HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1977.06.24 - 39673PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION oakland county service center 2800 watkins lake road pontiac, michigan 48054 858-0906 , R. Eric Reickel Director Jon J Kipke Deputy Director June 24, 1977 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: E. Frank Richardson Chairman Marjorie M. Walker Vice -Chairman Richard V. Vogt Secretary William H. Clark Don Deni Betty J. Fortino John R. Gnau, Jr. George W. Kuhn Joseph R. Montante TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:00 a.m. Friday, June 24, 1977 PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting The meeting has been called in accordance with authorization of E. Frank Richardson, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Cordially, 1 R. Eric Reicke Director cag Addison -Oaks • Groveland-Oaks • Independence -Oaks • Red -Oaks • Springfield -Oaks • Waterford -Oaks • White Lake -Oaks OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION June 24, 1977 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes of June 10, 1977. 4. Approval of Payments - Voucher 6-1 thru Voucher 6-123. 5. Statement of Operations as of May 31, 1977. 6. "Scamp" Presentation. 7. Skateboard Park Presentation. 8. Acquisition Proposal - Dr. J. W. Head. 9. Acquisition Proposal - Tyler Realty and Investment Company. 10. Request from Township of Springfield - Waiver of Fee - Y.A.C. 11. Director's Report. 12. New Business. 13. Unfinished Business. 14. Adjourn. NOTE: Next scheduled meeting July 8, 1977. #6 "SCAMP" PRESENTATION Mr. Robert Brumback, Director of Special Programs for the Clarkston Board of Education, will be present to give a brief slide presentation on the Summer Camp Program for the Clarkston School District which includes how they use the Independence -Oaks County Park. #7 SKATEBOARD PARK PRESENTATION Mr. John Gitre, Lucky Line Products, will be present to give not more than a 30 minute presentation which includes a movie and some statistical information that will introduce the Commission to the concept of a "skateboard park". It is not expected that the Commission will be in any position to consider skateboard parks at this time and will consider this presentation as information only. #s ACQUISITION PROPOSAL DR. J. W. HEAD Dr. J. W. Head has submitted an inquiry as to whether or not the Parks and Recreation Commission would be interested in acquiring 106 acres of his property located in West Bloomfield for a County Park. Staff has reviewed this with you in executive session and recommends that this not be consistent with the present plans of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and thank Dr. Head for his offer and inform him we are not interested at this time. #9 ACQUISITION PROPOSAL TYLER REALTY AND INVESTMENT COMPANY The Tyler Realty and Investment Company has inquired whether or not the Parks and Recreation Commission would be interested in acquiring a golf course located in the northwest section of the County as a possible Oakland County Park. This proposal was reviewed with the Commission in executive session and it is recommended that this proposal does not meet with the present plans of the Parks and Recreation Commission and recommend that Tyler Realty and Investment Company be informed that the Parks and Recreation Commission is not interested in their proposal at this time. #10 REQUEST FROM TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD WAIVER OF FEE - YAC As per attached letter, Supervisor Collin Walls is requesting that the fee be waived for the rental of the Y.A.C. for a dance which is to be part of the Township's Summerfest which precedes the week of the 4-H Fair. Our schedule has already blocked this time off for 4-H and if 4-H has no objection in the use of the building by the Township, in the spirit of coopera- tiveness, staff recommends the fee be waived. HOLLY 634-3111 ���/1/'.f��'1� �� �� • • CLARKSTON 625-4802 650 BROADWAY • DAVISBURG, MI 48019 J. CALVIN WALTERS TOWNSHIP CLERK GLENN R. UNDERWOOD TRUSTEE COLLIN W. WALLS SUPERVISOR ,Tune 14, 1977 Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48053 Dear Commissioners: OFFICE HOURS DAILY: 9-5 PATRICIA L. KRAMER TOWNSHIP TREASURER GLEN J. VERMILYE TRUSTEE OAKLAND COW PARKS & RECREATION COMM. JUN 1 G m77 RECEIVED Last summer Springfield Township held a very successful Bi- centennial celebration in conjunction with the opening of the 4-H Fair. The day long festivities and the parade brought hundreds of people to our community and to the Youth Act- ivities Center Complex at Springfield Oaks. Because of the success of last years celebration we are planning a similar event this year. The "Springfield Summerfest" will be all day Saturday, July 30, 1977. With your permission we would like to use the Youth Activities Center area for some of the events during the day and as the ending point of our parade. We would also like to hold a dance again this year on Saturday evening. The 4-H has approved our use of the large hall in the Activities building for the dance. Please consider this our formal request for a waiver of any rental fees for the use of the large hall for our dance. The dance and all activities during the day are not intended to make a profit for the "Summerfest" committee or the Township. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, ' JaA �cl�bllin W. walls Supervisor CWW/mm CC: Gerry Lacey & Eric Reickel VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARES AND RECREATION 'OUCHER JUNE, 1977 UU4BER VE_;7OR, PURPOSE A M()T N 6-1 Consumers Power Company Grove. & Wh.Lk. - Utilities 504.64 6-2 R. Eric Reickel_ Admin.-Reimbursement of parking expenses incurred attending the SEMCOG Committee Meetinq 3.55 6-3 The Detroit News YAC - Payment for running ads for the Anti ue Car Show 107.36 6-4 Raymond Delasko Cust. Inde .-Pett Cash Reimbursement 21.59 6-5 Brenda Hughes Mob. Rec. - Payment for rental of puppet stage _ 25.00 6-6 Pontiac -Oakland Symphony Water. - Refund for 2 Bldg. rental fee per Commission Motion 125.00 6-7 Michael Charles Water. - Refund of Bldg. rental deposit 25.00 6-8 Greater Romeo -Washington -Bruce fParks & Recreation CommissiQn Mob.Rec. - Sp. Events - Payment f ori 6-9 Timothy Harris - i m_Qj t 3_ E 3 Advance Mob.Rec.-Advance for V.Chiasson & 6_Mob,Rec...employeQs to attend -Sundry participate in the Mich.Special 01 ics at Central --Mich, Univ 2Q2,73 6-11TMarilynLon Admin.-Reimbursement for Notary enses 16.00 6-12 Mrs. Eugene KomarTaski rove. -Refund of camping & elec- tricity fees 22.00 6-13 Camera Mart Inc. dmin.-Cap.Equip. - Camera with jFlash Unit 397.95 6-14 Mark Engraved Sign Co. Wave Pool - Pool Rule Signs 716.28 6-15 Klochko Equipment Co. Spring. & Indep. - Grounds Maint.- o Soil 600.00 ,6-16 JJ.P. Burroughs & Son, Inc. nde . - Grounds Maintenance 5.22 6-17 Royal Rental Co. Spring. - Building Maintenance 11.47 6-18 Nora Colby dater. - Payment for instruction o 3allroom Dancing classes 150.00 6-19 Linda Andrews dater. - Payment for instruction o luitar classes 140.00 6-90 Claudia Wyrick Water. - Payment for instruction of Belly Danc.ing classes 160.00 6-21 Wayne Ball Water. -Payment for calling at Sq. Dances & S . Dance Worksho s 143.50 I i i VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION TOUCHER UMBER VE'1 FOR 6-22 Bernadine Paull 6-23 Sundry Commission Meet 6-24 Oakland County Manpower 6-25 (County of Oakland 6-26 Neighborhood Pro Hardware 6-27 Independence Tw . Fire Dept. 6-28 P.J. Uridge Printing Co. 6-29 Texaco, Inc. s0 Gniewek's Trophies, Inc. 6-31 Anthony M. Franco, Inc. 6-32 City of Madison Hgt. Water De 6-33 Rawlings Golf 6-34 Holly Parts Depot, Inc. 6-35 Elden's Hardware 6-36 Lanz & Knight 6-37 Harold Paper Co. Inc. 6-38 Ackerman Trophies 6-39. Oakland County Central Stores F °-0 R. Eric Reickel 6-41 Groleau Brothers, Inc. JUNE, 1977 PURPOSE Water. -Payment for instruction of Doq Obedience classes Admin. - Per Diem & Mileage Admin-Reimbursement for salary aid to R. Sin le from CETA funds for the period from 5 21 76 thru 12 31 76. Grove. -Reimbursement for salary aid to R. Single from CETA funds for the period from 1 14 77 thru 2111177. i wuve rc L - oupplzes Indep. - Grounds Maintenance - Pressurized Sprayer Pum s Wave Pool - Office Supplies -Print ing of pool passes Wave Pool - Su .-H draulic Oil YAC- Antique Car Show & Mob. Rec. BMX Admin. - Promotional - Editorial services for Summer edition of the "Acorn" Red Oaks - Utilities Spring. & White Lk- - Golf Mdse. for Resale ]Grove. - Equipment Maintenance i nwu.Lit.-i"UYI,LtCl1 L L V E __Tor Spring. - Housekeeping E. Janitor .9_ es Admin. - Promotional - Engraving Lifet.im_e Passes YAC,Grove.,Indep.,Wave Pl.,Wh.Lk. & Red Oaks-Hskpg. & Janitor Sun. U-L11Wc� - uLQLUIUs maintenance Admin. - Reimbursement for parkin fees incurred attending SEMCOu Mt Indep. - Cap.Proj. - Phase II, Site Work - Pavmant Nn- '� AIMOUNT 560.00 190.04 8,236.37 1,164.02 17.95 40.00 210.00 77.15 161.00 400.00 5.39 877.80 25.00 VOUCHER REGISTER OR_X1_k!.7 COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION 'OUCHER JUNE, 1977 JLMER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOT NT 6-42 John Cooley Company Indep. - Cap.Proj. - Phase II - Payment No. 6 17 751.84 6-43 B & G Tile Inc. Grove.-Cap.Proj. - Tile for Vault Toilets & Shower Buildings 60.85 6-44 Haupt Pontiac Grove. - Refund of overcharge for Island Rental 50.00 6-45 Indianwood Automotive, Inc. Tech.Sup.-Small Tools & Add. & White Lk. - Equip. Maint. 21.04 6- 6-47 Oak Hill Auto PaMaintenance 6-48 Oakland S eel Co -Equil2mQnt MaintenaricQ 7 . 6-49 Oakland Counter Equipment Fund Admin.,Mob.Rec.,Spring.,YAC,Indep Add .-& Wh.L*k- Rental Expense 206.25 6-50 P.T. Standard Parts Co. Tech. Sup. - Equipment Maintenanc &_Sma1l.Tools 18.54 6-51 Da 's Sanitary Service YAC - Building Maintenance 75.00 6:_2 Oakland Wholesale Company Grove. - Cap.Proj. - Roof Panels for Concession Building 25.33 6-53 W.T. Andrew CoLnj2cLny Wh. Lk. - Buildin Maintenance 11.37 6-54 Bob's Hardware Inde . - Building Maintenance 50.50 6-55 H.L. Claeys & Company Add. - Grounds Maintenance 18.71 6--56 Colonial Pro Hardware Add.-Grds.Maint. & Small Tools 41.12 6-57 I.Count of Oakland Admin.-Reimb. for Betty Fortino & J.R. Montante's milea e for Commission Meetings in A ril 1977 3.84 6-58 Oakland County Road Commission Spring.& YAC -"Springfield Oaks Count._Park" sign 76.37 6-59 Oakland County LaundrV Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Spring.,YAC, Grove.,Inde Water. Add. Wh.Lk.& _ Red Oaks -Laundry & Dry Cleaning 1,092.18 6-60 Mrs. Heidi Rutenik Water. -Ref. Dog Obedience classes 20.00 ' 6-61 -County of Oakland Admin.,Mob.Rec.,Water. & Wave Pl. Communications 49.98 E ?__Payroll For pay period ending 6 3 77 37,779.15 6-63 Brenda Hughes Water. -Payment for rental of Puppet Stage 45.00 6-64 Dra yton Swimming Pool Su 1 Co. Wave Pool - Supplies 2.80 VOUCHER REGISTER Oh ✓LAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION IOUCHER JUNE, 1977 iUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE A'fniii %IT 6-65 Boice Builders Supply Water.-Cap.Proj.-Sodium Hypo- chlorite Tanks Wave Pool)_73.85 6-66 King Bros., Inc. Add. - Grounds Maintenance & Wh.Lk. - EgLaipment Maintenance 39.50 6-67 J.P. Burroughs & Son Inc. Inde . - Grotu-,ds Maintenance 8.05 6-68 Rod Whaley Admin. - Mileage Reimbursement 13.76 6-69 County of Oakland YAC-4-H Fair;YAC,Grove.,Indep., Add. & Red Oaks - Equi .,Grds. & Bldg.Mainti Office Supplies & Small Tools 288.50 6-70 County of Oakland Admin.,Mob.Rec.,Water.,Wave Pool & Title 10 - Communications 612.68 6-71 ---] Gary's Disposal Service Wh. Lk. - Rubbish Removal 36.00 6-72 Golf Car Distributors Spring. & Wh.Lk. - Golf Cart Rentals 3,930.00 6-73 ' Valley Surgical Sti.pply Com.pany Spring. & White Lk. - First Aid Su lies 64.79 6 _� Culligan Water Conditioning Wh. Lk. - Buildin Maintenance 28.88 6-75 Griswold Sporting Goods Co. Mob.Rec.-Su . for Sports Mobile 12.70 6-76 iMichigan Bell Telephone Compan Spring.,YAC,Grove.,Indep.,Water., Add. & Wh.Lk. - Communications 1,095.55 6-77 Detroit Edison Spring.,YAC,Indep.,Water.,Wave Pl, Add. Add.Cnf.Cnt. & White Lk. - Utilities 5,238.36 6-78 Consumers Power Company Spring.,Water.,Add. & Add. Cnf. Cnt. - Utilities 711.61 6-79 Michigan Bell Telephone Comp ny Spring.,YAC,Indep. & Addison - Communications 57.80 6-80 State of Michigan Spring. & Wh.Lk. - State sales tax for May,1977 286.05 ,6-81 John C. Dougherty,Trustee Spring.-Cap.Praj.-Phase II,.Back in st 1,899.74 6-82 NACo Admin.-Payment of Registration Fee for R.E Reickel to attend the 42nd Annual NACo Conference 95.00 6-83 Goeff Baxter Grove. -Payment for calling at two Square Dances 120.00 6-_1- Frank Olivier Add. - Refund of overcharge on camping fee 3.00 6-85 National Recreation & Park Assoc. Admin.-Payment for renewal of R.E. Reickel's membership & renewal of �� _ NRPA Job Bulletin for l year 62.00 i VOUCHER REGISTER OAK? A:rD COUNTY PARKS AIVD RECREATION 'OUCHER JUNE, 1977 'U14BER VENDOR PURPnSR Z rMr)T r, 6-86 _ Fin erIs Inc. Admin. - Office Supplies & Promotional 41.26 6-87 Jones Chemicals Inc. Wave Pool --Supplies, Chemicals 1,712.82 6-88 Ann Liimatta Wave Pool - Refund for Swimming classes 20.00 6-89 Sundry (Expense Reimbursement _ Tech. Sup. - Reimbursement for steel toe shoes 20.00 6-90 General Binding Sales Corp. Admin.-Rental ELc2.-Bindinq Machine 125.00 6-91 Oakland CountV Garage All Parks - Equipment Maintenance & Transportation 5 829.71 6-92 County of Oakland Admin.-Reimb. mileage paid to Com- missioners for meetings 11.28 6-93 Ritters Farm Market Add. - Grounds Maint.-Weed killer 1,360.00 6-94 Hammatt & Sons Mob. Rec. - Supplies for Sports Mobile - Push Ball 134.35 6-95 The Oaks Admin.-Promo. - Services rendered at Recognition Banc juet 784.88 -96 Mrs. Pat Dallwitz Wave Pool - Refund for Swimming classes 20.00 6-97 Oakland Community College - Highland Lakes Campus YAC - Refund of clean -Lip bond _ 100.00 6-98 Waterford Disposal Service S rin . - Rubbish Removal 60.00 6-99 Greenheck Fan & Ventilator Corp. Add. - Building Maintenance 8.32 6-100 O.C. Department of Public Works Add._- Sewage Expense 288.81 6-101 Wecco, Inc. Wh.Lk. -Golf Mdse. for resale 98.10 6-102 County of Oakland Mob.Rec.-Skateboard Championship; YAC-AntiqueCarShow; Grove., Indep., and Addison -Security Services _ 6-103.Oahland County Gagage 50.00 6-104 Cojint,yof Oakland Admin.,Mob.Rec.,Water. & Wave pool - 5 6-105 Meteor Photo Com an Admin. - Promotional - Slide Dupli- cation prints 139.70 s 6-106 Allied Film Laborato Admin. - Promotional - Development . 27,8C� .07 Cal Gas -Pontiac Inc. Spring.,Grove. & Independence - Utilities 784.41 6-108 Theresa Bishop Muller YAC - -Disco Dance instructor 43.00 6-109 -Sundry Co:rtmission Meeting) Admin. - Per Diem & Mileage 152.16 i VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION 'OUCHER JUNE, 1977 +014BER VEI DO? PURPOSE AMOUT. 6-110 The Darson Corporation Add. -Mist. -Die Cut No.'s & Letters 14.40 6-111 Boron Oil Co. _ Red Oaks -Equip. Maint., Gasoline & Utilities, Heating Oil 488.87 6-112 East Detroit Ford Tractor Inc. YAC,Indep.,Add. & Wh Lk. - Equipment Maintenance 207.97 6-113 Lenore Douglas Sorina.-RefundLQIcrue Fees 45-150 6-114 Gnie ek's Troiphies, Inc Admin.-Commission Plaques; Mob. Rec. BMX __ 325.50 _ 6-115 Clarkston Disposal, Inc. Grov - Rubbish Removal 19135.00 6-116 Ronald Ruffatto Water. -Refund of Security Deposit 50.00 6-117The Daily Tribune YAC - Payment for ads for Antique Car Show 50.73 6-1181+1nst -Prints YAC-Arts & Crafts Show 3.90 6-119 O.C. Radio Communications All Parks -Radio Re air Contract 834.86 u _L20 O.C. Stationery Stock Admin.,Spring.,YAC,Add. & Wh.Lk.- Office Su .•Admin.-Promotional• & _ Special Events -Swimming Classes, Men's Best Ball BMX Skateboard & Run For Your Life 1,148.21 6-121 Mitco, Inc. Groveland - Building Maintenance- Water Treatment Compound, Liquid 477.36 6-122 Lumberjack Products Spring. & YAC - Equip.,Grounds & Bldg. Maint. & Small Tools 114.61 6-123 Bill's Road Oiling Service Spring.,YAC,Indep. & Water. - Grounds Maintenance 5,_522.50 SUB -TOTAL FOR MONTH $126,471.24 t