HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1975.06.13 - 39627�� PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION oakland county service center 2800 watkins lake road pontiac, michigan 48054 858-0906 R. Eric Reickel E. Frank Richardson Director Chairman James W. Dunleavy Vice -Chairman June 10, 1975 Lewis E. Wint Secretary Velma M. Austin To the Members of the Fred L. Harris PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION George W. Kuhn Oakland County, Michigan Joseph R. M ontante Richard V. Vogt Richard R. Wilcox Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . 10:00 a.m. Friday, June 13, 1975 PLACE . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan PURPOSE . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting The meeting is called in accordance with authorization of E. Frank Richardson, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Cordiallg R. Eri Reickel Director cn Addison - Oaks • Groveland - Oaks • Independence - Oaks • Waterford - Oaks • White Lake - Oaks • Springfield - Oaks oakland county service center R. Fric P.eickel Direcfor • 2300 Watkins lake road - _ --"ac, Michigan 48054 r - E58-0900 E. Frank RicharcSson Chairman James W. Dunleavy Vice -Chairman Lewis E. Wint June 9, 1975 secretary Velma M. Austin Fred L. Harris Mr- Robert J .. Wallace George W. Kuhn Gaylord Printing Company Joseph R. Mont3ntcRichard V. Vost 15555 Woodrow Wilson Richard R. Wilccx Detroit, Michigan 48238 Dear Mr.. Wallace: 'hank you for your letter pertainir= notification that you are a union company and yo_ ­uld imprint the union label on the remaining bra_ -yes that we have to be run off. We would request J that you do this - am a. _ ou may consider this letter as' propTer notification - Sin a ree l , /r 'R_ Eric Re.ic e1 Director RER:bg cc: Larry Emmons - Purchasing Parks and -Recreation Commiss_c- Addison - Oaks Groveland - Oaks Independence - Oaks _ - Oaks - 'White take - Oaks - Springfield - Oaks I .�SSpIUTI'p� ��-gobex� � • RAI1'p�' M�SC�b pVs IE ILL CpolSS INS' C5 1� $ I-cv n� BY ; FFgp�,g36p,2I�G10 S and xaPydlY gxo IN gE' 1,IMIAg ISSIp e ProSressxve rants, des1res Cp Bp i OTLe of the VL°re �.11ioxt �nbab� ebxatyon> and TO 2�' opxlo :kland County' roacbia.S on entennlal cel got oily � gSp g e nat3.0*r ' -CIO aPP co's�stx9, s B1-C onSxb�l1ty to to Px °vide 1a the in oux is resP also coU'nti'es xlY Fare-ctiPate my xeco�n12es ti observaaces bit � 7 �ndostxy and to Prope EAS ©akland Cou � Bl-Ce'atenn1al to all g°Ve�aen ebratyon� and nd launch its o d cO°rd�nat�on county-W�de cel nnect'on tiaxth xts1s develop a s�Sta,Rce a'n, o�tstaod�.ns gyres in co ace e�Pb'as dersh1P as asSU,xe an �iss�.on des xat1°.�,, to Pl .on by the lea sect°xs to ntennlal Co e and celeb co -r Private �S 9 the Bl-Ce � s ®wn obsexvanctyve. Pxasxa�' fox to o� v� for .the c°unty eV a cxea b�ild�yxio °r sx • n�: d eti plannixe areas to c xeserve a h tes axe b 'n thre VLa,or . e pxo�e t to P ently these sx ndat.-on and i Boaxd� �rst ss a �1er�tathe co�ynty• Cnx ssyon tox recOeeed �oneyz1 il (a� the F lilcance within tee of t�'e Co1 is boPed that yeti°pment inn it It i3e x b.A-5t°rlcal S the Fxo;er-ts C° on anal B°ard• Se o Co�n�tY n� or by whateve . 3. reviewed by• °�. °� the C°�1SSobtained by the xeati.On Co�'1SS�o - on cons1dexaxxx ��ndin� may be the Faxks and gecard• � and FarticiPat1 SnpF°xt �° ass stancex°°' o x gate by the b° for which SnPP°xin Planned °� a by x P e .�u„ads, ans believed aPP the Iss'ies Eo'his Px°gram tis b issues eaxly ��' other me Second is desired, 2 a �° hose e (b) The,,OPxi'ate �s s,aes o the d y xepnbl1c, basis gox th at aPP e ys rea tying �,e to the et, le to relate' to create th--s g on a self snSta� itm� �tyl1s�n� t`t�g z�ati°nal sca were resolved+ toricaI pagea�,t etxoP°titan Stad the con ty wills h1stoxY which 2h�xd 1s a g1s n the Pontiac co`unity �� hedging thr°ugh- (c� the � t° be staged �• ciPatxon oy ever9of events fox Sc.ng pla�'ned .�°x �,ex of 191 volnnta� party his is a Sexes b, cnrrentlY bet vents C° ittee resources and Belated tot aad through 19? the SFe°1al E to part�caPate. the year 19159 and the .Soaxd W Wit the e�''d of t11e Co�1ssx°n . and oresentatxon toenn�al C°�yss�on' Cent °f the Bx- WHEREAS, the Bi-Centennial Commission has expressed its desire that, if possible, all historical projects requiring "seed money" should be supported by other than direct funding and that all special events scheduled should be on a self-supporting basis, although funds may be required to be advanced initially with the understanding that they be recovered from receipts. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that in connection with the preliminary planning for the third segment of the Oakland County Bi-Centennial program, that is the Pageant in the Pontiac Metropolitan Stadium, that a qualified individual be engaged to produce, write, direct and coordinate this special event. This is desired because of the critical timing involved and the necessity for a creative and successful program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the sum of $30,000 be appropriated as an advance fund for the proposed Pageant to contract with such an individual and that the net proceeds of the Pageant after expenses and allocation of shares to participating communities be returned to the County. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Robert W. Page COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT 13 ACTION BY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 6-5-75 Chairman Houghten advised the Board of Commissioners that in accordance with normal procedure this resolution would be referred to the Finance Committee for review and recommendation to the Board unless there was an objection to ,zj such referral which would require a vote. There was no objection, so the matter will be on the agenda of the Finance Committee on June 12 for review and recommendation bask. to the Board of Commissioners on June 19. 5 ANTHONY M. FRA" CO INCORPORATED PUBLIC RELATIONS COUNSELORS &KRECREATION COMW j Ut y May 28, 1975 MEI'IOR ANDUM RECEIVED TO: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Robert J. Salogar, Anthony M. Franco, Incorporated SUBJECT: Activities Report for the Period of December 1974 — May 1975 The purposes of this report are three -fold: First, to update and inform you of the activities performed by Anthony Al. Franco, Incorporated (AMF, Inc.) on behalf of the Commission; second, to report on current and pending projects; and third, to make recommendations for future action. In reviewing our records and files, there were 56 projects initiated in this six-month period. This averages to approximately two projects per week --an extremely active pace. 1. AMF, Inc. issued 16 news releases to the news media announcing a variety of classes being offered at Waterford -Oaks. 2. An extensive media list was prepared for all future communications with the various publics that the Commission is involved with. The list is 9 pages long and covers 6 TV stations, 11 radio stations and 18 newspapers. In addition to the news media, it also contains the names of directors on the state and local level, the mayors of the various municipalities within Oakland County, and various political personage and special interest groups. This list is constantly updated. 3. An editor's information sheet was prepared for Independence -Oaks and issued to the news media. 4. A fact sheet was prepared for the Waterford -Oaks master plan and distributed to the press, commissioners and other interested parties. A fact sheet was prepared for the Addison -Oaks master plan and distributed to the press, commissioners and other interested parties. 28 WEST ADAMS AVENUE • DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48226 • AREA CODE 313 962-4510 page T\v ° We 'have ular meetings. eetings and SELORS fission, s reg of t�eSe m i RELPZIONS G®U� the Comm the activity PU0L1C ended, all ° releases on various Inc. has att ed 10 press at the seal iently Prep p s - is that hav e takect w asamade w ith v arious issued to res sub them th re releases on ��Personal c°nta c. issued 4 P Tess releas events. omission tivas 7 - A30 n edition to ewe to cover these inn the f act that �creat�� Sen,inax par a encour� ng th ess release P idvest I'jobility w Taer , s election -tac. Prepared a to first annual of ion KiPe S. on"Fof the sPo Nit. pleasar`t. t notified the ociation- held-release tha dependence_ thatwas s rele Ass repared a Pro an -p reation On park eakin- Inc. P �iichia 6 the g°' endbr ce-� S' 9- apxesident of the two pTess release closing at IndeP den snow ob' trails w m ilinn ared AMA Inc . prep f ing th Public of the r ° ing the Pl'bhc as to the 1fl. Oai;s and note Y release worm Michig Inc. issued a Press tore to -Sather s� tan e' in obtai 'Oaning 11.�5 isonksi� s- el's a son's as at Add e axed for Mr. eckested ng s vmoblles- ser The le ess vice, letter `vas 1 P i ins as 12. A artnlent of Statd�esses of persons reg;s on utilize a Prthe �° mationT s the names and ded that the co ds d cost ft Vtreceiving r ed a p o �vbat and Inc. vecom the Possible n' oxnn,issron is n to keep infor researching el. the the best way gterentea Mr. Reser ice. T Ciommissioa15 activities- Golf t iun�Or ame x es th d the d o °'�' y Ong the n pliPpings f e°d1a is reporting, on the Osklan tal in cliann done for w the m Press release in umentt. This `'vas release' �v er str Tess ar edthe P t -how fine. has Prep ding this event, oe"Oakland OO addition died to r ess, the suPP 14. ATaurnamen amens, £rom `� bility1�Tit era e-ay bl vks be e t of this tour trot c for do s ofnG ready can znat d ass moo -called Cocon t t redxQ om 1sodUedenh vitiated. iF Inc. deyelo e e t e Corlm ion a �v e and This has a laterial, A relate to of collateral n al p1ece will Ln the areare collater 17, which each fug tity'` - ate idea ,'corpor" pa;e Tbree .; anal written des�ed �% rogram was R � c�v�StitORS bile recrcatl°n P ned and produped p�g�1C REl Fi 1 e on the zC o itten' des ,acre brour�,�IF� 'Inc. as also wx �s 16 • Arod C d is thr h eneral broCl'u, e w it of the Co ,Me-OL, ns P J age, ecO four,°lor g a tb°r°u'hpua auditd x p, 9,� P , `La entation> d�xc� I- as 1q • thr°ugh A' inc • s pres alas was can abide by w as ons Px°�'r exso ,el e naeTa° Was pUtlin �icati eickel. lcb Park P �uidelin 1$- Aesent coram d to 1'4.r • elines wh a publicity axed were submitte t ublicityu his review Curren P ased oa emo was ce center• review of th e hac. to fir. Reickel. exsora el' lss coff erect Ibis Pr°motion• 1 g' xe e` edb d Presented ons by Al�1F I-athejor Addey Q Q plement�nn r �, duxh' pre'Pa observati endat'.4ns IT - Lajf x n W 0S n ins c°mm ex tigitb. - ar ce ° e caz P al"S Based °d proxn°tLo tent to c° Reickel's al'�w c Ntereds° d Addis°n~Q . 2Q • outli M _ eickel s ents f°r Mr - The inter roveland_� la�yain It is made arrange pantiaC NSall.namel9 at G ervations aa ea bOt A F, b'cer� S sho�r a the missian� Based °n hi �o wall'i raaP °n a day~tQ 21' the camp ed by CApEeetin�s' have ex , w e el ct to th�.s dissldent facilities aff lnc. Pers° ded t�v° to rea- d ade for an luddy atten d by A an 1'°�v m �2. Nir-sions conducte and members exneats werin a day ' atorial Commission staff aration axdf�u�rn wsPa�. - -,sllw withoIne° ®bseryex' day basis• for of y x el thepa" 'h the edi s c,,ed these ender and 3anet uYyctioa wry session Salo9;ar condo oxford I' View' by Can briefzn� eickel and ester Clarion, ..point of ual time to 23- edit°vial �le091, ssrl. �'ress9 °ch receatl � a ored to �ox,,Mea tb°raVe ;x; t ions secs of the xobleTal W onse and t allow g,o cadent, th e develOpn staff axed rasp do no re O th -p� P alnin -,4-1 the Ca Prep a araxn - setting aP concern' a have been Rera A F1 lnC•� view. Th ithti�Jis 3R� hair, some report, sh°old 24• clotxess °ux ph��e nego ad n in ordb the time of axlous muniC�pal p`lCh tur xa v �ety�eweFxan�' this intexvietiv � cl&elt S s,,�na eia�l o' AddiLo h �a� red for �xa � n1eetin°, Yn accoxP ton ` as PrePd the Pied R un VON ,ita atten letter ° ux a. 0n tii^n to ��, leaders, dour page i to the Ilea tioalertinge o the Roy a� ress m i � CgNSE`CRS was issued ne calp were. also oj the pi et bo ux Pug�iC REt orml0, sd e pers�Ec entric. dance £ox the to editor's �1ic meets Obsexvex% s in atten 26 • gun grain aribune and x . salogax �vrneeting• to conduit wily above, M the public c xep°rter toe on the Co aeration and Eccentrl e hoped that cion wi Observer/ get a full-pts - 1n co erty y�dex c ob Tupper= ernpting to the press• this report. prop c • arr all JV e l ave be�by a mem e pr entation of frog the Zd� 1 l a rk`�ng Zn s. ittei e th o s' wo 28. AM ux ox the pars vibes wx Par belor ons prom We axe to ti p ion stab d_O}>s - arious paer s article will ap telev's rjor or ate U the 1�Zr • Klpp cted the th. iz ns d entat �e�ckel con y commit,xssiOsa = 1nc..Cynon the d alto cover this e gichards° ae see to `rrbzcn 2g.eatl�e txonic me viaedco,ax1sel to on gateau Ties and the ills in on _c . has pr ° u st and C onv en wing a~'d Bob and peo*P Hem ng pl:NTF h' T° p,'e ,,s um tb x , 30. Oakland arm spate. el to �Zessrn theltx�s�1 g t° ` °rks�re M sh°u1d p rovided cO of an artclee are coat �uedia e`er° Ibis �' Inc ihas -9n`b s prepaxaa rson_paku. dim in getting 'Pool ��lm be made. 31. PINlgerm wed J°r , orate tek p gave- V . Is-ystem prop �d will tolls° t a Cop- story of the s area ha axe story °n in the o�.x�=ended t a news seat mate-�.ord M F = 1nc' r ec this,lm as 6 it at a 3� as done. made to utilise i0DL e showing five ere e b�' ersely ac a�ements ` s r11ad etx .vith 3. Xf tion of this film �ti a on Comml of mean to i g hal re 3 eat1to, �uxthea p meeting• all p'ecr we d° ry exbal's a some a 34• Towns 1 d County �'ar°rated. x° a`erconss ex� p 101 an the O akla�' �co = -�conP Gts are ne°cts tape con once allee= p,s you i sprth°ny o� theset�meo Other pro} oLl see us-'pnaand st li on• account bens° someone I. �me °f. y Comlf"-, for acts £or par e n` our of v e though s°e s o the h�endations a t11 hour ontin'�v' stress ,s th vas °us and re c°�'e nla�zh°arts p� . still like to �n contact w t ere would c°i�nsoling= a t ���e c ere fox ed 5A accOur� the poin o 4veeks. "`N day basis has avera� yrery t�v a day_to- embers ntiate this? n ygur beha' to t sip months o Page Five PUBLIC RELATIONS COUNSELORS Pending Projects In the next 30 to 60 days, the following projects have already been started or will be initiated: 1. Arranging fora head speaker at the Oakland County Junior Golf Tournament and subsequent publicity on the event. 2. Arranging press coverage for promotion of the mobile recreation program. 3. Preparation and arrangements for press tour of all the parks. 4. Development of presentation for Gold Medal Award. 5. Promoting press coverage of the Dalmation Show on May 31. 6. Continue editorial briefing sessions with various members of the press. 7. Development of a brochure for Groveland-Oaks, outlining the rules and regulations for campers. 8. Development of a brochure promoting Addison -Oaks conference center. 9. Development of individual brochures for all the parks. 10. Development of a master plan for park signage. Recommendations In discussing various activities that could be initiated for insuring renewal of the millage, there was one suggestion that is applicable now as well as at a later date. So, we are recommending that we begin implementing it now. To counter dissident groups and establish "third party" credibility, we sugcr gest that a "Friends of Oakland County Parks" or "Society for Oakland County Parks" be formed. Spearheading this group should be a political non -partisan individual whose background and current affiliations connote prestige in the community. v ane i k pla�in� eences and Pax A��4RS oxtant Press conk by offerinb Cp��SE in ixnP ity, there �gtiC REL�l�O�S old PaxticPat,ae coon ark activity P 11 �O l,a1t °t t fox P o'a e hers of ihd� ix�Put °nhe Ides vocal suPp°r er it is to ec sew ions, pro this nr°u xned�a' e option o �vheth e al e iznP°xtaotewPoi�ta tO th fission ih Is",ll�e xeae d °'�t ttinb ,,Io glance of dives the c°mom t gox pas i eratuxe� s it bec° 'es ab d Party« bversy ox '�°t' �, spol�'es-bate ele°tio � a ai� s thtx contx es your distxidinV ° Th broiled coup bec° n�anpo,,ger enueOx x°Pr1ate anon ex date, this hinexy 3N 6sion an would PxeQ .'r fov dlssem�n At alat 'f the moves the -tea. Tess xele lnc. and. Px° It also g croup, A media P A� the y°te. ss off- this v etc and c bodies, ers necessary • e ectiver, s posters VaL�Crati park us e v� e , cl bur ction by rthex aid the �VOi �s group. olitical an an e1e ark • ber of collateral znjexobeote xs th cklash tO"tats own e ec- a paxtxculax P t with a x` Q 1d be throual'the inset the pu miss onbllc eow aid J'� e to s old receive e aster Plan �Pcondly to that the elopments th oa,pak s ` S outl�ed �n arkea d A dis fe -re sit the x ecomti ha £utux e dev on entexin� x tton atu and dep° ap1e' e? nsas pe All o thers ec r-an�e and address ounty that:�ssion eX t10 er o is �, C Con eatoes we as see a1 is cY'°�cee s�� h ti�ens 0, 0xovides t st o Park listed as indicate h o the c1 econd, a a�lin 11 ers°nw°ta date. nos=ixso'� hepeoPestablisl'es n,s Th 1a at the en several the raandate and thxd' raent. CoramLlbe WIlot to fulfill tb t O.rok ark develop Tv�all of the avors shoo phis ��o on is try aainst di e tavox of P re rode t at 9oux ende C orn ral ition � e all e of ativ e asPe x olitical th a ,rn ould gen an this �s nithe Post d `pith P across `'` t "Vho w d the exs tion, ubltc' ocG'tp�e to Push 'il0a us �znenda and the P ty is Pre all st-V d Coo- t4` �� One last re th the roedia pai..lad Coup e should e of pal�la`) cts Nv Gonta edta in xxAISSI. - 11 the peoP he ozxr a stressed. at this tim -toy-ell by thi Zn to Pro`ide at any action s is try fl eOrton is i°n ractlities' vtona that the of x eatonal t� e xtety hest va -page Seven 1R 9 !`•0 ® CLORS active and RELAT10N5 axi exciting assurance PUBLIC is have our eat -Loll Con,�mission you h has placed and ReCrea Incorporated. e �a�land CountyorrthonY the boais that the Col -an'! Th account Co to strive to reach challen�� that '', e Will before us. Sil V 4 Salogar d Communications Ran obert J . Marketin 1�2anager' "3S. ,ti;s WHITE LAKE -OAKS SEPTIC FIELD Due to an increased volume of users at White Lake - Oaks, the existing septic tile field is inadequate to meet the standards of the Oakland County Health Department. We received the following bids on June 11, 1975, for the installation of the new tile field. Days Sanitary Service $4099.00 Hager's Sanitary Service No Bid A & H Sanitation (Advance Concrete) 5000.00 Todoroff Brothers No Bid Staff recommends entering into a service contract, through Central Purchasing, with Days Sanitary Service to complete this project. l TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY - GROVELAND-OAKS This survey work is necessary to prepare the finished site grading for the construction of the proposed park shelter, court games facility and the ball diamond. This will be a service contract issued through the Oakland County Purchasing department. Proposals were received from the following firms based on an hourly rate; not to exceed figure, and time completion of survey. 1. Air Land Surveys a. 2 man field crew @ $26.00/hr. b. drafting @ $12.00/hr. Lump sum not to exceed $1,200.00 Completion 2 weeks after award. 2. Kieft Engineering a. 3 man field crew @ $37.00%hr. b. drafting @ $15.00/hr. Lump sum not to exceed $1,300.00 Completion seven working days. 3. Finney, Carnahan & Assoc., Inc. a. 2 man field crew @ $35.00/hr. b. drafting and office work @ $20.00/hr. Lump sum not to exceed $1,600.00 Completion within 21 days Staff recommends a service contract be awarded to the firm of Air -Land Surveys at the amount quoted above. OAKLAND CCU N°TY BOA1c,',-D OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 NORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD o PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48053 PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE PATRICK K. DALY June 5, 1975 PATRICK M. NOWAK. Chairn,,,,, MARY M. DEARBORN _ _ JOSEPH R. MQNTANTE, Vice-Cha—,, JAMES W. DUNLEAVY OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS BETTY J. FORTINO JOSEPH R. MONTANTE & RIECREATION COMM- PATRICK M. NOWAK WILLIAM T. PATTERSON LAWRENCE R. PERNICK �J KENNETH E. ROTH RICHARD WILCOX FRED D.HOUGHTEN , Ex-Officio RECE"VED The meeting was called to order in the Conference Room, Auditorium Wing, County Service Center, Pontiac, Michigan, at 4:05 p.m., by Chairman Nowak. PLANNING & BUILDING COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Patrick Nowak, Chairman; Joseph Montante; Richard Wilcox; Mary Dearborn; William Patterson; James Dunleavy; Betty Fortino; Lawrence Pernick; Patrick Daly; Ken Roth, PLANNING & BUILDING COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: Management & Budget Planning & Physical Development Parks & Recreation Planning Central Services Committee Clerk's Office Press Reporter James Brennan, Director Milton Handorf, Director Eric Reickel, Director E. Frank Richardson, Chairman Charles Ross, Accountant Gerald Lacy, Springfield Oaks Shan Topiwalla, Transportation Planner Glen Dick, Director Suzette Shindorf, Comm. Reporter William Willoughby, Daily Tribune Res. #7101, Youth Activities Center-Davisburg Moved by Pernick, supported by Fortino that the Committee recommend approval of Res. #7101. Roll Call: Ayes: Fortino, Pernick, Daly Nays: Nowak, Montante, Wilcox, Patterson, Dunleavy, Roth Absent: Dearborn Motion failed Moved by Roth, supported by Montante that Res. #7134, Youth Activities Complex be tabled. Motion carried. page..2 A915 ee ; �� Omrnitt ee Committ D;Str G 8;;kdin9 Road vpgradin9 �;`d'►n9 & rnin9 & prarnin9 Gai urban that the Emiss`Orers • 14eeV- Res' �reat,On °� Cr►t► rted by D evBOOT 01 tom OstP°red JOT one #7p19 M°rtarte, PRPS S. #�0'9 to hat this mattes be P next TneetinJ M Somme d a?lp Ortedby FOrt►rot .sS;On Pr►Ov tO the re red by Da`y 9 S\JPp ct the ROad comvv i M° COnta carried. to M°t `Or Mr • � °p ha►rmar airyh d res0`utgOr ►s �{hs 0r e;r 4,e`N° O P •m ad`°\lrred at 5 2 1h e meetin9 are m;n�ytes r°�°, • the kOreg°®COmm;tree apP N°te' Svb`ect t° ss G & WILDING PLANNING 5 1975 juneSummary of Discussion Center- dbUrg iscussing entering issioners was the Comrn�ssjoners .Youth p, tiv�t,es of Comm Center' Res. #7101' the Board of this w appears 7 when ement orting. 1t no that in 19' 1 ® the managmuch self "supp the loses were never Mr • Perriick stated &Recreation for pretty 1972, who had contract with Parks roject would be and he questioned why since the loses into a that this p for sometime what has tronsp report on Wefe led to believe for a report on and why a full rep will not be se lf-systaH�r'a ked in p the budget` that it n to the Board . made know who was settin u 4 �r the Facility' of the operatl�ard• and 197 for 1973 ,bargede to the for 1973 activities was not ma & Expense Statements on the Mr, Richardson distributed In cofir 1973 and 1974' and statistics Statement forams activities Capital Improvements S a facility he and 1974. built to provide programs' but around the 4" H building was to Mr, Pernick' Mr"this out that the are scheduled In response for the Parks, Mr. Reickel pointed other events -supporting. budgets on perry 4-H Fair. from being self-supp aerating the County o`f'�ned and the annual Jong way in all of the p that it is a and reviewing that the property agreed that in adopting added Mr. Wilcox Reickel stated own a deficit. b the County • Board of Commissioners facility has s also subsla* Y member of the �' Because the Street in Pontiac was tated that as a d said so. & Rec, looser an deleted • Park to Mr. Pernickc a big financial barn were ;�� He pointed out that �n reply this project as stalls and cow that Nlr. Brennan' n1zed 1i rs� ro erty as a g #5984 directs at that time® he recog items as the t the p p ;n Res. a reed such acCep c Commission & Rec � fQr cost 9 loses were foreseen, would not even parks & Re Parks roblems and County and the loses was not finalize foresaw the p the Auditors" reimburse f the year when between and of A orting until this Y nding the Agreement h its Bo that the rep orted County "acting throug He added h was therefore not rep he is now, rec®mme the °above fees collected • up • Committee and to over and 4 budget was wrappedto the Finance Re art was given he prepared until after c eA9a Analysis p stated that the Variance line item. Mr. Lacy annual loss be included as a to be • that the that this for 1975 was anticipated he estimated warranties on lose &Rec in which loss after the asked what the is j972 for Parks 000 a yearaf $112,000. ►�11r. Daly fac"itY45,000 wifh an additional 1 be in excess an analysis of the robablY are the be approximately �' 1975's loss will P as they would meat expired. parks &Recreation the operation of the new equip the property over to to oversee if large turning hire be profit-m°krng the entire ested either County person Mr, Pei Bugg rams or facility been tried and responsible for recreation prOgtated that the that has remote from the Mr. Lacy booked, however is rather rem business ones resp ourselves. were out that the location will hurt the will the for- l`ty ch as rock concerts ointed ontiac Stadium d. Mr. Richardson P and the P the future this property i-noney-makers su ine Knob was oppq$e feels that P� that he feels that in township centers and Nowak stated made by the County . motor POP he Center. Mr. ever anticipated for most valuable purchases e of the Report become one orf, Comm . Suzy S ss OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION June 13, 1975 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes of May 30, 1975. 4. Approval of Payments - Vo. #5-154 & 5-155 and Vo. #6-1 through 6-77. 5. Activities Report for May, 1975. 6. Groveland-Oaks Aluminum Siding - Assistant Manager's Residence. 7. Independence -Oaks - Phase I Development. 8. Independence -Oaks - Lotan Property. 9. Addison -Oaks - Folk Festival. 10. Red Run Golf Consultant. 11. Director's Report. 12. Unfinished Business. 13. New Business. 14. Adjourn. NOTE: Next scheduled meeting July 11, 1975. VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION un"ruF.R NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 5-154 Payroll Pay Per_od Ending 5%2.3/75 24,359.37 5-155 Sundry (Extra Help) Grovelana - Memorial Week -end 1,356.73 Total 825 716.10 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-1 Ha ler's Radiator Shop, Inc. White Lake - Equip. Repair & Maint 64.00 6-2 Brenda Hu hes Mobile Stage Mobile Rec. - Rental of Puppet 15.00 6-3 Morlev Brothers Sprin .- Equip. Repair & Maint. 91.90 6-4 K & K Service Station Maintenance Spring - Equip. Repair & Maint. 20.75 6-5 -Wayne Ball Waterford-- S .Dance Instructor 75.00 6-6 Culli an.Water Conditioning WHITE Lace- Utilities 19.00 6-7 The Larson Company Groveic-na - Ground Maint. 45.26 6-8 Beach Fuel & Sup2ly Co. Spring.- Equip. Rep. & Maint. 348.13 6-9 Amoco Oil CoEpaxiv Grovelana - Equip. Rep. & Maint. 111.22 _ 6-710 Mike Thibodeau Reimburse for White Lake - M- A b-11 Sundr Commission Meeting)Admin - Regular Meeting 5 13 75 155.54 6-12 Price Brothers Company Groveland - Grade Rings Addison - Grade Rings 5 000.OU 6-13 Purves Excavating Inc. Groveland -- Grounds Maint. 200.00 6-14 6-15 Broner, Inc. Count of Oakland Spring, YAC,Groveland,Indep, _ Admin.,Mobile Rec., Waterford, 427.98 6-16 -Chippewa Hotel Admin. - Travel & Conference Advance 30.00 6-17 Michi an Rental Service White Lake - Rental Expense 23.90 6-18 Oakland Co. Clerk- White Lake -Golf Tournament Filina Fee 3.00 6-19 Pauline McCormick Custodian Admin - PettyCash Reimbursement 152.46 6-20 Detroit Edison Co. Grovelana - Utilities 260 6-21 The Pontiac -Waterford Times S ring.YAC- Renew Subscription S rir. .YAC- Bld . Maintenance 6,00 6-22 K.L.A. Laboratories Inc. _ '.3 Strombera Products Division White Lake - E i .Re . & Maint. 6 6-24 3M B.P.S.I QSM2950 Office Su lies 16.66 6-25 County of Oakland Commissioners Mileage fo Admin _ 6-26-Beecher, Peck & Lewis Waterford - Hs k & Jan. SLaRplies 43.10 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR i PURPOSE AMOUNT - 7 Detroit Communications Corte. Sarin - Clubhouse Ecruip. 6-28 Mi h 3 e hone Co. W t r - ., 6-29 Consumers Power Co. Spring.- 5114.25, Water.-$205.95 White Lake - S344.06 6-30 Carl White Lcke - Refund of Greenz 6-31 .Skelly Jim Mansfield Custodian S-Prinq Cash R 6-32 Lawn E iument Corporation Spring & Lroveland - Capital Equ -- uz, p. - _ 76.60 6-34 O.C.Tourist & Convention Bureau P- _cation in O.C. ouri Admin. -& Convention 1975 Tabloid t 5,500.00 100.00 6-35 Sundry Advance Mobile Rec. - Victor Chiasson 6-36 J.Fons Co. Indep. - G_cL,:nds Maint. 2.40 37 Doris Sherman Groveland - Refund Camping Fee 12.50 6-38 Judy Frisch Water.- Re= d Ballroom Dancing Fee 20.00 6=39 The.Oakland Press Admin - One year Subscription 46.80 6-40 Sto ert's Work done regarding Admin - L 6-41 Arlo Flesher, Custodian White Lake -Petty Cash Reimburse- went _Patty _. 4 7c; 6-42 Frank ost 6-43 Heath International Inc. Addison - E_-_;io.Re .& Maint 6-44 Grand B1anc.News Inc. Spring YAC - Advertising 6-45 The Derby Cap Manufacturing Co. White Lake - T+nv. Golf Su li s 6-46 Jenninqs Admin - F=`isation Mobile Unit 6-47 ears Roebuck & Co. Mobile Small Tools Admin, Spring & White Lake - Bldg, Malnt 14.99 6-48 Interstate Alarm S stems Inc. Lones Chemical Inc. AddizonPool Expense 9nr, r)q 6-50 Sundry Commission Meeting) Admin - M__ 6-51 State of Michigan Whit-- Lake & Spring - c--__ -- 6-52 The Grunwell-Cashero Co.,Inc. _6:-�._n - Third & Final Bill for - at Addison - Contract 514 9,4713.40 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-53 Klochko Equipment Co. White Lake - Grounds Maint. 250.00 6-53A Pyramid Construction Co. Third Pa t. at Independence 24 943.95 6-54 Ruth Ann Sherman Spring YAC - Refund of Deposit 50.00 6-55 Lewis Furniture Co. Admin - Office Equip. Cabinet 137.94 6-56 UnitedPlant Guards Local 116 Water.- Refund of Deposit 150.00 6-57 The Darson Corporation Admin - Advertising (County Seal 75.00 6-58 Suburban Office Services Inc. Addison - Office Equip Cabinet 105.00 6-59 An -thou M. Franco Inc. Admin - Advertising 1,581.6 6-60 Leslie E ectric.Co. Grovela^_d - Grounds Maint. 728.92 6-61 Argus Supply Com any Indep. & Addison - Uniform Exp. 52.00 -62 O.C.Planning Commission Spring, Waterford, White Lake - m = 51.00 6-63 Beach Fuel & Supply Co. White Lake - Equip.Rep & Maint. 242.49 6-64 Gudith Hardware Spring - Equ.ip.Maint.- Groveland Equip & Grounds B1dg.Maint & Too Admin - Pressure Hook Ta 5 R 1.13.48 6-65 E os steins 1 5 6-66 Hodges Supply Co. Addison - Pool Expense Lake Elda. Maint 6-67 Van's Auto Supply Co. -Uhitp White Lake = Eauip. Maint 11.90 6-68 AuburnPool Supply Corp. Addison - Pool Expense 24.50 6-69 Colonial Pro Hardware Addison_ - Bldg. Maintenance 6-70 Oliver 1 Co. Waterford - Hskp & Jan Supplies 2.20 �-71 L/S Family Foods Addison H k S - Co -oin n22.30 6-73 k Scmitation.Qgm i 180.00 6-74 Waterford Disposal Service Spring & Grove. - Rubbish Removal 500.00 b-75 King Bros , Inc. Grove. -Small Tools, Indep - EquiE. Mai_nt. & Addison - E i Maint 6-76 b.C.Utilities Fund lifater-`ord - Rubbish Removal 6-77 annex Linen Service White Lake - Laundry & Dry Cleanincr 70.96 1975 MONTHLY PARK AND FACILITY ATTENDANCE REPORT ADDISON-OAKS PARK Campers Day Use ADDISON CONFERENCE CENTER Functions GROVELAND-OAKS Campers Day Use SPRINGFIELD-OAKS Y.A.C. Functions SPRINGFIELD-OAKS CLUBHOUSE Functions SPRINGFIELD-OAKS GOLF COTJRSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds_ Played 18 Holes SPRINGFIELD-OAKS MILL POND Day Use WATERFORD-OAKS Functions WHITE LAKE -OAKS CLUBHOUSE Functions WHITE LAKE -OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes Cross -Country Slciing TOTALS Month of May, 1975 Year to Date Groups Participants Grou s Participants 1974 1975 1974 1975 1974 1975 1974 1975 392 426 1568 1980 453 432 2610 2086 801 846 3367 6960 2733 1822 15499 14384 32 26 3518 3137 70 43 6063 5345 1000 1169 4000 4684 1369 1318 5536 5303 289 569 1427 2289 .289 569 2961 2289 17 21 23175 13625 64 78 28908 34399 7 4 467 235 14 13 799 727 31 25 2563 3147 32 25 3420 3597 0 0 306 192 0 0 430 206 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 77 3470 5217 ill 180 8694 15454 26 29 1882 2312 85 86 6845 6962 80 89 6866 8611 85 91 9334 10166 1 0 2331 3157 1 0 3240 3592 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 80 2723 3281 54942 55546 5304 4 663 94309 104590 ADDISON-OAKS PART{ Campers Day Use ADDISON CONFERENCE CENTER Functions GROVELAND-OAKS Campers Day Use SPRINGFIELD-OAKS Y.A.C. Functions SPRINGFIELD-OAKS CLUBHOUSE Functions SPRINGFIELD-OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes SPRINGFIELD-OAKS MILL POND Day Use WATERFORD- OAKS Functions WHITE LAKE -OAKS CLUBHOUSE Functions WHITE LAKE -OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes Cross -Country Skiing TOTALS PARK AND FACILITY AaTENDANCE REPORT For the Month of May , 1975 Groups per Week Parti.ci ants per Week 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. lst. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 7 10 170 213 26 304 40 680 852 104 7 53 126 338 322 79 344 686 3130 2721 3 4 8 5 6 460 536 922 555 664 63 55 104 768 179 252 220 424 3072 716 0 0 35 506 28 0 0 122 1771 396 4 5 4 4 4 3825 6710 960 1315 815 2 0 1 0 1 125 0 60 0 50 0 5 7 7 6 421 724 642 630 730 0 0 0 0 0 45 35 39 44 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 16 19 13 15 903 988 1482 757 1087 5 6 7 6 5 283 585 492 433 508 12 17 17 23 20 1345 1663 1809 1852 1942 0 0 0 0 0 527 728 628 558 716 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 117 171 498 1883 612 8569 12573 8947 1 14969 t 104718 SWIM -MOBILE SKATE -MOBILE PUPPET -MOBILE FASHION -MOBILE D10V R.R-MORT.LE SI-(OW-MOBIL s Entertainment, Unit Only SPOR1TS-MOBILE TOTALS MONTHLY UNIT ACTIVITIES REPORT MOBILE RECREATION Month of May, 1975 Year to Date Groups Participants Grou s Participants 1974 1975 1974 1975 1974 1975 1974 1975 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 75 0 1 0 75 0 3 0 425 0 3 0 425 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 575 0 2 0 575 0 3 0 6000 0 3 0 6000 0 O 0 O O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 L--l- 9 0 L 7075 0 9 0 7075 Item #6 GROVELAND-OAKS ALUMINUM SIDING Bids for the aluminum siding for the Assistant Manager's residence at Groveland-Oaks were received June 4, 10:00 A.M. by Oakland County Purchasing Division. Bid tabulation of six companies contacted are listed below: Hartford Roofing & Siding $2076.00 Savoie Home Improvements & Insulation no bid Alsar Sales Inc. 2222.00 Higginbotham Roofing & Siding no bid Sun Control Aluminum Siding & Trim no bid Superior Siding & Roofing late bid Staff recommends the bid be awarded to Hartford Roofing & Siding for $2076.00. Item #7 INDEPENDENCE -OAKS PHASE I DEVELOPMENT Staff recommends an add of $5500. be allocated to Pyramid Construction Company for installation of quarry tile in the new buildings to be constructed at Independence -Oaks. We feel that this material would be a more substantial and durable type of floor covering. Due to the wear and weather exposure of the buildings, it is felt that vinyl asbestos tile will not hold up under the above conditions. To date, staff and the consultant firm has received credit by changing certain materials to be used in the construction of the buildings as follows: Pyramid Construction Change Order #1 $9955.00 Credit Change Order #2 300.00 Add $9655.00 Proposed Add 5500.00 $4155.00 Item #8 INDEPENDENCE -OAKS LOTAN PROPERTY The occupants of the old farmhouse have vacated and it has been requested by the Independence Township Fire Department that they would like to burn the house and barn for a fire exercise. Members of the staff have removed all the copper from the home, the electricity has been ordered to be turned off as well as we requested an opinion from Civil Counsel as to what would be necessary to relieve the Commission from any liability. It is felt that this is in the best interest of the Commission as it will save monies which would be required to demolish the building and also will be an asset to the Township as a fire exercise. Item #9 ADDISON-OAKS FOLK FESTIVAL It is expected that an agreement with Vincent Sadovsky, for the purpose of presenting a folk festival at Addison -Oaks on Sunday, September 14, will be available for your approval. The Township Supervisor was contacted and Mr. Sadovsky talked to some of the CAPE people to make sure they had no objection to the event. Copy of the agreement is attached. AGREE�L�;T Between O KLAVD COUNTY PARKS ADD R _RF— TION CO�DIISSION (Lessor) An d Name of Lessee: Vincent W. Sadovskv Street Address: 420 East Stree City & State: Rochester, Michigan ==_53 Phone: 652-0874 Premises Occupied: Addison -Oaks: Pavilic= and camping area Purpose of Lease (describe event): Folk a== 3luegrass Festival; Sunday, September 14, 1975. Total Amount of Agreement Zt, 50�/person or - % of Gross whichever ;15 years and under free with is Greater: to.be paid by 9 / 19 75 parent) Payment $ 50 . 00 due 6 / 12 / 75 RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING LESSEES THIS AGREEMENT is made by the Lessor and accepted by the Lessee on each of the following terms to wit: THE LESSEE HEREBY AGREES: 1. To charge himself with knowledge and-.:--derstanding of and abide by, the Rules and Regulations of the Oakland County Parks & Recreation` Commission, which are by this reference made a part of this agreement, as though fully set forth herein. 2. To pay the Oakland County Parks and recreation Commission the rent herein stipulated by the above indicates_ -.motes. 3. To save Oakland County Parks and harmless from any liability by reason of injury or loss to any, der -son, equipment or goods or from any cause whatsoever, and the Oaklar_= Co, ty Parks and Recreation shall not be liable for any damages to the property or effects of the Lessee or any other person, firm or -.-=oration suffered on, in or about the premises, or any part or port_z_ thereof, or by any reason of and resulting from any carelessness, ne=-=gence or agents or employees on, in or about said premises. 4. To furnish an insurance certifica-a indemnifying the County of Oakland the Lessor its agents and employ=_ _ from situations described Page 2 in article- No. 3 above, in the amount of $ 250,Q00.00 one accident, $ 500,000_00 aggregate. 5. To occupy said Premises and be comoletely set up by 11,n0 A ra on 9/14/75 (date). Ir_ the event the Lessee fails to occupy said space by the aforestated time, this agree=ent may be terminated by Oakland County Parks and Recreation and all payments pre-.=ously made, shall be retained by the Oakland County Parks and Recreation as liquidated damages for the breach of this agreement by the Lessee —_d Oakland County Parks and Recreation is expressly released from t=e tarms and provisions of this agreement and hereby authorized to resell sremises to other parties retaining all the proceeds therefrom. 6. In case the space herein described z:==1 not be available for the uses herein specified due to war, government= action or order, act of God, fire, strikes, labor disputes, or any causes beyond the control of Management, this agreement shall immedia-e-- terminate and in such event Lessee shall and does waive any claim =a damages or any other -recovery therfor except the return of the asc its paid as rental for the space, less the pro rata share of actual exp Wises incurred by Management in the allocation and/or preparation of said —mace for the Show. 7. There sh.all be no advertising of _--is event until after the Oakland Co. Parks & Recreation Commission as signed this agreement; THE LESSOR HEREBY AGREES otherwise, this. agreement shall be null and void. 1. To make the premises described herein, available to the Lessee at the times and on the dates above specified. 2. To provide an adequate concession operation which will furnish food and beverage for the Lessee and its exhibitors/ customers/ guests starting at 10:00 AM and continuing to 6:00 PM; that said food and beverage shall be reasonably priced and of good quality and that the concessionair's food service personnel shall be sufficient in quantity and ability to service the shows needs at all times,. but particularly at peak times, which periods are stated to be from 11:00A.M.to 5:00 PM. Please sign all copies and return to: Lessee M Strom-- - Address C_ - Sta ,-e Accepted by Director/Manager Title s.t�m Flo GO' 090 sea re of 9 olle-"-,�,�qoqeqoqe a tyre atta �,Ja 0'!C -a gtn JIS cb at the R 0a Vo the 'me 0 ao Childs on in Dxaininoxmata aot Mxat yre e that Oil e stl ol' I alc to e be to answ GN co -Al vp o � �51 afi ons Goas��Ucttian � aria S�c��tc Dpas; gn, of IY,e RE� Rv� .F CO G O 1 Up� ,- isQn He�gh�s r � Maa 1, 1915 Ca�rn's51�n eat'°a 1�8cj5 s aria Rec�' ,ca4�an Cepared ppr: ra CQun' flail poa�iac, p 00V ake R atkaas s p •G ` ! ac, Ghiids as`CkeRnad r pa�,t� Ofc�,aY 2. i z ,1 '. 335-1159 �5�,,,,' 0 313 - ,TiAC� �iiC48053 21^ �V- HIGAN ARCHITEOTURa ORCHARD LAKE ROAD PO� oasiSN LA EN LIVIRONMENTAL DESIGN 2167 NG aA��NO r pLAN PARK PLA;y, SITc DEVELOPM A RRGy-I iT EGTv RE GOLF COURSE. day of Into the_ _----- -� p 1tECRFR� ION THIS AGREElv1ENT, entered THE PARKS Ai`I 1975, by and betwe 84�'+"Jatkins Lake Road' pontiaC, OAKLANp, 2 CHILDS 1S51QN r CONY OF he 14 CQUi.1�CY" and BILLS% COMMISSION as t herein Pontiac, tl�►chigan 48053r an q$g5�4'r hereinafter referred to �lii chi g Road , TES, P .C.`2167 Orchard rake ASSQCIA after referred to as the ' p,RCH1T ECT PRO JECt RSE a1c To`�nshI p I City of THE GOLF COU 1-o�ral Q RED RUN T 1N "R1 �r ' Michigan .ect Name Section 11 and 1, Oakland County ` Prol Heights, ent p$eyen Location: Madison consist of o nip holes Course PraleGt shall Golf courses consisting 3 course. Red P.un eXeGutiye par- ect pescription� ales of golf, half and oken into n ghteen hale Pr I utt g of pitch"p 1 BASIC SER�/ICES SECTION Golf Course Archi- ltant A Gem t as professional CQUNTY - with a li EC1 $hall act Planning tot connection 1. The ARCH Deyelopmen, rofessional services in phases of his Lecture and Site r�erform p coordinate all other In agrees to t and shall and staff and 2. The ARCHITECT hereinafter sated Commission the PRoaEcT CIS work with the Parks and RecreaLian encies. solved public ag ar Design Phase will: B. preps e agreerner,L, the ARCHITECT of th the 9 hole and the acceptance pion for bath starter Pollawing routing p and tee locations' ces. inary golf course s green urtenan 1. Prepare a prelim, ropo$ed fairway ' olf course app course snawt} g and other r.1scellaneous 9 18 hole Parking lots' building, P _ gASIC SERVICES (continued) SECTION 1 cover, preliminary QeSig n phase (continued) o raphyr tree �. and any other natural revjz` visual relatiahigh ltoefop g if course. inspect the site to strait Edison design °f a go 2, land use.. the Will affect the the preliminary golf adlaining y with drain corri- or man_Made features which y in conjunction )thin the ershi p stud as one of the land own mead acquisition a�tor,ill be used 3 ° Prepare a d recom this tc designs an golf course i11 be needed for g and presenfi same dor which ; ,ar designs criteria. of the prelir ..> Y designresentation Commission ar prepare a color p 4° parks and Recreation to the C raceedl the ° final Design ARCriITUCT upon writtenw, on the 9 hol Phase ill e authorization to paccepted or pitch -putt course only- Rgn based an from meetings ourse aster plan and evolved a final golf cony Concepts as set forth anc ` r'nich drain- 1 . prepare reliminary railing and revised p tear sand traps` pert to the with the COUNTY ° details for greens' construction lot and �kher Items p preparewalks, parking 2' age, ,,eater V, ands, t buildings- and cost options. and is operation excep s S_ ' la , safety and ► ation design Frith y For golf Play caur$e lets 'swig Placement of trees . furnish a comp Ian for p ,nich tine 3 • lanting p ents with w • Prepare a p -vim a builder` �hetic appeal. and contract - ae5i are a set of speciFlonscatians t ; guidelines or contracts � y other Contract 5. prep set up construction contracts or in COUNTY can ent . awarding a reem bids, data operator lease LINTY in evaluating construction Assist the furnish design or b• e required to the site. administration CT shall NOT b storm drainage on 7 ° The ARCNITE for buildings or utilities ofiher t'nan ent Phase IyTY .to and Agreement ectus for the COUN tine prospectus area *rasp uild and op D • parch and pCep aloper to b COUNTY Wilk res. reneur-dev� regiments for the i ° The ARCNIT ECT rivate entree -' nns of ag V40rking closely obtaining a p will be Several var1c on this mOtt er. docu- uSe in Included a final ,h a develop- lion Commission, golf course . and Recrea to consider in contraatridngh� spark er from staff L. of a develop with COUNTY elated. COUNTY in selection ment will be form Vie CViV ECT will assist t 2 • The; AR the Prolect . those bidding an the ARCHIT ECT • n Phase he golf course, f. Canstrucilo e construc A tion of t s a developer proceeds with th will SECTION I - BASIC SERVICES (continued) D. Construction Phase (continued) I . Make periodic visits to the site to observe the progress and quality of the executed work and to determine in general if the work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. He will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on -site inspections to check the quality or quan- tity of the work. He will not be responsible for the techniques and sequences of construction or the safety precautions incident thereto, and he will not be responsible for the Contractor's failure to perform the construction work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 2. Conduct, the the company of the COUNTY stcff, a final inspection of each of the following portions of the Project for conformance with design con- cepts: a. Completion of mass grading and drainage work b. Completion of green and flee construc-"on c. Completion of sand traps d. Completion of tree planting e. Completion of parking lot, walks, etc.. f. Completion and testing of irrigation sy_=? along with finish grading and prior to seeding. g. Final inspection after clean-up and seer germination. SECTION 2 - ADDITIONAL SERVICES A. General If desired "and authorized in writing by the CO!'ti-Y, the ARCHITECT will fur- nish the following or additional services which are NOT included in the range of services covered by this Agreement. 1. Additional services due to significant changes in general scope of the Project or its design including, but not limited to, changes in size, complexity, or character of construction, 2. Preparing detailed renderings, exhibits or scale models for the Project. 3. Furnish additional copies of reports and additional prints of drawings and specifications. 4. Preparation of Environmental Impact Statements. 5. Preparation of applications and supporting documents for governmental grants or any special permits required other than `6,chigan's Act 347 on Soil Erosion and Sedimentation. 6. Additional or extended services on construction inspection made necessary by (1) prolongation of the construction contract time by more than 25% or I year after completion of contract documents or (2) contract default due to delin- quency or insolvency. 7. Presentation of the plans to any special citizen groups, agencies or communi- ties in special meetings other than the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and staff. 8. Additional service resulting from the Project involving more than .two general construction contracts. �slal�tTlEs of THE COUNTY SECT ION 3 RESPOi ents of the protect - The COUNTY Will- format'son the requirements tl available in other !,,formation os i° at his disposal a� reports of Y an provide full informEC� by pacing ov'sous 1 pRCH1T Project including pr 2. Assist t`ne to the site of the ction- pertinent design and cons' data and boundary survey. data relative tode limitations on Furnish topogra construction eats and the project site. general soils data. uirem ;t1e5 an aving 4. Furnish g locations, Ceq existing unit. o encies h Furnish detailed and other all g !'r �Cnental g 5. system � �" the stormdrain temanaor permits from at the appointed Obtain PP the protect. en he croposals 6. �. over bidders, OP ,. hereto. lurisdic O" ra awls from cid ; - tl TYIS represent with for p P for all Casts to pLN 7. AdvertI lace and pay as the such persons to have e and p ersons to act ;S Contract, -"- time person or p ed under anon, determine pesignate thwork to be Perform recce„Ere inform ork. respect 8. feted w to coons, comp to be furnished by it instru accY� them fullaut'nority to transmit the plans and - -cruse fiance with all buildings Y, . tractors comp Ions for__-� agreement architectural p into a build and op-d "" 9. Furnish entering----_" the Contractor OF SERVICE procurement of all SECTION 4 - PER1Ofl tocether with p ,riithin this Agree - �s as specified acceptance of thisvAll initiate sere 1. Fallowing the ARCHITECT vi=�^r within 30 days after receipt basic data, for re Contract • plans will be completed details and Preliminary including Gonstruct�,anCe of pre- 2' basic data. forbidders, d� - after acceP of all b n and prospectus within 30 1 roGezd . Final desig t1 be completed outhariza"on to p 3 • t of written Sp Ions and receip ..--�_-----. lirnin°ry p THE ARCHITECT PAYMENTTO SECTION 5 performed A. payments far Basic Services ter basic services P t2CHlTECT a fee �� will paY to t sc edule: The COUNTY $ 1,1Q0 according to the following Pnt of this agreemen� }mod acqui- 2,000 p enoctm� Ions and �: . Retainer, upon reliminory(27 holes} completion of p otin courses ,-„n details, 2. Upon Studies for Off Tans, construe::- 5�700 sition of final p A n,axim�%m of 2Q compl eti on ectuS. 9 hol es) . 3. UP°n and prosp fvr,ished� Specifications pocum2Its will be a 30 day 2r200 copies of Contract invoiced on _• and obser of ° ortistruction) $ 11,000 4. Inspec+ton the Ppr.06 t basis over fO� AL FEES SECTION 5 - PAYMENT TO THE ARCHITECT (continued) B. Payments for Additional Services 1. The COUNTY will pay the ARCHITECT! for additional services performed as per Section 2 at the rate of total payroll cost of salaries and wages times a factor of 2.5 to provide for general overhead and profit, plus the actual cost of reimbursable expenses as defined hereinafter. 2. Reimbursable expenses shall mean the actual expense of transportation and subsistance of principals and employees when traveling in connection with the Project, toll telephone calls, reproduction. of reports, drawings and specifications, and similar project relates '-:ems. 3. The COUNTY will pay the ARCHITECT at t'"Ie rate of $ 30.00 per hour for Project presentations, including preparatory time and materials, to special interest groups, other community s=cffs or groups, etc. 4. Payments for additional services shal I be -_de on a monthly basis upon presentation of the ARCHITECT'S detailed statement. No services other than those authorized in writing shall be ccrnpensable. SECTION b - CONTINGENCIES A. Plan Accuracy Plans will be prepared to scale depending on the accuracy of all survey or other basic data as furnished. B. Termination of Agreement This Agreement may be terminated at anytime b- `he COUNTY or the ARCHITECT upon fifteen days written notice. The ARCHITE( shall receive payment for only that phase or portion of work which has been com. plered under the COUNTY'S authorization. C. Ownership of Documents All documents, original drawings, estimates, sped ications, field notes and data are and remain the property of the ARCHITECT cs instruments of service. The ARCHITECT will provide the COUNTY with prin-s or a complete set of reproduci- ble drawings if requested. Prints or copies of reports, data, photographs, etc. in excess of that required or specifically outlined in this Agreement shall be charged at cost. D. Maximum Trips to the Project Site A maximum of three trips to the site shal I be made during the design phase.as a part of the fee structure of Section S.A. These visits may be for purposes of site investigation, project discussions or reviews with the Owner, presentations, or similar Project related work. Any requests in excess of that amount shall be charged at the hourly rate plus expenses as specified in Section S.B. .D.A ,S3Lb1'�°�'sd Su,, . T r 1 °xOxs v aN t ok �oosS`d spll�ol0 o oksA �.aa� ,o J`d f �Ua �v`kuoo 'P ua tao aU,4 6Uiu'�'2a� a01,400 so QVpaugtsaaP'�n a�L ' . UtaQ ga. 160 t Uoo 11 �� 1'` �O saa�