HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1977.10.28 - 39678PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland county service center 2800 Watkins lake road Pontiac, michigan 48054 858-0906 R. Eric Reickel Director Jon J Kipke Deputy Director October 28, 1977 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:00 a.m. PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, MI PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting E. Frank Richardson Chairman Marjorie M. Walker Vice -Chairman Richard V. Vogt Secretary Don Deni Betty J. Fortino John R. Gnau, Jr. George W. Kuhn Joseph R. Montante Lewis E. Wint The meeting has been called in accordance with authorization of E. Frank -Richard , son, Chairman of the Parks & Recreation Commission. Cord1. y" R. Eric Reickel Director tlg Addison -Oaks • Groveland-Oaks • Independence -Oaks • Red -Oaks • Springfield -Oaks • Waterford -Oaks • White Lake -Oaks WC046. 4 SSIOIA fj NY'L NP r,O i �ENJJ'R NIAD RAC C 2.4 , A911 ? ,Y-Oct obe*" N?7 to Order - aer OAA CAA �%iAttes ,tobAO-69 I Ac 30 Pfov , bef 30 roVal 0�meets asRio i sep,exNj Ope'fat-iolls . ons. tatelmev't 0 ve ?,ecovelldatl Goon a . A dL� 111(j. coc POUI e. 7. ?,ed-Oa -sta�t Dy'i'ling all(j ?,ed-Oa'y's If I . ?,egOf Dirertct .,aess shed AA - 12. VOUCHER REGISTER. OAIQ�MM COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION OCTOBER, 1977 VENDOR PURPOSE tsMnr �- -68 Floyd Snyder Water.- Spec. Events-- Band for T1 rl CUaC P G (T , -69 Underwood Sand & Gravel Co e _ -70 Pior_eer Cam er Sales YAC, Grove., Indep. & Add.- Equip., M3.int I4os -71 Michigan Disposal Service Wh Lk - Buildin -72 Lakeland Builders Sup2lv Co. Grove.- Cap.Proj., Seat Wall - Shelter Pavillion 1 056-00 -73 Oak Hill Auto Parts Indep.- Equip. Maint., Misc. Parts 68.85 -74 City of Madison Heights Water De Red Oaks- Utilities 6.07 -75 Peninsular Slate Company Water.- Cap. Proj., Park Bulletin Board_ 19.,20 -76 Boron Oil Company Indep.- Earaip. Maint. 14.00 -77 The Montgomery Schoolhouse, Inc. Indep.- Cap. Equip., Trak-Pak Grader, Mogul Shear, & Cross - Country Track Setter 442..80 .78 Sam Smith Indep.- Grounds Maint., Straw 100.00 .79 International Infra -Red, Inc. Indep.-- Building Maint. 40..97 -80 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Spring., YAC, Indep. $75.07, &. Add. $23.60- Communications 121.97 -81 J. Eiden Equipment Co. Indep.- Equip Maint . , $51 a 00, -mall Tools 72.95. .82 Waterford Disposal. Service Indep.- Rubbish Removal 25.00 .83 Multi -Color Company n.- Promot=ona , Winter ports Show Display 51.75 •84 Haws Drinking Faucet CompanyIndep.- Cap.Proj., Phase II - 65.82-` .85 New Center Electronics, Inc. o .Rec.- Equip. Maint., S ate obi.lef.Sovnd System 79.85 •86 The Oakland Press WLk®- Classified Ad or NCR Drink Dispenser 20..E-6 .87 Lakeland Builders Supply Co. -rove.- Cap.Proj, Seat Wall - Shelter Pavillion & Small Tools 43.90 .88 Gary's Disposal, Service .Lk. -`Rubbish Removal 35.00 •R.9 Charles Ross Admin.-Mileage Reimbursement 56..32 - •y0 Marilyn Long dmin.- Mileage Reimbursement 5.28 •91 Sheila M. CoxAdmin.- Mileage Reimbursement 5 1 4 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION OCTOBER, 1977 �R VENDOR PTTRPnSF: a r �n--- -92 -93 Christine A. Grzeskowiak Anthony M. Franco, Inc. Admin.- Mileage Reimbursement Admin.- Miscellaneous services rendered, Promotional 5.7c 1,414.7= .94 Gniewek's Trophies, Inc. Mob.Rec.- Spec. Events- BMX 108.45 _. -95 J.P. Burroughs & Son, Inc. Indep.- Grounds Maint. 5.63 .96 Pontiac Steel Company ater.- ap.Fro3., ntrance agn--- Activities'Building 14.24 -97 Michigan Industrial Shoe Co. Title 6- Safety Shoes 79.80 .98 IBM Corporation Admin.- Office Supplies 16.20 -99 Deanna Sinclair Water. —Refund, Dog Obedience 18.00 •100 Judy DeRosia Water.-- Refund, Guitar'Class 20.00 -101 Adeline Lennon Water.- Refund, Yoga Class 16.00 12 James O'Berry Water.- Refund, Ballroom Dance 25.00 -103 John Pakula Water.- Refund, Ballroom Dance 25.00 -104 Chuck Watson Water.- Refund, Ballroom Dance 25.00 -105 Ruth Phipps Water. —Refund, Guitar Class ! 20.00 -106 Payroll Pav Period_Ending October.7, 1977 23,992.60 -107 Boice Builders Supply Water.- Cap.Proj., Entrance Sign- Activities Building 16.00 -108 Detroit Edison Spring. $933.$3, YAC. ,3 . , Indep., Water., Wave Pool, Add., Conf.Ctr. 30. , .L . , . & Red Oaks- Utilities 6 f057.19``_:: -109 Michigan Bell Telephone Spring. 2 , VAC , Grove. $142.78, Indep., Add., . s- Communications lf091.61 -110 Lumberjack Products Spring.-' quip , aint . ; Misc. Expense, Clamps; Spring. & YA-C- Grounds Maint., Bldg. malnt.r Hskpg. S Janitor Supplies, & ; Small Tools '183.50 --Lll Paitas Oil Co., Inc. Grove.- Equip. Maint. 16.94 -1 12 onsumers Power Company Spring., Water., Add., Conf.Ctr. 394.55 & Wh.Lk. 237.46- Utilitieq 771.tz= VOUCHER REGISTER OAKL COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION OCTOBER, 1977 -~ VENDOR PURPOSE AW,7 -113 -114 nderson/Lesniak & Associates Water.- Ca .Prof. Phase II Mob.Rec.- Special Events- Bike Raleigh Bike & Sport, Ltd. Race, Prizes 10,755.== 1 869.102 -115 lenn Reamer, Jr. Water.- Refund, Guitar Class 20.00- -116 Meteor Photo Company Admin.- Film Processing, Promo. 343.05 .117 Colonial Pro Hardware Add.- Grounds Maint. 6.98 -113 Admin.- Reimb. per diem & mileage Sundry Commission Meeting) aid to Commissioners for meetings 190.04 .119 Steven M. Wha e Wh.Lk.- Mileage Reimbursement 16.00 -120 Adman.- Advance for R. Eric North Oakland Chamber of Commerce Reickel to attend the membership meeting of the N. a an er of Commerce to be held at BloomfieIa Township, Machigan on October 27, 1977 6.00 :1 McKay's Hardware Grove.- Equipment Maint. 6.33 -122 Clarkston Disposal, Inc. Grove.- Rubbish Removal 225.00 -123 Water.- Spec. vents- og The Rochester Clarion, Inc. Obedience, Ballet, Sq. Dance, Ballroom Dancing, Ulsco ce, Yoga, Guitar, & Art, Display Ad 34.63 -124 Water.- Spec. Events- Dog' The Reminder, Inc. Obedience, Ballet, Sq. Dance, Ballroom Dancing, Disco Dance, Yoga, Guitar, & Art, Display Ad 86.40 -125 prince. & Indepo. $370.00- Turf Supplies, Inc. Sxrouncls Maint. ` Grass Seed _ 640.00 -126 George Edwards Water.- Refund, Security Deposit 5MO:. -127 Michigan Industrial Shoe Co. Title 6-- Safety Shoes 19.95 -128 P.T. Standard Parts Co. Tech.Sup.- Equip. Maint. 3.68 -129 Pontiac Farm & Indust. Tractor Co Add.- Equip. Maint. 42.20 -130 Sprang., Add. . , - Eastern State`Auto.Supply.Co. Small Tools, Indep., Add. $124.891 338.54 Wh.Lk. $112.20-• Equip. Maint. -.31 Adnun.- us o as servaces or Ward S. Newman, Jr. the month of October, 1977 290.00 -132 Y C- SpecialEvents- -H Fair, L. E. Marlowe & Sons Clean-up 32.:- VOUCHER REGISTER OA:K,LAN3 COUNTS'' PARKS AND RECREATION OCTOBER, 1977 �R t �? VENDOR P! TRPnS'P a� n- -133 Bernadine Paull Water.- Specza YEvents- Dog Obedience Instructor v� -134 Sundry (Commission Meeting) min.- Reimb. pereage paid to Commissioners for meetings 113.0-- .135 J & J Disposal Add.- Rubbish Removal 63.00 _ •136 New Center Electronics, Inc.. YAC- Equip. Maint., Sound System 58.65 •137 Michigan Air Products Add.- Building Maint. 27.00 .138 Roadway Express, Inca Spring..& Wh.Lk.- Golf Mdse. for Resale, Freight- 19.92 .139 Delores Van Norman Wh.Lk.- Refund, League Refund 52.00 .140 Detroit Edison Spring. & YAC- Utilities 21.50 .141 Green Industry Seminar Add.- Registration fee for John Guisbert to attend the Green Ind. Seminar & Trade Show on Oct„ 25 26 1977 being held in Davisbur Michigan 12.00 •142 State of Michigan Indep. & Add.- Registration fee for pedal boats 49.50 143 Thomas Coaches - East Mich. Inc.' ob.Rec.- Equip. Maint., Buses 12.8U 144 Lewis E_ Wint Admin.-- Travel reimb. for personal expenses incurred while attendin the NRPA Conference held in Las Vegas, Nevada 81.30 145 Detroit'Edison Grove.= -'Utilities 275.35 146 Michigan Bell Telephone Company Water.."Wave Pool- Communications 30.84 7'_ 147 O.C. Road Commission Spring., Cap.ProJ2., Entrance sign- Golf Course, Permit fee I5o00`.. 148 Allied Film Laboratories Admin.- Film Processing, Promo. 124.52 149 The Golf Mart, Inc. S ring.- Golf Mdse. for Resale 41.97 150 Wilson Sporting Goods Company Spring. & Wh.Lk.$206.44- Golf Mdse for Resale 354.'61 151 Pioneer Hardware min. , a. . , e s-- Equip. Maint.; Water. ,& Wh.Lk. - $42.76- BuildingMaint.; .- rounds Maint. & Small Tools 90.70 _ 2 Pontiac Photo ServiceAdmin.- Film Processing, Promo, 90.70 153 Walter Hagen Golf E i meat Co. Spring. & Wh.Lk.- Golf Mdse. for Resale gl._ VOUCHER REGISTER CAK.kND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION i OCTOBER, 1977 VENDOR PURPOSE -154 Sears, Roebuck & Company Add.- Small Tools -155 Klochko Equipment Company Inde .-- Grounds Maint., Tap Soil 1 200.' -156 Banner Liner_ Service Spring. & Wh.Lls.- Laundry & Dry Cleaning 86.56 _. -157 John R. Lumber Co., Inc. Red Oaks - Equip. Maint., Groun s Maint. $40.56, & Small Tools $57.21 108.71 .158 Poole-Dickie Lumber Company Grove.- ap.Pro�®h. Seat Wall - Shelter Pavillion; Admin., Tech. Sup.- Small Tools & Supplies for epair -- ; o ec.- Spec. Events- Bike Race & Frisbee Tournament; Wh.Lk.- Building Maint 77.30 -159 Lake Orion Lumber Company Add.- BlJgQ Maint. & Small Tools 11.30 50 Kerton Lumber CoMRqny Grove.- Grounds Maint., String & Stakes 7.40 -161 Oakland Heating Supply, Inc. Tech.Sup.- Small Tools; Wh.Lk.-. Blacr. Maint. 32.59 -19 O.C. Fac. & O er. Engineers, Add.- Cap.Proj., Design of Dam Repair; Water.- Ca .Proj.,Services' for Scott Lake Rd. widening 6,200..00 SUB TOTAL FOR THE MONTH 61,535.45 ' F 5-1 Corrected 0a'kia:ad Cc-,j--q.ty Parks and, Recreation COMBINED OPERATING STATEHIENT For the Period Ended-9-30-77 Actual Year Actual (Over) to Date 1977 Under Revenues �3O 7�7_ administration $1,902,30006 $1,842,800. 00 $(59,504.06) 4obile Recreation Special Activities 29,262036 27,450.00 (1,812.36) Springfield Oaks-. Golf Course 151F317.13 144,250.00 (7,067.13) YAC 29P260�44 79,200.00 A-91039.56 3roveland Oaks 1.63,443.55. 148,300.00 (15,143.55) [ndep-andence Oaks 30,333.70 37,000.00 6,666.30 jaterford Oaks: Park 30r633.08 30,575000 (58,.08) Wave Pool 85r115.31 133f800.00 28, 684,, 6 9 kddison Oaks: 'Park 51f417.49 50f300.00 (1,117,,49) Conference Center 14F824.85 15,000.00 175,.15 ihite Lake Oaks 224,520�72 .227r700X0 3,179�28 Zed Oaks Golf Course -0- -0- TAL RE VE.NUE $2P7120432r69 2, 716,375.00 $ 31942431 �_ratincl Expenses. kdministration Office 234t729.87 $ 349J,366.00 $ 11/-!•.16364la Pechnical Support 59.1818044 86 f 301 �. 00 26,/M56 labile Recreation 98,460.72 1369793.00 38,332.28 Springfield Oaks-, Golf Course 147,079.1.3 181P59MO 341510�87 YAC 88,008.59 961,372X0* 8, 363 � Aw- 3rovelana Oaks 133,184„06 189,414.00 56f229a94 Endepandence Oaks 124f247p62 166,735.00 42, 487.38 4aterford Oaks Park 49f788.71 65,957.00 i( � f 168 a 29 Wave Pool -96,279,02 98,200.00 1f9201,98 kddison Oaks. Park 151,444.45 19611,546M 45, 10,1, �. 5- 5 Conference Center 23r377.09, 30,15000 6,772,91 rhite Lake Oaks 152f569.75 202,r077,00* -4-9, 5 0 7 2 5 Zed Oaks Golf Course 31t386.25 56,012.00 lm- 24/625,75 'ontingency -0- 47,437.00 j �1�OQ , _ TOTAL OPEPATING EXPENSES $IZ390Z373.70 4202 f 950. 00 $ 51.2,576030 ZEVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP, 1 322 058.99 $J - 3 L4��5. 0 0 $ (508,633.99) 1977 1976 Cotal Expenditures to Date: 73% 66.3% 3udget Balance: 2700 '.-Change in approved budget to reflect change in Personnel reassignment. 5-2 Oakland County Parks and Recreation ADMINISTRATION OFFICE Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 9-30-77 Actual Year (over) Current to Date 1977 Under Month- Revenue 9/30/77 --Budcre t 1,163.95 Tax Revenue $1f869f228.80 $1.,835,000.00 $(34f228.80) 78.93 Interest Delinquent Tax 326.64 300.00 (26.64) 3e469.03 Interest Investments 18,542.77 7.100o.0o (11,540.77) -0- Miscellaneous Income 14f205.85 500.00 (13,705.85) 41711.91- TOTAL REVENUE $1f902r304.06 0 0. O.D $(59,504.06) OeeratsnqExpenses 7,614.52 Salaries - Full Time $ 127,983.93 183,296.00 $ 55,312.07 -0- - Part Time -0- 2,400.00 2f400.00 58.60 - Over Time 334.82 1f000.00 665.18 -0- Fringe Benefits 26,583.31 53,320.00 26,736.69 531.94 Communications 3,913.79 4,500.00 586.21. 250.00 Rental Expense 1.1983.50 31500.0-3 1 1,516.50 -0- Ecfaipmant Repair & Maint. 118.91 300.00 181.09 349.24 Per Diem & Mileage - Comm. 5,227.47 10,000.00 4*1772.53 -0- Insurance 226.21 200.00 (26.21) 3.00 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 24.80 - 50.00 25.20 -0- Building Maintenance 636.94 500.00 (136.94) 157.96 Dues & Publications 1,367.45 lf500.00 132.55 8.68 Miscellaneous Expense 161.85 300.00 138.15 1,238.71 Office Supplies 11,193.93 12r000.00 806.07 -0- Professional Services 7,363.00 7.1500.00 137.00 751.05 Transportation 6,557.66 81,000.00 1,442.34 21.56 Travel & Conference 7,596.30 5.,,500.00 (21096.30) 9.79 Housekeeping Supplies 249.07 200.00 (49.07) 437.93 Depreciation 31520.02 5,000.00 - 1,479.98 336.82 Radio Repair Contract 1,515.69 2,500.00 984.31 -0® Purchasing Dept. Services -0- 14f 000. 00 14f000.00 1,931.14 Promotional Expenses 250561.22 30,000.00 41438.78 290.00 Custodial Services 2,610.00 3f800.00 1,190.00 3,990.94, TOTAL ADMIN. EXPENSES 1977 'oral Expenditures to Date: 67.1% tudget Balance: 32.9% $ 2341,729.87 349 366.00 $114,636.13 1976 66.2% OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON ADMINISTRATION IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 9-30-77 1976 1977 Variance 1976 1977 Variance $110 315 $1 164 $ (109,151) lTax Revenue 1$11794,669 $1, 869,229 $74. 560 35 79 44 llnt, Delinquent Tax � 545 326 219 1 l30 3,469 21339 Int, Investments a 23,268 181543 (41725) 54 ®0® (54) (Miscellaneous 32,055 14,206 (17,849) 111,534 ^o� - $49 712 $ (106, 822 I TOTAL .�.� � ) _ _ __,T��„..._..,...�_...,-�.---$-1,8509537 $1.,902,304 $51,757 5-4 Oakland County Parks and Recreation TECHNICAL SUPPORT SECTION For the Period Ended- 9-30-77 Actual Year (Over) Current to Date 1977 Under Month-- Classification 9/30/77 Bjj�t Budget ­ ,606.95 Salaries - Full Time $36,744.07 $49f791.00 $13f046.93 -0- - Part Time -0- -0- -0- 260.49 - Over Time 1,665.60 4,000.00 2,334.40 -0- Fringe Benefits 9,440.62 14,930.00 51489.38 42.00 Rental Expense 252.00 500.00 248.00 84.74 Equipment Repair & Maint, 631.81 300.00 (331.81) -0- Insurance 119.81 300.00 180.19 87.55 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 772.15 1f080.00 307.85 -0- Uniform Expense 266.53 100.00 (166.53) 990.41 Transportation 6,287.77 10,000.00 3,712.23 5.51 Travel & Conference 367.88 -0- (367.88) f,161.55) Small Tools 669.59 600.00 (69c59) 74.14 Depreciation 1,539.63 3,000.00 1,460.37 101.72 Radio Repair Contract 457.74 lf400.00 942.26 9.75 Supplies for Repair 603.24 300.00 (303.24) 9201.71 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $59,818.44 �8�301. 00 $26,432.56 1977 1976 i,::tu:a1 Expenditures to Date.- 69.3% 59.3% ludget Balance: 30.7% 5-5 Current Month 240.00 145.00 -0- 140.00 -0- -0- 121.00 857.45 -0- -0- -0- 11503.45 5�58. 46 15-055-01) Oakland County Parks and Recreation MOBILE RECREATION & SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Statement of Operations For the Period Ended-9-30-77 Actual Year (Over) to Date 1977 Under Revenue 9/30/77 Bud L --!aSL- _ _St _ Bjjdg Rent - Show Mobile $ 430.00 $ 2,900.00 $ 2,470.00 - Skate Mobile 145.00 4,400X0 4,255.00 - Swim Mobile 550.00 5501,00 - Puppet Mobile --0- 420.00 2,400.00 1,980.00 - Arts & Crafts -0- 500.00 500.00 - Movie Mobile -0- 900.00 90M0 - Sports Mobile 241.00 3,000.00 2r759.00 Special Programs 7,591.36 10,000.00 2r408.64 Busing Program - Rental 35.00 2,800.00 2F765.00 Special Grant 20f400.00 -0- (20,400.00) Miscellaneous Income -0- -0- -0- TOTAL REVE-tTJ:", $ 29,262.36 Less: Operating Expenses 98,460072 REVENUE OVER/(-LJNDER) EXP. $(69,198.36) $ 27,450.00 $ (1,812.36) 136 793 00 38,332.28 8(109,343.001 $(40,144,-64) 5-6 Current Month 1,595.76 7,509.65 358.68 -0- -0- 216.15 325.59 -0- -0- -0- 7.50 -0- 578.25 19728.14 371.00 -0- 1,715.93 50.86 2,100.95 Oakland County Parks and Recreation MOBILE RECREATION & SPECIAL ?ACTIVITIES 2p,-.rjatiaa E.xojn- For the Period Ended �.-9-3Q=Z7 Classification Salaries - Full Time - Part Time - Over Time Fringe Benefits Advertising Communications Equipment Repair & Maint. Insurance Dues & Publications Miscellaneous Expenses Office Supplies Uniforms Mobile Rec. Supplies Transportation Travel & Conference Small Tools Depreciation Radio Repair Contract Special Programs I 6,558.46 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1977 oral Expenditures to Date: 71.9% udget Balance: 28.1% Actual Year to Date ---V30.1-7-7- $10,038.04 41f 184.22 437.11 21028.30 113.90 11040.62 4/363.60 1,685.81 95.00 53.83 234.93 1,105.60 2,551.58 11,424.22 783.44 -0- 15,443.37 233.27 5,643.88' $98,460.72 1976 81.4% 1977 mm Bu�ia�:t -- 13,693.00 38f375.00 1,000.00 4,100.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 4fooMo 500.00 125.00 100.00 800.00 900.00 2,500.00 14,500.00 500.00 100.00 40,000.00 100.00 13 Ir 000 � 00 (over) Under ___Budgej�_ $ 3,65496 (2,809.22) 56289 2,071,70 1'386, 10, (40�62) (363.60) (1,185�,81) 3M0 46,17 565.07 (205 � 60) (51.58) 3,075.78 (283.4,6.) 100.00 24.,556.63 (133.27) 7,356.12 $38,332.28 1976 OAKLAND COUNTY 'ARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON M031LE RECREATION Variance 1976 R TC 1977 9-30-77 Variance 560 $ 240 (320) iRena ® Show Mobile ' $ 2.,O10 $ 430 $�1,580) 1 403 145 (1,258) - Skate Mobile 2,503 145 (21358) 830 ®0® 830 m Swim Mobile 1 325 ®0- (1,325) i g 5 I Puppet Mobile � 2 025 420 1 605 ) a Arts & Crafts f 270 m0® (270) iMobile(Formerly Fashion), 270 -0- (270) ® Movie/Nature 450 =Om 450 Mobile 1 630 m0® 630 2.030 2 1 909 Sports Mobile ! 2 865 241 12 ,,G 24 ) ®0® -0- moo I Buses a09 35 35 ®Oo m0- -0- i i Government Grant s I -0® 20,400 20,400 367 336 ®0® 367 I - _.. _- 85 - Miscellaneous Income i Special Programs � 432 - - 66 ®0- --- (432) I 6,945 � I E 7,191 $1,503 $(51688) TOTAL , $12,706 _ $29,262 $16,556 Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRINGFIELD GOLF COURSE Statement of O erations For the Period End,_d 9-30-77 Actual Year (Over) Current to Date 1977 Under Month _T Revenue _ _9/30/77 _ Bud�c et ®0- Co_cimission -"Food Sales $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ -0- 11220.48 Sales -T Pro Shop 10,264.61 12,500.00 2,235,39 5,863.50 Rentals - Golf Carts 35,540.00 25,000.00 (10,540.00) 35.00 - Other Equipment 1,101.99 11,250.00 148.01 0®990.95 Greens Fees 100,419.57 105,000.00 4,580.43 -0- -0® Contract Co;mnission Miscellaneous Income T0- 3®954.96 29.00 20.00 29.00 (3,934.96) -0- Clubhouse Rental 35.00 450.00 415.00 Q,109.93 TOTAL REVENUE $144,250.00 $ (7,067.13) U51,317.13 40339.29 Less: Operating Expanses 147,079.13 181,590.00 � 34,510.87 - 6,229.36) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $ 4,238.00� 37 340.00 $(41,578.00) 5-9- Current Month Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRINGFIELD GOLF COURSE Operating -Expenses For the Period Ended 9-30-77 Classification Actual Year to Date 2 ./30ZZ7--_ 1977 _Bu!2geL_ (over) Under BudQet- 0,845.15 Salaries - Full Time $ 451522.08 $ 651621.00 $2011098.92 lf975.93 - Part Time 12F519.82 11,419.00 (1f100"82) 138.03 - Over Time 11633.21 2r000.00 366,79 -0- Fringe Benefits 10i326.89 19f700.00 9,373.11 13.75 Rental Expense 111.32 200.00 88.68 236.16 Communications 1,579.77 11,500.00 (79.77) 2e043.99 Equipment Repair & Maint. 7.1154.91 6e000.013 (1,154.91) 60.00 Rubbish Removal 392.50 650X0 257,50 1,565.62 Grounds Maintenance 128294.90 15f000.00 2,705.10 722.54 Utilities 101282.07 11,000.00 717.93 -0- Insurance 9,170.58 4f000.00 (5,170.58) 159.32 Laundry & Dry Cleaning lf561.04 2f000.00 438,96 204.70 Building Maintenance 1f881.29 2f000.00 118.71 -0- Dues & Publications 40.00 100.00 60X0 -0- Miscellaneous 60.55 100.00 39.45 7.95 Office Supplies 153.73 500.00 346.27 -0- Uniforms 324.85 600.00 275F15 701.08 Transportation 31355.60 2r000.00 (1,355.60) -0- Travel & Conference 128.53 500.00 371 . 4-7 236.61 Housekeeping Supplies 530.02 800.0.0 269.98 61.30 Small Tools 257.30 400.00 142.70 if236.77 Depreciation 9,634.02 13f000.00 3t365.98 (.50) Shortage/Overage (2.07) -0- 2.07 31200.00 Comm. - Golf Cart Rentals 9f730.00 12500.03 2f7MOO .930.89 Golf Mdse. for Resale 8.1347.07 10/1,000.00 1f652.93 -0- Radio Repair Contract __0_ -0- -0- -0- Special Events 89.15 -0- (89.15) 4f339.29 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $147,079.13 8 $341510.87 1977 1976 '-tual Expenditures to Date: 80.9% 64.2% Iget Balance: 19. 15/1 OAKL,AND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON SPRINGFIELD GOLF COURSE MONTH OF September IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 9-30-77 1976 1977 Variance 1976 1977 Variance $ _Oo ®0® ®0® lComm. - Food Sales ( 1 1 ®0® 852 1 220 368 ]Sales o Pro Shop 7 417 10 265 2 848 21842 51864 3 022 lRent - Golf Carts 14 908 35 540 20 632 137 35 102) Other Equipment 962 1 102 14! 8 508 10 991 2 483 (Greens Fees , 65 296 1001419 35,123 ®e ®pe lContract Commission ®0® ®Om m0m (Miscellaneous Income -0- 31955 3®955 20 00® 20 I Clubhouse Rental I 210 35 175 - I 5-11 Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC Statement of _g,rations For the Period Ended 9-30-77 Current . Month Revenue 2,180.00 Rent - YAC Buildings 288.05 Fees - Rodeo -0- - Circus -0- - Horse Show -0- - 4H Fair 60.00 - New Events -0- - Antique Car Show 1.73 Contract Commissions -0- MiscellcLQeous Income 818.40 Commission - Food Sales -0- Reimbursement - Oak. Co. 3,348.18 TOTAL REVE T-1-TE q, Q56z_9 2, Less: Operating Expenses 9,708-7� REVENUE OVh-R/(U.ITD-ER) EXF. Actual Year (over) to Date 1977 Under 9/30/77 Budge Bud et $ 12,446.75 $ 15,000.00 $ 2f553.25 1,656.25 1,500.00 (156�25) -0- -0® -0- .-0- 1010.0.3 100.00 -0- -0- -0- 1,605.90 4,000.00 2f394�10 12,250.48 8,000.00 (4,250<"48) 6.51 -0- (6.51) 141.61 -0- (141.61) 1f152.94 600.00 (552.94) 50f000.00 50,000.00 $ 29,260.44 $ 79,200.00 $49,939.56 88,008.59 96 372.00 8,363.41 $(58,748.15) ��17 172:OOL $41,576.15 5-12 Oakland County Parks a -id Recreation SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC Operatia�L- nses For the Period Ended 9-30--77 Actual Year Current To Date 1977 Manth -_s Classification 9/30 77 Bu�aeei- 3,542.94 116.00 749.84 _Om 3,599.97 15.75 299.91 (13.54) 459.01 1,645.37 -0- 58.85 1,775.13 -0- -0- 144.67 00- 257.38 -0- 80.15 4.99 202.26 1.18.24 Salaries -- Full Time - Part Time Over Time Fringe Benefits Special. Events Rental Expense Communications Equipment Repair & Maint. Grounds Maintenance Utilities Insurance Laundry & Dry Cleaning Building Maintenance Dues & Publications Miscellaneous Office Supplies Uniforms Transportation Travel & Conference Housekeeping Supplies Small Tools Depreciation Radio Repair Contract iro -9 q2 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1977 ctual Expenditures to Date: 91.3% udget Balance: 8.7% $21,614.00 1,487.37 3,358.64 4,496.34 13,556.11 141.00 2,207.10 561.22 5,235.68 16,561.82 4,321.62 575.81 7,301.42 20.00 26.1.5 1IF205.93 39.90 1,574.84 -0-- 1,344.10 36.37 1,811.09 532.08 $30, 361.00% -0- 2,079.00 91782.00', 8,000.00 300.00 1,800.00 750.00 4,000.00 17,,000.00 5,000.00 850.00 6,000.00 200.00 100.00 800.00 300.00 3,200.00 400.00 1,000.00 300.00 3,400.00 750.00 (Over) Under Buda. , $8,747.00 (1,487.37) (1,279,64) 5,285.66 (5,556�11) 159.00 (407.10) 188.78 (1,235.68) 438.18 678.38 274.19 (1,301.42) 180,00 73.85 (405.93) 260.10 1,625.16 400.00 (344.10) 263.63 1.,588.91 217,92 �88^04$9 M96, 372y�0'363�41 1976 65% Salary & Fringe Benefits of Assistant Manager transfered to Unite Lake Budget. Current Month 2,889.46 10,506.43 11451.57 -0- -0- 161.74 850.47 1,031.00 246.38 491.76 120.00 223.53 313.99 -0- -0- 2.25 -0- 408.82 -0- -0- 44.20 11146.98 32.49 187.75 18.51 279.05 -0- 16.00 Oakland County Parks and Recreation GROVELAND OAKS Operating--K penses For the Period Ended 7-31-77 Classification Salaries - Full Time - Part Time - Over Time Fringe Benefits Rental Expense Communications Equipment Repair & Maint. Rubbish Removal Grounds Maintenance Utilities Insurance Laundry & Dry Cleaning Building Maintenance Dues & Publications Miscellaneous Expenses Office Supplies Uniforms Transportation Travel & Conference Housekeeping Supplies Small Tools Depreciation Shortage/Overage Radio Repair Contract Promotional Expense Recreation Program Security Services Rental Houses - Maintenance $20,422.38 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1977 tual Expenditures to Date: 39.9% Budget Balance: 60.1% Actual Year to Date $191330.97 19,053.40 21357.01 -0- 35.00 761.28 2,460.74 2,416.00 5,120.12 5,701.47 480.00 1,023.25 1,073.20 -0- 82.30 104.56 248.55 2,315.51 -0- if630.14 136.05 7,618.69 7.18 1,026.25 518.51 519.05 1,419.10 163.42 1977 Budget - $ 46,874.00 40,890.00 4,500.00 14,100.00 300.00 1,300.00 8,000.00 4,000.00 11,000.00 13,500.00 1,200.00 1,450.00 4,000.00 100.00 300.00 1,000.00 500.00 4,0130.013 300.00 3/000.00 500.00 20,000.00 -0- 1,500.00 600.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 500.00 (Over) Under Budget $ 27,543.03 21,836.60 2,142.99 14,100.00 265.00 538.72 5,539.26 1,584.00 51879.88 7,798.53 720.00 426.75 2,926.80 100.00 217.70 895.44 251.45 1,684.49 300.00 1,369.86 363.95 12,381.31 (7.18) 473.75 81.49 480.95 31580.90 336.58 $75,601.75-189�414.00� ,$113-812.25 1976 46.1% MONTH OF Tuiv OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON GROVELAND OAKS IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 7-31-77 _ 1976 1977 Variance 1976 1977 Variance 623 971 $ 348 (Comm. - Food Sales $ .623 $ 971 $ 348 950 1,216 266 IRent Facilities I 31037 2,792 (245) 1,511 1,606 95 1Rent — Paddle Boats I 21914 31615 701 303 268 35 - Rowboats I 582 600 18 900 1 529 629 I - Showers 1 358 2 487 1 29 13 17 4 - Liie Jackets I 25 22 (3) 582 29 Canoes 1,015 1,198 183 110 100 (10) i Rent - Houses 11710 11400 (310) 41517 51333 816 I Fees - Day Use 8,237 9,792 •1,555 540 1,498 958 - Annual Pass 1,610 3,857 2,247 31,218 31,374 156 Fees - Camping 56,675 681394 11,719 3,093 3,303 210 ` - Electricity I 6,342 71346 1,004 57 189 132 1 Contract Commission 1 1 -0- 1 Miscellaneous Income 137 290 1,8. 4,176 153 N $ 44,389 $47,987 $3,598 TOTAL _- ___ � $84,283 $106,940 $22,657 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AT1M RECREATION COMMISSION GROVELAND-OAKS EXPENSES PAID AND/OR OBLIGATED For the Period Ended 7-31-77 Total Balance Paid Ordered Not Obligation Left or Account To Date Yet Paid To Date 1977 Budget (Overs ent p ) As of 8-17-77 Rental Expense $ 35.00 $ -0- $ 35.00 $ 300.00 $ 265.00 Equipment Repair & Maintenance 2,460.74 487.98 2,948.72 8,000.00 5,051.28 Rubbish Removal 2,416.00 -0- 2,416.00 4,000.00 1,584.00 Grounds Maintenance 5,120.12 562.00 5,682.12 11,000.00 5 317.88 Building Maintenance 11,073.20 306.00 1,379.20 4,000.00 2,620.80 Miscellaneous Expense 82.30 -0- 82.30 300.00 217.70 Office Supplies 104.56 -0- 104.56 1,000.00 895.44 Housekeeping Supplies 1,630.14 -0- 1,630.14 3,000.00 1,369.86 Small 'Tools 136.05 -0- 136.05 500.00 363.95 Recreation Program 519.05 -0- 519.05 1,000.00 480.95 Rental Property Maintenance 163.42 -0- 163.42 500.00 336.58 Oakland County Parks and Recreation INDEPENDENCE OAYS Statement of Oo rations For the Period Endued 7-31-77 Actual Year (Ovar) Current to Date 1977 Under V Month � Revenue _ —Bua--T=t 193.45 Commission - Food Sales $ 193.45 $ 1,000.00 $ 806.55 776.25 Rentals - Equipment 1,538.50 3,000.00 1/461.50 6,750.50 Fees - Entrance 19,640.30 30,000.00 10,359.70 28.25 - Organized Camping 396.75 2,000.00 lf603.25 491.50 Rental - Facilities 1,755.50 1,000.00 (755.50) -0- Miscellaneous 25.00 -0- (25.00) 8,239.95 TOTAL REVENUE $ 23,549.50 $ 37,000.00 $ 13,450.50 �3, 769-.73 Less: Operating Eypenses 77, 513_57 166 735.00 89, 221.43 (8,5299.78) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) $(53,964.07)^ $(129,735.00) $(75,770_93) Current i Mon th -_ 4,092.28 7,028.46 247.50 -0- 18.25 128.78 544.27 -0- 865.70 256.76 -0- 212.85 86.56 20.00 54.00 51.30 134.57 540.00 -0- 419.90 88.27 11836.17 -0- 144.11 -0- Oakland County Parks and Recreation INDEPENDENCE OAKS OperatinS Expenses For the Period Ended 7-31-77 Actual Year to Date 1977 ClassificationBud-t-^� Salaries - Full Time - Part Time - Over Time Fringe Benefits Rental Expense Communications Equipment Repair & Maint. Rubbish Removal Grounds Maintenance Utilities Insurance Laundry & Dry Cleaning Building Maintenance Dues & Publications Miscellaneous Office Supplies Uniforms Transportation Travel & Conference Housekeeping Supplies Small Tools Depreciation Shortage/Overage Radio Repair Contract Security Services 16,769.73 TOTAL (OPERATING EXPENSES 1977 Dtal Expenditures to Date: 46.4% fidget Balance: 53.6% $24,260.45 12,299.08 404.15 -0- 84.50 651.89 3,176.25 100.00 8,556.96 51117.04 253.00 1,164.36 1,028.32 80.00 159.46 481.83 430.17 2,845.37 341.04 993.26 553.98 12/193.74 (10.00) 929.62 11419.10 $77,513.57 1976 52.7% $ 62,785.00 20/850.00 31500.00 18/700.00 500.00 700.00 6,000.00 800,00 8/000.00 6,000.00 500.00 2,500.00 11000.00 200.00 300.00 700.00 1,200.00 6/000.00 500.00 11000.00 500.00 181000.00 -0- 11500.00 51000.00 5166�735y00 (Over) Under Budget _ Y_ $38,524.55 8,550.92 3,095.85 18,700.00 415.50 48.11 2,823.75 700.00 (556.96) 882.96 247.00 1,335.64 (28.32) 120.00 140.54 218.17 769.83 3,154.63 158.96 6.74 (53.98) 5,806.26 10.00 570.38 3,580.90 $89.221.43 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON INDEPENDENCE OAKS MONTH OF July IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 7-31-77 1976 1977 Variance 1976 1977 Variance !$ 124 $ 193 $ 69 Comm. - Food Sales 124 193 69 50 492 442 (Rent - Facilities 50 1,756 1,706 552 581 29 lRent -- Rowboats 1037 1,311 274 -0- 196 196 - Canoes , -0- 228 228 1,816 31502 1,686 (Fees - Entrance 3,137 81125 4,988 3,070 3,248 178 a Annual Pass 1 7,935.1 11 515 3,988 32 28 4 1Fees - Camping ! 2 397 365 -0- -0- -0- ,Miscellaneous , -0- 25 25 1 $5,644 $8,240 $2,596 I TOTAL , $12,315 $23,550 $11,235 Account Rental Ex:pense Equipment Repair & Maintenance Rubbish Removal Grounds Maintenance Building Maintenance ;Miscellaneous Expense Office Supplies Housekeeping Supplies Small Tools Uniforms OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION INDEPENDENCE -OAKS EXPENSES PAID AND/OR OBLIGATED For the Period Ended 7-31-77 Total Balance Paid Ordered Not Obligation Lett or To Date Yet Paid To Date 1977 Budget (Overspent) As of 8-17-77 $ 84.50 $ -0- $ 84.50 $ 500.00 $ 415.50 3,176.25 129.00 3,305.25 65000.00 2,694.75 100.00 -0- 100.00 800.00 700.00 81,556.96 1,230.00 9,786.96 8,000.00 (1,786.96) 11,028.32 86.75 11,115.07 1,000.00 (115.07) 159.46 -0- 159.46 300.00 140.54 481.83 -0- 481;83 700.00 218.17 993.26 -0- 993.26 1,000,00 6.74 553.98 -0- 553.98 500.00 (53.98) 430.17 132.40 562,57 1,200400 637.43 Oakland County Parks and Recreatio:i WATT RFORD S Statement of ODerati.ons For the Period Ended 7-31-77 Current Montn - Revenue 337.53 Commission - Food Service 825.00 Rent - Facilities 922.00 Fees - Dog Obedience -0- - Belly Dancing -0- - Gott Classes 817.50 - Square Dancing -0- - Bridge -0- - Kiddie Movies -0- - Ballroom Dancing -0- - Senior Citizens -0- - Taxidermy -0- - Astrology 80.00 - Round Dancing -0- Macrame 16.00 - Disco Dance -0- - Archery -0- - Plant Care (16.00) - Ballet 20.00 - New Events 200.00 Rent - Houses -0- Miscellaneous 3/202.03 TOTAL REVENUE 31337.94- Less: Operating Expenses 135.91 REVENUE OVERA UTNDE�R EXP. Actual Year (Over) to Date 1977 Under -------__-___ __ Budc,et_-- ^- Budget -- $ 397.21 $ 800.00 $ 402.79 3/750.00 51000.01 1/250.00 5,010.00 6,000.00 990.00 448.00 1/000.00 552.00 300.00 600.00 300.00 3/466.00 6/000.00 2,534.00 -0- 400.00 400.00 -0- -0- -0- 890.00 21500.00 11610.00 lf064.50 1/800.00 735.50 -0- 450.00 450.00 -0- -0- -0- 80.00 -0- (80.00) (12.00) 150.03 162.00 2,192.00 2F030.00 (192.00) 675.00 675.03 -0- -0- 200.00 200.00 1,928.00 600.00 (1,328.00) 660.00 -0- (660.00) 1,300.00 2/400.00 1,100.00 725.00 -0- - (725.00) $ 22,873.71 $ 30,575.00 $ 7,701.29 _- 33,287.95 - _ 65L957.00 32,669.05^ $(10,414.24) 353 82�00�` $(24,967.76) Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD OAKS O eratin Exoenses For the Period Ended 7-31-77 Actual Year (over) Current to Date 9977 Under r`onth-_ Classification Bud.et Bud et �11337.86 Salaries - Full Time $ 9,321.10 $17,297.00 $ 7,975.90 -0- - Part Time 810.59 lf200.00 389.41 -0- - Over Time -0- 500.00 500.00 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- 5,190.00 51190.00 642.60 Special Events 9/110.71 15,000.00 5,889.29 -0- Rental Expense -0- -0- _0_ 54.37 Communications 522.28 11000.00 477.72 60.90 Equipment Repair & Maint. 714.93 1/500.00 785.07 35.00 Rubbish Removal 210.00 420.00 210.00 2.69 Grounds Maintenance 1,760.17 3,500.00 1,739.83 522.78 Utilities 6/021.02 9/500.00 3,478.98 -0- Insurance 180.00 800.00 620.00 42.70 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 279.08 500.00 220.92 .62 Building Maintenance 939.78 1,800.00 860.22 -0- Dues & Publications 25.00 50.00 25.00 -0- Miscellaneous 55.55 50.00 (5.55) -0- Lease Payment -0- -0- -0- 2.25 Office Supplies 33.95 200.00 166.05 -0- Travel & Conference -0- 100.00 100.00 210.00 Transportation 554.50 1,500.00 945.50 108.90 Housekeeping Supplies 320.85 1,000.00 679.15 -0- Small Tools -0- 200.00 200.00 319.27 Depreciation 2/228.53 4,400.00 2,171.47 (2.00) Shortage/Overage (2.50) -0- 2.50 -0- Rental Houses - Maint. 202.41 250.00 47.59 _3,337.94 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $33,287.95 �65,957.00 _ $32.669.05 1977 1976 gal Expenditures to Date: 50.4, 48.3% zdget Balance: 49.6% OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON WATERFORD OAKS MONTH OF July IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 7-31-77 1976 1977 Variance 1976 1977 Variance $ 221 $ 338 $ 117 Comm. - Food Sales $ 340 _ $ _ 397 $ 57 -0- 200 200 (Rent - Houses 1,140 1,300 160 525 825 300 (Rent - Facilities 2,820 3,750 930 50 922 872 Fees - Dog Obedience I 4,820 5,010 190 -0- -0- 710 -0- -0- -0- 817 -0- -0- -0- 107 -0- I I - Belly Dancing - Golf Square Dancing Brid e I 704 + 600 I m 3,597 I -0- 448 300 3,466 -0- (256) (300) (131) -0- -0- (16) (16) -0- I m Ballet c11rQ� I -0- I 1 750 11928 890 1,928 (860 -0-- _n -0- Rn -0- BD I - Senior Citizens - Rund Dancincr 934 220 1,065 80 131 140 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- f -0- I Taxidermy 1 - Mira I 42.0 -0 -0- 12 (420) (12 ) -0- -0- _. -0- -0_ -0- { -Q- Archery � 675 170 675 -0- -0- (170) 96 -0- 16 20 (80) 20 Disco Dancing Guitar 2,256 -0- 2,192 540 (64) 540 -0- -0- -0- - New Classes 352 120 (232) I 4 -0- -0- -0- I Miscellaneous Income 29 725 696 $1,602 $3,202 $1,600 1 TOTAL $20,827 $22,874 $2,047 Account OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION WATERFORD-OAKS EXPENSES PAID A1TD/OR OBLIGATED For the Period Ended 7-31-77 Paid To Date Total Ordered Not Obligation Yet Paid To Date As of 8-17-77 1977 Budget Balance Left or (Overspent) Equipment Repair & Maintenance $ 714.93 $ -0- $ 714.93 $ 1,500.00 $ 785.07 Grounds Maintenance 1,760.17 -0- 11,760.17 3,500.00 1,739.83 Building Maintenance 939.78 -0- 939.78 1,800.00 860.22 :Miscellaneous Expense 55.55 -0- 55.55 50.00 (5.55) Office Supplies 33.95 -O- 33.95 200.00 166.05 Housekeeping Supplies 320.85 -0- 320.85 1,000.00 679.15 Small Tools -0- -0- -0- 200.00 200.00 Rental Property Maintenance 202.41 -0- 202.41 250.00 47.59 Special Events 9,110.71 228.20 9.1338.91 15/000.00 5/661.09 Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD WAVE POO7 Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 7-31-77 Actual Year Current to Date Mont, i Revanu 861.71 Commission - Food Service $ 861.71 3,056.00 Rentals - Lockers 4/580.38 Entrance Fees: 10,469.00 Adults 19,861.50 Children 100.00 Family Memberships 885.00 Swimming Classes 5.40 Miscellaaeous 351238.61 TOTAL REVENUE 1977 -- Budget $ 4,000.00 7,000.00 15,201.25 30,000.00 32,572.00 60,000.00 800.00 5/000.00 5,635.00 4,800.00 5.72 3,000.00 $59,656.06 $113/800.00 (Over) Under Budget $ 3,138.29 2,419.62 14,798.75 27/428.00 4,200.00 (835.00) 2/994.28 $54,143.94 21,926_32 Less: Operating Expenses 441056.66 98,200.00 +_54,143.34__ 13, 312. 29 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. '$15, 599.40 '- �15 600. 00 _ $-_.60-- Oakland County Parks and Recreation 14ATERFORD WAVE POOL O eratin. Exper_ses For the Period Ended 7-31-77 Actual Year (Over) Current to Dote 1977 Under Month__ Classification _- Budget- Budget _- -0- Salaries - Full Time $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- 141339.45 - Part Time 21,251.20 46,003.00 24/748.80 170.52 - Over Time 271.79 1,000.00 728.21 -0-- Fringe Benefits -0- -0- -0- 853.34 Utilities 5/088.82 20,000.00 14,9ll.18 77.95 Communications 362.66 400.00 37.34 21093.53 Supplies 4,571.46 9,500.00 4,928.54 62.04 Miscellaneous 132.88 1,000.00 867.12 -0- Advertising -0- 1,500.00 1/500.00 515.94 Depreciation 3,519.45 3,600.00 80.55 3,192.91 Gro^ands Maintenance 6/535.71 6,000.00 (535.71) 172.86 Equipment Maintenance 256.60 2,000.00 1,743.40 127.64 Office Supplies 398.10 1,500.00 1,101.90 -0- Uniforms 296.70 1/500.00 1,203.30 27.48 Housekeeping Supplies 195.00 1,500.00 1,305.00 34.05 Small Tools 35.24 200.00 164.76 297.84 Building Maintenance 1,149.28 2 500.00 `-0- 11350.72 (39.23) Shortage/Overage (8.23) 8.23 21,926.32 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 98 200.00 $54,143.34 $44,056.66 1977 tual Exoanditures to Date: 44.8% zdget Balance; 55.2% OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON WATERFORD WAVE POOL MONTH OF July IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 7-3.1 1976 1977 Variance 1 1 1976 1977 Variance $ -0- $ 862 $ 862 jComm. - Food Service $ -0- $ 862 $ 862 2,646 31056 410 IRent - Lockers f 2,646 41580 1,934 11,391 10,469 (922) Fees - Adult 11,391 15,201 3,810 20,986 19,862 (1,124) 1 - Child 1 201986 32,572 11,586 100 100 -0- 1 - Memberships 1 100 800 700 710 885 175 Swimming Classes 11960 5,635 3,675 -p- -0_ -0- lContract Commission I -0- -0- -0- 3 5 2 1 Miscellaneous 3 6 3 i I I ! $35,836 $35,239 $ (597) ( TOTAL $37,086 $59,656 $22,570 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION WATERFORD-OAKS WAVE POOL EXPENSES PAID AND/OR OBLIGATED For the Period Ended 7-31-77 Total Balance Paid Ordered Not Obligation Left or Account To Date Yet Paid To Date 1977 Budget (Overspent) As of 8-17-77 Supplies $ 4,571.46 $ 2,190.32 $ 6,761.78 $ 9,500.00 $2,738.22 Misccllancous Expense 132.88 -0- 132.88 1,000.00 867.12 Advertising -0- -0- -0- 1,500.00 1,500.00 Grounds Maintenance 6,535.71 80.00 6,615.71 6,000.00 (615.71) Equipment Maintenance 256.60 806.16 lf062.76 2,000.00 937.24 Office Supplies 398.10 46.25 444.35 1,500.00 1,055.65 Uniforms 296.70 -0- 296.70 1,500.00 1,203.30 Housekeeping Supplies 195.00 -0- 195.00 15500.00 1,305.00 Small Tools 35.24 189.35 224.59 200.00 (24.59) Building Maintenance 1,149.28 -0- 1,149.28 2,500.00 11350.72 Oakland County Parks and Recreation ADDISON OAKS O erating Expenses For the Period Ended 7-31-77 Actual Year (Over) .urrent to Date 1977 Under r!onth+_ Classification __ Budqet__-- __ Budget_-- 5,736.81 Salaries - Full Time $37/652.67 $ 741296.00 $ 36/643.33 71194.33 - Part Time 12,939.46 26 700.00 131760.54 749.37 - Over Time 2,842.39 4,500.00 1/657.61 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- 221300.00 221300.00 3.25 Rental Expense 23.50 300.00 276.50 97.79 Communications 599.20 1,100.00 500.80 -0- Pool Expense 18.21 1/200.00 1,181.79 877.03 Equipment Repair & Maint. 51715.68 9/000.00 3,284.32 476.00 Rubbish Removal 707.00 1,600.00 893.00 ,f395.79 Grounds Maintenance 111229.27 10 000.00 (1,229.27) 382.48 Utilities 1,600.78 2,200.00 599.22 60.00 Insurance 400.00 1`500.00 1,100.00 137.05 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 928.83 1/800.00 871.17 50.25 Building Maintenance 1,696.10 4500.00 `100.00 2,803.90 -0- Dues & Publications 40.00 60.00 -0- Miscellaneous 59.70 250.00 190.30 5.94 Office Supplies 427.74 800.00 372.26 -0- Uniforms 219.75 500.00 280.25 589.42 Transportation 3,096.55 5,500.00 �500.00 2,403.45 -0- Travel & Conference 199.40 300.60 -0- Housekeeping Supplies 713.15 900.00 186.85 20.83 Small Tools 270.84 500.00 229.16 lf03O.50 Depreciation 6,636.59 16,000.00 9,363.41 9.61 Shortage/Overage (11.05) -0- 11.05 187.75 Radio Repair Contract lf058.19 1,500.00 441.81 288.81 Sewage Expense 21,021.67 4,000.00 1,978.33 -0- Security Services 11482.34 5,000.00 31517.66 19/293.01 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $92,567.96 - 196 546.00 $1031978.04 1977 1976 :tual Expenditures to Date: 47% 52.9% zdget Balance: 53% Oakland County Parks and Recreation ADDISON OAKS Statement of v- =rations For the Period Ended 7-31-77 Actu.•al Year (Over) Current to Date 1977 Under Month___ Revenue __ BudcCe t ____ ____ Budget-_- 324.20 Commission - Food Service $ 484.58 $ 1,000.00 $ 515.42 335.00 Rental - Facilities 3,119.00 4,000.00 881.00 1,425.50 Rentals - Pedal Boats 2,634.75 4,000.40 1,365.25 450.00 - Row Boats 1,017.50 1,200.00 182.50 -0- - Hay Rides -0- -0- -0- 7,572.75 Fees - Day Use 19/793.25 20,000.00 206.75 4,273.25 Fees - Camping 9,401.00 20,000.00 10/599.00 -0- Miscellaneous 737.34 100.03 (637.34) 14,380.70 TOTAL REVENUE $ 37,187.42 $ 50,300.00 $ 13,112.58 19/293.01 Less: Operating Expenses J 92/567.96 _ _-196�546.00_ 103/978.04_ (4,912.31) REVEMLjE 0VF3R`(UNDER) EXP. $(55,380.54)_ 146,246.00� $(90,865.46) 976 MONTH OF OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION 1977 Variance REVENUE COMPARISON ADDISON OAKS WA, YEAR TO DATE 7-31-77 1977 Variance 257 $ 324 $ 67 (Comm. - Food Sales 1 $ 364 $ 485 $ 121 350 335 (15) IRent - Facilities 2,183 31119 936 _ 714 1,426 712 (Rent - Paddle Boats I 1,484 2,635 1,151 228 450 222 - Rowboats , 579 1,017 438 3,633 51,536 1,903 (Fees - Day Use 9,961 12,737 2,776 F185 2,037 852 I - Annual Pass 2 655 7 056 4,401 5,084 4,273 (811) lFees - Campi.n I 101867 9,401 (1,466) l -0- -0- (Miscellaneous Income i -0- 737 737 930 i TOTAL $28,p93 $37,187 $9,094 !Account OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ADDISON-OAKS EXPENSES PAID A1\TD/OR OBLIGATED For the Period Ended 7-31-77 Paid To Date Total Ordered Not Obligation Yet Paid To Date As of 8-17-77 Balance Left or 1977 BudcJet (Overspent) Rental Expense $ 23.50 $ -0- $ 23.50 $ 300.00 $ 276.50 Pool Expense 18.21 -0- 18.21 1,200.00 1/181.79 Equipment Repair & Maintenance 51715.68 126.61 5/842.29 9,000.00 3/157.71 Rubbish Removal 707.00 -0- 707.00 1,600.00 893.00 Grounds Maintenance 111229.27 829.28 12/058.55 10,000.00 21,058.55 Building Maintenance 1,696.10 443.99 21140.09 4 500.00 9250.00 2,�59.91 Miscellaneous Expense 59.70 -0- 59.70 190.30 Office Supplies 427.74 -0- 427.74 800.00 372.26 Housekeeping Supplies 713.15 -0- 713.15 900.00 186.85 Small Tools 270.84 116.85 387.69 500.00 112.31 ;=rent Month th 3,171.02 1,353.44 -0- 12.69 -0- 75.75 L,441.88 L,729.14 Oak.laad Co irity Panics and Recreation ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 7-31-77 Actual Year (over) to Date 1977 Under Revenue Bu3— t__� Budact ,- Commission - Food Service $ 51186_98 _ 8 15,000.00 Less Operating Expenses: Utilities 14/566.51 $ 23,000.00 8,433.49 Insurance -0- 3,000.00 3,000.00 Building Maintenance 250.49 3,000.00 2,749.51 Miscellaneous -0- 150.00 150.00 Depreciation 530.25 1,000.00 469.75 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP, 1977 dual Expenditures to Date: 50.9% udget Balance: 49.1% $ 151347i25 __ � 3;0 150.00 $14/802.75 $(10,160.27)_ 15 150.00) $(4,989.73) 1976 43.6% OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON ADDISON CONFERENCE CENTER MONTH OF _ IN DOLLARS ---YFA 7-31-77 1976 1977 Variance 1976 1977 Variance 2 757 $3,171 $414 (Comm. - Food Sales i $4,472 $5,187 $715 I I 1 I $2,757 $3,171 $414 TOTAL $4,472 $5,187 $715 �urrent Month Oakland County Parks and Recreation WHITE LAKE OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 7-31-77 Revenue 2/655.17 Commission - Food Service 31200.80 Sales - Pro Shop 5,806.50 Rentals - Golf Carts 533.90 - Other Equipment 20.1612.50 Green Fees 348.50 Fees - Special Events -0- Contract Commission -0- Miscellaneous -0- Rent - House 33,157.37 TOTAL REVENUE Actual Year to Date $ 4,748.21 13,943.53 15,109.50 2,746.76 134,499.05 3,102.50 32.67 6.00 -0- 1977 Bud�,et $ 14,000.00 25/000.00 16,500.00 4/000.00 162,000.00 6,000.00 100.00 100.00 -0- $174,188.22 $227 700.00 20,546.07 Less> Operating Expenses 96,192_02 - 202,077_00 12,611.30 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $ 77,996.20 - )5L623.00__ (Over) Under —Budae t $ 9.1251.79 11,056.47 1,390.50 1.1253.24 27,500.95 2,897.50 67.33 94.00 -0- $ 531,511.78 $ (52, 373 _20 ) Oakland County Parks and Recreation VTHITE LAKE OAKS O-iDeratinq Expenses For the Period Ended 7-31-77 Actual Year Current to Date 1977 Month Classification Budget 3,653.46 3/654.82 570.86 -0- 1,674.70 24.25 205.40 1/082.71 36.00 if290.07 1/595.03 -0- 256.17 424.07 -0- -0- 2.25 19.95 465.09 -0- 77.28 12.38 1,172.08 (8.09) 1/930.00 21375.46 32.13 -0- Salaries - Full Time - Part Time - Over Time Fringe Benefits Special Events Rental Expense Communications Equipment Repair & Maint. Rubbish Removal Grounds Maintenance Utilities Insura:ace Laaadry & Dry Cleaning Building Maintenance Dues & Publications Miscellaneous Office Supplies Uniforms Transportation Travel & Conference Housekeeping Supplies Small Tools Depreciation Shortage/overage Commission -Golf Carts Golf Mdse. for Resale Radio Repair Contract Security Service Rental House - Maint. $27,525.27 9,738.72 1,621.28 -0- 1,709.50 46.50 775.02 3,034.13 180.00 10,274.06 9,802.91 38.00 1,994.47 21308.82 65.00 93.34 101.07 241.50 2,495.30 262.45 169.83 333.51 8,133.90 (21.97) 3,860.00 11,184.50 224.91 -0- $ 69,939.00;: 11,550.00 2,000.00 21, 018.00* 1,500.00 300.00 1,400.00 4,500.00 400.00 11,500.00 16,500.00 4,000.00 1,700.00 3,000.00 150.00 200.00 750.00 500.00 3,000.00 500.00 770.00 200.00 18,000.00 -0- 8,250.00 20,030.00 400.00 -0- -0- (Over) Under Bud cet $ 42,463.73 11811.28 378.72 211018.00 (209.50) 253.50 624.98 if 465.87 220.00 1/225.94 6,697.09 3,962.00 (294.47) 691.18 85.00 106.66 648.93 258.50 504.70 237.55 600.17 (133.51) 9,866.10 21.97 41390.00 81815.50 175.09 -0- 20/546.07 TOTAL OPF,PATING EXPENSES $96,192.02 202077.03;; $105,884.98 1977 1976 u,al Expenditures to Date: 47.6% 55.7% fidget Balance: 52.4% >alary & Fringe Benefits of Assistant i-Tanager transfered from YAC Budget. 1976 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON WHITE LAKE OAKS July IN DOLLARS 1977 Variance 7-31-77 1976 1977 Variance 2 711 3 531 -0- 2 655 3,200 -0- 56 (331) -0- ICOMM. - Food Sales ISales - Pro Shop 1Rent - Houses I 4,806 f $ 14,557 540 4,748 13,944 -0- 58 (613) (540) 2 39212 482 5,807 534 2 595 52 (Rent - Golf Carts I - Other Equipment 1 8,570 2,038 1 15,109 21747 6,539 709 I 16,E-43 395 20,613 348 4,270 47) Greens Fees ISpecial Events 115 756 3,206 134 49_9 _ T 3,102 18 743 (104) 7 -0- (7) (Contract Commission 34� 33 (1) -0- -0- -0- (Miscellaneous Income I 48 6 (42) I 1 Ir,7 c�ti A7r, I 'TOTAL , $149,555 $174,188 $24,633 I Account OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION WHITE LAKE -OAKS EXPENSES PAID AND/OR OBLIGATED For the Period Ended 7-31-77 Paid Ordered Not To Date Yet Paid Total Obligation To Date Balance Left or 1977 Budget (Overspent) Rental Expense $ 46.50 $ -0- $ 46.50 $ 300.00 $ 253.50 Equipment Repair & Maintenance 3,034.13 -0- 31,034.13 4,500.00 1,465.87 Rubbish Removal 180.00 -0- 180.00 400.00 220.00 Grounds Maintenance 10,274.06 101,274.06 11,500,00 1,225.94 Building Maintenance 2,308.82 757.62 3,066.44 3,000.00 (66.44) Miscellaneous Expense 93.34 55.68 149.02 200.00 50.98 Office Supplies 101.07 -0- 101.07 750.00 648.93 Housekeeping Supplies 169.83 -0- 169.83 770.00 600.17 Small Tools 333.51 --0- 333.51 200.00 (133.51) Golf Merchandise for Resale 11,184.50 158.20 11,342.70 20,000.00 81,657.30 Rental. Property Maintenance -0- -0- -0_ -0_ -0- Oakland County Parks and Recreation RED OAKS GOLF COURSE Oeerati.nq Expenses For the Period Ended 7-31-77 Actual Year (Over) ,urrent to Date 1977 Uader Monte--- -- - - - - Classifications ----- - - - - - ------------ Budaet ---- -------- Bd Pt - __u� ----- 1,321.36 Salaries - Full Time $ 3,373.81 $14,087.00 $101713.19 11185.60 - Part Time 1/352.00 4,200.00 21848.00 51.66 - Over Time 51.66 500.00 448.34 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- 41300.00 '150.00 4,300.00 -0- Rental Expense -0- 150.00 30.45 Communications 144.58 900.00 755.42 73.14 Equipment Repair & Maint. 331.95 11750.00 '-0- 1,418.05 -0- Rubbish Removal 285.00 (285.00) 1/159.87 Grounds Maintenance 41571.69 7 1000.00 2,428.31 253.29 Utilities 1,235.01 6000.00 f200.03 4,764.99 -0- Insurance -0- 200.00 38.70 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 133.45 475.00 341.55 -0- Building Maintenance 44.80 1,500.00 1,455.20 -0- Miscellaneous 33.39 50.00 16.61 -0- Office Supplies 9.87 500.00 490.13 -0- Uniforms 32.55 300.00 267.45 200.00 Transportation 200.00 1,500.00 l200.00 1,300.00 -0- Travel & Conference -0- 200.00 -0- Housekeeping Supplies 119.84 400.00 280.16 60.78 Small Tools 96.91 1,000.00 903.09 186.10 Depreciation 558.30 4 000.00 '-0- 3.1441.70 -0- Commission -Golf Carts -0- -0- -0- Golf Mdse. for Resale -0- -0- -0- -0- Lease Payment 7,000.00 7,000.00 -0- 41560.95 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $19,574.81 ` 56 012.00 $36,437.19 1977 tual Expenditures to Date: 34.9% .dget Balance: 65.1% OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION RED -OAKS GOLF COURSE EXPENSES PAID AND/OR OBLIGATED For the Period Ended 7-31-77 Total Balance Paid Ordered Not Obligation Left or Account To Date Yet Paid To Date 1977 Budget (Overspent) Rental E,.-pense $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 150.00 $ 150.00 Equipment Repair & Maintenance 331.95 509.50 841.45 1,750.00 908.55 Grounds Maintenance 4,571.69 11,485.50 6/057.19 7,000.00 942.81 Building Maintenance 44.80 -0- 44.80 1,500.00 1,455.20 Miscellaneous Expense 33.39 -0- 33.39 50.00 16.61 Office Supplies 9.87 -0- 9.87 500.00 490.13 Housekeeping Supplies 119.84 -0- 119.84 4100.00 280.16 Small Tools 96.91 -0- 96.91 1,000.00 903.09 Golf Merchandise for Resale -0- -0- -0- m0- -0- 11 ITEM #7 CARPETING BIDS WATERFORD-OAKS Bids have been received for replacement carpeting for the rental house at 1796 Scott Lake Road. This resi- dence is currently being rented to one of our park employees. However, once the park is more fully de- veloped, this will become the Park Manager's residence. The Commission has owned this house for five years. The present carpeting has been there long before that and is in very poor condition. It is staff's recommendation to award the bid to the low bidder, Contract Interiors, for $1,188,54. Bid Tabulations: B & G Tile Outlet $1,247.50 Shell Floor Covering 1,208.75 Contract Interiors 1,188.54 The total cost includes carpeting, padding, and installa- tion and equals $15,85 per square yard, .V."c awco vi-11 of r-te se aez al ICE ha -le b'coc:t'Ao'- - able vote . % - ari:as NvOl to ade by he county 10 e menu foz evked ovez the a-rsstudy has - loo O�az j e, .3,0-as A Wiry ad�Ust have beep'0 aa3 �entat-�-O -�,q N CIO C, Inter -Departmental Memo Date 8/18/77 rom: R. Eric Rei ckel To: Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission Subject: Sal ary equity adi ustments Attached is a list of seven salary positions in Parks and Recreation that are felt to be in need of an equity adjustment. Due to some oversight or lack of communication during the last few years, Parks and Recreation has not been directly involved with any equity adjustments made and approved in other de- partments of the County. As a result, several positions are low in comparison with the salaries of similar type positions throughout the County. The Parks and Recreation Commission has grown considerably in recent years and as a result, the duties and responsibilities of several positions have under- gone many changes. For example, in 1976 two new parks were opened; Independ- ence -Oaks and the Wave Pool. The new 18-hole golf course at Springfield -Oaks was also opened. In addition, the new Red -Oaks golf course is scheduled to open in 1978 and there are two other capital projects now under construction that will further increase the facilities of the Parks. These changes have naturally changed the responsibilities of several positions. On the list of the seven positions under consideration, the recommended salary range as well as the present salary range for each position are shown.. A specific amount in each of these ranges is circled; one shows the present salary for that position and the other shows the recommended salary for that position. The total amount of the increase for all seven positions shows an annual increase of $7,209.00 based upon the salary structure in effect at 6130177. The individual increases are shown below: Deputy Director $ 992.00 Chief of Design & Development (572.00) Superintendent of Parks 912.00 * Superintendent of.Golf Courses 3/507.00 Chief of Administration (New Title) 684.00 Recreation Supervisor 570.00 Parks Maintenance Foreman 1L116.00 $7,209.00 These recommended increases are the result of a study made of many different job classifications throughout the County that are similar to the positions listed above. A copy of these studies is also attached. cn Attachments ( ) *The reason this shows such an increase is that the Personnel Dept. did not accept our 1976 recommendation on the salary range for this position; they arbitrarily set a range of their own without consulting us. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION LIST OF JOB POSITIONS RECOMMENDED FOR SALARY ADJUSTMENTS Base 1 Yr. 2 Yr. 3 Yr. 4 Yr. Deputy Director Recommended Range $23,373. $24,476. 25,57 .; $26,681. $27,783. Present Range 20,083. 21,225. 22,365. 23,483. 24 587� 1Chief of Desicln & Development Recommended Range � 08 $21,225. $22,365. $23,483. $24 586. Present Range 17,916. 18,601. 19,285. 19,970. 20, 56 5- 2Superintendent of Parks Recommended Range $18,942. $19,513. $20,198. $20,882. 21 6 Present Range 17,916. 18,601. 19,285. 19/970. 20,65 2Superintendent of Golf Courses Recommended Range 18 942942 $19,513. $20,198. $20,882. $21,567. Present Range 15,435 16,169. 16,903. 17,638. 3Chief of Administration Recommended Range 20 083,% $21,225. $22,365. $23 483. $24,586. Present Range 17,345. 18,030. 18,714. 9,399. Recreation Supervisor Recommended Range $13,580. 14,26 $14,949. $15,633. Present Range 10/955. 11,639. 12,324. 13,008. 13,693 Parks Maintenance Foreman Recommended Range 13 440 $14,148. $14,855. $15,564. Present Range 2,324 13,008. 13/693. 14,378. Notes: 1. Chief of Design & Development shows a decrease in the recommended range because this position is now vacant. The present salary that is circled is the salary of the last employee who resigned recently. 2. These positions also include a rent-free house because of our demand of their presence for 24 hours per day, seven days a week during our busy season. 3. This is a new title. At the present time there is an Administrative Assistant position and an Accountant III position. With the retirement of the Admini- strative Assistant, the Accountant III has assumed all the duties of both positions. August 15, 1977 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION Study Made of the Deputy Director Position Current Position Salary Range Basic Qualifications Deputy $20,083 - Bachelors' Degree plus 5 years of Director - $24,586 full-time paid work experience. Parks & Recreation Deputy $23,373 - Bachelors' Degree plus 5 years of Equalization $27,783 full-time paid work experence. Director Deputy $23,373 - Director - $27,783 Bachelors' Degree plus 6 years of F & 0 full-time paid work experience. Operations Note: The duties and other desirable qualifications of the Deputy Directors of Equalization and F & 0 Operations are very similar to the Deputy Director - Parks & Recreation. Recommendation: Salary Range $23,373 - $27,783 August 15, 1977 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION Study Made of the Chief of Design & Development Position Current Position Salary Range Basic Qualifications Chief of $17,916 - Have a Bachelors' Degree plus 4 years Design & $20,655 of full-time paid experience in land - Development - scape, design or planning, at least 2 Parks & years of which must have involved re - Recreation sponsibility for park planning and design. Assistant $20,083 - Have a Bachelors' Degree plus 5 years Planning $24,586 of full-time paid work experience as a Director professional planner with at least 2 years of administrative capacity. Recommendation: Raise qualification of Chief of Design & Development to Bachelors' Degree plus 5 years experience. Increase salary range to $20,083 - $24,586. August 15, 1977 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION Study Made of the Superintendent of Parks Position Current Position Salary Range Basic Qualifications Superintendent $17,916 - Bachelors' Degree plus 4 years of full - of Parks - $20,655 time paid work experience or have a Parks & high school diploma plus 6 years of ex - Recreation perience. Not entitled to over time. Landscape $18,942 - Bachelors' Degree plus 4 years of full - Supervisor $21,567 time paid experience or 60 hours of col- lege plus 6 years of experience. Entitl- ed to over time on specific occassions. Equalization $20,655 - High school graduate plus 6 years of full - Supervisor $23,373 time paid work experience or have 8 years Land & of full-time paid work experience. Not Residential entitled to over time. Buildings Recommendations: Increase the qualifications of the Superintendent of Parks Position to have a Bachelors' Degree plus 5 years experience or have at least 8 years experience. Increase salary range to $18,942 - $21,567. Note: The Superintendent of Parks position also includes a rent free house be- cause of our demand of his presence for 24 hours a day, seven days a week during our busy season. August 15, 1977 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION Study Made of the Superintendent of Golf Courses Position Current Position Salary Range Basic Qualifications Superintendent $15,435 - Associates' Degree plus 3 years of full - of Golf Courses- $17,638 time paid work experience or have at Parks & least 7 years experience. Not entitled Recreation to overtime. *Superintendent $17,916 - Bachelors' Degree plus 4 years of full - of Parks - $20,655 time paid work experience or have a high Parks & school diploma plus 6 years of exper- Recreation ience. Not entitled to overtime. Landscape $18,942 - Bachelors' Degree plus 4 years of full - Supervisor $21,567 time paid experience or 60 hours of col- lege plus 6 years of experience. Entitl- ed to overtime on specific occassions. Heating Plant Sup- ervisor & Laundry Manager Equalization Supervisor Land & Resident- ial Buildings Recommendations: $17,916 - High school graduate, over 21 years of $20,655 age and have 5 years of full-time paid experience in operation of high pressure boilers at least 2 of which must have been in a supervisory position. Not entitled to over time. $20,855 - Associates' Degree plus 3 years of full- $23,373 time paid work experience or have at least 7 years experience. Not entitled to overtime. Increase the qualifications of the Superintendent of Golf Courses to an Associates' Degree plus 4 years of experience or have at least 8 years experience. Increase the salary range to $18,942 - $21,567. *Superintendent of Parks position is also being recommended for Salary Range of $18,942 - $21,567. Note: The Superintendent of Golf Courses position also includes a rent free house because of our demand of his presence for 24 hours a day, seven days a week during our busy season. August 15, 1977 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION Study Made of the Chief Administration Position Current Position Salary Range Basic Responsibilities Accountant III - $17,345 - Maintains or supervises the maintenance Parks & $19,399 of a complete set of books. Prepares Recreation monthly financial statements. Prepares and administers the operating and capital development budgets. Responsible for cash flow balances and recommends invest- ment transactions. Prepares special and analytical reports. Maintains overall responsibility of payroll, purchasing, personnel and other administrative duties. Qualifications - Bachelors` Degree plus 4 years of full-time paid experience. Supervisor $20,882 - Oversees the maintenance of the accounting of Public $24,476 systems of the Drain Commission and the Works D.P.W. records. Assists in preparation of Accounting budgets. Renders advice relative to in- vestments. Performs other administrative and supervisory duties. Qualifications - Bachelors` Degree plus 5 years full-time paid experience. Chief of $20,083 - Qualifications - Possess a Bachelors` Degree Data Process- $24,586 plus have at least 5 years of full-time paid ing - Tech- nical experience of which 3 years must be in a supervisory capacity. Services Recommendation: Eleminate Administrative Assistant - Parks & Recreation position; Salary Range $15,747 - $17,801 and establish Chief of Administration position at a salary range of $20,083 - $24,586. Make the qualifications of that position similar to Supervisor of Public Works Accounting. Keep the Accountant III position open on the manning level in anticipation of future expansion, however, the position will not be filled at this time. Position Recreation Supervisor Sewer Foreman August 15, 1977 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION Study Made of the Recreation Supervisors Position Current Salary Range Basic Qualifications $10,955 - Have a Bachelors' Degree plus one year of $13,693 full-time paid experience. Supervises 25 - 30 seasonal summer recreation leaders. Assists in the preparation of Government Grant applications. Plans, develops and implements all types of Recreation Pro- grams. $13,440 - Four years full-time paid experience in $15,564 sewer maintenance and construction oper- ations. Park $13,580 - Bachelors` Degree plus 3 years of full - Manager $16,318 time paid experience or high school di- ploma with 5 years of full-time paid experience. Recommendations: Change the qualifications for Recreation Supervisor to a Bachelors' Degree plus 3 years of full-time paid experience. Increase Salary Range to $13,580 - $16,318. August 15, 1977 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION Study Made of the Park Maintenance Foreman Position Current Position Salary Range Basic Qualifications Park Maint. $12,324 - At least 8 years of full-time paid Foreman - $14,378 experience in the building craft Parks & and/or mechanical fields. Recreation Sewer $13,440 - Four years full-time paid experience Foreman $15,564 in sewer maintenance and construction operations. Grounds $14,139 - Five years of full-time experience Maint. $16,374 as Goundskeeper Crew Chief or have Foreman 7 years full time paid experience in groundskeeping. Assistant $14,139 - Custodial $16,374 Five years of full-time paid exper- Operations ience of which at least 3 years have Supervisor been in a supervisory position. Recommendation: (Increase Salary Range for Position to $13,440 - $15,564) Q