HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1982.12.01 - 39738R. Eric Reickel Manager Jon J. Kipke Assistant Manager Oakland County Parks&Recreation Commission 2800 WATKINS LAKE ROAD PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48054-1697 �313) 858-0906 November 24, 1982 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: Lewis E. Wint Chairman Don Deni Vice -Chairman Carol E. Stanley Secretary Harold A. Cousins Jean M. Fox George W. Kuhn Pecky D. Lewis. Jr. Joseph R. Montante Richard V. Vogt TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday, December 1, 1982 Public Hearing on Budget at 9:00 a.m. Regular Meeting at 9:30 a.m. PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48054 PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Public Hearing on Budget and Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Mr. Lewis E. Wint, Chairman, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, R. Eric Reickel Manager RER/sld Addison Oaks • Glen Oaks • Groveland Oaks • Independence Oaks • Orion Oaks • Red Oaks • Springfield Oaks • Waterford Oaks • White Lake Oaks OA KLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION December 1, 1982 Public Hearing on the Budget will be at 9:00 a.m. Regular Meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 10, 1982. Approval of Minutes of Budget Review of November 17, 1982. 4. Approval of Payments, Voucher Numbers 11-1 through 11-209. 5. Operating Statements as of October 1982. 6. Activities Report as of October, 1982. 7. Adopti;on of the 1983 Budget. 8. Donation - Explorer Post 608. 9. Proposal on Property Abutting Groveland Oaks. 10. Capital Development Annual Status Report. 11. Unfinished Business. 12. New Business. 13. Adjourn. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION BUDGET REVIEW November 17, 1982 The meeting was called to order at 9:50 a.m. by Chairman Lewis Wint in the Parks and Recreation Commission Conference Room. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Lewis Wint, Vice Chairman Don Deni, Harold Cousins, Jean Fox, George Kuhn, Pecky Lewis, Jr., Richard Vogt. COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Secretary Carol Stanley, Joseph R. Montante, M.D., Daniel T. Murphy. ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation R. Eric Reickel, Manager Jon Kipke, Assistant Manager Charles Ross, Chief, Administrative Services Janet Pung, Public Communications Officer Sheila Cox, Accountant Arnold Johnston, Chief of Parks Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf James Mansfield, Park Supervisor Interns: Sonya Lemon, Sue Ann Kopmeyer Board of Commissioners Richard Kuhn, commissioner -elect The meeting was called to discuss the proposed 1983 budget. Mr. Reickel stated that the 1983 Operating Budget of $4,744,390 represented a 6% increase over the 1982 original budget and 8% over the 1982 adjusted Operating Budget. In keeping with County policy, no wage increases were recommended other than for merit and longevity. The 1983 proposed Operating Revenue Budget of $6,008,350 was 6% over the 1982 original and 5% over the 1982 adjusted budget since it was estimated that actual 1982 revenues would exceed our original budget. The proposed millage revenue of $3,500,000 was 4% higher than 1982. Our Fees and Charges of $2,418,350 for 1983 were 9% higher than 1982. The total projections for 1983 showed that we would have $1,263,960 in operating revenues over operating expenditures. This amount was increased by $214,000 which was the amount of depreciation included in the Operating Budget. The sum of these two amounts of $1,477 960 was reduced by $225,000, the recommended Operating Equipment Budget. The balance of $1,252,960 was the estimated new funds available for capital outlay. Mr. Reickel noted that of the $1.2 million available for capital outlay, $150,000 might have to be set aside for the possible loss concerning the property valuation lawsuit between the County and State. 3-9 (Commission Budget Review, November 17, 1982) Mr. Reickel stated there was a 4% increase in millage money reflected in the 1983 proposed budget. He further stated there would be an increase in the amount of $87,000 since the time the 1983 proposed budget was compiled as the Board of County Commissioners approved a millage rate of .2466 for 1983 rather than the .2405 recommended by the Finance Committee. FEFS AND CHARGES_ The following listed changes in fees were made over and above staff's recommendations: Addison Oaks Under "Camping" add: New Sites Residents - $7.00 per family per day (includes day use fee) Non -Residents - $9.00 per family per day (includes day use fee) Old Sites Residents increased from $4.50 to $5.00 Non -Residents increased from $5.50 to $7.00 (in keeping with Groveland fees) Add "Electricity - $1.50 per day" Add "Sanitary Dump Station free to those camping Non -Campers, resident - $5.00 per unit Non -Campers, non-resident - $7.00 per unit" Commissioner Vogt stated his concern over the crowded restroom facilties at Addison Oaks. Mr. Reickel noted that he hoped the problem would be alleviated once the new camping sites were in use. He said that a new restroom facility was not recommended at the site in question as it was not included in the long- range master plan. The plan calls for the day use area to be on the other side of the park. It was also noted that the day use people did not use the pit toilets which would alleviate the congestion. It was determined that a sign would be erected by the restroom facility so the public would be aware that the pit toilets were available and their location. SPRINGFIELD OAKS, GLEN OAKS AND WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSES: Add "Ski Rental - White Lake Oaks $5.00 - full set - 4 hours $2.00 - single item - 4 hours Jim Mansfield reviewed the survey he conducted of 1982 golf fees in the metro- politan area, both public and private. All golf course fees and recommended changes were discussed. Mr. Mansfield will poll the same courses in the spring to determine their 1983 rates. (Commission Budget Review, November 17, 1982) Mr. Reickel said that thought would have to be given as to whether or not the Commission should continue renting golf carts or start acquiring on our own due to the high rental rate. Mr. Ross stated he had solicited proposals from several golf cart rental com- panies and would present a summary of the results to the Commission. Moved by Mr. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Cousins to accept all golf course fees for 1983 as recommended by staff. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Wint, Cousins, Deni, Fox, Kuhn, Lewis (6) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC Under "Kitchen" the verbage shall be: $25 use fee plus $25 deposit to be returned if leasee cleans the kitchen and there is no damage." WATERFORD OAKS WAVE POOL AND SLIDE: The general admission was adjusted from $2.50 to $2.25. Add: "Twilight Rate - $1.25 (after 6:00 p.m.) Add: "11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m." after affiliated group rate. Under "Season Pass," delete separate rates for adult and youth and add: "Individual - $60.00." Locker rental was changed back to 10� from the recommended 25�. All phases of the wave pool fees, slide fees, and operations at both facilities were discussed. Mr. Reickel noted that revisions for the entrance to the wave pool would be discussed when the Capital Improvement Budget is reviewed in January. Moved by Mr. Lewis, supported by Mrs. Fox to adopt the fee schedule as amended. Discussion followed. Moved by Mrs. Fox, supported by Mr. Lewis to approve the fee schedule on the wave pool and water slide as amended. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Fox, Kuhn, Lewis, Wint (4) NAYS: Deni, Vogt (2) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. 3 - 11 (Commission Budget Review, November 17, 1982) ROLL CALL VOTE ON ENTIRE FEE SCHEDULE: AYES: Kuhn, Lewis, Vogt, Wint, Deni, Fox (6) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. PERSONNEL: Mr. Reickel stated the only change in personnel was that the Recreation Section had requested a full time clerical position. After analyzing the situation, staff transferred the clerical position at the YAC to the Recreation Section. A part-time clerical person will assist at the YAC during the summer months. PUBLIC INFORMATION: Janet Pung presented an advertising cost comparison on newspaper coverage we have received through mid -September, 1982, in the Detroit Free Press, Detroit News, Daily Tribune, and Oakland Press. We received a total of 1,768 column inches. The cost to have paid for this amount of space would have been $35,393.20• The Public Information Budget of $78,000 was discussed. Franco's fee remained the same as for 1982; a retainer of $21,600 for the year and out-of-pocket expenses up to $3,400 for a total of $25,000. Commissioner Deni suggested that the Franco firm's services be discussed separately and voted on as to whether or not to retain the firm rather than a line item within the budget. Commissioner Lewis suggested that the retainer be approved in the budget and that Mr. Franco could be invited to appear before the Commission and that a letter of agreement would still have to be approved by the Commission. Commissioner Deni noted he would be in favor of expending more money on the program but questioned the direction in which it was spent. Moved by Mr. Deni, supported by Mr. Vogt to adjourn the meet at 12:40 p.m. Discussion followed. Mr. Deni withdrew his motion and Mr. Vogt withdrew his support to the motion. MOBILE RECREATION, COURT COMPLEX AND BMX: Mr. Stencil reported on the activities of the Mobile Recreation, BMX and Court Complex activities. Based on the amount of play, Commissioner Deni asked that consideration be given for two more horseshoe courts and lighting for all the horseshoe courts. Mr. Reickel said it would be addressed in the Capital Improvement Budget. 3 - 12 mob,le 17 1982i ended that 5 budgeted November recommmoney wa dget Rev evw , 5 year $ a however no �Commi 55 \ on 6u e �ommi 5 e f un h d for i 9 a th la 83 th am b de 5 th t St ff ti ated b nt progr royal • Mr ' be�,d bank tat the A5 �n`ation gr SSion aPp orted b e referrebe made rec ding Domm K�hn' SUPI nded, option to t 9:pp a•m' en r , 35 a l ad a p Moved b a budget with fo 1 meeting- er l meeting prop° evision5 peeember Deeemb fG mm`55,on 5 l be held at the Mot%on carr,ed. the budget w�l pUbl`G Mear`ng orned a 1:2D p•m t P adjou e meeting het 9 eGretary ord� Rec 0 3,13 ig3 ppERRjI�G BUD r-- 1983 Operat1n9 D �ipN pF 19 r rating the formation P pQ , on P°t - V\Go p° 11 SuPP°rt1 n9 t meet Ing - eneral Pppr°pr�atCommission� and a adopt on at the .the 19$3 G amended by the `11 be ready for the manager and Budget' as and res°lotion w recommended by tax revenue of schedules to the bud9etI as se ease `� in our mi}lage -the only changes the fees and chaal of an increase°{ �1�p'ppp in taff' concerned e f linty approv oss�bje refund s 8�ppp due to th v`5`on for the p d the pro rate an property taxes \BEM O��R pp5 pNP� \ p gMX SE�v \ pE5 1 a, ned to you R Rao Stenc�1 exP ns°red by Fleet of November 10, °St 6p8 were sP°� `o emergency Pt the meeting from ExP1°rer P hours to 35515 So°Uts ome Zpp how Boy d donated s track' Sp0 t° the PmbUlance ao .ce5 at the gMX \der donatIn9 s The m°ney med\cal Sere that y°U coos the\r Servle nvent%On. Steoc 1 asked rec%atxon fOr eir national c° rum Mr. . i n a,P to th a vo ExP1°rer P°St to Send SG°Uts we did not have w0016 be used s a!5cu55edI ,n the meet\ng' at ime tb% wa °k-ed later motion t° th Ft the t \t was overt° tion> v4e need a Present- the Bona f y°u d° approve e ffect. pROP� A GRO �bANo oAY's � A�otT�MG Joan McCrary of PROp�R� and Mrs a prOr Gerald Marburn `nt? presented meet�n9� Mr. Ge Ass°crates of Fl• border °f Grovel and At the last Harburn� Murk & the northerly b° .Tombllnson'roPerty that abuts andthe eXtens,ve e p°Sal on p Park' ,ty °f the report end purchas�n9 th oaks COunty co9n 7es the dual we do not reGommd Gales due to the Staff re into ltI ovelan Whtile at,On that went 're to expand Gr eland JoWnship- be ;nvesti9 as we have no deseld lands In Grov felt they should property as!on °f public h Gqu'S,tlon� �t ,S d of the County• c°ncentr ava`lable f°r.acts ,n the South en if funds ,prefor possible pro}e channeled 9'1 The !'I MOM vs thin, MO PNN� �ta1 projects P� pEv ok the oaP �1at�or a Comp Status repot t �s attached 19$2' t,ated durin9 Igs3 Cpp\S PL PNN�P` OpMENj ST PjVs 1983 CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT ANNUAL STATUS REPORT The intent of this report is to update the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission on the status of the capital development projects during the past year. It is broken down into the following five categories: I. PROJECTS COMPLETED: Projects approved in the 1992 capital budget and completed during 1982. Although the construction may be completed, there may be outstanding invoices. II. PROJECTS IN PROCESS: Projects approved in the capital budget which are in the construction phase or out for bid. III. PROJECTS -DESIGN COMPLETED: Projects which now have the design or engineering completed, with construction yet to be performed. IV. PROJECTS -DESIGN IN PROCESS: Projects presently in a design state (conceptual, preliminary or construction drawings). V. MISCELLANEOUS PROJECTS: Projects or reports that were completed as a result of daily or routine office procedure (i.e.; property reviews, grants, general graphics, etc.). 10-3 CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT ANNUAL STATUS REPORT I. PROJECTS COMPLETED Addison Oaks 1. Phase II Fencing -- some 5,500' of six-foot chain link fence along the northern border. 2. Phase I Camping -- completion of 50 modern campsites with restroom/shower facility and access roads. Glen Oaks 1. Pumphouse Structure -- housing for main pump for irrigation system. 2. Phase I Evergreen Tree Planting - some 40 pines and spruce. 3. Completion of heating and cooling system. Groveland Oaks 1. Protective barrier along Paradise Road - s'.ome 100'. 2. Rampager -- installation of walks, water control barriers and replacement slide. 3. Phase III Camping -- installation of 20 modern campsites, rest- room/shower facility and access roads for 60 sites. Independence Oaks 1. Phase I of the All Visitors Trail -- some 1,800 feet of six and eight -foot asphalt nature trail. Signage, decks, seating and other miscellaneous items to be installed in spring of 1983. Red Oaks 1. Phase I Landscaping -- consisting of earthen mounds, trees, shrubs and sod for the landscaping of the clubhouse. Springfield Oaks 1. Replacement of the Upper Arena -- consisting of a 590' of six-foot wooden protective fence and regrading of area. 2. Handrail for stairs going from the upper parking area to the Activities Building. 3. Construction of new tee for fairway #3• 10-4 I. PROJECTS COMPLETED, Continued Waterford Oaks 1. Water Slide -- consisting of two flumes, maintenance and control building, decking, bridge, pool and landscaping completed and dedicated on June 30, 1982. 2. Court Complex -- shuffleboard fencing installed - four -foot vinyl chain link fence. 3. Court Complex Control Building -- shelves and minor modifications. 4. BMX Track -- access road separating pool and BMX traffic completed. 5. BMX Track landscaping -- 35 Scotch pine buffer planted along north side of property. 6. Administration -- heating and cooling system completed in main office. 7. Recreation Building -- modifications to existing residence to convert to office completed. Modifications included minor light- ing, door, landscaping and barrier -free walk. 8. BMX -- electrical improvements 9. Screening for the dumpster at Wave Pool White Lake Oaks 1. Completion of new service drive to Maintenance Building 2. Completion of new greens for #1 and #4 tees. General 1. Annual flower program - all parks, design and planting. 2. Fall bulbs for Waterford Oaks. II. PROJECTS IN PROCESS 1. Groveland Oaks - Stewart Lake dredging -- some 80,000 cubic yards of material to be removed -- 90% completed. 2. Independence Oaks Phase I & II of Morraine Knoll play area. 3. Waterford Oaks Physical Fitness Trail staked, ready to be cleared for spring installation of equipment -- equipment delivered. 4. Restroom facility for Independence Oaks Twin Chimney area. 5. Clearing for 50 primitive campsites at Addison Oaks. 10-5 0 III. PROJECTS -DESIGN COMPLETED I. Independence Oaks Ted Gray Trail -- construction of a new trail including wooden pedestrian boardwalk. 2. Waterford Oaks Activities Center -- combination of in-house and contractor facade modification. 3. Waterford Oaks BMX - Landscape Design. 4. Waterford Oaks Entrance Sign modification -- incorporating an all -events display board. 5. Addison Oaks Primitive Area vault toilets. 6. Primitive campsite design for Addison Oaks. IV. PROJECTS -DESIGN IN PROCESS 1. Addison Oaks preliminary design for possible Botanical Garden. 2. Initial research for overall recreation Master Plan. 3. Preliminary site analysis for Orion Oaks. 4. Preliminary park standard study. 5. Waterford Oaks Wave Pool Entrance revision. 6. Waterford Oaks Water Slide circulation modifications. V. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS Reports/Reviews --Property review of Crosby Lake. --Property review of Spicer Property (Farmington Hills). --Davisburg Dam review. --Addison Oaks swimming area report. Grants Revised Independence Oaks Wetland Acquisition application. --1982-83 Addison Oaks Snowmobile Grant. Graphics --Assisted Public Communications, Mobile Recreation and Therapeutic Recreation in preparations of flyers, keylines, maps, etc. --Revised graphics for Springfield Oaks and Glen Oaks scorecards. 10-6