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Agendas/Packets - 1986.06.18 - 39801
Ralph Richard Lewis E. Wint Manager Chairman Jon J. Kipke Jean M. Fox Assistant Manager Oakland Count Vice -Chairman D. Lewis, Jr. Secretary Secretary John R. Gnau Parks & Recreation George W. Kuhn Lillian V. Moffitt Walter Moore Commission Daniel T Murphy Carol E. Stanley Richard R. Wilcox 2800 WATKINS LAKE ROAD PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48054-1697 (313) 858-0906 June 12, 1986 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday, June 18, 1986 9:00 a.m. PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, MI 48054 PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Mr. Lewis E. Wint, Chairman, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, Ralph Richard Manager RR/jg Addison Oaks 9 Glen Oaks • Groveland Oaks • Independence Oaks • Orion Oaks • Red Oaks • Springfield Oaks • Waterford Oaks • White Lake Oaks OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING June 18, 1986 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes: Meeting of May 21, 1986. 4. Approval of Payments: Vouchers 5-229 through 5-539 and 6-1 through 6-182; Interdepartmental Payment Register, Transfer Voucher Register. 5. Statement of Operations as of 4-30-86. 6. Activities Report for May, 1986. 7. Independence Oaks Wetlands Acquisition -- Michigan Land Trust Fund Grant # 603. 8. Administration Office Architect. 9. Bid Item: Insulation - Glen Oaks Clubhouse. 10. Bid Item: General Parks Brochure. 11. Manager's Report. 12. Unfinished Business. 13. New Business. 14. Adjourn to Parks Tour. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION Payment Approval Summary Vouchers, Nos. 5-228 thru 5-359 Interdepartmental Payments, Apri 1 Charges Paid in May Transfer Voucher, May Vouchers, Nos. 6-1 thru 6-182 $ 288,726.92 106,334.36 797,673.20 $1,193,385.46 -4- VOUCHEF' 'REGISTER OAKL AND COUNTY PARKS .&ND RXREATION VOUCHER May, 1986 IUM13ER VENDOR PI rp PO (ZP 5-229 Portia Fields -Anderson Advance travel to attend the C.P. Nationals in Ypsilanti, MI on 5/16 to 5/19/86-Admin. $ 200.00 5-230 Sundry (Misc.) Ski Patrol Reimb.-C.Allegrina $ O.00,B.Barltey $ O.00,H.Frank $ 0., M.Frank $40.00,J.Johnson $40.00,L.Marsh $40.00,R.Marsh $40.00,A. Innis e oc e .Penn O,M.Smit O.00,T.Smit $40.00,M.Susalla $40.00,M.L.Susalla $40.00 & R.Tyrrell$40.00-Indep 600.00 5-231 Dunlop Sports Corporation Golf Mdse. for resale -Spring. 3.06 5-232 R. Delasko, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Indep. 43.65 5-233 Riemer Floors Inc. Cap. Pro.. Kitchen Renov. - Wh. Lk. 136.00 5-234 Oxford Distributing Company Cap. Pro's. Kitchen Renov.-Wh.Lk. & Beach Irri ati'on S s.-Inde 3.12 5-235 Church's Lumber Yards Cap. Proi.,Dock & Boardwalk Repair-Inde ,O -2 6 Pine Cashway Lumber Ca . P o'. the e o -Wh Lk. 261.10 5-237 U.S. Sand & Stone Company Cap. Pro". Golf Course m rovement- r' 00 -238 Munn Ford Tractor & E ui . Ca .Equips.,Front Loader Tractor -Red Oaks&Mowing Tractor -Spring. 23,395.79 Karen Smith Travel Reimb. for attending the Secretarial Seminar held in Dear- 05-239 brn MI on 5/l/86-Admin. 3.00 5-240 Steven VandenBossche Special Events,refund for recog. ban uet-Admin. 8.00 5-241 Agency on Aging/Renee Mahler Public Info.,exhibit space-Admin. 25.00 5-242 Meteor Photo Company Public Info.,prints & typesetting-Admin. 356.99 2,100.00 5-243 Baker,Abbs,Cunningham & Klepinger Public Info.,public relations & marketing services for May-Admin. 5-244 Chris Keast/Advertising Public Info.,Parks brochure-Admin. 2,032.00 5-245 United Cable Communications Public Info.,videotape duplication-Admin. 50.00 5-246 Camera Mart, Inc. Equip.Maint-Admin.;Off. Sup.-Admin.,Tech. Sup. & Nat. Prog. 138.38 VOUCHEF-EGISTER OAIU,AND COUNTY FARES AND RECREATION VOUCHER May, 1986 1I IMRF 12 VENDOR P(TRP()gp n►rnr n im 5-247 Rose Exterminator 1. Bldg. Maint.-Wh. Lk. S rin . & YAC 5-248 Scott's Lock & Key Bldg. Maint.-Rec. Admin. 5-249 R.A. Toonder, Inc. Bldg. Maint.-Add. 33.06 5-250 West Bloomfield Fire Protection Bldg. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 375.00 5-251 VOID 5-252 Michigan Cerebral Palsy Games Special Events, C.P. Team registration for regional games to be held May 16 - May 1 - 2,113.67 5-253 Rochester Elevator Bldg. Maint.-Wh. Lk: & Spring 254.25 5-254 Jean's Hardware Bldg., Equip. & Grounds'Maint. & Small Tools - Glen Oaks 144.72 5-255 John R Lumber Co., Inc. Bldg.& Grounds Maint.& Small Tools -Red Oaks; Grds.Maint.-Dr.Range 180.13 5-256 Goodyear Auto Service Centers E uip.Maint. - Tech.Sup., Grove., Spring. & Mob. Rec. 343.32 5-257 W. F. Miller Co. Equip. Maint. - Add. & Red Oaks 272.82 5-258 Century Rain Aid Grounds Maint. - Glen Oaks & Red Oaks 78.63 5-259 Oak. Co. Road Commission Grounds Maint., road salt & sand/chloride mix - Indep. & YAC 828.70 5-260 O.M. Scott & Sons Co. Grounds Maint., fertilizer - Glen Oaks 223.95 5-261 American Aggregates Corp. Grounds Maint., gravel - Indep. 491.66 5-262 Chem -Line, Inc. Grounds Maint. - Add. 80.00 5-263 Diane Helka Camping Fees,group reservation refunded -Grove. 10.00 5-264 Official Sports Center Special Events -Then. Prog. 31.49 5-265 United States Tennis Assoc. Special Events,tennis tourn.-T. Complex 25.00 VOUCHEP ';;EGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PAEKS AND RECREATION vOUCHER May, 1986 1[ f MRP k VENDOR P(TP Pf1 C P 5-266 Music Performance Trust Fund Special Events,ballroom dancing -Water. $ 130.00 5-267 Michigan Bell Communications-W. Pool 18.56 5-268 Detroit Edison Utilities -Red Oaks,Water. & T.Complex 2,880.92 5-269 Detroit Edison Utilities -Add. & Water. 89.90 5-270 Riemer Floors, Inc. Bldg. Maint.-Add. 384.94 5-271 Kirk's Automotive, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 42.91 5-272 Utica Distributors, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 182.00 5-273 R.E. Leggette Company Cap. Proj.,Kitchen,Renov.-Wh. Lk. 276.00 5-274 Allied Delivery System Cap. Proj.,Kitchen Renov.-Wh. Lk. 37.10 5-275 Fontanesi and Kann Company Cap. Proj.,Kitchen Renov.-Wh. Lk. 322.06 5-276 Oakland Heating Supply Cap. Proj.,Kitchen Renov.-Wh. Lk. 68.10 5-277 Oliver Supply Company Cap. Proj.,Kitchen Renov.-Wh. Lk. 8.29 5-278 ABC Barrel & Drum Cap. Proj.,Dock & Boardwalk Repair-Indep. 240.00 5-279 Pontiac Steel Company Cap.Proj.,Dock & Boardwalk Repair-Indep.&Picnic Shelter -Water.; Equip. Maint.-Spring. 55.96 5-280 Century Rain Aid Cap. Proj.,Auto Sprinkler-1dh.Lk.;Cap.Equip.,sprinklers-Spring. 3,345.00 5-281 Zetta McNairn Travel & Conf.,travel reimb.-Nat. Prog. 9.50 5-282 A-1 Fire Protection, Inc. Misc. Exp.,inspection of sprinkler system -Nat. Prog. 160.00 5-283 The Swim Shop Uniforms,guard suit-Add.,Grove.,Indep. & W. Pool 778.54 5-2841 Division Printing, Inc. Off. Sup. -Grove. 620.00 VOUCHF" `tEGISTER OAKL AND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER May, 1986 i tl 1MAP R \lFNTXIR Dr nDnn0 V 5-285 Diversified Business Products Off. Su Taint. on Ricoh for April-Admin. 04.0 5-286 Mister Uniform & Mat Rental Hskp. Exp.-YAC & Water.;Laundry & Dry Cleaning-Admin. 53.58 5-287 Jack Gel] & Company Laundry & Dry Cleaning -Glen Oaks 97.00 5-288 VanDyne Crotty, Inc. Laundry & Dry Cleaning-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks Red Oaks S rin YAC & Nat. Pro .66 5-289 Jack Golden Associates Ca .Pro's. Picnic Shelters -Add. Inde . & Water. 600.00 5-290 Sundry (Payroll) Pay Period ending 5/9/86-All Parks 85 460.16 5-291 Heath Computers & Electronics Cap. Equip.,Weather Computer -Nat. Prog. 399.95 5-292 State of Michigan Cap. Proj.,Tree Program -Glen Oaks 14.00 5-293 Wallich Lumber Company Cap. Pro j. Slate Roof Repair & Facade Renov.-Glen Oaks 552.92 5-294 Hodges Supply Company Cap. Projs.,Dock & Boardwalk Repair-Indep. & Kitchen Renov.-Wh.Lk. Grounds Maint.-Wh. Lk. 116.10 5-295 Church's Lumber Yard Cap. Projs.,Dock & Boardwalk Repair-Indep.;Kitchen Renov.-Wh. Lk.& Picnic Shelter -Water. 310.97 5-296 The Larson Company Cap. Proj.,Picnic Shelter -Water. 110.50 5-297 Madison Electric Company Bldg. Maint.-Grove.,lndep.&Wh.Lk.;Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks 113.66 5-298 Gamalski Bldg. Spec. Bldg. Maint.-Indep. 28.40 5-299 VOID 5-300 Smiley Electric Bldg. Maint.-Spring. 68.25 5-301 Russell Hardware Company Bldg. Maint.-Glen Oaks 110.21 5-302 Michigan Portable Toilets Equip. Rental-Indep. 23.10 5-303 W.F. Miller Company lEquip.Maint.-Indep.-)Wh.Lk.&Spring.;Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks 402.11 VOUCHES' "FC;ISTEH OAKLAND COUNTY PARES AND RECREATION VOUCHER May, 1986 i J1 iMRFR \rFNnnR nt mnnrr 5-304 United Battery & Electric E ui . Maint.-Inde . & Grove. N tV V1• t $ 5-305 Pifer, Inc. - Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 15.95 5-306 Spencer Oil Company Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 298.64 5-307 Weingartz Supply Company Equip. Maint.-Add.,Red Oaks & Spring. 1,039.24 5-308 Burroughs Materials Grounds Maint.-Indep. 25.92 5-309 Carlton Industries Inc. Bldg. Maint.-Grove. & Inde . 63.85 5-310 Waterford Schools Golf League lolf League Refund over aid for an annual greensfee -Spring. 110.00 5-311 James Layman Company rounds Maint.-Grove. 2,621.33 - 12 Trader PublicationsInc. Special Events,full page ad,running for 4 weeks for R.V.&Boat Swap Meet-Rec. Admin. 0 5-313 Loon Lake Marina Equip. Maint..S Dassenger seats for canoe- de 5-314 Genesee Welding Supply Special Events helium-Rec. Admin.;Eguip.Maint.-Tech.Su .&Grove. 1 -50 5-315 Harry Rosen's Bulldozing Service Grounds Maint.-Inde . 0.00 5-316 Benham Chemical Corp. Grounds Maint.-Wh.Lk. Glen Oaks Red Oaks & S rin . 2,449.62 5-317 The Quality Industries Grounds Maint.-Add. 97.67 ,5-318 Wilkie Turf Equipment Grounds Maint.-Spring. 32.47 5-319 Oakland Schools Public Info.-Admin.;Special Events R.V. & Boat Swap & misc.-Rec. Admin.;Off. Sup.-Grove.,Mob. Rec.,Admin. & Nat. Prog. 67.31 5-320 K & K Insurance Company Special Events - BMX, coverage for 7/10/86 40.00 5-321 J.H. Corporation Special Events,pennants-Rec. Admin. 158.00 5-322 Insty-Prints Public Info.-Admin.;Special Events-YAC,Ther. Prog. & sr. citizen events -Water. ---- - - - 99.48 VOUCHED 'ZEGISTER OAKL.AND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER May, 1986 1JlIMRF.R VENDOR nrmoncr 5-323 Harvey's Office World Dff. Su .-Rec.Admin. Tech.Su Grove. Mob.Rec. & Ther.Pro . rv-ivut� t $ 77.11 5-324 Flaghouse, Inc. ec.Sup.,Day Camp -Mob. Rec. 86.64 5-325 Jones Chemicals, Inc. ec.Sup.,hypochlorite solution-W. Pool 596.00 5-326 Zee Medical Service Aisc. Exp.,first aide supplies-YAC & Red Oaks 105.83 5-327 W.J. Stewart Contracting Corp. Cap. Proj.,Boat Rental Facility -Grove., payment #5 6 281.00 5-328 Detroit Cornice & Slate Cap. Proj.,Slate Roof Repair&Facade Renov., a ment #6-Glen Oaks 12,036.00 - 2 Portia Fields Cust Petty Cash Reimb.-Mob. Rec. 117.07 5-330 Detroit Edison ccts.Rec.-Red Oaks D.R.(Reimb.due from Oak.Golf Dome)&Spring. Rei Jue fro S rin .Historical Soc.);Utilities-Add. & Add.Conf.Ctr. b. 4,643.25 - Consumers Power Company Utilities -Grove. & Glen Oaks 1,415.89 5332 State of Mich./Mich.Histor Div. -Cap. Pro'. Historical Marker -Glen Oaks 1,485.00 5-333 P.T. Standard Parts Cap. Proj.,Dock&Boardwalk Repair-Indep.;Equip.Maint.-Indep. 29.15 5-334 General -Electrical -Mechanical, Inc. Cap. Proj.,Clubhouse Renov.-Spring. (Final payment) 11,914.20 5-335 ACO, Inc. Cap. Proj.,Dock & Boardwalk Repair & Equip. Maint.=Indep. 69.30 5-336 The Golf Mart, Inc. Golf Mdse. for resale-Wh. Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks & Spring. 938.58 -,5-337 Robert Coffey Travel Reimb. for attending the Mich.Employee Service & Recreation held in DetroitiMI on 5/14/86-Rec. Admin. 4.50 5.75 _ 5-338 Ralph Richard Travel Reimb. for attending the 1991 NRPA Convention Planning Mtg. in Detroit MI on 5/8/86-Admin. 5-339 Royal Oak Recreation Department Public Info.,balance payment on insert for summer brochure-Admin. 100.00 5-340 TAC Business Forms Public Info. golf brochures-Admin. ? 932.61 665.00 5-341 1 Brunswick Maintenance Co. Custodial Services,cl'eaning for month of May-Admin. rn VOUCHED gEGISTER OAKL.AND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION -- May, 1986 VOUCHER PURPOSE AMOUNT 5-342 VENDOR Culligan Water Conditioning Bldg. Maint.-S rin . 5-343 Kirk's Automotive Inc. Equip. Maint.-Indep. 53.85 5-344 D & C Distributors Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 125.00 5-345 Oliver Supply Company Equip. Maint.-YAC 31.90 5-346 Auto Supplies by Herks Equip. Maint.-Grove. 24.84 5-347 Turfgrass, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Add. 300.00 5-348 Carroll Industrial Company Grounds Maint.-Add. 35.25 5-349 Mich. Square Dance News Special Events,full pg. ads for April,May & June -Water. 150.00 5-350 Jones Chemicals, Inc. Rec. Sup.,hydrochloric acid-W. Pool 734.88 5-351 5-352 Bean Bros. Bowling & Trophy Sales Control Systems Rec. Sup.,engraved trophies -BMX Off. Sup.-Indep. 0.00 10.13 5-353 PB Electronics Off. Sup.-Indep. 11.50 5-3514 Helen Ebejer Greens Fee Refund,quit league because of eye surgery -Glen Oaks 70.00 5-355 National Wildlife Federation Publications,membership renewal for 1 year -Nat. Prog. 12.00 ,5-356 Sundry (Instructors) Special Events,belly dance instructor B.Rieck $100.00,square danc instructors D.Rieck 60.00 & D.Walker 2.00-Water. 212.00 5-357 5-358 Sundry (Refunds) Sundry (Commission) Greens Fee Refunds F.Bowman $45.00 & G.Filko 48.00-Red Oaks Per Diem & Mileage paid to commissioners for attending mtg. held on 5/21/86-Admin._ 93.00 1 8. 0 5-359 Sundry (Payroll) For Pa `Period ending 5/23/86-All Parks 101 822.41 SUB -TOTAL FOR VOUCHER REGISTER $288,726.92 TOTAL FOR VOUCHER REGISTER $874,637.94 V OAKLAND COUNTY INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISItK PARKS AND . REATION May, 1986 OURCE DFPARTMFNT r)IInnncr Communications Fund - V Acct.Rec.-Red Oaks D.R.(Reimb.due from Golf Dome);Communications- AMUUN 1 i Admin. Rec.Admin.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring., $ YAC,Water.,W.Pooi,T.Complex & Nat. Prog.;Bldg. Mai.nt,-Glen Oaks (Month of April) 4,415.26 �v. #422 Computer Services Fund Public Info, & Equip. Rental-AdMin.;Off. Sup.-Rec. Admin. (Month of April) 3,605.55 IV. #384 Facilities & Operations Fund Bldg.Maint.-Glen Oaks;Grounds Maint.-Water.,W.Pooi,T.Complex & BMX Month of April) 618.90 Iv. #288 Fringe Benefit Fund Fringe Benefit Charges for April-Admin. (Month of April) 51,208.89 ,v. #119 General Fund March Commissioners Mileage-Admin.(Month of April) 7 00 .Iv. #120 General Fund Property Tax Refund-Admin. (Month of April) 417.31 ,v. #121 General Fund Security Exp.-Add.,Grove.,'Orion Oaks & Indep. (Month of A ril) 18,697.08 IV. #393 Printing & Mailing Acct.Rec.-Rec.Admin,(Reimb.due from MRPA);Public Info.-Admin.;Off. - .Co ] x&Mob.Rec.,S ecial Events-O.0 Emplpyees,misc.&R.V.&Boat swap meet-Rec.Admin.;sr.citizen events- - s S •s da ce&misc.-Water.•BMX & - (Month of April) 4,133.06 Misc.Exp.-A min.;Transportation- min., ec. min., ec up., ., W. #190 Motor Pool Fund Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,YAC,Water.,Mob.Rec.,Nat. Prog.&Spring.;Equip. aint.- ., rove., n ep., .-i:,G en Oaks, _ Spring.,Water.&Mob.Rec.,trucks & buses (Month of April) 16,012.32 ,v, #464 Office Equipment Fund Equip.Rental-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup..Grove.,lndep.,Sprin ,YAC Nat. Pro (Month of April) 420.96 Radio Maint.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Glen i1v. #81 Radio Communications Fund Oaks YAC Water. T.Com lex,Mob.Rec.&Nat.Prog.;Equip.Maint.-Grove.; Bldg. Maint.-Indep. (MontW'of April) 2,271.51 Public Info.-Admin.;Off,Sup.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,G en iv. #408 Stores Operations Fund Oaks,ked Oaks,Spring.&Ther.Prog.;Special Events,county employees- Rec.Admin.&sr.citizen events-Water..;Groun .s Maint.-Grove.;Hskp,Exp.- Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks&Water. (Month of April) 4,526.52 TOTAL FOR INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER $106,334,36 ttANSFER ;)OCHER (JIBER DEPARTMENT OR FUND OAKLAND COUNTY TRANSFER "`)UCHER.R(GISTER PARKS AND RECREATION May, 1986 PURPOSE AMOUNT 5-786 General Fund Reimb. for alarm system materials used by Safety Division-Wh. Lk. $ 650.98 TOTAL FOR TRANSFER VOUCHER REGISTER $ 650.98 VOUCHER _—G:C$TEh 0AM AND COUNTY PARKS AND PECREATION UUCHER June, 1986 imnrn NrPrNXIR 6-1 VOID 6-2 VOID 6-3 William Thomas Special Events,Living History program for Family Fun Day-Indep. 65.00 6-4 VOID r 6-5 Township of Addison Cap. Pro'. bld . & electrical permits for Picnic Shelter -Add. 84.00 6-6 Amcorn Hybrids, Inc. Cap. Pro'. Boat Rental Facility -Grove. 542.00 6-7 ACO Inc. Cap. Proj.,Dock & Boardwalk Repair,Bldg. Maint.,Equip. Maint. & Sm. Tools-Inde 65.23 6-8 Lakeland Soft Water Company Ca o' c e o - O 6-9 City Glass Service of Pontiac Inc. Cap. Pro'. Kitchen Renov.-Wh. Lk. -00 6-10 Oakland Heating Supply, Inc. Cap. Pro'. Kitchen Renov.-Wh. Lk. 113.26 6-11 Riemer Floors, Inc. Cap. Pro'. Kitchen Renov.-Wh. Lk. 1 125.50 6-12 City Glass Service of Pontiac, Inc. Cap. Proj.,Kitchen Renov.-Wh. Lk. 799.40 6-13 Ray Wiegand's Nursery, Inc. Cap. Projs.,New Well-Wh.Lk.;Restroom Facility -Glen Oaks;Restroom Facility -Red Oaks & Golf Course Improve -Spring.. 4,389.00 6-14 Wallich Lumber Company Cap. Proj.,Slate Roof Repair & Facade Renov.-Glen Oaks 1,062.06 ,6-15 Zappie Fence Company Cap. Proj.,Restroom Facility -Glen Oaks 21.19 6-16 Dave Evans Sand & Gravel Cap. Proj.,Bridge Replacement -Glen Oaks 170.86 6-17 Tri-City Aggregates, Inc. Cap. Proj.,Golf Course Improve. -Spring. 647.58 6-18 Church's Lumber Yards Cap. Proj.,Picnic Shelter -Water. 14.22 6-19 Spalding Sports Golf Mdse. for resa le-Wh. Lk. 177.00 VOUCHEF 'EGISTER OA}Q..AND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION June, 1986 VOUCHER AMOUNT 1I1 6-20 Midwest Business Systems Ca .E ui T ewriter-Admin.Off Sup.-Admin. 6-21 Michigan Golf Cars Cap. Equi .,8 Golf Cars-(4)Wh.Lk.& 4 Red Oaks•E ui .Maint.-Wh.Lk. 15,967.60 6-22 United Cable Communications Public Info.,videotape duplication-Admin. 50.00 6-23 Comcast Cablevision Public Info.-Admin. 10.20 6-24 Chris'Keast/Advertising Public Info.,O.C. Parks Brochure changes-Admin. 167.00 6-25 City Animation Company Public Info.,Sony batteries (for video recorder)-Admin. 169.40 6-26 Michigan Recreation & Park Assoc. Public Info.,l Plan "A" video instruction program set-Admin. 220.00 6-27 Smiley Electric Bldg. Maint.-Add. Conf. Ctr. & W. Pool 1,539.85 6-28 Parker Hannifin Corp. Bldg. Maint.-W. Pool 155.17 6-29 Madison Electric Bldg. Maint.-Add.;Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks 119.65 6-30 Pontiac Plastics Bldg. Maint.-Add. 48.00 6-31 RS Electronics Bldg. Maint.-W. Pool 34.94 6-32 Industrial Cleaning Supply Hskp. Exp.-Spring.;Equip. Maint.,Prorata (All Units) -Mob. Rec. 41.72 6-33 ,6-34 Auto Supplies b Herks Inc. D & C Distributors Equip. Maint.-YAC Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 7_50 68.68 6-35 Maaco Auto Painting Equip. Maint, showmobile-Mob. Rec. 530.00 6-36 Pioneer Sign Supplies Equip. Maint.,puppetmobile-Mob. Rec. 42.00 6-37 Federal Tool Supply Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 91.99 6-38 Burington Golf Car Distributors Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 269.82 VOUCHE- 'EGTSTER OAI<Q..AND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER June, 1986 A 11M RPR VENDOR 6-39 Detroit Radiator Equip. Maint.-Add. 22.00 6-40 Lawn Equipment Corp. Equip. Maint.-Spring. 144.50 6-41 City Sign Company Equip. Maint.,Prorata (All Units) -Mob. Rec.' 120.00 6-42 Universal Equipment Equip. Maint.-Indep�. 65.62 6-43 Detroit Ball Bearing Equip. Maint.-Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Red Oaks & Spring'. 155.28 6-44 W.F. Miller Company Equip. Maint.-Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk. & Spring.;Grounds Maint.-Wh.Lk. Glen d Oaks & SQrina.2,347.66 64S Hodges Supply Grounds Maint.-Add.•Bld . Maint.-Grove. Wh.Lk. & W. Pool 233.93 6-46 Wilkie Turf Grounds Maint.-S rin .•E ui Maint.-Inde . & Glen Oaks 223. 3 6-47 ThompsonPlumb' G o d -W 27.05 - 8 6-49 U.S. Sand & Stone Barton-Malow Company Grounds Mairit.-W k Cap. Proj.,W.Pool & Waterslide-Red Oaks _(payment #8) 0.00 622,567.77 6-50 Kammer/Michigan Consultants Professional Services,lobbyist on legis. matters-Admin. 1 000.00 6-51 Benham Chemical Corp. Grounds Maint.-Grove.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks & Spring. 315.20 6-52 Chem -Trot Chemical Company Grounds Maint.-Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks & Spring. 832.80 6-53 Zappie Fence Company Grounds Maint.-Grove. 88.76 6-54 Rochester/Midland Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks 149.75 6-55 Petrolane Gas Service, Inc. Grounds Maint.-BMX 18.10 6-56 Burke Building Centers Grounds Maint.-Grove. 175.00 6-57 Kirk's Automotive, Inc. Maint. Sup. -Tech. Sup. 42.91 VOUCHED 'EGISTER OAIU.AND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER June, 1986 1 LIMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 6- 8 Schiller Inc. Special Events candies for resale -Then. Pro . .00 6-59 Bean Bros. Bowlin & Trophy Special Events-Rec. Admin. 94.50 6-60 Futurisitc Artwear Special Events,t-shirts for O.C. Mighty Oaks group -They. Prog. 248.70 6-61 Marclif, Inc. Special Events,round & sq. dance caller for May,86'-Water. 180.00 6-62 Portia Fields -Anderson Special Events,reirrib. for paying for printing. on Cerebral Palsy ea - 6-6 Sears Roebuck & Company Sm. Tools.200 pc, too]se chest -Add. 6-64 ACO, Inc. Sm. Tools-Indep. 21,83 6-65 Scott's Lock & Key Shop Off. Sup.-Rec. Admin. 1 .00 6-66 F.Ostrowski Cust. PettyCash Reimb.-Add. 62.4 6-67 VOID 6-68 Commercial Removal Division Garbage & Rubbish Disposal -Glen Oaks 36.75 6-69 Waste Management of Mich. Garbage & Rubbish Dis .-Add.,YAC & S rin . 603.00 6-70 Lectron Products Rental-Facilities,cancelled shelter-Indep. 150.00 6-71 Jer-Hon Hawkins Greens Fee refund-Wh. Lk. 82.50 ,6-72 Janis Reed Greens Fee refund -Glen Oaks 88.00 6-73 Pool & Spa News Pub]ications,new subscription for new W.Pool-Red Oaks Water Park 13.00 6-74 Michigan Square Dance News Publications,subscription renewal -Water. 7.00 6-75 Star of Detroit Special Evenrs_0 8 .00 6-76 R.Richard, Cust, Misr Fxn..hnat_ r-e-a_istratic)ns-Acid. _rrnVP_ F lmd'-n R1 nn W VOUCHE} 'EGISTER OAMQ AND COUNTY PARKS AND RLCREATION June, 1986 VOUCHER l I IMRF R VENDOR PT TRP()CF hMCM MI IV 6-77 Harvard Plaza Cleaners Uniforms-Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Red Oaks D.R S rin YAC Water. W.Pool T.Com lex Mob.Rec. BMX & Nat. Pro , vv 690.25 6-78 Burington Golf Car Golf Cart Rental -Glen Oaks 2 500.00 6-79 Gamalski Bldg. Specialties Cap. Proj.,Kitchen Renov.-Wh. Lk. 270.80 6-80 Hiller & Sons, Inc. Cap. Proj.,Restroom Facility -Red Oaks 250.00 6-81 Waterford Block & Ready Mix Cap. Projs.,Bridge Replacement -Glen Oaks&Picnic Shelter -Water. 166.36 6-82 Baker,Abbs,Cunningham & Klepinger Public Info.-Admin 2,100.00 6-83 Artcraft Blueprint Company Off. Sup.-Admin. & BMX 33.69 6-84 Harvey's Office World Off. Sup.-Tech.Sup.,W. Pool & Nat. Prog. 93.54 6-85 Hartsig Supply Company Bldg. Maint.-Indep. 156.80 6-86 John R Lumber Company Sm.Tools,Bldg.,Grounds & Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 270.74 6-87 D & C Distributors Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 159,30 6-88 State Wire & Terminal Equip. Maint.,Prorata (All Units) -Mob. Rec. 17.80 6-89 Weingartz Supply Equip. Maint.-Add.,Wh.Lk. & Glen Oaks 99.92 6-90 Herks Oxford Automotive Equip. Maint.-Add. t4,34 6-91 Taylor Auto Paint Equip. Maint.,showmobile-Mob.Rec.;Maint.Sup.-Tech. Sup. 104.25 6-92 J. Eiden Equipment Company Equip. Maint.-Tech.Sup.,Indep. & Glen Oaks 137.06 6-93 North Electric Supply Company Grounds Maint.-Add. 98.15 6-94 Utica Distributors, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Add. 24.99 6-95 Turf Chemicals Grounds Maint.-_Indep. 91.98 VOUCHE EGISTER OAYd_k D COUNTY PAR}:S AND RECREATION VOUCHER June, 1986 �iI IMHrH VENDOR PIMPf10E n►�n�rUm 6-96 Turfgrass, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Grove.,Glen Oaks & Red Oaks $ 470.94 6-97 U.S. Sand &-Stone Company Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 478.44 6-98 ABC Oil .Service, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Add.,Grove. & Indep. 9,786.00 6-99 American Aggregates Grounds Maint.-Indep. 768.98 6-100 Drayton Swimming Pool Grounds Maint.-Indep. 8.96 6-101 Auburn Pool & Spa Supply Rec. Sup.-W. Pool 824.00 6-102 Oxford Co -Operative Elevator Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 16.25 6-103 Official Sports Center Special Events,Cerebral Palsy sweatpants & shirts -They. Prog. 1,022.11 6-104 Portia Fields-Anderson,Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Mob. Rec. 49.22 6-105 K.Dougherty, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Nat. Prog. 93.33 6-106 A.M. Leonard, Inc. Uniforms,rainsuits-Wh. Lk. 184.38 6-107 The Swim Shop Uniforms,swimsuits-Add.,Grove.,Indep. & W. Pool 31.50 6-108 Michigan Bell Communications -Add. 148.22 6-109 AT&T Communications -Add. 57.47 6-110 City of Madison Heights Utilities -Red Oaks 619.80 6-111 Consumers Power Utilities-Wh.Lk. Glen Oaks Red Oaks S rin .,YAC,Water. & W.Pool 2,172.66 6-112 Detroit Edison Utilities-Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk. & Glen Oaks 7,241.28 6-113 James Lenning Camping Fee Refunded -Add. 5.00 6-114 Robert Preville Camping Fee Refunded -Grove. 27.00 u, VOUCHET `tEGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION June, 1986 VOUCHER nrmnncF AMOUNT 1LIBE 6-115 6-116 vrIALAJIc Don Hoener Rozzi Famous Fireworks --- Golf League Fee Refunded -Glen Special Events,fireworks for 7/3/86 display -Add. 1,500.00 6-117 Rick Toles Special Events,musical entertainment for Family Fun Day-Indep. 350.00 6-118 O.C. De t. of Public Works Sewa e Exp.-Add. 6-119 U.S. Steel Corp. Cap. Proj.,Fencing,Picnic Area -Water. 11 350.00 6-120 Midwest Rental Center Cap. Proj.,Kitchen Renov.-Wh.Lk.;Bldg. Maint.-W. Pool .O 6-121 Church's Lumber Yards Cap. Projs.,Clubhouse Improve.-Wh.Lk. & Bridge Replace. -Glen Oaks; Bldg. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 78.13 6-122 Drayton Plywood Company Cap. Proj.,Kitchen Renov.-Wh. Lk. 35.40 6-123 6-124 Oxford Mining Company Burke Building Centers .Cap. Pro'. Golf_Course Improve. -Spring. Cap. Projs.,Kitchen Renov.-Wh.Lk.,Dock & Boardwalk' Repair-Indep., Picnic Shelter-Add.&Water.•Bld .Maint.-Admin. Add.' Wh.Lk. Red Oaks s38.40 04.2 6-125 Burke Building Centers D.R.,W.Pool&T.Complex;Sm.Tools-Tech.Sup.&T.Complex;Grounds Maint.- Grove.,Wh.Lk.&BMX;E ui .Maint.-Inde 44.06 6-126 Litchfield Industries, Inc. Cap. Equip.,Landscape Bench & Litter Receptacle -in dep. 512.00 6-127 Janz & Knight Professional Services,audit for year ended 12/31/85-Admin. 10,300.00 6-128 Madison Electric Company Bldg. Maint.-Admin.,Add.,Wh.Lk.&YAC;Equip. Maint.-Grove. 311.64 6-129 Kwik Sanitation Excavating_Bldg. Maint.-Grove. & Inde . 970.00 6-130 H.L. Claeys & Company Bldg. Maint.-Add. 134.96 6-131 Young Supply Company Equip. Maint. & Sm. Tools -Tech. Su .•Bld . Maint.-Glen Oaks 1 0.08 6-132 Keasey Electric, Inc. Equip. Maint.-W. Pool 7.40 6-133 Scott Is Lock & Key Off. Sup.-Rec.Admin ;Equip Maint-Indep.;'Bldg• Maint.-T. Complex 88.55 VOUCHE' 'ECISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARES AND RECREATION June, 1986 VOUCHER pimpogr AMOUNT 6-134 Auto Supplies by Herk's Equip. Maint.-Grove. $ 9.41 6-135 City Sign Co.,lnc. Equip. Maint.,showmobile-Mob. Rec. 24.46 6-136 Tony's Parts & Accessories Equip. Maint.-Indep. 115.16 6-137 6-138 6-139 Industrial Vehicle Sales Goodyear Auto Service Genesee Welding Supply Equip. Maint.-Inde Wh.Lk. & Red Oaks E ui .Maint.-Add. Inde Glen Oaks S rin . & YAC E ui .Maint.-Add. Grove.&Inde .•S ecial Events hel' - c d 6-140 ACO, Inc. Equip. Maint. & Grounds Maint.-Inde . 6-141 Federal Lawn Sprinkler Grounds Maint.-Wh Lk & Spring 6-142 Warren Co-operative Company Grounds .-R d Oaks 33-95 6-143 6-144 Maeder Plant Farm Century Rain Aid Grounds Maint.-A d. Grounds Maint.-Add. & Wh. Lk. h54_nn 105-59 6-145 6-146 King Louie VanDyne Crotty Uniforms-Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Red Oaks D.R.,Sprin YAC Water. W.Pool T.Com lex Mob.Rec. BMX N t. Prog, Laundry & Dry Cleaning-Add.,Tech.Sup.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks S ring.,YAC 6 Nat.Prog.;Misc. Exp.-Orion-Oaks ., 6-147 VanDyne Crotty Laundry & Dry Cleaning-Tech:Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks Spring.,YAC & Nat. Prog.;Misc.Exp.-Orion Oaks 206_71 16-148 NCS Public Info.,gift certificate kit-Admin. 101.87 6-149 Insty-Prints, Inc. Public Info.-Admin.;Special Events,county emp.&Off.Su .-Rec.Admin. 156.15 6-150 Detroit Baseball Club Special Events,county employees bargain tickets-Rec. Admin. 604.00 6-151 Moore's Disposal Rubbish Dis .-Grove. Inde Wh.Lk.&Water.;Grounds Maint.-BMX 1,475.49 6-152 Sundry (Refunds) Camping fees refunded,) Callahan $37.50 & C.Mandziuk $60.00-Grove.97.50 VOUCHEr 7EGISTER OAKL.AND COUNTY PARS AND RECREATION June, 1986 VOUCHER AMOUNT .1 6-153 vc.rvwn Sundry (Instructors) � - _•-- --- Special Events,Karate Instructor,A.Bohner $132.00 & Swingfitness, K.S ence $32.50_Water. 6-154 6-155 County Line .Reminder Bean Bros. Bowling Special Events,hand inserts for Summertime Famil Da -Inde Special Events,platform tennis & tennis tournaments-T.Complex;Rec. Sup. -BMX 385.00.. 461.50 6-156 Igloo, Corp. Rec.Sup.,day camp -Mob. Rec. 2.43 6-157 Ardith McNamara Greens Fee,golf league refund -Red Oaks 60.00 6-158 Robert J. Lendrum Misc. Exp.,replace B.B. gun lost at C.P. Games -They. Prog. 31.19 6-159 Zee Medical Service Misc. Exp.,first aide supplies-Indep. & Nat. Prog. 62.01 6-160 Oxford Leader Publications,subscription renewal-Admin. 11.00 6-161 Tom McPhail Associates Pub] ications, renewal of Detroit area Finder Binder sub.-Admin. 72.70 6-162 Spinal Column Publications,subscription renewal-Admin. 15.00 6-163 The Novi -Walled Lake News Publications,subscription renewal-Admin. 14.00 6-164 Midwest Business Systems Off. Sup.-Rec. Admin. 37.57 6-165 6-166 Oakland-L*vinaston Petrolane Gas Service Special Events,meals for sr. citizens events -Water. Utilities -Add. 268.00 290.14 6-167 Petrolane Gas Service Utilities -Grove. 151.00 6-168 Consumers Power Company 1 -Add. Add. Conf. Ctr. & de 6-169 Detroit Edison jUtilities-Wh. Lk. S rin . & YAC 3,326.78 6-170 The Miller Group Cap. Proj. Clubhouse Renov. a ment A-S rin . 3 8. 5 6-171 Meteor Photo Company Public Info.,proofs-Admin. 22.00 co VOUCHED . tEGISTER OAKLUfl) COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER June, 19g6- 111MRP.R VENDOR Pf fRp(1CF n►�nr rnrm 6-172 W.F. Miller Cap. Equip., (5) XL Hustler mowers- (1)to' Add. i;Cndep.&(3)to;Grove. Equi .Maint.-Add. Grove. Inde Wh.Lk. Glen Oaks & Spring. 0 2 .46 6-173 6-174 Direct Safety Company Van's Auto Supply Bldg. Maint.-Grove. Equip.Maint.-Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks&Spring.; B1dg.Maint.-W.Pool;Grounds Maint. & Sm.Tools-Wh.Lk. 36.60 552.33 6-175 Spencer Oil Company Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. & Spring. 1,339.41 6-176 Universal Equipment Company Equip. Maint.-Indep. 55.10 6-177 Souter Oil Sales Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks,lndep. & W. Pool 537.35 6-178 Glenn Wing Power Tools Equip. Maint. & Sm. Tools -Tech. Sup. 18.55 6-179 Oakland Hardware Grounds Bld .&E ui .Maint.-Add.•Sm.Tools-Te h S . & Add, 303.20 6-180 Southeastern Oak. Co. Incinerator 6__181 Utica Tractor Sales Inc. Cap. E XL Hustler -Mower -Add. 4,856.55 6-182 Henderson Glass Inc. Bld . Maint.-Inde . 97.5O SUBTOTAL FOR VOUCHER REGISTER .673.20 r- OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION Analysis of Fund Balance As of 4/3o/86 Fund Balance l/l/86 Additions: Revenue over Operating Expense as of 4/30/86 Net Collections on Accounts Receivable Depreciation Expense norlitrt inn,, - $2,823,448.35 561,722.62 65,059.10 $4,887,499.21 3,450,230.07 $8,337,729.28 Net Paymentson Accounts Payable $ 360,389.83 Payments on Capital Projects 1,339,932.42 Net Operating Equipment Purchases 78,157.63 Increase in Golf/Tennis Merchandise 11,761.28 Interdepartmental Invoices in Transit 106,334.36 Net Depr. Adjustment for Equipment Dispositions 35.71 1,896,611.23 Summary of Fund Balance Cash on Hand Investments in Certificates of Deposit $6,441,118.05 $ 968,201.21 5,472,916.84 $6,441,118.05 5-1 :ax�*w� couwTY p�nxc �w: a�CpE�rzow comxzJ�znw zT�T�mEN� 3r aPE��T�Ow% ron :o:T* sxczxc */�a/aa conazwso %T�TsmcuT .... ... .... ... --R[���uE----------- YEAR 98a r�~ To m�rs BuDcET UNDER oUDccr 04*'14O'37 0070wm'wo 227.357.a3 accnc�TIow �scrzou ��xzu. ADDWON OAKS: u'131.75 iu,50o.00 1w'a6s.2F: pAxK oowrsnsucs c�uTcn r'�59'9 .om 127'Wo.00 �r'000.wu 1i7'a+O'Va ��'wwo.s� �novEo(.-Iuz �'S�7.i3 299'50a.00 2aI6=ar zmDEpswoswcs cf*-lxz �o,a9o.ro �*O,600'wo 9n70a.�e c�Ew OAx% aa,89*.o1 oco o�:c' GOLF COURT.: 0�38.66 i7O'00O.*0 iao,a61.3* DRIvzw� R�n�s .8O '2E)w.C,w �i'2wo'wu W�TER P�RK .ow 210,50m'00 21a.50V.m6 cPazw�FIE�D o�x�� GOLF' COUR%E 58'pJv.35 395,280' uan.a� wHITE I a5,494.'-i9 *1 o 27.5�z.a` %PRIw�FIELD OAK% YAC a,59 in8'2OO.8O 99,6O5.W'j uATERrono O�uc' PARK 2u,52n.50 55'30m^00 3 C77a0o WATER FORK i8O'8m 361,5oO.80 3a1'*OO'8m TEwmzr COmpTEx 1'izKuw i7,8wo.8O /0667.01,-) woazLs eccns�Tzow 9,czi.u9 7w,60o.00 6i,36a.7i BICYC�E noTo CRO%% .00 7�'iVO.ow 75,IOo.oO NATURE PROcRAm zar.ww u,5wo.om u'2Z"ow 7*ERApEuTzo pno�x�m 3,789.O5 5,-iow.00 -i,3iu.95 TOTAL REvENUE *'i89,5p1A* 7'la2'55a.ww Tp72,Wg.8a ---oPER�TIw� Expsw%EJ---- �DMINI%Tn�TzJw 24,30w.2* 95a'50O'ww 66�19p.76 RECREATIOw SECTION ADMIN.' 65'i3505 21O,380.80 145,2*4.65 ,~~ TECHNICAL cuppoaT iop, 5op.io -,�4Z'800.00 ='*po.po AooI%ON OAKr' pAnw i07'77s-52 *ra,00w'wo z50'226'49 cowFsmswcs osmTsa laaw'ap 5co0e'00 37'6*r.Ii GnovsLs")mo oAKS' Tr,orm'ia 08'10o'om 3*m'2*9'a2 zwospswoswcs o(.-jx% 120'774.77 *8i00180 361�2K27, ORION oAws T365A9 a*'arw.ow 6w'6a*0-1 cLsw OAKS 97'583.96 0135000 32w'a*a'84 RED GOLF" COURSE* 38,765,1.7a 23w,15o.wO ip10ao.u2 DnIvINC, R�NCE �pou.p3 40650.mO 3*'7*9.07 wArER p�RK 61919^ra 2 18,500.00 211'580.42 %ppIm�FIELD D�KJ' GOLF COURSE B77 392'10o.00 7-05104 i.5z WxzTE Li'lxE 7*'97i.05 372,975.8w 29a'Owa.95 JpRIN�F�E�D O�K% YAC �a,ia�.�* �59,iwo.Ow 115,937.36 w�TEaroRD OAKc. PARK' 57,833.75 196'25O.00 i3a,*ia.25 W�TsR PARK 29'1257.40 253'880.00 22*,67�.aO Tswwzz oompLEX 3,iaa.27 3V30m.00 32,11a.77'..' MoaILE nEcREATION 2T873.Oi i77,iOO.08 I55,O26.p9 BzcYcLs MoTO CRO%� 9'I8wA7 9o,20w.00 83,8i9.53 NATURE 36'8-10.17 i32'I8o'00 9�369.83 THERAPEUTIC PRO�RAn 6,882.6i 13,75O.00 1867.39 cowTzwGswcY 5170"16 an*anoo 2a'76304 TOTAL oPsaPTrwG i'3aa'i*u'7p r'aoi'amw'ow 4.*2'.5'657'2i Rsysmus ovsn/uwosn sxp' 2'WV**a'35 n36075o.ou -1A6u'69a05 ipaa �pa� �9a* AcIuAL nsys*us To m�Ts' ra-�� ra'7� sa'a� auoGsT aALf"iwcs' 41'5% ACTUAL sxp' To DATE: 23'5 2-7'1z 22'5� auocsT BALANCE: 76'5% Yz COMBINED TOTALS OF MON- Y ACTIVITIES FOR MAY, 1986 TOTALS - GOLF COURSES TOTALS - RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS TOTALS - DAY USE PARKS GRAND TOTALS GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing RED OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Cross Country Skiing RED OAKS DRIVING RANGE SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes Rounds Played 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played 9 Holes C. Rounds Played 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing TOTALS - GOLF COURSES Leagues/Groups Participants Leagues/Groups Participants 1 85 1986 1985 385 367 41555 36956 482 379 82517 79150 198 246 46180 27141 820 988 100302 76703 6938 7498 63184 56853 15077 169,63 108939 102425 7521 8111 150919 120950 16379 18S30 291758 258278 GOLF COURSES - MONTH OF MAY, 1986 YEAR TO DATE Leagues Participants Leagues Participants 198 5 6 1985 134 109 9987 7694 140 118 12641 11738 0 0 2674 2543 0 0 3826 4176 0 0 0 0 0 0 1896 1905 46 49 7065 6638 46 49 9971 10837 0 0 0 0 0 0 450 130 _ 0 0 2810 2088 0 0 26078 -23060 100 95 5695 4801 103 97 6903 6222 0 1 3396 3065 0 1 4538 4345 0 0 0 0 0 0 297 450 105 113 7687 8077 106 114 10801 11339 2 0 2241 2050 2 0 3345 3378 0 0 0 0 0 0 1771 1570 387 367 41555 36956 397 379 82517 79150 MOBILE RECREATION Skate Mobile Puppet Mobile Show Mobile Sports Mobile Buses SPRINGFIELD OAKS Y A C WATERFORD OAKS - ACTIVITIES CENTER BMX THERAPEUTIC RECREATION Clubs/Classes Special Events Community Outreach ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS Nature Center Outreach Program TOTALS i N RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS MONTH OF MAY, 1986 YEAR TO DATE GROUPS PARTICIPANTS GROUPS PARTICIPANTS 1985 1986 1985 1986 1985 1986 1985 1986 5 3 2461 175 5 3 2461 175 6 1 2075 100 6 1 2075 100 9 9 16200 9775 10 9 16950 9775 2 1 140 150 2 1 140 150 27 24 1038'� 976 122 149 4848 5147 18 28 2242" 6105 118 129 15677 17875 53 71 2531' 3108 262 313 9185 10749 0 0 3166 2836 0 0 3166 2836 ti 43 60 817 812 118 191 3026 3297 6 1 13165: 150 37 13 19157 4385 1 9 27' 325 10 21 1375 728 25 39 2068' 2629 54 91 3077 5616 3 0 250V 0 76 67 19165 15870 198 246 46180 27141 820 988 100302 76703 ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GLEN OAKS CLUBHOUSE GROVELAND OAKS Campers Day Use Day Campers INDEPENDENCE OAKS Day Use Day Campers Overnight Group Campers SPRINGFIELD OAKS CLUBHOUSE WATERFORD OAKS WAVE POOL WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX WHITE LAKE OAKS CLUBHOUSE TOTAL DAY USE PARKS MONTHLY DAY USE PARKS 4ND FACILITY ATTENDANCE REPORT Month of MAY, 1986 Year to Date 5 1986 19M 1986 1985 1986 1985 198 6 311 173 4070 3768 311 195 4070 4012 1129 777 4144 2754 2074 1737 8452 6119 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 49 38 5627 4150 99 102 11786 9356 27 22 3533 2793 70 64 9756 7805 935 804 21009 15697 935 850 21009 16165 1402 1335 4997 4768 1402 1337 4997 4775 0 1 0 10 0 1 0 10 3066 4296 12862 15494 10067 12587 38271 44837 0 12 354 1179 6 12 668 1199 7 11 247 339 7 14 247 397 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 2 2753 3614 17 2 2753 3614 17 11 1291 580 49 34 2416 1018 22 16 2294 1707 40 27 4511 3118 6938 7498 63184 56853 15077 16962 108939 102425 ITEM #7 INDEPENDENCE OAKS WETLANDS ACQUISITION MICHIGAN LAND TRUST FUND GRANT #603 Commission staff, Property Management, and Corporation Counsel have been pursuing the acquisition of part of the remaining property to be acquired as part of the Michigan Land Trust Fund Wetlands Acqui- sition. One of these parcels is a 20-acre portion of a 40-acre parcel owned by Independence Township. This partial parcel was acquired by the Town- ship from the Edward Levy Company prior to the receipt of our grant. It was acquired with the understanding that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission would acquire it when the grant was finalized. It was part of a total effort to preserve this area. Property Management has conferred with the Department of Natural Resources, who has indicated that this parcel is an extension of the property already acquired, and therefore a similar offer would be reason- able and fair. We acquired the adjacent parcels for $2,375 an acre, and therefore would like to pursue the acquisition of these 20 acres for a similar offer. This would be contingent on the final approval and concurrence by DNR. 7 - 1 T.TEM # 8 iL��-�'� ARc�Z.�EG2 � eGt YZI�N pFFI�E $� yn� on the aT°x'a- A�MZ1S� the meet xec°�en�atyon atojty°e hu�ldyng• Stagf w��-make ��,e a��n1Stxat.yVe to CIO the plans �°Y ITEM #9 INSULATION - GLEN OAKS CLUBHOUSE Bids have been received to insulate the attic of the Glen Oaks Clubhouse. This is being done to provide a more energy efficient build- ing and to reduce the utility cost. Bids received from County Purchasing are as follows: Church's Builders Sales Div. $ 8,625.00 Materials only Auburn Hills Avon Insulation 13,580.00 Rochester Savoie Insulation Co. 12,500.00 Late Bid Clarkston Stavik & Butcher NO BID Auburn Heights Burke Building Center NO BID Drayton Plains Smith Merck Builder Inc. NO BID Waterford Twp. Utica Installation NO BID Rochester Wimsatt Building NO BID Wayne Staff concurs with Purchasing to award the bid to the only bidder meeting all bid requirements, Avon Insulation, for $13,580.00. There is $15,000 budgeted in the Capital Improvement Budget for this project. Attached is a memo from County Purchasing, which provides a positive reference check on Avon's performance. 9 - 1 OAKLAND COUNTY Inter -Departmental Memo Date June 4, 1986 From: 'Marilyn Russell - Purchasing To: Site DeMasellis - Parks & REc Subject: References for Avon Insulation The following two companies replied to our request for references for Avon Insulation. Oak Pointe Construction Co. 666-9019 (Builds Condominiums) Trinity Lutheran Church, Berkley, MI 542-4654 Both references were very pleased with the work done by Avon Insulation Company. Avon completed the work on time, left the site clean and neat, and the insulation work was excellent. Oak Pointe has been using Avon Insulation for three years and is very satisfied. Trinity Lutheran said they would be using Avon Insulation for future work. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION C©W ACCOUNTING ii.l i r 1986 MRR:lm 9 - 2 ITEM #10 Four -Color General Parks Brochure The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission full -color brochure showcases all parks facilities and programs. This is the most significant, attractive and appealing piece of litera- ture to promote the parks system. As the parks system offers new recreational opportunities and strives to maintain high standards of quality, it is important that this communications vehicle makes a striking first impression and provides a visual "tour of the Oakland County Parks." The current color parks brochure has remained the same style for the past five years with minor revisions. With many new attractions, programs and services added over the past few years, it was time to more clearly reflect that change and progress. The initial cost for new full -color brochures will be significant, but future reprints will be less since all color separations and major printing set ups such as negatives will be completed. This new brochure format should be able to be utilized for at least another five years or more. In addition, another less -costly, two-color brochure will be developed for large quantity distribution. This will provide the same or similar information, but at_a lower cost. --more- 10 - 1 Four -Color General Parks Brochure Page 2 Sealed request for quotations were sent to six (6) vendors. Bids were submitted as follows: Visual Arts 50M $17,342.00 Berkley, MI TAC Business Forms 50M 28,717.50 Livonia, MI Ambassador Business Forms 50M 20,455.49 Royal Oak, MI Gage Business Forms NO BID Southfield, MI Compton Printing NO BID -- Farmington Hills, MI North American Graphics NO BID Detroit, MI Oakland County Purchasing and staff recommend awarding to Visual Arts of Berkley in the amount of $17,342.00. - Funds have been allocated in the 1986 Public Communications budget to cover purchase of this brochure. 10 - 2 GROUP CAMP SITE ELECTRICAL ADDISON OAKS Bids have been received for the purchase of wiring and pedestals for pro- viding electricity to the group camp sites at Addison Oaks. This is a Capital Improvement Project which will improve the ability to have more group camping at Addison. There is $2,000 budgeted in the Capital Improvement budget for this pur- chase. Bids were received as follows: Dingman Electric $1,875.64 Belleville, MI Graybar Electric 1,667.60 of Auburn Hills, MI Madison Electric 1,667.18 of Pontiac, MI Staff concurs with Purchasing to award the bid to the low bidder, Madison Electric, for $1,667.18. ITEM # 11 MANAGER'S REPORT ---The Oakland County Parks Nordic Ski Patrol has been chosen to receive the Friends Award from the National Association of Counties Parks and Recreation Officials. This national organization has recognized the Nordic Ski Patrol as one of the top contributors in the country this past year due to their citizen involvement with our parks system. The award is forthcoming from their national meeting to be held in July. Attached is a news release put out by the Association. ---Spoke to the owners of the Van Dyke Sport Center. They are proceeding with professional help for their renderings to make a presentation to the Mayors Asso- ciation in July. Will inform you of any further progress. ---We have had positive response from the users and staff about the new fencing at the Wave Pool. Also, the one price ticket has been very well received by the patrons. ---The National Recreation and Parks Association annual congress is being held in Anaheim, California on October 17 - 20. If you are planning to attend, please contact Karen for specific information. ---Attached is an article from BMX Plus! Magazine rating the ten best BMX tracks in the country. Waterford Oaks has been ranked No. 5, something the Parks Com- mission should be very proud of. ---The antique shows at the Springfield Oaks YAC are being done by a vendor other than Long's for the summer. Staff has set up the contract and will wait to see the results. ---Attached are the updated Capital Improvement Projects list, showing our progress through 6-1-86. Will be happy to answer any questions you might have. ---Staff has implemented new comment cards for all of the activities and facilities that take place in the Parks system. The cards will be available at the meeting for your review. ---Portia Fields -Anderson has submitted her resignation from the Parks Commission to accept a new position with the City of Pontiac. Brad Baker will be assigned to her position. The Oakland County Parks Nordic Ski Patrol was nominated by Ralph Richard, Manger of Oakland County Parks and Recreation in Michigan. One of the first volunteer groups to serve the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and its cross-country ski programs is the Nordic Ski Patrol. Through the patrol's dedicated service, the ski program has been enhanced with assurance of a safe, pleasurable recreational experience for the public in Oakland County. Patrollers have assisted with cross-country skiing for the blind, senior citizen ski clinics and nature interpretive programs on skis. Patrollers present skier education sessions at local shopping malls and other public centers. They also assist race officials at seven Blue Cross/Blue Shield cross-country ski races in the Metropolitan Detroit area. The Nordic Ski Patrol provides an average of 500-1,200 hours of volunteer service each year. It has been recognized by the National Ski Patrol Systems, Inc. in 1979, for its outstanding training program, which includes advanced first aide, CPR, and technical training in many related skills. 11 - 2 r The experts name Nashville number one this time ❑Two years ago we polled a number of the nation's top BMX pros to find out what they felt were the ten best tracks in the country (BMX Plus!, September 1984). We had a good time making up the list, and the results were a source of great pride to the tracks that made the list. Especially proud were the operators of the NBL's South Park track in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, because that was the track that came out number one at that time. Well, we decided it was time to make up a new list this year. Some new tracks had been built that deserved to be mention- ed and some old ones were now gone. The USA has something like 600 BMX tracks within its boundaries. It's unlikely that anybody has seen every one of them. Just the same, there is one group that has seen a good share of them: the top experts and pros in the country. We called on seven of the top riders in BMX to help us compile this year's list. The riders were Greg Hill, Billy Griggs, Doug Davis, Scott Clark, Shawn Texas, Robby Rupe, and Gary Ellis. Together they were able to come up with over 25 different tracks they thought deserved special praise. We boiled down the votes to come up with the best of the best. Here they are, the ten best BMX tracks in America: 1. NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE (NBL): The site of the Murray World Cup of BMX, the NBL's Dixieland BMX Raceway in Nashville, Tennessee, rank- ed number one with our panel of ex- perts this year. Long and wide, with great jumps and big-bermed turns, this track has just about everything going for it. (For additional information call track director James Lampley at (615)885-5816. 2. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY (NBL): The Derby City BMX track in Louisville is a relatively new track in BMX, but it's quickly gained a devoted following. Used to host the NBL Grand Nationals in both 1984 and '85, the track has proven to be one of the most popular anywhere. Well designed and beautifully maintained, it's big, wide, smooth and gorgeous. (For additional information contact track director Mike Lausman at (502)245-2771.) 3. SOUTH PARK, PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA (NBL): Two years ago this track narrowly beat out Nashville for top honors. This year Nashville and Louisville narrowly beat it back to third. This is still a great track —wide, fair, and fun —and it's on one of the prettiest pieces of real estate you could ever hope to see. (For addi- tional information contact track director Joe Baker at (412)854-2440.) 4. HILTON, NEW YORK (NBL): This track didn't even make the list two years ago. That's because none of our pros had raced it yet. Well, last year many of them did, and they loved what they found. Doug Davis says this is his personal favorite of all the tracks x 36 BMX PLUS! / JULY 1986 11 — 3 n I RF,F Y a � N in the country. Scott Clark also has high praise for it. Says Scott, "It's really vide and it has great jumps. It's in a ,ark -type setting, too, kind of like South Park or Waterford Oaks" One of its more popular features is a swimming pond next to the pits for cooling off be- tween motos. (For additional information contact Jim Silloway at (716)392-3434.) 5. WATERFORD OAKS, MICHIGAN (NBL): Located in Pontiac, Michigan, not far from Detroit, the Waterford Oaks track has been one of the nation's best for years. The county parks department keeps this place looking like a golf course. (For additional information con- tact track director Dan Stencil at (313)858-0915.) 6. KENDALL, FLORIDA (NBL): The Kendall track lies just outside of Miami, but it's famous all across the country. This is the track that pioneered the controversial use of concrete berms and jumps. Racing here is not like rac- ing anywhere else in the country. (For additional information contact Lisa Thomas at (305)233-6580.) 7. PEACHTREE CITY, GEORGIA (NBL): The word of mouth on this track has been so good that Robby Rupe named ""pis track to his own top ten list without ten having seen it. We haven't been there either, but we've heard the same raves Robby did, and, with all the votes received, it made our top ten list, too. U M q -4Louisvllles Derby City BMX track offers racers one of the widest, smoothest and most beautiful race places anywhere. want to get started in BMX. (For addi- tional information contact Spike Frownfelter at (213)324-5441.) 10. (Tie) NORTH PARK, PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA (NBL): Though not as famous as its sister track in South Park, Pittsburgh's North Park track is still a popular one with plenty of fans. The first straightaway is one of.the widest and longest in the country. (For additional information con- tact track director Nancy Bagwell at (412)367-7780.) 10. (Tie) CHANDLER, ARIZONA (USBA): The home track of the ABA for a long time, the Chandler Jaycees track is now under the control of the USBA. t r� r smut, VIC& MA, Pittsburgh's South Park track is set amidst the rolling hills of western Pennsylvania. Someday we'll probably get to see this track ourselves. In the meantime, all we can do is pass along the recommenda- tion of those who have. See it and race it. (For additional info call Joe Mascara at (404)487-8195.) 8. SARASOTA, FLORIDA (NBL): Sarasota has long been one of the most popular tracks in Florida, thanks to good dirt, great berms, fine groom- ing and great surroundings. (For addi- tional information contact track director David Miller at (813)371-0895.) 9. ASCOT, CALIFORNIA (ABA): The Ascot Raceway track is one of the premier tracks of Southern Califor- nia. Just outside of Los Angeles in the city of Gardena, the track is a hub of activity for Southern Californians who The long descending first straightaway is one of the things that helped make this track a legend in BMX. (For addi- tional information contact Denny Kalsow at (602)820-5813.) For information on the BMX tracks in your area, contact your local BMX bi- cycle dealer. If he can't help you, try contacting the ABA, NBL, or USBA. Their addresses and phone numbers follow: ABA, P.O. Box 718, Chandler, AZ 85224; (602)961-1903. NBL, P.O. Box 729, Dublin, OH 43107; (614)766-1625. USBA, Box 28247, Tempe, AZ 85282; (602)897-2720. ❑ 11 - 4 JULY 1986 / BMX PLUS! 37 ADMINISTRATION .UM-07 Joe New Administration Building $ 350,000 In progress. ADM-08 Future Acquisition & Improvements 473,830 ADDISON OAKS AO-01 Joe Old Milk House $ 4,000 AO-06 Joe/John Roof Repair - Home 8,000 Look at. AO-07 Joe Concession Building Plan 22,000 Fall. AO-08 John Electrical Service - Camping 6,000 In progress. AO-10 Joe New Docks 10,000 In progress. AO-11 John Picnic Shelter A 20,000 In progress. AO-12 Joe Tree Planting 3,000 Fall. AO-13 Jon Paint Water Tower 15,000 In progress. AO-14 Ralph Building Addition AO-15 Arnold Pool Removal & Botanical Gardens AO-16 Steve Fence by Conference Center Fall. AO-17 Dan Cross-country Ski Trail GROVELAND OAKS GRO-04 Joe Play Equipment - Phase I $ 7,000 Fall. GRO-06 John Picnic Shelter Improvements 5,000 Fall. GRO-07 John Shower Door Replacement 2,500 • Summer. GRO-08 John Remodel Bathroom - Section A 10,000 Fall. GRO-10 Joe/John Heating Improvements - Maint. Bldg. 4,000 Fall. GRO-11 — -=--_ __--=New=Parkin - -- - INDEPENDENCE OAKS I0-03 - Joe Wetland Acquisition $ 173,625 _ In progress. I0-04 _ Joe Shelter Building Roof Repairs 10,000 Fall. 70-0-8 Jon/Ray-- Beach Irrigation System - 10000_ ' In Progress. - IO-10 - Joe- - -- Visitor Direction Signs--.-.5,000 --- _ __ _ _ In progress. Outdoor Am hitheater -- p _ _-_ -_- 3Oy 000__-- --- - Tn progr-ess_. 10-12 Jon Nature Center Logo 3,000 Fall. I0-13 John Picnic Shelter 20,000 In progress. I0-14 Joe Pave Nature Center Walk 6,000 In progress. 10-15 Jon/Ray---- Dock and Boardwalk Repair 5,000 I0-16 Joe Heating Improvements - Maint. Bldg. - 4,000 Fall. GLEN OAKS ;DLO-03 Mike Automatic Sprinkler System GLO-07 Mike New Trees GLO-08 Joe Clubhouse Landscaping GLO-09 Mike Bridge Replacement GLO-10 Joe Parking Lot Light Improvement GLO-11 Joe Parking Lot Fencing GLO-12 John Insulate Clubhouse GLO-13 Sign Planting RED OAKS COMPLEX RO-04 Mike Restroom Installation RO-05 Joe Water Park RO-06 Joe Pave Maintenance Area SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE SO-02 Joe Clubhouse Improvements SO-03 Joe Heating Improvements - Maint. Bldg WATERFORD OAKS $ 43,000 5,000 Fall. 10,000 Spring. 12,000 8,000 Fall. 7,000 Fall. 15,000 In progress. $ 10,000 In progress. 4,487,287 In progress. 10,000 Spring. 170,000 Fall. 4,000 Fall. '4AO-04 Joe Waterslide Modifications $ 3,526 Fall. WAO-05 John Technical Support Bldg. Improvements 8,000 In progress. -WAO-08 ==--Tom/Jon Wave -Pool -Building Improvements - Road " - 3,000 In progress.`-: WAO-10 John Picnic Shelter 20,000 In progress. WAO-11 John Tennis Complex Shower 6,000 In progress. WAO-12 Joe Winter Park Activities 20,000 Fall. ORION OAKS 00-02 Joe Master Plan._:. - -:-:- ----_ — -_ 25_,000-__- _ Fall.-__ --00-03 --- Joe Fence-- Eli 1986 COMPLETED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS l/l/86 through 6/l/86 ADMINISTRATION ADM-01 Master Plan Revision $ 17,434 ADM-05 Lobbyist Fee 22,500 ADDISON OAKS AO-02 Boundary Fencing $ 44,500 AO-16 Kitchen Floor Renovation 12,000 GROVELAND OAKS GRO-01 Tree Planting & Landscaping $ 10,000 GRO-05 New Boat Rental Building 232,000 GRO-09 Remodel Rampager - Dropped: High Cost GRO-11 Remove Old Playground Equipment INDEPENDENCE OAKS I0-05 Moraine Knoll Walk $ 1,000 I0-06 Visitor's Trail Deck 5,000 I0-07 Nature Center Landscape 2,906 10-09 Nature Center Exhibits 55,899 WHITE LAKE OAKS WLO-01 Clubhouse Improvements - Roof $ 19,000 --- WLO-03 - Kitchen Remodeling -Clubhouse - - -- -. 50,000 -- — - u WLO-05 New Well 3,000 GLEN OAKS _ GLO-01 Entrance Signs $ 3,000 GLO-04 Maintenance Building Landscape 3,000 GL0-05 Slate Roof. Repair - 218,500 GLO-06 Outdoor Restrooms _:_ 2;000 - RED OAKS COMPLEX - RO-02 Landscape Improvements ___ $ 10,000 - RO-03 Maintenance Building Improvements - 4,000 SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE SO-01 Golf Course Improvements $ 9,000 WATERFORD OAKS WAO-01 Drainage Repair $ 3,000 3,800 WAO-03 Activity Center Improvements 68,800 WAO-06 Activity Center Interior 30,430= I �? -- VAO-07 Parking Lot Paving _ -- - - - 15,000 MAD -09 Wave Pool Fencing -