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Agendas/Packets - 1978.05.19 - 39694
oakland county service center R. Eric Reickel Manager Jon J Kipke Asst. Manager PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION May 16, 1978 • 2800 watkins lake road 0 pontiac, michigan 48054 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: • 858-090E Lewis E. Wint Chairman Marjorie M. Walker Vice -Chairman Betty J. Fortino Secretary Don Deni John R. Gnau, Jr. George W. Kuhn Joseph R. M ontante E. Frank Richardson Richard V. Vogt A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:30 a.m. Friday, May 19, 1978 PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting The meeting has been called in accordance with authorization of Lewis E. Wint, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Cordially, R. Eric Reickel Manager RER:bg Addison -Oaks • Groveland-Oaks • Independence -Oaks • Red -Oaks m Springfield -Oaks m Waterford -Oaks • White Lake -Oaks OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION May 19, 1978 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes of May 5, 1978. 4. Approval of Payments, Vouchers 5-67 through 5-146. 5. Statement of Operations as of April 30, 1978. 6. Progress Report - Capital Projects. 7. Red -Oaks Driving Range - Building Materials. 8. Agreement between Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and Moslem Temple. 9. Manager's Report. 10. New Business 11. Unfinished Business 12. Adjourn Next scheduled meeting: June 2, 1978 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLP.PTD COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION ER MAY, 1978 R VENDOR PT TR pn -qfi A 7,Ae-IT rnT- Grove., Water., & Wh.Lk.- 57 Consumers Power Company Utilities 1 070.18 YAC, Grove., Indep., Water., & 58 Detroit Edison Red Oaks- Utilities 1,531.98 69 Kathleen Dougherty - Naturalist Expense- Mileage Reimbursement 6.29 70 Royal Rental Company Spring. & Wh.Lk.- Rental Expense 9.44 71 The R V Seaman Company Indep.- Equip. Maint. 13.39 YAC- Special Events - Antique Car 72 Dearborn Publishin Com an Show & Swap Meet Ads 24.00 73 Drake Printing Company Admin.- Promo. Hiking Guide_ 517.65 Water. $135.68, & Wave Pool- 74 Waterford Township W S S stem Utilites 220.59 75 Oxford Peat Company Inde .- Grounds Maint. 24.00 Indep.- Naturalist Expense, Film _ 76 State of Michi an Rental 4.00 Wh.Lk.- Misc. Exp., First Aid 77 Michigan First Aid, Inc. Su lies 25.96 78 O.C. Planning Commission Admin- Office Supplies 10.00 79 Michigan Industrial Shoe,Co. Indep.- Uniform Exp., SafetV Shoes 62.85 30 O.C. Dept, of Public Works YAC- Bldg. Maint.,Sludge Hauling 125.00 31 Mark Walton Water.- Refund, Security Deposit 50.00 - Cap.Equip., Pedestal 32 Jennings Base for Trash Cans 102.99 Wave Pool- Change Fund for 33 Thomas Jackson, Cust. season 100.00 m 34 Gloria Buchanan, Cust. YAC- Petty Cash Reimbursement 75.39 35 Admin. $84.00, Tech.Sup. $42.00, Radio Relay Corp. Spring., Wh.Lk. & Red Oaks - Rental Expense Pa ers 147.00 36 O.C. Equipment Fund Admin. $150.00, Mob.Rec., Spring., YAC Indep., Add, & Wh.Lk.- _ Rental Expense 1 37 The Darson Corp. Admin., Tech.Sup., Mob.Rec. All nits S rin YAC Grove., Index Water., Add., Wh.Lk., & Red Oaks- .Equip.Maint ., Vehicle Emblems 285_Q00_ EM VOUCHER REGISTER OA.KLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION [ER MAY, 1978 ;R VENDOR _PiMPnC_P 88 Thompson Oil Company Spring., Indep., & Wh. .- Equip. Maint.; YAC- Utilities; Water.- Cap.Proj., Dining Hall Renovation 1,611.44 89 Oliver Supply Company Y C- Indep. ani or Hskpg. Supplies; Wh.Lk.- Bldg. "--- Maint. 147.65 90 Sears, Roebuck & Company Grove.- Equip. Maint. 7.50 91 Kord Industries, Inc. Wave Pool- Bldg. Maint., Pressure Gauges 64.00 a2 Oak Hill Auto Parts Indep.- Equip. Maint. 65.49 a3 Lakeland Builders Supply Co. rove.- ap, roj., a g. Improvements 144.44 ?4 H.D. Edwards & Company Nozzles, Hose Rack for Fire 537.00 )5 Boice Builders Supply Wh.Lk.- Vandalism Repair 41.70 '6 Eastern State Auto Su pl Co. _ Mob,Rec. All Units, Spring., Grove. Indep.,Water, Add., & Wh.Lk. $338019- Equip. Maint.; Wave Pool- Bldg. Maint.; Add. - Rental Expense 701.97 )7 Pioneer Hardware Water.- Cap.Proj., Dining Hai Renovation; Wh.Lk.- Cap.Proj., C u ouse mprovements; o ec. All Units, Spring., & Wh.Lk.- quipo maint.; Wh. o- g. ain Janitor & Hskpg. Supplies, & Small Tools 270.48 ?8 O.C. Drain Commission Water.- Cap.Proj., Phase II; Red Oaks- Cap.Proj., Drivinq Ran e 573.30 )9 City -of Madison Hts. Water Dept. Red Oaks- Utilties 1 7.26 .00 Larry D. Newman Excavating Grove.- Cap.Proj., Phase II 195.00 .01 Van's Auto Supply, Inc. Wh.Lk.- Equi . Mair_t. Water.- 15.37 .02 Waterford Block & Ready Mix Cap.Proj., Dining Hall Renovation ±239.75 03 Frank OstroNski, Cust. Add.- Chan e fund for season 100.00 4 Raymond Delasko, Cust. Indep.- Change fund for season 125.00 4-7 VOUCI-IER REGISTER OAKLA.i\FD COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION MAYy ER R VENDOR P, -tP Pn q P h ➢ Al1T TTTm .105 Elden's True Value Hardware Indep.- Equip. Maint. & Small Tools- Water,- Rental Pro ert dV Ix J. Maint. 31.12 -106 Michi an Bell Tele hone Co. Spring., YAC, Indep., Water., Add. & Wh.Lk.- Communications 726.99 -107 Indianwood Automotive Inc, Add.- Equap. Maint. 3.67 -108 James N. Layman Add.- Grounds Maint., Tower Generator 180.00 -109 Lou Dorman & Sons Add. $65.60 & Wh.Lk.- Bldg. Maint. 75.10 -110 O.C. Dept. of Public Works Add.- Sewage Expense 473.75 .111 Westdee Glass Co. Water,.- Vandalism Repair, Windows 516.00 •112 Leslie Electric Company A min, $ .46 & Wave Pool- BI_Jg, Maint. 37.64 113 114 Bills/Childs Assoc., P.C. O.C. Radio Communications Admin.- Cap.Proj., Glen OaksGolf Course Admin., Tech.Sup., Mob.Rec., YAC, Grove Indep. Water�_Aad� & -115 County of Oakland Wh.Lk.- Radio Re air Add.- Equip.Maint. 13050.Groun s 'Maint-.,Uniform Exp., & Small Tools 797.78 151.25 -116 Munn Ford Tractor, Inc. Spring., Indep., Add., & Wh.Lk.- Equip. Maint.- YAC- Bld . Mai.nt. �m_a 804.47 .117 Bills/Childs Assoc. P.C.Admin.- Add.- Cap.Proj., Master Plan; Cap.Proj. Glen Oaks Golf T Course; Red Oaks- Cap.Proj., Land- scape Screen 31,420.00 118 Detroit Edison Spring., YAC, Water., Wave Pool, dd. & Wh.Lk. $lr029.79- Utilities 2,746..61 -Admin.- Cap.Proi., Pre. Acquisi- 119 Independence Township tion Exp., Township Hall Rental 10.00 ,120 Pioneer Camper Sales Mob,gec, All -Units-, Ecruip. Maint. 113.65 121 Jackie HanewackerWater.- Refund,,Security De osit 50.00 122 Cal Gas -Pontiac Inc. Spring., YAC, Grove., Indep., Water., Wh.Lk. & Red Oaks - Utilities 1 653.85 123 Pa roll Pay period ending May 5,_197� 28,1.34.96 _L24 Wayne Ball Water.- Special Events - Square ance Instructor �^ 160.00 IM VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLA.ND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION MAY, 1978 WIN PT TR PCB SF T Mf"%T TTATT •125 Waterford Dis osal Service S rin & Indep.- Rubbish Removal 60.00 YAC- Spec.Events - Antique Car •126 Les Newcomer Show Refund for vendor space 15.00 127 Christine A Grzeskowiak Admin.- Mileage Reimbursement 4.59 128 James P. Mirk Grove.- Refund Cam in Fee 20.00 Admin- Miscellaneous services 129 AnthonyM. Franco Inc. rendered Promotional 1 654.40 130 Lou Dorman & Sons Wh.Lk.- Bldg. Maint. 14.50 Indep.- Cap..Proj., Directional 131 Bob's Hardware Si ns; Inde .-.Grounds Maint. 34.57 1.32 McKa 's Hardware Grove. -Grounds Maint. 17.32 133 Harvey's School/Office Supplies Wh.Lk.- Office Supplies 13.00 Admin, YAC, Grove., In ep., Water 134 O.C. Central Stores Add., & Wh.Lk.- Hskpg. Supplies; Grove. & Indep.- Grounds Maint. 3,783.21 Admin. & Mob.Rec.-Of:`ice Supplies; 135 O.C. Stationery Stock Mob.Rec.- Nature Mobile Supplies; YAC- Spec.Events - Antique Car Show, Poster; Water.- Spec. Events All Classes, Flyer lf079.05 136 Graybar Electric Co., Inc. Grove.- Cap.Proj., Night Light - Dum]2ing Station 33.25 Mob.Rec.- Office Supplies, "T 137 Pontiac Business Machines Typewriter Dental 1. 150.00 Water.- Cap.Proj., Dining Hall 138 Burke Building Center Renovation; Admin., YAC, Indep., Wave Pool- Equip. Maint.; YAC, & Inde .T Grounds Maint.; Indep.- Cap.Proj..,, Aqua Vacuum; • Iiidep . , , Add., Wh.Lk.- Bld . Maint...• Inde Water., & Title - Smai_l Tools; Water.- Rental Property Maint. 450.91 Spring..- Cap.Proj., Clubhouse - 139.Lumberjack Products Renovation; Spring. & YAC- Equip. 'Maint., Grounds Maint., & Bldg, Faint.; Spring.- Uniform Expense; YAC- Hskpg. Supplies & Small Tools 240.72 Admin.- Per Diem & Mileage pai to 40 Sundry (Commission) Commissioners for attending mtg. 154.28 Cm ER R ,_c goad comma. o- n .143 O•C a�C Co. 144 Sta% State of Mychi a� � ,45 ,1q.b �O�3GR gEGI`��p p,�l.Oli __- B1d � Main.�.�—~ Clu�bh°use ve AC.L - C"" C*av •p Spxi-n.g • I- YAC ` w>- -- e�'t 5 i Dng pool r Cap.px°�'' , nnR s- �.----'."'� wave -Pool �ioxm E ense s txaeaon�_--- �xee Yeax boat paving ;apical S xix1----~'" 01 SUB TPJ,_,.._.-- q._10 MONK 90,00 276,10 667 J8 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION Analysis of Fund Balance As of 4-30-78 FUND BALANCE 1/1/78 Additions: Revenue over Operating Expenses at 3/31/78 Collections on Accounts Receivable Reimbursement for 1977 YAC Operations DNR Grant - Wave Pool (Final) DNR Grant - Independence Phase II Depreciation & Prepaid Exp. (Non Cash Exp.) ')erluctions Payments on Accounts Payable Capital Equipment Purchases Payments on Capital Projects Increase in Golf Merchandise Title 6 Expenditures Naturalist's Expenditures SUMMARY OF FUND BALANCE Cash on Hand I,nvestments in Certificates of Deposit $1,512,253.42 4,107.44 50,000.00 11,968.81 48,318.87 34,156.55 $ 200,269.11 8,693.95 89,894.27 5,797.13 7,530.00 39.41 $ 643,167.02 11,6601805.09 $2,303,972.11 312,223.87 $lz991,748.24 $ 3911748.24 1,600,000.00 $1,991,748.24 5-1 Oakland County Parks and Recreation COMBINED OPERATING STATEMPNT For the Period Ended 4-30-78 Actual (Over) Year to 1978 Under Revenues Date Budget Bud2et Tillage & Interest Inc. $1,7901070.93 $2,046,800.00 $ 2561729.07 3roveland-Oaks 921.38 1491000.00 148,078.62 Independence -Oaks 71519.29 40/100.00 32,580.71 kddison-Oaks: Park 8,410.07 57,600.00 49,189.93 Conference Center 1,995.49 17,500.00 15,5.04.51 Springfield -Oaks: Golf Course 13,108.11 179,280.00 166,171.89 'rhite Lake -Oaks 50f486.38 235,150.00 1841663.62 fed -Oaks Golf Course -0- 40r980.00 40f980.00 ,ob.ile Recreation & Special Activities 555.00 22,035.00 21,480.00 Springfield -Oaks YAC 10/822.98 82/200.00 711377.02 �aterford-Oaks : Park 231392.73 35/275.00 11,882.27 Wave Pool 440.00 98,600.00 981160.00 COTAL REVENUE $119071722.36 $3,004,520.00 $lf096.797.64 Operating Expenses idministratiion Office $ 94,367.57 $ 433,463.00 $ 339,095.43 technical Support 21,289.83 91/481.00 70,191.17 3roveland-Oaks 31/644.38 191,372.00 1591r727.62 Independence -Oaks 471r597.14 2121959.00 1651,361.86 Addison -Oaks: Park 441,175.37 213/071.00 168,895.63 Conference Center 12,494.07 32,150.00 191655.93 >pringfield-Oaks: Golf Course 27,332.02 191/631.00 164,298.98 ,rhite Lake -Oaks 281699.80 188,150.00 1591450.20 Zed -Oaks. Golf Course 9/312.58 881486.00 79,173.42 lobile Recreation 171340.93 122/852.00 105,511.07 Springfield -Oaks YAC 331689.07 128/509.00 94,819.93 Jaterford-Oaks : Park 191944.40 77,231.00 57,286.60 Wave Pool 7,581.78 971050.00 89,468.22 :onti-ngency -0- 50,000.00 50,000.00 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 395,468.94 $2,118,405.00 $1,722,936.06 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. 1,512A253.42 $ 8864115100 $ 626 138.42 1978 1977 Lctual Expenditures to Date: 18.6% 17.8% 3udget Balance: 81.4% 5-2 Oakland County Parks and Recreation ADMINISTRATION OFFICE Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 4-30-78 (Over) Current Year to 1978 Under Month Revenue Date Budget Budget 90,552.33 Tax Revenue $1,786,791.12 $2,035,000.00 $248,208.88 .20 Interest Delinquent Tax 103.83 300.00 196.17 -0- Interest Investments 31112.50 11,000.00 7/887.50 13.48 Miscellaneous Income 63.48 500.00 436.52 90 566.01 TOTAL "REVENUE $1,790,070.93 $2,046,800.00 $256,729.07 Operating Expenses 16,293.21 Salaries - Full Time $65,493.08 $ 225,650.00 $160,156.92 -0- - Part Time -0- 2/400.00 2,400.00 -0- - Over Time 126.29 1,000.00 873.71 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- 76,713.00 76,713.00 235.00 Rental Expense 703.00 31500.00 2,797.00 11355.70 Communications 1,832.11 6,200.00 4,367.89 253.32 Equipment Repair & Maint. 301.72 300.00 (1.72) 655.50 Per Diem & Mileage - Comm. 2,062.16 81500.00 6/437.84 -0- Insurance -0- 250.00 250.00 3.00 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 12.00 50.00 38.00 -0- Building Maintenance -0- 500.00 500.00 30.50 Dues & Publications 669.74 1,500.00 830.26 28.63 Miscellaneous Expense 55.70 200.00 144.30 809.97 Office Supplies 31299.16 141000.00 10,700.84 -0- Professional Services 752.00 81000.00 7,248.00 1,047.53 Transportation 3,306.57 12/000.00 81693.43 307.01 Travel & Conference 2,896.30 6,000.00 31103.70 -0- Housekeeping Supplies -0- 200.00 200.00 355.50 Depreciation 11*357.41 51000.00 3,642.59 168.41 Radio Repair Contract 673.64 2/500.00 11826.36 -0- Purchasing Dept. Services -0- 14,000.00 141000.00 2,260.49 Public Information 9,546.69 401000.00 30f453.31 320.00 Custodial Services 11280.00 5,000.00 3,720.00 241123.77 TOTAL ADMIN. EXPENSES $94,367.57 433,463,00. Z339a095,43 1978 1977 ctual Expenditures to Date: 21.7% 22.1% udget Balance: 78.3% 5-3 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON ADMINISTRATION MONTH OF April IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 4-30-78 1977 1978 Variance 1977 1978 Variance �333,953 $390�552 $561599 Tax Revenue $1 562 447 $1 786 791 224 344 94 -0- 9.4 Int. Delinquent Tax 127 104 23) 31133 -0- (3,133) Int. Investments 3 133 3 113 r(20) 141166 14 14 152 Miscellaneous 14 206 63 (14,143) ';351,346 $3901566 $39,220 TOTAL 1,579,913 1 790 071 L1104158 Oakland County Parks and Recreation TEC1- , TICAL SUPPORT SECTION Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 4-30-78 (Over) Current Year to 1978 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget ?41112.38 Salaries - Full Time $15,635.50 $53,781.00 $38,145.50 -0- - Part Time -0- -0- -0- 445.10 - Over Time 762.22 2,000.00 11237.78 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- 18/000.00 18/000.00 42.00 Rental Expense 126.00 250.00 124.00 7.40 Equipment Repair & Maint. 151.09 11000.00 848.91 -0- Insurance -0- 300.00 300.00 108.10 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 328.95 11100.00 771.05 -0- Uniform Expense -0- 250.00 250.00 11144.40 Transportation 31363.34 10,000.00 6,636.66 -0- Travel & Conference 472.41 600.00 127.59 17.25 Small Tools 125.29 1,700.00 1,574.71 38.66 Depreciation 119.90 1,000.00 880.10 50.86 Radio Repair Contract 203.44 500.00 296.56 -0- Supplies for Repair 1.69 1,000.00 998.31 ?5,966.15 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $21,289.83 $91,481.00 1978 1977 ;tual Expenditures to Date: 23.2% 28.4% zdget Balance: 76.8% $70,191.17 5-5 Oakland County Parks and Recreation GROVELAND-OAKS For the Period Ended 4-30-78 (Over) Current Year to 1978 Under Month Revenue Date Budget Budget -0- Commission - Food Service $ -0- $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 100.00 Rental - Houses 600.00 2,400.00 1,800.00 50.00 Rental - Facilities 50.00 lf500.00 1/450.00 -0- Rental - Equipment -0- 10,000.00 10,000.00 -0- Fees - Day Use 7.00 18,000.00 17,993.00 99.00 Fees - Camping 264.00 113/500.00 113,236.00 -0- Contract Commission .38 500.00 499.62 -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- 100.00 100.00 249.00 TOTAL REVENUE $ 921.38 $149,000.00 $148,078.62 9,544.35 Less: Operating Expenses 1 31,644.38 191,372.00 159,727.62 (9,295.35) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(30,723.00) $(42,372.00) $(11,649.00' 5-6 Oakland County Parks and Recreation GROVELAND-OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 4-30-78 (Over) Current Year to 1978 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget ;3,851.25 Salaries - Full Time $15/024.93 $ 52,872.00 $ 37,847.07 -0- - Part Time -0- 39,000.00 39,000.00 -0- - Over Time -0- 4,000.00 4f000.00 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- 18,000.00 18,000.00 -0- Rental Expense -0- 200.00 200.00 134.72 Communications 435.09 1,500.00 11064.91 175.12 Equipment Repair & Tlaint. 998.30 6,000.00 5/001.70 50.00 Rubbish Removal 150.00 41000.00 3,850.00 1,107.55 Grounds Maintenance 11396.14 91000.00 7,603.86 1,547.51 Utilities 3,990.45 15,000.00 11/009.55 120.00 Insurance 240.00 6,500.00 6,260.00 127.45 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 465.10 1,700.00 1,234.90 159.31 Building Maintenance 499.09 2,500.00 2,000.91 -0- Dues & Publications 20.00 100.00 80.00 21.00 Miscellaneous Expense 111.00 200.00 89.00 -0- Office Supplies 142.49 1,000.00 857.51 -0- Uniforms -0- 700.00 700.00 380.00 Transportation 1,140.00 4,500.00 3,360.00 51.61 Travel & Conference 465.63 500.00 34.37 4.95 Housekeeping Supplies 11494.46 2/500.00 11005.54 90.63 Small Tools 349.31 500.00 150.69 877.95 Depreciation 31457.29 12,000.00 81542.71 -0- Shortage/Overage -0- -0- -0- -0- Rental Houses - Maint. 12.55 500.00 487.45 135.75 Radio Repair Contract 543.00 11500.00 957.00 -0- Public Information -0- 600.00 600.00 -0- Recreation Program -0- 1/500.00 11500.00 709.55 Security Services 709.55 51000.00 41290.45 9,544.35 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $31,.644.38 $191,372.00 S159,727.62 1978 1977 :tual Expenditures to Date: 16.5% 12.5% zdget Balance: 83.5% 5-7 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON GROVELAND-OAKS MONTH OFAnri1_ IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 4-30-78 1977 1978 Variance 1977 1978 Variance $ -0- $-0- $ -0- Comm. - Food Sales -0- -0- -0- 200 100 100 Rent - Houses 900 600 300) -0- 50 50 Rent - Facilities 400 50 (350 -0- -0- -0- Rent - Pedal Boats -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - Rowboats -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - Showers -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - Life Jackets -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - Canoes -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Fees - Day Use -0- -O- -0- 14 -0- 14 - Annual Pass 14 7 7) 786 99 687 Fees - Camping11033 .264 (769) 147 -0- 147 - Electricity 147 -0- (147) -0- -0- -0- Contract Commission -0- -0- -0- 725 -0- 725 Miscellaneous Income 725 -0- (725) $1,872 $249 $(1,623) TOTAL .$3,219 $921 $(2,298) Current 101.54 700.00 -0- 107.75 9.00 -0- Oakland County Parks and Recreation INDEPENDENCE-OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 4-30-78 Year to Revenue Date Commission - Food Sales $ 101.54 Rental - Facilities 1,400.00 Rental - Equipment6.00 Fees - Day Use 5,997.75 - Organized Camping 9.00 Miscellaneous Income 5.00 918.29 TOTAL REVENUE (Over) 1978 Under Budget Budget $ 1/000.00 $ 898.46 3,000.00 1,600.00 4,000.00 3,994.00 30,000.00 24/002.25 2,000.00 1,991.00 100.00 95.00 $ 7,519.29 $ 40,100.00 $ 32,580.71 12,682.71 Less: Operating Expenses 47/597.14 2121,959.00 165,361.86 11,764.4Zfj 2) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) $(40,077.85) $(172,859.00) $(132,781.15) 5-9 Current Month 6,133.62 -0- -0- -0- 12.75 158.10 485.92 25.00 123.90 if473.94 -0- 212.85 206.00 -0- 106.23 42.68 6.55 630.00 10.00 266.17 31.30 11904.04 -0- 144.11 709.55 Oakland County Parks and Recreation IIDEPENDENCE-OAYS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 4-30-78 Classification Salaries - Full Time - Part Time - Over Time Fringe Benefits Rental Expense Communications Equipment Repair & Maint. Rubbish Removal Grounds Maintenance Utilities Insurance Laundry & Dry Cleaning Building Maintenance Dues & Publications Miscellaneous Expense Office Supplies Uniforms Transporation Travel & Conference Housekeeping Supplies Small Tools Depreciation Shortage/Overage Radio Repair Contract Security Services Year to Date $24,128.44 427.20 679.14 -0- 29.25 380.33 11752.82 75.00 348.03 4,710.90 -0- 818.70 1/313.65 100.00 244.88 255.29 41.28 2/308.17 598.91 378.76 248.82 7/464.63 6.95 576.44 709.55 1978 Budget $ 851459.00 24,700.00 1/000.00 29,000.00 300.00 1,300.00 61000.00 800.00 81000.00 81000.00 4/500.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 300.00 300.00 1,200.00 1/000.00 61000.00 600.00 11500.00 500.00 221000.00 -0- 1,500.00 5/000.00 .2,682.71 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $47,597.14 $212,959.00 1978 1977 :tual Expenditures to Date: 22.3% 18.6% edge Balance: 77.7% (Over) Under Budget $ 611330.56 241272.80 320.86 29,000.00 270.75 919.67 41247.18 725.00 7,651.97 3/289.10 4,500.00 1/681.30 186.35 200.00 55.12 944.71 958.72 31691.83 1.09 1,121.24 251.18 14,535.37 (6.95) 923.56 41290.45 $165,361.86 5-10 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON INDEPENDENCE -OAKS MONTH OF_Anril IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE A-'�n-7R 1977 1978 Variance 1977 1978 Variance $-0- $101 101 Comm. - Food Sales $ -0- $: 101 $ 101 200 700 500 Rent - Facilities 250 1,400 1,150 -0- -0- -0- Rent - Pedal Boats -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - Rowboats -0-. -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - Canoes -0- 6 6 -0- 87 87 Fees - Entrance 1,499 2,388 889 7 21 14 - Annual Pass 630 3 610 2,980 211 9 202 Fees - Camping 232 9 223 -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous 25 5 20 $418 $918 $500 TOTAL $2,636 $7,519 $4,883 Ln i N Oakland County Parks and Recreation ADDISON-OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 4-30-78 Current Month Revenue 240.77 Commission - Food Service 100.00 Rental - Facilities -0- Rental - Equipment -0- Fees - Day Use 20.00 Fees - Camping 26.55 Miscellaneous Income 387.32 TOTAL REVENUE (Over) Year to 1978 Under Date Budget Budget $ 240.77 $ 1/300.00 $ 1,059.23 2,475.00 4,800.00 2,325.00 -0- 7,400.00 7,400.00 5,601.25 28/000.00 22,398.75 66.50 16,000.00 15,933.50 26.55 100.00 73.45 $. 8,410.07 $ 57/600.00 $ 49/189.93 .1,333.09 Less: Operating Expenses 44/175.37 213,071.00 168,895.63 .01945.77) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(35,765.30) 155 471.00 $(119,705.70) 5-12 Oakland County Parks and Recreation ADDISON-OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 4-30-78 (Over) Current Year to 1978 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget 6/049.30 Salaries - Full Time $25,161.22 $ 81,721.00 $ 56,559.78 120.58 - Part Time 811.38 26,700.00 25,888.62 -0- - Over Time 484.48 4,500.00 41015.52 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- 281000.00 281000.00 3.25 Rental Expense 1/972.83 2,300.00 327.17 105.80 Communications 301.52 11200.00 898.48 -0- Pool Expense -0- 1/200.00 11200.00 1/131.13 Equipment Repair & Maint. 2,701.58 91000.00 6/298.42 -0- Rubbish Removal 182.00 21000.00 11818.00 13.21 Grounds Maintenance 543.69 101000.00 91456.31 296.23 Utilities 804.30 2,400.00 11595.70 60.00 Insurance 120.00 6,000.00 51880.00 178.15 Laundry & Dry Clearing 654.15 1/800.00 11145.85 276.54 Building Maintenance 11086.78 41000.00 2/913.22 -0- Dues & Publications 40.00 100.00 60.00 -0- Miscellaneous Expense 90.00 250.00 160.00 10.82 Office Supplies 44.81 800.00 755.19 6.75 Uniforms 26.70 11000.00 973.30 629.66 Transportation. 1/928.08 7/000.00 5,071.92 147.35 Travel & Conference 323.42 500.00 176.58 123.25 Housekeeping Supplies 438.57 900.00 461.43 20.66 Small Tools 68.13 500.00 431.87 841.36 Depreciation 3,185.74 91000.00 51814.26 -0- Shortage/overage 6.24 -0- (6.24) 135.75 Radio Repair Contract 543.00 1,500.00 957.00 473.75 Sewage Expense 11895.00 5,700.00 3,805.00 709.55 Security Services 761.75 5,uuu.uu 4,238.2J 1.l,333.09 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $44/175.37 $213,071.00 $168,895.63 1978 1977 ctual Expenditures to Date: 20.7% 19.3% udget Balance: 79.3% 5-13 MONTH OF OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATNION REVENUE COMPARISON ADDISON-OAKS IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE A_zn_7sz ! 1977 1978 Variance 1977 1978 Variance 160 241 81 Comm, - Food Sales 160 $ 241 $ 81 425 100 325 Rent - Facilities 1,600 2,475 875 -0- -0- -0- Rent - Pedal Boats -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - Rowboats -0- -0- -0- 9 -0- (.9) Fees - Da Use 2 877 3 980 1 103 63 -0- (63) - Annual Pass 1 806 1/621 (185) 29 20 (9) Fees - Camping 204 66 (138) -0- 26 26 Miscellaneous Income 136 27 109 $686 $387 ($299) TOTAL $6,783 $8,410 $1,627 u, i N Oakland County Parks and Recreation ADDISON-OA.KS CONFERENCE CENTER Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 4-30-78 Current Year to Month Revenues Date 1,995.49 Co --mission - Food Service $ 1,995.49 Less Operating Expenses: 6.1127.69 Utilities 121,300.88 -0- Insurance -0- 5.00 Building Maintenance 63.71 -0- Miscellaneous Expense -0- 32.37 Depreciation 129.48 6,165..06 '4,169.57) (Over) 1978 Under Budget Budget $ 17,500.00. $15,504.51 24,500.00 4,500.00 2,000.00 150.00 1,000.00 12/199.12 4/500.00 1/936.29 150.00 870.52 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 12,494.07 $ 32,150.00 $19,655.93 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(10,498.58) $(14,650.00) $(4,151.42) 1978 1977 �--tual Expenditures to Date: 38.8% 34.6% adget Balance: 61.2% 5-15 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION r REVENUE COMPARISON ADDISON CONFERENCE CENTER MONTH OP Anril TN T)nT.T.ARS VRAP Tn TIATr A -�n -70 1977 1978 Variance 1977 1978 Variance $21016 $1,995 $(21) Comm. - Food Sales $2,016 $1,995 $(21) 2 016 $1,995 21 TOTAL $2,016 $1,995 21 Ln i N ON Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRTNGFTELD-OAKS GOLF COURSE Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 4-30-78 (Over) Current Year to 1978 Under Month Revenue Date Budget Budget 1.00 Commmission - Food Sales $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ -0- 470.00 Sales - Pro Shop 470.10 12,500.00 12,029.90 607.00 Rentals - Golf Carts 607.00 44,000.00 43,393.00 52.00 - Other Ecruipment 52.00 1,650.00 1,598.00 11/578.01 Greens Fees 11,578.01 120,000.00 108,421.99 -0- Special Events -0- 1,000.00 1,000.00 -0- Contract Commission. -0- 29.00 29.00 -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- 100.00 100.00 200.00 Rental - Buildings 400.00 -0- (400.00) 12,908.11 TOTAL REVENUE $ 13,108.11 $179,280.00 $1661171.89 8,867.01 Less: Operating Expenses 27,332.02 191f631.00 164,298.98 4,041.10 REVENUE OVER/(UI;DER) EXP. $(14,223.91) $(12,351.00) $ 1,872.91 5-17 Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRINGFIELD-OAKS GOLF COURSE Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 4-30-78 Current Month Classification $31798.59 221.33 223.56 -0- -0- 10.25 263.86 lf070.16 35.00 15.81 841.72 -0- 146.80 262.33 -0- . 60.00 22.95 4.95 331.66 5.00 55.03 134.02 978.51 -0- 385.48 Salaries - Full Time - Part Time - Over Time Fringe Benefits Special Events Rental Expense Communications Equipment Repair & Maint. Rubbish Removal Grounds Maintenance Utilities Insurance Laundry & Dry Cleaning Building Maintenance Dues & Publications Miscellaneous Expense Office Supplies Uniforms Transportation Travel & Conference Housekeeping Supplies Small Tools Depreciation Golf Cart Rental Golf Mdse. for Resale Year to Date $13/539.81 221.33 333.90 -0- -0- 34.25 662.45 2/010.44 105.00 68.42 2,940.11 -0- 620.80 11118.09 18.31 60.00 26.23 44.85 791.66 289.10 95.99 158.41 3/807.39 -0- 385.48 $8,867.01 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $27,332.02 1978 1977 ctual Expenditures to Date: 14.2% 16.8% udget Balance: 85.8% (Over) 1978 Under Budget Budget $ 52,056.00 14,000.00 31000.00 17/725.00 1/000.00 200.00 2,000.00 8,000.00 650.00 161000.00 13/000.00 10,000.00 21000..00 2,000.00 100.00 100.00 600.00 500.00 3/500.00 500.00 500.00 200.00 13,000.00 211000.00 10r000.00 191,631.00 $ 38r516.19 131778.67 21666.10 17/725.00 1/000.00 165.75 11337.55 5,989.56 545.00 15/931.58 101059.89 101000.00 1,379.20 881.91 81.69 40.00 573.77 455.15 21708.34 210.90 404.01 41.59 91192.61 211000.00 91614.52 $164r298.98 5-18 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON SPRINGFIELD GOLF COURSE MONTH OF •April IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE A._,n_7H 1977 1978 Variance 1977 1978 Variance $ 1 $ 1 $-0-,,Yt� - Food Sales $ 1 $ 1 $ -0- 730 470 260 Sales - Pro Shop 840 470 370 573 607 34 Rent - Golf Carts 573 607 34 86 52 34 - Other Equipment 86 52 34 13 558 11 578 (1,980) Greens Fees 15,083 11,578 (3,505) -0- -0- -0- Special Events -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Contract Commission -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income 3 130 -0- (3,130) -0- -0_ Clubhouse Rental 35 -0- 35 -0- 200 200 -0- 400 400 $14,948 $1�,908 2 040 TOTAL 19 748 $13,108 6 640 Oakland County Parks and Recreation WHITE LAKE -OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 4-30-78 (Over) Current Year to 1978 Under Month Revenues Date Budget Budget 2/088.04 Commission - Food Service $ 2,088.04 $ 12,500.00 $ 10,411.96 1/343.10 Sales - Pro Shop 1,367.84 20,000.00 18,632.16 -0- Rental - House -0- 1/200.00 1,200.00 780.50 Rental - Golf Carts 780.50 23,000.00 22,219.50 706.75 - Other Equipment 706.75 4,000.00 3 293.25 40,988.25 Green Fees 45,543.25 170,000.00 124/456.75 -0- Fees - Special Events -0- 4,250.00 41250.00 -0- Contract Commission -0- 100.00 100�00 -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- 100.00 100.00 .45/906.64 TOTAL REVENUE $501486.38 $235/150.00 $1841663.62 9.184.70 Less: Operating Expenses 284699.80 _188,150.00 159f450.20 36,._7_2-1.94 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $214786.58 $ 47,000.00 $ 25,213.42 5-20 Current Month '3,977.46 320.22 114.08 -0- -0- 10.25 120.35 234.86 18.00 -0- 1,179.67 38.00 170.45 632.09 -0- -0- 10.25 4.98 383.34 5.00 -0- 99.94 703.49 8.52 -0- 1,121.62 32.13 Oakland County Parks and Recreation � TKITE LAKE -OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 4-30-78 Classification Salaries - Full Time - Part Time - Over Time Fringe Benefits Special Events Rental Expense Communications Equipment Repair & Maint. Rubbish Removal Grounds Maintenance Utilities Insurance Laundry & Dry Cleaning Building Maintenance Dues & Publications Miscellaneous Expense Office Supplies Uniforms Transportation Travel & Conference Housekeeping Supplies Small Tools Depreciation Shortage/Overage Golf Cart Rental Golf 1,12se. for Resale Radio Repair Contract '9,184.70 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1978 1977 :tual Expenditures to Date: 15.2% 17.4% fidget Balance: 84.8% Year to 1978 Date Budget $14,095.68 320.22 138.85 -0- -0- 34.25 247.89 934.76 72.00 18.52 41690.61 38.00 760.80 1/246.00 18.31 69.41 32.82 4.98 11143.34 284.49 316.51 204.50 21769.20 8.52 -0- 1,121.62 128.52 $28,699.80 $ 52,700.00 141000.00 31000.00 18/000.00 1/650.00 200.00 1,500.00 51500.00 400.00 121500.00 191000.00 12/000.00 2,000.00 3,600.00 100.00 100.00 600.00 500.00 3,500.00 500.00 500.00 200.00 10/000.00 -0- 10,500.00 151000.00 600.00 $188,150.00 (Over) Under Budget $ 381604.32 13/679.78 21861.15 181000.00 11650.00 165.75 11252.11 41565.24 328.00 121481.48 14,309.39 11/962.00 11239.20 2,354.00 81.69 30.59 567.18 495.02 21356.66 215.51 183.49 (4.50) 71230.80 (8.52) 10/500.00 131878.38 471.48 $159,450.20 5-21 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON WHITE LAKE -OAKS MnMTP n7 TN DnT ,T ,AR S YEAR TO DATE L977 1978 Variance 1977 1978 Variance $ 2,093 $ 2,088 $ (5) Comm. - Food Sales 2,093 2,088 5 2,123 1/343 (780) Sales - Pro Shop 2 160 1,368 792 -0- -0- -0- Rent - Houses -0- -0- -0- 628 781 153 Rent - Golf Carts 628 780 152 847 707 (140) -- Other Equipment 1/017 707 (310) 38 959 40 988 2 029 Greens Fees 43 389 45,543 2f154 -0- -0- -0- Special Events -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Contract Commission 10 -0- (10) -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income 5 -0- 5 '$44 650 $45 907 $1 257 TOTAL $491302 $50f486 $1,184 Oakland County Parks and Recreation RED -OAKS GOLF COURSE Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 4-30-78 (Over) Current Year to 1978 Under Month Revenue Date Budget Budget -0- Commission - Food Sales $ -0- $ 250.00 $ 250.00 -0- Sales - Pro Shop -0- 2,500.00 2/500.00 -0- Rentals - Golf Carts -0- 3,850.00 3/850.00 -0- - Other Equipment -0- 280.00 280.00 -0- Greens Fees -0- 34,000.00 34/000.00 -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- 100.00 100.00 -0- TOTAL REVENUE $ -0- $ 40,980.00 $ 40/980.00 2,819.21 Less: Operating Expenses 9,312.58 88,486.00 79,173.42 2,819.21), REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(9,512.58) $(47,506.00) $(38,193.42) 5-23 Oakland County Parks and Recreation RED -OAKS GOLF COURSE Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 4-30-78 (Over) Current Year to 1978 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget $1,367.21 Salaries - Full Time $41587.72 $251661.00 $211073.28 -0- - Part Time -0- 9/000.00 91000.00 -0- - Over Time -0- 11200.00 11200.00 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- 8,725.00 81r725.00 7.00 Rental Expense 14.00 150.00 136.00 54.39 Communications 140.44 900.00 759.56 3.69 Equipment Repair & Maint. 354.85 1,750.00 11395.15 -0- Rubbish Removal -0- 300.00 300.00 227.45 Grounds Maintenance 720.62 81,000.00 71,279.38 6.58 Utilities 1/175.54 7,000.00 5/824.46 -0- Insurance -0- 41000.00 4/000.00 71.40 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 146.80 650.00 503.20 50.86 Building Maintenance 174.45 500.00 325.55 -0- Miscellaneous Expense 18.29 50.00 31.71 -0- Office Supplies 7.09 11000.00 992.91 -0- Uniforms -0- 300.00 300.00 699.12 Transportation 769.28 31500.00 21730.72 5.00 Travel & Conference 68.49 100.00 31.51 -0- Housekeeping Supplies 76.11 400.00 323.89 68.54 Small Tools 75.02 300.00 224.98 257.97 Depreciation 983.88 4/000.00 31r016.12 -0- Shortage/Overage -0- -0- -0- -0- Golf Cart Rental -0- 2/000.00 2,000.00 -0- Golf Mdse. for Resale -0- 2/000.00 21000.00 -0- Lease Payment -0- 71000.00 71000.00 $2,819.21 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $9,312.58 $88,486.00 $79/173.42 1978 1977 ctual Expenditures to Date: 10.5% 4.2% udget Balance: 89.5% 5-24 Current -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 65.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- 65.00 6 fO80.04 6,015.04) Oakland County Parks and Recreation MOBILE RECREATION & SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 4-30-78 Year to Revenue Date Rental - Show Mobile $ -0- - Skate Mobile -0- - Swim Mobile -0- - Puppet Mobile -0- - Arts & Crafts -0- - Movie/Nature -0- - Sports Mobile -0- Rental - Busing Program 65.00 Special Programs 490.00 New Games -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- Special Grant -0- (Over) 1978 Under Budget Budget $ 2,875.00 $ 21r875.00 21r200.00. 2,200.00 550.00 550.00 2,400.00 21r400.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 31000.00 3,000.00 700.00 635.00 6/910.00 6,420.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- TOTAL REVENUE 4 $ 555.00 $ 22,035.00 $ 21/480.00 Less: Operating Expenses 17,340.93 122,852.00 105,511.07 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(16,785.93) $(100,817.00) $(84,031.07) 5-25 Current Month >1,184.07 -0- 248.20 -0- -0- 506.09 7.50 241.40 1,421.90 180.00 -0- -0- -0- 13.84 15.00 934.10 -0- -0- 1,302.51 25.43 Oakland County Parks and Recreation 133ILE RECREATION & SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 4-30-78 Classification Salaries - Full Time - Part Time - Over Time Fringe Benefits Advertising Special Programs Rental Expense Communications Equipment Repair & Mai.nt . Insurance Dues & Publications Miscellaneous Expenses Office Supplies Uniforms Mobile Rec. Supplies Transportation Travel & Conference Small Tools Depreciation Radio Repair Contract ?6,080.04 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1978 tual Expenditures to Date: 14.1% a.dget Balance: 85.9% 1977 11.6% Year to Date $ 4,795.48 73.12 306.32 -0- -0- 1,110.96 22.50 310.33 11580.25 360.00 45.00 -0- 8.06 13.84 136.34 31106.10 160.87 -0- 5,210.04 101.72 $17,340.93 1978 Budget $ 15,127.00 40f3OO.00 500.00 5,100.00 11000.00 6,400.00 150.00 11300.00 14,500.00 1,800.00 125.00 100.00 650.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 15,500.00 750.00 50.00 15,700.00 300.00 (Over) Under Budget $ 10,331.52 40/226.88 193.68 5,100.00 11000.00 5,289.04 127.50 989.67 12,919.75 1,440.00 80.00 100.00 641.94 986.16 2/363.66 12,393.90 589.13 50.00 10,489.96 198.28 $122,852.00 $1051511.07 5-26 MONTH OF A - 1 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON MOBILE RECREATION TN TV1T.T.7IRC Vv An Mn nhlrlm A 7n -70 ?977 1978 Variance 1977 1978 Variance -0- $-0- $-0- Rent - Show Mobile 50 -0- 50 -0- -0- -0- - Skate Mobile -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - Swim Mobile -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - Puppet Mobile 70 -0- (70) -0- -0- -0- - Arts & Crafts Mobile -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - Movie Nature Mobile -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - Sports Mobile -0- -0- -0- -0- 65 65 - Buses -0- 65 65 147 -0- 147 Special Programs 663 490 173 -0- -0- -0- New Games -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Government Grants -0- -0- -0- 147 $65 $(82) TOTAL $783 $555 $(228) Current 106.26 if 275.00 if 249.50 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 21630.76 8,957.67 ,'6,326.91) Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRINGFIELD-OAKS YAC Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 4-30-78 Year to Revenue Date Commission - Food Sales $ 106.26 Rental - YAC Building 6 600.00 Fees - Antique Car Show 3,803.65 - Rodeo 311.68 - 4-H Fair -0- - New Events -0- - Arts & Crafts Fair -0- Contract Commissions 1.39 Miscellaneous Income -0- Reimbursement - Oak. Co. -0- (Over) 1978 Under Budget Budget $ 1,000.00 $ 893.74 17,000.00 10/400.00 8,000.00 4/196.35 1,500.00 1/188.32 2,000.00 2/000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 -0- (1.39) 200.00 200.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE $ 10,822.98 $ 82,200.00 $ 71,377.02 Less: Operating Expenses _ 33,689.07 128,509.00 94,819.93 $(22,866.09) $(46,309.00) $(23,442.91) 5-28 Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRINGFIELD-OAKS YAC Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 4-30-78 (Over) Current Year to 1978 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget ;if630.83 Salaries - Full Time $14/882.11 $ 45,959.00 $311076.89 -0- - Part Time -0- 2,500.00 2,500.00 548.76 - Over Time 2,002.89 3,000.00 997.11 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- 15/500.00 15/500.00 1,400.30 Special Events 21304.06 12,000.00 9/695.94 35.75' Rental Expense 67.25 400.00 332.75 296.90 Communications 898.27 2/000.00 1*101.73 57.44 Equipment Repair & Maint. 172.93 750.00 577.07 53.20 Grounds Maintenance 53.20 41,000.00 31946.80 3,115.83 Utilities 81r153.71 191000.00 10,846.29 -0- Insurance -0- 5.1000.00 5/000.00 52.05 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 214.20 850.00 635.80 887.28 Building Maintenance 11667.61 7,000.00 5,332.39 -0- Dues & Publications -0- 100.00 100.00 -0- Miscellaneous -0- 100.00 100.00 -0- Office Supplies 274.15 900.00 625.85 -0- Uniforms -0- 100.00 100.00 345.76 Transportation 11346.40 3/000.00 1.1653.60 -0- Travel & Conference -0- 400.00 400.00 270.04 Housekeeping Supplies 613.12 1/500.00 886.88 1.00 Small Tools 3.18 200.00 196.82 203.41 Depreciation 799.51 31500.00 21r700.49 59.12 Radio Repair Contract 236.48 750.00 513.52 >8,957.67 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $33,689.07 8128,509.00 $941F819.93 1978 1977 :teal Expenditures to Date: 26.2% 29.5% _dget Balance: 73.8% 5-29 MnNTu np 41 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON SPRINGFIELD-OAKS YAC TN TY)T.T.AR.q YEAR Tn nATP. A_' Cn_ 7R 1977 1978 Variance 1977 1978 Variance i!$ 181 $ 106 $ (75) Comm. - Food Sales $ 181 $ 106 $ (75) 1,575 1,275 300 Rent - Activity Center 3 525 6 600 3 075 2 496 1 250 1 246) Fees - Antique Car Show 4 819 3,804 (1,015) -0- -0- -0- - Rodeo -0- 312 312 -0- -0- -0- - 4H Fair -0- -0- -0- 90 -0- (90) - Arts &. Crafts Fair 90 -0- (90) 84 -0- (84) - New Events 709 -0- (709) -0- -0- -0- Contract Commission A.,.�,., 1 1 -0- -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income 6 -0- (6) -0- -0- -0- Reimbursement - Oak. Co. -0- -0- -0- $41426 $21633. $(11795) TOTAL $9,331 $10,823 $1,492 Ln i w 0 Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD-OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 4-30-7B (Over) Current Year to 1978 Under Month Revenue Date Budget Budget $ 93.73 Commission - Food Service $ 93.73 $ 1/000.00 $ 906.27 200.00 Rent - Houses 900.00 2,400.00 11500.00 750.00 Rent - Facilities 31287.50 6/000.00 2/712.50 940.00 Fees - Dog Obedience 3,190.00 7/000.00 31810.00 688.00 - Ballet 21088.00 3,000.00 912.00 352.00 - Belly Dancing 610.00 500.00 (110.00) 375.00 - Golf Classes 375.00 600.00 225.00 334.50 - Square Dancing 11617.50 7,000.00 51382.50 275.00 - Ballroom Dancing 828.00 11000.00 172.00 228.00 - Senior Citizens 670.00 1,500.00 830.00 -0- - Round Dancing -0- 500.00 500.00 -0- - Macrame -0- -0- -0- 900.00 - Archery 900.00 675�00 (225.00) 2,736.00 - Disco Dance 6,544.00 31000.00 (3,544.00) 711.00 - New Events 2,289.00 1,000.00 (1,289.00) -0- Miscellaneous -0- 100.00 100.00 481583.23 TOTAL RE ,TENUE $231392.73 $ 35a275.00 $ 11/882.27 41782.07 Less: Operating Expenses 19/944.40 77,231.00 571286.60 ;3,801.16 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $ 3,448.33 $(41,956.00) $(45,404.33) 5-31 Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD-OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 4-30-78 (Over) Current Year to 1978 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget 1,397.54 Salaries - Full Time $ 5,789.82 $191411.00 $13,621.18 339.40 - Part Time 11,396.89 1,500.00 103.11 -0- - Over Time 136.95 500.00 363.05 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- 6/600.00 61r600.00 1/112.64 Special Events 51F726.99 16/000.00 10,273.01 -0- Rental Expense -0- -0- -0- 215.15 Communications 354.69 1,000.00 645.31 -0- Equipment Repair & Maint. 58.04 900.00 841.96 35.00 Rubbish Removal 105.00 420.00 315.00 -0- Grounds Maintenance -0- 3,500.00 31,500.00 920.78 Utilities 31388.78 11,000.00 7/611.22 -0- Insurance -0- 4,000.00 4/000.00 51.30 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 189.00 500.00 311.00 49.40 Building Maintenance 327.66 lf800.00 1,472.34 -0- Dues & Publications 25.00 50.00 25.00 -0- Miscellaneous -0- 50.00 50.00 -0- Office Supplies 90.60 200.00 109.40 240.00 Transportation 720.00 21600.00 11880.00 -0- Travel & Conference -0- 100.00 100.00 94.91 Housekeeping Supplies 215.22 500.00 284.78 9.58 Small Tools 41.37 100.00 58.63 316.38 Depreciation 11265.52 5,000.00 3,734.48 (24.00) Shortage/Overage (24.00) -0- 24.00 2.57 Rental Houses - Maint. 51.19 11r200.00 11148.81 21.42 Radio Repair Contract 85.68 300.00 1 214.32 6z52 q7 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $19,944.40 $77,231.00 $57,286.60 1978 1977 :tual Expenditures to Date: 25.8% 27.6% a.dget Balance: 74.2% 5-32 MONTR nF Anri l OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON WATERFORD-OAKS TT\ nnT.T.ARq VPAR Tn nA P7 A 'fin 70 1977 1978 Variance 1977 1978 Variance 60 94 $ 34 Comm, - Food Sales $ 60 $ 94 $ 34 200 200 -0- Rent - Houses 700 900 200 -0- 750 750 Rent - Facilities 1,1887 3 288 1,401 330 940 610 Fees - Dog Obedience 3/808 3,190 (618) 32 144 688 352 656 208 - - Ballet Belly Dancing 11560 448 2/088 610 528 162 300 270 375 334 75 64 - - Golf Square Dancing 300 1,155 375 1 617 75 462 -0- 119 275 228 275 109 - - Ballroom Dancing Senior Citizens 890 717 828 670 (62) 47 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - - Round Dancing Macrame -0- 12 -0- -0- -0- 12 675 16 900 2 736 225 2 752 - - Archery Disco Dancing 675 1,888 900 6 544 225 4 656 150 -0- 70 641 (80) 641 - - Guitar New Classes 410 120 650 1 639 240 1 519 725 -0- 725 Miscellaneous Income 725 -0- 725 $2 989 $8 583 $5 594 TOTAL $15 331 $23,393 $8,062 Ln i w w Current Month -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 110.00 -0- 110.00 1,703.30 :1,593.30) Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD WAVE POOL Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 4-30-78 Revenue Co_ -;mission - Food Service $ Rentals - Lockers Entrance Fees: Children Adults Group Passes Family Memberships Swimming Classes Miscellaneous TOTAL REVEIDUE Year to Date • -0- -0- -0- -0- 440.00 -0- $ 440.00 Less: Operating Expenses 7f581.78 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(7,141.78) (Over) 1978 Under Budget Budget $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 55,000.00 55f000.00 25f000.00 25,000.00 -0- -0- 1,500.00 1f500.00 6f000.00 5,560.00 100.00 100.00 $98,600.00 $98f160.00 97,050.00 89f468.22 $ 1,550.00 $ 8/691.78 5-34 Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD WAVE POOL Operating Expenses For the Period Ended d-1L-78 (Over) Current Year to 1978 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget $ -0- Salaries - Full Time $ -0- $ -0- -0- - Part Time -0- 421000.00 421000.00 -0- - Over Time -0- 1,000.00 1/000.00 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- -0- -0- 148.16 Communications 254.11 700.00 445.89 30.91 Equipment Maintenance 233.99 500.00 266.01 111.44 Grounds Maintenance 111.44 6/500.00 61388.56 7.75 Utilities 21563.31 201000.00 17,436.69 -0- Insurance -0- 61000.00 61000.00 811.24 Building Maintenance 21034.79 31500.00 1®465.21 -0- Miscellaneous 70.84 200.00 129.16 -0- Supplies 83.90 7/500.00 7,416.10 -0- Office Supplies 29.67 500.00 470.33 54.49 Uniforms 54.49 1/000.00 945.51 -0- Housekeeping Supplies -0- 750.00 750.00 -0- Small Tools -0- 100.00 100.00 539.31 Depreciation 2/145.24 61800.00 4,654.76 -0- Shortage/Overage -0- -0- -0- $1,703.30 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $7,581.78 597,050.00 $89,468.22 1978 1977 .ctual Expenditures to Date: 7.8% 3.4% Budget Balance: 92.2% 5-35 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON 'ATERFORD WAVE POOL MONTH OF IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 4-30-78 1977 1978 Variance 1977 1978 Variance Comm. - Food Service -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Rent - Lockers -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Fees - Child -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - Adult -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - Group Passes -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - Memberships -0- -0- -0- 100 110 10 Swimming Classes 100 440 340 -0- -0- -0- Contract Commission -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous -0- -0- -0- 8100 $110 $ 10 TOTAL $100 $440 $340 Cn i w 5/15/78 ITEM #6 PROGRESS REPORT The following summarizes the progress on Capital Development projects and other Administrative related items during the last three months. Addison -Oaks 1. Conference Center - Carpeting installation has been completed. 2. Dam - Contract has been signed for dam repairs. Construction is to commence on May 15, 1978. Groveland-Oaks 1. Camp Modernization - Revisions are currently underway. Rebids on projects are expected early summer. 2. Pedestrian Bridge - Sodding has been completed around pedestrian bridge to Virgin Island. 3. Boathouse - A new fence has been installed around the boat rental area. 4. Tot Swimming Area - Installation of fencing around the swimming area should be completed during the week of May 15, 1978. 5. Concession Building Renovation - Construction has begun on the restroom and shower area. This will include the for walls and floor as well as a new ceiling. Work should be completed during the week of May 15, 1978. 6. Entrance Paving - Design and bid document work has been initiated for paving of the entrance and dump. area. Due however, to the delay in the new camping area, con- struction will not occur until later this year. Independence -Oaks 1. Master Signs - Construction of signs has been completed. Installation is currently underway. 2. Nature Trails - The trail markers have been designed, con- structed and installed. 3. Landscaping - Planting's of evergreen and decidious trees at Shelter Area C has been completed. 6-1 (Progress Report) Page 2 Red -Oaks 1. Starter Building - Structure is approximately 85% completed. Site work is scheduled to be completed during the month of May. This will include clean up, walks, paving, light in- stallation and final grading. Landscaping and irrigation system will be installed by park staff. 2. Driving Range - Final paper work is being completed. ie, performance bonds, insurance, etc. Work will commence as soon as contract is signed. Tentatively in late May. Waterford -Oaks 1. Court Complex - Paper work is presently being completed to be forwarded to DNR. When approved; contracts can be signed. Work to commence in early June. 2. Wave Pool - Conversion from bottled to natural gas to be completed during the week of May 15, 1978, as well as sand- blasting and coping arround pool. White Lake -Oaks 1. Restroom and proshop completed. 2. Planter at Entrance completed. Springfield -Oaks 1. Restroom renovation complete. Springfield -Oaks Y.A.C. 1. 4-H improvements - Design work has been initiated. Work to include lighting, water, electrical installation and small paved areas. Miscellaneous 1. Pre -applications - For Waterford, Groveland, Addison, and Springfield -Oaks were completed and forwarded to DNR. 2. Master Plan - Addendum to and adoption of Master Plan com- pleted and approved. 3. Clinton River Watershed Grant - Meeting with property owners held on May 9th. No major opposition occured. Additional data forwarded to DNR for review. 4. Environmental Center - Rough draft is presently being completed for grant to Mott Foundation. As soon as completed will be presented to Commission. 6-2 pKGUI��I S �R�v ZN MpGp�NG C4 ar the CO tral Quotations ted to you will be preseu at the Building meeting materials on Friday• at Rea -oaks ITEM #8 AGREEMENT BETWEEN OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AND MOSLEM TEMPLE The Agreement between the Moslem Temple and the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been submitted to the Moslem Temple requesting that they withhold from sale the Glen Oaks Golf Course to any and all persons other than the Commission for a period of ninety (90) days. During that time the Commission and staff will proceed to study the necessary avenues to see whether or not such an acquisition can be justified. We will also try to determine the value of the property as well as to analyze how such a project can be funded. It is expected that the Moslem Temple will act on this Agreement prior to our Friday meeting.