HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1985.11.06 - 39791Ralph Richard Lewis E. Wint Manager Chairman Jon J. Kipke Jean M. Fox Assistant Manager Oakland Count[' Vice -Chairman D Lewis, Jr. y Secre Secretary Parks John R. Gnau & Recreation George W. Kuhn Lillian V. Moffitt Walter Moore Commission Daniel T Murphy Carol E. Stanley Rlchard R. Wilcox 2800 WATKINS LAKE ROAD PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48054-1697 (313) 858-0906 October 31, 1985 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday, November 6, 1985 9:30 a.m. PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, MI 48054 PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Mr. Lewis E. Wint, Chairman, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, Ralph Richard Manager RR/jg Addison Oaks • Glen Oaks • Groveland Oaks • Independence Oaks • Orion Oaks • Red Oaks 9 Springfield Oaks • Waterford Oaks • White Lake Oaks OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING November 6. 1985 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes for October 2, 1985 4. Approval of Payment: Voucher Numbers 10-1 through 10-267 and Interdepartmental Payment for September, 1985. 5. Statement of Operation for September, 1985. 6. Activity Report for September,1985. 7. Bid Item: Springfield Oaks - Clubhouse Alterations. 8. Bid Item: White Lake Oaks - Banquet Room Doors. 9. Bid Item: Addison Oaks - Fencing. 10. Bid Item: Administration - Video Camera, Lens and Accessories. 11. 1985 Operating Budget Amendment. 12. 1986 Proposed Operating and Capital Development Budgets. 13. Recreation Master Plan Work Session. 14. Manager's Report. 15. Unfinished Business. 16. New Business. 17. Adjourn. VOUCHER 7GISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION October, 1985 VOUCHER . rrnrr��n PT TRPr)SF AMOUNT 10-1 Forestry Suppliers, Inc. Rec. Sup. -Nat. Pro $ 13.52 10-2 County of Oakland Cap.Equip.,Chev. Trucks -Add.,Grove.,lnde .,Wh. Lk. & Spring. 40 809.09 10-3 WaveTek International Inc. Cap.Equip.,Rampage Waterslide Sleds (8)-Grave. 774.40 10-4 Steel Equipment Co. Cap.Equip.,File Cabinets-Admin. 496.08 10-5 O.C. Road Commission Per Diem & Mileage,mtg. for J.Gnau on 9/4/85-Admin. 35.00 10-6 Diversified Business Products, Inc. Off. Sup., monthly charge for Ricoh copier-Admin. 291.06 10-7 Xerox Corp. Off. Sup.-Admin. 26.71 10-8 AT&T Communications -Add. 60.35 10-9 AT&T Communications-Wh. Lk. 2.00 10-10 Michigan Bell Communications-Wh. Lk. 81-35 10-11 Detroit Edison Utilities -Add. Add. Conf. Ctr. Grove. & Inde . 8,036.00 10-12 Detroit Edison Utilities-Wh. Lk. Glen Oaks & Water. 5,852.47 10-13 Consumers Power Co. Utilities-Grove.,Wh. Lk.,Spring.,Water. & W. Pool 2,009.01 10-14 John R Lumber Co. Bldg. Maint.-Red Oaks D.R. 5.07 10-15 Young Supply Co. Bldg. Maint.-Add. Conf. Ctr. 402.00 10-16 Hodges Supply Co. Bldg. Maint.-Spring. 243.00 10-17 James N. Layman Bldg. Maint.,Sta-Rite Submersible Pump-Indep. 468.60 10-18 Security Corp. Bldg. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 300.00 10-19 State Plumbing & Heating Sup. Bldg. Maint.-Add. Conf. Ctr. 143.14 VOUCHER LISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION October, 1985 VOUCHER i ro>\rrv�� PT TRP(1 q R 10-20 Sanitation Excavating Inc, Bldg. Maint.-Grove. 747.50 -Kwik 10-21 Madison Electric Co. Bldg. Maint.-Add.,Add. Conf. Ctr.,Indep.,Wh. Lk.&Glen Oaks;Equip. Maint.-Grove. BMX & Nat. Pro .-,Maint. Sup. -Tech. -Sup. 10-22 Industrial Cleaning Supply Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 17.28 10-23 Detroit Ball Bearing Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 46.44 10-24 Parts Associates, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 92.94 10-25 PB Electronics Equip. Maint.-Admin. 10-26 Taylor Auto Paint.Co. Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 10-27 Industrial Vehicles Inc. E ui Maint.-Inde . & Glen Oaks 10-28 W.F. Miller Equip. Maint.-Grove. Wh. Lk. G e Oaks-& Red Oaks D.R. 10-29 Burin ton Golf Car Dist. Equip. Maint.-Wh.Lk. Glen Oaks & S r' - 10-30 Wilkie Turf Equipment Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 10-31 Souter Oil Sales Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks & Grove. 235.80 10-32 Vermeer Sales & Service Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 10-33 Pifer, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 8.0 10-34 J & A Spring Rebuilders Grounds Maint.-YAC;E ui . Maint.-Inde & Mob.Rec. Prorata All Units .14 10-35 Bostwick -Braun Co. Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks•Sm. Tools-T. Complex 111.2 10-36 Pine Cashway Lumber Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 97.6o 10-37 Burke Building Ctrs. Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 101.24 10-38 Century Rain Aid Grounds Maint.-Wh. Lk.,Glen Oaks & Spring. 135.16 VOUCHEF 'GISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER October, 1985 VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 10-39 Waste M mt. Garba D' -Add. YAC & Spring. 10-40 Commercial Removal Div. Garbage Disposal -Glen Oaks 36.75 10-41 VanDyne Crotty, Inc. Laundry & Dry Cleaning -Glen Oaks 111.1 10-42 National Wildlife Federation Publications,child learning books & kits -Nat. Prog. 51.60 10-43 Don Smith Misc. Exp.,reimb. for damage to car rille-Wh. Lk. 59.88 10-44 Zee Medical Service Misc. Exp.,medical supplies -Spring. & Nat. Pro . 41.0 10-45 Michigan Square Dance News Special Events,square dancing -Water. 50.00 10-46 Rich Sign Service Special Events,re istration banner-Rec. Admin. 75.00 10-47 Bean Bros. Bowling & Trophy Supply Special Events,horseshoe tourn. & volleyball-T. Complex;Rec.Sup.- BMX 718400 10-48 Flaghouse, Inc. Special Events s orts cam -T.Com lex;Rec. Su s ortsmob.-Mob.Re 10-49 Ward's Natural Science Rec. Sup. -Nat. Pro . 7.42 10-50 K. Dougherty, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Nat. Pro . 34.66 10-51 C. Herb, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Grove. 12.00 10-52 Harvey's Office Supplies Off. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 11.54 10-53 O.C. Drain Commission Cap. Proj.,Soil and Erosion Permit for Boat Rental Facility -Grove 60.00 10-54 Robert S. Smith Greens Fees,raincheck reimb.-Glen Oaks 12.00 10-55 Mike Zittel Uniforms-W. Pool 25.00 10-56 John Manzo -Special - 28.00 10-57 Martha Nikolov Camping Reimb.-Grove. _ 7.00 VOUCHER GISTER OAKL AND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER October, 1985 Ni iMRF. R VF.Nr)nR 10-58 Sundry (Refunds) Security Deposit Reim ., ary E. Wallis 0.0 isa Ann LauerAMUUNT $50.00-Water. $ 100.00 10-59 Sundry (Instructors) Special Events,Round quare Dance Callers, M.Hicrs $175. 0 0. Rieck $50.00-Water. 225.00 10-60 Sundry (Refunds) Special Events,Sr. Citizens Events,P.Holoweski $4.00,V.Doyle $4.0 T.Daddino $8.00 G.Thornberr $4.00 M.Medlen $4.00 M.Cr sler $4.00 , C.Na el $4.00 & Z.Widdoes $4.00-Glen Oaks 36.00 10-61 Aco, Inc. Bldg. Maint. & Sm. Tools-Indep. 30.26 10-62 Smiley Electric Bldg. Maint. hot water pump -Add. Conf. Ctr. 351.05 10-63 Madison Electric Bldg. Maint.-S rin .;E ui . Maint. skatemobile-Mob. Rec. 78.69 10-64 A & C Builders Hardware Bld . Ma-int.-Glen Oaks 110.10 10-65 Oakland Wholesale Inc. Bld . Maint.-Inde .00 10-66 10-67 Munn Ford Inc. C & I Auto Parts Equip. Maint.-Add. & Wh. Lk. Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks & Red Oaks D.R. 28.56 73.42 10-68 W. F. Miller Co. Cap. Equip.,(B'illy Goat)Leaf Blower-T.Complex ;Equip. Maint.-Grove., Wh. Lk. & S rin .;Grounds Maint.-S rin . 672.54 10-69 Parts Associates, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Spring. 56.59 10-70 Burington Golf Car Equip. Maint.-Add.,Wh. Lk.,Glen oaks,Red Oaks & Spring. 404.28 10- I Sundry Pa roll Ray Period Ending /2 /85-Ali Parks 96 485.42 10- 2 Hodges Supply Grounds Maint.-Add.,Wh. Lk.,Glen Oaks & W. Pool;Bldg. Maint.-Add. Conf. Ctr. & Grove.;Rental Prop. Maint.-Water. ],9] 10-73 Wilkie Turf Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. & Glen Oaks;Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks 84.90 10- 4 Pine Lumber Co. Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 96.96 10-75 The Larson Co. Grounds Maint -Indep & Spring _ 122.67 VOUCHER ;LISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER October, 1985 ArrWT1nn PURPOSE AMOUNT 10-76 C i ty of Huntin ton Woods Misc._Exp.,emergency bus rental -Mob. Rec. $ 56.25 10-77 City of Oak Park Misc. Exp.,emer enc stage rental -Mob. Rec. 90.00 10-78 Moore's Disposal Garbage Dis osal-Inde Wh. Lk. Water. g BMX 211.00 10-79 Protective Wear Inc. Uniforms -Grove. 27-95 10-80 Mickilina Harding Special Events,s ware dance class reimb.-Water. 38.00 10-81 10-82 Ralph Richard Sundry (Refunds) Reimb. for lunch exp. 9/23 & 9/27-Admin. Rental,Security Deposit Reimb.-G.Bowman $75.00 & S.Fowler $25.00- YAC 49. 0 100.00 10-83 Sundry (Refunds) Special Events,golf class reimb.-T.Crawford $30.00,C.Oak $30.00 & R.Voltmer 0.00-Water. 90.00 10-84 Hoyem-Basso Associates, Inc. Cap. Pro'. Water Park -Red Oaks payment ##10 8,850.00 10-85 County of Oakland Security Exp.-Grove.,Add. & Indep.(Operating Exp. Reimb. Jan. -Aug ) 14,624.00 10-86 Detroit Edison Acct. Rec.-Spring. ;Utilities-Wh. Lk.,Spring. & YAC 3,817.51 10-87 Consumers Power Co. Utilities -Red Oaks 28.24 10-88 City of Madison Heights Utilities -Red Oaks & Red Oaks D.R. 432.70 10-89 Michigan Bell Communications -Add. 153.91 10-90 Flint Graphic Service, Inc. Public Info.,Groveland Oaks Brochure-Admin. 730.40 10-91 City Glass Service of Pontiac Bldg. Maint.-Add. 33.24 10-92 Young Supply Co. Bldg. Maint.-Add. Conf. Ctr. 24.30 10-93 Royal Rental Co. Bldg. Maint.-T. Complex 34.00 10-94 Oakland Heating Supply Maint. Sup. & Small Tools -Tech. Sup.;Bldg. Maint.-Glen Oaks & YAC 113.77 VOUCHM- ]GISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION October, 1985 VOUCHER rrnrPf TRPCI-qF. AMOUNT 10-95 Hodges Supply Bldg. Maint.-Add. Conf. Ctr.,Grove.,Wh. Lk. & W. Pool;Grounds Maint.-Indep. $ 177.15 10-96 Handy Andy Hardware Bldg. aint.,Equip. Maint. & Grounds Maint.-Add.;Bldg. Maint.-Add Conf.,,Ctr. 124.38 10-97 Lake Orion Lumber Co. Bldg. Maint.,Grounds Maint. & Sm. Tools -Add. 365.04 10-98 Paint Sundries, Inc. Bldg. Maint.-Grove. 55.80 10-99 Tony's Parts & Accessories Equip. Maint.-Indep. 70.79 10-100 Warren Co-operative Co. Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks D.R. 16.12 10-101 Burington Golf Car Dist. Equip. Maint.-Add.,Red Oaks & Spring. 350.99 10-102 Case Power & Equip. Equip. Maint.-Add. 75.92 10-103 Industrial Vehicles Equip. Maint.-Add. & Wh. Lk. 133.04 10-104 W.F. Miller Equip. Maint.-Add. & Grove. 151.24 10-105 Bordines Better Blooms Inc. Grounds Maint.-Add. 25.81 10-106 F. 'Ostrowski, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Add. 32.96 10-107 County of Oakland Frin e.Benefits for pay period,ending- -8/2 & 8 16 1985-Admin 64 805.82 10-108 Kurtz Gravel Co. Cap. Proj.Play Equip., Phase I -Grove. 14.25 10-109 10-110 State of Michi an County of Oakland Bld . Maint.-Add. Conf. Ctr.,Glen Oaks & YAC Per Diem for Board Members,G.Kuhn 70.00,D.Murphy 35.00,R.Wilcox $15.00 & W.Moore $35.00-Admin. 72.00 175.00 10-111 Oakland Hardware Bld .Maint. E ui .Maint. Grounds Maint. Sm.Tools & Hsk Exp.-Add. 308.40 10-112 Petr lane Gas Service Utilities -Add. 2 1.2 10-111 Mister Uniform & Mat Rentals. Inc. Laundry-Admin •Hskp Exp.-Water. 32.72 r rn VOUCHER :SISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER October, 1985 NiTMRF.R VFNT)nR - — 10-114 10-115 State of Michigan Spencer Oil Co. ♦ -.1. _�. State Sales Tax Payable-Wh. Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring. T. Complex Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks _& Spring. HMUUN 1 843.48 1,765.71 10-116 Houghten's Power Ctr. Equip. Maint.-Add. 11.20 10-117 Shemin Nurseries, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Add. & Red Oaks D.R. 0 0 10-118 T.A.C. Business Forms Off. Sup. -Spring. 482.90 10-119 Zee Medical Service Misc. Ex medical supplies -Red Oaks & Red Oaks D.R. 185.34 10-120 National Bicycle League Special Events,commitment fee for 1986 Nat'l race -BMX 2,000.00 10-121 Waterford Block "& Ready Mix Cap. Proj.,Moraine Knoll Walk-Indep. 479.85 10-122 Sundry (Advance) --Workshop Cash Advance for R.Richard to attend Creative Parkland Acquisitioi on 10/15/85 in Denver, CO-Admin. 230.49 10-123 Burke Building Ctr. Cap. Proj.,Ted Gray Trail-Indep. & Play Equip. Phase I-Grove.;Bld Maint.-Admin.,Grove. Inde Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks & W. Pool;Maint. Su . - Tech.Su .;S ecial Events-Indep.;Grounds Maint.-Wh.Lk. & T. Comple 637.80 10-124 ACO, Inc. Bldg. Maint.-Indep. 15.28 10-125 R. Delasko, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Indep. 42.64 10-126 McKay's Hardware Bldg. & Equip. Maint.-Grove.;Bldg. Maint. & Sm. Tools-YAC 25.74 10-127 Pontiac Paint Bldg. Maint.-Admin.,Add. Conf. Ctr.,Grove.,Wh. Lk. & Glen Oaks; Maint. Sup. -Tech. Su .•Grounds Maint.-Grove.•E ui . Maint.-Mob. Rec. showmobile 559.91 10-128 Russell Hardware Bldg. Maint.-Glen Oaks 13.92 10-12 Jean's Hardware Bldg. Maint.-Glen Oaks 4.88 _ 10-130 Davisburg Lumber Co. Bldg Maint -YAC 4.23 VOUCHER 'LISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER October, 1985 nn TMnru VP.NT)OR PURPOSE AMOUNT 10-131 Van's Auto Supply Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk.,Spring. & Water. $ 283.51 10-132 ABC Oil Service, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Indep. 1,026.00 10-133 Southeastern Oakland Co. Incinerator Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks 24.00 10-134 American Aggregates Grounds Maint.-Indep. 241.10 10-135 County of Oakland Mileage for month of July, 1985 for commissioners-Admin. 4.00 10-136 Genesee Welding S Special Events-Rec. Admin.;Equip. Maint.,Maint. Sup. & Sm. Tools- ec . Su .•E i . Maint.-GrQve. 35.46 10-137 Rich Sian Service S e " " 10-138 Camera Mart,lnc. Off. Sup. -Nat. Pro . 22.33 10-139 Daniel Stencil Uniform Reimb. safet shoes-Rec. Admin. 29.75 10-140 Linda S iekerman Misc. Ex reimb. for golf ball dama e-Wh. Lk. 138.52 10-141 VanD ne Crotty, Inc. Laundry -Glen Oaks 43.28 10-142 Creative Dist. Cap. E ui .,Index Add -a -Keyboard for Kroy Lettering Machine -Adm in 1 012.50 10-143 Anthony M. Franco,lnc. Public Info.-Admin. 1,878.04 10-144 Sundry (Advance) Advance for J. Pung to atten the PRSA National Conf. to be held 11/10/85 at the Westin Hotel in Detroit, MI-Admin. 25.00 10-145 Sundry (Advance) Advances for L.Wint,J.Fox,C.Stanley,R.Richard,J.Kipke,P.Fields & D.Stencil to attend the NRPA Congress in Dallas TX on 10/24/85-Ad in.3 060.20 10-146 Sundry Instructor Special Events s . dance workshop, W. Ball -Water. 22.00 10-147 Sundry Commission Per Diem & Mileage for J.Fox,P.Lewis,C.Stanley & L.Wint attendanc at commissioners' meetin of 10/2/85-Admin. 159.50 10-148 Drayton Plywood Co. Bldg. Maint.-Admin. 76.66 10-149 Bob's Sery ice Shop Equip. Ma int._-Wh._ Lk_.____ 19.00 VOUCHER 'GISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER October, 1985 NUMRF_, R VENDOR 'Di roan C. r 10-150 Michigan Turfgrass Foundation, Inc. 111 VJL Membership dues,membership renewal.fdr M. Thibodeau-Admin. Nl"1VU1V 1 $ 40.00 10-11 Jacobsen's Flowers Misc. E=xp.,gift of fruit-Admin. 22.60 10-152 Nightingale -Conant Corp. Publications,"Choosin Your Own Greatness"-Admin. 42.00 10-153 Michi an and Border Cities Membership dues,membership renewal for M.Thibodeau-Admin. 36.00 10-154 Newstrack Publication,reference cassettes-Admin. 195.00 10-155 Diehl's Orchard Special Events,Fall Color Car Show-Indep. 47.50 10-1 6 Cook's Farm Dairy Special Events -Nat, Prog. 38.00 10-157 Kyle Alderman Special Events -They. Prog. 200.00 1 -1 8 BSN Corp. Rec. Sup.,sports mobile -Mob. Rec. 53.46 10-1 Artcraft Blueprint Co. Off. Sup.-Admin. 19.57 10-160 Oakland Schools Public Info.-Admin.•Off. Sup.-Admin. & Nat. Prog. 124.49 10-161 10-162 McMasters Filtration Inc. Michigan Portable Toilets Inc. Bldg. Maint.-W. Pool Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks;E ui . Rental -BMX —147.27 360.00 _ __10-163 K. Dougherty, C st. PettyCash Reimb.-Nat. Prog. 48.44 10-164 U.S. Sand and Stone Co. Cap. Proj.,Maint. Bldg. Landscape -Glen Oaks & Tree Planting- e Oaks;Grounds Maint.-Indep. 3,963.75 10-16S Souter Oil Sales Co. E ui . Maint.-Indep. 21.45 66 Sundry (Mileage Reimb. Mileage Reimb. or G.Bersc ac , uc anan , as i $8.00 D.Graham $2.75,D.Marion $15.00,J.Pung $88.75,C.Ross $12.00, S.Vandenbossche $41.00 & M.Zednik $71.50 279.75 10-167 Gniewek's,inc. Special Events,sr. citizen events -Spring. 200.00 VOUCHUH ;GIS• E11 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION September, 1985 VOUCHER rrrrr�nn P1 MPC»F. AMOUNT iluz 10-168 Genesee Ceramic Tile Dist. Cal Pro'. Floor Re air Waitress Station -Glen 0 k $ 971.80 10-169 R.A. Toonder, Inc. Bldg. Maint'.-Add. 8,00 10-170 Oakland Hardware Sm.Tools-Tech.Su .&Add.;Grounds Bid .&E ui . Maint.-Add. 169.94 10-171 Kwik Sanitation Excavating, Inc. Bldg. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 0.00 10-172 Rose Exterminator Co. Bldg. Maint.-Wh. Lk. S rin & YAC 60.00 10-173 Rochester Elevator, Inc. Bldg. Maint.-Spring. 165.00 10-174 Young Supply Co. Bldg. Maint.-Add. Conf. Ctr. & Nat. Pro . 21.80 10-175 Hodges Supply Co. Bldg. Maint.-Add. Conf. Ctr..& Glen Oaks 23.50 10-176 Miracle Recreation Equip. E ui Maint.-Add. 20.37 10-177 Spencer Oil Co. Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 429.79 10-178 J. Eiden Equip. Co. Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 16.45 10-179 Scott's Lock & Key Shop Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. & Mob. Rec. (showmobile) 26.00 10-180 Industrial Cleaning Supply Equip. Maint.-Spring. 10.15 10-181 Waterford Fuel & Supply Co. Equip. Maint.-Spring. & BMX 58.06 10-182 Case Power & Equip. Equip. Maint.-Add. 517.22 10-183 Mazza Auto Parts, Inc. Equip. Maint. & Maint. Sup. -Tech. Sup. 10.00 10-184 Herks Oxford Automotive Equip. Maint.-Add. 18.90 10-185 Turf Chemicals, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Add. 139.00 10-186 Handy Andy Hardware Maint. Sup. -Tech. Sup.;Equip. Maint. & Grounds Maint.-Add. 67.39 I VOUCHER 'GISTER VOUCHER 1 rr Tr-.- n OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION September, 1985 PT TRP(lSF AMOUNT 10-187 Maeder Plant Farm Grounds Maint.-Add. 222.00 10-188 Pontiac Steel Co. Special Events,Platform Tennis-T. Complex 105.60 10-189 Cash Register Systems Off. Sup. -Glen Oaks 11.18 10-190 O.C. Computer Services Off. Sup.-Rec. Admin.;Equip. Rental & Public Info.-Admin. 431.14 10-191 Michigan Snowmobiler Publications -Add. & Rec. Admin.;Special Events,Ad-Add. 379.00 10-192 Independence Oaks Nordic Ski Patrol Misc. Exp.,N.S.P.S. Ski Patrol 1986 dues-Indep. 120.00 10-193 County of Oakland Security Exp.,charges for Sept. 1985-Add.,Grove. & Indep. 1,828.00 10-194 Michigan Industrial Shoe Co. Uniforms-Wh. Lk. 29.75 10-195 Bio-Sery Corp. Hskp. Exp.-YAC 126.72 10-196 Harvey's Office Supplies Off. Sup. -Nat. Pro . 11.46 10-197 Novi Parks and Recreation Rental,overpayment refund on showmobile-Mob. Rec. 10.00 10-198 Meteor Photo Co. Public Info.-Admin. 107.28 10-199 Maaco Auto Painting & Bodyworks Equip. Maint.,trucks & buses -Mob. Rec. 672.00 10-200 Michigan Bell Communications -Spring. & W. Pool 70.75 10-201 Detroit Edison Utilities-Add.,Red Oaks,Red Oaks D.R.,Water.,T.Complex&W.Pool 1,362.02 10-202 Consumers Power Utilities -Add Conf. Center & Glen Oaks 437.83 10-203 Detroit Edison Utilities -Add. & Water. 89.66 10-204 Suzenna Smithers Special Events ballroom dance class refund -Water. 50.00 10-20S O.C. Dept. of Public Works Sewage Exp.-Add. 822.46 VOUCHER ,GISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER TAT Tppnqp 10-206 VOID 10-207 Carroll Industrial Co. Cap-. Proj.,Ted Gray Trail(All Visitor Trail)-Indep. 251.00 10-208 JRE, Tires Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks D-R. 46-76 10-209 Dave Evans Sand & Gravel Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 247-16 10-210 Century Rain Aid Grounds Maint.-Glen Oak9 72.28 10-211 Davisburg Lumber Co.- Grounds Maint.-Spring. 11.21 10-212 Town & Country Siding Rental Property Maint.-Wh. Lk. 77.16 10-213 AT&T Communications -Water. 9.00 10-214 Service Glass Co.,Inc. Misc. Exp.,golf,ball damage -Red Oaks 125.84 10-215 Zee Medical Service- Misc. Ex medical supplies -Glen Oaks 58.64 10-216 Snow Week Special Events,1/4 Jumbo page Ad -Add. 375-00- 10-217 Michigan Snowmobile News Special Events,1/2 page ad -Add. 415.20 10-218 Jerry Laidlaw Uniforms,,reimb. for safety shoes -Spring._ 29.75 10-219 P. Fields -Anderson Cust. "Petty Cash Reimb.-Mob. Rec. 47.66 10-220 VOID 10-221 Dave Smith niforms.reimb. for safety shoes -Spring. 2275 -. 10-222 AMy QarL Hamlin --ental Facilitiesrejmb, for.seqjtity deposit -Water. 10-223 10-224 _SundrPa roll Sundry (Advance) a. Period ,end in6_ I Q/1 I /85-All .-Ear6s lRegis. for C. Herb, F.Ostrowsk i & R.Delasko to attend Management ISchool in Wheeling, W.Va. do 3/9/86-Indee.,Add. & Grove. 525.00 VOUCHER IGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION September, 1985 VOUCHER mrrrnn PURPOSE AMOUNT 10-225 VLl\LVl\ Price Bros. Roofing - '--- Cap. Pro'. Roof Re a-ir-Wh,. Lk-. $ 3,450.00 10-226 Kammer/Michigan Consultants, Inc. Cap. Proj.,Prof. Services, Legislative Lobbyist fee for October- 10-227 Continental Custom Brid e Co. Cap. Pro'. Boat Rental Facility -Grove. 22 46 00 10-228 R. Elkins Excavating & Demolition Co. Cap. Pro'. Buildin Demolition -Grove. 3,000.00 10-229 10-230 B. Berger Co. Pontiac Steel Co. Cap. Pro'. Nature Ctr. Exhibits -Nat. Pro Cap. Proj.,Ted Gray Trail (All Visitor Trail)-Indep.;Special Events-Rec. Admin. 1 8.61 10-231 RS Electronics Cap. E ui electro- oice drivers &.horns- AC_ 08 00 10-2 2 O.C. Road Commission Per Diem & Mileage for J.Gnau for meeting held 0 - 10-233 Industrial Appraisal Co. Professional Services,property appraisal update-Admin. 618.00 10-234 Brunswick Maintenance Co. Custodial Services,month of Oct.-Admin. 665.00 10-235 ' 10-236 Oxbowindo Sundry (Advance) Bldg. Maint.-Wh. Lk. Regis. for R.Richard to attend the .Southeast Mich. Travel & Tour- ist Mtg. in Dearborn MI on 11/13/85-Admin. 84.00 20.00 10-237 10-238 Wenger Corp. Hodges Supply Co. Equip. Maint.,showmobile-Mob. Rec. Grounds Maint.-Indep.;Bldg. Maint.-Glen Oaks & YAC;Equip. Maint.- Water. &W. Pool;Rental Property Maint.-Water. 54.88 306.14 10-239 Pontiac Truck Center Equip. Maint.;trucks & buses -Mob. Rec. 10.43 10-240 Vermeer Sales Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 51.26 10-241 Huron Carts Golf Cart Rental -Glen Oaks 4,120.00 10-242 Petrolane Gas Service Utilities -Grove. 198.83 10-243 Vandenberg Bulb Co. Grounds Maint,-Add. 304.76 VOUCHER SISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION eptember, 1985 VOUCHER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 10-244 Church's Lumber Yard Grounds Maint.-Inde . $ 289.80 10-245 VanDyne Crotty, Inc. Laundry & Dry Cleaning-Indep.,Red Oaks & Nat. Prog. 379.29 10-246 VanDyne Crotty, Inc. Laundry & Dry Cleaning-Add.,Grove. & Wh. Lk. 389.85 10-247 Dynamic Graphics, Inc. Publications, -material for public communications-Admjin. 104.45 10-248 The Daily Tribune Publications,] yr. sub. renewal-Admin. 96.80 10-249 National Recreation & Park Assoc. Membership dues,membership renewal for R.Coffey-Rec. Admin. 50.00 10-250 Michigan and Border Cities Membership dues,membership renewal for L.Gee-Red Oaks 36.00 10-251 Astronomical Data Service Publications,reference material -Nat. Prog. 13.00 10-252 City Glass Service of Pontaic Misc. Ex .,screens -Red Oaks 193.60 10-253 Insty-prints Off. Su & Public Info.-Admin.;S ecial Events -Then. Prog. 111.40 10-254 Chris Keast/Advertising Public Info. cross country ski brochure-Admin. 735.00 10-255 O.C. Dept. of Public Works Sewage Exp.,sludge hauling charges -YAC 1 271.71 10-256 Carroll Industrial Co. Maint. Sup. -Tech. Sup. 33.10 10-257 Creative Cricket Rec. Sup.,basket making materials -Nat. Prog. 94.14 10-258 Sallie A. Paul Special Events,adult swin fitness refund -Water. 6.00 10-259 Vera Trimble Special Events,adult -sWing fitness refund -Water. 6.00 10-260 Lawrence McCarty Camping Refund -Grove. 85.00 10-261 Detroit Edison Utilities -Add. Add.Conf.Ctr. Glen Oaks & T. Complex 4,887.46 10-262 Consumers Power Co. Utilities -Grove .Wh. Lk. & Water. 855.25 _ VOUCHER i,r,GISTER OAKL,AND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER TT TTT/\T pr rRpn qT, AMOUNT 10-263 Thom son Oil Co. Utilities-Grove.•E ui . Maint -W 10-264 O.C. Drain Commission Cap. Pro'. Wave Pool & Waterslide-Red Oaks 1,288.55 10-265 City of Farmington Hills Ca Pro'. Entrance Sign -Glen Oaks 20.00 10-266 County of Oakland Insurance-Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Add.Conf.Ctr.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk Glen Oaks Red Oaks Red Oaks D.R. S rin AC Water W. oo - , 1 ex-, �45x44-. 10-267 Sundry (Payroll) Pay Period ending 10 2 -8 -All Parks 8 80 .O1 TOTAL FOR MONTH $604.158.60 PARKS AND 'REATION October, 1985 cnnorc nFPARTMFNT PURPOSt AMOUNT IV TV — 77 & 8-522 O.Cc Facilities & Operations Cap. Pro'.,Slate Roof Repair/Facade Renov.-Glen Oaks $ 050.00 TV 9-186 O.C. Facilities & Operations Cap. Proj.,Slate Roof Repair/Facade Renov.-Glen Oaks (Credit for duplicate payment ) 4 (3,525.00) TV 9-59 O.C. Facilities & Operations Cap. Projects, Boundary Fencing $1,500.00-Add.;Clubhouse Renov. 50.00-S rin .•Activit Ctr. Im Restroom.Add. 0.00-Water. & Fencing, Picnic Area $1 200.00-W. Pool 4,200.00 TV 9-127 O.C. Facilities & Operations Ca .Pro'. Maint. Bldg. Improvement -Red Oaks 0.00 Inv. #42 O.C. Audio Visual Aide Ctr. Fund Off. Sup.-Admin. Month of September) .00 Inv. #860 O.C. Office Equipment Fund Equip. Rental-Admin.,Rec. Admin.,Tech. Sup.,Grove.,Indep.,Spring.,, YAC & Nat. Pro . (Month of September) 431.16 Inv. #619 O.C. Printing & Mailing Public Info.&Off. Sup.-Admin.;Special Events-Rec. Admin.&Nat. Prog.; Off. Su .-W.Pool;Rec. Sup. -Nat. Pro . (Month of Se tember) 1 282. 5 _ Inv. #312A O.C. Motor Pool Fund Transportation-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh. Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,S rin YAC,Water. Mob.Rec. & Nat. Pro .; Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.LI<.`,Glen Oaks,Sprin Water.&Mob. Rec.(trucks & buses);Insurance-Add. Grove. Inde Wh.L ., . Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,S ring.&Mob. Rec. (Month of September) 19 360. 6 Inv. #651A O.C. Stores Operations Fund Public Info.-Admin.;0 . Sup. -A min.,Rec.A min.,Tec .Sup.,Grove., Indep.,Glen Oaks,Spring:&Ther.Prog.;Hskp. Exp.-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grov ., Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks,Spring.&YAC;B dg. Maint.-Indep.;Special Eve Indep.&sportscamp-T.Complex;Equip.Maint.,Prorata (All Units) -Mob. ts- Rec. (Month of 'September) 1,833.72 Inv. #93 O.C. Radio Communications Fund Radio Maint.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Glen Oaks, YAC Water. W.Pool Mob. Rec. & Nat. Pro .•E ui . Maint. trucks & buses-Mob.Rec. & BMX Month of September 1 0.12 Inv. #131 O.C. Communications Fund Communications-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks, Red Oaks Red Oaks D.R. S rin YAC Water. W.Pool T.Com lex&Nat. Pro ;•Bld . Maint.-Glen Oaks Month of September) 4 220.2 TOTAL FOR INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTE 37,359•20 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION Analysis of Fund Balance As of 9/30185 FUND BALANCE 1/1/85 (Includes the Deposit on Farmington Hills Land Purchase of $.239,000) Additions: Revenue over Operating Expense as of 9/30185 Net collections on Accounts Receivable Depreciation Expense Donation - Nature Center Net Decrease in Golf/Tennis Merchandise Final Payment on Farmington Hills Land Purchase Net Increase in Accounts Payable N_J.._a.. --—. Payments on Capital Projects Net Operating Equipment Purchases Interdepartmental Invoices in Transit SUMMARY OF FUND BALANCE Cash on Hand Investments thru County Treasurer's Office $2,256,469.69 $2,472,033.83 333,870.09 214,698.52 100.00 ` 7,179.66 2,151,000.00 15,180.12 5,194,062.22 $7,450,531.91 $ 913,828.84 241,824.56 33,088.51 1,188,741.91 $6,261,790.00 $ 477,485.03 5,784,304.97 $6,261,790.00 5-1 Oakland.County Parks and Recreation COMBINED OPERATING STATEMENT For the 9 Months Ended 9-30-85 Year to 1985 Budget Revenues Date Budoet Balance Millage t Interest Inc. $3,910,606 $ 4,050,000 $139,394 Recreation Section Admin. 4,285 1,400 (2,885) Addison Oaks: Park 119,997 115,800 (4,197) Conference Center 22,669 52,500 29,831 Groveland Oaks 291,330 274,400 (16,930) Independence Oaks 137,254 129,800 (7,454) Glen Oaks 460,947 490,900 29,953 Red Oaks: Golf Course 156,716 150,400 (6,316) Driving Range 42,611 28,400 (14,211) Springfield Oaks: Golf Course 362,378 356,400 (5,978) White Lake Oaks 372,874 349,400 (23,474) Springfield Oaks YAC 16,244 103,200 86,956 Waterford Oaks: Park 38,924 65,600 26,676 Wave Pool s Slide 250,798 349,500 98,702 Tennis Complex 15,136 28,275 13,139 Mobile Recreation 47,988 61,500 13,512 Bicycle Moto Cross 49,071 52,350 3,279 Nature Program 1,720 2,910 1,190 Therapeutic Program 4;901 51250 349 TOTAL REVENUE $6,3062449 $ 6,667,9B5 $361,536 Operating Expenses Administration Office $" 629,318 $ 882,850 $ 2532532 Recreation Section Admin. 142,32 184,940 422b13 Technical Support 210,364 296,650 86,286 Addison Oaks: Park 344,452 460,000 115,548 Conference Center 36,254 52,500 16,246 Groveland Oaks 309.936 433,600 123,664 Independence Oaks 336,889 469,650 132,761 Glen Oaks 319,907 382,700 62,793 Red Oaks: Golf Course 174,100 224,150 50,050 Driving Range 19,654 43,300 23,646 Springfield Oaks: Golf Course 294,409 356,425 62,016 White Lake Oaks 256,394 331,075 74,681 Springfield Oaks YAC 101,004 147,250 46,246 Waterford Oaks: Park 134,571 180,750 46,179 Wave Pool b Slide 178,683 221,050 42,367 Tennis Complex 41,910 60,800 18,890 Mobile Recreation 134,074 '167,350 33,276 Bicycle Moto Cross 64,181 69,700* 5,519 Nature Program 74,511 113,440 38,929 Therapeutic Program 12,33$ 20,995 8,657 Contingency 19,139 '7,825 18,686 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES __ $3,834,415 $. 5,137,006 _. $1,302.585 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. S2.472.034 $ 1,530,985 $ (941,049) 1985 1984 1983 Actual Revenue to date: 94.5% 99.1% 95.1% Budget Balance: 5.5% Actual Expenditures to date: 74.6% 75.3% 75.1% Budget Balance: 25.4% *$8,000 has been transferred to Waterford BMX from Contingency. 5-2 Oakland County Parks and Recreation ADMINISTRATION OFFICE Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 9-30-85 (Over) Current Year to 1985 Under Month Revenue Date Budget Budget $ 22.33 Interest Delinquent Tax $ 213.93 $ 500.00 $ 286.07 33,904.54 Interest Investments 188,599.17 120,000.00 (68,599.17) (1,066.45) Miscellaneous Income 2,533.07 1,000.00 (1,533.07) -0- Land Contract Glen Oaks -0- 258,500.00 258,500.00 2,299.27 Tax Revenue 3,719,2 59. 52 3,670,000.00 (49,259.52) -0- Budget Adjustment -0- -0- -0- $35,159.69 TOTAL REVENUE $3,910,605.69 $4,050,000.00 $139,394.31 Operating Expenses $39,908.66 Salaries - Full Time $ 353,386.93 $ 506,000.00 $152,613.07 511.19 - Part Time 19,173.45 22,150-00 2,976.55 -0- - Overtime 128.93 1,000.00 871.07 1.3,224.48 Fringe Benefits 117,066.38 182,400.00 65,333.62 234.50 Per Diem & Mileage -Comm. 2,792.00 5,000.00 2,208.00 430.00 Professional Services 10,230.00 10,300.00 70.00 118.64 Building Maintenance 1,601.57 1,500.00 (101.57) ,o4l.03 Communications 8,582.68 15,000.00 6,417.32 665.00 Custodial Services 5,470.00 7,500.00 2,030.00 1,050.35 Depreciation 7,336.89 8,500.00 1,163.11 478.57 Rental Expense 4,048.28 12,400.00 8,351.72 131.96 Equipment Repair Maint. 280.05 800.00 519.95 -0- Insurance -0- 150.00 150.00 29.48 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 325.93 150.100 (175-93) 71.75 Dues & Publications 2,683.67 2,500.00 (183.67) -0-. Miscellaneous Expense 277.17 200.00 (77.17) 8,678.87 Public Information 53,451.36 75,500.00 22,048.64 279.96 Radio Repair Contract 2,239.68 3,000.00 760.32 2,216.50 Transportation 16,973.57 22,600.00 5,626.43 597.71 Travel & Conference 7,537"-21 11,700.00 4062.79 145.35 Housekeeping Supplies 139.88 500.00 360.12 52.86 Office Supplies 15,592.77 21,000.00 5,407.23 -0- Contingency -0- -0- -0- -0- Budget Adjustment -0- (27,000.00) (27,OOD.00) $69,866.86 TOTAL ADMIN. EXPENSES $629,318.'40 $ 882,850.00 $253,531.60 1985 1984 ac 1 Expenditures to Date: 71.2% 72.2% 3uc..,ct Balance: 28.8% 5-3 MONTH OF September OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON ADMINISTRATION IN DOLLARS ' YEAR TO DATE 9/30/85 1984 1985 Variance '1984 1985 Variance 1 22 21 Int. Delinquent Tax 462 214 $ 248 67,295 0 0 Int. Investments 150,996 188,599 37,603 2 1 (1,066) 81 Miscellaneous Incomd 101,010 2,533 {98 477) -0- -0- -0- Land Contract -Glen Oaks -0- -0- -0- 2,274 2,299 25 Tax Revenue 3,638,096 3,719,260 81,164 _ $69,319 $35,160 4 1 TOTAL $3,890,564 $3,210,6o6 $ 20,042 Current Mom_ $ 354.00 361.79 $ 711.79 $(17,364.42} on nd County Parks and Recreati Oaki a SEC MlNON Ap1sT0vW4 RECR Aerations Statement d Ended - 0- For the Perio 1g85 Year to gudaet Date Revenue $ 1 ,070.00 1 ,4fl0.00 Miscellaneous Revenue 3>214.71 Special Programs TOTAL REVENUE Less: Operating Expenses REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) (Over) Under gudoet $ 4,284.71 $ 42,612.68 1$41940.00 142,327.32 $(45,497.39) $(139,p4 5-5 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Current Month RECREATION ADMINISTRATION SECTION Operatina Expenses For the Period Ended 9-30-85 Classification Year to 1985 Date Budoet (Over) Under Budoet $ 9,089.28 Salaries - Full Time $ 79,390.54 $ 123,000.00 $43,609.46 743.78 - Part Time 7,558.79 1,800.00 (5,758.79) -0- - Overtime 95.73 -O- (95.73) 3,309.06 Fringe Benefits 28,482•72 40,000.00 11,517.28 108.80 Building Maintenance 712.06 1,500.00 787.94 671.24- Communications 4,547.37 5,000.00 452.63 89.85 Equipment Rental 836.04 1,500.00 663.96 -0- Dues & Publications 191.00 720.00 529.00 19.50 Radio Repair Contract 292.50 120.00 (172.50) 12135.61 Special Events 5,598•48 1,400.00 (4,198.48) 975.70 Transportation 7,764.48 9,000.00 1,235.52 285.54 Travel & Conference 2,137.49 4,000.00 1,862.51 -0- Uniforms -0- 100.00 100.00 707.37 - Volunteer Proram Expenses g 971.03 800.00 (171.03) 936.48 Office Supplies 3,749.09 1,000.00 (2,749.09) -0- Budget Adjustment -0- (5,000.00) (5,000.00) $18,072.21 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $142,327.32 184,940.00 S42.612.68 1985 1984 Actual Expenditures to Date: 76.9% 64.5% Budget Balance: 23.1% 5-6 MONTH OF September OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON RECREATION ADMINISTRATION SECTION IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 9/30/85 1984 1985 Variance 1984 198-5 Variance $-0- $350 $350 Miscellaneous Revenue $-o- $1 070 $1 070 -0- 362 362 Special Events 564 3,215 2,651 i $-o- $712 $712 TOTAL 5564 84 285 $3,721 Oakland County Parks and Recreation TECHNICAL SUPPORT SECTION Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 9-30-8 (Over) Current Year to 1985 Under Month Classification Date Budoet Budoet $13,231.76 Salaries - Full Time $120,415.21 $ 170,200.00 $49,784.79 -0- - Part Time -0- -0- -0- 407.81 - Overtime 7,524.90 6,000.00 (1,524.90) 5,406.27 Fringe Benefits 47,899.00 73,000.00 25,101.00 6.93 Building Maintenance 512.20 500.00 (12.20) 876.08 Depreciation 7,319.80 10,400.00 3,080.20 59.71 Rental Expense 513.20 800.00 286.80 425.23 Equipment Repair & Maint. 3,464.07 4,000.00 535.93 -0- Insurance -0- 200.00 200.00 29.81 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 1,023.18 1,550.00 526.82 -0- Miscellaneous -0- 200.00 200.00 177.84 Radio Repair. Contract 1,312.53 2,300.00 987.47 1,859.02 Transportation 17,180.87 31,000.00 13,819.13 -0- Travel & Conference 10.00 700.00 690.00 -0- Uniform Expense 530.15 500.00 (30.15) -0- Housekeeping Supplies 155.16 400.00 244.84 24.47 Supplies for Repair 622.46 2,000.00 1,377.54 85.31 Office Supplies 789.72 400.00 (389.72) 62.24 Small Tools 1,091.19 1,500.00 408.81 -0- Contingency -0- -0- -0- -0- Budget Adjustment -0- (9,000.00) (9,000.00) $22,652.48 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $210,363.64 $ 296,650.00 $86,286.36 1985 1984 Actual Expenditures to Date: 70.9% 74.4% Budget Balance: 29.1% F, Account Rental Expense Equipment Repair and Maintenance Housekeeping Supplies Supplies for Repair Office Supplies Small Tools OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION TECHNICAL SUPPORT SECTION. EXPENSES PAID AND/OR OBLIGATED For the Period Ended 9-30-85 Ordered Not Total Balance Paid Yet Paid Obligated Left or To Date 10-22-85 To Date 1985 Budget (Overlent) $ 513.20 $-0- $ 513.20 $ 800.00 $ 286.80 3,464.07 420.44 3,884.51. 4,000.00 115.49 155.16 -0- 155.16 400.00 244.84 622.46 190.17 812.63 2,000.00 1,187.37 789.72 -0- 789.72 400.00 (389.72) 1,091.19 91.88 1,183.07 1,500.00 316.93 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Current Month $ 131.23 -0- 2,798.75 4,667.50 360.00 2,917.50 1,552.75 -0- $ 12,427.73 34,199.63 $(21,771.90) ADDISON OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 9-30-85 (Over) Year to 1985 Under Revenue Date Budget Budget Commission - Contracts $ 312.72 $ 200.00 $ (112.72) Commission - Food Service 441.04 1,600.00 -1158.96 Fees - Day Use 39,783.50 49,000.00 9,216.50 Fees - Camping 41,198.05 30,000.00 (11,198.05: Miscellaneous Income 13,421.52 3,000.00 (10,421.52: Rental - Facilities 13,948.00 12,000.00 (1,948.00: Rental - Equipment 10,891.90 20,ODO.00 9,108.10 Budget Adjustment -0- -0- -0- TOTAL REVENUE $ 119,996.73 $ 115,800.00 $ (4,196.73' Less: Operating Expenses 344,452.11 460,000.00 115,547.89 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(224,455.38) $ (344,200.00) $0 19,744.62 5-10 Oakland County Parks and Recreation ADDISON OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 9-30-85 Current (Over) Year to 1985 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget $12,407.41 Salaries - Full Time $110,293.00 $ 145,700.00 $ 35,407.00 4,614.00 - Part Time 48,892.10 60,200.00 11,307.90 54.15 - Overtime 2,466.51 2,500.00 33.49 4,808.58 Fringe Benefits 43,016.06 62,000.00 18,983.94 338.49 Building Maintenance 3,059.-64 4,000.00 940.36 (16.50) Shortage/Overage 103.67 -0- (103.-67) 248.78 Communications 1,656.60 2,500.00 843.40 1,961.86 Depreciation 16,294.15 24,000.00 7,705.85 -0- Rental Expense -0- 200.00 200.00 1,206.66 Equipment Repair & Maint. .8,123.75 13,000.00 4,876.25 338.00 Rubbish Removal 1,783.30 2,000.00 216.70 23.00 Utilities 3,025.05 10,000.00 6,974.95 -0- Insurance 216.00 3,500.00 3,284.00 333.01 Grounds Maintenance 8,921.58 16,000.00 7,078.42 31.25 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 1,150.16 1,900.00 749.84 38.46 Dues & Publications 165.81 100.00 (65.81) -0- Miscellaneous Expense 294.20 300.00 5.80 288.77 . Radio Repair Contract 2,530.54 4,000.00 1,469.46 5,274.86 Public Safety Services 69,312.99 90,000.00 20,687.01 984.09 Transportation 7,392.61 14,400.00 7,007.39 -0- Travel & Conference 280.31 1,000.00 719'.69 37.50 Uniform Expense 1,089.83 2,000.00 910.17 822.46 Sewage Expense 10,610.90 10,000.00 (610.90). 248.41 Housekeeping Supplies 1,135.13 1,800.00 664.87 66.20 Office Supplies 1,936.07 1,500.00 0 (81o.8) 32.69 Recreation Program 189.82 1,000.00 57.50 Small Tools 486.48 400.00 (86.48) -0- Contingency -0- _O_ _0- -0- _ Budget Adjustment -0- (14,000.00) (14,000.00) -0- Special Events 25.85 .-0- (25.85) TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $115,547.89 $34,199.63 $344,452.11 $ 460,000.00 Actual Expenditures to Date: Budget Balance: 1985 1984 74.8% 69.6% 25.2% 5-11 MONTH OF September OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON ADDISON OAKS IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 9-30-85 1984 1985 Variance 1984 1985 Variance $ -0- $ 131 $ 13.1 Comm. - Contracts $ 332 313 $ (19) -0- -0- -0- Comm. - Food Service 635 441 (194) 3,073 2,784 (289) Fees - Day Use 33,378 35,442 2,064 15 15 -0- - Annual Pass 5,220 4,342 (878) 2,798 4,131 1,333 Fees - Camping 24,868 36,491 11,623 403 537 134 --Electricity 3,562 4,707 1,145 350 360 10 Miscellaneous Income 6,337 13,422 7,085 2,338 2,917 579 Rent - Facilities 13,567 13,948 381 -0- -0- -0- - Pool 969 -0- (969) 756 831 75 Rent - Pedal Boats 8,988 5,405 (3,583) 202 496 294 - Rowboats 2,560 3,673 1,113 130 223 93 :7Showers 1,082 1,753 671 3 3 -O- - Life Jackets s Oars 44 60 16 $10,068 $12,428 $2,36o TOTAL $101,542 $119,9g7 $18,455 Oakland County Parks and Recreation ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 9-30-85 (Over) Current Year to 1985 Under Month Revenue Date Budget Budget $ -0- Commission - Food Service $ 22,668.28 $ 52,500.00 $29,'831.72 -0- Budget Adjustment -0- -0- -0- $ -0- TOTAL REVENUE $29,831.72 $ 22,668.28 $ 52,500.00 Less Operating Expenses: $ 4-73.95 Building Maintenance $ 3.,439.79 $ 1,000.00 $(2,439.79) •659.34 Utilities 32,814.27 49,000.00 16,185.73 -0- Insurance -0- 2,500.00 2,500.00 -0- Budget Adjustment -0- -0- -0- $ 1,133.29 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 36,254.06 $16,245.94 $ 52,500.00 $0 ,133.29) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $0 3,585.78) $ -0- $13,585.78 1985 1984 Actual Expenditures to Date: 69% 81.3% Budget Balance: 31% 5-13 MONTH OF September OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREAT10N REVENUE COMPARISON ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER IN DOLIARS YEAR TO DATE 9/30/85 1984 1985 Variance 1984 1985 Variance Comm. - Food Sales $2,1 6o8 $22 668 $1 060 $-0- TOTAL $21,7608 $22,668 $l,o6o Oakland County Parks and Recreation GROVELAND OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 9-30-85 (Over) Current Year to 1985 Under Month Revenue Date Budget Budoet $ (112.97) Commission - Contracts $ 105.17 $ 1,000.00 $ 894.83 -0- Commission - Food. Service 1,785.80 5,200.00 3,414-20 1,793.50 Fees - Day Use 40,816.25 40,000.00 (816.25, 13,785.50 Fees - Camping 203,523.00 180,000.00 (23,523.00' 40.50 Miscellaneous Income 4,272.69 8,500.00 4,227.31 175.00 Rental - House 1,050.00 1,200.00 150.00 -0- Rental - Facilities 3,637-50 3,500.00 (137.50' 1,437.31 Rental - Equipment 23,596.22 20,000.00 (3,596.22' 575.75 Water Slide 12,543.51 15,000.00 2,456.49 -0- Budget Adjustment -0- -0- -0- $ 17,694.59 TOTAL REVENUE $291,330.14 $ .274,400.00 $(16,930.14' 32,875.75 .Less: Operating Expenses 309,935.81 433,600.00 123,664.19 $(15,181.16) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $0 8,605.67) $ (159,200.00) $140,594.33 5-15 Oakland County Parks and Recreation GROVELAND OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 9-30-85 Current Year to 1985 (Over) Under Month Classification Date Budaet Budaet $ 4,898.78 Salaries - Full Time 34,674.81 $ 67,9o0.0o $ 33,225.19 6,558.94 - Part Time 86,055.13 102,000.00 15,944.87 152.86 - Overtime 3,201.71 4,0o0.0o 798.29 2,794.06 Fringe Benefits 22,566.44 38,000.00 15,433.56 89.65 Building Maintenance 4,948.63 9,000.00 4,o51.37 (9.47) Shortage/Overage (15.85). -0- 15.85 353.72 Communications 1,934.58 3,000.00 1,065.42 2,222.60 Depreciation 17,618.79 30,000.00 12,381.21 13.95 1,249.71 Rental Expense Equipment 111.33 300.00 188.67 1'540.o0 Repair & Maint. Rubbish 6,734.55 12,000.00 5,265.45 Removal 5,563.00 7,000.00 1 4 37.00 5,901.68 Utilities 27,552.73 35,000.00 7,447.27 -0- 42.99 Insurance -0- 5,000.00 5,000.00 6.25 Grounds Maintenance 9,971.27 13,000.00 3,028.73 Laundry & Dry Cleaning- 277.89 800..00 522.11 -0- Rental Property Maint. -0- 250.00 250.00 -0- Dues & Publications 70.75 50.00 (20.75) 142.00 Miscellaneous Expense 578.15 200.00 (378.15) -0- Public Information 1,500.00 1,500.00 -o- -3o4.23 Radio Repair Contract 2,310.16 3,000.00 689.84 53274.86 Public Safety Services 613,312.99 90,000.00 20,681.01 844.54 Transportation 6,960.60 10,500.00 3,539.40 -0- (.50.00) Travel & Conference 210.52 800.00 589.48 Uniform Expense 1,026.19 2,500.00 1,473.81 300.16 Housekeeping Expense 3,002.53 5,000.00 1,997.47 86.00 Office.Supplies 1,957.73 3,000.00 1,042.27 143.25 Recreation Program 1,604.05 2,500.00 895.95. 14.99 Small Tools 207.13 300.00 92.87 -0- Contingency -o- -0- =O- -0- Budget Adjustment -o- (13,000.00) (13,000.00) $32,875.75 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $309,935.81 $ 433,600.00 $123,664.19 1985 1984 Actual Expenditures to Date: 71.4% 74.6% Budget Balance: 28.6% ME MONTH OF September OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON GROVELAND OAKS 1N DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 9-30-8S 1984 1985 Variance .1984 1985 Variance $ 15 $ (113) $ (128) Comm. - Contracts $ 36 $ 105 $ 69 -0- -0- -0- Comm. - Food Service 1,793 1,786 (7) 2,859 1,794 (1,065) Fees - Day Use 33,746 34,669 923 -0- -0- -0- - Annual Pass 6,193 6,147 (46) 12,920 11,430 (1,490) Fees - Camping 153,381 170,231 16,850 2,553 .2,355 (198) - Electricity 30,376 33,292 2,916 3,403 40 (3,363) Miscellaneous Income 8,447 4,273 (4,174) 100 175 75 Rent - Houses 900 1,050 150 35 -0- (35) Rent - Facilities .3,475 3,638 163 582 560 (22) Rent - Pedal Boats 10,407 11,577 1,170 123 111 (12) - Rowboats 1,654 1,685 31 529 529 -0- - Showers 6,449 6,907 458 8 11 3 - Life Jackets s Oars 94 112 18 177 227 50 - Canoes 3,240 3,315 75 627 576 (51) Water feature Ride 13,377 12,543 (834) $23,931 $17,695 $(6,236) TOTAL $�73,568 $291,330 $17,762 Oakland County Parks and Recreation INDEPENDENCE OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 9-30-85 (Over) Current Year to 1985 Under Month Revenue Date Budget Budoet $ -0- Commission - Contracts $ 3,311.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 189.0 -0- Commission - Food Service 685.24 2,3oo.Do 6 1,614.76 6,882.25 Fees - Day Use 84,168.25 80 000.00 , (4,168.25) 598.50 Fees - Organized Camping 1,026.75 1,600.00 73.5 50.00 Miscellaneous Income 2>778.4.5 500.00 (2,278.45) 4,715.50 Rental - Facilities 30,534.00 27,900.00 (2,634.00) 1,546.35 Rental - Equipment 14,750:35 14,000.0o (750.35) -0- Budget Adjustment -0- -0- -0- $ 13,792.60 TOTAL REVENUE $ 137,254.04 $ 129,800.00 $ (7,454.04) 32,252.25 Less: Operating Expenses 336,889.12 469,650.00 132,760.88 $(18,459.65) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(199,635.08) $ (339,850.00) $(140,214.92) Oakland County Parks and Recreation INDEPENDENCE OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 9-30-85 (Over) Current Year to 1985 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget $ 8,901.24 Salaries - Full Time $ 89,515.65 $ 146,618.o0 $ 57,102.35 4,002.79 - Part Time 49,330.55 50,000.00 669.45 -0- - Overtime 1,950.23 3,000.00 1,049.77 4,572.81 Fringe Benefits 40,190.14 65,382.00 25,191.86 609.39 Building Maintenance 4,960.62 5,000.00 39.38 20.95 Shortage/Overage 197.99 -0- (197.99) 195.62 Communications 1,412.81 3,300.00 1,887.19 2,346.78 Depreciation 19,78.5.38 32,500.00 12,714.62 27.90 Rental Expense 178.10 400.00 221.90 2,566.06 Equipment Repair & Maint. 13,261.84 13,000.00 (261.84) -0- Rubbish Removal 1,369.76 2,350.00 980.24 1,058.21 Utilities 13,697.94 18,000.00 4,302.06 -0- Insurance -0- 2,500.00 2,500.00 705.13 Grounds Maintenance 11,223.93 23,000.00 11,776.07 29.06 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 970.59. 1,900.00 929.41 -0- Dues & Publications 50.00 500.00 450.00 6.85 Miscellaneous Expense 1,114.43 1,200.00- 85.57 337.58 Radio Repair Contract 2,747.02 4,200.00 1,452.98 5,274.87 Public Safety Services 69,312.99 90,000.00 20,687.01 1,004.80 Transportation 7,582..15 13,000.00 5,417.85 =0- Travel & Conference 715.89 1,000.00 284.11 -0- Uniform Expense 1,587.47 2,000.00 412.53 406.51 Housekeeping Supplies 2,282.71 2,800.00 517.29 120.75 Office Supplies 2,782.87 1,500.00 (1,282.87) 34.95 Small Tools 606.23 500.00 (106.23) -0- Contingency -0- -0- -0- -0- Budget Adjustment -0- .(14,000.00) (14,000.00) 30.0`0 Special Events 61.83 (61.83) $32,252.25 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $336,889.12 $ 469,65o.00 $132,760.88 1985 1984 Actual Expenditures .to Date: 71 .7% 76.7% Budget Balance: 28.3% 5-19 MONTH OF September OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON INDEPENDENCE OAKS ►►fiE1111wiTty YEAR TO DATE 9-30-85 1984 1985 Variance i 1984 1985 Variance $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- Comm. - Contracts $ 3,521 $ 3,311 $ (210) -0- -0- -0- Comm. - Food Service 710 685 (25) 3,703 6,867 3,164 Fees - Day Use 54,490 60,365 5,875 45 15 (30) - Annual Pass 23,623 23,803 180 129 599 470 Fees - Camping 635 1,027 392 82 50 (32) Miscellaneous Inpople 1,207 2,778 1,571 3,313 4,716 1,403 Rent - Facilities 27,835 30,534 2,699 2 8 6 Rent - Lockers 33 45 12 372 780 408 - Pedal Boats 5,928 6,875 947 489 521 32 - Rowboats 4,191 4,754 563 6 .6 -0- - Life Jackets & Oar5 84 92 8 185 231 46 - Canoes 2,529 2,985 456 _ $8,326 $13,793 $5,467 TOTAL $124,786 $137,254 $12,468 N O Oakland County Parks and Recreation GLEN OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 9-30-85 (Over) Current Year to 1985 Under Month Revenue Date Budget Budget $ -0- Commission - Contracts $ 272.25 $ 500.00 $ 227,75 -0- Commission — Food Service 24,485.48 62,000_00 37,514.52 41,728.00 Greens Fees 321,151.00 322,000.00 849.00 81.00 Miscellaneous Income 1,087.50 100.00 87.5 0} (9(987.50) 674.00 Rental - Equipment 5,584.0o 5,500.00 16,893.50 Rental - Golf Carts 92,681.50 85,000.00 (7,681.50) 1,856.91 Sales - Pro Shop 14,481.88 15,000.00 518.12 828.00 Special Events 828.00 800.00 (28.00) -0- Budget Adjustment -0- -0- -0- 125.00 Rental - House 375.00 -0- - (375.00) $62,186.41 TOTAL REVENUE $460,946.61 $ 490,900.00 $ 29,953.39 37,489.35 Less: Operating Expenses $319,907.35 382,700.00 62,792.65 $24,697.06 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $141,039.26 108,200.00 $(32,839.26) 5-21 Current Month Oakland County Parks and Recreation GLEN OAKS Operat- nExpenses For the Period Ended_ 9-30-85 Classification Year to 1985 Date Budget (Over) Under Budget $ 9,061.97 Salaries - Full Time $ 76,902.28 $ 98,300.00 $ 21,397.72 5,879.60 - Part Time 54,020.21 65,200.00 11,179.79 1,436.26 - Overtime 7,361.32 10,000.00 2,638.68 4,370.30 Fringe Benefits 36,437.24 50,000.00 13,562.76 935.67 Building Maintenance 6,437.06 7,000.00 562.94 (31.00) Shortage/Overage (133.72) -0- 133.72 318.92 Communications 2,098.18 2,900.00 8ot.82 3,714.23 Depreciation 31,546.75 37,850.00 6,303.25 -0- Rental Expense 144.92 200.00 55.08 2,266.65 Equipment Repair & Maint. 18,577.22 24,000.00 5,422.78 36.75 Rubbish Removal 294.00 450.00 156.00 2,500.00 Golf Cart Rental 12,500.00 18,OoO.00 5,500.00 4,201.11 Utilities 36,661.05 29,000.00 (7,661.05) -0- Insurance 216.00 4,000.00 3,784.00 571.97 Grounds Maintenance 14,918.36 20,000.00 5,081.64 -0- Laundry & Dry Cleaning 762.21 11700.00 937.79 -0- Dues & Publications 95.23 50.00 (45.23) -0- Miscellaneous Expense 66.34 100.00 33.66 -46.38 Radio Repair Contract 371.04 700.00 328.96 -0- 490.00 Special Events 10.96 250.00 239.04 Transportation 4,375.12 7,000.00 2,624.88 -0- Travel & Conference 66.20 4o0.00 333.80 29.75 Uniform Expense 549.07 1,700.00 -1,150.93 101.01 Housekeeping Expense 451.66 1,000.00 548.34 1,522.66 Golf Mdse. for Resale 11,875.13 10,000.00 (1,875.13) 37.12 Office Supplies 2,983.88 4,500.00 1,516.12 -0- Small Tools 319.64 400.00 80.36 -0- Contingency -0- -0- -0- -0- Budget Adjustment -0- (12,000.00) (12,000.00) $37,489.35 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $319,907.35 $ 382,700.00 $ 62,792.65- 1985 1984 Actual Expenditures to Date: 83.5% 85.4% Budget Balance: 16.5% 5-22 MONTH OF September OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON GLEN OAKS IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 9-30_85 1984 1985 Variance 1984 1985 Variance $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- Comm. — Contracts $ 522 $ 272 $ (250) -0- -0- -0- Comm. - Food Service 22,227 24,485 2,258 34,239 41,728 7,489 Greens Fees 292,681 321,151 28,470 -0- 81 81 Miscellaneous Income 4,858 1,088 '(3,770) 516 674 158 Rent - Equipment 4,912 5,584 672 13,188 16,893 3,705 Rent - Golf Carts 79,236 92,682 13,446 1,528 1,857 329 Sales - Pro Shop 13,065 14,482 1,417 -0- 828 828 Special Events -0- 828 828 -0- 125 125 -0- 375 375 $49,471 $62,186 $12,715 TOTAL $417,501 $460,947 $43,446 Current Month $ -0- 18,693.50 -0- 943.00 2,033.00 698.69 -0- Oakland County Parks and Recreation RED OAKS GOLF COURSE Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 9-30-85 Year to Revenue Date Commission - Food Service Greens Fees Miscellaneous Income Rental - Equipment Rental - Golf Carts Sales - Pro Shop Budget Adjustment $ 739.04 132,425.00 1,119.35 6,419.24 11,697.00 4;316.56 -0- 1985 Budget $ 800.00 130,000.00 100.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 4,500.00 -0- (Over) Under Budget $ 60.96 (2,425.00) (1,019.35) (1,419.24) (1,697.00) 183.44 -0- $22,368.19 TOTAL REVENUE $156,716.19 $ 150,400.00 $ (6,316.19) 18;796.79 Less: Operating Expenses 174,099.75 224,150.00 50,050.25 $ 3,571.40 REVENUE-OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $0 7,383.56) $ (73,750.00) $(56,366.44) 5-24 Current Month Oakland County Parks and Recreation RED OAKS GOLF COURSE Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 9-30-85 Classification Year to Date 1985 Budget (Over) Under Budget $ 4,058.93 Salaries - Full Time $ 39,650.63 $ 59,000.00 $19,349.37 4,945.10 - Part Time 46,451.67 45,000.00 (1,451.67) 566.17 - Overtime 3,022.45 5,000.00 1,977.55 2,005.89 Fringe Benefits 17,985.89 29,000.00 11,014.11 13.42 Building Maintenance 1,321.10 3,000.00 1,678.90 2.78 Shortage/Overage 67.29 -0- (67.29) 177.51 Communications 1,056.01 1,400.00 343.99 1,722.11 Depreciation 13,948.16 21,000.00 7,051.84 -0- Rental Expense 1 -0- 150.00 150.00 1,191.90 Equipment Repair & Maint. 8,625.89 10,500.00 1,874.11 1,600.85 Utilities 6,637.00 15,000.00 8,363.00 -0- Insurance 216.00, 1,500.00 1,284.00 421.37 Grounds Maintenance 12,747.93 15,000.00 2,252.07 11.25 Laundry & Dry Cleaning_ 409.39 700.00 290.61 -0- Dues & Publications 64.71 50.00 (14.71) -0- Miscellaneous Expense 1,021.00 100.00 (921.00) -0- Lease Payment 7,000.00 7,000.00 -0- 1,364.86 Transportation 5,280.77 8,000.00 2,719•'23 -0- Travel & Conference 88.46 400.00 311.54 -0- Uniform Expense 524.52 1,000.00 475.48 123.04 Housekeeping Supplies 1,009.80 700.00 (309.80) 572.92 Golf Mdse. for Resale 3,539.56 3,500.00 (39.56) 18.69 Office Supplies 3,098.72 3,750.00 651.28 -0- Small Tools 332.80 400.00 67.20 -0- Contingency -0- -0- -0- -0-. Budget Adjustment -0- (7,000.00) (7,000.00) $18,796.79 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $174,099.75 $ 224,150.00 $50,050.25 198.5 1984 Actual Expenditures to Date: Budget Balance: 77.6% 81.9% 22.4% 5-25 MONTH OF September OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON RED OAKS GOLF COURSE N Obi I We, YEAR TO DATE 9-30-85 1984 1985 Variance •1984 1985 Variance j $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- Comm. - Food Sales $ 773 $ 739 $ (34) 11,270 18,693 7,423 Greens Fees 111,312 132,425 21,113 -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- 1,119 11119 463 943 480 Rent - Equipment 4,980 6,419 1,439 727 2,033 1,306 Rent - Golf Carts 6,174 11,697 5,523 361 699 338 Sales - Pro Shop 3,877 4,317 440 $12,821 $22,368 $9,547 TOTAL $127,116 $156,716 $29,600 N ON Oakland County Parks and Recreation RED OAKS DRIVING RANGE Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 9-30-85 Current Year to 1985 Month Revenue Date Budget $ -0- Commission - Food Service $ -0- $ 300.00 142.50 Miscellaneous Income 1,562.50 100.00 -0- Rental - Facilities 4,422.53 5,000.00 5,034.50 Rental - Ball Fees 36,625.75 23,000.00 -0- Sales - Pro Shop -0- -0- -0- Budget Adjustment -0- -0- $5,177.00 TOTAL REVENUE 28,400.00 $42,610.78 $ 3,024.49 Less: Operating Expenses 19,653.99 43,300.00 $2,152.51 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $22,956.79 $ (14,900.00) (Over) Under Budget $ 300.00 (1,462.50) 577.47 (13,625.75) -0- -0- $(14,210..78) 23,646.01 $(37,856.79) 5-27 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Current Month RED OAKS DRIVING RANGE Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 9-30=85 Classification Year to Date 1985 Budget (Over) Under Budqet $ -0- Salaries - Full Time $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- 2,240.08 - Part Time 10,392.84 13,000.'00 8,607.16 -0- - Overtime 142.05 500.00 357.95 53.95 Fringe Benefits 553.22 1,500.00 946.78 4.60 Building Maintenance 46.57 500.00 453.43 (.75) Shortage/Overage 6.91 -0- (6.91) 102.62 Communications 308.44 400.00 91.56 147.08 Depreciation 1,034.21 1,300.00 265.79 -0-. Rental Expense -O- 50.00 50.00 77.76 Equipment Repair & Maint. 604.44 1,000.00 395.56 297.57 Utilities 2,639.11 3,000.00 360.89 -0- Insurance -0- 1,500.00 1,500.00 96.58 Grounds Maintenance - 715.64 4,000.00 3,284.36 -0- Miscellaneous Expense 2,701.06 6,500.00 3,798.94 -0- Uniform Expense 225.93 800.00 574.07 -0- Housekeeping Supplies 109.23 400.00 290.77 5.00 Office Supplies 81.69 200.00 118.31 -0- Supplies 30.00 4,000.00 3,970.00 -0- Small Tools 62.65 50.00 (12.65) -0- Budget Adjustment -0- (1,400.00) (,1,400.00) $3,024.49 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $19,653.99 $ 43,300.00 $23,646.01 1985 1984 Actual Expenditures to Date: 45.3%- 70.30 Budget Balance: 54.7% 5- 28 MONTH OF September OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON RED OAKS DRIVING RANGE IN D01IARS YEAR TO DATE 9-30-85 1984 1985, Variance 1984 1985 Variance $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- Comm. - Food Service $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- -0- 142 142 Miscellaneous Income 680 1,562 882 -0- -0- -0- Rental - Facilities 5,000 4,423 (577) 2,425 5,035 2,610 Rent - Ball Fees 18,897 36,626 17,729 $24,577 $42,611 $18,034 $2,425 $5,177 $2,752 TOTAL N Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 9-30-85 (Over) Current Year to 1985 Under Month Revenue Date Budget Budget $ -0- Commission - Food Service $ 3,428.65 $ 5,OD0.00 $ 1,571.35 29,199•00 Greens Fees 229,267.00 223,000.00 (,70) -0- Miscellaneous Income 1,g4j.5o 400.00 (1,547.50) 202.50 Rental - Equipment 2,102.00 1,500.00 (602.00) 19,254.00 Rental - Golf Carts 112,866.00 115,000.00 2,134.00 1,304.85 Sates - Pro Shop 8,212.09 8,000.00 0. -0- Special Events 4,555.00 3,Soo.00 (1055055) -o- Budget Adjustment -0- -0- ,.00) -0- $49,960.35 TOTAL REVENUE $362,378.24 $ 356,400.00 $ '(5,978.24) 37,295.90 Less: Operating Expenses 294,408.85 356,425.00 62,016.15 $12,664.45 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $ 67,969.39 $ (25.00) $(672994.39) 5-30 . Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 9-30-85 Current to 1985 (Over)Year Under Month Classification Date Budqet Budget $10,367.23 Salaries - Full Time $ 51,053.43 $ 116,900.00 $ 25,846.57 7,232.25 - Part Time 52,745.08 53,000.00 254.92 893.38 - Overtime 4,559-38 4,500.00 (59.38) 4,188.78 Fringe Benefits 35,952.56 47,600.00 11,647.44 333.85 Building Maintenance 3,639.85 5,000.00 1,360.15 (4.05) Shortage/Overage 616.44 -0- (616.44) 386.94 Communications 3,468.84 4,000.00 531.16 4,403.22 Depreciation 38,111.82 47,500.00 9,388.18 7.45 Rental Expense 32.39 200.00 167.61 3,352.34 Equipment Repair & Maint. 13,163.01 15,500.00 2,336.99 70.00 Rubbish Removal 444.22 1,000.00 555.78 3,576.82 Utilities 19,072.52 22,000.00 2,927.48 -0- Insurance -0- 6,000.00 6,000.00 477.23 Grounds Maintenance 12,960.93 20,000.00 7,039.07 29.85 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 1,192.73 1,800.00 607.27 -0- Dues & Publications -0- 25.00 25.00 -0- Miscellaneous Expense 20.00 100.00 80.00 -0- Special Events 1,086.24 1,200.00 113.76 535.50 Transportation 4,875.73 7,500.00 2,624:27 -0- Travel & Conference 88.46 400.00 311.54 -0- Uniform Expense 522.42 1,600.00 1,077.58 161.99 Housekeeping Supplies 691.50 1,200.00 508.50 1,069.37 Golf Mdse. for Resale 6,733.90 6,250.00 (483.90). 183.15 Office Supplies 3,044.07 3,750.00 705.93 -0- Small Tools 333.33 400.00 66.67 -0- Contingency -0- -0- -0- -0- Budget Adjustment -0- (11,000.00) $(11,000.00) _$37,295.90 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $294,408.85 $ 356,425.00 $ 62,016.15 1985 1984 Actual Expenditures to Date: 82.6% 75.7% Budget Balance: 17.4% 5-31 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON SPRINGFIELD GOLF COURSE MONTH OF September IN D011_ARS YEAR TO DATE 9-30-85 1981► 1985 Variance 198h 1985 Variance $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- Comm. - Food Service $ 2,876 $ 3,429 $ 553 21,741 29,199 7,458 Greens Fees 207,486 229,267 21,781 -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income 238 1,947 1,709 232 202 (30) Rent - Equipment 1,655 2,102 447 15,190 19,254 4,064 Rent - Golf Carts 100,895 112,866 11,971 773 1,305 532 Sales - Pro Shop 6,355 8,212 1,857 -0- -0- -0- Special Events 2,681 4,555 1,874 $37,936 $49,960 $12,024 TOTAL $�22,186 $362,378 $40,192 'j, w N Oakland County Parks and Recreation WHITE LAKE OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 9-30-85 (Over) Current Year to 1985 Under Month Revenue Date Budget Budget $ -0- Commission - Contracts $ 2,028.00 $ 2,000.00 $ (28.00) -0- Commission - Food Service 9,091.86 15,000.00 5,9o8.14 29,213.00 Greens Fees 275,222.50 250,000.00 (25,222.50) -0- Miscellaneous Income 1,090.00 200.00 (890.00) 125.00 Rental - House 950.00 1,200.00 250.00 625.00 Rental - Equipment 5,484.00 5,500.00 16.00 .10,686.00 Rental - Golf Carts 62,804.o0 60,000.00 (2,804.00) 1,367.64 Sales - Pro Shop 12,263.75 12,000.00 (263.75) 500.00 Special Events 3,940.00 3,500.00 (440.00) -0- Budget Adjustment -0- -0- -0- TOTAL REVENUE $(23,474.11) 349,400.00 $372,874.11 $ $42,516.64 29,395.72 Less: Operating Expenses 256,393.89 331,075.00 74,681.11 $13,120.92 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $116,480.22 $ 18,325.00 $(98,155.22) 5-33 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Current Month WHITE LAKE OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 9-30-85 Classification Year to Date 1985 Bud4 et (Over) Under Budget $ 7,249.11 Salaries - Full Time $ 61,250.32 $ 80,200.00 $ 18,949.68 6,418.70 --Part Time 50,589.70 63,000.00 12,410.30 698.38 - Overtime 4,133.03 5,000.00 866.97 3,368.82 Fringe Benefits 28,428.76 41,000.00 12,571.24 281.88 Building Maintenance 4,023.58 8,500.00 4,476.42 2.44 Shortage/Overage 681.63 -0- (681.63) 253.82 Communications 1,826.15 2,200.00 373.85 3,200.39 Depreciation 27,166.47 35,200.00 8,033.53 -0- Rental Expense 51.71 250.00 198.29 2,008.33 Equipment Repair & Maint. 15,599.54 17,000.00 1,400.46 -0- Rubbish Removal 384.50 600.00 215.50 3,219.66 Utilities 25,885.13 34,000.00 8,114.87 -0- Insurance -0- - 7,000.00 7,000.00 320.80 Grounds Maintenance 13,317.76 18,500.00 5,182.24 16.25 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 622.02 1,000.00 377.98 -0- Rental Property Maint. 888.50 200.00 (688.50) -0- Dues & Publications -0- 25.00 25.00 -0- Miscellaneous Expense 208.88 100.00 (108.88) 200.00 Special Events 1,294.60 1,250.00 (44.60) 490.00 Transportation 4,802.61 9,000.00 4,197.39 -0- Travel & Conference 98.66 450.00 351.34 7.29 Uniform Expense 565.16 1,600.00 1,034.84 218.82 Housekeeping Supplies 877.77 1,100.00 222.23 1,121.46 Golf Mdse. for Resale 10,056.25 9,000.00 (1,056.25) 214.19 Office Supplies 3,186.66 4,500.00 1,313.34 105.38 Small Tools 454.50 400.00 (54.50) -0- Contingency -0- -0- -0- -0- Budget Adjustment -0- (10,000.00) (10,000.00) $29,395.72 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $256,393.89 $ 331,075.00 $ 747681.11 Actual Expenditures to Date: Budget Balance: 1985 1984 77.4% 76.4% 22.6% 5-34 MONTH OF September OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON WHITE LAKE OAKS IN DOLLARS. YEAR TO DATE 9-10-85 1984 1985 Variance 198;4 1985 Variance $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- Comm. - Contracts. $ 1,861 $ 2,028 $ 167 -0- -0- -0- Comm. - Food Service 5,005 9,092 4,087 21,282 29,213 7,931 Greens Fees 230,286 275,222 44,936 -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- 1,090 1,090 200 125 (75) Rent - House 900 950 50 532 625 93 Rent - Equipment 4,463 5,484 1,021 8,251 10,686 2,435 Rent - Golf Carts 49,194 62,804 13,610 861 1,368 507 Sales - Pro Sh02 9,233 12,264 3,031 -0- 500 500 Special Events 3,265 3,940 675 $31,126 $42,517 $11,391 TOTAL $304,207 $372,874 $68;667 Oakland County Parks and Recreation SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 9-30-85 Current Year to 1985 (Over) Under Month Revenue Date Budoet Budoet $ -0- -0- Commission - Food Service $ 317.17 $ 1,200.00 $ $82 $3 -0- Miscellaneous Income 286.00 500.00 21.00 Subsidy - Oakland County -0- 75,000.00 680.00 Rental - Facilities 14,921.31 25,000.00 75,Q00,00 -0- 10,078 69 780.00 Budget Adjustment -0- -0- -0- $ 680.0o TOTAL REVENUE $ 16,244.48 $ 103,200.00 $86,955.52 8,829.96 Less: Operating Expenses 101,003.73 147,250.00 _46,246_97 $(8,149.96) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. .$(84.759.25) $ (44,050.00) 540,709.25 5-36 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Current Month SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 9-30-85 Classification Year to Date 1985 Budget (Over) Under Budget $3,239.35 Salaries - Full Time $ 29,041.60 $ 38,500.00 $ 9,458.40 1,186.57 - Part Time 11,521.30 14,000.00 2,478.70 72.66 - Overtime 2,574.30 6,000.00 3,425.70 1,270.10 Fringe Benefits 11,677.61 16,700.00 5,022.39 73.66 Building Maintenance 4,449.25 3,000.00 (1,449.25) -0- Shortage/Overage -0- -0- -0- 35 .07 Communications 2,470.85 3,800.00 1,329.15 473.10 Depreciation 3,922,04 .7,500.00 3,577.96 10.50 Rental Expense 111.32 200.00 88.68 64.54 Equipment Repair & Maint. 732.19 1,500.00 767.81 110.00 Rubbish Removal 741.08 1,000.00 258.92 1,142.23 Utilities 22,326.11 35,000.00 12,673.89 -0- Insurance -0- 2,500.00 2,500.00 -0- Grounds Maintenance 2,408.43 5,000.00 2,591.57 11.53 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 394.37 600.00 205.63 -0- Miscellaneous Expense 53.71 150.00 96.29 85.36 Radio Repair Contract 682.88 1,050.00 367.12 -0-. Public Safety Services -0- 100.00 100.00 -0- Special Events 22.75 2,000.00 1,977.25 291.45 Transportation 2,614.33 4,000.00 1,385.67 -0-- Travel & Conference 157.05 200.00 42.95 -0- Uniform Expense 138.03 400.00 261.97 -0- Sewage.Expense 2,759.39 6,500.00 3,740.61 292.54 Housekeeping Supplies 1,881.56 1,500.00 (381.56) 150.30 Office Supplies 195.11 300.00 104.89 -0- Small Tools 128.47 250.00 121.53 -0- Contingency -0-. -0- -0- -0- Budget Adjustment -0- (4;500.00) (4,500.00) $8,829.96 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $101,003.73 $ 147,250.00 $46,246.27 1985 1984 Actual Expenditures to Date: : 68.5% 70.2% Budget Balance: 31.5% 5-37 MONTH OF September OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION. REVENUE COMPARISON SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC IN net I ARS YEAR TO DATE 9/30/85 1984 1985 Variance .1984 1985 Variance -0- $-0- $ -0- Comm. - Food Service $ 322 $ 317 $ (5) -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Income 286 286 -0- -0- -0- -0- Subsidy - Oak. Co. -0- -0- -0- 5,924 680 (5,244) Rent - Facilities 23,900 14,921 (8,979) 140 -0- (140) Rent - New Events 226 720 494 $6,064 $680 $(5,384) TOTAL $24,734 $16,244 $(8,490) W 00 Current Month $ -0- -0- 100.00 1,460.00 320.00 320.00 120.00 90.00 1,575.00 468.00 -0- 176.00 620.00 245.00 100.00 -0- 5,594.00 14,616.61 $(9,022.61) Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD OAKS Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 9-30-85 Year to 1985 Revenue Date Budget Commission - Food Service $ 1,317.44 $ 2,500.00 Miscellaneous Income -0- 100.00 Rental - Houses 1,000.00 1,200.00 Rental - Facilities 8,070.00 11,500.00 Fees - Dog Obedience 1,355.00 -2,500.00 - Ballet 1,040.00 4,000.00 - Belly Dancing 422.00 500.00 - Golf 2,360.00 4,500.00 - Square Dancing 14,380.25 25,000.00 - Ballroom Dancing 1,694.60 2,000.00 - Senior Citizens 730.00 1,300.00 - Round Dancing 3,538.00 - 2,000.00 - Dance Fitness 1,840.00 2,500.00 - Photography 910.00 2,000.00 - New Events 267.00 4,000.00 Budget Adjustment -0- -0- TOTAL REVENUE Less: Operating Expenses REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $ 38,924.29 134,571.07 $(95,646.78) $ 65,600.00 $ 180,750.00 $ (115, 150.-00) (Over) Under Budget $ 1,182.56 100.00 200.00 3,430.00 1,145.00 2,960.00 78.00 2,140.00 10,619.75 305.40 570.00 (1,538.00) 660.00 1,090.00 3,733.00 -0- $ 26,675.71 46,178.93 $ 0 9 , 503.22) 5-39 Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD OAKS Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 9-30-85 (Over) Current Year to 1985 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget $ 5,645.95 Salaries - Full Time $ 51,849.91 $ 69,400.00 $17,550.09 485.15 - Part Time 5,214.02 2,500.00 (2,714.02) -0- - Overtime 401.01 500.00 98.99 2,127.58 Fringe Benefits 18,66o.15 27,350.00 8,689.85 43.55 Building Maintenance 1,805.46 4,500.00 2,694.54 -0- Shortage/Overage -0- -0- -0- 116.50 Communications 1,215.35 1,800.00 584.65 372.44 Depreciation 3,039.51 4,000.00 960.49 102.90 Equipment Repair & Mainz.. 628.60 1,200.00 571.40 -0- Rubbish Removal 506.86 1,000.00 493.14 1,322.59 Utilities 18,747.81 22,000.00 3,252.19 -0- Insurance -0- 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,024.11 Grounds Maintenance 6,906.85 .7,000.00 93.15 9.10 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 308.45 650.00 341.55 27.34 Rental Property Maint. 702.16 2,000.00 1,297.84 15.00 Dues & Publications 47.00 50.00 3.00 -0- Miscellaneous Expense 258.44 100.00 (158.44) 30.92 Radio Repair Contract 247.36 400.00 152.64 2,497.69 Special Events 17,797.02 30,000.00 12,202.98 580.00 Transportation p 4,640.o0 7,000.00 2,36o.00 -0- Travel & Conference 105.00 100.00 (5.00) 9.64 Uniform Expense 154.31 300.00 145.69 40.56 Housekeeping Supplies 902.32 1,000.00 97.68 165.59 Office Supplies 214.23 200.00 (14•�3) -0- Small Tools 219.25 200.00 (19.�5) -0 Contingency -0- -0- -0- -0- Budget Adjustment -O_ (5,500.00) (5,500.00) $14,616.61 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $134,571.07_ 1985 1984 Actual Expenditures to Date: 74.4% 75% Budget Balance: 25.6% $ 180,750.00 $46,178.93 5-40 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON WATERFORD OAKS MONTH OF September IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 9/30/85 1984 1985 Variance 1984 1985 Variance -0- -O-s -0- Comm. - Food Service 666 1,317 651 -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous Revenue 54 -o- 4 100 100 -0- Rent - House 1 000 1 000 -0- 1 770 270 220 1,460 320 320 (310) 50 100 Rent - Facilities Fees - Dog Obedience - Ballet 8,620 1,192 2 102 8,070 1,355 1,040 5 0 163 (1,062) 180 70 3,057 561 -0- -0- -0- 190 105 120 120 90 1,575 468 -0- 176 -0- 620 245 100 60 20 (1,482) (93) -0- 176 -0- 430 140 20 - Belly Dance - Golf Class - Square Dancing - Ballroom Dancing - Senior Citizens - Round Dancina - Guitar - DancQfitness - Photography - New Even s 400 3,197 23,114 1,281 1,052 1,811 260 1 490 1,532 617 422 2,360 14,380 1,695 730 8 -0- 1,840 910 26 22 (837)_ 8,734) 414 (322) 1,727 (260) 350 (622) 0 $6,643 $5 594 $(l 049) TOTAL $48 388 $38,924 $(9 464) Current Month $ -0- - 0- -0- 5,621.25 -0- 150.00 2,329.00 -0- 195.00 $ 8,295.25 21,713.13 $03,417.88) Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD OAKS WAVE POOL Statement of Ooerations For the Period Ended 9-30-85 (Over) Year to 1985 Under Revenue Date Budget Budget Commission - Food Service $ 1,767.40 $ 8,500.00 $ 6,732.60 Entrance Fees: Family Memberships 1,525.00 2,000.00 475.00 Swimming Classes 7,770.00 7,000.00 (770.00) General Admission 166,684.25 220,000.00 53,315.75 Miscellaneous Income 20.00 3,000.00 2,980.00 Rental - Lockers 6,667.Q0 9,000.00 2,333.00 Water Slide 65,999.50 100,000.00 34,000.50 Budget Adjustment -0- -0- -0- Special Events 365.00 (365.00). TOTAL REVENUE $250,798.15 $ 349,500.00 $98,70t•85 Less: Operating Expenses 178,682.78 221,050.00 42,367.22 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $ 72,115.37 S 128,450.00 $56,334.63 5-42 Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD OAKS WAVE POOL Operatina Expenses For the Period Ended_ 9-30-85 (Over) Current Year to 1985 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget $ -0- Salaries - Full Time $ -0- $ -0- $ -0 _ 3,297.47 - Part Time 83,514.07 '99,000.00 93 �5�460.44 -0- - Overtime 539.56 1,000.00 460.44 461.22 Fringe Benefits 3,177.67 5,000.00 1,822.33 331.98 BuildingMaintenance 7,498-S3 19,000.00 11,501.47 9.00 Shortage/Overage 104.14 -0- (104.14) 194.69 Communications 1,168.70 1,800.00 631'3 431.39 Depreciation 3,851.61 5,500.00 1,648.39 556.10 Equipment Repair & Maint. 1,121.52 1,000.00 (121.44) 11,969.94 Utilities 45,764.44 45,000.00 (764.) -0- 1,095.13 Insurance Grounds Maintenance -0- 7,754.62 15,000.00 11,000.00 15,000.00 3,245.38 268.32 Miscellaneous Expense 549.56 300.00 (249.56) 30.92- Radio Repair Contract 247.36 350.00 102.64 1,360.00 Special Events 1,885.44 2,000.00 114.56 (21.52) Uniforms 4,238.34 2,000.00 (2,238.34) 479.04 Housekeeping Supplies _ 2,786.50 2,60o.0o (186.50) 173.20 Office Supplies 950.38 1,200.00 249.62 1,045.52 Supplies 13,419.32 16,0o0.00 30.73 Small Tools 111.02 100.00 .2,580.68 (11.02) -0- Contingency -0- -0- -0- -0- Budget Adjustment -0- (6,80o.00)- (6,800.00) $21,713.13 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE. $178,682.78 $ 221,050.00 $42,367.22 1985 1984 Actual Expenditures to Date: 80.8% 86.8% Budget Balance: 19.2% 5-43 MONTH OF September OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON WATERFORD WAVE POOL IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 9/30/85 1984 1985 Variance -1984 1985 Variance -0- -0- -0- Comm. - Food Service 2 -0- -0- -0- Fees - Memberships 1,965 2 4 -0- -0- -0- Swimminq Classes 5.758 7,770 2,012 3,258 5,621 2,363 General Admission 205863 166 684 1 79) -0- -0- -0- Miscellaneous income- -0- 20 20 97 150 53 Rent - Lockers 8,467 6,667 (1,800) 1,344 2,329 985 Water Slide 87,148 66,000 (21,148) -0- 195 195 Special Events -0- 365 365 $4,692 $8,2956 TOTAL $311,319 $250,798 $(60 1 Oakland County Parks and Recreation WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX Statement of Operations For the Period Ended q-,zn-F (Over) Current Year to 1985 Under Month Revenue Date Budoet Budget $ .50 Commission - Food Service $ 90,61 $ 350.00 $ 259.39 167.00 Tennis - Court Time 2,876.38 3,500.00 623.62 (843.50) - Deck 604.00 2,500.00 1,896.00 31,50 Horseshoes 309 75 500.00 190.25 -0- Miscellaneous Income -0- 150.00 150.00 -0- Rental - Equipment 2.00 50.00 48.00 10.00 Shuffleboard 37.7'5 50.00 12.25 Tournaments: 845.50 - Platform Tennis 845.60 1,000.00 154.50 552.00 - Tennis 7,291.00 6,000.00 (1,291.00) 45.00 - Horseshoes 117_00 150.00 33.00 -0- Special Events -0- 525.00 525.00 60.00 Volleyball 918.00 1,000.00 82.00 622.50 Day Camp 1,982,50 12,500.00 10,517.50 -0- Budget Adjustment -0- -0 - -0- 6.00 Sales - Pro Shop 62.00 -0- (62.00) TOTAL REVENUE $ 28,275.00 $13,138.51 $ 15,136.49 1,496.50 5,370.38 Less: Operating Expenses 41,910.34 60,800.00 18,889.66 $(3,873•88) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(26,773.85) $ (32,525.00) 5(5.751.15) 5-45 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Current Month $ -0- 1,943.72 -0- 213.32 61.47 -0- 104.28 221.05 70- -0- 59.43 - 0- 1,102.83 -0- 627.11 679.11 -0- 56.40 58.92 237.82 -0- -0- 4.92 WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 9-30-85 Classification Salaries - Full Time - Part Time - Overtime Fringe Benefits. Building Maintenance Shortage/Overage Communications ,Depreciation Equipment Repair & Maint. Rubbish Removal Utilities Insurance Grounds Maintenance Miscellaneous Expense Special Events Day Camp Expense Uniforms Housekeeping Supplies Office Supplies Court Supplies Small Tools .. Budget Adjustment Merchandise $5,370.38 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES Actual Expenditures to Date: Budget Balance: Year to Date $ -0- 20,922.3.4 -0- 1,297.75 407.26 2.00 614.58 1,989.45 420.69 40.0o 951.12 -0- 5,992.60 -0- 4,580.15 2,572.68 225.93 155.17 362.39 1,287.08 38.31 -0- 50.84 $41,910.34 1985 1984 68.9% 99.6% 31 .1 % 1985 Budaet 27,000.00 -0- 2,100.00 2,000.00 -0- 1,000.00 2,800.00 800.00 500.00 3,000.00 300.00 10,000.00 100.00 7,500.00 2,500.00 500.00 250.00 600.00 1,500.00 150.00 (1,800.00) -0- $ 60,800.00 (Over) Under Budget $ -0- 6,077.66 -0- 802.25 1,592.74 (2.00) 385.42 810.55 379.31 460.00 2,048.88 300.00 4,007.4o 100.00 2,919.85 (72.68) 274.07 94.83 237.61 212.92 111.69 (1'800.00) (5o:84) 5-46 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX MONTH OF September IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 9/30/85 1984 1985 Variance 1984 1985 Variance -0- -0- -0- Comm. - Food Service 8 $ 91 $ 25 128 167 39 Tennis - Court Time 3 278 2,876 (402 660 (843) (1,503) - Platform Tennis 1,572 604 (968) 21 32 11 Horseshoes 248 310 62 -0- -0- =0- Miscellaneous income 150 -0- 1 0 5 -0- Rental - Equipment 47 2 (45) 3 6 3 Sales - Merchandise 21 62 41 4 10 6 Shuffleboard 53. 38 (15) -0- 846 846 Special Events Platform Tennis -0- 845 845 517 552 35 - Tennis Tournament 7,716 7,291 (425) -0- 45 45 - Horseshoe Tourn. 174 11 -0- 60 60 - Volleyball 805 918 113 2,690 622 (2,068) - Day Camp 4,801 1,982 (2,81g) -0- -0- -0- - Miscellaneous. -0- 1 $4,028 $1,497 $(2,531) TOTAL $19,732 $15,136 4 6 Current Month $ -0- 1,196.60 2,115.00 491.20 -0- 1,732.4o 8,220,65 - 0- $13,755.85 16,582.05 $(2,826.20) Oakland County Parks and Recreation MOBILE RECREATION Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 9-30-85 (Over) Year to 1985 Under Revenue Date Budget Budoet Miscellaneous Income $ -0- $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Rental - Show Mobile 8,393.00 12,000.00 3,b07.00 - Skate Mobile 5,639.25 5,500.00 (135.25) - Puppet Mobile 2,320.20 5,500.00 3,179.80 - Vacant Unit -0- 500.00 500.00 - Sports Mobile 2,892.09 2,500.00 (392.09) - Busing Program 28,743.62 35,000.00 6,256.38 Budget Adjustment -0- -0- -0- TOTAL REVENUE Less: Operating Expenses REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $ 47,988.16 $ 61,5oo.o0 $ 13,511.84 134,074.24 167,350.00 33,275.76 $(86,o86.o8) $ (105,850.00) $0 9.763.92) 5-48 Oakland County Parks and Recreation MOBILE RECREATION Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 9-30-85 (Over) Current Year to i985 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget $ -0- Salaries - Full Time $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- 8,380.60 - Part Time 68,390.19 84,350.00 15,959.81 -0- - Overtime -0- 500.00 500.00 825.85 Fringe Benefits 5,213.80 6,800.00 1,586.20 1,598.01 Depreciation 14,313.06 17,000.00 2,686.94 2,860.63 Equipment Repair.& Maint. 23,865.55 32,000.00 8,134.45 -0- Insurance 864.00 1,000.00 i36.00 -0- Miscellaneous Expense 347.27 100.00 (247.27) 78.00 Radio Repair Contract 487.50 2,000.00 1,512.50 2,332.22 Transportation 15,912.44 23,600.00 7,687.56 -0- Travel Conference 73.00 200.00 127.00 -0- Uniforms 581.11 2,000.00 1,418.89 222.13 Office Supplies 1,296.44 1,000.00 (296.44). 231.70 Supplies 2,515.61 1,500.00 (1,015.61) 52.91 Small Tools 214.27 300.00 85.73 -0- Contingency -0- -0- -0- -0- Budget Adjustment -0- (5,000.00) (5,000.00) $16,582.05 TOTAL OPERATING.EXPENSES $134,074.24 $ 167,350.00 $33,2z5.76 1985 1964 Actual Expenditures to Date: 80.10 84.2% Budget Balance: 19.9% 5-49 MONTH OF September OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON MOBILE RECREATION IN DOI LARS YEAR TO DATE 9/30/85 1984 1985 Variance 1984 "1-9s5 . Variance $ 10 $ -0- 10 Miscellaneous Income 40 -0- 40 2,008 1,197 (811) Rent - Show Mobile 8,070 8 2 1,351 2,115 764 - Skate Mobile 5,375 5,639264 741 491 250 - Puppet Mobile 4,050 2,320 (1,730) -0- -0- -0- - Vacant Unit -0- -0- -0- 996 1,732 736 - Sports Mobile 2,907 2,892 (15) 3,774 8,221 4,447 - Buses 20,715 28,744 8,029 -0- -0- -0- Special Programs -0- -0- -0- 481 -0- (481) Rent - Nature Discovery 930- -0- (930) i $9,341 $13,756 $4,415 TOTAL �$42,450 $47s988 $ 5,538 0 Oakland County Parks and Recreation BICYCLE MOTO CROSS PROGRAM Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 9-30-85 (Over) Current Year to 1985 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budoet $ -0- Salaries - Full Time $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- 2,687.87 - Part Time 18,895.20 19,650.00 754.80 -0- - Overtime -0- -0- -0- 293.83 Fringe Benefits 1,591.86 1,700.00 108.14 (.20) Shortage/Overage (25.60) -0- 25.60 550.89 Depreciation 4,706.01 6,50o.0o 1,793.99 321.04 Rental Expense 1,348.80 1,500.00 151.20 61.56 Equipment Repair & Maint. 1,128.24 2,000.00 871.76 -0- Rubbish Removal 165.00 500.00 335.00 10.00 Insurance 1,200.00 1,700.00 500.00 682.66 Grounds Maintenance 5,691.87 4,000.00 (1,691.87) -0- Dues & Publications -0-. 100.00 100.00 28.48 Miscellaneous Expense 361.78 100.00 (261.78) 240.00 Special Events 21,475.17 15,000.00 (6,475.17) -0- Transportation -0- 1,500.00 1,500.00 (65.00) Uniforms (94.50) 500.00 594.50 -0- Housekeeping Supplies 487.97 100.00 (387.97) 57.47 Office Supplies 926.88 500.00 (426.88) 701.50 Supplies 6,260.10 8,000.00 1,739.90 -0- Small Tools 62.05 250.00 187.95 -0- Contingency -0- -0- -0- -0- Budget Adjustment -0- 6,loo.00.', 6,100.o0 $5,570.10 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $64,180.83 $ 69,700.00 $ 5,519.17 1985. 1984. Actual Expenditures to Date: 92% 67.1% Budget Balance: 8% *$8,000 has been transferred from Contingency. 5-51 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Current Month $ 160.00 -0- 65.00 3,428.00 -0- 70.00 $ 3,723.00 5,570.10 $(1,847.10) BICYCLE MOTO CROSS PROGRAM Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 9-30-85 (Over) Year to 1985 Under Revenue Date Budget Budget Miscellaneous Income $ 1,893.10 $ 600.00 $(1,293.10) Special Events 29,295.82 35,D00.00 5,704.18 Weekly Races 2,405.00 2,000.00 (405.00) Sanctioned Races 14,932.00 11,250.00 (3,682.00) Volunteer Association -0- 3,500.00 3,500.00 Rental - Equipment 545.00 -0- (545.00) TOTAL REVENUE $ 49,070.92 $ 52,350.00 Less: Operating Expenses 64,180.83 69,700.00 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. $(15,109.91) $ (17,350.00) $ 3,279.08 5,519.17 $(2,240.09) 5-52 UAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON BICYCLE MOTO CROSS PROGRAM YEAR TO DATE 9/30/85 IIA AIT t1 I1G ContomF�or IN MI i ARS _._ 1984 1985 Variance 1984 ' 1285 ;:'' Variance $ 56 -0- 160 70 104 70 Miscellaneous Income Rental -Equipment 1 68 -0- 1,893 545 2 , 545 (14 150)* 31 -0- -0- 65 3,428 -0- 14,150 34 3,428 -0- S ecial Events Weekl Races Sanctioned Races Volunteer Association 61 110* 1.622 J. -0- 29,296 2,405 14,932 -0- (31,814) 8 14,932 -0- $(14,063) $3,723 $17,786 TOTAL $64,100 $49,071 $(15 029) *One Account in 1984 W Oakland County Parks and Recreation NATURE PROGRAM Statement of Operations For the Period Ended 9-30-85 (Over) Current Year to 1985 Under Month Revenue Date Budoet Budget S 427.50 Miscellaneous Income $ 480.o0 $ 400.00 $ (80.00) 54,00 Special Events 1,240.00 2,510.00 1,270.00 $ 481.50 TOTAL REVENUE 8,714.79 Less: Operating Expenses $(8,2-33.29) REVENUE OVER/ EXP. $ 1,720.00 74,510.97 $(72,790.97) $ 2,910.00 $ 1,190.00 113,44o.00 38,929.03 $ (110,530.00) $(37,739.03) 5-54 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Current Month NATURE PROGRAM Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 9-30-85 Classification Year to 1985 Date Budget (Over) Under Budget $4,497.55 Salaries - Full Time $40,439.47 $ 54,090.00 $13,650.53 1,283.66 - Part Time 8,217.72 12,430.00 4,212.28 -0- - Overtime 80.76 1,000.00 919.24 1,898.32 Fringe Benefits 16,546.37 24,o00.00 7,453.63 7.58 Building Maintenance 360.35. 500.00 139.65 107.56 Communications 1,386.82 1,500.00 113.18 365.16 Depreciation 2,714.42 4,000.00 1,285.58 15.35 Equipment Rental 122.76 225.00 102.24 -0- Equipment Repair.& Maint. -0- 250.00 250.00 -0- Utilities -0- 8,000.00 8,0o0.00 -0= Insurance -0- 500.00 500.00 15.35 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 405.98 450.00 44.02 69.45 Dues & Publications 151.26 500.00 348.74 -0- Miscellaneous Expense 131.72 250.00 118.28 15.46 Radio Maintenance 15.46 280.00 264.54 t83.95 Transportation 1,703.07 3,6o0.0o 1,896.93 45.00 Travel & Conference 61.00 875.00 814.00 -0- Uniforms (14.10). 250.00 264.10 116.68 Office Supplies 1,116.71 1,765.00 648.29 84.71 Recreation Supplies 979.80 2,400.0o 1,420.20 -0- Small Tools 78.40 75.00 (3.40) -0- Budget Adjustmen t -0- (3,500.00) (3,500.00) 13.00 Special Events 13.00 -0- (13.00) (3.99) Housekeeping Expense -0- -0- -0- $8,714.79 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $74,510.97 $ 113,440.00 $38,929.03 1985 1984 Actual Expenditures to Date: 65.6% 53.20 Budget Balance: -34.4% . 5-55 MONTH OF September OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECRFATION REVENUE COMPARISON NATURE PROGRAM filqffTsTIMFI iR YEAR TO DATE 9/30/85 1984 1985 Variance -1g84 1985 Variance 20 $427 $407 M•scel I aneous Income $118 $ 480 $ 362 -o- 54 54 Special -0- 1,24o 1,24o 20 481 461 TOTAL 8 $1.720 $1.602 Parks a�,d Ree�eat��� pak� and Covnt`1 Ui 1 rc PROGRAM aer ERAPE iu �N of p erata�s stateme Periobo d Ended 9a eta 5 pp For t\ `{ear to pp 1� .3i pate 25p' 5,aop•°O l5•p° C„rre�t ors 1�e°me Mi5�e11} E,Jents EPee�a 5•0° - -1p�AE REVENGE ExPe�se5 atti 9 $ �,p0 `ess; °Per pNpERi EXp. EV ENE °V ER/ 838. 2� 3 � 5,25p'pO 8?b5�,1�0 20, ti5� of 5-51 Oakland County Parks and Recreation THERAPEUTICS PROGRAM Operating Expenses For the Period Ended 9-30-85 (Over) Current Year to 1985 Under Month Classification Date Budget Budget $-0- Salaries - Full Time $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- 660.13 - Part Time 3,760.60 9,900.00 6,139.40 -0- - Overtime -0- -0- -0- 20.62 Fringe Benefits 139.71 700.00 560.29 -0- Dues & Publications 57.50 260.00 202.50 -0- Miscellaneous Expense -0- 100.00 100.00 38.35 Special Events 7,822.05 8,635.00 812.95 -0- Transportation -0- 180.00 180.00 124.62 Office Supplies 557.74 1,870.00 1,312.26 -0- - Budget Adjustment -0- (650.00) (650.00) $843.72 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $12,337.60 $ 20,995.00 $8,657.40 1985 1984 :tual Expenditures to Date: 58.7% 60.30 -audget Balance: 41.3% 5-58 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON THERAPEUTICS PROGRAM MONTH OF September IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE 9/30/85 1984 1985 Variance 1984 1985, Variance $ 20 $ 5 $0 5) Miscellaneous Income $ 330 $ 75 $ (255) -0- -0- -.0- Special Events 2,584 4,826 2,242 $ 20 $ 5 $0 5) TOTAL $2,914 $4,901 $1,987 COMBINED TOTALS OF MONTHL" `CTIVITIES FOR SEPTEMBER, 1985 TOTALS;- GOLF COURSES TOTALS,- RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS TOTALS'- DAY USE PARKS GRAND TOTALS t GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing RED OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Cross Country Skiing RED OAKS DRIVING RANGE SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing TOTALS - GOLF COURSES rn i i Leagues/Groups Participants Leagues/Groups Participants 1984 1985 1 84 8 1984 1985 1985 150 149 20344 24927 2065 1826 217368 239777 84 70 59291 12884 1338 1750 451110 301424 1943 3176 26572 30639 65720 68905 601394 585294 2177 3395 106207 68450 69123 72481 1269872 1126495 GOLF COURSES - MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1985 YEAR TO DATE Leagues Participants Leagues Participants 1 46 48 3967 4355 706 614 46958 46087 13 20 2311 3576 46 49 12947 16775 0 0 0 0 0 0 1872 1896 20 5 3201 4478 258 197 30541 36645 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 450 0 0 778 1724 0 0 32111 38884 '24 32 1787 2303 504 427 23039 26918 8 18 2688 3269 21 27 17146 19101 0 0 0 0 0 0 249 297 35 22 3829 3406 502 474 39889 38177 4 4 1753 1816 28 38 11171 12776 0 0 0 0 0 0 1445 1771 150 149 20314 24927 2065 1826 217368 239777 MOBILE RECREATION Skate Mobile Puppet Mobile Show Mobile Sports Mobile Buses SPRINGFIELD OAKS Y A C WATERFORD OAKS - ACTIVITIES CENTER BMX THERAPEUTIC RECREATION Clubs/Classes Special Events Community Outreach ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS Nature Center Outreach Program TOTALS rn N RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1985 YEAR TO DATE GROUPS PARTICIPANTS GROUPS PARTICIPANTS 1984 1985 1984 1985 1984 1985 1984 1985 2 1 300 25 116 132 8541 9897 3 0 50 0 107 92 10584 7985 6 11 52100 6000 72 100 286480 130731 1 2 50 55 82 84 5617 5247 20 7 733 248 297 303 10519 11748 6 13 3410 2295 126 166 1821-7 25889 32 17 1673 1390 518 410 28406 20759 0 0 975 1481 18 8 30771 30087 0 8 0 178 0 173 0 4473 0 0 0 0 0 42 0 22157 0 0 0 0 0 10 171 1375 0 11 0 1212 0 139 0 11400 0 0 0 0 2 91 21804 19676 84 70 59291 12884 1338 1750 451110 301424 MONTHLY DAY USE PARKS AND FACILITY ATTENDANCE REPORT ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers ADD!SON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GLEN OAKS CLUBHOUSE GROVELAND OAKS Campers Day Use Day Campers INDEPENDENCE OAKS Day Use Day Campers Overnight Group Campers SPRINGFIELD OAKS CLUBHOUSE WATERFORD OAKS WAVE POOL WATERFORD OAKS WATER SLIDE- WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX WHITE LAKE OAKS CLUBHOUSE TOTAL DAY USE PARKS Month of SEPTEMBER, 1985 Year to Date 1985 1984 1985 1984 1985 1984 1985 70 124 1119 2363 1613 1843 20800 30631 354 627 1706 2703 12346 12127 46176 47160 0 0 0 0 39 1 2535 24 32 34 3760 3998 256 254 27074 28675 20 21 2515 2708 141 151 21112 20514 225 218 5635 5616 7008 8121 135191 171140 625 239 2356 842 12316 12520 48822 45886 80 1 2175 2441 111 16 3306 2809 1133 1881 5820 9I"34 31158 33120 131361 133826 1 2 8 27 129 58 9104 9293 0 2 0 210 36 28 1369 1119 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 118 0 0 0 0 236 254 100487 77372 0 0 16 0 0 0 38666 29632 16 9 648 170 283 236 10917 8871 12 18 814 427 48 81 4474 7856 1943 3176 26572 30639 65720 68905 601394 585294 *Water Slide figures are counted once in Wave Pool figures therefore not included in Grand Total. i w ,�IprIS I1Ec �gp�SE ALOE buckl"INS over n Sp�IO�IEl� 0 C1ubh°use has bet and xecommended e SPxingtield Oaksvyewed the pxo�ecnd pzevent tuxtbez entzal tbountY en�ineexs xeyliZe this wa11 a s tzom the c ew Yeaxs. The G eintoxced to stab tux al steel -9 went t � x ds` ac lace the lasot be stzuctuzallYth heavy sn°w 1oalation of roux stztoxY window zep the zo ms� espec1a11Y wysts of the 9nstal el beams, clear sllane°us items. px°bl The pzo�ect consi the zoot9 two ste and othez mysce as toll°ws. t level to dx al11ng, ez 14, 19g51 the basemen ue to waxPxn )' on Monday' Oct°b 63,?9 3.00 0 tnecessaxY d s weze received 2 ?,8$Z.00 ct to the e b1d m any 2 contz a Ih the Fozd°n co aiding the a cY� tox G �. In �Lage' Inc and xeco'nmends awes a 5% continSen Sebold & xewed these bids of p1 Start has zev 1n the amount blddex � G `.�'.�I •' tot r�24'035 `00 �zoJect . Val low 1 aP�z°ved amours Dyed 1985 cap3_ rota This xs an aPpx W\N\�E ppM pR5 separate the Bp,NQDE1 R nter iOr doors to lounge from the f � 1O `ved for one set 0 to close off the ids have been receallWaY and one se rd`on door which B the h n acco use Of om a ca banquet room fr is separated by satisfactory be en the room �erY by op golf area entlY the banquets`gn has n°t been s° many Passersre a standard Currd repa`r. \ts design lacks a wind°w' the new doors a in ba \t alsouse' is cl°sed is it opens room is �n when it e way t lounge is the r �`thout knowing \A ndo� to secure the ent`re building d rest, d e an dooming door With doors are des\re presently? th ve the Pr° shoe open P -ihe hallway St Al open' ssarY to ha the COurse ish It ,s only nece and t thou9 assess,bie even Np B\D 1. rooms open' re as fol1OWs ardWare 1,p13.81 the bids a P& C Builders N u ply Np B\p B F Builders S pnter 1p11.5� F urke Building Ce Mp B\D B hurch�s \umber Np B\D C t poor adder, Detr°i the low b Erb \umber be Purchas d fr°rated in the \dh ite d that the doors is $1,930 budge \t �s recommende 1,p11.5$' (herefor this purchase. r z for $ Budget Church`s \umbeital \mpr°cement \ake pales Gap g,l 1. Nord's energy -saving door system is tested to be 25 times better than industry standards for air infiltration. Pre -assembled with over 60 designs and sizes. All with the natural beauty of Western wood. 2. Foam -core weatherstripping. Resists abrasion. Won't get brittle or flatten under adverse weather conditions. -d's exclusive edge profile. Simplifies dapping for hinges. Provides greater contact with weatherstripping. Kerf installed weatherstripping saves installation time and money. 4. Nord Weatherbonds panels. The heart of our doors. Warranted against ever splitting through. Designed to help eliminate call-backs. 5. Double -bulb vinyl door sweep. Double protection against air and water infiltration. 6. Attractive anodized bronzed alumi- num sill, with adjustable oakthreshold. The perfect compliment for a beautiful wood door system. Incorporates a complete thermal break design to Doors are factory prefit to eliminate damage. eliminate interior condensation and frost build up under even the most adverse weather conditions. Keeps heat in, air and water out. 7. Upper and lower dead bolts included in each astragal provide maximum security and are concealed for a better appearance. 8. Heavy bodied sealer protects wood sidelight sills against moisture deterioration. 9. Frames and frame extenders are available prime -coated in beige, or non - primed for stained finishes. 10. Corner seals are provided to reduce air and water infiltration at key points in the system. 11. Tongue and groove joints are machined in frames and frame extenders to assure a flush face plane and allow the system to be adapted to walls requiring 51/4" or 61/2" frames. 12. Brick mould is finger -jointed in awide variety of lengths. Full dimensionally standard WP 180 brick mould provides room for screen or combination door installation. 13. Weatherstripping in sidelight frames eliminates need for caulking around header and side. Reduces air and water infiltration. Voyager Carved Entry Doors Calabar Cadiz Normandy Veracruz Whitehall Boston Venezia Species: Fir or Western Hemlock. Sizes: 2'6", 2'8", 3'0" x 68". Thickness:13/4". Panels: Weatherbond, carving one side only. Stiles: 53/8" for 2'8", 310" new wide layout doors; 49/16" for 2'6" doors. Top Rail: 53/8" for 2'8", 3'0" new wide layout doors; 49/1 e" for 2'6" doors. Intermediate Rails: 31/4". Bottom Rail: 91/4". Mullions: 31/4 ", except on right and left of carved panel, which are 21/4" in 2'6" door. Insert Size:103/s" x 201/8". Note: New wide style layout is available in 2'8" and 3'0" widths only. 8 8-3 Voyager Cadiz comes with matte -black grille and amber inset of acrylic safety glazing material. The Voyager door is also available with the center carved panel "open" and wood beads provided for later installation. Carved panels and grille are available separately, individually sealed in protective Nordguard polyethylene. The center panel opening is the same size for 2'6", 2'8", and 3'0" widths. Variation in door widths is made in side panels. The Weatherbond guarantee: Nord's exclusive Weatherbond panels are 21/2 times stronger than conventional panels. Should any Weatherbond panel split through, we will replace the door and pay up to $150 for finishing and installation. See warranty for details. Caution: Check with your supplier for styles and sizes stocked locally. ITEM #9 ADDISON OAKS FENCING Bids were received on October 14, 1985, for the final phase of fencing at Addison Oaks. The base bid includes 4,374 ft. of 6 ft. chain -link fencing to be installed along Walker Road and the easterly portion of Romeo Road; Alternate #1 is for 2,950 ft. of fencing along the westerly half of the southern boundary; Alternate #2 is for 2,040 ft. of fencing through the swampy areas along Walker and Romeo Road. The bids are as follows: Contractor Base Alt. #1 Alt. #2 Total Cyclone Fencing $24,850.00 $16,874.00 $28,172.00 $ 69,896.00 Durable Inc. 56,862.00 38,350.00 59,160.00 154,372.00 Michigan Fencing 30,399.30 19,470.00 40,392.00 90,261.30 Nationwide 28,212.30 18,054.00 22,705.20 68,971.50 Zappie Fence 20,120.40 13,570.00 10,812.00 44,502.00 Staff has reviewed the bids and recommends holding Alternate #2 as part of the contingency so we can examine the swamp area and install as needed, which will depend on site conditions. We therefore recommend awarding the contract to the low bidder, Zappie Fence, in the amount of $20,120.40, plus Alternate #1, for a total contract of $33,690.40. If we do not experience any problems with the base area and Alternate #1, then we can fence completely, using Alternate #2. The contingency would then be 5% of the contract, or $1,684.52, plus Alternate #2, for a total contingency of $10,812.00. Add miscellaneous survey, inspection, and testing costs of $1,500, and the total approved budgeted amount will be $47,686.92. 9-1 (Addison Oaks Fencing) Base Bid $ 20,120.40 Alternate #1 13,570.00 Contract $ 33,690.40 Contingency 1,684.52 Alternate #2 10,812.00 Miscellaneous 1,500.00 Total approved amount $ 47,686.92 This is a 1985 approved capital project. 9-2 ITEM #10 ADMINISTRATION VIDEO CAMERA, LENS AND ACCESSORIES In 1985, $4,600.00 in operating equipment funds were designated for the pur- chase of a videocassette tuner -timer, monitor -receiver, and portable video cassette recorder. The tuner -timer and monitor -receiver were donated by Michigan Bell Telphone, leaving the $4,600.00 balance intact. It has been determined that our first need is a camera rather than a portable video cassette recorder. In order to produce technically acceptable cable television programs for the seven Oakland County cable outlets receiving our series, professional 3/4- inch video equipment is necessary. Borrowed equipment is becoming less available from cable systems, and is in a 1/2-inch format not of the quality needed when tapes are duplicated for a number of different cable systems. Equipment requested includes a three -tube, 3/4-inch camera, zoom lens, bracket, batteries and charger. The following bids were received by Oakland County Purchasing: Victor Duncan, Madison Heights General Television, Oak Park (Alt. #1) (Alt. #2) Cruse Communications, East Lansing Detroit City Animation, Troy $ 6,150.00 (incomplete bid; did not include lens or accessories) 11,627.00 8,274.00 7,606.00 (GSA pricing) NO BID Purchasing and staff recommend the low bidder, Cruse Communications, in the amount of $7,606.00. There was $4,600.00 in the operating equipment budget for this purchase. The balance of $3,006.00 will come from the operating equipment surplus. 10-1 ITEM #11 AMENDMENT TO THE 1985 OPERATING BUDGET In accordance with the Commission's 1985 General Appropriation Act, the Manager or his fiscal officer shall not permit expenditures to exceed the appropriation for any budget center as approved or amended by the Commission. After a review of the estimated remaining costs for the BMX, staff feels that an increase of $8,000 will be needed for 1985. This increase will make the amended operating budget for BMX $699700. Funds are avail- able in the operating contingency account. With the transfer of these funds, the total 1985 operating budget will remain the same at $5,137,000. The increase in costs is due primarily to special events and grounds maintenance overruns. We may have underestimated the special event costs for 1985, especially for the national races. We also had to put more funds into the track itself, in order to comply with the require- ments for the national races. A more detailed explanation will be given to the Commission at the meeting. In view of the above, staff recommends a transfer of $8,000 from the operating contingency account to the BMX budget for 1985. p�UUGEi 1V� �� 12 �P„VELp in 1*,!� 31 E x��G ADD GAP � �sda9' pctohet wi11 Govtizue P pP ° n ion 86 �gpPpSP' k session G°mxn� ss time. 19 eiz ix St wor e�atin budget hud�et at tl'�s cnm°n held th the �xop°sed oP�ta1 deeloment the G° Go�exed most ot �1pment and °ap wh�°h thew the o'Aerat1n� e4 to xe��e Y2-1 1TEM tiYDA�E ��� �c,�Eg• Y10 to the meetyng to RECAP be at the da •11 nmental GrooP � uss the imPact Of the com' rd o� Sne11 Env��otex Plan and d1sco be Wo.ckyng w1th d Ptoduce pob Fo tle mas w111 als oafs an sent an update on ed to date• xe 1Y�e out Present �o• ze �l na et PtY,at Y'as been oomPshoP sessyoxt to adata� Phylogo, t1Ve session. m�-ss�on In a �oz nes based on new styn& and Px°dnc new of tevysed o be most a.ntete a Th1s should ITEM #14 MANAGER'S REPORT ---On Saturday, December 7, from 10:00 to 2:00 p.m., the Michigan Recreation and Parks Association is hosting a Park Development Fall Workshop for board and com- mission members at Rolling Holls County Park in Washtenaw County. The program is designed to provide practical step-by-step procedures for acquisition and development of parks and recreation facilities. If any Commissioners would like to attend, please contact Karen, who will take care of the registration fee of $10 and provide a map of the location of the park site in Washtenaw County. ---A letter is attached from Vicki Zuithof, our coordinator of the BMX track. Included with this letter was a check for $1,185 from the volunteers, in excess of the $2,000 they previously gave us for the BMX program this past summer. ---Also attached for your information is a note from Holly Schools on our nature program. ---The Fall Color Car Classic held on Sunday, October 6, at Independence Oaks was very successful. We will be continuing this as an annual special event. ---The Mighty Oaks Cerebral Palsy Sports Team had a great year with 35 members involved in local competition, of which 13 qualified for national competition. Nine of the 13 did compete in national competition, bringing back to Oakland County four gold medals and two bronze in events of track, field, swimming and equestrian. This team represents over 12 Oakland County communities. ---A volunteer group of individuals making up the OAKlowns competed in state- wide competition at the Michigan State Fair. They won second place in best costume and second place in best skit. We also took two fourth places in skits. ---To date, Mobile Recreation has made over 300 visits to communities in and out- side of Oakland County. Our staff, as a rule, are rated good and excellent. Attached is a breakdown of the Community Assistance Grant Program. 14-1 400 Renaissance Center Suite 600 Detroit, Michigan 48243 (313) 567-2300 Public Relations Counselors ANTHONY M. FRANCO INCORPORATED TO: Ralph Richard /1 FROM: Dorothy M. Langan' SUBJECT: Public Relations Activities October 29, 1985 Anthony M. Franco, Inc. (AMF, Inc.) has been involved in the following public relations activities for the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission for the month of October: * Contacted editor of Parks & Recreation to discuss possible Oakland County Parks stories for February, April and November issues that focus on park and facilities mainten- ance, aquatics, and indoor and outdoor recreation, respec- tively. Query letter mailed to the Detroit Free Press suggesting a business story on the growth of the parks and increase in attendance from 1973 through 1985. Follow-up call made to editor who is currently considering the possibility of a story. * Contacted promotion directors at several radio stations to propose co-sponsorship for four winter events scheduled for January and February. WOMC currently reviewing the informa- tion on the events to determine if they fit in with their programming. WNIC interested in possible co-sponsorship of summer events. Interviewed park naturalist, Kathy Thomas, on three-day pro- gram called "Pioneer Living" and developed an article for "Informed Sources." * Discussed trustee program with Jon Kipke as a possibility for developing an article for Parks & Recreation. * AMF, Inc. media coordinator recommended appropriate print media to be invited to the Parks Foundation fundraiser. * As public relations counsel to Oakland County Parks, AMF, Inc. provides media contacts, arranges for interviews with print and electronic media, writes by-lined articles for state and national recreation publications, recommends new public relations activities, serves a sounding board for new ideas, assists in problem solving and offers advice on new publications. 14-2 IIIL I P91\1\ LLY.�i�v. r r�.r.. rr vrr�vrrvr- av +•�•+�•+••-- •— _. STEP BY STEP''PROCEDURES FOR THE`A000ISITION-AND DEVELOPMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES.` SPECIAL EMPHASIS WILL BE PLACED ON COMMON PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS. THE FACILITIES AT ROLLING HILLS COUNTY PARK WILL BE USED AS PRACTICAL EXAMPLES OF THE STEPS INVOLVED IN THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT PROCESS. AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS WILL BE INVITED TO SHARE MASTER PLANS FROM THEIR COMMUNITIES. REGISTRATION FEE: $10.00 FOR M.R.P.A. MEMBERS $12.00 FOR NON-MEMBERS REGISTRATION DEADLINE: SINCE THE REGISTRATION FEE INCLUDES A CATERED LUNCH, INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS, - ARE ASKED TO REGISTER NO LATER THAN ' NOVEMBER 29, 1985. ............. .._ FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL M.R.P.A. AT (313) 532-2664 OR (517) 485-98 . --------------------------------------------------------------------- REGISTRATION FORM PARK DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP NAME: AGENCY: TITLE: PHONE: ADDRESS: CITY: PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO M.R.P.A. SEND CHECK AND REGISTRATION FORM TO: PARK DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP M,RrP,A. 14-3 10/25/1985 Oakland County Parks and Recreation 2800 Watkins Lake Rd. Pontiac, Michigan 48054 Re. BMX Dear Commissioners: Another excellent season of Bicycle MotoCross has come to a close at Waterford Oaks BMX. As the BMX Coordinator for Oakland County Parks and Recreation, I can report to you that the riders, spectators and volunteers were well pleased with the program dur- ing the 1985 season. Speaking for the volunteers, we are very grateful to Oakland County for what you have done for the youth of the community and the State of Michigan. We have worked very hard to make Waterford Oaks BMX #1 in the State and soon to be #1 in the Nation. It has been proven team effort like this is what it takes to make BMX successful. I am enclosing a check for the amount of $1185.33 to you from the Waterford Oaks BMX Volunteer Association Treasury, this is in excess of the amount of $2000.00 that is stated in our by-laws we keep to replenish the concession or pay .for other unexpected occurances for the ,following season (1986). Also I would like to note, during the 1985 season the association paid a sum of $313.00 for expenses that are normally absorbed by the county, they are as follows: 1. $ 15.00 to NBL for yearly track membership fee. 2. $ 20.00 to NBL for a double point race (9/28/85). 3. $278.00 to Chalange Publications for a represenative to cover the 1985 National Race (plane fare). This makes the total contribution to Oakland County Parks and Recreation from the Waterford Oaks BMX Volunteer Association $1498.33. Many many thanks to all of you for your time and effort this past year. Sincerly, Vicki Luithc� Treasurer Waterford Oaks BMX Volunteer Association 14-4 11301uL"3Z AXZEIN Davisburg Elementary School, 12003 Davisburg Road, Davisburg, Michigan 48019 213/634-4301 October 23, 1985 PARKS & LANRECRE COON OMM. Dear Commission Members: OCT 25 1985 RECEIVED Before me is an evaluation card I was asked to fill out. However, this card does not provide an adequate way for us to share our comments. First, and foremost, the staff was outstanding and especially our main naturalist, Mrs. Lynn Conover. She was able to adapt her presentation to meet the educational levels of students in our group from lst through 6th grade. Our group consisted of special education students (23 in number); learning disabled, hearing impaired and emotionally impaired. She is so talented musically and taught the children songs and used instruments "of the field" we will later make as a follow up activity. In a hike she led, she provided some insights I believe some of the children will carry forever. As a commission you are to be congratulated on the new Nature Center. The design and intent of a "hands on" experience for visitors provides so many memorable learning experiences. Altogether it was a delightful trip. I was so proud of our part our county and people like you who help to make such things avail- able to us all. Thank you personally and on behalf o the children I work with. Sincerely, CAROLYN PLACE Teacher Consultant 14-5 EDUCATING FOR THE FUTURE 1985 - COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (CAP) CITIES/TOi,%SHIPS Puppet/S65 State/S85 Sport/t90 Total Berkley 2/$130 2/$170 2/S180 6/$480 *Birmingham - 2/$130 1/$85 1/$90 - 0 - Bloomfield Hills 1/S65 2/$170 2/$180 5/S415 Brandon/Groveland/Ortonville 1/ S-85 1/S90 2/S175 *Clawson 2/$130 2/$170 - 2/$180 - 0 - Farmington Hills 1/S65 3/$255 3/$270 7/S590 Ferndale 1/$65 2/S170 2/$180 5/$415 Hazel Park 4/$260 2/$170 2/$180 8/S610 Huntington Woody 1/$65 1/$85 1/$90 3/5240 Independence Township 2/$130 2/$170 2/$180 6/$480 Madison Heights 2/S130 2/$170 2/$180 6/S480 Novi 1/$65 1/$85 1/$90 3/$240 Oak Park 3/S195 3/$255 3/S270 9/$720 Orford 1/$65 1/$85 1/$90 3/$240 Pleasant Ridge 2/$130 2/S170 2/$180 6/S480 Pontiac - 4/$260 5/$425 5/$450 14/S1135 Rochester 1/$65 2/$170 2/$180 5/S415 Royal Oak 4/$260 4/$340 4/S360 12/$960 Southfield 2/S130 2/$170 2/$180 6/$480 *South Lyon 1/$65 1/$85 1/$90 - 0 - Troy 1/$65 1590 2/S155 Walled Lake 2/$130 2/$170 2/$180 6/$480 Waterford 1/$65 1/$85 1/S90 3/S240 West Bloomfield 1/$65 1/$85 2/$150 i 42/$2725 45/$3825 44/$4050 119/$9580 Easter Seals 6 buses @ $120 = $720 $720 Boys/Girls Club Auction (Hugo Hills Sub.) 1/$85 1/S85 Special Olympics 1/$65 1/$85 2/$150 O.C. Board of Commissioners One bus at $100 $100 Society of Afro-American Police -Two buses/$240-1/$85 1/$90 $415 Groveland/Addison - 18 visits (at average $80) $1440 $12,490 *Did not use visits 14-6 1985 PARK DEVELOPMENT FALL WORKSHOP MICHIGAN MICHIGAN RECREATION FOR RECREATION & PARK ASSOCIATION BOARD AND COMMISSION MEMBERS AND PROFESSIONALS & PARK ASSOCIATION i SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1985 10:00 A.M. TO 2:00 P.M, SPONSORED BY: BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS COMMITTEE PARK RESOURCES COMMITTEE ROLLING HILLS COUNTY PARK WASHTENAW COUNTY HOSTED BY: WASHTENAW COUNTY PARKS AND REC, ANN ARBOR PARKS AND REC. THE PARK DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP IS DESIGNED TO PROVIDE PRACTICAL STEP BY STEP PROCEDURES FOR THE ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES. SPECIAL EMPHASIS WILL BE PLACED ON COMMON PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS. THE FACILITIES AT ROLLING HILLS COUNTY PARK WILL BE USED AS PRACTICAL EXAMPLES OF THE STEPS INVOLVED IN THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT PROCESS, AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS WILL BE INVITED TO SHARE MASTER PLANS FROM THEIR COMMUNITIES. REGISTRATION FEE: $10.00 FOR M.R.P.A. MEMBERS $12.00 FOR NON-MEMBERS REGISTRATION DEADLINE: SINCE THE REGISTRATION FEE INCLUDES A CATERED LUNCH, INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS ARE ASKED TO REGISTER NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 291 1985. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL M.R.P.A. AT (313) 532-2664 OR (517) 485-9888. REGISTRATION FORM PARK DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP NAME: TITLE: