HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1984.12.05 - 39766Lewis E. Wint R. Eric Reickel Chairman Manager Jon J. Kipke Carol E. Stanley Assistant Manager Oakland Count Vice -Chairman Jean Fox tM.o Secretary Harold A. Cousins Parks&Rec-,r,e_,0.ation John R. Gnau George W. Kuhn • Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. omm fission Josph R. M D Daniel T. Mu phynte, Richard R. Wilcox 2800 WATKINS LAKE ROAD PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48054-1697 (313) 858-0906 November 28, 1984 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday, December 5, 1984 9:30 a.m. PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Rd. Pontiac, MI 48054 PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Mr. Lewis E. Wint, Chairman, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. rim Manager JJK/jg Addison Oaks • Glen Oaks • Grovel and Oaks • Independence Oaks • Orion Oaks • Red Oaks • Springfield Oaks • Waterford Oaks • White Lake Oaks OAKLAND COUNTU PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 5, 1984 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes for November 7, 1984. 4. Approval of Voucher Numbers: 11-1 through 11-223. 4b Amendment to the 1984 Operating Budget. 5. Statement of Operations as of 10/31/84. 6. Activity Report for October, 1984. 7. Bid Item: Golf Car Batteries for White Lake Oaks, Glen Oaks, and Red Oaks. 8. Glen Oaks Proposed Retention Basin. 9. Independence Oaks Wetlands Acquisition Update. 10. BMX Performance Contract. 11. Orion Oaks Drainage Improvement. 12. Manager's Report. 13• Unfinished Business. 14. New Business. 15. Adjournment. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION Analysis of Fund Balance As of 10/31 /;`4 FUND BALANCE 1/l/84 Additions: Revenue over Operating Expenses 10/31/84 Net Collections on Accounts Receivable DNR Grant - Addison Phase I DNR Grant - Groveland Phase III Deprec i at i or; Cos; r Net Decrease in Golf/Tennis Merc�;andise NF�t Deposit on Farmington hills Land Purchase Net Depr. Adjustment for Equipment Dispositions Peduct i_iris i,Iet Decrease in Accounts rayab1e Pav:r,ents on Capital Projects IncreasFi in Operating Equipment SUMMARY OF FUND BALANCE Cash on Hand Investments in Certificates of Deposit $1,218,81S.93 $2,l30,421.19 61,416.28 65,595.15 4,200.00 216,294.85 8,050.4o 139,000.00 847.04 2,625,824.91 $3,8h-',640.84 S 17,409.81 838,669.90 208 ; 36�. 88 1 , 064 : 387. 59 S2,780,253.25 $ 380,253.25 2 ,400,Ou-i:). 00 $2,780,253.25 -I Oakland County Park:> and Recreation COMBINED OPERATINi; STATEMENT Eo:' the 10 Months Ended 10-31-84 Revenues Miliage b Interest Inc. Recreation Section Admin. Addison Oaks: Park Conference Center Groveland Oaks Independence Oaks Glen Oaks Red Oaks: Golf Course Driving Range Springfield Oaks: GoIf Course White Lake O"s Spe ingfield Oaks YAC Waterford Oaks: Park Wave Pool 6 Slide Tennis Complex Mobile Recreation bicycle Muto Cross Nature Program Therapeutic Program TOTAL REVENUE Operating Expenses Administration Office Recreation Section Admin. Technical Support Addison Oaks: Park Conference Center Groveland Oaks Independence Oaks Glen Oaks Red Oaks: Golf Course Driving Range Springfield Oaks: Gt: 1 f Course White Lake Oaks Springfield Oaks YAC Waterford Oaks: Park Wave Pool b Slide Tennis Complex Mobile Recreation Bicycle Moto Cross Nature Program Therapeutic Program Contingency TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP Actual Expenditures to date: Budget Balance: Actual (Over) Year to 1984 Under Date Budget Budget $3,909,913 $ 3,662,000 $ (2117,313) 564 2,000 1,436 103,665 40,684 279,337 128,106 458,468 132,995 24,577 343,929 325,625 31,285 51,264 318,032 22,523 46;,231 64,810 118 2,85J $6,2II5,3A $ 700,977 1o6,485 237,459 362,64', 42,944 352,351 362,503 354,803 155,793 35,495 305,810 278,953 117,273 145,403 198,313 60,653 144,076 74,533 52,577 14,912 10,997 $4,154,955 $2,_130,421 1984 1983 82.:!% 62.3 I T.A 1 582 82.15 115,600 48,000 264,000 117,000 455,800 142,8SO 36,050 339,400 331,900 100,000 60,500 346,000 30,000 51,950 67,750 300 5,250 $ 6,175,350 $ 880,370 145,410 286,625 474,350 58 , OOD% - 432,200 N34,65o 179,500 218,350 46,600 362,165 327,075 154,800 177,590 025,65o 65,930*° 163,100* 81,200 86,270 22,890 26 >330 $ 5,049,055 $ 1,126,295 11,935 7,316 (15,337) (11,106) (2,668) 9,855 11,473 (4,529) 6,275 68,715 9,236 27,968 7,077 4,719 2,940 182 2,400 $ (00,026) $ 179,393 38,925 49,166 111,705 15,056 79,849 72,147 24,697 22,557 11,105 56,355 48,122 37,527 32,187 27,337 5,277 19,o24 6,667 33,693 7,978 ,3�31-_ $ 894,100 _ $ 1 Doi 126 *$15,00o has been transferred fna Conringency to Mobile Recreation for the Community Assistance Program. **$7,500 has been transferred to Waterford Tennis Complex from Mobile Recreation. ***110,000 has been transferred to Addison Conf. Ctr. from Contingency. 5-2 MONTHLY ACTIVITIES REPORT TOTALS Month of r F,o°r 1QR/1 Vaar to rinta RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS See attached Sheet) DAY USE PARKS Addison Conference Center Addison Oaks Park Glen Oaks Clubhouse Groveland Oaks Independence Oaks Springfield Oaks Y.A.C. Springfield Oaks Clubhouse Waterford Oaks Waterford Oaks Wave Pool Waterford Oaks Water Slide Waterford Oaks Tennis Complex White Lake Oaks Clubhouse GOLF COURSES Glen Oaks Red Oaks Red Oaks Driving Range a` Springfield Oaks Golf Course White Lake Oaks GRAND TOTALS Groups Part! c!pants Groups/ eaues Partici ants 1283 b 1983 1984 1983 1984 1983 1984 57 22 2338 15787 838 787 385071 400785 41 36 4351 3664 303 292 31964 30738 333 144 1566 860 14336 14142 78919 70371 18 14 2061 2199 176 155 23110 23311 60 59 1088 985 19932 19494 192728 188304 1057 660 5769 3477 27288 31983 124028 145311 15 23 7000 7485 229 149 59804 55702 2 0 80 0 11 10 546 516 89 61 5727 3122 580 579 26694 31528 0 0 0 0 252 236 115977 100487 0 0 0 0 0 0 47196 38666 13 13 981 318 347 296 11280 11235 5 3 624 408 57 51 614o 4882 21 30 5565 3843 722 782 59241 65620 4 5 3253 2337 226 263 33420 32878 0 0 0 0 0 0 32664 32111 7 4 3852 2189 444 529 41585 42623 1 4 4576 3310 500 534 56161 55815 1723 1078 48834 49984 66241 70282 1279332 1292217 MOBILE RECREATION Skate Mobile Puppet Mobile Nature Mobile Show Mobile Sports Mobile Buses Adaptive Recreation Mobile Tc� THERAPEUTIC RECREATION Classes Clubs Presentations Special Events ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS PROGRAM TOTALS rn N RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS Month of October, 1984 Year to date Grou s Partic nAnts Grou s Partici ants 1983 1984� 1983 1984 1983 1984 1982 1 8[; 2 0 70 0 106 116 8013 8541 5 0 450 0 113 107 10628 10584 0 0 0 0 50 71 1779 1970 0 1 0 15000 70 73 306825 310021 1 0 200 0 62 82 6871 5617 21 21 729 787 227 318 93,36 11306 0 0 0 0 13 0 713 0 0 0 0 0 21 18 16439 30771 5 0 158 0 5 0 158 0 11 0 110 0 39 0 686 0 5 0 115 0 8 0 225 0 7 0 506 0 42 0 2151 171 0 0 0 0 82 2 21247 21804 57 22 23381 15787 838 787 385071 400785 MONTHLY DAY USE PARKS AND F:CILITY ATTENDANCE REPORT Month of October, 1984 Year to Date ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GLEN OAKS CLUBHOUSE GROVELAND OAKS Campers Day Use Day Campers INDEPENDENCE OAKS Day Use Day Campers Overnight Group Campers SPRINGFIELD OAKS Y.A.C. SPRINGFIELD OAKS CLUBHOUSE WATERFORD OAKS WATERFORD OAKS WAVE POOL WATERFORD OAKS WATER SLIDE * WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX WHITE LAKE OAKS CLUBHOUSE TOTAL DAY USE PARKS w *Water Slide figures are counted once in Wave Pool figures therefore not included in Grand Total. 4 Groups Participants Grou s Participants 1983 1984 1983 1984 1983 1g84 198q 1984 40 55 450 547 1542 1668 24345 21347 293 89 1116 313 12752 12435 51449 46489 0 0 0 0 42 39 3125 2535 41 36 4351 3664 303 292 31964 30738 18 14 2064 2199 176 155 23110 23311 47 46 936 717 6462 7054 132473 135908 8 7 28 25 13447 12323 55178 48847 5 6 124 243 23 117 4537 3549 1039 650 4011 2570 27158 31808 114291 133931 11 5 729 441 93 134 7044 9545 7 5 1029 466 37 41 2693 1835 15 23 7000 7485 229 149 59804 55702 2 0 80 0 11 10 546 516 89 61 5727 3122 580 579 26694 31528 0 0 0 0 252 236 115977 100487 0 0 0 0 0 O 47196 38666 13 13 981 318 347 296 11280 11235 5 3 624 408 57 51 6140 4882 1633 1013 29250 22518 63511 673 MONTHLY GOLF COURSE; --ACTIVITIES REPORT GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Round Played 18 Holes Cross Country RED OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Cross Counry Skiing RED OAKS DRIVING RANGE Participants SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing TOTALS GOLF COURSES TOTALS GOLF COURSES TOTALS RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS TOTALS DAY USE PARKS GRAND TOTALS Month of October, 1984 Year to date Lea ues Participants Lea ues. Participants 1983 1984 1583 1984 1983 1984 1983 1984 14 29 3752 2952 671 735 45395 49910 7 1 1813 891 51 47 13846 13838 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1872 4 5 3253 2337 226 263 33420 32878 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32664 32111 6 2 1694 924 431 506 22879 23963 1 2 2158 1265 13 23 18706 18411 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 249 1 4 3133 2452 492 506 41576 42341 0 0 1443 858 8 28 14565 12029 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 1445 33 43 1 17246 11679 1892 2108 223071 229047 COMBINED TOTALS OF MONTHLY ACTIVITIES REPORTS 33 43 17246 11679 1892 2108 223071 229o47 57 .22 2338 15787 838 787 38507 400785 1633 1013 29250 22518 63511 67387 671190 662385 I 1723 1078 48834 49984 66241 70282 1279332 1292217 rn ITEM #7 GOLF CAR BATTERIES WHITE LAKE. GLEN OAKS. RED OAKS We received from Purchasing the following bids for 420 (6 volt, Exide) golf car batteries: PRICE EXCHANGE TOTAL BID Each) Each Less Exchange Golf Car Distributors $41.00 - 1.50 $16,590.00 Battery Warehouse 42.95 - 4.Oo 16,359.00 United Battery 40.50 - 1.25 16,485.00 Michigan Golf Car 46.00 - 2.00 18,480.00 Pifer, Inc. 42.00 - 2.00 16,800.00 Kubik, Inc. 41.95 - 1.95 16,800.00 The batteries would be replacements for the electric golf cars that were purchased in 1983. We were experiencing some problems with charging our batteries at the end of this season and most golf car manufacturers recommend replacing batteries every two years. The exchange of the old batteries would take place at the time of delivery of the new ones. Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to award the bid to the low bidder, Battery Warehouse, for $16,359.00. Funds for the purchase would come from both the 1984 and 1985 operating budgets. Attached is an analysis of the golf car operation for two years. 7-1 i [i _ a a p a } v More golf cars in America run on these batteries than on any other. Why? Because they're super dependable performers. The EE-IV is built for up to 100 minutes of continuous running, on an overnight charge. That's up to 29% longer than a standard battery.* Because the EE-lV is sealed in polypropylene, there is more room inside for acid and plates to give you more power And the EV-111 delivers up to 9% more continuous power than a standard battery*(82 minutes on the course). And both come with Exide's carrying strap that snaps easily into place to give you a sure, convenient handle for installation and removal. Plus, quarter -turn vent caps for quicker, easier filling. SPECIFICATIONS HERE'S HOW /T WORKS! With a "flick of the wrist" snap on the handle when installing the golf car battery —remove the handle during the service life of the battery when removing the batteries, just snap on the handle. Get either battery and put more profit in your fleet with the assured dependability of Exide. BCI Group Size Battery Type Volts Capacity at 80°F. 75 Amps to 5.25 V* ' Plates Per Cell Overall Dimensions (Inches) Weight in Lbs. Electrolyte Qts. to Fill L W H(1) Wet Dry GC-2 EV 111(2)(3) 6 82 — Avg. Perf. Min. 19 10Y8 73/16 1411/32 59.4 40.8 7.5 GC-2 EE-IV(2)(3) 6 100 — Avg. Pert. Min. 1 19 10Y8 73/16 1111/32 65.5 47.6 6.9 *Battery Council International rates the standard golf car battery at 75 minutes continuous running power. (1) Dimensions taken from bottom of battery to top of the post. (2)Manufactured with handles. (3) Combination post (for SAE or Hex Nut connection), 7-2 Number of Cars Owned Number of Cars Leased Total Cars in Fleet PURCHASE PRICE GROSS REVENUES - TWO YEARS Operating Costs - Two Years Gasoline or Electricity Re^air Part,. .Jew Cu_.._.es every 2 Yrs Depreciation (4 Yr Life) Add Lease Cost TOTAL COSTS - TWO YEARS REVENUE OVER EXPENSES-2 YRS NET REV/GROSS REV OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION - ANALYSIS OF GOLF CAR OPERATIONS FOR TWO YEARS, 1983 & 1984 (GASOLINE) (ELECTRICITY) (ELECTRICITY) SPRINGFIELD WHITE LAKE GLEN OAKS TOTAL AMOUNT PER CAR AMOUNT PER CAR AMOUNT PER CAR 129 59 26 39 28 -0- -0- 28 157 59 26 67 $318,340 $134,625 $2,282 $ 49,140 $1,890 $ 73,710 $1,890 S484,482 $209,862 $3,682 $100,662 $3,872 $161,648 $2,413 S 25,712 $ 6,711 $ 118 4,135 1,325 23 16,359 -0- -0- 138,468 72,313 1,269 $184,674 $ 80,349 $1,410 33,600 -0- -0- S218.27a $ 80,349 $1,410 $266,208 $129,513 $2,272 55.0% 61.7% $ 5,033 $ 194 2,300 89 6,076 234 24,570 945 $ 37,979 $1,462 -0- -0- $ 37.979 $1,462 $ 62,683 $2,410 62.3% $ 12,992 . 19u 445 11 9,114 234 36,855 345 $ 59,412 $1,384 33'600 1,200 $ 93,012 $1,388 $ 68,636 $1,025 42.4% (E'._.ECTRT_CITY) RED OAKS AMOUNT PER CAR 5 -0- 5 $ 9,450 $ 1,890 $12,310 $ 2,462 $ 970 $ 194 65 13 1,169 234 4,730 945 $ 6,934 $ 1,386 -0- -0- $ 6,934 $ 1,386 $ 5,376 $ 1,076 43.7% ITEM #8 GLEN OAKS PROPOSED RETENTION BASIN Mr. Leonard Siegal of Siegal/Toumaala Associates contacted staff regarding the development of the Northwestern property they recently acquired from Parks and Recreation. One of the requirements for development is a retention basin for excess storm water. This basin will be approximately one acre and 6' in.depth. A drainage ditch, which they will be enclosing, already runs through their property and our northern portion. It has been suggested that a basin could be constructed within the northeast section of our excess land that would provide a water feature for the golf course and still provide the capabilities of a retention basin. Our future plans call for the re -location to the north of fairway and green #12. This green would be enhanced by a water feature as part of the design. Staff has been working with Property Management and Corporation Counsel in the legal clarifications. Staff will make a presentation and discuss this at the meeting. ITEM #9 INDEPENDENCE OAKS WETLANDS ACOUISITION UPDATE Independence Township recently notified the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission that the option the Township holds from Levy Company on property within the area of the wetlands acquisition expires on December 31, 1984. This option was obtained by the Township to mitigate the potential for any future gravel extraction in this area. It was the intent of the Township to negotiate with Parks and Recreation for the sale of a portion of this property as part of the wetlands acquisition. Presently, the whole process is being slowed considerably by the Michigan State Land Division. Although we have agreements with the State for funding from the Kammer Land Trust Fund, acquisition cannot occur until appraisals are approved by the State. A further update on the status of this project, including the Independence Township parcel, will be discussed by staff. EM ITEM #10 BMX PERFORMANCE CONTRACT A BMX contract, copy attached, is presented for your review. The contract is between the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and the National Bicycle League (NBL). It is for a national race this summer, similar to the race we had in am Dan Stencil will be at the meeting to answer any questions. win DATE November 12, 1984 PERFORMANCE CONTRACT THE PARTIES TO THIS AGREEMENT, NATIONAL BICYCLE LEAGUE (NBL) AND ( PROMOTER) Oakland County Parks & Recreation Comm. AGREE AS FOLLOWS 1. DATE 9 LOCATION: THIS CONTRACT WILL CONFIRM THE AWARD OF THE NBL NATIONAL RACE AT THE DESIGNATED LOCATION Waterford Oaks BMX, Pontiac, Michigan ON THE DATE OF June 15th & 16th . . 198 5 2. COORDINATION: THE NBL NATIONAL RACE DIRECTOR WILL COORDINATE DETAILS WITH YOU PRIOR TO YOUR EVENT. 3. CONSIDERATION: ( PROMOTER) Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission WILL DEPOSIT WITH THE NBL, IN US CURRENCY OR BY CASHIER'S CHECK, DRAWN ON A' BANK ON AMERI CAN SOIL, THE SUM OF Three Thousand Dollars - - - - - no/100 TO SECURE THE EVENT. PAYABLE, -- - ON THE DATE OF IN FULL February 1, 19 8 5 AND ON THE DATE OF -------------------- -- 198 - 4. THE NBL AGREES TO SANCTION THIS EVENT FOR THE FEE OF $3.00 (1 - 1000) or $3.50 (1 - 1001 +) PER ENTRY, PAYABLE BY THE ( PROMOTER) Oakland County Parks & Recreation Comm. ON THE FIRST DAY OF THE EVENT. PERFORMANCE CONTRACT - 2 5. NBL NATIONAL EVENT INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR THE PRACTICE DATE AND RACE DATE MUST BE ONE -MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) FOR BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY FOR SPECTATORS, PARTICIPANTS, EVENT WORKERS AND OFFICIALS AND THE NATIONAL BICYCLE LEAGUE MUST BE NAMED CO-INSURED. 6. ( PROMOTER) Oakland County Parks & Recreation Comm. AGREES TO ALL THE PROVISIONS OF THE ATTACHED SUPPLEMENTARY INSTRUCTIONS FOR SAID EVENT. IF THE TERMS OF THE CONTRACT ARE NOT MET THE NBL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REVOKE THE AWARD OF THIS NBL NATIONAL EVENT AND RELOCATE SAID RACE. PROMOTER Jon J. Kipke, Interim Manager Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission NATIONAL BICYCLE LEAGUE, INC. BOB TEDESCO, PRESIDENT JIM BANKS, DIRECTOR OF COMPETITIO1 LAWRIE B. BURNETTE, SECRETARY ITEM #11 ORION OAKS DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT The Road Commission has made a request to improve the drainage along Clarkston Road which borders Orion Oaks Park. Staff will make a presentation at the meeting pertaining to this. ITEM #12 INTERIM MANAGER'S REPORT ---The County Executive's Christmas Party will be held at Roma Hall on December 14. ---Jay Phelps was appointed Assistant Supervisor for Independence Oaks Park. He was previously with the City of Lansing, and also worked in Phoenix, Arizona and Lewisville, Texas. ---The therapeutic Christmas party will be the evening of December 5 at the Southfield Civic Center from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. Many staff members will be volunteering their time to work and we encourage you to stop by and observe the event. 12-1