HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1982.06.02 - 39744R. Eric Reickel Manager Jon J. Kipke Assistant Manager Oakland County Parks&Recreation Commission 2800 WATKINS LAKE ROAD PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48054-1697 May 28, 1982 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: i313) 858-0906 Lewis E. Wint Chairman Don Deni Vice -Chairman Carol E. Stanley Secretary Harold A. Cousins Jean M. Fox George W. Kuhn Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Joseph R. Montante Richard V. Vogt A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday, June 2, 1982 9:00 a.m. PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, MI 48054 PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting and Annual Tour The meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Mr. Lewis E. Wint, Chairman, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Since r ly, 4 'j R. Eric eic el Manager RER:bg Addison Oaks • Glen Oaks • Groveland Oaks • Independence Oaks • Orion Oaks • Red Oaks • Springfield Oaks • Waterford Oaks • White Lake Oaks OA KLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING June 2, 1982 I. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes of the Meeting of May 19, 1982. 4. Approval of Payment, Vouchers 5-138 through 5-233• 5. Statement of Operations As of 4-30-82. 6. Commission Housing Policy. 7. Water Slide - Name Contest. 8. Independence Oaks Land Trust Update. 9. Manager's Report. 10. Unfinished Business. 11. New Business. 12. Adjourn. PARK TOUR WILL FOLLOW IMMEDIATELY AFTER ADJOURNMENT. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION Analysis of Fund Balance As of 4-30-82 FUND BALANCE 1/1/82 Additions: Revenue over Operating Expenses as of 4/30/82 $2,155,744.42 Collections on Accounts Receivable 8,677.81 DNR Grant - Addison Phase 1 48,268.70 DNR Grant - Groveland Phase II 74,062.25 Depreciation Expense 34,976.64 n-A.._a:---. Payments on Accounts Payable $ 456,332.02 Capital Equipment Purchases 79,935.69 Payments on Capital Projects 268,859.14 Increase in Golf Merchandise 9,329.20 SUMMARY OF FUND BALANCE Cash on Hand Investment in Certificate of Deposit $ 151,405.95 2,321,729.82 r,2,473,135.77 814,456.05 $1,658,679.72 $ 258,679-72 1,400,0oo.00 $1,658,679.72 5-1 Oakland County Parks and Recreation. COMBINED OPERATING STATEMENT For the -4 _ Months Ended 4_30_82 Actual (Over) Year to 1982 � Under Revenues Date Budget Budget Millage & Interes.t Inc. $2,959,781 $3,450,200 $ 490,419 Addison Oaks: Park 8,164 96,400 88,236 Conference Center 2,411 50 000 47,589 Groveland Oaks 4,564 269,100 264,53� Independence Oaks 21,143 97,900 76,757 Glen Oaks 49,239 373,600 324,361 Red Oaks: Golf Course 8,932 120,350 111,418 Driving Range .-0- .35,600 35,600 Springfield Oaks: - Golf Course 31,302 279,000 247,698 White Lake Oaks 63,686 324,400 260,714 Springfield Oaks YAC 16,417 122,850 106,433 Waterford Oaks: Park 18,124 58,400 40,276 Wave Pool & Slide 5 307,050 307,045 Tennis Complex 93 7,450 7,357 BMX 201 33,700 33,499 Mobile Recreation Spa;:ia! Events 5,180 44,700 39:520 TOTAL REVENUE $3,189,242 $5,670,700 $ 2,481,458 Operating Expenses Administration Office $ 223,365 $ 824,085 $ 600,720 Technical Support 72,664 232,460 159,796 Addison Oaks: Park 107,316 414,775 307,-459 Conference Center 22,363 46,700 24,337 Groveland Oaks 74,996 392,600 317,604 Independence Oaks 113,035 4481,435 335,400 Glen Oaks 72,539 324,800 252,261 Red Oaks: Golf Course 36,328 196,950 16o,622 Driving Range 2,-363 49,890 47,527 Springfield Oaks: Golf Course 64,666 327,075 262,409 White Lake Oaks 60,588 303,325 242,737 Springfield Oaks YAC 60,365 195,800 135,435 Waterford Oaks: Park 49,079 158,950 io9,871 Wave Pool & Slide 28,870 219,700 190,830 Tennis Complex 3,427 29,048 25,621 BMX 603 32,080 31,477 Mobile Recreation 35,002 176,300 14l,298 Contingency 5,928 97,727 91,799 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1,033,497 $4,470,700 3,437,203 1�EM #6 G pp1"1Gy they Aease OMM15S1G� NOU51� Ire h°Uses that d by the Gom- G as r owre ,on GommIss`or h �° other, h°Uses mmiss1or, one at and Recreat 1heCe are t by the CO Zhe parks ,or eOPAOIees- is not employed Grove1ard at the to G°mm,ss, .leased t° tenar e Na�1 R°ad at dea�lr9 with 01 orslble for and Grarg oust o��cy ee e resP miss one or 1r9 p s ar on Gaks ander a standard h what the employ here has never bespons`b�e for andat we have pUt mmiss`°r was re oUs�r9 p°A1cy th GOor, a1 draft of a H G1v`1 G0UnseA o1`cy so that f e attached a f`n been approved by lon adopt this p 1 hav her and ,t has b that the G°mmiss t°get t�or t der' rec°mmenda to work Ur 1t `s my a f,rm gU,de�Xne we have FINAL DRAFT 5/19182 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION HOUSING POLICY The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has numerous houses on its park properties. Most of them were acquired as part of the property purchase; however, in some cases the houses were built by the Commission for specific park supervisors to reside in. The remain- der of houses are made available for rent to department employees. As a resident of a park facility, it is expected that the employee will be a "watchdog" for the commission. He or she is to be observant of activities taking place and is expected to take the appropriate response to actions by others that are not in the best interest of the commission. He or she will make occasional checks of facilities at times when they are not staffed and report any unusual findings to the appropriate person. It is probable that the employee and/or their family will occasion- ally be inconvenienced at times other than regular park hours to lend assistance to the general public. The amount of rent payment will be individually determined. It will be based upon the type, size and condition of the structure as well as the involvement and obligations of the tenant to park activities. It is expected that the tenant and family members will live and act in such a fashion so as not to bring embarrassment to the commission. The tenant will live in accordance with the following maintenance policy: Administration of the maintenance policy shall be the re- sponsibility of the housing committee consisting of the Chief and the ausin9 p°licY park gPeratlonsI `rman. page two ment, Chief o� ��11 apt as Gha tour and Qe,4elop e�ices who m�ttee to °f Design dm�n�Strat*% 5e the housing c°mtoUr shagl con^ Chef °f A resp°ns�b,1`tY ° two Yeas' the {oll°wed by a It will_ be the least one every the strtjctures' consideration e each hovjse at 1 inspect°On of any repairs Of a si 5t °f a general ene to the Manage of report written to each' to be e,4en 6-3 3/30/82 HOUSING MAINTENANCE POLICY Permits and Codes County: Is responsible for. performing or approving all repairs or modifications which require permits, code approvals, or health and safety considerations. Tenant: May assist or perform repairs while receiving supervision - and/or direction from the Technical Support Section. Mechanical Equipment County: Is responsible for repairs to mechanical equipment and appliances which belong to the county, such as furnaces. hot water heaters, water softeners, etc. Tenant: Is responsible for routine maintenance and servicing such as changing filters and adding salt. Expendable items such as salt and filters are to be supplied by the tenant. Interior Maintenance County: Is responsible for.major repairs (such as but not limited to, replacement of drywall, tile, linoleum, plumbing fixtures, door walls, paneling) to ceilings, walls and floors. It will also supply the materials for painting and general re -decorating. Tenant: Is responsible for minor repairs and painting. Exterior Maintenance County: Is responsible for major repairs (such as but not limited to, re -roof, sidewalk or drive replacement, door replace- ment, concrete or brick work) repairs to roof, siding, 6 - 4 . _.. _.. _. _........ _.. _.. _.. Housing Maintenance Policy Page Two Exterior Maintenance (continued) chimneys, walks, drives, etc. The county will also pro- vide materials for painting. Tenant: Is responsible for minor repairs and painting. Remodeling County: Upon approval of the project, the Technical Support Section will perform or supervise the construction. Tenant: Must receive approval for a project from the Manager based upon a recommendation from the housing committee. Depending on the nature and need for the project, the tenant may be required to pay a portion or all of the expenses. Respon- sibility for project cost will be determined by the Manager or the committee. Landscaping County: Is responsible for providing a modest landscaped lot (such as but not limited to, foundation, plantings and trees for aesthetic and/or climate control). Tenant: May make moderate additions to the landscaping. Any major changes (such as but not limited to, trees, shrubs, patios, decks, terraces, out buildings, walks and permanent play equipment) must be approved by the Chief of Design. Re- sponsibility for project cost will be determined by the Manager or the housing committee. 6-5 Housing Maintenance Policy Page Three Lawn Care County: Will be responsible for supplying necessary materials to maintain an attractive turf area. It will also provide needed technical assistance for proper application and use of materials. When required, the county will provide a trained and licensed person to apply the chemicals. Tenant: Is responsible for keeping turf areas mowed and groomed to maintain a respectable appearance as it relates to the surrounding area. Is allowed to apply materials to the turf which do not require licensing. Flowers, gardens, plants, bed edging and cover and decorative items, shall be left to the tenant's discretion. Insurance County: Will provide insurance on the premises and some liability insurance. Tenant: Is required to secure contents insurance for their be- longings. Additionally, a liability insurance naming the county as an additional named insured is also required. itEM #7 C0N1151 e or the ur AT�R S�ipE r NPN�' cribing the struct iHydras etc W have games des Kamika2el entry e ie, osure slides ,n the c° d by th,s feat an ct,oa and Wider exPthe Comm'ss1on Mos t .11ing ride prov'de ere for the aura recommended that thr� t° generate eXPoserford paks� �t ,5 of the r t 1n order Wave pool and Wa the slide. � a erring or as Part for the a contest to namer to the sl'de s P Person• consider uld begin PC,O subm'tted Per is The contest co k^off• th With one entry from all geagraPh dedication Q C, continue far a In of all ages and The contest might be open to Person of and Water side. She contest Would Is Pass to the P° asses resPectively• areas, d be a 19$3 season 1p and 5 daily p rand pr,Ze caul Place Pr'Zes could be The gnd and third second Ks 197 8 GR OP Una in 11ADS?E"D � bppAjv and .Trust Fu pales. bAN© ZR t0 the MIch'gan ` to tndePendence s of submitted a grant 2 acres adtancent he to wetland adwa r on 302 p o e t rks and Retreat, of aPproX'mateAll reservation f th 1 env,ronmen of Paor the acqu,sItIon rant was for the penhance the natura tal f he intent of the grad to eXtend and future �nv,ronmen e plintot) River n to Our proposed th dependence pales• another d�mens,O d the federal 1n area would provkde re program' `and rust Fund an This er and present Hato Hate delays by theca it April as occurred: Cent es of unfortu ere not made t e following h pue to a sere release of funds w last four years th se and ti, r e la urcha d ernmen ring th has P go`� l ay s du bevy CO �, nested ecause of the de action company n of the area req still B eXtr rt�o ones 1• A mining ions on a large poand other related capital taken optrant This issue 124pp for °then in the g beer resolved, f the original2 0 have not -budgeted $2o'ao0 n eXteasion andV.ed� 2 We have s. letter requesting a Fund (see attache protects �n9 the grant a ,ch,gan band gust resubmit our order to prevent 1os ubmitted to the M t but we now must 1n e of funds was s o eXtend the gran iacreas ent t letter was Buff updated Co fission. (his al request with this with the Comm origind like to discuss We wOul 8 - 1 R. Eric Reickel Manager Jon Assistant Manager a an � � Parks&Recreao•�� UOMMISSIU11 2800 WATKINS LAKE ROAD PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48054 (313) 858-0906 March 29, 1982 Mr. Edward J. Hagen Staff Assistant Michigan Land Trust Fund Department of Natural Resources Stevens T. Mason Building Box 30028 Lansing, Michigan 48909 Dear Mr. Hagen: RE: CLINTON RIVER WATERSHED PROJECT, MLT #57 Lewis E. Wint C�atrman Marjone M. Walker Vice.Cnairman Velma "A. Austin Secretary Don Deni Fra;; Houc^?en Georg CJ. Kuhn Josepn R. Montante Caro: E. Stanley Richard R. Wilcox After reviewing the present situation, and in light of existing fund- ing resources and rising costs, staff recommends the following: 1. The wetlands acquisition still appears to be a viable project in terms of preservation and added potential to Independence Oaks County Park. 2. Due to the numerous delays in the approvals of this grant, costs have inflated. This, coupled with a reduction in the original request from $212,000 to $165,000 and the drain on our current budget, has created significant funding limitations. 3. The uncertainty surrounding an equitable resolvement of the gravel extration situation increases the potential for condemnation procedures and increased mitigating costs. 4. The negative hydrological implication to the proposed wetlands acquisition as well as Independence Oaks County Park still has not been adequately addressed. This particular issue is extremely important and could significantly alter the entire wetlands potential. In view of the above issue, and still keeping a positive outlook Ore would like to request the correct procedure for an extension and increase to the original grant to a more realistic level. We realize this may delay acquisition until the next group of projects are approved. Perhaps many of our concerns will be resolved during that period. Addison Oaks • Glen O�i ks • Groveland Oaks - Independence Oaks • Orion Oaks • Red Oaks • Springfield Oaks • Waterford Oaks • ..n,?e Lake Oafs Hagen Mr • bdwara J Iw° 82 9e ch 29, 19 er 4uest,Qns �urti� 1 tYa r °ff�ce c°ntac ease 1 ,ke to meet �� i th use P or w°u, d cerely � Went �hyp Figa and Dere� :Josef Of De9 i Ch�e� 0 akl an d Count`! Comm cc s and �ecreat'On par 8" 4 PNPO�RS REpO�"t arkst0n Com�unl t`/ M e �1 Baker at th called the featured sp 0� SOut the ;ddea at Hto ager waBanauet , r the G t5 r e wl th w0`�l d use s 00.-0p mmi tree ee on l 50�thf i el d Schoo ati n9 0n a s� Vco the Gl ty 0f P lh b . nput e PA ans ' Gr vel and Oaks . to s 40 sh long rang 4: 0 estate Show dune 600 p•m'� ---Water Sk\