HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1979.07.09 - 39706R. Eric Reickel A4anager Jon J. Mpke Assistant Manager � Y �I R; t�'10 rm r so 2800 \^/ATt !NIS LAKE ROAD POr-! I I"MG, hvtiCNIGAh! 48054 July 3, 1979 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: (313) 858-0506 A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . 9:30 a.m. Monday, July 9, 1979 Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan . Regular Meeting The meeting has been called in accordance with authorization of Lewis E. Wint, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. S i ncere)y,! jR. Eric Reickel Manager mlp Lewis E. Wint Chairman Marjorie M. Walker Vice -Chair man Velma M. Austin Secretary Don Deni Fred Houghten George W. Kuhn Joseph R. Montante Carol E. Stanley Pichard R. Wilcox Addison Oaks - Glen Oaks , Groveiand Oaks Red Oaks Springfield Oaks 6 Waterford Oaks - White Lake Oaks OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION July 9, 1979 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes of June 20, 1979. 4. Approval of Payments, Vouchers 6-140 through 7-57• 5. Activities Report for June, 1979. 6. Addison -Oaks - Paving Project. 7. Waterford -Oaks Activities Center - Sewer Connection. 8. Addison -Oaks - Boat Docks. 9. D.O.E. Grant. 10. Springfield -Oaks - Country Western Concert. 11. Red -Oaks - Proposal to Enclose Driving Range. 12. White Labe -Oaks - Rap Property. 13. 187 Acres - Avon Township. 14. Chrysler Property - Orion Township. 15. Parks & Recreation Commission - Meeting Day. 16. Manager's Report. 17. New Business. 18. Unfinished Business. 19. Adjourn. Next Regular Meeting: July 18, 1979. ITEM #4 W211 VENDOR VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION June, 1979 140 J.D. Armstrong Cap.Proj., Construction, Payment 107- Drivinq Range 17 692.90 141 Michi an Recreation & Park Assoc. Registration fees for R. Eric Reickel J. Ki ke G. Kuhn V. _ Austin, L. Wint, J. Montante, R. Wilcox & D. Deni to attend the Summer Conference to be held at Mackinac Island from June 29 thru July 1, 1979- Admin. 200.00 .142 Sundry (Advance) Advances for. R. Eric Reickel, J. J. Kipke L. E. Wint, V. Austin, J. Montante, & D. Deni to attend the Summer Conference being held at Mackinac Island from June 9 thru July 1, 1979- Admin. 1,339.90 -143 The Grantsmanship Center Registration fee for Anne Clinton Cirocco to attend the Grantsman- ship Training Program to b-e he in Detroit from October 15 thru October 191 1979- YAC- 325.00 -144 American Floor Products Company Cap.Proj., Clubhouse Renovation- S rin .• Clubhouse Im rove, & Pro Shop Counter Extension- Wh.Lk. 453.47 -145 Milton Haines Refund, League Fee- Spring. 98.00 -146 Delores Burton Refund, League Fee- Spring. 52.50_ -147 Mrs. D. Pappas Refund, Lea e Fee- Glen Oaks 32.00 -148 Mrs. B. Kirkpatrick Refund, League Fee- Glen Oaks 32.00 -149 Kwik Sanitation Excavating, Inc. Bldg. Maint., Septic Tan s Cleaned- Wh.Lk. 180.00 -150 Michigan Fire Extinguisher Corp. Cap.Proj., Clubhouse Renovati6n- Glen Oaks 1/433.80 -151 O.C.Equalization Department Cap.Proj., Land Acquisition- YAC 300.00 152 Eldon D. Curtis Refund,Electricity-Grove. 7.00 4-1 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION ;R DUNE, 1979 t VENDOR PURPOSE AMOT TNT 153 Alex Birch Refund Cam in Fee- Grove. 10.00 154 Tri-CityAggreqates, Inc. Cap.Proj., Roadway & Lawn Improve - Grove. 2,501.89 155 Pontiac Steel CompanV Grounds Maint., Steel- Spring. & Red Oaks 42.03 156 J.P. Burroughs & Son Inc. Grounds Maint., Road Gravel- Indep. 121.20 157 Dale Stevenson Truckipq Grounds Maint., Hauling Gravel- Indep. 120.49 158 Lou Dorman & Sons Bldg. Maint., Fire Extinguishers Recharged- YAC 25.60 159 Lucky 13'ers C.B. Club Refund, Security Deposit- YAC 50.50 160 Engineered Environments, Inc. Cap.Proj., Entrance Mo z zcatzon- Wave Pool 443.14 .161 Christine Grzeskowiak Mileage Reimbursement- Admin. 4.59 162 Currier Lumber Company Cap.Proj., Pedestrian Bridge- Conf.Ctr. 381.66 ?o O C Dept, of Public Works Sewage Expense- Add. 440.42 • 64 Jeff Bowling Refund Swim Class- Wave Pooi 10.50 •165 Darlene Lee Refund, Swim Class- Wave Pool 10.50 -166 Mrs. Pashke Refund; Swim Class- Wave Pool 21.00 -167 Gilbert McClellan Refund, Golf Fee- Spring. 63.00 -168 Jim Smidt Refund, League Fee- Spring. 52.50 -169 State of Michigan Naturalist's Exp., Film Rental- Indep. 12.00 -I Hurd Photographer Promo., Photos for CBM Workshop at Glen Oaks- Admin. 25.00 - 71 Public Relations Soc. of America Subscription to Public Relations Journal- Admin. 12.00 2 William T. Weishaar Milea e Reimbursement- Add. 84.32 -173 Access to Recreation, Registration Fee for J. Figa to Attend the Access to Recreation -- Barrier Free Facilities & Park Conference in Indiana olis, Indiana from July 11 to July 12, 1979- Admin. 30.00 17 A Prentice Hall Inc. Reference Material, Lesly's Public Relations Handbook- Admin. 22.95 4-2 Im VENDOR VOUCn=­R REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION JUPiE, 1979 Mw:W0..`�0I Atf()T TNT 175 Wilson Sporting Goods Inventory, Golf Supplies - Dr. Range 52.50 176 Gorman Golf Products Inc. Inventory, Golf Supplies- Wh.Lk. 7.00 •177 Detroit Ball Bearing Company Bldg. Maint.- Wave Pool 91.60_ •178 Great Lakes Sanitation Services Spec.Events, S ate oar C ampion- ship, PortaJohns- Mob.Rec. 130.00 .179 Wein artz Supply Equip. Maint.- Red Oaks 21.88"- •180 Oliver Supply Company Equzp. Ma1nt.- Water.,; B. g. Maint.- Red Oaks 149.50 -181 Gary's Disposal Service Rubbish Removal- Wh.Lk. 50.00 -18 NNCR Corporation f Equip. Maint.- Indep. 64.45 -183 Bobbie's Hobbies Recreation Program- Grove. 21.47 -184 Mrs. Patricia Layman Refund, Security Deposit-- YAC 67.50 ,185 Ward S. Newman, Jr. Custodial Services Provided in June, 1979- Admin. 330.00 -186 Gudith Hardware Grounds Maint.- YAC & Grave. 874.88; B1dg.Maint. & Small Tools - Grove. 106.39 -187 Munn Ford Tractor, Inc. Equip. Maint.- Red Oaks 77.90 -188 Detroit Ball Bearing Company Equip. Maint.- Grove. 8.04 -189 James Parker Refund, Security Deposit- Water. 25.00 -19C Meteor Photo Company Promo. Film Processing- Admin. 21.50 -191 O.C. Laundry Laundry & Uniform Exp.- All Parks 1,935.60 -192 Lake Orion Lumber Company Cap.Proj., Ornamental Trees (Lancl scane Prog.) &_Grounds Maint.- Add.; Bldg. Maint.- Conf.Ctr. 301.95 -193 J & J Dis oral Rubbish Removal- Add. 268.32 -194 Mary Catanzarite Refund, Swim Class- Wave Pool 10.50 -19 Anthony M. Franco, Inc. Promotional, Miscellaneous Services Provided- Admin. 350.00 4-3 ;R VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION JUNE, 1979 VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 96 O C Stationery Stock ffice Supplies & Promo.- Admii�.; rspec.Events, Jr. Tournament- Sprin ---Flyers; & Wh.Lk., Square Dancing - Water., Naturalist's Exp., Meet Your Environment Booklet - Indep. 1,556.19 197 Pioneer Hardware Bldg. Maint.- Wave Pool & $69.79; Equip. Maint.- Wh.Lk., Red Oaks 31.01, & Glen Oaks; Grounds- aint.- Wh.Lk.,$89.11, Red Oaks, & Dr. Range; Small Tools- Wh.Lk. 274.6E 198 Official Sports Center Cap.Equip., Tennis Paddles Tennis Complex 393.10 199 John A. Biewer CoMany, Inc. Ca Eg jxip., Anchors - Indep. 222.30 .200 Central Pool -Supply, Inc. Cap.Equip., Nylon Rope & Buoys - Grove. 517.65 .201 Associated Truck Lines Freight on Buoys - Grove. 35.03 202 TRA Electronic Communications Cap.Equip., Paging Receiver Water. 308.1.3 •203 Fred W. Moote Electrical, Inc. Cap.Proj., 4-H Fair Facility Improve.- YAC r 300.00 -204 Service Glass CoMany, Inc. WindshieldsRe air.- Dr. Ran e 163.04 -205 Detroit Edison Utilities- Glen Oaks 1,237.77 -206 Consumers Power Company Utilities- Conf.Ctr. & Glen Oaks 1,165.44 -207 Michigan Bell Telephone Company Communications, Coin- Spring., YAC Indev,, Water Wave Pool & Add. 75.21 -2 Mi hi an Bell Telephone Company Communications- Grove. & Water. 67.56 -209 Church's Lumber Yards Cap.Proj., Office Bldg. Modifica- tion- Admin.;Boat Rental Booth & Dock Complex- Add.; Entrance Sign - Dr. Range; Clubhouse Renov. & Kitchen & Bar Improve.- Glen Oaks; E i .Maint, Show & Swim Mobiles- Mob.Rec. & Add.; Grounds Maint.- Add. 603.65 -21 Yankee Screw Products Company_Windshield Repair - Red Oaks 105.00 -211 Payroll Pay period ending June 15, 1979 - All Parks 66,254.24 Mw 09 VOUCh`ER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION JUNE/ 19 VENDOR PURPOSE AMnTIT, J P 12 'Michi an Recreatio Deposits to attend the NRPA 1979 Congress in New Orleans Louisiana from October 2 t ru Novem ear 1. 1979- Admin. & Mob.Rec. 1,100.00 13 Michi an Recreation & Park Assoc. Reimbursement for the sale of tickets - Admin. 644.85- Sub Total For Month 105 746.78 TOTAL FOR MONTH $427,372.09 4-5 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION ;R JULY, 1979 .1 VENDOR PURPOSE A MnT rNT '-1 Tri-CityAggregates, Inc. Grounds Maint., Road Gravel- Water 391.30 7-2 Sales.Control S stems Inc. Office Supplies, Register Tapes- All Parks 675.79 7-3 Detroit News Subscri Lion 1 year - Admin. 72.80 7-4 Herald Advisor Subscription, 1 vear - Admin. 7.00 7-5 The Rochester Clarion Subscription, 1 year - Admin. 8,50 - Subscription, 1 Vear - Admin. 7,00 7- 'cs Com an Uniform E ense- Wave Pool 96,00 7-8 S12rinkler Irrigation Supply Co. Cap.Proj., Irrigation Pond Improv _ h k 815.00 - Rental Property Maint., Fiberglas Tub Kit- Water. 251.00 -10 Mike Matlock Refund Security Deposit - YAC 65.00 11 Joyce Bowman Refund Security Deposit - YAC 25.00 -12 Sprinkler Irri ation Sup2ly Co. Grounds Maint.- Red Oaks 49.08 -13 Flint Graphic Service, Inc. Promotional, General Parl<s _ Admin 9 343.20 - rrou hs & Son Inc. Grounds Maint. - Indep. 8.45 '--1 Oliver Supply Company Housekeeping Su lies- S ring. 9.90 '-16 Ro al Rental Com an Rental Expense, Latin Spreader - Wh.Lk. 70.60 '- i ies Fund Rubbish Removal- Water. 140.00 '- r enter Cap.Proj., Entrance Sign - Grove.; Boat Rental Booth & Dock Com lex- Add. 265.00 7- r n Oil Company Equip.Maint.- Spring. $616.28, Ad Wh.Lk. Red Oaks, & Glen Oaks 2,056.07 7-20 Pa'tas Oil CompanV, Inc. Equip. Maint. Gasoline- Grove, 357.43 7- h m son Oil CompanV Utilities - Grove. 481.11 7- 2 Oakland Heating Supply, Inc. Grounds Maint.- Spring., Bldg. Maint.- Wave Pool, & Equip. Maim Add. 154.80 . M VOUCHER REGISTER OAKI..AND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION :R DULY, 1979 t VENDOR pj TRPOS'P a Mnr rmrr - Equip.Maint.- Indep.; Grounds , Maint.- Tnde . & Add.; Bldg. Main - Wave Pool 71.74 - Corporation Grounds Maint.- Spring. $129.05, Red Oaks Glen Oaks; Equip. Maint. - Red Oaks $284.30 & Glen Oaks; Small Tools- Red Oaks 673.09 -25 Pontiac S-teel-CoMpany Grounds Maint.- Glen Oaks 18.56 -26 Goodyear Truck Tire Center Equip. Maint.- S rink, & Indep. 38.64 -27 Golf Car Distributors Golf Cart Rental- Glen Oaks 250.00 -28 Count of Oakland Communications- Admin. $772.37, Mob.Rec. Water. & Wave Pool 928.13 -29 Cowbell Seeds Inc. Cap.Proj., Tee & Irrig. Renovatio Greens - Wh.Lk. 350.00 -30 Select Film Library,Inc. Recreation Program, Films - Grove. 260.00 31 R. Eric Reickel Cust. PettyCash Reimbursement- Admin. 134.85 -32 Hodges Supply Company Cap.Proj., Office Bldg. Mod.- Admin.; Tee & Trrig. Renov.- Wh.L Clubhse. Renov., Irrig. System, Maint. Bldg: Tm rove., & Kitchen Bar Improve.- Glen Oaks; Cap.Equi Water Pump & Hoses- Spring. & Red Oaks; Bldg. Maint.- YAC; Equip. Maint.- Wh.Lk. 1,001.53 -33 W. F. Miller Company Cap.Equip., Brushes- Spring. & Wh. Lk.: E ui .Maint.- Spring., Grove. Indep., Add., Wh.Lk. $1,213.46, Red Oaks, & Glen Oaks 2,563.28 '-34 Spalding Ca .Equip. Range Balls- Red Oaks 1,475.00- 248.55 52.17 '-35 Sears Roebuck & Company Cap.Equip., Bench Grinder - Glen Oaks '-36 John A. Biewer Company, Inc. _ Cap.Equi ., Rope - Grove. '-37 Commercial Wire Rope & Supply Co. Ca .E ui Rope - Grove. 186.30 '-3 American Lockers SecuritV SVstems Cap.Equip., Lockers - Indep. 950.00 '-39 O.C. Dept. Facilities & Operatior Cap.Proj., Landscaping-YAC; Club- hse. Renov.- Glen Oaks; Bldg. Maint.- YAC, Conf.Ctr. $651.84, & Wh.Lk.; Grounds Maint.- Water. 6,197.26 4-7 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION JULY, 1979 rc+mm�� PI TRPn qR AMOUNT P - s 14.96 7 c i n ro Param- Grove 24 35- •4 po.ntiac-Earm & In .1 3:ractor Equip. Maint., Overhaul Kit & Fenders- Glen Oaks .44 Kina Brothpr,,;.-Tn Equip. Maint.- Tech.Sup. $56.50 & •45 O.C.Planning ission Cap.Proj., Land Acquisition- YAC; Office SU1242lies-Admin.0 •46 The Oakland Press Promotional Advertisement- Admin. 137.50 •47. Harold Paper Company. Inc. Housekee in Su lies- Spring. 16.30 •48 Oliver Supply Com-Danv Bldg. Maint.- YAC & Add. 47.00 •49 Sundr Commission Per Diem & Mileage Paid to Commis- sioners for Attendin Meetings- Admin. 266.08 -50 Detroit Edison Utilities- Spring. & YAC_ 22.70 — -51 Golf Mart, Inc. Inventory, Golf Supplies- Spring., Wh.Lk. $405.43 & Glen Oaks; Equip Maint.- Wh.Lk.; Cap.Equip., Range Balls- Red Oaks 1,465.63 •52 The Daily Tribune Subscription Renewal- Admin. 65.62 -53 National Recreation & Park Assoc. Membership Fee Renewal- Admin. 65.00 -54 Marilyn J. Baker'Mileage Reimbursement-- Admin. 8.67 -55 Chet's Rent -All, Inc. Srounds Maint., Drill- Wave Pool 192.07 -56 Anne Clinton-Cirocco, Cust. Petty Cash Reimbursement- YAC 43.61 -57 Frank Ostrowski, Cust. Petty Cash Reimbursement- Add. 55.08 SUB -TOTAL FOR MONTH $34 223.04 on MOBILE RECREATION See Attached Sheet) DAY USE PARKS Addison Conference Center Addison -Oaks Park Glen Oaks Clubhouse G rove 1 and -Oaks Independence -Oaks Springfield -Oaks Y.A.C. Springfield -Oaks Clubhouse Water f ord-Oaks Waterford Tennis Complex Waterford -Oaks Wave Pool White Lake -Oaks Clubhouse GOLF COURSES Glen Oaks Red -Oaks Red -Oaks Driving Range Springfield -Oaks Golf Course White Lake -Oaks GRAND TOTALS Groups/Leagues Participants Groups Leagues Participants 1978 1979 1978 1979 1978 1979 1978 1979 90 59 14273 8774 244 159 55018 49486 39 46 4396 49og 117 140 14991 16634 2633 2784 11767 14301 6383 5445 26746 24846 0 19 0 2199 0 76 0 9774 3796 3746 16137 15673 6086 5245 25805 22506 3933 5748 19011 24722 11274 12668 47348 52117 13 22 2879 3632 85 121 31598 38289 O 0 0 0 2 2 125 131 42 27 3182 2368 390 351 20066 18365 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 99 a 20289 23070 51 103 27571 25207 0 15 989 1459 I 53 i 66 4671 6009 0 141 358 9364 I 0 28o 358 20988 0 13 0 4756 0 41 0 10299 0 2 0 2260 0 12 0 6058 84 100 6o85 6488 183 199 13174 13980 117 105 10091 9405 235 264 24383 25101 10806 32926 1 109457 133380 6 25103 25172 291854 339790 m 3 SWIM -MOBILE SKATE -MOBILE PUPPET -MOBILE ART -MOBILE MOVIE/NATURE-MOBILE SHOW -MOBILE SPORTS -MOBILE SPECIAL EVENTS P & R BUSES NEW GAMES TOTALS MOBILE RECREATION MONTHLY UNITS AND SPECIAL EVENTS ACTIVITIES REPORT MOBILE RECREATION Month of June, 1979 Year to Date Groups Participants Groups Participants 1978 1979 1978 1979 1978 1979 197 1979 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 10 1066 1110 26 12 1666 5300 7 12 842 735 7 12 842 735 10 3 335 125 10 3 335 125 2 2 40 65 119 87 25350 22480 11 12 9950 5700 18 14 21500 14200 14 6 815 445 16 7 1590 4445 0 0 0 0 3 3 1300 1327 11 14 510 594 31 21 1320 874 11 0 1 715 0 14 4 0 1115 0 90 59 14273 8774 244 159 55018 49486 ITEM #6 ADDISON-OAKS PAVING PROJECT The repaving of the existing drive in Addison -Oaks was included in the approved capital projects. This original consisted of repairs of approximately 50% of the pavement between the control station to the conference center. A review of this project in the spring of this year indicated that repairs would be more extensive and include the majority of the existing pave (see attached map). Bids were received on this work on June 21, 1979• Two bids were received as follows: Base Bid *Alternate Apex Paving $13,831.25 $4,100.75 Lind Coubraugh Asphalt 17,795.00 6,990.00 -Additional 165 tons of in -place asphalt. This work including the alternate would completely resurface the loop area from the control station to the conference center. After review of the low bid and comparing with other asphalt work, Parks and Recreation and F & 0 staff recommends awarding of contract to the low bidder, Apex Paving, including alternate and 5% contingency as follows: Base Bid $13,831.25 Alternate 4,100.75 5% Contingency 900.00 Total Requested Amount $18,832.00 Although only $10,000 was originally approved, the remaining amount is recommended to be allocated from contingency. ITEM #7 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITIES CENTER SEWER CONNECTION In order to accomplish the sewer installation for Waterford Oaks Activities Center as approved June 6, a sewer fee must be paid to Waterford Township. The cost for this fee has been set at $22,965. To date, Parks and Recreation has already expended $40,795. for the following sewer fees: Wave Pool & Residence $32,100• Administrative Office 7,015. Courts Complex 1,680. $40,795. Due to the above costs staff felt some negotiations might be in order. Two meetings have occurred and the present estimate, based on usage, is now $16,805. In order to expedite the sewer and paving projects staff recommends payment of this fee. Although this was not a budgeted item costs can be allocated from Item 36, Activities Center Improvements and contingency. ITEM #8 ADDISON-OAKS DOCKS The development of a pedal boat booth and dock complex at Addison -Oaks was approved in the Capital Development budget. The boat booth has been completed and the docks are now required to complete this project. Bids were received for six b' x 8' sections of aluminum docks. This included all necessary fittings and stantions for installation by park personnel. Bids are as follows: Herbert Jennings $2,303.58 Two Gun 3,200.00 Alumi-Span 2,100.00 Staff recommends awarding the purchase of the docks to the low bidder, Alumi-Span, in the amount of $2,100.00. ITEM #9 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRANT ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER Parks and Recreation recently received an application for sub- mitting a grant to the Department of Energy. The intent of the grant is to assist in funding, in three phases: Phase 1, design; Phase II, construction; and Phase III, monitoring of passive solar buildings. This type of grant lends itself to our proposed environmental center at Independence -Oaks Park. The amount of monies estimated to receive for Phase 1, if successful, is approximately $20,000 to $25,000. If a grant is received for Phase I, then Phase II and III are almost automatic and could amount to an additional $100,000 to $150,000. The grant is due on July 27, 1979• Staff requests permission to submit grant to Department of Energy for Phase I. ITEM #10 SPRINGFIELD OAKS COUNTRY WESTERN CONCERT As mentioned at a previous meeting, WCXI Radio is interested in conducting a country western concert as outlined in the attached letter. Anne Clinton-Cirocco will present the contract to the Commission. Springfield Township officials have been contacted. WCXI 1130 June 1 5, 1979 Ms. Ann Clinton-Cirocco Springfield Oaks Park Davisburg Road Davisburg, Michigan Dear Ann, 18900 James COLIZens Detroit, Michigan 48235 (313) 345-8600 As per our conversation on June 12th, regarding WCXI Radio's intent to present a country music concert at Springfield Oaks Center, the following is an outline of the planned activities and the provisions to make that event safe and well - ordered. The Date August 12, 1979 The Place Springfield Oaks Activities Center T11P Time 8 AM until 9 PM Music will begin at 11 AM and end at 8 PM The Event A country music concert and picnic, featuring only local country music performers. (No nationally -known headliner will perform.) The Details WCXI intends to sell "Vehicle Passes" to WCXI listeners wishing to attend the event. Each "Vehicle Pass" will allow a vehicle to park in one of the designated Springfield Oaks parking areas. A vehicle may carry as many persons as they wish. A "Vehicle Pass" will cost $5. 00. Attendee's will be allowed to bring picnic lunches, coolers, grills, (No ground fires will be allowed. ) and blankets. The number of passes sold will be determined by the size of the parking areas assigned to, or obtained by, WCXI. C—w GOLDEN WEST BROADCASTERS, INC.: KMPC Luc Angoles - KSFO �.,n Fr,ln, irco KVI AM -FM Seattle - KEX (AM) KQFM (FM) Portland - WCXI (AM) W IWR (6M! Detmit - KTIA T%1 f us Angelo. WCXI has made provision for, and intends on providing: - 4 Oakland County security officers - 20 parking lot personnel - The clean-up of grounds - A stand-by ambulance on the site - 20 additional private restrooms - A stand-by pumping truck (For the restrooms mentioned above) - Station personnel for constant supervision and decision making - An insurance rider for personal and property damage WCXI is most anxious to use the Oakland County Springfield Oaks Center. We are prepared to make adjustments as per your suggestions. Thanking you in advance. Regards, t,reg Raab_-,- = u Promotion r' GR/bs -2- zme of Lessee: treet Address: AGREEMENT Between OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION (Lessor) And WCXI 18900 James Couzens ity & State: Detroit, Michigan Phone: 345--8600 remises Occupied: Entire Youth Activities Center; upper arena and entire grounds. August 12, 1979 urpose of Lease (describe event): Country Western Concert Country Music Concert; 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Music to begin at 12 \oon. otal Amount of agreement $ 600.00 and 15 % of Gross and $ 200000 leanup: to be paid by 8 / 12 / 79 ayment of $ 800.00 (includes cleanup) due 7 12 / 79 $5.00 Car Passes to be sold, not to exceed 2000). RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING LESSEES THIS AGREEMENT is made by the Lessor and accepted by the Lessee on each of :e following terms to wit: THE LESSEE HEREBY AGREES: 1. To charge himself with knowledge and understanding of and abide by, he Rules and Regulations of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, ihich are by this reference made a part of this agreement, as though _fully set `orth herein. 2. To pay the Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission the rent herein ;-tipulated by the above indicated dates. 3. To save Oakland County Parks & Recreation harmless from any liability by :easons of injury or loss to any person, equipment or goods or from any cause ,hatsoever, and -the Oakland County Parks & Recreation shall not be liable for any lamages to the persons property or effects of the Lessee or any other person, :irm or Corporation suffered on, in or about the premises, or any part or portion :hereof, or by any reason or and resulting from any carelesness, negligence or agents or employees on, in.or about said premises. 4. To furnish an insurance certificate indemnifying the County of Oakland :he Lessor its agents and employees from situations described in article No. 3 tbove, in the amount of $ �00,000 one accident, $ aggregate. 5. To occupy said Premises and be completely set up by 8:00a.m. )n 8-12-79 (date). In the event the Lessee fails to occupy said space y the oforestated time, this agreement may be terminated by Oakland County arks & Recreation and all payments previously made, shall be retained by the xkland County Parks & Recreation as liquidated damages for the breach of this ,jreement by the Lessee and Oakland County Parks & Recreation is expressly released rom -the -terms and provisions of this agreement and hereby authorized to resell. remises -to other parties retaining all the proceeds -therefrom. See attached. 6. In case the space herein described shall not be available for the uses erein specified due to war, governmental action or order, act of God, fire, mikes, labor disputes, or any other causes beyond the control of Management, this greement shall immediately terminate and in such event Lessee shall and does aive any claim to damages or any other recovery therefor except the return of he amounts paid as rental_ for the space, less the pro rata share of actual expenses ncurred by Management in the allocation (and/or preparation of said space for the how. 7. To provide 20 porta--johns. 8. To provide 2 - 4yard dumpsters. 9. To pay Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission for the services ,f four Oakland County Security Officers. 10. To provide for medical services on site (first aid station) and stand by Lmbulance. 11. To provide for 20 parking lot personnel. THE LESSOR HEREBY AGREES: 1. To make the premises described herein, available -to the Lessee at the :imes and on the dates above specified. 2. To provide an adequate concession operation which will furnish food and )everages for the Lessee and its exhibitors/customers/guests starting at 9:00a.m. znd continuing to 8:00p m.; that said food and beverage shall be reasonably >ri-ced and of good quality and that the concessionaire's food service personnel Shall be sufficient in quantity and ability to service the shows needs at all times, but particularly at peak times, which periods are stated to be from 11:00a.m. -0 7:OOp.m. 'lease sign all copies and return to: Anne Clinton-Cirocco Springfield -Oaks Y.A.C. 12451 Andersonville, Davisburg, tiff 48019 7�(Cx� Radio Less e V. P. & Gen. Mgr. IBy \ Title �'----1.8900 James Couzens Street -- Address Detroit City Michigan 48235 State 345-8600 ?ccepted by Director Manager Phone SET-UP -- TEAR DOWN: Set-up may begin August 9, 1979. Tear down Trust be completed august 14, 1979. ITEM #11 RED OAKS PROPOSAL TO ENCLOSE DRIVING RANGE I have been contacted by Michael A. Thompson of Golf Domes inquiring whether or not the Parks and Recreation Commission would be interested in his firm joining in agreement with the Commission to provide golf facilities at Red Oaks Driving Range during the winter. A letter of proposal is attached. If the Commission is interested in pursuing this concept, we will proceed to work out arrangements and report back to you. R. Eric Reickel, Manager Oakland County Parks and Recreation 2800 Watkins Pontiac, Michigan 48054 26th June, 1979 Dear Mr. Reickel, NORTHAVEN, OCKLEY LODGE, DUKES DRIVE, NEWDIGATE, SURREY ENGLAND, TEL: NEWDIGATE 401 23450 WILSON DEARBORN, MICHIGAN 48128 U.S.A. U.S.A. TEL: (313) 277-6936 I hereby ask your Council to consider a scheme tried in Stockholm, Sweden, and London, England, which would be well suited to your Red Oaks Driving Range. In brief, during the winter months November thru April, the existing 25 driving bays would be covered by a heated air supported structure to a length of 240 feet and a height of 60 feet. The size of the enclosed area has been proved in both capitals to be of a distance sufficient to indicate the shape of any shot hit by the golfer, eg. slice, hook, fade, draw, etc. to his satisfaction. Thus providing a much needed practice facility where no other previously existed. The equipment at Red Oaks could be utilized and the structure aesthetically joined to the reception building. The cost of the structure, and the annual installation, removal and storage would be my responsibility. Also, the afore mentioned equipment and building would be refurbished/replaced as necessary in accordance to the lease agreement. I feel any lease afforded for this project should include the eventual control and ownership by the County, if all proves well, as expected, after an amortizing period to cover both my investment and a reasonable return. I think it is sensible to ask that this initial period of lease be based on a nominal figure, of say $1,500 for the 6 month period allied to 3% of the gross turn over. To conclude, other than the obvious amenity to local residents the following advantages should be noted: Would advertise Red Oaks Driving Range extensively, via interested tele- vision and radio sports media. Would provide an added sprots amenity to the curriculum of the local schools during off peak periods, eg. mornings. Provided by a U.S. P.G.A. resident Golf Dome professional. Would be a first in the usage of such an area normally laid dormant during the 6 months of the long Michigan winters. I trust you feel the scheme deserves your consideration. Ulm Michael A. Thompson ITEM #12 WHITE LAKE OAKS RAP PROPERTY ON PONTIAC LAKE ROAD The Commission has been requested to acquire .82 acres of property that was formerly occupied by the RAP House. This property abuts onto Commission property next to the present park residence. The asking price for this property is between $25,000 and $30,000. Staff reviewed the property and determined that the acquisition would be of no benefit to the park system. ITEM #13 187 ACRES - AVON TOWNSHIP The law firm of Luedders & Driscoll, representing Dr. A. P. Ullbrich who is Trustee of the A. P. Ullbrich Trust and owners of the 187 acres in Avon Township offered the property to the Parks and Recreation Commission as a possible gift sale. The appraised value of this property is estimated at $1.2 million. The Trust would consider donating about 1/5 of the property which is the lowland area. Staff has reviewed this proposal and has identified that this piece of property, even with the partial gift, would be of no advantage to the Commission and recommend rejecting the offer. ITEM #14 CHRYSLER PROPERTY ORION TOWNSHIP Mr. Frank Kaminski of Chrysler Realty has contacted the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Department of Natural Resources expressing their interest in disposing of 2500 acres they own in Orion Township which includes Lake Sixteen and Round Lake. As directed by the Commission, staff has discussed this acquisition with the DNR and it was determined by them that this property would fit within the State Recreation Plan which calls for more open space in the southeastern section of Michigan. The DNR stated that if the Parks and Recreation Commission would be interested in acquiring this property to keep in open space, they would work with the Commission in acquiring funding so the cost of the acreage would be of minimal capital outlay to the county as compared to the funds that would be derived from state and federal agencies. Staff recommends that the Commission authorize us to proceed with further investigation as to possible funding sources. We have been informed by Senator Kerry Kammer's office that he has included $900,000 in the Senate Appropriations Bill for the purpose of acquiring this property. ITEM #15 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING DAY It was requested that the meeting day for the Parks and Recreation Commission be discussed at this meeting.