HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1989.04.05 - 39838OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48054-1697 • (313) 858-0906 March 30, 1989 Ralph A. Richard Lewis E. Wint Manager Chairman Jon J. Kipke Jean M. Fox Assistant Manager Vice Chairman Recky D. Lewis, Jr. Secretary George W. Kuhn Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Thomas A. Law Daniel T. Murphy Ralph Nelson John E. Olsen Richard V. Vogt To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday, April 5, 1989 PLACE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Rd. Pontiac, MI PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting. This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Mr. Lewis E. Wint, Chairman, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, Ralph Richard Manager RR/jg OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING April 5, 1989 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes of the March 1, 1989 Meeting. 3a. Approval of Minutes for Public Hearing on Grant Pre -Applications. 4. Approval of Payment: Voucher No. 255 Voucher Nos. 3-1 thru 3-287. Interdepartmental Payments: January Charges paid in February. Transfer Vouchers: January Charges. 5. Statement of Operations for Month Ending 2128189. 6. Activity Report for Month of February, 1989. 7. Bid Item: Addison Oaks Lighting. 8. Bid Item: Groveland Oaks Well. 9. Bid Item: Groveland Oaks Concession. 10. Bid Item: Independence Oaks Swim Pond Renovation. 11. Bid Item: Independence Oaks Playground Equipment. 12. Bid Item: Daihatsu 4-Wheel Drive Utility Vehicle - Addison Oaks. 13. Bid Item: Gas Pump - Independence Oaks. 14. Bid Item: Hot Water Heater - Glen Oaks Clubhouse. 15. Bid Item: Diesel Mowing Tractor - Glen Oaks Golf Course. 16. Bid Item: Cushman Truckster - Groveland Oaks. 17. Bid Item: Fertilizer - Golf Courses and Parks. 18. Bid Item: Riding Sprayers - Red Oaks & Springfield Oaks Golf Courses. 19. Bid Item: Lifeguard Swimsuits. 20. Asbestos Abatement - Addison Oaks Conference Center. 21. Platform Tennis Proposal - Waterford Oaks Paddle Club. 22. Resolutions. 23. Manager's Report. 24. Old Business. 25. New Business. 26. Adjourn. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Payment Approval Summary No. 2-255 Nos. 3-1 thru 3-287 January charges paid in February January Charges For Meeting of: April 5, 1989 $ 899.40 523,454.63 $524,354.03 83,266.96 1,478.58 SAL $609,099.57 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER FEBRUARY, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AWX TW 2-255 Sundry (Advance) Advances for J.Fiaa & R.Richard to attend the NACU Conf. held in Wash.D.C.�on 3-3/3-6-89 - Admin. $ 899.40 Sub -Total for Voucher Rpqi.-,t-pr RqC) A() TOTAL FOR VOUCHER REGISTER 530,789_26 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE 11MC7[7NT 3-1 Susan Wells Cash Adv. to attend the "Exec.Development Program" in Bloomin ton IL on 3 18-23 89-Rec. Admin. $ 77. 5 3-2 Sundry Advance Cash Adv. for J.McParlane&C.Herb to attend the Revenue Sources M mt.School in Wheelin VN on 3 12-17 89- rove.& Rec. Admin. 66 .4 3-3 Sundry Commission Per Diem & Mileage paid to O.C.Commissioners for attend- of 3 l 89-Admin. 168.25 3-4 Sundry Instructors Instructor's fee for Jan.&Feb.,1989 to D.McLand $620.00 Dog Obed. M.Marion $345.00 Ballet B.Gesaman $34.00 Round Dance,D.Rieck $348.00 Sq.Dance,F.Gel $806.00 Ball- room Dance,K.S ence $650.00 Swing Fitness&R.Dillon 62.50 Woodcravin -Water. 2,865.50 3-5 Kerr -Albert Acct.Rec.-Admin.;Cap.Equip.,(3)Panasonic Typewriters w/ attachments & (1)Disk Drive w access.-Admin. 5 420.65 i 3-6 J. Eiden Equipment Ca. .E i ., 1 Saw & Wet Kit -Add. 699.00 — 3-7 Waterford Fuel & Supply Cap.Equip.,(1)Mower-Orion Oaks;Uniforms-Orion Oaks;Bldg. Maint.=YAC 820.33 3-8 Eagle of Michi an Ca .Pro'. New Contact Station -Add. 55.99 _ 3-9 Johnson & Anderson Ca .Pro'. Wetland Ac isition-Inde . 750.00 3-10 H.L. Clae s Cap. Proj. , New Contact Station&Maint.Bldg. Renov.-Add. 42.7 3-11 VOID. 3-12 Gamalski Building Ca .Pro'.,Maint.Bld . Renov.-Add.- B1do.Maint.-Grove. 832.45 3-13 Madison Electric Acct.Rec.-R.O.Dr.Range;Cap.Proj.,New Contact Station- Add.;Twin Chimneys Im .-Inde .;B1da.Maint.-Admin. Wh.Lk. Glen Oaks,Red Oaks&YAC;Sm.Tools&Maint.Sup.-Tech.Sup.; Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks 1,799.76 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCI LUI •r r. witw� VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1989 lVVC1UL' It 3-14 VOID _ $ 3-15 O.C.Road Commission Per Diem&Mileage,meeting for R.Vogt, 2/l/89-Admin. 35.00 3-16 Kammer/Michigan Consultants Prof.Services,lobbyist on legist.matters for month of March, 1989-Admin. 1,000.00 3-17 Steel Equipment Bldg. Maint.,(1)Unit of Shelving -Add. 250.00 3-18 Hamlett Engineering Sales Bldg. Maint.,(5)Liquid Head for Pump-W.O.W.Park 324.35 3-19 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry & Dry Cleaning-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep., Wh. Lk.,Orion Oaks,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,YAC Water.,W.O.W.Park & Nat.Prog. 336.09 3-20 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry & Dry C eaning-Tec .Sup.,A .,Grove.,Orion Oaks, Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,YAC,R.O.W.Park,Water., Nat.Prog. & W.O.W.Park 336.42 3-21 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry & Dry Cleaning-Tech.Sup.,Orion Oaks,Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks,R.O.W.Park,Water. & W.O.W.Park 75.92 3-22 F.Ostrowski, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Add. 47.37 3-23 Wilkie Turf Equip.Maint.-Grove.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks & Spring. 480.36 3-24 McCally Tools & Supply Sm.Tools-Tech. Sup. 678.31 3-25 Petrolane Gas Service Utilities -Grove. 541.80 3-26 Detroit Edison Utilities-Grove.,Wh.Lk.,Spring.,YAC,Water. & W.O.W.Park 5,425.55 3-27 Foam Designs Cap.Equip.,(150)Mats-W.O.W.Pool 849.58 3-28 Sundry (Payroll) Pay period ending 2/24/89-All Parks 88,913.80 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER. REGISTER MARCH, 1989 VOUCHER. NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-29 Total Building Concept Cap. Pro'.,New Concession Bld ., ent 3-Grove. $ 105 627.44 3-30 Hodges Supply Acct.Rec.-Admin.(To be reimb.by The Oaks);Cap.Proj.,Club house Renov.-S rin .;Sm.Tools-Tech.Su .;Bld .Maint.-Add. Conf.Ctr.,Grove.,Inde . & R.O.W.Park 1,177.43 3-31 Consumers Power Utilities-Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks,YAC,Spring.,W.O. W.Park & Water. 7 218.13 3-32 Detroit Edison Utilities-Add.,Add.Conf.Ctr.,Grove.,Inde . & Nat.Pr 5,148.34 3-33 Burke Building Centers Cap.Proj.,Clubhouse Renov.-Spring.;Bldg.Maint.-Admin., Grove.,Inde .,Wh.Lk.,YAC,Water.&T.Com lex;Sm.Tools-Tech. 763.92 3-34 Burke Building Centers Sup.,Grove.,YAC&Mcb.Rec.;Maint.Sup.-Tech.Sup.;Equip.Maint -Inde .&Mob.Rec.,Prorata(All Units),trucks&buses;Grounds 234.06 Maint.-Inde .;Rec.Su .-Nat.Pr 3-35 Oxford Lumber Cap.Proj.,Maint.Bldg.Renov.-Add.;Bldg.Maint.,Equip.Maint. & Grounds Maint.-Add. 476.09 3-36 Chris Keast Advertising Cap. Pro'.,Park Development -Orion Oaks 3,734.00 3-37 Munn Ford Tractor Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks & Spring. 188.58 3-38 White Lake Township Cap. Pro'.,Maint. Bldg. Renov.-Wh. Lk. 60.00 3-39 Lakeland Builders Ca .Pro'.,Clubhouse Renov.-S rin .;Bld .Maint.-Grove. 49.36 3-40 Drayton Plywood Cap.Pro'.,Conf.Ctr.Im .-Add.;Bld .Maint.-Admin.&Wh.Lk. 446.08 3-41 McCally Tool & Supply Cap.E uip.,(1)Fish Tape S stem&Sm.Tools-Tech.Su . 608.87 3-42 Russell Hardware Bldg. Maint.-Admin. 17.36 3-43 AT&T Communications -Add. 285.47 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RGC X-ATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1989 vOUCHLUZ MnK IM vFNDM PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-44 Michigan Bell Communications -Add. $ 41.03 3-45 AT&T Communications -BMX 8.10 3-46 Pontiac Plywood Bldg. Maint.-Glen Oaks 57.70 3-47 John R Lumber Bldg. Maint.-Red Oaks & R.O.W.Park;Equip.Maint. & Ground Maint.-Red Oaks 153.83 3-48 Grainger, Inc. Equip.Maint. & Uniforms-Indep. 77.61 3-49 Mazza Auto Parts Equip.Maint.-Indep,Wh.Lk.,Mob.Rec.,Prorata(All Units), trucks & buses 103.67 3-50 Pontiac Steel Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 5.10 3-51 MI Horticultural Therapy Adv. Regist. tor J.McFariane to attend e or 1cu ura Therapy Sem. in Lansing,MI on 3/23/89-They. Prog. 8.00 3-52 Madison Electric ap. roj., ew Contact Station&Maint.Bidg.Renov.-Add.; Uniforms-Tech.Sup.;Bldg.Maint.-Add.Conf.Ctr.,Indep. & R. O.W.Park 972.31 3-53 J & J Trailer Cap.Equip.,(1)Trailer to transport mowers -Add. 2,450.00 3-54 Tennant Company Adv.Regist.for R.Kallis & W.Gugan to attend the Sweeper School in Sterling H ts.,MI on 4 10-12 89-Red Oaks & R.O. W.Park 370.00 3-55 Canadian Metal Cap. Proj.,Drainage Imp. -Glen Oaks 1,097.28 3-56 Elden's Hardware quip. ain .- in., ec up., n ep. o ec., rora a (All Units),trucks&buses&Water.;Sm.Tools-Tech.Sup.,Indep 212.73 3-57 Elden's Hardware &Spring.;Bldg.Maint.-Indep.,Water.&T.Complex;Rec.Sup.- Nat.Prog.;Rental Prop.Maint.-Water. 71.60 3-58 Davisburg Lumber Cap.Proj.,Clubhouse Renov.-Spring.;Bldg.Maint.,Sm.Tools& Equip.Maint.-YAC 56.06 _ I., OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSICN VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1989 Vo UCHLUi NUMBER VENDOR L It Lo-_ fe u l-11VIdA 3-59 Eiden Equipment Cap. Equip.,(1)Dayton Pressure Washer-Spring.;Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. $ 815.78 3-60 Tom's Hardware Bld .Maint.&Grounds Maint.-Add.;Sm.Tools-Orion Oaks 81.91 3-61 Young Supply Bld .Maint.-Wh.Lk.&R.O.W.Park;Maint.Su .-Tech.Su . 107.00 3-62 Harvey's Office World Off.Sup.-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,W.O.W.Park & Nat. Pr .;Sm.Tools-Tech.Su . 115.04 3-63 Wein artz Supply E ui .Maint.-Add.,Inde .,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Water.&BMX 797.25 3-64 Genesee Welding Special Events,helium-Rec.Admin.;Equip.Maint.-Tech.Sup.& Grove. 24.30 3-65 Wolverine Transportation Equip.Maint.itrucks & buses -Mob. Rec. 59.41 3-66 UZ Engineered Products E i .Maint.,Prorata(All Units) -Mob. Rec. 75.18 3-67 Ga anne's Floral Misc.Ex .,flowers-Admin. 29.50 3-68 Lolich's Donut Misc.Ex .,trustees r .,2 1-3,6-10 89-Orion Oaks 28.00 3-69 LeBud et Photo Shop Public Info.-Admin. 5.75 3-70 Artmaster Public Info.-Admin. 84.90 3-71 Personalized Name Plate Off. Sup. -Add. 3.99 3-72 Radunz Travel Center Airline Tickets for L.Wint to Washington,D.C. on 3/3-7/ 89-Admin. 218.00 3-73 National Bicycle League Sanctioned Races,fee for 1989 racing season -BMX 50.00 3-74 VOID 3-75 J. Eiden Equipment Equip. Maint. & Sm. Tools -Tech. Sup. 63.14 OAKLAND OOUN'PY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1989 VOUC[ H 21 NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-76 Spartan Oil Equip. Maint.,55 gal. of Oil -Spring. $ 179.95 3-77 Baldwin Cafe Misc. Exp.,trustees lunches, 2/10/89-Orion Oaks 20.28 3-78 Meijer, Inc. Public Info.-Admin. 3.59 3-79 Andrew Bohner Special Events,karate instructor for Feb.,1989-Water. 24.00 3-80 Moby Dick Pet Store Rec.Sup.-Nat. Prog. 51.98 3-81 Marsh Power Tools Sm.Tools,(2)Saw'Blades&(1)Gauging System -Tech. Sup. 367.50 3-82 Flaghouse, Inc. Rec. Sup.-Indep. 97.35 3-83 Marine Rescue Products Rec. Sup.,(4) Rescue Tubes-Indep. 170.15 3-84 Custom Interiors Cap. Proj.,New Admin. Bldg.-Admin. 100.00 3-85 Building Officials Publications,code books for reference -Tech. Sup. 84.00 3-86 Rodale Books Publications,ref.book,"Storage Around House" -Tech. Sup. 27.95 3-87 Henderson Glass Bldg. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 60.00 3-88 The Larson Company Grounds Maint.,(3)Pi es & (1)Band-Orion Oaks 414.38 3-89 Church's Lumber Bldg. Maint.-Add. & R.O.W.Park 84.04 3-90 Acme Cleaning Services Bldg. Maint.,window services for Jan. -Glen Oaks 115.00 3-91 MI Portable Toilets Equip. Rental & Misc. Exp.-Orion Oaks 253.80 3-92 Capitol Equipment Equip. Maint.-Add. 80.69 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1989 VOUC11L;l2 NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-93 Joe Rosczewski Equip. Maint.-Add. $ 52.00 3-94 Industrial Vehicle Sales Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 13.24 3-95 Safety-Kleen Equip. Maint.-Spring. 75.75 3-96 FinishMaster Equip. Maint.-Add. 70.30 3-97 H. D. Edwards & Co. Equip. Maint.-Grove. 27.69 3-98 Pontiac Steel Equip. Maint.,Prorata(All Units) -Mob. Rec. 71.20 3-99 Detroit Ball Bearing Equip. Maint.-Add. 92.78 3-100 Mid -States Petroleum Equip. Maint.-Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks & Red Oaks 1,012.78 3-101 JRE Tires Equip.Maint.,valves for trailer -Red Oaks 243.00 3-102 Safety-Kleen Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 75.75 3-103 Herk's Oxford Automotive Equip. Maint. & Sm. Tools -Add. 339.80 3-104 Charles Thomas Publishers Publications,ref.book,"Business/Disabled"-Ther.Prog. 27.50 3-105 John Sowels Misc. Exp.,reimb.for business calls -Tech. Sup. 18.97 3-106 Angie's Kitchen Misc. Exp.,trustees lunches,2/13-17/89-Add. 90.98 3-107 Baldwin Cafe Misc. Exp.,trustees lunches,2/6-9/89-Orion Oaks 80.01 3-108 MI First Aid Misc.Exp.,medical supplies-Wh. Lk. 170.43 3-109 Insty-Prints Public In o.-A min.;0 .Sup.-Mob.Rec.;Special Events- co. emp.-Rec.Admin. & x-country ski-Indep. 218.50 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RCCREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1989 VOUCIMIZ MTM ER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-110 Tri County Sports Special Events,x-country ski-Indep. & Add. $ 405.00 3-111 MI Wheelchair Basketball Special Events,referee fees -They. Prog. 149.00 3-112 MI Square Dance Special Events,full pg. ad -Water. 65.00 3-113 Marclif, Inc. Special Events,round dance instructor -Water. 187.50 3-114 Arrow Uniform Uniforms,(36) Coveralls -Add. 118.93 3-115 ZEP Manufacturing Hskp.Exp.-Glen Oaks 114.00 3-116 Radio Shack Off. Sup. -Add. ` 39.95 3-117 American Fishing Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 7.00 3-118 Passon's Sports Rec. Sup. -Add. 99.00 3-119 Brown & Associates Sm. Tools,(1)Drill Set -Tech. Sup. 156.80 3-120 Waterston's Sm. Tools,(1)Porter Cable Router & Case -Tech. Sup. 210.00 3-121 General Automation Sm. Tools -Add. 15.80 3-122 Jon Weston Refund for cancelled reception -Add. 275.00 3-123 Cityof Madison Heights g Acc.Rec.-R.O.Dr.Range(To be reimb. by Oak.Golf Dome); Utilities -Red Oaks 60.36 3-124 GlennWing Tools Cap.Equip.,(2)Nail Guns w/access.-Tech.Sup.;Sm. Tools- Tech. Sup. 1,581.85 3-125 G.A. Frisch Cap.Proj.,Clubhouse Renov.-Spring. 4,777.00 3-126 VOID OAKLAND CU TY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1989 VOUC[ 1 LUZ NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-127 Advance Floors Cap.Proj.,Clubhouse Renov.-Spring. $ 18.59 3-128 Midwest Rental Center Cap.Proj.,Clubhouse Renov.-Spring. 79.50 3-129 Oakland Heating Cap.Proj.,New Contact Station -Add. 163.89 3-130 Artcraft Blueprint ap. roj.- a er Timer ys. ep.- pring.; up.- min., Rec.Admin.,Orion Oaks & Mob.Rec. 246.80 3-131 McCally Tools Cap.Proj.,Maint.Bldg.Renov.-Add.;Sm.Tools-Tech. Sup. & Add. 923.11 3-132 Lake Orion Lumber Cap.Proj.,New Contact Station & Maint.Bldg.Renov.-Add.; Bldg. Maint.-Add. 213.29 3-133 Pontiac Paint Cap.Proj.,Clubhquse Renov.-Spring.;Equip.Maint.-Grove. & Mob.Rec.,trucks&buses;Grounds Maint.-Orion Oaks;Bldg. Maint.-Indep. & W.O.W.Park 373.61 3-134 O.C. Road Commission Per Diem & Mileage,for R.Vogt,mtg. of 2/15/89-Admin. 35.00 3-135 AT&T Communications-Wh. Lk. 33.60 3-136 Gamalski Building Bldg. Maint.,(3)Sheets of Plywood & (1)Deadbolt-Add. 273.00 3-137 Smiley Electric Bldg. Maint.-Glen Oaks 30.00 3-138 Jean's Hardware Sm.Tools,Bldg.,Equip. & Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 141.72 3-139 PB Electronics Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 30.00 3-140 State Wire & Terminal Equip. Maint.-Add. 12.59 3-141 Oxford Hydraulics Equip. Maint.-Add. 11.16 3-142 Perry Screw & Bolt Equip. Maint.,Prorata (All Units) -Mob. Rec. 16.17 i 0 Oi1KL AND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1989 VOUCHER Lit NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-143 Lawn Equipment Equip. Maint.-Add.,Red Oaks & Spring. $ 372.33 3-144 Auto Supplies By Herk's Equip. Maint.-Grove. 14.15 3-145 Herk's Oxford Automotive Equip. Maint.-Add. 75.81 3-146 Miracle Recreation Equip. Maint.,(12)Slashproof Seat w/hooks-Indep. 156.00 3-147 Petrolane Gas Utilities-T.Complex 238.32 3-148 McKay's Hardware Equip. Maint.,Grounds Maint. & Bldg. Maint.-Grove. 78.93 3-149 Waste Management of MI -North Garbage Removal-Add.,Spring. & YAC 276.00 3-150 Moore's Disposal Garbage Removal-Tech.Sup.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.&Water. 180.00 3-151 International Events Publications,subscription renewal-Rec.Admin. 225.00 3-152 Angie's Kitchen Misc. Exp.,trustees prog.,2/21-24/89-Add. 79.08 3-153 Kincaid's Family Dining Misc.Exp.,trustees lunches,2/21-28 & 3/6/89-Indep. 96.00 3-154 Baker,Abbs,Cunningham & Klepinger Public Info.,ad for billboard-Admin. 2,500.00 3-155 The Orion Review Public Info.,ad for public hearing-Admin. 14.00 3-156 Oakland Schools Public Info.-Admin.;Special Events,x-country ski -Add. 3.76 3-157 Marble Mania Rec. Sup.,(2) game sets for sports mobile -Mob. Rec. 85.90 3-158 Oxford Co -Operative Elevator Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 27.00 3-159 Detroit Air Sm. Tools-R.O.W.Park 19.75 OAKLAND O0(WY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1989 VOUCI IER "TMrtra vM- Ty) 2 PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-160 Weingartz Supply Sm. Tools -Add. $ 48.00 3-161 Commercial Wire Sm. Tools,(1)3 Way Pipe Threader -Tech. Sup. 110.00 3-162 Sundry (Misc.) Special"Events,payment for Xmas performance to S.Smith & D.Vanderkolk,ea. $30.00-Mob. Rec. (Stage Show) 60.00 3-163 Sundry (Mileage Reimb.) Mileage for Feb.,1989 to M.Zednik $56.00 & J. Pung $10.00-Admin. 66.00 3-164 Jean Boroska S ecial Events,sr. citizen events-Water. 3-165 Township of Addison Cap. Pro'.,Maint. Bldg. Renov.-Add. 268.00 3-166 Oakland Hardware Cap.Proj.,New Contact Station-Add.;Sm.Tools-Tech.Sup. & Add.;Bldg.Maint. & Equip. Maint.-Add. 126.48 3-167 Consumers Power Utilities-Add.,Add.Conf.Ctr. & W.O.W.Park 3,666.23 3-168 Detroit Edison Utilities -Glen Oaks 3,868.89 3-169 Petrolane Gas Service Utilities -Glen Oaks 107.28 3-170 VOID 3-171 Eagle of Michigan Cap. Pro'.,New Contact Station -Add. 60.20 3-172 Warren Co -Operative Bldg. Maint.-Red Oaks 44.60 3-173 Ashton's Lock & Key Bldg. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 79.20 3-174 Fire Control Bldg. Maint.-YAC 81.50 3-175 Erb Lumber Bldg.Maint.-Admin.,Grove.,Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks & R.O.W.Park 615.30 3-176 Absopure Water Equip.Rental-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Add.,Indep.,Spring.&Tech. Sup.;Off.Sup.-Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add. & Indep. 162.50 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1989 VOUCHl3t NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-177 Scott's Lock & Key Bldg. Maint.-YAC $ 18.00 3-178 Detroit Ball Bearing Equip. Maint.-Grove. & W.O.W.Park 31.92 3-179 Pontiac Truck Center Equip. Maint.,trucks & buses -Mob. Rec. 354.24 3-180 Spartan Oil Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 16.95 3-181 Crown Battery Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 72.35 3-182 Harp's Sales Equip. Maint.-Add. 17.90 3-183 Oakland Disposal Garbage Disposal -Glen Oaks 45.00 3-184 Century Rain Aid Grounds Maint.-Wh. Lk. (Multiplier Board) 127.50 3-185 O.C. Road Commission Grounds Maint.,dust control-Wh. Lk. 160.00 3-186 Trails -A -Way Publications,subscription renewal-Admin. 6.75 3-187 Angie's Kitchen Misc.Exp.,trustees lunches,2/27-28,3/1-3/89-Add. 83.38 3-188 Photography by Winship Public Info.-Admin. 15.00 3-189 Le Budget Photo Public Info.-Admin. 11.50 3-190 Lee Specialty Public Info.,(1,000)We Care Buttons-Admin. 180.00 3-191 UZ Engineered Products Equip. Maint.,Prorata (All Units)-Mob.Rec.;Maint.Sup.- 3-192 O 3-193 Diversified Business Off.Sup.,monthly bill on Ricoh copier-Admin. 273.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1989 VOUCHLUZ NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-194 Steel Equipment Off.Sup.-Admin. $ 43.00 3-195 American Fishing Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 5.50 3-196 Moby Dick Pet Store Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 17.48 3-197 D & C Distributors Sm. Tools,(1)Grooved Roller -Glen Oaks 434.85 3-198 Industrial Vehicle Sales Cap. Equip.,(1)Tractor-Water. 12,295.00 3-199 Pioneer Hardware Cap. roj.,C u ouse Renov.-Spring.;B g.Maint.-A ., Grove.&Wh.Lk.;Equip.Rental-Wh.Lk.;Sm.Tools&Hskp.Exp.- .; quip. Main .- o .Rec., rorata (Aii Units , trucks & buses 368.49 3-200 VOID 3-201 City of Madison Heights Utilities-R.O.W.Park 65.25 3-202 Safety-Kleen Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 56.75 3-203 Regal. Feed & Supply Misc. Exp.,birdseed-Admin. 28.49 3-204 The Oakland Press Public Info.,ad for hearing-Admin. 73.95 3-205 Independence Township Ca .E i 3 Pedal Boats -Orion Oaks 1,700.00 3-206 Oakland Heating Supply Cap. Pro'. New Contact Station -Add. 562.10 -207 Riemer Floors Cap. Pro'. Clubhouse Renov.-S rin . 911.20 3-208 Rose Exterminator Bldg. Maint.-YAC 72.00 3-209 Michigan Bell Communications-W.O.W.Park 20.36 m . . ., �,.,,. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1989 VOUCI MUZ NUMBER V L;NLX)R PURPOSE AMC)[ TW 3-210 Detroit Edison Utilities -Add. & Water. $ 93.50 3-211 Mr. Uniform & Mat Equip.Rental-Add.&Indep.;Bldg.Maint.-Add.Conf.Ctr.;Hskp. Exp.-YAC&Water.;Laundry&Dry Cleaning-Admin. 145.46 3-212 M.G. Sales & Service Equip. Maint.-Indep. 169.00 s-213 Hoekstra Truck Equipment Equip. Maint.,trucks & buses -Mob. Rec.;Maint. Sup. -Tech. Sup. 11.00 3-214 Betty Long Damage Deposit refunded-YAC 100.00 3-215 ABC/Kroy Off. Sup.,ribbons for Merlin-Admin. 90.40 3-216 John A. Biewer Sm.Tools-Indep.;Rec. Sup.-W.O.W.Park 249.69 3-217 Tri-County Sports Sm. Tools,game standards-YAC 330.00 3-218 J. Mansfield, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Wh. Lk. 68.81 3-219 VOID 3-220 Arrow Uniform Rental aun ry&Dry eaning- ec .Sup.,A .,Grove.,Orion Oa s, Indep „ Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,YAC, Water.,W.O.W.Park & Nat.Prog. 226.57 3-221 Sundry (Payroll) Pay period ending 3/10/89-All Parks 91,115.68 3-222 Pontiac Post Office Public Info.,mailing of Acorn newsletter-Admin. 985.30 3-223 Melody Farms Public Info.,milk carton ads-Admin. 1,500.00 3-224 Schmidt Copeland Parker Stevens Cap.Proj.,Park Development -Orion Oaks (payment #7) 74,590.61 OA LAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1989 VOUCH EII Nt JMIAM VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-225 Custom Interiors Cap. Proj.,Site Dev.&Imp./New Admin. Bldg.-Admin. $ 419.50 3-226 E.F. Whitney, Inc. Cap. Proj.,New Concession Bldg. -Grove. 2,790.00 3-227 Asbestos Management Cap.Proj.,Asbestos Abatement Prog.-Add. 1,547.42 3-228 Ketchum, Inc. Cap. Proj.,Park Development -Orion Oaks (payment #1) 7,500.00 3-229 Gamalski, Inc. Cap. rol.,New on ac a ion -A .; g. ain .-A on . Ctr. & Grove. 1,855.76 3-230 Service Plumbing & Heating Acct.Rec.-R.O.Dr.Range (To be reimb.by Oak.Golf Dome) 100.00 3-231 Talburt & Associates Cap.Equip.,(1,560 Water Tubes) -Red Oaks 16,860.00 3-232 Sales Control Cap.Equip.,(1)Cash Register & Off.Sup.-Grove. 1,243.75 3-233 Lawn Equipment Cap.Equip.,(1)Truckster-Wh.Lk.&(1)Blower-Water. 6,983.00 3-334 Boat/US Marine Center Bldg. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 44.25 3-235 Oakland Hardware Grounds Maint.-Add. 254.84 3-236 McMasters Filtration Bldg. Maint.,filters-W.O.W.Park 150.44 3-237 Winter Seal Bldg. Maint.,(8)Windows-Grove. 798.72 3-238 Paint 'n' Stuff Bldg. Maint.-Add.Conf.Ctr. 10.77 3-239 D & C Distributors Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 82.05 3-240 Soltis Plastics Corporation Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 30.60 3-241 All America Plywood Equip. Maint.,trucks & buses -Mob. Rec. 197.50 OAKL AND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1989 VOUCHElz Mnar ER VMDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-242 Sears, Roebuck & Co. Equip. Maint.-Add. $ 38.90 3-243 Parts Associates Equip. Maint. & Sm. Tools -Glen Oaks 177.13 3-244 Carrier & Gable Equip. Maint.-Indep. 33.40 3-245 Premier Fastener Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 88.87 3-246 Henderson Glass Equip. Maint.,(1)Windshield-Wh. Lk. 154.09 3-247 Industrial Cleaning Equip. Maint.-Indep. 15.80 3-248 MI Cash Register Equip. Maint.-Spring. 59.95 3-249 Burington Golf Cars Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks & Red Oaks 52.74 3-250 C & I Auto Parts Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 222.33 3-251 Wilke Pressure Washer Equip. Maint.-W.O.W.Park 80.00 3-252 J & H Hydraulic Company Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 24.22 3-253 Spartan Oil Equip. Maint.,(1)55 gal. drum -Red Oaks 225.05 3-254 Petrolane Gas Utilities -Grove. 169.42 3-255 American Aggregates Grounds Maint.-YAC & Indep. 1,124.62 3-256 Kitts Industrial Tools Grounds Maint.-Add. 97.92 3-257 C & D Alexander Misc. Exp.,trustees program,1/9-10,17,23-24,30-31/89&2/ 6-7,13-14,21,27-28/89&3/6-7,13-15/89-Inde . 97.24 3-258 Angie's Kitchen Misc. Exp.,trustees program"3/13-17/89-Add. 78.18 0AKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1989 VOUCHIal N[ 1MBFIZ VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-259 Meijer, Inc. Public Info.-Admin.;Off.Sup.-Admin.&Mob.Rec.;Misc.Exp.- Wh.Lk.;Rec.Su .-Nat.Pr .;E ui .Maint.,trucks&buses-Mob $ Rec. 81.28 3-260 MI First Aid Misc. Exp.,medical supplies -Add. 24.15 3-261 The Finals Misc.Exp.,(1)Swimsuit-Admin. 19.20 3-262 Hamilton Printing Public Info.,(10,000)Water.0aks Brochures-Admin. 1,810.00 3-263 United Cable Public Info.-Admin. 60.00 3-264 Baker,Abbs,Cunningham & Klepinger Public Info.,Public Relations & Event Mrkt. Services for March, 1989-Admin. 2,100.00 3-265 Rich Sign, Inc. Special Events,(3)paper signs-Ther. Prog. 120.00 3-266 Insty-Prints Speciai Events, Bow ing & 0 0 Easter Fling flyers Rec. Admin. & YAC 193.50 3-267 Public Relations Society Adv.Regist.for F.Greenebaum & J.Pung to attend the "Building Media"seminar in Southfield,MI on 4 12 89- Admin. 50.00 3-268 Ralph Richard Travel Reimb. for attending the Grant Mtg. in Lansing, MI on 2/28/89-Admin. 14.60 3-269 Ralph Richard Travel Reimb. for attending the Property Site Review in Southfield, MI on 2/24/89-Admin. 6.50 3-270 Aabaco Industries Uniforms,dis .coveralls-Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks&S rin 460.00 3-271 O.C. Dept. of Public Works Sewage Charges -Add. & Add. Conf.Ctr. 822.46 3-272 MI Repro -Graphics Off. Sup.-Admin. 25.00 3-273 O.C. Planning Division Off.Sup.-Admin. & Orion Oaks 88.00 CYIKLAND CXMrY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1989 VOUCuEt NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-274 Done Right Engraving Off. Sup.,(500)Badges w/safety pin-Admin. $ 233.49 3-275 ABC/Kroy Off. Sup.-Admin. 32.90 3-276 Stromberg Products Off. Sup.-Rec. Admin. 41.25 3-277 Speedy Printing Off. Sup. -Spring. 13.75 3-278 John Biewer Rec. Sup.,(15)Anchors-Indep. 243.15 3-279 CCM Rec. Sup.,(80)Boots&(64)Skis w/access.-Indep. 5,310.00 3-280 Moby Dick Pet Store Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 8.99 3-281 McCally Tool Sm. Tools -Grove. & Indep. 231.01 3-282 Sears, Roebuck & Company Sm.Tools,(1)Floor Jack & (1)Battery Charger -Grove. 251.20 3-283 UZ Engineered Products Sm. Tools -Tech. Sup. 33.07 3-284 K. Smith, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Admin. 171.34 3-285 Imcom Travel speclai Events,airrare for the Sparks wNeelcNalr Team to attend the Nat'l Tourn. in Hartford,CT on 4/6-9/89- Ther. Prog. 1,398.00 3-286 Mark Berryman Special Events,band for sr. citizen dance -Water. 301.88 3-287 Sundry (Advance) Cash Adv. & Regist. for R.Richard to attend the Sixth Governor's Conf. in Traverse City,MI on 4/9-11/89-Admin 332.85 SUB -TOTAL FOR VOUCHER REGISTER $ 523,454.63 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS Al, AECRE.ATION COMMISSION INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER February, 1989 (For month of January, 1989) SOURCE DEPARTMENT PURPOSE AMOUNT Inv. #46 Communications Fund Acct.Rec.-R.O.Dr.Range(To be reimb.by Oak.Golf Dome); Communications-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Grove.,Inde .,Wh.Lk., $ Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,YAC,Water.,W.O.W. Park,T.Com lex & Nat.PrO . 3,731.35 Inv. #75 Computer Services Fund Off.Sup.-Rec.Admin.;Eciuip. Rental-Admin. 1,263.60 Inv. #87 Facilities & Operations Fund Bldg. Maint.-Admin.,Glen Oaks & R.O.W.Park;Grounds Maint.-Water. 122.40 Inv. #33 Fringe Benefit Fund Fringe Benefits Charges for month of Jan.,1989-Admin. 51,523.59 Inv. #56 Materials Management Public Info.-Admin.;Hskp.Exp.-Admin.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh. Lk.,YAC&Water.;Off.Su .-Admin.,Grove.,Orion Oaks,Inde .& Wh.Lk.,;Grounds Maint.-Orion Oaks;Misc.Exp.-Indep.; Special Events,sr. citizen -Water. 1,809.26 Inv. #33 Motor Pool Fund Transportation-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove., Orion Oaks,Inde .,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,S rin ., YAC,Water.,Mob.Rec. & Nat.Prog.;Equip.Maint.-Add.,Grove. Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Spring.&Mob.Rec.,trucks&buses;Insurance- Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring. & Mob. Rec. 20,623.23 Inv. #96 Office Equipment Fund Equip.Rental-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove., Indep.,S ring.,YAC,Water. & Nat. Prog. 384.60 Inv. #73 Printing & Mailing Fund Public Info.-Admin.;Off.Sup.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech. Su .,Add.,Grove.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,YAC,Mob.Rec.&Nat.Prog. Special Events,misc.-Rec.Admin.,sq.dance,misc.&ballroom dance -Water.; 1,514.78 Inv. #14 Radio Communications Fund Radio Maint.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove., Indep.,Orion Oaks,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,S ring.,YAC,�I _ R.O.W.Park,Water.,W.O.W.Park,Mob.Rec. & Nat.Prog. 2,294.15 TOTAL FOR INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER 83,266.96 i N 0 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION TRANSFER VOUCHER REGISTER JANUARY, 1989 c TRANSFER PURPOSE VOUCHER insurance DEPARTMENT OR FUND NUMBER Acct. Payable, 1988 4th qua rter disability premiums -Nat. Prop. roa.,4. oo & aters i e g- 1-402 General Fund Acct. Paya e, Maint.-Add. (Alarm System Materials) 1-409 General Fund TOTAL FOR TRANSFER VOUCHER REGISTER N 1,2� 54. 0 224.58 1,478.58 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ANALYSIS OF FUND BALANCE AS OF 2/28/89 FUND BALANCE, 1/l/89 ADDITIONS: REVENUE OVER OPERATING EXPENSE AS OF 2/28/89 NET COLLECTIONS ON ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE NET DEPRECIATION EXPENSE DEDUCTIONS: PAYMENTS ON CAPITAL PROJECTS NET OPERATING EQUIPMENT PURCHASES NET PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNTS PAYABLE INTERDEPARTMENTAL INVOICES IN TRANSIT INCREASE IN MERCHANDISE FOR RESALE SUMMARY OF FUND BALANCE CASH ON HAND INVESTMENTS WITH THE COUNTY TREASURER gm $2,122,169.98 636,238.21 67,152.26 ------------- $ 310,177.48 22,651.44 351,092.26 160,326.85 2,450.25 ------------- $2,826,112.24 2,825,560.45 ------------- $5,651,672.69 846,698.28 ------------- $4,804,974.41 $ 46,176.18 4,758,798.23 ------------- $4,804,974.41 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR MONTH ENDING 2/28/89 COMBINED STATEMENT YEAR TO 1989 OVER(-), % OF ******** REVENUE ******** DATE BUDGET UNDER BUDGET BUDGET MILLAGE & INTEREST INCOME $2,897,233.45 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 50.00 ADDISON OAKS: PARK 2,454.00 CONFERENCE CENTER 0.00 GROVELAND OAKS 2,059.64 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 19,059.63 ORION OAKS 0.00 GLEN OAKS 339.03 RED OAKS: GOLF COURSE 276.00 DRIVING RANGE 0.00 WATER PARK 0.00 SPRINGFIELD OAKS: GOLF COURSE 31.25 WHITE LAKE OAKS 459.25 SPRINGFIELD YAC 4,866.00 WATERFORD OAKS: PARK 14,797.00 WATER PARK 0.00 TENNIS COMPLEX 1,500.00 MOBILE RECREATION 2,623.80 BICYCLE MOTO CROSS 0.00 NATURE PROGRAM 185.50 THERAPEUTIC PROGRAM 3.00 TOTAL REVENUE $2,945,937.55 ** OPERATING EXPENSES *** ADMINISTRATION RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. TECHNICAL SUPPORT ADDISON OAKS: PARK CONFERENCE CENTER GROVELAND OAKS INDEPENDENCE OAKS ORION OAKS GLEN OAKS RED OAKS: GOLF COURSE DRIVING RANGE WATER PARK SPRINGFIELD OAKS: GOLF COURSE WHITE LAKE OAKS SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC WATERFORD OAKS: PARK WATER PARK TENNIS COMPLEX MOBILE RECREATION BICYCLE MOTO CROSS (BMX) NATURE PROGRAM THERAPEUTIC PROGRAM CONTINGENCY* TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $167,635.79 37,598.55 73,875.00 63,946.13 4,651.41 35,918.87 66,241.59 7,726.71 45,219.28 29,885.41 27.63 15,927.88 45,914.62 41,640.28 17,503.60 25,259.24 8,865.21 826.40 17,870.08 5,120.94 28,003.44 145.56 83,963.95 $823,767.57 REVENUE OVER/UNDER EXP. $2,122,169.98 1989 ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: 31.6% BUDGET BALANCE: 68.4% ACTUAL EXP. TO DATE: 10.8% BUDGET BALANCE: 89.2% $5,072,000.00 $2,174,766.55 57.1% 14,200.00 14,150.00 0.4% 195,100.00 80,400.00 395,600.00 215,500.00 0.00 660,900.00 230,950.00 10,000.00 621,250.00 523,500.00 508,800.00 146,000.00 76,200.00 339,500.00 24,000.00 134,500.00 70,600.00 5,100.00 3,200.00 $9,327,300.00 $1,340,600.00 216,400.00 529,840.00 643,800.00 60,300.00 551,700.00 665,950.00 98,200.00 449,850.00 289450.00 4,,000.00 475,600.00 465,650.00 423,250.00 165,280.00 202,375.00 289,800.00 38,200.00 304,800.00 83,000.00 208,380.00 19,550.00 100,000.00 $7,625,975.00 $1,701,325.00 1988 31.2% 10.2% 192,646.00 80,400.00 393,540.36 196,440.37 0.00 660,560.97 230,674.00 10,000.00 621,250.00 523,468.75 508,340.75 141,134.00 61,403.00 339,500.00 22,500.00 131,876.20 70,600.00 4,914.50 3,197.00 $6,381,362.45 $1,172,964.21 178,801.45 455,965.00 579,853.87 55,648.59 515,781.13 599,708.41 90,473.29 404,630.72 259564.59 3,,972.37 459,672.12 419,735.38 381,609.72 147,776.40 177,115.76 280,934.79 37,373.60 286,929.92 77,879.06 180,376.56 19,404.44 16,036.05 $6,802,207.43 1.3% 0.5% 8.8% 0.1% 0.1% 0.0% 0.1% 3.3% 19.4% 6.3% 2.0% 12.5% 17.4% 13.9% 9.9% 7.7% 6.5% 9.9% 7.9% 10.1% 10.3% 0.7% 3.3% 9.9% 9.8% 10.6% 12.5% 3.1% 2.2% 5.9% 6.2% 13.4% 0.7% 84.0% 10.8% $-420,844.98 -24.7% 1987 36.7% 10.G% *INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. 5-2 COMBINED TOTALI S OF MONTHLY ACTIVITIES FOR FEBRUARY, 1989 TOTALS - GOLF COURSES RECREATIONAL & TOTALS - SPECIAL EVENTS TOTALS - DAY USE PARKS GRAND TOTALS GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing RED OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Cross Country Skiing Golf Dome SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 19 Holes Cross Country Skiing rn H TOTALS - GOLF COURSES Leagues/Groups Participants Leagues/Groups Participants 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 0 0 9,309 8,389 0 0 15,796 14,760 164 149 14,167 12,983 333 275 25,021 24,383 4,796 1,169 20,314 5,580 6,183 2,481 27,245 11,332 4,960 1,318 43,790 26,952 6,516 2,756 68,062 50,475 GOLF COURSES - MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1989 YEAR TO DATE Leagues Participants Leagues Participants 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11150 0 0 0 1,550 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 7,864 8,389 0 0 13,751 14,745 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 0 0 0 125 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 0 0 0 325 15 0 0 9,309 8,389 0 0 15,796 14,760 RECREATIONAL AND SPECIAL EV. .S - MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1989 YEAR TO DATE MOBILE RECREATION Airsport Skate Mobile Mime Group Puppet Mobile Sports Mobile Buses Show Mobile SPRINGFIELD OAKS Y A C WATERFORD OAKS Activity Center Tennis Complex BMX ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM Nature Center Outreach SPECIAL EVENTS rn N TOTALS Groups Participants Group Participants 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 20 947 712 54 33 2,188 1,184 28 23 1,985 1,405 63 47 3,320 2,490 68 55 2,409 2,334 129 105 5,006 4,853 8 8 178 178 15 15 274 340 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 18 883 864 32 30 1,688 1,693 23 25 7,765 7,490 40 45 12,545 13,823 164 149 14,167 12,983 333 275 25,021 24,383 DAY USE PARKS AND FACILITY f�ZENDANCE REPORT - MONTH OF FEBRUARY 1989 ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers GROVELAND OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK Day Use Day Camper Overnight Group Campers ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GLEN OAKS CLUBHOUSE SPRINGFIELD OAKS CLUBHOUSE WHITE LAKE OAKS CLUBHOUSE WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK RED OAKS WATERPARK ORION OAKS rn w TOTALS YEAR TO DATE Groups Participants Groups Participants 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 651 0 2,279 0 651 130 2,279 456 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,116 1,156 14,453 4,046 5,484 2,324 19,241) 8,136 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 2 1,319 288 19 4 2,167 338 15 10 1,985 1,111 25 17 31045 1,917 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 278 75 4 6 403 425 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 110 60 4,796 1,169 20,314 5,580 6,183 2,481 27,245 11,332 ITEM #7 ADDISON OAKS LIGHTING A new contact station and staging area is being constructed at Addison Oaks. This project will include some initial lighting in the area of the contact station and the staging area. Two types have been selected: There will be three period lights at the contact station which will be in keeping with the architectural style of the building and adjacent buildings; two plain fixtures have been selected for the staging area (see attached). Staff has reviewed bids and recommends award to Graybar Electric Co. in the amount of $4,400.50. There was $30,000.00 allocated for this project, which includes the contact building, asphalt paving, concrete curbing and lighting. The paving and curbing are presently out for bid. Company 3-TOWN Common 2-LeBox Total Graybar $3,232.50 $1,168.00 $4,400.50 Leslie $3,211.50 $1,885.00 $5,096.50 Westing- $3,271.95 $1,183.66 $4,455.61 house Madison $3,452.10 $1,248.00 $4,700.10 Dingman $3,455.16 $1,248.28 $4,703.44 7-1 �tit9� bs P� w k r t'7�q,�4���L#4i�^y'•S, �k � 1 � � ! 4 ;! ! it �. ti � " ! r r �x�i���¢ ,f.���s+'.t'� � rw P�f1pj',µ�„ � 1+", � 4q n ;D�fu F ° ��•,, k . c t r' f f�6`"1' T 6" 0 All, Awl") WJ ��. Zr n�vs.Xi al.�4d �� Ci4ri9 ls,`. i... fir_ AMk r�r', �trh�h��"F.;.} �i"ifi"C,.;��'�_Zma"!�; .,. ,r -. _ _ . , _ ,_. *a .• � M.?�.k , iA" ! i �t',,�i 4�.y1✓ /�.1G Ii pe ` F rarJ w �i i l s �^a,kd��4ca`ri��f^ a rrj�zyrr3 tni�ig(t ,4P4�m�4)r ,�+' a�`q ii�>+>?r�t F'd �Pi ydlx f,� P❑ ihiil � �y�wdYy'�jx✓i�z �j� _ y 1 �7� ID ! P 4 i�p� MEMO 3�ly1� AWN 11 r� vim —, : Air} '� -01 c }�, r %� f 4� 1All an J; Pat A). 7/ way AM A -IV Won � q Mkt, q� y gat[" fT �G s'� ! j 7f y:�t4r f r r ,:v. myr ;,hta ,.2 .F�i'.t ._r:•..Y"d..}�.i. 3:'', , F • �. , ITEM #8 GROVELAND OAKS WELL Bids were received for a 6" well to be installed at the Groveland Oaks new concession building. The existing 2" well is inadequate and will not provide a sufficient water supply. The bid price includes: 100' 6" well, stainless steel screen, air volume control, pitless adaptor, 7k hp submersible pump, and miscellaneous fittings, etc. The bids are as follows: Layman Well Drilling $10,402.00 Davisburg, MI Brown Drilling Co. $10,241.25 Howell, MI Ray LaLone NO BID O.D. Corsault NO BID Layne Northern Well Drilling NO BID Brown Co. has required as part of their bid, a down payment of $8,728.64; balance to be paid upon completion. Purchasing believes these terms to be excessive and therefore recommends awarding the contract to Layman in the amount of $10,402.00. This will be funded out of the $517,620.00 designated in The Capital Development Budget for the Groveland Oaks Concession Building. 8-1 ITEM #9 GROVELAND OAKS CONCESSION Landscaping bids for the Groveland Oaks Concession Building are due on Thursday, March 30, 1989. The landscaping consists of the installation of trees, shrubbery, and ornamental grasses around the perimeter of the building and terrace. Bids will be evaluated and a recomendation will be presented at the Commission meeting. 9-1 ITEM #10 INDEPENDENCE OAKS SWIM POND RENOVATION Work has been progressing on the Independence Oaks swim pond renovation, which included dredging of the pond, installation of a fabric weed mat, replacement of the beach with new sand, and the installation of a 485 ft. edge drain to prevent further beach erosion. The pond and beach area were completed late last fall with the edge drain being presently installed. The edge drain is a concrete trough that runs parallel to the existing sidewalk. It is doweled into the sidewalk to hold it in place. The sidewalk which is 10'x 485', had many large cracks which have occurred over the years. It was originally thought they were not sufficent to warrant replacement; however, due to the way the drain must be attached, the cracking will become very obvious and could cause a safety problem. Due to the 6" thickness and the curb -type front, the contractor gave us a price of $5.10 a sq. ft. to replace, including breaking out the old. There is 1,500 sq. ft. that requires replacement. The cost will be $7,650.00. There was $75,000 allocated for this project. The contract was $67,642.50 with an additional $3,382.00 contingency. We would like to use the $3,382.00 contingency and approve an additional $4,268.00 from CIP contingency. 10-1 ITEM ##11 INDEPENDENCE OAKS PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT Independence Oaks is in need of additional playground equipment. The playground equipment must provide the initial need and allow for flexibility and expansion. Proposals were prepared which allowed the play equipment companies to provide a design within a specified budget. A criteria was developed by staff which set the guidelines for the design and specified certain features --swings, slide, decks, height, etc. Staff is presently evaluating the proposals and will present a recommendation at the Commission meeting. There was $10,000.00 allocated for this project. �T, _ •l J r Ll ' � l 3 2 1 f U� � ,1J � •'v Item � No. 1 6 7 8 n 9 to 11 12 13 14 C COUNTY O -,AKLAND Purchasing Division Bid Summary 6 4 l 5 r;'-1`:' i OAKLAND COUNTY INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMO rom: Holly M. ro: Sue Demasellis Date Subject: Your req. # 89-3-3, Groveland Oaks Landscaping Proposal 4/4/89 ae bid results on the Groveland Oaks Landscaping project were as follows: O.W. Rose & Sons BasrBid: $11,649.50 Pontiac o25'0 _ �-60 Sly Timber Wall: $1,120.00-- Hydroseed: _ 50 for 500_ sq. yds.--� All Trees: $2,240.00 All Shrubs: $2,007.00 All Gnd. cover: $4,480.00 Installed Edge: $652.50 Wood Chips: $600.00 Marine City Nursery Base Bich. _$7,555.00 Marine City ---- Timber Wall: $600.00 �__---- �;Cn���`=tirr� Hydroseed(not included in bid) unit price .08 sq< it: guan 1 y terminec All Trees: All Shrubs: $2,000.00>�,� $2,905.00 All Gnd . cover: $600.00 Installed Edge: $1,450.00 Ryerson 1/8" w/4" stakes 1-1v cf; _ Skandia Landscaping Livonia Timber Wall: $1,120.00 Hydroseed: (not included in bid) unit price All Trees: $2,765.00 All Shrubs: $2,701.00 All gnd..cover: $3,527.00 Installed Edge: $1,160.00 Ryerson Louries Landscaping Clarkston Timber Wall: Hydroseed: All Trees: All Shrubs: All gnd. cover: Installed Edge: Foxfire Landscaping Mt. Clemens Goldner Walsh Pontiac $510.00 $1,335_.00(1200 sq. $2,381.00 $2,811.00 $1,181.00 $1,171.00Ryerson Base Bid: $11,273.00 .75 for J,000 �§q. yds. & up Base Bid: $9,389,00 / 335'.o-a �J o5.g, an u /° ft.). No Bid No Bid 5 `�^�� OCAn IT 'Nil OIANiTe K4AT[evAv lfnn 0 0 0 N T Y M I C H I G A N Daniel T. Murphy, Oakland County Executive DEPARTMENT OF CORPORATION COUNSEL JackC. Hays, Director858.0557 Linda E. Wasielewski, First Assistant 858.0553 Gordon R. Wyllie 858-0555 Donald F. Slavin 858-0554 John F. Ross, Jr. 858.0558 Karl W. Randall 858-0556 Michael Blaszczak 858.0551 MEMORANDUM TO: RAL PH RICHARD, Manager, Parks & Recreation Commission FROM: LINDA E. WASIELEW� ;i 1` First Assistant C�6r ,o`f`�ation Counsel DATE: March 30, 1989 f RE: Waterford Oaks Paddle Facility Cooperative Agreement I have had an opportunity to review the proposed Cooperative Agreement between the Parks Commission and the Waterford Oaks Paddle Club. As we discussed, I understand contribution as it facilitates new courts, which might not be support. Even so, we must be use/ownership situation as the tax money is involved. the importance of the Clubs. the purchase and installation of possible without its financial careful to avoid an exclusive courts are on County property and In that vein, I suggest that the language in the second full paragraph on Page 2 be reworked to eliminate the word "exclusive". The use of the word "priority" is a more accept- able expression of the relationship that may exist between the Commission and the Club. Also, I believe that it is a more accurate description of how these facilities will be used. Otherwise, I see no problems with the Agreement and would approve the same as to form. LEW/egm Enclosure Court Tower - West Wing 0 1200 North Telegraph Road 0 Pontiac, Michigan 48053 0 (313) 858.0550 ITEM ##12 DAIHATSU 4-WHEEL DRIVE UTILITY VEHICLE ADDISON OAKS The park operations of Addison Oaks have expanded to necessitate the purchase of an additional utility vehicle. In 1987, the Parks pur- chased its first Daihatsu. Parks staff has been most impressed with the operation of this unit and its adaptability for a variety of park maintenance operations. The Daihatsu HiJet that is being requested is a 4-wheel drive unit that will be used primarily around the Conference Center and for trail maintenance. This is not a replacement vehicle. The purchase price of the vehicle purchased in 1987 was $6,060.00. The main reasons for the unusually large price increase for the new vehicle are the 4-wheel drive feature and the dump box. The life expec- tancy of this utility vehicle is between S and 8 years. The following bids were received: JDX Taylor AIS New Hudson W. F. Miller Novi Wilkie Turf Pontiac Industrial Vehicle Sales Pontiac Pfeiffer/Daihatsu Grand Rapids NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID Did not meet specifi- cations $10,838.00 Staff is requesting this bid be awarded to the sole bidder meeting specifications, Pfeiffer/Daihatsu of Grand Rapids, for $10,838.00. There was $9,200.00 budgeted in the 1989 Operating Equipment Budget for this purchase; the balance of $1,638.00 is available from funds in the operating equipment surplus. 12-1 ITEM #13 GAS PUMP OAKS Recent federal and state standards have been established for the safe storage of fuel. In order to comply with these regulations and to more efficiently dis- pense fuel for our park equipment, staff recommends the installation of a fuel pump at the park maintenance center at Independence Oaks. The following bids have been received for a contract to supply all labor and material to install the specified fuel pump and storage system: Hawkins Equipment Co. $4,375.00 Pontiac, MI R.V. Seaman Co. Hazel Park, MI 7,495.00 United Maintenance and Installation 6,875.00 Allen Park, MI Horner Equipment NO BID Saginaw, MI Delta Environmental NO BID Clawson, MI Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to award this contract to the low bidder, Hawkins Equipment Company of Pontiac, for the amount of $4,375.00. There is $2,000 budgeted in the 1989 Operating Equipment Budget for this purchase. The balance of $2,375.00 is available from the 1989 operating equipment surplus. The reason for the great discrepancy between the budgeted amount and the actual bid price is that the original specifications were according to the state and federal guidelines, which were superseded by the requirements of the local authority, Independence Township; they required cathartic protection of the fill pipe, vent pipe and suction pipe, which included additional cement work and electrical service. 13-1 ITEM #14 HOT WATER HEATER GLEN OARS CLUBHOUSE The Glen Oaks Clubhouse has a 500-gallon hot water heater tank, which is heated by two heat exchange units that are in excess of 20 years old. One is inoperable and the other unit has been inspected and condemned by the Hartford Steam Boiler Company. It is recommended that both of these units be replaced by a single unit. Bids were requested for a Lochinvar hot water heater and were received as follows: Hodges Supply $5,843.00 Pontiac, MI Harrison Piping 5,485.00 Livonia, MI State Plumbing 5,646.00 Detroit, MI H. L. Claeys 5,651.00 Warren, MI W. T. Andrew Co. NO BID Detroit, MI Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to award the bid to the low bidder, Harrison Piping, in the amount of $5,485.00. Funds for this purchase will come from the building maintenance account for Glen Oaks. 14 -1 ITEM #15 DIESEL MOWING TRACTOR GLEN OARS GOLF COURSE We have received from Purchasing the following bids for the purchase of a 5-gang 25 hp diesel hydraulic mowing tractor for Glen Oaks: Ideal Mower (Ransomes) $28,000.00 Ferndale Midwest Turf (Ransomes) 33,500.00 Novi Gallaghers Outdoor Power (Ransomes) 33,600.00 Rochester Hills Oakland Lawn (Ransomes) 38,500.00 Drayton Plains Ransomes, Inc. (Ransomes) 38,500.00 Wisconsin Wilkie Turf (Toro) 28,440.00 Pontiac JDX Corp. (John Deere) Did not meet specs. Taylor ($26,115.00) W. F. Miller (Jacobsen) Did not meet specs. Novi ($26,750.00) With the demand for golf being so intense at Glen Oaks, it creates a need for high production mowing. This mower will be used for mowing fairways and is considered to be the most efficient high production mowing unit on the market. This mower will replace a 12-year old F10 Jacobsen mowing tractor that will be sold in the County's Spring Auction. Staff recommends awarding the bid to the low bidder meeting speci- fications, Ideal Mower, for $28,000.00. There is $29,000.00 budgeted in the 1989 Operating Equipment Budget for this mower. 15-1 e Ransomes Motor 350D rks yet another breakthrough ,rasscutting technology. It ngs you the benefits of fast, cient mowing, simplicity of ;ration and a real saving in fining costs. gh Performance werful diesel engine and a ting width of 3.5m (1 lft 6in) Is up to high work rate :ential for the maintenance of ;e grass areas. There's a choice Fixed head, big diameter Magna :ting units for long grass and ating head Sportcutter cutting its for fine turf, especially on dulating ground. 1 draulic Power to Motor 350D is all -hydraulic, drive and lift to the cutting its and drive to the tor350D with fixed head gna cutting units ground -hugging front wheels. With the cutting reel drive independent of ground speed, efficient cutting and excellent grass discharge is maintained even when manoeuvring at low speed. Reverse reel drive allows backlapping to keep a keen edge on the cutters and to clear blockages. Simplicity of Operation All controls are within easy reach of the comfortable driving seat. Hydrostatic transmission gives instantaneous forward and reverse by a single foot -operated pedal for the ultimate in responsive handling. Versatility Rear -wheel steering is light and positive and gives superb` manoeuvrability. Individual lift to the wing units allows the cutting width to be reduced by a touch of a lever. Full road lighting and indicators are fitted as standard with an all-weather cab available as an option. The Motor 350D sets a new standard in grasscutting— and reduces your Poo1 costs. ITEM #16 CUSHMAN TRUCKSTER GROVELAND OAKS Bids were requested for the purchase of one Cushman Model 459 Flat- bed Truckster for Groveland Oaks. This 4-wheel, 1 ton capacity utility vehicle, used primarily for grounds maintenance and trash removal, is particularly effective due to its maneuverability and compact size. The anticipated life expectancy for a Cushman is between 5 and 8 years. This is a replacement vehicle for a 1981 Cushman 3-wheel truckster that will be sold in the 1989 Oakland County Spring Auction. The following bids were received: Ellis Sales Kalamazoo NO BID Industrial Vehicle Sales Inc. $7,219.00 Pontiac Bohl Equipment 6,797.00 Toledo, OH Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to award this bid to the low bidder, Bohl Equipment of Toledo, Ohio, for the purchase price of $6,797.00. There was $8,500.00 budgeted in the 1989 Operating Equipment Budget for this purchase. 16-1 on a Ro ch a remarkably ance circle, it can move through vehicle, we ask you factory aisles, alleys — wherever. against any small Does the truck give you the ;onsidering. kind of optional equipment you truck have a gas- really need? The Haulster gives built specifically for you more than a dozen accessories rial use? The Haul- to choose from including a mobile Us powered by the welding kit, a weathertight •hp engine. fiberglass cab, a tow hitch truck carry heavy and more. [aulster can shoulder So, all things considered, Funds of cargo, and which do you think is the smarter no truck can go. Be- buy — an ordinary truck? ulster is less than Or the extraordinary Haul - has a tight clear- ster Full Ton Flatbed. Equipped with the welding unit and other tools, the Full Ton can serve as a mobile workshop. is Parkine brake on Starting: 12-volt gear drive starting motor inter] 1 mm) to top of steering wheel prevents starter from turning over unless clutch is 7 min) to top of steering wheel ): 70" (1778 mm) ' Wlrm* Wiring harness with abrasion -resistant 1 t: 450:13r (3327 mm) , , (3505 mm),PERFORMANCE- multiple plug-in connectors for accessories, " ' FRAME: Heavy-duty carbon steel channel frame 48" (1219138" min) 1 ` ze:46.5" x 72" (1181 x 1829 mm) *Rated ea ate pp acity: 450 22001bs. (988 kg) 459: 24001bs. (1089 kg) t Speed (maximum):18 mph (29 km/h) tl and has 1 I aU the Po nequiremen :rucks shalt ITEM #17 FERTILIZER GOLF COURSES AND PARKS We have received from Purchasing the following bids for the purchase of our annual supply of fertilizer for the golf courses and parks: 8 Tons 24 Tons 59 Tons Vendor Greens Tee & Fairway Fairway Turfgrass, Inc. $3,475.20 $ 8,697.60 $21,122.00 South Lyon Frontier Distributors Did not meet Did not meet 15,576.00 Troy specs. specs. Lesco, Inc. 4,562.00 Did not meet 15,812.00 Ohio specs. U.A.P. 3,772.80 11,318.40 20,036.40 Ohio Benham Chemicals 3,724.80 9,552.00 21,216.40 Farmington Hills Turf Chemicals 4,240.00 10,560.00 16,225.00 Owosso Shemin Nurseries NO BID Taylor Utica Distributors NO BID Utica Bid All NO BID Walled Lake This fertilizer will be divided primarily between the golf courses and will be used up in the 1989 season. Staff recommends you split the bid and award the 8 tons of greens fertilizer and the 24 tons of tee and fairway fertilizer to the low bidder meeting specifi- cations, Turfgrass, Inc., for $12,172.80; plus award the 59 tons of fairway fer- tilizer to the low bidder, Frontier Distributors, for $15,576.00. The total pur- chase price for all of the fertilizer is $27,748.80. Funds for these expenditures will come from the Grounds Maintenance line item accounts of each respective golf course and park's operating budget. 17-1 ITEM #18 RIDING SPRAYERS RED OAKS AND SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSES Bids were requested for the purchase of 2 riding sprayers for the Red Oaks and Springfield Oaks Golf Courses; staff will review and make a recommendation for purchase at the Commission meeting. 18-1 RIDING SPRAYERS RED OARS AND SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSES We have received from Purchasing the following bids for the pur- chase of (2) two 18 hp 160-gallon riding sprayers for the Red Oaks and Springfield Oaks Golf Courses: Lawn Equipment $9,295.00 $18,590.00 Pontiac JDX Corporation ($6,750.00 each) Did not meet specs. Taylor Wilkie Turf NO BID Pontiac W. F. Miller NO BID Novi Weingartz NO BID Utica These sprayers will be used for applying pesticides on the greens, tees and fairways on a weekly basis and will replace 10-year old pull - type sprayers that will be sold in the county auction. The unit from JDX did not meet specifications for the following reasons: 16 hp engine, 18 hp specified; no front-end suspension; in- ferior clutch assembly; no reinforced spray boom; and no fiberglass tank. Staff recommends awarding the bid to the single bidder who met specifications, Lawn Equipment, for a total of $18,590.00. There is $18,000.00 in the 1989 Operating Equipment Budget for these sprayers; the balance of $590.00 will come from the operating equipment contingency. v �r.�r s how DEDICATED SPRAY VEHICLE FROM _aw., �_MITHCII SPRAYSTAR 1600 FEATURES PRIME MOVER ■ 4 Wheel Vehicle with High Flotation Tires for Maximum Turf Protection ■ Independent Front Suspension for Operator Comfort ■ High Response Steering System Means Tight Turns and Easy Maneuverability ■ SMITHCO "TORQUE -MASTER" Automatic Clutch for Very Safe & Silky Smooth Take -Offs IN 18 HP Kohler Twin Cylinder Magnum Engine for Long, Quiet and Smooth Operation ■ SMITHCO "SPEED -SET" for Positive Ground Speed Control ■ Converts to a Dry Material Applicator Using the Vicon Model 403 Spreader, the Standard of the Industry for Fertilizer Spreading and Top Dressing SPRAY SYSTEM ■ Ultra Low Profile Hill Climber Tank for Maximum Stability - 160 Gallon Capacity ■ Tank is Solid Fiberglass, Far Superior to Polyethelene and Guaranteed for Five Years ■ PTO Driven High Volume Centrifugal Pump or 25 GPM Piston Diaphragm Pump ■ SMITHCO Quad -Turbo Agitation Blasts Every Part of the Tank to Assure Constant Suspension ■ SMITHCO Six -Meter Super Boom -The Strongest Turf Boom Ever Built. Available With Your Choice of Raindrop Nozzles or Extended Range Teejet Flat Spray Nozzles ■ Optional SCS440 Calibration Controller for Perfect Application (Model 1600-C) TROKE AHEAD IN ENGINEERIN ITEM #19 LIFEGUARD SWIMSUITS Bids have been received for our annual replacement order of swim- suits for all of our lifeguards; they are as follows: Tri County Sports $6,612.00 Pontiac, MI Finals New York 7,076.40 May -Jac NO BID Redford, MI Simco NO BID Bloomfield Hills, MI Uniforms Manufacturing NO BID Bloomfield Hills, MI There were 20 dozen women's suits and 14 dozen men's suits ordered. The number of bids received were limited because of the identification standards we require. Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to award the pur- chase to the low bidder, Tri County Sports, in the amount of $6,612.00. Funds for this purchase are included in the uniform line item of each facility. 19-1 ITEM #20 ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER As indicated at the time of bid approval, abatement of asbestos in the crawlspace of the Conference Center would be negotiated with the company who was awarded the contract for asbestos removal. Results of this negotiation are as follows: Removal of approxi- mately 200 linear feet of asbestos pipe insulation by the contractor, Dependent Insulation Company, for the amount of $8,400.00; air monitor- ing and project management by Asbestos Management, Inc., for $2,580.00; for a total additional project cost of $10,980.00. The following is a project summary: AMI Testing $ 1,547.42 AMI Specifications and Clean- up Management 7,737.20 Dependent Insulation Contract 17,900.00 Dependent Insulation Contract Amendment for Crawlspace 8,400.00 AMI Additional Management 2,580.00 $38,164.62 Anticipated budget for this project was $40,000.00. 20-1 ITEM #21 PLATFORM TENNIS PROPOSAL WATERFORD OAKS PADDLE CLUB Attached is a proposal from the Waterford Oaks Paddle Club request- ing the Commission's reconsideration to construct four new aluminum Platform tennis courts at Waterford Oaks. The group is proposing a program that offers a IS -year payback to the Commission for the construction of the courts. They also feel the Club will expand, and use will increase, as a result of the new courts. I commend the members of the group for putting together this pro- posal for a commitment to work together to keep a major facility in Oakland County. It is staff's recommendation to enter into this agreement with the Waterford Oaks Paddle Club. A copy of the Cooperative Agreement has been sent to Corporation Counsel for their review and approval. 21-1 March 9, 1989 Mr. Lewis Wi.nt Chairman, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Mr. Ralph Richard Manager, Oakland County Parks and Recreation 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, MI 48054 We appreciate the opportunity to meet with both of you and Jon on February 13 to discuss the paddle facility at Waterford Oaks. We have discussed various alternatives with the paddle players and among ourselves, and propose the organization of. a Waterford Oaks Paddle Club with a Cooperative Agreement with the Commission similar in concept to the Waterford Oaks BMX Association agreement. Our proposed Cooperative Agreement is attached. This agreement requires: - Commission recovery of only Contractor court installation costs from Club members. - Commission commitment to install and maintain up to 4 heated and lighted aluminum courts at Waterford Oaks. The number of courts installed will be a function of the number. of Club members required to recover the court installation costs over an assumed 15 year court life from annual dues not to exceed $150/year. Thus a minimum of 32 Club members is necessary to install 2 courts - derived by using O'Reilly Contractor estimated costs for 2 courts of $71600/15/$150 = 32; or a minimum of 59 members would be necessary to install 4 courts using O'Reilly Contractor estimated costs for 4 courts of 513;000/15/$150 = 59. - Commission installation of 2 courts by October 1, 1989 if Club obtains signed Statements of Intent (sample also attached) from 32 or more persons by June 1, 1989, and installation of 2 additional courts when Club membership reaches the "cost recovery level". - Club member payment of variahln annual dues not to exceed $150/year and specified quest sf-f-c i ,l l fees to thf � r:orrnn i ;_ r i , �, . We believe the cost recovery.%dues, f.ee structure is a f for dal- 1 .111,1 will encourage our members to enrol-1 new members. tt allows ►h,, Commission to recover most of the costs of the paddle facili.tr over 15 years, and ultimately will be very beneficial to th(2 Commission since properly maintained aluminum courts should last a minimum of 30 years. We are confident the Club will grow and become a viable facility for the residents of Oakland County. 21-2 We are anxioiis to get started in organizing the Club for th(- P9 - '90 season, and we would like to obtain Statements of Intent from as many members as possible before the current paddle season ends in March. However, we do not wish to proceed without Commission staff approval (or Commission approval if that is necessary) of the Cooperative Agreement. We would like to discuss the earliest convenience. Please meeting at 625-2900. D. Baumhart 1). Mitchell proposed agreement with you at your contact Dan Travis to arrange a Tj I�Yn Y, J. Reynolds ti D. Travis 21-3 WATERFORD OARS PAPPLE FACILITY COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission (Commission) and the Waterford Oaks Paddle Club (Club) have a mutual_ and dedicated interest in the promotion and operation of the paddle facility (aluminum courts, lights, heaters and warming building) at Waterford Oaks Park. It is the purpose of document to state the responsibilities of the Commission and Club as they relate to the paddle facility. (1) Commission responsibilities - fund, install and maintain aluminum courts with locks, lights and heaters, including necessary capital improvements and periodic court resurfacing - install 2 courts when Club membership is 32, and 4 courts when membership reaches the "cost recovery level" defined as the number of members required to pay annual dues not to exceed $150/year to amortise the Contractor installation costs of 4 courts over a 15 year court life - furnish warming building accessible to Club members with keys - wire court lights and heaters to turn on and off separately at discretion of Club members with automatic shutoff after an appropriate time interval - change court and building locks, and furnish new keys to Club by October 1 each year - furnish water, electrical and gas utilities - furnish all insurance coverages - clear snow from courts, walks, roads and parking - provide security. (2) Club responsibilities - enroll members - appoint a President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer to establish Club policies, handle Club affairs and interface with the Commission on matters of mutual interest - set, bill and collect dues and fees - issue new keys annually to members - operate the paddle facility - organize Club events and '' '_t•a 1 , lr,ague, i nt.r,rr-1'Ih .and tournament play. (3) Annual dues - Club members will pay annual_ dues in lump sum by October 1 of each year. Dues are not refundable. Dues will. vary annually and be calculated by dividing 1_;'15th of the Contractor court installation costs to date by the number of Club members on September 1 of each year., rounded to the nearest dollar 21-4 and with an upper limit of $150/year/member. Installation costs for purposes of dues calculations do not include interest charges, maintenance and operating costs, costs related to court installation which are not out-of-pocket, and the value of donated labor and materials. For example - if 32 members and 2 courts at the O'Reilly Contractor estimated cost of $71600, dues will be $71600/15/32 = $149; or if 50 members and 2 courts at Contractor cost of 871600, dues will be $71600/15/50 = $95; or if 75 members and 4 courts at O'Reilly Contractor estimated cost of $132000, dues will be $132000/15/75 = $117; or if 55 members and 4 courts at Contractor cost of $132000, dues will be $132000/15/55 = $160 but limited to $150. Actual total Contractor installation costs will be used in annual dues calculations. - Annual dues cover all interclub/interclub play by Club members on the Waterford Oaks courts, except play in national and regional tournaments. Club members have exclusive playing privileges on the courts from October thr.0 March. The Commission may at its discretion open the courts to the public at any time from April thru September, or when agreed to by the Club during the normal season. New members may join prior to or on the first day of any month during the October thr_u March season. If they join during the season, their dues will be prorated based on the current dues amount and the number of months remaining in the 6 month season. - Dues will be collected by the Club and paid to the Commission. - Club members may resign at their discretion. (4) Guest and special fees - Club members will be charged $5 for each occasion a guest plays casually or in Club mixers and Club tournaments. - Club members who play in the interclub league wi_11 prepay a seasonal guest fee of $21 time- the number of non-mcmher interclub players playing cii the Waterford courts number of scheduled interclub matches. - Special fees agreed to by the Commission will be charged to the appropriate Tournament Committee for use of the Waterford courts in national and regional tournaments. - Guest and special fees will be collected by the Club and paid to the Commission. 21-5 STATEMENT OF TNTENT TO BECOME A MEMBER OF THE WATEPFOPD OAKS PADDLE CLUB TO BE ORCANIZED 1N THE FALL '89 Oakland County will install new lighted and heated aluminum courts at Waterford Oaks Park. Oakland County will own the paddle facility; furnish necessary insurance coverages; maintain the courts, lights, heaters and building; resurface the decks as needed; furnish electrical_ and gas utilities; clear snow from courts, walks, parking and road; provide security; change court and building locks and furnish new keys by October 1 each year. Club members will have exclusive privileges to play on the Waterford courts from October thru March. Reservations may be required. The Club wi I I enrol 1_ memhers; appoi nt of f i_cers to establish and implement policies; set, bill and collect dues and fees; issue new keys annually for member access to courts and building; and organize the casual, league, -intercl-ub and tournament play. Lights and heaters may be turned on and off at the discretion of the members, but will have timed cutoffs. Club members will pay annual dues in a lump sum by October 1.. Dues are not refundable. Dues cover all intracl_ub/interclub play by Club members on the Waterford courts. Annual_ dues will be calculated by dividing 1/1.5th of the court costs by the number of Club members on September 1 of each year, rounded to the nearest dollar with an upper aimit of $150/member. F`or example; using O'Reilly Contractor estimated costs - if 2 courts and 40 members, dues would be $71600/15/40=$1.19; or if 4 courts and '75 members, dues would be $132000/15/75=$1.1.7. A mini -mum of 32 members must be enrolled to organize the Club and install two courts. Four courts will be installed when the membership reaches the "cost recovery level", estimated to be 59 members using O'Reilly costs. Club members will register all guests, and will pay $5 for each occasion a guest plays casually or in Club events. Casual guest play may be limited. Club members who play in the interclub league will prepay a reduced seasonal guest fee for non-member interclub players. Special fees will_ be paid by Tournament Committees for national and regional tournaments. If new courts are installed, T intend to join the Waterford Oaks Paddle Club and pay an annual dues amount not to exceed $150 by October_ 1, 1989, with the undo- 1 —1 -and i ng i ma,,! inn i - I, whenever I deter_mi_ne such acl i - 1i n cessai ;- , 1 �7 i 1 I Club rules and the guest Signature Address City, Zip Da to Ofc Tel Res Tel 21-6 ITEM ##22 1?V4ZnT_i1TT(lNC Attached are two resolutions written for two maintenance employees who will be retiring from employment with the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission on Friday, April 14, 1989. Staff is requesting Commission approval of these resolutions for presentation to Frank Wells and George Saffell upon their retirement. 22-2 R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS, Franklin J. Wells has served with the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission since September 22, 1980; and WHEREAS, Frank will complete his service with the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission at Independence Oaks County Park on April 14, 1989; and WHEREAS, Frank performed his duties as General Maintenance Mechanic in a conscientious manner and to the high standards of the Oakland County Parks; and WHEREAS, he has been known to leave a tool or two in a forgotten place, such as a pit toilet, pipe alley, picnic shelter and a fishing dock; and WHEREAS, Frank has baptized a number of valuable items in Crooked Lake, including a tape measure, his glasses, and most important, him- self; and WHEREAS, he has done an outstanding job and has been a very dedi- cated employee of the Parks System. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and the Independence Oaks County Park staff thank him for a job well done, and wish Franklin J. Wells and his lovely wife of almost 40 years, Vivian, every moment of happiness and health through- out their retirement years. Moved by Supported by Date R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS, George L. Saffell has served with the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission since March 8, 1977; and WHEREAS, George has worked as Park Maintenance Aide at Addison Oaks County Park for twelve years, terminating his services on Friday, April 14, 1989; and WHEREAS, he is that individual who is always ready for a good joke, either with the employees or to guests of the park, acting as an un- official park host; and WHEREAS, his ability to meet other people has generated a good working environment at Addison Oaks County Park; and WHEREAS, George is a gentlemen of many careers, including working in a flour mill, as an MP in the army, a farmer, and as an owner of a flea market; and WHEREAS, he is loyal to his lovely wife, June; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and Addison Oaks staff bid farewell to George Saffell. The Parks Commission is fortunate to have benefitted from his service, and congratulate him on a job well done and wish him and his family well in the future and throughout their travels. Moved by Supported by Date ITEM #23 MANAGER'S REPORT ---Information is attached regarding the Headlee Amendment and the Com- mission's property tax collection for 1988 - 89. As you can see in the report, the law has limited us from collecting $583,887 in taxes over the past two years. ---Attached is a recent article from the Oakland Press on our proposed Orion Oaks Park. ---Along with your agenda is a copy of the new golf course pro shop policies and procedures manual developed by golf course staff. Staff will be at the meeting to answer any questions you may have regarding this manual. ---Included is a certificate received from the National Ski Patrol in recognition of a $500 donation the Commission made to the National Ski Patrol for their building fund. ---Enclosed per Commission request is a summary of the operating equipment purchased since 1987 and planned through 1993 for Orion Oaks. Staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have. ---Dates to note: 1) Next Commission meeting is Wednesday, April 19, at 9 a.m. 2) Wednesday, May 3, 9 a.m., Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission meeting 3) Oakland Parks Foundation's Annual Dinner will be Wednesday, May 3, 6:30 p.m. at Glen Oaks 4) Oakland County Parks Employee Recognition Dinner will be on Friday, May 5, 6 p.m. at White Lake Oaks 23-1 HEADLEE AMENDMENT AND OTHER ADJUSTMENTS IN PROPERTY TAX COLLECTION, 88-89 The State Equalized Value in Oakland County for 1988 totaled $18,372,321,929. Normal rate for the Parks and Recreation millage is .00025; the Headlee Rollback reduced it by .9634. This brought the overall millage rate down to .0002409, with a public hearing. This change reduced our millage income in 1988 by $167,188. For 1989, the SEV is $20,834,957,169. Again with the Headlee Roll- back, and with the public hearing, the rate is dropped back to .00023. This is a loss of $416,699 in millage revenue for 1989. The total loss of revenue for 1988 and 1989 is $583,887. To receive our full 1/4 mill, we would need a vote of the people saying we are no longer subject to the Headlee, Truth In Assessing, and Truth in Taxation Amendments; or if the economy is such that the above three amendments do not affect the 1/4 mill. Listed below are the potential millage revenues for the Parks and Recreation Commission projected at a 5% increase per year: 1989: $4,870,000 1990: $5,100,000 1991: $5,350,000 1992: $5,600,000 1993: $5,900,000 23-2 rr posea YaKianaparK nas pil o o }IEIGHiS'14 milibn.-m- 0% mid N OLpRNSTON M 24e x tc. e p ' TO U1 Towns bm s Orlon GREEN,... I _ By LORI BRASIER The 927-acre parcel, locat ; �:;. i;i;:; ; ; ,, n titir CLAfiK9T ..�AI1'... y n.. n n wAioot+ , �.. r :t r d sou of Clarkston Road be- I ,•� " e south Of The Oakland Press i tween Josyln and Baldwin, has been in the planning stages ,� S1kYF,iiflEkl ,�.+ :;y ;:.� . «��«�:«rid. • �. "' �t �,5"" SLIFtBAILL Picture than r JUD ;.; n r :`ifx¢ >c.i'_ :r is ur m nee 1983. y ` Y ® rolling acres of meadows and si < wooded The park master plan calls ar cas preserved in vim;- r l�o�cE� I for an indoor swimming pool. ,.R ao-MY ,: .•; ....L `�^`�� FUIvpE: booming Oakland County. and dining halls, development i i.:,5' .► „2'j• .:; . '.,., .,` -.�+- +- '- .::.: +t' r ;•;:: Bi1C„ z It's an area where blind chil- ov�tlr :• of an existing 90-acre lake for. , di -en will g o to learn about na- r .. �:;:At;s -::.:; ::�:i;i ... :•<:?�`::`®{CA�iNS< s: o' -� :.>;:; . ,�r� .... � ;• � >. •:.:.� .:. .>;:: r ,- ^- ,- � ''<�AH�A:. � boating, fishing and picnick- `. lure and senior citizens will ing, two village r •::E<:>..:.,.:...: :YOU.� villa a areas with,' bike along trails mentally r - sleeping tent camp- IRlarded adults can hike and Boy :<: ;�,�:: s::::z:>:::.;. �----::.::.. �;.'� .:_:;:coA�>::::.::<:: <:�:<:,.: ::•:>:,:�:• ��::� • T �.grounds, a multipurpose � Scouts and Girl Scouts may recreation ,ihall, a garden, or- g n, if aE{21iAtt'i:'::::::2'Si::>:C<:;:; :>:; :;:•>:•: camp. ::.:::. ;;:>:•:::an�tAGE.;:•::...,:;chard and softball and soccer J fin. :.;:.;. •<»:;.>;;::> ��:::::::>;:�:::::�;::::'`;«<;;; .:::::::::�: ; .:.. Q1NUJiTh a,:.;,"� :;:;:; ^ e planned Orion Oaks fields., MEEiINCi':SIJriE%+. ,x •� ark is an 1 8 milli P $ on dream ;•;. r .i• r„, . The county acquired the �,.::.•; :<:;; ::,QocKs with a 4 million bank account ...;,,� property in 1980 and officials %.+.� :;:;i �s ' :>::::: •::::::::::::.:-<.,; r ^' �te and supporters the �..,'� `:; : `::::>-»�:;;:::.;:.>;;:�. - :>� �>> <::;:: �. �- . :r - - �•. ers of county hope to build a park which will ,. ;;;:.� BEACHr..,rtiSlXTEEN�`-<; :>:'^ :<::;<:;<::: ;;;: r •,r��.a4,:,.`. �•r.ti.•� . ..-::: ' :� h a Park project hope the addi- P services not currently money can be found in .found in the county spark sys- r time for the 1990 construction ..>::�>::.:�:::::�::; • .;:;� �,;:� a <:. •;:.::� ... ._,.. • 'schedule. • Unlike the ei ht existing i- g s he biggest project . _ - ,.,... �:;• '`' ..� gg � J .1 county parks "-0rion Oaks will u J. k `Oa land o nt C u parKS ha s sun-- 1 ���:. �::::::> •. � P - `bc,designed toaccommodate o a::>::<::;::;:z:...; :.::::..�� ,:.:•:.>::>,..,.....: �: _ :. .•,...,,.,:::: .;:.... u ' ' " dertacen "said Ralph-, large group s overnight. If the o ��� r� : �;>:- .:;r:> Richard, manager of: the coun- cu rentplan is financed"'S00 d _ tyrs:Parks and.Recreation . C << P F o sleop in the park ommissron:: We want to ut'-facilities during ' • the best park po 'ssi - the summer The Oakland Pre s/MARK RADEMACHER together SEE PARK /A-,'13 _ _--.. PARK particularly important for the el- derly and handicapped. It will be chu rch'groups, scouts and organi- zations for the gifted.; Corpora- erty may be preserved for study of historic lifestyles and a craft " \1„ barrier -free. The idea,of "Universal ac- tions will be able to use the space for employee retreats. barn is planned as well. ---'' The only thing standing in the The Oakland Parks s FROM PAGE A-1 cess" to all parks facilities is a Richard said planners are way of the project is money. Foundation, a non-profit ;The barrier -free ark p new one, and will make Oakland County a leader in serving resi- also considering making the park a center for programs emphasiz- To date, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commis- group ... is backing the Orion W III be accessible to dents with special needs, he said.. "For instance, the ing education, environmental training, sion has committed $2,884,000 for Oaks development plan. :handicapped and elderly paths will have hard surfaces with a certain history, ecology and stress management. roadways, parking, maintenance and utilities. j ,and 200 can be accommodated ;during the winter. grade for those in wheelchairs," Richard said. Everybody will be Some programs may be geared toward special groups like Meanwhile, Lions clubs in Oak - land and Macomb counties have The foundation is considering a "'Cherc is a need in this•coun- ;ty for a facility to house able to go everywhere in this p ark." ;troubled teens and disadvantaged children. donated $750,000 for construction of group cabins. a capital -fund drive to seek' from people all ,night," Richard said. "We see this Officials said the emphasis on large "We go beyond the concept of P The Oakland Parks Founda- pledges corporations, foun- dations and individuals. ;as a year-round facility where !groups like scouts or churches can groups will make the park an outstanding location for struc- tured a government -owned facility," Richard said. "We want this to be tion, a non-profit group dedicated to the development and preserva- A consultant has been hired to interview 80 county leaders to de - come and stay a week." Richard said the ark will be p programs. Richard said the park plan- a place for everybody. The key will be programming." tion of the county's parks, is backing the Orion Oaks develop- termine support for the park in the community. The consultant's ners hope to attract schools An old farmstead on the prop- ment plan. report is expected in April. WIONAL KI PATROL (`�C. hE yationa1 ski ff#rub S stEm rreb ttfuttr�s #I�Q � Xxftftraft of #v OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION iu recovi#ion alto ttcknofmicbpent for supporting the NSP Building Fund as a Foundation Contributor Aor t4c Ya innal ,�$ki tttrol ptttea February 16, 1989 ORION OAKS EQUIPMENT SUMMARY SHEET 1987 - 1993 1987 Leased Equipment $ 4,931 Smatt Toots 881 Openati.ng Equipment 328 $ 6,140 1988 Lea,sed Equipment $ 7,953 Smatt Toobs G97 Operating Equipment -0- $ 8,650 1989 (Pnopoz ed *) Leased Equipment $ 5,200 Smatt Toots 1,000 Operating Equipment 40,807 $ 47,007 1990 (Pnopo6 ed *) Leased Equipment $ 7,200 Smatt Toot,s 6,650 Operating Equipment 112,600 $126, 450 1991 (Pnopo.6ed *) Lea,sed Equipment $ 4,400 Smatt Tooth 1,750 Operating Equipment 61,310 $ 67,460 1992 (Prtopo6ed *) Leased Equipment $ 5,000 Smatt Toobs 3,550 Operating Equipment 17,600 $ 26,150 1993 (Ptopozed *) Leased Equipment $ 5,200 Smatt Toots 1,400 Openati.ng Equipment 28,550 $ 35,150 *Pkopozed Budget (Pti.ca based on 1988 In4o4mation) 1. 23-4 ORION OAKS LEASED EQUIPMENT 1987 - 7993 1987 Radio6 $ -0- Txuck (1) 4,931 $4,931 1988 Radio6 (1 po)Ltabte 9 1 babe) $ 496 T,tuck (1) 9 Can (1) 7,457 $7,953 1989 (Pnopozed *) Radio6 (4 pontabte6 9 1 babe) $1, 200 T,tuck (1) 4,000 $5, 200 1990 (Proposed *) Radio6 (8 pontabte6 & 1 babe) $3, 200 Truck (1) 4,000 $7, 200 1991 (Paopo6ed *) Radios (12 po)ttabte6 9 1 base) $4,400 T,tuck (1) 4,000 $8, 400 1992 (Pnopo6ed *) Radio6 (14 poxtabte6 9 1 babe) $5,000 T,tuck (1) 4,000 $9, 000 1993 (Pupo6ed *) Rad, o6 (16 poAtabtu 9 1 babe) $5, 200 T,tuck (1) 4, 000 $9, 200 *Pa.opo,sed Budget (PiLice6 quoted based on 1988 In6onmati.on) 2 • - 23-5 1987 1988 1989 1990 1997 1992 1993 * Pupo s ed Budget ORTON OAKS SMALL TOOLS 1987 - 1993 $ 881 697 1,000 6,650 1,750 3,550 1,440 3. 23-6 ORION OAKS OPERATING EQUIPMENT 1987 - 1998 1987 (ACTUAL) 1 St i.h2 Weed Tkimmelc 1988 (No Pun chaps ens ) 1989 (Actual. 9 Pkopo4ed*) 1 John Deere 4 WO Tkac.tok w/bucket 1 10' Bku6 h Hog Mowers. (Tr.aeto t ) 1 7' Box Scraper. 1 8' Yo tk Rake w/,s cak i4 ien 1 S-75 Pick Up Truck w/cap 1 Mowek Hogg 25" Hi-Wheet 1 Portabte Radio 2 4-Seat Pedat Boats 1 2-Seat Peda.2 Boat 1990 (Proposed*) 1 Excet 440 Snowcat 1 12' Range Wing 1 Snowmo b.% ee 1 Fanm wagon 1 Boat Motor. 7% HP 1 Otath Sweeper. Vac 1 Tractor. Mt. Bkoom 1 Mott Mower. 8' 4 Pup Radio.6 1 5 HP 2 Stage Compka6 ok 1 Dk ?t PtLe�ss 900 pc. Toot Set w/box Cutting Tmchers 1 Buz w/Handicap Modi6 icati.ons 1 Paths Was het 1 066.ice Dezk 1 Fite Cabinet 1 Eire Puo4 Storage Cabinet 6 Go24 Can-ts ($3, 600@) 1 I ndu6t4 iat 36" Vacuum 1991 (Pkopozed*) 1 Excet HurtZer. 72" 1 Tkactok w/Tura Tikez 4 Pup Radioz Power Wazhetz 1 Buis w/Hand.icap Modi4.icati.on6 (continued on next page) $ 328 $ 328 $ - 0- $23, 835 3,886 454 1,100* 7,928 704 1, 200* 1,200 500 $ 40,807 $11,160 15,000 2,400 800 900 7,500 3,600 2,400 2,400 900 630 2,850 500 37,000 500 260 200 500 21,600 1,500 $112,600 $11,160 10,000 2,400 750 37,000 $ 67,310 4. 23-7 Okion Oaks Operating Equipment (Continued) 1992 (Pnapo4 ed*) 1 Steiner Mowers w/Attachmentz $ 8,400 1 Farm Wagon 800 2 Pnep Radios 1,200 2 Go.24 Canty ($3,600C) 7,200 $ 17,600 1993 (Pnopoz ed*) 1 Log SpY-utters $ 1,100 1 Fxcet HuAtten 11,160 1 Snowmobile 2,406 1 Dump Mount Sand Spneaden 3,140 2 Pnep Radio-6 1,200 1 Engine Hoi6t 650 1 Fine Pnoo6 Storage Cabinet 1,700 2 Got4 Canes ( $3, 600@) 7,200 $ 28,500 TOTAL $261,195 *Proposed Budget (Pntices quoted based on 1988 In6onmati.on) 23-8 5.