HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1978.06.02 - 39690oakland county service center R. Eric Reickel Manager 'Jon J Kipke Asst. Manager May 30, 1978 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION • 2800 Watkins lake road pontigc, michigan 48054 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen; A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:30 a.m. Friday, June 2, 1978 PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting The meeting has been called in accordance with authorization of Lewis E. Wint, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Cordially, �C" R. Eric Rei c el Manager RE R/ kmm • 858-0906 Lewis E. Wint Chairman Marjorie M. Walker Vicp-Chairman Betty J. Fortino Secretary Don Deni John R. Gnau, Jr. George W. Kuhn Joseph R. Montante E. Frank Richardson Richard V. Vogt Addison -Oaks • Groveland-Oaks • Independence -Oaks • Red -Oaks • Springfield -Oaks • Waterford -Oaks • White Lake -Oaks OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION June 2, 1978 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes of May 19, 1978. 4. Approval of Payments, Vouchers 5-147 through 5-268 5. Independence -Oaks - Environmental Awareness Center Program. 6. Waterford Wave Pool - Solar Energy Presentation by Star Pak Solar Systems. 7. Manager's Report. 8. New Business. 9. Unfinished Business. 10. Adjourn Next scheduled meeting: June 16, 1978 VOUCHER REGISTER OAT LAM COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATIOlT OUCtiER MAY, 1978 UMBER VENDOR PURPOSE A'Mnr TNT Cap.Proj., Clubhouse Improvements 5-147 B-G Floor Covering _ Wh.Lk. 481.05 Utilities- Spring., Water., Add., 5-148 Consumers Power Co. & Conf.Ctr. 1,504.80 1,881.83 5-149 Barbara Stanton Refund Clean-up Deposit- YAC 25.00 5-150 Consumers Power Co. Ca .Pro`. Gas Conversion- Admin. 118.20 Communications- Spring., YAC, 5-151 Michigan Bell Telephone Co, Inde & Add. 81.33 5-152 Direct Safety Co, Uniform Exp., Safety Equip,- Add. 86.31 Special Events - Antique Car Show, 5-153 Old Cars Ad Space YAC :::5.:00 Laundry- Admin., Tech.Sup., 5-154 O.C. Laundry Spring., YAC Grove, Indep., Water., Add., Wh.Lk., Red Oaks, & �� _ Title 6 1/415.80 5-155 Broadmoor Sales Co. Cap.Equip., Pedal Boats- Grove. 3,124.74 Membership & Subscription Renewal 5-156 National Recreation & Park Assoc. to NRPA National Job Bulletin- Admin. 65.00 Small Tools- Tech. Sup.; Cap eEquip., 5-1.57 Sears, Roebuck & Co. Bench Vise- Wh.Lk. 84.44 Transportation- Admin. $1,3 22.84, 5-158 O.C. Garage Tech.Sup. $1,342.89, Mob.Rec., Spring., YAC, Grove., Indep., Water.,'Add., Wh.Lk., Red Oaks, & Title Equip. Nlaint.- Mo .Rec. Trucks & Buses, & Indep. 8,080.32 5-159 Gloria Buchanan Mileage Reimbursement- YAC 21.25 5-160 Finger's Inc. Office Supplies- Admin. 5.98 5-161 O.C. Utilities Fund Rubbish Removal- Water. 35.00 5-162 D. & D. Production, Inc. Equip. Maint.- Spring. 15.00 Cap,Proj., Golf Cart Station- 5-163 Clawson Tank Co. Spring. F 189.65 5-164 The Pontiac Letter Shop Office Supplies- Spring. & Wh.Lk. 23.00 Special Events - Senior Citizen 5-165 Floyd Snyder Dance Band - Water. 270.00 Promotional, Courtesy Passes- R i6 Pontiac Graphics Admin. 306.00 4-11 VOUCHER REGISTER OAK%JJa�3 COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION MAY, 1978 JOUCHER `1UMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT _ Office Supplies, Children's & �s 5-16 P.J._ Uridge Printing Co Individual Passes- Wave Pool 130,00 Cap.Proj., Ceiling - Acctg.�Office , 5-16E Poole-Dickie Lumber Co Dining Hall Renovation house Improvements- Wave Pool, Water & Wh.Lk.; Eq-giR, Maint.- All Units, Mob.Rec. & Indep.; Grounds Maint.- Grove.; Bldg, - Maint.- Indep.._ _ 1 105.70 5-16S Clarkston Disposal Inc, Rubbish Removal- Grove. 100.00 Bldg. Maint., Fire Extinguisher 5-17C Fire Defense Equip. Co. Inc. Add. 5-171 Art Griffiths Refund Camping Fee- Grove. v_137.60 12.00 5-172 Jennings Equip. Maint., Coil Springs- Grove 49.36 Grounds Maint., Gloves, Coveralls, 5-173 Lakeshore Equipment & Supply Co. & Rope- Wh.Lk. 39.10 5-174 J & J Disposal Rubbish Removal- Add. 56.00 _ Cap.Equip., Tractor Mower- Red -175 Wein artz Supply Oaks _ 1 908.00 _ Housekeeping & Janitor Supply- ____5"176 Industrial Cleaninq Supply Co. Wh.Lk. 36.50 Uniform Exp., Safety Shoes- Indep. 5-177 Michigan Industrial Shoe Co. & Add. 83.80 Cap. Equip., Air Conditioner- 5-178 Witbeck Household A Hance Water. & Wh.Lk. 739.90 Cap.Proi., Glen Oaks Golf Course & 5-179 O.C. Planning Commission Pre. Acquisition Exp.- Admin. 66.00 Grounds Maint. Spring., Grove., 5-180 FDS Fertilizers, Inc. Indep., Add., Wh.Lk. & Red Oaks 13,522.83 5-181 Radio Shack Equip. Maint.- YAC 17.95 5-182 Detroit Edison Utilities- Spring. & YAC 21.50 Grounds Maint., Winter Salt- 5-183 O.C. Road Commission YAC & Add. 36.00 Cap.Proj., Bath -Building -T_ 5-184 Pontiac Steel Co. ments- Grove. 3_1.94 _v_ _ _ Cap.Pro�,, Lan scaping P asz III, 5-185 Marine City Nursery Co. & Grounds Maint.- Indep. 875.00 - Grounds Maint., Fertilizer & 5-186 O.M. Scott & Sons Co. ngicide- Spring, & Wh.Lk. 4,120.40 Equi�o. Maint.- Spring., Indep., & ^ 1T:n���ctctor, Inc Ldh.Lk. Trans.Repair, $797.64 867.45 4-12 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION MAY, 1978 'OUCHER (UMBER VENDOR PURPOSE h mnr MIP 5-188 O.C. Stationery Stock Office Supplies- Admin. & YAC; Promo,, rourtesy.Passes- Admin.; Special Events - Antique Car Show, Poster- YAC_.& All Classes F1 ers Water.; Naturalist's Exp.- Indep. 788.07 5-189 Detroit Bowling & Trophy, Inc. Special Events - Art Show,Ribbons- Water. 35.00 5-190 Bob Mitchell Art Show- Water. 2..00 5-191 Beaver Distributors, Inc. _Refund, Cap.Proj., Clubhouse Improvements- Wh.Lk. 621.60 5-192 Industrial Safety & Security Co. Equip. Maint.- Add. 29.64 5-193 Harrison Piping Supply Co. Cap.Proj., odium Hypoc ®rite Tanks- Wave Pool 260.63 5-194 Terminal Sales Corp. Grounds Maint.� Weed Killer- Grove. 71.90 5 195 Certified Laboratories Cap.EgH p , Parts Washer- Add._ 376.80 5-_196 Mary Gutierrez r Refund Disco Dance Class- Water. i 16.00 5-197 General -Electrical -Mechanical Cap.Proj., Starter Bldg.- Red � Oaks _ _ 13/293.90 Kord Industries, Inc, Bldg. Maint., Pressure Gauges - Wave Wave Pool - 64.00 5-199 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Communications- Spring., YAC, Grove. -& Water. 344.51 5-200 World Dryer Corp. Cap. HanPl dDryers- Spring� Renovation, 871.50 5-201 Sheriff's Marine Division Misc. Exp., Boat Livery Inspection - Grove., Indep., & Add. 81.00 9 5-202 H.D. Edwards & Co. Uniform Exp., Boots- Indep. 50.00 5-203 Steel Equipment Co. Office Supplies, Letterboard- Wh.Lk. 106.00 5-204 Morley Brothers Cap.Equip., Fertilizer. Spreaders- Spring. & Wh.Lk. 51.54 5-205 Ray Delasko, Cust. Petty Cash Reimbursement- Indep. 36,3i 5-206 Consumers Power Co. Cap.Proj., Gas Conversion- Spring. 866,00 5-207 tark1s A atics Co Uniform Expense; Lifeguard Uni for:af - Wave Pool 2,536.58 5-208 Michi an Bell_ Telephone Co. - Communications- Red Ca;cs Cap. Equip, Cas Register _ .ZJ1012. ff & Office Supplies 39.04 "! — 5 '9 Sales Control Systems, Inc. 2,054.85 4-13 VOUCHER REGISTER OA.KT AND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION MAY, 1978 TOUC;HER dUMBER VENDOR P pnS�: AMnTmTrp 5-210 Zappie Fence Company Cap . Pro j . , Fencing - Beach Area, & an a i R a' 86Q.00-Grove. ---- -- • - 3,060.00 5-211 Flint Tent & Awning, Inc. Special Events - Antique Car Show, Tent Rental- YAC 400.00 5-212 Air -Oil Equipment Company Bldg. Maint.- Wave Pool 10.80 5-213 H. L. Claeys & Company Grounds Maint.- Add. 25.68 5-214 Radunz Travel Center Airline ticket for Marjorie M. Walker -to Springfield, Illinois on May 19 and May 21, 1978- Admin 128.00 5-215 Insty-Prints Promotiona - A min pec.Events, Skateboard Championship & Kite Contest; Posters- Mob.Rec. 37.70 5-216 Camera Mart, Inc. Promo., Filrp- Admin. 87.75 5-217 Sam Smith Grounds_ Maint.� Straw- Red Oaks 125.00 -�5-218 Data Photo Type Layout -of ''Meet Your Environment" Booklet- Naturalist's Expense 186.00 -219 Theresa Bishop Muller Ballet, Disco Dance 1,400.00, Yoga, & Tap Instructor- Water. 2,192.00 5-220 Oakland County RICC Advances for R. Eric Reic el & Lewis E. Wint to attend luncheon -heldin Troy, Mic igan on June , 1978 16.00 5-221 Lance Kazarosian Art Instructor- Water 70.00 5-222 Nora Colby Ballroom Dance Instructor- Water. 200.00 5--223 Marion Larkin Aerobic & Adult Tap Instructor- Water. 336..00 5-224 Camera Mart Inc. Ca .Equi2., Screen- Admin. 57.50 5-225 Edward C. Levy Company Grounds Maint., Slag- Spring. & k 789.98 5-226 General Electric Company Cap.Equip., Rand Talkies- Grove. $1,690.00 & Indep.,535.00 5-227 Suburban Office Services, Inc. Office Supplies- Add. 17.95 —T— i00.0U 5-'228 Johnny on the Spot, Inc. ;Port Specia Events, Ant:L ev``Car®ow, -a -John Rental- YAC 5-229 Sundry (Commission) Per Diem & Mileage paid to Com- missioners for attending May 19, _____.o_ - J 1978 meeting- Admin. I 115.54 4-15 VOUCHER REGIS`1:ER. OAKLAND COUNTY PP.RKS AND RECREATION MAY, 1978 TOUCHER 11 vFNT)nR PURPOSE AMOUNT Janz & Knicfh't - Interstate Alarm Systems Inc. Professional Service, Audit Fee- Admin. Bldg. Maint.- Admin, Spring., Wave Pool Z. Wh.Lk, 6,680.00 219.50 5-230 5-231 5-232 Fran Peterson Refund League Fee- Wh.Lk. 55.25 5-233 Xerox Corporation Office Supplies- Admin. 430.00 5-234 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Communications- Water. & Wave Pool 30.23 5-235 Clarkston Disposal, Inc. Rubbish Removal- Grove. 208.00 Turf Supplies, Inc. Grounds Maint., Grass Seed- Spring., Wh.Lk.,& Red Oak's-$607.001,214.00 .5-236 5-237 Keasey Electric, Inc. Bldg. Maint., Circuit Breaker- Grove. 31.80 5-238 Harrison Piping Supply Co. Cap,Proj., Sodium Hypochlorite Tanks- Wave Pool 35.32 5-239 The Pontiac -Waterford Times Promo., Display Ad- Admin. 327.00 5-240 Rozzi Famous Fireworks, Inc. Promo., Fireworks- Grove. 500.00 5-241 The Oakland Press Promo., Display Ads- Admin.$105.00 Mob.Rec. BMX & Skateboard Cham- pionship, YAC Antique Car Show, S ring. & Wh,Lk. Best Ball; Naturalists Expense- Indep. 261.50 5-242 Pontiac Travel Service, Inc. Airplane tickets for D. Deni to was D.C.- Admin. 116.00 5-243 kuburn Pool Supply Corp. Grounds Maint. Floats- Grove. 77.08 5-244 oole-Dickie Lumber Co. Cap.Proj., Phase II, Bath Bldg. Improvements, & Dining Hall Renovation- Grove. & Water.; Equip Maint., All Units - Mob. Rec.; Groun s Maint.- Grove; Bldg. Maint - Water. 327.44 5-245 ',Browning Golf Merchandise for Resale, Golf Bag Carts- Spring. & Red Oaks 728..00 j 5-246 Kerton Lumber Co. Cap.Proj., Phase II & Grounds Maint.- Grove. _ 147 1-7 5-247 Handy Andy Pro Hardware Equip, Maint., Grounds Mo.int.; Add.; Bldg. Maint.- Conf.Ctr. 104,45 --�T�.e_.___-s 5-248 Oakland Wholesale Company Bldg. Maint . - Spring. & Wh. Lk . 8121.,_35_. __, 197.655 5 9 Pontiac Farm & Tndustiral Tractor Equip.Maint.,Spring Toothy- Add. 50.64- 4-14 V0UCPXR REGISTER OAXf-J N D COU11U` PARKS A,!Tfj RECREATION M �oUc;I-max MAY/ 1978 DUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMnr TNT 5-250 Young Supply Co. Bldg. Maint.- Wh.LR. 6.63 Special Events, Skateboard Cham- 5-251 The Pontiac Letter Shopionshi _ Fl ers- Mob,Rec.° _ Printing of ''Meet Your Environ- ment" Booklet- Naturalist's Exp. 109.50 5-252 O.C. Computer Servicesj. Div. Promo., Labels- Admin. 523.57 _ Equip. Maint., Grounds Maint., & 5-253 John R Lumber Co. Inc. Bldg. Maint.- Red Oaks 55.16 Equip. - Spring., Gre., 5-254 Golf Car Distributors _ Add.& Wh.Lk,ov 41.14 5-255 _ P.T. Standard Parts Co. _ Equip. Maint., All Units- Mob.Rec. 9.01 Cap.Proj., Preliminary Acquisition 5-256 Moslem Temple, .A.A.O.N.M.S. Expenses-- Admin. 2,000.00 Special Events- Women' && Men's 5-257 Wintor-Swan Assoc., Inc. Best Ball- Spring. & Wh.Lk. 212.00 Cap.Proj., Dining Hall Renovation- 5-258 Oakland Heating Supply, Inc. Water.; Bldg. Maint.- Wh.Lk. 55.50 5-259 Michigan Industrial Shoe Co. Safety Shoes- Title 6 41.90 Golf Merchandise for Resa.le- b-G60 The Golf Mart, Inc. Spring. & Wh.Lk. 728.74 _ Golf Merchandise for Resale, Golf 5-2,61 Wilson Sporting Goods Co. Clubs- Wh.Lk. 227.51 Golf Merchandise for Resale- 5-262 Dunlop Tire & Rubber Cor . S rin & Wh.Lk,, 3 723.60 Cap.Proj., Clubhouse Renovation, 5-263 Pontiac Vals ar Paint Center Directional Signs Dining Hall Renovation, Clubhouse Improvement Spring., Inde2., Water. & Wh.Lk.; Equip. Maint. - All Units, Mob. Rec. & Wh.Lk.; Bldg. Maint.- YAC & Wave P6o1.; Grounds Maint.- Grove & Add.; Rental Property Maint.- Water. 1,117.41 Cap.Proj., Clubhouse Renovation, 5-264 Pioneer Hardware Dining Hall Renovation, & Club- house Improvements- Spring., Water & Wh.Lk.; '.31dg. Maint.- Water. & . ; Renta Exp. , Ec3u,ma Grounds Maint., Uniform Exp., Small Tools & Vandalism Rep iais r $.24- Wh.Lk. 371.58 7 55 Payroll Pay Period Ending May 19, 1978 31,925.65 4-16 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION IOUCHER MAY, 1978 TUMBE R VENDOR Pi TR Pn SF. A Mnr TAPP 5-266 Sundry -(Advance) Advance for R. Eric Reickel to attend the NRPA Conference on Urban Recreation held in Washing- ton, D.C. on May 30 & May 31, 1978 - Admin. 68.13 My5-267 City of Madison Heights Grounds Maint., 1978 deposit for water meter- Red Oaks 380.00 5--268 Sundry (Advance) Advance for six employees to a� ~� tend Central. Michigan Univ. for t e Mic igan Special O ympscs he in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan from June 1 to June 3, 1978- Mob.Rec. 223.77 _ SUB TOTAL FOR THE MONTH $126,916.59 _ TOTAL FOR THE MONTH $211/225.29 _ - I_ i Item #5 INDEPENDENCE -OAKS ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS CENTER The adopted Recreation Master Plan identifies the development of an Environmental Awareness Center at Independence -Oaks. This Center would provide the opportunity for people to learn and experience first-hand the link between man and his environment. In order to be able to develop this center, supplemental funds are required. One source for such funds is the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, in Flint, Michigan. The foundation's purpose is to fund programs that demonstrate principals which, in application, strengthen and enrich the quality of living for individuals and their community. The attached material is a proposal for funding of the environmental center to be forwarded to the Mott Foundation. It is divided into seven basic components: Sec. 100: Introduction -- A brief summary of the Oakland County Parks system. Sec. 200: The Center -- The philosophy, location, and intent of the proposed center. Sec. 300: Programming -- A brief description of the type of programs to be offered at the center. Sec. 400: Administration -- Description of personnel to be employed at center. Sec. 500: Finance Plan -- This section identifies construction and administrative costs and funding source. Sec. 600: Scheduling -- Description and graphic presentation of time frame for developing of center. Independence -Oaks Environmental Awareness Center Page 2 Sec. 700: Qualifications -- This section will give a brief description of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission's credentials, tax exemptions, etc. Staff would appreciate your review and comments on this proposal, and if it meets with your approval, permission to forward to the Mott Foundation.