HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1988.02.04 - 39824Ralph Richard Lewis E. Wint Manager Chairman Jon J. Kipke Jean M. Fox Assistant Manager Oakland County % Vice -Chairman D Lewis, Jr. Secre Secretary o W. Kuhn Parks & Recreation D. Kuhn, Jr. ThomasassALaw. Law Thomas Daniell. Murphy Commission Ralph Nelson John E. Olsen Richard V. Vogt 2800 WATKINS LAKE ROAD PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48054-1697 (313) 858-0906 January 27, 1988 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday, February 4, 1988 9:00 a.m. PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, MI 48054 PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Mr. Lewis E. Wint, Chairman, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, Ralph Richard Manager RR/Jg Addison Oaks • Glen Oaks • Groveland Oaks • Independence Oaks • Orion Oaks • Red Oaks 9 Springfield Oaks • Waterford Oaks • White Lake Oaks OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATON COMMISSION MEETING February 4, 1988 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes of the Meeting of January 6, 1987. 4. Approval of Payment: Voucher Nos. 12-196 thru 12-415 and 1-1 thru 1-95. Interdepartmental Payments: December charges paid in January. 5. Activity Report for December, 1987. 6. Volunteer Recognition 7. New Employee Introduction. 8. Bid Item: Ceiling Replacement - Groveland Oaks. 9. Bid Item: Drapery System - Waterford Oaks. 10. Bid Item: Fence Revision - Groveland Oaks. 11. Bid Item: Fencing - Waterford Oaks. 12. Bid Item: Portable Bleachers - Mobile Recreation. 13. Bid Item: Delta Tools - Technical Support. 14. Bid Item: Milwaukee Tools - Technical Support & Groveland Oaks. 15. Bid Item: Generators - Technical Support. 16. Bid Item: Radial Arm Saws - White Lake and Springfield Oaks Golf Courses. 17. Bid Item: Restroom Tile and Supplies - White Lake & Springfield Oaks Golf Courses. 18. Bid Item: Tractor Cab - Independence Oaks. 19. Bid Item: Restroom Floor Material - Groveland Oaks. 20. Bid Item: Wire Mesh Receptacles - Groveland Oaks. 21. Bid Item: Aquatic Weed Harvester - Addison Oaks. 22. Bid Item: Recreation Equipment - Addison Oaks & Independence Oaks. 23. Bid Item: Golf Brochures. 24. Bid Item: Independence Oaks Brochures. 25. Cross -Country Skiing Billboard. 26. Radio Advertising - Cross -Country Skiing. 27. National Ski Patrol System Building Fund - Addison Oaks and Independence Oaks. 28. Manager's Report. 29. Old Business. 30. New Business. 31. Adjourn. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Payment Approval Summary For Meeting of February 3, 1988 Vouchers: Nos. 12-196 thru 12-415 $306,601.25 Nos. 1-1 thru 1-95 278,532.24 $585,133.49 Interdepartmental Payments: December charges paid in January $139,180.77 TOTAL $724,314.26 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND ktCREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER December, 1987 VOUCHER NUM6ER VENDOR PURPOSE AMMINT 12-196 MI Recreation & Park Assoc. Adv.Regis.for D.Schantz to attend Conf, in Orlando.FL-1 8-J the Nat'l r. Swimming Pool $ I10.00 12-197 C.Ross,Uniform Deposit Reimb.-Admin.. , 700.00 12-198 Grunwell=Cashero Cap. Proj.,Roof Repairs-Indep. (payment #3) 4,154.54 12-199 Schmidt -Copeland Cap. Proj.,Master Plan -Orion Oak_, (payment #5) 70.55 -200 Art -ra.ft Blueprint Company Off. Su technical en set-Admin. 1 .00 12-201 Payne -Hickey, Inc. Cap. Proj.,New Admin. Bldg.-Admin. (payment #8) 75,925.37 12-202 Schmidt -Copeland Cap. Pro'. Master Plan -Orion Oaks (payment #6) 5,290.68 12-203 Leslie Electric -Cap. Pro'. Formal Garden -Arboretum Re .-Add. 171.50 12-204 Groveland Township Ca . Proj. Land Ac uisition-Grove. 4,308.06 12-205 Hartley & Associates Cap. Proj.,Starter Booth -Spring. 550.00 12-206 Nationwide Fence & Supply Cap. Proj.,Fencing-Water. 19,195.55 12-207 Riemer Floors, Inc. Cap. Proj., Supervisor's Residence Maint.-Water. Renov.-Add.;Bldg. 105.00 12-208 Virginia Smith Uniforms,reimb. of deposit-Admin. 50.00 12-209 Jean's Hardware Cap. roj., ar-ing Area Imp. -Glen Oaks;Bidg. Maint. & Uniforms -Glen Oaks Main .,Equip, 57.73 12-210 Rose Exterminator Company Bldg. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 48.00 12-211 Fasteners, Inc. Bldg. Maint.-Red Oaks W. Park 61.00 12-212 ACO, Inc. Bldg. Maint.-Indep. 1:9.60 UAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND k`,KEAT|UN COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER December, 1987 547.89 12-219 Jeff Roeser Uniforms-W. Pool 6.75 12-220 State of Michigan Misc. Exp. , boiler inspect. -Add. Glen Oaks & YAC 72.00 12-222 Barb Garbutt Misc. Exp.,CPR training & instruction -Nat. Prog. 25-00 12-223 AT&T Communications-Rec. Admin. 5.59 12-224 Detroit Edison Communications -Add. & Water. 87-71 12-225 Diversified Business Products Off . Sup. rental service charge for Ricoh copier-Admin. 260.00 12-226 Chris Keast Advertising Public Info.,Iayout for golf brochure-Admin. 1,848.00 :,k Airline Tickets for M.Thibbdeau,C.Roche&A.Wummel to Texas 12-228 Sears, Roebuck & Co. Sm. Tools -Tech. 'Sup. 26.00 P� `ON COMN` ss 1pN P PRKs -k G ` OA�bp,ND COUN�� V A98? pec tuber , I V C ADO?, V OOCI+CR Oust . R t4OM�ti P OstrOWski' treasurer 12 229 Denis Ritter, 1 12`23O 4uel ire Kan °dat`°n',--`'"'''.- 12'�ac 231 Mat,°nag G°Nf P °u su°dry Pay r°N li 12"Z33 , s K` tGhr� e 234 A+�g r e °hen ei s 1�i t 12-235 C Levy 23� Cdw C°mpany 12' ? the \-arson °°1 leGtric J aukee C 12-238 MCNally Jerry 12 239 Hobbs Pmy C°mpany 12"2G0 °large Oil Petr re Dame 2�1 ua `Gh an 12 -2�2 M rg Q Dulb C°mpany 1� �andenber9 �3 Oakland HardWare 5 i b M sh Re P °° 1 Petty Ca & W' Ut,litges-Water,t DeP°s rel efunded-yPC d f°r Gur1 year-Pdmin Se; ty f °r J .Mansf � s ember ship dues NA Park d. M d e�din9 12I d er1° Pay P uste es rogram_P lu ram~Pdd' `s° Exp tr s lun°h PrOg °ve. IAtrustee Park;09- v P Mis°, xP'' Parad,se ,slard er-Wh �k °V Cap. ?,CO3 - beep\ve Pp01 ds tMa I"t returned-W 1 �fe9uard shirt d oaks W Park EQu`p*rms're,mb. f°r form deP°s,t'Re DnrfO°rms'ret"rn Of ur` UtrNrt,es-Gter. r°ve,full Page ad.Wa vets sPeG1a1 flowers-Pdd Grounds Mart. , Pdd- Malnt - Gldg. PMOUMT 62.?� 12� .ql 50•00 100'00 ?5,yli.o2 �0.00 b3.9 363 53 6 •�5 522'�2 50.00 181 •8g 53.22 E � EP�ION OOMM`SStON P PRK'S R'N R5 tiR N�� NGR 1981 OP \_ GOU VDe ember, nZo,�'Gl neP A VENDOR v OVGt1ER ttUMDER Sundry tRef vnds� '-.-- ctor si �instru 12..2�6 Sundry '--r- Pg EA ectron ics 1� Marcl\f in PndreA Rohner 12`2 `arry Mango 1/ m Wa11 er 12'251 I o � Deli s 2 Caruso r, inc. 12_25 Pl exande G & D tenanCe 12_ 253 n sw fi r/ tqa r n �t Gru e, \nc. 12'25 & Gran Wton ates 12`255 Ne � Pss°c e 6 "artAel Service 12'25 etr°lane Gas 12-25� P n O\, ,ac4uely 1 ? 258 r POSE s �� •Ma E Gree PUR S Eubank nderson°Wal�er,k refunded Anderson, 5 h\ller & St°ne-Ad s,deP°si enoweth'M M,Pitt,t,S Roeser Un�fo�ward'v'GhM•Kulc11'�,P'Plaun 1 ec S.Wbs,�'NooP s '+3'McNa & W Po° to p Rieck Nob D Nin9 W Park °r ec fitness Gross? R d OaV, s ee sWi09 f e \nde9'' ,nstruc261'Gp Grove. vents, ,SP ence pecja danceK , 0 belly Water• Wate 5 OO dance s4 - inter -Add' r peG.,�`�87- $311� Gash Reg call fee f o 19 ter er 81'Wa Gap, G4u\P', ts,r°und dance for fee for Dec., Spec\al Even s karate ,nstruc 1 Event ' ed-Add Spec 1 a ref and Park un;forms,deP°slt refunded-R. rm deposyt pro9ram �--•''" Unifo s' es lunch indeP• trustees rogram- P Misc ExP' tr 'Lees lunchef drain sc ExP ' ust DeceN bl ent \� M� for 1 Services' I dd �Paym a Gust°� f Repair Roo Add. GaP Proj•, oil b°ring! Maint.,s Grounds at Pro9- 19 Adm,n es ti-N pec. Util% or Oct. b • Milea9 e reim PMOv� 39� 156•�a �2.00 A3.65 q1 ,15 510°a i8 ,goo •Oo ll2'S� REAjtON EOMM}SStpN L P ARKS PN R� } 5� ER OAy-EAND EpUN�Y �Deeem er 19? PNRP% I � EN EVER Goy - U ra in r MBER Stewart E°nt ca & K}epinge W , Abbs,Eunn�n9h O Baker' s EompanY }2-26 E}aeY & }2'26l N E ��east Advert�s�ng Ehr�s } 2'262 Sundry `Advances } 2_ 263 c W°rks of pub} } O E Dept. ,on power } r Esumers }2..265 Detro}t Edison 12"2� i5s\°n O.C. Road Eomm l2_26l t All E & E Ren EomPanY l2"26� }ectr�c les} ie E 12'2�0 AEO }nc ly EomPanY Ol ive r SuPP 12`21} }nc- Me`�era omPanY 12'2�2 pont�ac Stee} E s S ..---� oth, Starter 160 ou b,}t.Admtn a pro lboa rd lay b} is hare-Adm�ne}song. Pu Ma`nt•'Add Swings Br R RichardWir,ter Bldg. Snowf}ake Stencil l the MRPA c 1nf °' ' Ki pke,0 " attend y AE pub} } , St for 3 Hof f e t° tnde? • & �a seneB•Baker&R n '$a'Adm,n AM00�� 7 500.00 2 ,0p0' OO 2•�9 o}t �� - & W r„l,ties_ ter Utz R.0 n ,Add • Oaks �1a } f 9ome� * d Oaks Sewa e EX Wh.Ek G reimb•by G}en Oaks Re t `}hies AR d j3aks `-fro e Wh Ek —� 0 ve Acct"ReG Eonf"Etr Adm,n Add Add' } W.Park & W• poo e for R'vogt�mt °f ,��}eag }ray Per poem & t Country Sk, ,Er°ss cap proj• Add Eonf Etr. Bldg. Ma,nt 1001 s_tndeP & So . Maint ar ; B}dg' n t pro e a s ExP ^Seri g" Rec sup. a\nt.- MskP ,Water., g Ode? Bldg• Main e� °an P Ma\ n tds Ma�nt & G r E�uiP• OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND I«L:REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER December, 1987 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 12-274 John R Lumber Company Bldg. Maint. & Sm. Tools -Red Oaks W. Park $ 92.38 12-275 Smiley Electric Company Equip. Maint.,motor repair -Glen Oaks 175.55 12-276 Mid -States Petroleum, Inc. Equip. Maint.,no lead gasoline -Red Oaks 263.72 12-277 Oakland Disposal, Inc. Garbage Disposal -Glen Oaks 45.00 12-278 Town & Country Siding Rental Property Maint.-Wh. Lk. 78.39 12-279 Industrial Cleaning Supply Hskp. Exp.-Water. 21.00 12-280 Sears, Roebuck & Company Sm. Tools -Tech. Sup. 25.00_ 12-281 VOID 12-282 Hodges Supply Company Bldg. Maint.-Add.Conf.Ctr.,Tech.Sup. & Wh. Lk. 393.98 12-283 Madison Electric ap. roj., ross Country Ski rai s- .;B g. Maint.- Spring. & Red Oaks 193.91 12-284 Madison Electric Cap. Proj.,Cross Country Ski Trails-Add.&Renov.Old Maint. Bldg. -Glen Oaks;Bldg.Maint.-Add.Conf.Ctr.,Glen Oaks,Wh. Lk. ,lndep.&Water.;Rental Property Taint. -Water. 2,946.99 12-285 Sundry (Advance) Adv.Regis.for R.Richard to attend the NRPA's National Forum in Arlington,VA on 2/20-23/88-Admin. 186.18 12-286 AT&T Communications -Add. & Wh. Lk. 82•97 12-287 City of Madison Heights Acct. Rec.-R.O. Dr. Range;Utilities-Red Oaks 34.93 12-288 Petrolane Oil Company Utilities -Glen Oaks & T. Complex 209.44 12-289 Shemin Nurseries, Inc. Cap. Proj.,Paradise Island Parking -Grove. 470.95 ON P1 {cJN CGMM}SS{ON G IKV%, coNN�� vOoc"� g81 OPK4PNp Gece�ber: 9 MA, park pros t` m°o}s subsGrrpot.Nat -Red Oaks ._- ExP VENGOR SO. ns,tew & Ns p cat�o ds C{a}tt. OVc{{ER Pub} � Grout Admen • ett }tt' , d _ NGMG�R J•}det E4u}P`�' t�°ts EQu}P Ma New pdm}n' 81 9 yAc 29� b1`Ga prod , SPr`tg pine Row pu its caP e G}sposal,Add &Water. }2-291 { Auto pa Garba9 Wh Lk s 292 C. w0°d -{t �{tdeP neat 12'_ tot p1Y M{-North G� Sup. sa},Gr°ve• Rec Ad t e s 12-293 Gray e Matagemett °k lY Garbage p\ s,o'c• ba}1o°t o att n Adm`t t0 12-29� blast Off}ce SuPP } Evett r R R`G a t 1/22-23 Oaks ee �n9 }a ° ° �t Na'c\l } SPvG Reg`}s' ch}cag°'}c dscap}n9"G}e c o0 12'2g5 Yetis G}sP°sa coutc}} lubhouse `ae Go M9�,t• OaksSPring h 12'29�' boo co c°rpOrati on �.� CaP pAdv • 't a dm d t k 'G} en Oaks ,Red `es �Ad,•,ancei Gash x paYablelWh � }2`29g Sutdr {tc. e cares Ta Kre�t Eng•' Stat ots-Add {tali 12'290 Seets Eommuticat, pr09 atcY I 12"30o N f Mrch}gat Oti}}trg5-Nat' RePayrs,{tdeP G}en Oaks state ° Roof caprn9" 3O} e}} pro)• e cards 12'-3p2 M}G{,}gat Gas Serv,ce nY CaP' pro;•'O}ubh°ur �ooth,SPr�n9 r2 Petro}ane shero coo Pa caP• ° Starte 12'303 e Grutwerr,ca Brooms caP• Pr }' 3O4 �h 12! Gordrte s { }e, tG ' }2"305 Oak }and Wh°lesa OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND h.-..REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER December, 1987 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 12-307 Oxford Co -Operative Elevator Cap. Proj.,Split Rail Fence Rep.-Add.;Grounds Maint.- Add. $ 116.25 12-308 John A. Biewer Lumber Company Cap. Proj.,Starter Booth -Spring. 2,003.75 12-309 BrownCor, Inc. Sm. Tools -Tech. Sup. 55.15 12-310 Suburban Press Off. Sup. -Grove. 2,368.74 12-311 OxfordHydraulics Equip. Maint. -Add. 88.37 12-312 Lakeside Window Company Cap. Proj.,Workshop Enclosure-Indep. 310.96 12-313 Lake Orion Lumber ap. roj., ross Country Ski irails & Split Kaff Fence Rep.-Add.;Bldg. Maint.-Add. 311.36 12-314 Erb Lumber Cap.Proj.,New Admin.Bldg.-Admin.,Workshop Enclosure- Inde .&Tree Program -Glen Oaks;Bld . Maint.-Inde .•Rental Property Maint.-Water. 1 510.03 12-315 Mazza Auto Parts Bid . Maint.-Add. Conf. Ctr. 30.37 12-316 VanDyne Crotty, Inc. Laundry & Dry Cleaning-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,YAC, llh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Parl<,Water.,Nat. Prog. & W. Pool 448.23 12-317 VanDyne Crotty, Inc. Laundry & Dry Cleaning-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh. Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,Water.,W.Pooi, YAC,Nat. Prog. 478.50 12-318 VanDyne Crotty, Inc. Laundryy & Dry Cleaning-Tec .Sup.,Grove.,In ep.,kV .L ., Red Oaks,Glen Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,YAC,Water.,W.Pool& Nat. Prog. 447.45 12-319 VanDyne Crotty, Inc. Laundry&Dry Cleaning -Tech. Sup., Grove.,lndep.&Nat. Prog. 123.02 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RtCREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER December, 1987 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSF AMMINT 12-320 Pontiac Paint Company Cap.Proj.,New Admin.Bldg.&Supervisor's Residence Renov.- Add.;Bldg.Maint.-Add.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks&R.O.W.Park $ 396.29 12-321 Sundry (Mileage Reimb.) Mileage for Dec.' 7 to G.Buchanan $5.25,J.Kindel $ 1.75, D.Marion $9.75,J.Pung $.25.25,C.Ross $20.75&M.Zednik $47.25-Admin. 150.00 12-322 TAC Business Forms Off. Sup.-R.O.W.Park & W. Pool 95.95 12-323 Contractors Rental Corporation Cap. Proj.,Split Rail Fence Repair -Add. 600.00 12-324 Tom's Hardware Equip. Maint.-Add. 4,37 12-325 Rochester Elevator Bldg. Maint.,nuggets-Wh. Lk. 185.80 12-326 K. Smith, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Admin. 294.75 12-327 R. Delasko, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Indep. 2.00 12-328 Scott's Lock & Key Bldg. Maint.-Water. 36.15 12-329 Madison Electric Company Cap.Proj.,Roof Rep.-Add.&Cross Country Ski Trails -Add.; Bldg. Maint.-Glen Oaks & R.O.W. Park 259.18 12-330 Seco Products Bldg. Maint.=lndep. 31.80 12-331 Smiley Electric Company Bldg. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 20.25 12-332 Hodges Supply Company Bldg. Maint.-Add.Conf.Ctr.,Grove. & Glen Oaks 65.58 12-333 Stadium Auto Supply Bldg. Maint.-W. Pool 6.00 12-334 Wilkie Turf Equipment Equip. Maint.-Add.,Glen Oaks & Red Oaks 153.91 12-335 Pifer, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Spring. 42.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RttREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER December, 1987 VOUCHER 14UMBER VENDOR PURP0c F AMr%I IIAT 12-336 Van's Auto Supply Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk.,Spring. & Water. $ 78.77 12-337 Munn Ford Tractor Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks & Spring. 14.27 12-338 Industrial Vehicle Sales Equip. Maint.-Grove. 90.14 12-339 F. & K. Towing Equip. Maint.-Indep. 45.00 12-340 Cruse Communications Equip. Maint.-Admin., 50.00 12-341 Camera Mart, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Admin.;Off. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 59.97 12-342 Waterford Fuel & Supply Equip. Maint.-Indep. & Wh. Lk. 47.95 12-343 M G Sales Equip. Maint.-Indep. 43.95 12-344 VOID 12-345 Genesee Welding Supply Special Events,helium-Rec. A&nin.;Equip. Maint.-Tech. Su Add. Grove. & Inde . 135.08 12-346 Souter 0il Company Equip. Maint.-Indep. & trucks & buses-Mob.Rec. 218.40 12-347 Auto Service Center Equip. Maint.-Spring. 234.36 12-348 Weingartz Supply Company Equip. Maint.-Add. & Water. 129.37 12-349 Thompson Oil Company Equip. Maint.,diesel fuel -Add. 161.32 12-350 McKay's Hardware Equip. Maint. & Grounds Maint.- rove. 16.94 12-351 American Aggregates Grounds Maint.-Add. 38.00 12-352 Warren Co -Operative Company Grounds Maint.-fled Oaks 40.42 0 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND Rt�,REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER December, 1987 VOUCHER 14UMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 12-353 W.F. Miller Company Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. & Glen Oaks $ 202.8,' 12-354 Bordine's Better Blooms Grounds Maint.-Wh. Lk. 35.91 12-355 Auto Suppliers by Herk's Grounds Maint.-Grove. 1 75 12-356 Insty-Prints, Inc. Special Events,county employees-Rec. Admin. 24.65 12-357 Bean Brothers Awards & Trophy Special Events,county employees-Rec. Admin. 120.0n 12-358 Artcraft Blueprint Off. Sup.-Admin. & Orion Oaks 111.97 12-359 Sears, Roebuck & Company Sm. Tools -Glen Oaks 46 33 12-360 Pontiac Mailing Public Info.,labeling Acorn newsletter-Admin. 121.82 12-361 IABC Publications,"Comm.Guide to Marketing"-Admin. 34,9`; 12-362 Jean's Hardware Cap. roj.,Renovate Old Maint'.B dq.-G en Oaks;Bldg.Maint & Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 171.6o 12-363 Aaron's Lock & Key Bldg. Maint.-Red Oaks 19.98 12-364 Century Rain Aid Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 8.01 12-365 Sears, Roebucks & Company Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 18.29 12-366 Consumers Power Company Utilities-R.O.W.Park 3,348.30 12-367 Consumers Power Company Utilities-Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks,Spring. & YAC 3,660.53 12-368 Detroit Edison Utilities -Grove. & Indep. 1,691.2+ 12-369 Detroit Edison Utilities-Wh.Lk.,Spring.,YAC & Nat. Prog. 4,647.50 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND REuKEATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER December, 1987 VOUCHER 14UMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 12-370 Splane Electric Supply Sm. Tools-R.O.W. Park $ 81.18 12-371 F.L. Jursik Company Cap. Equip.,(1)Coverall & Ladder Rack -Red Oaks 1,341.00 12-372 Brian Descamps Uniforms,deposit refunded-R.O.W. Park 4.60 12-373 Cross Country Ski Areas Grounds Maint.,signs for x-country ski-Indep. 112.09 12-374 Ski Industries America Misc. Exp.,public relations fee -Add. & Indep. 100.00 12-375 Safety-Kleen Corporation Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 68.50 12-376 Tony's Parts & Accessories Equip. Maint. & Sm. Tools-Indep. 70.78 12-377 Zee Medical Service Misc. Exp.,first aid supplies -Glen Oaks 46.04 12-378 Production Tool Supply Bldg. Maint.-R.O.W. Park 11.60 12-379 City of Madison Heights Utilities-R.O.W-Park 42.5tj 12-380 Elden's Hardware Acct.Rec.-New Admin.Bldg.-Admin;Cap.Proj.-Starter Booth- Spring.;Misc.Exp.-Admin.;Bldg.Maint.-Admin.,Indep.,YAC, 358.18 ater.; quip. a int. -Add., I n ep.& at. rog.; roan s a j nnt.- Orion Oaks,Indep.&BMX;Sm.Tools-Add.,Orion Oaks,lndep., 12-381 Elden's Hardware Ater.& at. rog.; ec, up.- at. rog.;Rental Property Maint.-Water. 52.55 12-382 Burke's Building Cap.Proj.,-New Admin.Bldg.-Admin.;Roof Rep.,Formal Gar- den -Arboretum Rep.&Supervisor's Residence Renov.-Add.; 977.29 Workshop Enc osure-Indep.&'C u ouse Renov.-Spring.;B dg. Maint.-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Add.Conf.Ctr.,Indep.,Spring.&YAC; 12-383 Burke's Building Centers Sm. oo s-Tec up.,ln ep.& roun s aint.- rion a s, Indep.,Wh.Lk.,YAC&BMX; Rental Property Maint. -Wh.Lk. &Water 639.95 12-384 Burington Golf Cars Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 23.50 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER December, 1987 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 12-385 Division Printing Public Info.-Admin. $ 8 21, 12-386 Harvey's Office World Off. Sup.-Rec. Admin. & Inde t 103.81 12-387 Solar Photo Public Info.-Admin.;Off. Sup. -Nat. Pro . 85.40 12-388 MI Industrial Shoe Misc. Exp.,safety shoes for J.Figa-Admin. 8. 55 12-389 Universal Equipment Specia Events,jr. tournament-Wh.Lk. & Spring. ;Grounds Maint.-Spring. 95.52 12-390 F. Ostrowski, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Add. 22.60 12-391 K. Dougherty, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Nat. Prog. �1.36 12-392 Consumers Powers Company Utilities -Add. & Add. Conf. Ctr. 3,;u5.63 12-393 Detroit Edison Utilities-Water.,W. Pool & T. Complex 2,975.24 12-394 Davisburg Lumber Company Cap.Proj.,Starter Booth-Spring.;Bldg.Maint.-YAC & Spring 101.22 12-395 VOID 12-396 Sears, Roebuck & Company Cap. Proj.,Twin Chimneys Imp.-Indep. 86.62 12-397 Oakland Schools Pu is In o.- min.;0 . Sup. -Nat. Prog.;Specia Events- Ther. Proj. & mist.-Rec. Admin. 33.63 12-398 Pioneer Hardware Bldg. Maint.-Indep.,Wh. Lk*. & Spring.;Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk.;Grounds Maint.-Wh. Lk. 100.32 12-399 Tom's Hardware Bldg. Maint.-Add. 34.10 12-400 P.iemer Floors, Inc.- Bldg. Maint.-Add. 1"�.`! OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RE,-REATIO11 COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER December, 1987 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPnsF AMnIIt] T 12-401 Detroit Ball Bearing Bldg. Maint.-W. Pool $ 9.59 12-402 Crown Battery Bldg. Maint.-Add.Conf.Ctr.;Equ.ip. Maint.-Spring.&Water. 357.24 12-403 Bidall, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Wh. Lk.;Bldg. Maint.-Glen Oaks 140.35 12-404 Irv's Sharpening Service Equip. Maint.-Add. 7.50 12-405 Pontiac Truck Center Equip. Maint.-Add. & Orion Oaks 89.03 12-406 Moore's Tire Service Equip.'Maint.-Tech. Sup. 110.38 12-407 Service Glass Company Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 131.73 12-40$ Lake Orion Rental Hskp. Exp.-Add. 6.50 12-409 Cooley Office Supply Off. Sup. -Add. 2.29 12-410 VOID 12-411 Hillside Farm Landscaping Cap. Proj.,Tree Planting -Add. 3,330.00 12-412 Burke Building Centers Cap. Proj.,Twin Chimneys Imp.-Indep. 2,o96.52 12-413 Dawson Hardware Bldg. Maint.-Indep. 20.00 12-414 Genesee Welding Supply Equip. Maint.-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove. & Red Oaks;Special Events,helium-Rec. Admin. 40.50 12-415 Bean Bros. Trophy & Awards Special Events, trophies-Rec.A min.&tennis tourn.-T.Com plex;Rec.Sup.-BMX 315.25 SUB -TOTAL FOR VOUCHER REGISTER FOR DECEMBER 306,601.2� 0 TOTAL FOR VOUCHER REGISTER FOR DECEMBER $ 561,970.85 OAKLA14D COUNTY PARKS AND Rt._REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER January, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 1-1 Sundry (Payroll) Pay period ending 1/1/88-A11 Parks 73,189.01 1-2 Kammer/Michigan Consultants Prof. Services,lobbyist on legist. matters for the month of Jan.,'88-Admin. 1,000.00 1-3 J. Eiden Equipment Com an Company Cap.Equip.-(])Milwaukee Drill Kit & (])Ladder -Water.;(]) Circular Saw & (])Drill Press Vise-Tech.Sup.;(l)Multimet _ er-Water.;Sm.Tools-Tech.Sup. 1 6 214 1-4 Mr. Uniform & Mat _ Laundry & Dry Cleaning-Admin. & Add.;Hskp. Exp.-Water. & YAC 137.52 1-5 Lake Orion Review Publications,subscri tion renewal-Admin. 11.00 1-6 State of Michigan Misc.Exp.,renewal of ermits-R.O.W.Park & W.Pool 200.00 1-7 Comcast Cablevision Public Info.-Admin. 14.6�, 1-8 The Daily Tribune Publications subscri tion renewal for l yr.-Admin. 104.00 1-9 Sundry (Advance) _ Cash Adv. to M.Thibodeau,A.Wummel & S.Roche to attend the Golf Course Conf.&Show in Houston,TX on 2/4-9/88-Admin. Glen Oaks & Wh.Lk. 1,231.60 1-10 Sundry (Advance) Cash Adv.to L.Gee & B.Baker to attend the P&R Maint.-Mgnt School in Wheeling,WV on 1/31/37 to 2/5/88-Red Oaks&YAC 689.70 1-11 Sundry (Advance) Cash Adv. to C.Herb to attend the P&R Law Enforcement Inst. in E.Lansing,MI on 1/31-25/88-Grove. 372.00 1-12 Sundry (Commission) Per Diem &-Mileage to O.C. Commissioners for mtg. of 1/6/88-Admin. 210.00 1-13 Mich. Recreation & Park Assoc. Adv.Regist. for R.De asko to attend the MRPA Winter Con . in Detroit,MI on 2/8/88-Indep. 75.00 1-14 Professional Secretaries Publications,new membership-Admin. 42.00 1-15 Jack Jueckstock Uniforms,reimb.for safety shoes -Tech. Sup. 38.95 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER January, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 1-16 Sundry (Advance) Adv.Regist.for J.McParlane & S.WelIs to attend the MRPA Conf..in Detroit MI on 2/6- /88-Rec. Admin. 219.36 1-17 Sundry (Advance) Cash Adv.for B.Stokes, J.Derousha & J.Laidlaw to attend the MI Turfgrass Conf. Houston TX 2/4/88-Wh.Lk. & Spring. 244.2 1-18 Petrolane Gas Service Equip. Maint.-Indep. 23.50 1-19 Marilyn Baker Pub] ications,ref.book purchased for P&R-Admin. 25.9 1-20 Baker,Abbs,Cunningham & Klepinger Public Info.,Public Relations & Event Marketing services for Jan., 1988-Admin. L 100.00 1-21 United Cable Television Public Info.-Admin. 10.00 1-22 Detroit Ball Bearing Equip. Maint.-Grove. 106.36 1-23 Pat Avery Refund for photography class -Water. 28.00_ 1-24 Sundry Advance Cash Adv.for R.Richard,J.Kipke,D.Stencil,R.Nelson ,J.Olsen B.Baker & R.Coffey to attend MRPA's Conf. in Detroit MI on 2 6- 88-Admin. YAC & Rec. Admin. 926..81 1-25 Michigan Bell Communications-W. Pool 18.3',) 1-26 Radunz Travel Center Airline Tickets for R.Richard to Chicago,IL,D.Schantz to Orlando,FL & R.Richard to Washington,D.C.-Admin.&W.Pool 365.00 1-27 MI Assn. of County Parks & Rec. Off. Membership,agency renewal for 1 year-Admin. 50.00 1-28 Detroit News Pub] ications,subscription renewal for 1 year-Admin. 75.90 1-29 Jack Smith Rental - Facilities,refund for reception -Water. 550.00 1-30 Prime Learning International Adv. Regist. for J.Bramble & E.Sorenson to attend the Sec Seminar,"You Deserve A Break"on 2/23/88 in Flint, MI-Rec. Admin. & Indep. 158.00 X�_ m Np REp� E�j�pN CpMM555�pN q GppNj RE 19 j �� Q WAY, O�K� PN 3 3 0"3Cy 1 $� 632•� 3I. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER January, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMMINI 1-47 Angie's Kitchen Misc. Exp.,trustee's lunch program -Add. 72.0c 1-48 Angie's Kitchen Misc. Exp.,trustee's lunch program -Add. 70.20 1-49 Angie's Kitchen Misc. Exp.,trustee's lunch program -Add. 70.20 1-50 Angie's Kitchen Misc. Exp.,trustee's lunch program -Add. 63.98 1-51 Jacquelyn Tokar Mileage reimb. for June, 1987-Admin. �0.50 1-52 Arthur C. Brown Company Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 39.00 1-53 National Wildlife Federation Publications,subscription renewal for 1 yr.-Nat. Prog. 24.00 1-54 Detroit Edison Utilities -Add. & Water. 87.71 1-55 Scott's Lock & Key Shop Bldg. Maint.-Indep. 28.91) 1-56 Leslie Electric Company Bldg. Maint.-Add. 164.6n 1-57 Wilkie Turf Equipment Equip. Maint.-Add. & YAC 12.3) 1-58 Petrolane Gas Service Equip. Maint.-Indep. 353.36 1-59 Pontiac Truck Center Equip. Maint.,trucks & buses -Mob. Rec. 49.30 1-60 Kmart Off. Sup.-Admin. 30.78 1-61 Moby Dick's Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 41.55 1-62 Sundry (Payroll) Pay period ending 1/15/88-All Parks 80,307.22 1-63 Ralph Richard Travel Reimb. for attending the S.E.MI Travel & Tourist Mt . on 1 14 88 in Tro MI-Admin. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER January, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PtipPnr,r ,,..,.,,.,. 1-64 1-65 1-66 Tlph Richard King s Court Drayton Plywood Company Travel Reimb.for attending the S.E.MI Travel & Tourist Mtq. on 11/18/87 in Dearborn MI-Admin. Travel & Conf.,luncheon for the Orion Oaks planning mtg. on 12/1/87 in Lk.Orion MI-Admin. -,.Cap. Pro'. New Admin. Bldg.-Admin. 25.00 67 4 4. 75 1-67 Aluma-Vue Company Cap. Proj.,Rampa er Renov.-Grove. 80 .00 1-68 Oakland Heating Supply Bldg. Maint.-Add. & Glen Oaks 82.56 1-69 ACO, Inc. Bld . Maint. & Equip. Maint.-Inde . 43.81 1-70 Young Supply Company Sm. Tools-Grove.;Bld . Maint.-Inde 49.58 1-71 Church's Lumber Yards Bldg. Maint.-Add. & Sm. Tools -Grove. 10 .96 1-72 American Aggregates Grounds Maint.-Add. 1-73 Fenton Soil Conservation District Grounds Maint.-Add. 1-74 Oakland Soil & Water Conservation Grounds Maint.-Add. 1-75 An ie's Kitchen -Misc.Exp.,trustees lunch Program -Add. 47.89 1-76 Angie's Kitchen Misc. Ex trustees lunch program -Add. 8.00 1-77 Argus Supply Company Misc. Exp.-Grove. 84.75 1-78 Woodruff Business Forms Off. Sup.-Add.,lndep. & Wh. Lk. 175.00 1-79 Meijer, Inc. Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 15.50 1-80 Doris Barnett Refund for cancelled group camping area -Grove. 80.00 Q0 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER January, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOlItd T 1-81 Madison Electric Cap.Proj.,X-Country Ski Trails&Supervisor's Residence Renov.-Add.,Supervisor's Residence Renov.-Indep.&Starter 1-82 McCally Tool Company Booth-Spring.;Sm.Tools-Tech.Sup.;6 g.Maint.-A .,In ep. Glen Oaks & Water.;Rental Property Maint.-Water. Cap.Proj.,New Admin.Bldg.-Admin.;Sm.Tools-Tech.Sup. 42 407.16 1-83 Sundry (Advance) Adv.Regist.for L.Gidcumb & G.Goodwin to attend the E-Z- Go Golf School in Augusta, GA on 2/1-2/4/88-Gln 0. & Spr `.r i.=.i�a , .' 120.50 1-84 Excel Industries Adv.Regist.for K.Lawrence,J.Campion&M.Willhite to attend Excel Training School in Hesston,KS on 3/28-31/88-Indep. Add. & Grove. 885.00 1-85 NACO Conference Adv.Regist.for L.Wint to attend Govern.Conf, in Washing- ton,DC on 3/5-8/88-Admin. 225.00 1-86 Zito Construction Cap. Pro'. Phase III -Grove., Payment #1 15,120.00 1-87 Cloudburst Lawn Sprinklers Ca . Pro'. Clubhouse Landsca in -Glen Oaks Payment 1 1,925.00 1-88 Thomas Wagner Uniform refund-Admin. 25.00 1-89 David Stone Uniform refund-W. Pool 4.60 1-90 Meteor Photo Public Info.,prints-Admin. 217.18 1 91 State of Michigan Trans ortation re ist.for "Lil Brute"trailer-Tech.Sup. 39.00 1- 2 City of Frankenmuth Travel & Conf. for S.WelIs to attend the MRPA Winter Conf.in Detroit MI on 2/5-9/88-Admin. 160.00_ 1-93 Sundry (Instructors) Instructor's fee for Jan. ,'88 to A.Bohner,Karate $10 .0 & D.Walker,Sq.Dance $27.50-Water. 135.50 1-94 Marilyn Semonich Training Seminar, Feb. 1 presentation-Admin. 300 .00 1-95 Kathleen Dougherty, Cust. PettyCash Reimbursement -Nature Pronram 37-76 TOTAL FOR VOUCHER REGISTER FOR JANUARY $278,532.24 N 0 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND mECREATION COMMISSION INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER January, 1988 SOURCE DEPARTMENT 011DDncr lnv.#2016 Communications Fund Acct.Rec.-R.O.Golf Dome(To be reimb.by Golf Dome Assoc. Communications-Admin.> Rec.Admin. Grove. Inde p•,Wh.Lk., Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,YAC,R.O.W.Park,Water.,W.Pool E T.Comp] ex & Nat.Prog. (Month of Dec. 3,976.4E lnv.#3028 Computer Services Fund Rental Exp. & Public Info.-Admin.;Off. Sup.-Rec.Admin. (Month of Dec. i,241.3 Inv.#262 Facilities & Operations Fund Grounds Maint.-Grove.,�later.&T.Complex;dg. Maint.- Water. Bl (Month of Dec.)_ S5 0 inv.#1184 Fringe Benefit Fund Fringe Benefit Charges for month of Dec., 1987-Admin. (Month of Dec. 76,764.9; lnv.#1335 Motor Pool Fund B1dg.Maint.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Add.,Grove.,lndep.,Wh.Lk. Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,YAC,Water.,W.Poo1 ---- .- T.Complex;Transportation-Admin.,Rec.Admin.—,Te---ch-.-Sup-., Add.,Grove.,Orion Oaks,lndep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaksl p g.,YAC,Water. Mob.Rec.&Nat.Prog.;lnsurance-Add., _ Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,&Mob. Rec.;Equip.Maint.-Add.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Spring.,4later.,Mob Rec.,trucks & buses (Month of Dec. 19,528.8E Equip.Rental-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove., - Inv.#3255 Office Equipment Fund Indep.,Spring.,YAC,Water. & Nat.Prog. (Month of Dec. 388.8E Inv.#269c Printing & Mailing Fund Acct.Rec.-Admin. To be reimb.by MRPA ;Public Info.-Admi Off.Sup.-Admin.&Nat.Prog.;Rec.Sup.-Nat.Prog.;Special Even ts-x-country ski-Add.&Indep.;platform tennis-T.Com- 'V _., plex;dog obed.,bailet,belly dance,golf class,ballroom dance,round dance,dancef itness,photography ,misc.,square dance -Water. (Month of Dec.) 5,400.01 Ra io Rep.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Grove.,lndep., Inv.#538 Radio Communications Fund Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,R.O.W.Park,YAC,Water.,W.Pool,Mob.Rec.,, Nat. (Month of Dec. Pub is Inio.-Admin.,01T.Sup.-A min., Tic .Admin.,Add.,—Na t 21055.t; lnv.#279E Stores Operations Fund Add.&Indep.;Grounds Maint.-Indep.;Equip.Maint.-Spring.; -^Prog.&Indep.;Nskp.Exp.-Admin.,Indep.,YAC&Water.;Uniform Special Events-Ther.Prog.&sr.citizen-Water. 2,736•9 � --- -- _ _ ---- ---- (Month__oi- Dec. i N lRc� er Fund Ger General Fund General'' COCA Oslo CJO r P OC 5 Ev, p PROS P p Py t,,ECt t EG oNO- p ER�EpP��C,oUa y i CNS Ja i9 r 4 oOe°' r s ° f p`t�po5 On°0�� ec eage pa, Pdno n 6 dg Pdm1� M°nth pke.0 pro) ,New �Rdmir 9 _p ' �on th, , per AW 'Irm ,Cal) fax pevun oed eGgo er property arges ecu r ty Park R•0'w• igp.l '39/ 1.. t J "00, PRj MEND P r- r COPIBINED TOTALS OF MONTIP- ACTIVITIES FOR DECEMBER, 1987 TOTALS - GOLF COURSES RECREATIONAL & TOTALS - SPECIAL EVENTS TOTALS - DAY USE PARKS GRAND TOTALS GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing RED OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Cross Country Skiing Golf Dome SPRINGFIEL.D OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 19 Holes Cross Country Skiing TOTALS -'GOLF COURSES U, i Leagues/Groups Participants Leagues/Groups Participants 1986 1Q87 19196 1987 1986 1987 1986 1987 1,733 3,634 1,940 1,997 247,305 253,366 1041 124 7,014 9,528 2,451 2,560 247,048 289,286 450 639 7,767 7,908 83,976 99,077 629,979 769,856 554 763 16,514 21,070 88,367 103,634 11,124,332 1,312,508 GOLF COURSES - MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1987 YEAR TO DATE Leagues Participants Leagues Participants 1986 1987 1986 1987 1986 1987 1986 1987 0 0 0 0 637 674 50,311 52,726 0 0 0 0 42 20 17,815 16,055 0 0 0 600 0 0 1,905 1,708 0 0 0 0 250 295 39,458 38,941 0 0 0 20 0 0 130 90 0 0 1,733 2,814 0 0 32,027 41,974 0 0 0 0 464 416 28,910 26,487 0 0 0 0 13 22 19,643 20,690 O 0 0 50 0 0 450 260 0 0 0 0 522 553 41,882 40,161 0 0 0 0 12 17 13,204 13,141 0 0 0 150 0 0 1,570 1,133 0 0 1,733 3,634 1,940 1,997 247,305 253,366 RECREATIONAL AND SPECIAL ? ITS - MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1987.. YEAR TO DATE Uq i N MOBILE_ RECREATION Airsport Skate Mobile Mime Group Puppet Mobile Sports Mobile Buses Show Mobile SPRINGFIELD OAKS Y A C WATERFORD OAKS Activity Center Tennis Complex BMX ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM Nature Center Outreach SPECIAL EVENTS *Not included in totals Holiday Festival TOTALS Groups Participants Group Participants 1986 1987 1986 1987 1986 1987 1986 1987 0 0 0 0 37 47 6,643 27,755 0 0 0 0 134 106 12,711 9,330 0 0 0 0 57 66 10,805 20,535 0 0 0 0 91 92 8,951 17,671 0 0 0 0 98 62 11,280 5,907 27 23 946 829 403 388 14,625 17,248 0 0 0 0 119 109 - - 18 28 3,700 6,026 274 291 73,156 79,569 45 43 1,848• 2,301 775 763 36,630 36,943 8 6 228 84 155 186 6,930 10,465 0 0 0 0 0 32 32,076 22,677 5 24 276 288 225 326 16,663 18,609 1 0 16 0 83 92 16,578 22,577 150 104 124 7,014 9,528 2,451 2,560 247,048 289,286 DAY USE PARKS AND FACILITI _rTENDANCE REPORT - MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1987 ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers GROVELAND OAKS PARK Campers Jay Use Day Campers INDEPENDENCE.OAKS PARK Day Use Day Camper Overnight Group Campers ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GLEN OAKS CLUBHOUSE SPRINGFIELD OAKS CLUBHOUSE WHITE LAKE OAKS CLUBHOUSE WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK RED OAKS WATERPARK ORION OAFS w TOTALS YEAR TO DATE Groups Participants Groups Participants 1986 1987 1986 1987 1986 1987 1986 1987 0 0 0 1,700 3,075 30,535 37,510 10 0 35 0 11,732 17,313 45,599 62,609 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,500 8,269 174,731 164,832 0 0 0 0 13,082 14,974 49,134 55,777 0 0 0 0 113 2 454 119 375 580 1,372 2,030 47,834 54,467 168,810- 187,496 0 0 0 0 150 55 12,234 8,879 0 0 0 0 36 27 1,761 1,380 29 27 2,836 2,398 314 289 35,338 30,690 15 18 1,636 2,122 195 217 24,206 27,115 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 14 1,888 1,258 94 90 9,946 9,131 0 0 0 0 226 162 78,331 70,777 0 0 0 0 0 137 0 112,180 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 1,361 450 639 7,767 7,908 83,976' 99,077 629,979 769,856 ITEM #6 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION Lee Deneweth and Mary Karshner will be recognized for their volunteer work in conjunction with the Bluebird project at Independence Oaks this past year. 6 - 1 ITEM # 8 CEILING REPLACEMENT GROVELAND OAKS Bids were requested for the purchase of Kemlite Glassboard and materials to replace the ceilings in three buildings at Groveland Oaks. One bid was received from the special list distributor (S.L.D.) in Michigan, Jensen Bridge and Supply, in the amount of $7,083.71. The ceilings being replaced are in the Pines Building and Camping Sections A & C restroom facilities, whose ceilings are beyond repair. Staff recommends awarding the bid to Jensen Bridge & Supply in the amount of $7,083.71. There are sufficient funds budgeted in the Capital Development Budget for this project. 8 - 1 ITEM # 9 DRAPERY SYSTEM WATERFORD OAKS Proposals were requested for the material and installation of a new drapery system for the Waterford Oaks Activities Center stage. The consultant/vendor was asked to submit a minimum of two (2) design schemes, which included samples of fabric, color, hardware and any other necessary items to convey design intent. Two proposals were received as follows: Shear Shop $4,925 + Alt. #1 = $5,515.00 Utica, MI Design 24 Fabric A & B, 6,169.90 plus Concept I The two companies presented different types of material. Design 24 also had several variations to their proposal. After reviewing the two schemes and the variations, staff prefers the more innovative design and choice of fabric proposed by Design 24; therefore, staff recommends awarding the contract to Design 24 in the amount of $6,169.90. The 1988 Capital Improvement Budget allocated $15,000 for this proj ect. See attached proposals. 9 - 1 DESIGN TWENTY-FOUR 21 January 1988 Oakland County Parks & Recreation 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48054 Gentlemen: We are pleased to provide a quotation for Stage Draperies as follows: Side Draperies installed on Kirsch Auditorium Track, No. 9050. Front Draperies installed on existing Auditorium Track. BACK & SIDE FRONT FABRIC A - Coral/Harmonic Rose: $2596.60 $1552.60 FABRIC B - Frankel/Park Ave. Dusty Pink: 3043.80 1913.80 All Draperies will be lined with Roc -Lon Thermal Suede Fire Retardant Lining for greater sound absorbancy. Draperies will be 60% fullness for minimal stacking. Arched Top Treatment/Concept I ...... $1573.50 Frankel/Park Ave. (see diagram) Face will be flat with 8" Band across bottom hemline. Band will be metallic fabric. 4" PVC Pipe will be inserted across bottom hem. Concept II (See diagram II) ...... $1781.00 Coral/Harmonic Rose Fabric will be shirred across arch in one color. 4" PVC Pipe will be inserted across bottom hem. Completion Time: Approx. 4 weeks. Cordially, 721 Crooks Road Suite 100 Troy, Michigan Mary T. onen 48084 DESIGN ENTY-FOUR (313) 643-6344 MTK:jtm ••ICI—RcV.•„O OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE PURCHASING DIVISION 1200 N. Telegraph Road a Pontiac, Michigan 48053 REQUEST , FOR QUOTATION -THIS IS NOT AN ORDER IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS SHEER SHOP 51240 VanDyke YOUR QUOTATION MUST BE Utica, MI 48087 SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE. IF FOR ANY REASON YOU CAN- NOT BID, RETURN THIS FORM SO STATING IN ORDER THAT YOUR NAME BE RETAINED ON OUR LIST. DELIVERY DATE REQUIRED I WE MUST RECEIVE ■ID MY I EUYER Dec. 29, 1987 87-12-33 DELIVERY TO DR MAD[ AT Oakland County Parks i Recreation, 2800 Watkins Lake Rd., Pontiac, MI 48054 QUANTITY UNIT PLEASE QUOTE LOWEST NET DELIVERED DESTINATION PRICES ON HEREIN DESCRIBED ARTICLES NET UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE Working drapery system for the Waterford Oaks Activity Center stage (Per attached requirements) $4,925 (See Attached Sheets) ALTERNATE "A" 435 ALTERNATE "B" 590 Plus 4% Sales Tax The County of Oakland reserves the right to reject any or all bids, awarding the bid to other than the low bidder and to waive irregularities and/or formalities. Also to accept any bid which in its judgement best serves the County interest. .PLEASE QUOTE YOUR BEST DELIVERY DATE TOTAL 010 ► DELIVERED - F.O.B. DESTINATION BEST SHIPPING DATE 110-12 I DATE QUOTED INVOICE PAYMENT TERMS Wks 1/22/88 Net 10 Days MAIL THIS COPY TO: PURCHASING DIVISION OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE 1200 N. TELEGRAPH RD. 9 - 2 PONTIAC. MICHIGAN 48053 Firm Name THE SH SHOP Signature Signed fay Authorized Personnel QUOTE COPY 0 �q6 2p, Q7�. ohar OhoA 51240 VAN DYKE • UTICA, MICHIGAN • 48087 Phone: (313) 731-4499 ATTACHMENT REQUEST FOR QUOTATION #87-12-33 Main stage draperies and valance to be made from 20 ounce velvet (color to be selected) which is 100 percent cotton and flame - proofed. Back drop curtains to be made from pattern Galaxy - color Cameo - which is 100 percent polyester and flameproofed. See attached sketches for alternates. Existing rod for main curtain to be moved and reused. All new rods to be put up for side and back drop curtains. All installation to be performed by our staff. 9 - 3 ,T/c /' /t 51240 VAN DYKE • UTICA, MICHIGAN - 48087 Phone: (313) 731-4499 r '' 9 — 4 a,�C � o,�'� 4vQJe' 4oAKLAND COUNTY. EXECUTIVE ,o�_..r PURCHASING DIVISION 1200 N. Telegraph Road Is Pontiac, Michigan 48053 Y _ REQUEST FOR QUOTATION THIS IS NOT AN ORDER IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS YOUR QUOTATION MUST BE SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE. IF FOR ANY REASON YOU CAN- NOT BID, RETURN THIS FORM SO STATING IN ORDER THAT Ot P.O.11S60 YOUR NAME BE RETAINED ON trott„ *1 44227 OUR UST. DATE REFKR RKQ. NO. DELIVERY DATE RKQUIRKD IN MUST RECEIVE 1010 •y Is yam ftv. ", 1"'i DELIVERV . I�!"1►-- �-33 4 i`1110 Oftj JL/tS i10111t --- ^ Mkl&ft tntr ftlr ks Al St&VA, 21109 1fa+tkiallt tAft Me ftfttiae, $11t 40054 QUANTITY UNIT PLEASE QUOTE LOWEST NET DELIVERED DESTINATION PRICES ON HEREIN DESCRIBED ARTICLES NET UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICK clltaap"y ""Ilia for oft vaterrettei00toli4 Activity "tar stwp (Po ott r it : tar) Ike Cam" of f ressillrvailis tho rtgbt to rI agftet. mtr of all btft, awarding the bLd to otil*t thaw th* fox b1d4or wA to valve jvrt4aUrItj#tq &r4lor fe*x"I t.#.es.. Also to * oar bid whieb L* It* j q Pumaemmuniv"TwxrOATIR ■ AL TOTAL DID 1► DELIVERED-F.O.B. DESTINATION BEST STEDATE SIPPING DAOTED QU INVOICE PAYMENT TERMS Firm Name This Copy to be Retained by Bidder Signature 9 — 5 Signed by Authorized Personnel o\ J Q`> a gay a WATERFOR.D OARS ACTIVITY CENTER CURTAIN REQUIM MF.NTS ,a DESCRIPTION: Furnish all labor, material, service, equipment, drawings, templates required to design, fabricate and install custom draperies for the stage area at Waterford Oaks Activity Center. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Site Examination - Before design proposals are submited each consultant/vendor shall inspect the site to arrive at a clear understanding of the conditions and scope of work. 2. Measurements - The consultant/vendor shall secure all necessary measurements to provide for a complete and operable project. 3. Pre -proposal Conference - The consultant shall schedule a meeting with owner representative to discuss and clarify scope of project, discuss design elements, fabrics, hardware, etc. 4. Fabrics/Hardware - All fabric and hardware shall be: - Commercial grade - Fire retardant - Must meet all necessary health, fire and safety regulations - Sturdy, safe and reliable 5. Specications - Specifications/data on all products are required by owner for evaluation and approvals. This shall include but not limited to all warranties, guarantees, product durability, certifications, etc. DESIGN CRITERIA COSTS Consultant/vendor shall submit a minimum of two (2) design schemes of the stage area to the owner representative. Schemes shall be presented in a clear and concise manner with enough detail to convey to the owner the design intent. Designs shall include samples of fabric, colors, hardware and any other necessary items to convey design intent. Back and side curtains shall be included in overall scheme and may be considered as a compliment to the overall design or as a major element. The consultant/vendor shall include itemized costs as part of the proposal. All components of the design shall be itemized to allow owner the capability of selecting and/or interchanging items owner may feel are desirable to the overall design. 0 ITEM #10 FENCE REVISION GROVELAND OAKS The revision to the Groveland Oaks waterslide has been completed, except for the revision to the existing fence around the slide area. The required revisions to this area are: 150 ft. of 48" vinyl -clad, 9-gauge fence, 3 each 4 ft. gates, 4 sets of control handrails, and 150 ft. of removal and relocation of existing fence. Staff has received a proposal from Nationwide Fence Company in the amount of $2,566.00. Staff recommends Commission approval to add this amount to Nationwide's current contract. There is $80,000 budgeted for general fencing at Groveland Oaks. 10 - 1 ITEM #11 FENCING WATERFORD OAKS Due to a change in the requirements regarding wave pool enclosures, we were able to increase the picnic and open area around the Waterford Oaks pool perimeter on the north side. As a result, the area has become more secure and controlled. We would, therefore, like to increase and enclose the area at the south perimeter with the same type of fencing. A shelter could also be constructed by park staff. This would create a designated area for picnic rental, create shaded and shelter amenities to the pool, as well as provide additional revenue. Staff has received a proposal from Nationwide Fence Company, who presently is installing the perimeter fence at Waterford Oaks, in the amount of $11,932.00. This amount includes the installation of 480 ft. of 7 ft. vinyl -clad, 9-gauge fence, 3 each 20 ft. gates, and removal and relocation of existing fence. This cost is in line with the additional fencing that was installed on the north side of the pool in 1986. Staff is requesting approval to add this to the current Waterford Oaks fence contract with Nationwide. The amount approved for fencing in the 1988 Capital Improvement Budget for Waterford Oaks was $80,000; the current contract with Nationwide is $66,998.33. ITEM #12 PORTABLE BLEACHERS MOBILE RECREATION Bids have been received for the purchase of a transport bleacher unit for Mobile Recreation. This unit will be available for special events and community requests on a rental basis similar to all other mobile units. Its seating capacity is 180 persons. The bids are as follows: C & M Associates $12,641.00 Century Jennings 13,561.00 Did not meet specs. Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to award the bid to the low bidder, C & M Associates, in the amount of $12,641.00. There is $13,000 budgeted for this purchase in the 1987 Operating Equipment Budget. Staff also recommends the rental rate of $110.00 per daily visit for this unit. 12 - 1 I ITEM #13 DELTA TOOLS TECHNICAL SUPPORT The following bids were received for the purchase of a Delta 2-speed wood shaper and a Delta jointer for Technical Support: Glen Wing Power Tool 2-speed Wood Shaper $1,895.00 Birmingham, MI Jointer 1,490.00 $3,385.00 McMullen Tool Supply NO BID Marsh Power Tool 2-speed Wood Shaper $2,100.00 Livonia, MI Jointer 1,659.00 $3,759.00 The wood shaper will be used as an additional wood working tool in the carpenter shop at Technical Support; the jointer is a replacement item for a 20-year old machine. Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to award the purchase to the low bidder, Glen Wing Power Tool, in the amount of $3,385.00. There is $3,600 budgeted in the 1988 Operating Equipment Budget for this purchase. 13 - 1 V( ITEM #14 MILWAUKEE TOOLS TECHNICAL SUPPORT AND GROVELAND OAKS Bids were received for the purchase of various Milwaukee power tools for Technical Support and Groveland Oaks. They are as follows: KBC Tool $3,075.15 Sterling Heights, MI McCalley Tool and Supply 1,982.61 Livonia, MI J. Eiden Equipment Co. 2,431.80 Clarkston, MI Great Lakes Ind. Supply 2,379.35 Dearborn, MI These tools will replace some old power tools and add new tools for better work production. Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to award the pur- chase to the low bidder, McCalley Tool and Supply, in the amount of $1,982.61. There is $2,840 budgeted in the 1988 Operating Equipment Budget for this purchase. 14 - 1 ITEM #15 GENERATORS TECHNICAL SUPPORT Bids were requested for the purchase of one Honda Lightweight Gen- erator #EX1000 and two (2) Honda Generators #EG2200X for Technical Sup- port. They are as follows: Anderson Tool NO BID Southfield, MI Wholesale Tool of Michigan NO BID Warren, MI Weingartz Supply $1,618.00 Utica, MI Two of the requested generators are replacement items, and one additional generator is being requested for use in remote park sites. Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendaiton to award the bid to Weingartz Supply in the amount of $1,618.00. There is $1,800 budgeted in the 1988 Operating Equipment Budget for this purchase. 15 - 1 ITEM #16 RADIAL ARM SAWS WHITE LAKE OAKS AND SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE We have received from Purchasing the following bids for two (2) each 12-inch radial arm saws for White Lake Oaks and Springfield Oaks Golf Courses: J. Eiden Equipment Company Clarkston, MI Acme Ladder and Supply Oak Park, MI McCalley Tool and Supply Livonia, MI $2,154.00 (2) 2,100.00 (2) 1,834.00 (2) These saws will facilitate safer and more efficient sawing for the various capital and maintenance projects at these golf courses. Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to award the bid to the low bidder, McCalley Tool and Supply, in the amount of $1,834.00. There is $1,600 budgeted in the Operating Equipment Budget for these two saws; the additional $234 will come from the operating equip - meet surplus. 16 - 1 ITEM #17 RESTROOM TILE AND SUPPLIES WHITE LAKE AND SPRINGFIELD OARS GOLF COURSES We have received from Purchasing the following bids for the items listed below: Item No. 1 500 sq. ft. Ceramic Wall Tile 2 90 linear ft. Tile Edging 3 330 sq. ft. Quarry Tile 4 120 lin. ft. Quarry Tile Base 5 15 gallons Tile Mastic 6 75 lbs. Grout VENDOR ITEM # BID PRICE Reimer Floors 1 $ 725.00 Bloomfield Hills 2 95.40 3 976.80 4 256.80 5 190.20 6 20.40� Advance Floor Decorators 1 $ 820.00 Drayton Plains 2 100.00 3 916.00 ,) 4 271.00 5 126.00�) 6 31.00 Beckwith Evans NO BID Troy New York Carpet NO BID Pontiac This tile and supplies will be used for renovating the mens' rest - room at White Lake and both upstairs' restrooms at Springfield Oaks Clubhouse. Golf course personnel will install this tile. (continued) 17 - 1 (Restroom Tile and Supplies) Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to split the bid and award items 1, 2, 4 and 5 to Reimer Floors in the amount of $1,097.60, and award items 3 and 5 to Advance Floor Decorators in the amount of $1,042.00. Total purchase price for this material will be $2,139.60. Funds for these expenditures will come from the Capital Improvement Budget. 17 - 2 ITEM #18 TRACTOR CAB INDEPENDENCE OAKS The following bids have been received for the purchase of one "Cozy Cab" attachment for the Ford 3000 Tractor at Independence Oaks. This unit includes heater, windshield wipers, and the enclosure to provide operating comfort during winter snow removal and ice rink maintenance operations. Munn Ford $3,900.00 Pontiac, MI Wm. Sell & Sons 3,917.00 Taylor, MI Utica Tractor 4,100.00 Utica, MI Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to award the bid to the low bidder, Munn Ford, in the amount of $3,900.00. There is $3,100.00 budgeted in the 1988 Operating Equipment Budget for this purchase (NOTE: The $800 difference from the budgeted to bid price is due to a factory price increase, and the bid price now includes installation.); the balance of $800 is available from the 1988 Operating Equipment Budget surplus. 18 - 1 ITEM #19 RESTROOM FLOOR MATERIAL GROVELAND OAKS Bids have been received for the purchase of the required floor materials to remodel the men's restrooms of the Section "A" Campground at Groveland Oaks. This is the second phase of this capital improvement project. The first phase, the women's restroom, was completed in 1987 with much appreciation from the camping public. Bids for the purchase of these floor materials were received as follows: VENDOR BID Reimer Floors, Inc. Bloomfield Hills, MI *750 sq. f t. Mex. Sand Flor. Tile #525 Shade 555 - -- $1,320.00� *2 ctns. Mexican Sand #525-A4200, Shade 555 132.00 *4 ctns. Mexican Sand #525-S4269, Shade 555 297.60-) 100 pcs. Fawn Grey #Q3566 Base Trim 117.00 20 pcs. Fawn Grey #QB3565 Inside Corners 46.40 2 ctns. Fawn Grey #Q1665 Flat Trim 103.84 42 ctns. Fawn Grey Quarry Floor Trim 1,159.62 *15 bags Thin Set Mortar - Gray TA 370 113.55 *15 bags Floor Grout Hickory 140.40 *20 bags Sanded Wall Thinset Mortar 207.60 *20 bags Std. White Wall Grout 130.20 *2 ea. Tile Saw Blades 8" MK-200 116:3 TOTAL $3,904.53 Advance Floor Decorators Drayton Plains, MI 750 sq. f t. Mex. Sand Flor. Tile #525, Shade 555 $1,395.00 2 ctns. Mexican Sand #525-A4200, Shade 555 138.00 4 ctns. Mexican Sand #525-S4269, Shade 555 312.00 '*100 pcs. Fawn Grey #Q3566 Base Trim 113.00__ **20 pcs. Fawn Grey #QB3565 Inside Corner 45.00) (continued) 19 - 1 (Restroom Floor Material) **2 ctns. Fawn Grey #Q1665 Flat Trim 90.00) -*42 ctns. Fawn Grey Quarry Floor Tile 1,071.001� 15 bags Thin Set Mortar - Gray TA 370 119.00 15 bags Floor Grout Hickory 159.00 20 bags Sanded Wall Thinset Mortar 222.00 20 bags Std. White Wall Grout 158.00 2 ea. Tile Saw Blades 8" MK-200 174.00 TOTAL $3,996.00 Beckwith Evans Troy, MI NO BID New York Carpet World Pontiac, MI NO BID Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to split the bids and award the purchase of items marked (*) to Reimer Floors, Inc. in the amount of $2,477.67, and the balance of items to Advance Floor Deco- rators as marked (-*) in the amount of $1,319.00. Total amount of this purchase will be $3,796.67. Funds for this purchase are available in the 1988 Capital Improve- ment Budget. 19 - 2 ITEM #20 WIRE MESH TRASH RECEPTACLES GROVELAND OAKS The following bids have been received for the purchase of 20 gal- vanized expanded metal trash receptacles for picnic and general use at Groveland Oaks: Best Letter Receptacle $ 95.00 ea. $1,900.00 Florence, SC Jennings 116.00 ea. 2,320.00 Lake Orion, MI Lendow 139.40 ea. 2,788.00 Pontiac, MI Tuller Associates 163.30 ea. 3,266.00 Livonia, MI United Receptacle 172.00 ea. 3,447.60 Pottsville, PA Victor Stanley NO BID Dunkirk, MD The low bid received from Best Letter Receptacle does not meet specifications; it is a polyethylene container which must have either a metal or concrete holder. Therefore, staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to award the bid to the low bidder meeting specifications, Jennings, in the amount of $116.00 each, for a total purchase price of $2,320.00. There was $3,000 budgeted in the 1988 Operating Equipment Budget for the purchase of these 20 receptacles. 20-1 ITEM #21 AQUATIC WEED HARVESTER ADDISON OAKS In 1987, Addison Oaks spent $6,000.00 to hire a contractor to harvest weeds in Adams and Buhl Lakes because our ten-year old weed harvester could not keep up with the weed growth. Addison Oaks also spent $1,500 for chemicals to control weed growth. However, using chemicals leaves dead weed build-up on the bottom of the lake that eventually requires dredging that can cost $100,000 or more. Adams Lake was dredged in 1970-71 by Tom Purves, Excavating. Approximately 350 man hours are spent each year to remove weeds; one staff person is used to cut weeds from mid -April to September, and two people are used to load the weeds into a dump truck and haul away. Without a mechanical weed harvester program, Adams and Buhl Lakes would not be usable for swimming, boating and fishing. Bids for this purchase are being received by the Purchasing Devision on Tuesday, February 2. Dan Stencil will make a detailed presentation and show a brief videotape of a weed harvester in operation at the meeting. There is $38,000.00 budgeted in the 1988 Operating Equipment Budget for this purchase. 21 - 1 ITEM #22 RECREATION EQUIPMENT ADDISON OAKS AND INDEPENDENCE OAKS Park staff are implementing a recreation equipment rental program for fee rental by picnic and group users at the parks. The preliminary program will generate nominal revenue to offset the capital outlay in an expected payback period of 1 - 3 years. NOTE: The traffic cones and pennants will be used for crowd and traffic control for heavy park use and special events. Bids for the purchase of this recreational equipment were received as follows: VENDOR BID Passon's Sports Philadelphia, PA 20 sets Horseshoes -All Steel $ 475.00 1 Pro Lime Marker 169.00 9 ea. 100 f t. Pennant Streamers N/A 72 All Purpose Cones, 18" Plain 349.00 BSN Sports Dallas, TX 20 sets Horseshoes -All Steel 470.00 1 Pro Lime Marker 169.00 9 ea. 100 f t. Pennant Streamers N/A 72 All Purpose Cones, 18" Plain 349.20 Wolverine Sports Ann Arbor, MI 20 sets Horseshoes -All Steel 439.00 1 Pro Lime Marker 164.95 9 ea. 100 f t. Pennant Streamers 58.50 72 All Purpose Cones, 18" Plain 403.20 $1,065.65 Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to award this bid to the low bidder, Wolverine Sports, in the amount of $1,065.65. Funds for this purchase are available from the respective parks' operating budget line item account, Recreation Supplies. 22-1 ITEM #23 GOLF BROCHURES Purchasing received the following bids for the printing of 20,000 Golf Brochures: Division Printing $1,460.00 Pontiac, MI Sanders Printing 2,987.85 Pontiac, Mi Shamrock Printing 2,977.80 Rochester, MI Suburban Printing 2,640.00 Rochester, MI Hamilton Printing 1,840.00 Detroit, MI TAC Business Forms 2,690.00 Farmington Hills, MI Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to award to the low bidder, Division Printing, in the amount of $1,460.00. Printing costs for these brochures have been budgeted in the Public Communications Budget. 23-1 ITEM #24 vCE OAKS BROCHURES Bids were requested for the printing of 10,000 brochures for Inde- pendence Oaks. They are as follows: Hamilton Printing $119.00/M $1,190.00 Detroit, MI Sanders Printing 159.42/M 1,594.00 Pontiac, MI TAC Business Forms 145.50/M 1,455.00 Farmington Hills, MI Division Printing NO BID Pontiac, MI Suburban Press 142.00/M 1,41U.UU Rochester, MI Shamrock Forms 159.76/M 1,597.80 Rochester, MI Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to award to the low bidder, Hamilton Printing, in the amount of $119.00 per thousand, for a total amount of $1,190.00. Printing costs for these brochures have been budgeted in the Public Communications Budget. 24-1 ITEM #25 CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING BILLBOARD As they had done last spring, Baker, Abbs, Cunningham & Klepinger has secured public service space on a Gannett billboard in Oakland County at no cost to the Parks Commission. The billboard will be on display during the months of February and March. The value of the exposure for cross-country skiing is more than $6,000.00. Creative layout, design and finished artwork for the 14-foot by 18-foot billboard is $2,000.00. Staff is requesting Commission approval of this amount, which is in the 1988 Public Communications Budget. The opportunity was made available to remove the artwork and use it again in 1989 if more complimentary space becomes open, potentially providing two winter seasons of exposure for cross-country skiing. 25-1 ITEM #26 RADIO ADVERTISING CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING In a continuing effort to improve awareness of and participation in Oakland County Parks cross-country skiing events, park locations, and winter activities, parks staff will again be working with WHYT Power 96 Radio. Power 96 (who also cosponsored the Grand Opening of the Red Oaks Waterpark) is teaming up with Oakland County Parks to participate in a series of six to eight Family and Friends Ski Nights at Addison Oaks this winter. Advertising, in the amount of $6,000.00 for sports running over the course of three weeks, will be combined with as much as 4 - 5 times as many free promotional mentions for a value of at least $24,000.00 in exposure. The $6,000.00 has been budgeted in the 1988 public communications marketing budget for cross-country ski promotion. 26-1 ITEM #27 NATIONAL SKI PATROL SYSTEM BUILDING FUND ADDISON OAKS AND INDEPENDENCE OAKS The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been served by the National Ski Patrol at Independence Oaks for ten years, and at Addison Oaks for three years. The current individual patroller recognition program includes our annual volunteer picnic, N.S.P.S. dues reimbursement (patrol hours re- quired) and an annual vehicle permit. This support of the National Ski Patrol System is essential to the continued growth and function of the Ski Patrol nationally and in Oakland County. The services provided by the Ski Patrol include ski trail safety supervision, skier safety education and first aid treatment/emergency rescue. Their service and presence is most appreciated by the public and parks staff. The Ski Patrol is a key component to the success and popularity of cross-country skiing in our parks. In recognition of the Ski Patrol effort, staff recommends the Com- mission's participation as a $500.00 Foundation Contributor for the N.S.P.S. Building Fund. A copy of the program information is attached. Funds for this contribution are available from the 1988 Operating Budget Contingency Fund. 27-1 DEAR PATROL OFFICER: Over the years the National Ski Patrol has been successful in its goal to offer your patrollers more and more benejits— the custom-tailored hinter Emergency Care program, our education and publications departments, and more catalog nrerchan- dise are just a feat But with this expansion of services and benefits has come the need for more room to !.rouse these projects and the necessary. staff. We have now moved into a new building which gives us the facilities to provide you with the tools you need to do your job as a patrol officer and patroller. Of course, every necessity has its price. We now need to work toward retiring the mortgage on the new building, and we need your help. lVe plan to pave the entrance way to the national headquarters with bricks. Each brick will be inscribed with the name of a group that contributes to the National Ski Patrol Building Fund. I would like to ask you to consider purchasing a brick as a patrol, region, section, or division. When your patrollers and our other guests visit the new national headquarters, they will see tangible evidence of our appreciation for your contribution. Also, your group will be listed as a contributor in Ski Patrol Magazine, and you will receive a certificate of appreciation on a walnut plaque. This is not the only way you can help. Every contribution, regardless of size, is W,dcJmle. 1-tUrg ft will be4p erlsuie ihat tine National Ski Patrol continues to improve its services and its reputation in the ski industry. You will find a postagepaid envelope enclosed for your convenience. Thank you for considering this important fund-raising program and best wishes for safe skiing. With kindest regards, Marleu Guell National Chairman -eoN, -I'\- NATIONfuu w *** - PLAffT V JL.d BUILDING'. DUY d SKl SaWLY VrIUKI..... and become a FOUNDATION CONTRIBUTOR 27-2 NATIONAL SKI PATROL Please fill out and return in the enclosed postagepaid envelope. YES, I want my patrollers to be recognized as FOUNDATION CONTRIBUTORS. A brick with our name on it will be placed at the entrance of the new Ski Patrol Building. Our name will be placed on a permanent plaque inside the National Office and will appear in Ski Patrol Magazine. We also will receive a certificate of appreciation on a walnut plaque. Please inscribe our brick with the following name: (Please print) Please check one: LARGE SIZE BRICK....... $1.000 ?CIO, I don't :.want to be a FODUNDATION CO'V- MEDIUM SIZE BRICK ..... $ 500 TRIBUTOR, but I would like to make a contribution of $ to support the National Ski Patrol, REGULAR SIZE BRICK.... $ 250 skier education, and safety Please check method oJpagmtent: ■ ■ FULL PAYMENT ENCLOSED —CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO NATIONAL SKI PATROL. CHARGE THE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE TO MY: VISA MASTERCARD ACCOUNT NO. I I I I I I I I I m� IMPORTANT! We must have your card expiration date. L� For MasterCard, also give four numbers above your name. SIGNATURE All contributions to the National Ski Patrol are tax deductible on the long form for federal income tax purposes. NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIRST CLASS PERMIT NO. 396 DENVER, CO POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE NSP BUILDING FUND National Ski Patrol Ski Patrol Building, Suite 100 133 South Van Gordon Street Lakewood, Colorado 80228 27-3 ITEM #28 MANAGER'S REPORT ---Two dates have been suggested for the Employee Recognition Banquet -- Friday, May 6, or Monday, May 9. Staff is looking for a recommendation from the Commission on their preference for a date. Evening's actvities are tentatively scheduled from 6 - 10 p.m. ---Dedication for the Parks' new administration building has been scheduled for Wednesday, June 1, to be held in conjunction with the Commission's meeting that month. ---Please note the following upcoming Commission meeting dates. Extra meetings are planned to accommodate the expected operating equipment purchases. February 17 March 2 March 16 (Orion Oaks Workshop date; major purchases only, if necessary) April 6 28-1