HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1980.10.15 - 39733R. Eric Reickel Manager Jon J. Kipke Assistant Manager 11 FA" d J�p C)) on . � �.- 2800 WAT KINDS LAKE ROAD PONTIAC, i iCHIGAN 48054 October 15, 1980 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gent.lemen: (313) 858-0006 A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday, October 15, 1980 9:30 a.m. PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, MI 48054 PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting The meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Mr. Lewis E. Wint, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincure`l,. i R. Eric Reickel/ Manager RER:dt Lewis E. Wint Chairman Marjorie M. Walker Vice -Chairman Velma M. Austin Secretary Don Deni Fred Houghten George W.Kuhn Joseph R. Montante Carol E. Stanley Richard R. Wilcox Addison Oaks ® Glen Oaks ® Groveland Oaks c independence Oaks - Red Oaks , Springfield Oaks - Waterford Oaks ® White Lake Oaks OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION , Oct9ber,15, 1980 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes of October 1, 1980. 4. Approval of Payments, Vouchers 10-1 through 10-52. 5. Quarterly Communications Report. 6. Golf Dome, Inc. 7. House Bill 6004. 8. Capital Projects. 9. Manager's Report. 10. New Business. 11. Unfinished Business 12. Adjourn. VOUCHER P- YISTER OAXi ND ' COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER OCTOBER, 198o Orr T%Xn"T3 YYPNry'VP 'PT rp p()-qr AMnT TNT 10-1 Sundry (Advance) Advance for K. Dougherty to attend Nat'l Outdoor Ed. Assoc. 1980 Nat'l Conf. on Oct. 9 thru Oct. 12, 1980 in Traverse City, Mi. $ - Indep. 123.20 10-2 Boron Oil Co. Div..of BP Oil Inc- Equip. Maint.-Add. Red Oaks Spring. 1 06 2 & Glen Oaks 2,4o6..77 10-3 Consumers Power Company Cap. Pro'. Gas Conversion - YAC 518.4o 10-4 The Darson Corporation Promo, blue/ reen vin 1 vehicle stickers - Admin. 390.00 10-5 Consumers Power Company Utilities - Grove. Wh. Lk. Water. & W. Pool 677.27 10-6 Detroit Edison Co. Utilities - Indep. & Wh. Lk. 550.32 10-7 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Co111It1LInicaLions - Add. & Red Oaks 24.03 10-8 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Communications - Wh. Lk. & Dr. Range 311.04 10-9 Suzie Grinsell Mileage Reimb. - Admin. 7.70 10-10 Terri L. Hale Mileage Reimb. - Admin. 12.10 10-11 Kathleen Dougherty Mileage Reimb. - Naturalist Exp. 19.58 10-12 P.T. Standard Parts Co. Cap. Proj., Ent. Sign - Add., Vault Restroom Imp. - Grove., & Golf Cart Area Imp. - Glen Oaks $179.40; Bldg. Maint. - Add., Indep. &.W. Pool; Grounds Maint. - Add.; Equip. Maint. - Indep.; Small Tools - W. Pool 483.29 10-13 Hodges Supply Co. Cap. Proj., Restroom & Well Imp. - Spring.; Bldg. Maint. - TUT, Grove. $149.62 & YAC; Grounds Maint. - Glen Oaks; Equip. Maint. - Spring. 314.16 10-14 Cal Gas -Pontiac, Inc. Utilities - Grove. 247.72 10-15 Oakland County Reproductions Dept. Off. Sup. - Admin. 1.51► VOUCHER r- "ISTER OAKL.AND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER OCTOBER, 1980 VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 10-16 Oakland County Garage Transportation - Admin.$1,537.97,Tech.Sup'.$1,395.71, Add., Grove., Indep., Wh. Lk. Glen Oaks Red Oaks Spring., YAC Water. & Mob. Rec.$2,631+.7 ; Equip. Maint. - Tech. Sup., Add., Indep., Water.,& Mob. Rec. $1 445.71; Special Events BMX $ 11,851.63 10-17 Oakland County Laundry Laundry - Admin., Tech. Sup., Add., Grove., Indep., Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks Red Oaks Spring., YAC & Water. 1,329.10 10-18 County of Oakland Commissioners mileage for July & Aug.1980, J. Montante & R. Wilco -Admin. 14.08 10-19 County of Oakland Communications - Admin. Water. W. Pool T. Complex & Mob. Rec. 1 000.17 10-20 Oakland County Radio Communications Equip. Maint. - Admin. & Mob. Rec.; Radio Maint. - Admin., Tech. Sup., Add. Indep,, Grove., Wh. Lk. Spring., YAC & Water. 938.23 10-21 V Century Rain Aid Grounds Maint. - Red Oaks 92.83 10-22 Meteor Photo Co. Promo slidesprints, film roofs & re -prints - Admin. 189.28 10-23 The Orion Review Subscri tion Renewal, 2 yrs. - Admin. 9.00 10-24 Michigan Academy New Membership for R. E. Reickel - Admin. 18.00 10-25 Sundry (Commission) Per diem & Mileage paid to commissioners for attending Special meeting on Sept. 26, 1980 - Admin: 194.14 10-26 Oakhill Auto Parts Equip. Maint. - Indep. 96.81 10-27 Midwest Skate Company Rec. Sup., Skate Mob. - Mob. Rec. 14.60 10-28 Universal Equipment Co. Grounds Maint., poly rope - Glen Oaks 114.00 10-29 Alberta Lumber Mills Inc. Bldg. Maint. - YAC 8.70 10-30 Amtek Services Equip. Maint. - W. Pool 47.10 10-31 Golf Car Distributors Golf Cart Rental - Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks $7,700.00, Red Oaks & Spring. 5,200.00 15,870.00 10-32 Betty Leach Refund Dance Fitness class - Water. 14.00 10-33 ITeresa West Refund, Security Deposit - Water. 20.00 VOUCHER P" xISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER OCTOBER, 1980 rttI fern 'ir7'Nnr)p PTMPn.gr AMOT TNT 10- 4 Lori Joseph, Refund Damare Deposit - YAC__0. 10- 5 Terry Beecher Refund Damage Deposit - YAC 50.00 10-36 Steve Manning Refund Damage Deposit - YAC 0.00 10-37 Dorene Meloin Rcfund Modern Dance Class - Water. 111.00 10-38 Doug Rieck Special Events Square Dance caller for workshops in Se t. -Water. 63.00 10-39 Mitco, Inc. B1dd. Maine., liquid boiler treatment - Conf. Ctr. 235.39 10-40 Oakland County Sheriff's Marine Div. Misc., safety inspection on boat rental equip. - Add.,Grove.&Indep. 87.00 10-111 Carl Walker & Assoc., Inc. Cap.Proj., _41-1 Fair Fac. Imp - YAC, 528.00 10-42 Harvey's Office Supplies, Inc. Office Supplies - Admin. 16.72 10-43 Pajtas Oil Co., Inc. Equip. Maint. - Grove. 1,058.09 10-44 Bette Rieck Special Events, Belly Dance Instructor - Water. 32.00 10-45 Finger's of the Mall Off. Sup. - Admin.; Special Events, BMX - Mob. Rec.; Rec. Sup., Art Mob. - Mob Rec. 38.97 10-46 The R. V. Seaman Co. Bld . Maint. - Add. 20.4 10-47 Hank Gniewek's Inc. Special Events, Tennis Tournament trophies - T. Complex & BMX tro hies - Mob. Rec. 1 77.50 12642.00 10-48 Michigan Department of Treasury Sales Tax for July, August, & Sept. -All Golf Courses & Tennis Com. 728.84 10-49 Green Industry Seminar Advance for J. Figa to attend MSU Co-op. Ext. Serv. 8th Annual Green Ind. Seminar at St. Fair Grounds on 10-22-80 - Admin. 7.50 10-50 Janet Pung Travel Exp. Reimb. for J. Pung incurred while attending Bus. Mtg. & Luncheon for Comm. Or . in Det. on 9-28-80 - Admin. 10.00 10-51 G. M. Newton Co. 10% retainage held on the roof repair at White Lake and Spring. - Wh. Lk. & Spring. 1,600.00 10-S2 Green Industry Seminar Advance registration for J. Guisbert & K. Lindsey to attend the SU Ext. Serv. Green Ind. Seminar at MI St. Fairgrounds - Add. 30.00 VOUCHER VOUCHER F""tISTER OAKLJAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION OCTOBER, 1980 GOLF DOME_, INC. The copy of the proposed agreement with Golf Dome, Inc., was enclosed in your last agenda packet. Rather than duplicating the agreement again, I would hope you can refer to the one I have already sent you. It is expected that a representative will be here as he was talked to by telephone, as well as a follow-up letter was sent. Ho�35E giCC 600 last meeting due at the ss H,g. Good is very important rtunity to d�scu but 1 think it the House befOre o in9 d of get an oPP Inc the meet e bill Passe We did n ency of ad)°urnss this bill ih .ties and e ur9 1scu alp tO th e take time to d to of 81,18. 1ttee on MunicP Marie and that ourned, With a v° to the Senate CommirW�n of Sault Ste• arborn, Sohn it ad) been referred man `s Much George Hart of De the bill has b mm,ttee Char f Detroit, Ge Elect�Ons. the Co are �' �• Kelly of from Sag`naW ee County pretty other members and Robert y gave you from genes re ,s another thelborn of Kalamazoo, letter th t 1 gad have Also, the�on under the a We the draft of the erns that We shoal parks and Retreat department for i think tunes some conce ht ups M having be lust another unity or time to .ties. Well ou hat Was not broug oners, th`s Would t have the oPp°rt they resPOnsibill point t Comm`ss� hey d° no it many ° ion Board Of County ned about and t because of the arks and Recreat h them to be concer day.to-day basis Genesee C°unt'l 2 ve prepared W,t to a deal W,th ,t on a prepared by the eSOlut,on that i such a resolution o y Of a resolut,Oed, along With a r ereste6 `n sendind of Commissioners A coo P`ss,on 1s enclosed, you Would be int ,es to the goat Comm n that as cop the ant,,,pat�o ff`cials, as Well as resolutiOn. elected state ° m t° pass a sim�1 encouraging t e � ' gyp„/ WS' G /l l H 0 U 5 01fi, 0 0 ld-,, I iLL L September 4, 1980, Introduced by Reps. Sietsema and Thomas H. Brown ff� and referred to the Committee on Towns and Counties.' A bill to amend section 1 of Act No. 261 of the Public Acts of 1965, entitled "An act to authorize the creation and to prescribe the powers and duties of county and regional parks and recreation commissions; and to prescribe the powers and duties of county boards of supervisors with respect thereto," being section 46.351 of the Compiled Laws of 1970; and to add section la. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Section 1. Section 1 of Act No. 261 of the Public Acts of 1965, being 2 section 46.351 of the Compiled Laws of 1970, is amended and section la is 3 added to read as follows: 4 Sec. 1. The COUNTY board of COMMISSIONERS of any- A county, 5 by resolution adopted by a 2/3 vote of all its members, may create a county 6 parks and recreation commission, which shall be under the general control .v 7 of the board. The commission shall consist of 10 members including the 0 - �v '-7— 8 chairman- CHAIRPERSON of the county road commission, the county drain 2 1 commissioner, the chairman-- CHAIRPERSON of the county planning commission, 2 and 7 members appointed by the COUNTY board of sapervisors- COMMISSIONERS, 3 at least 1 and not more than 3 of whom shall be members of the COUNTY board OF 4 COMMISSIONERS. Of the members first appointed, 2 shall be appointed for a 5 term ending 1 year from the following January 1, 2 for a term ending 2 6 years from the following January 1, and 3 for a term ending 3 years from the 7 following January 1. Thereafter, each appointed member shall be appointed 8 for a term of 3 years and until his OR HER successor is appointed and 9 qualified. Each term shall expire at noon on January 1. A vacancy shall 10 be filled by the COUNTY board of supervisors COMMISSIONERS for the unexpired 11 term. The commission shall be deemed an agency of the county. The COUNTY 12 board of supervisors- COMMISSIONERS may make such rules and regulations in 13 respect to the commission as it deems advisable. The members of the com- 14 mission shall not be full-time officers, and the COUNTY board of stipervisor5- 15 COMMISSIONERS shall fix the compensation of the members. 16 SEC. IA. AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE PROCEDURE DESCRIBED IN SECTION 1, THE 17 COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF A COUNTY OF OVER 400,000 POPULATION, BY 18 RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY A MAJORITY VOTE OF ALL ITS MEMBERS, MAY OPERATE COUNTY 19 PARKS DIRECTLY THROUGH THE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OR BY A COMMITTEE 20 OF THE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, AND THE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 21 OR THE COMMITTEE OF THE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SHALL HAVE ALL OF THE 22 POWERS AND DUTIES OF A COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION UNDER THIS ACT. 6983 '80 GENESEE COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Public Act 261 permitting County Boards of Commissioners to create- County Parks and Recreation Commissions was approved by the Michigan Legislature in 1965, and WHEREAS, to date thirty-six County Boards of Commissioners, including the Genesee County Board of Commissioners, have voluntarily established County Parks and Recreation Commissions as permitted under Act 261, and WHEREAS, the overwhelming success of Public Act 261,as presently constituted, which has served as a model for the rest of the nation, is widely recognized and well documented, and WHEREAS, amending Act 261 as proposed in House Bill 6004 would be detrimental to County Parks and Recreation programs for the following reasons: 1. In counties where private donations have made up a substantial part of the monies expended for County Parks and Recreation purposes (in Genesee County this total is more than $12000,000, or 30 percent of all Park Commission revenues received to date - its major source of funds), donations to County Parks and Recreation Commissions would promptly dry up as individuals or organizations who are able to give substantial private .donations simply will not give them to a partisan political body. Also, such individuals or organizations would not be likely to make contributions to a Parks and Recreation Commission if the Commission could be abolished at any given moment by a vote of the County Board, which is continuously changing in the makeup of its membership. 2. An important strength of Public Act 261, as presently constituted, is that it does require citizen representation, Board of Commissioners' representation, representation of the Drain Commissioner, Chairman of the County Planning Commission, and Chairman of the County Road Commission on the Parks and Recreation Commission. This makeup provides for continuity, communication, and coordination between the various governmental agencies which is needed most in the operation of a County Parks and Recreation System. 3. Putting complete control of the Parks and Recreation System under the County Board would tend to politicize the park system on a partisan basis and could make professional administration of the Parks and Recreation operation extremely difficult. 4. If House Bill No. 6004 was approved, the terms of all Commission members, i.e., the Board of Commissioners, would end simultaneously every two years unless they chose to run and were re-elected. This would not provide any continuity on the Park Commission. Presently, all Commissioners (except ex officio) are appointed for staggered three-year terms and thus continuity is assured. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Genesee County Parks and Recreation Commission OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Public Act 261 permitting County Boards of Commissioners to create County Parks and Recreation Commissions was approved by the Michigan Legislature in 1965, and WHEREAS, to date thirty-six County Boards of Commissioners, including the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, have voluntarily established County Parks and Recreation Commissions as permitted under Act 261, and WHEREAS, the overwhelming success of Public Act 261, as presently con- stituted, which has served as a model for the rest of the nation, is widely recognized and well documented, and WHEREAS, amending Act 261 as proposed in House Bill 6004 would be detri- mental to County Parks and Recreation programs for the following reasons: 1. An important strength of Public Act 261, as presently constituted, is that it does require citizen representa- tion, Board of Commissioners' representation, representation of the Drain Commissioner, and Chairman of the County Road Commission on the Parks and Recreation Commission. This makeup provides for continuity, communication, and coordination between the various governmental agencies which is needed most in the operation of a County Parks and Recreation System. 2. Putting complete control of the Parks and Recreation System under the County Board would tend to politicize the park system on a partisan basis and could make professional administration of the Parks and Recreation operation extremely difficult. 3. If House Bill No. 6004 was approved, the terms of all Commission members, ie., the Board of Commissioners, would end simultaneously every two years unless they chose to run and were re-elected. This would not provide any continuity on the Park Commission. Presently, all Commissioners (except ex officio) are appointed for staggered three-year terms and thus continuity is assured. 4. If the County Board of Commissioners, or a committee thereof, were to put Parks and Recreation functions under its supervision, it would be an additional burden on the Parks and Recreation Department, as well as the Commissioners, because of the demands of an operating agency. The Commission would not be able to give the time or attention that is required of such an agency as compared to what Act 261 allows the present Commission structure. 5. In counties where private donations have made up a substantial part of the monies expended for County Parks and Recreation purposes, donations to County Parks and Recreation Commissions would promptly dry up as individuals or organizations who are able to give substantial private donations simply will not give them to a partisan political body. Also, such individuals or organizations would not be likely to make contributions to a Parks and Recreation Commission if the Commission could be abolished at any given moment by a vote of the County Board, which is continuously changing in the makeup of its membership. .S t+ { B], L N o . 6t 0- 0,,--4 September 4, 1980, Introduced by Peps. Sietsema and Thomas H. Brown and referred to the Committee on Towns and Counties. A bill to amend section. 1 of Act No. 261 of the Public Acts of 1965, entitled "An act to authorize the creation and to prescribe the powers and duties of county and regional parks and recreation commissions; and to prescribe the powers and duties of county boards of supervisors with respect thereto," being section 46.351 of the Compiled Laws of 1970; and to add section Ia. THE PEG?CE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: Section 1. Section 1 of Act No. 261 of the Public Acts of 1965, being 2 section 46.351 of the,Cempiled Laws of 1970, is amended and section 1a is j3 added to read as follows: 4 Sec. 1. The COUNTY beard of COMMI SS I ONERS of ani- A coon ty, 5 by resolution adopted by a 2/3 vote of al} its members, may create a county 71 6 parks and recreation cct;m-fission, which steal} be under the general cctatrol �.� 7 the board. The commission shall consist of 10 "embers including the 0�- ^�. 8 chn+!-,mnn- CHAIRPE SON; of zhe county road commission, the county drain 6588 '80 ti- 6(aoN - ions 2 ntY a}ann t rF.S, board OF 0a3ra' hers of e . d far a n pV, o } ac,n,j5 e�5 ap,o�;� hay 3 oz yan o,nte'd 2 5 to �,ldi�:9 thz and 7 mph not yore t �'rs` aP' 1 2 for a ears 2 t } and tb members �anaarY ending 3 y sTA r }pa5 of e fo}}o'�''n9 a term �� be apP� 3 a 1q���q'S. �.. z } � and 3 for; �. t'R Pt g.. a Cg155 :n Z year from �ansarY P°;ntod mamb aPp°'need ana tern end' 9 e fo}}o�in�3tr s eaob aP �a .ess°r i5 �aaancY sr.al 1 exP��•d � years 3an'a fy }' � u�t'i �,Ls oa' on 1anuar`I._ . E�\S the un }�ow;ng s an. at n v SS�)t� -r e co fo r ' Ya`�r hall exP ce ��z�or� Gp`�' `i oou;,tY - .h e of the}at;on S for -es r °f { i ed' ac boa d - ✓d an agZ�'oY rut es andthe cam' 4ua} - led by the Gp s�a}} b' de aY,a�e S ��n..bo mambprs of. `;o� 14 be ft} a°mm�5s�on 4 ,SS�p��Yt�S ns adVi jb1e. LN" bear 0, g 1 term' °'s' G.: sit dpz` ^d the Gp 1 rd of �tmiss,On a o=f �cers z' 12 boas ��t to the oo fu}}1tsr,o Qns ion o� t.,� q� G`gq ` BY b at o�}� n sha}1 not ,x the aomP- QRpp=q''�''" �Q°� c Lq�i' . al qq ,3t A*i P F P Gp `S r,ok 11�� SEG}�- A Otssjpp Vq�� pF �,LL 1��SS;piSGR�' pg 6 Gpjti,�tlSSlp;vi'� 16 pAq pF C �C;rO'1p;t1 �D cpT��� S"�P�y �;pt4Ei� 1S AGE' 1g' RESq�"U1�qpi,G SS�p'�" 5� p psvgs l\ p�SSII q�R�G pF Gqr t) OF L .s;>� Gqlti 19 ��q v il.r 2flpc� � T FPOS OF 21 q 1K�rq pi3� i �S p CAPITAL PROJECTS Several capital projects are out for bid at this time. Bids are due on Tuesday, October 15. Staff hopes to be able to review them on Tuesday and present recommendations at the October 15 meeting. The projects are as follows: 1. Addison Oaks - Perimeter Fencin This project consists of some 5,500 linear feet of 6' chain line fence to be installed on portions of the north and west perimeter. 2. Glen Oaks This work consists of supplying labor, material, services and equipment required to repair the built-up roof at the Glen Oaks Clubhouse facilities in accordance with plans and specs. 3. Springfield YAC - Gas Conversion This work consists of converting the water tower boiler, YAC heating and domestic water heater from oil and liquid propane gas to natural gas. This includes: .. underground gas service of some 250 ft. of piping. . gas piping within the building and watertower. .. complete cleaning and adjustment of the YAC boiler unit. . modification of YAC domestic water heater. . replacement of present oil burner at water tower with new gas burner unit. .. Removal of existing liquid propane gas system and capping of existing oil lines. 4. Waterford Wave Pool - Solar Heating System The basic scope of this project consists of the complete installation of a solar pool and shower heating system to provide a minimum of 40% of the heating needs. (continued) (Capital Projects, continued) An alternate to this project is the provision for a heat cap pool cover for the water surface of the pool. It appears by the inquiries that we have already received that the companies available to perform this type of installation are few and far between and vary considerably in the project they produce. Therefore, the bids are expected to indicate a wide variation. MANAGER'S REPORT ---Met with the 4-H Fair Board to review the 1980 4-H Fair and to accept any recommendations for improvements they had for 1981. ---Joe Figa and I went with Jim Scott, our representative for the Waterford Oaks Water Slide, to visit Oglebay Park in Wheeling, West Virginia, to talk to their people about the slide in reference to its engineering and its success. We also plan to visit the slide that is at Ontario Place in Toronto. ---Jan Pung has recommended that those commissioners who do not have pictures taken by a professional photographer should consider doing so. They would be used for our various public relations releases. ---Sent a letter to Dick Rudlaff, President of the North Oakland Chamber of Commerce, pertaining to the questionnaire they sent to people running for public office; copy enclosed. ---Sent letter to Ernie Fisher, Manager of Madison Heights, updating him on the Red Oaks Recreational Facility.