HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1980.08.06 - 39719R. Eric Reickel Lewis E. Wint Manager Chairman Jon J. Kipke Marjorie M. Walker Assistant Manager Oakland County Vice -Chairman Velma M Austin Secretary Parks&Recreation Don Deni Fred Houghten George W. Kuhn Joseph R to Commission Carol E. Stanley Richard R. Wilcox 2800 WATKINS LAKE ROAD PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48054 (313) 858-0906 August 1, 1980 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday, August 6, 1980 9:30 a.m. . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, MI 48054 PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting The meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Mr. Lewis E. Wint, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, R. Eric Reickel Manager RER:ks 4ddison Oaks • Glen Oaks • Groveland Oaks • Independence Oaks • Red Oaks • Springfield Oaks • Waterford Oaks • White Lake Oaks oPKCp,ND C°iUONN COMM, SS, pN Np RECRC 6 1980 �PRKS P august ° order. 11 Meet`ng 1 . Ca 198p ' R°11 Call. mutes °{ ouchers 1�1y 9'I-1 r Pppoval °� M ayments� v198p" 30, 3 Approval o� p erat�°ns as °� Ju gp. 4 Statement Of pp t as o{ 3unel 19 or 5 AGt,v,t`es Reese ,, Red yaks `ake Oars" �'- p°1i Oome Cea Gres �.. White ort. � Pppralsal 1.0� Pent progress Rep Rep°rt- y.P.C. $. Capital Oevelopmat�ons Quarterl�s rin9f keld yaks Pdd�sor� Oaks 9 Public C°mmUf`G a1 prop°sal ps program prat 1p M.o.b,E-C' Re�`t Sn°wmob�le -�rax 11. � and ReGreat�o rsk l2, pas Conve 13• aviager,s ReP°rt. 1h. Mew Business. ss 15- N �fl�ished Bus��e 16• p Al-Pdlour�' 1980 at 9:30 a-m PugUst Z,O N�-Xl MEEK i Np VOUCHER July, 1980 T`.i T iNtT: 7T? VF.NnnR PT TR PCB q R A11,10T TT\TT 7-1 Friends of the Park Correct donation of $100.00 by Irwin Cohn to the "Friends of the Parks" instead of the general fund of OCP&R - Admin. $ 100.00 7-2 S.E. Oak. Co. Incinerator, Authority Property Lease Payment - Red Oaks 7,000.00 7-3 Parkwood Building Co. Cap. Proj., Clubhouse Renovations - Glen Oaks, Payment number 4-A 21,676.48 7-4 Detroit Edison Utilities - Indep. 537.30 7-5 Consumer Power Co. Utilities — Grove., Wh. Lk., Water. & W. Pool $3,231.20 3,929.60 7-6 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Communications - Indep. 146.43, Red Oaks, Spring. 171.17, YAC $240.38,& Water. 623.86 7-7 Brinker's Plbg. & Heating Inc. Bldg. Maint. - YAC 12.60 7-8 Cal Gas -Pontiac Inc. Utilities - Grove. 259.27 7-9 Lindsey Korstange Refund, swimming class - W. Pool 10.50 7-10 Diane Bannister Refund -camping fee - Grove. 6.00 7-11 P. J. Thomas Refund, Jr. Tournament - Wh. Lk. & Spring. 18.00 7-12 Cindy Walters Refund, Damage Deposit - YAC 25.00 7-13 Detroit Ball Bearing Co. Equip. Maint. - Indep. 59.70 7-14 Richard Simmons Refund, Jr. Tournament - Spring. .& Wh. Lk. 6.50 7-15 Gniewek's Inc.. Special Events, BMX trophies - Mob. Rec. 110.25 7-16 Munn Ford Tractor, Inc. Equip. Maint. - Add. $206.75, Grove. & Spring. 239.83 7-17 Golf Car Distributors Equip. Maint. - Add., Indep., Wh. Lk. $121.29 & Spring. 211.42 7-18 The Oaks Management, Corp. Misc., beverages charged at Indep. in the Vinter ot 1980, (Ski Patrol) - Indep. 41.50 7-19 Sears Roebuck & Co. Equip. Maint. - Indep. 1.44 V11i�L1-ll�Ll VVU1Vl L Igu�j.%- t'u.0 —vx.u:a>...v.. VOUCHER July, 1980 T\TTTMRota VRNTX)R PURPOSE AMOUNT -20 Mary Crooks Refund swimming class - W. Pool $ 10.50 -21 Mike Colon Refund swimming class - W. Pool 10.50 -22 Mr. Barrett 0. Brink Refund for Hidden Forest Run Indep. 5.00 7-23 Velmer Lemley Refund Camping Fee & Elect. - Grove. 36.00 ' 7-24 Theodore Bushey Refund Camping Fee - Grove. 18.00 7-25 Mor.tz Brothers, Corp. C,a . Prorj , Clubhouse Renovation - Glen Oaks 6,8111..00 7-26 American Platform `.l'enn-ts Assoc. Membcr.sbip renewal, 1 fir. - Mob. Rec. 20.00 7-27 Oak. Co. Dept. of Public Woi-1cs tltil.itics - Glen Oaks 146.45 7-28 Oakland Business Forms Office Supplies, park permit books - Grave. 2,571.76 7-29 11od es Supply Co. Cap. Proj., Bath Bldg. Imp. - Grove. & Kit. & Bar Imp. - Glen Oaks Bldg,. Maint. - Grove., Indep., Red Oaks $81.55, YAC $104.24, Water. & W. Pool; Grounds Maint. - Grove.; Equip. Maint.- Indep. 927.71 7-30 Elden's (Txu e Value) Hardware Rental Prop. Maint. - Water. 31.69 a 7-31 Janet Pun Reimb. for prepaid expense for Communication's Banquet at Detroit Plaza e on 5 8 80 - Admin. 25.00 7-32 R. Eric Reickel Reimb. for expenses due to bus. lunch with ex -Park Commissioner on ark business - Admin. 13.25 7-33 LaPonsada Resort Hotel Lodging fees deposit for D. Deni & R. Wilcox to attend the NRPA 1980 Congress in Phoenix, AZ., on 10/18/80 tbru 10/23/80 - Admin. 122.00 7-34 J. Eiden Equipment Co. Bldg. Maint. - Wh. Lk. $128.71 & W. Pool; Small Tools - Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks & Spring.; Equip. Maint. - Spring.$71.95 344.28 '= 7-35 Church's Lumber Yard Cap. Proj., Conc. Panel replacement - Grove.; Equip. Maint. - Tech. Sup. &(Puppet Mob.) Mob. Rec.; Bldg. Maint.-Water.&W. Pool 188.38 7-36 Wilkie Turf Equip. Div. Inc. Equip. Maint. - Grove. $179.80, Indep., Red Oaks $107.84, Spring., Grounds Maint. - Red Oaks $173.21, Spring. & Water. 617.31 7-37 Lawn Equipment Corp. Equip. Maint. - Glen Oaks 270.55 UL- Ai-d- ND LIQU1V 1 I rtiR11J t1 vAJ 11L1.11Lt11 .Ll-nl VOUCHER JULY, 1980 NT TMRRfi VENDOR PT T P0.gE AmnT TNT 7-38 Pontiac Steel Co, BldA. Maint. - W. Pool $ 8.02 7-39 Century Rain Aid Cap. Proj., Irrigation Renovation - Glen Oaks 4,232.20 Custodian Increase in change fund for 1980 season - W. Pool 100.00 7-41 Pajtas Oil Co., Inc. E ui_. Maint. - Grove. Gasoline 788.79 -Co,saint. Cap. Proj., Kit. & Bar Imp. & Irrigation Renov. - Glen Oaks; Bldg. - Add. 273.95 Red Oaks $111.18 W. Pool & Mob. Rec. 581.96 7-43 Oliver Supply Co. Equip. Maint. - YAC 11.25 7-44 Jones Chemicals, Inc. Pool Exp., sodium hypochlorite solution - .; W. Pooiupp ies, sodium hypochlorite solution - W. Pool $1,260.00 1,579.50 7-45 Wilson Sporting Goods Inv., golf mdse for resale - Wh. Lk. & Red Oaks $229.32 250.32 7-46 Lena Geheb Refund, partial league fee - Wh. Lk. 30.00 7-47 Cowbell Seeds, Inc. Grounds Maint. - Add. 194.00 7-48 Marilyn Hicks Special vents,Round ante caller, wortEsnops !or june- Water. 88.00 7-49 Gary's Disposal Service Rubbish Removal - Wh. Lk. 50.00 7-50 Oakland County -Garage Transportation - Admin.$1,232,99, Tech. Sup.$1,228,32, Add,$864.09 YAC, Water. & Mob.. Rec.$2,225.23; Equip. Maint. - Tech. Sup., 7-51 Oakland Wholesale Inc. Cap. Proj., Bath Bldg. Imp. - Grove. $495.77; Bldg. Maint - Conf. Ctr Grove. & Glen Oaks. 552.37 7-52 Orsco Inc. Uniforms - Spring. 7-53 L & E Chemicals Grounds Maint. fertilizer - Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks Red Oaks & Spring 1 198.56 7-54 Genesee Fence & Supply Co. Cap. Pro'. Golf Cart Sec. Imp._- Spring. 767.64 7-55 Scott's Lock & Kev Shop Bldg. & Grounds Maint. - TndPn. Z1 SS OAKLAND UUUXI'Y YXtctiJ xivli rct�t��[�liv�v VOUCHER JULY, 1980 TITT n XIMILI a PT MPn SF. AMnT TNT 7-56 Hill's Court Zec. Supplies, Clock & Thermometer - T. Complex $ 51.90 7-57 Ball I-10 per. Products Inc. Zec. Su lies - T. Complex 37.70 7-58 Detroit Edison I Jtil-ities - Add. 19.50 7-59 Margaret ThornberrX Refund, Facilities Rental - Water. 230.00 7-60 Century Rain Aid ap. Proj., Clubhouse Renovation - Glen Oaks; B g. Maint - ave 'ool. 70.42 7-61 Mickel.son Corp. Special. Events, ball.on festival, road gravel - Mob. Rec. 336.34 7-62 Schultz Electrical., Inc. Bldg. Maint. - W. Pool 25.31 7-63 Thompson Oil Co. 1quip. Mainz. - Spring.; Utilities - YAC $5,759.51> Fuel oil 6,050.58 7-64 P.T. Standard Parts Co. rounds Maint. - Add.; Equip. Maint. - W. Pool 47.60 7-65 Wayne Ball Special Events, Square Dance caller June $840.50 & Workshops -Water. 919.25 7-66 Goodyear Truck Tire Center Equip. Maint. - Add., Grove. & Indep. 33.36 7-67 Payroll For Pay Period ending 6/27/80 - All Parks 103,712.15 7-68 Gniewek's Inc. Special Events, Trophies for 2-man scrambles tnmt., & Piaques tor Jr. Tnmt. - Wh. Lk. $240.80 & Spring. 341.60 7-69 Interstate Alarm Systems, Inc. Bldg. Maint. - Wh. Lk. 33.75 7-70 Lori Keeley Refund, Security Deposit - Waver. 50.00 7-71 Winston's, Inc. Cap. Equip., 2 Sony recorders, car battery corU charger - lob. Rec. 191.20 7-72 The Nature Shop Naturalist Supplies - Indep. 12.21 7-73 G.D.D., Inc. Cap. Equip., Sanyo answering service - Admin. 300.05 OAALLUNI) t-vu1V 1 x 1 kta".J ruvL t\lW lillJL t11 ivl VOUCHER JULY, 1980 NT iMRRR VENDOR PURPOSE AMOT TNT Burke Buildina, Center Cap. Proj., Off. Bldg. Imp.-Admin.$189.99, Bath Bldg. Imp., Conc. panel Replace., Campsite Elect. Imp. - Grove. Clubhouse Renov. $ iBridge Repairs $191:28 - Glen Oaks, Restroom Fac. & Well - Spring. 318.15 Shelter Encl. - T. Complex; Small Tools - Tehh. Sup., Glen Oaks, Dr. Range & W. Pool; Hskpg. Exp. - Grove.; Grounds Maint. - Indep., Wh. Lk., Glen.Oaks, YAC $106.92; Bldg. Maint. - Glen Oaks $75.14, Red Oaks, Water., W. Pool & T. Complex; Equip. Maint., Show, Skate & Puppet Mobiles - Mob. Rec. 1,561.93 7-75 W. F. Miller Co. Cap. Equip., vertical mower reels - Wh. Lk.$798.00; Equip. Maint. Tech. Sup., Add. $199.73, Grove., Indep., Wh. Lk.$1,137.26, Glen Oaks, Red, -Oaks & Spring.$344.12; Grounds Maint. - Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks & Spring. 3,943.55 7-76 Doug Rieck Special Events, Square dance workshops, June -Water. 101.50 7-77 AnthonyM. Franco. Inc. Public Info., PR Newswire distribution on Pine Knob study, mileag Misc. including messenger serv., Photocopies,postage & Phone cal1E , - Admin. 1,702.22 7-78 Paul Lee Marr Mileage Reimb. - Admin. 22.00 7-79 Cynthia E. Norris Mileage Reimb. - Admin. 4.84 7-80 Marilyn Baker Mileage Reimb. - Admin. 13.64 7-81 Janet Pung Mileage Reimb. - Admin. 38.50 7-82 Suzie Grins'ell Mileage Reimb. - Admin. 32.34 7-83 Tim Fausch Mileage Reimb. - Admin. 43.10 7-84 MBMXA Membership application, provide rules - Mob. Rec. 25.00 7-85 Jim Mansfield, Custodian Petty Cash Reimb. - Red Oaks 68.24 7-86 Royal Rental Co. Cap. Proj., Irrig. enov- - Clerl zs, EquTp. Renrat-Wii. tk., Grounds Maint. - Dr. Range $126.78 186.41 7-87 Herald Advertiser Subscription renewal, 1 vr. - Admin. 7.00 OAKL,AND COUNTY PARKS AND REGRLA.'1'lUIv VOUCHER JULY, 1980 'NTT TNM'Lln 11PNT)np TAT MPO.qF AMOT TNT ' 7-88 W. T. Andrew Co, Cap. Proj., Bath Bldg. Imp< - Grove., Golf Cart Area Imp. & Kit. & Bar Imp. - Glen Oaks; Equip. Maint. - Indep. $ 53.18 7-89 Michigan Recreation & Park Assoc, Reimb. for tickets sold, payment #1 , Cedar Point, Sea World & Geu a Lk. - Admin. 509.80 7-90 Handy Andy Pro Hardware Bldg., Equip. & Grounds Maint., Pool Exp. & Small Tools - Add, 153.17 7-91 r r 386.65 J3jAlo Re -lay Corp. _�a1 Equip. Rental - Admin., Tech. Sup.$63.O0, Wh. Lk,, Glen Oaks, Red 147.00 [ Ff Bli mint. Co. Of-f-C Sup,, - NaturalistAdmin, SL)DP11,Q9 T,11de1), 32.13 Don t of a. Cap. Proj., Off. Bldg. Modif. - Admin.$356.1.3, Tree Planting - G - a1� $77.2.19, 4-H fair. Pac. Imp. - YAC $592.51; Bldg. Maint. - Water. & W. Pool; Grounds Maint - Water. W. P o 1 145.70 & T. Complex $694.56 4,162.06 -Oakland Sec. Exp. - Add. $12,867.67, Grove. $12,974.98, Indep. $13,364.75 Oaks $1.212.22 & W. Poo]_ 40 477.40 7-97 Gold Star PrQducts Inc. Cap, Proi., Kit & Bar Imp. - Glen Oaks 5,859.75 Construction ui E ui . Maint. - Glen Oaks 79.15 1 - 9 County of Oakland Salaries -Admin. , Indep. $.1,957.52, Wh. Lk. $2,885.98, Red Oaks $2,519.75 & Spring. 1 421.27• Excess C.E.T.A. - 8,896.03 '€ 7-100 Pioneer Camper Sales Equip. Maint. Showmobile - Mob. Rec. 123.80 7-101 Bob's Hardware Bldg. & Grounds Maint. & Naturalist Supplies - Indep. 29.22 7-102 Consumers Power Co. Utilities - Conf. Ctr. $959.46, Indep., Red Oaks & Spring. 131.37 1,134.85 - 7-1.03 Mi.chigan Bell Telephone Co. Communications - Add., coin 24.03 7-104 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Communications - Add. & Wh. Lk. $243.83 356.62 7-105 Citv of Mad. Hghts. Water Dept. Utilities - Red Oaks & Dr. Range 69.17 41 i ON VOUCHER JULY, 1980 'MT TMRRR VENDOR PCTRPOSF AMOTTNT 7-106 Roxanne Tunningley Refund, Damage Deposit - YAC $ 50.00 7-107 Angie Susolla Refund, Damage Deposit - YAC 25.00 7-108 Elden's True Value Hardware Blag. Raint. - In ep. Grounds Maint. - Indep. & YAC; Small Tools - Indep.; Rental Prop. Maint. - Water. 53.84 7-109 Oak Hill Auto Parts Equip.-Maint. - Indep. $55.95 & Wh. Lk.; Small Tools - Inde . 81.50 7-110 Detroit Edison Utilities - Add., Conf. Ctr.$2,049.77, Grove.$813.25, Wh. Lk. 1 755.90 Glen Oaks 3 054.55 Dr. Range, S rin 1 881.91 YAC 836.90 Water., W. Pool & T. Complex 11 146.93 f 7-111 Golf Car Distributors Golf Cart Rental - Wh. Lk. $2,400.00, Glen Oaks $7,700.00, Red Oaks & Spring. 5 200.00 15 890.00 7-112 Royal Rental Co. Equip. Rental - Wh. Lk. 6.03 7-113 Pontiac Motor Parts Equip. Maint. - Water. 50.38 7-114 NCR Corp. Equip. Maint., cash register repair - Indep. 117.45 7-115 Navarre Hardware Grounds Maint. & Small Tools - Add. 27.98 7-116 National Assoc. of Govt. Communicators Membership Dues for J. Pung - Admin. 25.00 7-117 National Public Parks Tennis Assoc. Membership Renewal, 1 yr. for T. Seavey - T. Complex 50.00 7-118 Kathleen Dougherty Mileage Reimb. - Naturalist Exp. 29.92 7-119 Karne Blake Mileage Reimb. - Naturalist Exp. 5.28 7-120 Martha Goodnow Mileage Reimb. - Admin. 70.84 7-121 Midwest Business Equip., Inc. Cap. Equip., calculator - Grove. 68.50 7-122 Century Rain Aid Cap. Froj., Irrigation Renovation -Glen Oaks , ;map. Equip., sprinkler heads - Spring. 4,087.00 7-123 Spirit Caps Special Events, Hidden Forest Run Spirit Caps - Mob. Rec. 193.02 VAi\LJUXL) k UU1V.l z i"t►-Uj%$D cuvu VOUCHER JULY, 1980 trFnrnrW PT TRPnS P AMOUNT -124 Marc Dutton Irrigation, Inc. Grounds Maint., replace broken irri heads - T. Complex 94.10 7-125 John A. Biewer Co., Inc. Cap. Equip., lifejackets - Inde . 395.25 7-126 Mead Paper, Office Su lies - Admin. 5.00 7-127 Gar 's Disposal Service Rubbish Removal - Wh. Lk. 50.00 7-I.28 Doors of Pontiac Cap. Pro-., Vault Restroom Imp. - Grove. 1,542.40 7-129 Spartan Concrete, Inc. Cap. Pro j., Bridge Repairs- Glen Oaks 583.70 7-130 Van's Auto Supply, .Inc. Equip. M<�int. - Wh. Lk. & Spring.; Small Tools - Wh. Lk. & Spring /19.58 7-I31 Gudith Hardware Grounds Maint. - Grove. $92.94 & Spring. 96.94 7-132 Scott's Lock & Key Shop Equip. Maint. - Grove. $18.90; Bldg. Maint.-Indep. 26.65 7-133 Finger's of the Mall Office Supplies - Add.; Recreation Supplies, Art Mobile - Mob. Rec. 41.96 7-134 Holly Parts Depot, Inc. Equip. & Grounds Maint. & Small Tools - Grove. 17.95 7-135 Jennings Grounds Maint., picnic table replacement parts - Add. 146.96 7-136 C.& I Auto Parts Equip. Maint. - Red Oaks $62.87 & Dr. Range 75.74 7-137 King Bros., Inc. Equip. Maint. Grove., Indep. , .,Spring. YAC 127.57 7-138 Lectron Products, Inc. Refund, Facilities Rental - Indep. 125.00 _ 7-139 Detroit Ball Bearing, Co. Equip. Maint. - Add. & Indep. $19.21 25.10 7-140 Charlene Kuecken Refund, Camping Fees - Grove. 15.00 7-141 Dan Malley Refund, Camping Fees - Grove. 10.00 7-142 Warren Co -Operative Co. p Equip. Maint. & Grounds Maint. - Red Oaks; Grounds Maint., Small Tools & Hskpg. Exp. - Dr. Range. 83.30 OAKLAND CUU1N'1'X YAKt\a 1U11) Ar ulrZ R l -Lull VOUCHER JULY, 1980 'KIT TMn V D \IF.NflC)R 'PURPOSE - AMOUNT 7-143 Indianwood Automotive E ui . Maint. & Small Tools - Add. 69.44 7-144 Meteor Photo Co. Promo film roof & Prints & film processing - Admin. 409.62 7-145 The Lumber Yard Grounds Maint. - Spring. 54.44 7-146 County of Oakland Communications - Admin. $526.76, Water., W. Pool & Mob. Rec 142.94 741.23 7-147 Kerton Lumber Co. Bldg, & Grounds Maint. - Grove. 73.23 7-148 Stuart Tool Service Inc. Small Tools - Spring. 55.00 7-149 State of Michi an(Dept. of Treasury) Sales Tax for 2nd Quarter - Wh. Lk.$271.75, Glen Oaks $141.15, Red Oaks Dr. Range & S rin 179.40 655.33 7-150 Jones Chemicals Rec. Supplies, sodium hypocholrite solution - W. Pool 440.50 7-151 County of Oakland Mileage paid to Dr. Montante & R. Wilcox for attending April.& 'May,. 1980 Meetings - Admin. 31.20 7-152 TRA Electronic Communications, Inc. Equip. Maine., Puppet Mob. - Mob. Rec. 72.40 7-153 Sheila M. Cox Mileage Reimb. - Admin. 5.72 7-154 Charles L. Ross Mileage Reimb. - Admin. 25.08 7-155 Gary Berschbach Mileage Reimb. - Glen Oaks 34.32 7-156 J. P. Burroughs & Sons, Inc. Grounds Maint. - Indep. 20.70 7-157 Michigan Dust Control Grounds Maint. - Add. & Indep, $807.29 1,161.71 7-158 Waterford Disposal Service Rubbish Removal - Grove. $1,485.00, Indep. & Spring. 1,815.00 7-159 Industrial. Cleaning Supply Co. IIskpg. Exp. - W. Pool 23.70 7-160 John A. Biewer Co., Inc. Cap. Equip., lifejackets - Add. 176.35 7-161 Display Creat':i.oas, Inc. Rec. Suppl.:I.as, Puppet Mob. - Mob. Rec, 48.25 41 i 10 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND REC HLA1'.LUA VOUCHER JULY, ' 1980 TTT TI AnT 0 VT?NT)()R PT TR PO.q r, AMOUNT 7-162 Chem'serve Cor . Rec. Supplies, Muriatic acid & drum deposit - W. Pool $ 825.00 7-163 Oxford Co -Operative Elevator Co. Special Events, Balloon Festival - Mob. Rec., lime & chloride 55.25 7-164 Gniewek's Inc. Special Events, BMX. trophies - Mob. Rec. 328.65 7-165 Gloria Buchanan Mileage Reimb. - Admin. 5.72 7-166 Waterford Township Water & Sewer Cap. Proj., sewers-- Water.-_, _ 1,960.00 7-167 Kirby Co. of North Oakland Equip. Maint.- Spring. 48.52 7-168 Sundry (Advance) Advance to attend the NRPA's Mid -year Board of Regents Mtg. to be held in Wheeling, W.V. from 7-18-SO to 7-22-80 for R.E.Reickel - Admin. 229.71 7-169 Michigan Recreation &.Park Association .Travel & Conf., N.R.P.A. Congress Lodging increase or Marjorie Walker - Admin. 70.00 7-170 Radunz Travel Center Travel & Conf., Airline ticket for Richard Wilcox to Phoenix, AZ, on 10-18-80 - Admin. 337.00 7-171 Hoyem-Basso Associates, Inc. Cap. Pro'., Clubhouse Renovation - Glen Oaks 691.25 7-172 Insty-Prints Office Supplies - Indep. 23.50 7-173 Eastern State Auto Supply Equip. Maint. - Tech. Sup., Add., Grove., Indep., Wh. Lk.$114.75, Glen Oaks.$71.65, xRed Oaks, Spring. $84.'05-& Water.; Bldg. Maint. Add. & W. Pool; Small Tools - Add., Indep., Wh. Lk. & Water.; Rec. Supplies - W. Pool 63 4 7-174 National Ski Touring Operator's Assoc. Mem 7-175 The Hunt Sign Co. Inc. Grounds Maint. - YAC 23.10 7-176 Detroit Edison Utilities - Add. Spring. & YAC 43.50 7-177 Pontiac Paint Co. Cap. Proj., Entrance Sign - Add., Kit, & Bar Imp. - Glen Oaks; Grounds Maint. - Add. Indep., YAC & W. Pool• Bld . Maint, - Y W. Pool $269.26 & T. Complex;_ Renta_L_Prop1..Ma_int. - Water.$124.50 638,65 X_ i 0 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER JULY, 1980 " TIT T TI A n T-1 n ITT:NT)np PURPOSE AMOUNT 7-178 . Management Learning Laboratories Subscription Renewal, 3 yrs. - Admin. $ 24.00 7-179 Oakland County Laundry Laundry - Admin., Tech. Sup., Add., Grove., Indep., Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks $379.75, Red Oaks, Spring., YAC & Water.; Uniforms -Glen Oaks 1,450.97 7-180 W. T. Andrew Co. Cap. Proj., Clubhouse Renov.$1,129.65 & Kit. & Bar Imp. - Glen Oaks; Bldg. Maint. - Indep.; Equip. Maint.,SwimMobile - Mob. Rec. 1,250.18 7-181 Kamata-Ri American Corp. Inv., Golf Mdse. for resale - Wh. Lk. 1,083.5 , Glen Oaks $1,334.92, Red. -Oaks & Spring. 4,091.67 7-182 Jean's Hardware, Inc. Cap. Proj., Bridge repair & Golf Cart Area Imp. - Glen Oaks; Bldg Equip.,& Grounds Maint., Uniforms & Small Tools - Glen Oaks 206.85 7-183 7-184 Interstate Alarm Systems, Inc. Auburn Pool Supply Corp. Bldg. Maint. - Wh. Lk. Cap. Equip., kick boards, & Rec. Supp., chlorine tabs - W. Pool 33.75 .179.66 7-185 Detroit Edison Utilities - Grove. 1;38 .95, Glen Oaks $1,094.35 Red Oaks $544.13, YAC & Water. _ 3,465.15 7-186. Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Communications - Spring., YAC, Water. & W. Pool 60.18 7-187 Kwik Sanitation Excavating, Inc. Bldg. Maint. - Wh. Lk.-� 130.00 7-188 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Communications - Grove. $231.84, Dr. Range, Spring. & Water. 355.11 7-189 Jim Mansfield, Custodian Petty Cash Reimb. - Glen Oaks 73.51 7-190 Cheshire/A Xerox Co. Equip, Rental - Admin. 48.50 7-191 Alice Brown Refund, Yoga class - Water. 16.00 7-192 Jeff Climie Refund, Greens Fees - Glen Oaks 96.00 Refund Greens Fees - Glen Oaks 28.00 Refund Greens Fees - Spring. 80.00 7 1�5 Gorman Golf Products,, Inca Tnv. Go7.f Mdso. for. resale - Red Oaks 8.65 7-1()6 Ilarvev's office Sunnlies, :L'nc. _O,flice Supplies - L', Compaex 12.73 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUC= JULY, 1980 IkTT T%/nTn 1%rPT\ nP PTM?0.SF AMOUNT 7-1 7 Oakland County Computer Service Div. Promo for period of 5 26 thru 6 25 80 --Admin. 207.42 7-198 Xerox Corporation Office Supplies, Maint. Agreement - Admin. 223.56 7-199 Electrical Maintenance Service Inc. Cap. Proj., Clubhouse Renovations - Glen Oaks Payment Number 6-E. 6,776.18 7-200 Count of Oakland Per diem to Commissioners for period of 3-22 thru 6-13-80 for R. Wilcox G. Kuhn & J. Montante - Admin. 385.00 7-201 City Glass Service of Pontiac, Inc. Bldg. Maint. - Indep. 24.00 7-202 The Quonset Bldg., Equip. & Grounds Maint - Grove. 41.78 7-203 Genesee Ceramic Tile Distributors Cap. Proj., Kit. & Bar Imp. - Glen Oaks .152.86 7-204 Oakland County Utilities Fund Rubbish Removal - Water. 35.00 7-205 Ethel Sullins Refund, Camping Fees - Add. 22.50 7-206 Mary Ann Porter Refund, Damage Deposit - YAC 25.00 7-207 Oak. Co. Dept. of Public Works Sewage Exp. - Add. 572.54 7-208 Randunz Travel Center 'have Cont., J. Pung'to GRicago, Ill, for NRPA Communications Seminar on 6/16/80 -`Admin. 132.00 7-209 Golf Car Distributors Equip. Maint, - Add. $78.71, Grove., Indep., Wh. Lk. $55.64, & Spring. 202.01 7-210 Standard Electric Co. Cap. Proj., Kit. & Bar Imp. - Glen Oaks; Pool Exp. - Add.; Bldg. Maint. - Indep., Glen Oaks & W. Pool; Grounds Maint, - Indep. 513.21 7-211 County of Oakland Purchasing Division Services for 2nd quarter. - Admin. 5,313.22 7-212 American Dryer Div. Bldg, Maint., heating element for hand dryer - Indep. 79.20 - 7-213 Oakland County Equipment Fund Equip. Rental - Admin. $254.50, Grove., indep,, Wh. Lk., Spring., YAC & Mob. Rec. 335.00 7-214 Marilyn Russell Mileage Reimb: - Red Oaks 41.58 7-215 G.D.D., Inc, Office Supplies - Admin. 17.50 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCI-MR JULY, 1980 NUMBER VENDOR or roan a n 7-216 Raymond Delasko, Custodian Petty Cash Reimb. - Indep. $ 40.38 7-217 Pioneer Hardware Cap. Proj,, Clubhouse Renov., Bridge Repairs, Golf Cart Area Imp. & Kit. & Bar Imp. - Glen Oaks; Bldg. Maint. - Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks, _ Spring. & W. Pool; Equip. Maint. - Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks & Spring.; Grounds Maint. - Wh. Lk. & Spring.; Uniforms - Wh. Lk.; Small Tools - Wh. Lk. & Glen Oaks; Rental Prop. Maint. - Water. 670.51 7-218 R. Eric Reickel, Custodian Petty Cash Reimb. - Admin. 182.86 7-219 Payroll For Pay period ending 7/11/80 - All Parks 110,820.64 7-220 Pontiac Stamp Stencil & Typesetting Office Supplies - Add., Grove., Indep. & YAC 23.60 7-221 Porta-John Corp. Special Events, BMX - Mob. Rec. 216.64 7-222 Genesee Welding Supply, :Inc. Equip. MainL. - Add. & Grove. 6.60 7-223 Michigan C,a.ovc Co, , a:nc• Unlforuis - Clen oaj ;s 72.20 7-224 Stuart Toot. Serv:tcc, Inc. Small '.Cools - Wli. Lk, & Spring, 96.32 7-225 Sundry (Commission) _ Per Diem & Mileage paid to commissioners for attending June 9, 1980 meeting - Admin. 77.04 7-226 Oakland County Garage Equip, Maint. - Admin., Water., Mob. Rec,$2,072.09; Nat. 1Exp, - .Inde .• Transportation - Admin, 1 460.04 Tech. Sup. $1,180.66, Add, $840.16, Grove. $980.11, Indep. $895.21, Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks, Red Oaks Spring., YAC Water, & Mob. Rec. $2 234.48 it 888.36 7-227 Orsca Inc. Uniforms - Add. 115,53 7-228 Universal Equipment Co, Grounds.Maint. & Small Tools - Glen Oaks 182.13 7-229t Munn Ford Tractor, Inc. -Equip. Maint. - Add. Grove, 109.71 Indep. & Wh. Lk, $68.03 230.64 7-230 John R. Lumber Co. Inc. Bldg. Maint. - Red Oaks $105.14 & Dr, Range; Equip. Maint. - Red Oaks; Grounds Maint. - Red Oaks $67.97 & Dr, Ran ei Uniforms & Small 'Cools - Dr, Range 271_.40 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER JULY, 1980 ., 11 rrT\TTlsn'R PT TR?0.qR AMOUNT l• ,1% 7-231 Ward S. Newman Jr. Pa ment for custodial service provided in July,1980 - Admin. $ 350.00 7-232 Electronic Supply, Co. E ui . Maint. - W. Pool 8.28 7-233 Pontiac Stamp, Stencil & Typesetting Office Supplies- Admin. 8.00 7-234 Dick's Lawn & Sport Equip. Maint. - Wh. Lk. 5.70 7-235 Joe's Industrial Engine Service Equip. Maint. - Add. 22.00 7-236 Bette Rieck Special Events, Belly Dance Instructor April-June,1980 - Water. 176.00 7-237 Inland Plywood Co. Bldg. Maint., shelving materials - Glen Oaks .381.46 7-238 Industrial Appraisal Co. Prof. Services, Ap-praisal up ate of park property and equip. - Admin. 5,947.00 7-239 Oakland County Garage Insurance - Add., Grove., Glen Oaks $136.08 & Mob. Rec. $204.12 476.28 7-240 Munn Ford Tractor, Inc. Equip. Maint. - Add. 395.47 7-241 AAHPERD (Nat'l. Conf. Outdoor. Ed.) Advance registration for Kathleen Dougherty to attend the 1980 National Conf. on Outdoor Education to be held in Traverse City, Mi. from Oct. 8-12, 1980 - Naturalist Exp. 30.00 7-242 W. T. Andrew Co. Cap. Proj., Bath Bldg, Imp. - Grove, 83.88 7-243 Smiley Electric Bldg. Maint. - Wh. Lc.; noun s Saint., repair on irrigation pump Spring. $292.25 353.60 7-244 Oakland County Central Stores scpg. Exp- min., n ep. . as $167.78, Spring., Water.$361.07 & W. Pool; Uniforms - Tech. Sup.; Grounds Maint, - Grove,plastic garbage bags-00Poo; Special Events - Water.; Mob. Rec. Sup. - Skate & Art Mob, 3,567.21 ' 7-245 U. S. Sand & Stone Co. Cap. Proj., Tee Imp. - Glen Oaks 2,282.25 7-246 Oakland County Stationery Stock Office Supplies - Admin. '1, 73.75, Grove., T. Complex & Mob. Rec. Special Events - Wh. Lk., T. Complex & Mob.Rec; Mob. Rec. Supplies - Mob. Rec. 1,743.25 Z, i OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION JULY, 1980 VOUCHER TTT TNATITTT? vrrsnnn Pi 1RPOSE AMOUNT A 7-247 John Crewdson Refund, Ann. Vehicle Permit - Add. $ 7.00 7-248 The Golf Mart, Inc. Inv., Golf Mdse. For resale - Wh. Lk. 98.85; Cap. Equip., Rental putters - Glen Oaks; Summer uniform shorts - Admin. $403.20 520.05 7-249 Industrial Cleaning Supply Co. Cap. Equip., electronic insect control device - W. Pool 187.00 7--250 NCR Corporation Equip. Maint., replace auxilliary switch - Add. 84.55 7-251 Standard Electric Co. Cap. Proj., Campsi.teElectrical Imp. - Grove. 1,729.65 7-252 Sales Control Systems, Inc. Equip. Maint., add additional keys to register - Grove. 150.00 7-253 The Mills Co. Bldg. Maint. - W. Pool 21.57 7-254 Oakland County Garage Equip. Maint. - Glen Oaks; Insurance, on 3 buses - Mob. Rec. $393.00 408.26 7-255 Meteor Photo Co. Promo slides film rocessinprints & Proofs - Admin. 713.94 7-256 Stuart Tool Service, Inc. Cap. Equip,., Hydraulic rolling Lack - Springy _ 307.00 7-257 Jim Mansfield Custodian PettyCash Reimb. - Red Oaks _ 57.36 7-258 J & J Disposal Rubbish Removal - Add. 69.08 7-259 The New Games Foundation Mob. Rec. Sup., Sports Mob. - Mob. Rec. 177.30 7-260 Cal -Gas Pontiac, Inc. Utilities - Grove. 361.29 7-261 Oliver Supply Co. Bldg. Maint. - Grove. 10.80 7-262 Michigan Dust Control, Inc. Grounds Maint. - Grove. 1,270.01 7-263 Margaret Peterson Refund, Camping Fees - Grove. 12.00 7-264 William Murto Refund, Camping Fees - Grove. 16.00 7-265 Elizabeth Diaz Refund, Damage Deposit - YAC 11.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION JOUCHER JULY, 1980 T fTT�T/1T prmpncF AMOUNT -�K 7-266 V L1\LV1♦ Bob Hubbell - -- -.- - Refund Damage De osit - YAC $ 45.00 7-267 Linda Bomham Refund, Damage De osit - YAC 50.00 7-268 Gnieweks' Special Events, Sr. Cit. Golf Tournament plaques - Wh. Lk. 312.00 7-269 Sears, Roebuck Co. Cap. Equip., bug wacker - YAC 129.99 7-270 Bostwick -Braun Co. Equip. Maint. - YAC 38.33 7-271 Glenda Shedlowsky Refund, League Fees - Wh. Lk. 36.00 7-272 John A. Biewer Co., Inc. Cap. Proj., lifejackets - Add. 268.50 7-273 Oliver Supply Co. Bldg. Maint. - W. Pool 32.30 7-274 Uniforms To You & Co. Summer Uniform Shirts - Admin. 4,100.40 7-275 Clyde Herb, Custodian Petty Cash Reimb. - Grove. 62.61 7-276 Kwik Sanitation Excavating, Inc. Bldg. Maint. - Grove. 242.50 7-277 Rose Exterminator Division Bldg. Maint. - Wh. Lk:.; Spring. & YAC 98.00 7-278 Anthony M. Franco, Inc. Public Info., Typesetting for honorary citation R. Salogar, Misc. Exp., mileage, photocopies, toll phone calls& Postage - Admin. 1,560.37 7-279 Detroit Chapter - PRSA Promo Entryfor PRSA Awards Com etition - Admin. 20.00 7-280 Detroit Edison Utilities - Grove. $948.95 Glen Oaks & W. Pool $2 514.00 3 579.85 7-281 Consumers Power Co. Utilities - Glen Oaks 293.71 7-282 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Communications - Inde . & Red Oaks 73.07 7-283 Michigan Bell Tele hone Co. Communications - Indep. $152.82, Glen Oaks $171.92, Red Oaks, Spring $157.26, YAC 151.72 & Water. 698.39 7-284 Rochester Clarion Subscription renewal, 1 yr - Admin. 9•50 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER JULY, 1980 TJT T rnrT) VRNT)n? PURPOSE AMOUNT 7-285 County of Oakland ommunications - Admin.$657.27 Water., W. Pool & Mob. Rec.$200.67 967.42 7-286 Ferro Corp. 3rounds Maint. - Add. 74.31 7-287 Ha 1er's Radiator Shop, Inc, Maint. - Grove. & Indep. 43.00 7-288 —Equip. Pauline Moran Refund, League Fees - Wh. Lk. 28.00 7-289 Sears Roebuck Aob. Rec. Sup., Sports Mob. - Mob. Rec. 14.67 7-290 Fire Defense Equipment Co., Inc. Bldg. Maint. - T. Complex 62.40 7-291 John King Refund Camping Fees - Grove. 12.00 7-292 County of Oakland Uniforms - Indep. & YAC; Misc. Exp., scissors & pack board - Indep. & YAC,scissors & Bandages; Bldg.& Grounds Maint., Office Supplies Special Events - YAC _ 99.55 7-293� Edward C. Levy Co. Cap. Proj., Golf Cart Area Imp. - Glen Oaks; Grounds Maint., slag Wh. Lk. $832.93 & Spring. $306.35 r 1,395.86 7-294 Sprinkler Irrigation Supply Co. ap. Proj., Irrigation Renov. - Glen Oaks 494.63 = 7-295 Rochester Jaycees Refund, Showmobile - Mob. Rec. 70.00 7-296 Fire Defense Equipment Co., Inc. Hob. Rec. Sup., fire extinguishers for all units - Mob. Rec, 211.20 7-297 Chris Pearson Refund, Swim Class - W. Pool 10.50 7-298 County of Oakland Office Supplies - Admin. 20.00 7-299 Tri-City Aggregates, Inc.Cap. Proj., Roadway & Lawn Improv. - Grove. 26.24 7-300 Newman Visual Education, Inc. Equip. Maint., repair on projector - Admin. 84.95 7-301 Recreation Activity Fund(NPPTC) Special Events - Entry Fees For National Public Parks Trnm.-T. Coml. 112.00 7-302 l[elmuL- Haumann Ref i 7,oantt� Ices - Glezi Ot�h� 555.00 OAXLAND COUNTY PARTS AND RECREATION VOUCHER JULY, 1980 TOTAL FOR THE MONTH 1$487,444.85 co OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION Analysis of Fund Balance As of 6/30/80 AID BALANCE 1/1/80 Jitions: Revenue over Operating Expenses as of 6/30/80 Reimbursement for 1979 YAC Operations DNR Grant - Waterford Phase II DNR Grant - Groveland Phase II Donation - Independence Depreciation Expense ductions: Increase in Accounts Receivable Payments on Accounts Payable Capital Equipment Purchases Payments on Capital Projects Increase in Golf & Tennis Merchandise MMARY OF FUND BALANCE sh on Hand vestment in certificates of Deposit $1,878,173.38 50,000.00 220,816.87 47,417.38 100.00 65,968.74 $ '6,595.72 490,231.48 102,884.00 544,551 .81 4,127.35 $ 979,715.25 2,262,476.37 $3,242,191.62 $1,148,390-36 $2,093,801.26 $ 493,801.26 1.600.000.00 $2,093,801.26 5-1 Oakland County Parks and. Recreation COMBINED OPERATING STATEMENT For the Period Ended 6/3o/8o Actual (Over) Year To 1980 Under Revenues Date Budget Budcre,t .age & Interest Inc. $2,605,020.93 $2,550,000.00 $ (55,020.93) .son Oaks: 'ark 25,692-75 85,700.00 60,007.25 :6nference Center 12,552.60 37,000.00 24,447.40 Teland Oaks 70,491.o1 261,400.00 190,908-99 ypendence Oaks 40,746.43 88,300.00 47,553.57 z oaks 129,o94.37 377,000.00 247,905.63 Oaks: iolf Course 43,116.25 97,600.00 54,483-75 )riving Range 20,345.30 50,900.00 30,554-70 ingfield Oaks: zolf Course 115,467.37 269,500.00 154,032.63 to Lake Oaks 157,721.52 286,300.00 128,578-48 ingfield Oaks YAC 19,315.99 84,700.00 65,384.01 arford Oaks: Park 28,371.22 47,000.00 18,628-78 gave Pool 34,135.19 144,600.00 1i0,464.81 Fennis Complex 877.35 31,o00.00 30,122-65 Ue Recreation & Special Activities 5,129.60 19,700.00 14,570.40 kL REVENUE $3,308,077.88 $4,430,700.00 $1,122,622.12 Dperatir_g Expenses inistration Office $ 291,291.73 $ 630f625.00 $ 339,333.27 finical Support 75,698.36 166,82.0.00 91,121.64 ison Oaks: Park 133,002.93 342,530..00 209,527-07 Conference Center 15,072.07 37,000.00 21,927.93 veland Oaks 116,923.32 299,450.00 182,520.68 ependence Oaks 145F;:299.63 370,205.00 224,905. 7 n Oaks 124,277.14 308,005.00 183,727. 6 Oaks: Golf Course 57,512.33 176,335.00 118,822.67 Driving Range 17,203.82 58,500.00 41,296.18 ingfield Oaks Golf Course 108,617.61 261,720.00 153,102.39 to Lake Oaks 99,290.79 264,400.00 16 10521 ingfield Oaks YAC 75,994.44 156,095.00 80;100:56 erford Oaks: Park 57 ,707.04 127, 710.00 70-r442,-,-96 Wave Pool 43,081.67 138,700.00 95,618-33 Tennis Complex $.,483.84 30,730.00 22,246..16 Ile Recreation 46,696.78 129 240.00 82,543.22 tingency 13,745.00 75,000.00 61,255-00 'AL OPERATING EXPENSES $1.,429,9o4.50 $3,573,065.00 $22143,160_50 Oakland County Parks and Recreation ADMINISTRATION OFFICE Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 6-30-80 (Over) :ent Year to ___ 1980 Under -1th Revenue Date Budget Budget ,901.10 Tax Revenue $2,526,631.60 $2,500,000.00 $(26,.631.60) 23.28 Interest Delinquent Tax 96.73 100.00 3.27 ,671.62 Interest Investments 77,677.55 491750.00 (27,927.55) 399-00 Miscellaneous Income 615.05 150.00 (465.05) 1955.00 TOTAL REVENUE $2,605,02o.93- $2-550 ,000.00 $(55,020.93) ODeratina Expenses ,835.34 Salaries - Full Time $ 158,055.92 $305f875.00 $147,819.08 ,971.81 - Part Time 7,044.13 15,200.00 8,155.87 301.60 - Over Time 846.48 500.00 (346.48) ,579.26 Fringe Benefits 52,579,26 111/700.00 59,120.74 302•50 Rental Expense 1,462.50 211000.00 19,537.50 599.87 Communications 4,098.06 71400.00 3,301-94 -0- Equipment Repair & Maint. 125.23 500.00 374.77 357.10 Per Diem & Mileage - Comm. 2,591.14 8/500.00 5,908.86 -0- Insurance 438.00 500.00 62.00 7.20 Laundry & Dry Clearing 33.60 50.00 16.40 -0- Building Maintenance 338.97 500.00 161.03 365.05 Dues & Publications 1,289.42 21000.00 710.58 -0- Miscellaneous Expense 171.33 200.00 28.67 :,371.96 Office Supplies 8,686.31 111000.00 2,313.69 ,665.00 Professional Services 9,t65.00 91000.00 0 65.00) 370.30 Transportation 6,578.32 16/000.00 9,421.68 .,578.40 Travel & Conference 5,937.75 12,000.00 6,062.25 -0- Housekeeping Supplies 69.93 200.00 130.07 664.33 Depreciation 3,130.65 41200.00 1,069.35 172.42 Radio Repair Contract 862.10 2,100.00 1,237.90 -0- Purchasing Dept. Services 4,913.33 23r000.00 18,086.67 1,810.82 Public Information 20,774.30 75/000.00 54,225.70 350.00 Custodial Services 2,100.00 4/200.00 2,100.00 TOTAL ADMIN. EXPENSES $630,625.00 $339,333.27 $ 291,291.73 ),302.96 1980.1979 Expenditures to Date: 46.190 38.1% Balance: 53.9% 5 3 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND R.tUl: tnl-luv REVENUE COMPARISON ADMINISTRATION IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE .6-30-80 riy1V 1 nyC -" 1979 1980 Variance $2,266,660 2 26 6 2 S259. 64 1979 1980 Variance $128 777 68 O1 $44o.124 24 23 1) Tax Revenue Int. Delin ent Tax 9,863 16,672 6,809 Int. Investments 36 955 77,677 40,722 -0- 392 322 Miscellaneous 0 615 245 t,�Q ��►, $585,995 $447,331 TOTAL S2.3o4.o4q Oakland County Parks and Recreation TECHNICAL SUPPORT SECTION For the Period Ended 6-30-80 :rent nth Classification ,778.08 Salaries - Full Time ,068.45 - Part Time 507.12 - Over Time 2209.72 Fringe Benefits 63.00 Rental Expense' 109.89 Equipment Repair & Maint. -0- Insurance 113.40 Laundry & Dry Cleaning -0- Uniform Expense -0- Transportation' -0- Travel & Conference 11.55 Small Tools 154.81 Depreciation 50.86 Radio Repair Contract -0- Supplies for Repair i,o66.88 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1980 1979 Expenditures to Date; 45.3% 36.6% Balance: 54.7% Year to Date $42,052.03 2,331.19 4,895.81 17,209.72 315.00 599.83 -0_. 616.70 204.75 5,171.56 300.15 665.96 727.07 254.30 354.25: 1980 Bud eq t $ 97r700.00 8r700.00 3f000.00 35r170.00 lr000.00 lr500.00 300.00 lr600.00 200.00 151000.00 500.00 600.00 ,400.00 650.00 500.00 (Over) Under Budget $55,647.97 6,368.81 0 895.81) 17,960.28 685.00 900.17 300.00 983.30 (4.75) 9,828.44 199.81 (65.96) (327.07) 395.70 145.75 $75,698.36 �166,820.00 $91,121.64 5-5 Oakland County Parks and Recreation ADDI SOti-O? :CS Statement o± Operations For the Period Winded 6-30-80 rrer_t nth Revenue 397.00 Commission - Food Sales 250.00 Rental - Facilities 2,966.50 Rental - Equipment 7,681.25 Fees - Day Use 3,097.00 Fees - Camping 273.75 Miscellaneous Income 4,665.50 TOTAL REVENUE .Yeas to. 1980 Date Budget $ 397 - 00 $ 1 f 600.00 850.00 8,000.00 4,178.25 17f500ao0 13,699-75 37f0oo.o0 6,265-00 21f500.00 302.75 100.00 $ 25,692-75 $ 85f700,00 (over) Under Budoet $ 1,203.00 7,150.00 13,321.75 23,300.25 15,235.00 (202.75) $ 60,007.25 F7,018.84 Less: Operating Expenses 133,OC2.93 342,530.00 209,527.07 ,2,253-34) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(t07,310.i8) 256,830.00) $(149,519.82) 5-6 Oakland County Parks and Recreation ADDISON-OAKS eratina Expenses For the Period Ended 6-30-80 (Over) rent Year -to 1980 Under ,nth Classification Date Budget Budget 357.81 Salaries - Full Time $ 57,150.47 $123r110.00 $ 65,959.53 969.80, - Part Time 14,175.98 36f050.00 21,874.02 391.58 - Over Time 1,709.29 4f000.00 2,290.71 574.19 Fringe Benefits 21,574.19 441320.00 22,745.81 -0- Rental Expense 13.00 100.00 87.00 112.15 Communications 484.95 1,250.00 765.05 54.85 Pool Expense 98.89 1f200.00 1,101.11 365.28 Equipment Repair & Maint. 3,383.02 9f000.00 5,616.98 536.64 Rubbish Removal 743.88 2foo0.00 1,256.12 308.14 Grounds Maintenance 3,272.11 10/000.00 6,727.89 97.67 Utilities 2,727.02 2f500.00 (227.02) -0- Insurance 3,076.17 6f500.00 3,423.83 153.50 Laundry &. Dry Cleaning 804.39 2f400.00 1,595.61 63.00 Building Maintenance 1,i08.56 31500.00 2,391.44 -0- Dues Z. Publications 45.00 50.00 5.00 10.00 Miscellaneous Expense 10.75 250.00 239.25 229.25 Office Supplies 746•58 1'000.00 253.42 35.78 Uniforms 226.46 2000.00 1,773-54 2.80 Transportation 3,337.43 9/000.00 5,662.57 -0- Travel &. Conference 869.70 -�800.00 (69.70) 164.36 Housekeeping Supplies 621.79 1f200.00 578.21 -0- Small Tools 339.38 300.00 (39.38) ,265.54 Depreciation 6,152.67 14 000.00 '.-0.-. 7,847.33 24.25 Shortage%verage 38.-75 (38.75) 157.17 Radio Repair Contract 785.85 2 000.00 1,214.15 ,145.08 Sewage Expense 3,038.88 6/000.00 2,961.12 -0- Security Services 6,467.77 601000.00 53,532.23 ,018.$4 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $133,002.93 �342,530.00 $209,527-07 1980 1979 zal Expenditures to Date: 38.8% 32.4% Set Balance: 61.2% 5-7 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON ADDISON-OAKS .Nina TTTT TV1T.T AVC! VRAR TO 'nAlm 6-30-80 1979 1980 Variance 1979 1980 Variance $ -0- $ 397 $397 Comm. - Food Sales 140 $ 397 $ 257 392 (25) (417) Rent - Facilities 2,638 575 (2,063) 100. 275 175 - Pool too 275 175 2,377 2,245 (132) Rent - Pedal Boats 2,716 3,143 427 516 721 205 - Rowboats 855 1,034 179 4 1 (3) - Life Jac]<ets 11 1 (3) 4,528 4,708 180 Fees - Day U- 8,575 8,595 20 3,512 2,973 (539) - Annual Pass 6,086 5,105 (981) 3,097 26 Fees7,455 6,265 (1,190)3,071 -0- 274 274 Miscellaneous Income 303 z85 514.500 $14,666 _ 66 TOTAL I Oakland County Parks and Recreation ADDISON-OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 6-30-80 (Over) -ent Year to _ _ 1980, _ _ .. Under ith Revenue Date Budget Budget 49.85 Commission - Food Service .Less Operating Expenses: 40.62 Utilities D- insurance 88.21 Building Maintenance D- Miscellaneous Expense 2.46 Depreciation 31.29 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 18.56 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. Expendituresto Date: Balance: 1980 1979 40.7% 53.5% 59.3% $12,552.60 $37,000.00 $24,447.40 $14,498.48 221.91 339.38 -0- 12.30 $15,072.07 $(2,519-47) $30f000.00 $15,501.52 5f300.00 5,078.09 1,500.00 1 ,16M2 100.00 100.00 100.00 87.70 $37,000.00 $21,927.93 1 -0- $ 2,519.47 5-9 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON ADDISON CONFERENCE CENTER MONTH OF June TN TnT.T.AR.q v7ATS mn 1)Amv s _ 1979 1980 Variance 1979 1980 Variance $-0- $9,950 $9,950 Comm. -Food Sales $2,520 $12,553 $10,033 $-0- $9,950 $9,950 TOTAL $2,520 $12,553 $10,033, 0 Oakland County Parks and Recreation CROVELAND-0-fiKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 6-30-80 (Over) -rent Y-en _to_ _ 1980 Under )nth Revenue Date Budget Budget ,171.79 Commission - Food Service $ 1,171.79 $ 4,500.00 $ 3,328.21 100.00 Rental - Houses 1,100.00 2f400.00 1,300.00 ,436.00 Rental - Facilities 2,836.00 4,.500.00 1,664.00 ,058.36 Rental - Equipment 5,165.95 17,000.00 11,834.o5 ,o41.25 Fees - Day Use 7,236.25 22,.000. 00 14, 763.75 ,820.00 Fees - Camping 52,731.00 210t000...00 157,269.00 83.26 Contract Commission 93.26 900.00 806.74 69.20 Miscellaneous Income 156.76 100.00 (56 76) ,779.86 TOTAL REVENUE $261,400.00 $190,908.99 $ 70,491.01 ,98403, Less: Operating Expenses 116,929.32 299,450.00 182,520.68 ,204.17) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(46,438.31) $(38,050.00) $ 8,388.31 5-11 ent ith Oakland County Parks and Recreation GROVELA` D-O.AKS Operating Expenses For the Period Enaea 6-30-80 Classification -__Ye-am to__ - Date 1980 Budget (Over) Under Budget 169.56 Salaries - Full Time $ 33,211.09 66f250.00 $ 33,038-91 546.88 - Part Time 22,527.42 61f300.00 38,772.58 382.01 - Over Time 2,821.80 4,000.00 1,178.20 583.46 Fringe Benefits 13,583.46 23f850.00 10,266.54 10.75 Rental Expense 53-75 150a.00 96.25 215-57 Communications 867.40 1`750.00 882.60 442.90 Equipment Repair & Maint. 2,738.90 81000.00 5,261.10 760.00 Rubbish Removal 900.00 51000.00 4,100.00 663.63 Grounds Maintenance 4,323.49 6r000.00 1,676-51 661.56 Utilities 7,630.37 18,000.00 10,369.63 -0- Insurance 2,632.35 7 500.00 4,867.65 89.00 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 476.89 1/300.00 823•11 391.56 Building Maintenance 2,988.67 4f000.00 1,011.33 -0- Dues & Publications 20.00 50.00 30.00 -0- Miscellaneous Expense 125.86 200.00 74.14 123.40 Office Supplies 578.81 1F500.00 9.21.19 209.06 Uniforms 408.24 21500..00 2,091.76 -0- Transporation 2,598-56 8r800,00 6,201.44 -0- Travel & Conference 399.98 500,00 100.02 28.66 Housekeeping Supplies 2,706-38 3r000.00 293.62 -0- Small Tools 162.82 200.00 37.18 571.77 Depreciation 6,738.99 11 1000,00 4,261.01 (1.47) Shortage/Overage 1.43 _-0.-- (1.43) -0- Rental Houses-- Maint. 3.85 250.00 246.15 135.75 Radio Repair Contract 678.75 11700.00 1,021.25 -0- Public information_ 922 - 54 650.00 (272 - 54) -0- Recreation Program 359-75 2,000.00 1,640.25 -0- Security Services 6,467-77 601000.00 53,532.23 ,984.03 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $116,929.32 $299,450.00 5182,520.68 1980 1979 Expenditures to Date: 39% 32.2 Balance: 61 5-12 UAALd- 1V11 (rVUA 1 Z t't-1L AD &Uljj LtiiLL.l�t ua1 ava� REVENUE COMPARISON GROVELAND-OAKS MONTH OF June IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 6=30-80 1979 1980 Variance 1979 1980 Variance $ -0- $ 1,172 $ 1 , 172 Comm. - Food Sales $ -0- $ 1,172 300 100 (200) Rent - Houses 1,200 1 100 1,300 1,436 136 Rent - Facilities 3,100 2,836 2 4 2,116 1,836 (280) Rent - Pedal Boats 2,491 3,030 199 155 (44) - Rowboats 240 269 2 599 695 96 - Showers 810 1,211 401 23 18 (5) - Life Jackets 35 29 6 324 355 31 - Canoes 403 627 224 3,737 2,572 (1,165) Fees - Day Use 4,528 4,410 (118) 2,346 1,469 (877) -- Annual Pass 3,007 2,826 (181) 24,153 25,170 1,017 .. Camping 37,208 46,784 9,576 2,900 3,650 750 - Electricity 4,624 5,947 1,323 30 83 53 Contract Commission 68 93 25 -0- 69 69 Miscellaneous Income -0- 157 157 $38,027 $38,780 TOTAL $.57,714 $70,491 $12,777 ent th 528.08 2809.00 ,846.95 ,946.50 97.00 -0- - Oakland County Parks a: -a Recreation INDEPENDENC� Statement of Opera_ions For the Period anaee 6-30-80 ve: to Revenue Date Commission - Food Sales Rental - Facilities Rental - Equipment Fees - Day Use - Organized Camping Miscellaneous Income ,227.53 TOTAL REVENUE '1313.11 Less: Operating Expenses ,085.58) REVENUE OVER/'(Under) EXP. $ 528.08 11,084.00 4,506.35 24,378.50 249.50 -0- $ 40,746.43 145,293.63 $ 0 04, 553.20) (Over) 1980 Under Budget Budget $ 2,.000.00 $ 1,471.92 13/000.00 1,916.00 15,600.00 11,093.65 57,000.00 32,62.1.50 600.00 350.50 100 Q. 00 100.00 $ 88,.300.00 $ 43,553-57 370,205.00 2.24,9.05.37 $(281,905.00) $ (177,351.80) 5-14 -rent mth 643.52 767.69 274.71 450.94 11.50 150.47 418.14 90.00 087.35 745.24 -0- 172.00 403.70 -0- -0- 62.o4 25.19 -0- -0- 88.13 43.90 .532.07 25.14 144.11 -0- 177.27 Oakland County Parks and Recreation INDEPENDENCE -OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 6-30-80 Classification Salaries - Full Time - Part Time - Over Time Fringe Benefits Rental Expenses Communications Equipment Repair & Maint. Rubbish Removal Grounds Maintenance Utilities Insurance Laundry & Dry Cleaning Building Maintenance Dues & Publications Miscellaneous Expense Office Supplies Uniforms Transportation Travel & Conference Housekeeping Supplies Small Tools Depreciation -Shortage/Overage Radio Repair Contract Security Services Naturalist Supplies 313.11_ TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1980 1 Expenditures to Date: 39.2% t Balance: 60.8% Year. to. _ . _ Date $ 58,118.69 16,215.21 1,226.48 22,450.94 57-50 738.00 4,378.82 270.00 5,250.99 5,729.41 2,884.83 917.89 1,288.22 54.70 668.25 459.73 265.90 3,T23.33 314.74 568.00 345.28 12,005.65 10.87 720.55 6,467.76 767.89 $145,299.63 1979 33.4% 1980 Budget $1311455.00 38,200.00 31000.00 47/300.00 200.00 1,700.00 lor000.00 11200.00 101000.00 11,000.00 4/400.00 2/300.00 21500.00 300.00 200.00 11200.00 21100.00 9/000.00 900.00 11500.00 250.00 28,000.00 -0-. 2 f300.00 601000.00 11200.00 $370,205.00 (over) Under Budget $ 73,336.31 21,984.79 1,773.52 24,849.06 142.50 962.00 5,621.18 930.00 4,749.01 5,270.55 1,515.17 1,382.11 1,211.78 245.30 (468.25) 740.27 1,834.10 5,876.67 585.26 932.00 (95.28). 15,994.35 (10.87) 1,579.45 53,532.24 432.11 $224,905.37 5-15 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON INDEPENDENCE -OAKS Mc)N'T9 OF June 'IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 6-30-80 1979 1980 Variance 1979 1980 Variance 40 528 488 $ -0- $ 528 $ 528 Comm - Food Sales 2 , 770 ' 11809 (961) Rent - Facilities 8 20 11,04 2,764 -0- 12 12 Rena - Lockers -0- 13 13 1,285 1,391 106 - Pedal Boats 1 81 2,177 - 526 742 922 180 - Rowboats 965 1 475 510 5 16 11 - Lire Jacket 5 32 422 506 84 - Canoes 621 805 184 5,366 5,560 191E Fees - Entrance 9 , 2.19 10,0119 830 9,177 7,387 (1,790) - Annual Pass 14,751 14,329 (422) 16 97 81 Fees - Cam ing 85 249 164 -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous S -0-in (5) $19,78 18,228 TOTAL $35,592 $40,746 $5,154 rent zth -0- 033.05 800.25 886.22 461.75 -0- -0- 181.27 69o.48 490.79 Oakland County Parks and Recreation GLEN -OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 6-30-80 (Over) Year to 1980 Under Revenue Date Budget Budget Commission - Food Service $ -0- $ 40f000.00 $ 40,000.00 Sales Pro Shop 3,693.61 13/000.00 9,306.35 Rental - Golf Carts 8,800.25 801000,.00 71,199.75 - Other Equipment 1,920.32 4f000.00 2,079.68 Greens Fees 11<<,06o.01 240f000.00 125,939.99 Miscellaneous Income 620.18 -0- (620.18) Contract Commission -0- -0-- -0-- TOTAL REVENUE Less: Operating Expenses REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $129,094-37 124,277.14 $ 4,817.23 $377,000.00 $247,905.63 308:,005.00 183,727.86 S 68,995.00 $ 64,177.77 5-17 Oakland County Parks and Recreation GLEN-O XS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 6-30-80 (Over) rent Year to 1980 Under nth Classification. Date - Budget Budget 019.25 Salaries - Full Time $ 32,368.21 $ 72f700.00 $ 40,331.79 324.56 - Part Time 13,997.34 49fO35.00 35,037.66 560.13 - Over Time 6,664.43 7f500.o0 835.57 90.3.48 Fringe Benefits 14,903.48 29f870.00 14,966.52 5.25 Rental Expense 26.25 200.Q0 173.75 473.87 Communications 802-14 1f600e.00 797.86 625.13 Equipment Repair & Maint. 5,232-77 9f000,.00 3,767.,23. 70.00 Rubbish Removal 175.00 500.00 325.00 445.08 Grounds Maintenance 10,760.97 14,0oo.0o 3,239.03 359.96 Utilities 8,902-03 30f000..00 21,097.97 -0_ Insurance 2,823.69 13f000..00 10,176.31 153.50 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 801.00 2f000.00 1,199.00 487.51 Building Maintenance 1,360.11 5fo00.00 3,639.89 -0- Dues & Publications 23.00 50.00 27.00 -0- Miscellaneous Expense 34.90 100.00 65-10 20.50 Office Supplies 5,874.69 3/000.00 (2,874.69) 8.51 Uniforms 55-94 11250.00 1,194.06 27.40 Transportation 1,719-78 41000.00 �400.00 2,280.22 `0- Travel & Conference 388.53 11.47 249.43 Housekeeping Supplies 455-17 400.00 (55.17) 2.73 Small Tools 743-49 400.00 (343.48) ,885.09 Depreciation 8,733-35 201000.00 11,266.65 2.00 Shortage/Overage 2.13 -0-p (2.13) ,400.00 Golf Cart Rental 4,400.00 35f000.00 30,600.00 ,667.10 Golf Mdse. for Resale 3,028-75 9,000.00 5,971.25 ,690.48 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $124,277.14 $308,005.00 $183,727.86 1980 al Expenditures to Date: 40.3% et Balance: 59.7% 1979 27.7% 5-18 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON GLEN -OAKS TNT TV)T .T .nR C YEAR TO DATE 6-10-80- I':'1V1Y 111yl 1979 V ul lG 1980 Variance' 1979 1980 Variance $-0- $-0- $ -0- Comm. - Food Sales $ -0- -0- -0- 2,288 2,033 (255) Sales - Pro Shop-4,728 3,694 (1,034) 11,836 8,800 (3,036) Rent - Golf Carts 18,736 8,800 (9,936) 627 886 259 - Other Equip. 1,451 1,920 469 23,340 -0- 33,462 -0- 10,122 _ -0- Greens Fees Miscellaneous Income 104,176 -0- 114,060 620 9,884 620 $38,091 $45,181 $7,090 TOTAL 122,021 2 $ 3 Oakland County Parks and Recreation. RED -OAKS GOT D= COu�SE Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 6--30--80 ent Year to ith Revenue Date -0- Commission - Food Sales $ 228.85 638.05 Sales - Pro Shop 1,664.23 950.25 Rentals - Golf Carts 2,040.50 744.50 - Other Equipment 1,668.42 755.50 Greens Fees 37,431.25 57.00 Miscellaneous Income 83.00 145.30 TOTAL REVENUE $ 43,116.25 791.77 Less: Operating Expenses 57,512.33 646.47) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $0 4,396.08) (Over) _ -1980. _ .. Under Budget Budc$et $ 500.00 $ 271.15 5,000.00 3,335-77 5,000.00 2,959.50 4,500.00 2,831.58 82,5O0.00 45,068.75 100.00 17.00 $ 97,.600.00 $ 54,483.75 176,335.00 118,822.67 $(78,735.00)$(64,338.92) 5-20 Oakland County Parks and Recreation RED -OAKS GOLF COURSE Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 6-30-80 (over) ;rent Year to 1980_ . Under inth Classification Date Budqet Budget ,387.75 Salaries - Full Time $14,000.48 $ 45/825.00 $ 31,82452 ,216.50 - Part Time 12,993.06 431885.00 30,891:94 604.95 - Over Time 1,494.12 5f500.00 4,005.88 ,962-31 Fringe Benefits 6,962.31 20f100.00 13,137.69 5.25 Rental Expense 26.25 150.00 123-75 111.73 Communications 356.17 ir075..00 718.83 ,230-50 Equipment Repair & Maint. 2,128.16 5f000.00 2,871.84 -0- Rubbish Removal -0- --0- -0- ,322.20 Grounds Maintenance 5,127.77 8f800.00 3,672.23 630.96 Utilities 3,106.17 10/000.00 6,893.83. 56.95 Insurance 1,610.32 2,700.00 1,089,68 89.00 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 408.00 700.00 292.00 37.57 Building Maintenance 206:90 750.00 543.10 -0- Miscellaneous Expense 4.24,; 50.00 45.76 55.39 Office Supplies 615.19 1fO00.00 384.81 21.47 Uniforms 137.27 900.00 762.73 36.20 Transportation 1,107-07 4f000.00 2,892.93 -0- Travel & Conference 410.03 400.00 ( 10.03; 68.82 Housekeeping -Supplies 276.06 600.00 3�3.94 56.89 Small Tools 106°33 500.00 393.67 ,004.56 Depreciation 4,698.38 10f500.00 5,801.62 (.43) Shortage/Overage .89 -0- (.89,; 370.00 Golf Cart Rental 370.00 3 400.00 3,030-00 523.20 dolf Mdse. for Resale 1,364.66 3f500.00 2,135.34. -0- Lease Payment -0- 7f000"00 7,000-00 -0- Dues & Publications 2.50 (2.50) 791.77 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $57,512•33 �176,335.00 $118,822.67 1980 1979 al Expenditures to Date: 32.6% 38.3% et Balance: 67.4% 5-21 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON RED -OAKS GOLF COURSE 1 no .Dina TN MT.T.AR.q vr..AR TO nATR 6-30-80 1979 1980 Variance 1979 1980 Variance $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- Comm. - Food Sales $ -0- $ 22 $ 22 883 638 (245) Sales - Pro Shop 1,727, 1,664 6 840 950 110 Rent - Golf Carts 1,205 2,041 836 865 745 (120) - Other Equip, 1 , 568 1,668 100 13,759 13,755 (4) Greens Fees 27,333 37,431 10,098 -0- 57 57 Miscellaneous Income -0- 83 83 16 3117 $16, 14 202 TOTAL Oakland County Parks and Recreation RED -OAKS DRIVING RANGE Statement o-` Ooerations For the Period Ended. 6-30-80 (Over) -ent Year to 1980....- Under ith Revenue Date Budget Budget 0- Commission -4 Food Sales $ 53.45 $ 300.00 $ 246.55 64.50 Sales - Pro Shop 241.35 500.00 258.65 28.50 Rental - Ball Fees 20,050.50 50,000.00 29,949.50 •0- Miscellaneous Income -0- 100.00' 100.00 )53•00 TOTAL REVENUE $20,345.30 $50,900.00 $ 30,554.70 742.89 Less: Operating Expenses 17,203.82,• 58,500.00 41,296.18 ?10.11 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $ 3,141.48 $(7,600.00) $0 0,741.48) 5-23 Oakland County Parks and Recreation RED -OAKS DRIVING T-01 GE eratina Exaenses For the Period Ended 6-30-80 (over) rent Year to _1980 .-_. Under :nth Classification Date Budget Budget 77.42 Salaries -- Full Time $ 2,961.30 $12,140.00 $ 9,178,70 09.26 - Part Time 6,750.06 23,490.00 16,739.94 11.24 - Over Time 351.37 1,.500.00 1,148.63 49.30 Fringe Benefits 1,549-30 4,370.00 2,820-70 0- Rental Expense -0- 50.,00 50.00 35.54 Communications 75-85 350.00 274.15 25.22 Equipment Repair & Maint. 95.93ir000.00 904.07 0- Rubbish Removal -0- -0- -0- 90.35 Grounds Maintenance 1,264-30 3,000.00 1,735.70 79.46 Utilities 546.11 4,000.00 3,453.85 0- Insurance 443.82 2,700.00 2,2,56.18 0- Laundry & Dry Cleaning -0- -0- -0-- 9.10 Building Maintenance 12.41 500.00 487-59 0- Dues & Publications 2.50 50,00 47.50 0- Miscellaneous Expense 5.80 100.00 94.20 40.00 Office Supplies 62.25 100.00 37.75 •0- Uniforms -0- 600.00 600.00 0- Transportat-ion 51-97 200,00 148-03 0- Travel & Conference -0- -0-- -0- .0- Housekeeping Supplies 47-15 400.00 352.85 5.57 Small Tools 5.57 50.00 44.43 F43.54 Depreciation 2,731,32 3r500..00 768.68 14.00 Shortage/'Overage 48-91 -0-n (48•91) 52.89 Golf Mdse. for Resale 197.90 400.00 202.10 ,742.89 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1980 l Expenditures to Date: 29.4% t Balance: 70.6% 1979 13.6 $17,203.82 $58-r500.00 $41,296.18 5-24 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON '.RED -OAKS DRIVING RANGE TTT TV1T T.APQ YEAR Tn DATE 6-30-80 1'1VAY lIl vi JUflu - -�- 1979 1980 - Variance 1979 1980 Variance $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- Comm. - Food Sales $ -0- $ 53 $ 53 107 64 (43) Sales - Pro Shop 107 241 134 5,355 7,889 2,534 Rent - Ball Fees 12,913 20,051 7,138 "0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income 31 -0- (31) $5,462 $7,953 $2,491 TOTAL $13,051 $20,345 7,294 Oakland County Parks a_na Recreation SPRINGFIELD-OAKS GOL COiJ�SE Statement of One=a_i o;?s For the Period Ended 6-30-80 (Over) rent Year to 1980: Under nth Revenue Dcte Budget Budget 131.88 Commission - Food Service $ 1,131.88 $ 3,000.00 $ 1,868.12 908.02 Sales - Pro Shop 4,649.99 12,500.00 7,850-01 130.50 Rentals - Golf Carts 21,73$.25 75,000.00 53,261.75 402.89 - Other Equipment 928.64 2f500.00 1,57.1-36 158.75 Greens Fees 82,230.00 175,000.00 92,770.00 302.05 Special Events 2,230-05 1F500.00 (730.05) -0- Contract Commission -0- -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income 2,558.56 -0-- (2,558-56; 034.09 TOTAL REVENUE $115,467.37 $269,500.00 $154,032.63 ,444.28 Less: Operating Expenses 108,617.61 261,720.00 153,102.39 589.81 REVENUE-OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $ 6,8'--:9.70 $ 7,780.00 $ 930.24 5-26 Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRINGFIELD-OAKS GOLF COURSE eratinct Expenses For the Period Ended 6-30-80 (over) :rent . Year to ... Under nth Classification Date Budget Budget ,373.66 Salaries - Full Time $ 31,315. g1 $ 75,250.00 $ 43,934:09 ,923.55 - Part Time 15,741.84 40r470.00 24,728.16 650.33 - Over Time 1,538.94 41000.00 2,461.06 ,323.84 Fringe Benefits 13,323.84 281000.00 14,676.16 -0- Special Events -0- J. 000..00 1,000.00 8.50 Rental Expense 42.50 200.00 157.50 194.63 Communications 727.92 2,500.00 1,772.08 Equipment Repair & Maint. 8,143.44 10r000.00 1,856.56 ,469.00 105.00 Rubbish Removal 420.00 600.00 180.p0 757.88 Grounds Maintenance 9,721.86 13,000..00 3,278.14 ,792.13 Utilities 5,299.47 14/000.00 8,700.53 -0- Insurance 2,219.10 11,000.00 8,780.g0 115.00 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 572.50 lr750..00 1,177.50 355.45 Building Maintenance 1,541.90 3,000.00 1,458.10 -0- Dues & Publications 5.00 50.00 45.00 -0- Miscellaneous Expense 53.54 100.00 46.46 51.50 Office Supplies 606.50 750.00 143.50 40.47 Uniforms 100.37 1,150.00 1,049.63 -0- Transportation 1,051.06 4,000.00 2,948.94 5.00 Travel & Conference 134.08 400.00 265.92 g0.80 Housekeeping Supplies 374.84 600.00 225.16 170.75 Small Tools 1,014.13 400.00 (614.13) ,226.01 Depreciation 5,586.47 111500.00 5,913.53 15.50 Shortage/overage 15.87 .-0- (15.87) ,200.00 Golf Cart Rental 5,200.00 30,000.00 24,800.00 ,564.57 Golf Mdse. for Resale 3,812.98 8f000.00 4,187.02 10.71 Radio Repair Contract 53.55 -0- (53.55) ),444..28 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $108,617.61 $153,102.39 $261,720.00 1980 21 Expenditures to Date: 41.-5/ �!t Balance: 58.5% 1979 33.3% 5-27 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION -11-Tr ^" _Iimo REVENUE COMPARISON SPRINGFIELD GOLF COURSE TN rnT.T.AR.(," YEAR TO DATE 6-30-80 1979 1980 Variance 1979 1980 Variance $ -0- $ 1,132 $1,132 Comm. - Food Sales -0- 1 1 2 1 1 2 2,910 11908 Sales - Pro Shop =0- -0- -0- Rent House 20- -0- - - 11,531 12,130 599 Rent - Golf Carts 12,644 21 351 403 .52 - Other E ui)2m 62 929 167 20,057 24,159 4,102 Greens Fees 68 00 82,230 13,330 1,182 1,302 120 S ecial Events 1,861 2 2 0 369 -0- -0- -0- Contract Commission -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- ..0- Miscellaneous Income -0- 2,558 2,558 $36,031 $41,034 $5,003 TOTAL $96,804 $115,467 $18,663 N 00 Oakland County Parks and Recreation WHITE LAKE -OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended, 6-30--80 rent nth Revenue 007.70 Commission - Food Service 065.84 Sales - Pro Shop 100.00 Rental - House 748.Q0 Rental - Golf Carts 752.50 - Other Equipment .790.00 Green Fees ,302.06 Fees - Special Events -0- Contract Commission -0-- Miscellaneous Income ,766.10 TOTAL REVENUE Year to Date $ 5,278,66 6,958.97 600.00 11,332.25 2,540.50 127,697..27 1,302.06 554.00 1,457.81 $157,721.52 ,159.01 Less: Operating Expenses 99,290.7Q ,607.09 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $ 58,430.73 (Over) 1980_-... Under Budget B.z t $ 15,000,00 $ 9,721,34 17,500.00 10,541.03 1,200.00 600.00 35F000.00 23,667.75 5f000.00 2,459.5E 2081000,00 80,302.73 2,500.00 1,197.94 2,000.00 1,446.00 100.00 (1,357.81) $286f300.00 $128,578.48 264f400.00 165,10g,21 $ 211,900.00 $(36,530.7_3) 5-29 ent Ith Oakland County Parks and Recreation WHITE LAKE-OA'KS Operating-Expens'es For the Period Ended 6-30-80 Classification Year to Da to Budget (Over) Under Budget 484.76 Salaries - Full Time $27,030.51 $ 79/150.00 $ 52,119.00 166.11 - Part Time 14,256.24 45f600.00 31,343-76 706.13 - Over Time 1,770.33 4f000.00 2,229.67 861.68 Fringe Benefits 11,861.68 28f500.00 16,638.32 131.00) Special Events (131.00) 700.00 831.00 14.53 Rental Expense 90.14 250.00 159.86 114.16 Communications 550.71 2f000.00 1,449.29 629.81 Equipment Repair & Maint. 4,479-82 8f500.00 4,020.18 -0- Rubbish Removal 158-00 500.00 342.00 459.12 Grounds Maintenance 10,620.00 13f000.00 2,380.00 057.26 Utilities 7,491.02 22f000.00 14,5o8.98 -0- Insurance 2,257•10 13f000.00 10,742.90 .156.00 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 801.00 2f000.00 1,199.00 343.11 Building Maintenance 2,376.67 4,000.00 1,623.33 -0- Dues & Publications 5.00 50.00 45.00 -0- Miscellaneous Expense 35.04 100.00 64.96 71.50 Office Supplies 964.58 1f000.00 35.42 50.83 Uniforms ' 65-76 1 250.00 1,184.24 -0- Transportation 1,110.15 4f000.00 2,889.85 5.00 Travel & Conference 134•oo 400.00 266.00 81.81 Housekeeping Supplies 266.55 1f0o0.00 733.45 158.22 Small Tools 1,916-95 200.00 (1,716.95) 866.41 Depreciation 3,716.11 71000.00 3,283.89 (2.54) Shortage/Overage (7-00) -0- 7.00 ,520.00 Golf Cart Rental 1,520.00 12f000.00 T0,480.00 ,513.98 Golf Mdse. for Resale 5,706.34 131500.00 7,793.66 32.13 Radio Repair Contract 160.65 500.00 339.35 -0- Rental Property Maint. 84.04 200.00 115.96 5,159.01 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $264,400.00 $165,109.21 S99,290.79 1980 1979 :l Expenditures to Date: 31.5% 36.1% !t Balance: 62.5% 5-30 v�u�ar. u.+.+ vvva.aa .......... ...... ..r...-...—e ... ,.. moo. REVENUE COMPARISON WHITE LAKE -OAKS MONTH OF June IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE h-�tn-Rn 1979 1980 Variance 1979 1980 Variance $ -0-$ 3,008 008 Comm. - Food Sales 2.131 2 148 3,088 3,066 22 Sales - Pro Shop 268 6 0 '100 100 -0- Rent - Houses 600 600 -0- 6,069 5,748 (321) Rent - Golf Carts 10,950 11,332 382 758 752 (6) - other E ui 2 238 2,541 303 22,877 32,790 9,913 Greens Fees 115,555 127,697 12,142 1,182 1,302 120 Special Events 1,182 1 302 120 -0- -0- -0- Contract Commission 1,712 554 (1,158) -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income 1,165 1,458 293 4 0 4 $46,766 S12,6q2 TOTAL 049 Rni $157,722 _$J4,221 ent ,th 166.75 916.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- 200.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- Oakland County Parks c-na Recreation SPRINGFIELD-OAKS YAC Statement o_ O-perc tions For the Period Ended, 6-30-80 Revenue Commission - Food Sales Rental - YAC Building Fees - Ar_tique Car Show - Rodeo - 4-H Fair - New Events - Arts & Crafts Fair Contract Commissions Miscellaneous Income Reimbursement - Oak. Co. Rental - House Year to Date $ 299-43 13,799-50 -0- _0- -0- 3,382.00 365-00 -0- 1,260.06 -0- 210.00 ,282.75 TOTAL REVENUE $ 19,315-99 ,257.18 Less: Operating Expenses 75,994.44 ,974.43) REVENUE OVER/ (UNDER.) EXP. $(56,678.45) 1980 Budaet $ 2,500.00 24-f000.00 -0-- -0-- -0- 6,500.00 lf500.00 100.00 100.00 50f,000F00 -0- $ 84,.700.00 (Over) Under Budaet $ 2,200.57 10,200.50 -0- -0-- -0- 3,118.00 1,135-00 100.00 (1,160.06) 50,000.00 (210.00) $65,384.01 156,095.00 80,100.56 $(71,395.00) ($14,716.55) 5-32 Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRINGFIELD-OAKS YAC Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 6-30-80 (Over) rent Year to 1980 ` Under nth Classification Date Budget Budget ,506.41 Salaries - Full Time $29,163.60 $ 59f555.00 $30,391.40 ,572.98 - Part Time 3,511.69 9f000.00 5,488.31 801.00 - Over Time 3,031.29 4f000.00 968.71 ,307.o6 Fringe Benefits 11,307.o6 21f440.00 10,132.94 116.00 Special Events 1,980.28 4f000.00 2,019.72 36.75 Rental Expense 183.75 500.00 316.25 219.77 Communications 1,158.70 2f500.00 1,341.30 219.21 Equipment Repair & Maint. 357.43 1f000.00 642.57 770.82 Grounds Maintenance 2,155.90 3f500.00 1,344.10 910.51 Utilities 12,739.87 24;000.00 11,260.13 -0- Insurance 1,331.46 5f000.00 3,668.54 65-50 Laundry & Dry Cleaning '-317.50 850.00 --532.50 545.61 Building Maintenance 3,426.32 8f500.00 5,075.68' -0- Dues & Publications 78.25 50.00 (28.25) -0- Miscellaneous 45.98' 100.00 54.02 15.13 Office Supplies 252.71 400.00 147.29 -0- Uniforms 59.90 250.00 190.10 -0- Transportation 2,014.14 5f400.00 3,385.86 -0- Travel & Conference 110.70 400.00 289.30 859.92 Housekeeping Supplies 1,292.78 lf900.00 607.22 -0- Small Tools 119.79 150.00 30.21 262.10 Depreciation 1,119.29 3/000.00 1,880.71 48.41 Radio Repair Contract 242.05 600.00 357.95 ,257.18 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $75,994.44 $156,095.00 $80,100.56 1980 1979 x1 Expenditures to Date: 48.6% 33.5% :t Balance: 51.4% 5-33 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON SPRINGFIELD-OAKS YAC TAT TVIT T A T1 [+ in-, An r^ T1An r" r__7n-Qn 1979 1980 Variance L979 1980 Variance $ -p- $ 167 . $167 Comm. - Food Sales $ 71 $ 299 $ 228 1,-999- 1,916 (83) Rent - Activity Center 11,404 13,800 2,396 -0- -0- -0- _ Concerts -0- 1,150 1,150 -0- 200 200 -Arts & Crafts Fair -0- 365 365 49 -0- (49) New Events 349 2,232 1,883 -0- -0- -0- Con -tract Commission 1 -0- (1) -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income 212 1,260 1,048 -0- -0- -0- Reimb. - Oak. Co. -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Rental, - House -0- 210 210 $2,048 $2,283 $235 TOTAL $12,037 $19,316 $7,279 Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD-OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 6-30-80 (Over) ent Year to 1980 Under th Revenue Date Budget Budget 806.60 Commission - Food Service $ 1,167.22 $ 2,000.00 $ 832.78. 200.00 Rent - House 1,300.00 2f400.00 1,100.00 700.00 Rent - Facilities 4,220.00 8,500.00 4,280.00 540.00 Fees - Dog Obedience 2,732.00 4,000.00 1,268.00 -0- - Ballet 2,034.00 3t500,00 1,466.00 144.00 - Belly Dancing 970.00 2,000..00 1,030.00 -0- - Golf Classes -0-- -0- -0- 862.50 - Square Dancing 3,991.50 8C000.00 4,008.50 -0- - Ballroom Dancing 1,516.00 1,200.00 (316.00) -0- - Senior Citizens 752.00 1,500.00 748.00 117.50 - Round Dancing 399.50 -0-- (399.50) -0- - Archery 682.50 900.00 217.50 -0- - Disco Dance -0- 5,000.00 5,000.00 100.00 - New Events 8,544.00. 8,000.00 (544.00) 20.00 Miscellaneous 62.50 -0- (62.50) ,490.60 TOTAL REVENUE $28,371.22 $ 47,000.00 $ 18,628.78 ,253.79 Less: Operating Expenses 57,707.04 67 3.19) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. .$29,335,82 127,710.00 70,002.96 $(80,710.00) $(51,374.18) 5-35 Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD-OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 6-30-80 (0-�er ) rent Year to 1980 Under nth Classification Date Budget Budget ,983.10 Salaries - Full Time 519,649.68 $ 48r090.00 $28,440.32 (662.57) - Part Time 2,745.05 3F350.00 604.95 116.79 - Over Time 1,133.33 500.00 (633.33) 2036.67 Fringe Benefits 8,036.67 17,170.00 9,133.33 596.36 Special Events 11,393.30 22f000,.00 10,606.70 -0- Rental Expense --0- -0- -0- 51.59 Communications 400.16 1t200.00 799.84 11.64 Equipment Repair & Maint. 193.48 800.00 606.52 35.00 Rubbish Removal 175.00 450,00 275.00 413.49 Grounds Maintenance 957.64 4f500.00 3,542.36 958.84 Utilities 7,252.31 13r000.00 5,747.69 -0- Insurance 1,109.55 4F500.00 3,390.45 62..70 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 295.80 900.00 604.20 174.96 Building Maintenance 696.27 lr500.00 803.73 -0- Dues & Publications 25.00 50.00 25.00 -0- Miscellaneous 29.95 100.00 70.05 -0- Office Supplies _ 63.38 200.00 136.62 -0- Transportation 960..00 3 f000.00 2,040.00 -0- Travel & Conference -0- 100.00 100.00 12.13 Housekeeping Supplies 626.82 900.00 273,18 -0- Small Tools -0- 100.00 100.00 432.48 Depreciation 1,847.09 4f500.00 2,652-91 -0- Shortage/Overage (21.00) -0- 21.00 9.19 Rental Houses - Maint. 30.46 500.00 460.54 21.42 Radio Repair Contract 107.10 300.00 192.90 ,253.79 TOTAL OPERATING SENSES 1980 it Expenditures to Date: 45.1% �t Balance: 54.9% 1979 51.3% -�5, 707-04 $127,710.00 V0,002.96 5-36 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION MnNTT4 OF June REVENUE COMPARISON WATERFORD-OAKS IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 6-30=80 1979 1980 Variance 1979 1980 Variance $ -0- $ 807 $807 Comm, - Food Sales $ 387 $ 1,167 $780 100 200 100 Rent - Houses 1,400 1,300 (100) 785 700 (85) Rent - Facilities 4,060 4,220 160 40 20 540 -0- 500 Fees - Dog Obedience - Ballet 2,0.0- 2,472 2,732 2,034 652 (438) 480 -0- 144 -0- 336 -0- - Belly Dancing Golif 2,048 -0- 970 -0- 1,07 -0- 1,369 -0- 1,862 -0- 493 -0- - Square Dancing - Ballroom Dance 2,901 950 3,992 1,516 1,091 566 -0- -0- -0- 118 -0- 118 - Sr, Citizens - Round Dancing 1,1 0 -0- 752 400 0 400 -0- 544 -0- -0- -0- (544) - Archery - Disco Dancing 900 5,816 682 -0- (5,816) 176 160 -0- (20) 17 (180) - Yoga - Guitar 3 1,800 452 (1,348) -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - Tap Dancing - Aerobic Dance 464__ 1,164 7,190 6,026 -0- 120 120 — New Events 160 724 564 -0- 20 20 Miscellaneous Income -0- 62 62 $3,974 $4,491 $517 TOTAL $28,066 $28,371 $305 ent th ,235.39 ,290.70 ;,806.75 ,632.00 ,167.00 230.00 ,754.00 -0- Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD WAVE POOL Statement of Ooeratio_ns. For the Period Ended 6 .3030 — Revenue Commission - Food Service Rental - Lockers Entrance Fees: Children Adults Group Passes Family Memberships Swimming Classes Miscellaneous Year to Date $1,235.39 1,528.30 16,498-50 7,452.00 2,607-50 345.00 4,468.50 -0- 115.84 TOTAL REVENUE $34,135-19 125-05 Less: Operating Expenses 43 081.67 ',990.79 REVENUE. OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(8,946.48} 1980 Budget $ 6f000,00 7,000.00 70,000.00 45f000.00 10f000.00 600,00 6T000.00 —0— (Over) Under Budget $4,764.61 5,471.70 53,501-50 37,548.00 7,392-50 255.00 1,531.50 -0_. $1441600.00 $110,464.81 138,700.00 95.618.33 $ 5,900.00 $ 14.846.48 5-38 Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD WAVE POOL Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 6-30-80 (Over) rent Year to 1980 Under )nth Classification Date Buffet Budget . -0- Salaries - Full Time $ -p- $ -0-. 14,513.41 - Part Time 18,343,51 65/000.00 46,656.49 27.00 - Over Time 101.25 500.00 398.75 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- -0- .0- 51.25 Communications 304.08 900.00 595.92 52.00 Equipment Maintenance 90.43 2f000„00 1,909.57 40.18 Grounds Maintenance 674.09 6,500.00 5,825.91 88.90 Utilities 9,824.47 20f000.00 10,175.53 -0- Insurance 1,109.55 16f000.00 14,890.45 871.27 Building Maintenance 4,230.25 6f000.00 1,769.75 -0- Miscellaneous 174.66 240,00 65.34 1,664.00 Supplies 3,028.81 10f000.00 6,971.19 136.50 Office Supplies 336.35 300.00 (36.35) 60.40 Uniforms 366.48 21000.00 1,633.52 923.41 Housekeeping Supplies 923.41 900.00 (23.41) 5.29 Small Tools 5.29 100.00 94.71 726.59 Depreciation 3,613.95 8f000.00 4,386.05 (35.15) Shortage/Overage (67. 51) -0- 67.51 -0- Radio Repair.Contract -0- 260.00 260.00 -0- Special Projects 22.60 -0- (22.60) 19,125.05 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $43,081.67 1980 1979 1 Expenditures to Date: 31% 17.20 t Balance: 69% $138,700.00 $95,618.33 5-39 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON WATERFORD WAVE POOL unwry nv June 'PT\T nr)T.T.AI:7q YEAR TO DATE h-2n-An 1979 1980 Variance 1979 1980 Variance -0- S 1,23S S 1,21q Comm, - Food Service - - S 1,235 $1.235 1 .291 4 Reny - Lockers 1,262 J.S28 (234) Fees Child 16,434 16,499 65 6,632 108 - Adult 6,241 7,452 11 2,067 2 100 - Group Passes 2,158 2,60Z 44 Soo 230 (2 0) Memberships 600 345 255) 2,522 1,254 68 Swimming Classes 4 160 4 469 308 -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- -0- -0- $30�017 $27,116 (2,901) TOTAL $31,855 $34,135 $2,280 0 Oakland County Parks anal Recreation WATERFORD-OAKS T =ENTNS CO�LEX Statement of Ooerations For the Period Ended 6-30-80 Trent nth Revenue -0- Commission - Food Sales 47.60 Merchandise Sales 153.50 Tennis - Court Time 25.50 - Deck Tennis 9.50 Shuffleboard 4.75 Horseshoe 513.00 Special Activities 12.50 Rental Equipment 766.35 TOTAL REVENUE ,001.83 Less: Operating Expenses 235.48-) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. Year to Date 50.10 167.50 26.50 9.50 4.75 6o6.00 13.00 $ 877.35 0,483.84 $ ( 7 , 606.49) (Over) 1980 Under Budget 13uL t $ 1i000.00 $1,000.00 3,000.00 2,949.90 15,000.00 14,832.50 6,000.00 5,973�50 2.,500.00 2,490.50 2f500.00 2,495.25 1,000.00 394.00 -0- (13.00) $31,000.00 $30,122.65 30/730.00 22,246.16 $ 270.00 $7,876.49 5-41 Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD-OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 6-30-80 (Over) Trent Year to 1980 Under anth Classification Date Budget Budget g -0- Salaries_- Full Time $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- 5,535.23 - Part Time 6,295.23 17F000.00 10,704.77 -0- - Over Time -0- 500.00 500.00 -0- Fringe Benefits -0- -0- -0- -0- Communications -0- 500.00 500.00 -0- Equipment Maintenance 21.00 100.00 79.00 -0- Grounds Maintenance 396.00 3,500.00 3,104.00 140.42 Utilities 166.53 1f500.00 1,333.47 -0- Insurance 221.91 1r500.00 1,278.05 -0- Building Maintenance -0- 200.00 200.00 -0- Miscellaneous 60.00 :1.00.00 40.00 72.50 Office Supplies 72.50 300.00 227.50 -0- Uniforms -0` 600.00 600.00 -0- Housekeeping Supplies -0- 200n00 200.00 -0- Small Tools 16.18 100.00 83.82 166.90 Depreciation 567.30 2F000.00 1,432.70 13.35 Shortage/overage .35 -0- (•35) -0- Radio Repair Contract -0- 130�00 130.00 39.03 Mdse. for Resale 41.08 21000.00 f500.00 1,958.92 -0- Court Supplies 591-36 (91.36) 34.40 Special Projects 34.40 -0- (34.40) $6,001.83 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 98,433.84 $30,730.00 $22:246.16 1980 a.l Expenditures to Date: 27.6 et Balance: 17.6% 5-42 rrent nth 180.00 448.20 -0- 35.00 -0- 55.00 14o.00 439.20 1,240.20 -0- -0- -0- 2,537.60 0,709.47 A 171 Ali Oakland County Parks and Recreation MOBILE RECREATION & SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 6-30�80 (Over) Year to 1980 Under: Revenue Date Budget Budget Rental - Show Mobile $ 360.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 2,640.00 - Skate Mobile 578.20 2,000.00 1,421.80 - Swim Mobile 55.00 -0- (55.00) - Puppet Mobile 105.00 1,800.00 1,695.00 - Arts & Crafts 90.00 900.00 810.00 - Movie/Nature 100.00 900.00 800.00 - Sports Mobile 200.00 3,000.00 2,800.00 Rental - Busing Program 1,655.20 4f000�00 2,344..80 Special Programs 1,986.20 4,000.00 2,013.80 New Games -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- 100.00 100.00 Special Grant -0-. --0- -0- TOTAL REVENUE Less: Operating Expenses REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP._ $ 5,129.6o 46,696.78 $(41,567.18) $ 19,700.00 $ 14,570.40 129,240.00 82,543.22 $(109,540.00)$(67,972.82) 5-43 Oakland County Parks and Recreation MOBILE RECREATION & SPECIAL ACTIVITIES eratina sxoenses For the Period Endued 6-30--80 (Over) rent Year to 1980 Under nth Classification Date Budget Budget 2420.86 Salaries - Full Time $:8,795.80 $ 18/000..00 $ 9,204.20 ,484.66 - Part Time 16,707-70 5lf840.00 35,132�30 254.83 - Over Time 304.33 1f500.0O 1,195.67 2087.68 Fringe Benefits 3,087.68 6f500,OO 3,412.32 559.16 Special Prograuns 562.16 2f500a00 1,937.84 25.00 Rental Expense 125-00 . 300�00 175.00 129.68 Communications 714-59 1f600e00 885.41 388.85 , Equipment Repair & Maint. 1,066.66 81000.00 6,933.34 -0- Insurance 1,683-57 lr600.00 (83-57) 23.45 Dues & Publications 187-10 200.00 12.90 -0- Miscellaneous Expenses 5.80 100.00 94.20 -0- Office Supplies 261.30 300,00 38.70 6.03 Uniforms 31.43 2 f500o.0O 2,468.57 .,089.09 Mobile Rec. Supplies 2,318.54 2f500,O0 181.46 7.00 Transportation 5,872.64 20f00O,O0 14,1.27.36 315.55 Travel & Conference 384-33 750.0O 365.67 -0- Small Tools -0- 50�00 50.00 917.63 Depreciation 4,588-15 11f000,O0 6,411.85 ),709.47 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $46"696.78 $129,240.00 $82,543.22 al Expenditures to Date: et Balance: 1980 1979 36.1% 27.1% 63.9% 5-44 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON MOBILE RECREATION MONTH OF i,,,,A IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 6-30-80 1979 1980 Variance 1979 1980 Variance $210 $ 180 $ (30) Rent - Show Mobile $ 290 $ 360 $ 70 55 449 394 - Skate Mobile 55 579 524 -0- -0- -0- - Swim Mobile -0- 55 55 35 35 -0- - Puppet Mobile 35 105 70 -0- -0- -0_ - Arts & Crafts Mobile -0- 90 90 -o- 55— 55 - Movie Nature Mobile -0- 100 100 30 140 110 - Sports Mobile 30 200 170 180 439 259 - Buses 720 1,655 935 213 1' 24o 1' 027 Special Programs 2' 151 1,986 ' (165) New Games -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Government Grants -0- -0- -0- $723 $2,538 $1,815 TOTAL $3 281 $5,130 $1,849 MOBILE RECREATION See Attached Sheet) DAY USE PARKS Addison Conference Center Addison -Oaks Park Glen Oaks Clubhouse Groveland-Oaks Independence -Oaks Springfield -Oaks Y.A.C. a, ry Springfield -Oaks Clubhouse Waterford -Oaks Waterford Tennis Complex Waterford -Oaks Wave Pool White Lake -Oaks Clubhouse GOLF COURSES Glen Oaks Red -Oaks Red -Oaks Driving Range Springfield -Oaks Golf Course White Lake -Oaks GRAND TOTALS Groups Leagues. Participants Groups Leagues IParticipants 1973 1980 1979 1980 1 9 1980 1�.1979 1q8O 59 87 8774 12142 153 21E 1 49486 47830 46 43 4909 4818 140 138 16634 16668 2784 2762 14301 15847 5445 5277 24846 36409 19 18 2199 2393 76 42 9774 6100 3746 2596 15673 27412 5245 4544 22506 49203 5748 5611 24722 28189 12668 11998 52117 54991 22 23 3632 4965 121 235 38289 33136 0 0 0 0 2 0 131 0 27 33 2368 3076 351 32 18365 18123 0 17 0 1307 0 21 0 3115 99 139 23070 17993 103 142 25207 21216 15 14 1459 1721 66 62 6009 7009 141 149 9364 10291 280 309 20988 21270 13 49 4967 6369 41 92 10710 14114 2 7 2260 3105 12 22 6058 8457 100 95 6488 6680 199 190 13980 14815 105 121 9405 10632 264 244 25101 24368 12926 11764 133591 156940 2 40201 ,8?1 SWIM -MOBILE SKATE -MOBILE PUPPET -MOBILE ART-MnR I I F a, MOVIE/NATURE-MOBILE ~ SNnk4-MnR I I F SPORTS -MOBILE SPECIAL EVENTS P s_ R Rl1SF5 INTERPRETIVE PROGRAM TOTALS MOBILE RECREATION MONTHLY UNITS AND SPECIAL EVENTS ACTIVITIES REPORT MOBILE RECREATION Month of June, 1980 Year to Date Groups Participants Groups Participants 1979 1980 1979 1980 1979 1980 1979 1980 5 0 435 0 5 0 435 10 23 1110 2177 12 26 5300 2787 12 19 735 2195 12 21 735 2305 3 5 125 415 3 5 125 415' 2 4 65 264 8 4 830 264 12 6 5700 4200 14 10 14200 15260 6 11 445 1830 7 24 4445 2480 0 0 0 3 0 1327 0 14 14 594 626 21 40 874 1819 0 0 0 0 79 83 21650 22065 59 87 8774 12142 159 218 49486 117830 Item #7 GOLF DOME LEASE -- RED OAKS A lease has been submitted to the Parks and Recreation Commission by the representative for Michael Thompson pertaining to the golf dome at Red Oaks. Jack Hays has been working with us and will be present at the meeting to review with us prior to approval. 7-1 \teo #$ 01A PCRSS PPP WN��E t.P�� OPKS l9gQ Ma V. on l9 the room;ssi°n oft for the the request by on an aPpra'sal reP`s surrounded Pursuant to d and reoekved °ant land that ropert`1 at White taff has reauestel.o� cores ofpart of our P s oss`ble sale of subd;v's,on and fable at the mee t� ons Pthree s`des by a ort will be ava� reGommendat% al rep make Jack ays of sake cjaks of the apPra\s the report and a\'erty' H C°P'estaff Weil d`sGusd�sP°sal °f the.?fop GusS and Glar�fy in9and steps needed for be Present to d,s for the�ounsel will also C,v'l sary procedures. neces Item �� �pGR�SS E�Epp�� A� pEv EbpPM�N� P of CAP�Z meat bUd9et as ` on e �aP�tal delopd at the Comm�ss Update oth ll be Cxstr�bte June meetIn9 Item #10 August, 1980 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS QUARTERLY REPORT , PREPARED BY JANET PUNG This is the third quarterly report prepared for the Parks and Recreation Commission. It covers the months April through June, 1980. I. Brochure Distribution 5,000 Wave Pool and 7,500 general brochures to Michigan Travel Information Service for distribution at travel centers around the state. 2,000 Wave Pool and 2,000 Tennis Complex brochures to AAA for distribution in branch offices in southeast Michigan. General brochures replenished at all Oakland County city and township offices. II. Talks and Slide Presentations The slide presentation was used not only for outside groups but also during three orientation sessions for summer employees. April 14 -- Pleasant Ridge Garden Club, 20 women April 17 -- Central United Methodist Church, 35 senior citizens April 19 -- Century Travel Trailer Club, 50 persons (A. Johnston) April 23 -- Easter Seals, 25 visually impaired senior citizens April 30 -- Pine Lake Estates Women's Association, 30 women May 6 -- Oxford Child Study Club, 20 women May 14 -- Mental Retardation Center, 125 mentally impaired adults PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS QUARTERLY REPORT Page 2 IV. Talks and Slide Presentations (Continued) May 20 -- Beta Sigma Phi, 20 women May 21 -- Keatington Cedar Women's Club, 25 women (R. Eric Reickel) May 22 -- Ladybugs Garden Club, Clawson, 15 women June 10 -- American Association of Retired Persons, Royal Oak, 50 senior citizens Newspapers Some 60 news releases have been produced between April and June. Among the topics that have been included are: -- Super Saturday for Handicapped -- Golf tips -- Tennis Clinic -- Hidden Forest Run -- Best Ball Golf Tournament -- Women's Works Show Set -- Millage renewal announcement -- Camping feature -- Nature interpretive programs -- Hot Air Balloon Festival -- Wave Pool feature -- Student Art Show -- BMX feature -- Mobile Recreation feature -- Junior Golf Invitational -- Clowning feature Some 200 articles about the Oakland County Parks have been clipped from daily and weekly newspapers. Programs and activities ranging from nature programs to special events and boating safety have been featured in the Oakland Press outdoor column. Public Service Announcements Dozens of public service announcements have been prepared for Oakland County and metro Detroit area media. Feed back indicates that radio stations such as WRIF, CKLW, WJR, WPON, WCXI and many others have aired the spots. Five public service announcements were recorded at the WWJ-FM studios for use during a segment called "Community Highlights." Seven public service announcements about summer activities in the parks, including slides and scripts, have been sent to five television stations for their consideration. 10 - 2 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS QUARTERLY REPORT Page 3 V. Radio and Television Interviews WWJ -- Interview with Mr. Reickel and Mr. Wint at Wave Pool WJR -- Mr. Reickel and Mr. Wint interview on J. P. McCarthy`s "Focus" -- Mr. Reickel interview by Warren Pierce about wave pool aired during July 4th weekend -- Warren Pierce feature on Addison Oaks Hot Air Balloon Festival WMJC -- Feature on Hot Air Balloon Festival -- interview with Mr. Reickel on recreation close to home Ch-7 -- Student Egg Drop Experiment at Independence Oaks -- Hot Air Balloon Festival Ch-2 -- Hot Air Balloon Festival Ch-4 -- Wave Pool feature Ch-50-- "Detroit Today" interview on tennis complex and park system with Mr. Reickel and Tom Seavey VI. Acorn Newsletter Millage Renewal used as lead story. More photos have been used with the Summer issue. V11. Brochures and Publications 25,000 reprints of general brochure Tennis complex Wave Pool Groveland Fees and Charges Addison Fees and Charges Camping Rules and Regulations booklet How to Play Platform Tennis Glen Oaks Scorecard Independence Oaks 10 - 3 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS QUARTERLY REPORT Page 4 VI1. Brochures and Publications (Continued) Programs for Recognition Banquet Programs for Red Oaks, Tennis Complex Dedications Red Oaks Hit Nine, Get One Free card Best Ball and Junior Golf posters Annual vehicle pass register Recognition Banquet Certificates Boys Tennis Tournament letter, application Publications in progress include: watercraft and boat lifejacket stickers, Addison Oaks brochure, Mobile Recreation brochure. Flyers Wave Pool classes Women`s Works Wave Pool school outings Tennis Clinics Independence Oaks Footrace Lifeguard tests Platform Tennis Tournament Waterford Oaks Classes Waterford Oaks Square Dances fill. Photography This quarter photo interns: -- Prepared slide presentation for summer employee orientation program -- Chronicled Glen Oaks renovation project -- Presented a photography seminar for the public communications staff -- Presented slide program and photographed Nature Photography Workshop at Independence Oaks -- Provided publicity shots for the Acorn and county -wide newspapers -- Selected slides for public service announcements provided to five television stations -- Prepared special slide program and photographed Recognition Banquet to-4 M1CPTtONS terford POB�1 C c `t REPORT Q�p,RT ` Range and the Wa t of page Continued Red Oaks OCtv`ng their developmen t°graph dicat- ion °f artment °n Personnel \ i 1 i Ph° otograph sd Complex Person njew employees t, °n th the -- Oaks Tenn kland Co ro i for In conjunc ea the 0 n slide p ac sties kt pdvisientati° county f velin9 ex an or rapped var,ous hs for packs tra olf 1°Gat,ons -- PS ° �°� pro9ra�. t�.ona1 ph°to9rap ,h, is for � ive g -' Selected add, roduced new exh Designed and p Show t ion P Xh� - `'pr `ng Sp°r t ph °t° and lnformat Pont`ac Mall - Cducat�on �xh`h,- Charity Bazaar iX• 1 $ - 13 Mate OUtd4°r Rochester Apr ` Mal1 May Mead°�br°°k 1, Tr°y mer or,entation kla d Mal uth `eld er sum May 10 ne 6 Oa n nd Mall, S° f erg R°chest Ju rthla Cent May 21 15 No kland Dniversity rthouse, Pontiac June 9 Oa County C°u June 1G 2O Oakland Southf`el6 e 20 July Tl-12 Mall ' n e DEn er Junl - 1 Pontiac Mall ks Claude Trim Rochester Ju y ld Oa r ti va i July 1 19 Springf,e °k Mall, R°cheste bro°k tlus'c Pest wbr° eadow July 16 - Pugust 1 Mead° ate exhih`t at M rmin9t°n �,brary - July 21 Separ ph°°s at Fa u1y J 2� Separate t - 31 July � 10 - 5 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS QUARTERLY REPORT Page 6 IX. FA XI Photo and Information Exhibits* (Continued) Upcoming Exhibits August. 3 - 9 Springfield Oaks, Davisburg -- 4-H Fair August 11 - 18 Great Oaks Mall, Rochester August 22 - September 2 Detroit, Michigan State Fair -Note: Display cases at Springfield YAC and Independence Oaks also contain millage information, general literature and pictures. Anthony M. Franco Assistance Recommended to contact WWJ-FM to record Public Service Announcements. Recommended golf balls be engraved and used as hand-outs for Red Oaks Driving Range dedication. Arranged interview on.WJR "Focus" Show Invited Windsor Star to contact Jan Pung for a visit to Wave Action Pool. Prepared and produced citation for Bob Salogar at Recognition Banquet. Rewrote Mobile Recreation brochure. Produced Millage Renewal brochure. Prepared letter for vendor contributions. Prepared question and answer sheet for millage. National Activities Oakland County Parks received National Association of Counties (NACo) Achievement Award for Red Oaks Golf Complex development. An extensive entry for the Gold Medal Award (presented by the Sports Federation) was prepared. l R�AR�G�b P age 1 ured: eous feat week them M;sGellan ol �oPeeak� rov`d�n9 general X1:1 • al -�lre S°g eek of "`opening w empl0Yees,e Gave Genet nn%s G°mpWee k of �•19 ss`ons for ve ponsibll\t fordrar;on Wave pool tat larks' they use three or bout the �' ass fOr ks Gonduot{ rmati eaeotat% one'( Mat © aria �ountY• �ndeQendenGe oa w!a ks S1Qde pr mn foC Gom� bortheast )ak have f,lmed at aced a co umv\ ionagenG�es T m s about obtile advert�s�ng Seve -aA Soto GakS and item #11 ELO OAKS y I REND Ab PROPOSAb Common was and Recreation adult foster rare the Parks ram for was to to On May ept °f a day grog Zh�s program he COmmtss�on �� ty t esented with a cowest Oakland CoUnC At that time' ot�ating for pr orth y P f neg be ices Idents ,n ns r�n9fjeld Oaks `th the process oecommendat`ons to place at the pstaff proceed w w`th r ve N va s ted to ha y.A•�' to r appro �' o°dw>>1� ' vo e rental of the he Gomm'ss\on fo ship °f beagoe G .P G' for the th ought back tot nder the leader r,ngfjeld Oaks y `nclude: br N O.b E'O a P°rt�on of Spagreement `s to to rent e rental prop°s�n9 rogram year- Th room and lobby 8l p e r° 1980" MUltl"pUrP°s to 3 p,m- ll 1• Hours "_ 8 a. - weeks `ll be clear of a 2• Ourat�on "" 46 room and lobby w each day 3- M0lti"pUrP°se ter Is by 3 P.O. m et�n9 4' s�pplles and Oa l fee "_ �16,5OO e COmm`sslon me proposed yenta presented at th �. `ll be Cost study w \tem #12 `S pRpORPM ORAN� .t\pN PNp SN p,D p$ ON OPKS a program fOr EA �EGR es ,s offering and male,_ ral �esourc development e artment of Nat`�s,t`on'leasin9' of related The p p for the ac4u a variety 1pp% fund'n9 ob,l trails. ally and covers e tenance of sno�mam is fUnaed annling rovements and son this 9rogr sno obi ovld imp tem t Pddl h wm r e s a s associated wit set our costs, Po oar exlstjn9 Sy o the pNR for cost \n order to off tonal trails t Ubm`t a grant t lbly create add,nds approval to s he existing 13 poss staff recomme ce costs for t d ma`ntenance an paksOr0 funding, ,sts of malntenanthe development cent and north 19$ fhe grant cons r gosal for groper ad)a is and a p o leased P e miles of tra` ne'� tra`15 on commitment from t roved s °f arm f app of g.5 mile aks. et received a f osed trails, � o ram. 0 0 of Addison h we have not y five for the Pr pour exlSt`ng pr pithou9 er,s rePresenta e P°p�lar�ty of lc�$0 n property ow t1Y enhance t Pu9ust 15� ,t wokm 9rea for the grant is pe adljne lZ - 1 item #13 GAS CO�vERSlON been converted Y A'G faG`1`t`es haves en a dollar several of our conversion has be he last two Years uraA gas• This �h�s 5Ys m to t na 0urInged gas or o\l to Oil and bottled gas an tl o from bot heated M heater a5 there is sav�n9 for us.� the Y'A•C. \ss and a hot waterwer ComPanY� and lem ,n tnstalling presentlYwo large bo`ler th Consumers po here is no Prob consists of t has been made w`rs°nv`lle Road t oil is L�2t per Contacts male along Ande comparison of gas to eX;st�ng ga to the Y A C the present comp f some �OOk feet 0 natural gasre informed that t of in,talAat\°plus the cost of he We we bas`callY cons ;terns, of lines `ns`de t gallon conveys`°n would power Plus m�sc tower v w ng ,,sent e4ulpment the by Consumers the water the Prese �000 to of gas Maioof gas l`ne to for converting range between $3 an°then i50 feet ater�al and labor convers`on could substantial ewer at a bu`ldln9' and mthe cost for the s should be substled by Consumers r of the Alth°ugh -range benef\t would be instal s fhe re0a%\ iss`on. $4,500, the loaf feet of gas ma`n scellaneous C°5t royal by the Cow and also The �00� of Plus mith final apP is protect of $l ,0 per foot out for bid wl budgeted for th and the bldding cost ld be sent � 500 be Po er ComPanY project wou ommends that � Consumers w Staff rec Geed w h It r\Zat%on to pro autho Process 1 l3 Item #14 MANAGER'S REPORT ---We had emergency repairs for the air conditioning in the banquet portion of Glen Oaks during the week of July 21. We tried to get along with the air conditioning units this year not knowing how much time was left on these units. But due to the excessive heat of that week, we ran into problems and the units failed. I was on vacation that week and staff had to take emergency measures which necessitated the installation of two replacement units at a cost of $2,950. 1 would appreciate a motion in the records authorizing this emergency effort. Chairman Wint was contacted pertaining to this. ---We had to close the beach down at Addison Oaks due to a poor coliform report from the Health Department; and I would hope by the time we have our meeting on August 6, the beach will be open. ---We are sorry that the letter pertaining to the discrimination case at Groveland Oaks had to appear in the Oakland Press, but we were not given an opportunity to answer the allegations before it was submitted. Arnold Johnston and I did meet with the complainant for an hour and a half on July 29 and discussed the matter with her. I believe she made some good points as to some breakdowns in the administration of the park, and she was reassured that there was no intent of discrimination in this matter. ---The progress on the millage seems to be going well. We have not heard of any organized effort against it, and we have received tremendous support from the media. I would hope by the time we meet on August 6 that we will have all celebrated the victory. 14 - 1