HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1979.05.02 - 39711t � �J��n G�airman �NaAket P�a�lo�ie t��CnBn Vfce'Gha tim , eemB p US Seery"y Donaen rten � ou9 Foe get �o�tane Goseph fi �n\ear �F-F��cger�A M CA Ads" e ` i0N e Membe .5 � 'j o GDan SS i ON c-DMMi SS i ON P PRKS P No � °� ty ? Mi ch 9 KS PND R�ORuP� Daklan d Gen�leme�. d °� the pPR 9 s an 11e m, 2� 197 badi e has been Ga 9 .ea e 'day , May °n 0111 °e P meet!�o s ' nd ReGr a R°ad as°11 parks�a0kins `Dan S i ME - 2�00 °n� i ac p _ r t Mee��n9 PLpG Regu1 a hori ° of Za� °n - rdanGe per t�°n Go�m�s ace° and R P d Xn %5 PNRPOS been eat e the Par ee Chai rman Sin°ergy f `� m n r -the ? bew! s '.. 'keA MR'anager - kom �Nr;�e �ak� Gad \N1ate�\ord Ua�s t a�oeC�� u a a_ �,\en Gales AGENDA May 2, 1979 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes of April 4, 1979 4. Approval of Payments, Vouchers 4-1 through 4-249 5. Operating Statements as of 3/31/71 6. Activities Report for March, 1979 7. Parking Area Resurfacing - White Lake -Oaks 8. Replacement Plantings - Independence -Oaks 9. Park Brochures 10. Swim Rafts - Groveland-Oaks 11. Irrigation Equipment - Glen Oaks & White Lake -Oaks 12. Fence Installation - Red -Oaks 13. Northwest Oakland Life Enrichment Coalition 14. Manager's Report 15. New Business 16. Unfinished Business 17. Adjourn Executive Session VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION APRIL, 1979 VENDOR PURPOSE. A Mrlt miT Consumers Power Company Utilities- Grove., Water,, Wave Pool Glen Oaks $1,337.81 1 947.40 Ei hteeners C.B. Club Refund Security Deposit - YAC 75.00 3 Kwik Sanitation Excavatin Inc. Bldg. Maint., Clean Septic Tanks- Wh.Lk. 120.00. 4 Hi.11erich & Bradsby Co. Inc. Inventory, Golf Supplies- Wh.Lk. 84.00 5 Wayne -Ball Square Dance Caller & Instructor- Water. 155.50 6 Church's Lumber Yards Cap.Proj., Directional Signs- Indep, Clubhouse Renov.- Glen Oaks; Bldg. Mainz.- Conf.Ctr. 242.63 7 Airkem Detroit, Inc. Cap.Equip.., Pressure Was er =- Water. 798.29 8 W.T. Andrew Company Bldg.Maint., Gate Valve - YAC 110.50 9 Oakland Heating Supply, Inc. Cap.Proj., Maint.Bldg. Improve.- Glen Oaks; Bldg. Maint.- YAC 56.00 0 Hodges Supply Company Cap.Pro3., Clubhouse Renov.- Men Oaks; Small Tools- Tech.Sup.; Bldg. Maint.- Y , rove., ., Conf.Ctr., & Wh.Lk.; Rental Property Maint.- Water. 311.19 1 Genesee Welding Supply, Inc. Equip. Maint.- Grove. $37.53, Inde . & Add. 72.62 .2 City of Ferndale Promo., Refund of duplicate regis tration fee paid for B.Photiades - Admin. 5.00 .3 Gra bar Electric Company Cap.Proj., Entrance Sign- Grove. 580.80 L4 Detroit Ball Bearing Company Equip. Maint.- Indep. 8.75. L5 Susan Bieri Refund, Yoga Class- Water. 16.00 L6 Harvey's Office Supplies Office Supplies- Spring. & Wh.Lk. 20.42 L7 Roger Elle Refund, Camping Deposit- Grove. 10.00 L8 Official Sports Center Recreation Program - Grove. 25.50 19 J. Eiden Equipment Company Equip. Maint.- Tech.Sup., YAC & Indep. $113.65 155.85 20 County of Oakland Communications - Admin. 4 Mob.Rec., Water., & Wave Pool 669.83 4-1 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION APRIL, 1979 VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT Lewis E. Wint Reimbursement for expenses incur - red while attending the NACo 1979 Legislative Conference held from March 11 to 14 1979 -.Admin. 59.34 R. Eric Reickel Reimbursement for expenses incur- red while attenaina meeting at Huron -Clinton Metropolitan Author- ity offices held on March 15,1979 Admin. 3.50 3 Consumers Power Co any Ca .Pro'. Gas Conversion - Admin. 791.80 4 The Oaks Restaurants Inc. Promo., Services provided during MRPA C-BM Meeting held at Glen Oaks on March 24, 1979- Admin. 247.50 5 J.D. Armstrong Landscape Co. Cap.Proj., Phase II - Grove. 12,969.23 6 Consumers Power Company Utilities - Water., Wave -Poo , Wh.Lk. $21701.08 3,348.87 7 Rose Exterminator Company Bldg. Maint.- YAC & Wh.Lk. 38.00 8 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Communications - Spring., YAC, Ad Wh.Lk. $231.10 & Glen Oaks 699.33 ,9 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Communications, Coin - Water., & Red Oaks 19.64 ,O C. R. Haskill Promotional, Prints -.Admin. 184.50 ;1 Christine Grzeskowiak Mileage Reimbursement - Admin. 6.12 ;2 National Audubon Society Naturalist's Expense, additional subscription cost for the Audubon Leader - Indep. 5.00 33 O.C. Dept. of Public Works Bldg. Maint.- YAC $640.60 & Water (Sludge Hauling) 763.25 34 Meteor Photo Company Cap.Proj., Environ.Ctr.- Indep. 159.86 35 New Games Foundation Recreation Supplies, Sports Mobile- Mob.Rec. 408.00 36 Wittek Golf Supply Co., Inc. Cap.Equip., Ball Pickers - Red Oaks 875.00 37 Sears Roebuck and Company --Equip- Maint.- Grove. 32.75 38 Sheila M. Cox Mileage Reimbursement- Admin. 4.25 39 Kim Craft t Refund, Rental Deposit - YAC 150.00 Elm VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION APRIL, 1979 PURPOSE )WnT TNT North Electric Supply Co. Inc. Small Tools - Tech.Sup.; Cap.Equip Bits Router Guide, & Storage Box- Indep. 71.95 Anderson's Vehicle Sales,Inc. Equip. Maint., Engine - Indep. 521.97 Inst -Prints Office Supplies- Indep. 31.00 Genesee Welding Supply, Inc. Equip.Maint.- Spring., Grove., & Add. 70.39 Wilson Sporting Goods Company Inventory, Golf Supplies - Spring. Wh.Lk., Red Oaks, & Glen Oaks 1,347.88 i County of Oakland Mileage paid to commissioner for meeting of Jan. 19, 1979- Admin. 8.84 i County of Oakland Communications - Admin. $ , Mob.Rec., Water., & Wave Pool 'Rubbish 59.80 7 City of Madison Heights Removal- Re Oa s riving Range 285.00 3 Cal Gas - Pontiac, Inc. Utilities- YAC & Grove. $512.13 642.27 J. P. Burroughs & Son, Inc. Grounds Maint.- Indep. 21.81 Drake Printing Company Office Supplies, Winter Recreatior Brochures - Add. 305.35 1 Sears, Roebuck and Company Cap.Equip., Mitre Box - Grove. 76.20 2 Lynne Mahrle Refund, Dog Obedience Class -Water. 40.00 3 P.T. Standard Parts Company Cap.Proj., Storage & Workshop Area- Indep.; Supplies for Repair Tech.Sup.; Bldg. Maint.-Conf.Ctr. 62.69 4 Confidence Golf Company Inventory, Golf Supplies- Wh.Lk., Red Oaks & Glen Oaks 202.50 5 Nokomis Consumer Products Cap.Equip., Hand Dryer - Grove. 693.88 6 Kirby Co. of North Oakland Cap.Equip., Vacuum C eaners - Re Oaks 294.00 7 Lakeshore Equipment & Supply Co. Grounds Maint. - Glen Oaks 43.25 8 NRPA Publications Sales Reference Manual, COMMUNITY PLAT- FORM TENNIS - Admin. 3.00 19 Boron Oil Company. Equip.Maint., Gas - Add. 295.17 10 Detroit Edison Company Cap.Proj., Phase II - Indep. 579.50 ;1 Xerox Corporation Office Supplies - Admin. 506.93 4-3 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION APRIL, 1979 VENDOR State Plumbing & Ht . Suppli Wri ht Tool Company --- PURPOSE Cap.Equip., Water Heater - Wh.Lk. Cap.Equip., Engine Analyzer - Indep. Steel Equipment Company_Cap.Equip.,Storage Cabinet - Admin i O.C. Garage Transportation - All Parks, Mob. Rec. $1,190.00i E i .Mai.nt,- Buses Mob.Rec. & Glen Oaks i Crown Lubricant & 5 ecialties Ltd E i .Maint.- Glen Oaks 7 Alice R. McCarthyServices Cap.Proj., Environmental Center, Rendered - Indep. 3 City of Madison Hts. Water.Dept, Utilities - Red Oaks R. Eric Reickel, Cust. Petty Cash Reimbursement - Admin. D Pontiac Paint Center Cap.Proj., Directional Signs - Indep.; Clubhse, Renov. & Maint. Bldg. Improve. - Glen s; Equip. Maint.- Grove. $957.00, Indep,, & Wfl.Lk.; Bldg. Maint. - .; Grds, Maint. - Red Oaks 11 Oakland Heating Supply, Inc. 2 John R Lumber Co., Inc. 3 Gregware Equipment Company '4 Wallich Lumber Company '5 Wilkie Turf Equipment Company '6 Display Creations, Inc. 7 TRA Electronic Communications 78 Kerton Lumber Company 79 Clyde Herb, Cust. 30 Security Fence & Supply Co. 31 Wolverine -Hydro Systems, Inc. Bldg. Maint.- Wh.Lk. Equip. Maint., Bldg. Maint., & Small Tools - Red Oaks Equip. Maint. - Tech.Sup. Cap.Proj., Entrance Enclosure - YAC Cap.Equip., Rotary Blade Grinde Grove. Cap. Equip., Rotating Mirror Ba Water. Cap.Equip., Speaker - Wave Pool Equip., Grounds, Bldg., & Renta Property Maint.- Grove. To establish change un or Operating Season - Grove. Grounds Maint. - Wh.Lk. Equip. Maint.- Tech.Sup. Mw AMOUNT I 72.00 I 115.00 I 141.10 i 7,147.15 81.28 f 2,500.00 12.22 58.55 1,529.14 19.24 204.93 88.06 335.64 179.00 453.00 t III 108.45 113.52 350.00 65.73 6.75 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION APRIL, 1979 VENDOR PURPOSE AMnr M'r Radio Relay Corporation Rental Expense, Pagers - Admin. $42.00, Tech.Sup. $63.00, Spring. YAC , ., Re Oa s, & Glen Oaks 147.00 3 Paul Haas Company, Inc. Cap.Equip., Curtain Rods - YAC 126.59 t O.C. Radio Communications Radio Repair Contracts - All Parks; Equip.Maint. - Tech.Sup. 820.98 5 Lawn Equipment Corporation Cap.Equip., Lawn Spreader - Sprin Wh.Lk., & Glen Oaks 127.80 5 Standard Electric Company Cap.Proj., Clubhse. Renov.- G en Oaks; Bldg. Maint.- Water., Wh.Lk $30.22 & Glen Oaks 131.70 7 County of Oakland Security Servides - rove., n ep & Add. 2/128.65 3 Waterford Disposal Service Rubbish Removal - Spring. 55.00, & Indep. 90.00 9 Dynamic Cycle Equip. Maint.- Add. 39.46 0 Anthony M. Franco, Inc. Promo., Misc. Services - Admin. 1,625.07 1 Detroit Edison Utilities - All Parks 5/013.24 Dept. of Public Works Sewage Expense - Add. 440.42 3 Consumers Power Company Utilities - Spring., Indep., Conf. Ctr. $1 700.74 &Red Oaks 2 241.57 4 Sundry (Commission) Per diem & mileage paid to commis sioners for attending meeting of April 41F 1979 - Admin. 189.79 5 Gudith Hardware Equip. Maint.- Spring., & Grove.; Bldg. Maint.- YAC & Grove.; Small Tools - Grove. 77.4.6 16 J. Eiden Equipment Company Small Tools - Tech.Sup. 37.29 17 Debbie Grissom Refund, Dog Obedience Class- Wate2 20.00 �8 Robin Torok Refund, Disco Dance Class- Water.. 32.00 ►9 Janet Luppino Refund, Guitar Class - Water. 20.00 )0 Sandra Mathisen Refund, Dog Obedience Class -Water. 20.00 )l Betty Landmesser Refund, Dog Obedience Class -Water. 20.00 4-5 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION' APRIL, 1979 VENDOR PURPOSE Arant MT Dona Monteith Refund Dog Obedience Class -Water, 20.00 3 Charles Jones Refund Dog Obedience Class -Water, 20.00 4 ShirleyKase Refund Rental Deposit - Water. 200.00 5 John Gusman Refund , Deposit -Water. 50.00 5 Kin Brothers Inc. -_Security Equip. Maint.- Spring. 10.53 7 Auto Parts of Or-Ox Ecrui .. Maint.- Add. 6.38 8 The Oakland Press Special Events, Golf Classes;& Bride Ad - Water. 22.99 9 Oakland Wholesale Company Cap.Proj., Aluminum Siding, Con- cession Bldg. - Grove.; Small Tools - Tech.Sup. 458.57 0 Sport Mart Cap.Equip., Pedal Boats - Grove., & Add. 5/219.40 1. Pontiac Paint Center Cap.Proj., Clubhse. Renov.- en Oaks; B1dg.Maint. - Spring., Conf. tr. ; Equip. Maint. - Wh.Lk. 426.98 2 Royal Rental Company Rental Expense - Wh.Lk. 13.16 3 Holloway Sand & Gravel Co., Inc. Rubbish Removal - Glen Oaks 9.90 4 J & A Spring Rebuilders Equip.Maint., Art Mobile- Mob.Rec. 80.80" 5 TRA Electronic Communications Bldg. Maint. - Water. 45.00 .6 Town Talk, Inc. Inventory, Golf Supplies - Glen Oaks 530.55 .7 Harvey's Office Supplies Office Supplies- Grove.,Indep.&Add 18.48 .8 Pontiac Steel Company Equip. Maint. - Indep. 7.00. .9 Artcraft Blue Print Co. Office Supplies - Admin. 9.00 ;0 Midwest Business Equipment, Inc. Cap. quip., Ca cu ators - A min., Red Oaks & Glen Oaks 556.00 ?l Huttenlochers Kerns Norvell, Inc Insurance - Wh.LR. 38.00 ?2 Commercial Wire Rope & Supply Co. Cap.Equip.,Tool Set - Glen Oaks. 666.67 ;3 Sears, Roebuck and Company Cap.Equip,, Tap & Die Set - Glen Oaks 97.90 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION APRIL, 1979 VENDOR PURPOSE AMni MT Office Supplies - Red Oaks, Red Roadway -Ex -press, Inc. Oaks Drivin Range, & Glen Oaks 19.44 R. Eric Reickel Cust. Pett Cash Reimbursement - Admin. 113.63 Special Events, Cross Country ski - Great Lakes Sanitation Services ing, Cabana - Mob.Rec. 45.00 Reimbursement for expenses incur - Jose h Fi a red while attending Sermcog Meeting held on March 15, 1979 - Admin. 1.75 Communications - Spring., & YAC s Michigan Bell Tele hone Company �117 01 164.37 Communications, Coin - Indep., & %Michj= Bell Telephone Company Add. 35.47 Cap.Equip., Cross Country Track Nordic Innovations Joanne Patrick Refund, Dog Obedience Class- Water 20.00 Interstate Alarm Systems, Inc. Bldg. Maint: - YAC 99.00 Cap.Proj., Storage & Workshop s Church's Lumber Yards Area - Indep. 366.50 Bldg. Maint., Meter Head Assembly Trumbell Recreation Supply Co. & Door Coin Box - Grove. 154.92 Office Supplies - Admin. $587.19, i O.C. Stationery Stock Mob.Rec., Spring., Indep.,Add. Wh.Lk., Red Oaks, & Glen Oaks; Promo.- Admin. $670.40; Spec.' ETrent, All Classes, Flyers - Water Grounds Maint. - Indep. 1,817.79 Cap.Proj., Carpeting, Contact i B-G Floor Covering, Inc. Station - Grove.; Clubhouse Renov. - Glen Oaks 82.80 7 The Golf Mart, Inc. Office Supplies - Spring., Wh.Lk., Red Oaks & Glen Oaks; Ca .E ui . Rental Carts - Glen Oaks 826.00 Office Supplies - Spring., Wh.Lk., 3 Roadway Express, Inc. Red Oaks, & Glen Oaks 32.21 Inventory, Golf Supplies - Spring. Dunlop Tire & Rubber Corp. Wh.Lk., & Glen Oaks $2,115.38 2,504.85 D Michigan Industrial Shoe Company Uniform Exp. - Admin. & Red Oaks 62.85 Special Events, All Classes, Ad - 1 Spinal Column Newsweekley Water. 196.56 Cap.Equip., Sprinklers - Spring. 2 Sprinkler Irrigation Supply Co, $2,094.75 & Grove. 2,743.96 4-7 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION APRIL, 1979 VENDOR lalnh ewp A M(1T uTr Navarre Hardware Grounds Maint.- Add. 20.36 Lou Dorman & Sons Bld .Maint. - Wh.Lk. 104.50 Harvey's Office Supplies Bldg. Maint.- Wh.Lk. 18.40 Lakeshore Equipment & Supply Co. Housekeeping & Janitor Supplies - Glen Oaks 11.40 Gary's Disposal Service Rubbish Removal - Wh.Lk. 18.00 Kathleen Dougherty Mileage Reimbursement - Indep. 10.20 Gary Slinkard Refund, Security Deposit- Water. 50.00 Turfgrass, Inc.. Cap.Equip., Poles & Flags - Spring Wh.Lk., & Glen Oaks 551.25 O.C. Central Stores Housekeeping & Janitor Supp ies- YAC, Grove., Indep , Water., Wh.Lk Special vents, Senior Citizens, Cookies - Water. 426.34 O.C. Equipment Fund Rental Expense - Admin. $158.00, Mob.Rec., Spring., YAC, Grove., Add., & Wh.Lk. 227.50 3 Hank Gniewek's, Inc. Promo., Plate for Eric Reickel Plaque - Admin. 9.50 Bob's Hardware Equip. Maint. & Small Tools- Indep 27.86 5 Pontiac Photo Service Promotional, Prints - Admin. 24.10 5 Floyd Snyder Senior Citizen's Dance Band - Water. 135.00 7 Linda Fowler Refund, Disco Dance Class- Water. 16.00 8 TRA Electronic Communications Ca .Equip. Megaphone - Indep. 235.14 9 Munn Ford Tractor, Inc. Equip.Maint.- Spring., Grove., Indep. $367.36, Add., Wh.Lk. 491.93 0 Oak Hill Auto Parts -& Equip.Maint-.- Spring., & Indep. $130.00; Grounds Maint., Bldg. Maint. & Small Tools - Indep. 193.68 1 Detroit Ball Bearing Company Equip.Maint.- Indep. 9.86 2 Jack Golden & Associates Cap.Equip., Litter Receptacles & Bike Racks - Red Oaks Red Oaks Drivin Ran e & Glen Oaks 624.78 1 460.14 J VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION APRIL, 1979 VF'TMnR PURPOSE Davisburg Building & Landscape Grounds Maint. - Spring. 39.56 Cap.Proj., Maint. Bldg. Improve., Llo d's True Value Hardware Grounds Maint. Bldg. Maint. & Housekeeping & Janitor Supplies - Glen Oaks 56.42 Van's Auto Supply,Inc. Equip. Maint.- Wh.Lk. 13.79 Equip. Maint. - All Parks; Small Eastern State Auto Supply Co. Tools-- Tech.Su . Wh.Lk. & Glen Oaks 838.87 Pay period ending April 6, 1979- Pa roll All Parks 30 669.96 Cap.Proj., Driving Range, Constru -- J. D. Armstrong Landscape Co. ,tion - Red Oaks 1,439.30 Hoyem-Basso Associates, Inc. Cap.Proj.,Clubhse.Renov.- Glen Oak 3,200.00 Establish change fund for 1979 Raymond Delasko Cust. Operating Season - Indep, Mileage paid to commissioner for County of Oakland attending - Lakeshore E25aipment & Supply Co Grounds Maint.- LkGlen Oaks 45.35 Grounds Maint.- Grove.; Equip. Paint Sundries Inc. Maint.- Indep. 110.44 Communications- Admin. $44.54, County of Oakland Mob.Rec: Water. & Wave Pool 60.26 Cap.Equip., Landscape Rake - Red Utica Tractor Sales Inc. Oaks 759.00 Lumberjack Products Bldg. Maint. & Small Tools- Spring 26.10 Cap.Proj., Storage & Workshop Area P.T. Standard Parts Company - Indep.; Equip. Maint.- Tech.Sup. & Indep. 47.60; Supplies for Re- pair- Tech.Sup.; Grounds Maint.- Red Oaks 78.16 Cap.Proj., Environmental Center - Harvey's Office Supplies Indep.; Office Supplies- Spring. 7.97 Equip. Maint.- Tech.Sup. 50.00, & J. Eiden Equipment Company dd.; Small Tools- Tech.Sup. 86.70 Cap.Proj., Clubhouse Renovation - North Electric Supply Co., Inc. Glen Oaks; Cap.Equip. Milwaukee Parts - Indep. 335.61 Equip.Maint.- Spring., Grove., A Genesee Welding Supply, Inc. Indep. $55.88, Wh.Lk. & Red Oaks 130.18 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION APRIL, 1979 'ITPNDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT Thompson Oil Company Utilities - YAC $2,294.09, Grove. & Wh.Lk. 2 336.22 i Lawn Equipment Corporation Equip. Maint.- Grove. & Red Oaks; Grounds Maint - Wh.Lk. 187.94 E Pontiac Farm & Indust. Tractor Equip. Maint.- Glen Oaks 248.59 i The Oaks Restaurants Spec. Events, Cross Country Ski Tour, hot chocolate & cups-Mob.Rec 151.70 i En Guarde Fencing Company Grounds Maint.- Indep. 200.00 ' Bird-X, Inc. Grounds Maint.- Indep. 13.61 3 Allied Film Laboratory Promotional, Prints - Admin. 100.86 > Trails -a -Way Subscription Renewal- Admin. 5.00 Young Supply Company Small Tools - Tech.Sup.; Bldg. Maint.- Wh.Lk. 26.10 l Standard Electric Company Grounds Maint.- Spring $124.94, YAC, & Wh.Lk.; 287.69 Golf Car Distributors Equip.Maint.- Spring., Add., Wh. Lk. $96.12, & Red Oaks 163.86 3 Pioneer Hardware Cap.Proj., Maint. Bldg. Improve.- Glen Oaks; Equip.Maint.- Spring., Wh.Lk. $93.85, & Glen Oa s; Bldg. Maint.— Spring., Wh.Lk. $187.04, & Glen Oaks; Janitor & Hskpg. Supplies- Spring., Grounds Maint. "tent`—aI`Property Maint - Wh.Lk. L Farmington Hills Plumbin Su 1 Bldg. Maint- Glen Oaks 13.26 i Sales Control Systems, Inc. Cap.Equip., Cash Registers - S rin Add. Red Oaks & Glen Oaks 6,883.04 3 Camera Mart Inc. Cap.Ecruip.,Speakers- Grove. 340.00 3M Business Products Sales Inc. Equip. Maint., 3M Copier- Admin. 160.25 3 County of Oakland Communications - Admin. $577.49, Mob.Rec. Water. & Wave Pool 757.35 3 Detroit Ball Bearing Company Equip. Maint.- Add. 6.75 ) B-G Floor Covering, Inc. Cap.P;oj., Clubhouse Renovation- Glen Oaks 27.85 1 Sears, Roebuck and Company Cap.Equip., Compressor & Spray Gun- Grove. 1 273.27 4-10 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION APRIL, 1979 VENDOR PURPOSE AMnTMT Ra mond Delasko Cust. Pettv Cash Reimbursement- Inde . 2.00 3 Pontiac Steel CompanV Equip. Maint.- Red Oaks 21.89 ! Thompson Oil Company Utilities - YAC $2,308.58, Grove. & Add. 2 762.55- i Cind Cooke Refund Rental Deposit- Water. 200.00 i American Lockers Security SVstems Pool Su 2plies, Cylinders -Wave Poo 825.60 7 Count of Oakland Per .diem:paid to commissioners for attending meetings- Admin. 385.00 3 Karen Cramer Refund, Rental Deposit- Water. 200.00 a Linda Ninowski Refund, Dog Obedience Class -Water. 20.00 J Xerox Corporation Office Supplies- Admin. 567.33 1 Lake Orion Lumber Company Grounds & Bldg. Maint- Add. 48.50 2 J & J Disposal Rubbish Removal- Add. 69.08 3 Lou Dorman & Sons Bldg. Maint.- Admin., YAC, Grove. $167.25, & Water. 380.65 4 Detroit Edison Utilities- Spring. & YAC 22.70 5 O. M. Vandenstockt Refundi Camping Deposit 20.00 6 American Wind Energy Assoc. Cap.Proj.,stroom Facilities WellSpring& 2.00 ,7 National Recreation & Park Assoc Membership Renewal - Admin. \ 350.00 .8 Oliver Supply Company Bldg. Maint.- Spring.; Equip. Maint.- YAC 32.00 .9 Interstate Alarm Systems, Inc. Office Supplies- Red Oaks 4.70. ;0 O.C. Computer Services Promotional, Labels - Admin. 4.00 11.; Pioneer Camper Sales Equip. Maint.- All Units- Mob.Rec 28.80 :2 M.G. Sales Equip. Maint.- Add. 16.08 ?3 Lumberjack Products Cap.Proj., Clubhouse Irri. ation, .Equip., Grounds, Bldg. Maint.- _& ..Spring. ring. 80.97 ?4 Lee's Lawn & Garden Equipment Equip. Maint.- Indep. 9.55 Cl"I VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION APRIL, 1979 .�:7 PURPOSE AMOUNT 5 Handy Andy Pro Hardware Equip., Grounds & Bldg. Maint-Ad 78.42 6 Flintex Oil Company Maint.- Red & Glen Oaks 32.26 7 Cruise -Out Inc. -Ecruip. Equip. Maint.- Inde . 6.65- 8 Reynolds Water Conditioning Co. Cap.Proj., Clubhouse Renovation- Glen Oaks, - 69.50 9 G.N.E. Paint & Supplies Equip. Maint.- Red & Glen Oaks; Bldg. Maint.- Red Oaks 93.77 0 O.C. Laundry Laundry - All Parks 1/322.50 1 Dunlop Tire & Rubber Corporation Inventory,.Go Supplies - Wh.Lk. $70.44, Red Oaks & Glen Oaks 170.82 2 O.C. Road Commission Cap.Proj., Traffic Signs- Grove. 95.28 3 Pontiac Plastics Equip. Maint.- Red Oaks 24.40 4 Raymond Delasko, Cust. Petty Cash Reimbursement- Indep. 31.91 5 James Mansfield, Cust. Petty Cash Reimbursement- Spring. 21.10 Newman,- Custodial services provided in 8 Consumers -Power Company t' iti -.Oaks923.84 9 Detroit Edison Utilities- Grove., Water., & Glen Oaks t662.23 1 146 54 0 Michi an Bell Telephone Company Communications, Coin - Spring., YAC Water., Wave Pool & Add. 83.64 •1 Michigan Bell Telephone Company Communications - Grove. $184.58 & Water. 204.78 •2 William Karner Refund Disco Dance Class- Water. 16.00 .3 Dunlop Tire & Rubber Corporation Inventory, Golf Supplies- Spring. & Wh.Lk. 258.33 387.67 •4 Rozzis Famous Fireworks Promotional, Fireworks - Grove. 625.00 •5 United States Ski Assoc. Special Events, Cross Country Skiing,Sanction Fee - Mob.Rec. 35.00 -6 United States Ski Assoc. Special Events, Cross Country Skiing,Club Dues - Mob.Rec. 25.00 -7 State of Michigan Miscellaneous Expense, Registra- tior_ Fees - Grove. & Add. 54.00 '-8 1 Davisburg Post Office Promotional, Bulk Mailing Rate for "Acorn"- Admin. 875.46 4-12 --,-V OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION Analysis of Fund Balance As of 3-31-79 FUND BALANCE 1/l/79 Additions: $ 972,482.62 Revenue over Operating Expenses at 3/31/79 $1,560,707.34 Collections on Accounts Receivable 1,226,315.90 DNR Grant - Waterford Phase II 111/683.13 DNR Grant - Independence Phase II (Final) 7,100.00 Depreciation & Prepaid Exp. (Non Cash Expense) 21,495.88 2,927,302.25 $31,899,784.87 flr�Ai�cfii nnc- Payments on Accounts Payable $1,710,544.20 Capital Equipment Purchase 14,276.78 Payments on Capital Projects 132,522.84 Increase in Golf Merchandise 3,652.71 1,860,996.53 $2,038,788.34 SUMMARY OF FUND BALANCE Cash on Hand Investments in Certificates 5-1 $ 238,788.34 1,800,000.00 $2,038,788.34 Oakland County Parks and Recreation COMBINED OPERATING STATEMENT For the Period Ended 3-31-79 Actual (Over) Year to 1979 Under Revenues Date Budget Budget llage & Interest Inc. $1,847,743.79 $2,2601000.00 $ 4121256.21 oveland-Oaks 816.00 1651400.00 164,584.00 ,dependence -Oaks 8/386.00 64,200.00 551814.00 .dison-Oaks: Park 71436.50 74,700.00 67,263.50 Conference Center -0- 281000.00 281000.00 �ringfield-Oaks: Golf Course -0- 2031100.00 203,100.00 Lite Lake -Oaks 21510.00 267,400.00 264/890.00 :d-Oaks: Golf Course -0- 801100.00 80,100.00 Driving Range -0- 78,600.00 78/600.00 .en -Oaks -0- 357,500.00 357,500.00 )bile Recreation & Special Activities 2,112.00 17,700.00 151588.00 )ringfield-Oaks YAC 51642.20 79,700.00 74,057.80 iterford-Oaks: Park 18/194.00 421700.00 24/506.00 Wave Pool 125.00 1161500.00 ll6,375.00 Tennis Complex -0- 16,830.00 _16,830.00 )TAL REVENUE $1,8921965.49 $3,852,430.00 $1,959,464.51 Operating Expenses 1mi.ni.stra.tion Office $ 79, 289. 99 $ 471, 909. 00 $ 392, 619. 01 �chnical Support 191260.19 1091950.00 90,689.81 :oveland-Oaks 27,099.60 209f590.00 182,490.40 ddppendence-Oaks 35/921.33 253,025.00 217,103.67 1dison-Oaks: Park 301707.68 226,535.00 195,827.32 Conference Center 11,324.88 33,1OQ.00 21,775.12 ?ringfield-Oaks: Golf Course 19,844.49 198/075.00 178,230.51 zite Lake -Oaks 21/425.38 215,950.00 194/524.62 ad -Oaks: Golf Course 121523.49 135,020.00 122,496.51 Driving Range -0- 45/950.00 45,950.00 Len -Oaks 17,219.29 250/410.00 2331190.71 Dbi.le Recreation 10/724.82 108/225.00 97,500.18 ?ringfield-Oaks YAC 201433.65 141,050.00 120,616.35 iterford-Oaks : Park 211770.15 831075.00 61,304.85 Wave Pool 41708.96 114,800.00 110,091.04 Tennis Complex 4.25 151120.00 15/115.75 3nt.ingency -0- 75,000.00 75,000.00 0TE1L OPERATING EXPENSES $ 332,258.15 $2,6861784.00 $2,354,525.85 EVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $14560,707.34 $1,165,646.00 $ ('395,061.34) 1979 1978 ctual Expenditures to Date: 12.3% 13.3% udget Balance: 87.7% 5-2 Oakland County Parks and Recreation ADMINISTRATION OFFICE Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 3-31-79 (Over) :urrent Year to 1979 Under Month Revenue Date Budget Budget L4,865.70 Tax Revenue $1,8361660.74 $2,250,000.00 $413/339.26 4.97 Interest Delinquent Tax 18.78 150.00 131.22 2,365.00 Interest Investments 10,799.34 91700.00 (16099.34) 270.00 Miscellaneous Income 264.93 150.00 (114.93) L7,505.67 'TOTAL REVENUE $1,847,743.79 $2,260,000.00 $412;256.21 Operating Expenses ,6,933.38 Salaries - Full Time $53,836.60 -0- - Part Time -0- -0- - Over Time 8.87 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- 200.00 Rental Expense 442.00 505.58 Communications 1/070.92 -0- Equipment Repair & Maint. -0- 379.58 Per Diem & Mileage - Comm. 911.76 -0- Insurance 15.62 7.20 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 10.80 47.45 Building Maintenance 99.98 200.80 Dues & Publications 623.66 -0- -Miscellaneous Expense -0- 1,694.57 Office Supplies 3/502.12 -0- Professional Services 552.00 16.15 Transportation 1/933.11 1,261.59 Travel & Conference 21517.05 -0- Housekeeping Supplies 19.18 386.67 Depreciation 773.34 193.84 Radio Repair Contract 581.52 -0- Purchasing Dept. Services -0- 3,906.97 Public Information 11,401.46 330.00 Custodial Services 990.00 36,063.78 TOTAL ADMIN. EXPENSES 1979 Al Expenditures to Date: 16.8% ;et Balance: 83.2% 1978 16.2% 5-3 $79,289.99 $232,159.00 61500.00 500.00 861100.00 3/500.00 61700.00 300.00 8r500.00 500.00 50.00 500.00 lf500.00 200.00 14,000.00 12,500.00 12/000.00 9,500.00 200.00 4,200.00 2,500.00 21,000.00 45,000.00 4,000.00 $471,909.00 $1781322.40 6,500.00 491.13 86,100.00 3/058.00 5,629.08 300.00 7,588.24 484.38 39.20 400.02 876.34 200.00 101497.88 11/948.00 101066.89 6,982.95 180.82 3,426.66 11918.48 211000.00 331598.54 3,010.00 $392/619.01 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION MCWTN CIF MaRru REVENUE COMPARISON ADMINISTRATION IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 1-11-79 1978 1979 Variance• 1978 1979 Variance Tax Revenue 33 5 CZ81Int. Delinquent Tax 104 195 -0_ 29365 Int. Investments 3,112 10,799 7 687 -0- 270 270 Miscellaneous 50 265 215 TOTAL 2 9 cn i Current Month 6/722.87 -0- 140.09 -0- 63.00 136.15 -0- 319.50 125.70 -0- -0- 89.83 29.28 50.86 751.42 Oakland County Parks and Recreation TECHNICAL SUPPORT SECTION Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 3-31-79 Classification Salaries - Full Time - Part Time - Over Time Fringe Benfits Rental Expense Equipment Repair & Maint. Insurance Laundry & Dry Cleaning Uniform Expense Transportation Travel & Conference Small Tools Depreciation Radio Repair Contract Supplies for Repair Year to 1979 Date Budqet $13,397.42 -0- 177.45 -0- 189.00 521.39 4.15 476.10 125.70 21664.89 273.39 468.14 58.56 152.58 751.42 8/428.70 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $19,260.19 1979 1978 ual Expenditures to Date: 17.5% 16.7% .get Balance: 82.5% 5-5 $ 631900.00 -0- 3,000.00 23,000.00 11000.00 1,000.00 300.00 11800.00 200.00 12,000.00 600.00 11000.00 500.00 650.00 1.1000.00 (Over) Under Budget $50,502.58 -0- 2,822.55 23/000,00 811.00 478.61 295.85 1,323,90 74.30 9,335.11 326.61 531.86 441.44 497.42 248.58 $109,950.00 $90,689.81 Oakland County Parks and Recreation GROVELAND-OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 3-31-79 (Over) :urrent Year to 1979 Under Month Revenue Date _ Budget Budqet -0- Comm,ssion - Food Service $ -0- $ 3.1200.00 $ 3/200.00 400.00 Rental - Houses 600.00 2,400.00 1,800.00 -0- Rental - Facilities 100.00 2,000.00 1/900.00 -0- Rental - Equipment -0- 144,000.00 14,000.00 -0- Fees - Day Use 61.00 18,000.00 17,939.00 30.00 Fees - Camping 55.00 125,000.00 124,945.00 -0- Contract Commission -0- 700.00 700.00 -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- 100.00 100.00 430.00 TOTAL REVENUE $ 816.00 $165,400.00 $164,584.00 2,831.63 Less: Operating Expenses 27,099.60 209f590.00 182,490.40 2,401.63) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(26,283.60) $(44,190.00) $(17,906.40 5-6 Oakland County Parks and Recreation 'GROVELAND-OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 3-31-79 (Over) Current year to 1979 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget $ 6,170..88 Salaries - Full Time $12,341.77 $ 59,370.00 $ 47,028.23 -0- - Part Time -0- 421500.00 42/500.00 -0- - Over Time -0- 4/000.00 4,000.00 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- 211370.00 211370.00 10.75 Rental Expense 21.50 150.00 128.50 115.21 Communications 399.12 1,750.00 1/350.88 1,781.72 Equipment Repair & Maint. 1/890.72 7,000.00 51109.28 -0- Rubbish Removal 100.00 41000.00 31900.00 1,304.88 Grounds Maintenance 1/389.38 101000.00 8,610.62 11039.29 Utilities 3,290.47 15/000.00 11,709.53 -0- Insurance 301.03 71000.00 6,698.97 264.60 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 412.80 21200.00 1/787.20 681.10 Building Maintenance 1,580.59 31000.00 1,419.41 -0- Dues & Publications 20.00 100.00 80.00 6.00 Miscellaneous Expense 6.00 200.00 194.00 94.34 Office Supplies 454.34 1,000.00 545.66 138.17 Uniforms 138.17 700.00 561.83 -0- Transportation 760.00 71000.00 6/240.00 -0- Travel & Conference 284.97 500.00 215.03- 30.32 Housekeeping Supplies 1,368.92 31000.00 1,631.08 100.15 Small Tools 100.15 200.00 99.85 897.40 Depreciation 11771.35 101000.00 8,228.65 -0- Shortage/Overage -0- -0- -0- 61.07 Rental Houses - Maint. 61.07 250.00 188.93 135.75 Radio Repair. Contract 407.25 11700.00 11292.75 -0- Public Information -0- 600.00 600.00 -0- Recreation Program -0- 2,000.00 2,000.00 -0- Security Services -0- 51000.00 51000.00 812,831.63 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $182,490.40 $27,099.60 $209,590.00 1979 1978 ual Expenditures to Date: 12.9% 11.5% get Balance: 87.1% 5-7 ITEM #8 INDEPENDENCE -OAKS REPLACEMENT PLANTINGS The Commission approved $3,900 in the 1979 Capital Improvement Budget for plant material for Independence -Oaks. This item included both replacements and new plantings. Bids were sent out and received on the replacement plantings portion only for the Beach/Concession and Picnic areas as follows: Marine City No Bid Landscape Supply $1909.00 Milarch Nursery 1712-33 Christensens' 1640.55 Ilgenfritz Nursery 567.25 (partial bid) Zendts Nursery No Bid Purchasing and Parks and Recreation staff recommends award of contract to the low bidder, Christensens', in the amount of $1640.55 plus $200 for purchasing of appropriate planting materials; stakes, wire, peat, and topsoil. The total amount requested is $1840.55. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION MONTH OF MAR('" .REVENUE COMPARISON GROVELAND-OAKS IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 1978 1979 Variance 1978 1979 Variance -0- -0- -0- Comm. - Food Sales-0- 400 400 -0- Rent - Houses 500 600 100 -0- -0- -0- Rent - Facilities -0- 100 100 -0- -0- -0- Rent Pedal Boats -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Rowboats -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Showers -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Life Jackets -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Canoes -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Fees - Day Use 7 61 54 -0- -0- -0- Annual Pass -0- -0- -0- 95 30 (65) Fees - Camping 165 55 110) -0- -0- -0- - Electricity -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Contract Commission -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- -0- -0- 495 430 65 TOTAL 672 816 $144 Oakland County Parks and Recreation SNDEPENDENCE-OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 3-31-79 (Over) :urrent Year to 1.979 Under Month Revenue Date Budget Budget -0- Commission - Food Sales $ -0- $ 1,600.00 $ 1,600.00 .1700.00 Rental - Facilities 2,050.00 7,000.00 4,950.00 -0- Rental - Equipment 3.00 10,000.00 9,997.00 186.50 Fees - Day Use 6,328.00 45,000.00 38/672.00 -0- - Organized Camping -0- 500.00 500.00 -0- Miscellaneous Income 5.00 100.00 95.00 ,886.50 TOTAL REVENUE $ 8/386.00 $ 64,200.00 $ 55/814.00 5,452.61 Less: Operating Epenses 35 .921.33 253,025.00 217,103.67 i,566.61) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(27,535.33) _1(188,825.00) $(161,289.67) 5-9 Oakland County Parks and Recreation INDEPENDENCE -OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 3-31-79 Over) Current Year to 1979 Under .Month Classification Date Budget Budget 9,754.38 Salaries - Full Time $19,555.91 $ 96,900.00 $ 771344.09 223.16 - Part Time 526.06 29,000.00 28,473.94 16.54 - Over Time 399.99 3,000.00 2/600.01 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- 34,875.00 34,875.00 8.25 Rental Expense 16.50 200.00 183.50 129.81 Communications 263.28 11500.00 1,236.72 1,577.96 Equipment Repair & Maint. 2,221.04 71000.00 4/778.96 35.00 Rubbish Removal 60.00 2,500.00 2,440.00 446.72 Grounds Maintenance 493.63 101000.00 91f506.37 2,101.03 Utilities 31119.61 10/000.00 61880.39 -0- Insurance 74.72 4,000.00 31925.28 498.30 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 755.40 2,800.00 21044.60 171.06 Building Maintenance 226.28 2,500.00 2,273.72 -0- Dues & Publications 63.50 150.00 86.50 63.15 Miscellaneous Expense 109.61 300.00 190.39 65.33 Office Supplies 464.28 1,000.00 535.72 220.62 Uniforms 220.62 11000.00 779.38 -0- Transportation 1,260.00 81500.00 7,240.00 206.83 Travel & Conference 463.20 900.00 463.80 200.36 Housekeeping Supplies 291.07 11200.00 908.93 141.26 Small Tools 141.26 200.00 58.74 2,341.22 Depreciation 4/632.21 281000.00 23/367.79 -0- Shortage/Overage (12.45) -0- 12.45 144.11 Radio Repair Contract 432.33 11700.00 1,267.67 -0- Security Services -0- 5,000.00` 5,000.00 107.52 Naturalist Supplies 143.28 800.00 656.72 81452.61 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES fi359?1.33 $253,025.00 $217.103.6Z 1979 1978 `ual Expenditures to Date: 14.1% 16.4% !get Balance: 85.9% 5-10 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON INDEPENDENCE -OAKS MONTH OF MAPru IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 3-31-79 1978 1979 Variance 1978 1979 Variance -0- —0- -0- Comm Food Sales -0- -0- $ -0- 400 1,700 1,300 Rent - Facilities 700 2 050 1 350 -0- -0- -0- Rent - Pedal Boats -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Rowboats -0- 3 3 -0- -0- -0- Canoes 6 -0- 6 232 138 94 Fees - Entrance 2 301 2 590 289 159 49 110 - Annual Pass 3 589 3,738 149 -0- -0- -0- Fees - Cam in -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous 5 5 -0- 8 1 096 6 601 8 386 $1,785 Ln i Oakland County Parks and Recreation ADDISON-OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 3-31-79 (Over) Current Year to 1979 Under Month Revenue Date Budget Budget -0- Commission - Food Service $ -0- $ 1,600.00 $ 1,600.00 600.00 Rental - Facilities 1,382.00 8,000.00 6,618.00 -0- Rental - Equipment -0- 15,000.00 15,000.00 2.00 Fees - Day Use 4,556.75 32,000.00 27,443.25 -0- Fees - Camping 1/485.00 18,000.00 16F515.00 -0- Miscellaneous Income 12.75 100.00 87.25 602.00 TOTAL REVENUE $ 7,436.50 $ 74,700.00 $ 67,263.50 L41400.15 Less: Operating Expenses 30,707.68 226,535.00 195,827.32 L31798.15) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(23,271.18) $(151,835.00) $(128,-563.82) 5-12 Qakland County Parks and Recreation ADDISON-OAKS eratina Expenses For the Period Ended 3-31-79 (Over) :urrent Year to 1979 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget 9/518.88 Salaries - Full Time $19,037.75 $ 90,320.00 $ 71,282.25 263.90 - Part Time 627.85 291000.00 281372.15 28.02 - Over Time 233.25 41500.00 41266.75 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- 32/515.00 321515.00 3.25 Rental Expense 6.50 200.00 193.50 115.01 Communications 221.,08 11200.00 978.92 -0- Pool Expense -0- 11200.00 11200.00 1,140.86 Equipment Repair & Maint. 21138.11 71000.00 4,861.89 138.16 Rubbish Removal 263.16 2/000.00 1/736.84 80.33 Grounds Maintenance 115.38 101000.00 9.884.62 -0- Utilities -0- 21600.00 2,600.00 -0- Insurance 205.01 61000.00 5/794.99 394.00 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 595.80 1,800.00 1,204.20 169.23 Building Maintenance 638.02 31500.00 -.2,861.98 -0- Dues & Publications 40.00 50.00 10.00 17.00 Miscellaneous Expense 54.10 250.00 195.90 24.42 Office Supplies 876.92 11000.00 123.08 180.07 Uniforms 180.07 1/000.00 819.93 -0- Transportation 1/359.62 81000.00 6,640.38 189.54 Travel & Conference 244.25 400.00 155.75 461.88 Housekeeping Supplies 461.88 900.00 438.12 19.89 Small Tools 19.89 200.00 180.11 lf079.54 Depreciation 2,079.57 101500.00 8,420.'43 -0- Shortage/Overage 21.38 -0- (21.38) 135.75 Radio Repair Contract 407.25 11700.00 11292.75 440.42 Sewage Expense 880.84 5.0700.00 41819.16 -0- Security Services -0- 51000.00 51000.00 14,400.15 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $300707.6$ $226,535.00 $1950:827.32 1979 1978 teal Expenditures to Date: 13.5% 15.4% iget Balance: 86.5% 5-13 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION MONTH OF MARCH REVENUE COMPARISON ADDISON-OAKS IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 3-31-79 1978 1979 Variance 1978 1979 Variance -0- -0- -0- Comm. Food Sales -0- -0- -0- 550 600 50 Rent - Facilities 2,375 1,382 993 -0- -0- -0- Rent Pedal Boats -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Rowboats -0- -0- -0- 294 2 292 Fees - Da Use 3 980 2 890 11090) 103 -0- 103 - Annual Pass 1,621 1 667 46 10 -0- 10 Fees - Camping 47 1 485 1,438 -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- 13 13 $957 $602 $ 355 TOTAL $8,023 7 437 $ 586 . Reoxea -Y oal CO an 1SO,g-oexatti 9 tlndeet og 1979 -to 'Date 000 • 990.19 !a '34.97, 00 ().()0 '3 5 33 $?�6 0 ()0 it. 00 -F, 165 ,?,15100 0.00 95.OB xez�t Food .OB 100c).0lr5.67 r5 67 500.()0 exa -0- .92 calce 175. 12 S� tel� BIB 533 .45 (oco) '2 vil� •6f 46 0? 19-7 4) 19-79 1613 19 . E% 4r . , 5 to ,ate• ro .5alcu:1c-e** 5- 15 Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRINGFIELD-OAKS GOLF COURSE Statement of Operations _For the Period Ended 3-31-79 (Over) current Year to 1979 Under Month Revenue _ Date Budget Budget -0- Commission - Food Service $ -0- $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 -0- Sales - Pro Shop -0- 10,000.00 10,000.00 -0- Rentals - Golf Carts -0- 52,000.00 52/000.00 -0- - Other Equipment -0- 2,000.00 2,000.00 -0- Greens Fees -0- 135,000.00. 135/000.00 -0- Special Events -0- 1,500.00 lf500.00 -0- Contract Commission -0- -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- 100.00 100�00 -0- TOTAL REVENUE $ -0- $2031100.00 $203,100,00 a,,788.28 Less: Operating Expenses 19,844.49 198,075.00 1780,230.51 a 788.28 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(19,844.49) $ 5,025.00 $ 24,869.49 5-16 Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRINGFIELD-OAKS GOLF COURSE Operatinq Expenses For the Period Ended 3-31-79 (over) 'urrent year to 1979 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget ;41923.33 Salaries - Full Time $10/037.01 $ 59,975.00 $ 49,937.99 -0- - Part Time -0- 16/000.00 16,000.00 -0- - Over Time -0- 2/000.00 21000.00 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- 21/600.00 21/600.00 -0- Special Events -0- 11000.00 1,000.00 8.50 Rental Expense 24.00 200.00 176.00 137.90 Communications 331.09 21200.00 1,868.91 1,637.93 Equipment Repair & Maint. 21463.60 7,000.00 41536.40 55.00 Rubbish Removal 90.00 600.00 510.00 132.82 Grounds Maintenance 144.22 12/500.00 121355.78 961.65 Utilities 11907.92 141000.00 12,092.08 -0- Insurance 336.41 10,000.00 9,663.59 274.38 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 421.62 11750.00 1,328.38 351.53 Building Maintenance 685.50 31000.00 2,314.50 -0- Dues & Publications 24.50 50.00 25.50 -0- Miscellaneous Expense 10.00 100.00 90.00 11.60 Office Supplies 11.60 500.00 488.40 104.75 Uniforms 104,75 400.00 295.25 -0- Transportation 685.00 31500.00 2,815.00 3.32 Travel & Conference 268.02 400.00 131.98 -0- Housekeeping Supplies -0- 600.00 600.00 110.23 Small Tools 148.57 200.00 51.43 11075.34 Depreciation 2/150.68 111500.00 91349.32 -0- Shortage/Overage -0- -0- -0- -0- Golf Cart Rental -0- 211000.00 211000.00 -0- Golf Mdse. for Resale -0- 81000.00 8,000.00" ;9{788,28 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $19.844.49 $198,075.00, $178,230.51 1979 1978 tual Expenditures to Date: 10% 9.6% iget Balance: 90% 5-17 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON SPRINGFIELD GOLF COURSE MONTH OF MARCH IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 3-31-79 1978 1979 Variance 1978 1979 Variance $-0- -0- -0- Comm. - Food Sales -0- -0- - - -0- -0- -0- Sales - Pro Shop -0- -0- -0- 200 -0- 200 Rent - House 200 -0- 200 -0- -0- -0- Rent - Golf Carts -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - Other Equip.- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Greens Fees -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Special Events -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Contract Commission -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- -0- -0- „ $200 $-0- $(200) TOTAL 200 $-0- $(200) v, N co Oakland County Parks and Recreation WHITE LAKE -OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 3-31-79 :urrent Month Revenue -0- Commission - Food Service -0- Sales - Pro Shop 100.00 Rental - House -0- Rental - Golf Carts 30.00 - Other Equipment ,715.00 Green Fees -0- Fees - Special Events -0- Contract Commission -0- Miscellaneous Income ,845.00 TOTAL REVENUE (Over) Year to 1979 Under Date Budget Budget $ -0- $ 12,500.00 $ 12,500.00 -0- 17,500.00 17,500.00 300.00 1,200.00 900.00 -0- 28,500.00 281500,00 30.00 5,000.00 4,970.00 2,180.00 200,000.00 197/820.00 -0- 2,500.00 2,500.00 -0- 100.00 100.00 -0- 100.00 100.00 $ 2,510.00 ,808.27 Less: Operating Expenses 21,425.38 ,963.27) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. _ $(18,915.38) 5-19 $267,400.00 $264/890.00 215f950.00 194,524.62 $ 51,450.00 $_70,365.38 Oakland County Parks and Recreation WHITE LAKE -OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 3-31-79 (Over) Year to 1979 Under Classification Date Budget Budget Salaries - Full Time $10,872.81 $ 721200.00 $ 61,327.19 - Part Time -0- 13,500.00 13,500.00 - Over Time 20.97 2,500.00 2,479.03 Fringe Benefits -0- 261000.00 26,000.00 Special Events -0- 11000.00 1,000.00 Rental Expex,se 24.00 200.00 176.00 Communicatirns 232.47 11600.00 11367.53 Equipment Repair & Maint. 2,001.44 61000.00 3/998.56 Rubbish Removal 54.00 400.00 346.00 Grounds Maintenance 561.30 12,500.00 11,938.70 Utilities 2,898.04 201000.00 17/101.96 Insurance 404.77 12,000.00 11,595.23 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 453.18 21000.00 1,546.82 Building Maintenance 684.16 41000.00 3,315.84 Dues & Publications 24.50 50.00 25.50 Miscellaneous Expense 67.36 100.00 32.64 Office Supplies 45.52 21000.00 11954.48 Uniforms 20.95 400.00 379.05 Transportation 535.00 31500.00 2,965.00 Travel & Conference 268.02 400.00 131.98 Housekeeping Supplies 150.49_ 900.00 749.51 Small Tools 237.58 200.00 (37.58) Depreciation 1,652.26 10,000.00 8,347.74 Shortage/Overage -0- -0- -0- Golf Cart Rental '-0- 10,500.00 10/500.00 Golf Mdse. for Resale -0- 13,500.00 13,500.00 Radio Repair Contract. 96.39 500.00 403.61 Rental Property Maintenance 120.17 -0- (120.17: TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $21L425.38 $215,950.00 $194,524.62 1979 1978 ual Expenditures to Date: 9.9% 10.3% 'get Balance: 90.1% 5-20 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION M^MMU ncv MADrlu REVENUE COMPARISON WHITE LAKE -OAKS WM*TO liif�MW YEAR TO DATE 3-31-79 1978 1979 Variance 1978 1979 Variance -0- -0- -0- Comm. - Food Sales -0- -0- -0- 25 -0- 25 Sales - Pro Shop 25 -0- 25 -0- 100 100 Rent - Houses -0- 300 300 -0- -0- -0- Rent - Golf- Carts -0- -0- -0- -0- 30 30 - Other Equip. -0- 30 30 4,165 1,715 2,450) Greens Fees 41555 $2,180 (2,375) -0- -0- -0- Special Events -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Contract Commission -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- -0- -0- �4 TOTAL (2, QZQ ) Oakland County Parks and Recreation RED -OAKS GOLF COURSE Statement of Operations_ For the Period Ended 3-31-79 (Over) .urrent Year to 1979 Under Month Revenue Date Budget Budget -0- Commission - Food Sales $ -0- $ 500.00 $ 500.00 -0- Sales - Pro Shop -0- 3,000.00 3,000.00 -O- Rentals - Golf Carts -0- 4,000.00 4/000.00 -0- - Other Equipment -0- 2,500.00 2,500.00 -0= Greens Fees -0- 70,000.00 70,000.00 -O- Miscellaneous Income -O- 100.00 100.00 -0- TOTAL REVENUE $ -0- $ 80,100.00 $ 80,100.00 '>/925.54 Less: Operating Expenses 12/523.49 135,020.00 122/496.51 i/925.54) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(12,523.49) $(54,920.00) $(42,396.51) 5-22 Oakland County Parks and Recreation RED -OAKS GOLF COURSE Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 3-31,-79 (Over) current Year to 1979 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget '21987.15 Salaries - Full Time $•4,989.10 $ 43,840.00 $ 381850.90 -0- - Part Time -0- 14,000.00 141000.00 -0- - Over Time -0- 2/000.00 2,000.00 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- 15,790.00 15,790,00 5.25 Rental Expense 17.50 150.00 132.50 115.09 Communications 214.38 990.00 775.62 598.84 Equipment Repair & Maint. 801.36 4,000.00 3,198.64 -0- Rubbish Removal -0- -0- -0- 1,162.08 Grounds Maintenance 11298.16 8,000.00 61701.84 758.54 Utilities 2,044.40 151000.00 12,955,60 -0- Insurance 6.7,50 2,500.00 21432.50 150.30 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 224.40 900.00 675.60 221.25 Building Maintenance 240.14 500.00 259.86 -0- Miscellaneous Expense 24.50 50.00 25.50 10,92 Office Supplies 10.92 500.00 489.08 20.95 Uniforms 20,95 300.00 279,05 -0- Transportation 601.13 31500.00 2,898.87 -0- Travel & Conference 72.94 100.00 27.06 32.20 Housekeeping Supplies 32.20 400.00 367.80 22.42 Small Tools 185.51 200.00 14.49 840.55 Depreciation 1,678.40 101500.00 8,821.60 -0- Shortage/Overage -0- -0- -0- -0- Golf Cart Rental -0- 2,800.00 21800.00 -0- Golf Mdse. for Resale -0- 21000.00 2/000.00 -0- Lease Payment -0- 71$000.00 7,00000 �6,925,54 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $12,523.49 $135,020.00 $122,496.51 1979 1978 teal Expenditures to Date: 9.2% 7.3% :1get Balance: 90.8% 5-23 Oakland County Parks and Recreation lT- ITT -- Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 3-31-79 a.rrent Year to Month Revenues Date -0- Commission - Food Service $ -0- -0- Sales - Pro Shop -0- -0- Rental - Golf Carts -0- -0- - Other Equipment -0- -0- Greens Fees. -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- -0- TOTAL REVENUE $ -0- 500.76 Less: Operating Expenses 17,219.29 600.76) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(17,219.29) 5-24 (Over) 1979 - Under Budget Budget $ 40,000.00 $ 40,000.00 20,000.00 20/000.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 240,000.00 240,000.00 -0- -0- $3571500.00 $357,500.00 250,410.00 233,190.71 $107,090.00 $124,309.29 'Oakland Coim.ty Parks and Recreation GLEN -OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 3-31-79 (Over) urrent Year to 1979 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget 41620.33 Salaries - Full Time $ 7,434.25 $ 661000.00 $ 58,565.75 -0- - Part Time -0- 20,000.00 20/000.00 59.71 - Over Time 123.18 31000.00 2,876.82 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- 231760.00 23/760.00 5.25 Rental Expense 10.50 200.00 189.50 48.67 Communications 171.02 21000.00 1,828.98 573.05 Equipment Repair & Maint. 673.03 6,000.00 5,326.97 2.70 Rubbish Removal 2.70 500.00 497.30 -0- Grounds Maintenance 125.37 141000.00 13f874.63 722.47 Utilities 5r210.81 301000.00 24/789.19 -0- Insurance 53.88 121000.00 111946.1.2 185.90 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 254.'70 21000.00 11745.30 285.92 Building Maintenance 586.71 51000.00 4,413.29 -0- Dues & Publications 24.50 50.00 25.50 67.75 Miscellaneous Expense 67.75 100.00 32.25 17.64 Office Supplies 17.64 21500.00 2,482.36 62.85 Uniforms 62.85 400.00 337.15 -0- Transportation 446.85 31500.00 3,053.15 -0- Travel & Conference 54.71 -0- (54.71) -0- Housekeeping Supplies -0- 200.00 200.00 38.84 Small Tools 78.16 200.00 121.84 911.68 Depreciation 1,820.68 101000.00 8/179.32 -0- Shortage/Overage -0- -0- -0- -0- Golf Cart Rental -0- 331000.00 331000.00 -0- Golf Mdse. for Resale -0- 16,000.00 16,000.00 L71600.76 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1979 :ual Expenditures to Date: 6.8% [get Balance: 93.2% 5-25 t17-2�19._29 $250,410.00 82334190:71 Oakland County Parks and Recreation MOBILE RECREATION & SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 3-31-79 (Over) Current Year to 1979 Under Month Revenue Date Budget Budget 80.00 Rental - Show Mobile $ 80.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 2,920.00 -0- - Skate Mobile -0- 2,000.00 2,000.00 -0- - Swim Mobile -0- 550.00 550.00 -O- -- Puppet Mobile -0- 1,800.00 1,800.00 -0- - Arts & Crafts -0- 900.00 900.00 -0- - Movie/Nature -0- 900.00 900.00 -0- - Sports Mobile -0- 3,000.00 3/000.00 215.00 Rental - Busing Program 215.00 3,000.00 2/785.00 (49.00) Special Programs 1,817,00 2,050.00 233..00 -0- New Games -0- 500.00 500.00 -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- -0- -0- -0- Special Grant -0- -0- -0- TOTAL REVENUE $ 17,700.00 $ 2,112.00, $ 15,588.00 246.00 3,526.05 Less: Operating Expenses 10,724.82 108,225.00 87,500.18 (3,280.05) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(8,612.82) $(901525.00) $(81,912.18) 5-26 Oakland County Parks and Recreation MOBILE RECREATION & SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Operating_ Expenses For the Period Ended 3-31-79 (Over) :urrent Year to 1979 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget 21220.59 Salaries - Full Time $ 4,188.63 $ 16/800.00 $12,6ll.37 -0- - Part Time -0- 40/000.00 40,000.00 100.64 - Over Time 982.54 11000.00 17.46 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- 61000'.00 61000.00 131.95 Special Programs 563.80 21500.00 1,936.20 25.00 Rental Expense 50.00 300.00 250.00 72.52 Communications 215.19 11400.00 11184,81 3.98 Equipment Repair & Maint. 178.89 81000.00 7,821.11 -0- Insurance 121.23 1,500.00 1/378.77 -0- Dues & Publications 40.00 125.00 85.00 -0- Miscellaneous Expenses -0- 100.00 100.00 36.00 Office Supplies 36.00 500.00 464.00 3.74 Uniforms 3.74 11200.00 18196.26 -0- Mobile Rec. Supplies 19.98 21500.00 2,480.02 24.00 Transportation 21334.24 151500.00 13/165.76 -0- Travel & Conference 175.32 750.00 574.68 -0- Small Tools -0- 50.00 50.00 907.63 Depreciation 11815.26 101000.00 8,184.74 >3,526.05 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $108,225.00 $10,724.82 $97,500.18 1979 1978 .1 Expenditures to Date: 9.9% 9.1% t Balance: 90.1% 5-27 OAKI,,AND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION MONTH OF MARCH REVENUE COMPARISON MOBILE RECREATION IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 3-31-'79 1978 1979 Variance 1978 1979 Variance $-0- 80 80 Rent - Show Mobile 80 80 -0- -0- -0- - Skate Mobile -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - Swim Mobile -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - Puppet Mobile -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - Arts & Crafts Mobile -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - Movie Nature Mobile -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - Sports Mobile -0- -0- -0- -0- 215 215 - Buses -0- 215 215 -0- (49) (49) Special Programs 490 1 817 1 327 -0- -0- -0- New Games -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Government Grants -0- -0- -0- $-0- $246 246 TOTAL 490 $2 112 $1 622 v, i N co .urrent -0- if130.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRINGFIELD-OAKS YAC Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 3-31-79 Year to 1979 Revenue Date Budget Commission - Food Sales $ -0- $ 1,500.00 Rental - YAC Building 5,429.00 20,000.00 Fees - Antique Car Show -0- -0- - Rodeo -0- --0- - 4-H Fair -0- - O- - New Events -0- 6/500.00 - Arts & Crafts Fair -0- 1,500.00 (over) Under Budget $ 115.00.00 14,571.00 -0- -0- -0- 6,500.00 1/500.00 -0- Contract Commissions 1.25 100.00 98.75 -0- Miscellaneous Income 211.95 100.00 (111.95) -0- Reimbursement - Oak. Co. -0- 50,000.00 50,000.00 .130.00 TOTAL REVENUE ,526.70 L396.70) $ 5,642.20 $ 79,700.00 Less: Operating Expenses 20,433.65 141,050.00 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. �(14,791,45) —$(6l-,350.00) 5-29 $ 74,057.80 120,616.35 $(46,558.55) Oakland County Parks and Recreation. SPRINGFIELD-OAKS YAC Operating Expenses For -the Period Ended 3-31-79 (Over) Current Year to 1979 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budctet 41477.12 Salaries - Full Time $ 8,954.27 $ 521100.00 $ 43,145.73 -0- - Part Time -0- 21500.00 2/500.00 527.17 -- Over Time 801.01 6,000.00 5,198.99 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- 18,750.00 18,750.00 -0- Special Events 504.00 81000.00 7,496,00 36.75 Rental Expense 94.50 250.00 155.50 299.26. Communications 720.02 2,000.00 1,279.98 10.39 Equipment Repair & Maint, 10.39 1,000.00 989.61 26.04 Grounds Maintenance 63,18 3,500.00 3,436.82 3,236.45 Utilities 6,426.82 221000.00 15/573.18 -0- Insurance 38.41 4,500.00 4f461.59 108.00 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 162.00 850.00 688.00 343.40 Building Maintenance 1,006.69 71000.00 5,993.31 -0- Dues & Publications 10.00 100.00 90.00 -0- Miscellaneous -0- 100.00 100.00 8.94 Office Supplies 8.94 900.00 891.06 41.90 Uniforms 41.90 100.00 58.10 62.39 Transportation 693.52 41900.00 4,206.48 -0- Travel & Conference -0- 400.00 400.00 -0- Housekeeping Supplies 141.10 1,700.00 1,558.90 -0- Small Tools -0- 150.00 150.00 289.77 Depreciation 579.54 31500.00 2,920.46 59.12 Radio Repair Contract 177.36 750.00 572.64 ?,526.70 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $20,433.65 $141,050.00 $120,616.35 1979 1978 ual Expenditures to Date: 14.4% 19.2% get Balance: 85.6% 5-30 MONTH OF MARCH OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON SPRINGFIELD-OAKS YAC IN DOLLARS YEAR TO nATP '1-i1-79 1978 1979 Variance 1978 1979 Variance -0- -0- -0- Comm. - Food Sales --0- $ -0- $ -0- 2 600 3 130 530 Rent - Activity Ctr. 5 325 5 429 104 1,706 -0- (1,706) - Antique Car Show 2 554 -0- (2,554) -0- -0- -0- - Rodeo 312 -0- (312) -0- -0- -0- - 4H Fair -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Arts & Crafts Fair -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - New Events -0- -0- -0- 0- -0- -0- Contract Commission 1 1 -0- -0- -0- -0- Misc. Income -0- 212 -0- -0- -0- -0- Reimb.-Oak. Co. -0- -0- -0- $4 306 $3,130 $(1,176) TOTAL $8,192 $5,642 $(2,550) Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD-OAKS Statement of Operations For'the Period Ended 3-31-79 (Over) Current Year to 1979 Under Month Revenue Date Budget Budget $ -0- Commission - Food Service $ -0- $ 1,200.00 $ 11200.00 300.00 Rent - Houses 700.00 21400.00 1/700.00 200.00 Rent - Facilities 2,350.00 71500.00 51150.00 540.00 Fees - Dog Obedience 1/780.00 6,000.00 4,220.00 11064.00 - Ballet 2/056.00 31500.00 1,4444.00 240.00 - Belly Dancing 992.00 1/200.00 208.00 -O- - Golf Classes -0- 400.00 400.00 391.00 - Square Dancing 995.00 71500.00 61505.00 325.00 - Ballroom Dancing 925.00 11000.00 75.00 90.00 - Senior Citizens 722.00 1/500.00 778.00 -0- - Round Dancing -0- 400.00 400.00 -0- - Archery -0- 900.00 900.00 1f176.00 - Disco Dance 4/360.00 6,000.00 1,640.00 1850.00 - New Events 3/314.00 3,100.00 (214.00) -0- Miscellaneous -0- 100.00 100.00 $ 6,176.00 13.9 235.09 $(7,059.09) TOTAL REVENUE $18,194.00 $ 421700.00 $ 24,506.00 Less: Operating Expenses 21,770.15 83,075.00 61,304.85 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(3 .576.15) $(40,375.00) $(36,798.85) 5-32 Oakland County Parks and Recreation WAIERFORD-OAKS OlDerating Expenses For the Period Ended 3-31-79 (Over) Current Year to 1979 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget 3/471.84 Salaries - Full Time $ 61049.18 $201870.00 $141820.82 626.14 - Part Time 11201.64 31000.00 1,798.36 132.50 - Over Time 283.45 1r000.00 716.55 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- 71500.00 7,500.00 51262.85 Special Events 6/592.69 191000.00 12,407.31 -0- Rental Expense -0- -0- -0- 134.03 Communications 196.04 11200.00 11003.96 18.50 Equipment Repair & Maint. 50.93 800.00 749.07 -0- Rubbish Removal 35.00 450.00 415.00 34.89 Grounds Maintenance 313.33 31500.00 3/186.67 1,604.45 Utilities 3,725.33 12/000.00 8,274.67 -0- Insurance 123.21 41000.00 31876.79 104.80 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 160.40 600.00 439.60 132.83 Building Maintenance 298.56 1/500.00 1/201.44 11.00 Dues & Publications 33.00 25.00 (8.00) 41.90 Miscellaneous 53.21 50.00 (3.21) 75.91 Office Supplies 99.81 200.00 100.19 -0- Transportation 480.00 21880.00 2,400.00 -0- Travel & Conference -0- 100.00 100.00 27.23 Housekeeping Supplies 133,20 500.00 366.80 -0- Small Tools 15.72 100.00 84.28 334.39 Depreciation 668.78 31000.00 2,331.22 32.00 Shortage/Overage 24.00 -0- (24.00) 1/168.41 Rental Houses - Maint. 11168.41 500.00 (668.41) 21.42 Radio Repair Contract 64.26 300.00 235.74 13.235.09 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 821,770.15 $83,075.00 $61,304.85 1979 1978 tual Expenditures to Date: 26.2% 20.4% 3get Balance: 73.8% 5-33 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON WATERFORD-OAKS ' MnNT9 nF MARru IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 3-31-79 1978 1979 Variance 1978 1979 Variance -0- -0- Comm. - Food Sales -0- -0- -0- 200 300 100 Rent - Houses 700 700 -0- 213 200 13 Rent - Facilities 2,538 2,350 188 340 672 1 540 064 200 392 Fees - - Dog Obedience Ballet 2,250 1,400 1,780 2,056 (470) 656 144 -0- 240 -0- 96 -0- -.Belly - Dancing Golf 258 -0- 992 -0- 734 -0- 663 75 391 325 (272) 250 - - Square Dancing Ballroom Dance 1,283 553 995 925 (288) 372 144 -0- 90 -0- (54) -0- - - Sr. Citizens Round Dancing 442 -0- 722 -0- 280 -0- -0- 1 456 1 -0- 176 -0- 280 - - Archery Disco Dancing -0- 3,808 -0- 4,360 -0- 552 140 356 1,250 600 460 894 - - Guitar New Classes 580 998 1,420 1,894 840 896 -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- -0- -0- $4 403 $6 176 $1 773 TOTAL $14,810 $18,194 $3,384 Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD WAVE POOL Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 3-31-79 (Over) ..urrent Year to 1979 Under Month Revenue Date Budget Budget -0- Commission - Food Service $ -0- $ 5,500.00 $ 5,500.00 -0- Rental - Lockers -0- 6,000.00 6/000.00 Entrance Fees: -0- Children -0- 62,000.00 62,000.00 -0- Adults -0- 33,000.00 33,000.00 -0- Group Passes -0- 4,500.00 4,500.00 -0- Family Memberships -0- 500.00 500.00 125.00 Swimming Classes 125.00 5,000.00 4/875.00 -0- Miscellaneous -0- -0- -0- 125.00 TOTAL REVENUE $ 125.00 $116.1500.00 $116,375.00 1,071.14 Less: Operating Expenses 4,708.96 114,800.00 110;091.04 1,946.14) REVENUE OVER/(UINDER) EXP. $(4,583.96) $ 1,700.00 6,283.96 5-35 ;urrent Month Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD WAVE POOL Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 3-31-79 Classification Year to Date 1979 Budget (Over) Under Budget -0- Salaries - Full Time $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- -0- - Part Time -0- 51/000.00 511000.00 -0- - Over Time -0- 11000.00 1,000.00 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- -0- -0- 42.16 Communications 121.71 900.00 778.29 -0- Equipment Maintenance 130.80 500.00 369.20 -0- Grounds Maintenance 69.08 61500.00 6/430.92 363.66 Utilities 11151.81 201000.00 18,848.19 -0- Insurance 484.98 151000.00 14,515.02 270.21 Building Maintenance 617.43 31500.00 21882.57 -0- Miscellaneous -0- 300.00 300.00 343.52 Supplies 355.52 71000.00 6f644.48 .60 Office Supplies .60 250.00 249.40 37.35 Uniforms 37.35 11000.00 962.65 263.60 Housekeeping Supplies 263.60 750.00 486.40 -0- Small Tools -0- 100.00 100.00 750.04 Depreciation 11476.08 71000.00 5f523.92 -0- Shortage/overage -0- -0- -0- .'2, 071.14 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $4,708.96 1979 1978 .ual Expenditures to Date: 4.1% 6% Iget Balance: 95.9% 5-36 $114,800.00 $110/091.04 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON WATERFORD WAVE POOL MONTH OF m7%t- IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 3-31-79 " 1978 1979 Variance 1978 1979 Variance -O- -0- -0- Comm. - Food Service -0- $-0- $ -0- -0- -0- -0- Rent - Lockers -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Fees - Child -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Adult -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - Group Passes -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - Memberships -0- -0- -0- 330 125 205 Swimmin Classes 330 125 205 -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- -0- -0- 330 125 205 TOTAL $330 $125 $ 205 Ln i w v Lrrent fonth $-0- -0- -0- -0- Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD-OAKS TENNIS C014PLEX Statement of Operations For the Peroid Ended 3-31-79 Year to Revenue Date Tennis - Court Time $-0- - Deck Tennis -0- Shuffleboard -0- Horseshoe -0- 1979 Budae t $ 7,920.00 3,960.00 2,475.00 2,475.00 (Over) Under Budaet $ 7,920.00 3,960.00 2,475.00 2,475.00 $-0- TOTAL REVENUE $-0- $16,830.00 $161830.00 4.25 Less: Operating Expenses 4.25 15,120.00 151r115.75 $ 4.25 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $ (4.25) 1,710.00 $ 1,714.25 5-38 Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD-OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 3-31-79 .(Over) zrrent Year to 1979 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget $-0- Salaries - Full Time $-0- $ -0- $ -0- -0- - Part Time -0- 6,280.00 6/280.00 -0- - Over Time, -0- 500.00 500.00 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- -0- -0- -0- Communications -0- 240.00 240.00 -0- Equipment Maintenance -0- 100.00 100.00 -0- Grounds Maintenance -0- 3,500.00 3,500.00 -0- Utilities -0- 1,200.00 1,200.00 -0- Insurance -0- 1,500.00 1,500.00 -0- Building Maintenance -0- 200.00 200.00 -0- Miscellaneous -0- 100.00 100.00 -0- Office Supplies -0- 100.00 100.00 -0- Uniforms -0- 100.00 100.00 -0- Housekeeping Supplies a-0- 200.00 200.00 -0- Small Tools -0- 100.00 100.00 4.25 Depreciation 4.25 1,000.00 995.75 -0- Shortage%verage -0- -0- -0- $4.25 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $4.25 $15,120.00 $15,115.75 i979 al Expenditures to Date: .02% et Balance: 99.98% 5-39 MOBILE RECREATION See Attached Sheet) DAY USE PARKS Addison Conference Center Addison -Oaks Park Glen Oaks Clubhouse Groveland-Oaks Independence -Oaks Springfield -Oaks Y.A.C. Springfield -Oaks Clubhouse Waterford -Oaks Waterford Tennis Complex Waterford -Oaks Wave Pool White Lake -Oaks Clubhouse GOLF COURSES Glen Oaks Red -Oaks Red -Oaks Driving Range Springfield -Oaks Golf Course White Lake -Oaks GRAND TOTALS Groups Leagues Participants Groups Leagues Participants 1978 1979 1978 1979 1978 1979 197 1979 38 29 7370 7615 94 72 20200 20552 12 12 1750 1677 26 29 3134 37o4 148 0 517 0 1729 14o9 6060 4959 0 10 0 1008 0 22 0 3258 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 558 366 2370 1372 3281 3661 12173 13849 15 21 8080 8666 35 42 14029 16112 0 0 0 0 1 1 50 78 72 76 3878 3765 178 173 8523 8372 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 5 238 582 8 13 826 1282 0 0 0 4o 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 8i 0 49 0 1908 846 5t9 24203 24810 5352 5471 64995 74118 SWIM -MOBILE SKATE -MOBILE PUPPET -MOBILE ART -MOBILE MOVIE/NATURE-MOBILE SHOW -MOBILE SPORTS -MOBILE SPECIAL EVENTS P & R BUSES NEW GAMES TOTALS MOBILE RECREATION MONTHLY UNITS AND SPECIAL EVENTS ACTIVITIES REPORT MOBILE RECREATION Month of March, 1979 Year to Date Groups Participants GParticipants 1978 1979 1978 1979 19T 1.°79 192T-- 1979 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 27 6270 7535 84 67 18940 18245 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 900 0 1 2 900 1227 5 2 200 80 9 2 360 8o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 29 7370 7615 94 72 20200 20552 ITEM #7 WHITE LAKE -OAKS PARKING AREA RESURFACING The Commission approved $7,000 in the 1979 Capital Improvement Budget for resurfacing the existing parking lot at White Lake -Oaks. This re- surfacing will prevent further deterioration of the parking area and eliminate further maintenance for the next few years. Bids were received as follows: Ward and Van Nuck $5920.00 Best Asphalt Inc. 5335.00 Highway Maintenance 4952.45 Pavement Sealants 5309.70 Purchasing and Parks and Recreation staff recommends awarding the contract to the low bidder, Highway Maintenance, in the amount of $4952.45 with a 10% contingency of $500, bringing the total amount to $5452.45. OAKLAND COUNTY Inter -Departmental Memo Date April 18, 1979 From: Gene Ziegler, Purchasing To: Joe Figa, Parks and Recreation Subject: Requisition #79-3-76 We have received the following bids for patching and sealing the parking areas at White Lake Oaks. Ward and Van Nuck $5920.00 Best Asphalt Inc. 5335.00 Highway Maintenance 4952.45 Pavement Sealants 5309.70 We recommend awarding the contract to Highway Maintenance. Gene Ziegler GZ/nd cc: Purchasing 00JAI I 0®+sPartmg'�t°%Inte , 'LO I Apx it P�cl . tees t5 and OT t too Ile IeT TC morn bid 01 BID � TOI. d the 'recel 19139 .(30 e have lko,,f SGaDe 112, bids 64 S6 I,ki, I a-f Ch�l 5 'SO olkl9lete -;TsteTthe Buz 5 e fox e en to C�h-1 leco �e mould mme OT Gene �,iegle chasing �19'5 CC. ITEM #9 PARK BROCHURES The following bids have been received from Purchasing for printing of our general brochure, Addison -Oaks brochure and wave action pool brochure: General Brochure - 50,000 (25,000 without Commissioner's names) Graphic Design $11,160.00 Oakland Business Forms 12,305.25 *Flint Graphic Service 7,922.00 University Lithoprinters Inc. 9,114.75 Oakland Press 10,210.00 Gaylord Printing 8,876.00 Drake Printing 12,700.00 Nielsen Lithographing 8,456.25 Addison Brochure - 5,000 Graphic Design 826.00 Oakland Business Forms 575.10 *Flint Graphic Service 289.90 University Lithoprinters Inc. 628.00 Oakland Press 635.00 Gaylord Printing 615.00 Drake Printing 522.00 Nielsen Lithographing 960000 Wave Pool Brochure - 20,000 Graphic Design 1,907.00 Oakland Business Forms 955.20 -Flint Graphic Service 679.30 University Lithoprinters Inc. 1,252.00 Oakland Press 1,200.00 Gaylord Printing 940.00 Drake Printing 912.00 Nielsen Lithographing 974.00 Flint Graphic Service is the low bidder on all three items and their bid meets all of our specifications and requirements; therefore, staff recommends we award the bid for all three items to Flint Graphic Service. i-�EM # A 0 SWEiAP, D OAKS ent swim rafts GROG for replacem by purchasing s were S°1`c,ted xtreme Stress eland• Qu°tatloneland'Oaks park• to W`thstand the us`n9 them at Grov supply fOr Grov be custom made tuber of people vendors Who Could ., with ese rafts must by the large nu only fend two v �enn�ngs' inc lh on them Gould e ,s Nerb Out, generated purchasing season On �s Cruise eCause of this, year`s swim s $2. The other Weeks delivery• B rafts for this 449.91 � 9 09�•00 and 2-3 oyez it is f tineun,t Cost oft, fl'546.003, 4,000.00. there wise Out, inc• a th a un,t Cost o is Purchase 15 $ urGhasea from Cr w r tin be P ount budgeted f° that the rafts line am dation As re staf fG°mmen OAKtAND COUNTY Inter -departmental Mel"O April 25, 1979 Date From D • Schulte To* I am returning it as it Subject: 3_ 6 . C1y de' s find requisition #79- As you know''G0 be custom please requisition #79-4-8t they need Attached p such that budget by a considerable was replaced y rafts are was over the spec ` s , but requirements °n the uisition Clyde revised the previous re Clyde made, and my memo made. amount. (See to be customon the the raft still has Cruise Out based following quote from I received the $1�070.00ea = $2,1�40.00 revised spec's. - Slyvan 8, X 16' Swim rafts = �30.00 2 ea standard 19" $215 22n Diameter pontoons replacing $85.00 = 170.00 _ deck Turf covering $i76.00 = 35�= Avacado Astro 88.00ea Per raft @$ $3,092.00 2 ea Ladders p Delivery 2-3 Week Net 30 days' problems insofar FOB - Destination, raft caused our or so on the of the I spent an the custom made nature the above specs. or Again, bidding is concerned. Jennings who t to get a quote on with as competitive attemp I also checked offer anything telephone in an any success• They could not dets without final spec.' Cruise Out meet Cly Sim1lar' on the °rig from The previous had quoted the rafts limitation$2 are of similar. However, within the budget - $l},899• and are 4�49.9lea delivery time is requirements Jennings at $2, Also, plenty of time noted by more expensive. Moreover, rafts q noted delivery in p ° ens. course considerably ut has q sw e' . immlng season p rofoam important. Cruisethem when the superior to the sty de to have system is for Clyde this floatation y I feel quoted by Jennings . on the rafts q Dan OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COW4L. DS/Ss APR 2161 1979 RECEIVED �R LAKE PNQ`EXA `a1 t° lmpr°ve °r matey b PurGhasln9and Glen Oaks: were re°e\ved yat Wh\te Lake as d tees -the f°11°�;ngn the greens anl'2�5.50 ,�Ci9at1°n ° r°teems 1�,422.9� return bldi M°rle-I d n°t Supply 16 drew W • Fn Pain P1 d 12 "A05 • return b1 d; CentUry �rrl9at`°n �d'►d not 1°w bldder Sprinkler ontract t° the asonable W�lkle turf awarding the G ee 1°w cost' ce vO1Ge terms' mend to t 'n urchasIng rec°m 12'h05•00 due t° be Saved by Staff and P at,°n, k°r add,t,°nal 2 i r 0 an SPr�nkler timed as Well as dell very OAKLAND COUNTY Inter -Departmental Memo Date From: Joe Hylla, Purchasing To: Charles Ross & Mike Thibodeau, Parks and Recreation April 27, 1979 Subject: Requisition #79-4-53 The above requisition, for irrigating materials, was mailed out as a sealed bid April 18, 1979. The bids were opened and read April 27, 1979 at 10:30 AM as follows: ALTERNATE VENDOR BID TOTAL TOTAL Morley Brothers Hodges Supply W.T. Andrew Century Rain Aid Sprinkler Irrigation Wilkie Turf $14,243.50 $14,422.94 (did not return bid) $12,887.16 $12,405.00 (did not return bid) NONE NONE. NONE $12,737.16 NONE NONE I would suggest awarding bid to Sprinkler Irrigation, due to the low cost, resonable delivery time as well as the additional 2% to be saved by invoice terms. All other vendors offer Net 30 for invoice terms. Joe H a JH/nd cc: Purchasing .'�r ITEM #12 FENCE INSTALLATION RED OAKS Oakland County Parks and Recreation has agreed to install an 8' privacy fence at Red Oaks Golf Course as per the lease agreement between the Incinerator Authority and Oakland County. This fence is to be located along the south side of green #8 in order to provide a screening of the Incinerator property. To accomplish this requirement, this item was included in the approved 1979 Capital Improvement Budget. Bids were let in March which included two types of fencing: 1. Complete installation of 4801 o1r 8' Vinyl link Redwood Privacy Fence System or equal. This is a chain link fence with Redwood slates. 2. Complete installation of 480' of 8' Cedar Stockade Fence. Bids were received as follows: REDWOOD CEDAR Zappie Fence $7800.00 $11,232.00 Cadillac Fence No Bid Durable, Inc. 8,640.00 12,960.00 New Hudson Fence No Bid Staff recommends awarding the contract to the low bidder, Zappie Fence, in the amount of $7,800.00 for the Vinylink Redwood Privacy Fence. ITEM #13 NORTHWEST OAKLAND LIFE ENRICHMENT COALITION The Coalition has provided us with additional information which is attached. They will be present at the meeting to discuss the subject further. AKT'�`� IZFE £�RI co�vlT�'o� O RZr`GFIEL Ir 0? co�.r T5 . " I o« project.'`'''' , 4 F Ianation I. z'»�ela �� 6 $, use oƒ 22fiag , s to to Se«,ea,, «a? 3, t,.,,,, coTapo a O �ion�, °°��°ne��``''''` � 5' ���c, f022a%ion £ac gto�cl 3.n 6. . NORTHWEST OAKLAND LIFE ENRICHMENT COALITION (NOLEC) PROJECT: SPRINGFIELD-OAKS LIFE ENRICHMENT CENTER What is the Northwest Oakland Life Enrichment Coalition (NOLEC)? NOLEC consists of human service agencies, education institutions and volunteers committed to the development of multi -faceted programming for the adult developmentally disabled and other substantially handi- capped population residing in Northwest Oakland County. Most of NOLEC's clients would fall in the mild to moderately mentally retarded range or would be chronically mentally ill. What agencies make up the NOLEC coalition? In July 1978, League -Goodwill of Detroit agreed to consider function- ing as an umbrella agency for a multi -agency service center for adult handicapped in Northwestern Oakland County. Since then the coalition has grown to include: League -Goodwill of Detroit Oakland County Community Mental Health Brandon -Clarkston -Holly Adult Basic Education Consortium Oakland. County Parks S Recreation Oxford Area Community Schools Oakland County Mental Retardation Center Oakland County Department of Social Services New Horizons of Oakland County, Inc. Oakland County Cultural Council Oakland County Association. for Retarded Citizens United Community Services, Oakland Planning Division What does NOLEC propose to do? NOLEC intends to provide a day program for the handicapped population of the Holly, Groveland, Brandon, Independence, Springfield, Rase, Highland, White Lake and Milford Township areas. The program will include counselling, academics, activities of daily living, vocational assessment and training, remunerative work experience, physical development, recreation and socialization. Since the location of the client's homes and the proposed setting for the center is rural, work activities will include production of fine crafts products as well. "Why was Springfield -Oaks Recreation Center chosen as the site? This facility is centrally located within the target area. It is barrier free and spacious enough for simultaneous multiple programming.. Since part of the program is designed to demonstrate the fine crafts and to include the community -at -large as volunteers (school children, local craftspersons, senior citizens, youth groups, etc.) Springfield -Oaks will become identified as a hub of community services. -i- Why is such a program necessary? When the West Oakland Community Mental Health Clinic began an outreach program for mental health clients in the fall of 1976, it was found that there was a minimum of services for all develop- mentally disabled and/or chronically mentally ill persons in the aforementioned townships. Some good reasons why day programming for such people is essential are: 1) the opportunity to develop talents with the specific goal of more independence and self-reliance should be extended to every citizen regardless of handicap or disability; 2) as the client becomes more self-reliant and inuependent, and as work skills are developed, many could begin to earn some wages while engaged in work activity and start to contribute towards his/ her own support; and 3) with new state zoning laws, more people are returning to their communities from institutions and hospitals; the community should welcome a program which gill gainfully occupy the time of these handicapped persons (and those already living in the community) and help them set and attain goals of self-reliance and, if possible, of productivity. How many persons in the communityare substantially handicapped? Using figures supplied by United Community Services for July 1977, there are 71,236 persons in Holly, Groveland, Brandon, Rose, 7Crde2endence, Spzinctfield, Holly, White ]Lake, and Milford Townships. For the following chart, figures used were from Census Reports, State Comprehensive Plan -ring for Rehabilitation and United Community Services. Population M.I. F E.D. M.R. Total Over ale 13 71,236 214 1282 1496 927 (Population figures were supplied by United Community Services for July 1977. The National Institute for Mental Health considers 'L of.the total population as in need of mental health services at some time duringtheir lifetime, and about 3% of these as chronically mentally ill. The National Association for Retarded Citizens uses the figure of 30% as the incidence of Mental retardation. Since that figure is questioned by some as being too high, the figure of 1.8% is used here, to figure on the conservative side.) Hoc, will the progrcim be financed? Most clients accepted by NOLEC will be referred from Community Mental Health, Department of Social Services and/or Adult Basic Education Services. Potential funding sources will provide partial services apporpriate to.their. agency .which in coalition will add up E to a total package for each client. Adult Basic Education Michigan Council for the Arts United Community Services (already committed) Oakland County Community Mental Health Oakland County Department of Social Services Private Grants Will.anyone be displaced when NOLEC begins pro2rammin2 at Springfield Oaks? At present there is little or no schedule of activities during daytime hours with the exception of 4-H programs during several weeks in August. NOLEC will run a flexible program so that certain areas - even the complete building - can be vacated should the occasion arise and adequate notice be given. (see chart attached) 3 USE OF SPRINGFIELD-OAKS - YAC 46 weeks a year - 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ABE - Adult Basic Education COUNSELLING - Group counselling, Evaluation, Individual counselling, meetings WORK ACT. - Work Activities & Fine Crafts REC. & SOC. _ Recreation, Socialization FIELD TRIPS - Field Trips NORMAL USAGE PLAN MULTI PURPOSE ROOM with room total area dividers LOBBY with room total area dividers EXHIBIT HALL with room total area dividers ----__.. a.m. -_----_-_..--- ----------- ABE ------------. WORK ACT. _________-__ COUNSELLING ------____-- WORK ACT. --------------- REC. & SOC. D.m. ABE REC. & SOC. COUNSELLING WORK ACT. REC. & SOC. a.an. ABE REC. & SOC. COUNSELLING WORK ACT. REC. & SOC. 3.rr• ABE WORK ACT. COUNSELLING WORK ACT. REC. & SOC. I.M. ABE WORK ACT. COUNSELLING WORK ACT. REC. & SOC. D.M. ABE REC. &'SOC. COUNSELLING WORK ACT. REC. & SOC. .xn. ,ABE WORK ACT. COUNSELLING WORK ACT. REC. & SOC. ABE WORK ACT. COUNSELLING WORK ACT. REC. & SOC. .m. REC. & SOC. ABE WORK ACT. COUNSELLING NO EXHIBIT � ?HALL USE D.M. RAC. & SOC. FIELD TRIP FIELD TRIP "NO LOBBY SE NO EXHIBIT HALL USE ALTERNATE USAGE PLAN g.ra. WORK ACT. ABC WORK ACT. COUNSELLING .z WORK ACT. ABC REC. & SOC. COUNSELLING .aa. WORK ACT. ABC REC. & SOC. COUNSELLING D.M. WORK ACT. ABC WORK ACT. COUNSELLING �.r�. WORK ACT. ABC WORK ACT. COUNSELLING f- D.M. IWORK ACT. ABC COUNSELLING COUNSELLING x I.M. WORK ACT. ABC WORK ACT. COUNSELLING .m. ?..TORK ACT. ABC FORK ACT. COUNSELLING O z a.n. REC. & SOC. ABC NO jQP'RYr aum Fr FIELD TRIP FIELD TRIP I NO LOBBY USE 4 project is designed to give each client a minimum of 12 hours The prof daily attendance will and a maximum of 30 hours per week. Average be 50 plus staff. .First chaarenssfor can beaxImUM vacat dsduring hours g• Second chart shows how certain. Certain or days when buildingtten intoused cantract to allowrooses for complete weeks (days} can be wry etc.). evacuation of building (fox 4-H weeks, 5 and .YON CaMMERCE Wi-ACM NOMI RIP, .Lj PontiacPontiacla3c A Lea AD -150% �16 OLOOMF JELDJ3-trmingrl" WEST 'IEI . evert Latter 1. 11 OAK -AND cou�' Y service Areas of Pot ential 6 TROY Opai Nu Day, id pyc VRI. po) WORK ACTIVITIES COMPONENT Springfield -Oaks Life Enrichment Center The Work Activities component of Springfield Oaks Life Enrich- ment Center (SOLEC) is projected to start by September, 1979. The schedule will be flexible to allow integration between other comp- onents of the program. Adult Basic Education, individual and group counselling and socialization and recreation. Eligibility requirements for clients are: 1. Primary diagnosis of a developmental disability or mental illness or other substantial handicap. 2. Trainable and with proper instruction able to perform self --care skills. 3. Resident of Brandon, Holly, Rose, Independence, Groveland, Highland, White Lake, Milford or Springfield Townships. 4. Over 26 years of age and able to benefit from pre - vocational programming. 5. Accompanied by intake placket. 6. Displays no ongoing pattern of behavior which requires continual periods of isolation or restraint. 7. Presently not receiving program services or, if in present program elsewhere, transfer would relieve position for another individual without service. Staffing: One staff person to approximately every 7 clients. •. Coordinator/Counselor • Work Skills Supervisor * Teachers * Aides * Clerk 7 PROPOSAL FOR THE EDUCATIONAL COMPONENT of the SPRINGFIELD OAKS LIFE ENRIC=ENT CENTER The Adult Basic Education component of the Springfield Oaks Life Enrichment Center (SOLEC) Project is projected to begin the first week in September, 1979. The program would run forty- six weeks and students would be enrolled for approximately 18 hours a week. The school schedule would be flexible to allow maximum integration to occur between the Adult Basic Education Component and the other program components. ELIGIBILITY: A person is eligible for this program if: a. he is over the age of 17 and not enrolled in any other public school program. b. he does not have a high school diploma and functions below an 8th grade level. c. has a high school diploma but functions below an 8th grade level. ENROLLMENT: The program will be designed to serve approximately 50 students. STAFFING: Based on an enrollment of 50 students and the division of their time between vocational and educational components, there would be 3 teachers and 3 aides employed in the Adult Basic Education Component. FUNDING: All instructional staff and instructional materials will be funded by the Adult Basic Education Component. 8