HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1977.01.28 - 396691966 - 1976 9eIebratin9 'Jen dears Of Trogress \= PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland county service center 2800 Watkins lake road pontiac, michigan 48054 858-0906 R. Eric Reickel E. Frank Richardson Director Chairman Lewis E. Wint January 24, 1977 Vice -Chairman Velma M. Austin Secretary • Betty J. Fortino To the Members of the Fred L. Harris PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION George W. Kuhn Oakland County, Michigan Joseph R. Montante Richard V. Vogt Ladies and Gentlemen: Marjorie M. Walker A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 a.m. Friday, January 28, 1977 PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, MI PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting The meeting has been called in accordance with authorization of E. Frank Richardson, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Cordi , R. Er' c Reicke Director cn Addison -Oaks • Groveland - Oaks • Independence -Oaks • Waterford - Oaks • White Lake -Oaks • Springfield -Oaks OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION January 28, 1977 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes of January 14, 1977. 4. Approval of Payments - Voucher 1-1 thru Voucher 1-97. 5. Springfield Township Historical Society. 6. Golf Car Lease for 1977. 7. Presentation - Anthony M. Franco, Inc. 8. 1977 Capital Budget. 9. Director's Report. 10. New Business. 11. Unfinished Business. 12. Adjourn. *A group picture of the Commission will be taken for news release purposes. NOTE: Next scheduled meeting - Wednesday, February 9, 1977 1:30 p.m. VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION HER JANUARY, 1977 till VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT Sundry Advance Spring,Wh.Lk.-Advance J.DeRousha arnack to attend th Jacobso Prod ct TrainingProgram William G. Spence YAC-Antique Car Show, purchase of 1946 Ford Club Cou e to be used as the Grand Prize. _ 950.00 .Michigan Recreation & Park Assoc Admin. & All Parks - Membership Dues 440.00 Pam Stalker Indep. - Special Events Ski Rush 20.00 Michigan Recreation & Park Assoc Admin.-Registration Fees for the Commission to attend the MRPA Winter Conference in Dearborn. 80.00 Michigan Recreation & Park Assoc Admin.-Registration fee for John Barrett to attend conference held bV MRPA on Jan. 17 1977 25.00 R. Eric Reickel Admin.-Reimbursement of expenses for attending a meeting in Detroit 2.15 State of Michigan S rin .&Wh.Lk.-Sales tax for Dec. 14.72 N.Carolina State University Admin.-Registration fee for A. Johnston - Travel & Conference 100.00 Great Lakes Park Training Institute Indep. & Add. - Registration fees & Room D-osits for R.Delasko & F.Ostrowski-Travel & Conference 40.00 N Carolina State ni rsit Grove. -Registration fee for Clyde rb - Travel & Conference 105.00 Sundry(Advance) Admin.,Spring.& Wh.Lk.-Advance for mia aidlaw W Trombl M. Thibodeau & A.Wummel to attend the Annual Turfcrrass Conference 263.46 Oak. County Extension Service Mob.Rec..-Registration fee for Kathleen Dougherty to attend a Horticulture Course Master Gardener 3.00 Sundry Advance Grove. -Advance for C.Herb to attend Park & Rec.Maint.-Mang ement School 179.35 ,Sundry Advance Admin.& Mob.Rec.-Advance for R.E. eickel J.J.Kipke & V.Chiasson to attend the MRPA Winter Conference 376.95 Potawatomi Inn Indep. & Add. - Travel & Conferee Room.Deposits for R. Delasko & F. Ostrowski 10.00 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION HER JANUARY, 1977 th Vt1NDUR PURPOSE AMOUNT Flo d Snyder Water. - Payment for band fo Senior Citizens dances 270.00 Oak.Co. Radio Communications Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Mob.Rec.,YAC, Grove. Indep. Water. Add. & Wh. Lk. -Radio Re air Contract 747.55 American National Red Cross Admin.-Promotional - First Aid Instructional Kits 270.00 Xerox Corporation Admin. - Office Supplies 554.21 Sam Smith Admin. & Indep. - Purchase of strata bales 200.00 Cadillac Plastic & Chemical Co. Title 10-Exp.-Safety Glasses 32.75 Mary K. Wing Water. - Refund - Unable to attend Disco classes 16.00 Regal Feed & Supply Co. Inde . - Grounds Maintenance 9.65 Pontiac Motor Parts Add. - EquiDment Maintenance 23.65 Ken Monicatti Inc. Add. - E i ment Maintenance 19.50 Skalnek Ford Inc. Add. - Equipment Maintenance 46.80 The S inal Column Water. -Running of advertisement for Dog Obed.,Ballet.Belly Danc. Square Danc.,Bridge,Ballroom Dan Taxiderm Care of House Plants, .., Disco Dance,Yoga,Guitar & Ski Classes 98.00 Finger's YAC - Office Supplies 7.26 Mensior Industries Grove. - Equipment Maintenance 150.00 Royal Rental Co. Grove.-Maint.Bldg. Partitions & Inde .-Maint.Bldg. Partitions 30.90 Oakland Wholesale Company Grove. - Roof Panels - Concession _ PayrollDeKiod-111-4,1774 P.T. Standard Parts Co. Tech.Sup.-Supplies for Repair; Add.- rds Maint itle .10-ExTp. .28 7 3 Wilkie Turf Equipment CompanyCoMpany Grove.,Indep. & Add. - Equipment Maintenance 308.59 D M I Industries Inc Admin. - Office Sun lies 37.90 East Detroit Ford Tractor Inc. Grove. & Add. - EcruiD. Maint. 171.87 Oakland Co. Road Commission Ad. -min. -Payment for F.Harris's attendance at Comm. Meetincr 35.00 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION JANUARY, 1977 HER �n VhINDUx PURPOSE AMOUNT Lawn Equipment Corporation Grove.- Ecruipment Maintenance 69.72 W.F. Miller Co. Grove. & Inde . - Equip. Maint. 240.16� Genesee Welding SupRly,Inc. Spring.,Grove.,Indep.,& Add. -Equip. & Bldg. Maint. & Title 10-ExiDensesi 144,Q2 Talbott Hardware & Lumber Co. Indep.-Small Tools;Water.& Wave Fool-B1d .Maint. & Pool Winterizin & Title 10 - Expenses 101.06 Industrial Appraisal Company Admin.-Professional Services 743.00 Korvettes Mob.Rec.-Supplies for Skate Mobile 86.06 Michigan Trailer Supply,Inc. ob.Rec. - Repair & Supplies for Sports Mobile 34.78 County of OaklandAdmin.-Per Diem & Milea e Comm.Mt .) 735.00 Oakland Co. Stationery Stock Admin. & YAC - Office Supplies & Admin. - Promotional 936.47 H.L. Clae s & Co. Addison - Building Maintenance 4.95 Gerard Lacey Admin.-Reimbursement of Parking Fe as 5.50 Susan Schwark Water-Refundof Dog Obedience fee 20.00 Westdee Glass Co. Spring. -Clubhouse Renovation -Ca .P oj. 14.40 Michael Blust Title 10 -__Mileage Reimbursement 6.30 Wavne Ball Water. - Payment for instruction of Sq.Dance classes & Workshops 111.25 Detroit Edison Spring. & YAC - Utilities 20.50 Plastic Binding Corporation Admin. - Office Supplies 39.89 Banner Linen Service S rin .& Wh.Lk.-Laundr & Dry Cleaning 63.00 Michigan Press Reading Service Admin. - Promotional 28.00 Pontiac Photo Service Admin.-Promotional 29.58 J. Eiden Equipment Co. Title 10 - Expenses Misc.Su plie 123.23 M.G. Sales & Service Inc. Indep.-Uniform Expense & Addison- i 32.54 James 'E_ Schell - Water. - Property taxes on land urchase 417 70 State Auto Sup p1y Co. Spring.,Grove.,Indep. & Add.-Equi Maint. & Title 10 - Expenses , 112.98 i VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION JANUARY, 1977 HER L;x VEivDUR PURPOSE AMOUNT The Golf Mart Inc. Wh.Lk. - Golf Mdse. for resale 24.10 Standard Electric Companv Spring.-Cap.Proj.-Clubhouse Renov Tech.Su .-E i .Maint.•YAC & Wate ; . Equip. & Rental Property Mainten ce 137,09 Pontiac Vals ar Paint Center Spring.-Cap.Proj.-Clubhouse Renov Admin.& Wave Pool -Bldg. Maint. & ; Grove. -Rental Property MaintenanCd 179.71 Gudith Hardware Grove.-Grds. & Bld . Maintenance 29.37 Golf Car Distributors Grove. - Equipment Maintenance 29.44 iSavard & Son True Value Add.-Grds.& B1d .Maint. & Small T ols 55.97 Beach Fuel & Supply S rin . - Equipment Maintenance 324.32 Ram Golf Corporation Wh.Lk. - Golf Mdse. for resale 52.22 Oakland County Garage Spring.,Grove.,Indep.,Water.;Add. & Title 10 - Insurance York Rubber Company Add. - Equiment Maintenance 126.60 Oakland CountV Laundry Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Spring.,YAC,Grov Inde Water. Add. & Wh.Lk. - ., Laundry & Dry Cleaninq 1,100.39 John M. Barrett Jr. Admin.-Reimbursement of expenses incurred attending MRPA Seminars 25.60 R. Eric Reickel Admin.-Reimbursement of expenses- Golf. -Course Promotion meetin 18.48 W.T. Andrew Company Waterford - Cap. Proj. - Rental House Sewer & Renovation 92.61 imorleyBrothers Title 10 - Expenses - Shovels, Pick Handles Axe Handles etc. 99.41 Count of Oakland Admin.-Frin e Bene its 7 76 - 12/76a 85 570.54 Pioneer Hardware dmin.,Tech.Sup.,'Spring.,Indep., lWater, & Wh.Lk.-E i . Grds. & 1dg.Maint; Small Tools & Supplies for Repairs 216.38 Oakland County Department of Facilities & Operations dmin.,Spring.,YAC,Indep.,Water., k _ & Office Supplies & Title 10- Sundryx ns R imb r , o 20,00 liklona a Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Mob.Rec.,Spring. AC Grove Ind . Water. Add. Wh.L . & Title 10 - Trans ortation 5,849.20 VOUCHER. REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION JANUARY, 1977 HER hkc vt INDUX PURPOSE. AMOUNT Tennis Association of Admin. - Refund of deposit made f 200.2Q Thom son Oil Co, YAC _ — 4_ Oakland Wholesale Inc. Grove. - Cap.Proj. - Roof Panels for thE- Conr Victor Chiasson Mob.Rec.-Reimb. for expenses incu r attending MPA 1977 f - Kathleen Dougherty Mob.Rec. - Reimbursement for expe incurred att ndin MRPA Conference ses Smiley Electric Wh.Lk. - Building Maintenance 20.80 Holly Automotive Supply Grove. - Ecruipment Maintenance 4.74 Burke Building Center Spring.-Cap.Proj.-Clubhouse Renov.; Grove. -Ca .Pro". -Maintenance Bldg. Partitions & Roof Panels-Concessicn Bld .-Tech.Su . S rip YAC Grove. Indep.,Water. & Add.-Equip.,Grds. & Bld .Maint. Small Tools Office ISupplies & Title 10 - Expenses 2,031.56 Jim Mansfield,.Cust. YAC - Equip. & Bldg. Maint.,Offic Su lies & Utilities 43.55 Frank Ostrowski, Cust. Add.-E i .Maint.& Misc. Expense 72.71 TreasurerCity of Madison Heiqhtspurchase Admin. - Property taxes -on land 58.03 Independence Twp, Treasurer Admin. - Property taxes on'land purchase 1,525.56 Elden's Hardware Ind .-E iDMaint. & Small Tools 23.66 Ward S. Newman Jr. Admin. - Payment for custodial services rendered for Jan. 1977 290.00 Detroit Edison Inde-Cap.Pro'.-Phase II l 644.00 TOTAL 136 337.80 Item #5 SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP HISTORICAL SOCIETY The Springfield Township Historical Society has requested that the agreement they have with the Commission for re- storing the James Harvey Davis home located at Springfield - Oaks be extended. The restoration is not yet completed and the Society wishes to continue its endeavors. It is suggested that the License between the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Springfield Township Historical Society be renewed for another two years. A copy of the original License is attached for your information. Item #6 GOLF CAR LEASE FOR 1977 The lease with Golf Car Distributors expired in 1976. This agree- ment was based upon a 50% split of the gross revenues received at each golf course. Our share of the rentals for 1976 was approxi- mately $16,500. We requested and received three quotes for golf car rentals for 1977. The companies submitting the quotes are Golf Car Distributors, Harley -Davison Golf Cars and Boylan Leasing, Inc. All three com- panies have local outlets, appear to be quite reputable and anxious to obtain our business. These quotes are similar in several ways. None of them offered us a 50% split, each would like a 4-year lease for new cars or a 2 year lease for used cars and each recom- mend that our rental rates to users be increased over our present rates. As mentioned above, none of them quoted a 50% split but each company wants a fixed amount of rental for each car for the year. These fixed amounts ranged from $550/car/year to $650/car/ year depending upon whether the car is new or used or run by electricity or gas. In addition, they consider their "year" to be from May through September. We rent and need cars in April and October also. So if we rented cars in those months we would pay additional money beyond the fixed yearly amount. Using past history to determine the number of cars needed for the year and basing gross revenue for 1977 on 1976 rental rates, our share of the gross revenue under the new quotes received would drop to between 37% and 42%. In view of this, we met with each company to attempt to negotiate a better lease arrangement and to discuss common problems. These meetings proved beneficial. We learned that (Golf Car Lease) Page Two we should increase our rates and therefore be more in line with similar type courses. We also received several ideas as to adminis- tering our golf car program so that we could use a fewer number of cars and earn the same revenue. In addition, we were able to negotiate a lower yearly rate per car per year for new cars and that the year would include April and October. Also, we could supple- ment our fleet with used cars during the busy months. We would pay a fixed amount per month for these used cars but we can use them only for certain months and pay accordingly. In view of this, we are making the following recommendations for 1977. (1) Increase our golf car rental rates for 1977 as follows: Regular Rates $5.50 for 9 holes 9.00 for 18 holes Senior Citizens $3.50 for 9 holes 7.00 for 18 holes (2) Reduce our 23 car fleet at White Lake as follows: 14 New Electric cars @$570/car/year for 4 years 6 Used cars (gas or electric) @$100/car/month for June, July, and August only. (3) Have a fleet at Springfield as follows: 20 New gas cars @600/car/year for 4 years 6 Used gas cars @$115/car/month for June, July and August only. (4) Sign leases for both courses with Golf Car Distributors pri- marily because of the good service given to us at White Lake, their locations and their sharing our "growing problems" with us. (5) Look closely at buying our own cars in the near future. Buying cars in 1977 is not feasible because of our tight cash position needed for capital improvement projects. If we implement the above recommendations, we feel that our share of golf car rentals will be from 46% to 50% for 1977. This is a lot closer to our 1977 budget forecast for this type of revenue. Item #7 PRESENTATION ANTHONY M. FRANCO, INC. Representatives of the firm of Anthony M. Franco, Inc., will be present to update the Commission on past activi- ties and to project their planned activity for 1977. An outline of their activities is attached. 1 C3 COUNSEiORS �armary 2" 1g77 �UBI.tC REL • M.Ef����N- �l & gecreation Caxllxnissiazl pall -and County Parls Orated TO: O Tzlaorp of the . Franc ehalf Anthony activities °n b �..---- FBpl�i: Of public r elatiolls review and L1lxdate _ G est SUBSFCT-. A crated i.s the largest Commissiazl -"lcorp fields Ni. Franco diversified --"�� of lnoty us, Arrthoxl� 30 clients in xllany that do n `xde serve over F Or tllase of Y,011 Michigan' Detroit. ila in tawzl D " and 'ecreatioxl public relatios final are in down ounty -parrs ®ur offices Oaklaz1d C to ublicize of industry- with the lnc, was retained p oz1 and to be associated AI��F, tlje Coxnxllissi d t11e pleasure 197 �k.. Basically between We have ha �?o�7ember, lave communications Commission since and ix11p " their activities basis. the facilities, including the media- daily Zany publics, to be done on a «nth the its n And continues greatly _ 1as been aceonlplisbed� Bents, role has Provide C l feature our rto staff � x'�axs 1 Of our c o that is with so x11az1� colxnselirl� fact sheets ax1 day -to "day Tess releaseS9 azld paravi-lets, But, as is the ease to thet Of p ' brochures lemented br addition lacexnexr_ such as o\v being imp Can1n1 issron• distribution and p whicll are n BanLet was el, t11e �vritixl�,, O anent of collateral xlzao co acepts �reciation so 01, and the devel p tal in creatin the aalxlual Apl Only produced, but stor instxuxnen For eaaxlL11 a ,,as earl' been this F, lnc' has ss of develoi�u1exxt. the creation of a filxll w B� lnc'' U111 on A rote AN F laic° , sect b5 i1i the p ed by hich was s race for e �, or are develOp , 000 �`' oxn�llendatioxx that f a bile �h a grazlt of l O �vitli the xec arshil �t `vas de - conceived andibr01A ted, aloe„ a spans ounty Farl�s also paid for vas presen �lisliecl ul�bous�' pal�laxid C sig-Wage program Is zlO\,v being accornaxid the "Friends of prO�ect __ which r AMFs Tr1c. was secured b5 AMF, h1c. �8,000d recommended by ed for your perusal. vel.Op and you blights axe attach flow do oibl.e big Gene activities- ociati.an A tangy, the-s our as, list of the Bible, behind ublic? �hraunlz attitudinal the izitan� =it11 the p or a definite lnilla e ortaxi , axe oz1 relations w credit f ublic and a more ilnp effect ve will tape the p But, ttitude... and its tance by staLi merizb� rs, ter accep measure a axld Its less, Brea with the Conlraissir ted in a fairer p e that has res eball a year Of defeats. .Victory In 3 g62-A5S0 . CI TRAIT micl-11GA0 As22s . AREA CC)D'- 3, 2$ weST ADAMS Av i3UE L I C E N S E KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, owners of the Springfield -Oaks - Davisburg Golf Course, does hereby grant to the Springfield Township Historical Society, the right to restore the James Harvey Davis Home presently located on the Springfield -Oaks - Davisburg Golf Course Property, subject to the following terms, conditions and limitations: 1. That the Davis Home shall be restored at no cost to the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. 2. The restoration shall be completed according to a schedule approved by both parties within two (2) years from the date of this license. 3. Any revenues charged for visiting the restored Davis Home are to be used for the upkeep and further restoration of said home. 4. The Davis Home shall be used for historical purposes only. 5. Any restoration or alteration plans shall be approved in writing by the Director of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. 6. The Springfield Township Historical Society shall have the home and one (1) acre of land, more or less. The grounds surrounding park area. 7. The Park Manager shall be the liaison between the Society and the Park Commission. 8. The County Institutional Policy which includes fire and comprehensive coverage indemnifies the County of Oakland, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, as pertaining to fire and other such damage to the Davis Home, and public liability. 9. The Licensee shall furnish insurance for liability and contents, furnishings, exhibit materials, etc., not part of the real property. 10. Security measures will be afforded the Davis Home as normally provided any of the Park buildings, by the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. In consideration for said License, the Springfield Township Historical Society agrees to restore the Davis Home and to maintain the home and surrounding grounds in a manner in keeping with the Park property surrounding said home and grounds, all at no expense to the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. This License shall continue for two (2) years, subject to the right of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission or the Springfield Township Historical Society to terminate said License by giving written notice six (6) months prior to said termination. The License may be renewed upon the mutual agreement of the parties hereto for a like period of two (2) years. This License shall be terminated immediately, any other clause notwithstanding, upon the failure of the Springfield Township Historical Society to fulfill all of the terms and conditions of this License, except that such fulfillment be made impossible by acts of God or other conditions beyond control of the Springfield Township Historical Society. This License shall not be assignable or transferable by the Springfield Township Historical Society to any person, association or corporation. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION By: Q • Ut-;t.k Frances P. Clark, Chairperson SPRINGGFFIEELD TOWNSHIP HISTORICAL SOCEITY Ralph A.'O'Reilly, President Dated: October 17, 1,073 G w4J hX NY M.. IIC0,,_—_� P E0 PUBLIC RELATIONS COUNSELORS January 24, 1977 Page Two As we enter into another event -filled year, AMP, Inc. rs involvement, in addition to the daily maintenance activities, will center around these major programs: The establishment of an Oakland County Parks and Recreation Foundation * The establishment of a "Friends of Oakland County Parks" society * The development of a quarterly newsletter program The annual Appreciation Banquet * A national bike race * An international. frisbee tournament * Dedication of a tennis complex and golf course * Development of a publicity campaign for sunnier events AMP, Inc. works on a service fee with all of its clients. The service fee of $1, 200 per month for Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission is the same today as it was when we started in 1974. Twice AMP, Inc. has requested a fee increase. Both times it was rejected. This service fee is based on 30 hours of account executive time per nlont-h at a cost of $40 per hour. In 1976, William Luddy and I spent an accumulated 537 hours working for you. This is an average of 44.75 hours per month or a value of $590 per month over the service fee. From a practical business matter, it is obvious that we cam -lot continue on this basis. Therefore, it will be necessary to attach a special project. fee to those activities that fall beyond the scope of our current program. This type of activity and its fee will be approved by you prior to the work. Hardly a day goes by that: AMP, Inc. is not in contact with one or more staff persons. We thoroughly enjoy the relationship and the confidence in our guidance that has developed. And we look forward to another exciting year at the parks. Cordially, Robert- J. Sal gar Manager - Marketing Communications RJS/dgm Major Activity Conducted on behalf of Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission by Anthony M. Franco, Inc. 1. Conducted initial audit on all communications aspects of the Commission. 2. Developed new format for all collateral pieces - upgraded image of published materials. 3. Planned editorial briefing sessions and counseled interviewees. 4. Organized various press tours of the park system. 5. Provided publicity guidance and created materials for all major events such as the Junior Golf Tournament. Also arranged for complimentary guest speakers Ray Lane and Rick Forzano for golf banquet. 6. Created concept of Appreciation Banquet. 7. Provided counsel on park signage master plan. 8. Secured sponsorship for Bike Race for $8, 000, Also coordinated publicity efforts for the event. 9. Conceived of film on park system. Then found donor and persuaded same to contribute $10, 000 for production of park film.. 10. Developed publicity kits for all major groundbreakings and dedications, 11. Secured appearances on WJBX-TV for 20 minute show by Troupe in Transit and a half-hour show on WTVS-TV by same. 12. Provided counsel and prepared collateral and background materials for millage campaign. 13. Developed concept for 10th Anniversary program which included a governor's pro- clamation and stamp program. 14. Developed package and arranged meetings for mobile recreation program with area - wide Jaycee chapters. 15. Secured sponsorship for frisbee tournament. 16. Developed publicity program for wave pool, including media family day. 17. Developed feature story material on the following topics: Title X -Springfield Oaks golf course -Millage renewal -Wave pool -Independence Oaks (Oakland Press) -Addison Oaks (Observer & Eccentric) 18. Provided counsel for CAPE controversy. Item #8 1977 CAPITAL BUDGET Copies of the 1977 Capital Budget will be presented to you at the meeting. It is expected that a special meeting may be necessary in order to review this with staff before final approval is made. Q 66r°yrss O �yea.rs G16 a MMx Agp54 ^ c%e P`QN cn\ch�9an Frank Ric tiardSO R,e,'! ort\8c, P ant ANp oad �eW sChairman Q pRrCS tk+ns \ake C Vice" M A�St'n 2$p p ,Ma Veima Secretary ce eC 1 county SerV`ce n petty `• Nar` So oak\and FGe rge W • ,on ante R Rr;c Reicke\ h '9�1 1osePh Rv Vo9t gchard M a\ke< Director ��are Mar\orie tubers a 'Cpthe M DRE�� ch RC1 gan N� �GREP� ZpN S d 0 rty , a R U S Oa'O and d Gent' e5\eV\ d p� the P PRK 9� tad1es an ha been Gal1e 10 id y March p� Office a P me 01AO s : Fr s and Res `ake Rpad as � Park tk�n tZME 28ppaGMZ • P° lar Meet�n9 Apn pf Pbp,CE ReOu thpr�Za n 'prda�Ge 5 a d Recreatip PORPOSE • n c.AAerd m an pf the Park has bee Gha, he mee A \g chardspn') God ass1 pr . S�tin9�ie\d - Oaks , . white `ake . Oaks . wate�ord.Oaks \ndependence 0 a\cs . GC0ve\anc\ .Oaks 0 a\cs Pddtson OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION March 11, 1977 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes of February 25, 1977. 4. Approval of Payments - Voucher 3-1 through 3-41. 5. Attendance Report for February, 1977. 6. Public Act 261 of 1965. 7. Waterford -Oaks, Phase II. 8. M-275 Road Crisis Committee. 9. Golf Cart Rentals. 10. Director's Report. 11. New Business. 12. Unfinished Business. 13. Adjourn. NOTE: Next scheduled meeting March 25, 1977 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PAR.XS AND RECREATION MARCH, 1977 =a ER VENDOR x uttl ua � t�t�uu.v � Larry-D. Newman Indep. - Cap. Proj. - Site Work Final Payment 2,500.97 Hemmings Motor News YAC-Ad for Antique Car Show 75.00� Cars & Parts __ IYAC-Ad for Antigge Car Show 75.00 Gerald Lee Indep.-Reimburse.. of expenses in - curred attending MEEA Conference 92.30 Xerox Corporation Admin. - Office Sun lies 536.61 Michigan Glove Company,Inc. Title 10-Expenses - Gloves 262.50 GMC Truck & Coach Division Mob.Rec. - Maint. Show Mobile 10.80 Sutherland Oil Add. - Equipment Maintenance 233.20 Boron Oil Company Indep. - Equipment Maintenance 229.26� Brenda Hughes Mob.Rec. -Stage,Rental-Pu et Mob...:.. 35.00 Sundry Commission Meeting) Admin.-Per Diem &.Milea e 111.30 Ken Hansen Mob.Rec.-Travel & Conf.-Workshop in Mana e.Techni es - Reg. Fee 10.00 Central Michigan Universit- Mob.Rec.-Travel & Conf.-Reg. Fee for V.Chiasson to attend Intra- Mural Recreational Sports and Special Events Workshop 6.00 Marilyn Long Admin. - Mileage reimbursement 4.20 Penn Emblem Co. Mob.Rec. - Special Events - Ski Rush 184.99 County of Oakland Repayment of cash advance receive under transfer voucher #12-51 60 000.00 Oxford Concrete Inc. Add.-Cap.Proj.-Managers Residence Improvements 469.90 Harold G. Buchanan Spring. - Mileage Reimbursement 10.05 Gloria Buchanan YAC - Mileage Reimbursement 19.05 Arnold Johnston Admin.-Reimb. for expenses incur - Ked Qttendingthe School for curit & Safet in Parks & Rec. 16.63 Sundry Commission Meeting) Admin.-Per Diem & Mileage 151.40 John's City & County Plumbing YAC - Building Maintenance 600.00 Jackson Equi ment Rental Water. - Building Maintenance 331.60 VOUCHER REGISTER OP.KLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION MARCH, 1977 HER BER VENDOR eutxrubll Excavating Add. -Cap. Pro j. -Managers Residence Improvements 85.26 5 OaRland Heating-SMpply,Inc.Inde Add.& Wh.Lk.-Bldg. Maint. 32.94 6 Oakland County Department of Facilities & O erations Admin --BuildingMaintenance 12.73 7 Pa roll For Pay period ended 2 25 77 23 127.54 3 City Glass Service of Pontiac Admin. - Stike Fund - Repair of bug -window 21.42 9 Pioneer Hardware Grove.-Cap.Proj.-Roof Panels-Con- cession Bld .•Add. -Ca .Pro'. Manager's Residence Improve.; Admin. Water. & Wh.Lk. - E i .& Bldg. Maint.; & Teh.Sup. & Wh.Lk.- Small Tools & Sup. for Repair 150.59 Oakland County Department of Facilities & Operations YAC,Grove.,Water. & Add. - Grds. & Bld .Maint & Office Supplies & Title 10 - Su lies 273.41 L Scott's Lock & Key Shop Inde . - Grounds Maintenance 24.00 ? Waterford Fuel & Su 1 Co. Grove. - Equipment Maintenance & Inde . -.Utilities 479.78 3 M.G. Sales & Service Inc. Add. - Equipment Maintenance 29.02 Waterford Disposal Service S rin .& Inde .-Rubbish Removal 120.00 > Cash Register Add. - Office Su lies 51.75 > -National Oakland Wholesale Company Grove.-Cap.Proj.-Roof Panels -Con cession Bldg. & Inde .-Bld . Re . 36.50 Burke Building Center Grove.-Cap.Proj.-Roof Panels -Con - cession Bld .-Water.-Ca .Pro". - Rental House Renov.;Add.-Cap.Proj.- Mana er's Resid.Im rove.•Tech. Sup.,Spring.,YAC,Indep.,Water., Add. & Wh.Lk.-E i Grds. & Bld . Maint., Small Tools & Rental Prop- erty Maint.& Title 10-Supplies 816.93 Tarri L. Gulacsik Admin. - Mileage Reimbursement 5.10 Kathleen Dougherty Mob.Rec. - Mileage Reimbursement 12.75 i Sundry Advance Admin.-Advance for R.V.Vogt to attend 1977 NACo Legislative Cnf. 276.53 National Assoc. of Counties Admin.-Payment of registration fe for R.E.Reickel & E.F.Richardson s to attend the 1977 NACo Legislative Conference 191.95 TOTAL 91 713.96 ADDISON-OAKS PARK Campers Day Use ADDISON CONFERENCE CENTER Functions GROVELAND-OAKS Campers Day Use INDEPENDENCE -OAKS Day Use Day Campers SPRINGFIELD-OAKS Y.A.C. Functions SPRINGFIELD-OAKS CLUBHOUSE Functions SPRINGFIELD-OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Boles Rounds Played 18 Holes WATERFORD-OAKS Functions WATERFORD-OAKS WAVE POOL Day Use WHITE LAKE -OAKS CLUBHOUSE Functions WHITE LAKE -OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes Cross -Country Skiing TOTALS Month of February, 1977 Year to Date Grou s Participants Grou s Partici ants 1976 1977 1976 1977 1976 1977 1976 1977 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ill 162 721 846 1398 768 8012 2966 8 4 1170 656 0 9 .1355 1118 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 215 404 783 3 728 1182 2951 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 11 5030 3547 45 23 6768 4429 2 0 150 0 4 0 235 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .38 49 2517 2266 64 82 4648 4317 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 5 488 474 16 11 1009 1145 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 19 7 191 F 446 10495 8572 1539 1620 23228 16933 For the Month of February , 1977 ADDISON-OAKS PARK Campers Day Use ADDISON CONFERENCE CENTER Functions GROVELAND-OAKS Campers Day Use INDEPENDENCE -OAKS Day Use Day Campers SPRINGFIELD-OAKS Y.A.C. Functions SPRINGFIELD-OAKS CLUBHOUSE Functions SPRINGFIELD-OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes WATERFORD-OAKS Functions WATERFORD-OAKS WAVE POOL Day Use WHITE LAKE -OAKS CLUBHOUSE Functions WHITE LAKE -OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes Cross -Country Skiers TOTALS Grou s per Week Partici ants per Week 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 145 8 9 0 0 787_ 28 31 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 180 365 0 ill 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 18 56 0 0 493 94 196 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 3 2 5 1 0 180 212 1955 1200 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 13 13 11 0 508 687 543 528 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 0 .70 179 125 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 303 45 84 14 0 2218 1565 2850 1939 0 SWIM -MOBILE SKCATE- MOBILE PUPPET -MOBILE FASHION -MOBILE MOVIE/NATURE-MOBILE SHOW -MOBILE Ente.rtaiiunent Unit Only SPORTS -MOBILE TOTALS MONTHLY UNIT ACTIVITIES REPORT MOBILE RECREATION Month of February, 1977 Year to Date Grou s Participants Grou s Participants 1976 1977 1976 1977 1976 1977 1976 1977 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 45 30 1 1 45 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 2535 0 47 0 6605 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2500 175 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 25 45 2565 2 49 2545 6810 Item of 1965 2eetizlg answer anY sea to be w1 to glen has PCt 261 and Bob A wyth jo'a to s cus S '] OA3, -mall COUNTY & REGIONAL PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION STATUTE Act 261, Public Acts 1965 AN ACT to authorize the creation and to prescribe the powers and duties of county and regional parks and recreation commissions; and to prescribe the powers and duties of county boards of supervisors with respect thereto. The People of the State of Michigan enact: Sec. 1. The board of supervisors of any county, by resolution adopted by a 2/3 vote of all its members, may create a county parks and recreation commission which shall be under the general control of the board. The commission shall consist of 10 members including the chairman of the county road commission, the county drain commissioner, the chairman of the county planning commission and 7 members appointed by the board of supervisors, at least 1 and not more than 3 of whom shall be members of the board. Of the members first appointed, 2 shall be appointed for a term ending 1 year from the following January 1, 2 for a term ending 2 years from the following January 1, and 3 for a term ending 3 years from the following January 1. Thereafter, each appointed member shall be appointed for a term of 3 years and until his successor is appointed and qualified. Each term shall expire at noon on January 1. A vacancy shall be filled by the board of supervisors for the unexpired term. The commission shall be deemed an agency of the county. The board of supervisors may make such rules and regulations in respect to the commission as it deems advisable. The members of the commission shall not be full-time officers, and the board of supervisors shall fix the compensation of the members. Sec. 2. The boards of supervisors of 2 or more contiguous counties, by resolution adopted by a 2/3 vote of the members of each board, may create a regional parks and recreation commission. The commission shall consist of 4 members from each county including the chairman of the county road commission, and 3 members appointed by the board of super- visors, at least 1 and not more than 2 of whom shall be members of the board. Of the members first appointed, 1 each shall be appointed for terms ending 1, 2 and 3 years from the following January 1. Thereafter, each appointed member shall be appointed for a term of 3 years and until his successor is appointed and qualified. A vacancy shall be filled by the board of supervisors for the unexpired term. Members of the com- mission shall not be full-time officers, and the commission shall fix the compensation of its members. Sec. 3. Each January a county commission and a regional commission shall elect from its membership a president, a secretary and such other officers as it deems necessary, who shall hold office for the calendar year in which elected and until their successors are elected and quali- fied. A majority of the members of the commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The board of supervisors may authorize a county commission to adopt bylaws and enter into contracts. A regional commission may adopt bylaws and enter into contracts. Sec. 4. The board of supervisors in its annual budget may provide for the expenses of a county commission, which shall be limited in its expenditures to amounts so appropriated unless a futher appropriation is made by the board of supervisors. Sec. 5. The boards of supervisors of each county included in a region shall provide funds for a regional commission's operations by an appropriation from the general fund of the county, or by a tax levy for this purpose authorized by a vote of the qualified electors in each county. The commission annually shall present a budget to the boards of supervisors of the counties in the region. Upon approval of such budget by a majority of each of the boards of supervisors, the proposed budget shall be effective in all counties in the region. That part of the approved budget which is not financed by receipts from fees, gifts and other private sources shall be apportioned among the several counties on the basis of tax valuation. All appropriations shall be paid to the commission and disbursed under its direction. Sec. 6. A county or regional commission may study and ascertain the county or regions park, preserve, parkway and recreation and other conservation facilities, the need for such facilities and the extent to which such needs are being currently met, and prepare and adopt a coordi- nated plan of areas and facilities to meet such needs. Sec. 7. A county or regional commission shall file with and obtain the approval of the state conservation department of all proposals for acquisition of land and of general development plans and programs for the improvement and maintenance thereof before any such program shall be executed. Sec. 8. A county commission may acquire in the name of the county and a regional commission may acquire in its name by gift, purchase, lease, agreement, or otherwise, in fee or with conditions, suitable real property, within the county or region, or contiguous with -or ad- jacent thereto, for public parks, preserves, parkways, playgrounds, recreation centers, wildlife areas, lands reserved for flood conditions for impounding runoff water, and other conservation purposes. In ac- quiring or accepting land, due consideration shall be given to its scenic, historic, archaeologic, recreational or other special features. Sec. 9. A county operating under this act or a regional commission may take private property necessary for any purpose within the scope of its powers under this act, for the use or benefit of the public, and institute and prosecute proceedings for that purpose under and in ac- cordance with Act No. 149 of the Public Acts of 1911, as amended, being sections 213.21 to 213.41 of the Compiled Laws of 1948. Sec. 10. A county commission may accept in the name of the county and a regional commission may accept in its name gifts, bequests, contri- butions and appropriations of money and other personal property for conservation purposes. Sec. 11. A county or regional commission may plan, develop, pre- serve, administer, maintain and operate park and recreational places and facilities and construct, reconstruct, alter and renew buildings and other structures. Sec. 12. A county or regional commission shall have the custody, control and management of all real and personal property acquired by the county or a regional commission for public parks, preserves, park- ways, playgrounds, recreation centers, wildlife areas, lands reserved for flood conditions for impounding runoff water, and other county conservation or recreation purposes. Sec. 13. A county or regional commission may install and main- tain road and parking facilities within areas under its control. Sec. 14.- A county or regional commission may make, amend or repeal rules and regulations for the protection, regulation and con- trol of all its facilities and areas. Sec. 15. A county or regional commission may charge and collect reasonable fees for the use of the facilities, privileges and con- veniences provided. All charges and fees for the use of county facili- ties, privileges and conveniences shall be paid over to the county treasurer, and for the use of regional facilities, privileges and conveniences shall be used for the expenses of the regional commission. Sec. 16. A county commission may employ such personnel as may be authorized by the board of supervisors, including an executive officer. A regional commission may employ its personnel, including an executive officer. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. February 8, 1966 RESOLUTION 4531 BY: WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE (Mr. Carey) IN RE: COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COYUIISSION TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: Mr. Chairman, Ladies & Gentlemen: W?:EREAS, Act 261 of the Public Acts of 1965 provides.that a County may create a County Parks and Recreation Commission; and VFHEREAS, the Commission shall consist of ten (10) members, i.cl11ding the Chairman of the Board of County Road Commissioners, the County Drain Commissioner and Chairman of the County Planning Commission and seven (7) members appointed by the Board of Supervisors, at least one (1) and not more tha;. three (j) of whom shall be Me :hers of the Board of Supervisors; and WHEREAS, your Committee deems it in the best interests of citizens of the County of Oakland to establish a 11County Parks and Recreation Commission; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of Act 261 of the Public Acts of 1965 the County of Oakland hereby creates a 'County Parks and Recreation Commission", as above provided. MR. CHAIRMAN on behalf of the Ways and Means Committee, I rove t're adoption of the foreooir� resolution. WAYS AND MEANS COMi-'IITTEE David Levinson, Chairman, lf hug-i G /Allerton, Jr. i Thos .-H ,>,0 ! Donoghue i i' % JO''hn L. Carey Willis `yi. Bret er,/' , J ,a �) V �C . Hugh'DOn.a_ny / Frank J. Vo✓; Sr, r:arry W.-or`ton Fred L. Yockey �A�p'RppgD, °wed us yn� eats°a has z ces that z Outd°°z RecAat,czal ges° zee,aent has e Buzea� o� azt.�en.t o� � Pzo�ect A� e Land anal Th h the 'Dep L,hase nndez th thz°usatez�°za_pak.s c°st S.hazizlg �. the � pz°Ved $°z Find �zogza e ded al been apG°n_sezVat1°n. ant sh°'11d b e f°z eVentU ,�atez thys �z 1tte s to t° accept B�i1d1zL� C° ssi°nez ge�'�est p1ann�.ng and d ofp°unt9 z ° t° the y the Boa appz °va1 bt thls gz ant accep MICHIGAN DEPAPMIENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Land and Stater Conservation Fund PROJECT AGREEMENT :ounty I Oa'kland Project Number 26-00882 'roject Title Waterford Oaks Development roject Period February 7., 1977 to December 31, 1978 'roject Scope (Description of Project) )akland County will develop approximately 20 acres of land within the Saterford Oaks County Park to be used for public outdoor recreation purposes, as further described in the project proposal. ?roposed developments will include the following. L) Access road and entrance road widening ?) Parking 3) Lighting +) Lands caping i) Eight lighted tennis courts i) Four deck tennis courts 7) Ten horseshoe courts 3) Ten shuffleboard courts �) Toilet/shelter building with utilities 1,0) Permanent Land and Water Conservation Fund acknowledgement sign. 're -agreement costs incurred from July 1, 1976 to date of project approval in n amount not to exceed $1,302 shall be allowable under this agreement. 'roject Stage Covered by This Agreement .otal Project 'roject Cost Total Project Cost of Proposal Fund Support Ceiling Fund Amount Requested Cost of This Stage of Project Fund Assistance Requested This Stage Federal Funds Obligated by This Agreement ;ear 1977 $600,000 50% 300,000 600,000 300,000 300,000 Amount $300,000 tachments Included R 3502 Item #8 M-275 ROAD CRISIS COMMITTEE A copy of a letter sent to the Parks and Recreation Commission from Chester P. Kochanski is attached for your review. As you will see in the letter, he is requesting the Commission's support for the reactivation of M-275. The long-range plans for the Youth Activities Center and the development of the golf course were centered around the eventual day M-275 would be a reality. M-275 would have provided easy access to Springfield - Oaks via the more populated areas in Oakland County and now that it has been denied, future growth and accessibility to the Springfield facility is limited. March 4, 1977 Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48054 Gentlemen: The M-275 Road Crisis Committee, of which I am Chairman, requests your support in reactivating the construction of M-275. The en- dorsement of this project by the Commission would be of immeasur- able help and could be counted as an additional supporter of this much needed road in Western Oakland County. The following are some of the communities and organizations who, by acclaimation or official resolution, have endorsed the con- struction of M-275: White Lake Township, Walled Lake, Spring- field Township, Southfield, Novi, Dayton -Hudson Corp., West Bloom- field Township, Oakland County Road Commission and Holly. Your official support would be an important influencing factor in reactivation of M-275 for many good reasons; not the least of which is providing an easier access to the many thousands of acres of parkland which the citizens of Oakland County can use and enjoy. Sincerely, Chester P. Kochanski 23308 Old Orchard Trail Birmingham, Michigan 48010 jcd OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMM. LIAR 03 1977 RECEIVED Item #9 GOLF CART RENTALS As requested at the Commission Meeting held on January 28, 1977, the staff has made a study of golf car rental rates charged by other golf courses in the area. We contacted many courses and have prepared a list, copy attached, showing 13 golf courses of which five are privately owned and eight are owned by some type of governmental unit. The rental rates for the courses are fairly consistent, basically $5.00 for 9 holes and $9.00 for 18 holes. Most of these rates are for 1976. Many courses do not know what they will charge in 1977. Another important statistic is that only two of these courses give senior citizens some type of reduced rate. One course gives 50% off regular rates on Wednesday only and the other course gives a reduced rate for weekdays before 1 p.m. The Commission also requested a financial study showing the effects of various rental rates we might charge our users in 1977. This study is also attached and shows the amounts approved in the 1977 Budget and four alternate proposals of different user fees. We must remember that since budget approval, we have signed a lease with Golf Car Distributors for a fixed fee per car per year, based upon proposals submitted from three different companies. Prior to 1977, we paid the Golf Car owner 50% of our revenues. This means that the cost to the Commission for golf cars for 1977 will be a fixed amount regardless of the user fee we charge our customers. The four proposals presented in our study range from no increase in rental rates with free usage for senior citizens to $5.50 for 9 holes; $9.00 for holes as regular rates and $3.50 and $6.50 for senior (Golf Cart Rentals) Page Two citizens, weekdays only. As we might expect, the gross margin changes drastically when the rental rates change because our cost is a fixed amount. Staff recommends adopting the rates under Proposal #1 which is $5.50 and $9.00 regular rates and $3.50 and $6.50 for senior citizens, weekdays only. We feel our rates will be in line with other courses in the area and the gross margin to the Commission is fair and reasonable. Our second choice is Proposal #3 which is $5.50 and $9.00 and keep the senior citizens rate at $3.00 and $6.00, weekdays only. We feel we should not give free usage to senior citizens because we would certainly be "out of step" with other courses and we would have inherent problems with the entire golf car program since golf car rentals are on a first -come, first -serve basis, We would need a much larger fleet to accommodate everyone. A recent publication prepared for the U. S..Department of the Interior, Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, by Economic Research Associates and titled Evaluation of Public Willingness to Pa User Charges for use of Outdoor Recreation Areas and Facilities states that "the greatest support for user fees came from the elderly, the low income and rural residents." They felt that user fees were reasonable for paying for outdoor recreation activities and that most citizens feel that recreation services should be on a more of a pay-as-you-go basis. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION AREA GOLF CAR RENTAL RATES REGULAR RATES SENIOR CITIZENS COURSE OWNERSHIP 9 Holes 18 Holes 9 Holes 18 Holes Bramblewood Private $5.00 $ 9.00 50% off - Wed.Only City of Pontiac Government $5.25 $10.50 No Special Rates Flint Government $5.00 $ 9.00 Holly Greens Private $5.00 $ 9.00 Huron Clinton Government $5.20 $ 9.36 Livonia Government $5.00 $ 9.00 Oxford Hills Private $5.00 $10.00 Pontiac Country Club Private $4.50 $ 9.00 Pontiac Country Club (Weekends) $5.00 $10.00 Rackam Government $5.00 $ 9.00 Spring Lake Private $5.00 $ 9.00 Sylvan Glen Government $5.00 $10.00 Wayne County Government Unknown $ 8.50 Royal Oak Government $5.00 $ 9.00 $4.00 $8.00 (Weekdays before 1PM)