HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1978.09.15 - 39698R. Eric Reickel Manager Jon J. Kipke Assistant Manager Oakland County Parksll&Recro&%_101ation Commission 2800 WATKINS LAKE ROAD PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48054 (313) 858-0906 September 11, 1978 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:30 a.m. Friday, September 15, 1978 PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting The meeting has been called in accordance with authorization of Lewis E. Wint, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Co. mission. Cordial.lp % R. Eric Reicke) Manager RE R/ kmm Lewis E. Wint Chairman Marjorie M. Walker Vice-chairman Betty J. Fortino Secretary Don Deni John R. Gnau, Jr. George W.Kuhn Joseph R. Montante Richard Vogt Richard R. Wilcox Addison Oaks Groveland Oaks Independence Oaks Red Oaks Springfield Oaks Waterford Oaks White Lake Oaks OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION September 15, 1978 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes of August 25, 1978 and Special Meeting - Glen Oaks - September 1, 1978. 4. Approval of Payments, Vouchers 8-234 through 8-291 and 9-1 through 9-86. 5. Activities Report for August. 6. Glen Oaks. 7. Independence -Oaks Shelter. 8. Groveland-Oaks Shelter Enclosure. 9. Manager's Report. 10. New Business. 11. Unfinished Business. 12. Adjourn. VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION AUGUST, 1978 TOUCHER T rm-RFR VENDOR PURPOSE A14OUNT 8-234FMichicqran Bell Telephone Co. Communications- Spring., YAC, Grove Water & Red Oaks 699.04 8-235 J.D..Armstron Landsca e Co. Cap.Proj., Control Bldg., Payment No. 2- Red Oaks 46. 780.20 8-236 Stolaruk Corporation Ca .Pro'. Phase II- Water. 24 984.00 8-237 John A. Biewer Co. Inc. Recreation Program- Grove., Cap. E in. Paddles-'Inde . 114.24 Life Vests- Add. 8140.00 268.64 8-238 Dqvis_.._,.).rg Post Office Promi o. , Bulk Mailing for "Acorn"•- Admin.' Office Supplies, Bulk Mailing- YAC 70.00 8-239 Allied Film Laboratories Inc. Promo., Film Processing- Admin. 113.22 8-240 Great Lakes Laminatinq Bldg. & Grounds Maint.- Park Rules Si ns- All Parks 193.00 241 Bernadine Paull Dog Obedience Instructor- Water. 235.00 8-242 Harold Paper Co., Inc. Grounds Maint.- Spring. 23.64 8-243 Ernest D. Laten Mileage Reimbursement- Admin. 7.14 8-244 Michigan Industrial Shoe Co. 'Safety Shoes- Admin. 20.95 Lumberjack Products Cap.Proj., Entrance Sian- YAC; EZuip. Maint.-&:Small- Tools=:Tech: �8-245 Sup. & Spring.; Grounds Maint.- Spring. 63.01 8-246 O.C. Dept. of Fac. & Operations Bldg. Maint.- YAC $136.16, & Wave Pool; Grounds Maint. Water. & Wave Pool $1,268.80 1,512.12 8-247 Oakland Wholesale Co. Cap.Proj., Entrance Sign- S rin .. 14.61 8-248 Oakland Heating Supply,Inc. Bldg. Maint.- Wh.L}c. 13.20 8-249 P.T. Standard Parts Co. Bldg. Maint.- Inde . 7.45 8-250 Steelcrete Grounds Maint., Deck Stanchions- Wave Pool 930.00 8-251 D.M.I. Industries Inc. Office Supplies & Promo.- Admin. 34.39 _ 8-252 jjSj ril Hicks Round Dance Workshop Instructor- Water. 103.00 no VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION AUGUST, 1978 VOUCHER CUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 8-253 Good ear Truck Tire Center Equip.Maint. Tires- Inde . 44.94 8-254 Lou Dorman.& Sons Bldg. Maint.- Wave Pool & Wh.Lk. 23.75 8-255 Fercruson Ford Inc." Equip. Maint., Door Repair- Grove. 111.00 8-256 ASELia PlaV Equipment.,, Inc. Equip. Maint.- Add. 8.00 8-257 Arrow Printing & Office Su ply S ec.Eventsy_Square Dance- Water. 14.50 8-258 McMullen Pontiac, Inc. Equip. Maint.- Grove. 1.50 8-259 Jacobson Trailer Sales Equip. Maint., All Units $150.00- Mob.Rec. Inde . 161.32 8-260 Owen Wrecker Service Equip. Maint.- Grove. 15.00 8-261 Melvin Fitzgerald Home Center Bldg. Maint.- Wh.-Lk. 10.78 8-262 Taylor Auto Paint Company Rental Expense & Equip. Maint.- Add. 43.34 263 Rochester Elevator, Inc. Bldg. Maint., Rock Salt- Wh.Lk. 62.00 8-264 Waterford Sport & Marine Center Pool Supplies, Buoys & Life Rings- Wave Pool 96.00 8-265 Electronic Supply Co. Equip. Maint.-- Add. 12.42 8-266 Lake Orion Welding Grounds Maint.- Add. 25.00 8-267 Rose Exterminator Co. Bldg. Maint.- YAC & Wh.Lk. 152.00 8-268 Del Gaudio Sod Farms Cap.Proj., Bridge to Virgin Island Grove.; Grounds Maint., Sod- Red Oaks 736.50 -2,62 J nnin s Grounds Maint., Grill Supplies- Inde . 180.06 ---Q. Count of Oakland Airline ticket to Georgia for R. Vogt- Admin. 154.00 __-L-2,70 8-271 Industrial Cleanin .Su 1 Co. Janitor & Hskpg. Supplies $45.20 & Small Tools- Wave Pool 54.80 8-272 Robert F. Williams Mileage Reimbursement- Inde . 3.40 8-273 William J. Meir Refund Security Deposit- Water. 37.50 8-274 County of Oakland Communications- Admin. $500.90, Mob.Rec. $156.74-Water. & Wave Pool 761.03 4-2 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKL.AND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION lOti ,R AUGUST, 1978 TUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOT MT County of 0alcland Mileage paid to Commissioners for attending July Meetin s-Ac:ain 19.72 -�colintv nf QCLjS1 QLd Communications- Admin. $45.39, Mob Rec Water. & Wave Pool 61.41 8-- Young Supply Coll ---Bldg, Maint., Fan Blades- Wh.Lk. 106.50 - - S Inc.Add. Equip.Maint.- Spring., Grove., & Wh.Lk. 29.8,e - Bldg. Maint.- Admin., Spring., n!!gR ater 80.72 Wave Pool & Wh.Lk. 224.74 _8-28C John R LuMber Co Inc. Equip. Maint., Grounds Maint. 893.69, Bldg. Maint. & Small Tools- Red Oaks 141.69 8-28 Handy Andy Pro Hardware Pool Expense, Grounds & Bldg. Maint., & Small Tools- Add. 177.42 8-28 2 Harold Paper Co. Inc. Grounds Maint.- S rin . 59.10 8-28 Promo., Article in "Time Out" Newsletter- Admin. T 313..00 28 Jennings Vandalism Repair, Bleacher R Hair- Wave Pool 31.96 8-285 David W. Hi ins Refund Facilities Rental- Water. 200.00 8-28 The Hunt ComT)anv Grounds Maint.- YAC 23.70 8-28 Michi an Disposal Service Bid .Main•t. Tanks Cleaned- Wh.Lk 135.00 8-28E Norman Sherwood Refund Camping Fee- Grove. 5.00 8-28S Franklin R. Majors Refund., RCamDinq Fee - -Grove . 15.00 8-29C Nancy S. Seets Mileage Reimbursement- Wh.Lk. 12.92 8-291 Moslem Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S. Cap. Proj., Glen Oaks Golf Course Adm?-n. 10,000.00 SUB TOTAL FOR THE MONTH 90,338.45 TOTAL FOR THE MONTH r 326,682.93 I.' VOUCIER REGISTER OAKLAM COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION IOU �R SEPTEMBER, 1978 rTUMBER VENDOR P iRMSR niwnTMT 9-1 Wilding Audio Visual Promo., Projector Rental- Admin. 22.00 9-2 Payroll Pay Period Ending August 2 , 19 8 - All Parks" 56,400.41 9-3 Postmaster Promo., Bulk Mailing for "Acorn"- Admin. 525.00 9-4 Darlene Heffelbower Refund, Bldg. Rental- YAC 25.00 9-5 Pa'tas Oil Co. Inc. E i .,Maint. Gas- Grove. 497.68 9-6 City of Madison Hts. Water De t. Utilities- Red Oaks 90.71 9-7 Wilkie Turf E i want Co. Equip. Maint.- Spring., Grove., Indep. $176.25, Water., & Red Oak Grounds Maint-.- Spring, $138.75,& Red 0-ks; Small Tools_- Red Oaks 426.06 9-8 Richard V. Vo t Travel Reimbursement for expenses incurred while attending the National Association of Counties 43rd Annual Conference held in Atlanta, Georgia from July 8 to July 13, 1978- Admin. 16.05 •9 Pioneer Hardware Cap.Proj., 4-H Fair Facility Im rovements- YAC; Equip. Maint.,. Grounds Maintf", , & Small" Tools- Spring. & Wh.Lk.; Bldg. Maint. & t Vandalism Repair $10.24- Wh.Lk.; Grounds Maint.- Red Oaks- 220.36 9-10 The Reminder, Inc. Cap. Pro'. Land Ac isition-YAC 81.00 9-11 Richwav Pump & Motor Pool Ex ease PtynR & Motor- Add. 308.27 9-12 Sutherland Oil Equip. Maint.- Indep & Add., 507 49 - 644.27 9-13 Waterford Disposal Service Rubbish Removal- Inde . 105.00 9-14 Wayne Ball Square Dance Caller- Water. 783:63 9-15 Drayton Swimmin Pool SuI212ly Co. Supplies, Swim Mobile- Mob.Rec.; Pool Expense- Add. $44.95 48.45 9-16 Delco Craft Div. Supplies, Arts & Crafts Mobile- Mob.Rec.• Rec. Pro ram- Grove. 301.43 9-17 Westdee Glass Company Bldg. Maint. Mirror- Wave Pool 28.20 9-18 WPON Promo. Public Announcement-Admin. 48.00 -" 11-19 The Oakland Press Special Events, New Games, Displa Ad- Mob.Rec. 216.00 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION SEPTEMBER, 1978 JOli�jAER VUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-20 'Pontjnn Photo Service Promo., Film Processing- Admin. 108.15 9-21 Pontiac & Industrial Tractor Equip. Maint.- Spring. 24.20 9-2Z. Irene Refund Securitv Deposit- Water 50.00 9-23 -W_qllaca Boice Build rs Supply Grounds Maint.- Inde 9.76 9-24 North Electric Skipply Co.,__,Tnc. Cap.Proj., Master Signing System- Admin. 22.27 9-25 Kenton Lumber Co. Cap.Proj., Entrance Sign, Golf Course- S rin . e 2.10 9-26 Greqware Equipment Co. Equip. Maint., Sliding Sleeve Assembl - Tech.Sup. 95.37 9-27 Boice Builders SupplV Cap.Proj., Entrance Sign, Golf Course-_Spripg. M _ 123.45 �v 9-28 Thompson Oil_Company ESEipMaint., Gas- S rin . 528.22, 9-29 Cindy Moon Mileage Reimbursement- Admin. 20.74 9-30 Helena Ruffin Mileage Reimbursement- Admin. 87.21 -31 Michigan Industrial Shoe Co. Misc. Exp., Safety Shoes- Admin. 62.85 9-32 Sundry (Commission) Per Diem & Mileage paid to Commis- sioners for attending mtg."- Admin., 154.28 9-33 Delbert Cole & Son Bldg. Maint., Septic Tanks Pumped- Grove. 45.00 9-34 Lw m Equipment Corp. Grounds Maint.- Spring.; Equip. Maint.- Grove. & Inde . 83.70 9-35 Lake Orion Lumber Co. Grounds Maint.- Add. 30.24 9-36 Nelson Company Bldg. Maint., Wall Hung" S-tool- Wave. Pool 73.24 9-37 Munn Ford Tractor Inc. Equip. Maint.- Spring., Grove., Inde Add. $181.82, Wh.Lk., & Red Oaks 337.11 9-38 Alberta Lumber Mills, Inc. Cap.Proj., 4-H Fair Facility Improvements- YAC 134.56 9-39, Kamata-Ri American Corp. Golf Mdse. for Resale- Spring., Wh.Lk., & Red Oaks 4,650.56 9-40 Harvey Industries Inc. Golf Mdse. for Resale, Gloves- Wh.Lk...._ 63.87 9-41 Gorman Golf Products, Inc. Golf Mdse. for Resale- Wh.Lk. 24.75 `( 2 Pontiac Steel Company Cap.Proj., Entrance Sign- Spring.; 4-H Fair Facility Improvement-YAC 45.06 :AIW VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION 'OUCHER SEPTEMBER, 1978 [UMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT Cap.Proj., Master Signing System- 9-43 Poole-Dickie Lumber Co. Admin.; 4-H Fair Facility Improv. YAW; Bath,Bl.drj-. Improv.- Grove.; Dining Hall Renovation $101.42-- Water., Starter Bldg.- Red Oaks; Bld ..Maint.- Admin. $172.88 & Water.; Small Tools- Tech.Sup. & Wa Poo • Supplies for Re air- Tech.Sup.; Grounds Maint.® Grove., & Inde .• Equip. Maint. & Janitor &,H:;Rpq. Supplies- Wave Pool 484.03 Cap.Proj., 4-H Improv.- YAC; Grds. 9-44 Century Rain Aid Maint.-Spring, Wh.Lk. &.Red Oaks 364.76 Utilities- Spring., YAC, Grove., 9-4-1 Detroit Edison Indep., Water., Wave Pool $6,991.76, Add., Conf.Ctr., Wh.Lk. T & Red Oaks 16,594.34 Utilities- Spring., Grove., 9-46 Consumer Power Company Indep., Water., $849.73 Wave Pool, Add., Conf.Ctr., & Wh.Lk. 1,949.06 Communications- Spring., YAC, 9-47 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Indep., Water., Wave Pool, Add., & Red Oaks 110.65 Rental Expense- Aainin. $158.00, 9-48 O.C. Equipment Fund Mob.Rec., Spring., YAC, Grove., Indep., Add., & Wh.Lk. 227.50 Maint-7 Indep.-$190.30; 9-49 Auburn Pool Supply Corp.rounds PP Y P Pool Su l.'es- Wave Pool 191.00 9-50 Waterford Disposal Service Rubbish Removal- Spring. 60.00 Office Supplies- Admin.; Supplies, 9-51 Artcraft Blue rinfi Co. Nature Mobile- Mob.Rec. 25.38 Equip. Maint.- Grove., Add., & 9-52 Golf Car Distributors Red Oaks; Golf Cart Rentals $150.00- Red Oaks 260.72 Spec. Events, 4-H Fair, Propane 9-53 Cal Gas -Pontiac, Inc. Cylinders; Utilities, Gas - 324.94 Grove. '389.14 Cap.Proj., Entrance Widening, - 9-54 O.C. Road Commission Permit Fee- Water. 15.00 5 O.C. Road Commission Cap.Proj., Paving- Spring. & Water 20.00 4-6 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER SEPTEMBER, 1978 L7UMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-56 Golf Car Distributors Golf Car Rentals- Spring. $4,000.00, Wh.Lk.$2,120.00 & Red Oaks 6 720.00 9-57 Sears Roebuck and Company Small Tools- Tech.Su . 19.79 9-58 Montgomery Ward Office Supplies- Admin. 1.07 9-59 AnthonyM. Franco, Inc. Promo., Miscellaneous Services Rendered- Admin. 1,350.17 9-60 O.C. Planning Commission Office Supplies- Admin. 16.25 9-61 Flaghouse, Inc. Pool Supplies, Wrist Bands- W.Pool 69.09 9-62 Hank Gniwek's Trophies, Inc. Spec. Events, BMX- Mob.Rec., Antique Car ow- YAC $120.71 218.43 9-63 Frank's Nursery Sales, Inc. Supplies -,Puppet Mobile- Mob.Rec. 24.99 9-64 L & S Supply, Inc. Cap.Equip., Drive Pad Assembly- Spring. 66.00 9-65 Steelcrete Pool Supplies, Chemicals- Wave Pool 290.00 5-66 Holly Parts Depot, Inc. Equip. Maint.- Grove. 7.96 9-67 Bruce McKay Refund, Camping Fee- Grove. 10.00 9-68 Mina Reher Refund, Camping Fee- Grove. 24.00 9-69 Kathleen Dougherty Naturalist's Expense, Mileage-' Inde - 6.80 9-70 Nancy S. Seets Mileage Reimbursement- Wh.Lk. 12.92 9-71 Radio Relay Corp.- Michigan Communications- Admin., Tech.Sup., S rin ., Wh.Lk. & Red Oaks,Pagers 147.00 9-72 Indianwood Automotive, Inc. Equip. & Grounds Maint.- Add. 24.93 9-73 Alice Gowen Refund Greens Fee- Spring. 52.25 9-74 Bill Zylstra Golf Equip. Co. Golf Mdse. for Resale - Wh.Lk. 40.74 9-75 Oak Hill Auto Parts Equip. Maint.- Inde . 32.14 9-76 Holly Glass & Paint Equip. Maint. & Rental Property Maint.- Grove. 2.0.35 9-77 Dunlop Tire & Rubber Corp. Golf Mdse. for Resale, Golf Balls & Gloves- Wh.Lk.. & Red Oaks 1 649.74 8 Braver Lumber & Supply Co. Rental Property Maint.- Water. 20.43 i VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION SEPTEMBER, 1978 'OUCHER FUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT Operations Grounds -& Bldg. Maint.- YAC 16.32 9-80 Elde 's True Value Hardware Equip. & Grounds Maint.- Inde . 37.17 9-81 Michi an Bell Telephone Co. Communications- Spring., YAC, Inde Add., Wh.Lk., & Red Oaks 860.95 9-82 The Observer & Eccentric Net a e Cap.Proj., Glen Oaks Golf Course, _S ecial Meeting Notice- Admin. 29.00 9-83 Burke Building Center Cap.Proj., Entrance Sign $140.13, Golf Course- Spring., 4-H Im rov. $172.04- YAC, Directional Signs- Inde ., & Dining Hall Renovation - Water.; Promo.- Admin.; Spec. Events New Games- Mob.Rec.; Vandalism Repair, 194.14- Wh,t.,k., Equi , Bldg. & Grour1-s Maint.- All Parks 1,312.58 9-84 North Oakland Chamber of CommercE vance reservations Tor L. E. Wint & R. E. Reickel to attend th _ -North Oa and Chamber of Commerce September Legislative Luncheon . eing e eptem er , in Bloomfield Hill, Michigan 12.00 9-85 Michigan Recreation & Park Assoc. Reimbursement for sale of Cedar Point and Sea World tickets-Admin. 715.05 9-86 Pontiac Motor Parts Bld . Maint.- Wave Pool 46.97 SUB TOTAL FOR THE MONTH 1 1 510.88 4-8 SWIM -MOBILE SKATE -MOBILE PUPPET -MOBILE ART -MOBILE MOVIE/NATURE-MOBILE SHOW -MOBILE - SPORTS -MOBILE SPECIAL EVENTS P & R BUSES NEW GAMES TOTALS MOBILE RECREATION MONTHLY UNITS AND SPECIAL EVENTS ACTIVITIES REPORT MOBILE RECREATION Month of August, 1978 Year to Date Groups Participants Groups Participants 1977 - 1978 1977 1978 1977 1978 1977 197 15 15 74o 461 35 31 1785 94o 49 4o 3610 1945 138 133 10320 6099 50 37 2545 1354 134 100 8316 4304 30 14 1595 347 78 48 3103 1274 14 15 395 386 157 165 16113 26574 12 14 9750 15550 45 52 31260 64700 27 36 1370 11701 84 89 5964 4105 6 0 1200 01 13 3 2160 1300 0 36 0 18001 0 ill 0 5305 0 1 0 8; 0 21 0 1665 II 203 208 21205 23098 684 753 79021 116266 5-1 MOBILE RECREATION See Attached Sheet) DAY USE PARKS Addison Conference Center Addison -Oaks Park Groveland-Oaks Independence -Oaks Springfield -Oaks Y.A.C. Springfield -Oaks Clubhouse Waterford -Oaks Waterford -Oaks Wave Pool White Lake -Oaks Clubhouse GOLF COURSES Red -Oaks Red -Oaks Driving Range Springfield -Oaks Golf Course 1Jh i to Lake -Oaks GRAND TOTALS MONTHLY ACTIVITIES REPORT TOTALS Month of August, 1978 Year to Date Groups/Leagues- Participants Groups/Leagues Participants 1977 1978 1977 1978 1977 1978 1977 1978 203 208 21205 23098 684 753 79021 116266 32 46 4955 7389 140 189 19406 25625 2567 4843 13284 21121 12233 15956 53869 69801 4040 5787 17282 24322 15990 17219 65372 72538 2021 5324 8533 21759 13921 22776 58585 97889 12 9 36165 3200; 134 117 85269 67258 0 0 0 0 7 2 418 125 50 38 4259 3857 386 477 25129 27709 100 100 18912 42554 400 327 75631 110402 11 10 869 1070 83 70 7803 6317 0 0 0' 4751 0 0 0 9843 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71 114 6699 7456 271 375 25864 27097 117 130 13188 12474 458 470 54035 47826 9224 16609 145351 2018561 44707 58731 550402 678696 5-2 ITEM #6 GLEN OAKS Two events have taken place since the last Commission meeting pertaining to Glen Oaks. Mr. Wint, Pat Nowak and myself were called to Lansing by Senator Huffman to meet before the Joint Capital Outlay Committee on September 7. I presented the Glen Oaks proposition to the Committee and they voted to include $1.2 million in the Capital Outlay Budget; grant to be matched by Oakland County for a total of $2.4 million. This must go through both Houses and be signed by the Governor before it is finally approved. It is expected this will transpire before the end of September. The other event is that Bill Semanson of the Moslem Temple called me on Monday, September 11, and informed me that the Executive Board will have the counter-offer to the Parks and Recreation Commission for its meeting on September 15, for a total purchase price of $2.4 million. It seems as though everything is going along its expected course and it will be necessary for the Parks and Recreation Commission to accept the counter-offer from the Moslem Temple within 10 days of receipt of their offer. I will be meeting with the Planning and Building Committee this coming Thursday to try to get the proper information to them so we may proceed with the paperwork for the Building Authority. My sources still inform me that there is no sympathy for going through the Building Authority at this time, especially if we get the grant from the State. It is my feeling that the County should proceed with the paperwork for the Building Authority and then, if we finally get the grant, we can talk about other methods of financing. ITEM #7 Independence -Oaks Shelter Item 17 was approved in the Capital Improvement Budget to construct a storage workshop facility at Independence -Oaks. The project cost was estimated at $12,000. Construction has been broken down into four parts. 1. Carpentry 2. Plumbing 3. Electrical 4. Concrete Work The bids were received for item 1, Carpentry as follows: Burke Lumber - $4,458.00 - substitute fir for cedar, 4x10 panels Poole-Dickie Lumber - $4,gog.00 Currier Lumber - $4,924.00 Because the low bidder substitutes fir for cedar, and is not able to provide cedar, we are recommending acceptance of the second low bid of $4,909.00 from Poole-Dickie Lumber. ITEM #8 GROVELAND-OAKS SHELTER ENCLOSURE The enclosing of the existing Groveland-Oaks Shelter was approved in the Capital Improvement Budget. This will consist of constructing cedar panels to fit over the existing openings between the roof and the seat wall. This enclosure will permit the extension of the use of the structure into late fall and early spring, as well as storage in the winter. Bids will be presented at the Commission meeting.