HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1980.10.01 - 39732R. Eric Reickel Manager Jon J. Kipke Assistant Manager 2800 \rWATKINS LAKE ROAD PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48054 (313) 858-0906 September 26, 1980 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: Lewis E. Wint Chairman Marjorie M. Walker Vice -Chairman Velma M. Austin Secretary Don Deni Fred Houghten George W. Kuhn Joseph R. Montante Carol E. Stanley Richard R. Wilcox TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wednesday, October 1, 1980 9:30 a.m. PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, MI 48054 PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting The meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Mr. Lewis E. Wint, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, R. Eric Reickel Manager RER:dt Addison Oaks o Glen Oaks e Groveland Oaks Independence Oaks - P,ed Oaks e Springfield Oaks E Waterford Oaks ® White Lake Oaks OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION October 1, 1980 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes of September 17, 1980. 4. Approval of Payments, Vouchers 9-156 through 9-282. 5. Statement of Operation as of August 31, 1980. 6. Bid Item: Glen Oaks, Rake-O-Vac. 7. Golf Dome. 8. BMX Race - Silverdome. 9. Winter Photo Contest. 10. Manager's Report. 11. New Business. 12. Unfinished Business. 13. Adjourn. � VOUCHER — `'STER OAYJ.MD COUNTY PARKS AND T ZCFtEATION VOUCHER SEPTEMBER, 1980 ?m Tmn�1D PURPOSE AMOUNT -1 6 Goeff Baxter F.T.C. Rec. Sup., Square dance caller for June. July & Aug. - Grove. 84 .00 9-157 Michigan Bell Telephone Company Communications - Spring., YAC, Water. & W. Pool $22.64 60.45 9-158 Michigan Bell Telephone Company Communications - Add. $120.49, Grove. $212. 7, Spring. & Water. 411.36 9-159 Detroit Edison Utilities - Add., Conf. Ctr. 2,235.00, Glen Oaks 2,25 .20, Red Oaks, Or. Range, Spring. $1,514.26, YAC $1,646.25, Water. W. Pool $3,828.14, & T. Complex 13,071.07 9-160 Consumers Power Co. Utilities - Conf. Ctr. $641.05, Indep. & Red Oaks 669.48 9-161 Michigan Dept. of Libor, Safety & Reg. Bldg. Maint. - W. Pool .20.00 9-162 Bob's Hardware Cap. Proj., Existing Trails Improv. - Indep.; Equip. Maint. - Indep. 6.20 9-163 Auto Parts of Or-Ox, Inc. Equip. Maint. - Add. 7.35 9-164 Munn Ford Tractor, Inc. Equip. Maint. - Add., Grove., Indep. $65.67, Red Oaks $94.49 & Spring. 291.72 9-16S Weingartz Supply Cap. Equip., green machines (2) - Add. $489.80; Equip. Maint - Grove-498.50 -166 Industrial Cleaning Supply Co. Hskpq. Exp. - Water'.'•"•Bld . Maint. - W. Pool 30.40 9-167 Xerox Corporation Office Supplies, Maint. agreement - Admin. 206.39 -168 Royal Rental Company Equip. Rental - Wh. Lk. 6.03 -169 Oliver Supply Co. Equip. Maint. - W. Pool 18.05 9-170 Scott's Lock & Key Shop Bldg. Maint. - Water. 12.85 9-171 Count of Oakland Div. of Planning Office Supplies, Aerial enlargements of all Parks - Admin. 204.00 9-172 Hank Gniewek's Inc. Special Events, BMX trophies - Mob. Rec. 66.00 9-173 JHamlett Engineering Sales Company Bldg. Maint., liquid heads for pumps - W. Pool 424.74 l T S R �pJCXD meter �MgpR> 1g80 rplow SEpl Sand d falte, San y AC, Maant d.7 ring uiP• S - Ad R � l Su 1 Co. pt`l;t;es ores - � pool VaUC1� p°° broch Sw;mm�n prom°-,%''.. - Nam • pCa ton n e Suppl1es 9-11 °it diso\nc. Qf'f\c b Add' 0 YPC 9-115 petr ac fetter Shop, Comm+ss`°n �1�1eagC Reim Grove18Q•Q pont� t pram Ma\nt' - Gr°v°• .---„�"-- g-11 d Coun y Bldg. pCcs Oaklan Ca�»P;ng " pr. Rang° Gerald bee Excavat\ng \nc• RG�und, Malrt'I S°d N PC 9-11a V. San\tat`on tyu4 Grounds pama9e peP°S`t `(PC 9-119 0,t p,efund' pePoS�t n bandScaPe Co • Re�und � Damage pePoS i t .. `! PC `st `Se plane p ett `t Refund Damage epep°Sit " Y PC -182 pave eterl �n �,,,�---' Refund, Damage" Pdm`n• S e mb . -183 J`m d Harris ---� M;leage ?,el ?led Oaks Cliffor e Reimb. Cheryl glye leage 9 Reimb• _ Pdmin' 9"185 Marilyn gaker M;leagea`nt• " `tPC - S rtn 9-186 cor ;lyn Russell Equip• M s Secards Mar J• Goo Su Tice Su l`e en Qaks rtha Qf .. Gl i 9"1$$ Ma Supply Co. � Ma\nt• �s rackets E to - r U` • nn .�-"""" l89 Olive tnc• u Pl\es9 9- Des n Rec• S P �../ Q Gr e 9-19 s Mardwar S Co 9-191 Jean SP rt;ng Good 0 \4 son 9-192 N l e) 27 1 ,Q �tQ • OQ 3.00 350'p0 25•QO 5© pQ 25•Qo 25 •QQ 11 •22 1�2.46 28� 1 ,'9�` •00 0 1 Cp.�TY P MKS 0 SE 8 � oA SE-?jEMgER' Gol t She s \nc• -1g� Chem\ cal ,ores es Cb. -1 P re at \nc• Medusa Off°ce 9-196 ar Mobile Amer i c -197 r ndew Co. l • A ` s cot-- 9-19$ � .'--�'''�rd part p •I . S a 19 _ 0 Rec• } of school bus resale �1h \k 1, Groun s g.9 enta Got f h\dse • for ac\ d O, er Oafs \rq • N drochl 6r`ag` \m &r fed Oaks Range pool Ex ., �a\n ks $�g5 1$ doves Or• K\t. pro3•len Oa oken w\n \rdep•�Ma\nt Ma nt" - G replace br Glen Oaks ra\1 \mp y AC u\ ands Ma\nt.9 se Renov• EXist\ng on S\ n Gro Clubhou - Pdd., ttrat\ prol•' t• 5\9n Com\n P - Y. Pool Er ks Ca prod' Glen Oa switches --'"' Gap• _ �mD_ Here s r, 2O S rinkler \r CuStod\an -20 R Eric Re\ckei od,an -�04 b Gust Cl de Her OuStodian -20 a`m Mansf\eld, Custod\an ko9 9-�06 Ra mond Delas Gust°dian g-Zp� stencil Oaroel a-2O$ tch a5 \nde \ start sW n Ma`t. gld W. p001 - Glen Oaks \nt' ,fools Bl d \^a - Pdd . Smal 1 ds Ma�nt Renov. .G-r°Un Glubh°use \nc• pro• . , dm\n• Ca A Reimb. Gash ,. Grope' pett b. s petty Gash ?,elm b• - Glen Oak Reim petty Cash - \ndep• Reimb. petty Gash e\mb. petty Cash R 13 9� 202'SO 29.9� 29� 3� 86 33.8� �� .35 VOUCHER 101P,777STER OAKL.kND COUNTY P.A.RKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER SEPTEMBER, 1980 ?.TT TWA"MT-^O IrPNTXIR PI MPOSE AMOUNT 9-209 Burke Building Center Cap. Proj., Off. Bldg. Modif. - Admin., Ent. Sign - Add., Vault Restroom Im . - Grove. Existing Trails Im .- Indep., Tee & Irrig. Renov. - Wh. Lk., Clubhouse Renov. & Kit & Bar Imp. - Glen Oaks Restroom Fac. - Spring., Coming Attraction Sign - YAC 21 .1 Bldg. Maint. - Admin., Indep., Glen Oaks $190.70 & YAC $167.44; Rec Sup. - Grove. Show Swim & Movie & Nature Mob. Mob.Rec.• Grounds Maint. - Indep., Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks $276.78, Red Oaks, Dr. Range, YAC W. Pool & T. Complex; Equip. Maint. - YAC & Mob. Rec. (all units)• Small Tools - Mob. Rec. 1,727.47 9-210 Stolaruk Corporation Cap. Proj., Waterford Oaks Phase II, Final Payment, Request 13 - Water. 26,599.80 9-211 Stolaruk Corporation Cap. Proj., Red Oaks Golf Course Service Road Paving, Payment - Red Oaks 25,000.00 9-212 Electrical Maintenance Service, Inc. Cap. Proj., Clubhouse Renov., Payment #7-E - Glen Oaks 4,377.39 9-213 Parkwood Building Company Cap. Proj., Clubhouse Renov., Payment #5-A - Glen Oaks 19,674.36 -214 J. D. Armstrong Landscape Co. Cap. Proj., Red Oaks Driving Range Construction, Final Payment & retains e Order #6 - Dr. Range 9-215 Dunes Hotel Rm. Reservation Deposit for J. Mansfield to attend the National on 11-16-80 to 11-19-80. - Admin. 4 .00 9-216 Friends of the Parks Return of money 9-217 County of Oakland- Security Expense - Add. $4,691.70, Grove. $4,691.70, Indep. 4 0.01 YAC & W. Pool y-218- Oakland Business Forms Office Supplies, canoe rental slips - Grove. & Indep. 202.79 9-219 Arnold Johnston Travel Exp. Reimb. for attending Safety Seminar on Sept. 17, 1980 in Jackson Mi. - Admin. 11. 8 9-220 Sundry (Advance) Advances to attend the NRPA 1980 Congress in Phoenix, AZ for R. E. Reickel, J. Ki ke, J. Pung, D. Deni & G. Kuhn on Oct. 18 thru Oct. 23, 1980 922.65 9-221 Consumers Power Company Utilities - Grove. 02. 5, Glen Oaks $222.51, Water. & W. Pool 445.60 VOUCHER P't"ISTER OAK1vAND COUNTY gkRKS AND RECREATTON VOUCHER SEPTEMBER, 1980 rnn rory �TRNTX7R PURPOSE AMOUNT -222 Detroit Edison Co. Utilities - Add. Grove. $2,192.24 & Glen Oaks 6 62.21 101.2 -22 Ward S. Newman Jr. Custodial service providcd for month of Sc t. 1 80 - Admin. 350.00 9-224 IMichigan Bell Telephone Co. Communications - Indep. 24.03 9-225 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Communications - Indep. $153.49, Glen Oaks $177.40, Red Oaks, Spring. $175.50 YAC $185.22 & Water. 809.42 9-226 The Oscar W. Larson Co. Maint. - Spring. 18.00 9-227 Standard Electric Co. -Bldg. Cap. Proj., Clubhouse Renov. - Glen Oal<s $181.98,H Fair Fac. Im rov. - YAC• Equip. Maint. - Tech. Sup.; Bldg. Maint. - Add., 4 Conf. Ctr. 105.77, Wh. Lk., Spring. $115.08, YAC & Watcr. $81.74 606.75 9-228 Detroit Ball Bearing Co. Equip. Maint. - Wh. Lk. 2.40 9-229 U.S. Sand & Stone Co. Grounds Maint., top soil - Glen Oaks $1,902.00 & Red Oaks 2,282.25 9-230 Shirley Braunsteiner Refund, Dancefitness Class - Water. 30.00 9-231 W. T. Andrew Co. Bldg. Maint. - Add $155.33 & Water. 164.45 9-232 World Leisure & Rec. Assoc. Membership Renewal, 1 yr. - Admin. 20.00 9-233 Oakland County Central Stores s pg. Exp. - Admin., Grove., Indep. .62, Wh. Lk. 10.27, Glen Oaks $134.28, Water., W. Pool $134.08; Rec. Sup. - Skate, Swim & Art Mobiles - Mob. Rec. 1,199.83 9-234 W. K. Kellogg Biological Station Naturalist Supplies - Indep. 35.50 9-235 INational Ski Patrol Systems, Inc. Membership Renewals for R. Delasko, R. Coffey, D. Stencil & K. Dougherty - Indep. 104.00 -236 Healthco Medical Supply Industrial First Aid Kit - Glen Oaks 63.20 9-237 Oakland County Stationery Stock Public Into.- min.; Off. 5up. - min. , ., Indep. Mob. Rec.; Special Events - Wh. Lk., Spring., Water., T. Complex & Mob. Rec. 1,807.42 VOUCHER Rr(''ISTER OAKl—kND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER SEPTEBMER, 1980 VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT —2 8 Gary Mize Refund Damage Deposit - YAC $ 50.00 9-239 Harvey's Office Supplies Inc. Off. Sup. - Inde .; Special Events Womens Works - YAC 16.03 9-240 Richies Farm Market Rec. Supplies - Corn, Potatoes & Charcoal for corn roast - Grove. 159.75 9-241 Cheshire/A Xerox Co. Off. Supplies - Admin. 48.50 9-242 Oakland County Utilities Fund Rubbish Removal - Water. 35.00 9-243 Sun & Ski Marina Grounds Maint. - Add. 20.70 9-244 a Service Class Co., Inc. Equip. Maint. - Water. 53.60 9-245 Michigan Recreation & Park Assn. Booth S ace for MRPA Qonf. to'be held at Plaza Hotel - Admin. 275.00 Inc,9-246 Detroit Free Press, Public Info. - Admin. 84.00 9-247 Oakland County Drain Commission Grounds Maint., 'et vactor to clean out ditches - Glen Oaks 135.00 —248 John R Lumber Co.,Inc. Bldg., Equip. & Grounds Maint., Uniforms & Small Tools - Red Oaks; Grounds Ma; t .- Dr —Range Unforms & Small Tools 98.47 q-24q Jim Mansfield Custodian I-PettyCash Reimb. - Red Oaks 13.77 —2 0 Oakland County Dept. of Public Works Utilities - Glen Oaks 1,013.54 9-251 James Mansfield Custodian PettyCash Reimb. - Spring. 10.64 9-252 Rose Exterminator Division Bldg. Maint. - Wh. Lk., Spring & YAC 98.00 9-253 American Locker Security Systems Bldg. Maint., selectomatic cylinders - W. Pool 279.59 9-254 Marvin Gustafson Grounds Maint., reimb. for window damage - Red Oaks 66.56 9-255 Pontiac Plastics Grounds Maint. - YAC 31.50 9-256 Educational Images Naturalist Supplies - Indep. 31.56 cr% VOUCHER RRGiSTER OAK AND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER SEPTEMBER, 1980 VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-257 Meteor Photo Co. p ubd n f o. roof s prints- slides & Film - Admin. L--J-.L-46- 11 -2 8 Oliver Supply Co. Hskpq, E -YAQ 9-259 Pontiac Steel Co. Bldg. Maint.- I de . 7,06 -260 King Bros. Inc, ai -Tech. Sop., Add.,Indep. Wh, Lk, 10 .81 -261 Hank Gniewek's Inc. Special Events BMX trophies - Mob. Rec. 259.20 -262 0.0. Corsaut Inc. Grounds Maint., irrig. pump- Glen Oaks 1,148.47 -263 Detroit Ball Bearing Co. Equip. Maint. - Spring. 24.48 9-264 Vistisen Landscape Co. Cap. Proj., Clubhouse Renovation - Glen Oaks; Grounds Maint. - Isod --Glen Oaks 1 085.00 9-265 Genesee Welding Supply Inc. Equip. Maint. - Indep., Glen Oaks, Spring.& Mob. Rec.; Uniforms - Glen Oaks 135.50 221.61 9-266 Warren Co-operative Co. Grounds Maint. - Red Oaks & Dr. Range 24.47 9-267 Kwik Sanitation Excavating Inc. Bldg. Maint. - Spring. 130.00 9-268 Hagler's Radiator Shop, Inc. Equip. Maint. - Indep. 24.00 9-269 J & J Disposal Rubbish Removal - Add. 268.32 9-270 Oak. County Dept. of Public Works Sewage Exp. - Add. 572.54 9-271 J. P. Burroughs & Son Inc. Grounds Maint. - Indep. 18.33 9-272 Tri-City Aggregates, Inc. Cap. Proj., 4H Fair Fac. Improv. - YAC 133.42 9-273 Sundry.(Commission) Per them & mileage paid to commissioners for attending meeting on Sept. 17, 1980 - Admin. 154.30 9-274 National Recreation & Park Assoc. Membership request for J. Pung - Admin. 80.00 9-275 N. Oakland Chamber of Commerce Advance Reservation for Legislative Luncheon for L. Wint & R. E. Reickel on 10-9-80 at Pont.Silverdome - Admin. 20.00 VOUCHER R1_­_`ESTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER SEPTEMBER, 1980 wttnm,.n *rrPNrnR PURPOSE - AMOUNT Lee Specialty Co. Bldg. Maint. - YAC; Rec. Sup. - Mob. Rec.(pennants) $ 310.20 9-277 Pontiac Paint Co. Cap. Proj., Ent. Sign - Add., Restroom Fac. - Spring.; Grounds Maint. - Add. 156.80 Inde . & YAC; Bldg. Maint.__- Wh. Lk. & T. Complex 311.37 9-278 Eastern State Auto Supply Equip. Maint. - Tech. Sup., Add., Indep., Wh. Lk. $124.62, Glen Oaks $114.61 & Spring. 457.41 9-279 Pioneer Hardware Cap. Proj., Vault Restroom - Grove., 4H Fair Fac. Improv. - YAC; Bldg. Maint. - Wh. Lk. & Glen Oaks; Equip. Maint.-- Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks & Spring.; Grounds Maint. - Wh. Lk. & Spring.; Small To-oT's- Wh. Lk. & Glen Oaks; Rental Prop. Maint. - Wh. Lk.; Equip. Rental 4 - Red Oaks; Special Events, BMX - Mob. Rec. 321.93 9-280 Jean's hardware Inc. Cap. Proj., Maint. Bldg. Improv., Golf Cart Area Improv. €, Irrig. Renov. - Glen Oaks; Bldg.,Equip. 'F Grounds Maint. Uniforms, Hskpg. Exp. & Small Tools - Glen Oaks 285.71► -281 Payroll For pay period ending Sept. 19, 1980 - All Parks 71,610.89 -282 Cash Register Systems, Inc. Equip., cash register - Inde�. 545.00 -Cap. Sub Total for the Month S 223,536.05 TOTAL FOR THE MONTH 06 400.28 ITEM # 8 BMX RACE SILVERDOME This Commission has been providing a BMX (Bicycle Moto Cross) program for the past five years at our track behind the Wave Action Pool. Up until midsummer of this year the attendance was around 100 youth. However, in July this track was completely reworked and improved, and the program sanctioned through the ABA (American Bicycle Association). Because of this the interest and attendance has exploded with riders descending on the track like a swarm of locusts. There is a volunteer group of 30 or more parents that very enthusiastically run the races with guidance and assistance from Commission staff. Since the improvements and sanction, the popularity is over- whelming with riders coming on a regular basis from as far away as Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana. This sport has become so large and successful that national races are being held almost monthly all over the United States. With this in mind Jon Kipke will be making a detailed presentation requesting the Parks and Recreation Commission be prime sponsor for a National BMX Race in the Silverdome. He has been in contact with stadium officials as well as ABA officials and has received extreme cooperation and enthusiasm from them. Some advantages to the Commission would be National exposure, providing quality programs for youth, publicity of the Waterford Oaks track, and a potential profit -making event. An estimated income and expenditure projection is as follows: Income Rider registration 1,500 @ $15.00 $ 22,500 Gate - Children 20,000 @ $2.50 50,000 Gate - Adult 5,000 @ $4.00 20,000 Tee Shirts 2,000 @ $6.00 12,000 MFG. Booths 10 @ $600.00 6,000 $110,500 Expenditures Stadium Rental $ 20,000 Pro Purse 10,000 Awards 4,000 Riders Numbers & Packets 4,000 ABA Sanction & Assistance 2,000 Track Construction 8,000 Promotion 15,000 Tee Shirts 2,000 @ $4.00 8,000 Administration Expense 5,000 Officials & Volunteers Uniforms & Equipment 5,000 $ 81.5000 Estimated Income $110,500 Expenditures 81,000 29,500 ITEM # 9 WINTER PHOTO CONTEST Because of the tremendous success of last year's first parks photo contest, we are recommending another contest be held this year during the winter season. Because we received more than 250 fall photo entries last year, a winter contest would be very appropriate to encourage partici- pation in winter activities as well as provide us with greater media exposure during the winter months and increase our library of winter scenes. Staff recommends that the Commission again commit $575 for cash prizes to winners. ITEM #10 MANAGER'S REPORT ---The Commission was presented with a plaque from the Michigan Recreation and Park Association for its outstanding hospitality as hosts for the 1980 MRPA Scholarship Golf Outing held at Springfield Oaks on September 18. Mr. Wint was present to receive the trophy. ---The Towns and Counties Committee of the House approved HB 6004 intro- duced by Representatives Sietsema and Thomas H. Brown to allow counties of 400,000 population to operate a county parks system directly through the county board of commissioners or by a committee of the county board of commissioners, and the county board of commissioners or the committee of the county board of commissioners shall have all the powers and duties of a county parks and recreation commission under his Act. A copy of the bill is attached. This is just another bill to circumvent PA 261 which, for some reason, some counties are hesitant to adopt. ---The Wave Pool will be featured on PM Magazine, Channel 2, Wednesday, October 1, 7:00 p.m. ---Received thank you letter from Bob Carr, Republican Ox Roast Chairman, commending Clyde Herb and Arnold Johnston for helping make the Ox Roast successful at Groveland on September 14.