HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1978.12.01 - 39683R. Eric Reickel Manager Jon J. Kipke Assistant Manager Oakland County Parks&Recr eation Commission 2800 WATKINS LAKE ROAD PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 4E054, (313) 858-0906 November 28, 1978 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:30 a.m. Friday, December 1, 1978 PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 (Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting The meeting has been called in accordance with authorization of Lewis E. Wint, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincer Y. R. Eric Re' el Manager RER/kmm Lewis E. Wint Chairman Marjorie M. Walker Vice-chairman Betty J. Fortino Secretary Don Deni John R. Gnau, Jr. George W. Kuhn Joseph R. Montante Richard Vogt Richard R. Wilcox Addison Oaks • Groveland Oaks Independence Oaks Red Oaks Springfield Oaks Waterford Oaks • White Lake Oaks 1. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION December 1, 1978 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes of November 17th Regular Meeting, November 17th Budget Session and November 24th Special Meeting. 4. Approval of Payments, Vouchers 11-101 through 11-206. 5. Snowmobile - Addison -Oaks. 6. Pool Heater - Addison -Oaks. 7. Concession Agreement. 8. Glen -Oaks Architectural Services. 9. 1979 Budget. 10. Manager's Report. 11. New Business. 12. Unfinished Business. 13. Adjourn. ER VENDOR VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION NOVEMBER, 1978 PTTRPnSF Amr)T rnTrr 101 Michigan Audubon Society Naturalist's Expense, Reference Material - Inde . 4.00 102 McNaughton-McK!ay Electric Co. Bldg. Maint.- Inde . 17.70 103 J & J Disposal Rubbish Removal - Add. 63.00- 104 Maeder Plant Farm Grounds Maint.- Add. 50.00 105 Underwood Sand & Gravel Co. Grounds Maint., Mason Sand - Wh.Lk. 154.17 106 Gregware Equipment Co. Equip. Maint.,Belt Set - Tech.Sup. 28.44 107 Pontiac Steel Co. Cap.Proj., Storage & Workshop Area; Grounds Maint.- Indep. 58.76 108 FO.C. Dept. of Fac. & Operations Cap.Proj., Entrance Sign, Activities Bldg.- Water.; Rental Expense- Indep.; Grounds Maint.- Water. & Wave Pool 288.20 109 J. Eiden Equipment Co. Small Tools - Tech.Sup. 92.67 _10 Oliver Supply Co. Equip. & Bldg. Maint.- YAC 37.16 111 Bobs Hardware Cap.Proj., Storage & Workshop Area; Equipo & Bldg. Maint.-Inde . 16.05 112 H. D. Edwards & Co. Supplies, Tug -of -War Rope, Sports Mobile - Mob.Rec. 1 131.58 1.13 Industrial Cleaning Supply Co. Cap.Equip., Pitchers, YAC Kitchen Spring. 369.20 •114 Churches Lumber Yards Cap.Proj,, Shelter Bldg. Enclosure. - Grove.- Storage & Workshop Area - Indep.; Dining Hall Renovation - Water.• Office -Supplies - Admin.,- Small Tools- Tech.Sup.; Bldg. Maint.- Water. & Wh.Lk.- Rental Property Maint.- Water.; Pool Winterizing - Wave Pool; Grounds Maint.- $94.97 Add. 1,909.64 115 The Quonset Bld . Maint.- S rin .$36.46 & YAC 39.39 116 Security Fence Co. Grounds Maint.- Wh.Lk. 64.69 117 National Recreation & Park Assoc. Naturalist's Expense, Reference Material - Inde . 3.00 118 Radio Relay Corp. Rental Expense, Pagers - Admin., Tech.Sup. $63.00, S rin ., YAC, Wh.Lk. & Red Oaks 147.00 4-1 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION NOVEMBER, 1978 ER R VENDOR PT TRPO SP r UnT MT*r 119 Royal Rental Co. Rental Expense - Wh.Lk. 30.18 120 O.C. Utilities Fund Rubbish Removal - Water. 35.00 121 Jeff's Auto Parts Equip. Maint.- Spring. 6.50 122 United States Ski Association Reference Material, Trail Construc tion Handbook- Admin. 4.50 123 Case Power -& Equipment Equip. Maint.- Add. 4.31 124 Van.fs Auto Supply, Inc. Grounds Maint.- Wh.Lk. 7.83 125 Reed Electric Com an Grounds Maint., Irrigation Pump- Wh.Lk.. 407.20 126 Michigan Disposal Service Bldg. Maint., Septic Tank Pumped- Wh.Lk. 135.00 127 B-G Floor Covering, Inc. Bldg. Maint.- Wh.Lk. 5.95 128 Anthony M. Franco, Inc. Promotional, Miscellaneous Services Rendered - Admin. 1 395.84 '29 Linda Pryor Refund, Belly Dance Class - Water. 16.00 130 Mrs. Richard Livingston Refund, Security Deposit- Water. 50.00 131 Elden's True Value Hardware Grounds Maint. & Uniform Expense- Indep. 22.52 132 Munn Ford Tractor, Inc. Equip. Maint.- Grove. 46.17 & Add. 52.58 133 Oak Hill Auto Parts Equip. Maint. - Indep. 71.92 134 Williams Products, Inc. Bldg. Maint.- Indep. 23.20 135 Pioneer Hardware Cap.Proj., Shelter Bldg. Enclosure - Grove.; Dininq Hall Renovation - Water.; Supplies for Repair- Tech. Sup.; Ecruip. Maint. Swim Mobile Mob.Rec.; Equip. Maint.- Spring., & Wh.Lk.; Bldg. Maint.- S rin . 202.05 YAC, Wh.Lk., & Red Oaks; Small Tools- Wh.Lk. Q6 Sundry Commission Per Diem & Mileage Paid to Commis- sioners for attending meetinq on November 3 1978 - Admin. 113.50 137 Cruise -Out Inc. Equip. Maint.- Add. 14.90 L38 Flo d Sn der Sr. Citizen Band - Water. 270.00 4-2 VOUCHER REGISTER ER VENDOR OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION NOVEMBER, 1978 INSWA7eTcft A mnr rnrr L39 BetBettQ RiQgk Bellv Dance Instructor - Water. 320.00 L40 Nora Colby Ballroom Dance Instructor - Water. 200.00 L41 Marion Larkin Jazzmastics & Aerobic Dance Instructor - Water. 136.00- L42 Theresa Bishop Muller Disco Dance, Ballet, & Yoga Instructor - Water. 1 280.00 L43 Rick Rattner Guitar Instructor - Water. 140.00 L44 Bernadine Paull Doq Obedience Instructor - Water. 195.00 L45 King Brothers Inc. Equip. Maint.- Indep. & Wh.Lk. 37.91 L46 O.C. Register of Deeds Office Supplies - Admin. 9.00 L47 Wilkie Turf Equipment Co. Equip. Maint.- Indep. 150.551 Add & Wh.U.; Grounds Maint.- Red Oaks 219.97 L48 O.C. Radio Communications Radio Repair Contract - All Parks 772.98 `49 Indianwood Automotive, Inc. Pool Expense & Small Tools - Add. 18.22 L50 Oakland Heating Supply, Inc. Bldg. Maint.- Admin., Spring., & 68.17 Wh;Lk. 116.20 i h Hardware Cap.Proj., Shelter Bldg. Enclosure Grove.; Equi2. Maint. & Office Supplies- YAK; Grounds & Bldg. Maint.—Grove. 34.99 L52 Kathleen Dougherty Naturalist's Expense, Mileage Reimbursement - Indep. 15.30 L53 Drayton Swimming Pool Supply Co. Pool Expense - Add. 7.80 L54 Waterford Fuel & Supply Co. Equip. Maint.- Indep. 9.00 L55 R. Eric Reickel Reimbursement for expenses incur- red while attending the Management Seminar held October , at the Raddison Cadillac Hotel- Admin 3.00 L56 City of Farmington Hills Cap.Proj., Glen Oaks Golf Course-, _ Centex- Cap.Proj., Entrance Sign, Activities Bldg. & Dining Hall Renovation - Water.; Office Sup - lies - Admin.• Equip. Maint. Arts & Crafts Mobile, Mob.Rec.; Grounds Maint.- Grove.; Bld . Maint.- Grove., Indep., Wave Pool, & Wh.Lk.• Pool E .- Wave Pool 446.99 4-3 VOUCHER REGISTER ER VENDOR OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION NOVEMBER, 1978 .�ii :i:TiT.1T Amr)T TNT 158 Sears, Roebuck and Co. Small Tools - Tech.Sup. 17.99 159 Pontiac Plastics ap.Proj., Shelter Bldg. Enclosure- Grove.- Twin Chimneys Enc.-Inde . 710.40 160 Charles L. Ross Milea e Reimbursement- Admin. 57.12 161 MarilynLong Mileage Reimbursement - Admin. 23.12 162 Ruby Cler Membership Fee for Seven (7) Em lo.ees - Inde .- 154.00 163 O.C. Central Stores Uniform Expense- Tech.Sup..& Indep _Hsk ._Sun:olies- S rin 196.75 _ YAC, Water., &,Red Oaks; -Spec. Events Sr. Citizens - Water. 574.66 164 Michigan Recreation & Park Assoc. Membership Dues - YAC 10.00 165 Anne Clinton Cust. PettyCash Reimbursement- YAC 70.24 166 Burke Building Center Cap.Proj., Shelter Bldg. Enclosure - Grove.; Twin Chimneys Enclosure- _ Indep.; Dining Hall Renovation Water.; Tool Storage Partitions- Tech.Sup.; Supplies for Repair- Tech.Sup.; Equip. Maint.- Spring., YAC, & Wave Pool; Grounds Maint.- Spring., Indep., Add., & Red Oaks; Bldg. Maint.- Spring., YAC, Indep., Water., Wave Pool, & Wh.Lk.; Pool Expense - Wave Pool 842.38 167 J.D. Armstrong Landscape Co. Cap.Proj., Red Oaks Driving Range, Pavment No. 4 - Red Oaks 70 865.10 168 CountV of Oakland Sa 169 Thom son Oil Company ;GasolineSpring- 170 Stolaruk Corporation Cap.Proj., Phase I Site Develop- iment Pa 171 Alice Gowen Refund, Remainder of League Fee- SDrin fZZ Ward S. Newman, Jr Custodial Services For The Month of Novgmber, 1978 - Admin 320.00 Communications - Water.., $19.64 40.32 Bell Telephone Co Communications - Grove., Water., & :�42 07 Red Oaks 91.55 umers Power Co Utilities - Add. 1.52 VOUCHER REGISTER :R VENDOR OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION NOVEMBER, 1978 PTTRPO.qR rk VnT nTT' 176 Detroit EdisonUtilities - Grove. 467.71 177 Sales Control Systems,' Inc. Office Sup., Maint. Agreement on Cash Recris.ter- Wave Pool & Wh.Lk. 252.00 178 Nancy S. Seets Mileage Reimbursement- Wh.Lk. 11.22 179 Soil & Materials Engineers, Inc. Cap.Proj., Phase II - Water. 129.60 180 J.P. Burroughs & Son, Inc. Cap.Proj., Storage & Wor shop Area. & Grounds Maint.- Indep. 151..20 181 County of Oakland Communications- $506.47 Admin., Mob.Rec. Water. & Wave Pool 664.70 182 Northwest Parks & Recreation Asso Membershi Fee - YAC 5.00 183 Steelcrete Grounds Maint., Stanchion Sockets- Wave Pool 468.00 184 O.C. Com uter Services Promotional - Admin. 6.76 185 O.C. Planning Commission Office Su plies - Admin. 32.00 186 Detroit Edison Utilities - Spring & YAC 22.70 la7 Gamalski Building Specialties Bldg. Maint.- Spring. 57.73 188 Vandenberg Bulb Co. Grounds Maint.- Add. 80.00 189 W.F. Miller Co. Equip. Maint.- Tech.Supo, Spring., dd., Wh.Lk., & Red Oaks; Cap. Equip.. ruc ster. _ t ater. 5,118.60 190 Meteor Photo Company Promo., Film Processing - Admin. 299.53 191 Underwood Sand & Gravel Co. Grounds Maint., Gravel - Red Oaks 290.99 192 Natal Institute - Pk. & Grds Mgt. Membership Dues - Admin. 15.00 193 S & H Stores, Inc. Cap.Equip.f Log Splitter - Add. 228.60 194 Case Power & Equipment Equip. Maint.- Add. 23.35 1.95 Detroit Ball Bearing Co. Equip, Maint.- Add. 2.84 196 Hank Gniewek's, Inc. Office Supplies - Wh.Lk. 94.55 197 Michigan Rental Service Rental Expense - Spring. & Indep.; EauiD. Maint.- Indep. 21.00 Pioneer Cam er Sales Equip. Maint.- Tech.Sup. & All Mobile Units - Mob.Rec. 184.84 4-5 - CAR ITEM #5 ADDISON-OAKS SNOWMOBILE At the November 3, 1978 Commission meeting, permission was granted to receive bids on a replacement snowmobile for Addison -Oaks. The Purchasing Department has acquired the following prices: Artic Cat Inc. $1,892.00 (GSA price - Set up and delivery included.) M. G. Sales $2,150.00 Panther Pontiac $2,299.00 All prices were quoted on a E1 Tigre 5000 with tachometer, speedometer, mirror, and clawed track. It is staffs recommendation to purchase the snowmobile from Artic Cat Incorporated for $1,892.00. Monies for this purchase will come from the 1979 Capital Equipment Budget. ITEM #6 ADDISON-OAKS POOL HEATER Bids have been received from Purchasing for a replacement pool heater for Addison -Oaks. The bid summary is as follows: Hodges Supply $1,078.80 FOB Shipping Point 70.00 Est. Freight Charge 1,148.80 2% 10th Prox. 3-4 Weeks Delivery Nelson Company $1,125.00 FOB Destination 2% 10th Prox. 4-6 Weeks Delivery Lockinvar Corp. NO BID It is staffs recommendation that Nelson Company be awarded the order. ITEM #7 CONCESSION AGREEMENT A Fifth Amendment to the Concession Agreement for Glen Oaks will be available for final approval. Bob Allen, Civil Counsel, as well as Ted Fuller and George Lekas from The Oaks will be present at the meeting to clarify any questions that might come up. ITEM #8 GLEN OAKS ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES Now that Glen Oaks is officially an Oakland County Park, certain modifi- cations and alterations will be desired over the next few years. These changes will enable the facility to be updated and refined to fit the County's needs and standards. These changes may include such items as reallocation and modifications of existing spaces, incorporation of barrier -free design, electrical and plumbing modifications, and innovative changes that will produce the best use for Oakland County residents. In order to accomplish this in a reasonable and logical manner and avoid unnecessary changes and expenditure, it is staff's recommendation that a qualified architectural firm be employed to assist the County in this endeavor. The firm of Hoyem-Basso and Associates has been contacted and has visited our facility. This firm is very qualified and has performed well for the County on previous projects. A proposal is being prepared for your review at the December 1 meeting. 110k #g g g�OGE� �g7 rQva1 w1�h aA1 1e for ��na� app av a1� ab � w111 be the ,,,age s ready a � ame�me�� C