HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1975.11.14 - 39632PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION oakland county service center 2800 watkins lake road Pontiac, michigan 48054 858-0906 R. Eric Reickel Director November 12, 1975 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . 10:00 a.m. Friday, November 14, 1975 PLACE . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan PURPOSE . . . o . . . . . Regular Meeting The meeting is called in accordance with authorization of E. Frank Richardson, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Col;,dially.,/ R. Eric Reickel Director cn E. Frank Richardson Chairman James W. Dunleavy Vice -Chairman Lewis E. Wint Secretary Velma M. Austin Fred L. Harris George W. Kuhn Joseph R. M ontante Richard V. Vogt Richard R. Wilcox Addison - Oaks • Groveland - Oaks • Independence - Oaks • Waterford - Oaks • White Lake - Oaks • Springfield - Oaks OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION November 14, 1975 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes of October 3, 1975; October 10, 1975; October 17, 1975 and November 5, 1975. 4. Approval of Payments - Voucher 10-60 through Vo. 10-177 and Voucher 11-1 through Vo. 11-71. 5. Activities Report for October, 1975. 6. Statement of Operations for September, 1975. 7. Waterford -Oaks - Road Commission Right -of -Way. 8. White Lake -Oaks - Benches. 9. Survey Quotations - Addison Lake & Addison -Oaks Park. 10. Director's Report. 11. Unfinished Business. 12. New Business. 13. Adjourn. NOTE: Next scheduled meeting November 28, 1975 TABLED ITEM - Senate Bill 1079 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION OCTOBER, 1975 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 10-60 J & J Disposal Add.- Rubbish Removal 108.00' 10-61 Flo d Snyder 10/10/75 & 10/31/75 Water. -Senior Citizens Band 270.001. 10-62 Leslie Eleatric Company Water.- Building Maint. 20.92 10-63 Harvey -Is School Office Supplies Admin. & Add. -Office Supplies 41.92' 10-64 Jennin s Groveland - Equip.Rep. & Maint. 6.00 10-65 AnthonyM. Franco,Inc. Admin.- Promotional- 1,592.13 10-66 Sundr Commission Meeting) Parks Tour Meeting 1737,5 Admin.- Per Diem & Mileage for 154.40 10- 67 R.Thomas Spring.- Tree Moving 150.00, 10-68 Barton-Malow Company Water.- Pa t.No.l - Phase I 6,900.00'. 10-69 Michigan Press Reading Service Admin. - Promotional 33.6C" _-70 Clyde Herb, Custodian. Grove.- Reimbursement for Petty Cash 28.91' 10-71 Detroit Edison Grove.- Utilities 82n5t 10=72 Consumers Power COm2any Water. & Wh.Lk.- Utilities 125.9E 10-73 Bills Childs Associates, P.C. Services Rendered on Red Run Dra Completion of Preliminary Plans n 1,000.00 10-74 Detroit Edison Spring.,YAC.,Water,Add.,& Cf.Cent - r. Sppri.ng.,YAC.,Independence, Wh.Lk.- Add., Communications 525 7 0-76 Pyramid Construction Co. No.7 on Inde endence Work 23,091.48 10- -Payment B ter-O'Flynn, Inc. Payment No.l on Inde endence Work 8 100.0C1 10-78 Banner Linen Service White Lake - Laundry & Dry Clean 101.98 10-79 O.C.Utilities Fund Water.- Rubbish Removal 35.00 10-80 Forbes Printing Co. Groveland - Office SLipplies 16.50 10-81 Jones Chemicals Inc. Addison -Pool E ense 47.00 ' 82 Grand Blanc News Inc. YAC--Rodeo.Ex ense 3M4 10-83 Michi an Bell Telephone Company Spring.,YAC,Addison,Conf.,Center Coin Phones 10-84 Lakeland Tribune Spring.-Advertising,All Events 15.00 - 5 S final Column S rin .-Advertising,All Events 58.50 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION October, 1975 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 10-86 Swanson Associates Inc. Water. -Contract Payment for Wave Action Pool $16,562.25 10-87 Gra bar Electric Company, Inc. S rin .-Grounds Maint. Receivable 295.75 10-88 Rochester Germicide Company Spring.-Hskpg. & Janitor Supplies 355.00 10-89 0. C. Drain Commission White Lake -Soil Erosion Permit 37.50 ; 10-90 L, W & F Restaurants, Inc. Admin.'-Park Tour Luncheon _ 97.75 10-91 Robert E. Hardin Spring.,YAC,Grove.,Add.,White Lake -Uniform Expense Q° 10-92 Sundry Advances Cash Advances for J.Kipke,V.Chias R.Vo t, R.Reickel for N.R.P.A.Co on, 420.00 10-93 Jim Mansfield, Custodian Spring.- Reimburse Petty Cash P 38.18' 10-94 East Detroit Ford Tractor Inc. Grove.,Spring.,Add.,& Wh.Lk.-Equip. ai - nd - for York Rake (Cap.Equip.) 450.62 .L 95 World Dryer Corporation Grove.- Bldg. Maintenance 156.60' 10-96 Oliver Sup2lY Co. White Lake - Jc-nitorial Supplies 19.38 10-97 Sundry Commission Meeting) Per Diem & Regular Mtg.- 10/10/75 Mileage 114.30 tronics Inc. Show Mob.- Repair Microphone Cables 19.75_I 10-99 Beach -,Fuel & Supply S rin .& Wh.Lk.- E. i .Re .& Mai . 1 111.66 10-100 The Golf Mart Inc. White Lk.- Golf Inventory SLaps 299.13 10-101" Flaghouse Inc. Groveland - Recreation Program Ex . 64.40rt 10-102 E.Frank Richardson WaveTek Pool Travel Exp.- Mt .in Lansing for 15.23 10-103 Pauline McCormick, Custodian Admin.- PettyCash Reimbursement 172.61_ 10-104 10-104A Payroll O.C.Stationery Stock Pay Period Ended 10 10 75 Admin. & YAC - Office Supplies 22,672.13 473.43 10-105 Oakland County Laundry All Parks - Laundry & Dry Cleaning 693.85 ,10-106 F.T. Standard Parts Co. Addison - Equip. Rep.& Bldg. Mai . 52.33 10--107 Associated S ecialties Co. Inde endence - Grounds Maint. 12.50 10-108 Detroit Edison Spring. & YAC. - Utilities 19.50 10-109 Michigan Bell Telephone Company Waterford - Communications 8.85 10-110 Bernadine Paull 9 23, 9 30, 10 7, 1014, Water.- Dog Obedience instructor 10 21. 260.00 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION OCTOBER, 1975 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 10-111 John Barnard Dancing Water.- Refund of Fee for Ball.ro m 25.00 10-112 O.C.Radio Communications Admin.,Tech.Supp.,YAC, Groveland Add.,Wh.Lk. - Radio Rep.Contract 465.70 10=113 Ward S. Newman, Jr. Admin.- Custodial Services for Oct. 270.00 10-114 Briar Building Co. Grove.- Payt.No.2 - Wood Shelter 6,462.00 . 10-115 Contractor Publishing Co. Waterford*- Legal Advertising 181.50 10-116 Durable,.Inc. Indep.- Payt.#r2 - Fencing 13/368.68 10-117 Ellis, Arndt & Truesdell Inc. Indep.- Payt.for Services Render ad 852.79 10-118 J.D. Armstrong Landscape Co. Spring.- Payt.#4 - Phase III 77,672.60 10-119 Consumers Power Company Sp=ing.,Gro•ve.,Add.,& Cf.Ct.- Utiliiies 955.79 10-120 Detroit Edison S rin & Indep.- Utilities 365.51 1u-121 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. S rinq. YAC Grove. Water.- Comm. 400.75 10-122 Cal Gas -Pontiac, Inc. Grove.,& Wh.Lk.- Utilities 373.78 10-123 The Sherwin Williams Co. Grove. - Bldg. Maint. 505.54. 10-124 Culli an Water Conditioning Wh.Lk.- Utilities 42.64 10-125 Holforty Associates Inc. Spring.- Payt.#4- Phase III 166.50 10-126 Jack Golden & Associates Grove.- Payt.for Shelter Bldg. �7,183.00 10-1.27 Banner Linen Service Spring. - Laundry & Dry Clean 28.00 10_128 O.C.Dept. of Facilities & Operaw Spring. & Water. -Grounds Maint., YAC & ADD.Cf.Ct.- Bld .Mainz. 1 248';26 10_l29 Flaghouse Inc. Admin. - Equip. Rep.. & Maint. 57.90 10-130 Sundry (Comm. Meeting) Admin.- Special Mtg. 10/17/75 154.40 10-131 Genesee Welding Supply Inc. Grove.- Equip. Rep. &.Maint. 4.50 a 10-132 Tom Carey Addison - Refund of Camping Fees 14.00 1 1,33 Gudith Hardware Grove.- Equip. Rep. & Maint., 10-134 Hod es Supply Co. Spring.,Add.,A.Lk.- Bldg. Maint. Grove.- Rental Property Maint. 179.35 10-135 Berton Lumber Co. Spring. & Grove. -Equip. Rep.,. 10-136 Lake Orion Lumber Co. Tech.Supp. - Small Tools 7.50 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION OCTOBER, 1975 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 10-137 Lawn Equipment Corporation Groveland - Equip.Rep. & Maint 50.20 10-138 W.F.Miller Co. Spring.,Water.,Add.,- Equip.Rep. 118.88 10-139 Pioneer Hardware Skate Mobile- Supplies, Water.- Bld .Maint.- Wh.Lk.o Equip. Re 7 10-140 Pontiac Photo Service Admin.;- Promotion 10-141 Poniiac Vals ar Paint Center Maint. Water.- Bldg. Maint. Rental Prop, 30.82 10-142 Savard. U.Son True Value Add.- Bld . Maintenance 67.85 10-143 Talbott Hardware & Lumber Co. Water. -Bldg. . Maint. 2.56 10-144 Young Supply Co. YAC, Water.- Bldg. Maint., Water. 31.14 10-145 Park Maintenance Tech. Supp. - Travel & Conf. 57.00 10- 146Air- Spring.- Phase II - Payment 1,100.00 .j-147 National Institute on Pks & Gr. M int. Admin.- Membership Dues 15.00 10-148 Bell Telephone Co. Pontiac & Flint Areas Spring.& YAC - Advertising in 113.70 10-149 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Water. - Communications 16.39 10-150 Beecher, Peck & Lewis YAC - Housekeeping & Jan. Supplies 106.50 10-151 Davisburg Hardware Spring. & YAC'-.Equip. Rep., Grou & Bld . Maint. ds 176.73 10-152 Burke Building Center. Spring.,Ind.- Grounds Maint., YAC.& Water. Add. Wh.Lk.- Bld .Maint. 10-153 I.U. Executive Develo ment Pro r m Admin. - Travel & Conference 265.00 0-154 Michigan Testing En ineers Inc. Inde . - Concrete Tests 40.00 10-155 County of Oakland Admin.- Travel & Conf. 30.00 - 56 Standard Electric Com an Grove.- Shelter Bldg. Exp. Add.,Wh.Lk.- Bld .Maint. 90.60 10-157 Wayne Ball 10117175 Water.- S .Dance Caller 10 3 & 21.50 10-158 Ravmond Delasko Independence- Misc.Exp. 56.85� 159 Pontiac Business Machines YAC- Rental Expense Mob.Rec - Office Supplies 100.00 10-160 Acushnet Sales Company White Lake - Golf Inventory 255.55 10-161 John's city & County Plumbing Groveland - Bldg. Maintenance 145.00 10-16 2 County of Oakland Admin.- Per Diem & Mileage 5.60w VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION OCTOBER, 1975 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 10-163 Michigan Disposal,'- Service dhite Lake.- Building Maint. 45.00 10-164 Oakland County Garage dmin.,Tech.Supp.,Mob.Rec.,Spring AC. Grove. Ind. Add. Wh.Lk.=Tran ortation ob.Rec.-Spring.,YAC, Grove.,Inde ester.,-Equip.Rep. & Maint. ., 4,563.83 10-165 Amoco Oil Company Troveland - Equip. Rep. & Maint. 309.96 10-166 Detroit Edison Rzroveland - Utilities 552.32 10-167 O.C.Dept. of Public Works Addison - Sewage Expense 288.81 10-168 Wilkie Turf Equipment Co. rin Grove. Add.- E i RgI2.�2.44 10-169 Eastern State Supply Co. ech.Su S rin Grove.-E i 10-170 Golf Car,Distributors rin Grove. Jdh.Lk. - Ecruip. Rep. 10-171 J.D.Armstrong Landscape Co. Spring.-' Grounds Maintenance .1.72 8]2alding White Lake - Golf Inventor 10-173 Oakland Co. Drain Commission Soil Erosion Permit: Water.- Phase I Development 316.25 10-174 Auburn Electric Inc., Electrical Work White Lake - lest & Final on 8,534.00 10-175 Mrs. Geraldine Leonard Occupancy Agreement of Ho Water.- Payment for Breaking Lse 1,500.00 10-176 Sundry (Advance) Conference in St.Lou Tech.Supp.- Arnold Johnston s 195.25- Pay Period Ended 10 24 75 27 116.10 _ TOTAL FOR PAGES ATTACHED 259/857.02 TOTAL FOR MONTH 317,366.43 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION NOVEMBER, 1975 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 11-1 County of Oakland Administration- Communications 18.72 11-2 County of Oakland for Commissione Administration- Per Diem & Mile s e 72.30 11-3 Earl 0. Lloyd Spring.- Refund Annual Greens F es 67.50 11-4 The Miesel Co. Water.- Janitor Supplies 129.50 11-5 Arthur.J. Solberg Groveland- Reimburse Mileage 12.60 11-6 Ast-ro Truck Equipment Co. Spring.,Groveland & Waterford- Eauin. Rep. & Maintenace 61.60 ter White Lake - Golf Inventory 110.70 11-8 Bernadine Paull Water.- Dog Obedience Classes 75.00 11-9 Lewis E. Wint 'Lewis E. Wint. Admin- Travel & Conf.Ex . for 106.80 1'-10 Larry D. Newman Indep.- Payt. No. 7 7,593.75 11-11 Demers Electric Indep. - Payt. No. 1 8,975.70 11-12 Jim Mansfield,Custodian Spring & YAC - PettyCash Reimbursement 62.67 11-13 Security Fence & Supply Co. Indep. - Grounds Maint. 47.61 11-14 Morlev Brothers Addison - Bldg. Maint. 39.48 11-15 Industrial Cleaning Supply Co. Addison - Janitorial Supplies 38.50 d Admin.,SpringYAC, Grove.,Add., Wh.Lk.- RentL Expense 148.25 11-17 L & S Supply Inc. Water.- Janitorial Supplies 86.00 11-18 Gresham's of Pontiac Spring.,- Laundry & Dry Cleaning 163.80 11-19 R.Eric Reickel Expenses Admin.- Travel & Conf. Reimbursement 8.15 11-20 Clyde Herb, Custodian Groveland - Petty Cash Reimbursement 35.55 11-21 Oakland Co. Radio Communications Admin.,Tech.Supp.,YAC., Grove., Add. Wh.Lk.- Radio Rep. Contract 417.70 COMT)any S rin .- Grounds Maint. 40.50 3 Gerald Lee Admin.- Mileage Reimbursement 3.00 11-24 Air -Land Surveys Spring.- Golf Course Project Pay . 336.00 11-25 Golf Car Distributors White Lake -Comm. Golf Cart Rent is 617.00 11-26 Roger L. Hewett Construction Co. Project Addison - Payt.No.9- Sewerage 2,179.55 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION NOVEMBER, 1975 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 11-27 B & J Disposal Service White Lake.- Rubbish Removal 30.00 11-28 MarilynLong Admin. - Mileage Reimbursement 13.05 11-29 Michigan Disposal Service White Lrke - Building Maint. 45.00 11-30 Interstate -Alarm Systems, Inc. White Lake - Building Maint.- 27.50' 11-31 Bills/Childs Associates, P.C. Addison - Consultation on Project 400.00 11-32 AnthonyM. Franco Admin.- Promotional Advertising 1,439.37 11-33 Robert Brown White Lake - Fees - Entrance 35.00 11-34 Culligan Water Conditioning White Lake - Utilities 12.79 11-35 Sprinkler Irrigation; Spring.- Grounds Maint. 437.54" 11-36 Consumers Power Co. Spring.,Waterford, & White Lake.- _-37 Detroit Edison Spring.,YAC.,Indep.,Water.,Add., Cf C L - Uti iti2.891.96 11-38 Steel Equipment Co. Spring.- Cap.Equip.-(Table Dollies) 240.00 11-39 The Flint Journal. YAC - Renewal of Journal for 12 m s 51.00 11-40 Jennings ob.Rec.- SuppliespforsPuppete& 392.90 11-41 Waterford Twp. W S System Waterford. -Utilities 157.20 11-42 Redford Trailer Sales North,Inc. Indep.- Equip. Repair & Maint. 9.05 11-43 Sinelli Ford Tractor & Equip. Indep.- Cap.Equip.( Tractor) 5,139.74 11-44 H.L.Clae s & C!2aany Add.Cf.Ct.- Bldg. Maint. 11..39 11-45 Kinq Bros. Inc. Add.- Grounds Maint. Indep.-Equip.Repair 27.90 11-46 Cal Gas Pontiac, Inc. Spring. & YAC - Utilities 218.62 11-47 Sheila M. Cox Admin. - Reimbursement for Milcagp 11 -48 Michigan Press Reading Service Admin. - Promotional 28.00 Transfer .0---9 Oakland County Purchasing Dept. Services thru 9 0 75 4,891.50 11-49 Consumers Power Co. Addison & Cf.Center - Utilities 976.42 11-50 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Spring.,YAC, Add.,& Cf.Ct.- Communications 6;4 -11-51 State of Michigan White..Lake - Sales Tax Payable 81.80 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION NOVEMBER, 1975 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 11-52 Wm. F. Sell & Son, Inc. Spring. —Equip. Rep. & Maint. 41.50 11-53 A.P. Bowman & Son Spring. - Equi . Re . & Maint. 34.76 11-54 Gloria French Spring.YAC - Transportation 9.90 11-55 J & J Disposal Addison - Rubbish Removal 108.00 11-56 Wilson Sporting Goods Co. White Lake - Golf Inventory 11.22 11-57 Culligan Water Conditioning White Lake - Utilities 19.00 �1-58 Bernadine Pdull 10-28-75 - 11-25-75 Water.- Instructor Dog Obedience 335.00 11-59 Claudia Wyrick 9 18 75 - 11 13 75 Water.= Instructor Belly Dancing 260.00 11-60 Wayne Ball 9/22/75 - 11/24/75 Water.- Instructor S are Dancin 310.00 11-61 Nora Colby .9/22/75 - 11/24/75 Water. -Instructor Ballrogm 1--62 Mar Ann Walter 9/23/75 - 11�25/75 Wat 11-63 Glen Barton' -9/23/75 - 11/4/75 11-64 Leslie Electric Co. Water. - Rental Pro2erty Maint. 100.02 11-65 Daltons Inc. Admin. - Equi2. Re .& Maint. 36.65 11-66 Xe2�ox_-Corj2oration Admin. - Office Supplies 334.21 11-67 Pontiac Travel Service Inc. Tech.Su .- Travel & Conference 104.73 a- 11-68 Sundry Comm.Meetin Admin. - Per Diem & Mileage -Comm 154.40 11-69 AAA Rent -..:A Car Admin. - Rental Ex ense 72.58 11-70 Beach Fuel & Sup2ly Groveland - Equip. Re . & Maint. 375.24 11-71 Texaco Inc. Addison - EgLii2. Rev. & Maint. 147.55 TOTAL FOR .SHEETS ATTACHED FOR N VEMBER 1975 $42,413127 1975 MONTHLY PARK AND FACILIIt ATTENDANCE REPORT ADDISON-OAI{S PARK Campers Day Use ADDISON CONFERENCE CENTER Functions GROVELAND-OAKS Campers Day Use SPRINGFIELD-OAKS Y.A.C. Functions SPRINGFIELD-OAKS CLUBHOUSE Functions SPRINGFIELD-OAKS GOLF COURSR; Rounds Played 9 Holes _Rounds. Played 18 Holes SPRINGFIELD-OAKS MILL POND Day Use WATERFORD-OAKS Functions WHITE LAKE -OAKS CLUBHOUSE Functions WHITE LAZE -OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes Cross -Country Skiing TOTALS Month of October, 1975 Year to Date Grou s Participants Groups Participants 1974 1975 1974 1975 1974 1975 1974 1975 43 72 191 296 2690 1929 11577 8082 178 152 1054 1065 7565 7266 57696 58118 13 23 1555 2422 160 163 17566 20792 325 326 1670 1304 8521 8287 37514 33179 2 62 7 216 5911 4776 32605 21939- 13 22 4660 9451 119 115 125049 123580 3 3 702 185 27 24 2034 1351 0 0 939 0 119 38 15702 4932 0 0 127 0 1 0 2681 256 1 0 40C 0 1 0 4768 0 25 41 4341 2565 231 363 25749 31530 17 28 143E 2477 165 197 12830 16460 0 4 2892 3462 457 546 41224 44497 0 1 1024 1890 11 13 12632 15524 0 O C 0 0 6 0 80 620 734 2099 25333 25978 23463 399627 380320 ADDISON-OAKS PARK Campers Day Use ADDISON CONFERENCE CENTER Functions GROVELAND-OAKS Campers Day Use SPRINGFIELD-OAKS Y.A.C. Functions SPRINGFIELD-OAKS CLUBHOUSE Functions SPRINGFIELD-OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes SPRINGFIELD-OAKS MILL POND Day Use �%ATERFORD- OAKS Functions WHITE LAKE -OAKS CLUBHOUSE Functions WHITE LAKE -OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Hodes Rounds Played 18 Holes Cross -Country Skiing TOTALS PARK AND FACILITY ATTENDANCE REPORT For the Month of October , 1975 Groups per Week Participants per Week 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 9 26 14 21 2 36 104 64 84 8 150 0 0 1 1 975 0 35 30 25 5 5 6 4 3 732 439 663 393 195 146 113 29 34 4 584 452 116 136 16 28 25 7 2 0 98 87 24 7 0 4 5 6 4 3 550 4010 1586 655 2650 0 1 2 0 0 0 100 85 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 9 0 6 8 922 388 584 273 398 5 7 6 6 4 403 990 303 474 307 2 1 1 0 0 818 818 588 768 470 1 0 0 0 0 435 376 353 478 248 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 360 191 80 78 25 5553 7764 4401 3298 4317 SWIM -MOBILE SKATE -MOBILE PUPPET -MOBILE FASHION -MOBILE MOV 1' f?- MOBILE SHOW -MOBILE Entertainment Unit Only SPORTS -MOBILE TOTALS MONTHLY UNIT ACTIVITIES REPORT MOBILE RECREATION Month of October, 1975 Year to Date -Groups Participants Groups Participants 1974 1975 1974 1975 1974 1975 1974 1975 0 0 0 0 31 70 1860 4960 2 1 410 200 148 132 11191 8012 2 1 80 200 153 147 11340 9993 0 0 O 0 48 36 1160 1296 0 0 0 0 62 70 3963 5143 0 0 0 0 45 50 7235 14133 0 3 0 3000 6 40 170 51945 0 0 0 0 0 90 0 5819 4 5 490 3400 493 635 36919 101301 OAKLAND COUNTY DARKS AND RECREATION ANALYSIS OF FUNND BALANCE As of September 30, 1975 Cash on Hand - $ 130,969.38 111175 Investments - 111175 1,125,000.00 FUND BALANCE - 111175 $1,255,969.38 Add: Revenues over Expenditures - Per Statement $1,098,058.59 Collections on Accounts Receivable 203,299.69 Depreciation Charges (Non Cash Item) 103,813.56 Sales Tax Collected 114.46 DNR Grant (Pike Rearing Pond - Indep.) 410.57 Decrease in Golf Mdse. Inventory 158.68 1,405,855.55 $2,661,824.93 Deduct: Payments for Capital Equipment 113,798.97 Payments on Capital Projects 1,124,925.46 Payments on Vouchers Payable 86,863.60 Gain on Equipment Traded (Non Cash Item) 300.00 1,325,888.03 FUND BALANCE - 9/30/75 $1,3351936.90 RECAP OF FUND BALANCE: Cash on Hand - /375 $ 135,936.90 Investments - 9/30/75 1,200L000600 FUND BALANCE - 9/30/75 $1,335,936.90 AMOUNT ENCUMBERED - 9/30/75 Capital Equipment on Order $ 11,201.03 Capital Projects in Process 991,798.29 Vouchers Payable 2,105.66 Estimated Expenses over Income for Balance of Year. 311, 882.59 $1,316,987.57 Oakland County Parks and Recreation COMBINED OPERATING STATEMENT For the Period Enaea 9 30 75 Revenues Administration Mobile Recreation Springfield Oaks: Golf Course YAC Groveland Oaks Independence Oaks Waterford Oaks Addison Oaks: Park Conf. Center White Lake Oaks TOTAL REVENUE Operating Expenses Administration. .Mobile Recreation Springfield Oaks: Golf Course YAC Groveland Oaks Independence Oaks Waterford Oaks Addison Oaks: Park Conf. Center White Lake Oaks Contingency TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE NET INCOME (LOSS) Budget Expenditures: 69.0% Budget Balance: 31.0% Actual Year Actual (Over) to Date 1975 up -der _ 9/30f75 Budget Budget $1,724,661.00 $1,671,400.00 $ (53,261.00) 26,572.51 42,200.00 15,627.49 18,815.06 45,531.00 26,715.94 27,100.30 165,321.00 138,220.70 113,953.14 102,570.00 (11,383.14) -0- -0- -0- 21,883.54 27,030.00 5,146.46 33,383.32 32,470.00 (913.32) 4,471.89 13,500.00 9,028.11 190,441.21 219,035.00 28/593.79 $2`,161,281.97 $2,319,057.00 $ 157,775.03 $ 248,563.45 397,793.00 $ 149,229.55 111,128.93 124,690.00 13,561.07 81,982.04 122,124.00 40,141.96 106,647.71 165,321.00 58,673.29 121,109.17 "169,901.00 (1) 48,791.83 28,150.51 46,139.00 (1) 17.,988.49 44,780.16 71,768.00 26,987.84 142,661.18 195,985.00 53,323.82 33,401.13 25,700.00 .(7,701.13) 144,799.10 3.65,755.00 201955.90 -0- 47,705.00'n(2) 47,705.00 $1,063,223.38 $_1,532L881.00 $ 469,657.62 $1,098,058.59 $ 786,176.00 $(311,882.59} (1) Transfer of Salary & Fringe Benefits from Groveland to Independence (See Operating Expenses for details) (2).Transferred $2,295.00 to Independence Oaks for""Chipper" Repair. Page 1. Current Month $ (221.79) 1.39 3,000.00, (452.31) $ 2,327.29 $ 10,754.90 -0- -0- -0- 124.50 367.60 -0- 450.30 -0- 3.00 -0- 192.45 -0- -0- 1,308.69 -0- 806.64 1,342.00 -0- 361.42 151.34 -0- 2,005.72 I)-7n nn 18,138.56 l_ Oakland County Parks an_d Recreation ADMINISTP.ATION Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 9/30/75 Revenue Tax Revenue Interest Delinq. Tax Income on Investments Misc. Income TOTAL REVENUE Operating Expenses Administration Actual Year to Date 9/30/75 $1,637,515.53 223.72 86,836.36 85.39 Salaries - Full Time $ - Part Time - Reserve Service Increments Fringe Benefits Rental Expense Communications Equip. Rep. & Maint. Per Diem & Mileage - Com. Insurance Laundry & Dry Clean Building Maint. Membership Due & Pub. Miscellaneous Exp. Propery Lease Payt. Office Supplies Professional Services Transportation Travel & Conference Housekeeping Sup. Depreciation Radio Rep. Contract Purchasing Dept. Services Promotional Expense Custodial Services TOTAL ADMIN. EXPENSE 1,724,661.00 93,843.59 720.00 50.75 -0- 17,408.62 1,070.00 2,786.14 26.74 4,481.67 -0- 30.00 129.86 1,315.81 3.32 -0- 7,456.16 14,872.00 4,219.34 3,860.73 98.95 2,943.79 1,442.06 -0- 37,061.73 2,400.00 $ 1961221.27 1975 Budget $1,580,000.00 400.00 90,000.00 11000.00 $1,671,400.00 144,924.00 3,327.00 1,000.00 1,716.00 32,480.00 3,500.00 4,800.00 1,200.00 12,500.00 300.00 400.00 500.00 1,500.00 300.00 1,800.00 7,000.00 6,000.00 5,500.00 6,000.00 200.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 7,000.00 40,000.00 3,240.00 Actual (Over) Under Budget $ (57,515.53) 176.28 3,163.64 914.61 (53,261.00) $ 51,080.41 2,607.00 949.25 11716.00 15,071.37 2,430.00 2/013.86 11173.26 8,018.33 300.00 370.00 370.14 184.19 296.68 1/800.00 (456.16) (8,872.00) 1,280.66 2,139.27 101.05 1/056.21 557.94 71000.00 2,938.27 840.00 $ 291,187.00 $ 94,965.73 Continued on Page 2. Page 2. Oakland County Parks and Recreation ADMINI STR.A77ON Statement of C--erations For the Period Ended 9Z3OZ75 Continued from Page 1. Actual Year Actual (Over) Current to Date 1975 Under Month Technical Suoport 9/30/75 Budget Budget $ 3,985.74 Salaries - Full Time $ 34,218.92 $ 70,505.00 $ 36,286.08 -0- - Part Time -0- -0- -0- -0- - Reserve -0- 1,000.00 1,000.00 -0- Service Increments -0- 1,190.00 1,190.00 -0- Fringe Benefits 6,166.79 15,511.00 9,344.21 -0- Rental Expense -0- 500.00 500.00 19.97 Equip. Rep. & Maint 76.61 600.00 523.39 -0- :insurance -0- 1500.00 500.00 69.40 La*Undry & Dry Clean 503.15 850.00 346.85 - --0- Uniform Expense -0- 500.00 500.00 1,119.26 Transportation 7,462.54 10,000.00 21537.46 120.00 Travel & Conf. 120.00 500.00 380.00 143.18 Small Tools 549.72 300.00 (249.72) 288.59 Depreciation 21738.71 4,000.00 1,261.29 50.86 Radio Rep. Contract 505.74- 650.00 .144.26 $ 5,797.00 TOTAL TECHNICAL SUPPORT $ 52,342.18 $ 106,606.00 $ 54,263.82 23,935.56 TOTAL OPERATING EXP. 2481563.45 397,793.00 1491229.55 $(21,608.27) NET REVEN[M OVER EXPENSES $1,476,097.55 $1,273,607.00 $(202,490.55) Budget Expenditures: 62.5% Budget Balance: 37.5% Mtsl �g75 3Z1.79 �r)70.g2 '.39 ,0- 3 r000.00 7 rtk2g �g t 45� O O to -Date� 3g 195.9� ��tiy�Q• rig•"� ZnVE�i'"'� ant ` pal - IT-''".✓'� s 5 7?,166 �Z r327 055.45 y97 ° 637 5 � 223.72 ZO r627 12 66 g6 r836.36 1p7 rg63•Qg g5.39 Current Month $ 355.00 Rent 3,165.00 110.00 1,110.00 45.00 645.00 895.00 -0- Porta 7,722.15 Speci 20.00 Misce $14,067.15 TOTAL ,. .2 , 211.93 LESS: $ 1,855.22 NET 1 Oakland Cot,n y Parks ^�c-_' _ ,..:_cr ation NOB <� . � C?EATiC:= Statement of Operas ^s For the Period Ended ;'30/75 Snow Mobile -- Skate Mobile Swim Mobile - Puppet Mobile -- Fashion Mobile Movie Mobile Sports Mobile John A Grant llaneous Income REVENUE Operating Exp. r'ICOME (LOSS) Actual -Yea. - to Date 9130175 $ 969.10 4,045.00 220.00 1,760.00 45.00 735.00 1,220.00 75.00 17,443.41 60.00 $ 26,572.51 111,128.93 $(84,556.42) 1975 Budget $ 7,800.00 .8,800.00 8,800.00 4,800.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 4,800.00 I $ 42,200.00 124,690.00 $(82,490.00) Actual (Over) Under Budget $ 6,830.90 4/755.00 8/580.00 3,040.00 3/555.00 2,865.00 3/5810.00 (75.00) (17,443.41) (60.00 $ 15,627.49 13,561.07� $(2,066.42) Current month $ 904.14 3,241.77 265.31 -0- -0- 152.80 288.87 -0- 14.50 -0- -0- 907.92 2,387.46 344.00 10.97 3,694.19 -0- $12,211.93 MOBT �-:: _ -- Operatin0 For the Period Ended 9 30 75 Operating Expenses Salaries - Full Time Part Time - Reserve Fringe Benefits Advertising Communications Equip.Rep. & Maint. Insurance Dues ,& Publications Miscellaneous O.t.fice Supplies Uniforms Mobile Rec. Supplies Transportation Travel & Conference Small Tools Deprecid tion Radio Repair Contract TOTAL OPERATING EXP. Budget Expenditures: 89.1% Budget Balance: 10.9% C Actual Year to Date 9/30/75 $ 7,894.57 48,552.21 1,932.23 .1,614.63 1,170.66 756.88 2,101.15 -0- 119.50 -0- 359.06 155.56 4,0ll.01 10,312.68 887.35 164.95 31,026.49 70.00 $111,128.93 1975 Budget $11,004.00 48,935.00 -0- 2,450.00 2,000.00 400.00 2", 000•.00 500.00 100.00 100.00 800.00 900.00 3,000.00 9,576.00 500.00 100.00 42,000.00 325.00 �L24, 690. 00 Actua? (Over' Under_ Budat. $ 3,109,43 382.79 (1,932.23) 835.37 829.34 (356.88) (101.15) 500.00 (19.50) 100.00 440.94 744.44 (1,011.01) (736.68) (387.35) (64.95) 10,973.51 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REVENUE COMPARISON • MOBILE RECREATION Month of September, 1975 V-- - i-- n, 4-- 1974 150.00 1975 355.00 Variance 205.00 Rent - Show Mobile 1974 518.00 1975 $ 969.10 Variance $ 451.10 70.00 3,165.00 1,595.00 Rent - Skate Mobile 1,980.00 4,045.00 21065.00 315.00 110.00 205.00 Rent - Swim Mobile 315.00 220.00 (95.00) 850.00 1 110.00 260.00 Rent --Puppet Mobile 1,150.00 1,760.00 610.00 106.00 45.00 (61.00) Rent - Fashion Mobile 106.00 45.00 (61.00) 225.00 645.00 420.00 Rent - Movie Mobile 360.00 735.00 375.00 -0- 895.00 895.00 Pent Sports Mobile -0- 1,220.00 1,220.00 -0- -0- -0- Rent - Porta John 62.00 75.00 13.00 -.0- 7,722.15 7 722.15 Mini Grant 8,636.54 17,443.41 81806.87 -0- 20.00 20.00 Miscellaneous Income -0- 60.00 60.00 $3 216.00 $14,067.15 $10,851.15 TOTAL $13,127.54 $26,572.51 $13,444.97 5 Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRINGF T EL•D GOLF C-OURSE .Statement of Operat-ons For the Period Ended 9/30/75 Actual Year, Actual (Over); Current to Date 1975 Under Month Revenue 9Z3OZ75 Budget Budget $ -0- Comm. - Food Sales $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ -0- -0- Sales - Pro Shop 2,181.06 .4r500.00 2,318.94 -•0- Rent - Golf Carts 664.00 2,500.00 1,836.00 -0- - Other Equip. 301.01 1,400.00 �'098.99 -0- Green Fees 15,372.99 37,000.00 21,627.01 -0- Contract Comm. Phone -0- 30.00 30.00 -0- Miscellaneous -0- 100.00 100.00 35.00 Clubhouse Rental 295.00 -0- 295.00) 35.00 TOTAL REVENUE $ 18,815.06 $ 45,531.00 $26,715.94 11,062&86 LESS: Op6rating Exp. 81,982.04 122,124.00 40,141.96 $(11 027.86) NET INCOME (LOSS) $(63,166.98) ,, $(76,593.00) $13,426.02 D V-- Current Month $ 5,613.08 1,165.10 282.67 -0- 3.25 285.23 617.84 60.00 1,395.71 431.02 -0-. l 108.48 95.00 -0- 8.36 2.50 -0- 140.00 -0- 3.78 26.54 824.30 -0- -0- -0- -0- $11,062.86 Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRIhGFIELD GOLF COURSE Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 9/30/75 Operating Expenses Salaries - Full Time - Part Time - Reserve Fringe Benefits Rental Expense_ Communications Equip. Rep. & Maint. Rubbish Removal Grounds Maint. Utilities Insurance Laundry & Dry Clean. Bldg. Maint Dues & Publications Misc. Expense Office Supplies Uniforms Transportation Travel & Conference Housekeeping Sup. Small Tools Depreciation Shortage/Overage Comm. Golf Carts Golf Mdse. For Resale Radio Repair Contract TOTAL OPERATING EXP. Budget Expenditures:67.1% Budget Balance: 32.9%. Act-val Year to Date 9/30/75 $35,410.73 7,392.48 1,408.33 81033.08 26.00 1,482.15 3,893.92 437.00 3,553.35 5,213.68 1,629.00 744.31 2,402.52 45.00 33.36 52.16 29.00 1,245.32 -0- 195.37 278.21 6.1461.81 (27.65) 266.00 1,776.91 -0- Actual (Over) 1975 Under Budget Budcre t $ 48,326.00 8,938.00 1,900.00 11.1100.00 150.00 1,000.00 51000.00 500.00 7,000.00 10,000.00 7,400.00 1,050.00 3,500.00 .200.00 100.00 600.00 500.00 1,500.00 500.00 800.00 200.00 7,410.00 --0- 1;250.00 3,000.00 200.00 $81,982.04 $122,124.00 $12,915.27 1,545.52. 491.67 31066.92 124.00 (482.15) 1,106.08 63.00 3,446.65 4,786.32 51771.00 305.69 1,097.48 155.00 66.64 547.84 471.00 254.68 500.00 604.63 (78.21) 948.19 27.65 984.00 11223.09 200.00 $40,141.96 r r I`7 CO CR"'A214 RR Z3 11D C `iR5R e CpY R� IR.L.p GOLF yan° ---�'' Vax Yeah 1�7 � ��19 ► 2.99 1 ' 34,592.36 131.06 6Ar 33) 2 5.40i 1915 3g2.84 -0 1� n- e 5 3 �--" th ° ' fei2�embe� axyan° 6 Gzeer Fee z s o 64-g8 95,(0 ZJ ) 0 2 °� 1975 4-,609 �a SaleS `✓ C°m1�5ions A5Q,04 965'pl -4�'.. ---` -197 4 0- �? Cony 1 31 p4 "- a 3 7 37 • 1 86 6.73 ovSe �- 1 C1;aY�h ,y 1.00 73.24 612.4pi Faoyly�ye5 ooa 1,90 23,�'�=5�j 16.7 35.04 6�2 • Co C,ys a�' 1�$B15 06-, ,-., 577.04 -0- sCe11 ne° 29 $ 6 .90 l� N 35 •��- 166 My4s,3p .90 3,�3� '16 Oakland Co:�nty'Parks and Recreation S?RTNG=TELD-CzKS Y__C Statement of Operatics For the Period Ended9 /-075 Actual Year Current to Date 1975 Month Revenue 9/30/75 Budget $ 975.00 Rent - YAC $ 8,050.00 $ 8,000.00 -0- Fees - Antique Car 200.00 7,500.00 659.37 - Rodeo 12,318.88 29,000.00 -0- - Circus 3,000.00 3,000.00 -0- - Horse Show -0- 200.00 -0- - 4 H Fair 743.40 600.00 -0- - New 2,395.50 4,000.00 18.17. Comm. Phone 40.10 -0- (50.80) Misc. Income 166.67 112,021.00 -0- Comm. Food Sales 185.75 1 000.00 1,601.74 TOTAL REVENUE $ 27,100.30 $165,321.00 113,041.88 LESS: Operating Exp. 106r647.71 165,321.00 $(11,440.14) NET.INCOME (LOSS) $(79,547.41) $ -0- Acttial (Over) Under Budaet $ (50.00) 7,300.00 161.681.12 -O- 200.00 (143.40) 1,604.50 (40.10) 111,854.33 814.25 $138,220.70 58;673.29 $ 79,547.41 Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRINGFIELD-OA'S YAC Operating Expenses For the Period Enaed 9 30 75 Actual Year Actual (Over), Current to Date 1975 Under Month Operating Expenses 9/30 75 Budget Budget $ 2,171.31 Salaries - Full Time $ 25,039.31 $ 51,572.00 $26,532.69 1,108.37 - Part Time 7,149.44 9,263.00 2,113.56 284.04 - Reserve 1,146.58 5,000.00 3,853.42 -0- Service Increments -0- 416.00 416.00 -0- Fringe Benefits 6,036.68 12,540.00 6,503.32 6,181.52 Special Events 31,007.65 44,000.00 121992.35 10.75 Rent Expense 112.00 500.00 388.00 259.39 Communications 1,900.41 1,700.00 (200.41) 5.75 Equip. Rep. & Maint. 122.80 1,500.00 1,377.20 3.73 Grounds Maint. 3/485.42 1,500.00 (1,985.42) 1,217,17 Utilities 121535.52 161000.00 3,464.48 _0- Insurance 3,581.00 41000.00 419.00 38.78 Laundry & Dry Clean 334.46 630.00 295.54 1,286.03 Bldg. Maint. 9,940.51 10,000.00 59.49 -0- Dues & Publications 67.00 200.00 133.00 -0- Miscellaneous 10.00 100.00 90.00 71.10 Office Supplies 750.31 800.00 49.69 10.40 Uniforms 50.70 300.00 249.30 165.60 Transportation 1,446.34 1,500.00 53.66 -07 Travel & Conf.. -0- 400.00 400.00 7.24 Housekeeping Sup. 425.69 lf500.00 11074.31 -0- Small Tools 125.68 300.00 174.32 161.58 Depreciation 848.13 1,000.00 151.87 59.12 Radio Repair Contract 532.08 600.00 67.92 $13,041.88 TOTAL OPERATING EXP. $106,647.71 $165,321.00 $58 673.29 Budget Expenditures: 64.5Y. Budget Balance: 35.5% OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REVENUE COMPARISON SPRINGFIELD YOUTH ACTIVITY CENTER Month of September. 1975 v. _ 1974 1975 Variance 1974 ^J.975 Variance -0- $ -0- $ -0- Sales.- Food:_ $ 1,914.39 $ -0- $ 51,914.39 Rcn-t. - Activities Center 39 00 $,,05R,.�Q.._ 1,511,00 ��- -0- -0- Special Rentals 100.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- Gratuities _ 365.42 -0- 365.42) -0- -0- -Q- Fees - Entrance 2,686.72 -0- (2,686.72 5.,233.50 659.37 (4,574.13) Fees - S ecial Events 38 487.46 18Z657.78 (19;829.68 -0- 18.1�7 18.17 Contract Commissions i 9.19 40.10 30.91 (50.80) (50.80) 1(_iscrl]n!Ir,c,tzs � 211.82 166.67 (45.15) -0- -0- ----0- Commission - Food 211.17 185.75 25.42 8,460.50 81,601.74 6 858.76 TOTAL $50,525.17 27,100.30 $(23,424.871 Current Month $ -0- _0- 150.27 194.00 8,592.00 -0- 25.34 $ 8,961.61 Oakland County Parks and Recreation GRO'vELA`ID O ?:S S gatemen t of Operations For the Period Ended 9 30 75 Revenue Comm. - Food Service Rental Facilities Rental - Equipment Fess - Entrance Fees -- Camping Contract Comm. Misc. Income TOTAL REVEL 17,962.29 LESS: Operating Exp. (9,000.68) OPER. INCOME (LOSS) ADD: Other Income 210'e00 Rent Houses -0- Less: Maintenance 210.00 _NET OTHER INCOME (LOSS) $(8,790.68) NET INCOME (LOSS) Actual Year to Date 9/30/75 $ 580.06 2,100.00 9,206.47 10,961.00 88,613.51 463.11 438.y9 $112, 363.1-4 120,653.56 (8,290.4Z-) 1,590.00 455.61 1,134.39 $ (7,156.03) 1975 Budget $ 2,000.00 1,920.00 9,000.00 14,000.00 75,000.00 500.00 150.00 $102,570.00 169,401.00* (66,831.00) -0- (500.00) $(67,331.00) *Change from original Budget - See Operating Expenses for details. Actual (Over! Under Budget $ 1,419..94 (180.00) (206.47) 3,039.00 (13,613.51) 36.89 288.99 $(9,793.14) 48,747.44 58,540.58 (1,590.00) 44,� 39 1.634.39 �60,174. 97 Oakland County Parks and Recreation GROVE T PLNiD-OA ,S Operating Expens_s For the Period Ended 9130/75 Actual Year Current to Date 1975 Month Operating Expense /30/75 Budget $ 2,490.40 Salaries - Full Time 4,961.31 - Part Time 918.77 - Reserve -0- Fringe Benefits 8.73 Rental Expense 189.59. Communications 946.69. Equip.Rep.& Maint. 935.00 Rubbish Removal 2-,119.73 Grounds Maint. -0-- Utilities -0- Insurance 177.58 Laundry &. Dry Clean 885.76 Bldg. Maint. -0- Dues & Publications -0- Miscellaneous Expense 30.90 Office Supplies 42.60 Uniforms -0- Transportation -0- Travel & Conference . 543.56. Housekeeping Sup. 25.59 Small Tools -.1,604.56 Depreciation --0- - - Shortage/Overage 67.48 Radio Repair Contract -0-, Promotional Expense 151.47 Rec.Prog. Expense l 862.57 Security Services $17,962.29 $30,212.16 30,653.29 31595.24 61371.53 87.48 927.37 4,186.33 " 3,377.00 7,868.31 8,298.57 879.00 1,035.66 2,640.20 60.00 69.64 375.82 82.90 849.95 188.30 1,501.96 333.63 13,096.29 93.60 613.82 500.00 892.94 11862.57 $ 46,497.00 43,899.00 3,000.00 10 ,494.00 1,000.00 1,150.00 6,000.00 4,000.00 8,000.00 .12,000.00 3,000.00 1,490.00 3,000.00 100.00 300.00 750.00 300.00 3,000.00 500.00 3,000.00 200.00 14,721.00 -0- 1,500.00 500.00 1,000.00 e0, Actual (Over) Under Budget $ 16,284.84 131245.71 (595.24) 4,122.47 912.52 222.63 1,813.67 623.00 131.69 31701.43 2,121.00 454.34 359.80 40.00 230.36 374.18 217.10 2,150.05 311.70 1,408.04 (133.63) 1,624.71 (93.60). 886.18 107.06 (1,862.57) $120,653.56 $169J401.00 $48,747.44 Budget Expenditures: 64.9% Budget Balance: 35.1% (1) Transfer $13,200.00 to Independence. P.Zenilis,� Salary. (2) Transfer $3,300.00 to Independence. P.Zenilisl Fringe Benefits. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION . REVENUE COMPARISON GROVELAND-OAKS 1974 60, 0 1975 210.00 - Variance 150.00 Rent - Buildings 1974 $ 1,600.00 1975 $ 1,590.00 Variance $ (10.00) 6,634.50 _ 4 -0-: _.� 8 -0- -0- 41.16 Rent - Facilities 1,100.00 2,100.00 1,000.00 Fees - Camping 7Q,913.00 88,613.51 593.66 463.11 17,700.51 (130.55) Contract Commissions 0- 25.34--_ 25.34 Miscellaneous 206.30 438.99 232.69 _ 643.25 194.00 449.25 Fees- Entrance 14,359.25 10,961.00 (3,398.25) 499.50 150.27 (349.23) Rent - Equipment 8,111.84 9,206.47 1,094.63 -0- -0- -0- Commission - Food 4,38.93 580.06 141.13 7,878.41 $9,171.61 1 293.20 TOTAL $97,322.98 $113,953.14 $16,630.16 Oakland County Parks and Recreation ITIDEPENDI E CE OAKS l Operating Expenses For the Period Ende 9 30 75 Actual Year Actual (Over Current To Date 1975 Under Month Operating Expenses 9,30Z75 Budget Budget $1,657.63 Salaries - Full Time $16,442..02 $26,412.00 $ 9,969..98 -0- Fringe Benefits 31335.22 60,207.00 2,871.78 -0- Communications -0- 500.00 500.00 22.06 Equip.Rep.& Maint. 3,378.56 3,795.00 416.44 156..98 Grounds Maint. 544.74 200.00 (344.74) 190.00 Utilities 194.62 750.00 555.38 -0- Insurance 18.25 200.00 181.75 34.70 Laundry & Dry Clean. 260.25 225.00 .(85.25) -0- Dues & Publications .20.00 100.00 80.00 53.90 _ Miscellaneous. - 162.05 100.00 (62.05) -0- Office Supplies - 12.19 150.00 137.81 160.00 Transportation 1,903.18 1,550.00 (353.18) -0- Travel & Conference 180.84 350.00 169.16 -0- Housekeeping Supplies -0- 100.00 100.00 -0- Small Tools 481.20 100.00 (381.20) 218.16 Depreciation 1,122.14 5,000.00 31877.86 -0- Radio Repair Contract 65.25 400.Q0 334.75 -0- Uniform Expense 30.00 _0_ .(30000) $2,493.43.; TOTAT, OPERATING EXPENSE $28,150.51 $46,139.00 $171988.49 Budget Expenditures: 61.0°° Budget Balance: 39.0°° (1.) Transfer $13,200.00 from Groveland. P.Zemilis Salary. (2) Transfer $3,300.00 from Groveland . P.Zemilis Fringe Benefits (3) Transfer $2,295.00 from Contingency Fund for."Chipper" Repair. Oakland Co,=ity Parks c- d Recreation WA'=?.PORD-OA-:S Operating Exp=__ses For the Period Ende:y, 930 75 Actual Year Current to Date Month Operating Expenses 9/30/75 $1,616.83 Salaries - Full Time $151698.00 -0- - Part Time -0- 116.29 - Reserve 224.85 -0- Service Increments -0- -0- Fringe Benefits 2,942.83 155.00 Spec. Events Exp. 8,193.30 -0- Rental Expense -0- 68.28 Communications 639.48 65.95 Equip. Rep. & Maint: 1,209.91 35.00 Rubbish Removal 280.00 359.57 Grounds Maintenance 2,567.82 561.44 Utilities 6,352.27 -0- Insurance 691.50 34.70 Laundry & Dry Clean 383.30 330.12 Bldg. Maintenance 1,387.72 -•0- Dues & Publications 25.00 -0- Miscellaneous -0- -0- Lease Payment -0- -0- Office Supplies 43.40 -0- Travel & Conference -0- -0- Housekeeping Sup. 678.30 -0- - Small Tools 128.87 363.38_ Depreciation 3,285.42 $3,706.56 TOTAL OPER. EXPENSES $44,731.97 Budget Expenditures:62.5°0 Budget Balance 37.5% i 1975 Budget $23,210.00 -0- 1,000.00 629.00 6,819.00 10,000.00 1,600.00 450.00 2,000.00 420.00 3,000.00 8,000.00 1,000.00 850.00 1,800.00 50.00 50,00 5,400.00 150.00 100.00 1,000.00 100.00 3,890.00 $71,518.00 Actual (Over), Under Budcxe t $ 7,512.00 -0- 775.15 629.00 3,876.17 1,806.70 1,600.00 (189.48) 790.09 140.00 432.18 1,647.73 308.50 466.70 412.28 25.00 50.00 51400.00 106.60 100.00 321.70 (28.87) 604.58 n� r_ Current Month 650.00 1,140.00 -0- 232.00 -0- 280.00 290.00 -0- 570.00 152.00 180.00 -0- -0- -0- -0 120.00 $3,614.00 3,706.56 (92.56) 190.00 190.00 $ 97.44 Oakland Coui ty P -- s and Recreation Wile 'ERFORD - OAKS Statement or Operations For the -Period Ended 9 30/75 Revenue Comm.- Food Service Rent - Facilities Fees - Dog Obedience - Ballet - Belly Dancing - Golf Classes - Sq.Dancing - Bridge - - Kiddie Movies Ballroom Dancing - Sr.Citizens . Taxidermy Astrology - Photography :Charm Class - Needle Point - Round Dancing Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUE LESS: Operating Expense OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) ADD: Other Income Rent Houses Less - Maintenance NET OTHER INCOME NET INCOME (LOSS) Actual Year to Date 9 30 75 $ 570.29 2,950.00 51867.75 -0- 1,558.00 1,000.00 4,103.00 386.t�0 217.50 2,053.CO 848.00 600.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- 120 . C�-> -0- $20,273.5 44,731.97 (24,458.43) 1,610.00 48.19 1,561.81 $(22,896.62) 1975 Budget $ 1,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 600.00 61000.00 11000.00 500.00 -0- 500.00 - -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 450.00 500.00 -0- 200.00 $ 24,750.00 71,518.00 (46,768.00) 2,280.00 250.00 2,030.00 $(44,738.00) Actual (Over;, Under Budget $ 429.71 4,050.00 1,132.25- 600.00 4,442.00 -0- (3,603.00) (386.00) 282.50 (2,053.00) (848.00) (600.00). -' -0_ -0- 450.00 500.00 (120.00) 200.00 $ 4,476.46 26,786.03 22,309.57 670.00 201.81 468.19 $21,841.38 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REVENUE COMPARISON WATERFORD-OAKS Mnn-t'ln n-F Cep -I- —I,.— 1 Q7ri Year. to Date 1974 _ $ -0- v1975 $ -0- Variance $ -0- Sales - Food 1974 $ 566.40 1975 -0- Variance 566.40 150.00 190.00 40.00 Rent- Buildings 1 680.00 1,610.00 (70.00) 1,000.00 650.00 (350.00) Rent - Facilities 5,840.20 2,950.00 �(2,890.20 )_ -0- -0- -0- Special Events 4a00 -0- ��4.00 _ 24390.00 2,964.00 574.00 Fees - Act.Classes 13 486.10 16 753.25 97.,67_.1S 16.45 -0- (16.45) Contract Commission 55.49 -0- (`_5.4 �� -0- 0 -0- 0 -0- -0- Miscellaneous 504.00 573.03 -0- 510 ) 504.00 .74 Commission - Food 3.556.45 53.804.�00 247.55 TOTAL $21,576.42 $21,883.54 $ 307.12 Oakland County Parks and ecreati on ` ADDISON-OAKS PARK Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 9f 3U;!75 Actual Year Actual(over)— Current To Date 1975 Under Month Revenue 9 30/75 Budget Budget $ -0- Comm. --Food Service $ 230.08 $ 720.00 $ 489.92 1,367.25 Rental - Facilities 3,731.45 -0- (3,731.45) 91.50 Rental - Pedal Boats 1,593.67 1,500.00 (93.67) 50.00 - Row Boats. 668.2-5 150.00 (518.25) -0- - Hay Rides 17. , -0- (17.20) 1,295.25 Fees - Entrance 857.50 - Camping C-0- Miscellaneous $ 3,661.50 TOTAL REVENUE 19,579.86 LESS: Operation Expense (15,918.36) NET -INCOME (LOSS) 14 13,757 12,794 590.E $ 33,383.=Y 142,661 (109,277 -6 17,000.00 13,000.00 100.00 $ 32,470.00 195,985.00 (163,515.00) 3,243.00 205.25 (490.92) $ (913.32) 53,323.82 54,237.14 Oakland County Parks and Recreation �. ADDISON-OAKE FARK Operating Expenses For the Period EnEed 9Z30Z75 Actual -fear Actual (Over Current to Date 1975 Under Month Operating Expenses 9Z30/75 Budget Budget $ 6,098.90 'Salaries - Full Time $ 53,987.24 $ 68,954.00 $14,966.76 21652.76 - Part Time 18,996.28 34,101.00 15,104.72 681.03 - Reserve 4,892.67 6,000.00 11107.33 -0- Fringe Benefits 11,624.1-8 161500.00 4,875.82 3.25 Rental Expense 225.40 300.00 74.60 131.90 Communications 691.23 950.00 258.77 56.62 Pool Expense 1,076.87 1,200.00 123.13 11390.91 Equipment Rep. & Maint. 7,048.83 81000.00 951.17 108.00 Rubbish Removal 1/050.00 1,500.00 450.00 621.83 Grounds Maintenance 8,630.89 51000.00 (3,630.89) 275.47 Utilities 1/261.06 2,400.00 1,138.94 -0- Insurance 882.00 1,800.00 918.00 229.63 1,732.27 Laundry & Dry Clean. Bldg. Maintenance 1,601.01 3,847.24 1,680.00 2,500.00 78.99 (1,347.24) -0- Dues & Publications 40.00 1*00.00 60.00 -0- Miscellaneous 143.76 250.00 106.24 -0- Office Supplies 410.35 500.00 89.65 19.66 Uniforms 136.73 500.00 363.27 494_.20 Transportation 31601.07 3,000P00 (601.07) -0- Travel & Conference 282.38 500.00 217.62 406.38 Housekeeping Supplies 11072.95 900.00 (1-72.98) 112.05 Small Tools 440.32 300.00 (140.32) 1,977.34 Depreciation 17,280.15 17,850.00 569.85 .50 Shortage/Overage 22.73 -0- . (22.73) 67.48 Radio Repair Contract 607.32 1,200.00 592.68 866.43 Sewage Expense 1,155.24 20,000.00 181844.76 1,653.25 Security Services 1,653.25 -0- (1,653.25) $19,579.86 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $142,661.18 $195,985.00 853 3Z3 82 Budget Expenditures: 74.8% Budget Balance: 25.2% OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION CO101ISSSION REVEMME COMPAR'I' SOI`I . ADDISON-OAKS Month of September. 1975 Year to Date 1974 1975 -0- -0= Variance -0- Sales - Food 19711 $ 2,478.12 197 5 .-_$ -0- �_.�... . Variance _.,._. $ (2,478.12) -0- -0- -0- Rent - Buildings 200.00 -0-- (200.00) 14035.00 11,983.75 _ 857.50 1,295.25 (17.7.50) (688.50) Fees - Camping 121718.40 16,042.10 -0- 12 794.75 13,757.00 , -0- 76.35 (2,285.10) -0- Fees - Entrance -0- -0- -0- Contract Commission i 125.00 -0- 125.00 Miscellaneous 16 040.16 590.92 449.24 1.59.50 141.50 18.00 Rent - Equipment 1,697.80 24279.12 581.32 -0- 1,367.25 .1,367.25 Rent - Facilities 217.00 3,731.45 3,514.45 -0- -0- -0- Commission - Food 114.99 230.2B 115.29 > $,303.25 $3,661.50 $ 358.25 TOTAL $49,508.57 $33,383.52 $(16,125.05) COakland County Darks =d Recreation ADDISO-N-OAKS CENTER Statement of Oper--lions For the Period Ended ^9 Current Month $ -0- 1,470.37 -0- 211.31 17.15 582.91 $ 2,281.74- (21281.74) Revenue Comm., — Food Service LESS: Oneratina E=. Grounds Maintenance Utilities Insurance Building Maint. Miscellaneous Depreciation TOTAL OPERATING EXP. NET INCOME (LOSS) Budget Expenditures: 130.0% Actual Year to Daze 9/30 f 75 $ 4,471.v9 704.26 14, 281. 9-- 2,505.0: 10,474.E 189.4 5,246.13 $ 33,401.1:> 28,929.2V 1975 Buckle t $ 13,500.00 13/500.00 3,000.00 4,000.00 100.00 5,100.00 $ 25,700.00 12 L 200.00 Actual (Over).; Under Budget $ 9,028.11 (704.26) (781.90) 495.00 (6,474.33) (89.45) (146.19) $ (7,701.13) (16,729.24) ,,.--„� �,1�C1. �, _, �0 Os� �� �3 . �Q � �d � �� ,yI �Q2�SZ�pa ��I �% Current Month $ -0- 3,676.41 1,590.00 260.50 11,446.67 223.25 -0-- (1,030.55) $16,166.28 's541.72 (1,375.44) 90.00 -0- 90.00 $(1,285.44) Oakland Co-ant_y Parks =_3 Recreation iti- I. LATE C_=_S Statement of Opera =;ons For the Period Endec. 3C175 Revenue Comm. - Food Service Sales - Pro Shop Rent - Golf Cart Rental Golf Other Greens Fees Fees - Special Events Contract Comm. - Phone Misc. Income TOTAL REVENUE LESS: Operating Exp. OPERATING INCOME - (LOSS ) Other Income Rent Houses Less - Maint NET OTHER INCO14E NET INCOME (LOSS) Actual Yea -- to Date 9/30/75 $ 4,825.35 22,459.76 13,506.0C 3,433.94 141,211.43 4,099.35 •64.37 $189,631.21 144,799.10 44,832.11 810.00 -0- 810.00 $ 45,642.11 1975 Budget $ 18,000.00 25,000.00 15,000.00 4,000.00 155,000.00 2,000.00 35.00 -0- $219,035.00 165,755.00 $ 53,280.00 -0- -0- $ 53,280.00 Actual (Over) Under Budget $13,174.64 2,540.24 1,494.00 566.06 13,788.57 . (2,099.35) (29.37) (31.00) $29,403.79 20,955.90 8,447.89 (810.00) -0- (810.00) $ 7,637.89 41 Oakland County Pa=::s anal Eec-ea t-on W?' , Operating Expense For the Period Ended `30 7 5 Act_- Year Actual (Over" Current To :,<ate 1975 Under Month Operatina Expenses 91 175 Budget Budcce $ 4,581.37 Salaries - Full Time $ 37r629.02 $ 48,117.00 $10,487.98 2,824.86 - Part Time 15,805.14 241063.00 8,257.86 148.32 -- Reserve 1,832.68 3,000.00 1,147.32 -0- Fringe Benefits 7,589.71 141200.00 61310.29 658.80 Special Events 395.22 11000.00 4.78 3.25 Rental Expense ==8.98 400.00 281.02 115.55 Communications 57.51 1,250.00 282.49 334.86 Equip.Rep. & Main.t. 2,135.00 4,000.00 1,815.00 -0- Rubbish Removal _70.00 450.00 280.00 (81.71) Grounds Maintenance 9,764.10 81500.00 (1,264.10) 1,462.38 Utilities 111002.03 131000.00 1,997.97 -0- Insurance 3, 41.25 51000.00 11758.75 210.66 Laundry & Dry Clean if421.49 1,150.00 (271.49) 319.36 Building Maintenace 4,798.26 11200.00 (3,598.26) -0- Dues & Publications 113.00 200.00 87.00 -0-- Miscellaneous 163.11 200.00 36.89 -0- Office Supplies 592.53 11000.00 407.47 80.29 Uniforms 120.59 400.00 279.41 188.65 Transportation 1,759.46 2,500.00 740.54 -0- Travel & Conference 2.75.40 500.00 224.60 47.46 Housekeeping Supplies 504.34 750.00 245.66 1.7.95 Small Tools 502•61 200.00 (102.61) 2,364.75 Depreciation 19,74-5.44 11,825.00 (7,940.44) (201.00) Shortage/Overage (7-56.05) -0- 156.05 11398.00 Comm. Golf Cart Rentals 5173.00 71500•00 1,527.00 3,014.57 Golf Mdse. for Resale 17,30Ar.57 151000.00 (2,304.57) 2.1.42 Radio Repair Contract 208.78 350.00 141.22 .31.93 Security Services 31.93 -0- (31.93) $17_,541.72 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES ( 'Budget Expenditures: 87.49% udget Balance: 12.6% $14-4,799.10 - ,$165�,755,QQ $20,955.90 Ir OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION. REVENM COMPARISON WHITE LAKE - OAKS Yr-rr -tn nat(- r1974 -0- v1975v v� $ -0- Variance $ -0- ;Sales - Food &, B2yera e 1974 13,874.96 1975 $ -0- � Variance - -_ $(13,874.96) 90.00 3._676. 41_ , 90.00 _ .._. _ .1,127.97, _, -0- Sales Pro Shop 20,808.40 450.00 17 094.33 _22, 459, 76 810.00_ 16 939.94 1, 651.36 360.00 39 Rent - Buildings 3,160.20 1,850.50 (1,309.70) Rent - Equipment -0- -0- -0- Gratuities 1,621.16 -0- (1,,621.16 115.00 223. 25 108.25 Fees - Special 1,440.50 4,099.35 30.67 -0- (30.67) Contract Commission's* 65.99 64.37 704.26 (1,030.55_�] ,734.81�_ Miscellaneous. 149,310.67 1,999.98 141,211.43 4,825.36 (6/3.26 � 8,099.24 2,825.38 14,914.92 11,446.67 3 468,25 -0- -0- Fees - Entrance Commission - Food 5,706.14 -0- (5;706.14) L.W.F. - Sales 351,041.77 -0= (35,041.77) >27269.63 $16,256.28 $(11,013.35) TOTAL 242,412.02 $190,441.21 $(51,970.81) Item #7 WATERFORD-OAKS ROAD COMMISSION RIGI?T-OF-WAY The Oakland County Road Commission has requested that the Parks and Recreation Commission provide 60 feet of right-of-way along Scott Lake Road for future road use. This right-of-way request is in accordance with the master right-of-way program for the County and Waterford Township. I have reviewed this with the Department of Facilities & Operations and they recommend this right-of-way be granted. It is recommended that this be sent to the Planning and Building Committee for referral to the Board of County Commissioners for approval in the amount of $1.00. Item #8 WHITE LAKE -OAKS BENCHES Request permission to purchase 18 six foot aluminum park benches from Herb Jennings, Inc., at the price of $82.00 per unit for a total of $1476.00. These benches are in the Capital Equipment Budget. Specifications were sent to eight -firms and Jennings was the only firm that bid. Copy of summary sheet attached. SUW4ARY SHEET OF PARK BENCHES 6' Aluminum Park Benches PARKS AND RECREATION Springfield Oaks Total 1. Hebert Jennings $82.00/unit - $1,476.00 4 weeks A.R.O. Net 30 2. Lawn Equipment No Bid 3. W.F. Miller No Bid 4. Jack Golden and Associates No Bid 5. Flaghouse Inc. No Bid 6. Global Equipment Co No Bid 7. Standard Golf Co No Bid 8. Educational Media, Inc. No Bid 4 RAN0 COU C4ATION OM . PkS M OCT 10 197 CEIVE0 Item #9 SURVEY QUOTATIONS ADDISON LAKE - ADDISON-OAKS PARK Proposals were received from four surveying engi- neering firms and will be presented at the Commission meeting on Friday. Copies of the bid sheets are attached. The purpose of the survey is to establish: 1. The existing lake level 2. Establish what the size of the lake would be at a 6" higher elevation. Staff will be making the recommendation to go with Gary Stonerock, Air -Land Surveys. Reasons for taking second low bidder will be explained at the meeting. Finney, Carnahan & Associates, Inc. Registered Civil En ir,eers & Lznd Surveyors 1044 E. VVest M. j- WALLED LAKE, MiCH! -AkN 48088 313 624-3212 November 3, 1975 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48054 Attention : Mr,4 Robert Bomia Reference: Addison --Oaks Park Gentlemen : Please accept this letter as our proposal to supply all labor and materials to complete the surveying requiY�ents for the above referenced park as outlined in your letter of 1ctober 24, 1975. The firm of FINNEY, CARNAHAN AND ASSOCIA S, INC., will comply with the conditions, Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 s-s stated in the letter above referenced, for a sum not to exceed Four '_:u-ndred forty. and no/100 ( $ 440.00 ) dollars. Hourly rates as charged by this firm are a�s follows: $ 25.00 per hour for principal of firm $ 35.00 per hour for two man field crew $.40.00 per hour for three man field crew $ 20.00 per hour for draftsman and office work In the event we do not submit the successful proposal, I would appreciate very much being informed as to all other amounts of the proposals submitted. Respectfully, �j�✓'�./�.�arnahan Whitne Vice President WC/wc PHOTOGRAMMETRIC MAPPING AND LAND SURVEYING PHONE (313) 625-4890 AIR -LAND SUR`-EYS P.O. BOX 326 7990 M-15 CLARKSTON. MICHIGAN 46C' 55 CAKLAND CO. PARKS ,2 RECREATION OCT 31, 1975 2800 WATKINS LAKE RD. PON.TIAC , MICH. 48054 ATT: MR. BoMlA SUBJECT: LAKE SURVEY AT ADDiSON---OAKS PARKS 33 ADDISON TWP. DEAR SIRS: IN REPLY TO YOUR LETTER DATED OCT.24.19'5 THE FOLLOWING HOURLY RATES ARE SUBMITTED FOR ITEMS 1 THRU 4 INCLU-IVE. 2 MAID! CREW t$27/HR. 3 P9NA CREW -4/HR. DRAFTING $14/HR. I WOULD ESTIMATE FOUR (4) DAYS FIELD WORK AND ONE (1) DAY OF DRAFTING WITH A LUh'iP SUM NOT TO EXCEED $ 920.00, WORK TO BE COMPLETED IN APPROX I I°1-- ATELY 2 WEEKS FROM DATE OF ACCEPTANCE. NOTE: Dr DUCT $250.00 DOLLADS IF WORK CAN BE DOONE WHEN THE LAKE.iS FROZEN AND IS SAFE TO WALK ON 5 POSSIBLY JAN. FOR -HE SURVEY WOULD BE EASY TO W013K AT THIS TIME. A FIELD JNSPECTION WAS MADE BEFORE PREPAIRi:,G THIS PAPER. THE REASON THIS IS MENTIONED IS THAT THE PR-INT IS VERY MISLEADING AS TO THE SCOPE OF WORK. THE LAKE IS XNOW ABOUT 10 To 20 TIMES THE ISI7_E SHOWN ON THE TOPO MAP. RESPECTIVELY. GARY�-R. STONER_0"CK R.L.S. IK il IE IF IF DELTON =. LOHFF, P.E.,R.L.S., - President FORR�S T R. JONES, R.L.S_ - Secretary IE N G '[ N IL R'N G p CIVIL ENGINEES -AND LAND 5_TRVEYORS 5852 South Main Street Clarkston, Michigan 48016 313: 625-5251 JAMES J. SCHARL, R.L.S. - Treasurer HOWARD M. KIEFT, P.E., R.L.S. - V. A Ret. November 3, 1975 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commissicn Oakland County Service Center 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48054 Attention Mr. Robert J. Bomia Gentlemen: In reply to your letter dated October 24, 1975, for survey work at Addison Oaks Park, our estimate for the fc-:r items in the letter is based on the following hourly rates: Two man field crew $ 28.00/hr. Three man field crew 37.00/hr. Four man field crew 45.00/hr. Jr. Draftsman 12.00/hr. Sr. Draftsman 15.00/hr. Associate Engineer 17.00/hr. Design Engineer/Surveyor 20-00/hr. Project Engineer/Surveyor 25-00/hr. Principal 30.0'0/hr. Electronic Measurement 10.00/hr. Court Proceedings 30.00/hr. w/$100 minimum Survey stakes, blueprints & mileage at cost. The estimate for the total work is $900.00, with a not to exceed cost of $1,000.00. This estimate is based on the area approximately as shown on the topo. However, upon site investigation, we found the water level is several feet higher than indicated and the existing water area is about twice the size indicated. If this is then the area to be located, the estimate would be increased.to $2,000.00. Very truly yours,, Delton E. Lohff, P !, R.L.S. DEL:rt Tplorrijon F,- 1-geterjY inc. Subdivisions Land Development mobile Home Parks CIVIL ENGINEERING CON_�LTANTS Sanitary Engineering )artments / Condominiums 2187 Orchard Lake E;,�ac Municipal Engineering Pontiac, Michigan OCZ; 313/858-2611 :•tober 30, 1975 Oale' and County arts and Recreation Commission 2800 Watkins 1,-ka Road Pontiac, 'achigan 12054 .Attn: t r. Robart J. Bomia, Chief of Design and :Ievelop�.ment Re: Addison Oaks Park Gentlemen: We are pleased to offer the following proposal for professional services regarding your 'letter of October 24, 1975 SCORE;: 1) Establish water elevation ( existing at rime of survey ) on U.S.G.S. Datum using Bench Turks shown can plan. 2) Establish two permanent bench marks near �-cmrol structure. 3) Place wood hubs at approximate interval- ff 100 feet along a proposed shoreline based upon a water-__-vation which is 6" higher than existing water. . 4) Plot the proposed shoreline on a drawing and submit same. IMES: Survey Gr-aa $ 35.00 per hour. Office/P_ra. ting time $ 15.00 per hou:- y_ate.rials $ 50.00 flat fe FE1;: Total fee not to exceed $ 1,250.00. This proposal shall be firm only until December 1, 1975. Weather parn.,itting, it is mxpected that this work could be completed within ten ( 10 ) days from Notice to Proceed. Very r y Yours ,- J Rene' J. Peters, P.E. Secy. - Tres. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION October 17, 1975 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Statement of Operations for September, 1975. 4. Groveland-Oaks - Electrical Bids. 5. Waterford -Oaks - Bids for Site Work & Concrete Work. 6. Leonard Property. 7. Approval of Union Contract. 8. Adjourn. Item #6 LEONARD PROPERTY Mrs. Leonard presently occupies the house off Scott Lake Road on a two-year Occupancy Agreement that expires February 28, 1976. According to her attorney, Al Ingle, it would be necessary to reimburse her $1,500.00 to vacate the property on or before October 31, 1975. I have reviewed this with the Civil Counsel as well as our architect, and the architect states that it is abso- lutely necessary that the sanitary sewer be run in during Site Work which, if all goes well, will be done this fall. Based upon this timetable, I would recommend that we accept this offer.