HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1980.02.06 - 39722i_ewis E. Wint R. Eric Reickel Chairman Manager iv1arjorle M. Walker Jon J. Kipke Vice -Chairman Assistant lVanager � w Velma M. Austin el J@CBea(rC�akl Don Deni �) Fred -loughten 7 ? 1 George W. Kuhn ci Joseph R. Montante Carol E. Stanley uo,If I j I Ion t Richard R. Wilcox. 2800 WAT KIN LAKE ROAD PON T IAC, OICHIGAN 48054 313) 858-0906 February 1, 1980 To the Members of. the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oak.land County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, February 6, 1980 PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan PURPOSE. . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting The meeting has been called in accordance with authorization of Lewis E. Wint, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, Eric Reick6lf Manager 11 RER:as Addison Oaks Glen Oaks Grovela��J Oaks Red Oaks Springfield Oaks Waterford Oaks White Lake Oaks OoAllq OPKbPNO S113N cOMM`SSipN ' 19$3 PPRKS AebrUary ring to Order. 1• cail Mee,.i• January 9' 19$O thr°ugh 2 R°11 ca 1 °f Minks ° vouchers 12-231 ce gr°09 3• Pgpr°va 1 payments Military po1� �. Pppro'a of OfiiGers• ement with Elect°n s Pgre 9, Oak 6 SprIng�`eld r Si<i Operate°n. count y �• cr°sa s Report. Man gerg $• siness w 9 Mew $u,shed Business. 1O. 11. Pd�°urn Session xecut `� e E VOUCiiER REGISTER 0AKU0TD COUI TY PARKS t'I0 RECREATIO.w DECEMBER, 1979 ►UC_�R �i3ER _ VENDOR PTTRP(1SR rt�nrrnrm 12-231 Kerton Lumber Co. Cap. Proj., Barrier & Campsite Lot Post Imp.-Admin. 5.10 12-232 Pontiac Photo Inc. Photo Prints-Admin. 18.43 12-233 Elden's Hardware Bldg. Maint.-Indep.; & Rental Prop. Maint.-Water. 22.97 12-234IM.G. Sales Equip. Maint.,Parts-Add. 91.45 12-235 Charles Ross mileage Reimbursement-Admin. 37.23 12-236 Alfonso Castillo -Mileage Reimbursement-Admin. 48.45 12-237 Janet Pun Mileacre Reimbursement-Admin. 58.95 12-238 Wheeling Corrugatinq Company Grounds Maint.-S rin . 56.55 12-239 Tool Shack IBldg. Deposit Refund-YAC 50.00 12-240 Century Rain Aid Grds. Maint.-Spring. $271.04, Red Oaks and Driving Range 282.16 1 --1 Wilkie Turf_Equip. Division Inc. Cap. Proj., Tee & Irrig. Renov.- Wh. Lk.; Equip. Maint.-S ring., Add., White Lake $116.50; & Grds. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 243.93 12-242 W. F. Miller Co. Rental Equip. -Spring., Wh. Lk., & Red Oaks 5100.00 ea. Aerifier); __ Equip. Mt. -Spring. $284:94,& Grove,; Sm.* Tools -Red Oaks 707.26 12-243 Genesee Welding Supply Inc. quip. Maint.-Grove., Add., Wh. ILk., & Glen Oaks•Grds. Mt.-Wh. Lk. 36.05 12-244 J. P. Burroughs & Son Inc. Cap. Proj.,Twin Chimneys Improve.- lIndep. and Grds. Maint.-Inde 35.89 12-245, MarilynHicks Round Dance caller -Water. 65.00 12-246 Walled Lake Consolidated Schools romo.-Admin. 10.00 12-247 Detroit Ball Bearing Co. quip. Maint.-Red Oaks 14.82 12-248 Cyril J. Burke Inc. Cap. Equip., Parts for air compres- sor-Tech. Supp. 579.84 12-249 Ro al Rental Co. a .Pros. Irri . Sys. -Glen Oaks 91.35 12-250 Church's Lumber Yards Cap. Proj.,Tree Planting Grove., Landscave Improve.-Inde & Ent. _ Sign -Ada. ;Equip. Mt. & Grds. Mt. - Lk.; and pool winterizii -W.P. 297.07 4-1 VOUCHER REGISTER. OAKLAtND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION DECEMBER, 1979 7CHER IBER VENDOR PT RPn,R nrrrvnrr+ Cap. Proj.,Directional Signs,Stor- l2-251 Burke Buildin area Landsca e Im-prove. & Twin chimneys-Indep.;Prefab. stor- ae bins & t o tora e partitions - Tech. Supp.;Sm. tools,equip., grds., bldg. maint.-All -oarks 1 039.87 Registration &luncheons fee for 7 !2-252 Michigan State Universit _m to ees to attend the turf Kass conference at MSU-Admin., Spring., dd. Wh. Lk. Red Oaks & Glen Oaks 225.40 Advanced parking for J. Kipke for w- L2-253 Michigan Recreation & Park Assoc. the Winter Conf.-Admin. 13.50 Advance to attend the Nat'l. Rec. & L2-254 Sundry (Advance) Park, Assoc. Meeting of Standards evision Task Force to be held in ' ansas City 1/18-1/20(Reickel)-Adm. 185.38 L2-255 APTA rship dues for the American flra�tflorm Tennis Assoc.-Admin.. 20.00 ap. Proj.,Phase II,Payment request rm-Water. 12-256. Stolaruk Corp. 14 742.90 '57. Rental fee for an equipment outlet Display & Exhibit Co. for the MRPA Winter Conf.YAdmin. 65.00 Communications-Admin., Mob. Rec., 12-258 County of Oakland Water. & Wave Pool•Commissioners Mileage for Oct.-Admin. 64.64 Equip. Rental-Admin.,Mob. Rec., 12-259 0. C. Equipment Fund S rin .;YAC Grove. Inde Add. W.L. 244.50 Equip. Maint.-Spring. & Grove.; .12-260 Gudith Hardware Grds. Mt.$48.17 & Sm. Tools -Grove. 92.94 12-261 Brantwood Publications Inc. Publications-Admin. 10.00 12-262 Hawkins & Associates, Inc. Publications-Admin. 10.95 Bldg. Maint., panic bar for comm. 12-263 Russell Hardware Co. door-Admin. 105.1.2' 12-264 Haggerty Lumber & Supply Co. Sm. Tools, Shove ls-Glen Oaks 32097 23.29 12-265 Van's Auto Supply Inc. Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 12-266 Oak Hill Auto Parts Equip. Maint.-Indep.$49.39 & Wh. L $67,08 116.47 FirExtinguisher Sales & Service ai t -Grove 34.78 '68 Cl dA Herb Cust. Putt Cash Reimbursement -Grove. 3.00 12-269. Michicran Bell Telephone Company Communications-Inde Add. Red Oak 57.03 4-2 VOUC=?, REE GISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND, RECREATION FC_HER DECEMBER, 1979 tir�rmn� PTTRW)SF. A-MOU`i 1 .2-270 Detroit Edison Utilities -Spring., YAC, Indep.,-& White Lake 2.288.89 :2-271 Payroll._ Pay Ending 12 31 79-All Parks 3,306.42 .2-272 Imichiqb-n Recreation & Park Assoc Advance parking for employees to attend the Winter Conf.-Admin. 13.50 '_2-273 Michi an Bell Telephone Comp an ommunications-Spring.,YAC,Indep., da. Wh. Lk. & Dr. Range 711.73 L2-274 Consumers Power Company Utilities -Spring., Grove., Water., ave Pool, & White Lake 2,412.18 L2-275 Kwik Sanitation Excavating Inc. 'lag. Mt.,Septic Tank Pumping-Grov 435.00 L2-276 Waterford Disposal Service Rubbish Removal -Spring., Grove., & nde-p. # 115.00 L2-277 Eastern State Auto Suppl Equip. Maint.-Tech. Supp.,Spring., TnaeD.,Water.,Wh. Lk. Red Oaks & len Oaks;Sm. Tools -Water., Wh. Lk. d Glen Oaks 300.38 L2-278 0. C. Dept. of Public Works Isewa2e Expense -Add. 440.42 L 279 C & I Auto Parts, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 8.64 L2-280 Ronald C. Voorheis, Treasurer Special Assessment -tax-Wh. Lk.. 54.16 L2-281 Oakland Heating Supply, Inc. Bldg. Maint.-Spring., Wh. Lk.$10�1.9,1 Glyn Oaks;Rental Prop. Mt. -Water. . 217.57 L2-282 Lawn Equipment Corporation auip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 1.99 L2-283 I Hodges SupplX Co. ap. Proj.,Clubhouse Renov.-Glen Daks Bldg. Mt.-Admin. YAC Wh. Lk. Red Oaks 489.66 12-284 A. B. Dick Company Office Supplies, 1 yr. maint. �aareement on offset machir_-Admin. 348 0 12-285 Artcraft Blue Print Co. ffice Suo ies-Admin.. 13.13- 12-286 Michigan & Border Cities Golf Course SFanerir e-nClents Assoc. 'Publications _—Tetty -Glen Oaks 18.00 12-287 Jim Mansfield, Cust. Cash Reimb.-Red Oaks Dr: Rqe. 82.75 12-288 Daniel Stencil ravel expense due to conf. with DINR Officials-Inde . 5.63 12-289 Cheshire/A Xerox Co. ffice Supplies, Monthly mt. Agr`e- nent on xerox machine-Admin. 48.50 1 -"90 10. C. Radio Communications Radio Rental -All parks 772.98 12-291 County .of Oakland ecurit Services-Grove.,Inde &Add 2 128.-65 4-3 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLA,D COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION DECEMBER,1979 YUCH.ER 2IMP.R " ` VENDOR PURPOSE ArtOUNT 12-292 Michi an Dept. of Treasury State sales tax payable --Spring., Wh. Lk.,Red Oaks, & Glen Oaks 37.10 12-293 .Paul Lee Marr Mileage Reimbursement-Admin. 6.93 12-294 J. Eiden ESLuipment Co. Cap. Equip.,Air compressor:parts- Tech. Su .•Ca . Pro'. Office Bld . - Modifications; Bldg. Maint.-Grove., Wh. Lk., Red Oaks & Glen Oaks 586.99 12-295 0. C. Utilities Fund ubbish Removal -Water.. 35.00 12-296 Ann Kaminski Re:Euna,Dog Obedience Class -Water. 18.00 12-29.7 Kathryn Cameron Refund, Bldg. Deposit -Water. 50.00 12-298 Standard Electric Company ap. Proj.,Maint. Bldg. Addition- rech." Su .$140.58;B1d . Maint.- pring.,YAC$100.74,Wh. Lk.$100.88, Glen Oaks;Sm. Tools -Tech. Su p., ental Prop. Maint.-Grove. 463.58 ?99 The Cityof Madison Heights Jtilities,w/s-Red Oaks Z,�2 12-300 Cruise -Out Inc. Equip. Maint.-Inde . 6.95 12-301 Farmington'Hills Plumbing Supply ld . Maf*_,zt.-=Glen Oaks 7.04 12-302 Radio Relay. -Corp. ental,Radio Pagers-Admin.,Tech. u p;,S r:in . YAC Wh, Lk &Red Oaks 147.00 12-303 Auto Parts of Or-Ox, Inca Equip. Maint.-Add. 1.39. 12-304 John R Lumber Co. Inc. Lquip. & Bld ..Maint.-Red Oaks 19.21 12-305 P. T. Standard Parts Co. . Proj.,Twin Chimneys Improve., UstingTrails Improve.-Indep.; rotmds- Maim. -Tennis Complex 30.64 12-306 Gerald Lee kileage Reimb.-Add. 11.22 12-307 W. T. Andrew Company 3ap. Proj.,Clbhse. Renov.-Glen Oaks 206.08 12-308 J. P. Burroughs & Son, Inc. rounds Maint.-Indep. ..3.40 12-309 Pontiac Paint Company ap. Proj.,Office Bldg. Modifica- ions-Admin.-Bld . Maint.-S ring., AC,Indep.,Add.,Wh. Lk., & Glen Daks 423.00 12-3I0 Munn Ford Tractor, Inc. quip. Maint.-Spring. $187.11 and. rove. 239.36 4-4 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAIND COUNTY PARKS AhD RECREATION ]UCi£R DECEMBER, 1�79 PMBER _ VENDOR pimpngfi 12-311 Handy Andy Pro Hardware ESLuj2. & Bldg. Mt. Sm. Tools -Add. 41.77 12-312 Kinq Bros. Inc. Equip. Mt. -Add. & Glen Oa1cs,$48.451 50.80 12-313 Lumberjack Products Ejn p. & Bldg. Maint.,Sm. Tools- Spring.; Bldg. Maint.-YAC 58.44_ 12-314 McKay's Hardware Cap. Proj.,Barrier & Campsite Lot Post Improve. -Grove. 6.89 12-315 Lake Orion Lumber Co. Grounds & Bldg_Maint.-Add. 114.54 12-316 Taylor Rental Center Cap. Proj.,Office Bldg. Mod.-Admin. 4.50 12-317 Ga_ 's Disposal Service Rubbish Removal -White Lake 36.00 12-318 Commercial Removal DIV of SCA Rubbish Removal -Glen Oaks 35.00 12-319 H. L. Clae s & Company Bldg. Maint.-Add. 16.82 - 12-320 Sprinkler Irri ation Saply Co. Cap. Proj.,Maint. Bldg. Improve.- Glen Oaks-, 14.85 1 "321 Pontiac Motor Parts Equip. Maint. & Sm. Tools -Tech. Supp.; Bldg. Maint.-Add. — T 37.74 12-322 TRA Electronic Communications, Inc Equip. Maint.-YAC 57.70 12-323 O�-G..Ceztral Stores Hskpg. Supp.-Spring.,YAC,Water., & Wh. Lk. -Uniforms -Tech. Su .;Inde , & Water.;Speci.al Events,Senior Citizens -Water. 468.32 12-324 C-entral Pool Supply, Inc. Cap. Proj..,Poly Cap. Proj., Poly Floats -Grove: 7.35 12-325 Lewis R.V."Collision & Service Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 7.20 12-326 Cal Gas -Pontiac, In Utilities-Grove.$615.46,Water., & Glen Oaks 892.11 12-327 0. C. Planning Division Office Su lies-Admin. 2.00- 12-328 Golf Car Distributors E i Maint.-Wh. Lk. & Red Oaks 814.25 1_2-329 Meteor Photo Company Promo.,Film processing-Admin. 331.35 12-330 Anthony M. Franco, Inc. Promo.,Misc. serv±ces rendered-Adm. 1,720'.73 12-331 Cyril J. Burke, Inc. E"quip. Maint.-Tech. Supp. 22.99 12.-3;32i chi an Recreation & Park Assoc. Registration advance for J. Kipke to attend the 1980 Winter Confer- ence from Jan. 20 to 23-Admin. 80:00 4-5 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKL-410 COU:TY P.ARKS AND RECREATION DECEMBER, 1980 UCH�R fBEg VENDOR PURPOSE PI IOUTNIT 12-333 Sundry IJ. Advances for R.E. Reickel,L. Wint, Ki ke A. Clinton-Cirrocco & J. Pung to attend the MRPA 1980 Winter Conf.-Admin. & YAC 770.26 12-334 The Golf Course Superintendent's Association .of.Mericd Advance registrations for M.Thibo- deau &-J. Mansfield to attend the 51st Iniernati.onal Turfgrass Conf. & Show to be held in St. Louis, Missouri from February 17 t6 22, 1980.-Admin. 94.00 12-335 Michigan Recreation & Park Assoc. Advance registration for G. Kuhn to attend the Winter Conf.-Admin. - 20.00 12-336 Oakland Schools lPromo.,Film-Aamin. 10.70 12-337 Oakland Schools- Promo. Film-Admin. 22.20 12-338 Ernie Capoccia Equ ment, Inc. IPayment Cap. Proj.,Water Main -Glen Oaks, #1. 39 082.40. 12-339IWilkie Turf Equi ment Com an ICStp. E i R6ke-O-Vac-Groveland 6 034.15 ?4.0 Branch Motor Express Company Equip. Maint.-Add. 19.55 12-341 Lloyd's True Value Hardware Cap. Proj.,Maint. Bldg. Improve.- Glen Oaks;Equip., Grounds, & Bld . Mair_t.-Glen Oaks 76.02 12-342 J & J Disposal Rubbish -Removal -Add. 69.08 12-343 Scientific Brake and Equip. Co. Equip. Maint.-Add. 50.31 12-344 Pontiac Motor Parts Cap. Equi .,Sandblaster -Tech. Supp. 299.00 12-345 ounty of Oakland Excess C.E.T.A. salaries -All arks 7,296.15 12-346 Eiden Equipment Company Cap. Equip., Portable air nailer- Tech. Sup 412.00 12-347 Snyder Equipment & Supply Co. Cap. Equip., Pnuematia - Hammer- Tech. Supp. 780.10 12-348 Michigan Bell Telephone Company Communications-ST)ring.,YAC, &- Groff 348.77 12-349 Hichigan Bell Telephone Compan onmunications,Coin-Spring.,YAC, dater. & Wave Pool 55.10 12-,350 Zonsumers Power Company tilities-Indep., Add. Conf. Cntr., � .Red Oaks' 3,064.9.3 1-..,3.,51 etroifi Edison Utilities -Water. Red Oaks & Glen O. 1,902.76 12-352 Detroit'Edison Utilities -Spring. & YAC 22.70 VOTJ=R REGISTER OAKL.A\'D COUNT; PARKS A:;D RECREATION DUCi-TtZ iMB ER - VEI`IDOR PURPOSE AfOUN 12-353 Ellen Mueller �rtaos-Admin. Promo., Redrawing of 7 county park 190.O0 12-354 Pick Rattner Production of •2 cassettes for school slide ro ram-Naturalistts 50.00 12-3.55 Paint Sundries, Inc. Bldg. Maint.-Grove. 33.50- 12-356 Royal Rental Co. Cap. Proj.,Mt. Bldg. Imp. -Glen O. 329.50 12-357 The Quonset Rental Prop. Maint.-Grove. - 4.00 12-358 Meco Metals Company Lap. Pro'. Brid e Rep. -Glen Oaks � 636.00 12-359 American Hospital Supply First Aid Su lies-Inde . 22.77 12-360 Fin er's 10ffice Supplies-Admin. 6.80 12-361 Nancy Moore IMileaae Reimbursement-Admin. 6.12 - 12-362 0. C..Dept. of Fac. & Operations Cap. Proj.,Phase II-Water.;Bldg. Maint.-YAC Water. Wave Pool & Wh. Lk.;Grds. Maint.-Water., Wave Pool Add. & Red Oaks 2 022.77 12-363 Sundry (Advance) Advance for T. Seavey to attend th MRPA 1980 Winter Conf.-Admin. 78.37 12-364 Public Relations Society of Amer. Membership and Dues_- ..Admin. 140.00 12-365 County of Oakland Per diem for Comm..-Admin. 490.00 12-366 Heidi Hight Security deposit refund -Water. 50.00 12-367 sundry Advance Advances for R. Manifold, C. Herb, & G. Lee to attend the Park & Rec- - reati-on Maint.-Mgmt. School to be held in Wheeling, West Virginia - Tech. Supp., Grove., & Add. 512.21- 12-368 County of Oakland Purchasing services,4th quart.-Adm 5,250.00 12-369 Detroit Edison Utilities -Spring., YAC, Grove., Water., Wave Pool, Add. Conf. Cntr- Re On s and Driving Range 3.638.08 12-370 Consumers Power Company Utilities -Glen Oaks 1,071.04 1'--:371 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Communications -Water. & Red Oaks 91.93 12-372 0. C. Dept. of Public Works Utilities -Glen Oaks _ 568.80 4-7 VOUChER REC STER 0AKL,UD COUNTY PARKS Ai-,TD RECREATION fCHER [BEER VENDOR . _- _ PURPOSE At�nrry .2-373 Service Glass Com an Inc. Bldg. Maint.-Add. Conf. Cntr. 69.23 _2-374 0. C. Laundry Laund -All Parks 1083.20 L2-375 Rochester Germicide Com]2any Bldg. Mt.,Chemicals-S rin . & YAC 407.00- L2-376 Rochester Elevator Bldg. Mt.,Softner salt -White Lake 144.00 12-377 0. C. Garage Transportation -All parks; Equip. Maint.-Mob. Rec. Buses, and Glen 0.' 7,440.75 L2-378 Warren Co-operative Co. Equip. & Grounds Mt. -Red Oaks 13.38 L2-379 Vistisen Landscape Co. Grds. Mt.,Sod-Spring.,Wh.Lk.&Red 0. 236.25 12-380 Genesee Welding Supply, Inc. Equip. Maint. & Sm. Tools-Wh. Lk. 21.18 12-381 Pioneer Hardware Equip. Ma-int.-Tech. Supp.,Wh. U. Glen Oaks-Sm. Tools -Tech. Su . & Wh. Lk.;Bldg. Mt.-Spring.,Water., Wh. Lk.$102.76, & Glen Oaks; Uni- forms & Hskpg. Supplies-Wh. Lk. F_ 470.58 12"382,Genesee Ceramic Tile Dist. Inc. Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup . 42.06 12-383 INrf Su lies, Inc. Grds. Main-L.-'Glen Oaks 113.75 12-384 0. C. Stationery Stock Office Su plies-Admin. 1 601.35 12-385 Ann Schug Mileage Reimbursement-Admin. 10.20 12-386 R. Eric Reickel, Cust. Petty Cash Reimbursement-Admin. 162.72 12-387 County of 0aklan.d Excess C.E.T.-A. Salaries -Spring., White Lake & Independence 473.54 12-38$ City of Farmington Hills Cap. Pro'. Clbhse. Renov.-Glen Oaks 60.00- Sub Total For Month $129,146.01 TOTAL FOR MONTH 1$505,427.40 WE EXECUTIVE SESSION PINE KNOB An Executive Session will be called for the purpose of presenting our findings, as of this date, to the feasibility of the potential acquisition of the Pine Knob recreation area. I have enclosed two articles pertaining to Pine Knob that appeared in the Oakland Press that 1 thought might be of interest to you. A financial report is also enclosed for your review. Jim Brennan, Finance Director, and I presented preliminary findings to Dan Murphy and Lew Wint a couple of weeks ago and we would like to present these same findings to you this Wednesday. Jim Brennan will be present to assist with the presentation. I must note that Jim Brennan, Jeff Pardee, County Budget Manager, and Chuck Ross worked very hard in trying to get as much information as possible so that an objective report could be made to you. The purpose of this session will be informational only so that we may bring you up- to-date. We will not be asking for any decision at this time and it is our plan that upon the conclusion of this presentation and any questions that you might have, we will adjourn and proceed to the Pine Knob complex so that you may have an opportunity to see the facility. As I understand it, some of you have not been there and it would be unfair to ask you to make any kind of decision pertaining to the Pine Knob acquisition until you had an opportunity to visit it. Lew and I arranged for you to have lunch there which will be at Commission expense (continued) (Executive Session - Pine Knob) and not Pine Knob's. Members of the Pine Knob Investment Company will be available to give you a presentation and answer any questions that you might have. Once all of this is done, I would hope that we could get together at another special session after you have had time to think about this and develop more questions to talk about the feasibility of this potential County Park. It is very important that all of you, or at least as many as possible, attend this session, as well as the tour. Betty will be calling you so we can know in advance as to whether or not you will be able to go on the tour and have lunch. am anxiously looking forward to this session. 11 1� t Pine Knob park plans tabled in Independence By SANDRA L. COMBS Of The Oakland Press INDEPENDENCE TWP. — Pine Knob's plan for an amusement park with a tilt -a -whirl, dodge-em cars, and a Ferris wheel nine stories high was tabled by the Planning Commission on Thursday night. The park is the latest proposal by Pine Knob owners Joseph Locricchio and Gary Francell to make the complex more profitable. Francell said they needed the park to make some money. "We've lost 57 days of skiing," he said. "This would be an income facility for me to help pay my debt service on my ski resort." The 12-ride_ amusement park would be on four acres between the Pine Knob Lodge and the Pine Decision near on buying Pine Knob. See A-2 Knob Music Theater, northwest of the ski hill area. A tramway, carrying elevated gondola -type cars, is proposed to run from the Pine Knob Lodge across the face of the ski hill to the mansion area. James Smith, commission president, said the commission faces two problems in making a decision. He said the commission must determine whether the amusement park is authorized under the zoning ordinance and whether the park is compatible with other uses in the (Continued on A-2) Pine Knob plans tabled (Continued from A-1) complex and in the best interest of the community. Tod Kilroy, the township's community planner, said Pine Knob's land is zoned recreation and the park could be permitted if the Planning Commission says it is compatible with surrounding land uses. The commission tabled its decision to ask township Attorney Richard Campbell for a legal opinion on the issue. The Pine Knob complex has a golf course, music theater, ski resort, swimming pool, tennis courts, restaurant, pro shop and condominiums. The condominiums, which haven't been completed, are owned by Borg-Warner Equities, based in Chicago, M. Timothy Mass, attorney for Borg-Warner, said his client owns 200 acres south and west of the proposed amusement park and strongly objects to the amusement park. Some rides planned for the park are a merry-go-round, tilt -a -whirl, dodge-em cars, zipper, roundup, octopus, parachute drop and an 88- to 95-foot-high Ferris wheel. Kilroy said the Ferris wheel couldn't be regulated by the township zoning ordinance, which limits buildings to 35 feet, because the ride is defined as a structure, not a building. Many of the approximately 30 residents at the meeting complained that the amusement park was out of character with the rest of the area. James Brennan, commission member, said, "When I see what was being developed as one of the best recreational areas in the region and state now being reduced to a carnival -type area, I find it objectionable. I can't believe this was part of the original plan of the owners." Kilroy said, "I would point out that the proposed amusement park seems to be out of character with the established quality of development in the Pine Knob complex." Francell disagreed. "We have not degraded our lounge, our mansion or our theater with this idea," he said. "We won't have raggedy rides." Rides would be operated during the music theater season for special school events, company picnics and similar activities, he said. Only three rides would be permanent and the others would be put into storage at the end of the season. Many residents and commission members said they liked Pine Knob's previous idea, a resort - convention hotel, better than an amusement park. Francell, however, said, "The hotel is in the past." Township voters in October defeated the 200-foot-high hotel that would have been built on 10 acres in the middle of the complex. Decision near on Pine Knob sale By CINDY GOODAKER Of The Oakland Press The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission should be able to make a decision on buying the Pine Knob recreation complex within the next few weeks, says Parks Department Director Eric Reickel. The commission is awaiting the outcome of a financial study under way by the county Management and Budget Department. "We want to determine whether Pine Knob would be a reasonable or feasible purchase. We (Parks and Recreation Department staff) wouldn't recommend it unless it would be self-supporting," Reickel says. County Budget Director James Brennan estimates it will be a month before his staff can figure what a fair price would be for the 400-acre complex. He had no estimate of what that price might be, but Independence Township assesses the property's value at about $4.2 million. "We're nowhere near a conclusion as to whether it would be feasible," Brennan says. "We want to make darn sure we're right in what we do." Reickel says the commission wouldn't compete with a private buyer for the complex. "My only concern is that we have a very unusual recreational complex that should be maintained as it is," he says. The complex was offered to the county last fall after Independence Township voters turned down a change in building height restrictions that would have allowed the current owners to build a 21-story hotel. It had been offered for sale to the county once before in 1975 by the complex's previous owners, Indusco Corp. The theater is leased trom Yme Knob by the Nederlander Theatrical Corp. Brennan says he didn't know what contractural arrangements would continue if the county bought the complex. If the Parks and Recreation Department voted to buy Pine Knob, it would be purchased by selling bonds, which would have to be approved by the Board of Commissioners. Whether county voters would have a voice in the decision will depend on the type of bonds selected. If the site is purchased with revenue bonds, no vote will be needed because the debt will be repaid with revenues from Pine Knob's operations. Although the Parks and Recreation Department is part of county government, it operates autonomously, funded by a quarter - mill tax levied countywide. Music Theater (80%) Revenue Fixed Expenses Variable Expenses Total Operating Expenses Excess Revenue Over Expenses Music Theater Concessions Food Concession Parking Concession Total Revenue Fixed Expenses Variable Expenses Total Direct Expenses Excess Revenue Over Expenses Ski Area Revenue Fixed Expenses Variable Expenses Total Operating Expenses Excess Revenue Over Expenses Fixed Expenses Variable Expenses Total Operating Expenses Excess Revenue over Expenses GRAND TOTAL Summary Revenue Fixed Expenses Variable Expenses Total operating Expenses GRAND TOTAL Pine Knob -creation Complex Consolidated Financial Statement 1976 1977 1978 Actual Actual Actual 4,110,514 5,415,352 6,9o4,792 473,226 562,803 618,523 1979 Estimated 6,685,452 689,870 1979 Adjusted 6,685,452 66o, 270 4,542,292 5,202,562 1.482,890 29,034 33,022 42,924 36,810 38,500 220,199 272,080 301,173 397,366 397,366 249,233 305,102 344,097 434,176 435,866 39,485 49,841 47,969 67,052 85,536 55,133 73,072 92,037 110,310 110,310 94,618 122,913 140,006 177,362 195,846 154,615 182,189 2o4,o91 256,814 240,020 1,065,259 1,218,725 1,427,350 1,138,780 1,138,780 427,656 448,607 430,684 428,590 395,962 _353,531 328,110 325,985 354,450 310,398 781,187 846,717 756,669 783,040 706,360 284,072 372,008 670,681 3.55,740 432.420 256,000 201,76o 5,425,006 6,939,179 8,676,239 8,258,408 8,516,098 940,367 1,061,251 1,097,176 1,185,512 1,343,528 3 478 486 4,512,454 5,320,545 5 1 007 052 5,027,644 1 , 53 5,573,705 ,417,721 6t1g2,564 6,371,172 1,006,153 1,365,474 2,258,518 2,065,844 2,144;926 ELECTION OF OFFICERS As per Act 261 of the Public Acts of 1965, Section 3, the Commission shall elect officers at its first meeting of the year. In order that the Commission may be familiar with the proper procedure, the following should take place: 1. Commission should elect a temporary Chairman or have the Manager act as Clerk of the Commission and conduct the election of the Chairman. 2. Secret Ballot: There must be a motion, seconded and adopted, to provide for an election by secret ballot. If a member demands an aye and nay vote as provided in the by-laws, then no secret ballot may be had under any circumstances. 3. Once the Chairman is elected, he will then assume the Chair and conduct the remainder of the election based upon the above guidelines. r'? �� OPTS Ry PObi�� SpRiNGp nth Mii-i�P \t the Bch d Perm `t`es PG t wh ct�v of the a9reemenin9��eid youth P to attached a copy to Use the Spr equ ed M tail pease f,nd P°ice Group area when r it M`litary assembly d c 1ZIth r as an emerges yai active duty• C`v41 �ounsei anec`�,caily cente rate °r ,seder hack Kays o� inci%ded' sp idin9• either s as drawn up by mm,ssi°VI wanted e use o� the bUi phis agreement A is that the C° Ursement for th in r r im `ncorp°rates p° ns`bie fo e b resp° have them AGREEMIENT "The undersigned, County of Oakland, by its Department of Parks and Recreation, owner, of the property located at further identified by name as Springfield Oaks (Youth Activities Center) agrees to permit the 177th Military Police Group, and attached units to use said property for the purpose of an Emergency Assembly Area when required by call to either State or Federal Active Duty. Description of property: 1. Area: Springfield Oaks 2. Buildings: Youth Activities Center Building 3. Other Facilities: Reimbursement for utilities including water and sewer shall be paid, along with nominal reimbursement for use of the Youth Activities Center Building. There is no time limit imposed for use of said property for purpose specified therein. It is understood that the property will be returned to the undersigned in the same condition as before occupation. Authorized members of the Military unit con- cerned may inspect the property for the purpose of preparing necessary plans. Such inspections will be coordinated with the undersigned." It is specifically understood that adequate sewage facilities are NOT available on this site. Signature (Title) Date: CROSS COUNTRY SKI OPERATION Staff will be making a presentation pertaining to future operation of the cross country ski program. MANAGER'S REPORT ---For those of you who know Dave Laidlaw, I am sorry to inform you that his wife, Gerry, passed away early this month. Saw Dave at the MRPA Conference and he seems to be doing quite well. ---Received $100 check from the Bloomfield Plaza Shopping Center, Inc., which is owned by Irwin I. Cohn, a friend of the parks. This is the third gift that Mr. Cohn has given us. The other two were a $5,000 gift for the Pike Rearing Marsh at Independence Oaks and $1,000 for helping us conduct the 1976 millage campaign. A letter of thanks was sent to Mr. Cohn. ---Request for reimbursement for the 1979 operations at the Springfield Youth Activities Center was submitted to Accounting and also a letter was sent to Milton Handorf informing him the Commission will be requesting more support for the YAC in 1980. Copy of the report attached. ---We have received two resolutions; one from the Township of West Bloomfield and one from the City of Huntington Woods supporting the Therapeutic Recreation Program. ---We have been informed by Gary Zuercher of Wave Tek that the Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service has lifted the hold on funding of wave pools through the Land and Water Conservation Fund. It has taken them a while but they have finally realized the value of the pool in spite of Senator Proxmire's Golden Fleece Award. ---American Cancer Society has requested the use of Glen Oaks, Springfield Oaks, and White Lake Oaks for three qualifying sites for the 2nd Annual Junior Walter Hagen Golf Tournament the first week of August. They requested the permission by February 1st so permission was given and we will just fit them in with our regular play so there will not be a need for blocking out any special time. ---Janet Pung has submitted a spring exhibit schedule for our display at nine different locations throughout Oakland County. ---A request was received from Mrs. Lloyd Vergin asking permission to farm 35 of the 50 acres that we own at Springfield Oaks for agriculture. I have forwarded her request to Jack Hays of Civil Counsel for him to draw up a proper agreement which would then be brought back to you for approval. ---The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been served with a complaint by a Berkley woman alleging that her daughters were denied admission to Groveland Oaks on July 7, 1979. Copy of the complaint and a newspaper article is attached for your information. I can recall the lady calling this office and asking for our policy and, at that time, investigating it but we could not locate anyone who recalled the incident. I do not know what the disposition of this case will be but 1 will keep you informed as it progresses. ---Some 350 to 400 Special Olympians are expected to participate in the third annual Oakland County Special Olympic Winter Games at Independence Oaks on Saturday, February 2. The event is for mentally impaired residents of Oakland County ranging in age from 8-65. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SPRINGFIELD OAKS YOUTH ACTIVITIES CENTER STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS For the Year Ended, 12/31/79 REVENUE Rental of Facility $21,511 Special Event Fees 4,921 Commission, Food Sales 2,338 Miscellaneous 397 TOTAL REVENUE $29,167 OPERATING EXPENSES Salaries, Full and Part Time $58,186 Fringe Benefits 17,055 Special Events 1,811 Equipment Repairs 1,556 Communication 3,827 Grounds and Building Maintenance 15,217 Utilities 23,733 Insurance 4,538 Laundry and Dry Cleaning 698 Office Supplies and Expenses 1,192 Transportation 6,376 Depreciation on Equipment 3,487 $137,676 EXPENSES OVER REVENUE ($108,509) v � �! STATE OF MITCHIGAN t�,13 { �-„ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF OA 'Acon �{(} an <<� LISA BRENNER and SHELLEY •.• � jj BRENNER, by ANN BRENNER, ''-' z- ;� • Her Next Friend, - .,- Ft��T' l Plaintiffs, VS. COUNTY OF OAKLAND and OAKLAND `'- COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PARKS and RECREATION, and JOHN DOE and f JANE DOE, No. CZ Defendants. _-., PEOPLE'S LEGAL CLINIC, P.C.vo BY: JACK L . JAFFE (P27576) Attorney for Plaintiffs = COMPLAINT t w'. Now comes the Plaintiffs, LISA BRENNER and SHELLEY BRENNER, by ANN BRENNER, Her Next Friend, by and through her attorney, JACK L. JAFFE, and complains against the Defendants as follows: 1. Plaintiffs, LISA BRENNER and SHELLEY BRENNER, by ANN BRENNER, her Next Friend, are residents of the City of Berkley, County of Oakland, State of Michigan. 2. Defendant, OAKLAND COUNTY, is a body politic and corporate organized pursuant to law and the OAKLAND COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION is an agency of Oakland County pursuant to Statute. 3. The amount in controversy herein exceeds Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) and the matter is otherwise within the jurisdiction of the Court. 4• That at all times herein Defendant, OAKLAND COUNTY, was .a political subdivision and the Groveland Park was a place of public accomodati and Plaintiffs were people within the meaning of and covered by the Ilichigan Civil Rights Act NCLA 37.2101, et seq. 5. On or about July 7, 1979 both Plaintiffs were denied access to Groveland Oaks Park because they were not a family a.s defined by one of the Park Rangers to be a mother, father, and child. 6. That Plaintiffs had called previous to July 7; 1979 for a reservation and were assured the park had plenty of vacancies. 7. Defendant OAKLAND COUNTY and Defendant OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS and RECREATION, by their agents, representatives, and employees, discriminated -1- against Plaintiffs, LISA BRENNER and SHELLEY BRENNER, on the basis of their age and marital status in one or more of the following particulars, among others: A. Denied utilization of a public accomodation at a time when they had been assured of a campsite. B. Plaintiffs were denied utilization of a public accomodation for such reasons that had they been married, accompanied by their parents or were of age, they would have not been denied utilization of a public accomodation, C. Plaintiffs were harrassed and mistreated while other campers Iwere not. D. The unequal treatment and harrassment Plaintiffs were occasioned by unlawful consideration of Plaintiffs age, marital status and by Plaintiffs asserting rights guaranteed by State and Federal law. 8e The actions of Defendant, OAKLAND COUNTY, and Defendant, OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS and RECREATION, its agents, representatives, and employees, were wilful, malicious and intentional; and violative of their rights to use public accomodations without discrimination because of age and marital status. 9. As a direct and proximate result of the aforesaid unlawful i practices in violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1976, as amended by Act 162, Public Act of 1977 and Act 153, Public Acts of 1978, Plaintiffs have sustained mental anguish, anxiety about their safety, humiliation and embarrassment, outrage and loss of the enjoyment of the ordinary pleasures of utilizing a public accomodation. WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs demand Judgment against Defendants as follows: A. Judgment against Defendants in whatever amount above $10,000.00 compensatory damages they are found to be entitled and whatever amount above $10,000.00 exemplary damages they are found to be entitled. B. That Defendants be preliminarily and permanently enjoined from committing any further acts of age and marital discrimination. C. An award of reasonable attorney's fees. D. Interest. E. Costs. F. An award of any other equitable relief to which Plaintiffs are found to be entitled in conclusion of this case. Respectfully submitted, PEOPLE'S LEGAL CLINIC, P.C. gC, L. JAFFE P 576torney for Plaintifs 201 W. thirteen Ml i oad Madison Heights, MI 48071 Dated: December 11, 1979 -2- 588"2297 o PAS :6- 3 Tin • ZS) i a " Suit park's c]hallen es status g COURTHOUSE — A Berkley woman has filed suit in Oakland County Circuit Court claiming the Oakland County Department of Parks and Recreation's policy setting aside Groveland Oaks Park as a family campground is discriminatory. Ann Brenner alleges her daughters, Lisa and Shelley, were denied admission to the Holly park because they didn't constitute a family as defined by a park ranger: a mother, father and child. In seeking damages over $10,000, Brenner claims her daughters were denied park admission because of their age and marital status. On July 7, 1979, the suit alleges, Lisa, 17, and Shelley, 19, were denied admission after previously calling for a reservation and being assured the park had campsite vacancies. R. Eric Reickel, parks and recreation department director, while not commenting on the case, says Groveland and Addison Oaks parks have been defined as family campgrounds. A family is mother and/or father and immediate family, he says. Camping by single persons apparently is not allowed. In seeking damages, Mrs. Brenner also alleges her daughters were harassed and mistreated. The case has been assigned to Circuit Judge Alice Gilbert, but no hearing date has been set.