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Agendas/Packets - 1989.12.06 - 39843
�i OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48054-1697 • (313) 858-0906 . Ralph A. Richard Lewis E. Wint Manager Chairman Jon J. Kipke Jean M. Fox Assistant Manager Vice Chairman " D. Lewis, Jr. Secretary Fred Korzon George W. Kuhn Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Thomas A. Law John E. Olsen Alice Tomboulian Richard V. Vogt November 30, 1989 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday, December 6, 1989 9:00 A.M. PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Rd. Pontiac, MI PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Mr. Lewis E. Wint, Chairman, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. RR/jg Sincerely, Ralph Richard Manager C awIll �AggS p�y�}3A Cp�Z1`�- SZp� Cp IS ,oB9 pece�bes 6 $udge�' 1990 OPe=a�yvg -�gg9 �yZC t1E1�G t° Ox der - Meeting • 31 & 1oV . 1 2 Call Mee in bey 119,69eetj: S Oct. lA 1• oll Call• es °� toe $udfet ReV�e 11'1 thou 11-325 ages 2 R oval of Myti tes °� th �ouchez dos • October Ch 3 - AAP oval ° ment' aus�e� V°uc�'e s . e� 31, 1g89 - 3a APPt°Val °t pa9 Tr ding Octob �• sons for Month En atement x ot OPe� 'at �Pdate 5• St oVemen 1gg9 Capital. I'alp ott tot Octobex e ks KiPke• Steac1l ctiV its Relp d et ddis°n Oa �. OPe�atinS Bu s lace%ent - A ndePendence Oa 1990 xnet �t.eP °n I 8 - pdd B1d Ite%' Bu owmobiles its t 3 �iPk e. 9 Bid Item; Sn er Staff Shti� Figa. 1p, to%• Sum% Clen pales 11 Bid l Lot .Li�bting - on and BPdate• Dou�liertY parking esentaty athleea 12• MtillaSe Slide 13 • � pr � Matu� e Ceate 1 �C10 tilt SESSIpL3 15� ` s RePott. Manage 16• Old Business. 17 • Mew Business. 1$• PA °urn- 19 ��ck' c°61,1ssIoIA � p�,cR� Cos, p�ggS P��va1 S�axY paYme�'� Ap eetvig O' por ex 6 1c�g9 .�e�emb vQUC��RS �05. 11 .�pUCR�J R �gpl��p� B� Cxp��ES �0 TEAL $459t�a3.�6 1 621 p9 04.g5 �51,1 OAKLAND COUPITY PARKS AND 11ECREAT 1014 COMM I SS 10ti VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER.- VENDOR PURPOSE AMOU1IT 11-1 Three Hundred Bowl Special Events,bowling fees for Co. Emp. Fall Bowling Tourn.111/4/89-Rec. Admin. $ 575.00 11-2 MSU Extension Service Adv.Regist.for R.Lay & K.Poeppe to attend the Weed Con- trol Seminar in Pontiac,MI on 11/8/89-Inde 30.00 11-3 H.L. Claeys Grounds Maint.-Add. 94.27 11-4 Madison Electric Cap.Proj.,New Concession Bldg.-Grove.,Parking Lot Light- ing&Platform Tennis Rep.-Water.;Bldg Maint.-Tech.Sup., YAC,Water&W.O.W.Park;Maint.Sup.-Tech.Sup.;Grounds Maint. Add.;Rental Prop.Maint.-Add. & Water. 1,320.53 11-5 Susan Wells Travel Reimb.for attending the Dade Co.Metro Parks in Miami,FL on 10/4-11/89-Rec. Admin. 5.60 11-6 PB Electronics Equip. Maint.-Spring. 69.00 11-7 Production Tool Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks 58.91 11-8 Vidosh, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Spring. 70.00 11-9 Michael Lawson Special Even s,instructor's fee for Photography for the month of Sept.-Oct.,1989-Water. 150.00 11-10 Spinal Column Publications,subscription renewal-Admin. 15.00 11-11 Raymond Hull Uniforms,reimb.for safety shoes -Add. 31.19 11-12 Industrial Cleaning Hskp. Exp.-Spring. 18.25 11-13 MI Cash Register Off. Sup.-Indep. 15.50 11-14 Bean Bros. Trophies Off.Sup.-Spring.;Rec.Sup.-T.Complex & BMX 236.75 11-15 Ralph Richard Travel Reimb. for attending the Pretrial Mtg.(Angle v. Oak.Co.) in Birmingham,MI on 10/17/89-Admin. 16.01 11-16 Detroit Edison Utilities -Add. & Water. 93.50 OAKLAIIO COUPITY PARKS Allb C,CREATIOtl COMh11 SS 1 UPI VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER:. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUI IT 11-17 K.Smith, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Admin. $ 301.52 11-18 S.Cox, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.,uniform dep.refunds-Admin. 1,475.00 11-19 Joseph_ Figa Cash Adv. to attend the ASLA Conf. in Orlando/FL on 11/16-22/89-Admin. 690.75 11-20 North Carolina_Stat_e Adv.Regist.to attend the Revenue Sources Mgmt.School in Oglebay Park,WV on 3/11-16/90 for J.McParlane-Rec. Admin. 210.00 11-21 W.F. Miller Acv.Regist. for R.Brewer,J.Campion,M.Wil ite&J.Scarbo- rough to attend the Equip.Training Prog. in Novi,MI on 11/29/89-Add.,Grove.,Indep. & Tech.Sup. 60.00 11-22 CareerTrack Adv.Regist.tor J.Pung to attend e n Search ot Excel- lence"seminar in Southfield,MI on 12/13/89-Admin. 95.00 11-23 Timothy Nowicki Travel Reimb.for attending the Workshop on Storytelling in Dearborn,MI on 10/14/89-Nat.Proq. 15.00 11-24 Frank Trionfi Travel Reimb.for attending the NRPA Congress in San Anto nio,TX on 10/18-22/89-Admin. 23.25 11-25 Jon Kipke Travel Reimb.for attending the NRPA Congress in San Anto nio,TX on 10/18-22/89-Admin. 12.63 11-26 Communication Publications Publications,reference book,"Misused Words"-Admin. 12.50 11-27 Nat'l Societe of Fund Raising --.Exec. Membership Dues,renewal for F.Greenebaum-Admin. 150.00 11-28 Professional Secretaries Membership Dues,renewal for 1 yr.-Admin. 37.00 11-29 Popular Science Publications,reference book,"Carpentry Framing"-Tech.Sup. 30.52 11-30 Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources Publications,reference book,Super Investigators-Nat.Prog 25.00 11-31 P&R Prof. Sourceletter Publications,subscription renewal-Admin. 70.20 11-32 Detroit Free Press Publications,subscription renewal-Admin. 58.90 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND ..LCREAT I ON COMH 155 I ur+ VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1989 VOUC11 ER A110 U I IT 111"Mnr.n VRNTYIR PURPOSE 11-33 The Suburban News Publications,subscription renewal-Admin. $ 8.40 11-34 AT&T Communications -Add. & Wh.Lk. 103.87 11-35 Michigan Bell Communications -Add. 221.67 11-36 Consumers Powers Utilities -Glen Oaks 814.16 11-37 Detroit Edison Utilities-Add.,Add.Conf.Ctr. & Grove. 7,218.24 11-38 Detroit Edison Utilities-Indep.,Glen Oaks,Spring.,YAC & Nat. Prog. 6,727.78 11-39 Petrolane Gas Utilities-T. Complex 180.22 11-40 Hodges Supply Bldq Maint -Add Conf Ctr.,Indep.,Wh.Lk•,YAC & Water. 1,000.46 11-41 Tri-City Aggregates Cap Proj ,Existing Trails Imp.-Indep. 568.12 11-42 Arrow Uniform Rentals Laundry&Dry Cleaning-Tech-:Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Orion Oaks, Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen OaksiRed Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,YAC, _ Water.,W.O.W.Park & Nat. Prog. 292.66 11-43 Arrow Uniform Rentals Laundry&Dry Cleaning-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Orion Oaks,Indep.,Wh. Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,YAC,Water.,W.O. W.Park & Nat. Prog. 172.32 11-44 Advance Concrete Cap. Proj.,Picnic Shelter/Conc.Bldg,BMX-Water. 610.00 11-45 O.C. Drain Commission Cap. Prod:, re ge on s- & prang. ee or Sol erosion permit) 200.00 11-46 O.C. Road Commission Cap. Proj.,Parking Lot Lights-Wh. Lk. 115.00 11-47 Century Rain -Aid Cap.Proj.,Drainage Imp. -Glen Oaks;Grounds Maint.-Red Oak 414.72 11 OAKLANO COUNTY PARKS AND iCREAT I OPT Lurint 3�i i tjii VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEIIBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER.- VENDOR PURPOSE A„niiifr 1.1-48 Raven Golf Ball Golf Mdse. for Resale,(2350 doz. golf balls)-Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks & Spring. $ 7,050.00 11-49 O.C. Road Commission Per Diem & mileage,mtg. for R.Vogt,10/4/89-Admin. 35.00 11-50 Kammer/MI Consultants Prof.Services,lobbyist on legist.matters for month of November, 1989-Admin. - ^� 1,000.00 11-51 Ecotec Pest Control Bldg. Maint.-Spring. 16.00 11-52 G.A. Frisch Bldg. Maint.-W.O.W.Park 1,460.00 11-53 McNab Hardware Bldg.Maint.-Admin.;Maint.Sup.-Tech.Sup. 8.46 11-54 Oakland Heating Bldg.Maint.-Admin.&Indep.;Rental Prop.Maint.-Grove. & _Add _ 244.67 11-55 McCally Tool Sm. Tools,misc. equip.-Tech.Sup. 207.64 11-56 Eiden Equipment Equip. Maint.-Tech.Sup. & Prorata(All Units)-Mob.Rec.;� Sm.Tools-Tech. Sup. 517.40 11-57 Auto Parts by Or-Ox Equip.Maint. & Sm. Tools -Orion Oaks 37.57 11-58 Camera Mart Equip. Maint.-Admin. 89.98 11-59 ExpoSystems Equip. Maint.-Admin. 84.14 11-60 Multigraphics Equip. Maint.,service contract for folding machine-Admin. 247.00 11-61 Schram Auto Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 99.00 11-62 JDX Corporation Equip. Maint.-Orion Oaks 11.15 11-63 JRE Tires Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 6.00 11-64 Anchor Safe Equip. Maint.-Spring. 22.50 OAKLAIID COU11TY PARKS AIIG "CREATION CUP111I �3�1 1 Sri VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER At10U117 �. �r gran nn \/f.'I�IIY In PURPOSE 11-65 Herk's Automotive Equip. Maint.-Add. $ 7.83 11-66 Souter Oil Equip. Maint.-Add. 75.00 ll-67 Michi-Craft Equip. Maint.-Indep. 32.12 11-68 Clyde's Frame & Wheel Equip. Maint.,trucks & buses -Mob. Rec. 621.67 11-69 Pontiac Truck Center Equip. Maint.,trucks & buses -Mob. Rec. 45.00 11 -70 Oakland Hardware Equip. Maint.-Add. 102.83 11-71 Safety-Kleen Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 46.00 11-72 W.F. Miller Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. & Glen Oaks 249.39 --- 11-73 Wilkie Turf Equip.Maint.-Indep.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.&Water.; Grounds Maint.-Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks & Spring. 689.13 11-74 Oakland Disposal Rubbish Removal-Add.,Grove.,Indep. & Glen Oaks 382.00 11-75 Grand Blanc Landfill Grounds Maint.-Grove. 90.00 11-76 Roy Thorington Grounds Maint.,straw-Spring. 123.00 11-77 BSN Sports Grounds Maint.,windscreen-T.Complex 741.00 11-78 B.L. French Grounds Maint.-Wh. Lk. 60.00 11-79 Vidosh, Inc. - Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks & Spring. 148.00 11-80 VOID `11-81 Regal Feed & Supply Misc. Exp.-Admin. 78.98 OAKLAND COUN'fY PARKS AND ,cCREATIUH Lunniazi,u,, VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER_ VENDOR PURPOSE ANnIHIT 11-82 Charles Limban Misc.Exp.,trustees lunch,10/19/89-Grove. $ 55.35 11-83 Kincaid's Family Dining Misc.Exp.,trustees lunch,10/16-20/89-Indep. 96.00 11-84 Atlas Foodland Misc.Exp.,refreshments for planning mtg.-YAC 32.02 11-85 The Daily Tribune Special Events,Fall Event-Indep. 21.84 11-86 MI First Aid Misc.Exp.,medical supplies -Add. 28.12 11-87 Resident Trust Fund Misc.Exp.,prisoner labor for September,1989-Tech. Sup. & Add. 537.50 11-88 Cook's Farm Dairy Special Events -Nat. Prog. 99.00 11-89 MI Square Dance News Special Events,full ?g.ad for October,189-Water. 65.00 11-90 Diehl's Orchard Special Events,Bus Tour -Nat. Prog. 60.00 11-91 Marclif, Inc. Special Events,round dance.instructor's fee -Water. 264.00 11-92 Gordon Food Special Events,sr. citizens-Indep. 81.08 11-93 Meijer, Inc. Misc.Exp.,commission mtg.refreshments-Admin.&Public Info. Admin.;Communications&Off.Sup.-Rec.Admin.;Rec.Sup.-Nat. _ Prog.;Special Events,Fall Events-Indep. 173.51 11-94 Greens Off. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 60.30 `11�95 Absopure Water Off.Sup.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Indep.,Spring. & Tech. Sup.; Misc.Exp.,cooler rental-Tech.Sup. 115.80 11-96 VOID 11-97 Metropolitan Office Equipment Off. Sup.-Rec. Admin. 58.00 OAKLA.IID COUIITY PARKS AIdD ,tECREAT I ON COMM I SS I OPI VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1989 VOUCI3 ER NUMBER.- VENDOR PURPO S E AMOUI IT 11-98 Triarco Arts & Crafts Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. $ 78_11 11-99 Moby Dick Pet Store Rec. Sup. -Nat. Proq. _ 30.01- 11-100 Jackie Cronkhite Refund for overpayment of MSU Football game-Rec. Admin. 3.00 11-101 Joesph Blachut Refund for league play fee -Red Oaks 38.50 11-102 Tom Viers Refund of Camping Deposit -Add. 100 QQ___ 11-103 Travel Hub Special Events,50% of deposit for Co.Emp.Bahamas Cruise on 3/23-26Z89-Rec. Admin. 1,875.00 11-104 Hod es Supply Cap. Proj.,Platform Tennis Rep. -Water. _ 343.31 11-105 _ Pontiac Post Office Public Info.,mailing of Acorn Newsletter-Admin. 2,839-00_ 11-106 Rochester Midland B1dg.Maint.,Premium Fuel-R.O.W.Park 397.75 11-107 RMS Cap.Equip.,(1)Xerox Copier-Admin. 3,795.00 11-1Q8 _Q C. Drain Commission Cap.Prol.,Clubhouse Landscaping,Phase II -Red Oaks 100.00 11-109 Jack Smith Special Events,magic shows for 10/21/89-Nat. Proq. _ 99.99 11-110 Rose Marie Cain Refund of security deposit -Water. 50.00 11-111 Harvard Cleaners Laundry & Dry Cleaning -Add. & Indep. 89.80 11-112 Hodges Supply Cap. Proj.,Heating Conversion-Indep. 2,159.09 11-113 E.F. Whitney Cap. Proj.,New Concession Bldg. -Grove. 160.00 11-114 Schleede-Hampton Cap.Proj.,Sewage Sys.Renovation-Add. 14,120.20 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND _L'CREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER Ar�0u117 1.mnloT n vrnir�r� PURPOSE -__ LIU ILJ LE IN.- 11-115 •..•�•"•• Vidosh, Inc. Cap.Proj.,Drainage Imp.. -Glen Oaks —.. $- 11-116 Tri-City Aggregates Cap.Proj.,Fencing & Shelter,W.Pool & Picnic Shelter/Conc. B1dg.,BMX-Water. 502.14 11-117 JJR Cap.Proj.,Drainage Imp. -Glen Oaks 761.76 _ 11-118 Century Rain -Aid Cap.Proj.,Drainage Imp. -Glen Oaks;Grounds Maint.-Grove. & R.O.W.Park 1,690.85 11-119 Erb Lumber Cap.Pro�.,Platform TennisWatBldg.Maint.-Glen Oaks&Tech.Sup.;Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 1,278.67 11-120 - Weingartz Supply Cap.Equip., 1 Log Splitter-Add.;Equip.Maint.-Add. & Glen Oaks 1,849.34 11-121 Meier Metal B1dg.Maint.,8 pcs. of Alum.Angles-Add.Conf.Ctr. 260.00 11-122 Smiley Electric Bldg. Maint.-Water. 8.70 11-123 Acme Cleaning B1dg.Maint.,window services -Glen Oaks 115.00 11-124 Schmidt Copeland Parker Stevens Cap.Proj.,Park Development -Orion Oaks 38,466.93 11-125 Pontiac Paint Cap.Proj.,Platform Tennis Rep.-Water.;Bldg.Maint.-Add., Tech Sup ,Add Conf Ctr.,Indep.&R.O.W.Park;Grounds Maint.- _ --- -• Wh.Lk.,Water,.&W.O.W.Park;Equip.Maint.,Prorata(All Units)- Mob.ReC ;R4-i'tal Prop.Maint.-Wh.Lk. 2,133.71 11-126 Pontiac Paint Grounds Maint.-W.O.W.Park 99.91 11-127 Tom's Hardware Bldg.Maint.-Add.;Equip.Maint.&Sm.Tools-Orion Oaks 108.03 11-128 Zep Manufacturing B1dg.Maint. & Equip.Maint.-Glen Oaks 77.00 11-129 Main Auto Supply Equip. Maint.-Add. 20.98 11-130 Haus of Trailers Equip. Maint.-Indep. 95.00 OAKLAND COUtITY PARKS AND C CREAT (ON COMM (SS I Ott VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER.. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUIIT 11-131 VOID $ 11-132 Capitol Equipment Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 49.52 11-133 JRE Tires Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 8.00 11-134 Cadillac Oil Equip. Maint.,anti-freeze-Add. 154.56 11-135 Wilson Welding Special Events,acetylene-Rec.Admin.;Equip.Maint.-Red Oaks & R.O.W.Park;Equip.Rental&Maint.Sup.-Tech.Sup. 111.20 11-136 Re -Nu Electric Grounds Maint.,motor rep. -Red Oaks 11-137 Security Fence Grounds Maint.-Indep. 23.96 11-138 Amcorn Hybrids Grounds Maint.-Spring. 99.50 11-139 Armstrong Millworks Grounds Maint.-Wh. Lk. 75.00 11-140 State of Michigan Grounds Maint.-T.Complex 7.00 11-141 Lakeland Builders Rental Property Maint.-Wh.Lk. 106.23 11-142 Kincaids Family Dining Misc.Exp.,trustees lunches,10/23-25/89-Indep. 72.00 11-143 C & D Alexander Misc.Exp.,trustees donuts,10/16-29/89-Indep. 55.94 11-144 Doya Video Public Info.,videocassettes-Admin. 103.50 11-145 Meteor Photo Public Info.,internegatives,proofs&prints-Admin. 745.67 11-146 Gniewek's Special Events,sr.citizens-Glen Oaks 12.50 11-147 Radio Shack Special Events,strobe light-Rec. Admin. 34.95 OAKLAHO COUI! 1'Y VAIIKS A►lu _`CREATION cur-1111 5�) lull VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER tgrlmlwrz - VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUHT 11-148 Robert Dillon Special Events,instructor's fee for woodcraving-Water. $ 100.00 11-149 Joe O'Brien Special Events,timing for Mt.Bike Race -Add. 1,156.50 11-150 MSU Extension Services Adv.Regist.for D.Eash to attend the Green Industry Tech. Training Seminar in Pontiac,MI on 11/8-9 & 21/89-Orion _ 45.00 11-151 Clinton Roche Uniforms,reimb for safety shoes -Glen Oaks 36.50 11-152 Triarco Arts & Crafts Off. -Sup. -Nat. Prog 17.18 11-153 American Fishing Center Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 4.20 11-154 Moby Dick's Pet Store Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 38.25 11-155 Waterford Twnshp. Water Utilities-Water.,W.O.W.Park & T.Complex 594.60 11-156 Metro Office Equipment Cap.Equip.,(1)Electronic Typewriter,Disk Drive,Display- mate & (2)Soft Covers-Admin. 1,330.65 11-157 Silberg & Associates Cap. Proj.,Parking & Lighting Imp. -Spring. & Tech.Support Mob.Rec. Fac. Imp. -Water. 1,272.00 11-158 Sundry (Payroll) Pay period ending 11/3/89-All Parks 107,761.67 11-159 Richard Adamkiewicz Refund of summer uniform deposit-R.O.W.Park 25 00 _ 11-160 31 Supply Cap.Proj.,Conf.Center Imp. -Add. 2,909.13 11-161 Wirnsatt Building Materials Cap.Proj.,Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec. Fac. Imp. -Water. 4,218.11 11-162 The Larson Company Cap.Proj.,Picnic Shelter/Conc.Bldg.,BMX-Water.;Grounds Maint.-Add.&Indep.;Bldg.Maint.-Indep. 144.15 11-163 Pifer, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Spring. 1.34 11-164 Genesee Welding Supply Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 11.72 i 0 0AKLA110 COUNTY PARKS AIIL -CREATION COMB1�35iuri VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER:. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 11-165 State Wire & Terminal Equip. Maint.-Add. $ in_24 11-166 James Layman Equip. Maint.,chlorine tablets -Add. 145.00 11-167 Vandenberg Bulb Grounds Maint.,flowers-Add. 602.56 11-168 Oxford Peat Grounds Maint.-Add. 72.00 11-169 Amcorn Hybrids Grounds Maint.-Add. 88.50 11-170 Ray Wiegand's Nursery Grounds Maint.-Add. 27.00 11-171 National Water Safety Membership Dues,renewal for 1 yr.-Admin. 50.00 11-172 Martha Frank Misc.Exp.,payment of Nordic Ski Patrol Dues for 1989-90 for D.Stencil & K.Dougherty-Indep. 84 00 11-173 City of Madison Heights Acct.Rec.-R.O.Dr.Range(To be reimb.by Oak.Golf Dome); Utilities -Red Oaks & R.O.W.Park _ 355.27 11-174 O.C. Dept. of Public Works Utilities -Glen Oaks 1,679.91 11-175 Consumers Power Utilities-Add.,Add.Conf.Ctr.,Water. & W.O.W.Park 1,679.00 11-176 Petrolane Gas Utilities -Grove. 615.60 11-177 Auto Supplies by Herks Equip. Maint.-Grove. 99.64 11-178 C & I Auto Parts Bldg. Maint. & Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 110.98 11-179 Artcraft Blueprint ap. roj.,Dre ge Ponds-Spring.&Tech.Sup. Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp. -Water.;Off. Sup.-Admin. 305.31 11-180 Burke Building Centers Cap.Proj.,Fencing&Shelter,W.Pool,Picnic Shelter/Conc.Bldg. BMX & Platform Tennis Rep.-Water.;Equip.Maint.-Tech.Sup.& _ Mob.Rec.,bleachers;Sm.Tools-Tech.Sup.&Water.;Bldg.Maint.- Indep.,YAC&Water.;Grounds Maint.-Wh.Lk.,Indep.&W.O.W.Park 608.43 OAKLA14D COUNTY PARKS AND -'CREATION COMIAISSION VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER N11N ER . VENDOR PURPOSE A110UIIT 11-181 VOID — 11-182 One Hour Harbour Photo Public Info.-Admin. 5.99 11-183 Insty-Prints Public Info. & Off. Sup.-Admin. 54.55 11-184 Bean Bros Trophies Special Events,co.employees-Rec.Admin.,volleyball-T.Com- plex,Fall Event-Indep.&Mt.Bike Race -Add. 79.50 11-185 Frank Trionfi Reimb. for Budget Team Meeting held in Waterford, MI on 11/3/89-Admin. 62.10 11-186 Harvey's Office World Off. Sup.-Admin.,Add.,Indep.,YAC & Nat.Prog.;Special Events,Trilogy of Terror-Rec.Admin. 95.61 11-187 Reader's Digest Publications,reference book,"Do It Yourself"-Tech.Sup. 26.95 11-188 Astro Oil Grounds Maint.-Grove.,Indep.,YAC & BMX 12,949.69 11-189 Amer.Platform Tennis Membership Dues,renewal for 1 yr.-T.Complex 25.00 11-190 Waterford Ready Mix Cap. Proj.,Existing Trails Imp,-Indep. & Fencing&Shelter, W.Pool-Water. 11-191 Midwest Rental Center Cap.Proj.,Fencing&Shelter-Water.;Cap.Equip.,(7)Used Tents (5)Mob Rec.,(1 ea.)Add. & Indep.;Eguip.Rental-Glen Oaks 5,274.47 11-192 Security Safe & Lock B1dg.Maint.-Glen Oaks 14.15 11-193 Gamalski Building Bldg. Maint.,repair on extension walls-W.O.W.Park 1,855.90 11-194 Lake Orion Lumber B1dg.Maint.-Add. 5.55 11-195 Jidas-Turner Septic Bldg. Maint.-Grove. 65.00 ` 11-196 Parts Associates Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 21.73 11-197 Thompson Oil Equip. Maint.-Add. 19.00 0AKLA11D C01111TY PARKS AML -CREAT 1 011 COMMI 55I Uri VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NWIRER . VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUI1T 11-198 Industrial Vehicle Sales Equip. Maint.-Indep.,Glen Oaks & Red Oaks $ 110.49 11-199 Burington Golf Car Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. & Glen Oaks 189.29 11-200 Moore's Tire Equip. Maint.,service call for tractor -Grove. 269.18 11-201 Certified Laboratories Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 99.20 11-202 Lawn Equipment Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 116.85 11 -203 Sundry (Mileage Reimb.) Mileage reimb.for Sept.-Oct.11989 to G.Berschbach $65.00- Spring ;G Buchanan $6 75,D Marion $14 25,J Pung $3 75& M. _ Zednik $71.75-Admin. 161.50 _ 11-204 Sundry (Commission) Per Diem & Mileage paid to Parks Commissioners for mtg. of 10/31/89-Admin. 168 25 11-205 Sundry (Commission) Per Diem & Mileage paid to Parks Commissioners for mtg. of 11/1/89-Admin. 168.25 11-206 Sundry (Instructors) Instructors fee for Sept.=Oct. paid to M.Marion $390.00 Ballet,B.Rieck $25.00 Belly Dance,D.Rieck $386.25 Square Dance,F.Gel $660.00 Ballroom Dance & K.Spence $437.50 Swing Fitness -Water. 1,998.75 11-207 Sundry (Refunds) Damage Deposit Refunded to K.Childers & C.Mortimore (ea. $50.00)-YAC 100.00 11-208 Robert Meiers Refund of sq. dance fee -Water. 25.00 11-209 Ralph Richard Travel Reimb. for attending the NRPA Congress in San An- tonio,TX on 10/19-24/89-Admin. 522.79 11-210 George Kuhn Travel ReImb. for attending the NRPA Congress in San An- tonio,TX on 10/18-23/89-Admin. 9.26 11-211 Alice Tomboulian Travel Reim -for attending the NRPA Congress in San Anto- nio,TX on 10/18-23/89-Admin. 50.25 11-212 N. Carolina State University Adv.Regist. for B.Baker to attend the Revenue Sources Mgmt.School in Wheeling,W.VA on 3/11-16/90-Admin. 210.00 i N w OAKLAIID COU11TY PARKS AND __'CREAT 1 ON COMM I SS I Otl VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER.• VENDOR PURPOSE AIAOUI I T 11-213 TAS Graphics Public Info.,(10,000)Indep.Oaks Brochures & (3,000)Golf Brochures-Admin. $ 1,640.00 11-214 Color Tile Bldg. Maint.-Red Oaks 42.39 11-215 MI Air Products Bldg. Maint.,wheel assembly for blower-Wh. Lk. 280.50 11-216 Gage Company Bldg. Maint.-W.O.W.Park 570.00 11-217 M & H Chemical Bldg-. Maint.,(55 gal)Antifreeze-W.O.W.Park 356.60 11-218 MI Automatic Sprinkler Grounds Maint.,install (1)filter-Water. 145.10 11-219 Glass Unlimited Grounds Maint.-T.Complex 66.00 11-220 Felice Rec.Sup.-Nat. Prog. 16.03 11-221 Daniel Stencil Travel ei or attending with er e as o, a er, R.Eash&F.Ostrowski the tour of Southfield P&R Maint.Fac. - on 10/30/89-Admin.,Add.,Grove.,Indep. & Orion Oaks 41.40 11-222 Daniel Stencil Travel Reimb.for attending the NRPA Congress in San Anto- nio,TX on 10/19-23/89-Admin. 15.00 11-223 Davisburg__Lumber Bldq.Maint.&Sm.Tools-Spring..& YAC;Grounds Taint.-YAC 11-224 Amcorn Hybrids Grounds Maint.,seed for erosion control -Orion Oaks 167.50 11-225 MI Portable Toilets Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks;Rental Equip. -Orion Oaks 163.00 11-226 M.E.S.R.A. Membership Renewal,annual dues-Admin. 95.00 11--227 Amer. Institute of Architects Membership Renewal for M.Beutel for 1 yr.-Admin. 150.00 11-228 Ralph Richard Membership Renewal,Prof.Certification-Admin. 15.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AIID _'CREATION COMKI SS (ON VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER.- VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 11-229 MI Manufactured Housing,RV & Camp Membership Dues,renewal for 1 yr.-Grove. $ 150.00 11-230 Dixie Donut Misc. Exp.,trustees donuts,10/9-11&17/89-Grove. 16.80 11-231 TAC Business Forms v Public Info.,(5300)W.Pool,(3000)Mob.Rec.&(5500)Camping Brochures-Admin. .3�1$2�41_ 11-232 VOID 11-233 Absopure Water Equip.Rental-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Indep. & Spring.;Off.Sup.-Add.&Spring. 93.10_ 11-234 Oakland Schools Off.Sup.-Admin.&Nat.Prog.;Special Events-Ther.Prog.&Rec. Admin.,Trilogy of Terror 43.32 11-235 Donna McLand Instructor's fee for Dog Obedience -Water. 1,350.00 11-236 Frank Venice Special Events,Ballroom Dance Band for 12/l/89-Water. 252.00 11-237 Gordon Food Special Events,Halloween Party -They. Prog. 23.94 11-238 Drayton Swimming Pool Rec.Sup.-W.O.W.Park 90.71 11-239 Triarco Arts & Crafts Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 5.00 11-240 Mr. Uniform & Mat Laundry & Dry Cleaning-Admin.;Equip.Rental-Indep.&Add.; Hskp.Exp.-YAC & Water. 154.84 11-241 Golf Course Superintendents Adv.Regist.for M.Thibodeau,C.Roche&A.Wummel to attend the 61st Golf Course & Conf.in Orlando,FL on 2/21-27/90-Wh. Lk.,Glen Oaks & Admin. 560.00 _ 11-242 MI Recreation & Park Association Adv.Regis.for J.McParlane to attend the Workshop on Fund- raising in Lansinq,MI on 12/15/89-Rec. Admin. 40.00_ 11-243 Ralph Richard Travel Reimb.for attending with M.Walker,F.Greenebaum, J- Thurber,G.Googasian&L.Wint the Friends of Parks Mtq. in Birmingham,MI on 11/6/89-Admin. 35.93 i Un OAKLA14D COUNTY PARKS AND ICREATION COMKI SSION VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER.- VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUIIT 11-244 Ralph Richard Travel Reimb.for attending the Parks Tour in Pontiac&Davis burg,MI on 11/8/89-Admin. $ 9.11 11-245 Kathleen Thomas Travel Reimb.for attending the MAEOE Retreat in St.Charle MI on 11/4/89-Ther. Prog. 27.00- 11-246 Gloria Buchanan Travel Reimb.for attending the Business Women Seminar in Detroit,MI on 11/8/89-Admin. 10.40_ 11-247 Pam Seaman Travel Reimb.for attending the Business Women Seminar in Detroit,MI on 11/8/89-Admin. 6.90_ 11-248 Robert Lay Travel Reimb.for attending the Landscape Class in Wayne, MI on 11/8/89-Admin. 10.76 11-249 Kevin Peoppe Travel Reimb.for attending the Landscape Class in Wayne, MI on 11/8/89-Admin. 10.76 11-250 Marine City Nursery Cap.Proj.,New Concession Bldg.-Grove.(payment #2) 6,907.50 11-251 Schmidt Copeland Parker Stevens Cap.Proj.,Park Development -Orion Oaks 2,250.00 11-252 Newton & Crane Cap.Proj.,Roof,Activity Center -Water. (payment #1) 21,676.50 11-253 MI Automatic Sprinkler Cap.Proj.,New Concession Bldg. -Grove. 10,868.38 11-254 Clayton Company Cap. Proj.,Playground Equip.-Indep. 11,551.00 11-255 Madison Electric Cap.Proj.,P at orm Tennis Rep.-Water.;B g. aint.-Tec . Sup.,R.O.W.Park&Water.;Grounds Maint.-Add.;Rental Prop. Maint.-Water. 1,058.22 11-256 Century Rain -Aid Cap.Proj.,Drainage Imp. -Glen Oaks;Grounds Maint.-W.O.W. Park 308.09 11-257 Michigan Bell Communications-W.O.W.Park 20.62 11-258 NCS Cleaning Services Custodial Services,for month of October, 1989-Admin. 1,000.00 11-259 Amcorn Hybrids Equip. Rental,(I)Hydroseeder-Orion Oaks 150.00 Its rn 0AKLA1ID COU117Y f'Altl<S A140 _1CREAT 1 011 COM111 SS 1011 VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER,. VENDOR PURPO S E AMOU11T 11-260 Oakland Disposal Rubbish Removal -Glen Oaks $ 45.00 11-261 O.C. Dept. of Public Works Water & Sewage Charges -Add. & Add.Conf.Ctr. 859.50 11-262 Consumers Power Utilities-Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Red Oaks,R.O.W.Park,Spring.& yAC 2,183.65 11-263 �V Detroit Edison Acct.Rec.-Admin.(To be reimb.by Oak.Golf Dome);Utilities- Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks,R.O.W.Park,Water.,W.O.W.Park&T.Complex 5,745.08_ 11-264 Detroit Edison Utilities -Add. & Water. 93.50 11-265 Harvard Cleaners Laundry & Dry Cleaning -Add. & Indep. 95.05 11-266 Jean's Hardware Bldg. Maint.,Equip. Maint.,Grounds Maint.,Uniforms & Sm. 331.19 Tools -Glen Oaks 11-267 Milwaukee Electric Equip. Maint.-Water. 28.25 11-268 J & H Hydraulic Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 29.04 11-269 Mid -State Petroleum Equip.Maint.-Add.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks & Spring. _ 2,087.21 11-270 W.F. Miller Equip. Maint.-Add.,Wh.Lk. & Glen Oaks 416.24 11-271 VOID 11-272 Eiden Equipment Equip.Maint.-Tech.Sup.;Sm. Tools-Wh.Lk. 243.27 11-273 Scott's Lock & Key Grounds Maint.-Orion Oaks 10.30 11-274 Jidas-Turner Septic Grounds Maint.,pumped septic systems-Indep. 1.,115.00 11-275 Pontiac Steel Grounds Maint.-Indep. 51.00 OAKLAIID COUIITY PARKS AND _'CREAT 10P1 COMM I SS I UPI VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER:. VENDOR PURPOSE AHOUIIT 11-276 Pioneer Hardware Grounds Maint.-Wh.Lk.;Rental Prop. Maint.-Wh. Lk. $ 55.27 11-277 Astronomical Data Publications,reference book,"Laser Almanac" -Nat. Prog. 15.00 11-278 NRPA Membership renewal for J.Kipke-Admin. 55.00 11-279 NRPA Publications,"Gold Medal Award Video"-Admin. 40.00 11-280 Charles Limban Misc.Exp.,trustees lunch ,11/8/89-Grove. 61.00 11-281 E.MI Environmental Council Misc.Exp.,Holiday Cards -Nat. Prog. 22.40 11-282 Henderson Glass Misc.Exp.,golf ball damage to window -Red Oaks 50.95 11-283 Baker Advertising Public Info.,Public Relations &Event Mrkt.for Nov.,1989& monthlK expenSP�Admin 2,141.04 11-284 Effective Productions Public Info.,editing-Admin. 180.00 11-285 United Cable Television Public Info.,dubbs-Admin. 70.00 11-286 Meijer, Inc. Public Info.-Admin.;Off.Sup.-Rec.Admin.;Bldg.Maint.-Indep Grounds Maint.&Misc.Exp.-Indep.;Rec.Sup.-Nat.Prog.;Specia Events-Ther.Prog.&Rec.Admin.,Trilogy of Terror 436.48 11-287 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry&Dry Cleaning-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Orion Oa s,Wh. Lk.,Indep.,Glen OaksfRed Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,YAC,Nat. Prog.,Water. & W.O.W.Park 336.72 11-288 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry&Dry C eaning-Tec .Sup.,A .,Grove., rion a s, Lk.,Indep.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,YAC,W.O. W.Park,Water. & Nat. Prog. 249.32 11-289 The Oakland Press Special Events,Color Car Classic-Indep. 19.74 OAKLAND COUIITY PAIkKS AHD .:CREAT I Ohl COMK I SS 1 ON VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER- VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUIIT 11-290 John Sowels Uniforms,reimb.for safety shoes -Tech. Sup. $ 36.50 11-291 Donald Greenup Uniforms,reimb.for safety shoes -Mob. Rec. 36.50 11-292 Dave Marbe Refund of Sq.Dance fee -Water. 25.00 11-293 J.Stickley, Cust. Petty Cash Refund-Rec. Admin. 28.10 11-294 Sundry (Miscellaneous) Special Events,Bowling Tourn.Prize Money to D.Lambrix $360.00,J.DeRousha $280.00,J.Smith $210.00,D.Martin _ $185.00,Y.Zerba $160.00,P.Peck $135.00,J.Miller $120.00, D.Lambriz,D.Dockham,D.Lambrix&H.Bolan($30.00 each)- Rec. _ Admin. 1,570.00 11-295 Wilkie Turf Equip.Maint.-Add.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks & Spring. 653.94 11-296 Industrial Vehicle Sales Cap. Equip.,(1)Snowblower-Water. 1,795.00 11-297 Waterford Hills Cap.Proj.,Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec. Imp. -Water. 60.00 11-298 Elden's Hardware Cap.Proj.,Platform Tennis Rep.-Water.&Dock&Boardwalk Rep. Indep.;Bldq.Maint.-Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Indep.,Water.&W.O.W. Park;Equip.Maint.-Tech.Sup.,Indep.&Mob.Rec.,showmob.,Pro- rata(All Units)&bleachers;Speciai Events,Trilogy of Terror 309.34 11-299 Elden's Hardware -Rec.Admin.;Rental Prop.Maint.-Water;Maint. Sup.-Tech.SuPL Sm.Tools-Tech.Sup.&Indep.;Grounds Maint.-Add.&BMX;Hskp. Exp.-Water. 322.55 11-300 Drayton Plywood Cap.Proj.,Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water.;Bldg.Maint.- Admin.;Grounds Maint.-Add. 34.71 11-301 Erb Lumber Cap.Proj.,Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water.;Bldg.Maint.- Add.Conf.Ctr.;Grounds Maint.-Indep. 1,85I.92 11-302 Ideal Heati_ ng Bldg. Maint.-Glen Oaks _ _^ 90.00 VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER . VENDOR PURPOSE AMOU11T 11-303 Aaron's Lock & Key Bldg. Maint.-Red Oaks $ 34.56 - - 11-304 ---- Eiden Equipment Bldg.Maint.- ec up.;Equip. aint.-Tec .Sup.;Sm.Too s- Wh.Lk.;Hskp.Exp.-Wh.Lk. 476.71 11-305 Lawn Equipment Equip. Maint.-Wh.Lk. 161.23 11-306 Detroit Ball Bearing Equip. Maint.-Add. 37.73 11-307 Mazza Auto Parts Equip. Maint.-Add. & Indep. 105.70 11-308 King Brothers Equip. Maint.-Add. 49.20 11-309 Burington Golf Cars Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 34.48 11-310 AIS Continental Equip. Maint.,trucking charge to move Loader -Orion Oaks 250.00 11-311 Pontiac Truck Center Equip. Maint.,service on dump truck -Orion Oaks 2,493.60 11-312 Genesee Welding Special Events,helium-Rec.Admin.;Equip.Maint.-Tech.Sup. 10.00 11-313 McCally Tool & Supply Equip.Maint.-Tech.Sup.&Glen Oaks;Sm.Tools-Glen Oaks 132.57 11-314 The Larson Company Grounds Maint.-Add. 499.81 11-315 Re -Nu Electric Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks 65.00 11-316 Oxford Mining Grounds Maint.-Wh.Lk. 33.98 11-317 Regal Feed Misc. Exp.,Bird Feeder & feed-Admin. 42.93 11-318 Meteor Photo Public Info.,prints-Admin. 560.35 11-319 MRPA Regist.Fee for C.Herb,R.Delasko,B.Baker,L.Barron,B.Lay, M.Willhite,K.Peo e,D.Eash,R.Brewer,K.Lindse &B.Newtonfat _ tended the Fall Equip.Workshop in Southfield,MI on 10/3/ 89-Add.,Grove.,Indep. & Orion Oaks 132.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND .REA1iUN LUPIHi�)�)iUN VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER MBEk VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT NU 11-320 Safety Services Uniforms -Tech Sup 11-321 Iron Age Protective Company Uniforms-Indep. 36.50 11-322 Oakland Disposal Garbage Removal -Add. & Indep. 155.00 11-323 Insty-Prints, Inc. Off.Sup.-Admin.;Special Events,flyers-Rec.Admin. 75.50 11-324 Moby Dick Pet Store Rec.. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 55.55 11-325 J.Mansfield, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Wh. Lk. 51.53 11-326 Sundry (Payroll) Pay period ending 11/17/89-All Parks 96,122.78 . TOTAL OF VOUCHER REGISTER $ 459,483_76 OAKLAND COUNTY PARRS AND RECREATION COMMISSION TRANSFER VOUCHER REGISTER OCTOBER, 1989 SOURCE DEPARTMENT PURPOSE AMOUNT 10-229 General Fund B1dg.Maint.,Alarm System Material-R.O.W.Park 15.90 10-364 General Fund Fringe Benefits-Disability,3rd Quarter reserve for pre- mium increase-Admin. 1,605.14 10-417 General Fund Reimb. for overpayment of Technology Park Facilities Tax Settlement-Admin. .05 TOTAL OF TRANSER VOUCHER $ 1,621.09 i N N OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ANALYSIS OF FUND BALANCE AS OF 10/31/89 FUND BALANCE, 1/1/89 ADDITIONS: REVENUE OVER OPERATING EXPENSE AS OF 10/31/89 NET COLLECTIONS ON ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE DNR GRANT - GROVE. PHASE III NET DEPRECIATION EXPENSE DECREASE IN MERCHANDISE FOR RESALE DEDUCTIONS: PAYMENTS ON CAPITAL PROJECTS NET OPERATING EQUIPMENT PURCHASES NET PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNTS PAYABLE INTERDEPARTMENTAL INVOICES IN TRANSIT SUMMARY OF FUND BALANCE CASH ON HAND INVESTMENTS WITH THE COUNTY TREASURER 5-1 $2,436,257.90 585,846.52 118,624.37 395,761.57 5,477.98 ------------- $1,191,664.11 545,978.34 400,197.67 139,263.49 ------------- $ 2,826,112.24 3,541,968.34 -------------- $ 6,368,080.58 2,277,103.61 -------------- $ 4,090,976.97 -------------- -------------- $ 833,523.04 3,257,453.93 -------------- $ 4,090,976.97 -------------- -------------- OAKLAND COUNSTATEMENTAOF OPERATION COMMISSION FOR MONTH ENDING 10/31/89 COMBINED STATEMENT YEAR 10 1989 OVER(-), % OF ******** REVENUE ******** DATE BUDGET UNDER BUDGET BUDGET MILLAGE & INTEREST INCOME $5,187,337.25 $5,072,000.00 $-115,337.25 -2.3% RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 10,006.13 14,200.00 4,193.87 70.5% ADDISON OAKS: PARK 180,019.81 195,100.00 15,080.19 92.3% CONFERENCE CENTER 51,333.75 80,400.00 29,066.25 63.8% GROVELAND OAKS 376,109.77 395,600.00 19,490.23 95.1% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 175,151.05 215,500.00 40,348.95 81.3% ORION OAKS 0.00 0.00 0.00 GLEN OAKS 643,736.84 660,900.00 17,163.16 97.4% RED OAKS: GOLF COURSE 233,394.47 230,950.00 -2,444.47 -1.1% DRIVING RANGE 7,500.00 10,000.00 2,500.00 75.0% WATER PARK 478,273.87 621,250.00 142,976.13 77.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS: GOLF COURSE 552,856.46 523,500.00 -29,356.46 -5.6% WHITE LAKE OAKS 548,323.52 508,800.00 -39,523.52 -7.8% SPRINGFIELD YAC 37,454.05 146,000.00 108,545.95 25.7% WATERFORD OAKS: PARK 75,939.50 76,200.00 260.50 99.7% WATER PARK 272,000.10 339,500.00 67,499.90 80.1% TENNIS COMPLEX 23,734.00 24,000.00 266.00 98.9% BMX 45,935.80 70,600.00 24,664.20 65.1% MOBILE RECREATION 112456.41 134500.00 22,043.59 83.6% NATURE PROGRAM 7:780.75 5:100.00 -2,680.75 -52.6% THERAPEUTIC PROGRAM 8.00 3,200.00 3,192.00 0.3% TOTAL REVENUE $9,019,351.53 $9,327,300.00 $307,948.47 96.7% ** OPERATING EXPENSES *** ADMINISTRATION $1,093,794.04 $1,340,600.00 $246,805.96 81.6% RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 201038.48 216400.00 15361.52 92.9% TECHNICAL SUPPORT 446:454.70 529:840.00 83:385.30 84.3% ADDISON OAKS: PARK 575788.00 643800.00 68012.00 89.4% CONFERENCE CENTER 55:952.83 60:300.00 4:347.17 92.8% GROVELAND OAKS 508,947.05 556,200.00 47,252.95 91.5% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 590,577.00 665,950.00 75,373.00 88.7% ORION OAKS 68,493.54 98,200.00 29,706.46 69.7% GLEN OAKS 408,633.95 449,850.00 41,216.05 90.8% RED OAKS: GOLFCGOURSE 259,265.66 289,450.00 30,184.34 89.6% WATERNPARKNGE 89.1% 423:954.17 475;600.00 51:645.83 SPRINGFIELD OAKS: GOLF COURSE 412,202.58 465,650.00 53,447.42 88.5% WHITE LAKE OAKS 359,562.68 423,250.00 63,687.32 85.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC 120,087.06 165,280.00 45,192.94 72.7% WATERFORD OAKS: PARK 171,166.34 202,375.00 31,208.66 84.6% WATER PARK 282,363.44 289,800.00 7,436.56 97.4% TENNIS COMPLEX 40,158.30 41,500.00 1,341.70 96.8% BMX 63,546.87 83,000.00 19,453.13 76.6% MOBILE RECREATION 264,888.30 318,800.00 53,911.70 83.1% NATURE PROGRAM 171099.07 208380.00 37,280.93 82.1% THERAPEUTIC PROGRAM 8:305.67 19:550.00 11,244.33 42.5% CONTINGENCY* 53,249.66 77,050.00 23,800.34 69.1% TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $6,583,093.63 $7,625,975.00 $1,042,881.37 86.3% REVENUE OVER/UNDER EXP. $2,436,257.90 $1,701,325.00 $-734,932.90 -43.2% 1989 1988 1987 ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: 96.7% 101.0% 101.5% BUDGET BALANCE: 3.3% ACTUAL EXP. 10 DATE: 86.3% 87.4% 85.7% BUDGET BALANCE: 13.7% *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. CONTINGENCY BUDGET FIGURE: $14,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED 10 MOBILE RECREATION. $4,500 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO GROVELAND OAKS. $1,150 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO RED OAKS DR. RANGE. $3,300 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO W.O.TENNIS COMPLEX. 5-2 UAKLANU LUUNIY YAKK:> ANU Ktl.KLI ;Lummi »lUIY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGL A 1989 AS OF 10/31/89 SUMMARY TOTAL FOR ALL PARKS ESTIMATED 1988 1989 NET NEW ESTIMATED AMOUNT PAID CONTRACTS) PROJECT PARK ----------------------- PROJECT COST --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- ADJUSTMENT ------------- ----------------- ADJUSTMENT PROJECT COST --------------- (NE1 RETAINER) --------------- AWARDED BALANCE --------------- BALANCE --------------- ADMINISTRATION $2,928,789.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,928,789.00 $(808,666.09) $0.00 $2,120,122.91 ADDISON OAKS 593,085.68 (121,198.06) 70,073.78 (51,124.28) 541.961.40 (214,746.91) (3,650.OU) 323,564.49 GROVELAND OAKS 1,454,185.11 (771,219.11) 72,387.55 (698,831.56) 755,353.55 (712,031.47) (9,683.08) 33,639.00 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 913,042.75 (626,615.75) 15,272.82 (611,342.93) 301,699.82 (222,349.04) 0.00 79,350.78 ORION OAKS 652,301.00 (200,301.00) 103,651.20 (96,649.80) 555,651.20 (382,716.65) (72,934.55) 100,000.00 GLEN OAKS 226,129.30 (144,053.30) 12,951.27 (131,102..03) 95,027.27 (62.300.83) (2,463.51) 30,262.93 RED OAKS 5,097,437.00 (4,997,471.00) 0.00 (4,997,471.00) 99,966.00 (22,160.22) (77.94) 77,727.84 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 379,742.00 (89,677.OU) 19,523.80 (70,153.20) 309,588.80 (278,534.73) (9,390.00) 21,664.07 WHITE LAKE OAKS 312,729.00 (127,488.00) 1,458.78 (126,029.22) 186,699.78 (40,206.24) (15,134.50) 131,359.04 WATERFORD OAKS 608,084.01 (118,084.01) 2,990.00 (115,094.01) 492,990.00 (97,508.28) (29,875.00) 365,606.72 CONTINGENCY 67,718.15 0.00 (118,186.41) (118,186.41) (50,468.26) 0.00 O.UO (50,468.26)* CAPITAL PROJECTS TOTAL $13,233,243.00 $(7,196,107.23) $180,122.79 $(7,015,984.44) $6,217,258.56 $(2,841,220.46) $(143,208.58) $3,232,829.52 *1990 Budget rn TOTALS - GOLF COURSES RECREATIONAL & TOTALS - SPECIAL EVENTS TOTALS - DAY USE PARKS GRAND TOTALS GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing RED OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Cross Country Skiing Golf Dome SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 19 Holes �! Cross Country Skiing TOTALS - GOLF COURSES Leagues/Groups Participants Leagues/Groups Participants 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 18 18 7,435 14,840 25162 2,024 255,409 253,562 180 145 18,844 17,724 2,415 2,069 267,937 307,426 2,067 2,186 14,909 15,430 91,773 76,206 743,168 630,449 2,265 2,349 41,188 47,994 96,350 80,299 1,266,514 1,191,437 GOLF COURSES - MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1989 YFAR TO DATE Leagues Participants Leagues Participants 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 13 15 959 3,016 723 682 55,156 49,906 2 2 866 1,374 41 27 17,466 14,204 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,550 0 0 0 1,418 3,038 294 318 36,449 37,816 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 1,905 1,743 0 0 42,340 48,406 0 1 251 820 485 383 28,294 26,646 3 0 689 1,713 16 9 21,552 20,232 0 0 0 0 0 0 125 0 0 0 825 2,284 594 597 39,123 43,098 0 0 512 852 9 8 12,984 13,239 0 0 0 0 0 0 325 15 18 18 7,435 14,840 2,162 2,024 255,409 253,562 RECREATIONAL AND SPECIAL -VENTS - MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1989 YEAR TO DATE MOBILE_ RECREATION Airsport Skate Mobile Mime Group Broadway Revue Puppet Mobile Sports Mobile Buses Show'Mobile SPRINGFIELD OAKS Y A C WATERFORD OAKS Activity Center Tennis Complex BMX ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM Nature Center Outreach SPECIAL EVENTS TOTAT.0 Groups Participants Group Participants 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 0 0 0 0 57 66 14,205 47,262 0 0 0 0 1102 87 13,003 26,397 0 0 0 0 73 40 28,185 24,607 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 5,086 0 0 0 0 97 62 22,653 18,745 0 0 0 0 88 55 15,567 11,402 30 15 1,231 545 364 286 16,844 15,926 2 7 - - 111 104 - - 27 24 10,854 9,465 259 238 53,920 55,010 78 65 4,483 5,376 677 565 38,264 34,224 4 3 124 120 159 95 7,017 10,780 0 0 0 0 44 34 16,888 14,752 39 31 2,149 2,218 297 310 20,239 19,855 0 0 0 0 87 100 21,152 23,380 180 145 18,844 17,724 2,415 2,072 267,937 307,426 DAY USE PARKS AND FACILITY ATTENDANCE REPORT - MONTH OF OCTOBER 1989 YEAR TO DATE ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers GROVELAND OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK Day Use Day Camper Overnight Group Campers ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GLEN OAKS CLUBHOUSE SPRINGFIELD OAKS CLUBHOUSE WHITE LAKE OAKS CLUBHOUSE WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK RED OAKS WATERPARK ORION OAKS V W TOTALS Groups Participants Groups Participants 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 127 125 1,649 1,803 2,246 2,271 33,635 36,733 110 204 388 716 15,220 11,662 60,750 46,308 10 0 416 0 11 6 442 222 0 0 0 0 7655 7454 159,877 147,005 0 0 0 0 15,909 14,281 57,602 53,322 0 0 0 0 18 12 546 469 1,769 1,790 6,196 6,272 49,745 39,581 174,373� 138,611 1 8 150 139 152 98 9,292 6,703 0 6 0 64 32 29 1,183 1,562 26 29 3,005 3,211 272 250 29,207 27,332 17 16 2,347 2,270 162 162 20,935 21,104 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 8 706 855 63 78 6,074 8,222 0 0 0 0 157 170 71,519 50,690 0 0 0 0 131 152 116,632 89,120 0 0 52 100 0 0 1,100 3,046. 2,067 2,186 14,909 15,430 91,773 76,206 743,168 630,449 ITEM #8 1990 Operating Budget ITEM #9 BURNER REPLACEMENT ADDISON OAKS The gas burner on the boiler at the Addison Oaks Conference Center is twenty years old, obsolete and unrepairable. Bids for a contract to replace the gas burner assembly in the #1 boiler were received as follows: Comb & Groves, Inc. $ 9,176.00 Ferndale W. T. Heaney Co. 8,890.00 Southfield Service Plumbing & Heating 7,586.00 Pontiac Ideal Heating 6,940.00 Detroit Assoc. Temperature Control NO BID Farmington Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Ideal Heating, in the amount of $6,940.00. There is $10,000 budgeted in the Capital Improvement Program for this expense. 9-1 ITEM #10 ARCTICAT SNOWMOBILES ADDISON, INDEPENDENCE The cross country skiing programs at Independence and Addison Oaks require staff to maintain ski trails, to supervise ski and park operations and provide rescue/first-aid equipment on an as -needed - basis for winter park operations. The parks require the purchase of new snowmobiles to replace units that were five and six years old and have been disposed of in the annual fall Oakland County Auction. The bids for the purchase of these.snowmobiles were received as follows: VENDOR MG Sales Drayton Plains Harp Sales Oxford Utica Tractor K & W Yamaha Anderson S & S Farmington Cycle World UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE Did Not Meet Specifications $4,700.85/each NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID $9,401.70 Staff concurs with purchasing to award the purchase of two snowmobiles to the only bidder, Harp Sales of Oxford, for the total price of $9,401.70. There is $9,599.00 budgeted in the 1990 operating equipment budget for this purchase. 10-1 3 Sorry for poor copy quality. Taken off of colored paper. S46M Scout* / Safari Scout* Electro 10-2 ITEM #11 SUMMER STAFF SHIRTS ALL FACILITIES Bids have been received for the purchase of staff shirts. These are primarily for summer employees and part-time positions. The bids for 117 dozen shirts are as follows: Graphmark Services $ 11,119.68 Pontiac Hayes Sales Limited 13,267.40 Drayton Plains MayJac Sportswear 12,429.00 Redford Tri-County Sports 12,574.80 Pontiac Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to award the bid to the low bidder, Graphmark Services, in the amount of $11,119.68. Last year we expended $10,942 for approximately 109 dozen shirts. Funds for this purchase are in the uniform line item of each facility. ITEM 112 PARKING LOT LIGHTING GLEN OAKS Funds have been appropriated for the parking lot lighting at Glen Oaks. Before final plans and specifications are prepared, there are two issues which affect cost that need to be addressed. Size of Lighting Low (10' to 12') decorative vs. High (15' to 25') shoebox utility style The type of fixture affects the total number of lights required (12-17). Type of Decorative Style The style and material selected for the decorative fixture will also affect the quantity and cost. Certain decorative styles give less light and, therefore, will require more fixtures. Also the type of base: aluminum vs. cast iron. Aluminum, while costing less, dents and damages easier than the other metals. The range in cost is approximately $24,000 (shoebox) to $38,000 (decorative) plus installation costs which will vary depending if our crew or the contractor performs the work. 12-1 ai o 73 O m n vc a) C N N U •a7 O UL a3 `CL U O` v- NO Co U 0-0 7 Y Q O •` _ C C C _ O U ca W 0 L a7 O , OO O N V _ T '0 y O (a al C L O 7 E O Q U L E a) W(o N y d U) ULa7 •C-' a) C ca cu 'Nn -O i N L aa Urn n a) O J Y O S •- <n -) YO N L a 41 Y + N O O V1 (n � U O U x• E E a) N D, E C O ? -. C V O a0+ a) a) E..m a n._ N �— a) x j N C J a7 E L Y O • E � m �nE'E S J IU 0 I Y E(; ' � \ ; � y � . .� g . .� �: � >�w��.-�«�<�. . ®�� � � . �. ��. . � 2 . . - _ - \ ~ ®� �2� '�:�. _ � ` <� _ ^��� 2� \ « §2 d 2 ©. - - ~§ � < \ 2 © 7 ^� - 2 2 �i,:���� � ~.- G � ® � - :,�:,� . -\_ .�� � � . . � . �� %� - _ _ � ��,,. .� ,. � }�� m:.� . �� � � . �/ � � '�; .� }���� . .� < \� � §\ � �,�,�- � _ � -����� ^.��� :«.,�- ,., ����« � {.� .� ,,y, -y- � �� �:, \. , - ���� - � � � \dam 2\�� . � ©.� �� {� -- T _. 2 . � w{ ©�'_»2�� � �� �: � » \�\� � \� » , , m� � ����s .. �. _ ; ; ,:: . � %. S_ . ._ ITEM #13 ei��L Date. November 30, 1989 From: Ralph Richard, Manager To: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commissioners Subject: Millage Campaign The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Millage Committee met recently to discuss strategies and activities for the passage of the two parks millages. There are a number of activities that are being planned that will help promote the awareness of the Oakland County Parks and the ballot issues that would be placed on the August 7, 1990 ballot. In the meeting, the role of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commissioners was discussed. It is our thought that the involvement of the Commissioners would be welcomed in several areas. The areas that have been identified at the present time are as follows: 1. Identification of groups which you are aware of and/or affiliated with that are primarily Oakland County residents that a presentation may be scheduled with. The Millage Committee will need the name of the group, the contact person, address and phone number. Please provide this information on the attached sheet. 2. Volunteers to accompany staff in the awareness presentations. Anyone who is interested in being available to particular groups, being available in particular areas, or with particular concerns should identify those. 3. Identification of volunteers in the community who may be able to assist the People for Parks group. These are volunteers who may be appropriate to donate time and/or money to the campaign. 4. Identification of areas that yard signs should be placed. It would be helpful if anyone knew of businesses who may be willing to display a "Vote Yes" sign. 5. Members of the Commission who may be interested in appearing at parades and festivals to help promote the Oakland County Parks and Recreation system. 6. Volunteers to attend the post card day scheduled for July 25. On this day people will be asked to bring in their Holiday Card list to send out personalized post cards to encourage their friends, family and acquaintances to vote yes on August 7. A sheet is attached for the identification of some of the areas mentioned above. We will be in regular communication with you regarding your involvement in this campaign. 13-1 RR: jeb GROUPS FOR PRESENTATIONS, CONTACTS, ENDORSEMENTS Service Groups: Lions Shriners Jaycees Jr. League Rotary High Twelve K of C Veterans of Foreign Wars Optimists PVA Kiawanis Oakland Co. Association of Township Supervisors Oakland Co. Democratic Committee Oakland Co. Republican Committee Mayors of So. Oakland County League of Women Voters Oakland Co. School Superintendents School PTA's Troy Chamber of Commerce Legislative Committee Library Groups - Evening Prog. Parents Without Parners OLHSA Interclub Council of Royal Oak GMC Coach and Truck Management Club North Area Citizens Conference Oakland Co. Chamber of Commerce National Farm and Garden Clubs Calvary Baptist Church - Senior Group Business and Professional Women Retired School Personnel of Oakland Co. PAL Newcomers Clubs Neighborhood Assoc. Singles Groups Young Republicans Toastmasters YMCA YWCA Environmental Groups 13-2 MILLAGE AWARENESS CAMPAIGN Name Phone Yes, I am intersted in being involved in the Millage Awareness Presentations. Areas, groups I am particularly interested in: Volunteers to be contacted for People for Parks to donate time, in -kind services, or cash donations. Name Phone Company Address City State Zip Name Company Address City Name Company Address City Name Company Address City Name Company Address Phone State Zip Phone State Phone Zip State Zip Phone City State Zip See Reverse Side O.C. COMMUNITY FESTIVALS/ SERVICE MALLS PARK PARKS be REC. PARADES GROUPS BIRMINGHAM BLOOMFIELD HILLS CLARKSTON Independence Oaks COMMERCE FARMINGTON HILLS Glen Oaks W I Dept. of Public Svs. Village Fair Far Conservatory 851 S. Eton Perf Arts/Mentally Ret Birmingham, 48009 1669 W. Maple Birmingham, 48009 644-1807 646-3347 YMCA of Birmingham 400 E. Lincoln Birmingham, 48009 644-9036 Rec. Community Ed. 2800-A Lahser Rd Bloomfield Hills, 48013 334-3578 Independence Twp P be R Clarkston SCAMP 90 North Main 6590 Middle Lake Road Clarkston, 48016 Clarkston, 48016 625-8223 625-3240 Walled Lake Comm. Ed. 615 N. Pontiac Trail Walled Lake, 48088 624-0202 Parks do Rec 4th of July Parade YMCA Farm'ton Hills 31555 Eleven Mile Kid's Day July 10 28100 Farmington Farmington Hills, 48018 Community Celebration Farmington Hills, 48018 474-6115 553-4020 FERNDALE LAKE ORION MADISON HEIGHTS NOVI OAK PARK O.C. COMMUNITY FESTIVALS/ SERVICE MALLS PARK PARKS do REC. PARADES GROUPS Parks do Rec 300 E. Nine Mile Ferndale, 48220 547-6000 Community Education Lake Orion Community Schools 55 Elizabeth Lake Orion, 48035 693-7331 Red Oaks Parks do Rec. 801 Ajax Drive Madison Heights, 48071 589-2294 Twelve Oaks Mall Parks do Rec. MI 50's Festival 27500 Novi Road 43315 Sixth Gate Novi, 48052 Novi, 48050 Elaine Kati (Kay) 348-9400 349-1976 Parks do Rec. Funfest July 4th Funday 14300 Oak Park Blvd. Oak Park, 48237 545-6400 PONTIAC O.C. COMMUNITY FESTIVALS/ SERVICE MALLS PARK PARKS & REC. PARADES GROUPS Summit Place Mall 315 N. Telegraph Pontiac, 48053 Rita Boyles 682-0123 Waterford Oaks White Lake Oaks Parks & Rec. 60 E. Pike Pontiac, 48058 Portia Fields -Anderson 857-7688 A & D Adult Day Care 980 S. Cass Lake Road Pontiac, 48054 681-7233 Blind Recreat. Soc. 1543 Baldwin Ave. Pontiac, 48055 334-6313 Boy Scouts of AM 1100 W. County Ctr. Pontiac, 48053 338-0035 Boys & Girls of Pontiac 530 E. Pike Pontiac, 48058 334-0551 Camp Fire of Pontiac 50 Wayne Street Pontiac, 48058 Penny Smith 338-4036 Comm. Svs. Hear. Imp. 50 Wayne Street Pontiac, 48058 Marcy Colton 332-3323 r W � Pub. Hlth Cripp Child o, 1895 N. Perry Pontiac, 48055 373-0500 O.C. COMMUNITY FESTIVALS/ SERVICE MALLS PARK PARKS do REC. PARADES GROUPS PONTIAC (Continued) ROCHESTER Great Oaks Mall Avon Rec. Authority 1220 University Drive 4th and Wilcox Rochester 48063 Rochester, 48063 Debbie Mazer 651-6000 651-6210 Winchester Mail 1160 S. Rochester Road Rochester, 48063 Claudia Frederick 652-1152 ROCHESTER HILLS Meadowbrook Mall 82 N. Adams Road Rochester 48063 Tina Bonna 375-9451 ROYAL OAK Public Services 211 Williams Street Royal Oal<, 48068 r W 546-1000 V Arts & Apples Sept.1-2 Heritage Festival May 30 Oal< Apple Day YMCA of Pontiac 269 W. Huron Pontiac 48053 334-0973 Girl Scout Council 8545 Highland Pontiac, 48054 666-3880 Boys & Girls Royal Oal< 1545 E. Lincoln Royal Oal<, 48067 544-4166 YMCA of Royal Oak 1016 W. I Mile Royal Oal<, 48067 O.C. COMMUNITY FESTIVALS/ SERVICE MALLS PARK PARKS do REC. PARADES GROUPS SOUTHFIELD Northland Center Mall Parks do Rec. American Lung Assoc. BC2 Concourse B 26000 Evergreen 18860 W. 10 Mile Southfield, MI 48075 Southfield, 48037 Southfield, 48075 Cindy Ciura 569-6272 354-9603 559-5100 Prudential Town Center 3000 Town Center, #10 Southfield, 48075 Dan Rees 352-2680 Tel -Twelve Mall 28690 Telegraph Road Southfield, 48034 Janet Van Maldeghen 353-9111 W I 00 Area Agency on Aging 29508 Southfield, 100 Southfield, 48076 569-0333 Child Leukemia Found 19022 W. 10 Mile Southfield, 48075 353-8222 Cystic Fibrosis Found. 20300 Civic Center Southfield, 48075 354-6565 Easter Seal Soc. 1105 N. Telegraph Pontiac, 48053 John Cocciolone 338-9626 MI Assoc Emotionally Disturbed Children 23555 Northwestern Southfield, 48075 356-2566 MI Assoc for EDC. 24133 Northwestern Southfield, 48075 356-2566 TROY WATERFORD WEST BLOOMFIELD O.C. COMMUNITY FESTIVALS/ SERVICE MALLS PARK PARKS & REC. PARADES GROUPS Oakland Mall 4l2 W. 14 Mile Road Troy,48084 Linda Brown 585-6000 Orchard Mall 6445 Orchard Lake Road W. Bloomfield, 48322 Kathleen Price 851-7727 Parks & Rec. 520 W. Big Beaver Troy, 48084 524-3484 Parks & Rec. 5860 Andersonville Waterford, 48095 Ann Conklin 623-0900 Parks & Rec. 3325 Middlebelt West Bloomfield, 48033 Joey Spano 334-5660 Henry Ford Hospital 6777 W. Maple Road W. Bloomfield, 48322 Lorna McEwen 661-4100 Jewish Comm. Center 6600 W. Maple Road W. Bloomfield, 48033 661-1000 SCAMP-W. Bloomfield 2601 Lone Pine W. Bloomfield, 48033 851-2435 19g44 Si3GGSSTF-D �1otexs i L 6110o 81600 `w Law 6 ? l:e 650 Ko�Z°� 8,500 Ex Z,ewis 5p0 Sec eaTL y0,( - 61900 Sac oIs n ,TO, #1,4 Gy, ()Pxs � -ar 'tle t tolc of the at da the otytelc summ ary 9, r-o%plete aTLa, e cetLtel: a for Igs- tyle Oue sheet i.5 0 t a IDOAlt 'Jo Ic tJ Attwy ached dewy 'ea atYileeti Dola and its Pxogta 1LAOleaber- - NJ 50 Presentation ceate�' P ty": ou s I the !.Ve 5Y101:t sly ,qS9 AS tor -J'Outea at -vz to vo.1 be aj StIC will be at the meeting 11ave. ons you may I3a any Uest, anser and IS- 1 Z '71' 0-4 67 02 o 2,/ Z- h(--)ll O(v 3S3 z 16' El`� Z b 9,2 ob c o2/ A4 =kA rl/ 145-1z Zll'� 0 l)'/ gZ Old o Z- o C) Z- 7� Z LA LA 7 Oz (V+Lc 'A\ rA, 1A �X�pUTZQE SESSp13 �oaembet o�,aS,�iF o� ati°`L to ���� 2 ty d made a Fte�e�te �ook,ex9 ptoFet t date atd Mt • R ���'at a4 up�� th �1s • Wy 89 at�,d wyll S�ve 2L � 19 ITEM #16 MANAGER'S REPORT ---Current lawsuit status: attached is a report on the amount that Oakland County's Risk Management has paid to defend law cases which our department was involved in. ---Attached is the master calendar for the 1990 year. If you have any comments, please bring them up at the meeting. ---The M.R.P.A. Annual Conference will be held this year at the Dearborn Hyatt Regency on February 4 - 6. Please advise Karen Smith if you would like to register for all or part of the conference. Programs will be sent to you from M.R.P.A. ---Don Deni, past parks commissioner, is retiring and moving to Florida. A going -away party is planned for him on December 8 at 5:00 p.m. at Bob Carr's office on Telegraph (Oak Pointe Plaza). 16-1 AMOUNT $ 7,990.16 $ 5,252.77 $ 5,218.98 $ 6,545.06 * $12,154.62 $ 636.25 $37,797.84 CURRENT LAWSUIT STATUS. 1989 NAME Angle Champe F. George Heinz O'Barry S. Olejniczak J. Olejniczak DESCRIPTION Waterford Oaks Wave Pool: Descending steps going towards slide pool, stepped off edge of sidewalk and injured right ankle. Red Oaks Water Park: Hit forehead on safety bar at the top of the slide. Springfield Oaks Golf Course: Bee sting. Red Oaks Water Park: Slipped on mud covered area of side- walk just southeast of ticket booth next to parking lot. Technical Support summer employee auto accident with Mr. O'Barry at corner of Watkins Lake Rd. and Scott Lake Rd. Red Oaks Water Park: Slipped entering shallow end of pool. (Mother) Slipped and fell exiting men's locker room injuring right elbow. (Son) TOTAL AS OF AUGUST 31, 1989 *Indicates settled lawsuits. 16-2 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 1990 MASTER CALENDAR Wednesday, January 3 Regular Commission Meeting Wednesday, January 17 Regular Commission Meeting February 4 - 6 MRPA Annual Winter Conference, Dearborn, Michigan Wednesday, February 7 Regular Commission Meeting Wednesday, February 21 Commission Meeting, including master plan session Wednesday, March 7 Regular Commission Meeting March 17 - 20 NACo Legislative Conference, Washington, D.C. Wednesday, March 21 Regular Commission Meeting Thursday, April 5 Commission Meeting, followed by Retreat through April 6; St. Clair Inn. Includes master plan session Friday, April 27 Oakland University's Environmental Conference Wednesday, May 2 Regular Commission Meeting Wednesday, May 16 Regular Commission Meeting Wednesday, June 6 Regular Commission Meeting June 12 - 15 Special Parks District Forum, LePage, Illinois Wednesday, June 20 Regular Commission Meeting Wednesday, July 11 Commission Meeting (tentative) Wednesday, July 25 Commission Meeting (tentative) Wednesday, August 1 Regular Commission Meeting Tuesday, August 7 Election Day, Millage Questions Wednesday, August 15 Regular Commission Meeting Wednesday, September 5 Regular Commission Meeting Monday, September 17 Legislative Golf Outing with MRPA Wednesday, September 19 Regular Commission Meeting Wednesday, October 3 Regular Commission Meeting October 11 - 15 NRPA Congress for Recreation and Parks, Phoenix, Arizona Tuesday, October 23 Commission Budget Work Session Wednesday, October 24 Regular Commission Meeting Wednesday, November 7 Regular Commission Meeting Wednesday, November 21 Commission Meeting, including master plan session Wednesday, December 5 Regular Commission Meeting 16-3 (PGHPontiac General Hospital Seminole at West Huron Pontiac, Michigan 48053 Telephone (313) 857-7200 James Wright, President October 23, 1989 Ambulatory Care Center of Waterford Pontiac Health Care Center 1305 North Oakland Boulevard 132 Franklin Boulevard Pontiac, Michigan 48054 Pontiac, Michigan 48053 Telephone (313) 666-9000 Telephone (313) 333-3373 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Mobile Recreation 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, MI 48054 Hello! On behalf of Pontiac General Hospital Community Mental Health Clinic, we'd like to thank Oakland County Parks and Recreation for the bus service last Thursday, October 19th: Our annual fall color tour took on a new perspective that day with the 1st snowfall. Please express our appreciation to our driver Doug. He was very considerate and tolerant of the tour route we selected! Our group had a wonderful day and enjoyed discovering autumn in rural Oakland County. Thanks again. Sincerely, Debbie Jackson, .R.S. Pontiac Genera H spital /ss 16-4 Oakland County's First Hospital''