HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1985.09.04 - 39793Lewis E. Wint Ralph Richard Chairman Manager Jean M. Fox Jon J. Kipke Assistant Manager Vice -Chairman Oakland Count. DLewis, Jr. y Secre Secretary Gnau Parks & RecreationnR George W. Kuhn LV. Moffitt LillianL Walter Moore Commission Daniel. Murphy Carol E. Stanley Richard R. Wilcox 2800 WATKINS LAKE ROAD PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48054-1697 (313) 858-0906 August 28, 1985 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday, September 4, 1985 9:30 a.m. PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Rd. Pontiac, MI 48054 PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Mr. Lewis E. Wint, Chairman, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, Ralph Richard Manager RR/jg Addison Oaks 9 Glen Oaks • Groveland Oaks • Independence Oaks • Orion Oaks • Red Oaks • Springfield Oaks • Waterford Oaks • White Lake Oaks OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING September 4, 1985 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes for August 14, 1985. 4. Approval of Payment: Voucher Numbers 8-1 thru 8-369, and Indepartmental Payment Register for July, 1985. 5. Statement of Operations as of July 31, 1985. 6. Activity Report for July, 1985. 7. Red Oaks Wave Pool. 8. Groveland Oaks Boat Rental Facility. 9. Senior Olympics Awards Presentation. 10. Treasurer's Investment Update. 11. Manager's Report. 12. Unfinished Business. 13. New Business. 14. Adjourn. VOUCHER REGIStER` OAkLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION 1UCHER 'August, 1985 iMRFR VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT Radio Maint.-Admin.,Rec. Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep,;,Glen 8_-1 0. C.111adio Communications Fund Oaks,YAC,Water,,W. Pool & Mob. Rec, (Month of March) 1 648.54 Transportation-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh. 8-2" 0. C. Motor Pool Fund Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,YAC,Water.,Mob. Rec. & Nat. Prog.. Equip. Mai .-Mob. Rec., buses Add, (Month of March) 14 ,.4 Special Events-Rec. Admin.('sen.ior citizens),Water (spring classes), 8-3 0. C. Printing & Mailing W. Pool(swimming classes T. Com lex s ortscam BMXiOff. Su .- Admin.,Rec. Admin.,BMX & Nat.. Prog.; Public Info.-Admin. Month of March 2,837.50 Off. Sup.-Admin.,Rec. Admin.,Tech. Sup.,Indep.,Glen Oaks,& YAC; 8-4 0. C. Stores 0 erations Hsk . Ex .-Admin. Inde Glen Oaks S rin YAC & Water.;Uniforms- Indep.;Spec.iai Events,(senior citizens, platform tennis -Water. & T. Complex Month of March 1,705.96 Radio Maint.-Admin.,Rec. Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Glen g- 0. C. Radio Communications Fund Oaks YAC Water. W. Pool & Mob. Rec.;E ui . Maint.-BMX Grove. & Tech. Sup. (Month of April) 1 800.25 Transportation-Admin.,Rec. Admin.,Tech. Sup.,Add.,Grove., Indep., g-6 0. C. Motor Pool Fund Wh. Lk.,Glen Oaks Red Oaks,S ring..,YAC*,Water.,Mob. Rec, ,& Mat. Pro .; Equip. Maint.-Add.,Water. & Mob. Rec. (Month of April) 14 019.55 Off. Sup.-Admin.,Rec. Admin.,Indep.,Red Oaks,Spring.,W. Pool,&BMX; 8'-7' 0. C. Stores Operations Fund. H'sk . Ex .-Tech. Su .,Add.,Grove.,lnde .,Wh. Lk. Red Oaks YAC BMX Water. & W. Pool;Equip. Maint.-Water. & W. Pool;Grounds Maint.- Grove. & Add.;Rec. Su .,P.rorata (All Units) -Mob. Rec.;S ecial Events, Platform tennis-T. Complex;Pubiic'info.-Admin. (Month of April) 6 197.20 Special Even tsyWater. (square dancing) J.. Complex, 8-8 0. C. Printing & Mailing Spring.(jr. tourn:_ & scramble),Wh.- Lk.(senior citizens, sGramble 6. jr. tourn,, ..Glen Oaks senior citizens ;Off. Sup.-Admin.,Rec. Admin., Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh. Lk.,Glen Oaks,T. Com lex,BMX;& Nat..Prog.; Public Info.-Admin. .(Month of April) 3,629.69 Equip. Rental-Admin.,Rec. Admin.,Tech. Sup.,Grove.,Indep.,Glen Oaks, 8-9 0. C. Office Equipment Fund YAC,Nat. Pro . (Month of April) 405.01 Equip. Rental-Admin.,Rec. Admin.,Tech.,Sup.,Grove.,indep.,Gien Oaks, 8=10 0. C. Office Equipment Fund YAC•Nat:-•-Pr-o . Month of March 426.86 VOUCHER ,.—GISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION TOUCHER August, 1985 at TMUFR VENDOR PI TRP04E AMOI INT 8-11 County of Oakland Fringe Benefits for the month of June; 1985-All Parks $ 62 260.20 8-12 Aqua Golf Ball Co. Golf Mdse. for resale, golf balls -Spring. 150.00 8-13 VOID 8-14 Bostwick-Braun.Co. Cap. Equip.,Wooden Step Ladder-Indep. 159.95 8-15 Rand Materials Handling Equip. Cap; Equip.,Overhead Work Platform-Indep. 1,700.00 8-16 Kammer/Michigan Consultants, Inc. Cap. Proj.,Prof. Services, Legislative Lobbyist fee for August- Admin. 1,250.00 8-17 Kwik Sanitation Excavating Inc. Sewage Exp.-Add. 990.00 8-18 A.C.O., Inc. Cap. Proj., at. Ctr. Exhibits -Nat. rog..r;Equip. Maint.-Indep.; Bldg. Maint. & Hskp. Exp.-Nat. Prog. 43.33 8-19 James N. Layman Contingency, well repair at Indep.-Admin. 1 530.00 8-20 Waste Management of Michigan Garbage Disposal-Add.,YAC & Sprih . 518.00 8-21 Madison Electric Co. Maint. Sup. -Tech. Sup.;Equip. Maint.-Indep.;Bldg. Maint.-Indep., W. Pool & Grove. 520.83 8-22 K-mart Bldg. Maint.-YAC 11.42 8-23 Interstate Alarm Systems Bldg. Maint.-W. Pool 306.00 8-24 Universal Equip. Company Equip. Maint.-Indep.,Repair of Steiner Mower 338.34 8-25 GoodYear Auto Service Center. Equio, Maint.-Grove. 10.65 8-26 Spencer Oil Co. Equip. Maint.-Add.,Wh. Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks & Spring „Gasoline 3,716.82 8-27 Detroit Ball Bearing Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 126.51 8-28 Michigan Recreation & Park Assoc. Misc. Income, Outside Ticket Sales-Admin. 2,009.85 8-29 1 Lawn.Equipment Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 1 109.15 r- N VOUCHER ..-LISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION JOUCHER August, 1985 111MRFR VENDOR Pimpr)(Z ' n►tnrmTrr 8-30 Industrial Pump Co. Equip. Maint.-W. Pool s 31.23 8-31 Pontiac Steel Co. Equip. Maint.-Tech, Sdp.;Grounds Maint.-Add. 100.06 8- 2 Burin ton Golf Car Dist. E ui . Maint.-Add. Wh. Lk, Glen Oaks & Spring. 66.78 8-33 Swee ster Jenkins Equip. Co. Equip. Maint.-Grove. 43.82 8- 4 J & A Spring Rebuilders E ui Maint.-skatemobile & adaptive rec.-Mob. Rec. 1 6. 0 8-35 Industrial Vehicles Inc. Equip. Maint.-Add. Inde . & Wh. Lk. 193.92 8-36 Moore's Disposal Garbage Dis osal-inde Wh. Lk. Water. & BMX 495.00 8-37 Genesee.Weldinq supply Co. S ecial Events-Rec. Admin.•E ui aint.-Tech.Su dd. & Grove. 8- 8 Wilkie Turf Equip..Division Inc. Equip. Maint - ed Oaks. 108.37 8-39 W.F. Miller Co. Equip. Maint.-Add.,Grove.,(ndep.,Gl.enOaR;Red Oaks&Spring.;Grounds Maint.-S rin . & Red Oaks 872.37 8-40 Oliver Supply Equip. Maint.-YAC & W. Pool 37.93 8-41 Holly Shell Service Equip. Maint.-Grove. 10.00 8-42 Elliott Saw Works Equip. Maint.-Inde . 20.00 8-43 Hawkins Equip. Co. Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk.. 22.50 8-44 K-mart Grounds Maint.-Add. .00 8-45 Peninsular Slate Company Grounds Maint.-T. Complex 48.48 8-46 Ra-mil Nursery Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 20.00 8-47 Maeder Plant Farm Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks D.R. & BMX 119.60 8-48 Symar Locksmiths, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Add.. 12.20 VOUCHER i—GISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION OUCHER August, 1985 1 TMn 0n NrPNTl(1R PT TRPOq'P AMr)T TNT 8-49 Kirk's Automotive Inc. Equip. Maint.-Water. 33.18 8-50 Wilkie Turf Equip. Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. & Spring. 173.37 8-51 Century Rain Aid Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks & Spring. 213.25 8-52 Bordine's Better Blooms Grounds Maint.-Add. 109.79 8-53 Miracle Recreation Equip. Grounds Maint.-Add. 63.23 8-54 Rich Sign Service Special Events,registration banner -BMX 75.00 8-55 Schiller, Inc. Special Events, candy for resale -They. Prog. 270.00 8-56 Michigan NBL Special Events,riders fee for month of June -BMX 201.50 8-57 O.C. Dept. of Public Works Utilities -Glen Oaks 1,44o.91 8-58 Waterford Twp. Water & Sewer Dept. Utilities -Water. & W. Pool 7,417.20 8-59 Detroit Edison Utilities-Grove.,S rin . & YAC 6,947.26 8-60 Detroit Edison Utilities-Add.,Add. Conf. Ctr. Grove. & Inde . 8,181.44 8-61 Detroit Edison Utilities-Wh. Lk.,Glen Oaks & Red Oaks 6,122.62 8-62 Consumers Power Co. Utilities-Grove.,Wh. Lk.,Spring.,Water. & W. Pool 2 694.07 8-63 Petrolane Gas Service Utilities -Add. 220.17 8-64 Petrolane Gas Service Utilities -Grove. 735.46 8-65 Michigan Bell Communications -Add. & Wh. Lk. 213.29 8-66 AT&T Communications -Add. 60.35 8-67 j Steel Equip. Company Cap. Equip.,office furniture-Admin. 3,279.64 VOUCHER t,LGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION 'OUCHER August, 1985 rt n.,rnrn 11PNTYIR Pi TRPniF. AMOUNT 8-68 Bean Bros. Bowling & Trophy Special Events,tennis & horseshoe tournaments-T. Complex; Rec. Sup. -BMX 257.47 8-69 Clem Williams Films, Inc. Rec. Sup. -Grove. 52.00 8-70 Finger's Office Supplies Rec. Sup. -Mob. Rec.;Off. Sup.-Indep. 23.21 8-71 Wolverine Sports Rec. Sup. -Add. 125.82 8-72 Nasco Rec. Sup. -Nat. Frog. 45.34 8-73 Cash Register Systems, Inc. Off. Sup. -Glen Oaks 11.18 8-74 Mrs. Sandra Janush Misc. Exp.,reimb. for repair on a broken window 6-screen-Red Oaks 180.99 8-75 Consolidated Management Inc. Misc. Exp.,reimb. for repair on a broken window -Red Oaks 63.40 8-76 State of Michigan Fublications, 1 year subscription-Admin. 7.97 8-77 Ralph Richard, Reimbursement for luncheon meeting to review legistration with Kammer/Mich. consultants on 7/10/85-Admin. 22.33 8-78 Frank Ostrowski, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Add. 28.53 8-79 Clyde Herb, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Grove. 35.66 8-80 Portia Fields -Anderson Petty Cash Reimb.-Mob. Rec. 38.73 8-81 Doya Video Systems Public Info.,videocassettes-Admin. 8.00 8-82 Brunswick Maint. Custodial Services,month of July-Admin. 665.00 8-83 Harvey's Office Sup. Off. Sup.-Add.,Grove.,lndep. & Nat. Prog. 37.18 8-84 0. C. Planning Division Off. Sup.-Admin. 40.00 8-85 Adam Rosenthal Refund for swimming class-W. Pool 18.00 8-86 VanDyne Crotty Inc. aun ry- ec up., ., rove., n ep., Lk.,Glen Oaks.,Red Oaks iSpring.,YAC,Water. & Nat. Prog. (For 7/19-7/23) 214.99 VOUCHER knGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION OUCHER August, 1985 t 1i inrn 11PNnnp PT MPfl.P. AMn1 TNT 8-87 VanDyne Crott , Inc. Laundry -Tech. Sup;,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh. Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks, S rin YAC Water. 6 Nat. Pro - $ 216.44 8-88 C. J. Colein Cap. Proj.,Automatic Irrigation System -Glen Oaks 1,180.40 8-89 Tal Tane Misc. Exp.,sample jacket for OCP&R Commission-Admin. 75.00 8-90 Allied Plastics Misc. Exp.,sky,light repair due to vandalism-W. Pool 89.10 8-91 Pontiac Printing Co. Off. Sup. -Tech. Sup. 28.00 8-92 Century Rain Aid Ground Maint.-S rin . 176.09 8-93 Highland Appliance Co. S ecial Events s orts camp-T. Complex 132.00 8-94 Global Dryer Bldg. Maint.-Inde . 80.84 8-95 Hodges Supply Co. Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup.;Grounds Maint.-Add.;Bldg. Maint.-Add. Conf. Ctr. Grove. Inde Wh.Lk. YAC Water. & W. Pool 352.72 8- 6 Marilyn Hicks S ecia:l Event round dance caller -Water. 531.00 8-97 Troy Chamber of Commerce Rental/showmobile deposit refunded -Mob. Rec. 100.00 8- 8 Joseph Grammatico Camping Refund -Add. 31.50 8-99 VOID 8-100 Lin Carlson Greens Fee,league player played only 4 wks.-Spring. 40.00 8-101 Deborah Bowen Swimming class refund-W. Pool 18.00 8-102 Sundry (Refunds) Facilities Rental,damage dep.T.Jantz $75.00&J.Buliman $75.00-YAC 150.00 8-103 Sundry (Refunds) Camping Ref.,H.Fullerton $24.00&R.Thomas $10.00-Grove. 34.00 8-104 Sundry (Refunds) Camping Ref.,M.Heaton $62.00 & M.Redman $85.00-Grove. 147.00 8-105 Sundry (instructors) Sq. Dance Callers,W.Ball $1,325.00 & D.Rieck $260.00-Water 1,585.00 rn VOUCHER tw(JISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION OUCHER August, 1985 1 JMRRR VF;iVMR 8-106 Business Resources, Inc. 1 V1\1 VJL Cap. Equip.,Floor Safe-Red.Oaks AMUUN i $ 155.00 8-107 Burington Golf Car Dist. Golf Car Rental -Glen Oaks 2,500.00 8-108 O.C. Public Works Utilities -Glen Oaks 28.96 8-109 C. & I. Auto Parts, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 181.45 8-110 Zee Medical Service Misc. Exp.,medicai supplies -Glen Oaks & Wh. Lk. 107.15 8-111 John R Lumber Co., Inc. B1dg.Maint.,Grounds Maint.&Sm.Tools-Red oaks;Sm.Tools-Red Oaks D.I. 643.87 8-112i Town Talk Inc. Golf Mdse. for resale-Wh. Lk. & Spring. 345.97 8-113 City of Madison Heights Utilities -Red Oaks & Red Oaks D.R. 523.20 8-114 Clarkston Disposal Garbage Disposal -Grove. 1,540.00 8-115 Xerox Corp. Off. Sup.,mon)thly payment on equip. equity plan-Admin. 26.71 8-116 Meteor Photo Co. Public Info.,custom prints-Admin. 421.15 8-117 Insty-Prints Public Info.;'Discount Days in August"Flyer-Admin. 147.59 8-118 Capitol Equipment Sm. Tools -Add. 93.50 8-119 Oakland Hardware Bldg. Maint.,Equip. Maint.,Grounds Maint. & Sm. Tools -Add. 256.28 8-120 Taylor Auto Paint Co. Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. & Mob. Rec.,adaptive rec. 85.38 8-121 Joe's Industrial Engine Service Equip, Maint.-Add. 85.00 8-122 Loon Lake Marine Equip. Maint.-Indep. 50.00 8-123 GoodYear Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 75.62 8-124 Souter Oil Sales Co. Equip. Maint.-Indep. 17.00 VOUCHER Rn(t ISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION OUCHER August, 1985 r rr rnrn \TF.Nnn'R PI MPOSF AMOUNT 8-125 State Wire and Terminal Inc. Equip. Maint.-bob, Rec..Pr 8-126 Michigan Portable Toilets Grounds Maint.;rental & service for month - O 8-127 R W L Service Hskp. Exp.-W. Pool 1 0 8-128 Drayton Swimming Pool Rec. Sup.-W. Pool 79.92 8-129 Clem Williams Films, Inca Rec. Sup. -Grove. 50.00 8-130 Pontiac Stamp, Stencil & Typesetting Cap. Pro'.,Nat. Project Exhibits -Nat. Pro 0.00 8-131 T.A.C. Business Forms Public Info., olf brochure-Admin. 411.2 8-132 Waterford Marine Rec. Sup.-W. Pool 8-133 Arbor Springs Water Co. Off. Sup.-Admin. & Rec. Admin.•E ui . Rental-Rec. Admin. 155.50 8-134 McKay's Hardware Bldg. Maint.,Equip. Maint.,& Grounds Maint.-Grove.;Bldg. Maint. & Hsk . Ex .-YAC 92.89 8-135 Drayton Plywood Co. Bldg. Maint.-Glen Oaks & YAC 87.47 8-136 Church's Lumber Yard Grounds Maint.-Spring.;Rental Property Maint.-Wh. Lk.;Bldg, Maint Grounds..Maint.-Grove. - 226.78 8-137 Smiley Electric Co. Bldg. Maint.-Spring.;Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks 322.85 8-138 J. Eiden Equip. Co. Bldg. Maint.-Add.;Equip. Maint.-Indep. 106.0 8-139 Haus of Trailers, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Mob. Rec.,trucks & buses- 70.90 8-140 Weingartz Supply Co. Equip. faint. -Add. & Glen Oaks 136.55 8-141 Kinq Bros. Inc. Equip. Maint.-Add. Grove. Inde Wh. Lk. .& Water. 187.84 8-142 Auto Supplies b Herks Inc: Equip. Maint.-Grove. 3.56 8-143 Davisbura Lumber Co. Equip. Maint._,Grounds Maint. & Sm. Tools-YAC 75.90 VOUCHER i-GISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION TOUCHER August, 1985 IT TMRPR VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 8-144 Parts Associates Inc. Grounds Maint.-Spring. $ 19.85 8-145 Warren Co-operative Co. Grounds Maint. & Sm. Tools -Red Oaks 84.36 8-146 Tri-City Aggregates, Inc. Grounds Maint.-YAC,Red Oaks & Glen Oaks 609.13 8-147 ABC Oil Service, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Indep.,Water. & YAC 1,701.00 8-148 William Gracey Rec. Sup.,square dance caller -Grove. 255.00 8-149 Triarco Arts & Crafts Rec. Sup. -Grove. 33.31 8-150 O.C. Dept. of Public Works Sewage Exp.-Add. 822.46 8-151 Oliver Supply Co. Hskp. Exp.-Spring. 13.26 8-152 Pontiac Printing Co.' Contingency, signs for Orion Oaks-Admin. 32.00 8-153 Michigan Portable Toilets, Inc. Equip. Rental, rental & service for month of July -BMX 340.00 8-154 Do a Video Systems, Inc. Public Info. videocassettes-Admin. 126.50 8-ISS Aaron's Lock & Key Bid . Maint.-Red Oaks 14.96 8-1 6 Consumers Power Co. Contingency,repair damaged gas main at Orion Oaks-Admin. 2,806.03 8-157 Pontiac Paint Co. Cap. Proj.,Activity Center Improvements Restroom A ition- ater.; Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks & W. Pool;Bldg. Maint.-Red Oaks,YAC,W. Pool & T. Complex;Special Events -Water. 991.58 8-1 8 Herk's Oxford Automotive Equip. Maint. & Sm. Tools -Add. 50.07 8-159 Younq Supply Co. Maint. Sup. & Sm. Tools -Tech. up.; g. aint.-Cont.tr., Glen Oaks,Spring. & Water. 153.12 8-160 J. Mansfield Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Glen Oaks 26.32 8-161 Burke Buildinq Centers IYAC&T. Bldg. Maint.-Rec.. min., n ep., ., en oaks,Red Uaks,bpring. Complex;Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. & Mob.Rec.,showmobile 884.30 VOUCHER .__.LISTER OA.KLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION JOUCHER August, 1985 Ji TMRFR VF:NTXiR pt mnncr wuro trim 8-162 Burke Building Centers Maint. Sup.-Tech.Sup.;Grounds Maint.-Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Water.& BMX;Rental Prop. Maint.-Wh.Lk.&Water.;Rec. Sup. -Nat. Pro . .�.. $ 38.32 8-163 Sundry (Misc.) Misc. Exp.,reimb, for damaged items;D. Solwoid $71.12 & E. Ruggle '$30.04-Grove.. 101.16 8-164 Madison Electric Co. Bldg. Maint.-Rec. Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Grove.,Add.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.&Spri g. 196.80 8-165 C. Ross, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.- Admin. 400.00 8-166 Snell Environmental Group Cap. Proj.,Master Plan Revision-Admin. 5 588.00 8-167 Hodges Supply Co. Bldg. Maint.-Add. 103.01 8-168 Mitco Inc. Bldg. Maint.-Add.,Glen Oaks & YAC 130.51 8-169 Jean's Hardware Inc. B1,dg..Maint.,Grounds Maint. & Sm. Tools -Glen Oaks 279.62 8-170 Sales Control System, Inc. Equip. Maint.-W. Pool 65.00 8-171 Tony's Parts & Accessories, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Indep. 2.81 8-172 Pontiac Plastics Grounds Maint.-Add. 18.00 8-173 Zee Medical Service Misc. Exp.,medical supplies-Add.,W. Pool,Mob. Rec. & Nat. Pro . 224.68 8-174 Scarlett's Schwinn Cyclery, Inc. Misc. Exp.,vandalized bicycle repaired-W. Pool 80.31 8-175 Crescent Lake Racquet Club Special Events,tennis tournaments-T. Complex 108.00 8-176 Favor -Rohl Off. Sup.-Admin. 156.75 8-177 Artcraft Blue rin.t'Co. Off. Sup.-Admin.;Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 133.26 8`178 Clem Williams Films, Inc. Rec. Sup. -Grove. 102.00 8-179 Jones Chemicals, Inc. Rec. Sup.,hypochlorite solution-W. Pool 1,117.50 8-180 John Burchare Misc. Exp.,food loss due, to electrical interruption -Grove. 48.19 0 VOUCHER ,—GISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION MUCHER diJMRF.R VENDOR August, 1985 PTrPPOgP rf,.v%TMTrV 8-181 Oakland Room Cafeteria Cap. Equip.,Electric Coin Sorter -Red Oaks W. PooI;MIsc. Exp.,in- sulated food"carriers-Wafer. 2 8.00 8-182 P. Fields -Anderson, Cust. Petty ,Cash Reimb.-Mob. Rec. 3.6 8-183 O.C. Facilities & Operations Grds. Maint.-Water.,W. Pool,T. Complex & BMX 4 121.46 8-184 Zee Medical Misc. Exp.,medical supplies-W. Pool 66.27 8-185 Davisburg Lumber Co. Equip. Maint.-Spring. 14.61 8-186 Town & Country Siding Rental Prop, Maint.-Wh. Lk. 4.60 8-187 VanDyne Crotty, Inc. Laundry -Tech. Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks, Sprin YAC Water. & Nat. Pro . 213.56 8-188 VOID 8-189 Burin ton Golf Car E ui . Maint.-Wh. Lk. Glen Oaks Red Oaks & Spring. 2, 8-190 Detroit Edison Utilities-Water.,W. Pool & T. Complex 1,006.98 8-191 Consumers Power Co. Utilities -Add. Conf. Ctr.,lndep. & Red Oaks 294.98 8-192 AT&T Communications -Grove. & Spring. 41.40 8-193 Michigan Bell Communications-Grove.,Spring. & Water. i29,32 8-194 Kenmar Camera Repair Equip. Maint.-Admin. 98.00 8-195 Munn Ford Tractor, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup.,Grove.£Indep. 373.19 8-196 State Wire and Terminal, Inc. Equip. Maint.,Prorata (All Units) -Mob. Rec. 14.75 8-197 VOID 8-1 8 Suhdr a roll For -Fay iod endina 8/2/8S-All Parks 151,123.8 8-199 Camera Mart, Inc. Cap._Proj.,Nature Ctr. Exhibits & Off. Sup. -Nat, Prog. 10.92 VOUCHER _ .GISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION /OUCHER August, 1985 JUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE 8-200 Elden's Hardware Misc. Income re a ment for 1984 check that w AMOUNT 8-201 Elden's Hardware Bldg. Maint.-Admin.,YAC,Water.&T.Complex,;Off. Sup.-Admin.&Rec. Admin.•5 ecial Events-Rec. Admin.-misc.&senior citizens events: 235.78 Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup.,YAC,Water.,Mob.Rec.,showmobile,skatemob., rora a(All Inits),BMX Maint Sup. -Tech , Q.;S - 8-202 8-203 Elden's Hardware Mister Uhiform & Mat Rentals Tech. Sup. & W.Pool;Grounds Maint.-YAC,T. Complex BMX;Rental Pro ert Maint.-Water.•Rec. Su .-Nat. ro Laundr-Admin.•Hsk . Ex .- AC & Water. 239.8� 8-204 O,.C. Communications'Fund Bldg. Maint.-Glen Oaks;Communications-Grove.,Indep.,Wh. Lk.,Glen Oaks Red Oaks,Red Oaks D.R. S r' 8-205 O.C. Communications Fund Communications-Admin. Rec.Admin. Water. W. Pool & T. Complex 2,954.21 8-206 Bean Bros. Bowling & Trophy -Special Events tennis & horseshoe tourn.-T.Com lex;Rec.SU .-BMX 1,763.80 8-207 Cruise -Out Marine Inc. Bld . Maint.-W. Pool•Grounds Maint.-Add. 178.31 8-208 Madison Electric Off. Sup.-Admin.;Sm. Tools -Tech. Sup.;Bldg. Maint.-Add.,Grove., lnde . Wh. Lk. YAC•Grounds Maint.-YAC•E ui .Maint. Prorata(AlI Units) -Mob. Rec. 07.1 8-209 Handy Andy Hardware Bldg. Maint. E ui Maint. Grounds Maint. & Rec. Sup. -Add. 154.40 8-210 Mazza Auto Parts Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. & Water.;Maint. Su .-Tech. Sup. 56.52 8-211 Waterford Fuel & Supply Equip. Maint.-Tech.Su Inde Wh.Lk. S rin .&YAC;B1dg.Maint.-YAC 144.40 8-212 Century Rain Aid Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks & Red Oaks 34.05 8-213 Lake Orion Lumber Co. Grounds Maint.-Add. 21.60 8-214 Zee Medical Service Misc. Ex .,medical supplies -Add. 14.00 8-215 Kwik Sanitation Excavating Inc. Sewa e Exp.-Add. 405.00 VOUCHER h-GISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION 'OUCHER August, 1985 r rNrra>,R VFNn0R PURPOSE AMOUNT 8-216 Sundry (Mileage Reimb.) Mi eages-G.Berc back 39.25-Spring.; .Casse .50-Rec. min.; C.Ross $9.00,G.Buchanan $10.25,D.Marion $6.75,D.Petrak $10.50,J. $ Pung $59.75 & W.Shallow $54.25-Adrpin. 197.25 8-217 P. Fields -Anderson, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Mob. Rec. 42.52 8-218 Flaghouse Inc. Rec. Sup. -Grove. 24.73 8-219 Riemer Floors, Inc. - Bldg. Maint.-Glen Oaks 19.75 8-220 Alarm Supply Bldg. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 325.19 8-221 Pioneer Hardware Bldg. Maint.-Add.,Wh. Lk.,Glen Oaks,YAC;Grounds Maint.-W . Lk., Red Oaks & YAC;Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk.;Rental Property Maint.-Wh.Lk 1.75.91 8-222 Pioneer Hardware Sm. Tools-Wh. Lk. 17.84 8-223 Van's Auto Supply Equip. Mai.nt.-Add.,Grove.,lndep.,Wh. Lk. & Spring. 438.67 8-224 J & A Spring Rebuilders Equip. Maint.,skatemobile,sports mobile & Prorata (All Units) -Mob Rec. 106.00 8-225 Miracle Recreation Equip. Co. Equip. Maint.-Add. 20.31 8-226 Howland's Trailer Service Equip. Maint.-BMX 211.55 8-227 PB Electronics Equip. Maint.-Indep. & Glen Oaks 69.00 8-228 Detroit Bail Bearing Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 5.04 8-229 Security Fence & Supply Grounds Maint.-BMX 24.64 8-230 W.F. Miller Co. Grounds Maint.-Wh. Lk. 310.00 8-231 American Aggregates Corp. Grounds Maint.-Add. 283.19 8-232 VOID 8-233 Petrolane Gas Service Utilities -Grove. 421•51 VOUCHER i...:GISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION TOUCHER August, 1985 TT TMnV P VFNTXIR PT T P Vn q P Amny TNT 8-2 4 Sundry Refunds Camping Fees Ref. -Gail Beitel $65.00,Jane Clough $39-00 & Daniel Svetcos $28.00-Grove. $ 132.00 8-235 Sundry (Advance) Regis.&Lodging Dep.,R.Richard to attend Western Governor's Assoc. Conf. Oct. 15-20,1985-Admin. 342.39 8-236 O.C. Chamber of Commerce Registration for J.Pung & M.Zednik to attend seminar on Adver- tising on 8/20/85-Admin. 10.00 8-237 County of Oakland Fringe Benefits charges for month of July, 1985-All Parks 64,973.76 8-238 Dunlop Sports Corp. Golf Mdse, for resale-Wh. Lk. & Glen Oaks 577.50 8-239 P. Fields-Ariderson,�Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Mob. Rec. 74.39 8-240 O.C. Road Commission Per Diem & Mileage for J.Gn:au for meeting held 7/10/85-Admin. 35.00 8-241 O.C. Computer Services Public Info.&Equi . Rental-Admin.;Off. Sup.-Rec. Admin. 342.77 8-242 Oakland Schools Public Info. Off. Sup. & Rec. Sup.-Admin. 79.70. 8-243 VOID 8-244 Official Sports Ctr. Rec. Sup.,volleyball nets 108.00 8-245 W.F. Miller Co. Equip. Maint.-Inde Wh. Lk. & Glen Oaks 751.00 8-246 Lawn Equipment Corp. Equip. Maint.-Spring. 10.00 8-247 U.S. Sand & Stone Co. Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks (Top soil) 698.25 8-248 VanDyne Crotty Inc. Laundry -Tech. Sup.,Add.,Grove.,lndep.,Wh. Lk.,Red Oaks,Spring., YAC, Water. & Nat. Prog. 191.55 8-249 Annie Witham Special Events,refund for Star of Det. cruise-Rec. Admin. 21.79 8-250 David Gladfelter Refund for league tennis -Water. 12.50 8-251 Stephanie Rosenberg Special Events,refund for tennis tournament -Water. 12.00 8-252 Anthony M. Franco Inc. Public Info.-Admin. 1,931.88 VOUCHER ..-GISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION TOUCHER August, 1985 fT TMTarp VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 8-253 VOID $ 8-254 Michigant-Recreation and Park Assn. o ging ept.; for R.Richard to attend RP ong Range Planning Retreat held in Mancelona, Mi. 9-24-26, 1985-Admin. 25.00 8-255 Rochester Elevator Inc. Bldg. Maint.-Spring. 165.00 8-256 Rose Exterminators Bldg. Maint.-Wh. Lk.,Spring. & YAC 120.00 8-257 Glen E. Thompson Bldg. Maint.-Glen Oaks 40.00 8-258 Hodges Supply Bldg. Maint.-Add. Conf. Ctr. & Glen Oaks 242.44 8-259 Oliver Supply Co. Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 24.10 8-260 Pifer Inc. Equip. Maint.-Spring. 55.00 8-261 Thompson Oil Co. Equip. Maint.-Grove. 751.82 8-262 Service Glass Co., Inc. Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks D.R. 131.73 8-263 Oxford Co-op Elevator Co. Grounds Maint.-Add. 20.50 8-264 Century Rain Aid Grounds Maint.-Wh. Lk. & Glen Oaks 68.20 8-265 Zee Medical Service Misc. Exp., medical supplies -Grove. 20.35 8-266 Star of, Detroit' Special Events,O.C. Jazz Brunch Cruise-Rec. Admin. 656.30 8-267 Bloomfield Hills School District Entrance Fee Refund,Scamp program-W. Pool 141.75 8-268 210.99 8-269 Detroit Edison Utilities -Red Oaks,Water. & W. Pool 9,068.77 8-270 Michigan Bell Communications-W. Pool 20.43 8-271 Martha S. Goodnow Public Info.,photographic service for June, 1985-Admin. 131.50 VOUCHER i._uISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION `OUCHER August, 1985 PURPOSE AMOUNT 8-272 T.A.C. Business Forms Public Inf.o.,Indep. Oaks brochures-Admin. $ 428.65 8-273 Diversitech General Special Events,tennis tournaments & Rec. Sup.-T. Complex 1,290.84 8-274 James N. Layman Bldg. Maint.-YAC 2,191.22 8-275 W.F. Miller Company Equip. Maint.-Add.,Indep.,Wh. Lk. & Glen Oaks 198.09 8-276 Turf Chemicals Inc. Grounds Maint.-Wh. Lk. & Spring. 450.00 8-277 Venture Publishing Publications,reference book-Admin. 17.20 8-278 Doug Rieck Special Events,square dance caller -Water. 173.00 8-279 VOID 8-280 Radunz Travel Center Air ine Expense for D.Stenct , ox, e s & J.Kipke to at- tend NRPA Conference in Dallas, TX.on 10/24/85-Admin. & Rec. Admi . 682.00 8-281 Diversified Business Products Off. Su .,monthly rental charge for Ricoh copier-Admin. 272.60 8-282 Cash Register Systems Equip.Maint.-Indep. & W. Pool;Off. Sup.-W. Pool 209.00 8-283 Munn Ford Tractor, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Grove. & Indep. 693.60 8-284 Milford Sand & Gravel Grounds Maint.-Wh. Lk. 34.52 8-285 Zappie Fence Co. Grounds Maint.-YAC 599.75 8-286 Superior Water Cond. Rental Property Maint.-Water. 90.00 8-287 ACO Inc. & Grounds Maint.-Inde .•Rec. - 49.70 8-288 Woodform, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Add. ii ht w/wood housing 8"289 Trumbul Recreation SuRply Bldg. Maint.-Grove. 38.25 R-M Church's Lumber Yards Bldg Maint -Grove 18.15 Jr_ rn VOUCHER ..LGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION JOUCHER August, 1985 T 1MRFR VENDOR P1 TR Pr) C P All rnr mrm 8-2 1 A & C Builders Hardware Bldg. Maint.-Glen Oaks & Red Oaks 22 .54 8-2 2 American Locker"Security Systems, Inc. Bldg: Maint.-W. Pool. 768.86 8-293 Leslie Electric Co. Bldg. Maint.-Wh. Lk.;Equip. Maint.-BMX 23.41 8-2 4 State Wire & Terminal Inc. Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 39.70. 8-2S5 Pontiac Steel Co. Equip. Maint.-Inde . & Mob. Rec. (skatemobile) 70.72 8-2 6 United Battery 6 Electric Co. Equip. Maint.-Add. Inde . 98.75 8-297 Michigan NBL Special Events rider's fee collected for month of July -BMX 261.50 8-2 8 Official Sports Center Special Events s orts camp-T. Complex 219.90 8-299 Oakland County Planning Div. Off. Sup.-Admin. 42.00 8- 00 General Printing and Off. Supply Off. Sup., trip tickets -Mob. Rec. 91.50 8- O1 Nasco Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 10.12 8- 02 Greens Quality Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 33.29 8-303 K. Douqherty, Cust. PettyCash Reimb.-Nat. Prog. 61.37 8-304 Bean Bros. Bowli ng & Trophy Sup. Rec. Sup. -BMX 111.70 8-305 National Wildlife Federation publications,l yr. subscription renewal -Nat. Prog. 8.50 8-3o6 John Bucchare Misc. Exp.,reimb. for damaged carpet -Grove. 6.14 8-307 Sundry (Refunds) Camping Refunds,A.Graes 2.50,G. Austen .50, oo war 7. , R.Wellman $12.00 110.50 8-308 Siegel Display Products Public Info.,molded lit. holders-Admin. 54.65 8-309 VOID VOUCHER x-GISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION /OUCHER August, 1985 TTTMnrn VF:NTXIR PT TRP(1SF. Amni TNT 8-3 `10 VOID $ 8-311 VOID 8-312 VOID 8-313 Doya Video Systems, Inc. Public Info.,videocassettes-A min. 115.00 8-314 Metro Bumper, Inc. Equip. Maint.,tool box -Add. 129.00 8-315 American Aggregates'Corp. Grounds Maint.-Add. 9.80 8-316 Service Glass Co.,lnc. Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks D.R. 61.15 8-317 Flaghouse Inc. Special Events,sports camp-T. Complex 38.13 8-318 Oxford Peat Co. Grounds Maint.-Add. - 40.00 8-319 Jones Chemicals, Inc. Rec. Sup.,hypoclorite solution & 1,284.38 8-320 VanDyne Crotty Inc. Laundry -Tech. Sup.,Add.,Grove., Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks, S rin YAC Water. & Nat. Pro . 21 .06 8-321 VOID 8-322 Cynthia Weldon Cam in Refund -Add. 5.00 8-323 Pamela Beeman Camping Refund -Grove. 13.00 8-324 Jill Pointer Rental -Facilities Refund -Water. 50.00 8-325 J. Mansfield Cust. PettyCash Reimb.-Red Oaks 35.55 8-326 Execu-Print S ecial Events snowmobile swap and sale promotional flyers -Add. 25.85 8-327 Inst -Prints Special Events,flyers for fall color car classic and county em- ee ro rams-Rec. Admin. & Indep. .6 8-328 Sundry (Advance) [Eegist.Fee for J.Pung to attend PRSA National Conf. to be he d 10/10/85-10/13/85 in Detroit. MI-Admin. 400.00 00 VOUCHER a 0ISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION TOUCHER August, 1985 JT TMRL' R \IF.NTXIR of ro nn C o 8-329 Sundry (Advance) - Regist. & Lodging Dep. for R.Coffey to attend the 1985 MESRA Region III Conf.&Exh.-to be held 9/11/85 in Traverse Cit MI-Rec. Admin raa av va. a 8-330 Radunz Travel Center Airline xp. for R.-RTIF-Fard for the Western Governor's Assoc. or shop.and the N.R.P.A. 1985 Congress-Admin. 8-331 NBC Truck Equipment Cap.Equip. Reading Space Cap for S-10 ick- truck, -Ind 1 16 .00 8-332 Cruse Communications Public Info.,JVC battery-Admin. 6.80 8-333 Brunswick MaEntenance Co. Custodial Services-Admin. 66 .00 8-334 The Tom Co., Inc. Bldg. Maint.-Inde . 52.00 8-335 King Bros. Inc. Equip. Maint.-Grove. 18 8-336 Advance Novelty Co. S ecial Events hawaiian leis-W. Pool 8-337 Gags & Games Special Events creature mask-W. Pool 8-338 Utica Novelty Co. Special Events bu s & spiders-W. Pool 9-90 8-339 Crescent Lake Ra uet Club Special Events rented tennis courts for tourn. T.Com lex 8-340 ,Industrial Cleaning Supply Co. Hsk . Exp.-Red Oaks & Spring. 8-341 The Golf Mart, Inca Rec. Sup. -Red Oaks D.R. 15.00 8-342 O.C. Sheriff's Department Misc. Exp.,ins ection for boats-Inde . 41.00 8-343 Carol LaRoque League Fee Refund -Spring. 0.00 8-344 R.Delasko, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Indep. 12.50 8-345 Sundry (Commission) Per diem & mileage paid to commissioners for attending mtg. held on 8/14/85-Admin. 210.75 8-346 Sundry (Payroll) For Pay Period ending 8/16/85-All Parks 143 35.11 8-3471 The Golf Mart Golf Mdse. for resale-Wh._Lk.,Glen Oaks & Spring. 302.25 Q0 VOUCHER ."LISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION TOUCHER 411MRER VENDOR August, 1985 PTMr,nQr XWA IMTtr 8-348 Lee Specialty Co. Public Info.,O.C. Parks logo stickers-Admin. !ll iV Wl\ 1 $ 433.00 8-349 insty Prints Public Info.-Admin. 125.27 8-350 VOID 8-351 Pine Cashway Lumber Bldg. Maint. & Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 96.20 8-352 Oliver Supply Co. Equip. Maint.-YAC 134.50 8-353 Burington Golf Car Equip. Maint.-Add. & Glen Oaks 523.15 8-354 Pontiac. Truck Center Equip. Maint.;trucks & buses -Mob. Rec. 24.47 8-355 Harvey's Office Supplies Inc. Special Events,office supplies-W.Pool;Off. Sup.-YAC & W. Pool 74.56 8-356 Diversitech General Special Events,tennis tournaments-T. Complex 574.80 8-357 Bean Bros. Bowling_& Trophy Supply Rec. Sup. -BMX 8.00 8-358 Clyde Herb; Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Grove. 71.82 8-359 Detroit Edison Utilities -Add.& Water. 22.45 8-360 Detroit Edison Utilities-Add.,Add. Conf. Ctr. & Glen Oaks 4,075.92 8-361 Consumers Power Co. Utilities-Grove.,YAC & Water. 224.83 8-362 Petrolane Gas Service Utilities -Grove. 298.60 8-363 O.C. Planning Misc. Exp.,lineprints-Wh. Lk. 12.00 8-364 Frank Allen. Rec. SUp.,100 dozen corn for corn roast -Grove. 100.00 8-365 Robert Kukuk Camping:Refund-Grove. 19.50 8-366 Moore's Disposal Garbage Disposal-Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Water. & BMX 495.00 X­ N O VOUCHER i—OISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION /OUCHER August, 1985 JTTMRFR VENTX)R VT Tnnncr r&X. TMT. 8-367 Sundry (Advance) Regist. for J.Pung to attend IABC District 7 Conference to be held on 10/ /85 in Detroit MI--Admin. !11 V V 1\ $ 12 .00 8-368 Sundry :(Advance) Regis. & Hotel Dep. for C.Stanley,L.Wint,J.Fox,R.Richard,J.Kipke, P.Fields & D.Stencil to attend the 1985 Con ress for Recreation Parks to be held 10/24/$5 in Dallas,TX-Admin. & Rec. Admin. 1,758.65 8-369 Jackman Electric Co. Equip. Maint.,showmobile-Mob. Rec. 30.00 TOTAL FOR MONTH 621,342•37 OAKLAND COUNTY INTERDEP, I-IENTAL.PAYMENT REGISTER SOURCE DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATION August, 1985 PI)RPnSF AMMIMT Inv.#68 O.C.-Radio Communications Fund Radio Maint.-Adrpin.Rec. Admin.,Tech. Sup.,Grove.,Add.,ln ep.,G en Oaks,YAC,Water.,W. Pool & Mob. Rec.;Equip. Maint.=lndep.,Grove. & $ Mob. Rec.,puppetmobile (Month of July) 1,800.20 Inv.#256 O.C:_Motor Pool Fund Transportation-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,A .,Grove.,In ep., C, Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,Water.,Mob.Rec.&Nat. Prog.;Equip Maint.-Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,G en Oaks,Spring.,Water.,T.Comp e BMX&Mob.Rec.,trucks & buses; Insurance -Add. Glen Oaks,Red OaksSMob. Rec.- (Month of July) 18,831.09 Inv.#502 O.C.. Printing & Mailing Fund Public n o.-Admin.;Off. Sup.-Admin.,Rec. Admin.,Tech. Sup.,Ad .,. Grove.,W. Pool,Mob. Rec. & Nat. Prog.;Special Events-Water.,misc., & T. Complex,sports camp (Month of July) 2,938.87 Inv.#731 O.C. Office Equipment Fund Equip„ Rental-Admin.,Rec. Admin.,Tech. Sup.,Grove.,In ep., C£, at. Prog._ (Month of July) 431.16 inv.#533 O.C. Stores Operations Fund Off. Sup.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,indep.,Red Oaks D.R.&W.Pool; S eciai Events-Rec.Admin. senior citizens & misc.fT.Complex,sports camp;Hskp. Exp.=Add.,Grove..,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Sprin YAC Water. W. Pool&BMX•E ui . Maint.-Mob.Rec.,trucks & buses & Pro ., rata All Units);Grounds Maint.-BMX (Month of July) 2,992.62 TOTAL FOR INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER $26,993.94 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION Analysis of Fund Balance As of 7/31/85 FUND BALANCE i/i/85 (Includes the Deposit on Farmington Hills Land Purchase of $239,000) Additions: Revenue over Operating Expense as of 7/31185 Net collections on Accounts Receivable Depreciation Expense Donation - Nature Center Net Increase on Accounts Payable Net Decrease in Golf/Tennis Merchandise Deductions: Net Operating. Equipment Purchases Payments on Capital Projects SUMMARY OF FUND BALANCE Cash on Hand Investments thru County Treasurer's Office $2,685,727.36 305,380.63 163,431.66 100.00 72,306.47 572.06 $2,256,469.69 3,227,518.18 $5,483,987.87 $ 233,255.21 830,199.70 1,063,454.91 $4,420,532.96 $ 520,532.96 3,900,000.00 $4,4n, 532.96 5-1 P a anc County rarK: anc necrez-,on COMBINED OPERATING STATEMENT For the 7 Months Ended 7-31-85 Year to 1985 Budget Revenues Millade L Interest Inc. Recreation Section Admin. Addison Oaks: Park Conference Center Groveland Oaks Independence Oaks Lien Oaks Red Oaks: Golf Course Driving Range Springfield Oaks: Golf Course White Lake Oaks Springfield Oaks YAC Waterford Oaks: Park Wave Pool L Slide tennis Complex Mobile Recreation Bicycle Moto Cross Nature Program Therapeutic Program TOTAL REVENUE Ooeratinc Expenses Administration Office Recreation Section Admin. Technical Support Addison Oaks: Park Conference Center Groveland Oaks Independence Oaks Glen Oaks Red Oaks: Golf Course Driving Range Springfield Oaks: Golf Course White Lake Daks Springfield Oaks YAC Waterford Oaks: Park Wave Pool L Slide tennis Complex Mobile Recreation Bicycle Moto Cross Nature Program Therapeutic Program Contingency TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXP. Actual Revenue to date: budget Balance: Actual Expenditures to date: budget Balance: $3,860,934 S 4,050,DOD 2,250 1,400 82,216 115,800 22,668 52,500 194,801 274,400 102,895 129,800 335,527 490,900 109,849 150,400 24,725 28,400 253,555 356,400 277,439 349,400 14,339 103,200 29,974 65,600 180,070 345,500 10,290 26,275 24,751 61,500 41,287 52,350 959 2,910 4,161 5.250 $5,572,690 S 6,667,985 S 483,049 104,944 161,478 258,587 29,267 225,999 257,730 239,579 133,778 11,764 220,410 794,102 72,678 103,431 109,174 26,516 96,083 49,940 56,251 10,438 41,765 $2,886,96? S > 882,85D 184,94D 296,650 460,000 52,500 433,600 469,650 382,700 724,150 43,300 356,425 331,075 147.250 180,750 221,050 60.800 167,350 61,700 113,440 20,995 45.825 _ S2.685.727 S 1,530,985 1985 192.4 1983 . $3.5% 87.4% 83.1% 16.5% 56.1% 55% 53-6% 43.9% $ 189,066 (850) 33,584 29,832 75,599 26,905 155,373 40,551 3,675 102,845 71,961 88,861 35,626 169,430 17,985 36,749 11,063 1 ,951 1 ,089 $ 1,095,295 S 399,801 75,996 135,172 201,413 23,233 207,601 211,920 143,121 90,372 31>536 136,015 136,973 74,572 77,319 111,876 34,284 71 ,267 11,760 57,189 10,557 4,060 S 2,250.037 S(1,154,742) 5-2 COMBINED TOTALS OF MONTHL" 'ACTIVITIES FOR JULY, 1985 TOTALS - GOLF COURSES TOTALS - RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS TOTALS - DAY USE PARKS GRAND TOTALS GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing RED OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Cross Country Skiing RED OAKS DRIVING RANGE SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes ON Rounds Played 18 Holes I Cross Country Skiing TOTALS - GOLF COURSES Leagues/Groups Participants Leagues/Groups Participants 184 1985 18 438 386 39252 r42093 1363 1181 '150711 166962 312 412 147848 57879 1105 1451 279194 236287 18895 21144 157653 186107 45510 48253 367007 393906 1964' 21142 344753 286079 47978 50885 796912 797155 GOLF COURSES - MONTH OF JULY, 1985 YEAR TO DATE Leagues Participants Leagues Participants 1 151 132 9495 9136 471 408 31299 31083 6 6 2496 2987 23 14 7946 9687 0 0 0 0 0 0 1872 1896 54 47 6595 7100 163 145 20080 24084 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 450 0 0 2120 3492 0 0 29807 33371 111 90 4930 5212 347 283 15349 18398 3 1 3440 3694 10 5 10695 11730 0 0 0 0 0 0 249 297 110 104 8060 7746 336 316 27439 25667 3 6 2116 2726 13 10 6402 8528 0 0 0 0 0 0 1445 1771 438 386 39252 42093 1363 1181 150711 166962 MOBILE RECREATION Skate Mobile Puppet Mobile Show Mobile Sports Mobile Buses SPRI14GFIELD OAKS Y A C WATERFORD OAKS - ACTIVITIES CENTER BMX THERAPEUTIC RECREATION Clubs/Classes Special Events Community Outreach ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS Nature Center ON Outreach Program i N TOTALS RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS MONTH OF JULY, 1985 YEAR TO DATE GROUPS PARTICIPANTS GROUPS PARTICIPANTS 1984 1985 1984 1985 1984 1985 1984 1985 60 82 3719 4535 84 107 6222 8226 53 63 4837 4228 78 80 8258 7278 27 34 106800 31825 47 59 161400 92775 42 43 2089 2212 57 58 3795 3058 61 86 1882 3124 207 254 7646 9872 17 12 1551 2650 97 146 21556 20719 41 43 3370 3255 442 350 20774 15716 11 0 23600 2093 11 0 27568 25031 0 17 0 384 0 149 0 3925 0 1 0 500 0 41 171 21257 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 1375 0 27 0 2873 0, 115 0 8057 0 4 0 200 82 82 21804 19430 312 412 147848 57879 1105 1451 1 279194 236719 MONTHLY DAY USE PARKS AND FACILITY ATTENDANCE REPORT ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GLEN OAKS CLUBHOUSE GROVELAND OAKS Campers Day Use Day Campers INDEPENDENCE OAKS Day Use Day Campers Overnight Group Campers SPRINGFIELD OAKS CLUBHOUSE WATERFORD OAKS WAVE POOL WATERFORD OAKS WATER SLIDE WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX WHITE LAKE OAKS CLUBHOUSE TOTAL DAY USE PARKS Month of JULY, 1985 Year to Date 1985 1984 1985 1984 1985 1984 1985 473 491 5671 8222 1063 1185 13185 16835 4034 3895 14738 14804 8179 8017 30342 31361 19 1 1235 21 24 1 1560 24 36 37 3845 4409 184 175 18726 19949 15 13 2244 1771 98 106 15760 14307 2052 2589 39179 59152 4369 5261 83302 108116 3895 5117 14161 18721 7844 8696 28354 31999 10 4 506 92 24 9 1002 163 8121 8831 31155 35744 23165 24389 92332 96297 48 19 3233 3838 111 39 8048 7213 13 7 505 234 29 20 1006 738 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 93 98 38426 36153 161 174 63337 54110 0 0 13593 13513 0 0 24236 20358 71 36 2164 2053 234 126 7588 6167 5 6 591 893 25 55 2465 6627 18895 21144 157653 186107 45510 48253 367007 393906 Water Slide figures are counted once in Wave Pool figures therefore not included in Grand Total. 1'1SM�A�E E0p1' aid the RRD 0PX—S open' Basso onsultantsn management working wyth out asyble nstzucty1yde at Red pa�Cs co taff has been o pzoduce a to Ve pool,wate'r ire. S° BartOn`Malow t ucty°n of the wa scope' and deadl lode a p°°l of e goz the constx z ° ecti�esych world inc a um package 19 meets ou bJ xeached' wh resent p°°l' and ea and whych genezal stymate has been s large as ouz .n °� the deck at N costae ox l 1,3 tymes as bee,° mod-j'Vycaty° t app�eciabl9 lsp e has l no 1ppyae- Nlsoa they s will definyte yll allow us watersl s. hese modi�icatyonl pz°duct, but wy 3u19 buildynga��eels that t lit9 °� the �yna.na11.9 planned on and disc the St aua xigy on nge the scope o he acilitJ' as o make a pxeseatati cha build and o pen t zt°n�Malow wyll tine e�"Plainyng the con! to of Ba mee ow ssyon Tj e fytm t the Gon'myt fx°m Baxt°n^Mal final package a ed ys a bo°kle encl°s also, management px°cess• stxuctyon 1-1 I BM #B OAIS OI�l'A�B GR sea RE�1Ati to be u BOAT Lion of 32 Pylyn� tt. Pedestxxan ed on the installastxnctux wexe and 150 eees.v ntal e x xe Byds of the boat fox the foundatioexe as 1o11°ws♦ 11� ��0.0 0 The bids w$ by age. ^� S NO-00 A• 3.- Stewaxt 590"'v wed the bids and e e tit- c- K°xne£ei S Staff£ have xevi Steatt' 1n th t E- 1neeying and �axk ow bidder° V. S fox a total badge e Gount9 Ens act t° the 1 °f $2�134� Th nd award of c°ntx a 5q/o G°ntinSenc� Oa4�tal �'ml�x°veI xeCOVDA of 542,610, Pins ded in the 19B5 nt nc1'� a�°nnnt °� $44,$14. exP dy x axe y the DER Sxant- en to e amo funds lot toys being funded b9 with half meat Budget S-1 ITEM #9 SENIOR OLYMPICS AWARD PRESENTATION Vice Chairman Jean Fox will make a presentation to the Commission regarding the successful Michigan Senior Olympics, which were held at Oakland Community College on Saturday, August 17. 9-1 ITEM #10 TREASURER'S INVESTMENT UPDATE C. Hugh Dohany, Oakland County Treasurer, will be present to discuss investment policy and procedures. The investment discussed at the last Commission meeting was changed from commercial paper to certificates of deposit. 10-1 ITEM #11 MANAGER'S REPORT ---Attached is a copy of the cable programs that staff and Joyce Condon have com- pleted to date for the Commission. These are mainly seen on most of the local access cable stations in Oakland County. ---A note from the Groveland Township Clerk regarding their swim program at Grove - land Oaks is included for your information. ---Camp Nahelu is being offered to the Parks Commission by real estate broker David Weiss. The camp, which is located north of Independence Oaks, is approxi- mately 80 acres, with 2,000 feet of frontage on a 60-acre lake. Asking price is $1.25 Million. After review, I find it too close in proximity to Independence Oaks and Orion Oaks, where camping and other amenities could be developed. I feel the intent is more in keeping with the private sector, and could be better utilized for a mobile home park or residential housing development. Staff's recommendation is to reject this offer. ---Attached also is the budget schedule for the 1986 budget. Please think about possible dates for the Commission to meet with the manager for budget review. Tentative dates would be any time from October 28 to November 8. Would like to get a firm commitment at the October meeting. ---Have met with Glen Dick and Chief Kratt in regards to safety issues for 1986. We have worked out having six officers patrol our parks during the summer months and giving us the coverage the parks need for safety. This is a reduction of two men for 1986. The budget will reflect this cut. The public safety officers will also be involved with a special program in regards to busing prisoners out to the parks and golf courses for special work detail projects throughout the fall and winter months. They will also be engaged as gate entry employees and possibly driving our buses. Further responsibilities of these officers during the winter months are also being considered. ---We have been informed by the Department of Natural Resources that our pre - applications for Land and Water Conservation Fund grants were not recommended for funding for 1985. The Department of Natural Resources received over 300 re- quests for more than $22 Million; less that $3 Million is expected to be available for assistance. August -1985 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION "Around the Year ... We're Right Here" Cable Television Programs Square Dancing at Waterford Oaks Waterford Oaks Activities Center Classes -- aerobics, dog obedience Waterford Oaks Activities Center Classes -- Tom Jackson, supervisor Wheelchair Basketball Waterford Oaks Tennis Complex Platform Tennis Golf Overview of Oakland County Parks -- Lewis Wint/Ralph Richard Oakland Parks Foundation Camping Nature Programs at Independence Oaks Groveland Oaks Pioneer Practices Christmas Crafts Birdfeeders Wave Pool/Waterslide Slidewinder Waterslide OAKlowns Mobile Recreation Bicycle Motocross Summer Family Fun Day Water Safety Independence Oaks Nature Center Dedication 4-H Fair Cross Country Skiing Snowmobiling 11-2 � 1 FOUNDED 1835 GROVELAND ppTOWNSHIP &- &'. August 9,1985 Mr. Clyde Herb Groveland Oaks Park 5990 Grange Hall Rd. Holly, Mi. 48442 Dear Clyde; 4695 GRANGE HALL ROAD HOLLY, MICHIGAN 48442 (313)634-4152 Just a short note to thank you so very much for your continued support of our swim program. It was another successful year with 25 children completing the course. A special thank you to Mike Diegel and Bev Wilmot. They were super to work with and the child- ren really liked them. We in Groveland are very lucky to have you and your well run park as part of our community and we thank you once more for all your help in having our annual swimming program. It is really appreciated by all of our residents and especially our Township Board. Sincerely, /i , Beth Steele Groveland Township Clerk 11-3 DAVID B. WEISS CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 26533 EVERGREEN ROAD SUITE 525 SOUTHFIELD, MICHIGAN 48076 August 19, 1985 TELEPHONE OAKLAND COUNTY (313) 357-2317 County of Oakland Parks and Recreation PARI<S & RECREATION CC 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, MI 48054 Re: Sale of Camp Nahelu Gentlemen: MEMBER AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS On behalf of my client, Camp Nahelu, I am writing this letter to you in connection with the above mentioned matter. Enclosed herewith is a brochure containing all of the pertinent information concerning the camp. In addition, within the last couple of years, my client has put a new roof on the dining room, installed new kitchen equipment, all of which is in excellent condition, and has at least one vear warranty. Located on the Dremesis is a 3,000 square foot caretakers house, with a value in excess of $100,000.00, and a 60 acre lake called Perry Lake. In addition to the above, the camp has yearlv contracts from organizations in excess of $300,000.00. The total price for the entire facility is $1,250,000.00, terms available. This camp is located on eighty acres of property, including 2,000 foot of lake front property. This investment is also good for mobile home parks, R.V. campers trailer park, or residential housing. If you are interested or need any additional information whatsoever, please do not hesitate to call me. My number during business hours is 357-2317 or after business hours and on weekends is 851-4913. DBW:jn Enclosures Very truly yours, r DAVID B. WEISS, Attorney, C.P.A., and Real Estate Broker 11-4 400 Renaissance Center Suite 600 Detroit, Michigan 48243 (313) 567-2300 Public Relations Counselors ANTHONY M. FRANCO INCORPORATED TO: Ralph Richard FROM: Dorothy M. Langan SUBJECT: Public Relations Activities 0AKLA.N1D rry.,Nr'iv PARKS & RECP AtIG 28 19�,1.5 August 27, 1985 Anthony M. Franco, Inc. (AMF, Inc.) has been involved in the following public relations activities for the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission for the month of August: Included nature interpretive program on overcoming children's fear of insects in the August issue of ''Informed Sources'' that is sent out to media each month. As a result, the following interviews were arranged for Kathleen Dougherty: - WNIC-AM/FM ''Sunday Times'' show on September 15, 8:00-9:00 a.m. - WWJ Mid -day show at 2:45 p.m. on August 29 Researched marketing and millage campaign information and ordered marketing materials for administration Developed timetable of activities for conducting a millage campaign Researched and developed two items on nature interpretive programs for the September issue of ''Informed Sources'' Mailed letter to Free Press health and fitness writer to suggest interview with Ralph Richard Met with Janet Pung and Ralph Richard for monthly meeting that covered marketing and promotion Sincerely, Dorothy M. MLangan g Account Executive DML:das cc: Janet Pung 11-5 0 1986 BUDGET CALENDAR The timetable for the 1986 budget is as follows: 11 August 16, 1985 - Submit budget forms and information to Park Supervisors and Chiefs. September 13, 1985 - Park Supervisors and Chiefs submit budget requests to the Manager. September 18-27, 1985 - Budget review with Park Supervisors, Chiefs, Manager and staff. October 21, 1985 - Manager submits recommended budget to the Commission. October 28 - November 8, 1985 - Time set aside for budget review by Commission and Manager and staff. November 21, 1985 - Advertise Notice of Public Hearing. November 27, 1985 - Budget available for public inspection. December 5, 1985 - Public hearing on the budget and budget approval by the Commission. 11-6