HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1988.07.20 - 39827Ralph Richard Lewis E. Wint Manager Chairman Jon J. Kipke Jean M. Fox Assistant Manager Oakland Count Vice -Chairman D. Lewis, Jr. Secretary Secretary Parks & Recreation George W. Kuhn Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Thomas A. Law Daniel T Murphy Commission Ralph Nelson John E. Olsen Richard V. Vogt 2800 WATKINS LAKE ROAD PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48054-1697 (313) 858-0906 July 15, 1988 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday, July 20, 1988 9:00 a.m. PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, MI 48054 PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Mr. Lewis E. Wint, Chairman, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, Ralph Richard Manager RR/ j g --ks 9 Glen Oaks • Groveland Oaks • Independence Oaks 9 Orion Oaks • Red Oaks • Springfield Oaks • Waterford Oaks • White Lake Oaks OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING July 20, 1988 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes of the July 6, 1988 Meeting. Approval of Minutes of the July 6, 1988 Public Hearing. 4. Approval of Payment: Voucher Nos. 7-1 thru 7-177. Transfer Voucher: June Charges. 5. Activity Report for June, 1988. 6. Pump Replacement for Well - Addison Oaks. 7. Wave Equipment License Fee - Red Oaks Wave Pool. 8. Road Right of Way - Independence Oaks. 9. Orion Oaks Funding Proposal. 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION 11. Manager's Report. 12. Old Business. 13. New Business. 14. Adjourn. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Payment Approval Summary For Meeting of July 2C, 1988 Vouchers: Nos. 7-1 thru 7-177 $338,982.73 Transfer Vouchers: June Charges TOTAL 3,118.99 $342,101.72 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AN,, RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER July, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 7-1 Consumers Power Utilities-R.O.W.Park $ 2,325.35 7-2 Consumers Power Utilities-Grove.,Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks,Spring.,YA_C,Water. & W.P001 3,248.41 7-3 Detroit Edison Utilities-Add.,Grove.,Inde . & Spring. 4 6C4.27 7-4 Detroit Edison Utilities-YAC & Nat. Pro 998.54 7-5 Ralph Richard Cash Advance to attend N.R.P.A.'s Great Lakes Regional. Council Mtg. on 7/22-23/88 in Pewaukee, WI-Admin. 56.95 7-6 Payne -Hickey, Inc. Ca .Proi.,New Admin. Bldg.-Admin. (Payment #13, Final) 5 CCC.CC 7-7 Marine City Nursery Ca .Pro'. Site Devel.o .&Im New Admin.Bld -Admin. 19 421.5C 7-8 Earl Smith Inc. CaD.Equip.,shipping for Tent -Add. 78.45 7-9 Henderson Glass 7-1C D.C. Electronics, nPumpion- ] Pn Oaks 2,144.37 7-11 Su erdeck Marketing Cap. Pro'.,New Boat Docks -Add. 2,850.0C 7-12 Erb Lumber Cap. Pro'. Starter Booth -Spring. 1,54C.CC 7-13 Bush Brothers Asphalt Cap. Proj.,Asphalt/Concrete Rep. -Red Oaks 6,1.44.82 7-14 Marvin Swanson Cap. Proj.,Rampager Renov.-Grove. 625.CC 7-15 Nationwide Fence Cap. Proj.,'Fencing-Wh.Lk. 1,456.0C 7-16 Baldwin Meadows Sod Cap. Proj.,Site Develop.&Imp.(New Admin.Bldg.)-Admin. 1C3.5C 7-17 Gamalski Building Cap. Proj.,Starter Booth -Spring. 147.0C OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS ANu RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER July, 1-988 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT ' 7-18 I Kammer/Michigan Consultants Prof. Services,1obbyist on I.egist.matters for month of June,1.988-Admin. 7-1.9 Aaron's Lock & Key Bldg. Maint.-Red Oaks & R.O.W.Park 27.58 7-20 Robertson Brothers Bldg. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 339.9C 7-21 Acme Cleaning Services Bldg. Maint.-Glen Oaks 1.15.CC 7-22 Knight -Rummel, Associates Bldg. Maint.-Grove. 98.0C 7-23 Church's Lumber Yards Bldg. Maint.-Add. 16.25 7-24 Oakland Heating Supply Bldg.Maint.-Wh.Lk.;Training(Seminars)-Admin. 51.23 7-25 Amtek Services Bldg. Maint.-W. Pool 6C.CC 7-26 Johnston Company Bldg. Maint.,boiler re .-Add.Conf.Ctr. 48C.1C 7-27 Commercial. & Industrial Chemicals Bldg. Maint'.-Wh. Lk. 99.0C 7-28 H.L.Claeys & Company Bldg. Maint.'& Sm.Tools-Add. 74.28 7-29 Genesee Welding Supply Equip. Maint.-Tech.Sup.,Add. & Grove.;Special Events, helium-Rec. Admin. 37.4C 7-30 Industrial Vehicles Sales Equip.Maint.-Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks & Spring. 164.38 7-31, Production Tool Supply Equip. Maint.-R.O.W.Pool 1.6.35 7-32 Mid -States Petroleum Equip. Maint., Gasoline -Glen Oaks, Red Oaks & Spring. 2,C7C.2C 7-33 Federal. Bolt & Nut Equip. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 25.82 7-34 Wolverine Golf Cars Equip. Maint.-Spring. 3C.4C OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS ANu RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER July, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 7-35 Lawn Equipment Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks & Red Oaks 1C7.35 7-36 Spartan Oil. Corporation Equip. Maint.-Wh.Lk. 189.95 7-37 Am-Dyn-Ic Fluid Equip. Maint.-Indep. 82.78 7-38 JRE Tires Equip. Maint.-Orion Oaks 129.0C 7-39 Hoekstra Truck Equip.Maint.,trucks & buses -Mob. Rec. 20.48 7-40 Scott's Lock & Key Grounds Maint.-YAC;Bldg. Maint.-W.Pool, 12.0C 7-41 Aaron's Lock & Key Bldg. Maint.-R.O.W.Park;Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks 1.74.44 7-42 Warren Co -Operative Grounds ain .- e Oaks & ar m. oo s- e a s; Bldg. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 77.94 7-43 Cruise -Out Marine quip. aint.-Grove.,In ep.&Mo .Rec.,s owmo i e;Grounds Maint.-Add. 1.26.00 7-44 D & C Distributors Grds. Maint.-Wh.Lk.&Glen Oaks; Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 449.78 7-45 Brinker's Plumbing Bldg. Maint.-Indep.;Grounds Maint.-W.Pool- 25.34 7-46 Century Rain Aid Equip.Maint.-Spring.;Grounds Maint.-Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks & Red Oaks;Sm.Tools-Add. 2,C1.6.90 7-47 Tri-City Aggregates Grounds Maint.,sand-Spring. 596.58 7-48 Utica Distributors Grounds Maint.-Add. 89.63 7-49 The Larson Company Grounds Maint.-Add. 4.62 7-50 Jacobsen Garden Town Grounds Maint.-Add. 58.64 7-51. Vidosh Brothers Grounds Maint., bark-R.O.W.Park 26C.CC OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS ANv, RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER July, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 7-52 Thompson Oil Grounds Maint.-Add. 24.95 7-53 Parts Associates Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks & Spring. 222.38 7-54 James Layman Grounds Maint., repair of well. -Add. 2,C56.SC 7-55 Frontier Distributing Grounds aint.- ., n ep., .,G.en a s, e a s& Spring. 39,994.75 7-56 Turfgrass, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 24.95 7-57 Southlane Landscape Grounds Maint.-R.O.W.Park 69.25 7-58 Tri-City Aggregates Grounds Maint.,sand-Glen Oaks 332.80 7-5.9 Universal. Equipment Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks & R.O.W.Park 242.16 7-60 Green Gardens Greenhouse Grounds Maint.-Add. 353.69 7-61 American Red Cross Misc.Exp.,CPR textbooks-Admin. 172.20 7-62 Waterford Hills Misc. Exp.,rubbish removal. -Tech. Sup. 1-90.00 7-63 Dixie Donut Misc. Exp.,trustees program 6/21/88-Grove. 8.60 7-64 Michigan First Aid Misc.Exp., Medical. supplies -Add., & W.O.W.Park 15C.84 7-65 Paula Ambrose Office Sup.,used refriger4tor-Indep. 50.00 7-66 Steel, Equipment Off. Sup.-Admin. i2.9C 7-67 Chandler & Fisher Company Off. Sup., (2) Ultra Violet Lights & Readmission in - R.O.W.Park & W.O.W.Park 37C.C6 7-68 Michigan Cash Register Off. Sup. -Add. 44.0C OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS ANu RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER July, 1988. VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 7-69 Meteor Photo Public Info. -A min.;Special_ events,fis ing-Add.,Grove.& Indep. 67$.78 7-70 Waterford Township Public Info.,ad for summer brochure-Admin., 500.00 7-71 Bean Brothers Awards Special. Events,tennis trophies-T.Complex 115.5C 7-72 Marc] -if, Inc. Instructor's fee for round & square dance -Water. 588.75 7-73 Pontiac Plastics Special. Events,fishing-Add.,Grove. & Indep. 35.2C 7-74 Bean Brothers Awards Special. Event,tennis tourn.-T.Complex;Rec.Sup.-BMX 316.25 7-75 Waterford Marine Rec. Sup.-W.Pool. 39.9C 7-76 Sound Engineering Rec. Sup.,(4)megaphones-R.O.W.Park 396.00 7-77 John Edward Sales Rec. Sup.,day camp t-shirts-Mob. Rec. 880.40 7-78 Moby Dick's Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 2C.90 7-79 Rol-Dri, Inc. Bldg. Maint. & Rec. Sup.-T. Complex 303.38 7-80 McCally Tool_ & Supply Sm. Tool.s-Tech. Sup. 145.00 7-81 Re -Nu Electric Sm. Tools-R.O.W.Park , 195.25 7-82 Keasey Electric Sm. Tools -Mob. Rec. 14.25 7-83 Sundry (Commission) Per Diem & Mileage paid to O.C. Commission for meeting of 6/15/88-Admin. 21-1.00 7-84 VOID - --- 7-85 Sundry (Instructors) Fee for A.Bohner Karate $72.00,S.Hil.1 Golf $21`6.00 & M.Lawson Photo ra h $90.00-Water. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AN.. RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER July, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AM01INT 7-86 Sundry (Refunds) Rental - Facilities,security dep.ref. to L.Klimfier & K.Johnston,$50.00 ea. -Water. ICC.CC 7-87 Sundry (Refunds) League refunds to R.Davis $48.75 & L.Monette $78.00- Spring. 725.75 7-88 Michigan Recreation & Park Assoc. Misc., Outside ticket sales-Admin. 815.85 7-89 State of Michigan Permit &Inspection Fees for the Slide -Red Oaks Water Pk. 18C.CC 7-90 Susan M. Wel.ls Travel. Expense Reimb. for trucks & buses regarding the O.C. Special Ol.ympics held at C.M.U. 6/2-5/88-Mob. Rec. 191.70 7-91 Susan M. Wel.ls, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Mobile recreation 133.87 7-92 American Locker Security Systems Bldg. Maint., replacement'locks for lockers-Indep. 81.29 7-93 VOID 7-94 VOID i 7-95 Thomas Jackson, Cust. Special Events, Cash Prizes for the War of the Stars races to be held on 7 9 & 1088-BMX 91000.00 7-96 State of Michigan Sales Tax Payable-Indep.,Wh. Lk.,Gl.en Oaks,Red Oaks, Spring, & T. Complex 781.94 - 7—Sundry (Refunds) Camping Fees, L. Batchelder $19.50, D. Green .$6.0C & um 7-98 O.C. Drain Commision Cap. Proj., Rampager Renov., Permit application fee for Erosion Control -Grove. 10C.00 7-9'9 Pontiac Paint Company Acct. Rec.(Reimb. Due from Parks Foundation);Cap. Prog. New Admin. Bld .& Site Dev.-Admin.;Bld . Maint.-Add. Grove. & Water.; Equip. Maint.-Grove. & Mob. Rec., All Units 499.61 7--1CC Tom Purves Cap. Prog., Rampager Renov., Dredging and Sand -Grove. 9,000.00 7-101 Steel Equipment Company Cap. Equip.,Crendenza Tops-Admin. 226.85 01 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AN- RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER July, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOIINT 7-1C2 Erb Lumber Cap. Prog., Dock & Boardwplk Rep.-Indep.; Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks $ 251.13 7-103 Madison Electric Cap. Prog.,Group Camping El.ec.-Grove.; Bl-dg. Maint.- Add., Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks,!& W.O.W. Park 249.41 7-lC4 G.N.E. Paint & Supplies Bldg. Maint.-R.O.W. Park 97.94 7-105 Chet's American Rental Equipment Bldg. Maint.-R.O.W. Park 69.38 7-106 ABF Freight System, Inc. Equip. Maint.-YAC 75.24 7-107 W.F. Miller Company Equip. Maint.-Add.,-Grove_, In ep.& W . Lk.; Grounds Maint.-Spring..-"._ :_ 467.37 7-108 Pelican International Inc. Equip. Maint.-Add. (Pedal. Boat Repair Parts) 161.97 7-109 AIS Continental Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 13.75 7-110 State Wire & Terminal., Inc. Equip. Maint.-Add._& Orion Oaks 12.68 7-111 Direct Safety Company Equip. Maint.-Grove. 14.92 7-112 Moore's Disposal-, Inc. Garbage & Rubbish Removal_-Grove.(5/18-6/18/88) 1,860.00 7-113 Consumers Power Company Utilities -Grove. 8.83 7-114 Petrolane Gas Service Utilities -Grove. 420.19 7-115 Bostwick -Braun Company Grounds Maint.-Grove. 28.90 7-116 Ray Wiegand's Nursey, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Add. 39.8C 7-117 Amcorn Hybrids, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Indep. (Grass Seed) 127.0C 7-118 Bordine's Better Blooms Public Info.-Admin.;Grounds Maint.-Add. & Spring. 606.84 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS ANu RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER July, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 7-119 Michigan First Aid & Safety Co.Misc. Expense -Mob, Rec. Wrist id u l.i 7f`.96 7-120 Respond First Aid Systems Misc. Expense -Add. First Aid Supplies) 36.69 7-121 Sundry (Mileage Reimb.) Mileage for June to G.Buchanan $6.25,C.Bundy $12:50, S.Cox $3.50 D.Marion $8.25 J.Pun $60.75 C.Ross $30.50 A.Seebaldt $43.50,M.Vil.1el.la $48.25, & M.Zednik $99.00- Admin. 312.5C 7-122 Doya Video Systems,Inc. Public Info.-Admin. 209.13 7-123 City of Huntington Woods, Michigan Public Info.-Admin. (Insert in Newsletter) 262.00 7-124 The Reminder,Inc. Special. Events Summer Event -Inde (Inserts) 300.00 7-125 Acushnet Company Special Events Jr.Tournaments -Wh. Lk. & Spring. 7.11 7-126 Iron Age Protective Company Uniforms-Wh. Lk. 2 pr. Safety Shoes 7-127 Oxford Chemicals u 7-128 R.W.L. Service Housekeeping Expense, Disinfectant and Floor Finish- 7-129 Oakland County Schools Public Info.-Admin.; Office Supp.-Admin., Rec. Admin., Add, Orion Oaks., Mob. Rec_ BMX & Nature Program 76.90 7-130 Dick Bl.ick Recreation Su lies -Mob. Rec. Day Camp 16.80 7-131 S & S Arts and Crafts Recreation Su lies -Mob. Rec. Day Camp 67.4C 7-132 Ecclestone Industrial Chemicals Corp. Recreation Suppl.ies-R.O.W. Park (Bicarbonate of Soda) 255.0C 7-133 Jones Chemicals Recreation Sup., Hypochl-orite Solution & D. Earth- W.-O.W. Park 1,269.90 7-134 BSN Corp. Recreation Sup. -Mob. Rec., Day Camp 177.20 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS ANu RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER July, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 7-135 Gould Athl.etic Supply Co. Cap. Equip.,(1)Foosball/Soccer Table -Mob. Rec. $ 942.15 7-136 Clem Williams Films, Inc. Recreation Sup. -Grove. (Movie Rental.) 172.0C 7-137 Jim Mansfield, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Glen Oaks 42.00 7-138 Frank Qstrowski, Cust. PettyCash Reim. -Add. 45.02 7-139 Sundry (Payroll) Pav period ending 7 1 88-Al.l Parks 208,614.27 7-14C Sundry (Advance) Cash Advances for J.McParlane, R.Richard,.L.Wint,& .F' a to attend S ecjal Po ul.ati ns Camp Tourby QCPRC in New York, N.Y., on 7/15-17/88 —Admin. & Rec. Admin. 545.49 -141 qiindry (Advance) Lodging Deposit & Registration for C.Herb�to attend the Planningand Maintenance and P&R Safety Schools in ___NRPA Colorado Springs, CO on 8/13-8/2C/88 -Grove. 561.53 - Accts. Rec. (to be reimb. by G.Gol-f Dome); Utilities -Red 3 81C.05 7-143 Frank Ostrowski, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Add. 168.86 7-144 Drayton Plywood Company Cap. Prog., New Admin. Bldg.-Admin. 28.34 7-145 Lake Orion Lumber Co. Cap. Prog., Maint. Bldg. Renov.-A .; BJdg. Maint.-Add.; Equip. Maint.-Add.; Grounds Maint.-Add. 528.50 7-146 James N. Layman Bldg. Maint., Hoist Rental -Grove. 180.00 7-147 Scotts Lock & Key Shop Bldg. Maint.-Indep. 7.2C 7-148 Young Supply Company Bl.dg. Maint.-YAC & Water. 90.65 7-149 Dawson Hardware Bldg. Maint.-Indep.;Equip. Maint.-Indep.;Grounds Maint. - 73.90 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS ANu RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER July, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBFR VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 7-150 McKay'McKay's Hardware,Inc.-Grove, Bldg. Maint.-Grove.; Equip. Maint.-Grove.; Grounds Main 7-151 Goodyear Auto Service Center Equip. Maint.-Inde . 92.53 7-152 Pifer Inc. Equip. Maint.-S rin64.QQ 7-153 Auto Su lies by Herk's, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Grove. & Orion Oaks 96.82 7-154 Main Auto Supply Equip. Maint.-Add.; Small Tools -Add. 124.97 7-155 Moore's Disposal., Inc. Garbage & Rubbish Removal --Grove. 50.00 7-156 U.S. Sand & Stone Co. Grounds Maint. To Soil-Gl.en Oaks 375.CC 7-157 Dixie Donut & Bake Shop Miscellaneous Ex ense-Grove. (Lifeguard Training) 10.85 7-158 Meijer, Inc. Accts. Rec.-Admin.; Public Info.-Admin.; Misc. Expense- Rec. Admin. &Inde .•Office Sun.-R.O.W. r u' i - Mob.Rec., Tent; Recreation Supplies-Mob.Rec,.,Mi:me Mobile, PuDoet Mobile & DayCamp. 7-159 Pontiac Mailing Public Info.-Admin.(Label & Sort "Acorn" Newsletter) 7-16C Artcraft Blueprint Company Office u ]i - i 7-161 Howland's Trailer Service Inc. Equip. Maint.-Mob. Rec. Showmobile 133.95 7-162 Tri-County Custom Sports Recreation Supplies-T. Complex 89.97 7-163 Oxford Co -Operative Elevator Co. Recreation Supplies -Nat. Pro . 43.C5 7-164 Oakland Schools Accts. Rec.-Admin.; Public Info.-Admin.; Office Supplies- Admin., Rec. Admin., Mob. Rec. & Nat. Pro .; Recreation Supplies -Mob. Rec., Mime Mobile & Day Camp 40.38 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER July, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 7-165 McCally Tool. & Supply Co. Small Tools -Grove. $ 71.5C Per Diem & Mil.eage paid to O.C. Commissioners torattenEF 7-166 Sundry (Commission) ing mtg. of 7/6/88-Admin. 211.CC Special Events, Instructors fee to D.Rieck $540.0C Square 7-167 Sundry (Instructors) Dance and W.Gesaman $185.50 Round Dance -Water. 725.50 Mileage & Meal. Expense for S. Cox for "How to Deal With 7-168 Sundry (Travel. Expense) Difficult People" Seminar by CareerTrack, Inc. in Bloom- field Hills, MI on 6/23/88 -Admin. 9.40 Membership Fees for D.Stencil., Seasonal. Member in the 7-169 U.S. Life Saving Association U-S. Life Saving Association-Admin. 15.00 Travel & Conf., Parking Fees for J. Kipke for attending 7-17C Sundry Travel. Expense) Freedom Fest. Tug in Detroit, MI on 6/21/88 -Admin. 3.50 Annual- Pass -Non Res. Fee Refund to D. Sizemore(l.ess 1 7-171 Sundr Refunds day use fee) -rove. 20.00 Camping Fees Refunded to W.Decker $74.00, T.Gray $25.00, - e see 6_CQ K.Middl.eton $105.0C C.Oneal $60.00,'V_Richmond $8.0O3 B.Tamm $12.CC & W. Weath r - rove. 324.0C Rental Facilities, Damage Deposit Refunds to G.Meadows R an 50.00-YAC 8C.00 Rental_ Facilities, Security Deposit Refund to C.Ocherma - R -Water, 50.00 Special Events, Tennis Tournament fee refund to B. - 7 ndr Refunds Shulman-T. Com l.ex _ _ 15.0C Rental.-Showmobil.e Damage Dep. Refund to Cars & Concepts 7-176 Sundry Refunds & Ro al Oak Twn.P&R,_$100_0C ea. -Mob. Rec. 2CC.CC Special Events, War of the Stars race, Registration. fee 7-177 Sundry (Refunds) refund to T.Brode $40.00, T.Connor $30.04 n Opfer $4C.CC, B.Stephens $9C.00, J.Strand $40.00 &.J_R.Walden $5C.CC- BMX 290.00 SUB -TOTAL FOR THE VOUCHER REGISTER $338,982.73 ON CgMM,55,gN vpj% RKS NO ER R,Rrs�ER vial'P A R v 0\3 gB pAK�PNU Cp �RPNSFE June 1g �./ �aY,p,dd. ox M t FyNq �Ni pR �RPNSvE R qvPPRSM NpM��'R a� Fnna Genex O•C' 6� Find Genexa, O-C- 6,E,39 ?\3q E xvioes Sv ex safety s; Events additionaxk. ecla .--� Se�Ux its � ae , & R"O.W • Maint •'T "S1 �d Gxove'Jade P• ,Adm�n� B S,�ER yn. o Event eW Admgj.d ER vvCxEFt REGI t7 NSF 0 CaP • px TO�pL FOR N $1 r$g9 •94 1,29/ $3,1�99 a TOTALS - GOLF COURSES RECREATIONAL & TOTALS -SPECIAL EVENTS TOTALS - DAY USE PARKS GRAND TOTALS GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing RED OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Cross Country Skiing Golf Dome SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 19 Holes ~ Cross Country Skiing TOTALS - GOLF COURSES Leagues/Groups Participants Leagues/Groups Participants 429 547 38,469 51,964 829 965 124,551 139,_880 339 308 61,615 65,830 1,155 1,182 135,294 142,775 18,671 25,867 146,634 208,174 37,181 43,945 259,330 309,152 19,439 26,722 246,718 325,968 39,165 46,092 519,175 591, 807 GOLF COURSES - MONTH OF JUNE, 1988 YEAR TO DATE Leagues Participants Leagues Participants 1987 1988 1987 1988 1987 1988 1987 1988 138 175 9,686 13,258 271 324 22,294 27,054 3 7 2,748 3,789 9 7 7,112 8,088 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,108 1,550 68 85 6,587 8,591 121 141 17,407 18,279 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 45 0 0 1,732 2,370 0 0 31,886 34,490 89 130 41854 7,180 177 240 11,616 14,072 2 1 3,363 4,992 2 2 8,156 9,575 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 125 128 149 7,449 8,833 247 251 18,174 19,893 1 2 2,050 2,951 2 2 5,535 6,384 0 0 0 0 0 0 983 325 429 549 38,469 51,964 829 967 124,551 139,880 * Reflects corrected figures to date. RECREATIONAL AND SPECIAL f ITS - MONTH OF JUNE, 1988 YEAR TO DATE MOBILE RECREATION ----------------- Airsport Skate Mobile Mime Group Puppet Mobile Sports Mobile Buses Show Mobile SPRINGFIELD OAKS Y A C WATERFORD OAKS Activity Center Tennis Complex BMX ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM Nature, Center Outreach SPECIAL EVENTS "A Day in the Park" Sport..3 CamjD N TOTALS Groups Participants Group Participants 1987 1988 1987 1988 1987 1988 1987 1988 11 11 6,980 2,215 11 14 8,980 2,940 22 14 2,685 2,670 23 14 2,785 2,670 14 8 8,420 2,115 17 12 9,570 3,940 16 11 5,902 2,410 17 11 6,205 2,410 11 19 1,430 3,585 11 19 1,430 3,585 45 42 1,998 1,945 159 169 6,532 7,342 20 17 20,400 34,975 29 24 23,600 43,475 20 26 2,920 2,670 142 178 19,330 18,098 66 65 3,733 3,922 414 422 17,068 18,392 68 41 1,356 1,854 92 70 2,725 2,908 8 12 2,690 3,630 14 18 5,663 5,425 35 41 3,038 3,829 142 158 91165 11,057 1 1 60 10 83 73 22,241 20,533 200 60 339 308 61,615 65,830 1,155 1,182 135,294 142,775 DAY USE PARKS AND FACILITY FENDANCE REPORT - MONTH OF JUNE, 1988 NDDISON OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers GROVELAND OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK Day Use Day Camper Overnight Group Campers ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GLEN OAKS CLUBHOUSE SPRINGFIELD OAKS CLUBHOUSE WHITE LAKE OAKS CLUBHOUSE WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK RED OAKS WATERPARK ORION OAKS w TOTALS YEAR TO DATE Groups Participants Groups Participants 1987 1988 1987 1988 1987 1988 1987 1988 684 588 3,953 7,750 873 829 5,457 10,681 3,082 5,242 10,846 22,629 6,086 7,687 21,471 31,200 0 0 C 6 0 1 0 26 1,876 2,260 31,924 46,560 2,811 3,063 49,860 59,648 3,691 6,222 13,183 22,220 5,607 7,478 19,889 26,631 0 7 G 341 0 9 0 350 9,212 11,341 32,299 39,818 21,476 24,470 75,403 85,855 15 43 1,720 2,071 17 47 1,734 2,381 2 4 177 85 4 10 317 245 30 42 2,814 4,500 115 142 11,823 14,481 18 21 2,489 2,398 108 91 13,183 11,516 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 1,060 880 31 30 3,393 2,793 30 48 15,430 21,603 30 48 18,658 22,899 22 40 30,439 37,134 23 40 37,767 39,836 0 0 300 185 0 0 375 610 18,671 25,867 146,636 208,174 37,181 43,945 259,330 309,152 ITEM ##6 PUMP REPLACEMENT FOR WELL ADDISON OAKS The well for the restroom facility at the modern campground at Addison Oaks failed during the week prior to the Memorial Day holiday weekend. Since this is the primary restroom facility for nearly 100 camp- sites, it was necessary for parks staff to have the well repaired on an emergency basis. James Layman Well Drilling of Davisburg, who installed the well five years ago, completed the necessary repairs in order that the park would function normally for the holiday. The cost of the repairs was $2,056.50. Mr. Layman has advised that the manufacturer's warranty on the pump was one year and that no other warranties apply to these repairs. Monies for this emergency well repair are available in the Addison Oaks Grounds Maintenance line item account. 6-1 OLD TO JAMES N. LAYMAN r �✓«- WELLS, - PUMPS - WATER CONDITIONERS 10275 EAGLE RD. NO. 5930 DAVISBURG, MICH. 48019 (634-9572) DATE June 6, 1988 Oakland County Exec. 1200 N. Telegraph Pontiac, MI 48054 SHIPPED TO Addison Oaks JR ORDER NO. YOUR ORDER NO, SALESMAN TERMS Ppd. or Coil. MANTITY DESCRIPTION PRIME ----A--M--O-U-NT 1- 5 HP 7OJ402A "Sta-Rite" Pump, 1,750.00 Less 10% 1- 5 HP CP4JO2C-B Control Box,$ 335.00 Les 10% ,�/� 301.50 4 Hrs. 1 Man with truck hoist @ 45.00PH 180.00 Total ---------------------------- $2,®56.50 4 r PARK. GCVµ�Y �AXLAt�D AT�CR� COMM, Q o. 6-2 ITEM #7 WAVE EQUIPMENT LICENSE FEE RED OAKS WAVE POOL At the Red Oaks Wave Pool, the company that supplied the wave - generating equipment, Wave Tek, lost a patent suit to Aquatic Amusement Associates and has been absorbed by them. In order for us to receive parts and service for our wave -generating equipment, the new company, Aquatic Amusement Associates, has requested that Red Oaks be a licensed facility. The cost of this license is $5,000. Parts and service for this particular equipment are available so far through this single source, Aquatic Amusement Associates. Corporation Counsel have reviewed this License Agreement, and have indicated they are not real comfortable with it; however, they also indicated $5,000 might not go too far in solving litigation such as this. This past week we have experienced a failure of our electronic equipment at the Red Oaks Wave Pool and have contacted Aquatic Amusement Associates for information and parts. They have cooperated with us to get the pool back in service, and we have notified them that we will process the license fee. Staff recommends Commission approve the expenditure for the license fee for our wave -generating equipment to Aquatic Amusement Associates for $5,000. 7-1 AQUATIC AMUSEMENT ASSOCIATES, LTD./WaveTek) LUMP S��C_tA_GREEMENT. 4RTIQU—tz - LICENSOR: ADDRESS: _ -- _ - _ __..._.___.w____ INITIAL ENDING DATE: LICENSEE: and _ _ _ Personal Guarantor ADDRESS: LICENSED FACILITY; 1:1 `SELM�BS-L. AQUAWAVE: TIDALWAVE: Registration No. Registration No. Date: Date: ______,y Application No. 613,688 Application No. 645,836 Date: AuQu ,.7.-1986._ Date: Fgbguary 1227-,._ WAVETEK: WAVETEK and Design: Registration No. 1,108,253 Registration No. 1,300,180 Date: lZggemb5. 1978 Date: QQ Q.)2er ,16. 1984 Registration No. 1,059,011 Date: Decembgr- 5. 1.,Q77 Registration No. 1,059,010 Date: December_15— 1977-____-� Registration No. 1,108,186 Date: Date:-Decgm?CT, 5.....1.928- Registration No. 1,108,185 Date: DggeMteg,x. 1978 Registration No. 1,068,277 Date: dune 21. 1977 Registration No. 1,068,276 Date: Registration No. 1,108,254 Date: 51978 7-2 J Aquatic Amusement Associates, Ltd./WaveTek U.S. Patent No. 4,558,474 �gME SUM_ ROYALTIES: QDtiou 42 If this Agreement is signed and lump sum payment is made before February 28, 1988, the License Fee is 3 <,Qc) a_C1 1. In consideration of the royalty identified above, Licensor licenses Licensee, who materially represents that he, she, or it, is the sole and exclusive Owner of the Licensed Facility, to use the Licensed Marks in advertising and promotion of the wave -making features only of the Licensed Facility and to operate the Licensed Facility under the Licensed Patents. 2.- Licensee shall maintain and operate the wave -making equipment and associated structure and pool at the highest standards currently practiced in the industry in Canada and the U.S. and shall annually confirm this condition in writing to Licensor. 3. Licensee agrees that the Licensed Marks and Licensed Patents are valid, enforceable and owned by Licensor and authorizes Licensor to complete the identification of the Licensed Marks as the appropriate information becomes known. 4. Licensor is not obligated hereunder to maintain, renew, or enforce the Licensed Marks or Licensed Patents. 5. If the Licensee desires to transfer controlling interest in the Licensed Facility, Licensee must first obtain the corporate and personal assumption of this License Agreement by any subsequent owner and/or operator of the Licensed Facility. 6. This Agreement creates no relationship between the parties except as stated herein and Licensee can not create any liability in Licensor for Licensee's acts as owner and operator of the Licensed Facility and Licensee further hereby indemnifies and holds Licensor harmless against all clailms, suits, liabilities, causes of action and damages to Licensor arising out of Licensee owning or operating the Licensed Facility. 7. Licensor agrees to indemnify and hold Licensee harmless against all claims, suits, liabilities, causes of action and damages to Licensee arising out of any alleged invalidity of the Licensed Marks or Licensed Patents. 8. Upon replacement of wave generation equipment or cessation of its use, Licensee shall cease using the Licensed Marks and all goodwill associated therewith will revert to Licensor. 7-3 Aquatic Amusement Associates, Ltd./WaveTek -9. Licensee's signature below constitutes a guarantee of Licensee, corporately and personally, by the signing individual of the rights and obligations of this Agreement. LI C E.Uau-L By . �.._ _..� By: - - Title: �_____ Title: Personally: Date: Witness: Date • EFLAU S (# 2 ) 1/28/88 7-4 ITEM #8 ROAD RIGHT OF WAY INDEPENDENCE OAKS The Oakland County Road Commission requires the proposed 60 ft. right of way to be dedicated to them for road improvements to Sashabaw Road. Details will be presented at the meeting. M AKLANDF- C 0 U N T Y M I C H I G A N DEPARTMENT OF CORPORATION COUNSEL MEMORANDUM TO: Joe Figa Chief of Design and Development Parks and Recreation FROM: Patrick Campbell PC. - -Corporation Counsel Real Estate Section RE: Request of 60.0 ft Road Right of Way from O.C. Road Commission on Sashabaw Road (Independence Oaks Park Property) DATE: March 30, 1988 Daniel T. Murphy, Oakland County Executive REAL ESTATE SECTION Patrick D. Campbell 858-5380 Evelyn Y. Stewart 858-0197 Enclosed for your review and recommendation to the Parks and Recreation Commission is the Quit Claim Deed from Jim Fanzini at the Oakland County Road Commission. As you know, per the phone conversation from Mr. Fanzini, the Road Commission is requesting 60.0 ft. of road right of way on Sashabaw Road at the Independence Oaks Park. If the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission recommends this request, I will place this item on the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Planning and Building Committee agenda after receiving approval from you and the Parks Commission. If you would like Mr. Fanzini or myself to attend the Parks meeting when this item is discussed, I will make the necessary arrangements. If you have any questions, please call. PC/jb Enclosure 8-2 V I n STATE OF MICHIGAN BOARD OF COUNTY ROAD COMMISSIONERS OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS JOHN L. GRUBBA FRED D. HOUGHTEN, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD MANAGING DIRECTOR RICHARD V. VOGT, VICE-CHAIRMAN WILLIAM J. FOGNINI LAWRENCE E. LITTMAN, SECOND VICE-CHAIRMAN DEPUTY MANAGING DIRECTOR March 23, 1988 Oakland County Corporation Counsel Real Estate Section 1200 N. Telegraph Road Pontiac, MI 48054 Attention: Patrick Campbell Re: Sashabaw Road Right -of -Way Section 10, Independence Township Independence Oaks County Park OCRC Project 36831 Dear Pat: Enclosed is a proposed deed from the County of Oakland to the Board of County Road Commissioners for Sashabaw Road right-of-way. The Road Commission practice is to acquire right-of-way from public agencies in accordance with the adopted Master Right -of -Way Plan when there is a road construction project adjacent to publicly owned property. Sashabaw Road will be improved in the vicinity of Independence Oaks County Park in the summer of 1988. Accordingly, we request that the County of Oakland execute and deliver the attached deed. Please note on the included Sidwell map that there is a gap in the 60 ft. right-of-way at the curve east of the marsh. We will not attempt to relocate the road onto the section line at this marsh. Should you have any questions please call 858-4777. Very truly yours, 4 ; bv� 9am_�esN. Fanzini ight-of-Way and Contracts Engineer Right -of -Way Division Corpora Engineering Department tion Gifice enclosures MAR 2 5 1988 JF; kh 8-3 2420 PONTIAC LAKE ROAD PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48054 PHONE (313) 858-4751 QUIT CLAIM DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE. PRESENTS that County of Oakland, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation of 1200 N. Telegraph, Pontiac, Michigan 48053 Quit Claims) to Board of County Road Commissioners, County of Oakland, State of Michigan, a public body corporate, whose street number and address is 31001 Lahser Road, Birmingham, Michigan 480)0, the following described premises situated in the Township of Independence, County of Oakland, State of Michigan, to -wit: Part of the NW 1/4 of Section 10, T4N, R9E, and part of the SW 1/4 of Section 3, T4N, R9E, Independence Township, Oakland County, Michigan, described as beginning at the Center of said Section 10; thence S.8902513511W. 60.0 feet along the E-W 1/4 line of Section 10; thence N.00011'50"W., 1,330.63 feet; thence N.89048110"E., 60.0 feet to a point on the N-S 1/4 fine of Section 10; thence N.0001115011W., 648.15 feet along said line; thence S.89048110"W., 60.0 feet; thence N.00011150"W., 654.55 feet; thence N.00013100"E., 1,339.B5 feet; thence N.00018104"W, 342.21 feet; thence N.89041156"E., 60.0 feet to the Southern most corner of Lot 31,- of "Supervisor's Plat No. 1111, as recorded in Liber 115 of Plats, Pages 38 and 39, Oakland County Records; thence S.00018104"E., 342.48 feet along the N-S 1/4 line of said Section 3, and the West line of said subdivision; thence S.00013100"W., 1,339.90 feet, along said line, to the S 1/4 corner of Section 3; thence S.00011150"E., 2,632.71 feet, along the N-S 1/4 line of said Section 10, to the point of beginnning. Part of Tax Parcel No: 08-09-200-003 together with all and singular the tenements, heredi-taments- and appurtenances - thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, for the sum of $1.00 (one dollar). Signed in the presence of: Signed by: County of Oakland, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation By: Roy Rewold Its Chairperson, Oakland County Board of Commissioners STATE OF MICHiGAN)ss COUNTY OF OAKLAND) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1988, by Roy Rewold, Chairperson, Oakland County Board of Commissioners of County of Oakland, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation on behalf of said corporation. My commission expires: Drafted by: James N. Fanzinl 2420 Pontiac Lake Road Pontiac, iichigan 48054 Notary Public Oakland County, Michigan When recorded return to: OAKLAND COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION 31001 LAHSER ROAD, BIRMINGHAM, Mi. 48010 (OAK04) Project: Sashabaw Road Project No.: 36831 Parcel No. 4 ITEM ##9 ORION OAKS FUNDING PROPOSAL Staff will make a presentation on one possible way of funding Orion Oaks Park without the use of private consultants. We have been studying the feasibility of doing this project in-house. Further explanation will be made at the meeting. 9-1 ITEM #10 EXECUTIVE SESSION An Executive Session has been scheduled to discuss a request to purchase property. Joe Figa will make a presentation at the meeting. 10-1 ITEM #11 MANAGER'S REPORT ---Approximately 135 full and part-time employees went through fire extinguisher training sessions, which were sponsored by the Oakland County Safety Division. The sessions covered the use and types of fire extinguishers we have within the Parks system; valuable information, especially at this time of year, since there have been a few instances where employees have had to use them. ---On July 14 there was a Walk Michigan program at the County Court- house sponsored by Parks and Recreation, which was very successful. Over 250 County employees took part in this walk. ---On the weekend of July 9 and 10, the Waterford Oaks BMX track hosted the llth Annual War of the Stars National BMX Race, one of the largest events ever held at the track with 1,058 participants. This successful weekend went very smoothly, even with the heat. ---A new revenue record of $9,609 was set at the Waterford Oaks Wave Pool on Saturday, July 9. The previous record of approximately $8,400 was set last year. ---Upcoming Parks and Recreation Commission meetings are scheduled as follows: August 3, 1988, 9:00 a.m. August 17, 1988, 9:00 a.m. September 7, 1988, 9:00 a.m. ---The Oakland County 4-H Fair will be the week of August 1-6 at the Springfield Oaks YAC. Special events are planned each evening. All Commissioners are invited to attend. ---The Oakland Parks Foundation's Summer Family Fun Day is Saturday, July 16, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Waterford Oaks Wave Pool. ---Sunday, August 14 is the full-time employees' pot luck picnic at Independence Oaks from noon to 8 p.m. ---Attached is a thank you letter for your information. Michigan June 23, 1988 Ms. Sue Wells Oakland County Parks and Recreation 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, MI 48054 Dear Sue: Thank you for supporting the 1988 Michigan Special Olympics State Summer Games. This three day event allows 3,000 athletes from all over the state the wonderful opportunity to compete and grow. The mimes, skate mobile and sport mobile you brought were once again a tremendous addition to the Special Events area. Your volunteers do an excellent job working with the athletes. Once again, thank you for your generous contribution to the 1988 State Summer Games. Sincerely, -A) -ZL� ' v Kent Kohtz Barb McCollom Special Events, Games Committee amm 11-2 Michigan Special Olympics 127 Rowe Hall, Central Michigan University • Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48859 • (517) 774-3911 Created by The Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation Authorized and Accredited by 5pecia101ympics international for the Benefit of Citizens with Mental Retardation Ralph Richard Lewis E. Wint Manager Chairman Jon J. Kipke Jean M. Fox Assistant Manager Oakland Count. t ,Secre Vice -Chairman DLewis, Jr. y Secretary Parks & Recreation George W. Kuhn Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Thomas A. Law Daniell. Murphy Commission Ralph Nelson John E. Olsen Richard V. Vogt 2800 WATKINS LAKE ROAD PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48054-1697 (313) 858-0906 June 30, 1988 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday, July 6, 1988 9: 00 a.m. PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, MI 48054 PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting and Parks Tour This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Mr. Lewis E. Wint, Chairman, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, Ralph Richard Manager RR/ j g P.S. Please be sure to dress appropriately and wear comfortable shoes for the parks tour. Addison Oaks • Glen Oaks • Groveland Oaks • Independence Oaks • Orion Oaks 9 Red Oaks • Springfield Oaks 9 Waterford Oaks • White Lake Oaks OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING July 6, 1988 PUBLIC HEARING: Orion Oaks Master Plan, 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes of the June 15, 1988 Meeting. 3a. Approval of Minutes of the April 22 - 23 Retreat. 4. Approval of Payment: Voucher Nos. 6-157 thru 6-406 Interdepartmental Payment: May charges paid in June. 5. Statement of Operations for Month Ending 5131188. 6. Orion Oaks Master Plan. 7. Nature Conservanc-y Program. 8. Mobile Recreation Bus Program. 9. Independence Oaks Fencing. 10. Groveland Oaks Fencing. 11. Bid Item: Aerator - Addison Oaks. 12. Bid Item: Club Cleaners - White Lake and Red Oaks Golf Courses. 13. Bid Item: Trailer - Mobile Recreation. 14. Bus Wheelchair Lift - Mobile Recreation. 15. Manager's Report. 16. Old Business. 17. New Business. 18. Adjourn. 19. Parks Tour. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Payment Approval Summary For Meeting of July 6, 1.988 VOUCHERS: Nos. 6-1.57 thru 6-4C6 $536,953.48 INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS: May charges paid in June 1.8C,000.68 TOTAL $71.6,954.I6 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-1.57 Sundry (Advance) Cash Advance to T.Gibbs &,R.Lissner to attend the Hydro- nics Heating Class in Grand Rapids, MI on 6/21-23/88- $ Tech.Sup. 358.24 6-158 Sundry (Refunds) Rental-Facilities,damage dep. refunded to D.Berry & R. Leek, $5C.CC ea.-YAC ICC.CC 6-1.59 Van's Auto Supply Equip.Maint-Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks & Spring.;Grounds Maint. & Sm. Tools-Wh.Lk.;'Bl.d .Maint.-W.Pool 543.17 6-16C VOID 6-1.61. Burke Building Centers Cap.Projs.,Bathroom Renov..(Concession Bldg.)-Add.,Bath- room Renov.-Sec.A&Rampager Renov.-Grove.;Starter Booth- Sp\ing.&Fencing & Shelter,W.Pool-Water.;Equip.Maint.-Tecii Sup.&Indep.;Sm.Tools-Tech.Sup.,Indep.&W.Poo1;Bldg.Maint. 751.56 6-162 Burke Building Centers Grove.,Indep.,&W.Pool;Grounds Maint.-Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk Spring.&BMX;Rental Pro .Maint.-Water. 249.56 6-1.63 AT&T Communications-Admin. 9.71 6-164 Steel Equipment Ca .E ui 1)Master File Cabinet-Admin. 1,599.36 6-165 Weingartz Supply Ca .E ui (3)Portab.le Generators-Tech.Su . 6-1.66 Dick Eash Travel Reimb.for traveling to Grinell,IA on 5/25-26/88 to pick up flume assembly for Waters.lide-Tech. Sup. 1C8.57 6-1.67 Meteor Photo Acct.Rec.-Admin.(To be reimb.by Oak. Parks Foundation); Public Info.,prints-Admin. 716.65 6-168 Russell Hardware Cap. Proj.,Starter Booth -Spring 81.46 6-169 Al.uma-Vue, Inc. Cap.Proj.,Rampager Renov.-Grove. 154.18 6-1.7C J.' Eiden Equipment Cap.Proj.,Comfort Stations Imp. -Pines Bldg.&Sec.C-Grove.; Equip.Maint.-Tech.Sup.&Indep.;Bldg.Maint.-T.Complex 547.9C 6-171. Pontiac Steel Cap.Proj.,Ticket Dispensing System,W.P.-Red Oaks;Grounds Maint.-Add. 86.4C OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER DUNE, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-172 Oxford Lumber B1dg.Maint.,Grounds Maint. & Sm. Tools -Add. $ 39C.88 6-173 Fire Control, Inc. B1dg.Maint.-Add.,Wh.Lk. & Spring. 325.CC 6-1.74 Chet's Rental Equipment Bldg. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 41.34 6-1.75 H.L. Claey's & Company Bldg. Maint. & Grounds Mai�nt.-Add. 249.09 6-176 Mid -States Petroleum Equip. Maint.,diesel fuel -'Add. 125.61 6-177 Ideal Mower Sales Equip. Maint.,misc.parts for weedeaters-Glen Oaks 128.CC 6-1.78 Parts Associates Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks & Spring. 191.88 6-179 Hoekstra Truck Equip. Maint.,trucks & buses -Mob. Rec. 2C.48 6-18C Lawn Equipment Service Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 5C.11 6-1.81 Seco Products Equip. Maint.-Indep. 18.9C 6-182 City of Madison Heights Utilities-R.O.W.Park 983.91 6-183 Munn Ford Tractor & Equipment Equip. Maint.-Add.,Indep.,Glen Oaks & Spring. 284.44 6-184 Century Rain Aid Grounds Maint.-Add.,Glen Oaks&Red Oaks;Equip. Maint.- Spring. 818.16 6-185 Michigan Portable Toilets Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks;Equip.Rental-BMX 256.4C 6-1.86 Associated Specialties Grounds Maint.-R.O.W.Park 92.35 6-1.87 Sundry (Payroll) Pay period ending 6/3/88-All Parks 164,CC5.13 6-188 VOID OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBER VFNnnR -- 6-189 Tom McPhail Associates rvnrv1E Subscription renewal for "Finderbinder"-Admin. Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks Grounds Maint.,insect killer-Wh. Lk. Grounds Maint.-,Indep. Misc.Exp.,medical supplies-Grove.,Orion Oaks&R.O.W.Park Ru&ish Removal-Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Water. & BMX AMOUNT $ 83.3C ::::6-19C Pine Cashway Lumber 19.95 6-191 Commercial & Industrial Chemicals 99.84 6-192 VOID 6-193 John A. Biewer Company 27.47 6-194 Michigan First Aid 232.71 6-195 Moore's Disposal 755.CC 6-196 Springfield Township Cap.Proj.,Starter Booth electrical permit -Spring. 62.5C 6-1.97 Graphmark Services Acct.Rec.,baseball caps w/logo-BMX 2,1CC.CC 6-198 Jon Kipke Travel Reimb. for attending the NRPA Forum on Mrkt.Lei- sure Services in Cincinnati3OH on 5/11-14/88-Admin. 46.43 6-199 Jennings Equipment Cap.Equip.,(I)Mobile Stage -Mob. Rec. 39,17C.CC 6-2CC S.L.C. Meter Service Cap.Proj.,Pump House Repair-Wh.Lk. 22.CC 6-2C1 Riemer Floors Cap.Proj.,Starter Booth-Spring.;Equip.Maint.-Grove.;Bldg Maint.-Red Oaks & R.O.W.Park 316.2C 6-2C2 Continental Equipment Corporation Equip. Maint.-Tech.Sup. 52.8C 6-203 Tire Wholesalers Equip. Maint.-Add. 99.CC 6-2C4 Industrial Vehicles Sales Equip. Maint.-Grove.,Red Oaks & Spring. 2C8.C5 6-205 VOID OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-2C6 Adrian Sod Grounds Maint.,shredded bark -Glen Oaks $ 18C.CC 6-2C7 Michigan First Aid Misc.Sup.,medical supplies -Orion Oaks 32.,:5 6-2C8 Kathleen Spence Instructor's fee for May -June, 1988-Water. 33.75 6-2C9 B-G-O Recreation Commission Public Info.,inserts for summer brochure-Admin. l6C.CC 6-21C Superior Water Conditioning Rec. Sup.,bags of salt-W.,Pool 97.5C 6-211 Dorothy DeBandt League Fee refunded -Glen Oaks 63.75 6-212 Linda Carey Rer�ital -Shelter, refund for cancelled reservation -Grove. 1C.CC 6-21.3 John Domenguez Rental - Facilities,security daposit refunded -Water. 5C.CC 6-214 Sundry (Misc.) Misc. Exp.,chauffeurs license for J.Dunleavy,M.Shore,T. Strzelecki & M.Soma for day camp -Water.& Mob. Rec. 1C4.CC 6-21.5 O.C. Road Commission Grounds Maint.-Inde .,Wh.Lk. & YAC 4C8.33 6-216 City of Madison Heights Utilities-R.O.W.Park 1,4C2.C3 6-217 Hornung's Pro Golf Golf Mdse.for Resale-Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks & Spring. 1,851.2C 6-218 R.Delasko, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Indep. 96.61 6-219 CareerTrack, Inc. Adv.Regist. for S.Cox to attend the Stress Management Seminar in Southfield,MI on 7/21/88-Admin. 39.CC 6-22C Pontiac Paint Company Cap.Proj.,Starter Booth-Spring.;Bldg. Maint.-Add.,Grove., R.O.W.Park&W.Pool;Grounds Maint.-Add.;Equip.Maint.-Indep 1,319.61 — 6-221 Elden's Hardware Cap.Proj.,Bathroom Renov.(Concession Bldg.)-Add.&Rampage Renov.-Grove.;Bldg.Maint.-Admin.,Grove.,Indep.,Sprina., [d.Pool,T.Complex,;Equip.Mairit.-Tech.Sup.,Indep.,YAC&Mob. Rec.showmobile,skatemobile,trucks & buses 277.32 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER DUNE, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-222 VOID $ 6-223 Elden's Hardware Rec.Sup.-Nat.Prog.&Mob.Rec.,dal- camp & Prorata(All Units) 72.7C 6-224 Jean's Hardware Sm.Tools,Bldg.,Equip. & Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 264.68 6-225 Jean's Hardware Bldg. Maint & Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 63.72 6-226 VOID 6-227 Capitol Equipment Equip. Maint.-Add. 95.1C 6-228 Federal Bolt & Nut Equip. Maint.-Indep. 4.58 6-229 Main Auto Supply Equip. Maint.-Add. 15C.28 6-23C Genesee Welding Equip. Maint.-Tech.Sup.,Add. & Wh. Lk. 14C.92 6-231 Moore's Tire Service Equip. Maint.-Grove. 112.5C 6-232 Schmidt -Copeland Cap.Proj.,Master Plan,payment #12-Orion Oaks 2,7C3.47 6-233 VOID 6-234 Michigan Automatic Sprinkler Cap.Proj.,Site Dev.&Imp.-New Admin.Bldg.-Admin. 9,7C5.CC 6-235 Talburt & Associates Cap.Equip.,(5CO)Vinyl Tubes-R.O.W.Park 5,67C.CC 6-236 Flint Surveying & Engineering Cap.Proj.,Post Marker Rehab.&Fencing-Grove. 2,6CC.CC 6-237 Cadillac Glass Company Cap.Proj.,W.Pool & Waterslide-Red Oaks 1,525.CC V ENi V aU�tiER N�NDER R� D CRE P3 too DDNHtSStpt� N%A covN�.� voUGNE� AK`p,ND 3011 , $ W cap1•� nds '�3S lbig's Ld Ha eY 6_239 ` s 1'oGk & ScottComPam S_24C 1 Beating is 6,241 idea Madison Electz EXca�ating ion 6'242 KWik Sanitat Auto 243 ack 6' Wide Tz cation 244 mball Becz �zu Ync• 6.245 zs, stene 0-'246 Hazd gaze tom � 6`24i l,nG . Pi fez is 6�246 6_249 Mazza A�a lf 6_252 6,2c'0 ompanY c lectzl Leslie & Supp1Y zd Fue1 Wate z f o .--'� negates 2i�D 'vzi_C1ty Agg ev g�este ocz El, PURPOSE Bld ,1'P'dd lG ounds z ssion �Admin. hzoom EenoV New Adm1n Bldg• Pz° `Bate 'De' &.imp - Ca Sit Pyo3•` Ca? t _YP>C Conf 11 Ctz Male alnt_.indeP• ton buznez'Add• Bldg• M t ,gas con�ers Male $s ldg Oak deP' Bldg Maint _Glen septic sYstem'In N�a int " ,Pump Bldg v}.P0 0 1 �Gro�e" B1 �Maint I e mecY` . ez tim ,etet A Bldg R p .W .Pazk ands Ma1nt aint.' & Gz° obile, Bldg M B1dg Ma1nt Rec �sY'W Roo Maint & SPz1ng gMX&Mob• Main E�3u1P Lk ndeP es;Bld Maint -W Ch Sup.,cKs & bus 'f Egu P Ma1�All Unitsl tzU u _TeCb' SuP PYpzata Ma1nt,S P ZndeP"` dep Too-, s` s`_ 1a Sm Gro-qe , Uni fpzm Maint _ &Wr Lk.. Equip• Cb"SuP• Maint -Te Equip• OV e. sand-Gz nds Maint,r Grou alnt -Ada- Grot�nds M C 14 55•CC m OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISS1011 VOUCHER REGISTER CUNE, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AmmINT 6-255 D & C Distributors Equip.Maint.-Grove.;Grounds Maint.-Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks & Spring _ $ 11587.25 6-256 U.S. Sand & Stone Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks & Red Oaks (top soil) 2,25C.CC 6-257 James Layman Grounds Maint.-Indep. 118.6C 6-258 Waterford Ready Mix Grounds Maint.-Grove. & Indep. 857.25 6-259 S.E. Oak.Co. Incinerator Rent,lease of property-Red'Oaks 7,CCC.CC 6-26C Solar Photo, Inc. Public Info.-Admin.;Off.Sup.-Nat. Prog. 1C8.CC 6-261. Meijer, Inc. Eger p.Maint.-Indep.;Off.Sup.-Red Oaks;Special Events- The2.Prog.;Rec.Sup.-Indep.,Nat.Prog.&Mob.Rec.,day camp 423.39 6-262 Flaghouse, Inc. Rec. Sup. -Grove. 34.77 6-263 Radios,Knobs,Speakers & Things Off.Sup.-Indep. 53.85 6-264 Bean Bros. Awards Off.Sup.-Spring. 5.4C 6-265 Artcraft Bluprint Off.Sup.-Admin. & BMX 188.72 6-266 Insty-Prints, Inc. Public Info.-Admin.;Special Events,fishing-Add.,Grove.& Indep.,county emp.-Rec. Admin.&summe.r event-Indep. 3C3.75 6-267 Cook's Farm Dairy Special Events,summer event-Indep. 25.CC 6-268 Michigan Portable Toilets Equip.Rental-Orion Oaks & Indep. 254.1C 6-269 Young Supply Maint. Sup. -Tech. Sup. 16.55 6-270 Floyd Jones Camping refund -Grove. 32.CC 6-271- Michael. Kepas Park Fee Refund -Add. 6.CC OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE Amni)NT 6-272 Schwartz Industries Rental - Facilities, refund for cancelled pavilion -Add. 25C.CC 6-273 Sundry (Mileage Reimb.) Mileage for May, 1988 to G.Berschbach $32.75-Spring.;G. Buchanan $12.25,S.Dockham $4.25,S.Cox $4.25,M.Zednik $87.75,D.Marion $8.CC,J.Pung $54.75,C.Ross $21.CC,S.Van denBossche $37.CC-Admin.;C.Bund $9.25-Ther.Pro . 271.75 6-274 Elden's Hardware Bldg.Maint.-W.Pool,Indep.,T.Complex&Admin.;Misc.Exp.-Mo Rec.;Equip.Maint.-Mob.Rec.,showmobile,skatemobile,Pro- rata (All Units),trucks&buses&Tech.Sup.;Special Events, summer event-Inde .;Sm.Tools-T.Com lex&Inde .;Maint.Su . Tech.Sup.;Rec.Sup.-Nat.Prog.&Mob. Rec. ,Prorata (All UnitO Grounds Maint.-Inde . 432.74 6-275 Nationwide Fence Supply Ca .Proj.,Ram a er Renov.-Grove. 1 11C.CC 6-276 Hertz Furniture Ca .E ui . (38)Foldin Tables & (3)Table Trucks -Spring. 2 67C.3C 6-277 Marine Rescue Products Ca .E ui 2 Rescue,BoardS-Inde . 1 39C. C 6-278 Kerr Machinery Equip. Maint.-R.O.W. Park 11 6-279 M.S.U. Athletic Ticket Office Special Events O.C. employees outing-Rec. Admin. 72 6-28C Michi an.Ticket Office Special Events O.C. em to ees outin-Rec.Admin. 542.CC 6-281 Design 24 Ca .Pro'.,Act. Ctr. Imp. -Water. 616.99 6-282 Fuller Appraisal Services Cap. Proj.,Wetlands Ac uisition-Inde . 2 3CC.CC 6-283 Erb Lumber Cap.Proj.,New Admin.BI dg.-Admin.,Starter Booth -Spring.& Park Dev.-Orion Oaks;Bldg.Maint.-Grove.;Grounds Maint.- Grove_,Wh.Lk.,&Glen Oaks;Sm.Tools-Orion Oaks 1,5C8.34 6-284 Ralph Richard Travel Exp.Reimb.for attending the 1988 Park District Forum in Washington,D.C. on 5/1C-13/88-Admin. 33.16 6-285 Lewis Wint Travel Reimb.for attending mtg. to discuss concession- aire contract in Windsor, Ontario CA on 4/12/88-Admin. 1C8.27 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION.COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-286 Padgett -Thompson Adv.Regis.for J.Bramble to attend the"Take Charge"semina in Detroit, MI on 7/18/88-Rec.Admiri. $ 99.CC 6-287 Michigan Bell Communications-W.Pool 18.93 6-288 Consumers Power Uti.lities-Add.,Add.Conf.Ctr.,Indep. & Glen Oaks 1,398.81 6-289 Detroit Edison Utilities -Red Oaks,Spring:,Yac,Water.,W.Pool&T.Complex 5,751.28 6-29C Detroit Edison Utilities -Add. & Water. 9C.C4 6-291 Detroit Ball Bearing Bldg. Maint.-Water. & W. Pool 14.12 6-292 Kwik Sanitation Excavating Bldg. Maint.-Spring. 97.5C 6-293 C. & I. Auto Parts Bldg. Maint.,Equip.Maint.,Grounds Maint.&Sm.'rools-Red Oaks;Equip.Maint.&Grounds Maint.-R.O.W.Park 437.56 6-294 Rose Exterminators Bldg. Maint.-Rec.Admin.,Wh.Lk.,Spring.&YAC;Equip.Maint.- YAC 15C.6C 6-295 Oakland Hardware Bldg. Maint. & Sm. Tools -Add. 215.37 6-296 Mid -States Petroleum Equip. Maint.-Spring. & YAC 525.98 6-297 Pfeiffer Lincoln-Mercury Equip. Maint.-Add. 23.21 6-298 Pontiac'Truck Center Equip. Maint.,trucks & buses -Mob. Rec. 61.CC 6-299 Camera Mart Equip. Maint.-Admin. 22.5C 6-3CC Muffler Man Equip. Maint.,trucks & buses -Mob. Rec. 45.CC 6-3C1 Ray Wiegand's Nursery Grounds Maint.-Add. 33.75 6-3C2 Bordine's Better Blooms Grounds Maint.-Add. 7C.C9 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-3C3 City of Pleasant Ridge Public Info.,inserts for Co -Op Publicity Program-Admin. $ 4C.00 6-3C4 Mighty Oaks Sports Team Special Events,pizza party for team -Then. Prog. 125.CC 6-3C5 DMI Industries Off. Sup.-Admin. 7.28 6-3C6 Peninsular Slate Company Off. Sup.,(8)bulletin bodrds-Add.,Grove. & Indep. 978.CC 6-3C7 Diversified Business Products Off. Sup.,monthly service charge for Ricoh copier-Admin. 290.61 6-3C8 Jones Chemicals Rec.Sup.-R.O.W.Park & W. Pool 3,271.4C 6-3C9 Absopure Water Company Equip.Rental-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Indep.& S ?in p g.;Off. Sup. -Spring. 96.55 6-31C Michigan NBL Sanctioned Races,rider's fee -BMX 150.5C 6-311 Robert Allison Fees - Camping,refund for cancelled reservations -Grove. 80.CC 6-312 State of Michigan Misc.Exp.,ride permits & inspection fee-W. Pool 120.00 6-313 Baker,Abbs,Cunninghan; & Klepinger Public Info.,public relations & event marketing services for June, 1988 & monthly expenses-Admin. 2,132.12 6-314 K. Dougherty, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Nat. Prog. & Inde . 91.6C 6-315 H.L. Claeys Grounds Maint.-Add. GR.29 6-316 O.C. Dept. of Public Works Sewage Charges -Add. & Add.Conf.Ctr. 822.46 6-317 Karen Smith, Cust. , Petty Cash Reimb.-Admin. 287.66 6-318 Lorio-Ross Entertainment Special Events,sr. citizens events-Rec. Admin. 2CC.CC 6-319 Town Talk Golf Mdse.for Resale,sun visors -Glen Oaks 57.84 6-32C McCally Tool & Supply Cap.Equip.,(2)Arm Saws-Wh.Lk. & Spring. 1,834.CC OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMnuNT 6-321 State of Michigan Membership dues,license for J.Fi a architect-Admin. $ 8C.CC 6-322 MI Natural Resources Magazine Subscription renewal for 1 year-Admin. 9.97 6-323 Venture Publishing, Inc. Subscription renewal,resource books -They. Prog. 63.35 6-324 Jan Pung Travel reimb.for attending the IABC Conf. in Anaheim,CA on 6/4-lC/88-Admin. 39.75 6-325 Anderson/Lesniak & Assoc. Cap.Proj.,Phase III -Grove. (payment #3) 1,365.CC 6-326 Clawson Concrete Cap.Proj.,W.Pool & Waterslide-Red Oaks 1,22I.6C 6-327 Bordine's Better Blooms Cap.Proj.,C.lubhouse Landscaping -Glen Oaks 3,56C.C2 6-328 The Miller Group Cap.Proj.,New Concession Bldg. -Grove. (payment #l) 2,2C6.4C 6-329 Diversified Sales Cap.Proj.,New Admin.Bld .-Admin. 916.8C 6-33C Davisburg Lumber Company Cap.Proj.,Starter Booth-Spring.;Bldg.Maint.-Spring.; Equip.Maint. & Grounds Maint.-S rin . & YAC 269.32 6-331 Madison Electric Cap.P-oj.,New Admin.Bldg.-Admin.,Rampager Renov.&Group Camping Elec.-Grove.;Bldg.Maint.-Add.,Add.Conf.Ctr. R.O. W.Park,Grove. & Indep. 2 19C.53 6-332 Pioneer Hardware Bldg.Maint.-Wh.Lk.;Equip.Maint.-Wh.Lk.&Spring.;(;rounds Maint.-Wh.Lk.&Spring.;Sm.Tools&Hskp.Exp.-Wh.Lk. 33C.87 6-333 Mr. Uniform & Mat Rental Bldg.Maint.-Add.&Add.Conf.Ctr.;Hskp.Exp.-YAC & Water.; Laundry & Dry Cleaning-Admin.;Equip.Rental-Indep. 106.65 6-334 Rose Exterminator Company Bldg. Maint.-Glen Oaks 2C.CC 6-335 Kwik Sanitation Excavating Bldg. Maint.,pump septic -Grove. 1C5.CC 6-336 Rol-Dri, Inc. Bldg. Maint. & Hskp. Exp.-T.Complex 198.55 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-337 Steel Equipment Bldg. Maint.-Admin. (storage shelves) $ 993.1C 6-338 Robertson Bros. Service Bldg. Maint-R.O.W.Park 62.5C 6-339 Scott's Lock & Key Bldg.Maint.-Water.;Equip.Maint.,day camp,trucks & buses- Mob. Rec. 8C.6C 6-34C W.F. Miller Equip.Maint.-Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Re Oaks & Spring.;Grounds Maint.-Wh.Lk. 6C9.5C 6-341 Mazza Auto Parts Equip. Maint.-Indep. 168.9C 6-342 Federal Bolt & Nut Equip. Maint.-Indep. & R.O.W.Park 58.84 6-343 Safety-Kleen Corporation Equip. Maint.-Wh.Lk. 63.5C 6-344 Burington Distributors Equip. Maint.-Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks & Red Oaks 352.4C 6-345 Zep Manufacturing Company Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 54.CC 6-346 Production Tool Supply Equip. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 1C.88 6-347 Ellis Sales Equip. Maint.-Spring. 99.91 6-348 Wilkie Turf Equipment Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks & Glen Oaks;Grounds Maint-Wh.Lk., Red Oaks & Spring. 1,C45.48 6-349 J & A Spring Rebuilders Equip. Maint.,trucks & buses -Mob. Rec. 567.C2 6-35C Mid -States Petroleum Equip. Maint.,diesel fuel -Red Oaks 288.87 6-351 Quality Industries Equip. Maint.,(55C)Table Boards-Indep. 8,525.CC 6-352 Tennant Company Equip. Maint. & Hskp.Exp.-R.O.W.Park 888.15 6-353 W.F.Miller Equip.Maint.-Wh.Lk.&Red Oaks;Grounds Maint.-Wh.Lk.&Add. 583.44 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-354 Century Rain -Aid Grounds Maint.-Add.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring., R.O.W.Park,W.Pool & T.Complex S 544.C9 6-355 Keego Hardware, #1 Grounds Maint.-Add. 86.30 6-356 Marine City Nursery Grounds Maint.,trees-Indep. 55C.4C 6-357 Adrian Sod Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 9C.CC 6-358 Universal Equipment Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks 117.96 6-359 Benham Chemical Grounds Maint.-Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks & Spring. 4,51C.46 6-360 Hunt Sign Company Grounds Maint.-Water. 12.5C 6-361 The Larson Company Grounds Maint.-Add. 8.3.11 6-362 Michigan First Aid Misc.Exp.,medical supplies -Mob. Rec. 1C.78 6-363 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry & Dry Cleaning-Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,YAC & Nat. Prog. 295.8C 6-364 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry & Dry Cleaning-Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,YAC & Nat.Prog. 319.46 6-365 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry & Dry CIeaning-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Orion Oaks, Indep.,Wh.Lk.,G1en Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,YAC, Water.,W.Pool & Nat. Prog. 314.56 6-366 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry & Dry Cleaning-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Orion Oaks, Indep.,Wh.Lk.,G.len Oaks,Red Oalcs,Spring.,R.O.'fl.Park,YAC, Water.,W.Pool & Nat. Prog. 319.28 6-367 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry & Dry C eaning-Tecn.Sup.,Orion Oaks,Red oaks,Wh. Lk.,R.O.W.Park,Water.& W.Pool 168.1C 6-368 1 Graphmark Services Misc.Exp.,shirts for Youth Corp.-Admin.;Uniforms-Add., Grove. & Red Oaks 1 441.16 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1988 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-369 Tal-Tane,Inc. Uniforms, logo embroidery -Mob. Rec. $ 11.5C 6-370 Clem Williams Films Rec. Sup. -Grove. 71.5C 6-371 Meijer, Inc. Rec.Sup.-Grove.,Nat.Prog.&Mob.Rec.,daycamp&Prorata(A1] ni Events fishin -Inde . 6-372 John Veverka & Assoc. Ca .Pro'. Trails Im .-Inde cc _ 6-373 John A. Biewer Rec.Su .-W. Pool 6-374 BSN Corporation Rec. Sup.,day camp -Mob- Rec 99.22 6-375 Drayton Swimming Pool Rec. Sup.-W. Pool 6-376 Carolina Biological Supply 6-377 Hilde Taxidermy ]CC.CC C�-378 b i Removal -Glen Oaks 45.O0 h-179 Sup.-Admin. 24.CC 6-38C Sundry (Payroll)Pay period ending 8 17 88-A17 Parks 1.82,4C0.24 6-381 Harvey's Office Supply Off. Sup.-Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Grove.,Indep.,W.Poo],T.Comple & Nat. Pro . 272.33 6-382 Travel Hub, Inc. Special Events,O.C. employees outing-Rec. Admin. 29.CC 6-383 Bean Bros. Awards Special Events,Tennis Tourn.-T.Complex;Rec.Sup.-BMX 337.5C 6-384 City of Southfield Public Info.,insert for summer brochure-Admin. 371.32 6-385 Richard Toles Public Info.,musical entertainment for 6 15/88-Admin. 3-50.0C No aE�RE `Y PRKS R RAG Sj�� o�K��No COVN VpU P uRP% V�NppR V 0`1GttC.R -386 _ °t ClaW"- Cit l�azd 6-31al pezelc Dzoui ro-3g8 n z Bown 'je t� Bd-Ventuzes 6 Co��unitY UzY 6 39C �athY Watezb 6'3gl Zzaci Bllls Nadi on 6'3son i Detz°i�- Edl ica�,'' 6-394 K3 G1°ve °f I om an Stee C 6-395 Contzactozs e 6` Wationw Su 1 Fenc 396 ide coons I pzodu 6-39 Ettectzve on Dept. 8 eczeati 6-39 Pontiac R (,-399 BgUiPmen t Steel in9 �6o-4C�,--'' Zndustzial C,can Powez 6-4G1 n-Zc Fluid Am-DY 6-4C2 s� an Into. marlin 1ettez-Admyn z°om-YAi'`-�' , b� in news celled Into ties d f°z can vblic ies,zefvn l -�, ac it t Und-Add . Renta �zef cil1t�e S Rental -Fa d-Red Oak. zef�n Pool Gzeens Fees in9 class-W• zefUnded-YAC ,end toz swl ecuzitY de.P ded-Ware 0a1� G°1 f Ref cllities�s t de z be Yeimb,bo W Pazk&Y' Rental -Fa s�secuzi ange��° d Oaks R ties s Vic• R T,k Re ental-Fc -Red Oa ove. Wh n O Raks Acct Re,, it itles- z -A oves-Gle Y% Raft ye _Aa Pzo�- editin a v ide° P�bl.iC Inf°., P g ad-Ad�i n. Into. rl publ lc Admin Ott taint IndeP• Bldg -IndeP Rqu iP 11 RE�j I°t' c°Nr{S5{°N c°uNt Y VOVL�t"R R' 98 j �� °(\Kcr\No V �NppR Nv�t�ER yes YetYoleu,/'` Mld-��a men' t vi 2Y uck � 4 gC �xu ck Centez 6`4 ac " Compare 6'4C5 � C�aeYs H•v" 6,406 fue�en pales llAa nt . 1 IndeP• ob Rec• uiP ctaint,- 5 bn5es_M M aint.,�xuck .� ,qulp' d Maim A d• GxoUn ds s NTI �I $ 536 UCKY,R � U NE SU�,Ip�pL FpR REGISr �pUCI� F O� �p�p,L YpR _.. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER June, 1988 (May charges paid in June) r,OHPC P DFPARTMFNT PURPOSE AMOUNT Acct.Rec.-R.O.Dr.Range(To be reimb.by Oak.Golf Dome); Inv. #371, Communications Fund Communications-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Grove.,Inde .,Wh.Lk. $_4 Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,YAC,Water.,W.Pooli T.Complex & Nat. Prog. 3 875.18 Inv. #59C Computer Services Fund Off.Sup.-Admin.&Rec.Admin.;Equip.Rental-Admin. 1 7C9.73 Cap.Proj.,New Admin.Bldg.-Admin.;Grounds Maint.-Grove., Inv. #567 Facilities & Operations Fund Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Water.,W.Pool,T.Complex&BMX; Bldg.Maint.-Water. 5,891.16 Inv. #269 Fringe Benefit Fund Fringe Benefits for month of May, 1988-Admin. 78,254.84 Inv. #140 General. Fund Insurance-Mob.Rec.;Mileage.for R.Kuhn,4/6/88-Admin. _34,296.CC _ 75C.27 Inv. #141. General Fund Proper y Taxes Refunded-Admin. Equip. Rental-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove., Inv. #632 Office Equipment Fund Indep.,Spring.,YAC,Water.&Nat.Pro .;S ecial Events olf classes -Water. 495.31 Radio Maint.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Wh. Inv, #lC7 Radio Communications Fund Lk -,Glen Oaks,Sprin .,R.O.W,Park,YAC Water. W.Pool Mob. Rec.-Nat.Prog.;Grounds Maint.-S rin .;Radio Maint.Inde . 2 Acct.Rec.-BMX(To be reimb.by BMX Volunteer Assoc.`;Off. Inv. #564 Stores Operations Fund Sup.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Add.,Grove.,Inde .,Wh.L1c.,Red Oaks,BMX&Nat.Prog.;Misc.Exp.,-Admin.&Rec.Admin.;Hskp. Exp.-Admin.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks,Sprin ., YAC,Water.&W.Poo];Uniforms-Add.&Wh.Lk.;Special Events, sr.citizens events-Water.;Bldg.Maint.-W.Poo] 3 76C.79 Cap.Proj.,New Admin.Bldg.-Admin.;Transportation-Admin., Inv. #255 Motor Pool Fund Rec.Admin.,Tech.SU .,Add.,Grove.,Orion Oaks Inde .Wh.Lk. Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,YAC,Water.,Mob.Rec.&Nat.Prog. Equip.Maint.-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Inde .,Wh.Lk. Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,S rin .,Water.,Mob.Rec. trucks & buses 18 C97.88 % COIA%Al ON a RECRCP RE6 `C', ER PMOOI Pip COv`, P PR�M�Ne 13 ��Rp� sin 25,258 58 0 OAP PR�MEt1� 5O0RC� Geneta, EUna �,Und Inv 4524 cz� a in 3Unei P � n oaks,Wate i OS ,- —'. chaz�es Pal PORIndeP•foz�o n 'off SvP•. �MaY dd +Gtove ynazsl Adm' SPzino itY ExP 'A ainin9Sem z,toutn ;Tz ndeP.+� m�s�•& m Wh I W b1 i Ifl Aam n X da mnez e x nt 11 �e fPbotogzaP1'Y i Admen RE�ents ba A'T - o ae oOic dan S& b 7,1c • n e, Yo0na dance + CCC 6� zoom as ce_Watez �gC ER 5 sd dan Z R NISI E YMEN L pA ./`� IN�ERDEp ARTMEWT A �OIT O� OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ANALYSIS OF FUND BALANCE AS OF 5/31/88 FUND BALANCE, 1/1/88 $2,267,131.97 ADDITIONS: REVENUE OVER OPERATING EXPENSE AS OF 5/31/88 $2,792,790.99 NET COLLECTIONS ON ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 442,714.42 DNR GRANT-GROVELAND OAKS LAND ACQUISITION 145,200.00 DONATION-114DEPENDENCE OAKS BOAT DOCKS 75.00 NET DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 150,843.16 NET INCREASE IN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 38,196.28 3,569,819.85 -------------------------- $5,836,951.82 DEDUCTIONS: PAYMENTS ON CAPITAL PROJECTS $ 468,413.03 NET OPERATING EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 563,479.67 INTERDEPARTMENTAL INVOICES IN TRANSIT 180,000.68 INCREASE IN MERCHANDISE FOR RESALE 12,813.18 1,224,706.56 -------------------------- $4,612,245.26 SUMMARY OF FUND BALANCE CASH ON HAND $ 412,332.02 INVESTMENTS WITH THE COUNTY TREASURER 4,199,913.23 ------------- $4,612,245.25 5-1 OAKUM COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION TENENT OPERATIONS FORMONTHENNDDINNGG COMBINED STATEMENT YEAR TO 1988 OVER(-), % OF ******** REVENUE ******** DATE BUDGET UNDER BUDGET BUDGET MILLAGE & INTEREST INCOME $4,3311317.69 $4,691,400.00 $360,082.31 92.3% RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 41923.00 8,400.00 3,477.00 58.6% ADDISON OAKS: PARK 17,760.63 168,400.00 150,639.37 10.5% CONFERENCE CENTER 6,826.75 68,400.00 61,573.25 10.0% GROVELAND OAKS 25,317.83 383,400.00 358,082.17 6.6% INDEPENDENCE OAKS GLEN OAKS 59,805.50 205,809.49 209,200.00 5891500.00 149,394.50 383,690.51 28.6% 34.9% RID OAKS: GOLF COURSE 77,591.58 215,650.00 138,058.42 36.0% DRIVING RANGE 0.00 9,800.00 9,800.00 WATER PARK 0.00 579,700.00 579,700.00 SPRINGFIELD OAKS: GOLF COURSE 156,593.85 458,100.00 301,506.15 34.2% SPIINFI0 S YAC 112055 16,6. 150 2,00.00 8. 135,73955 10 .6%RG� WATERFORD OAKS: PARK 29,092.60 68,500.00 39,407.40 42.5% WATER PARK 750.00 314,000.00 313,250.00 0.2% TENNIS COMPLEX 1,711.00 19,800.00 18,089.00 8.6% MOBILE RECREATION 18,006.60 104,300.00 86,293.40 17.3% BICYCLE MOTO CROSS NATURE PROGRAM 2,312.00 1,163.79 80,600.00 4,800.00 78,288.00 3,636.21 2.9% 24.2% THERAPEUTIC PROGRAM 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE $5,139,685.16 $8,604,650.00 $3,464,964.84 59.7% ** OPERATING EXPENSES *** ADMINISTRATION $471,207.40 $1,2281400.00 $757,192.60 38.4% RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. TECHNICAL SUPPORT 86,496.23 179,365.12 201,800.00 456,050.00 115,303.77 2761684.88 42.9% 39.3% ADDISON OAKS: PARK 211,166.92 595,800.00 384,633.08 35.4% CONFERENCE CENTER 17,173.72 63,800.00 46,626.28 26.9% GROVELAND OAKS 142,998.25 508,450.00 365,451.75 28.1% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 221,881.11 604,700.00 382,818.89 36.7% ORION OAKS 20,806.83 58,050.00 37,243.17 35.8% GLEN OAKS 155,702.16 449,350.00 293,647.84 34.7% RED OAKS: GOLF COURSE 84,536.12 265,500.00 180,963.88 31.8% DRIVING RANGE 130.59 753.00 622.41 17.3% WATER PARK 75,617.71 440,900.00 365,282.29 17.2% SPRINGFIELD OAKS: GOLF COURSE 137,430.17 432,580.00 295,149.83 31.8% WHITE LAKE OAKS 131,809.92 406,175.00 274,365.08 32.5% SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC 46,578.79 162,320.00 115,741.21 28.7% WATERFORD OAKS: PARK 76,488.66 185,280.00 108,791.34 41.3% WATER PARK 47,018.10 277,350.00 230,331.90 17.0% TENNIS COMPLEX MOBILE RECREATION 7,822.45 50,870.68 34,860.00 260,300.00 27,037.55 209,429.32 22.4% 19.5% BICYCLE MOTO CROSS (BMX) 14,212.56 88,500.00 74,287.44 16.1% NATURE PROGRAM 64,597.63 169,380.00 104,782.37 38.1% THERAPEUTIC PROGRAM CONTINGENCY** 1,989.48 100,993.57 10,950.00 85,000.00 8,96052 -15,993:57 18.2% -18.8% TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $2,346,894.17 $6,986,248.00 $4,639,353.83 33.6% REVENUE OVER/UNDER EXP. $2,792,790.99 $1,618,402.00 $-1,174,388.99 -72.6% 1988 1987 1986 ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: 59.7% 61.5% 64.5% BUDGET BALANCE: 40.3% ACTUAL EXP. TO DATE: 33.6% 33.3% 32.4% BUDGET BALANCE: 66.4% **CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. CONTINGENCY BUDGET FIGURE: $15,000.00 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO MOBILE RECREATION. 5-2 MANAGER'S MESSAGE We Care, You Care.. This is not just a program for the summer of 1988, but something that all of us should take very personally in our jobs and in our family life. The "We Care" part is the commitment by us as a team from Oakland County Parks to make every visitor this year our purpose. It is the reason we are working for Oakland County Parks. We offer service for people to enjoy their leisure time. Our commitment to quality should show not only through the summer months, but any time people come to the park system in the future. The "You Care" is your commitment that you have to make for yourself with your family, your fellow employees, and your friends, giving them the words of encouragement to make them a better person, which in turn will make all of us better people. We've started the '88 summer season with a great turnout of Oakland County residents, and hopefully this trend will continue throughout the season. My hat's off to all of you for the outstanding job that you have been doing for '88, and I know we will all keep the "We Care" Program alive through the summer and from now on in Oakland County Parks. ITEM ##6 ORION OAKS MASTER PLAN Consultants from Schmidt Copeland Parker Stevens will make a final presentation of the proposed master plan for Orion Oaks at the public hearing. Staff recommends adoption of the proposed master plan for Orion Oaks as presented. 6-1 ITEM # 7 NATURE CONSERVANCY PRESENTATION April Oja from the Michigan Chapter of the Nature Conservancy met with staff regarding the participation in their volunteer protection program. This is a national non-profit conservation organization devoted to preserving ecologically significant lands. She would like to make a presentation to the Commission regarding this natural area registry program and discuss the significance of the Independence Oaks wetlands that we recently acquired. 7-1 ITEM #8 MOBILE RECREATION BUS PROGRAM Attached is information regarding the Commission's Mobile Recre- ation Bus Program. Staff recommendations are on page 11 of the report. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MOBILE RECREATION SUBJECT: Staff Recommendation to Continue the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Bus Program SUBMITTED BY: Susan M. Wells, Recreation Supervisor Chris Bundy, Recreation Intern INTRODUCTION Since the inception of the Mobile Recreation Bus program in 1976, the primary objective has been to provide an outreach program to areas of Oakland County lacking in recreational resources such as staff or facilities. In addition, the mobile units and staff allow our agency to develop and expand a positive public image. Due to the limited financial resources of many municipal parks and recreation departments (especially adversely affected in recent years) and non- profit community groups many cannot afford modest fee schedules of commercial carriers. Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission offers these people an alternative to bussing. BACKGROUND In 1976, Oakland County Parks and Recreation began its busing program through the Federal CETA Title 10 Grant. Through the U.S, federal grant program the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission acquired three buses and the services of 300 CETA workers. The acquired buses were used to transport the workers to various work sites within the county. The funding of the grant ended in 1977 and with it the services of the 300 acquired CETA workers. In 1977 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission was left with three buses. Realizing the uniqueness of a recreational busing program, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission put the buses into use; outreaching those within the county least able to participate in quality recreational programs. The overwhelming success of the busing program prompted the expansion of the program with the acquisition of new buses, in, 1984, 1986 and a new handicapped accessible bus this year. One of the original CETA buses will be removed from the fleet bringing the present fleet to a total of five. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The function of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Bus program is as follows: 1) To serve as a unique outreach program for other activities offered by the community. 2) Identify and provide transportation for those individuals within the county least able to participate in quality recreational programs. 3) To involve people; people must be reached and motivated to want to help themselves and their communities secure beneficial recreation opportunities. 4) To serve as a public relations tool for promoting the services and park facilities of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, and to supplement existing programs. 5) To maximize the use of staff and equipment. PROS 1) Visibility and good public relations tool to the general public. 2) Provides outreach program to r'isadvantaged. 3) Promote services and facilities. 4) Serves handicapped and senior citizens. 5) Provides employment opportunities (summer and full-time. 6) Supplement to other programs: Great Escape Special Events Day Camp Cross Country Ski Wave Pools Golf Programs Public Relations 7) Socialization aspect. 8) Provides unique recreational opportunities at lower cost to the community. CONS 1) Cost/expense. 2) Increase staff demands and scheduling. 3) Limited mileage capability. 4) Mechanical difficulties if not in use for a period of time. 5) Competition with commercial carriers. 6) Immediate response requirement. 7) Increased insurance premiums with commercial carriers. 8) Increased liability with commercial carriers. E� CAPITAL EQUIPMENT BUSES Rate Quantity Price Each Total Price June, 1976 3 $ 16,640.00 $ 49,920.00 November, 1984 1 31,204.75 31,204.75 October, 1986 1 33,960.00 33,960.00 1988 1 32,230.00 (per P.O.) 32,230.00 TOTALS 5* $147, 314.75 *This figure was reached due to the fact that when the bus arrives in 1988, one of the original buses will immediately be sold. MOBILE RECREATION BUS ANALYSIS Number of Buses Year Revenue Expense Breakdown +/- Number of Buses Year Revenue Expense Breakdown +/- 5 1988 49,000.00** 2,831.90 Equipment Repair-23,840.20 Recreation Supplies 34,799.00* 37,630.90 35,209.30 Insurance Increase 727840.20 5 1987 53, 592.90 11, 663.57 Equipment Repair +4, 807.77 -- Recreation Supplies 17, 842.58 Salaries (drivers) 1,337.73 Fringe Benefits 13,032.95 Depreciation 3,510.30 Insurance 1,170.00 Radio Repair 228.00 Uniform Expense i 48,785.13 5 1986 41, 217.10 19, 711.94 Equipment Repair -10, 971.29 -- Recreation Supplies 19,301.96 Salaries (drivers) 1,394.36 Fringe Benefits 7,372.95 Depreciation 3,019.18 Insurance 936.00 Radio Repair 452.00 Uniform Expense 52,188.39 4 1985 37,052.42 26,963.14 Equipment Repair-24,709.72 -- Recreation Supplies 34,799.00* 61,762.14 *Estimated figure using average cost of Salaries, Fringe Benefits, Depreciation, Insurance, Radio Repair and Uniform Expense of 1986 and 1987. Projected in 1988 Budget. MOBILE RECREATION BUS ANALYSIS Page 2 Number of Buses Year Revenue 4 1984 32,332.74 3 1983 23,945.10 3 19-82 - 24,561.10 - 3 1981 16,593.76 3 1980 $ 9,719.55 Expense Breakdown +/- 28, 809.01 Equipment Repair -31 , 275.27 -- Recreation Supplies 34,799.00* 63,608.01 13, 537.05 Equipment Repair -24, 390.95 -0- Recreation Supplies 34,799.00* 48,336.05 13, 258.56 Equipment Repair -23, 499.76 3.30 Recreation Supplies 34,799.00* 48,060.86 13,162.80 Equipment Repair -31, 389.42 21.38 Recreation Supplies 34,799.00* 47,983.18 9,065.97 Equipment Repair -34,259.09 113.82 Recreation Supplies 34,799.00* 43,978.64 *Estimated figure using average cost of Salaries, Fringe Benefits, Depreciation, Insurance, Radio Repair and Uniform Expense of 1986 and 1987. BUSSING PROGRAM REVENUE vs EXPENSE 1980 TO PRESENT $75,000 $ 7 0.000 $65.000 $60,000 $55,000 $50,000 $45,000 $40,000 =35,000 $ 30,000 $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,001 1980 1981 1982 1983 lau4--- NUMBER OF BUSSES 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 IN FLEET 5 5 IATE t• I ICE RATE YEAR BUSSING PROGRAM COST ANALYSIS 1980 TO PRESENT Revenue generated from bussing program $25,000 $20,000 Without new Insurance rate $15,000 +$11,362 $10,000 '-" +$ 4, 807 $5,000 0 -s 5 000a-WpM cc -$10000 -- -= -$15,000 — — — .-= $2 0 000 $25,000 ,��-$23,449 -$2�4 390 �� _-$23,840 �� -$24,709 with new Insurance rate $30,000 -$31,389 -$31,275 $35,000 -$34,259 Cost incurred by bussing program -$40,000 -$45,000 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 NUMBER OF "ISSES Estimated IN FLE 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 MOBILE RECREATION BUS PROGRAM # Of # Of Year Groups Served Participants 1984 363 12,912 1985 369 14,075 1986 403 14,625 1987 388 17,248 1988** 396* 15,937* Revenue Per Participant *Estimated numbers using average of 1986 and 1987. **This does not include new rate. $2.50 2.63 2.82 3.11 3.07 Loss Per ParticiDant $2.42 1.75 .75 1.50 f•� 50 4S 4C t C 3 O 3 d a to 4 a N aci BUS USAGE ANALYSIS 1987 ■ * -total number of trips ' 2 9 6 Charged trips '187 A A Jan. Feb. Mar. ^r 1987 Monthly totals STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The request from Mobile Recreation staff is as follows: 1) Continue the bus program with the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. 2) The bus fleet should remain at five buses. 3) One bus should be available with a handicapped lift. 4) Continue year round bus operation. 5) 6) 7) 7) The interagency programs of Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission should be aware of the cost factor. Develop and promote more interagency park programs. Establish fees as follows: Programmed Programmed Youth/Senior Adult Events Events Parks and Recreation Agencies $ 215.00 Municipalities/Government 215.00 Non-profit Organizations 215.00 Private Agencies 215.00 To Oakland County Parks 215.00 Fees will go into effect July 18. 245.00 245.00 245.00 245.00 8 - 11 - SUMMARY The Mobile Recreation Bussing program is an excellent opportunity to provide recreational services for the residents of Oakland County. It is our sincere interest in this program to service as many community groups and populations (seniors, youth, handicapped and families). Through this high visibility program and our dedicated staff effort, we expect to further enhance the image and public exposure of the Oakland County parks and Recreation Commission. 8-12- Aerobus International Inc. 1250 Rankin Troy 585-1044 6 hour minimum Pontiac to Tiger Stadium $380 plus bus driver gets 10% tip alcohol is allowed $180 deposit; balance due 30 days prior to departure Greyhound Bus Lines 1600 W. Wide Track Pontiac 334-2595 rate based on hours of use 1-5 hours or Pontiac to Tiger Stadium $338.25 1-7 hours is 365.00 alcohol is allowed a bar can be set up $100 deposit required Ambrose Tours 26049 Southfield Road Southfield 569-8050 rate for 8 hours is $425 Pontiac to Tiger Stadium $350 (5 hours) alcohol is allowed $200 deposit balance due 30 days prior to departure Groups Only 26049 Southfield Lathrup Village 569-5020 rate for 8 hours is $375 - $400 depending on destination alcohol is allowed $100 deposit balance; due 30 days before departure if cancelled with less than 14 days to departure, deposit is non-refundable 8-13- Charter Bus Limited 1255 Washington Detroit 962-3000 rate for 7-9 hours is $297 (distance does not change price) alcohol is allowed $100 deposit; balance due 30 days before departure if cancelled with less than 21 days to departure, deposit is non-refundable National Trails 20921 Mapleridge Southfield 353-9510 "all day" rate is $375 Alcohol is allowed $25 deposit; balance due two weeks prior to departure American Rental Services Birmingham 646-2900 "all day" rate is $89.00 (DOES NOT INCLUDE BUS DRIVER) plus $.89 per mile alcohol is allowed $50 deposit required; balance due before departure 8-14- 8-15 APPENDIX A 1987 BUS USAGE SURVEY N = NC CHARGE C = CHARGE RF = REDUCED FEE G AGENCYIDRGINIIATIDh P, DESTINATION 3AN FEB MAR I' APR MAY E JUN I JUL AUS SEP ` OCT NOV "— DEC ABWA Waterford Chapter Mr. F's ; C ' of Berklev Independence Oaks C Fit Beaumont Hospital, R.O. Upland Hills Berkley Head Start Program Upland Hills C " i Detroit Art Institute Youth Theatre C Berkley Parks & Recreation Detroit Art Institute I C I j j w Berkley Ice Arena I ? C „ " Red Oaks Wave Pool C i tBloomfield Hills Schools Mt. Holly ; C Mt, HollyC t Mt. Holly C i " ! Mt, Holly C " Mt. Holly C " Mt. Holly C Brotherhood Lodge #561 I Fairgrounds C , .Campfire N. Oak. Council Various stops I ° C I C ffi i ! CPC Pontiac Motors Tiger Stadium i C C Christ Church Cranbrook Meadowbrook Theatre i i C Clarkston Eagle Post i;Pres. Club Hazel Park Race Track C Clarkston Rotary Club Comedy Castle C ! " Greektown C Commerce Township Frankenmuth i C p " Detroit & Windsor C " Thanksgiving Day Para i I I C , ,It I l " Northville I C Commerce Masonic Ld � ;I r C, _ fi Havenc rest M APPENDIX A 067 BUS USAGE SURVEY N = NO CHARGE C = CHARGE RF = REDUCED FEE N{ AGENCYIORGINIZATION DESTINATION JAN ] FEB TSAR APR MAY E JUN k JLL jii AUG SEA' � OCT N NOV DEC R Commerce Tw 'Upland;Hills i t !' �. C "Commerce Tw , Seniors > Chelsey Milling Co, i C LDrayton Plns. Comm, Presbyterian -Church Tiger Stadium ! ( " C k f i Shuttle Bus (Bloomfiel(e P Easter SealsHills Holiday Inn) " C ' F,Ex lorer Scout Ski Pro ram Mt HollyC C +" N t � N k Ia h i ti �City of Farmin ton Hills ;! Tiger Stadium 4 1; `i �� ��. C 4 �Farminaton Hills P&R P1 mouth Ice Arena ' C @it t n Fisher Theatre C (Gordon Wood - Cam &Conference Center o d A. Stage Ntr Ctr: F I? " C f 1 1 tHllberr Theatre (Det i) 6i 1 I { C ` !W/O it .Graham Elementary School Wave Pool C • iavenw ck Hospital Spencer Park Rah l k RF '; Heart of the Lakes Seniors Fair rounds Circus I C I Herrington School I Oxford C Howarth Methodist Church {Ti er Stadium II C 8 p Howel P&R 1lW/O Wave Pool C Independence Squares Schinkler Elementery �vlSchool Square Dance Club La er C i jj"Kensington Park t Interlake Senior Citizens Biq Bov. Diehl Orchard I C Jewish War Veterans Shapiro Post Mystery Trip u C Color Tour Keego Harbor Seniors Lunch in Flint C . Kennedy Jr, High Cranbrook RF 'Keift Engineering Ti er Stadium t C I ! Kni hts of Columbus �Ti er ST dium 1 LaAmistad Center for -itin Affairs Southfiel Civic Centeri r + uach with Lanni Loor Stadium 1 Wadison H is Sn Citizens Clair I � it I; I I 8-l7 APPEMDlX A 1967 BUS USAGE SURVEY Jul, rAUG P. Hadison Hats Youth Assis. Various dison jr- High Lb-Lo Im-ntal RatardAtion ntr Nunchkin Manor Day Care �3ymanzikis Berry Farm J �Mv School Creative Challenge! Detroit Art Institute --ord Auditorium �ystery Trip /0 Wave Pool owell High W/O Wave Pool Llverdome C Luthfield Civic CenterL c Wave Pool C W. Bloomfield �iger Stadium C ):aith Comm. it �nited Pres. Church C Oakhill Care Center Late Fairgrounds C Oak, Co. Boat Club Itate Fair Coliseum 10ah. Co. Public Works Metro Airport RF it i0ak. Co. Special Olymoics Pleasant it M�-' APPENDIX A 1987 BUS USAGE SURVEY N = NO CHARGE C = CHARGE RF = REDUCED FEE ASENCYJORBINIZATION DESTINATION JAN FEB RR MAY JUN JUL CT NOV DEC] 41ndependence Parks Foundation Oaks C C fMy School Creative Challengeg Various Locations !Sports Camp Waterford Oaks Cnty Prk C C �Orion Twp. Parks & Rec C lPlaa--ant Ridnp Women's Club of Detroit —�tar ity of Pontinc jq1A Comm. & Human Service Pairgrounds gl RF City of Pontiac 9 ,Comm. & Human Pontiac 1 C !'Pontiac Elks #810 iger Stadium C ilverdome C Silverdome C 6ilverdome C Pilverdome C Llverdome C Silverdome C Pontiac Fire Department �.iger Stadium C Pontiac General Hospital lJoe Louis Arena C �iger Stadium C 1 Miger Stadium ITiger Stadium u C Joe Louis iger Stadium C F hCobo Hall 11 11 {Ice Capades C ')uality Inn Pontiac !Silverdome Shuttle C .Bill Rachwal 'The Landing Strip I C lReorganized Church of Latterl . jDay Saints tiger Stadium. C Lob-Lo T— Mochester Senior Citizens z- 8-I9 APPENDIX A 1987 BUS USAGE SURVEY N = NO CHARGE C = CHARGE RF = REDUCED FEE U PRochester Older Person Comm �Oetroit Institute of Arts Royal Oak Parks & Rec ','Tour of Royal Oak ParW�. Royal Oak Senior Acheivers Credit Club St. Joseph's Hospital Child h Learning Center �.Royal Oak Music Theatre C St. Michaels Men's Club iger Stadium RF St. Michaels School betroit Zoo C ;St. Michaels School luetroit Zoo C Icraig Sloan Plar Salloon C ISpringfield P&R State Fair Bob fCity of Walled Lake Fisher Theatre tWalled Lake City Library Detroit Science Center C Walled Lake Parks & Rec Upland Hills L c Walled Lake Senior Citizens tar of Detroit C ay New Vic Theatre, Flint C rankenmuth am APPENDIX A 1967 BUS USAGE SURVEY N = NO CHARGE C = CHARGE RF = REDUCED FEE e AGENCY/DRGINIZATION DESTINATION 1' JAN ,,y, FEB N MAR APR MAY JUNJUL AU6 SEF OCT NOV i ,DEC Waterford Parks & Rec tar Theater uVic TheatreL ryry � f u i i i „3reat Oaks Herb Farm' I " f tar Theatre I C ! I i Theatre p � " 'star Theatre !! ! C �� ? I4anufacturer's ibutlet I a C { I i i E " rappers Alley ' ' C " ,rappers Alley I I { ( - C " FPeople Mover � � ! C " �hiting Auditorium State Fair ' o Webster Elementary Coliseum C Bloomfield Optimist Club Tiger Stadium ( C W. Bloomfield Parks & Recreation ross Roads Village C ; " ross Roads Village ! ; C " (Waterford Oaks Wavepool ; C " nroveland Oaks C " i. Waterworid C I ! " 'Kensington I C t N ! h " 1 Fire & Police St. RF ! loomer Park C L oe Louis Arena ; C t ' indsor i t C � ' Ponds Nature ' 1pen to r C i„ t Various Dest. „ tic i 1 Busses 4 ' C f, �; Tour of Detroit ; C ii tt !• !! ii j h It A N 8-21 APPENDIX A 1987 BUS USAGE SURVEY N = NO CHARGE C = CHARGE RF = REDUCED FEE AGENCYIORGINIZATIDN QESTINATION JAN FEE 'MAR APR MAY�JUN JULI AUG 5' Ef OCT I NDV DEC ' Whitfield School ;Belie Isle " C I!Whitner Human Resource Center iCranbrookF !Planetarium`� N �j " C +" I p MWHRC North +Wisner Home C Whitmer Human Resource 'Upland Hills [' C ! Detroit Zoo Whitmer Human iResource Center Bob-Lo pl, [ C [[Detroit Zoo LC ' IBob-Lo I C { i ! City of Wolverine Lake Parks & Recreation IMeadowbrook Hall II i I` C ' **** � N0 ARGE 6CO S+t* NVirginia Rogers (",Sanitation rDum Site L-4 I F an Stencil iBean Bros. (BMX) F Brad Baker CP Games 11(2 Busses) F Greg Allessi, Childrens Vill'ge F i F " ,Dan ! Chrysler Trio Plant I i F Stencil Fall Color Dan Stencil Good Old i Fred Lindholm (People Mover F Kathleen Dougherty Fall Color Tour F Dan Stencil Amphitheatre Ded. F Dan Stencil --A Winter Conf. F Kelly Simpson Metro Beach I F at langlois Detroit pp p i F ; I Pat langlois High Point School F I P.Clarence Stanley 'Southfield Civic Center 1 !` [ i F i (Rob Coffey, i±Varies (7 Busses) F it; j l 8-2J APPENDIX A 1987 BUS USAGE SURVEY N = NO CHARGE C = CHARGE HF = REDUCED RI 1, W AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC F.Geoff Middleton Varies F �,Dan Stencil Ldep. Oaks �.'Geoff Laterford Middleton Oaks F Real People Young Adults Varies Rochester Elks outhfield Civic Center Brad Baker Day Camp [WIO Court Games F ummer Family fun Dan Stencil F Portia Fields -Anderson City of Pontiac 6etroit Zoo F Winter Family F L_L Portia Fields -Anderson 16ty of Pontiac Aetro Beach Metro Park F Detroit Zoo F CC -Orchard Ridge DAn STencil tenior Olympics F I' Mobile Recreation Tay Camp 30 runs JIGreat Escape eniors ITEM #9 INDEPENDENCE OAKS FENCING Bids are being reviewed on June 30, 1988 for the first phase of the material and installation of a 6' chain link fence around portions of the perimeter of the acquired land south and adjacent to Independence Oaks. The main intent of the first phase is to protect the east boundary from encroachment as new development is already accurring adjacent to this boundary. Bids will be presented at the Commission meeting. Funds in the amount of $20,000 were budgeted for the first phase of this project. 9-1 Independence Oaks Perimeter Fencing Bids were received for the perimeter fencing for the recently acquired property at I/0. The proposal was divided into a base bid and three alternates - base bid is for fencing of east,south and west side plus brushing and alt. 1,2 and three are for seperate fencing of the east,south and west boundary plus brushing for each respective side.Bids were received for each of three sides. The bids are attached. The total cost is considerable more than budgeted,there is not the need to do the west side because of extreme wettness and few property owner. Therefore, staff recommends award to the low bidder, Nationwide for the east side only ( alt. # 1 )at the unit cost of $7.76 for approx 4,811 ft. for a total cost of $37,333.36 plus the brushing of $1500 for a total contract price of $38,833.36 plus a 5/ contingency of $1942 for a total budget cost of $40,774. The cost is based on a unit cost because of the deletion of approx. 2652 ft. surrounding the Paulson property which we declined to purchase at this time. ii1t� (A � O d'� Independence Oaks Item #1 Nationwide Fence $ 9.47 driven 11.59 cemented Cyclone Fence $ 10.75 12.00 w/ side D.A. Corbin General $ 9.26 Total Base Bid 131,093.21 drived 153, 994 . 7S128 ,186. 18 160,441.42 cemented ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt #1 4,500.00 34,533.00 34,608.00 -------------------------------------------------------------=----------------------------------------- Alt #2 7.76 driven 10.75 9.26 9.64 cemented 1,500.00 13,859.00 19,083.00 Total 60,732.08 driven 95,913.75 89,764.58 75,082.12 cemented ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alt #3 9.56 driven 10.75 9.26 11.45 cemented 1,000.00 3,148.00 5,160.00 Total 19,731.84 driven 25,336.00 24,272.64 24,632.80 cemented - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Alt #4 12.56 driven 12.00 9.26 15.25 cemented 2,000.00 17,526.00 5,160.00 Total 54,073.76 driven 67,278.00 24,272.64 65,226.50 cemented -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•- alt 5 600.00/each 550.00 600.00 -----------------------•------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ITEM #10 GROVELAND OAKS FENCING Bids are being reviewed on June 30, 1988 for the material and installation of a 6' chain link fence along the perimeter of the newly acquired property to the north and adjacent to Groveland Oaks. This will provide the protection and safety for Groveland Oaks. There is approximately 10,601 feet of chain link fence to be installed. Bids will be presented at the Commission meeting. Funds in the amount of $80,000 were budgeted for this project. 10-1 Groveland Oaks Perimeter Fencing Bids were received for the Groveland Oaks perimeter fencing. This project consists of approx. 10,600 ft. of 6' ft. chain link fence to be installed along the perimeter of the property recently purchased. This fencing will provide security and continued persevation of this property. The summary is attached. Staff has reviewed the bids and recommends award to the low bidder Nationwide Fence in the amount of $79,859.42 plus two gates (Item 2 )at $600 ea.($1200) plus Alt. #1 brushing at $2500 for a total contract price of $83,559.42 and a 5% cont of $4178. for a total budgeted cost of $87,737. There is $80,000 budgeted for this project. Staff recommends the difference to be allocated from the general CIP contigency. Ok a Gxoveland Oaks Nationwide Fence Cyclone Fence D.A. Corbin General Item #1 $ 7.42 driven $ 8.50 $ 7.66 8.77 cemented ------------------------ Item #2 600.00 550.00/each 600.00 Total Base Bid 79,859.42 91,208.50 82,403.65 94,170.77 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A1t #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,500.00 13,570.00 15,902.00 Steel Pipe Steel Roll Forme(f Steel Roll Formed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Completion 180 days build time December 31, 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bid Security ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bid Bond 10% Bid Bond 10% Bid Bond 10% Corporation of MI Corporation of Del. Corporation of MI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Robert DeMil Debra Corbin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mike DeMil ITEM ##11 AERATOR Addison Oaks The swimming pond, Adams Lake, at Addison Oaks has experienced weed control and algae growth problems for a number of years, the park staff currently uses the weed harvester to mechanically remove weeds and also chemically treats this swimming area. The purchase of the AERATOR will assist the parks staff in reducing the amount of algae growth in the swim pond. Bids were received for a lake aerator 2 H.P. 230 volt, 1725 RPM, 1180 gallons per minute with a 250 boat power cord; as follows: CENTURY AID Madison Heights, MI BAREBO, INC. Emmons, PA HYDRO DYNAMICS Pontiac, MI Otterbine-Phoenix PHX200 $3,612.00 (Manufacture of Otterbine) NO BID Otterbine-Phoenix PHX200 $41727.50 (Alt. - Aqua-L,ator 1000) $4, 828.00 The manufacturer of Otterbine Aerator, Barebo, Inc. would not sell or bid direct. The Oakland County D.P.W. is currently using an aerator manufactured by Commerce Welding of Texas. This unit is notable for its economy of cost compared to most aerators. It is, however, rated somewhat less than the Otterbine-Phoenix PHX200: 1 2 H . P . , 230 Volt, approx . 580 gallons per minute. This cost of the Commerce Welding Lao Boy is: including a 250 foot power cord. $1,095.00 Staff agrees with Purchasing' s recommendation to award the purchase to Commerce Welding of Texas. Staff requests approval to purchase two of the units for the total of $2,190.00 in order to effectively operate an initial aerator program at Addison Oaks. There is $2, 000.00 budgeted in the 1988 Operating Equipment Budget for this purchase. Monies are available in the 1988 Operating Equipment Budget Surplus for the balance of this purchase. ITEM # 12 CLUB CLEANERS WHITE LAKE OAKS AND RED OAKS GOLF COURSES We have received from Purchasing the following bid for the purchase of two golf club cleaners for White Lake Oaks and Red Oaks Golf Courses: Wittek Golf Supply $1,290.00 Chicago, IL Miller Lawn Supply NO BID Novi, MI D & C Equipment NO BID Wixom, MI These club cleaners are a convenience item for the golfers and are very popular. The unit for White Lake Oaks is a replacement item for a 14-year old cleaner that is worn out. The cleaner for Red Oaks is an additional piece of equipment. Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to award the bid to the single bidder, Wittek Golf Supply, for $1,290.00. Funds for this expenditure will come from the Operating Equipment Surplus Fund. 12-1 Gr W 1M WITTEK Club Cleaners Two rotating nylon brushes — one firm brush for Irons, one soft brush for woods. Tank equipped + with drain outlet I (back aide). Immerse heads of clubs into tank to loosen dirt and grass clippings. Heavy duty 1/4 H.P.' t 'WX motor operates) from 1t0 volt outlet. rc� pyX Y _Ys "Speedee" - Pro Shop Club Cleaner • Speeds up the club cleaning chore. • Reduces labor costs. • Assures positive club cleaning action with no club damage. 6 `rY 0 0 Heavy duty "rust -proof" polyethylene tank — fill to 4" height for best results. Cast aluminum weather- proof electrical box. Flange bearings mounted on outside of tank— no freeze up of rotating shaft ', .. place Iron or wood head on bottom side of rotating brush and remove debris. 71 54 12-2 ITEM ##13 TRAILER MOBILE RECREATION To improve the handling of the Moonwalk and its support equipment, staff received approval at the April 6, 1988 Commission meeting to pur- chase a low profile trailer from Century Industries in the amount of $3,401.00. Century Industries informed us they were no longer able to provide this trailer. Bids were again requested with the following results: Knight Fabrication $1,510.00 Rochester, MI Seco 1,750.00 Pontiac, MI Clark's 2,486.21 Rochester Hills, MI Weingartz NO BID Utica, MI Lawn Equipment NO BID Pontiac, MI True-Bilt NO BID Pontiac, MI Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to award the bid to the low bidder, Knight Fabrication, for $1,510.00. There is $1,500.00 budgeted for this purchase in the Operating Equipment Budget. The bal- ance will come from the Operating Equipment Surplus. 13-1 ITEM #14 BUS WHEELCHAIR LIFT MOBILE RECREATION Staff has requested a price for the purchase and installation of a new wheelchair lift for the new bus the Commission recently approved. The Mobile Recreation bus program utilizes a wheelchair lift for the senior citizens and therapeutic programs. The current lift, which is on bus 76-901, is no longer operational. The new lift would be an orthopedic adaptation to be placed on the side entrance of the new bus. The lift will make the new bus a 36-passenger bus with room for two wheelchairs. A price of $3,323 for this orthopedic wheelchair lift was received from McFadden Corporation, which is the company manufacturing the body of the bus on order. This price includes: The liftgate with a manual back-up system; a single lif tgate door; wheelchair locks; standard guard rails and modesty panels; and installation. Staff recommends approving the purchase of the lift from McFadden Corporation in the amount of $3,323. There was $45,000 budgeted in the Operating Equipment Budget for this bus. Out of that, $32,230 has been allocated for the manufacture of the bus; the cost of the lift will come from the balance of $12,770. 14-1 #A WHEEL CHAIR WHEE CHAIR 36' SEAT 36" SEAT 36" SEAT 36' SEAT 36" SEAT 36" SEAT 36" SEAT 36" SEAT SEAT SEAT 36" SEAT 75" 36" SEAT 36" 36" SEAT SEAT SEgT SEAT 3s" 3s" SEAT SEAT Lifellguardla .�i W Lifeguard body lengths are available from 13 to 34 feet. (This drawing is based on a 34-foot body length.) 90.75" Note: All dimensional figures are taken at floor line. Drawings to scale of 64 inches per inch Wayne Corporation P.O. Box 1447 RiChmona. Intliana A737:+•6447 13 i 71 962.75 t t Telex: 27622t WAYNE CORP RIC w�yn� TM � Wailes Corporation Limited D!B/A Wayne Cenetle �/ Windsor. Ontario NBY 4R5 (579)945.631t Telex: 0647766t WELLES CORP WND wavne 14-2 Lifestar Lifestar body lengths are available from 26 to 40 feet. (This drawing is based on a 40-foot body length.) 0i PnnteA in U S.A P&S 6667-10E F-•m RA A7 lqn —rtl ITEM #15 MANAGER'S REPORT ---Staff, with the assistance of Frannie Greenebaum, has been developing fund- raising plans for the development of Orion Oaks. It is strongly recommended that a feasibility study be done to determine the capabilities of raising $10,000,000, as well.as identify the leadership in the community to head such a campaign. A feasibility study is traditionally done by an outside consultant to maintain objectivity. We are sending out Request for Proposals to identify local and na- tional professionals who specialize in these studies. Follow-up on the proposals would not be done until the master plan for Orion Oaks was approved. We would also request the cost of this program from each Proposal. Staff has indicated that the expertise of an outside consultant is needed at this stage of the capital development campaign. The campaign itself would be run by the identified leadership, along with staff. Recommendations will be made to the Commission after review of the proposals. ---The Eleventh Annual War of the Stars BMX Race will be held on July 9 and 10 at Waterford Oaks. Over 1,000 participants are expected for this event. Any Commissioners interested in attending the opening ceremonies should plan to be there at 9 a.m. on Saturday morning. ---The Oakland Parks Foundation's Summer Family Fun Day will be Saturday, July 16, from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Waterford Oaks Wave Pool. ---Chairman Wint, Joe Figa, Jackie McParlane and I will be travelling to New York and Connecticut the weekend of July 15, 16 and 17 to tour special population camps and their programs. ---REMINDER: Commissioners are invited to attend the Walk Michigan program scheduled at the County Courthouse Complex on Thursday, July 14, from 11 a.m. to 1 P.M. ---Staff received a request through the Real Estate Section of Corporation Counsel for consideration to sell two lots that are part of our Red Oaks Golf Course. Staff responded with a letter stating the Commission's intent to retain those lots as part of the golf course. ---Our Mobile Recreation Program has a new form of entertainment available -- a one -hour vaudeville revue show. ---Attached is a list of the winners from the Jr. Golf Tournament held June 23 and 24 at Springfield Oaks and White Lake Oaks Golf Courses. ---Also attached are various thank you letters staff has received recently. 15-1 Attention: from Anne Seebaldt Oakland County Parks and Recreation Public Communications Intern June 29, 1988 Listed below are winners from our 14th annual junior golf invitational. The event took place June 23 at Springfield Oaks in Davisburg and June 24 at White lake Oaks. I apologize that the information was not given to you sooner, however, I just received it yesterday. Hopefully, this can still be useful for you. BOYS 11 AND UNDER 1st Jayson Buchman -- 84, 18 holes 5078 Paula Clarkston, MI 48016 625-8323 Corey Bilostein -- 2nd, 92, 18 holes 6415 Waldon Clarkston, MI 48016 625-8326 3rd Andrew Uthoff -- 93, 18 holes 329 Princess Dr. Canton, MI 48188 981-1130 BOYS 12 AND 13 1st Tom Stevens -- 178, 36 holes 5486 Winchester Troy, MI 48098 879-6023 2nd Brian Donahoe -- 183, 36 holes 2888 Kilburn Court Rochester Hills, MI 48064 652-2709 3rd Joshua Fryer -- 184, 36 holes 6485 Andersonville Rd. Waterford, MI 48095 623-6706 BOYS 14 AND 15 1st Todd Moore -- 153, 36 holes 3537 Noble Oxford, MI 48051 15-2 2) 2nd Matt McDonald -- 158, 36 holes 4899 Rayfore Milford, MI 48042 363-1553 3rd Greg Withey -- 165, 36 holes 22614 Withey Farmington Hills, MI 48024 BOYS 16 AND 17 1st Jim Mleczko -- 153, 36 holes 5002 Hampshire Utica, MI 48087 739-6588 2nd Zachary Fryer -- 155, 36 holes 6485 Andersonville Road Waterford, MI 48095 623-6796 Dan Trotta -- 156, 36 holes 32873 Red Oaks Trail Birmingham, MI 48010 646-6599 BOYS 18 AND 19 1st George Paulson, Jr. -- 146, 36 holes 985- Coledale Court Union Lake, MI 48085 698-3682 2nd Jeff Rachar 2419 Willow Lane Highland, MI 48031 -- 148, 36 holes 887-2291 3rd Steve Laurain -- 149, 36 holes 3084 Caswell Troy, MI 48098 540-0606 GIRLS 11 AND UNDER 1st Molly`-)Syyon -- 151, 18 holes 4877 Westlawn Pontiac, MI 48054 681-0970 2nd Sommer Woods -- 179, 18 holes 16871 Birwood Detroit, MI 48023 861- 2979 3rd Keir Wheeler -- 207, 18 holes 811 Covington Dr. Detroit, MI 48023 862-1086 15-3 3) 'ND 13 1st Jamica Johnson -- 228, 36 holes 17622 Edinborough Detroit, MI 48219 534-5748 2nd Haellena Weems -- 314, 36 holes no address or phome number given GIRLS 14 AND 15 1st Marilyn Michaelson -- 193, 36 holes 2197 Hemstead Troy, MI 48083 689-9538 2nd Crystal Sumner -- 197, 36 holes 20265 Murray Hill Detroit, MI 48235 272-5272 - - 3rd Dana Kevelighan -- 217, 36 holes 2824 Orchard Place Orchard Lake, MI 48033 682-1226 GIRLS 16 AND 17 1st Colleen Brock -- 181, 36 holes 5054 Woodberry Dr. Utica, MI 48087 731-8251 2nd Cynthia Overton -- 220, 36 holes 18028 Littlefield Detroit, MI 861-7938 Total of 146 youth in tournament -- 11 girls and 135 boys. 15-4 F, lqs(s> a73 15-5 p TROY PUBLIC LIBRARY 510 West Big Beaver Road Troy, Michigan 48084 June 6,1988 Janet E. Pung Public Information Officer Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48054 Dear Ms. Pung: o c, Thank you so much for the delightful presentation you gave for us at the Troy Public Library on Friday June 3rd. The slide presentation was beautiful and really gave a wonderful overview of the excellent parks we have in Oakland County. Your explanation and question and answer session were also most informative and I thank you for taking time to answer the many questions. I am really grateful for your bringing the VHS tape too. If we do have any people who come on June loth, it will really "save the day." I will return it to you safely soon. I am enclosing a copy of today's article in the Eccentric. Thought you might like to have it. Yours sincerely, atVe-V1W Alison Nunnev Administrative Aide Community Services 15-6 500 W. BIG BEAVER ROAD TROY, MICHIGAN 48084 Bldg. Inspections ...........524-3344 Dept. of Public Works .......524-3370 Library ....................524-3538 Engineering ...............524.3383 Museum ..................524-3570 Finance ................... 524-3411 Personnel ................. 524-3339 Fire ......................524-3419 Planning ..................524-3364 Information ................524-3300 Police Dept ................ 524-3443 City Assessor..............524-3311 City Attorney...............524-3320 City Clerk .................524-3316 City Manager ..............524-3330 Purchasing ................524-3338 Recreation (Parks) ..........524-3484 Traffic Engineer ............524-3379 Treasurer .................524-3334 OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 NORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD — PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48053 — (313) 858-0100 June 9, 1988 Oakland County Parks & Recreation 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac MI 48054 Dear Mr. ard.,� Thank you for your prompt follow-up to my request for a Parks and Recreation courtesy passbook for the Clawson Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing. The outing was yesterday. It was cold golf outside but successful, warm and friendly for the dinner, door prizes and outing over-all. The water-slide/wave pool pass in addition to the courtesy passbook was a pleasant surprise. Sincerely; Susan G. Kuhn County Commissioner, District #12 15-7 0 n 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 4 054 R.J. Alexander Consultant, former chair SEM A Donna Bullard Michigan Credit Union League Claude J. Brittinghom Director of Research, United Community Services of Metropolitan Detroit J.A. Buitevveg Vice President, Lokv Cror=s S; Trecker Company Gerrrude Davenpoft Oriental Pug Consultant John Decker Manager, program planning Ford Motor Company Body and Assembly Operations Podia Fields -Anderson Depuly Director Pontiac Panes and Recreation Anthony Filippis yalrigN and Filippis, Inc. Y. Patrick Freycil Freydl & Associates Edward Fuller Central Pork Propaiaies Walter Gaer Vice President D'Arcv, Masius, Benton & Bowies Barbara Goldman Director, Michigan Council for the Axis Rita Haddow Community Lender Jack Flays Corporate Counsel Oakland County John fltlf. Jioklina, F.A.I.A. tickling, Lyman & Powell Margo Icing Director of University Relations, Oakland University Bill Lairnbeer Detroit Piston Renee Mahler Communications Director Area Agenev on Aging, Region 1-6 Lorna i cEwen Public Relations Consultant, Henry Ford Hospital Maple Grove Alcoholism Treatment Center Christopher Bern The Detroit Edison Con, pony Jorrres C. Scott, A.S.L.A. James C. Scott & Associates, Inc. Boris Sellers &Xecuutive Director ieaumont Foundation Daniel F. Travis Astor Steel Corporation Luis E. Wint Wint P, Son Funeral Home Feundedion Bxeautiue Director Frances Greenebaurn Oakland Parks Foundation President George A. Googasian Googasian, Hopkins, Forhan & Hohauser Vice Igesfdc-nt John Thurber Miller, Canfield, Paddock & done seevetav (Cathryn icing President Baker, Abbs, Cunningham & Klepinger Treasurer Donald F. Von Loo, C.P.A. Janz & Knight June 27, 1988, Mr. Ralph Richard, Manager Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, MI 48054 Dear Ralph: On behalf of the Oakland Parks Foundation, I thank you and your tremendous staff for all the hard work, cooperation, and commitment they showed in contributing to the success of our "Sunday In the Park." They "ran that extra mile" also! While we didn't make a profit on the event, we did make many new friends ... for the future, we hope. Thank you for Susan Wells. Thank you for Baker, Abbs, Cun- ningham & Klepinger. Thank you for Mobile Recreation. Thank you. FSG:ks 15-5 Cordially, Frances S. Greenebaum Executive Director