conference Housekeeping Sup. Small Tools Depreciation Shortage/Overage Comm. Golf Carts Golf Mdse-. For Resale Radio Repair Contract TOTAL OPERATING EXP. Budget Expenditures: 81.7% Budget Balance: 18.3% Actual Year to Date lOZ31175__ $46,940.39 7,935.49 2,193.67 8,033.08 29.25 1,749.06 5,558.70 437.00 4,344.51 5,982.24 1,629.00 844.39 2,411.25 45.00 52.94 52.16 39.50 1,392.82 -0- 550.37 310.28 7,286.11 (27.65) 266.00 1,776.91 -0- $99.832.47 1975 Budget $ 48,326.00 8,938.00 1,900.00 11,100.00 150.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 500.00 7,000.00 10,000.00 7,400.00 1,050.00 3,500.00 200.00 100.00 600.00 500.00 1,500.00 500.00 800.-00 200.00 7,410.00 -0-- 1,250.00 3,000.00 200.00 $122,124.00 Actual (Over) Under Budget $ 11385.61 1,002.51 (293.67) 3,066.92 120.75 (749.06) (558.70) 63.00 2,655.49 4,017.76 5,771.00 205.61 1,088.75 155,00 47.06 547.84- 460.50 107.18 500.00 249.63 (110.28) 123.89 27.65 984.00 1,223.09 200,00 $22,291.53 12 66 Ga�,�SSIo� I�,.�xpls G01'P 0� SPR r�$5 fop ,7 3-- ✓''' IB _i..+` Vdxy �edxo g7 ZO 6g8 , 52 .--� 15 37 2 • g9 326 ' 4� y°�.50 -0- 3° ! 450'a0 l Oakland County Parks and Recreata_on SPRINGFIELD-OAKS YAC Statement of Operations For the Peri0O_ Ended 10 3 75 .Current Month Revenue $ 1,070.00 Rent - YAC _0_ Fees - Antique Car 118.00 - Rodeo -0_ - Circus _0- - Horse Show - 4 H Fair -0- - New 1.62 Comma Phone -0- Misc. Income 327.85 Comm. Food Sales 1,517.47 'TOTAL REVENUE 7,744.77 LESS: Operating Exp. $_6 227.30) NET.INCOM6 (LOSS) 8 Actual Year Actual. (Over.) to Irate 1975 Under 1OZ31175 Budget Budget $ 9,120.00 $ 8,000.00 $ (1,120.00) 200.00 7,500.00 7,300.00 12,436.88 29,000.00 16,563.12 3,000.00 3,000.00 -0- -0- 200.00 200.00 743.40 600.00 (143.40) 2.,395.50 4,000.00 1,604.50 41.72 -0- (41.72) 166.67 112,021.00 111,854.33 513.60 1,000.00 486.40 $ 28,617.77 $165,321.00 $136f703.23 114,392.48 165,321.00 50,928.52 $(85,774.71) $ -0- $ 85,774.71 Current Month $3,744.90 1,109.94 207.30 -0- -0- 532.74 60.75 250.02 38.77 5.74 1,019.52 -0- 37.38 231.86 -0- -0- 5.93 7.00 158.72 -0- 113.50 -0- 161.58 59.12 $7,744.77 Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRINGFIELD-OAKS YAC Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 10 31 75 Operating Expenses Salaries - Full Time - Part Time -Reserve Service Increments Fringe Benefits Special Events Rent Expense Communications. Equip. Rep. & Maint. Grounds Maint. Utilities Insurance Laundry & Dry Clean Bldg. Maint. Dues & Publications Miscellaneous Office Supplies Uniforms Transportation Travel & Conf. . Housekeeping Sup. Small Tools Depreciation Radio Repair Contract TOTAL OPERATING EXP. Budget Expenditures 69.2% Budget Balance: 30.8% Actual Year to Date 10/31/75 $ 28,784.21 8,259.38 1,353.88 -0- 6,036.68 31,540.39 172.75 2,150.43 161.57 3,491.16 13,555.04 3,581.00 371.84 10,172.37 67.00 10.00 756024 57.70 11605.06 -0- 539.19 125.68 1,009.71 591.20� $114,392.48 Actual (Over) 1975 Under Budget Budget $ 51,572.00 9r263.00 5,000.00 416.00 12,540.00 44,000.00 500.00 1,700.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 16,000.00 4,000.00 630.00 10,000.00 200.00 100.00 800,00 300.00 1,500.00 400.00 1,500.00 300.00 1,000.00 600.00 $165,321.00 $22,787.79 1,003.62 3,646.12 416.00 6,503.32 12,459.61 327.25 (450.43) 1,338.43 (1,991.16) 2,444.96 419.00 258.16 (172.37) 133.00 90.00 43.76 242.30 (105.06) 400.00 960.81. 174.32 (9.71) 8.80 $50,928.52 o� Co�zsSZoll Current - Month $ 1,382.86 -0- -0_ 305.50 3,391.25 189,..88 -0- $ 5,269.49 21,_261.16 �15, 991.67 ) 150.00 72.32 77.68 ($16,069.35 ) Oakland County Parks and Recreation GP.OVELR.ND OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 31 75 Revenue Comm. - Food Service Rental Facilities Rental - Equipment Fess - Entrance Fees - Camping Contract Comm. Misc. Income. TOTAL REVENUE LESS: Operating Exp. OPER. INCOME (LOSS) ADD: Other Income Pent Houses Less: Maintenance NET OTHER INCOME (LOSS) NET INCOME (LOSS) Actual Year to Date 10/31/75 $ 1,962.92 2,100.00 9,206.47 11,266.50 92,004.76 652.99 438.99 $117,632.63 141,914.72 (24,282.09) 1,740.00 527.93 1,21207 $ (25,494.16 ) 1975 Budget $ 2,000.00 1,920.00 9,000.00 14,000.00 75,000.00 500.00 $102,570.00 169,401.00 $(66,831.00) -0- 500.00 (500.00) $(66,331.00) Actual (Over Under Budget $ 37.08 (180.00) (206.47) 2,733.50 (17,004.76) (152.99) (288,99) $(15,062.63) 27,486.28 42,548.91 (1,740.00) (27.993) (.i ,712i07) $ 40,836.84 Oakland County Parks and Recreation GROVELAND-OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 10/31/75 Actual Year victual (Over) Current to Date 1975 Under Month Operating_ Expense 10/31/75 Budget Budget $10,749.99 Salaries - Full Time $ 40,962.15 $ 46,497.00 (1) $ 5,5344.85 '1,893.62 - Part Time 32,546.91 43,899.00 11,352.09 521.29 �- Reserve 4,116.53 3,000.00 (1,116.53) -0- Fringe Benefits 6,371.53 10,494.00 (2) 4,122.47 3.25 Rental Expense 90.73 1,000.00 909.27 202.48 Communications 1,129.85 1,150.00 20.15 663.75 Equip.Rep.& Maint. 4,850.08 6,000.00 1,149.92 -0- Rubbish Removal 3,377.00 4,000.00 623.00 1,294.54 Grounds Maint. 9,162.85 8,000.00 (1,162.85) 2,713..28 Utilities 11,011.85 .12,000.00 988.15 47.40 Insurance 926.40 3,000.00 2,073.60 106.78 Laundry & Dry Clean 1,142.44 1,490.00 347.56 824.47 Bldg. Maint. 3,464.67 3,000.00 (464.67) -0- Dues & Publications 60.00 100.00 40.00 -0- Miscellaneous Expense 69.64 300.00 230.36 16.50 Office Supplies 392.32 750.00 357.68 3.50 Uniforms 86.40 300.00 213.60 481.56 Transportation _ 1,331.51 3,000.00 1,668.4.9 -0- Travel & Conference. 188.30 500.00 311.70 -0- Housekeeping Sup. 1,501.96 3,0001-00 1,498.04 -0- Small Tools 333.63 200.00 (133,63) 1,604.56 Depreciation 14,700.85 141721.00_ 20.15 .25 Shortage/Overage 93.85 -0- (93.85) 67.48 Radio Repair Contract 681.30 1,500.00 818�70 -0- Promotional Expense 500.00 500.00 -0- 66.46 Rec.Prog. Expense 959.40 1,000.00 40.60 -0- Security Services 1,862.57 -0- (1,862.57) $21,261.16 $141,914.72 Budget Expenditures: 83% Budget Balance: 17% (1) Transfer $13,200.00 to Independence. P.Zemilist ,Salary. (2) Transfer $3,300.00 .to Independence. P.Zemilis' Fringe Benefits. $27,486.28 � co�Zssyor� 0 C�'�ATI CoY �T O pz�th o� ©C,Cobel� to �I Yea�7 5 . 2r� v�noe 590 -- '' `6g 5Z) r925f 50 rp94.63 .41 i', Current. Month $2,391.27 -0- 99.20 266.76 39.11 41.61 -0- 34.70 -0- 56.85 -0- 160.00 -0- -0- -0- 224.29 - 0 - -0- $3,313.79 Oakland Counts Parks and Recreation INDEPENDENCE OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 10 31 75 eratina Exoenses Salaries - Full Time Fringe Benefits Communications Equip.Rep.& Maint. Grounds Maint, Utilities Insurance Laundry & Dry Clean. Dues & Publications Miscellaneous Office Supplies - Transportation Travel & Conference Housekeeping Supplies Smal1 Tools Depreciation Radio Repair Contract Uniform Expense TOTAL OPER.ATING EXPENSE Actual Year To Bate 10/31/75 $18,833.29 3-, 335.22 99.20 3,645.32 583,85 236.23 18.25 29.4.95 .20.00 218®90 12.19 2,063.18 180.84 -0- 481.20 1,.346.43 65.25 30.00 $31,464.30 1975 Budget .$26,412.00 (1) 6,207.00 (2) 500.00 3,795.00 (3) 2001..00 750.00 200.00 225.00 100.00 100-. 00 150.00 1,550.00 350.00 100.00 100.00 5/000.00 400.00 -0- $46,139.00 Budget Expenditures: 68.2% Budget Balance: . 31.8% (1) Transfer $13,200.00 from Groveland. PaZemilis Salary. (2) Transfer $3,300.00 from Groveland . P.Zemilis Fringe Benefits (3) Transfer $2,295.00 from Contingency Fw-id ror.110)ipper" Repair. Actual (Over' Under )3udgee t .$ 7,578.71 2,871.78 400.80 149,68 (383.85) 513.77 181.75 (69.95) 80.00 (118.90) 11.37.81 (513.18} 169.16 100.00 (381.20)- 3,653.57 -334.75 (30,00) ,,14a.674.70 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Current Month $ 149.46 950.00 60.00 -0- 64.00 -0- 50.00 -0- -0- -0- 89.00 20.00 -0- -0- -0- 120.00 -0- $ 1,502.46 4,608.71 (3,106.25) 100.00 40.23 $ 59.77 $(3,046.48) WATERFORD - OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 1OZ31/75 Revenue Comm.- Food Service Rent - Facilities Fees - Dog Obedience - Ballet Belly Dancing Golf Classes Sq.Dancing Bridge - Kiddie Movies Ballroom Dancing - Sr.Citizens `taxidermy Astrology Photography - Charm Class - Needle Point Round Dancing Miscellaneous TOTAL, REVENUE Actual Year to Date $ 719.75 3,900.00 -5,927.75 -0- 1,622.00 1,000.00, 4,153.00 386.00 217.50 2,053.00 937.00 620.00 -0- -0- -0- . 240.00 $ 21,776,00 LESS: Operating Expense _49 340.68 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) (27,5614.68) ADDt Other Income Rent Mouses Less -- Maintenance NEB' OTHER INCOME NET INCOME (LOSS) 1, 710. 00 88.42 $ 1,621.58 $ 25,943.10) 1975 -Budget $ 1,000,00 7,000.00 7,000.00 600.00 6,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 -0- 500.00 -0-- -0. -0- -0- 450.00 500,00 -0- 200.00 $ 24,750,00 711518.00 (46,768.00) 2,2801 00 $ 2C030.00 $ 441738,00) Actual (Over) Under Budget $ 280.25 3,100.00 1,072.25 600.00_ 4,378.00 -0- -(3,653.00) (386.00) 282.50 (2,053,00) (937.00) (620.00) -0- -0- 450.00 500.00 (24000) 200.00 2 , 974., 00 22,17732 19,203.32 570.00 1.61. 58 $ 408.42 $18,794.90 Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD-OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 10 31 75 Actual Year Actual (Over) Current to Date 1975 Under Month Operating Expenses 10/31 75 Budget Budget $1,850.25 Salaries - Full Time $17,548.25 $23,210.00 $ 5,661,75 _0_ Part Time -0- --0- -0- 518.25 - Reserve 743.10 1,000.00 256.90 -0- Service Increments -0- 629.00 629.00 -0- Fringe Benefits 2,942.83 6,819.00 3,876.17 720.70 Spec. Events Exp. 8,914.00 10,000..00 1,086,00 -0- Rental Expense -0- 1,600.00 1,600,00 97.84 Communications 737.32 450.00 (287-.32) 251.66 Equip. Rep. & Maint. 1,461.57 2,000.00 538.43 35.00 Rubbish Removal 315.00 420.00 105.00 219.26 Grounds Maintenance 2,787.08 3,000.00 212.92 292.59 Utilities 6,644.86 8,000.00 1,355,14 -0- Insurance 691.50 1,000.00 308.50 34.70 Laundry & Dry Clean 418.00 850.00 432.00 225.08 Bldg. Maintenance 1,612.80 1.,800.06 187,20 -0- Dues & Publications 25.00 50.00 25,00 -0- Miscellaneous -0- 50.00 50.00 -0- Lease Payment -0- 5,400.00 5,400.00 -0- Office Supplies 43.40 1.50.00 106.60 -0- Travel & Conference -0- 1.00.00 10000 -0- Housekeeping Sup. 678.30 3.,000.00 323_..70 -0- Small Tools 128.87 100.00 (28.87) 363.38 Depreciation 3,648.80 3189M0 � 241=.20 $4,608.71 TOTAL, OPER. EXPENSES $491340.68 �71.518.00 *22,177.32 Budget Expenditures: 69% Budget Balance: 31% OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REVENUE COMPARISON WATERFORD-OAKS Month of October an_ 1974 �0- -0- 1975 -0- 100.00 Variance o- 100.00 Sales - Food Rent- BuildincTs 1974 $ 566.40 1,680.00 iCLLi, 4V L(.Ll� 1975 -0- 1,710.00 Variance 566.40 30.00 715 X0 950.00 235,00 Rent - Facilities 6 555.20 3,900.00 (2,655.20) -'0- -0- Special Events 4.00 -0- (4.00) 104.00 403 X0 299,00 Fees - Act.Classes 13,590.10 17,156.25 3,566.15 -0- -0- �0- -0- _: -0- 14946 -0- -0- 149,46 Contract Commission Miscellaneous Comm. - Food 55.49 504.00 573.03 -0- -0- 719.75 (55.49) P504.00 146.72 $819.00 51,602,45 8783.46 _ TaTAL $22,395,42 $23,486,00 8 1.090,55 Oakland Ccunty Parks and Recreation ADDISON- OAKS PARK Statement of Operations For the Period Ended .1d3175 Actual Year Actual(Oven) Current To Date 1975 Under Month Revenue 10/31/75 Budq_et Budges t $ 509.27 Comm. -Food Service $ 739.35 $ 720.00 $ (19.35) -0- Rental v Facilities 3,731.45 -0- (3,731,45) -0- Rental.- Pedal Boats 1,593.67 1,500.00 (93,67) -0- _ Row Boats 668.25 150.00 (518.25) 30.00 - Hay Rides 47.20 -0- (47.20) 309.50 Fees - Entrance 14,066.50 17,000.G0 2,933� -50 123.25 - Campine 12,918.00 53,000.00 82.00 10.00 Miscellaneous 600.92 100.00 (500.92) $ 982..02 TOTAL REVENUE $ 34,365.34 $ 32,470.00 $(11895�34) 15,223.50 LESS: Operation Expense 157,884.68 1?5j985.00 38,100.32 4.241.48) NET - INCOME (LOSS) ($123, 519. 34 } $ (163, 515.00 ) $39, 995. 66 Current Month $10,203.67 299.00 64.99 -0- 3.25 97.20 79.50 393.33 108.00 55.50 306.54 47.40 228.23 392.12 -0- -0- 20.40 21.00 568.50 -0- -0- 1.24 1,977.34 -0- 67.48 288.81 -0- $15,223.50 Oakland County Parks and evaeatzon ADDISON--OAKS PARS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 10 31 75 Actual Year to Date 1975 Operating Expenses 10/3 /7,5 Budget Salaries _ Full Time Part Time - Reserve Fringe Benefits Rental Expense Communications Pool Expense Equipment Rep. & Maint. Rubbish Removal Grounds Maintenance Utilities Insurance Laundry & Dry Clean. Bldg. Maintenance Dues & Publications Miscellaneous office Supplies Uniforms Transportation Travel & Conference Housekeeping.Sup,blies Small Tools Depreciation Shortage/overage Radio Repair Contract Sewage Expense Security Services TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES Budget Expenditures: 80.6% Budget Balance: 19.4% $ 64,190.91 19,295.28 4,957.66 11,624.18 228.65 788.43 1,156.37 7,442.16 1,158.00 8,686.39 1,567.60 929.40 1,829.24 4,239.36 40.00 143.76 430,75 157.73 4,169.57 282.38 1,072.98 441.56 19,257.4-9 22.73 674 80 1,444,05 1,653.25 $157,884.68 68,954.00 34,101.00 61000.00 16,500.00 300.00 950.00 1,200.00 8,000.00 11500.00 5,000.00 2r400.00 11800.00 11680.00 2,500.00 100.00 2501.00 500.00 50M0 3,OOOp00 500.00 ..900.00 300.00 17,850.00 -0- If200.00 20,000 00 --0- �998500 Actual (Over`:; Under Budget $ 4,763<09 14,805.72 1,042,34 4, 87 5.82 71,35 161.57 43.63 557.84 342.00 (3,686,39) 832,40 870.60 (14.9.24) (1,739.36) 60,00 106.24 69,25 342,27 (1,169,57) 217.62 (172.98) (141.56) (1,407.49) (22,73) 525.20 18,555.95 (1,653.25) 8,100.32 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSSION REVENUE COHPARISON ADDISON-OAKS VMM-- +^ nr+o 1974 $ -0- 7 _0_ Variance -0- Sales Food 1974 2,478.12 1975 -0- Variance (2,478.12) -0- TO- -0- Rent - Buildings 200.00 -0- 200.00 245.75 (10.00) 123.25 309.50 _ w(22A50� 319.50 Fees Cam in 12,964.15 �12 f918.00 (46.15) Fees Entrance 16 032.10 -0- 144066.50 -0- (11965.60 -0- -0- -0- -0- Contract Commission -0- 10.00 10.00 Miscellaneous 16 040.16 600.92 15 439.24 -0- 30.00 30.00 Rent - Equipment 1,697.80 2,309.12 611.32 -0- -0- -0- Rent Facilities 217.00 3,731.45 3,514.45 -0- 509�27 509.27 Comm.- Food 114.99 739.35 624.36 ^2; < QR2_n2 S 746.27 TOTAz. 549�744.32 834,365.34 $(15,378,98) Current Month $3,807.67 $ -0- 1,897.63 -0- 407.64 17.15 582.91 $2,905.33 $ 902.34 Oakland County Parks and Recreatiori ADDISON-OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 10/31/75 Revenue Comm--- Food Service LESS: Operating Exp. Grounds Maintenance Utilities Insurance Building Maint„ Miscellaneous Depreciation TOTAL OPERATING EXP. NET INCOME (LOSS) . Actual Year to Date 1 OZ31/75 $ 8,279.56 $ 704.26 16,179.53 2,505.00 10,881.97 206.60 5,829.10 $ 36,306.46 $(28,026.90) ..1975 Budget $ 13,500.00 -0- 13,500.00 3,000.00 4,000.00 100.00 5,100.00 $ 25,700.00 $(12,200.00) Actual (Over) Under Budge •L- $ 5,220.44 $ (704.26) (2,679.53) 495.00 (6,881.97) (106.60) (729,10) $(10,606.46) $(15,826.90) OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REVENUE COMPARISON, ADDISON CONFERENCE CENTER C+ii_Tl��i'�7�lT 1974 -0- 1 iVii 1.J1 V1 i,ly LVLCL 1975 -0 Variance -0- Sale - Food 1974 �337.40� 1975 $ -0- Variance �$ 337.40 -0- -0- -0- Rent -'Conference Center 1,397.75 -0- (1,397.75) -0- -0- -0- Special Rentals -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Gratuities 859.39 -0- (859.39) -0- 3,807�67 3,807.67 Comm. - Food 1,500.00 8,279.56 6,779.56 i -0- 3,807,67 $3.807,67 TOTAL 83,419.74 $8,279.56 $ 4,859.82 Oakland County Farks and Recreation WHIIE LAKE OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 10 31 75 .Actual Year Actual (Over)`` Current to Date 1975 Linder, Month Revenue 10/31/75 Budget _ Budget $ 2,633.11 Comm. - Food Service $ 7,458.47 $ 18,000.00 $10,541.53 2,054.89 Sales - Pro Shop 24,554.65 25,000.00 445.35 1,136.00 Rent - Golf Cart Rental 14,642.00 15,000.00 358.00 150.50 - Golf Other 31-584.44 4;000.00 415.56 7,348.81 Greens Fees 148,560.24 155,000.00 6,439.76 -0- Fees - Special Events 4,099.35 2,000.00 (2,099.35) 18.04 Contract Comm. - Phone 82.41 35.00 (47.41) -0- Misc. Income 31.00 -0- (31.00) $13,381.35 TOTAL REVENUE $203,012.56 $219,035.00 $16,022.44 184757.94 LESS: Operating Exp. 163,557.04 165,755.00 2z197.96 $(5,376.59) OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) $ 39,455.52 $ 53,280.00 $13,824f48 Other Income 90.00 Rent - Houses 900.00 -0- (900.00) -0- Less - Maint -0- -0-- -0- 90.00 NET OTHER INCOME 900.00 w (900.00) $ 5,286.59). NET INCOME (LOSS) $ 40,355.52 $ 53,280.00 $12,924.48 A Current Month $ 7,309.44 21504.42 475.57 -0- 213.50 3.25 123.75 784.69 60.00 4.78 1,719.72 -0- 208.76 146.68 -0- -0- -0- 10.50 184.00 -0- 19.38 -0- 2,369.95 186.82 693.50 1,717.81 21.42 -0- Oakland County Parks and Recr=_-_on VrHITE LAKE-OA-CS Operating Expense For the Period Ended 10 31 75 Actual Year To Date Operating Expenses 10/31/75 Salaries - Full Time - Part Time - Reserve Fringe Benefits Special Events Rental Expense Communications Equip.Rep. & Maint. Rubbish Removal Grounds Maintenance Utilities Insurance Laundry & Dry Clean Building Maintenace Dries & Publications Miscellaneous Office Supplies Uniforms Transportation Travel & Conference Housekeeping Supplies Small Tools .Depreciation Shortage/Overage Comm. Golf Cart Rentals Golf Mdse. for Resale Radio Repair Contract Security Services 1$ 8 757.94 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES Budget Expenditures., 98.7% .'udget Balance: 1.3Y. $ 44,938.46 18,309.56 2,328.25 7,889.71 1,208.72 122.23 1,091.26 2,969.69 230.00 9,768.88 12,721.75 3,241.25 1,630.25 4,944.94 113.00 163.11 592.53 131.09 1,943.46 275.40 523.72 302.61 22,135.39 30.77 6,666.50 19,022.38 230.20 31.93 $163,557.04 1975 Budget 48,117.00 241063.00 3,000.00 141200.00 1,000.00. 400.00 11250.00 4,000.00 450.00 8f500.00 13,000.00 51000.00 11150.00 If200.00 200.00 200.00 11000.00 400.00 :`2,500.00 500.00 750.00 200.00 11,825.00 -0- 7,500.00 15,000.00 350.00 -0- .1. 51 Z 55 . Actual (Over) Under Budget $ 3,178.54 5,753.44- 671.75 6,310.29 (208.72) 277.77 158.74 1,030.31 220.00 (1,268.88) 278.25 1,758.75 (480.25) (3,744.94) 87.00 36.89 407.47 268.91 556.54. 224.60 226.28 (10.2,61) (10,310.39) (30.77) 833.50 (4,022.38) 1.19. 80 (31.93) $ 2,197.96 e OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REVENUE COMPARISON WHITE LAKE - OAKS 1974 -0- `1975 -0- -� Variance -0- Sales - Food & Beverage 1974 13 874.96 1975 -0- Variance 3 74 6 2 440.24_._.._._.,2,094..89 90.00 .....:_ 9M0 .......,.: .,.654�65 -0- Sams -� Pro Show 22, 245064 540.00 18 090.03 .24,.$54a65 900.00 18 226.44 2,306.01 36Q_ 00 136.41 Rent - Buildings- 995.70 1 286.50 290.80 Rent - Equipment -0- -0- -0- Gratuities 1,621.16 -0- (1,621.16) 6 537,37 7,348.81 811�44 Green Pees 155 848.04 148,560.24 (7,-287.80) 14.74 18,04 3.30 Contract Commissions 80.73 82.41 1.68 -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous- 704.26 31.00 673.26 -0- -0- -0- ees - Special 1 440.50 4 099035 2,658.85 -0- 2,633,11 2,633.11 Comm- Food 1,999.98 7,458.47 5,458.49 '10,457,38) -0- 10,.457.38 3ales - I;WF 24,5.84.39 -0= 24,584.39 ,(1,379.3313,471.3514 850,68 TOTAL 241,032.69 203 912.56 37 120.13 Item #7 SPRINGFIELD-OAKS CLUBHOUSE WELLS The following bids were received for the new six-inch diameter water well at Springfield -Oaks Clubhouse: Brown Drilling Co., Inc. $8,320.00 0. 0. Corsaut, Inc. 8,832.00 James Layman Well Drilling 6,700.00 Staff recommends awarding the bid to the low bidder, James Layman Well Drilling, for the amount of $6,700.00. Estimated cost for this project was $8,100.00. Item #8 LAKEVILLE GAS ASSOCIATES As per a recent request from Lakeville Gas Associates to extend their seismograph work into Addison —Oaks from their north property, I have checked with Civil Counsel to see if there would be any problems. Civil Counsel informs the Commission as long as there are no obligations after these tests are conducted and Lakeville Gas provides you with a "Hold Harmless" clause, he sees no reason why the Commission could not authorize this. As I understand it, these tests should not run much more than two days and would not cause any disruption to the park or the residents in that area. OAKLAND COUNTY Intor-Dapartmental Memo Deceriber. 5, 1975 Date From: R. Eric Reickel, Parks and Recreation pro'; Robert Allen, Civil Counsel Subject: ADDISON-OAKS SEISMIC TESTS As per.our conversation, you anticipate no problem with the Lakeville Gas Associates in.cond'ucting seismograph work at Addison-Oaks,as long as they provide us with Hold Harmless clause. It is understood that there will be no obligation to the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission or Oakland County toward Lakeville Gas once these seismograph tests are completed. R. ric Faickel •RER: bg cc: Parks and Recreation Commission Item #9 ADDISON-OAKS MASTER PLAN REVISION Bob Bills of Bills & Childs Associates has been invited to attend the Commission meeting to give an overview as to how he intends to approach the reevaluation of the Addison -Oaks Master Plan, based upon the input he has received from all interested parties. Item #10 M-59 RIGHT-OF-WAY The State Highway Department is in the final stages of designing the widening of M-59 from Williams Lake Road to the proposed M-275 Freeway. In order for the State to proceed, they need 7/10 of an acre which is owned by the Parks and Recreation Commission. This is part of the acquisition the Commission made in acquiring White Lake -Oaks Golf Course. As I understand it, this was an acquisition of a smaller piece of property after the original purchase was made. The State Highway Department requests that the 7/10 of an acre be in the form of a gift because they already have approval from the Federal Government to proceed with the project. If the Parks Commission prefers the Highway Department purchase this property, the Highway Department would have to go back to the Federal Government and get approvals which could result in a three to four year delay because a new environmental statement would have to be prepared. Staff recommends the Commission award this property to the Highway Department as a gift. It would have no detrimental effect on the park as the 7/10 of an acre lies in a flooded, marshy area, parallel to the present M-59. Item #11 1976 BUDGET ADOPTION The proposed 1976 Parks and Recreation Commission budget will be presented for final approval.