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Agendas/Packets - 1979.08.01 - 39700
R. Eric Reickei Manager Jon J. Klpke Assistant Manage,, �. , I Pail;ai 011 2800 VA/ATKINS LAKE ROAD PONTIAC. N,11CHIGAN 48054 (313) 858-0906 July 27, 1979 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND'RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, August 1, 1979 PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting The meeting has been called 'in accordance with authorization of Lewis E. Wint, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, R. Eric Reickel Manager RER:ks Lewis E. Wint Chairman Marjorie Pi. Walker Vice -Chairman Velma M. Austin Secretary Don Deni Fred Houghten George W. Kuhn Joseph R. Montante Carol E. Stanley Richard R. Wilcox Addison Oaks Glen Oaks Groveland Oaks Independence Oaks ';red Oaks d Springfield Oa"ks - Waterford Oaks ® White Lake Oaks OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION August 1, 1979 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes of July 9, 1979• 4. Approval of Payments, Vouchers 7-58 through 7-313• 5. Operating Statements as of June 30, 1979. 6. Audit of 1979 Financial Records. 7. Update of the 1979 Capital Development Budget. 8. Manager's Report. 9, New Business. 10. Unfinished Business. 11. Adjourn. Next Regular Meeting: August 15, 1979. ITEM 4 VOUCHER REGISTER :R VENDOR OAKLA.ND COU�3TY PARKS AND RECREATION ITJ-,Y, 1979 PURPOSE h mnT l= 58 Detroit Edison Utilities- Grove. $955.74, Indep, & Red Oaks $ 1,317.72 59 Consumers Power Com an Utilities- Grove., Water., Wave Pool & Wh.Lk. 339.95 792.86 60 Michigan Bell Telephone Com-oanv Communications Coin- Red Oaks 10.23 61 Michi an Bell Telephone Com-,_=v Communications- Water., Red Oaks 8118.01 & Glen Oaks 239.83 62 Waterford Disposal Service Rubbish Removal- Grove. $568.75, & indep 640.00 63 J.P. Burroughs & Son Inc. Grounds Maint.- Indep. 15.82 64 Young Su 1 Com an Small Tools- Tech.Sup.; Bldg. Maint.- Spring. & YAC $95.96 109.11 65 Darson Corporation Misc. Expense, Letters & Num ers- +Grove. 40.70 66 ABC Oil Service, Inc. Grounds Maint.- YAC, Grove., Indep $3,.600.00, Water. & Add. 7,200.00 67 Virneva Davie Vehicle Repair- Add. 15.00 68 Denise Freytag Refund, Security Deposit- YAC 50.00 69 O.C. Soil & Water Conservation Grounds Maint.- Indep. & Add. 45.00 70 Debrah Valentino Refund, Disco Class- Water. 32.00 Ing, GroundsMaint.- Sprincr, 139.18 Z a t a ufa t ring Corp.Wh Inventory, Golf Supplies- Spring., Lk. $22A.40 Eed Oaks &Glen Oaks 8383.22 800.56 73 State of Michigan Landscape Architects Membership Renewal- Admin. 25.00 74 S inal Column Subscription- Admin. 9.95 75 Mid States Supply,Inc. First Aid Supplies- Spring. 18.00 76 Hollowa Sand & Gravel Co. Inc. Rubbish Removal- Glen Oaks 2.70 77 Spinal Column Special Events, All Classes, Advertisement- Water. 240.00 78 Saginaw Valley Service Company E i . Maint.- Glen Oaks 99.00 79 Turfgrass, Inc. Grounds Maint.- Spring., Wh.Lk., Red Oaks, & Glen Oaks 481.48 Golf Mart, Inc. Inventory, Golf Supplies- Wh.Lk. $305.70 & Glen Oaks 327.80 VOUCHER REGISTER OAiKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION a JULY, 1979 VENDOR PURPOSE 311 Scott's Lock & Kev Sh 32 Dick's Lawn & Sport Center 83 Cruise -Out Inc. 84 Industrial Cleaning Supply Co. 85 Harvey's Office Supplies $6 Nayer (Tised) Hindo, Ltd. 871 Hank Gni. ewek' s, Inc. 881 Countv of Oakland 891 County of Oakland 90 Jim Clare 91 Pat Emarson 921 Frank Mouser ,931 Betty Lamphere .941 Mary Rudlaff ,95 Rebecca Goemaere •96 Marie Stader •97 Eleanore McCurry -981 Rosemary Fenlon -991 Michigan Industrial Shoe Co. L00, Oliver Supply Company L01 O.C. Dept. of Fac. & Operations t.- Inden_ Equip. Maint.- Wh.Lk. Equip. Maint.- Indep. Pool Supplies & Housekeeping Supplies- Wave Pool Office Supplies- Indep. Refund, Facilities Rental- Indep. Spec.Event, Golf Scramble- Spring. Communications- Admin. 49. 8, Mo , Rec.; Water., & Wave Pool Mileage Paid to Commissioners for Attending Meetings- Admin. Refund, Swimming Class- Wave Pool Refund, Yoga Class- Water. Refund, Security Deposit- Water. Refund, Yoga -Class- Water. ,Refund, Yoga Class- Water. Refund, Yoga Class- Water. Refund, Ballet Class- Water. Refund, Security Deposit- Water. Refund, Golf Fee - Wh.Lk. Uniform Expense- Wh.Lk. Bldg. Maint.- Add. Cap. Proj., Lan scaping-YAC;Environ. Center- Indep.; Activities Center Sewer- Water; nuance o ave - Pool; Clubhse.Renov.- Glen Oaks; B1dg.Maint.-Admin;', YAC, Grove":; WavePool $1,015.19;Spec.Events, S ate r .Champ.-Mo ec.; r s.Mt. Water.,WavePool, Add. & ]2ed Oaks 4-2 AMIOUNT �47.80 8.00 11.60 39.60 6.09- 200.00 125.00 66.24 i 8.84 10.50 16.00 50.00 16.00 112.00 16.00 16.00 50.00 35.00 24.95 22.50 8,599.94 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKL ND COT-T T Y PARKS AND RECREATION JULY, 1979 VENDOR 'Pi runnq'P Equip. Maint.- Mob.Rec., Buses-& )2 Lou Dorman & Sons Add. 47 50 Cap.Proj., Tee & Irrig. Renov. )3 Century Rain Aid -__(greens)- Wh.Lk.- Grounds Maint.- Wh.Lk. $304.92 & Red Oaks; Bldg. Maint.- Red Oaks 928.06- )4 Equip. Maint.- Spring., Grove., Y Genesee Welding -Supply, Inc. Add. & Glen Oaks $63.86; Uniform Expense- Indep. 99.01 )5 Hodges Supply Company Cap.Proj., Boat Rental Booth & Dock Compex- Add.; Clubhouse Renov, Glen Oaks; roun s aint.- prin Grove.; Bldg. Maint. Wave Pool on r. �. ; �iP Maint.- Add. .408.44 D6 Sprinkler Irrigation Supply Co. Cap.Equip.,Sprinkler Stands-Grove.1 75.14�- 07 Ray Delasko, Cust. Petty Cash Reimbursement- Indep. 38.99 08 Clyde Herb Cust. Petty Cash Reimbursement- Grove. 21.82 09 Sundry (Advance) Advance for J. Figa to attend DNRI� Access to Recreation --Barrier Free Facilities & Parks Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana from July 11 thru July 12, 1979- Admin. 125.07 10 Sundry (Advance) Advance for R. Eric Reickel to attend the Board of Regents Summer Meeting (Revenue Sources Managemen School) at North Carolina State University Nashville/ Tennessee from July 11 to July 14, 1979- Admin. 170.20. .11 Payroll _ Pay Period Ending June 29, 1979- A11 Parks 78,042.95 12 Suzy Bander Mileage Reimbursement- Admin. 91.80 Cap.Proj., Paving,-Par--q ing`Lot- - " 13 Highway Maintenance Construction Wh.Lk. 5/928.95 14 Camera Mart, Inc. Promo., Carrying Bag- min.; Naturalist's Expense, Camera Bag- Indep. 50.95 �5 Waterford Sport & Marine Pool Supplies- Wave Pool 10.00 4-3 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION JULY, 1979 VENDOR PURPOSE ATITOTT T .6 O.C. Dept.. of Public Works Bldg. Maint., Sludge au ing- - YAC 450.00 .7 The Oxford Leader Subscription, One Year- Admin. 7.00 L8 Gell's Sporting Goods Supplies, Sports Mobile- Mob.Rec. 12.98 L9 Artcraft Blue Print Company Office Supplies- Admin; Supplies, Movie Nature Mobile- Mob.Rec. 18.17 ?O Pontiac Steel Company Bld . Maint.- Glen Oaks 6.73 U Business Research Publications Subscri tion Renewal- Admin. 43.80 Z2 Janet Pung Mileage Reimbursement- Admin. 13.73 ?3 Anthony M. Franco, Inc. 1promo.,Trust Foundation Proj.-Admin. 150.00 24 Peninsular Slate Company Cap.Proj., Interior Signs- WavePool4 15.60 25 Charles Ross Mileage Reimbursement- Admin. 57.63 ;6 Fred Gross Refund, Facilities Rental- Indep. 100.00 27 Sue Giglio Refund, Adult Ballet Class- Water. 16.00 28 Radio Relay Corporation Rental Expense, Pagers- Admin., Tech,Sup. $63.00, Spring., YAC, Wh.Lk. & Red Oaks 147.00 291 King Brothers, Inc. Equip. Maint.- Spring, , Indep., & Wh.Lk. 118.32 30 Wayne Ball Square Dance Caller & Instructor- Water. 840.00 ,31 Tire Wholesalers Company, Inc.. Equip. Maint.- Red Oaks 44.50 .32 Larden Plastics Refund, Facilities Rental- Indep. 100.00 .33 Pontiac Photo, Inc. Promo., Film Processing- Admin. 92.36 .34 Handy Andy Pro Hardware Cap.Proj., Boat Rental Booth & Dock Complex, Equip., Grounds, & Bldg. Maint.- Add. 50.59 .35 Alfonso Castillo Mileage Reimbursement- Admin. 58.82 36 Oakland Wholesale Company Cap.Proj., Aluminum Siding, Conces sion Bldg. - Grove.; Bldg. Mt.-YAC 141.56 L37 Gale L. Jorgensen ]Refund,Security deposit -Water. E 50.00 4-4 VOliLr:-:R REGISTER O.AKLArr0 COUN-TY PARKS AND RECREATION JULY, 1979 VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 38 Oliver Supply Com an Bld . Maint.- Add. 22.50 Cap.Proj., Entrance Sign & 39 Burke Building Center Aluminum Sidin Concession Bld .-I Grove.; Storage & Workshop Area & Moraine Knoll, Improve.- Indep.; Entrance Mod.'- Wave Pool; Boat _ Rental Booth & Dock Complex- Add.;. Control Bldg.- Driving Range; Equip. Maint.- All Units, Mob.Rec. Indep. & Wave Poo ; Office Supplies- Mob.Rec. & Indep.; Grds. Maint.- Spring., Indep., $184.061 Wh.Lk. & Glen Oaks; Bldg. Maint.- YAC, Grove., n ep., ave Pool, Wh.Lk. & Glen Oaks 1/146.50 Cap.Equip., Vacuum Cleaner- 40 Kirby Company of North Oakland S rin _ 1 157.00 Cap.Equip., Fire Circles -Grove. & 41 Price Brothers Company Addison 1 690.00 Clubhse.I-rrig.- Spring. '2 �Cap.Proj., Wilkie Turf Equipment Company Cap.Equip., Mowers- Spring Inde Dr. Range & Glen Oaks; Fairway., Mower,$4,516.05-Glen Oaks;Grds.Mt.] j Spring. & Red Oaks 285.97; Equip. _ ` Maint.- Grove., Indep., Water., & Red Oaks 6,779.24 Cap.Proj., Restroom Fac. & Well- 43 Lumberjack Products Spring.; Equip. Maint. & Small Tools- Spring.; Grounds aint.- Spring. & YAC; Bldg. Maint.- YAC 167.33 44� National Recreation & Park Assoc.iMembership Fee- Admin. 60.00 45 Jim Mansfield, Cust. Petty Cash Reimbursement- Red Oaks 81.05. Reimbursement for expenses incur- 46 Jon J. Kipke red while at MRPA 1979 Summer Conference at Mackinac Islandrom June 29 to July 1, 1979 10.74 Reimbursement for expenses incur- 47 George W. Kuhn red at MRPA 1979 Summer Conference at Mackinac Is an from June to July 1, 1979 189.53 Reimbursement for expenses incur- 48 R. Eric Reickel red while at MRPA 1979 Summer Conference at Mackinac Isiand ±rom June 29 to July 1, 1979 11.50 4-5 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKL.. ND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION DULY, 1979 VENDOR PURPOSE AMOTMIT 49 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Communications, Coin- Indep.-& Add 37.34 50 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Communications- Spring., YAC, Indep, Add. Wh.Lk. $308.91 & Driving Range 972.57 51 Consumers Power Company Utilities- Spring., Water., & Wave Pool $1 833.11 2,133.84 52 Detroit Edison Utilities- Spring., YAC, Indep, Add., Wh.Lk. $1,443.33 & Red Oaks 3,959.79 53 City of Madison Heights Water Department !Range Utilities- Regis $44.83 & Dr. 54.50 54 Gudith Hardware Small Tools- YAC & Grove.; Grounds Maint.- Grove. 70.43 55 Kwik Sanitation ExcavatingInc , . Bldg. Maint.- Septic Tanks Pumped-� Grove. 405.00 56 Waterford Disposal Service Rubbish Removal- Grove. 1,290.00 571 Elden's Hardware Equip. Maint., Grounds Maint., Bldc- Maint. & Small Tools- Indep.; Rental Property Maint.- Water. 46.60 58 Golf Car Distributors Golf Cart Rentals- Spring.$4,000.0 Wh.Lk. $2,320.00, Red Oaks & Glen Oaks $5,300.00 11,970.00 .59� Oak Hill Auto Parts Equip. Maint. & Small Tools- Indep 33.27 .60 Lake Orion Lumber Company Cap.Proj., Boat Rental Booth & Dock Complex, Grounds & Bldg. Mains - Add. 54.09 .61 J.P. Burroughs & Son, Inc. Grounds Maint.- Indep. 19.50 '_62 Pontiac Paint Company Rental Property Maint.- Water.; Bldg. Maint.- Wave Pool & Add. 188.80; Equip. & Grounds Maint.- Add. 352.55 L63 Auburn Pool Supply Corporation Pool Supplies- Wave Pool 19.16 L64 Flint Pipe Well Supply Co. Bldg. Maint.- Indep. 23.69 L65 Kathleen Dougherty Mileage Reimbursement- Indep. 15.47 56 Finger's, Inc. Office Supplies- Admin. 6.43 on VOLJC;��R REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION JULY, 1979 VEPdDOR PURPOSE ,1MOU\;T 57 Oakland Business Forms Promo., Courtesy Pass Books, 340.00-Admin• Office Supplies - Spring., Wh. Lk., & Glen Oaks. 571.00 58 O.C. Medical Care Facility First Aid Supplies- Add. 12.01_ 59 Thomas L. Werth Rei ursement or Damage Too Box- Mob.Rec. 15.59 70 Jones Chemicals, Inc. Pool Supplies, Bleach & Sodium Hypochlorite- Wave Pool 660.00 71 D.M.I. Industries, Inc. Office Supplies- Admin. 63.07 72 Pontiac Plastics Grounds Maint.- Indep. 23.84 73 Waterford Disposal Service Rubbish Removal- Spring. & In ep. $180.00 -260.00 74 Clifford J. Ogle Refund, Camping Fee- Grove. 4.00 75 Tim Mort Refund, Camping Fee- Grove. 4.00 76 The Quonset Equip. & Bldg. Maint.- Grove. 25.50 77 Mite Corporation Cap. Equip., Time Clock- Add.. 167.95 78 Charles F. Barton Co., Inc. Cap.Equip., Refuse Basket- Water. 1,157.80 79 Flaghouse, Inc. Cap.Equip., Disc Carriers- Tennis Complex 596.16 80 R. Eric- Reickel Cust. PettyCash Reimbursement- Admin. 138.91 81 RaVmond Delasko Cust. Increase Change Fund-Inde . 50.00 82 Waterford Twnsh . W S System Cap. Proj., Activity Center Sewer, Permit Fee -Water. 16 805.00 83 Michigan Department of Treasury State Sales Tax Payable-S ring., Wh. Lk., Red -Oaks & Glen-gaks 749.68- 84 Church's Lumber Yards Cap. Projs., Entrance Sign -Grove., & Boat Rntl. Booth & Dock Complex- Add.; Equip. Maint.-Indep.; Bldg. Maint.-Inde &..Wave Pool; Small _ f Tools-Indep.;Grounds Maint.-Add., $122.26 and Wh. Lk. 292.51 85 J.D. Armstrong Cape Proj., Phase II -Grove., Pay- ment #4 112 402.70 86 Michigan Industrial Shoe Co. Uniforms-Wh. Lk. 33.95 d7 Hunt Sign Co., Inc. lGrds. Maint.-Water. 12.45 4-7 VOUCHER REGISTER ;R OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VENDOR PURPOSE .88 Hydro -Max Corp. Equip. Maint.-Wave Pool 10.92 .89 NCR Corp. Office Supplies -Tennis Complex; & Equip. Maint. $84.00, Add. 125.43 .90 O.C. Central Stores Puppet Mobile Supplies -Mob. Rec.; Uniforms-Inde .;S . Events,Sr. Citizen's -Water.; & Hskpg. Supp.- All Parks 1,177.33 .91 Richway Pump & Motor Grds. Maint.-Glen Oaks 6.75 _92 The Milford Times S Events,Classes, Ad. -Water. 76.80 _93 0. C. Planning Commission Office Supplies-Admin. 28.00 .94 American Mobile Office, Inc. Window Repair -Driving Range 180.00 -95 Wilson Sporting Goods Co. Golf Mdse. for Resale -Glen Oaks 192.00 �96 En Guarde Fencing Co. Fence Repair -Grove. 475.00 '97 Reynolds Water Conditioning Co. Water Softner Repair -Glen Oaks 27.50 L98 Arrow Saw & Tree Supply Co. Grds. Maint., Rope -Add. 90.00 L99 Navarre Hardware Cap. Proj.,Boat Booth & Dock Com- dex & Grds. Maint.-Add. 9.94 M William G. Lee, Jr. Refund,Swim Class -Wave Pool 21.00 M Start's Aquatics Uniforms-Indep.,Grove.,Add. & W.P. 297.60 Z02 O.C. Utilities Fund Utilities -Water. 35.00 Z03 Detroit Edison Utilities-Spring.,Water.,Wave Pool, Add.,$1,779.39, Red Oaks, & Glen Oaks,$2,125.85 5,636.28 204 Consumers Power Co. Utilities-Indep.,Conf. Cntr., $641.96, and Red Oaks 691.70 Z05 MI Bell Telephone Co. Communications-Spring.,YAC,Grove., land Water. 484.97 Z06 MI Bell Telephone Co. Coin Phones-Spring.,YAC, & Add. 35.71 207 Marilyn Russel Mileage Reimbursement -Red Oaks 31.79 208 Mary Humphreys Refund, guitar class -Water. 20.00 J9 Ruth Hohenfeldt Refund, guitar class -Water. 20.00 VOUCHER REGISTER iR OA.KLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VENDOR PURPOSE • AM 10 Dannie S ran ler Refund,__guitar class -Water. 20.00 11 Cindy Strehle Refund guitar class -Water. 20.00 12 Richard Crow Refund,class -Water. 20.00 13 Kenneth Emerson .guitar Refund, itar class -Water. 20.00 14 Linda Nisden Refund, guitar class -Water. 40.00 15 Maureen Farriter Refund, guitar class -Water. 20.00 16 Detroit Ball Bearing Co. Equip. Maint.-Indep. 16.28 17 Service Glass Co., Inc. Windshield Repair -Red Oaks 234.76 18 Hodges Supply Co. Bldg. Maint.-YAC 51.10 19 J.P. Burroughs & Son, Inc. Grds. Maint.-Indep. 44.80 10 R.V. Seaman Co. Equip. Maint.-Indep. 7.91 21 County of Oakland Commission per diem reimb.-Admin. 280.00 22 J. Eiden Equipment Co. Equip. Maint.-Tech. Su - pp. 5.75 ',23 0. C. Garage Equip. Maint:-Admin.,Tech. Supp., Mob. Rec. Vehicles Water. & Glen Oaks; Transportation -All Parks, One month 9,798.12 24 John R. Lumber Co. Inc. Cap. Proj.,Control Bldg. -Driving Range;Equip. Maint. Grds. Maint. & Sm. Tools -Red Oaks; Grds. Maint, D.rivin Range 145.93 :25 Golf Car Distributors Equip. Maint,-Grove., Indep., Add. and Red Oaks 122.28 ;26 O.C. Stationery Stock Office Supplies-Admin.,Mob. Rec., Add., & Glen Oaks -Sp. Events Do bedience,Ballet,Belly Dance,Sq. ance,Disco Dance,Yoga, & Guitar- ater.;Supplies-Wave Pool 1,282.39 27 Jones Chemicals, Inca Pool Su .,Sodium H ochlorite-Add. 757.00 ?8 J & J Disposal Rubbish Removal -Add. 268.32 329 Patti Smith Refund,Ballet Class -Water. 16.00 HE VOUCHER REGISTER iR OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 30 Hou hten's Power Center Inc. Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 61.50 31 The Lumber Yard Grds. Maint.-S rin . 17.44 32 Pioneer Camping, Inc. E i Maint, Nature Mob. -Mob. Rea 18.85 :33 O.C. Laundry Laundry -All Parks;Uniform-Grove. 1,390.00 ;34 Lloyd's True Value Hardware Equip. Maint.,Grds. Maint.,Bldg. Maint., & Sm. Tools -Glen Oaks 69.52 35 Pioneer Hardware Cap. Proj., Clbhse. Irrigation- S rin . &`Boat Booth & Dock Com- plex;Grds. Maint.-Spring.,Wh. Lk. $79.41, & Red Oaks;Rental Prop. Maint.-Water.;Bldg. Maint.-Wave Pool and Wh. Lk.;Equip. Maint. Uniforms, Hskpg. Supp. and Small Tools 241.03 :36 Eastern State Auto Supply Equip. Maint.-All Parks;Small Tools -Red Oaks.& Glen Oaks 394.62 37 Pontiac Motor Parts Bldg. Maint.-Grove.; and Equip. Maint.,Air Com ressor$146.33-W.P. 156.03 ;38 JSundry (Commission Commission per diem & mileage 'for July 9, 1979-Admin. 189.79 ;39 O.C. Equipment Fund Rental -All Parks 227.50 ;40 JO.C. Executive Promo.,Computer Services-Admin. 206.50 i41GMC Truck Center Equip. Maint.,Buses-Mob. Rec. 13.12 .42 Munn Ford Tractor, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Spring.,Grove.$99.90, Inde 84.43 Add. Red & Glen Oaks 257.38 143 jPinkards Plumbing & Heating Supp. Cap. Proj., Tee & Irrigation Reno. Wh. Lk. 166.32 ?44 �Van's Auto Supply Inc. Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 3.95 ;45 Gar 's Disposal Service Rubbish Removal-Wh. Lk. 50.00 ;46 Thomas Coaches of Michigan, Inc. Show Mobile Repair -Mob. Rec. 2 210.00 ,47 Bob's Hardware Equip. & Grds. Maint.-Inde . 46.74 1.48 Rose Exterminator Co.' Bld . Maint.-S rin YAC Wh. Lk. 187.00 '49 Walled Lake -Novi News Subscription-Admin. 12.00 ,50 ]Business Research Publication, Inc.,Publications-Admin. 63.60 4-10 VOUCt-1ER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION R VENDOR 51 The Observer & Eccentric News 52 Schultz Electrical, Inc. 53 O.C. D.F.O. 54 Kerr Machinery Corp. 55 American Hospital Supply 56 Wein artz Supply 57 C. Hugh Dohany, O.C, TreasureY 58 Payroll '59 Mich. Recreation & Park Assoc. ;60 Church's Lumber Yards :61 Detroit Edison ;62 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. :63 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. .64 Ward S. Newman, Jr. ,65 NCR Corporation :66 Cal Gas -Pontiac, Inc. !67 Wilkie Turf !68 Charles A. Eaton Co. !69 Environetics :70 Scott's Lock & Key Shop ,71 Dr. Joseph Montante /2 JR. Eric Reickel Subscription-Admin. Cap. Proj.,Clbhse. Irriga.-Spring. Grds. Maint.--Spring.,Grove.,Water. $1,021.10,Wave Pool,Add.,Wh. Lk., & Red Oaks;Bldg. Maint.-Grove. Cap. Eguip.,Chain Saw-Indep. Payment of 1978 Taxes -Glen Oaks For Pav Period Endina 7/13/79 Reimb. for ticket sales-Admin. Cap. Proj.,Boat Rental Booth & Dock Complex Utilities -Grove., and Wh. Lk. Communications,Coin Phone -Water. and Wave Pool Communications -Water., Red Oaks, and Glen Oaks Custodial.Services-Admin. Equip. Maint.-Tennis Complex Utilities-YAC and Grove.,$477.93 Equip. Maint.-Grove.,$98.76,Indep., Red & Glen Oaks;Grds.Mt.-Wave Pool Inventory,Mdse. for resale-Wh.Lk. Bldg. Maint.,Filters-Spring., Add., and Wh. Lk. Bldg. Maint.-Indep. Reimb. for expenses incurred at - the MRPA Summer Conf.-Admin. Reimb. for expenses incurred at the Bd. of Regents S� me Mtq (R(-- venue Sources Management School)- 4-11 75.00 1,100.00 3,425.06 82.20 73.66 231.94 17,748.97 80,652.81 904.70 1,312.69 1,462.68 32.23 237.26 I j 330.00 25.00 598.09 197.89 53.70 252.00 6.40 108.60 VOUCHER REGISTER ;R .OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 73 State Plumbing & Heating Supplies Cap. Equip., Sewer Snake-Admin. 485.00 74 Sears Roebuck and Co. Cap. Equip.,Compressor Hose -Grove. 115.00 J5 Kirby Co, of North Oakland Cap. Equip., Vacuum Cleaners- Tech. Supp. and Grove. 304.00 ,76 North Electric Supply Co. Inc. Cap. Proj., Entrance Sign and Golf Cart Station -Spring. 689.05 '�77 Standard Electric Co. Cap. Projs.,Entrance Sign -Spring. & Grove. Ceramic Tile -Vault toi- lets & Shower Bldgs.-Grove.,Rental Booth & Dock Complex -Add, -,,Kitchen & Bar Improve. -Glen Oaks;Bldg. Mt. Grove. and Inde .•Grds. Mt.-Indep. and Wh. Lk.;Sm. Tools-Indep. 500.78 :78 Meteor Photo Co. Promo.-Admin. 149.19 :79 Goeff Baxter F.T.C. Rec. Program,Square Dance Caller- Grove. 260.00 :80 D.M.I. Industries, Inc. Office Supplies-Admin. 2.34 :81 0. C. Dept. of Public Works Sewage Expense -Addison 440.42 :82 Pinkards Plumbing & Heating Supp. Cap. Proj., rrigation enovation- Wh. Lk. and Glen Oaks 693.00 :83 Golf Car Distributors T-Fleet Rental -Glen Oaks 720.00 ,84 U.S. Games Inc. Sports Mobile Supplies -Mob. Rec. 545.43 ?85 Lawson Projucts, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 35.03 ?86 Pontiac Steel Co. i Maint.-Glen Oaks 5.00 ?87 0. C. Gara e Insurance -Mob. Rec., Grove., Add., and Glen Oaks; three months 282.87 ?88 Sprinkler Irrigation S?,ipplyCo. Cap. Pro'.,Irri ation Sys. -Glen 0. 5,210.00 ?89 Jones Chemicals, Inc. Pool Supplies -Wave Pool 1,187.80 290 MarilynBaker Lileage Reimbursement-Admin. 7 I 291 AnthonyM. Franco, Inc. lFromo.,Misc. Services-Admin. 2,375.89 92 Harvey's Office Supplies Office Supplies-Indep. 21.01 293 TRA Electronic Communications Cap. Equip., Weather Band Radio Grove. and Add. 119.90 4-12 VOUCHER REGISTER u7 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VENDOR PURPOSE ZM(Y TNT 94 Bobbie's Hobbies Rec. Program -Grove. 5.11 :95 Family Hobby Center Rec. Program -Grove. 12.50 ;96 Randy Khan Refund, Disco Class -Water. 32.00 - :97 Hank Gniewek's Inc. Sp. Events, BMX trophies Sp. Events, BMX trophies -Mob. Rec.1 112.00 :98 Detroit Edison Utilities -Spring. and YAC 22.70 .99 Arlene Schira Refund,golf league fee-Wh. Lk. 35.00 300 Anthony M. Franco, Inc. Promo.,Acorn Newsletter-Admin. 400.00 301 Public Relations Society of Amer. Subscription-Admin. 3.00 302 Interstate Alarm Systems Bldg. Maint.-Spring. 24.75 303 Kathy Allen Refund, Swimming class -Wave Pool 10.50 '04 Ernest L. Good Refund, Swimming class -Wave Pool 10.50 3051 Cassie Gardner Refund, Swimming class -Wave Pool 21.00 306 rDaniel Nice Refund,Camping Fee -Grove. 16.00 307 Carrie J. Sutherland Refund, Camping Fee -Grove. 15.00 308 Robert M. Fournier Refund, Camping Fee -Grove. 25.00 309 Clyde Herb, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Grove. 39.00 310 Frank Ostrowski, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Add. 64.14 201.80 311 Golf Mart, Inc. rventory, Golf Mdse. or resa e- Spring., Wh. Lk. & Red Oaks 312 Postmaster, Davisburg Post Office Promo.,Acorn mailing-Admin. 882.00 313 0. C. D.F.O. (Trans. Vo. 6-85) Cap. Proj.,Ent. Sign-Spring.;Bridg to Vircrin Island -Grove. Phase II- Indep.;Phase I-Water.;Asphalt Re - lace. Dam Repair, & Cold Water Supply Repair -Add.; and Golf Course -Red Oaks 16 839.16 Sub Total for Month 446 335.19 TOTAL FOR MONTH $480 548.23 4-13 ITEM 5 OA_XLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION Analysis of Fund Balance As of 6-30-79 FUND BALANCE 1 /1 /79 $ 972,482.62 .Additions: Revenue over Operating Expenses at 6-30-79 $21,0421824.46 Collections on Accounts Receivable 1,239,322.35 Reimbursement for 1978 YAC Operations 30,000.00 DNR Grant - Waterford Phase II 111,683.13 DNR Grant - Independence Phase II (Final) 7,100.00 Depreciation & Prepaid Expenses (Non Cash Exp.) _ 57,829.90 3,508,759.84 Deductions: Payments on Accounts Payable Capital Equipment Purchases Payments on Capital Projects Increase in Golf Merchandise SUTV1MARY OF FUND BALANCE Cash on Hand Investments in Certificates of Deposit 5-1 $494819242.46 $1,736,680.97 124,810.26 3879593.24 15,589.48 212264,673.95 $2,216,568.51 $ 3665568.51 12850,000.00 $2,216,568.51 Revenues ;-Ilage 8 Interest Inc. :oveland-Oaks idependence-Oaks 33ison-Oaks: Park Conference Center ?ringfield-Oaks: Golf Course iIite Lake -Oaks ad -Oaks: Golf Course Driving Range len-Oaks obi.le Recreation 5 .Special Activities �ringfield-Oaks YAC .terford-Oaks : Park Wave Pool Tennis Complex Operating Expenses dministration Office echnical Support rovelana-Oaks ndepenaence-Oaks adison-Oaks : Park Conference Center pringfiela-Oaks: Golf Course hite Lake -Oaks ea -oaks: Golf Course Driving Range len-Oaks obile Recreation nringfield-Oaks YAC .terf ora-Oaks : Park Wave Pool Tennis Complex ontingency Oakland County Parks and Recreation COMBINED OPERATING STATEMENT For the Period Ended 6-30-79 Actual (Over) Year to 1979 Under Date Budget Budget $2,304,049.26 $2,260,000.00 $ (44,049.26) 575713.78 -165,400.00 1071686 22 359592.48 641200.00 281,607.52 282587.23 741700.00 46,112.77 21,520.24 281000.00 25,479.76 969803,75 203;100.00 1069296.25 1429801.01 2671400.00 12-49,598.99 319833.26 80/100.00 485,266.74 13,051.33 78,600.00 652543.65 129,090.68 357/500.00 2239409.32 39*281.00 171700.00 149419.00 127036.65 791700.00 679,663.35 287065.84 42,700.00 142634.16 3151855.10 1161500.00 843644.90 -0- 16,830.00 16,830.00 $22917,281.63 $3,852,430.00 $ 9359148.37 $ 180,083.24 $ 471,909.00 $ -9912.825.76 40,285.94 1091950.00 69,664.05 671545.14 209/590.00 142,044.86 849656.22 253,025.00 168,368.78 731522�78 226,535.00 153,012.22 171737.87 33,100.00 151362.13 651977.03 198/075.00 1325-097.97 785,044.75 215,950.00 137,905.25 511,713.18 135,020.00 83,306.82 .6,290,38 45,950.00 39,659.62 69,400.88 250,410.00 1815009.12 29,394.50 108/225.00 78,830.50 47,315.37 141/050.00 939734.63 42,684.38 194750.57 45.94 -0- OTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 874,457.17 EVEIUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $2,042,824.46 1979 1978 Actual Exnenditures to Date: 32.55o 35.4% Budget Balance: 67.50 83,075.00 40,390.62 1141800.00 95,040.43 151120.00 151,074.06 75,000.00 751000.00 $2,686,784.00 $1,812,326.83 $1,165,646.00 $ (877,178.46) 5-2 ;urrent Month Oakland County Parks and Recreation ADMINISTRATION OFFICE Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 6-30-79 Revenue Year to Date 281776.90 Tax Revenue $21,2665,659.73 23.83 Interest Delinquent Tax 64.60 9,863.01 Interest Investments 36,955.,01 -0- Miscellaneous Income 369.92 38,663.74 18,950.40 19510.70 -0-- -0- 200.00 52.82 -0- 367-00 -0- 3.60 99_00 39.95 -0- 1,003.34 79220.00 12336.07 12393.50 -0- 409.22 193.84 5,250.00 22506.96 330.00 TOTAL REVENUE Operating Expenses 1979 Budget $2,250,000.00 150.00 9,700.00 150.00 (Over) Under Budget $(16,659.73) 85.40 (27,255.01)_ (219.92) $293047049.26 $2,260,000.00 $(44,049.26) Salaries - Full Time $ - Part Time - Over T5me Fringe Benefits Rental Expense Communications Equipment Repair & Maint. Per Diem & Mileage - Comm. Insurance Laundry & Dry Cleaning Building Maintenance Dues & Publications Miscellaneous Expense Office Supplies Professional Services Transportation Travel & Conference Housekeeping Supplies Depreciation Radio Repair Contract Purchasing Dept. Services Public Information Custodial Services 40,868.40 TOTAL ADMIN. EXPENSES 1979 ual Expenditures to Date: 38.17 get Balance: 61,90 1978 36% 1089949.83 19650.70 92.17 -0- 1,042.00 2,816„97 164.16 1,866.47 15.62 21.60 238.79 19281.56 20.95 79446.43 7;772.00 69583.69 49881,40 19.18 1,968.32 1,163.04 5,250.00 241857.36 1,980.00 $ 180,083.24, 5-3 $232,159.00 61500.00 500.00 86,100.00 3/500.00 6f700.00 300.00 8/500.00 500.00 50.00 500.00 11500.00 200.00 141000.00 121500.00 121000.00 9.1500.00 200.00 4,200.00 2,500.00 211000.00 45/000.00 4/000.00 $471,909.00 $123,209.17 49849.30 407.83 86,100.00 2,458.00 3,882.03 135.84 61633.53 484.38 28.40 261.21 218.44 179.05 61553.57 4,728.00 5,416.31 49618.60 180.82 22231.68 11336.96 15,750.00 20,142.64 29020.00 $291,825.76 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION MnNTT4 OF June REVENUE COMPARISON ADMINISTRATION IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 6-30-79 1978 1979 Variance. 1978 1979 Variance $2439263 $128,777 $(114,486) Tax Revenue $290421128 $222661660 $2241532 29 24 (5) Int. Delinquent Tax 138 64 (74) 3,438 9,863 69425 Int. Investments 10,042 36,955 26,913 -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous 63 370 307 $246,730 $138,664 $ 108,066 TOTAL $2 052,371 2,304,049 251 673 u, Oakland County Parks and Recreation TECHNICAL SUPPORT SECTION Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 6-30-79 (Over) Current Year to 1979 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget >49640.98 Salaries - Full Time $277066.22 $ 63,900.00 $36,833.,78 -0- - Part Time -0- -0- -0- 371.24 - Over Time 11847.69 31000.00 19152,31 -0- Fringe Benfi.ts -0- 23,000.00 23,000.00- 63.00 Rental Expense 378.00 11000.00 622.00 39.51 Equipment Repair & Mai.nt. 844.32 1/000.00 155.68 -0- Insurance 4.15 300.00 295.85 150.30 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 921.60 11800.00 878.40 -0- Uniform Expense 125.70 200.Q0 74.30 1,386.53 Transportation 6,949.36 121000.00 59050.64 -0- Travel & Conference 273.39 600.00 326.61 -0- Small Tools 435.09 1,000.00 564.91 29.28 Depreciation 146.40 500.00 353.60 98.86 Radio Repair Contract 353.16 650.00 296.84 -0- Supplies for Repair 940.86 11000.00 59.14 �65,779.70 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $40,285.94 $109,950.00 $69,664.06 1,979 1978 :ual Expenditures to Date: 36.6% 38.6% iget Balance: 63,417 5-5 Oakland County Parks and Recreation GROVELAND-OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 6-30-79 'urgent Month Revenue -0- Commission.- Food Service 300.00 Rental - Houses 1,300.00 Rental - Facilities 3,261.03 Rental - Equipment 6,082,.75. Fees - Day Use ?7,053.00 Fees - Camping 30.00 Contract Commission -0- Miscellaneous Income ,8.026.78 TOTAL REV.P.TIiUE (Over) Year to 1979 Under Date Budget Budget: _ $ -0- $ 3,200.00 $ 3,200.00 17200.00 2,400.00 1,200.00 3,100.00 2,000.00 (1,100.00) 39979.03 14,000.00 109020.97 79595.75 18,000.00 101404,25 41,770.50 125,000.00 83,229.50 68„50 700.00 631.50 --0- 100.00 100.00 $571713.78 $165,400.00 $1071,686.22 9,595.53 Less: Operating Expenses 672545,14 209,590.00 1142,044,86 .87430.25_ REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(9,831.36 $(44,190.00)$ �343358.64 ) 5-6 Oakland County Parks and Recreation 'GROVELAND-OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 6-30•-79 (Over) zurrent Year to 1979 Under Month Classification Date Budcret Budget 41,194.68 Salaries - Full Time $247714.53 $ 59,370.00 $-34,655.47 95,760.51 - Part Time 10,688.91 421500.00 319811.09 19504-64 - Over Time 29016.70 41000.00 19983.30 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- 21,370.00 21,370.00 10,75 Rental Expense 53.75 150.00 96.25 187.97 Communications 948.10 1,750.00 801.90 203.18 Equipment Repair & Maint. 39658.98 71000.00 39341.02 50.00 Rubbish Removal 150.00 4/000.00 3,850.00 370.68 Grounds Maintenance 2,671.27 101000.00 7513-98.73 349.05 Utilities 35,993.17 151*000.00 9,001.83 -0- Insurance 354.91 7,000.00 69645,09 112.20 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 785.,40 21200.00 19414.60 123,50 Building Maintenance 2,166.85 31000.00 833.15 -0- Dues & Publications 20.00 100.00 80.00 -0- Miscellaneous Expense 48.70 200.00 151.30 2.64 Office Supplies 464.90 1/000.00 535.10 677.87 Uniforms 796.04 700.00 (96.04) 580.00 Transportation 21718.10 7,000.00 41,281.90 -0- Travel & Conference 302.97 500.00 197.03' 171.66 Housekeeping Supplies 1,486.17 31000.00 15513.83 14,.59 Small Tools 167.67 200.00 32.33 11,134.29 Depreciation 4,990.93 10/000.00 59009.07 (8.90) Shortage%Overage 2.60 -0- (2.60) -'0- Rental Houses - Maint. 143.47 250.00 106.53 135.75 Radio Repair Contract 814.50 11700.00 885.50 -0- Public Information 625.00 600.00 (25.00) 21.47 Recreation Program 46.97 21000.00 1,953.03 -0- Security Services 709.55 51000.00 49290.45 L9,596.53 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $677545.14 $209,590.00 $142,044.86 1979 1978 :ual Expenditures to Date: 32.20 35.517o !get Balance: 67.8% 5-7 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON GROVELAND-OAKS MONTH OP June IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 6-30-79 1978 1979 Variance 1978 1979 Variance $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- Comm. - Food Sales $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- 300 300 -0- Rena - Houses 1 100 1 200 100 450 111300 850 Rent - Facilities 11550 3,100 1 550 19458 27116 658 Rent - Pedal Boats 2,144 2,491. 347 185 199 14 - Rowboats 297 240 (57) 769 599 (170) - Showers 1,051 810 (241) 12 23 11 - Life Jackets 13 35 22 350 324 (26) .. Canoes 546 403 (143) 27547 3,737 17190 Fees - Day Use 49743 4,.589 (154) 19344 22346 17002 _ Annual Pass 27520 3,007 487 281126 2411153 (3,973) Fees - Camping 41,782 p 37 147 � (4 635) � 31337 2� 900 (437) - Elec-cric7.t � 5> 2.54 4> 624 (630) 60 30 (30) Contract -Commission, 60 68 8 100 -0- (100) Miscellaneous Income 100 -O- (100) $39,038 $38,027 $ 1 011 TOTAL 1 $61 160 $57,714 $(3,446 Ul I co �urrent Month -0- ?,770.50 ?,453.50 1,542.50 16.50 -0- Oakland County Parks and Recreation INDEPENDENCE -OAKS Revenue Commission - Food Sales $ 40.23 Rental - Facilities 8,320.50 Rental - Equipment 35,172.2.5 Fees - Day Use 23,970.00 -- Organized Camping 84.50 Miscellaneous Income 5.00 Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 6-30-79 Year to Date (Over) 1-979 Under Budget Budget $ 1,600.00 $ 19559.77 7,000.00 (15,320.50) 10,000.00 6,827.75_ 45,000.00 219,030.00 500.00 415.50 100.00 95.00 )9783.00 TOTAL REVENUE $ 359592.48 $ 64,200.00 $ 2-89607.52 ),532.05 Less: Operating Expenses 849656.22 253,025.00 1689368.78 250.95 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(49,063.74) $(188,825.00) $(139,761.26) 5-9 Oakland County Parks and Recreation INDEPENDENCE -OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 6-30-79 Current Month Classification 5,575.25 6,214.64 618.36 -0- 8.25 141.35 810.71 -0- 398.90 7-^_0.77 -0- 185.10 82.89 -0- -0- -0- 118.23 744.08 -0- -0- 7.39 2,604.00 25.62 144.11 -0- 112.40 D.532.05 Salaries - Full Time - Part Time - Over Time Fringe Benefits Rental Expense Communications Equipment Repair & Maint. Rubbish.Removal Grounds Maintenance Utilities Insurance Laundry & Dry Cleaning Building Maintenance Dues & Publications Miscellaneous Expense Office Supplies Uniforms Transportation Travel & Conference Housekeeping Supplies Small Tools Depreciation Shortage/Overage Radio Repair Contract Security Services Naturalist Supplies Year to Date $399226.59 81142. 20 1,166.14 -0- 41.25 621.03 4,956.95 130.00 2,239.92 5,873.97 74.72 1,382.70 448.48 66.50 148.91 596.42 360.13 49087.29 483.20 404.72 191.83 127137.56 20.62 864.66 709.55 280.88 1979 Budget $ 961900.00 291000.00 3,000.00 341875.00 200.00 11500.00 71000.00 2,500.00 101000..00 101000.00 41000.00 2/800.00 21500.00 150.00 300.00 11000.00 11000.00 81500.00 900.00 11200.00 200.00 281000.00 -0- 1,700.00 51000.00, 800.00 (Over) Under Budget $ 579673.41 20,857.80 12833.86 349875.00 158.75- 878.97 2,043.05 2,370.00 79760.08 4,-126.03 3,925.28 1,417.30 2,051.52 83.50 151.09 403.58 639.87 4,412.71 416.80 795.28 8.17 151862.44 (20.62) 835.34 4,290.45 519.12 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $84,656.22 $253,025.00 $168,368.78 . tual Expenditures to Date: 3get Balance: 1979 3,978 33.455 66.6% 5-10 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION MONTH OF June REVENUE COMPARISON INDEPENDENCE -OAKS IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 6-30-79 1978 1979 Variance 1978 1979 Variance $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- Comm - Food Sales $ 102 $ 40 $ (62) 1,277 2,770 1,493 Rent - Facilities 3,877 81320 4,443 985 1,285 300 Rent - Pedal Boats 19264 19581 317 678 742 64 - Rowboats 890 965 75 373 422 49 - Canoes 485 621 136 3,740 51366 19626 Fees - Entrance 81429 91219 790 59220 9,177 39957 - Annual Pass 139549 14,751 19202 31 16 (15) Fees - Cam inc 93 85 (8) -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous 5 5 -0- -0- 5 5 Rent - Lifejackets -0- 5 5 $12,304 $19,783 $7,479 1 TQT A T $281694 $359592 $69898 Ul N 7,urrent Month -0- 492.50 2,897.00 8,039.50 3,071.00 -0- 147500.00 179100.04 (2,600.04) Oakland County Parks and Recreation ADDISON-OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 6-30-79 Year to Revenue Date Commission - Food Service $ 140.38 Rental - Facilities 29738.50 Rental - Equipment 39574.25 Fees - Day Use 14,660.75 Fees - Camping 7,455.00 IyIiscellaneous incoi-e 18.35 (Over) 1979 Under Budget Budget 1/600.00 $ 19459.62 8,000.00 5,261.50, 15/000.00 11,425.75 32,000.00 179339.25 18/000.00 109545.00 100.00 81..65 TOTAL REVENUE $ 28,587.23 $ 74,700.00 $ 469112.77 Less: Operating Expenses 739522.78 226,535.00 1537012.22 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(44,935.55) $(151,835.00) $(106,899.45) 5-12 Qakland County Parks and Recreation ADDISON-OAKS Operatincr Expenses For the Period Ended 6-30-79 (Over) ;urrent Year to 1979 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget 5,441.47 Salaries - Full Time $362865.82 $ 90,320.00 $ 53,454.18 41061.70 - Part Time 47868.40 29/000.00 249131.60 21794.68 - Over Time 31524.69 41500.00 975.31 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- 32/515.00 322515,00 3.25 Rental Expense 16.25 200.00 136.18 Communications 522.33 1,200.00 677.67 677. -O- Pool Expense 220.50 1 ,200.00 979.50 177.56 Equipment Repair & Maint. 39640.94 71000..00 3,359.06 268.32 Rubbish Removal 868.88 2,000.00 1,131.12 690.85 Grounds Maintenance 37107.70 101000.00 61,892.30 66,22 Utilities 19290.48 2,600.00 1,309.52 -0- Insurance 245•42 61000.00 5,754.58 151.20 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 19121.40 11800.00 678,60 152.45 Building Maintenance 19180.06 31500.00 2-,319.94 -0- Dues & Publications 40.00 50.00 10.00 -0- Miscellaneous Expense 90.70 250.00 159.30 -0-- Office Supplies 423.60 11000.00 576.40 228.42 Uniforms 408.49 1,000.00 591.51 764.30 Transportation 49484.94 8,000.00 39515.06 -0- Travel & Conference 262.25 400.00 137.75 186.20 Housekeeping Supplies 648.08 900.00 251.92 23.52 Small Tools 43.41 200.00 156.59 1,336.80 Depreciation 5,858.66 101500.00 45641.34 40.75 Shortage/Overage 63.63 -0- (63.63) 135.75 Radio Repair Contract 814.50 11700.00 885.50 440.42 Sewage Expense 21202.10 5/700.00 3,497.90 -0- Security Services 709.55 51000.00 49290.45 $179100.04 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $73,522.78 $226,535.00 $153,012.22 1979 tual Expenditures to Date: 32.4% dget Balance: 67.617o 1978 34.7% 5-13 M(1NTP (lF T,," OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON ADDISON-OAKS IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 6 -30-79 1978 1979 Variance 1978 1979 Variance $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- Comm. - Food Sales $ 241 $ 140 $ (101) 700 492 (208) Rent - Facilities 4,075 2,738 (11337) 2 150 2,377 227 Rent - Pedal Boats 2,972 2,716 (256) 414 516 102 - Rowboats 706 855 149 -0- 4 4 - Lifejacket -0- 4 4 3 811 49528 717 Fees - Day Use 10,328 89575 (1,753) 29820 39512 692 - Annual Pass 57959 6,086 127 4,249 3,071 (1,178) Fees - Camping 7,012 7,455 443 -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income 52 18 (34) $141)144 $'14 500 $ 356 TOTAL $311345 $289587 $(2,758) Oakland County Parks and Recreation ADDISON-OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER Statement of Operations' For the Period Ended 6-30-79 .urrent Month Revenue -0- Commission - Food Service Less Operating Expenses: 111865.59 Utilities -0- Insurance 47.28 Building Maintenance -0- Miscellaneous Expense 2.46 Depreciation (Over) Year to 1979 Under Date Budget Budget $ 2,520.24 $28,000.00 �25.479.76 16,963.85 165.08 596.64 -0- 12.30 $26,000.00 5,000.00 1,500.00 100.00 500.00 9,036.15 4,834.92 903.36 100.00 487.70 1,915.33 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 17,737.87 $33 Z100.00 $15,362.13 15,915.33) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(15,217.63) $(5,?00.00) $10,117.63 :tual Expenditure to Date: zdget Balance: 1979 1978 53.5% 53.257o 46.5% 5-15 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON ADDISON CONFERENCE CENTER MnTT,rw nr 7,,,,r, IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 6-30-79 1978 1979 Variance 1978 1979 Variance $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- Comm. - Food Sales $1,995 $2 520 $525 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- TOTAL $12995 $2,520 $525 Oakland Couity Parks and Recreation SPRINGFIELD-OAKS GOLF COURSE Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 6-30-79 (Over) Zurrent Year to •1979 Under Month Revenue Date Budget Budget -0- Commission - Food Service $ -0- ,� 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 29909.60 Sales - Pro Shop 59637.20 10,000.00 45,362.80 .111531.00 Rentals - Golf Carts 199643.50 52/000.00 329356.50 351.25 - Other Equipment 762.30 2,000.00 19237.70 ?0,057.00 Greens Fees 68,899.75 135,000.00 665,100.25- 19182.00 Special Events 19861.00 1,500.00 (361.00) -0- Contract Commission -0- .-0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- 100.00 100.00 36,030.85 TOTAL REVENUE $961,803.75 $2031100.00 $106,296.25 ?21541.66 Less: Operating Expenses 65,977.03 198,075.00 132,097.97 C3,489.19 REVENUE OVER/ EXP. $30,826.72 $ 5,025.00 $(25,801.72) 5-17 .Oakland County Parks and Recreation .SPRINGFIELD-OAKS GOLF COURSE Operating Expenses-' For the Period Ended 6-30-79 (Over) Current year to 1979 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget 45,137.54 Salaries - Full Time $229317.98 $ 59,975.00 $ 37,657.02 3,024.37 - Part Time 5,099.78 161000.00 10,900.22 708.72 - Over Time 19054.44 21000,00 945.56 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- 211600.00 219600.00 22.60 Special Events 147.60 11000.00 852:40 10.25 Rental Expense 53.00 200.00 147.00" 158.10 Communications 799.46 21200.00 1000.54 340.89 Equipment Repair & Maint. 41195.81 71000.00 21804.19 30.00 Rubbish Removal 303.00 600.00 295.00 59440.95 Grounds Maintenance 8.1813.95 121500.00 3,686.05 11,014.11 Utilities 49215.98 14/000.00 9,784.02 -0- Insurance 336.41 101000.00 9,663.59 107.04 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 764.94 11750.00 985.06 240.84 Building Maintenance 19152.91 31000.00 11,847.09 -0- Dues & Publications 24.50 50.00 25.50 -0- Miscellaneous Expense 10.00 100.00 90.00 235.00 Office Supplies 480.51 500.00 19.49 96.62 Uniforms 201.37 400.00 198.63 297.60 Transportation 1,799.99 3/500.00 11700.01 -0- Travel & Conference 268.02 400.00 131.98 -0- Housekeeping Supplies 56.62 600.00 543.38 11.95 Small Tools 174.29 200.00 25.71 1,232.71 Depreciation 51766.06 11,500.00 51733.94 (3.50) Shortage/Overage 15.91 -0- (15.91) 31P000.00 Golf Cart Rental 35300.00 21,000.00 17,700.00 21385.87 Golf Mdse. for Resale 41622.50 81000.00 3,377.50 22,541.66 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1979 1978 :tual Expenditures to Date: 33.3% i.dget Balance: 66.77o S65.977.03 $198,075.00. 8132.097.97 5-18 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION M(1NTT4 ()F' Ti i n a REVENUE COMPARISON SPRINGFIELD GOLF COURSE "01-919MMMM YEAR TO DATE 6-30-79 1978 1979 Variance 1978 1979 Variance $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- Comm. - Food Sales $ 1 $ -O- $ i1) 21358 21910 552 Sales - Pro Shop 5,208 5,637 429 200 -0- 200 Rent - House 800 -0- 800 8,813 111531 2,718 Rent - Golf Carts 15 524 19 644 4 120 295 351 56 - Other Equip.-- 722 762 40 16,431 20,057 3,626 Greens Fees 59,957 689900 81943 1,087 19182 95 Special Events 1,087 15861 774 -0- -0- -0- Contract Commission -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -a- Miscellaneous Income -0- -0- -0- $29,184 $36,031 $61847 TOTAL $83,299 $96,804 $13,505 ul Oakland County Parks and Recreation WHITE 1,AKE-OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 6-30-79 .uxrent Year to 1979 (Over) Under Month Revenue Date Budget Budget -0- Commission - Food Service $ 21,130.68 $ 12 500.00 $ 10 369.32 3,088.20 Sales - Pro Shop 79268.12 11,500.00 10,231.88__ 100.00 Rental - House 600.00 1,200.00 600.00 6,069.00 Rental - Golf Carts 102950.50 28,500.00 17,549.5G 758.05 - Other Equipment 29238.53 5,000.00 2,761.47 ?251876.53 Green Fees 115,554.59 200,000.00 84,445.41 '_,182.00 Fees - Special Events 19182.00 2,500.00 1,318.00 -0- Contract Commission 1,712.00 100.00 (1,612.00) -0- Miscellaneous Income 1,164.59 100.00 (1,064.59) :4,073.78 TOTAL REVENUE $1429801.01 $267,400.00 $124,598.99 �3.392.35 Less: Operating Expenses 789044.75 215,950.00 137,905.25 10.681.43 REVENUE OVER/(UiVDER) EXP. $ 649756.26 $ 51,450.00 $(13,306.26) 5-20 Current Month 59049.87 39166.42 1,021.49 -0- 41.00 10.25 196.87 910.47 50.00 4,408.57 2,038.04 -0- 156.96 260.24 -0- -0- 235.00 84.12 383.62 -0- 265.55 114.92 948.12 (1.67) 1,520.00 2,500.38 32.13 -0- 23,392.35 Oakland County Parks and Recreation W-HI'IE LAKE -OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 6-30-79 Classification Salaries - Rill Time - Part Time - Over Time Fringe Benefits Special Events Rental Expense Communications Equipment Repair & Maint. Rubbish: Removal Grounds Maintenance Utilities Insurance Laundry & Dry Cleaning Building Maintenance Dues & Publications Miscellaneous Expense Office Supplies UnifOrris Transportation Travel & Conference Housekeeping Supplies Small Tools Depreciation Shortage/Overage Golf Cart Rental Golf Mdse. for Resale Radio Repair Contract Rental Property Maintenance Year to 1979 Date Bud et $257437.76 5,341.88 1,488.52 -0- 41.00 75.61 706.40 4,431.10 172.00 8,867.84 10,388.25 442.77 911.46 2,076.89 24.50 67.36 2,252.95 117.97 1,759.55 268.02 558.45 444.68 4,381.72 (16.25) 1,520.00 5,959.84 192.78 131.70 $ 72,200.00 13,500.00 2,500.00 26,000.00 1,000.00 200.00 11600.00 6,000.00 400.00 12,500.00 20,000.00 12,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 50.00 100.00 2,000.00 400.00 3,500.00 400.00 900.00 200.00 10,000.00 -0- 10,500.00 131500.00 500.00 -0- (Over) Under Budget $ 46,762.24 8,1.58.12 1,011.48 26,000.00 959.0a 124.39 893.60 1,568.90 228.00 3,632.16 9,611.75 11,557.23 11088.54 1,923.11 25.50 32.64 (252.95) 282.03 1,740.45 131.98 341.55 (244.68) 5,618.9-8 16.25 8,980.00 71540.16 307.22 (131.70) TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $78,044.75 $215,950.00 $1379905.25 1979 Dual Expenditures to Date: 36.10 .het Balance: 63.957c 1978 37.3T 5-2-1 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON WHITE LAKE -OAKS MnmTp nr 7iine TN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 6-30-79 1978 1979 Variance 1978 1979 Variance $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- Comm. - Food Sales $ 2,088 $ 2,131 $ 43 37472 31088 384 Sales - Pro Shop 71,927 711268 659 -0- 100 100 Rent - Houses -0- 600 600 5,327 6,069 742 Rent - Golf Carts 91546 101950 11404 838 758 (80) - Other Equip. 29341 21238 (103) 28,303 2-29877 (5,426) Greens Fees 113,596 1159555 1,959 1,090 11,182 92 Special Events 2,178 1,182 (996) -0- -0- -0- Contract Commission -0- 17712 1,712 21307 -0- (21307) Miscellaneous Income 29307 1,165 (1,142) $41,337 $349074 $(7,263) TOTAL $139,983 $1429801 $ 21818 un I N N Current Month -0- 882.62 840.00 865.50 .3,759.00 -0- Oakland County Parks and Recreation RED -OAKS GOLF COURSE Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 6-30-79 (Over) Year to 1979 Under Revenue Date- Budget Budget Commission - Food Sales $ -0- $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Sales - Pro Shop 1,727.33 3,000.00 19272.67 Rentals - Golf Carts 1,244.90 4,000.00 27795.10 - Other Equipment 19567.53 2,500.00 932.47 Greens Fees 27,333.50 70,000.00 429666.50 Miscellaneous Income -0- 100.00 100,00 6,347.12 TOTAL REVENUE $ 319833.26 - $ 80 ,100.00 $ 489266.74 ?1,098.86 Less: Operating Expenses 51,713.18 135,020.00 633,306.82 '4,751.74) REVE��UE OVER�(UNDER) EXP. $(19,879.92) $(54,920.00) $(35,040�08) 5-23 Current Month 2,673.59 3,558.06 1,209.44 -0- 7.00 49.58 359.79 -0- 2,732.52 331.80 119.34 76.20 72.78 -0- 235.00 86.82 427.07 -0- 90.02 28.23 951.34 16.54 350.00 723.74 7,000.00 Oakland County Parks and Recreation RED-O-�:KS GOLF COURSE Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 6-30-79 Classification Salaries - Full Time - Part Time - Over Time Fringe Benefits Rental Expense Communications Equipment Repair & Maint. Rubbish Removal Grounds Maintenance Utilities insurance Laundry & Dry Cleaning Building Maintenance Miscellaneous Expense Office Supplies Uniforms Transportation Travel & Conference Housekeeping Supplies Small Tools Depreciation Shortage/Overage Golf Cart Rental Golf Mdse. for Resale Lease Payment ?1,098.86 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1979 1978 :tual Expenditures to Date: 38.3% 32575 .dget Balance: 61. 7 ' Year to Date $131865.14 4,835.20 29457.13 -0- 36.75 378.34 29057.11 -0- 6,384.60 4,002.89 186.84 457.20 460.16 42.34 407.74 149.67 19917.50 85.44 391.34 364.16 4,459.77 7.46 350.00 1,416.40 7,000.00 $51,713.18 5-24 1979 Budget $ 43,840.00 14,000.00 2,000.00 15,790.00 150.00 990.00 4,000.00 -0- 8,000.00 151000.00 2,500.00 900.00 500.00 50.00 500.00 300.00 31500.00 100.00 400.00 200.00 101500.00 -0- 2,800.00 2,000.00 71000.00 $135,020.00 (Over) Under Budget $29,974.86 9,164.80 (457.13)- 15,790.00 113.25 611.66 1,942.89 -0- 1,615.40 109997.11 2,313.16 442.80 39.84 7.66 92.26 150.33 1,582.50 14.56 8.66 (164.16) 6, 040.23 (7.46) 22450.00 583.60 -0- $83,306.82 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON RED -OAKS GOLF COURSE MONTH OF June IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 6-30-79 1978 1979 Variance 1978 1979 Variance $-0-- $ -0- $ -0- Comm. - Food Sales $-0- $ -0- $ -0- -0- 883 883 Sales - Pro Shop -0- 12727 1,727 61 840 779 Rent - Golf Carts 61 19205 1,144 1 865 864 - Other Equip. 1 1,568 11567 319 137759 1.3,440 Greens Fee 319 27,333 27,014 -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- -0- -0-- $381 $16,347 $153966 TOTAL $381 $31,833 $31,452 urrer_t Month -0- 106.90 5,355.50 -0- 5,462.40 3,002.46 2,459.94 Oakland County Parks and Recreation RED -OAKS DRIVING RANGE Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 6-30-79 Year to Revenue Date Commission - Food Sales Sales - Pro Shop Rental - Ball Fees Miscellaneous Income $ -0- 106.90 12,913.50 30.95 '(Over) 7979 Under Budget Budget $ 500.00 $ 500.00 1,500.00 1,393.10 76,500.00 63,586.50 100.00 69.05 TOTAL REVENUE $13,051.35 $781600.00 $659548.65 Less: Operating Expenses 69290.38 45,950.00 399659.62 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $ 6,760.97 $32,650.00 $25,889.03 5- 26 Oakland County Parks and Recreation RED -OAKS DRIVING RANGE Cperatinq Expenses For the Period Ended 6-30-79 (Over) :urrent Year to 1979 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget 786.03 Salaries - Full Time $19932.81 $ 9,800.00 $ 7,867.19 12208.45 - Part Time 21286.15 111000.00 89713.85 174.85 - Over Time 697.00 500.00 (197.00) -0- Fringe Benefits -0- 31500.00 39500j,00 -0- Rental Expense -0- 50.00 50.00, 85.91 Communications 85.91 350.00 264.09 31.50 Equipment Repair & Maint. 38.46 1,000.00 961.54 -0- Rubbish Removal 285.00 300.00 15.00 27.29 Grounds Maintenance 35.50 31500.00 39464.50 129.94 Utilities 129.94 71000.00 6,870.06 163.04 Insurance 163.04 21500.00 211336.96 -0- Building Maintenance 5.75 500.00 494.25 -0- Dues & Publications -0- 50.00 50.00 -0- Miscellaneous Expense 17.84 100.00 82.16 -0- Office Supplies 26.33 200.00 173.67 26.40 Uniforms 26.40 200.00 173.60 -0- Transportation 12.07 200.00 187.93 84.29 Housekeeping Supplies 34.29 400.00 315.71 -0- Small Tools -0- 200.00 200.00 207.40 Depreciation 385.78 31500.00 3,114.22 (10.29) Shortage/Overage (9.54) -0- 9.54 87.65 Golf Mdse. for Resale 87..65 11100.00 19012.35 3,002.46 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1979 zal Expenditures to Date: 13.67 ;et Balance: 86.417o �6,290.38 5-27 �45,950.00 S39,659.62 Oakland County Parks and Recreation GLEN -OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 6-30-79 'urrent (over) Year to 1979 Under Month Revenues Date Budget Budget -0- Commission - Food Service $ -0- $ 40,000.00 $ 40,000.00 21,288.20 Sales - Pro Shop 49727.66 20,000.00 152272.34 15,836.00 Rental - Golf Carts 189736.50 55,000.00 365,263.50 626.74 - Other Equipment 19450.77 2,500.00 12049..23 _ 3,340.50 Greens Fees 1041,175.75 240,000.00 135,824.25 -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- -0- -0- 89091.44 TOTAL REVENUE $1299090.68 Jg"0-88 Less: Operating Expenses 69,400.88 5,120.56 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $ 59,689.80 5-28 $357,500.00 $228,409.32 250,410.00 1817009.12 $107,090.00 $ 47,400.20 ,�urrent Month 4,764.72 2,645.65 1,438.85 -0- -0- 83.44 301.53 -0- 4,471.09 i,834.94 -0- 133.20 27.93 -0- -0- (.45) 96.62 446.98 -0- -0- -0 19529.81 20.25 3,300.00 1,876.32 'Oakland County Parks and Recreation GLP -OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 6-30-79 Classification Salaries - Full Time - Part Time - Over Time Fringe Benefits Rental Expense Communications Equipment Repair & Maint. Rubbish Removal Grounds Maintenance Utilities Insurance Laundry & Dry Cleaning Building Maintenance Dues & Publications Miscellaneous Expense Office Supplies Uniforms Transportation Travel & Conference Housekeeping Supplies Small Tools Depreciation Shortage/Overage Golf Cart Rental Golf Mdse. for Resale 221,970.88 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1979 tual Expenditures to Date: 27.757o .dget Balance: 72.367a Year to Date 5- 29 $211034.94 41236.22 2,833.62 -0- 15.75 378.54 49200.96 12.60 79869.44 121078.52 134.70 632.10 685.32 24.50 85.59 315.68 159.47 1,481.76 54.71 15.28 192.29 59741.79 40.43 3,300.00 39876.67 1979 Budget $ 661000.00 20/000.00 3r000.00 23f760.00 200.00 2rO00.00 6,000.00 500.00 14,.000.00 30,000.00 12/000.00 21000.00 51000.00 50.00 100.00 zf500.00 400.00 3, 5O'O. 00 -0- 200.00 200.00 10r000.00 -0- 33,000.00 16,000.00 (Over) under Budget S 44,965.06 15,763.78 166.38 23,760.00- 184.25 1,621.46 1,799.04 487.40 6,130.56 17,921.48 119865.30 1,367.90 4,314..68 25. 5G, 14.41 21184.32 240.53 21018.24 (54.71) 184.72 7.71 49 258. 2-1 (40.43) 29,700.00 1291-93.33 $699400.88 $250,410.00 $181,009.12 Current Month $ 210.00 55.00 -0- 35.00 -0- -0- 30.00 180.00 213.00 -0- -0- -0- 723.00 5,278.39 8(4,555.39) Oakland County Parks and Recreation MOBILE RECREATION & SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Statement of Operations For -the Period Ended 6-30-79 Revenue Rental - Show Mobile - Skate Mobile - Swim Mobile - Puppet Mobile - Arts & Crafts -- Movie/Nature - Sports Mobile Rental - Busing Program Special Programs New Games Miscellaneous Income Special Grant TOTAL REVENUE Year to Date $ 290.00 55.00 -0- 35.00 -0- -0- 30.00 720.00 27151.00 -0- -0- -0- $ 3,281.00 Less: Operating Expenses 29,394.50 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(26,113.50) 5-30 1979 Budaet $ 3,000.00 2,000.00 550.00 1,800.00 900.00 900.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,050.00 500.00 -0- -0- (Over) Under Budaet $ 2,710.00 1,945.00 550.00 - 1,765.00 900.00- 900.00 2,970.00 29280.00 (101.00) 500.00 -0- -0- $ 17,700.00 $ 14,419.00 108,225.00 789830.50 $(90,525.00) $(64,411.50) Current Month $ 315.54 19941.20 527.78 -0- 327. 40 25.00 6.24 306.25 -0- -0- -0- 1.65 (914.50) -0- 1, 508,.05 326.15 -0- 907.63 Oakland County Parks and Recreation MOBILE RECREATION & SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 6-30-79 Classification Salaries - Full Time - Part Time - Over Time Fringe Benefits Special Programs Rental Expense Communications Equipment Repair & Maint. Insurance Dues & Publications Miscellaneous Expenses Office Supplies Uniforms Mobile Rec. Supplies Transportation Travel & Conference Small Tools Depreciation $5,278.39 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1979 1978 al Expenditures to Date: 27.1% 29.757o at Balance: 72.9% Year to Date $ 4,504.17 21018.00 12543.84 .-0- 1,024.15 125.00 489.44- 5,181.39 242.46 42.00 -0-- 59.09 10445.10 542.53 79137.71 501.47 -0- 4,538.15 $299394.50 5-31 1979 Budget $ 16,800.00 40,000.00 1,000.00 6,000.00 2,500.00 300.00 1,400.00 8,000.00 1,500.00 125.00 100.00 500.00 11200.00 21500.00 151500.00 750.00 50.00 10, 000.00 $108,225.00 (Over) Under Budctet $12,295.83 37,982.00 (543.94) 6,000.00 1,475.85. 175.00 910.56 2,818.61 19257.54 - 83.00 100.00 440.91 (245.10) 1,957.47 8,362.29 248.53 50.00 5,461.85 $782830.50 MONTH OF June OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON MOBILE RECREATION IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 6-30-79 1978 1979 Variance 1978 1979 Variance $ 230 $210 $ (20) Rent - Show Mobile $ 300 $ 290 $ (10) -0- 55 55 - Skate Mobile -0- 55 55 -0- -0- -0- - Swim Mobile -0- -0- -0- -0- 35 35 - Puppet Mobile -0- 35 35 -0- -0- -0- - Arts &. Crafts Mobile -0- -0- -0- -O- -0- -0- Movie/Nature Mobile -0- -O- -O- -0- 30 30 - Sports Mobile -0- 30 30 265 180 (85) - Buses 527 720 193 381 213 (168) Special Programs 1,119 21151 1,032 138 -0- (138) New Games 138 -0- (13$) -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- -0- -0- 2,957 -0- (2,957) Government Grants 29957 -0- (2,957) $3,971 $723 $(3,248) TOTAL $5,041 $3,281 $(1,760) Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRINGFIELD-OAKS YAC Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 6-30-79 (Over) Current Year to 1979 Under Month Revenue Date Budget Budget -0- Commission - Food Sales $ 70.41 1,500.00 $ 15429.59 1,999.04 Rental - YAC Building 119.404.04 20,000.00 85,595.96 -0- Fees - Antique Car Show -0- -0- -0- -0- - Rodeo -0- -0- -0- 49.00 - 4-H Fair 49.00 -0- (49.00) -0- - New Events 300.00 6/500.00 65,200.00 -0- - Arts & Crafts Fair -0- 1/500.00 15500.00 -0- -O- Contract Commissions 1.25 100.00 98,75' -0- Miscellaneous Income 211.95 100.00 (111.95) -0- Reimbursement - Oak, Co. -0- 50,000.00 50,000.00 `1,048.04 TOTAL REVENUE $ $ 67,663.35 129036.65 $ 79E700.00 8,701.87 Less: Operating Expenses 47,315.37 141,050.00 93,734.63 (6,653.83) REVENUE OVER/(UNDF'R) EXP. $(35,278.72) $(614351 .D $(26,071.28) 5-33 Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRINGFIELD-OAKS YAC Operating Expenses For 'the Period Ended 6-30-79 (Over) Current Year to 1979 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget $3,029.70 Salaries - Full Time $175968.44 $ 52,100.00 $34,131.56 322.35 - Part Time 322.35 2,500.00 2,177.65 836.22 - Over Time 2,683.24 6,000.00 39316.76 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- 18,750.00 189750.00 277.50 Special Events 781.50 81000.00 77218.50 36.75 Rental Expense 204.75 250.00 45.25 324.27 Communications 111599.63 2,000.00 400.37 28.24 Equipment Repair & Maint. 113.88 11F000.00 886.12 270.21 Grounds Maintenance 340.99 31500.00 3,159.01 1,055.83 Utilities 139843.60 22,000.00 89156.40 -0- Insurance 38.41 41500.00 41461.59 36.00 Laundry E. Dry Cleaning 288.00 850.00 562.00 19155.82 Building Maintenance 39429.50 7,000.00 39570.50 -0- Dues & Publications 17.00 100.00 83-00 -0- Miscellaneous. -0- 100.00 100.00 12.25 Office Supplies 106.69 900.00 793.31 38.72 Uniforms 80.62 100.00 19.38 568.96 Transportation 29486.96 4,900-.00 21413.04 325.00 Travel & Conference 325.00 400.00 75.00 -0- Housekeeping Supplies 808.29 11700.00 891.71 -0- Small Tools -0- 150.00 150.00 324.93 Depreciation 19521.80 3,500.00 19978.20 59.12 Radio Repair Contract 354.72 750.00 395.28 $8,701.87 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $475315.37 $141,050.00 $93,734.63 tual Expenditures to Date: .dget Balance: 1979 1978 33.5% 41.797o 66.5% 5-34 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON SPRINGFIELD-OAKS YAC MONTH OF June IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATF, 6-30-79 1978 1979 Variance 1978 1979 Variance fi -0- - -0- Comm. - Food Sales $ 106 $ 71 $ (35) 2,170 1 999 171 Rent - Activity Ctr. 9,899 11,404 17505 81 -0- (81) - Antique Car Show 9,980 -0- (9,980) -0- -0- -0- - Rodeo 312 -O- (312) -0- 49 49 - 4H Fair -0- 49 49 -0- -0- -0- - Arts & Crafts Fair -0.- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0-- - New Events -0-- 300 300 -0- -0- -0- Contract Commission 1 1 -0- -0- -0- -0- Misc. Income -0- 212 212 -0- -0- -0- Reimb.-Oak. Co. -0- -0- -0- $2,251 $2,048 $(203) TOTAL $20,298 $12,037 $(8,261) Current Month $ -0- 100.00 783.00 40.00 320.00 480.00 -0- 1,369.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- 544.00 336.00 -0- S 3,974.00 5,369.18 $(1,395.18) Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD-OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 6-30-79 Year to Revenue Date Commission - Food Service Rent - Houses Rent - Facilities Fees - Dog Obedience - Ballet - Belly Dancing - Golf Classes - Square Dancing - Ballroom Dancing - Senior Citizens - Round Dancing - Archery - Disco Dance - New Events Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUE 387.34 19400.00 41060.00 2,080.00 29472.00 21048.00 -0- 2,900.50 950.00 11160.00 -0- 900.00 59816.00 39892.00 -0- $ 289065.84 Less: Operating Expenses 4211684.38 REVENUE OVER/ EXP. $(14,618.54) 5-36 (Over) 1979 Under Budget Budget $ 11200.00 $ 812.66 21400.00 19000.00 71500.00 3,440.00 61000.00 3,920.00 -- 31500.00 1,028.00 1,200.00 (848..00) 400.00 400.00 71500.00 41599.50 11000.00 50.00 11500.00 340.00 400.00 400.00 900.00 -0- 6®000.00 184.00 3,100.00 (792.00) 100.00 100.00 $ 421700.00 $ 149634.16 83,075.00 409390.62 40,375.00) $(25,756.46) Oakland County Parks and Recreation WA EPRFORD-OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 6-30-79 (Over) Current Year to 1979 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget $2,314.55 Salaries - Full Time $1251992.85 $201870.00 $ 7,877.15 211.12 - Part Time 29078.60 3,000.00 921.40 218.03 - Over Time 968.72 1,000.00 31.28 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- 7,500.00 71500.00 231.43 Special Events 12.9126.51 191000.00 6,873.49 -0- Recital Expense -0- -0- -0- 55.07 Communications 406.55 11200.00 793.45 192.40 Equipment Repair & Maint. 430.83 800.00 369.17 -0- Rubbish Removal 35.00 450.00 413.00 21.70 Grounds Maintenance 335.03 31500.00 3,164.97 947.16 Utilities 79533.87 12,000.00 45,466.13 -0- Insurance 123.21 4,000.00 3.1876.79 53.80 Laundry & Dry Clearing 308.60 600.00 291.40 210.60 Building Maintenance 781.16 11500.00 718.84 -0- Dues & Publications 34.00 25.00 (9.00) 32.12 Miscellaneous 85.33 50.00 (35.33) -0- Office Supplies 115.31 200.00 84.69 450.00 Transportation 1,650.00 21880.00 11230.00 -0- Travel & Conference -0- 100.00 100.00 23.78 Housekeeping Supplies 470.90 500.00 29.10 -0- Small Tools 37.82 100.00 62.18 365.73 Depreciation 1,755.71 31000.00 1,244.29 -0- Shortage/Overage 23.00 -0- (23.00) 20.27 Rental Houses - Maint. 262.86 500.00 237.14 21.42 Radio Repair Contract 128.52 300.00 171.48 �5,369.18 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $83,075.00 840,390.62 842,684.38 1979 1978 ctual Expenditures to Date: 51.3175 46.50 udget Balance: 48.7% 5-37 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON WATERFORD-OAKS MONTH OF June Tyr nnr.r.nn.e tr" h" mn ? a- r 13n nn 1978 1979 Variance 1978 1979 Variance -0- $ -0- $ -0- Comm. - Food Sales $ 94 387 293 400 100 (300) Rent - Houses 1 400 1,400 -0- 900 785 (115) Rent - Facilities 4 563 4,060 503 900 336 40 320 (860) 16 Fees - - Dog Obedience Ballet 4,130 2 424 2,080 2 472 (2,050) 48 112 -0- 480 -0- 368 -0- - - Belly Dancing Golf 738 375 2,048 -0- 11310 375 17352 -0- 1,369 -0- 17 -0- - - Square Dancing Ballroom Dance 39293 828 2,901 950 (392) 122 92 32 -0- -0- (92) 32 - - Sr. Citizens Round Dancin 981 32 1,160 -0- 179 32 -0- 1 760 -0- 76 -0- 544 160 176 -0- 1 216 160 100 - - - - Archery Disco Dancing- Guitar New Classes 900 8 464 550 1,729 900 5,816 1,800 2 092 -0- (21648) 11250 363 -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income 37 -0- (37) $51960 $3,974 $(1,986) TOTAL $309538 $28,066 $(2,47ti) U, co Current $ -0- 1,761.60 16,426.00 69740.00 25067.00 500.00 29522.50 -0- $30,017.10 6.544,80 � 23 ,.472.30 Oakland County Parks and Recreation -WATERFORD WAVE POOL Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 6-30-79 Year to -- Revenue Date Commission - Food Service Rental - Lockers Entrance Fees: Children Adults Group Passes Family Memberships Swimming Classes Miscellaneous $ -0- 1,761.60 169434_00 6,741.00 2,158.50 600.00 49160.00 -0- (Over) 1979 Under Budget Budget $ 5,500.00 $ 59500.00 6f000.00 49238.40 62f000.00 459566m00 33£000.00 265,259.00 4,500.00 2,341.50 500.00 (100,00) 5,000.00 840.00 -0- -0- TOTAL REVENUE $311855.10 $116,500.00 $84 644.90 Less: Operating Expenses 19 759 57 114,800.00 95y040.43 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $12,095,53 $ 1,700.00 ,q10.395.53) 5-39 Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD WAVE POOL Operating Expenses For.the Period Ended 6-30-79 (Over) Current Year to 1979 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget ez -0- Salaries - Full Time $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- 7,785.28 - Part Time 89322.56 511000.00 429,677.44 57.00 - Over Time 57.00 11000.00 943.00 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- -0- -0- 25.88 Communications 287.63 900.00 612.37 1.50 Equipment Maintenance 132.30 500.00 367.70 37.90 Grounds Maintenance 96,98 6,500.00 6,403.02 (41,915.23) Utilities 590.81 201000.00 192409.19 -0- Insurance 484.98 151000.00 14,515.02 597.38 Building Maintenance 2,240.47 31500.00 19259.53 -0- Miscellaneous -0- 300.00 300.00 19883.16 Supplies 3,095.08 7,000.00 32904.92 115.75 Office Supplies 160.95 250.00 89.05 94.95 Uniforms 132.30 11000.00 867.70 1^_9.92 Housekeeping Supplies 413.52 750.00 336.48 -0- Small Tools 20.84 100.00 79.16 773.67 Depreciation 3,789.01 7roM.00 39210.99 (52.36) Shortage/Overage (64.86) -0- 64.86 S 61544.80 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $95,040.43 $19,759.57 $114,800.00 1979 1978 :tual Expenditures to Date: 17.2% 23.557o iccet Balance: 82.80 5-40 MONTH OF .Tamp OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON WATERFORD WAVE POOL IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 6-30-79 078 1979 Variance 1978 1979 Vcriance $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- Comm. - Food Service $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- 1,495 1,762 267 Rent - Lockers 1,814 1,762 (52) 12,631 169426 3,795 Fees - Child 16,991. 169434 (557) 6,432 6,740 308 - Adult 81161 67741 (1,420) 730 27067 1,337 - Group Passes 742 27158 11416 200 500 300 - Membershi s 400 600 200 1,770 2,522 752 Swimming Classes 31510 49160 650 -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- -0- -0- $23 258 $30 01.7 $6,759 TOTAL $31,618 $31,855 $ 237 Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD-OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX Statement of Operations- ` For the Peroid Ended 6-30-79 (Over) ;urrent Year to 1979 1Under Month Revenue Date Budget Budget Tennis - Court Time $ -0- $ 7,920.00 $ 7,920.00 -� - Deck Tennis -0- 3,960.00 39960.00 Shuffleboard -0- 2.1475®.00 2,475.00 -0 Horseshoe -0- 2`475.00 2,475.00 -O- 'TOTAL REVENUE $ -0- $161830.00 $16,830.00 -0- 26 74_____ Less: Operating Expenses 45.94 15,120.00 15,074.06 ?6.79 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(45.94) $ 1,710.00 $ 1,755.94 5-42 Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD-OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX Operating Expenses ' For the Period Ended 6-30-79 .(Over) :urrent Year to 1979 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget $ -0- Salaries - Full Time $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- -0- - Part Time -0- 6,280.00 6,280.00 -0- - Over Time -0- 500.00 500.00 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- -0- -0- -0- Communications -0- 240.00 240.00 -0- Equipment Maintenance -0- 100.00 100.00 -0- Grounds Maintenance -0- 3,500.00 3,500.00 -0- Utilities -0- 11200.00 13,200.00 -0- Insurance -0- 1,500.00 1,500.00 -0- Building Maintenance -0- 200.00 200.00 -0- Miscellaneous -0- 100.00 100.00 -0- Office Supplies -0- 100.00 100.00 -0- Uniforms --0- 100.00 100.00 -0- Housekeeping Supplies -0- 200.00 200.00 -0- Small Tools -0- 100.00 100.00 26.79 Depreciation 45.94 1,000.00 954.06 -0- Shortage/Overage -0- -0- -0- $26.79 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $45.94 _ $15 L120.00 $15,074.06 1979 .ual Expenditures to Date: .0037 lget Balance: 99.9977 5-43 ITEM 6 AUDIT OF 1979 FINANCIAL RECORDS It is time to be considering the audit of our 1979 financial records. As you know, we have had Janz & Knight for the past four years and staff has been very pleased with their work. The cost for last year's audit was $7220. We have had a substantial increase in financial transactions this year, not only with the general increase in our existing park system but also due to the acquisition of Glen Oaks and the Red Oaks Driving Range. Janz & Knight has given us a range of MOO to $8400 for this year's audit. In view of the above, staff feels that the range is reasonable and therefore recommends that we contract with Janz & Knight for the audit of this year's records. ,TEM I 1 6�pGE� p�TP� DEv��"�pM�N prepared an Up�P1 staff has We are meet�ng6/30169' n f es he last com,ss,p meat Budge as o s,derab�e `ncreas s ment`oned at t Gap`tal Developh we have had co we st��1 show P date of the 19�9 that even thou9 f i st six moat s e u leased to reportro9rams dur;n9 t m`tted funds. p`n our capital p uncom an estimate �9' OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION ANALYSIS OF THE FINANCIAL POSITION AS OF 6/30/79 Fund Balance 6/30/79 Add Grants and Receivables Balance: DNR Grant - Waterford Phase II DNR Grant - Groveland Phase II DNR Grant - Springfield Land Purchase State Grant - Mobile Recreation Other Receivables Subtract Funds Needed for 1979 Park Operations: $2,216,569 $238,687 139,500 53,700 21,000 9,586 462,473 $2,679,042 Balance of 1979 Operating Budget $753,478 Additions: Glen Oaks Taxes 18,000 $771,478 Balance of 1979 Capital Equip. Budget 64,399 Other Account Payables 1,089 $ 836,966 Funds Available for Capital Projects 1,842,076 Less: Estimated Funds Needed for Capital Projects 1 ,772,792` Estimated Funds Uncommitted at 6/30/79 $ 69,284 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS AS OF 6/30/79 ESTIMATED PAYMENTS PROJECT THRU BALANCE fROVELAND OAKS COST 6/30/79 6/30/79 Landscaping - Supervisor Residence $ 1,000 $ -0- $ 1,000 Park Bulletin Board 1,000 -0- 1,000 Entrance Sign 3,000 2,040 960 Drainage Study 5,000 -0- 5,000 Phase II 314,520 178,797 135,723 Alum. Siding - Concession Bldg. 1,000 1,286 -0- Bath Bldg. Improvement 15,000 6,263 8,737 Paving Entrance 60,000 1,600 58,400 Traffic Signs 1,000 394 606 Bridges - Devil and Paradise Islands 16,000 -0- 16,000 Shelter Site Improvement 6,000 -0- 6,000 Beach and Lake Improvement 15,000 -0- 15,000 Barrier Post Replacement 3,500 -0- 3,500 Campsite Lot Post Improvement 4,500 -0- 4,500 Concession Panel Replacement 3,000 -0- 3,000 Roadway and Lawn Improvement 4,000 2,502 1,498 Windmill Restoration 4,500 304 4,196 Tree Planting -4,000 -0- 4,000 $ 462,020 $193,186 $269,120 ADDISON OAKS Transit Museum Fencing $ 2,000 $ 100 $ 1,900 New Bridge 4,000 1,991 2,009 Entrance Sign 1,000 125 875 Park Bulletin Board 1,000 -0- 1,000 Ornamental Trees 3,500 3,539 -0- Cold Water Repair Conf. Center 2,500 2,196 -0- Fence Extension 4,200 -0- 4,200 Pedal Boat Booth and Dock 7,500 431 7,039 Road Improvement 20,832* 2,000 18,832 Water Feature 4,000 -0- 4,000 $ 50,532 $10,382 $39,855 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS AS OF 6/30/79 ESTIMATED PAYMENTS PROJECT THRU BALANCE INDEPENDENCE OAKS COST 6/30/79 6/30/79 Phase II $ 290,182 $295,643 $ -0- Directional Signs 4,000 4,516 -0- Park Bulletin Board 1,000 -0- 1,000 New Trees 2,895 2,2$5 610 Fencing Program 52,000 26,571 25,429 Storage and Workshop Area 12,500 11,263 1237 Information/Display Structure 1,000 -0- 1,000 Dredging Lagoon 3,500 -0- 3,500 Twin Chimney Enclosure 4,500 3,011 1,489 Environmental Center 2,500 2,839 -0- Landscape Improvement 3,900 1,641 2,259 Swimming Pump Improvement 5,000 -0- 5,000 Twin Chimney Improvement 6,000 -0- 6,000 Irrigation - Beach Concession 3,000 -0- 3,000 Moraine Knoll - Shelter Enclosure 2,000 -0- 2,000 Water - Moraine Knoll 2,500 -0- 2,500 Play Facilities 10,000 -0- 10.000 New Trails - Handicapped 7,500 -0- 7,500 Ted Gray Trail 3,000 -0- 3,000 Existing Trail Improvement 4,000 -0- 4,000 Environmental Center 250,000 -0- 250,000 Wetland Acquisition 212,000 -0- 212,000 $ 882,977 $347,769 $541,524 SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE Entrance Sign $ 5,000 $ 3,488 $ 1,512 Clubhouse Improvement 12,916 9,195 3,721 Paving - Parking Golf Cart Station, etc. 48,000* 3,314 44,686 Clubhouse Irrigation 2,000 847 1,153 Park Bulletin Board 1,000 -0- 1,000 New Trees 2,314 1,869 445 Restroom Facility and Well Improvement 5,500 630 4,870 Roof Repairs 3,000 -0- 3,000 Bathroom Improvement 1,000 -0- 1,000 $ 80,730 19,343 $ 61,387 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS AS OF 6/30/79 ESTIMATED PAYMENTS PROJECT THRU BALANCE SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC COST 6/30/79 6/30/79 Land Purchase $ 113,700 $ 413 $113,287 Bulletin Board 1,000 -0- 1,000 Entrance Enclosure 2,500 467 2,033 Coming Attraction Sign 500 -0- 500 Landscaping 3,000 -0- 3,000 4-H Facility Improvement 47,925 25,172 22,753 Rope Course 2,500 -0- 2,500 $ 171,125 $ 26,052 $145,073 WHITE LAKE OAKS Bulletin Board $ 1,000 $ -0-" $ 1,000 New Trees 1,546 1,326 220 Clubhouse Improvements 7,500 5,196 2,304 Irrigation Pond Improvements 6,000 -0- 6,000 Parking Area Paving 7,887* 2,000 5,887 Repair Clubhouse Roof 6,000 -0- 6,000 Golf Course Greens, Tees, Etc. 22,000 307 21,693 $ 51,933 $ 8,829 $ 43,104 GLEN OAKS Clubhouse Improvement, bar and kitchen $ 62,954 $ 19,053 $ 43,901 Fencing Installation 80,000 6,500 73,500 Entrance Sign 3,000 -0- 3,000 Bridge Repairs 5,000 -0- 5,000 Irrigation System Improvement 15,000 894 14,106 Maintenance Bldg. Improvement 8,500 487 8,013 Fairway and Tee Improvement 10,000 3,520 6,480 Golf Cart and Staging Area Improvement 15,000 -0- 15,000 $ 199,454 $ 30,454 $169,000 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS ..RECREATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS AS OF 6/30/79 ESTIMATED PAYMENTS PROJECT THRU BALANCE WATERFORD OAKS COST 6/30/79 6/30/79 Phase II -Tennis $ 808,811 $507,495 $301,316 Bulletin Boards 2,000 19 1,981 Closure Gates - Wave Pool 5,000 -0- 5,000 Tool Bins and Paritions 700 641 59 Interior Signs - Wave Pool 500 125 375 Waterford Drain Repair 500 -0- 500 Entrance and Paving 62,000* 2,525 59,475 Storage Bldg. - Wave Pool 12,000 -0- 12,000 Lighting Improvement - Activities Center 1,000 -0- 1,000 Energy Conservation, Storm Windows, etc. 2,300 -0- 2,300 Activity Center Site Improvement 3,000 -0- 3,000 Wave Pool Entrance Modification 4,500 1,648 1,500 Wave Pool Machine Bldg. 1,500 -0- 1,500 Wave Pool Shower Improvement 1,700 1,680 -0- Physical Fitness Trail 8,000 -0- 8,000 Maintenance Bldg. Addition 20,000 -0- 20,000 $ 933,511 $514,133 $418,006 RED OAKS Golf Course Construction $ 434,039* $434,039 $ -0- Starter Bldg., Parking 120,000 113,885 -0- Bulletin Board 1,000 -0- 1,000 Driving Range Plans 16,700 15,240 -0- Driving Range Construction 259,000 214,161 44,839 Landscaping - Starter Bldg. 3,000 -0- 3,000 Landscaping - Screen 5,000 651 4,349 Protective Fencing - Golf Course 12,000 -0- 12,000 Drinking Fountain - Golf Course 2,000 -0- 2,000 Tree Planting - Golf Course 5,000 -0- 5,000 Service Drive and Cart Path Improvement 8,000 -0- 8,000 Huffman Plaque 1,000 -0- 1,000 Control Bldg. Alarm - Driving Range 2,028* 2,028 -0- $ 868,767 $78o,004 $ 81,188 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS AS OF 6/30/79 ADMINISTRATION Master Signing System Ventilating System Admin. Bldg. Modification ESTIMATED PAYMENTS PROJECT THRU BALANCE COST 6/30/79 6/30/79 $ 1,500 $ 1,418 $ -0- 500 -0- 500 5,000 965 4,035 $ 7,000 $ 2,383 $ 4,535 TOTAL FOR ALL PARKS $3,708,049 $1,932,535 $1,772,792 %,includes additions approved by the Commission