HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1975.10.10 - 39633PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION oakland county service center 2800 watkins lake road Pontiac, michigan 48054 858-0906 R. Eric Reickel Director October 7, 1975 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . 10:00 a.m. Friday, October 10, 1975 PLACE . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan PURPOSE . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting The meeting is called in accordance with authorization of E. Frank Richardson, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. ComRelck l R. Director cn E. Frank Richardson Chairman James W. Dunleavy Vice -Chairman Lewis E. Wint Secretary Velma M. Austin Fred L. Harris George W. Kuhn Joseph R. M ontante Richard V. Vogt Richard R. Wilcox Addison -Oaks • Groveland - Oaks • Independence -Oaks • Waterford -Oaks • White Lake -Oaks • Springfield -Oaks OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION October 10, 1975 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes of September 26, 1975. 4. Approval of Payments - Voucher 9-204 through 9-207 and Voucher 10-1 through 10-59. 5. Activities Report for September, 1975. 6. Project Progress Report 75-2. 7. Park Residences - Lightning Arresters. 8. Groveland-Oaks - Electrical Bids. 9. Waterford -Oaks - Phase I Site Work. 10. Senate Bill 1079. 11. House Bills 5597 and 5598. 12. Director's Report. 13. Unfinished Business. 14. New Business. 15. Adjourn. NOTE: Next meeting (tentative) October 17, 1975, 10 a.m. VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION SEPTEMBER, 1975 TT n TTf lu'r DUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-204 J.D.Armstronq Landsca e Co. Spring.- Phase III - 63 860.10 9-205 Larry D. Newman EndeDendence Site Work - Sixth Payment - 38 3 75 9-206 Holfort Associates Inc. rin .- Phase III - Pa t. No.3 92.50 9-207 Michigan Recreation & Park Assoc Tech.Supp.- Travel & Conf. 120.00 TOTAL FOR THIS SHEET 102 399.35 GRAND TOTAL FOR THE MONTH 324 856.60 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION OCTOBER, 1975 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 10-1 Town & Country Communications Inc. Add.- Equip.Rep. & Maint. 16,95, 10-2 Pools A -Go -Go, Inc. Addison - Pool Expense 32.50' 10-3 Orkin Exterminating Co.Inc. YAC. - Bldg. Maint. 17.00' 10-4 County of Oakland Grove.& Addison - Insurance - 94.80' -10-5 County of Oakland Admin. - Communications 20.80 10-6 W.T.Andr.ew Company Addison - Bldg. Maint. 98.00'' 10-7 WPON, Inc. YAC - Rodeo Expense 417.50 10--8 Goodyear Truck Tire Center Show Mobile.- Expenses 87.97 10-9 Air -Land Surveys Spring.- Payt.for Work at G.Cour e 390.00 _10-10 Sears Roebuck & Co. Show Mob.- Expense 23.99 1C .1 Winder Emergency Equipment Wh.Lk.- ESMip. Re .' & Maint. 20.00 _10-12 Frank Ostrowski Custodian Addison - Reimburse Petty Cash 32.82 10-13 Hartford Roofing & Siding Grove. - Work on Rental. Residence '2:076.00 10414 Detroit Edison Grove. & Spring. - Utilities 1,44.6.28 10.15 6 Consumers Power Becker's Cam ers Inc. Grove. & Wh.Lk. - U.t:i:lities Grove. - E i . Rep. & Maint. 445.96 44.74 10-17 Cal Gas -Pontiac Inc. Swim Mob.® Expense & Groveland - Utilities 209.83 10-18 Bill's Road Oilin Service Groveland - Grounds Maint. 770.00 1 -19 -County,of Oakland Admin., Mob.Rec., & Waterford - 5' 0 Terminal Sales Corporation - Grounds Maint. 55.50 10-21 -Addison W.F.Miller Co. Swim Mob.,Sppring, Grove.,Water., Add.,& Wh.Lk.- Equip.Rep. Spring.- Sm.Tools & Water.-Gr.Mai _ t. 506.72 10-22 Arthur Whelan Jr.Golf Tournament Wh.Lk - Refund of Partial Fee for 6.00 1G=G3 Sundry (Commission Meeting) Payt.for Meeting 9/26/75(Regular) 154.4 10-24 Gniewek's Trophies Inc.. Mob.Rec.- Advertising 81.4, 10-25 Sears, Roebuck & Co. Wh.Lk.- Air Com ressor 312.1 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION OCTOBER , 1975 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 10-26 Jerry Scarborough Tech. Supp.- Uniform Expemse 36.00 IO-27 Geraldine Lawcock Admin. - Mileage Reimbursement 9.00 10-28 Beach Fuel & Supply Co. Spring, YAC, White Lk.- Equip. Maint 10-29 Michi an Rental Service Spring.- Chains & Chain Binders 12.00 10-30 O.C.E z ment Fund Admin.,Spring, YAC.,Grove.,Add., _ y 2-a 10-31 H.J.Schlicht Independence - FirstePhase Desi L 13.50' 10-32 Great Lakes Sanitation Services Groveland - Grounds Maint. 495.00 10-33 Briar Building Company Grove.- First Payt.for Shelter Rlda.121865.14 10-34 Pa roll Pay Period Ended 9/26/75 24,299.07 10-35 County of Oakland Clyde Herb ineligible Grove.- Reimburse PEP Pr 7,525.00 36 Brenda -Hughes Savoie Insulation Co. Mob.Rec.- Rental of Portole Stake Waterford-- Bldcf. Maint. 1�7_4fi �1 10-37 10-38 Gorman Golf Products Inc. Wh.Lk.- nx & Main-r. 1hFi_Rj_ 10 39 Sundry Showmobile-Mobile Rec. Mob.Rec.- Troupe In Transit Performances 9715 thru 9 28 75 1,028.75 ,Lb- Inc..Lk. - CLolf Invantory Slies 16.50 - onsWh.Lk. & YAC - Bldg. Maint. 60.00 10-42 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Water.- Communications 16.95 10-43 Gnieweks Trophies, Inc. Wh.Lk.- M.R.P.A.Golf Tournament 50.00 10-44 Golf Car Distributors Wh.Lk.- Comm.- Golf Car Rentals 693.50 10-45 Arlo G. Flesher, Wh.U.- Reimbursement for Mileage 24.00 10-46 Acushnet Sales Company Wh.L],.- Golf Inventory Supplies 252s00 10-47 B & J Disposal Service Wh.Lk.-.Rubbish Removal 60.00 10-48 Stromberg Prod.Div.- MITE Corp. Wh.Lk.- Eq4p.Rep. & Maint. 24.45 10-49 Newman Film Library Mob.Rec.- Special Grant 60.50 10-50 Charles L. Ross Admin.- Reimbursement for MileagE 31.95 10-51 Mich.De t. of Treasury Wh.Lk.- Sa-les Tax Payables 145.71 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RE--REATION OCTOBER, +975 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 10-52 N.R.P.A.- Advance Registration Mr. Dunleavy Admin.- N.R.P.A.Conf. 10 18-10/24 65.00 .10-53 M.R.P.A.- TML Office, Suite 11 Mr.Dunleavy Admin.- N.R.P.A.Conf. 10 18-10 24 279.00 0 10-54 Orkin Exterminating Co.Inc. YAC - Building Maint. 16.50 10-55 M.R.P. A. Entry Fee Refund Proceeds for Senior Citizens Tourn ent 157.50�"" 10-56 Michigan Rental Service Grove.- Shelter Building E ense 5.00 10-57 Air -Land Surveys Expense Grove.- Softball Diamond & Backst 156.00 10-58 Van's Auto Supplv Inc. Wh.U..- Equip. Rep. & Maint. 20.75 10-59 The Oakland Press Advertising for Dog Obedi Water.- Belly Dancin S .Dance nce, Bridge, Ballroom,Dancing, Taxiderjay, Astroloqy, Round Dancing. 144.20___ TOTAL FOR ATTACHED OCTOBER SHEETS 571512.41 1975 MONTHLY PARK AND FACILI1z ATTENDANCE REPORT ADDISON-OAKS PARK Campers Day Use ADDISON CONFERENCE CENTER Functions GROVELAND-OAKS Campers Day Use SPRINGFIELD-OAKS Y.A.C. Functions SPRINGFIELD-OAKS CLUBHOUSE Functions SPRINGFIELD-OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds_ Played 18 Holes SPRINGFIELD-OAKS MILL POND Day Use WATERFORD-OAKS Functions WHITE LAKE -OAKS CLUBHOUSE Functions WHITE LANE -OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes Cross -Country Skiing TOTALS Month of September, 1975 Year to Date Groups Participants Groups Participants 1974 1975 1974 1975 1974 1975 1974 1975 788 134 3152 536 2647 1857 11386 7786 439 439 2871 3053 7387 7114 56642 57053 2 15 1739 2405 147 140 16011 18370 492 2025 1968 8100 8196 7961 32844 31875 72 65 286 227 5909 4714 32598 21723 8 14 3790 7840 106 133 120389 114129 1 2 40 105 24 21 1332 1166 3 0 1787 0 119 38 14763 4932 0 0 212 0 1 0 2554 256 0 0 0 0 0 0 4368 0 15 15 4384 2741 206 322 21408 28965 22 33 974 2377 148 169 11394 13983 30 52 4260 4319 457 542 38332 41035 3 5 1971 1981 11 12 11608 13634 0 0 0 O C 6 0 80 1875 27991 27434 33684 25358 23029 375629 354987 0DISON-OAKS PARK Campers Day Use kDDISON CONFERENCE CENTER Functions 3ROVELAND-OAKS Campers Day Use SPRINGFIELD-OAKS Y.A.C. Functions SPRINGFIELD-OAKS CLUBHOUSE Functions SPRINGFIELD-OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes SPRINGFIELD-OAKS MILL POND Day Use X7ATERFORD-OAKS Functions 6tiHITE LAB -OAKS CLUBHOUSE Functions NIHITE LAKE -OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes Cross -Country Skiing TOTALS PARK AND FACILITY f,..TENDANCE REPORT For the Month of September , 1975 Grou s per Week Participants per Week 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 1st. 2nd. 3xd. 4th. 5th. 15 10 0 100 I 0 60 40 36 400 0 113 281 0 45 0 938 1823 O 292 0 i 5 3 2 5 0 812 516 364 713 0 75 112 1650 188 0 300 448 6600 752 0 20 24 0 21 O 70 84 0 73 0 2 3 4 6 0 3560 2300 520 1460 0 0 1 1 0 O 0 45 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 8 0 2040 190 90 421 0 6 12 6 9 9 575 825 509 468 0 21 12 13 6 0 1140 1503 1068 927 0 1 1 0 3 0 658 540 404 379 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 260 461 1688 391 0 10153 .8314 9651 5885 0 SWIM -MOBILE SKATE -MOBILE PUPPET -MOBILE FASHION -MOBILE MOV T}?-MOBILE SHOW-M0B ILL; Entertainment Unit Only SPOR T S-MOBILE TOTALS MONTHLY UNIT ACTIVITIES REPORT MOBILE RECREATION Month of September, 1975 Year to Date Groups Participants Grou s Partici ants 1974 1975 1974 1975 1974 1975 1974 1975 0 0 0 0 31 70 1860 4960 6 6 595 1050 146 131 10781 7812 2 5 500 500 151 146 11260 9793 0 0 0 0 48 36 1160 1296 0 1 0 200 62 70 3963 5143 1 1 275 750 45 50 7235 14133 2 10 0 11500 6 37 170 48945 0 1 0 75 0 90 0 5819 11 24 1370 14075 489 630 36429 97901 TO: Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Robert J. Bomia, Chief of Design & Development SUBJECT: Park Development, Project Progress Report 75-2 I. SPRINGFIELD-OAKS GOLF COURSE A. Phase II - Back Nine All work completed on the golf course construction, irrigation, recharging well, pump house electrical contracts. Work is continuing on the restoration of damaged areas from previous storms. B. Phase III - Front Nine Renovation Mass grading for nine holes is 99% complete; construction of greens 65% complete. Sodding of number seven, six, five, four and three fairways 901"o complete. Amount of sod placed to date, 91,413 yards. Sodding project should be completed by October 25, 1975. C. Well at Springfield -Oaks Golf Course Plan and specifications for the new well at the clubhouse are being done by F. & 0. Engineering Division and should be available for bid at the end of October. D. Septic System - Springfield -Oaks Golf Course Contractor has completed project and system is working fine. E. Springfield Mill Pond Dam Member of the Oakland County Parks & Recreation staff will be meeting with representatives of the Drain Commission, the Road Commission and other agencies involved with the reconstruction of the present dam structure next week. A more detailed report will be forth coming in the near future. Meanwhile the parks staff will follow the recommendations of the Drain Commission report until the present problem with the dam is rectified. F. Fence Relocation - Springfield -Oaks Golf Course The relocation of a section of chain link fence necessitated due to poor soil conditions, has been completed satisfactorily. G. 4 H Pole Barns Design of 4-H Pole barns and site plans have been reviewed with Parks & Recreation staff for conformity to Springfield -Oaks Master Plan. Project Progress Report 75-2 Page 2 II. GROVELAND-OAKS A. Shelter Building - Court Games Area Shelter erection, concrete floors, walks and fireplace were completed within the time given to the contractor. Excavation and grading for court games is in process and paving should be done by the end of next week. B. Managers Residence Contract has been completed with only the final punch list items remaining to be done. C. Electrical Service - Concession Stand Bids were received by Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission for the electrical service improvements October 1, 1975 and will be presented to the Commission for awarding at the October llth meeting. D. Assistant Managers Residence Improvements to dwelling done by Technical Support as well as the contract for aluminum siding have been completed. E. Maintenance Building Site plan and final building design will be presented to the parks staff for review during the week of October 6, 1975. III. WHITE LAKE -OAKS A. Septic System The additional septic field as required by the Oakland County Health Department has been installed and is functioning properly. B. Electrical Service The improvements to the electrical service at the White Lake -Oaks Clubhouse is presently being installed and should be completed by the end of this week. C. Parking Lot The contracts for the gravel paving of the parking lot has been awarded. The design has been modified to leave the large trees and eliminate the cart paths. Contractor is to begin construction next week. IV. INDEPENDENCE -OAKS A. Phase I Development The architectural buildings are all pre-cut and being erected on the site, as well as the placement of the roof decks. The wells Project Progress Report 75-2 Page 3 are still in the process of correction for their artesian effect. The utilities, Detroit Edison and Michigan Bell are being trenched and installed this week. The site contractor has constructed the main roads, parking lots, boat launch ramp, swimming lagoon, water level control structure and has installed some of the seeding. Project is scheduled for completion in May of 1976. B. Managers Residence The contract has been completed with only the final punch list items remaining to be done. C. Maintenance Building Site plans and final building design will be presented to staff for review during the week of October 6, 1975. D. Lotan Property Arrangements are being made to have farmhouse foundation and barn remains, as well as silo, removed and backfilled. V. ADDISON-OAKS A. Sanitary Sewage System The sanitary sewerage system is completed and operating. B. Water Tower Painting Present water tower painting is being further evaluated to determine amount of time which the park project may take, as well as the budget appropriation. VI. WATERFORD-OAKS A. Wave-Tek Pool Bids for the combined concrete and site work are to be received on October 16, 1975 and the architectural, mechanical and electrical work will be received October 23, 1975. VII. RED RUN DRAIN A. Golf Course Development The Parks and Recreation Commission approved the concept for a 9 Hole Golf Course between John R and 13 Mile Road. They also approved a Driving Range west of John R. A presentation was made to the involved communities and a resolution requesting their support was sent for their signature. There will also be a public hearing scheduled in the near future for purposes of reviewing the proposed development. Item #7 PARK RESIDENCES LIGHTNING ARRESTERS It is recommended that lightning arresters be installed at the Springfield, Groveland, and Independence Park residences. The residence at Springfield has been struck by lightning twice and we are fortunate there has been no injury or damage other than a television set. The cost for the installation of these arresters is estimated at: Springfield -Oaks $ 850. Groveland-Oaks 750. Independence -Oaks 1050. Item #8 GROVELAND-OAKS ELECTRICAL BIDS Bids were received for the updating of the electrical at the Groveland Concession Stand last week. A recommendation will be available at the Friday meeting. Item #9 WATERFORD-OAKS PHASE I SITE WORK It is recommended that the Phase I Development Site Work bid awarded to Briar Building, based upon State approval, be officially rejected and new bids for the Site Work be received along with bids for the final excavation and concrete work for the pool complex. This requires official approval by the Commission. As you are aware, I discussed this matter with most of you over the telephone for tentative approval. The attached letter explains th-e reasons in detail. OF h - 9 U d '�jcfliGA�. WI LLIAM M. SPINELLI Deputy County Executive DANIEL T. MURPHY Oakland County Executive DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES Glen M. Dick FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION T. D. Dziurman, P.E. Director Division Director (313) 858-0131 September 30, 1975 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMM. Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission SEP 30 1975 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48054 J U C E I V E D Re: Waterford -Oaks Phase I Development Site Work, County Project 75-13SW Dear Commissioners: By letter dated September 11, this office with the Architect and Construction Manager asked for award of contract for the Site Work portion of the referenced project to Briar Building Company in the amount of $92,700. This was accepted and,a contract awarded contingent upon State approval. The primary reason that this project had been broken into phases was to allow certain portions of the project to start earlier while the design work was being completed on other portions. Due to the State JCO Committee's failure to act on the Grant for this project to date, the benefit of awarding the Site Work Contract separately has not been achieved. The next portion of the contract is now ready to go out for bids and it would greatly simplify the coordination required between the excavation required for the site work and that for the pool if the work was all done by one contractor. Bids for the final excavation and concrete work for the pool complex is scheduled to be received on October 16, and the site work could be added to that bid without any apparent delay in either the design or start of construction. The estimate for the next portion without the site work is $258,243. The site work estimate was $165,000 but actual bids received were considerably below that estimate. Bids for the mechanical and electrical trades are scheduled to be received the week of October 20 and the estimates for those trades are $427,000 and $72,000, respectively. Public Works Building, One Public Works Drive, Pontiac, Michigan 48054 (313) 858-0125 -2- September 30, 1975 It is the recommendation now of this Office, the Architect and Construction Manager that the bids for the Site Work be rejected and that portion of the project be included with the Concrete Trade Bid. This would simplify coordination, eliminate possible delays in construction which will be critical due to the late start in getting this project started, and will not apparently delay the completion or cost of the project. Very truly yours , T. D. Dziurman, P.E. Chief Engineer TDD/gpv cc: Jack Monteith d Swanson Associates, Inc. Bruce Sinclair - Barton-Malow Company James Beer - Department of Natural Resources Item #10 SENATE BILL 1079 This bill has been introduced for the purpose of putting the Road Commission and the Parks and Recreation Commission under the County Executive. It is recommended by staff that there is no ad— vantage to this restructuring and that the Commission go on record by recommending to the Board of County Commissioners that they oppose this bill. 11 — 1 /0 -)� S, 107q A bill to amend section 4 of Act No. 139 of the Public Acts of 1973, entitled "An act to provide forms of county government; to provide for county managers and county executives and to prescribe their powers and duties; to abolish certain departments, boards, commissions, and authorities; to provide for transfer of certain powers and functions; to prescribe powers of a board of county commissioners and elected officials; to provide organization of adminis- trative functions; to transfer property; to retain ordinances and laws not in- consistent with this act; and to provide methods for abolition of a unified form of county government," being section 45.554 of the Compiled Laws of 1970. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Section 1. Section 4 of Act No. 139 of the Public Acts of 1973, being 2 section 45.554 of the Compiled Laws of 1970, is amended to read as follows: 3 Sec. 4. (1) On the date the optional unified form of county government 4 becomes effective all appointed boards, commissions, and authorities except 5 the apportionment commission, airport zoning board of appeals, board of county 6 canvassers, boards of determination for drainage districts, civil service 4241 '75 2 1 commission, county drainage board, concealed weapons licensing board, election 2 commission, jury commission, library commission, - 3 gieR, social services board, tax allocation board, any board established to 4 oversee retirement programs, any plat board, any mental health board, any hos- 1 5 pital board, any intercounty drainage board, and any building authority estab- 6 fished by the county individually or in conjunction with another unit of 7 government, amd tie --beef ef eounty Fead eefflmisslaReFs; and all elective 8 county offices except those of county commissioner, prosecuting attorney, 9 clerk, register of deeds, treasurer, sheriff, elected county auditors, and 10 drain commissioner are abolished and the tenure of persons holding the offices 11 or appointments are terminated. Termination shall take effect whether or not 12 it coincides with the end of a term of office or appointment. All county 13 departments in conflict with the departmental organization established by this 14 act are abolished. ,As us®� i �,—t� i s—ast-3—c; e term department er 66Hf} 7—depart- 15 16 (2.) Powers vested in-a4:pf-AN abolished office, board, commission, 17 authority, or department, on the date the optional unified form of county 18 government becomes effective, become general county government powers, and 19 functions performed by the office, board, commission, authority, or department 20 shall be carried on' as provided in this act.- 21 (3) A board or commission which is excepted from this act pursuant to 22 subsection (1) shall exercise the powers and duties as provided by law. 23 (4) The power vested in the office of county prosecuting attorney, county 24 sheriff, county register of deeds, county clerk, county treasurer, county drain 25 commissioner, or the elected county 26 auditor shall not be minimized or divested by iAR qg this act. 27 4241 '75 Item #11 HOUSE BILLS 5597 and 5598 The intent of House Bill 5598 is to create a tax levied through a 1/2 mill on cigarettes for the purpose of creating a public recreation fund which would provide new monies for public recreation purposes. House Bill 5597 would allow this proposal to be presented to the people on the ballot in August of 1976. It is recommended that the Parks and Recreation Com— mission go on record in support of these two bills and refer them to the County Commissioners for their support. MEN ro rM HOUSE BILL No. 5598 August 8, 1975, Introduced by Reps. Griffin, Raymond W. Hood, Gast, Anderson, co Goemaere, Sietsema, Forbes, Symons, Brown, Spaniola, DiNello, Armbruster and Angel and referred to the Committee on Conservation, Environment and Recreation. A bill to create the public recreation fund; to allocate a portion of the state tax on cigarettes to that fund; and to prescribe the powers and duties of the department of natural resources. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 1. As used in this act: 2 (a) "Local unit" means a county, city, village, township, or other 3 governmental authority within the state having the power to acquire, construct, ® 4 improve,or operate facilities for public recreation purposes. 5 (b) "Public recreation purposes" means and includes the acquisition of mJ 6 land, the planning, constructing, and equipping of facilities and parks, and 7 the development and operation of programs used or useful for public recreation. Uj 8 Sec. 2. The public recreation fund is created in the state treasury. 9 There shall be paid into this fund the moneys appropriated by the legislature 10 together with moneys from any other source which may be made available for 4235 '75 HOUSE BILL No. 5:597 rM z 11 August 8, 1975, Introduced by Reps. Griffin, Raymond W. Hood, Anderson, Gast, Goemaere, Sietsema, Spaniola, DiNello, Armbruster and Angel and referred to the Committee on Taxation. A bill to amend section 7 of Act No. 265 of the Public Acts of 1947, entitled as amended "An act to impose an excise and specific tax upon the sale and distribution of cigarettes; to regulate and license manufacturers, wholesalers, vending machine operators, unclassified acquirers, transportation companies, transporters and retailers thereof, as herein defined; to prescribe the powers and duties of the Michigan department of treasury, revenue division with respect thereto; to provide for the collection of such tax and the disposition thereof; to provide for the enforcement of this act; to provide for the appointment of special in- vestigators as peace officers for the enforcement of this act; to make an ap- propriation; and to prescribe penalties for the violation of this act," being section 205.507 of the Compiled Laws of 1970. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Section 1. Section 7 of Act No. 265 of the Public Acts of 1947, being 2 section 205.507 of the Compiled Laws of 1970, is amended to read as follows: 3 Sec. 7. (a) -E-Y� A licensee under section 3, except a retailer, shall, 4 on or before the twentieth day of each calendar month, file with the department, 5 on a form prescribed by it, a return under the penalties of perjury for each 4235(a)* '75 74 E. Washington Clarkston, Michigan 48016 September 25, 1975 Dear Commissioners, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to each of you for allowing the Nli.chigan State Association of the National Campers and Hikers Association to use Groveland Oaks Park for our Fall Campout. The mobile recreation units were enjoyed by many children and adults. Campers From other parts of the state, Ohio and Canada could not believe the facilities you had placed at our disposal. The Oakland County Security Division helped to strengthen our own communication and security committee. My wife and I would like to commend your employees whom we had the pleasure of working with during the weekend: Arnold Johnson, Clyde Herb, Harry Fletcher, Terry Scarborough and Jerry Lee. They were always courteous and wore smiles of friendliness during the endless hours of work. We are fortunate that you have these dedicated men in your employee. Y.Tithout them our grounds and layout committee would have had many problems that would not have been solved. Sincerrl y, Kelly urnette Happy Wheelers #137 FERTILIZER BIDS The Fertilizer quotes were received by Oakand County Purchasing Department, September 24, 1975, bids submitted are listed on the attached sheet. It is the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Commission staff that the bid for 46 Tons of 18-5-9 (26 Tons Springfield, 20 Tons White Lake Oaks) be awarded to Turf Grass Inc., 365 Woodland,'South Lyon, Michigan and that the remaining fertilizer (14 Tons 12-12-12 Springfield and 2 Tons 16-4-8 White Lake Oaks) be awarded to W.F.Miller, 1593 S. Woodward Avenue, Birmingham, Michigan. Awarding the bids in this manner would result in additional savings of $1,432.42 as outlined below. Turf Grass Inc. $11,128.40 Less 2% Pd.10 days after delivery - 222.56 Net Price $10,905.84 W.F.Miller 2,640.00 TOTAL BY C0MBINING BIDS Lowest Total Bid on all Units $14,978.26 Combined Bid Total 13,545.84 Savings By Combining Bid $ 1,432.42 $10,905.84 2,640.00 13,545.84 LAND COUNTY BOARD OF AUDIT( Purchasing Division SUMM RY r 4. 5� 6. 7, 8v W.F.Miller Turf Grass Turf Supply Lawn Equipment The Andersons 265.00 Ton 241.95 Ton \� 285.00 Ton r-- H 145.00/Ton 247.50/Ton 152.50/Ton om LO U 305.00 Ton 344.62 Ton 285.00 Ton N H 265.00 Ton 14 83Q.00 4241.95/Tnn $15,283.94 285.00 Ton 15 815.00 Net 30 2% 10 Days 1% loth Remains on Now 7 to 10 Days 5 to 7 Days Bid List 305.68 Disc. 158.15 Disc. Net $14,978.26 $15,656.85 MIC13IGAN, RECREATION AND PARK ASSOCIATION Athletic Meeting 4 General Membership M.S.U. Union Building Room 38 & 39 - 10.00 a.m. OCTOBER 15, 1975 1. Call meeting to order 2. Roll Call 3. Adoption of Agenda 4. Sports Commissioners Report - Joe Delia 5. Cormittee Reports a. Players Suspension - Larry Snelling b. Awards Bill Rhodes c. Tournament Site Bill Malcolm d. Rules Dave DeLaat 6. Tournament Report a. Mens Softball A,B, and C - Joe Delia b. Junior Baseball D,E, and F - Dick Paperd c. Women and Girls Softball d. Golf, ran and �9omen, Junior Boys and Girls - Ric Scott e. Swimming and Diving - Jim Dickey f. Flag and Touch Football - Joe Ceccacci 7. Pursell Resolution Position Paper - Mike Gouin 8. Rule Recommendations 9. Old Business 10. New Business 11. Adjournment vULLUIN ®---®-- SEFrF-i*BGR 18, 1975 AT oERt' •Please set aside Wednesday, October.29 for the I PA legislative Norkshop, .-scheduled for Lansing. Please keep a sharp eye out for final details regarding time and place e It:will be 'imper-ative that each professional attend with as many local civic leaders as possible. The session will be a special information session regarding HB 5597 and FIB 5598, which will determine the future of recreation fuuiding in Michigan! In the interim, contact your local State Legislator. Mecosta County Park Commission Superintendent Ivan r. ,Sherburn wrote to his local delegation as follows a c°o. . ..Support is building all over the state including Mecosta County for this piece of landmark leg elation. At the present Mace in �!ecosta County, "die County Cession at their August 24, .1.975 m t_ing iax)usly moved to support TM 5597. Also, at the Sit i�r 4,•1975, meeting of the Park Comnis-- sion, si filar support was voted ....... 11'1,e Michigan Recreation and Park Association has indicated strong support from many ether areas on this bill and is at present soliciting as much response as possible from its members..... There is another sister bill, HB 5598, also concerning this action and I would appreciate any support you can generate for'these two bills....." Gerald Nelson, Department of Recreation -Parks -Forestry, of St.. Clair Shores wrote to 4 members of the Michigan Legislature suggesting "....This bill, if passed by the voter, would generate between $12-$14 Million annually for the acquisition, development and initiation of new recreation programs with special consideration being given to special populations ..... It is felt that with the enactment of this bill into State Law, this State would again lead the nation in providing the means by which to finance new and unique programs for special populations and/or restore, renovate and rehabilitate facilities and programs not presently eligible for federal assistance......." Both professionals, Sherburn and Nelson, have taken the lead in local contacts. Will you help? The benefactors of these efforts will be all of the people of Michiganil' with YOU being the most important person in getting the bills passed. Please do not wait another day. WORKSHOP for -die care and maintenance of ice rink refrigeration systems is being held on October 16 at the Southfield Beechwood Arena from 9.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. to cover preventive maintenance on direct and indirect systems, trouble shooting, proper equipment care, and open problem solving discussions. Ray Tremblay of the Michigan.Arena Managers Association is Conference Chairman, assisted by the commercial sponsorship and technical assistance of the Reltz Temp and Company of Grosse Pointe Park and the Robbie Robinson Company of Grosse Pointe. Registration is $10.00 including lunch, with a special $6.00 for members of AWA. Checks ,should be sent before October 6 to.- Refrigeration Workshop, 26000 Evergreen Road, Southfield Sports Arena, Southfield, 48076 or call 313-354-9510. IMP is requested in aiding the City of Novi Parks and Recreation Commission to establish rules and -regulations for hiring life guards and swimming instructors. Please share your local policies and hiring procedures with Director Milan Obrenovich at 25850 Novi Road, P.O. Box 335, Novi 48050 or call 313-349-4300. OVER IMPORTANT ----- ANNUAL FALL ATHLETIC P�E-ETING ----- T,7ED1\TESDA7Z, October 15, 1975 Michigan State University Union. 10:00 a.m. Rooms 38-39. 1976 WINTER CONFERENCE is scheduled January 18-21 at the MECa Long's Convention Center on S. Cedar in Lansing. The conference and banquet facilities are the most modern and exciting educational center in Michigan. Housing is available within a 3 block area, encompassing 550 rooms. Delegate headquarters will be the Howard Johnson's P:otor Inn (517-694-0454), Holiday Inn South (517-393-1650) and the Ramada Inn (517-393-5500). Exhibitor headquarters for hospitality suites will be the Holiday Inn. The South Cedar/Pennsylvania area contains many entertainment and food sites. Long's Convention Center is just off I-96 via the Cedar Street exit, just two blocks from the MRPA office at 6425 S. Pennsylvania. If reserving rooms by phone, please mention the PnPA Convention!! Opening Day is Sunday, January 18, with Secretary of State Richard Austin presenting the keynote address at 1.30 p.m. U.S. Senator Henry Jackson of THashington has been invited for the Monday keynote, along with Senator Carl Pursell and members of the highly controversial Youth Sports Committee! The annual banquet and awards session will conclude with a performance by the rapidly rising professional entertainers, "The Sharette Family," that wowed fans at the Michigan State Fair and DIRPA Sunner Conference delegates at the Grand Hotel. Watch your mail box for special advance program and registration information. It should be the largest MRPA Exhibit and Conference in history. Plan to attend! 11ZPA ELECTION OF OFFICERS for 1976 Special Notice: The Board of Directors on September 10, 1975, adopted the following schedule for the 1976 election: Deadline for Petitions October 3, 1975 lst Ballot to be mailed October 10, 1975 lst Ballot return deadline October 24, 1975 2nd Dallots-if necessary October 31, 1975 Return of 2nd Ballot November 14, 1975 Post marks will determine eligibility for votiry. Jack yemec MRPA Secretary MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL RECREATION AND PARKS ASSOCIATION Application for For Use Only By Professional Registration Plan Board of Registration MICHIGAN RECREATION & PARK Place Recent ASSOCIATION Photo Here TML OFFICES, SUITE 11 6425 S. PENNSYLVANIA LANSING, MICHIGAN 48910 .1' /'2Qq_od70 Application Rec'd_ Application No., Board Action Prof. Reg. Rec. Serv. Prof. Reg. Park Serv. Prof. Reg.Rec.& Park Serv. DATE 1. (Last Name) (First) (Middle) (Maiden) 2. (Mailing Address) City) 3. Date of Birth Place of Birth (Mo. Day. Yr.) 4. Age 5. Weight 6. Height 9. Check Certificate for which _ you are applying (Telephone) Are you a citizen of USA 7.Sex 8, Marital Status Professional Registration, Recreation Service Professional Registration, Park Service Professional Registration, Recreation & Park Serv. 10. Do you hold a Recreation Certificate from any other state? Yes List name of State Title of Certificate No If yes, Name of Inst. From TO Major Minor Degrees Date of Degree High School --College or University Graduate Stud 12. Other Training (List special workshops, institutes, or similar education) From Mo. Yr. To Mo. Yr. Name & Type Location Emphasis of Work C' BOYS & G_j� INTERNATIONAL FLOOR HOCKEZ NOVEMBER 13, 1975 WGEXshop BALLETLE CREEK, MI. Irving Park Recreation Bldg. The purpose of the workshop is to provide educators, Community School personnel, Recreation Department and Louth Group representatives the opportunity to learn a new sport that is easy to learn --completely unrestricted as to sex or previous athletic experICInce . The COST of equipment is very lae--averaging (1.00) per player for (12) wks. of play. WORKSHOP ITINERARi' Thursday, November 13 - _:2:00 Noon Check in and registration 1:00 Welcome Mayor - City of Battle Creek 1:15 Film - (Everyone Wins) 1:30 Explanation and history of game, over 13 years in Battle Creek 1:45 Report on possible injury 2:00 The teaching of the game 2:15 The practical playing of the Gzame - School Physical Ed. League Play 3:00 Coffee Break 3:30 Officiating 3:45 Financing 4:00 Naticnal Organiz-ation 4:15 Questions and Ansc�7crs Session 4.30 Adjourn 5:00 Demonstration of game - 3 & 4 grade boys and 5 & 6 grade girls - :youth Bldg., One & half blo.&s. 115 West Street 6.30 Return. for Buffet Dinner at Irving Park Recreation Building REGISTRATION FEE -- $10.00 Includes: 1. Comolete rnaterial -- rulcs - playing area - League organization- teaching and coaching hints. 2. Training of officials, including officials test. 3. 35 mili.mete-r slido presentation with narrations. 4. Buffet Dinner. NUMBER LIMITED TO 240, PRuFEIv NZE GIVEN TO INDIVIDUALS REPRESENTING GIRLS PROGRAMS DEADLINE -- MONDTZ, N9,71111SER " Make checks Payable to: Tom Harter Send Fee andRegisl-.rat .on To. P.O. Box 1653, Battle Creek, MI. 49016 ADDRESS & PHONE ORGANIZATION REPR ]SEN 1NG INTEREST BUYS GIRLS RESERVATIONS WILL BE MADE FOR YOU. INDICATE THE ACCOMMODATIONS YOU DESIRE MOTEL RATES Travel Lodge - Single-$10 Double-$14 Indicate Nights: Ned. Thurs. Other Motels: (Reservations to be made by Individual Villaae Inn 616-965-3976 Sheraton Motor Inn 616-965-3941 Howard Johnson's 616-965-3201 Holiday Inn 616-965-1351