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Agendas/Packets - 1978.01.27 - 39687
r PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION am 858-0906 oakland county service center 2800 Watkins lake road P ontiac, michigan 48054 E. Frank Richardson R. Eric Reickel Chairman Director Marjorie M. Walker Joni Kipke Vice -Chairman Deputy Director Richard V. Vogt Secretary January 27, 1978 Don Deni Betty J. Fortino John R. Gnau, Jr. George W. Kuhn Joseph R. Montante To the Members of the Lewis E. Wint PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:00 a.m. PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48054 PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting The meeting has been called in accordance with authorization of Lewis E. Wint, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Cordi al ly, R. Eric Rei ckel Commission Manager tlg Addison -Oaks • Groveland-Oaks 9 Independence -Oaks • Red -Oaks • Springfield -Oaks 9 Waterford -Oaks 0 White Lake -Oaks 11 OPK�PND OOUON COMM�'SSjON 5 PAD REORti 27 g� 8 P PRK �anUary Meetin9 t0 Order � thrU �,60. � • Ga,1 11 • �anUary �31918 rU 12_280 and ,^ Ca � th c• 2• R°11 �a� °� IAinUtes ° . Voucher 12^��l �• vranc°' In 3• Pppr° a1 °f Payments n Pr°Ora�o - Pnth • PpPr°vp Uh1 i c jnformat� o 8 `� • 19� er' s Re'�°rt. �anag 6• gUsiness. � NewBUsAness. ished 8 un 9• Pd�°Urn VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION OCHER DECEMBER, 1977 IBER VENDOR yr ro nn ca 2-241 James N. Layman Indep.- Ca .Pro". Phase I Final ru-ivvly s $ 3,178.57 2-242-_County of Oakland Admin. $412.23, Mob.Rec., Water., Wave Pool, & Title 6-Communication 589.13 2-243 McKa 's Hardware Grove.- Grounds Maint. 3.40-- 2-244 Calco Products, Inc. Indep.- Equip. Maint. 15.95 2-245 Harve 's School/Office Supplies Water.- Office Supplies 10.04 2-246 Ken Monicatti, Inc. Add.- Equip. Maint. 19.25 2-247 Allied Film Laborator Inc. Admin.- Promo. Film Stock 2-248 Valley Surcrical Supply --Company Add.- Misc. Expense, First -Aid Supplies - _30.41 18.10 2-249 Bike & Sport Ltd. Indep.- Equip. Maint.--& Misc. Expense 18.25 2-250 Munn Ford Tractor Inc. YAC- Bldg. Maint.; Indep., Add.,& Wh.Lk. $80.24- Equip. Maint. 167.06 251 Raymond Delasko Cust. Indep - Petty Cash Reimbursement 5.19 2-252 Frank Ostrowski Cust. Add.- Petty Cash Reimbursement 26.03 2-253 Insty-Prints Admin.- Promo., Film Processing 18.00 2-254 The Pontiac Letter Shop Mo .Rec.- Special Events- Cross Country -Skiing, Flyers 39.50 2-255 David M. Eller Water.- Refund, Facilities Rental Deposit 200.00 2-256 Bob's Hardware Indep.- Equip. Maint., Grounds Maint.,-& Bldg. Maint. 38.28 2-257 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Spring., YAC, Indep. 20.45, Water. Add.- Communications 76.96 2-258 O.C. Equipment Fund A min. � , Mo .Rec., Indep., Add., & Wh.Lk.- Rental Expense 191.25 2-259 Oliver Supply Company In ep.- Sidg. Maint. & Hs pg. Janitor Supplies 19.60 2-260 O.C. Dept. Fac. & Operations Water.- Cap.Proj., Rental House Sewer & Renovation; YAC- Bldg. i�aint.; Water: & Add. $052.84 - Grounds Maint.; Wh.Lk.- Janitor Sunnlies 7.1,557.19 2-261 D.M.I. Industries, Inc. Admin.- Promotional 35.30 262 Meteor Photo Company Admin.- Promo., Film Processing 93.70 4-1 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY- PARKS AND RECREATION DECEMBER, 1977 CHER R'FR PURPOSE AMOUNT 2-263 Michigan Air Products Add.- Bldg. Maint., Fan Wheels $ 108.00 Z-264 Leslie Electric Company Water.- Bldg. Maint. 7.40 2-265 All Precision Sharpening Tech.Sup.- Equip. Maint. 39.60- Z-266 O.C. Central Stores YAC $222.14, Indep., & Water.- Hskpg. & Janitor Supplies; Water. - Special Events - Senior Citizens, Coffee 344.81 ?-267 Anthony M. Franco, Inc. Admin.- Miscellaneous services rendered, Promotional 10,080.80 .-268 County of Oakland Admin. & Indep. 30. '- Salaries- Full Time, Excess CETA 475�09 ,269 CountV of Oakland Admin., Tech.Sup., Indep. $1 853.85 & Red Oaks- Salaries - Full Time; Tech.Sup., Mob.Rec., Spring. YAC, Grove., Indep., Water., Add., Wh.Lk. & Red Oaks- Eaces"s CETA Salaries 13,820.72 .70 County of Oakland Title 6- Excess Salaries 433.07 ,271 State of Michi an S rin .- Sales tax for December 18.33 ?-272 O.C. Utilities Fund Water.- Rubbish Removal 35.00 -273 Detroit Edison Spring., Water., Wave Pool 2 902.97 Add., Conf.•Ctr. Wh.Lk. & Red Oaks- Utilities 5 433.30 -274 Sears Roebuck and Company Wh.Lk.- Small Tools 21.99 -275 O.C. Garage Admin., Mob.Rec. Trucks & Buses, Grove., & Add.- Equip. Maint., Admin., Tech.Sup.., Mob.Rec. $1,051.92, Spring., YAC, Grove., Indep., Water., Add., Wh.Lk., Red Oaks & Title 6- Transportation 7,095.15 1-276 County of Oakland Admin.- Per Diem & Mileage paid to Commissioners for attending mtgs. 8.64 ?-277 Finger s, Inc. Admin.- Office Supplies 10.39 -278 County of Oakland Admin. $34.72, Mo .Rec., Water., Wave Pool, & Title 6- Communications 52.08 s-2,79 O.C. Road Commission min.- Per Diem & Mileage pai to Commissioner for attending mtg. 70.00 4-2 VO�C QAgXS ow RR COlva� gER, 1g�� opts , geti �£gR' �• .RQ�S Ch4rle% 2�Za0 l'' A�-FOR EKE 4-3 0 tk r�237 r0� VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAIVD COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION TCHER JANUARY, 1978 MER VENDOR nrroDncr The Golf Superintendents Assoc. Admin.- Registration for M. t1.1"1V lJ1Y 1 1-1 of America Thibodeau to attend the 49th Inter- national Turfgrass Conference & Show to be held in San Antonio, Texas from February 12, to February 17, 1978 80.00_. 1-2 Sundry (Advance) Tec .Sup.- Advance for G. Scarborough to attend the Toro Turz Products Service Training Center to be held in Eden Prairie, Mi nnesota rom anuary to ` January 19, 1978 157.41 Spring., Grove., In ep., & .- 1-3 Sundry (Advance) Advances for J. DeRousha, L. Gidcu , R. Streve , & J. Harnac to attend the 1978 Jacobsen Turf Equipment Service ScTiool to 15e held in Racine, Wisconsin from January 15 to January 19, 1978 202.40 Grove., Indep., & Add.- Room '-4 Potawatomi Inn de osit for R. Delasko, C. Herb, & F. Ostrowski to attend the 32nd Annual Great Lakes Park Training Institute to be el from Fe ruary - 19 to February 23, 1978 in Angola, Indiana- 15.00 Admin., Spring., Add., Wh.Lk. & 1-5 Sundry (Advance) Red Oaks- Advance payment for J. Figa, M. Thibodeau, B. Baker, J. Laidlaw, J. Mansfield, J. Guisbert A. Wummel, & L. Gee to attend the 48th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Con erence.to beh-e-Id by Mic igan State University in East Lansing, MicFilgan from January-Io to January 11, 1978 151.76 1-6 Sundry (Advance) .- Advance For ; ThiBodeau to attend the 49th International ur grass on erence & Show to e held in San Antonio, Texas from February 12 to February 17, 1978 7 208.87 1-7 O.C. Dept. of Fac. & Operations Add.- Rental Expense Bulldozer 1 000.00` Admin- Professional services -8 Wallace Van Stratt rendered 200.00 VOUCIMR REGISTER OAKL.AND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION JANUARY, 1978 rCHER BER VENDOR PT TRPn ST'. �Mnr mrr Admin. $240.00, Mob.Rec., Spring., 1-9 Mich. Rec. & Park Assoc. YAC Grove. Inde Water. Add. Wh.Lk. & Red Oaks- Renewal -of Membershi . Dues 460.00 Admin. & Mob.Rec.- Advances for 1-10 Sundry Advance M. Walker R. Reickel J. Ki ke & V. Chiasson to attend the Michigan Recreation & Park Assoc. Winter Conference to be held in Dearborn, Michigan from January 22 to January 25, 1978 428.26 Admin, Renewal of membership for 1-11 Michigan and Border Cities M. Thibodeau 18.00 Admin.- Per diem & mileage paid to 1-12 Sundry Commission Commissioners for attending mtg 153.44 0. C. Executive 1-13 Computer Services Div. Admin.- Promotional 28.00 1-14 Payroll For pay period ending Jan. 6, 1978 24/922.16 Red Oaks- ap. roj., tarter Bldg., -15 General-Electrical-Mechanical,Inc.Payment No. 1 7,926.00 Admin. $23,967.21, Tec .Sup., Mob. 1-16 County of Oakland Rec., Spring., YAC, Grove., Indep. ater., A22., ., Re2l Oaks,= - Title 6- Fringe benefits 97,720.46 Admin., Tech.Sup., Spring., YAC` 1-17 O.C. Laundry Grove.,-Indep. $228.85., Water., .Lk., Red Oaks, & Title - Laundry; Admin.--Misc. Expense; .Lk.- Bldg. Maint. 1,361.43 1-18 Town & Country Communications Inc Water.- Eguip. Maint Spring.- Grounds Maint., Pea 1-19 Underwood Sand & Gravel Co. Gravel 52.61 Add.- Grounds Maint., Snow Fence 1-20 Lapeer County Co -Op, Inc. Posts 230.30 1-21 Sears, Roebuck and Company Inde .- Cap.Equip.,Radial Saw 385.15 1-22 Gary's Disposal Service .Lk.- Rubbish Removal 18.00 oRec, $160.00, GroVe., & Add.- 1-23 O.C. Garage Insurance 360.00 1,7-24 J.P: Burroughs & Son; Inc. ndep.- Grounds Maint. 11.60 1-25 Detroit Edison .Lk.- Utilities 27.11 4-5 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION CHER JANUARY, 1978 BER VENDOR PTTRPr) gr TV rnTThTrF 1-26 Cruise -Out, Inc.Admin.- Equip. Maint. 2.99 1-27 Michigan Bell Telephone Co.Water.- -Spring., YAC, Grove. 140.51, & Communications 326.96 1=28 Valarie CanfieldWater.- Refund, guitar class 20.00 1-29 Stephen Dunlap ater.- Disco once and guitar instructor 36.00 1-30 O.C. Stationery Stock dmin.- Office supplies and Promo.; ob.Rec.- S ec.Events - Cross ountry Skiing; Supplies; Water.- ec.Events - Dog Obedience, Ballet, Sq. Dancing, Ballroom Dancing, Disco Dance, Yoga,Guitar, rt, Pre -School Rhythm, Tap Dance, erobic Dance, & Hawaiian Dance - Supplies 1,389.78 1-31 Detroit Edison Spring. & YAC- Utilities 21.50 32 The Pontiac Letter Shop ob.Rec.- Spec. Events- Cross ountry Skiing, Flyers 38.00 1-33 Pontiac Steel Co.Spring.- Equip. Maint. 7.22 1-34 Gniewek's Trophies, Inc. dmin.- Promo., plaque 25.78 1-35 he Daily Tribune dmin.- Subscription to The Daily ribune 50.00 1-36 IMitco,Inc.Admin.- Accounts Pa able 345.78 1-37 Sears Roebuck and Company Water.- Rental Property Maint. 18.26 1-38 John J. Sowels Tech.Sup.- Reimb. for classes taken at O.C.C. Auburn Hills Campus under the request to attend.by Parks & Recreation 110.00 1-39 Culligan Water Conditioning Wh.Lk.- Utilities 19.00 1-40 Ward S. Newman, Jr. Admin.- Custo2lial service for the month of January 290.00 1-41 Consumers Power Company Spring. , Grove., Add., & Conf.Ctr. $2,227.40- Utilities 21F727.80 1-42 Banner Linen Service Spring. & Wh.Lk. Laundry 56.00 1-43 Pontiac Travel Service, Inc. Tec .Sup.- Travel & Conference, airline ticket 140.00 +4 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Red Oaks - Communications 50.96 M. VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION JANUARY, 1978 CHER BER VENDOR PT TRPn �qF n Nrnr rnrr 1-45 Trumbull Recreation Supply--Co_,__Grove, Bldg, Maint t eK Head 1-46 Standard Electric Company Indep.- Cap.Proj., Phase II.; Water.- Cap.Pro'1.,-Dirling Renovation; YAC,"Wave Pool, & Add. Bld . Maint. 395-24 1-47 Frank Bakas rove.- Refund capping deosit 15.00 1-48 O.C. Radio Communications Water.- Bldg. Maint.; Admin., Tech. SU2., Mob.Rec. YAC Grove. Inde p. Water., Add., & Wh,.Lk.- Radio Repair Contract 778.98 1-49 General Printing & Office SupplyAdd.- Office Su plies 11.65 1-50 M.G. Sales & Service, Inc.Add.- Equip. Maint. 3.92 1-51 Golf Car DistributorsSpring.- Equip. Maint. 15.35 1-52 Oxford Co -Operative Elevator Co.Add.- Equip. & Grounds Maint. 75.90 53 Sears, Roebuck & Company .Lk.- Small Tools, Spray Gun 24.99 1-54 Robert NovellWater.- Refund, Dog Obedience 20.00 1-55 Lillian DixonWater.- Refund, Yoga Class 16.00 1-56 Linda HodgesWater.--Refund/ Disco Dance Class 32.00 1-57 B & G Floor Covering .Lk.- Bldg. Maint. 12.80 1-58 H.L. Claeys & Company dd.- Bldg. Maint. 11.80 1-59 Raymond Delasko, Cust. Indep.- Petty Cash Reimbursement 30.43 1-60 Ellis Arndt & Truesdell Inc. Indep.- Cap.Proj.,_Phase-I-_Design 3 123.85 SUB TOTAL FOR THE MONTH 146 473.28 4-7 SWIM -MOBILE SKATE -MOBILE PUPPET -MOBILE AT?T-M(NPTT F MOVIE/NATURE-MOBILE SHOW -MOBILE SPORTS -MOBILE SPECIAL EVENTS P & R BUSES TOTALS MOBILE RECREATION MONTHLY UNITS AND SPECIAL EVENTS ACTIVITIES REPORT MOBILE RECREATION Month of January, 1978 Year to Date Groups Participants Groups Participants 1977 1978 1977 1978 1977 1978 1977 1978 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 23 4070 4610 23 23 4070 4610 1 0 175 0 1 0 175 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 23 4245 4610 24 23 4245 4610 Page 2 of 0 MONTHLY DAY USE PARKS AND FACILITY ATTENDANCE REPORT ADDISON-OAKS PARK Campers Day Use ADDISON CONFERENCE CENTER Functions GROVELAND-OAKS Campers Day Use INDEPENDENCE -OAKS Day Use Day Campers Overnight Group Campers SPRINGFIELD-OAKS Y.A.C. Functions SPRINGFIELD-OAKS CLUBHOUSE Functions WATERFORD-OAKS Functions WATERFORD-OAKS WAVE POOL Day Use WHITE LAKE -OAKS CLUBHOUSE Functions TOTALS DAY USE PARKS Month of January, 1978 Year to Date Grou s Partici ants Groups Participants 1977 1978 1977 1978 1977 1978 1977 1978 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 606 898 2120 3142 606 898 2120 3142 4 5 462 304 4 5 462 304 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 513 1141 2168 4209 513 1141 2168 4209 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 6 882 805 12 6 882 805 0 1 0 50 O 1 0 50 33 36 2051 1720 33 36 2051 1720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 3 671 365 6 3 671 365 1174 2090 8354 10595 1174 2090 8354 10595 RED -OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes RED -OAKS DRIVING RANGE Participants SPRINGFIELD-OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes WHITE LAKE -OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes TOTALS GOLF COURSES TOTALS MOBILE RECREATION TOTALS DAY USE PARKS GRAND TOTALS MONTHLY GOLF COURSES ACTIVITIES REPORT Month of January, 1978 Year to Date Leagues Participants Lea ues Participants 1977 1978 1977 1978 1977 1978 1977 1978 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 23 4245 4610 24 23 4245 4610 1174 2090 8354 10595 1174 2090 8354 10595 1198 2113 12599 15205 1198 2113 12599 15205 rage 4 of v SWIM -MOBILE SKATE -MOBILE PUPPET -MOBILE ART -MOBILE MOVIE/NATURE-MOBILE SHOW -MOBILE SPORTS -MOBILE SPECIAL EVENTS P & R BUSES TOTALS MOBILE RECREATION MOBILE RECREATION ATTENDANCE REPORT For the Month of January _, 1978 Groups per Week Participants per Week 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. lst. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 7 5 0 1160 1240 1355 855 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 7 5 0 1160 1240 1355 855 O Page 5 of 6 ADDISON-OAKS PARK Campers Day Use ADDISON CONFERENCE CENTER Functions GROVELAND-OAKS Campers Day Use INDEPENDENCE -OAKS Day Use Day Campers Overnight Group Campers SPRINGFIELD-OAKS Y.A.C. Functions SPRINGFIELD-OAKS CLUBHOUSE Functions WATERFORD-OAKS Functions WATERFORD-OAKS WAVE POOL Day Use WHITE LAKE -OAKS CLUBHOUSE Functions TOTALS DAY USE PARKS DAY USE PARKS ATTENDANCE REPORT For the Month of January , 1978 Grou s per Week Partici ants per Week 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 173 277 270 178 0 605 969 945 623 0 1 2 0 2 0 38 105 0 161 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 246 348 379 168 0 946 1218 1326 719 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 1 0 250 100 355 100 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 2 5 13 16 0 120 462 513 625 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 260 105 0 0 0 425 635 665 365 0 2219 3009 3139 2228 0 x -'Z) - v 1, - ., RED -OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes RED -OAKS DRIVING RANGE Participants SPRINGFIELD-OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes WHITE LAKE -OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes TOTALS GOLF COURSES TOTALS MOBILE RECREATION TOTALS DAY USE PARKS GRAND TOTALS GOLF COURSES ATTENDANCE REPORT For the Month of January , 1978 Lea ues per Week Participants per Week lst. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. lst. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 7 5 0 1160 1240 1355 855 0 425 635 665 365 0 2219 3009 3139 2228 0 430 641 672 370 0 3379 4249 4494 3083 0 ITEM #5 1978 PUBLIC INFORMATION PROGRAM ANTHONY M. FRANCO, INC. Attached is the proposed 1978 Public Information Program as prepared by Anthony M. Franco, Inc. ANTHON MCORRORATE0 PUBLIC RELATIONS COUNSELORS 1978 PUBLIC INFORMATION PROGRAM FOR OAKLA D COUNTY FAR. ; & RECREATION COMMISSIO-N 28 WEST ADAMS AVENUE • DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48226 a AREA CODE 313 962-4510 �`'!�Q COUNSEi.ORS a es so iuvo1.ved with the varied as ours bee si ht of the forest for the a firm su"h tend to lose g omn,ission is ens when eve, too, with the AS often happ , ,asinessa in relat'031sbip aspects o� the clients view of ® role trees. Therefore, a thory IVi.xanco: in order. nsibilities of " ethods do the respo activities and m seloxs, public relations ubliCsm part of this As public relations cow you on P t vaxious P eneral axvaxe orated are to advise Y mission with its crease the g trated Incorp of the Comm'- and in ould be concen rove the image ublicity foy the pars our efforts sh imp enerate p In otlaex w°rds, activity is to s stem- ness about the parka r the xaission• In the three Com paet. on the "big Picture' ectives are being the Com�issior these geriexal obj , , s between -ve this that e I onslii and the media have ectP we believe f1lat the r ; ssioaexS In xetxosP sbi s oaxd of Comm_ ears of our relation p as the D CouxtY Park system.o �ouPs such of the �,d Specialized b le axe a�vaxe all of these Proved. -1 peop of responsible fox " . -you ams are n �d the parks JO% relatiol proms -�rou develop Dux public Certain aetionsp Good public relations is �aturaliY9 e ts. you initiated our job easier v2x. improvem advice® 'you made io�as listened to o'r about it. with the and Ig. telling, taming good relations ands$ ne`�v doing ubliCitY and n'a �S Your par35 system efo ublicity� and practice of p y 1 the need for p this p a funny 'ha x�osns. enexated9 JJpweve '2 in$Ie5 are g ou deal �vl- '2 aid more activi as well. publics Y develop r but increases facilities are does not diminl- public relations . Dint now. resent, that for an And we are at this p taV to the p initial Pxesen a uixed, as Weil as pro advice, from °`'x staff pars°ane�. is xv�1 It has been our rog e- ttuications et the job done effective comxneling9 to g gession coup ANTHONY M. F= PA" C:O NCORPOR.ATEO PUBLIC RELATIONS COUNSELORS The effectiveness of a well -planned communications program lies in its implementa- tion. In order for a program to be executed in the coming year that you would have your utmost confidence, AMC, Inc. is recommending that you consider employing an additional person in the area of public relations. This would enable AMF, Inc. to concentrate on planning communications programs and developing activities that will increase awareness of the park system among its varied publics, and the staff personnel would work on publicity for specific events and activities as well as other public relations activities as outlined below. The qualifications for such a person considered for this position should be-.' a college graduate majoring in related communications field; at least two years of practical public relations experience, preferably in institutional or governmental work; good organizational abilities in both time and money; and be able to articu- late well in front of groups in order to present a good image of the parr system, This person would be responsible for the daily public relations activities including media relations with suburban newspapers and writing filler items for these publications; developing a more active public speaking bureau including his own input; working with staff, especially park managers, for localized PR. activities; developing special event promotion which would include working directly with outside promoters; and coordinating the distribution of all promotional materials. The salary range for a person with these qualifications would be approximately $15, 000 - $18, 000, and the comity fringe benefit package. As we have said in our initial presentation to your Commission, AMF, Inc. would welcome the opportunity to aid you in the search for and screening of such an indivi- dual. With the employment of such a person, there would be a stronger delineation of public relations responsibilities between staff and counsel. however, there will always be a crossover because of the nature of your business. For example, during this past year it was recommended that a structured newsletter be started. Through AMF, Inc. Is efforts, the purpose of the newsletter was expanded, its circulation was increased, a new image was projected and the writing of the newsletter is continually being done by AMF, Inc. personnel'. These general impressions were being made while writing about specific events. -2- COUNSELORS ,rll,4G ach tle objective we aPPTO product to is pr"'Osi-ag that pro sell. yor -1978, A141" would a COMPany Ath a recreation . 131 a -Variety Of for-lns- .., OLW2,reness as i,,e--p WL 1311MICI gene- have 2, roduct to sell businesses base alys,s you ,ujormatloll c - ,lost busille cl t poses. b r pu p ur range is inverte -1. Me ir)'Al alx' blacl'Vet 'or you sal that r men Considering ess fox Pro -Ona And tb 1 their used by b"s�n the UOTras 3-7%0 Theis budgets On hig her the percentage Ala Nvlb.!Ch NVIII the lai ,,,,,bre era, IoNver the sales' is to Create a them increasing gea !ta this lolarll�etlng P aa - .. at luer The ,,,t order fox ja of the activities on identity -acreaslna;:, the provide jaed at i a.tiviti-eF for have SpecL cts. of Inalor -SO "Sted, pro3e ing pages We on the jactor. Nge have OU -D general awarene So � . -1 r2LtIM ad to 1-0-P Y Ian your specialized gro'p for your co-asicle se .. presevLted to yo'�L year. AU ol tlie promotion j. t1hie c V blacl',':,',et for -3- ANTHONY M. r.F-= F=1 ,Lk" NCORPORATEO PUBLIC RELATIONS COUNSELORS GENERAL MARKETING ACTWITIES It has always been our recommendation that all promotional vehicles should be of a production quality projecting a first-class image. This is really an adaptation of the saying: "It's not what you say, but how you say it that counts°' If a promo- tional piece is poorly produced, the reader possibly gets the impression that this is a small operation with very little to offer and probably poorly maintained. There- fore, the piece has done more damage than good. Public Service Announcements With this in mind;. we address ourselves to public service ar; , Yicements for televi- sion and radio. In the past we have sent copy (slides) to the various stations pro- moting specific events. Under the general marketing themes we are proposing the production of two television announcements and three radio spots. These would highlight seasonal. activities (summer/%vinter) at all the parks. The third radio spot would be a "donut" spot with theme wrap -around and a slot in the middle to insert copy regarding specific events, The basic footage for the television announcements would be edited from available film and slides that have been taken by staff personnel. But the key to successful air play is the quality of the final product, and we are competing with some excellent national and locally -produced public service spots . It is our estimation that the costs for these professionally produced spots, including announcers, cleared music charges, sound effects, titles, editing, mixing and dupes for seven television stations and 20 radio.stations will be as follows: Two TV spots @ $2, 500 each: $5, 000, 00 Three radio spots @ $750 each: 2, 250� 00 Total $71250� 00 'lam ANTHONY M. iVC0RRQRA7rE0 PUBLIC RELATIONS COUNSELORS Over a one --year period by conservative projections, we estimate 175 airings on television and 450 plays on radio. This would deliver approximately 6 million viewer/listener impressions or 825 impressions per dollar, Counter Cards In another effort to reach large masses of people,, we have singled out banks as being ideal locations. We are recommending that a program be arranged with a bank company (preferably one with many locations, especially in southern Oakland County). We would develop counter cards with sleeves. Again using the general theme, we would draw attention to the county park system and invite the general public to take a pamphlet home with them.. These sleeves would con- tain general pamphlets about the parks and/or flyers drawing attention to specific activities (wave pool, camping, cross country skiing, etc.), For cost estimation purposes, we are suggesting a quantity of 50 counter cards. The art'preparation and printing costs are estimated at $875, These counter cards could also be distributed to sport shops and related recreational outlets. General Pamphlet In conjunction with this, we are recommending a scaled -down version of the general brochure for massive distribution. We envision this as a two-color brochure with a quantity of 50, 000. Estimated casts for art preparation and printing are estimated at $4, 250. Posters We also propose the production of posters for distribution in high traffic areas and schools. These would be 14" x 2211 and printed in two colors. Estimated cost for 1,000 posters is $750. -5- A- I r-- C3 C, ,13tks VJxs the oo 0 ethe 31-i3Lt, olss xvl- 100 :y e &IN -P?X:y stoc. 'Lt ,&e t14 e .0jor aid "1 2 es eve aTa ove av"bTOI-axQspec l evet yeT e7j-7'e of boOW- ,ic'4�- Tl tagy (i yo VO'C t 'wothe abe fax COS a5'�,0avahewty %qOwase a&flit the VL pxtutang ot 9 OQFg�g ,3,ts vleo ass G00-11 3,eta-1 tll(,-ellle OL:" �)Al- d stet 'Ile jo-r '5a 13001 c 0 e -re T 'C .r OT Ll O-C '�'t to-CaT Nxo*e -OT&S vaevla eo- elstz�� Vlror e tor T vao- 2" ev� '�Ue e5vlvwxt step �� ell flf aceO,-at$ -ye user won ux�el& PlVer ever $.a, SO ey'9 -C -'q 0fox the, 05te e 34 0'a OOT NIL co-ace9t7 0, 0-')-p- CXrl;y etc'. c 0a c use e 'he"Ole aipin the b tie aest .,lit, "4 es50-e- 1-0� 'roaeo'; qg'v� 0 .401 I !� ?°S 511cl� as tb:co`13�` aWtO.TelawV jtswai)as xti %ic t$ 9 0 ejnaO�te .0jeTv e-qe-�Oi:aed:Ok1010- ,a ess Of the SI)32oL Oa T0`9�� to as VI itecovee avx!V5 00IOVL t the 5vc0aeT L'& be e ts ilAo': ttoo o vfj 6eve�C'A Z'Naxe -,loll r e-4eVL theme 2a -Do ot $3-1,ui�Xto. '�Lse O� v be the cl:e yieve to�xk' cro7lacr ed, to j'0!D-c ODr e yel th ta to e$1-0.7 . e 0je hyer TD�OT.tj�ej:3: 0�1'1 0-T ly-PvGje5 ill j�jese 0 11 of then; ,,se e Ole - ,mute �agp N 5telS'ea''V'�to"Y53 othe t t o"%Zt�y '910 - to the te'll lore cov� c Wj0vL to eN'P -js�eajla' Or COTI�:Ivae toC�,e Noe ',,,ex5e$ tee and press ty pk Sy 'Pe CO O N o COUNSELO p�gLIC R=jION�--- AL PFg SPF- ClIal Rangy oak3•�d County ,3 ,M:I.ox homes ° ant of a word into the develop-m to get the - � I the- way inCre,,om entary level ost effective s. Pj" 9 tte ele3n one of the ae Ne�.00l system ourgsters in Bear is througark er �o;xarn for y cant issuev e,9, S7molae. ��hs olize D for ' e signifi of a cart an In addition ust be tied into s� b.e Graafian dentttyd°mod a folder 'xaxn n' . envision with a unitized `phe Pr°� Egon° ro0 am bershiP Gar and ire preven - d provide the P d receive a paem or ranger an anticipant wo Dior ranger signifies. me t eth�synhols each and Nv�aaat 0- l ea c that For ate- the Pay°�" phis � For e�rpla�ning the pr° is a Wallet card. gram iaowever$ stars besides picnic, games g Q er success to o as ed to Ran e hey to a succ these y 'clay ape, ce ® n Vita a P u for Paxh of y �naependen desigqj is,afjCIed thing Of value U.S took rangers ne day eo-Gh xn� ed free to any of the Per" a jmi°r P etc o s or family is a;,itL t e amPle9 e t ember and h�.s and effort on the p AIVIF g1nded nature ra naanhours ams { ,pays and the e keu en. this pr° semen` of this Proms In order to imp d imp_ exzCution aired° for developxzi costs for the Matey a s er red 500 For the staff and our f l prole featea art e Of ation and pr tines c. wouldL request a Fstial In am• tion of the pr�gr are follows: lion $q50.00 ,,t Pre ar cartoon Syol: 350.00 Meyp„bershiP Car PxO� as -,'older: $4G0.p0 Pr� Cad _ j.0 Z 000 quDXLW-Y' 650.00 ,Membership 000 quantity: x ro„xara Folder 109 ding 4,050.00 Total cost for proms am inGlu project fee: (�� ;--6� 4 0 N-y r.,tG� COU�ISEIORS PUBLIC t fax=�s Fund - ceding . Qaxid Co- cb done xeg axed preliminary aancia its come from liscsiom These financial' quite a bitOf fund for the Pam" th ia(Y"Viduals. our as been �1 and weal ou�adatim Tb.ere h 3ishTnent of a t foundatio-AS d wealthiest £ the estab corporations9 �chigan is the sec°n d and should i. e. that ' The idea is s° of v ious sectors? ealed the fact ;heal of us- dour amount ch has rev dew York is there is a tremen aired for resear the 1j.S. only i%owever' �xedxents are red .m�l;,et in coUSideration^ at-�e^ Beverai ste r must be g hexed^ our fla of this n trustee; m s be g1Ven Y endowments list of s ecializel group a prestigious erred fog she p lotions, co'ora: competition �°irst9 �t be prep fouu of activity- resentatioa is tments of bps, fo & should be this typea first-class P trust dep ublicity Proms Second, a ad&ressing, such as Tw -c, a P you will b CPA's and individuals lawyers, ch this activity- Inc^ will be happ3. tions 9 exly lam AV, 9 t of all initi ed to Prop the co- big year' d in creative developers our for. lush a trust f° and the ect fee of $50 per b �.xam t° estab ublicity Prob am If you decide ce in a p a special- Pro esti.Mate that this pr°g to provide assistance woad rer�uire s or a We larsning cons tole eve atexi necessaryaterialb�idgetaxY P orstbs to prep all costs o the materials service. P° ately four xn Production this s ui.re appro im re project- hours^ would req 5 p00 for the .tire P would our d fee of $, d quoted in advance as ceiling, word be addition` axi - �eVelO merit of Cut%sue has been perused abo �ucl.eus of the s involvement ro' a' e of citizen a Nvorthvhil eAPuY input that this type of The th°sight of this type ti11 be that it is aex�cY^ Ye 'tile s any Public ag Commission. couple of y a bonus for welcomed by Your grass roots support is shod be s to recruit cold provide ublic� material or the oxganizatioxi to the genera P e tial ixxgxedients f Of this or or o roup or ess n s and specific activities for the �, �opex irstroduction new member success of this pros` :P:� i� C P S GOpNSE`pRs a oa apjete oafee�op a1s®groa`loe gtiC R�tPj1 o PU ojeot9 roar` type, 03� the P er ixsitiatng thton anyoreoso •eet gee off arati©� Jf you � a s, jox t at o�ra� to e� a s OjaiePi t-hS Tor prep e �uote� o� t� on re c, heneoessexy ix'§a t � ��re w® Sd e est� costs �a a dour �,�o t oa e o the tr a ia- Pux l�atur ally � all A,S in the �uc�etax� � 4, pp0" � • ix� -9ro�eot fee o cr a ce�� - — ANTHONY M. C CD NCORRORATEO PUBLIC RELATIONS COUNSELORS ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES For general planning purposes, we project the need for additional folders in the coming year. These could be pamphlets on the parks themselves or on activities such as camping, nature, mobile recreation, etc. We estimate that these folders produced in one color will cost approximately $1, 350 each for a quantity of 5, 000. Staff requested that we research the cost of a picture postcard for the wave - action pool. With a supplied photograph and printing four cola, on one side and one color on the other, the cost is as follows- 3, 000 0250.. 00 6,500 325.00 12,500 450.00 25,000 625.00 For some production reason, the supplier would only quote in these strange quantity break-outs. Staff also suggested the use of balloons to publicize the wave --action pool. These balloons would be distributed at the various parades in which staff participants and other activities. In addition to this, perhaps we could call attention to the opening of the wave -action pool by releasing 500 helium -filled balloons with free passes to the pool enclosed 'in the balloons, The cost for 5, 000 balloons, any color, printed on two sides is $384.50. Newsletter Program As previously mentioned, a structured newsletter pa ogram was begun this year. Start -tip production and distribution problems have been resolved. Based on one year's experience with the program, the activities of the Commission and amount of information certainly warrants an expansion of the newsletter from four to six pages. However, this presents other problems. The county printing facilities are unable to print a single -sheet, sip: page newsletter with two folds _10- PUBLIC RELATIONS COUNSELORS Using the county printing facilities, the cost for printing the four -page newsletter has averaged $400 per issue for 6, 000 copies. To increase the newsletter to a: six -page issue and projecting a circulation increase to 7, 000 copies per issue, this would necessitate using another printing firm. AMF, Inc. has obtained cost figures for this increase. They are as follows: Printing of Acorn mastheads in green ink (31, 000): $1, 300.00 Printing of acorn (3 panels/6 pages) - $575 each issue: 2,300.00 Creative fee for writing, editing, layout and supervision of production for 6-page newsletter: ( $500 per issue -� $100 increase for additional pages) 2, 000.00 Total cost for newsletter program.; $5, 600. Q0 Public Relations Counsel In addition._to the proposed activities for a general marketing effort to increase awareness of the county park system and the suggested special projects, .A.IIF, Inc. will continue to provide public relations counsel and develop publicity as we have in the past. We look forward to a continued working relationship with the Oakland County Parrs and Recreation Commission. There remains a definite need for professional public relations guidance and implementation as well as staff support for -an effective communications program. For this on -going activity we request that our public relations fee remains at $1, 200 per month. We welcome the opportunity to discuss the points outlined in this presentation at your convenience. - 11 -- December 8, PIT INcc;Q COUNSptOR pUBt1C REtAT10N __- ission pakland Count, paxks & Recxeation Comm ert J ° Salo�ar "_ gob .�----' of pro- Fgp1VI: gevie�v the variety public Relations 'ram for �g'78 and ublic relations SUBJF,CT : anon pxob review the p the past ublic inform brietly our behalf ovex tivith the sugagested ht it would be best toonducted on Y in conjunction I thoub Incorporated has endeavors ou to consider, Franco, of our Jects for Y t Anthony M' highlihts activities tha would consider the kith the Commission two Years. listed what I of our relationship I have only ndinb de I with abetter uudersta of For the sal�.e of b ,I`hirty_Dne rove ement. roux behalf. araraph in order top of our invojv been initiated on S from a t�vo`p and the extent have n-�uniti.es acl�ets hs and distributions, 1Q9 Job J ins lengt releases to various cam ears, tailored over the past iv`�Q Tess releases °f of individually- I would vebeenp le mailing our staff, these ba ent to a multip Gram• ent by ¢ a n est aouucem the Title X prO or involvem Pr securin activities as were of a'a �ncludin- „ securinn for such which �e renewal � point of View } activities for the yn"'an wJR's „My sponsorship ere to consider those of strategy re ly an film encOuragin� If I w the deyelopm e and an editorial p of a reciation banquet;etter have to list TribLm o'e for the productionnded annual app ed newsl The Daj City BeVerat, of the recoln' Lion of a plane editorial in s the implementation and the implementa a S IO, 000 donation by ool, have been of tw o bike race , ave action p day at thew specific activities n1edia family ations, the f ollovv inb program- �ght obsery general h� r pion: to these g Commis w In addition ehalf of Your ed: have been develop conducted on b tories fix features rl golf course Springfield a results Millage strategy nd Pool wave Action � IF, Inc .Motocross edited by A1�. � ,F Camping es (v'ritten by staff, ,n,, resolution New Gam dram, includ� anniversary pro Recommended 1 Oth ms governor . Ar CODE 313 962 A3t0 bYthea . DE'�f201T. M1CHiGAN A8�y6 28 wE5.7 ADAM5 AVE yUE ei DeCen�br 8, 10 .rC) -® page Two �C'C:) FA COONS RS PUBLIC RELATIONS .mended Red Oaks name contest various _ Recom�-e -• sessions with ded media briefing chigan Tourist mended and arrant ff of Southeast _ Recom o the sta exeellent editorial play in new spapexs, includinb resulted in sociation which Travel As tees CO px° its last publication with day ' gram and arrang ed meetinb ested prob recreation program _ Subg obile mote the m- es and pa.mpblets for the prepared br, aera followinb: general brochure xevised millage brochure erring Independence Oaks op Red Oaks ground breaking � " xachure wave pool b ool media invitation wave p k Addison Oas � golf brochure tivities pamphlet general ouncements for: for public service ann _ prepared copy wave action pool � Waterford Oal'-s classes on: bike races personnel eaxances of s�,ff aed for television app gram (2 times) _ p,rxanb „Target„ program „ rob WG�1V „Good Morning) Retrofit p JI3 s the most important contribution W ental and physical all of these activa�d that is, them gram for ortance of one mended prob �e�Gions �ht the imp highly visible the recom lib Inc. is not a For example' of frequent creative`within Without main Franco, ff of 28 people. Compilation ormed that by Anthoy gain from a sta input. It is the �o we, ere inf Lion exson s p e time ab ' And this informaC staff resourcesresult of one p m le: some Addison paks> of the Another exa pc orted to one of the Con"mission 19'tS is n personnel. n.. the visual possibilities Inc. p Car would be tra p conversation with saw osure with AMF first trolley rough a Casual xsonnel iminediat The rest: valuable exp 24 hours the ,chance th rmed• , Oakland ed just b� ublic relations I Detroit NI, �__--- was relay our p the media was iO press, goivever) Ystem in the Oa1�3and personnel* through our sS with photos for this story• d fea on televiture stories sion h Tribune. Ed� n and The------""`� _--- 1 er Deceinb Three �{�,O ���OUNSEt ORS daily 110NS has been involved on a PUBIC REi A ways to p,Ni Inc' the manpower. c km� dec�sisn� uaselin o mun- relations a to poll th c s bank of Public ininmost -visual evidence °f eaatiotl °f our ttexs pert' the to the imPlem nn plenty of this xna receivi n .xnun.ica- addition to ral counseling ixl probably ter corn s �'�°r basis and gene ublics • eetin • xe� lax d bett basis of r various P r reg,�ar m exed on a relations orable because y°u ch y°u at y°u vas cov ed media is approa e of reporters Commission Pue rt 1.10P n� the Comm'ssi°n absent vorable. cram the a icatipns pro much of it uni stories eg majority of publici�' ral, the do is advise• tions in r, All w e can did y°ur lob - Cordially s f alo Robert J • ervi nar Accot7 ,, Sup gJS;dgm nd k k1axs & County sion pkomis Recreatin oadLa 9BOO watg s Ponac' Michl�n 4545`i ti-