HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1989.10.04 - 39853OAKLAN D COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48054-1697 • (313) 858-0906 Ralph A. Richard Lewis E. Wint Manager Chairman Jon J. Kipke Jean M. Fox Assistant Manager Vice Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Secretary George W. Kuhn Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Thomas A. Law Daniel T. Murphy Ralph Nelson John E. Olsen Richard V. Vogt September 29, 1939 To the Membars of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday, October 4, 1989 PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Rd. Pontiac, MI PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting. This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Mr. Lewis E. Wint, Chairman, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, ��-�%Z- Ralph Richard Manager RR/jg OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING October 4, 1989 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes of the September 6, 1989 Meeting. 4. Approval of Payment: Voucher Nos. 8-403 thru 8-405 and 9-1 thru 9-343 Indepartmental Payments: August Charges Paid in September Transfer Vouchers: August Charges 5. Statement of Operations for Month Ending 8/31/89. 6. Capital Improvements Update. 7. Activity Report for August, 1989. 8. Award Presentation. 9. Bid Item: Dust Collection System - Technical Support / Jon Kipke. 10. Bid Item: Roofing Materials - Technical Support Building / Jon Kipke. 11. Bid Item: 44-Passenger Bus - Mobile Recreation / Jon Kipke. 12. Addison Oaks Sewage Treatment Facility / Joe Figa. 13. Bid Item: Groveland Oaks Irrigation / Joe Figa. 14. Bid Item: Glen Oaks Repointing / Joe Figa. 15. Bid Item: Glen Oaks Drainage Report / Joe Figa. 16. Manager's Report. 17. Old Business. 18. New Business. 19. Adjourn. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHERS: Nos. 8-403 thru 8-405 Nos. 9-1 thru 9-343 Payment Approval Summary For Meeting of: October 4, 1989 $193,678.16 497,116.80 $ 690,794.96 INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS: AUGUST CHARGES PAID IN SEPTEMBER 342,407.19 TRANSFER VOUCHERS: AUGUST CHARGES 2,000.00 TOTAL $1,035,202.15 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS f REAIIUN LUMMiZ)Z)IUri VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST,'1989 VOUCHER NUMBER, • VENDOR P U R P O S E AMOUNT 8-403 Sundry (Payroll) Pay Ending 8/25/89-All Parks $ 193,678.16 8-404 VOID 8-405 VOID SUB -TOTAL FOR VOUCHER REGISTER FOR AUGUST 193,678.16 TOTAL FOR VOUCHER REGISTER FOR AUGUST $ 946,084.76 i i �I .A H OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS ,. j RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER PiiaPnSF AMOUNT NUMMR . v F1.14Lvn Sp.Events,Payment for amphitheater performance on 9/16/89-Nat.Prog. $ 200.00 9-1 James Gibson 9-2 Apex Asphalt Paving Co. Cap.Proj.,New Contact Station -Add. (Payment #1) 15,499.07 Cap.Proj.,New Concession Bldg.-Grove.,Beach Level Pump- Indep. & Picnic Shelter Concession Bld BMX -Water.• 9-3 Madison Electric Co. B1dg.Maint.-Grove.,Indep.&R.O.W.Park;Sm.Tools-Indep.; BMX 9-4 Michigan Recreation and Park Assn. Misc.Income,Outside Ticket Sales (Pa ent #3)-Admin. 2 966.45 Cap.Proj.,New Concession Bldg.-Grove.,Beach Level Pump- Indep. & Picnic Shelter/Concession B1dg.,BMX-Water; 9-5 Hodges Supply Co. Equip.Maint.-Tech.Sup.;Bldg.Maint.-Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk., Glen Oaks,R.O.W.Park & W. 1,804.70 9-6 McNaughton-McKay Electric Co. Bldg. Maint.-R.O. W. Park; Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks 264.45 Utilities -Grove. & Glen Oaks 906.50 9-7 Consumers Power Co. Utilities-Add.,Add.Conf.Ctr.,Grove. & Indep. 15,759.20 9-8 Detroit Edison Utilities -Glen Oaks,YAC & Nat.Prog. 5,286.10 9-9 Detroit Edison Professional Services -To represent OCPR's appropriate interests before legislative bodies & -,t-at-(-,qaNzernmt-nt-;:j 9-10 Kammer/Michigan Consultants, Inc. agencies for September, 1989-Admin. 1,000.00 Cap.Equip.,Message Center-Admin. 614.90 9-11 Flaghouse, Inc. Golf Mdse. for Resale-Wh.Lk. & Glen Oaks 715.86 9-12 Spalding Sports Worldwide Cap.Proj.,Picnic Shelter/Concession B1dg.,BMX-Water. 23.49 9-13 McNab Hardware 9-14 Vidosh Inc. Cap.Proj.,Drainage Imp. -Glen Oaks 429.00 OAKLA14D COUNTY PARKS f RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER.. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-15 State Wire & Terminal, Inc. Cap.Proj.,New Concession Bldg.-Grove.;Maint.Sup.-Tech. Sup.;Bldg.Maint.-Grove.;Grounds Maint.-Orion Oaks- Equip.Maint.-Add. 157.60 9-16 Erb Lumber Cap.Proj.,Environmental Center-Indep.;Grounds Maint.- Grove. & Glen Oaks;Bldg.Maint.-Spring. 485.49 9-17 Century Rain Aid Cap.Proj.,Drainage Imp. -Glen Oaks;Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,S rin .,R.O.W.Park & W.O.W.Park 1,,427.51 9-18 Boat Owners Assn. of the U.S. Bldg..Maint.-R.O.W.Park 3.95 9-19 Gamalski Building Specialties B1dg.Maint.-Admin. & Indep. 200.74 9-20 Leslie Electric Co. Bldg. Maint.,Electrical Supplies -Grove. 62.00 9-21 Amtek Services B1dg.Maint.,Switches & Wire-W.O.W.Park 63.50 9-22 Acme Cleaning Services, Inc. B1dg.Maint.,Window Services for July, 1989-Glen Oaks 115.00 9-23 Wolverine Door Co., Inc. Cap.Proj., (1) 12xl2 Rolling Steel Door-Tech.Sup. 3,045.00 9-24 Oliver Supply Co. B1dg.Maint.-Grove.,Spring. & YAC 62.97 9-25 H.L. Claeys & Co. B1dg.Maint.-Add. 20.84 9-26 AT & T Misc.Exp.-BMX 8.10 9-27 Michigan Bell Communications -Add. 255.10 9-28 AT & T Communications -Add. & Wh.Lk. 103.87 9-29 Oakland County Chamber of Commerce Travel & Conf.,Regist. Fee for J.Pung to attend an "Advertising Seminar" in Bloomfield Hills, MI to be held on 9/27/89-Admin. 35.00 OAKLA14D COUNTY PARKS A RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER_ VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-30 City Glass Service of Pontiac, Inc. B1dg.Maint.,(1) Tempered Glass -Add. 58.68 9-31 Industrial Cleaning Supply Hskp.Exp.&Equip.Maint.-Red Oaks;Bldg.Maint.-YAC 70.80 9-32' Michigan Portable Toilets, Inc. Equip.Rental-Rental Services for July, 1989-Indep. 315.00 9-33 Midwest Rental Center, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Wh.Lk.;Equip.Rental-Add. 590.23 9-34 Goodyear Tire Equip.Maint.-Iizdep.,YAC,Showmobile-Mob. Rec. & BMX 380.53 9-35 Pontiac Steel Co. Equip.Maint.-Add. 57.15 9-36 Pifer Golf Cars Equip.Maint.-Indep.,Red Oaks & Spring. 185.84 9-37 PB Electronics Equip.Maint.-Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks & Spring. 500.00 9-38 JDX Corporation Equip.Maint.-Orion Oaks 6.54 9-39 Ideal Mower Sales, Inc. Equip.Maint.-Glen Oaks 5.90 9-40 The Wittbold Co. Equip.Maint.-Add. 37.38 9-41 Lawn Equipment Service & Sales Equip.Maint.,Lawn Mower repair parts -Spring. 342.61 9-42 Mid -States Petroleum, Inc. Equip.Maint.-Wh.Lk.,Spring. & YAC 1,970.95 9-43 Van's Auto Supply Inc. Equip.Maint.-Wh.Lk. & Spring.;Bldg.Maint.-W.O.W.Park 316.01 9-44 Crown Battery Mfg. Co. Equip.Maint.-Grove. & Glen Oaks 126.68 9-45 Herk's Oxford Automotive, Inc. Equip.Maint.-Add. 33.00 9-46 W.F. Miller Equip. Maint.-Add.,Grove.,Wh.Lk.&Glen Oaks;Grounds Maint. i 1 191.40 OAKLA14D COUNTY PARKS A t'RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER_. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-47 Genesee Welding Special Events,helium-Rec.Admin.;Equip. Maint.-Tech.Sup., Add.,Grove. & Red Oaks 112.97 9-48 Industrial Vehicles Equip. Maint.-Grove.,Red Oaks & BMX .488.76 9-49 PB Electronics Equip. Maint.-Admin. 34.50 9-50 SHOCO Equip. Maint.-Add. 52.09 9-51Safety-Kleen Equip.Maint.-Wh. Lk.,Red Oaks & Spring. 197.50 9-52 Burington Golf Car Equip.Maint.-Wh. Lk. & Add. 362.45 9-53 Tire Wholesalers Equip. Maint.- Grove. 21.99 9-54 gaterford Fuel Equip. Maint. & Sm. Tools-Indep. 26.15 9-55 lazza Auto Parts Equip. Maint.-Orion Oaks & Mob. Rec.,trucks & buses;Sm. Tools -Orion Oaks;Hsk .Ex .-Tech. Sup. 166.61 9-56 lazza Auto Parts Equip. Maint.-Inde . 49.36 9-57 qilkie Turf Equip. Maint.-Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks & Spring.;Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks 470.62 9-58 & C Distributors Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 174.70 9-59 itica Distributors Grounds Maint.-Add. 82.10 9-60 J.N. Fauver Grounds Maint.-R.O.W.Park 93.12 9-61 lertified Laboratories Grounds Maint.-Wh. Lk. 71.51 9-62 BensonIs Oakland Wholesale Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 22.76 9-63 The Premarc Corporation Grounds Maint.-Water. 48.30 OAKLANO COUNTY PARKS A RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER.. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-64 Harvard Cleaners Laundry & Dry Cleaning -Add. & Indep. 115.10 9-65 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry&Dry Cleaning-Tech.Sup.,Grove.,Orion Oaks,Indep., Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks Red Oaks S rin R.O.W.Park YAC Water. W.O.W.Park & Nat. Pr 9-66 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry&Dry Cleaning-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Orion Oaks, Inde .,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,S rin .,R.O.W.Park YAC Water.,W.O.W.Park & Nat. Prog. 206.12 9-67 Mayo Clinic Publications,subscription renewal-Admin. 44.00 9-68 Underwriters Laboratories Publications,"Fire Resistance Index"-Admin. 19.40 9-69 University of Minnesota Publications,training manual -Nat. Prog. 10.00 9-70 University of California Publications/subscription renewal-Admin. 34.00 9-71 S.E. Mich. Travel & Tourist Publications,annual fee for listings-Admin. 50.00 9-72 MRPA Membership Dues,renewal for 1 yr.-Grove. 65.00 9-73 Ohio State University Publications -Add. 9.50 9-74 NRPA Publications,"Standards for Success"-Admin. 39.50 9-75 MI First Aid Misc. Exp.,medical supplies-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep. R.O.W.Park & W.O.W.Park 339.15 9-76 MRPA Misc.Ex .,recertification fee for S.Wells-Rec.Admin. 15.00 9-77 Hilde Taxidermy Misc.Exp.,(1)Sunfish-Indep. 66.00 9-78 VOID 91 OAKLA14D COUNTY PARKS A. RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER_, VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-79 Meteor Photo Public Info.,prints-Admin. 1,018.44 9-80 United Cable Public Info.,dubbs-Admin. 70.00 9-81 J. Levin & Sons Special Events,safety pins-Rec. Admin. 38.76 9-82 Merchants Equipment Special Events,Fall Event-Indep. 283.10 9-83 Harold Buchanan Special Events,music for Car Classic-Indep. 250.00 9-84 Sue DeMasellis Travel Reimb. for attending the Secretarial Seminar in Detroit,MI on 8/22/89-Admin. 17.15 9-85 Iron Protective Company Uniforms,safety shoes-Indep. 36.50 9-86 Albin Business Copiers Off. Sup. -Add. 43.44 9-87 Gestetner Corporation Off.Su .-Rec. Sup. 44.55 9-88 Bean Bros. Awards Off. Sup.-Add.;Special Events,tennis tourn.-T.Complex; Rec. Sup. -BMX 513.65 9-89 San Diego Ostrich Ranch Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 28.00 9-90 John Edwards Sales Rec. Su .,Da Cam T-Shirts-Mob. Rec. 134.40 9-91 Jones Chemicals Rec. Sup.-W.O.W.Park & R.O.W.Park(Hypochlorite solution) 1,453.00 9-92 Triarco Arts & Crafts Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 25.70 9-93 Midwest Skate Rec. Sup.,skatemobile-Mob. Rec. 379.20 9-94 Crow's Nest Book Shop Rec.Sup.-Nat. Prog. 44.13 9-95 American Fishing Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 8.40 9 OAKLA14D COUNTY PARKS A. AIECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-96 Meier, Inc. Rec.Sup.-Nat.Prog.,Mob.Rec.,puppetmob.,day camp & stage show & R.O.W.Park;Public Info.-Admin. 221.33 9-97 McCally Tool Company Sm.Tools-Tech.Sup.,Inde .&Wh.Lk.;Maint. Su .-Tech.Su . 351.22 9-98 Hawkins Equipment Cap.Equip.,(1)Bennett Pump & Fiberglas Piping-Indep. 4,375.00 9-99 Waterford Ready Mix Cap. Proj.,Picnic Shelter, BMX -Water. 836.85 9-100 Meijer, Inc. Acct.Rec.-Admin. To be reimb.by Oak.Parks Foundation); Misc.Exp.&Public Info.-Admin.;Off.Sup.-Rec.Admin.;Rec. Sup.-Add.Nat.Prog.&Mob.Rec.,skatemob.&day camp;Equip. Maint.-Indep.;Special Events,sr. citizens events-Indep. 383.15 9-101 Burroughs Materials Cap. Proj.,Picnic Shelter, BMX -Water. 38.99 9-102 Hartsig Supply Bldg. Maint.-Grove. 5.68 9-103 James Layman Bldg. Maint.,(1)Air Compressor (Tank) -Grove. 882.60 9-104 Robertson Bros. Service Bldg. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 84.00 9-105 Young Supply Bldg. Maint.-Wh. Lk. & Water. 217.35 9-106 Smiley Electric Bldg. Maint.-Add.Conf.Ctr.;Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 301.75 9-107 JDX Corporation Equip. Maint.,(6)Quick Attach Weights -Grove. 165.00 9-108 Detroit Ball Bearing Equip. Maint.,(12)Rod Ends&(15)Bearings-R.O.W.Park 229.47 9-109 Mid -States Petroleum Equip. Maint.,(55 gal) Oil & (1) Drum -Add. 188.25 9-110 Tennant Company Equip. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 48.10 9-111 Cheshire Equip. Maint.,service call on mini-binder-Admin. 492.70 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS Ai RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-112 Burington Golf Car Equip. Maint.-Add.,Wh. Lk. & Glen Oaks 800.45 9-113 Munn Ford & Tractor Equip. Maint.-Add.,Grove. & Indep. 182.24 9-114 Aaron's Lock & Key Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 63.65 9-115 Cash Register Systems Equip. Maint.-W.O.W.Park 37.50 9-116 Stadium Auto Supply Equip. Maint.-Add. 10.00 9-117 Daltons, Inc. Equip. Maint.,maint. on dictation equip.-Admin. 344.00 9-118 Wide Track Auto Equip. Maint.-BMX 8.04 9-119 Pontiac Truck Center Equip. Maint.-Orion Oaks 32.22 9-120 Pontiac Steel Equip. Maint,moonwalk-Mob. Rec. 28.66 9-121 Premarc Corporation Grounds Maint.-YAC 66.90 9-122 Reliable Supply Grounds Maint.-YAC 29.34 9-123 Amcorn Hybrids Grounds Maint.,rye-Glen Oaks 340.00 9-124 ASLA Membership Dues,for J.Figa & S.Vandenbossche-Admin. 360.00 9-125 Resident Trust Fund Misc.Exp.,Prisoner Labor for July, 1989-Add.,Grove. & YAC 452.50 9-126 R. Harwood, Inc. Misc. Exp.,emblems-Admin. 104.00 9-127 ASLA Adv. Regist.for J.Figa to attend the Nat'l Conf./Land- sca e Architects in Orlando FL on 11 16-22 89-Admin. 345.00 9-128 Dearborn Lithograph Public Info.,P&R Facilities Brochure 25,000 -Admin. 8 676.00 A OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS E RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-129 The Oakland Press Public Info.-Admin. 73.95 9-130 Paul Ott Special Events,sq. dance caller for August -Water. 45.00 9-131 Gordon Food Special Events,sr. citizens events-Indep. 449.67 9-132 Les Barron Travel Reimb.for attending the Landscape Class in Macomb MI on 8 23 89-Inde . A --is 9-133 Kevin Peoppe Travel Reimb.for attending the Landscape Class in Macomb MI on 8 23 89-Inde . 10.00 9-134 Robert Lay Travel Reimb.for attending the Landscape Class in Macomb MI on 8/23/89-Inde . 9.86 9-135 McCally Tool Maint. Sup. -Tech. Sup. 119.00 9-136 Moby Dick Pet Store Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 20.86 9-137 Michigan NBL Sanctioned Races,rider's fee collected at each event at the BMX Track for the month of Jul , 1989-BMX 900.00 9-138 CareerTrack Publications,reference manuals-Admin. 52.95 9-139 Terry Moore Refund of damage de osit-YAC 50.00 9-140 Lynda Ebert Refund of security deposit -Water. 50.00 9-141 Sundry(Refunds) Refund of camping deposit due to eviction to K.Coleman $90.00 & E.Dysarczyk $33.00-Grove. 123.00 9-142 City of Madison Heights Acct.Rec.-Admin. To be reimb.by Oak.Golf Dome ;Communi- cations -Red Oaks & R.O.W.Park 2,499.36 9-143 Advance Concrete Cap. Proj.,New Concession Bldg. -Grove. 1,585.00 9-144 Acushnet Company Golf Mdse. for Resale-Wh. Lk. 204.00 9-145 Wolverine Hydro Bldg. Maint.-W.O.W.Park 39.70 OAKLA14D COUNTY PAi2KS f 111ECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER- VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-146 McKa 's Hardware Bldg. Eui . & Grounds Maint.-Grove. 60.74 9-147 Elliott Saw Works Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 28.80 9-148 Main Auto Supply Equip. Maint.-Add. 67.44 9-149 Muffler Man Equip. Maint.,trucks & buses -Mob. Rec. 25.00 9-150 Lawn Equipment Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. & Spring. 50.31 9-151 Weingartz Supply Equip. Maint.-Add.,Glen Oaks & Red Oaks 191.51 9-152 Oakland Disposal Rubbish Removal-Add.,Grove. & Indep. 1,878.00 9-153 Citizens Disposal Grounds Maint.-Grove. 35.00 9-154 Dawn Publications Publications,"Sharing the Joy of Nature" -Nat. Prog. 11.95 9-155 S.E. MI Travel & Tourist Public Info.,ski ad-Admin. 125.00 9-156 Insty-Prints Special Events,county employees-Rec.Admin. 55.00 9-157 Clarkston Veterinary Rec.Sup.-Nat. Prog. 42.00 9-158 K. Smith, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Admin. 293.69 9-159 F. Ostrowski, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Add. 77.72 9-160 ASCAP Special Events,sr. citizens events -Water. 120.00 9-161 Howell Parks & Recreation Refund for overpayment on Moonwalk mobile -Mob. Rec. 95.40 9-162 Sundry (Instructors) Instructor's fee for August,1989 to Marclif,Inc. $636.25 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS A. 'RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-163 Sundry (Commission) Per Diem & Mileage paid to Commissioners for attend- ing the meeting of 8/16/89-Admin. 167.75 9-164 Sundry (Commission) Per Diem & Mileage paid to Commissioners for attend- ing the meeting of 9/6/89-Admin. 168.25 9-165 Northeast Rec. & Parks Advance regist.for D.Stencil,B.Baker&R.Delasko to attend Public Marinas conf.in Mt.Clemen M Indep. 000 9-166 Consumers Utilities -Water. & W.O.W.Park 2,335.56 9-167 O.C. Department of Public Works Utilities -Add. & Add.Conf.Ctr. 859.50 9-168 Detroit Edison Utilities-R.O.W.Park 541.23 9-169 HJ Glove of America Golf Mdse. for Resale,gloves-Wh. Lk. 1,728.00 9-170 Drayton Plywood Acct.Rec.-Admin.(To be reimb.by Oaks Mgmt.);Cap.Proj., New Concession Bldg.-Grove.;Bldg.Maint.-Admin.&Add.;Sm. Tools -Add. 633.79 9-171 Gamalski Bldg. Company Cap.Proj.,Picnic Shelter Conc.Bldg.,BMX-Water.;Bldg. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 2,794.45 9-172 Lakeland Builders Cap.Proj.,Picnic Shelter Conc.Bldg.,BMX-Water.;Sm.Too s- Tech. Sup. 221.70 9-173 McCally Tool Sm.Tools-Tech.Sup.&Indep.;Bldg. Maint.-Glen Oaks 360.91 9-174 Sears Bldg. Maint.-Add. 17.97 9-175 Kerr Pump Bldg. Maint.-W.O.W.Park 645.75 9-176 Riemer Floors Bldg. Maint.,tile-Wh. Lk. 160.00 9-177 Ecotec Pest Control Bldg. Maint.-Wh. Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W. Park & YAC 176.00 OAKLA0 COUNTY PARKS A. "RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOU11T 9-178 King Brothers Equip. Maint.-Tech.Sup. 14.95 9-179 Engine Supply Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 27.55 9-180 Schram Auto Equip. Maint.,mirrors & radiator rep. -Add. 115.00 9-181 Van's Auto Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. & Spring. 94.57 9-182 Auto Supplies by Herk's Equip. Maint.-Grove. 119.34 9-183 C. & I. Auto Parts Equip.Maint.-Red Oaks;Grounds Maint•_Red Oaks;Rec. Sup.- 110.94 9-184 Warren Do It Center B1dg.Maint.,Grounds Maint.& Sm. Tools -Red Oaks 85.46 9-185 Tom's Hardware B1dg.,E ui . & Grounds Maint.-Add. 90.83 9-186 Vidosh, Inc. Equip. & Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 245.15 9-187 VOID 9-188 Oxford Co -Operative Elevator Grounds Maint.-Add.;Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 87.75 9-189 VOID 9-190 Executive Fitness Publications,subscription renewal-Admin. 48.00 9-191 Waterford Disposal Misc.Exp.-Tec .Sup.;Ru is Remova - ., przng., , Water. & BMX;Grounds Maint.-T.Complex;Special Events -BMX 742.00 9-192 State Wire & Terminal Grounds Maint.-Orion Oaks 23.28 9-193 Mr. David Tocco Camping Refund -Add. 26.00 9-194 Wilhelmina Muns Golf League Refund -Glen Oaks 62.50 OAKLA14D COUNTY PARKS A ='RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER.- VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-195 Florence Kurth Camping Refund -Add. 20.00 9-196 Bean Bros. Trophy Rec. Rec. Sup.-BMX;Special Events -BMX & tennis tourn.-T.Com- 0 9-197 Artcraft Blueprint Off.Sup.-Admin.,Tech. Sup. & Mob. Rec. 71.93 9-198 American Fishing Rec. Sup. -Nat. Pro . 4.90 9-199 O.C. Colle e Rec: Su .,use of gym for Sports Cam Mob. Rec. 216.00 9-200 Jones Chemicals Rec. Su .-W.O.W.Park & R.O.W.Park 970.50 9-201 Tom Bogan Security Deposit Refund -Water. 50.00 9-202 Silberg & Associates Cap.Proj.,Parking Lot Lights-Wh.Lk.,Parking & Lighting Imp.- ring. & Tech.Su Mob.Rec.Fac.Im .-Water. 477.00 9-203 Lake Orion Lumber Cap.Proj.,Parking Lot Lighting-Water.;Bldg. & Grounds Maint.-Add. 700.45 9-204 Oxford Lumber Bld . Maint. & Grounds Maint.-Add. 284.03 9-205 McCally Tool Cap. Proj.,Picnic Shelter/Conc.Bldg., BMX-Water.;Sm. Tools -Tech. Sup. 235.80 9-206 Standby Power Equip. Maint.,re air of motor-Inde . 858.50 9-207 Finishmaster Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 92.00 9-208 Capitol Equipment Equip. Maint.-Add. 43.86 9-209 Jacobsen's Garden Town Grounds Maint.-Add. 11.90 9-210 Southlane Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks 18.00 9-211 Security Fence Grounds Maint.-Add.,Grove.,Orion Oaks & Indep. 138.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS A, RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER_ VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUlff 9-212 Aluma Vue Misc. Exp.,repair of broken window-Wh. Lk. 65.99 9-213 Dr. Shamoon Misc. Exp.,reimb. for broken window -Red Oaks 94.86 9-214 LeBudget Photo Public Info.-Admin. 57.50 9-215 Harvey's Office World O .Sup.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Add.,Tech.Sup.,Indep.,YAC&Nat Prog.;Rec.Sup.,skatemobile-Mob. Rec. 259.20 9-216 Diversified Business Products Off.Sup.,maint. on Ricoh copier-Admin. 273.00 9-217 Sundry (Mileage Reimb.) Mileage for August,89 to G.Berschbach $26.00-Spring.;J. Jensen 43.00,J.Pun 33.75 F.Trionfi $32.00 & M.Zednik $89.25-Admin. 224.00 9-218 Sundry (Advance) Cash Advance to J.Pung $492.50 & S.Wells $387.50 to attend the Special Events Mtgs.(Dade Co.)in Miami,FL on 10 4-11 89-Admin. & Rec. Admin. 880.00 9-219 Sundry (Refunds) Damage Deposit Refunds to B.Stilwell & L.Witmer ($50.00 ea.)-YAC 100.00 9-220 John Edwards Sales Special Events,t-shirts for Mt.Bike Race -Add. 546.00 9-221 Frank Venice Special Events,ballroom dance band -Water. 252.00 9-222 MI Automatic Sprinkler Cap. Proj.,Site Dev. & Imp./New Admin. Bldg.-Admin. 196.48 9-2 Brightway Fence & SuPP1Y Cap. Proj.,New Concession Bldg.-Grove.;Grounds Maint.- Add. 63.50 9-224 Benson's Oakland Wholesale Bldg. Maint.-Admin. 27.00 9-225 Leslie Electric Bld . Maint.-Grove. 36.25 9-226 Fasteners Inc. Bld . Maint.-Red Oaks 20.80 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS F, RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER_. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-227 J.H. Bennett & Company Equip. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 665.68 9-228 Howland's Trailer Equip. Maint.,showmobile-Mob. Rec. 100.00 9-229 Brinker's Equip. Maint.,Prorata (All Units) -Mob. Rec. 2.78 9-230 Gayanne's Floral Misc. Exp.,flower arrangement-Admin. 30.00 9-231 Elizabeth Hanselman Misc.Exp.,reimb. for window broken by golfball-Wh. Lk. 50.00 9-232 Absopure Water Off.Sup.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Add.&Indep;Equip.Rental-Rec. Admin.,Admin.,Tech.Su .,Add.,Inde .& Spring. 242.00 9-233 Eiden Equipment Uniforms & Sm. Tools -Tech. Sup. 499.54 9-234 Waterford School Golf League Refund for league play -Spring. 62.50 9-235 United Community Service Adv.Regist.for S.Wells to attend the PR Network mtg. in Birmin ham,MI on 9 26 8 - 10.00 9-236 Sundry (Payroll) Pay period ending 9/8/89-All Parks 167,210.00 9-237 VOID 9-238 Elden's Hardware Equip.Maint.- Tech.Sup-;Sm.Tools-BMX 521.31 9-239 Elden's Hardware Off. Sup -.-Tech. Sup. & YAC;Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup.;Sm. Tool s-BMX; Rec. Sup. -Nat.Prog;Mi sc.Exp.,coffeemaker-Indep.; Grounds Maint.-YAC & T.Complex 35.88 9-240 Seminar Service: Adv.Reggist. for R.Richard,J.Pung,L.Baker,D.Stencil,M.Zed nik M.Beutell S.Wells I.Mor B.Gugan&D.Schantz to attend the "How to Stay Motivated" Seminar in Dearborn MI on 9 26 89-Admin. Re .Adm' Tech.Su .,Orion Oaks,Inde .,R,O.W.Park & W.O.W.Park 1 455.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS A RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-241 Burke Building Centers Cap.Proj.,Parking Lot Lighting&Picnic Shelter/Conc.Bldg. BMX-Water.;Bldg.Maint.-Tech.Sup.,Grove.,Inde .,Wh.Lk. & 772.28 9-242 Burke Building Centers YAC;Equip.Maint.-Tech.Sup.&Mob.Rec.,moonwalk;Grounds Maint.-Grove.,Orion Oaks,Indep.,Spring.,T.Complex&Wh.Lk.; Sm.Tools-Spring.;Rental Prop.Maint.-Wh.Lk. _ 672.13 9-243 Pontiac Paint Cap. Proj.,P atform Tennis Rep.-Water.;Bldg.Maint.-Admin Add.,Indep.&W.O.W.Park;Sm.Tools-Indep. 1,006.01 9-244 Pontiac Paint Grounds aint.-W .L.;Equip.Maint.,showmob.-Mob.Rec.; Maint.Sup.-Tech.Sup. 133.05 9-245 NCS Cleaning Services Custodial Services,for month of August-Admin. 1,000.00 9-246 American Fishing Mdse. for Resale,worms-Indep. 40.25 9-247 Bordine's Acct. Rec.-Admin.(To be reimb.by Oaks Foundation);Cap. Proj.,Upgrade #3 Green-S rin .•Grounds Maint.-Add. YAC & Spring. 132.41 9-248 Spartan Oil Equip. Maint.-Grove. & Inde . 169.95 9-249 VOID 9-250 VOID 9-251 Jean's Hardware Equip.Maint.,Grounds Maint. & Sm.Tools-Glen Oaks 104.02 9-252 Industrial Cleaning Supply Equip. Maint.-Indep. 30.00 9-253 Pifer, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Indep. & Glen Oaks 111.09 9-254 Ellis Sales Equip. Maint.-Indep. 15.79 9-255 JRE Tires Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 7.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS A. 'ItECREAT I ON COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER.. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-256 Clyde's Frame & Wheel Equip. Maint.-BMX 88.36 9-257 Camera Mart Equip.Maint.&Public Info.-Admin.;Off. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 55.72 9-258 Oakland Disposal Rubbish Removal -Glen Oaks 45.00 9-259 Tri-City Aggregates Grounds Maint.-Indep. 282.74 9-260 Pamela Seaman Mileage reimb. for month of August, 1989-Admin. 8.25 9-261 Kathleen Spence Instructor's fee for Swing Fitness for Aug./Sept.-Water. 121.00 9-262 Crescent Lake Racquet Club Special Events,tennis tourn.-T.Complex 42.00 9-263 Pioneer Manufacturing Special Events-Rec. Admin. 49.00 9-264 Raaunz Travel Airline Tickets for J.Pung&S.Wells to Miami,FL on 10/4- T n 10 18-24 89-Admin. & Rec. Admin. 752.00 9-265 Janet Pung Travel Reimb. for attending the Management Effectiveness seminar in Detroit,MI on 9/11/89-Admin. 13.34 9-266 Madison -Troy Office Supply Off. Sup.-R.O.W.Park 6.72 9-267 Michigan NBL Sanctioned Races,rider's fee collected for August -BMX 195.00 9-268 ASCAP Rec.Su .,sta e show -Mob. Rec. 200.00 9-269 Steel Equipment Cap.Equip.,(1)Shelf,(l)Divider&(2)Secretarial Chairs- m' 974_1in 9-270 Wolverine Door Cap. P h M - 1 ,q5-nn 9-271 Meier, Inc. Acct.Rec.-Admin.(To be reimb.by Oak.Park Foundation);Pub Info.-Admin.•Off.Su .-Te h. e n • citizens & fall event-Indep.;Equip.Maint.,Prorata(All Units)-Mob.Rec._;Rec._Sup._.-Nat,._ Prog_ _ _® 329. i co OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS 1, RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER, VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-272 H.L. Claeys Bldg.Maint.-Add.&R.O.W.Park;Grounds Maint.-Add. 140.26 9-273 Michigan Bell Communications-W.O.W.Park 20.62 9-274 Petrolane Gas Utilities -Grove. 301.75 9-275 O.C. Road Commission Per Diem & Mileage,for R.Vogt,mtg. of 8/16/89-Admin. 35.00 9-276 Oliver Supply Bldg. Maint.-YAC 92.92 9-277 Dependable Septic Bldg. Maint.-Indep. 95.00 9-278 MI Portable Toilets Equip. Rental,for July & August,89-Indep. & BMX 617.00 9-279 Pontiac Truck Center Equip. Maint.,trucks & buses -Mob. Rec. 581.91 9-280 Sears Equip. Maint.-Add.;Sm. Tools-W.O.W.Park 164.55 9-281 Burke Equipment Equip. Maint.-Indep. 62.96 9-282 Baldwin Meadows Grounds Maint.,topsoil-Glen Oaks 200.00 9-283 En Guarde Fencing Grounds Maint.,fence repair-Indep. 250.00 9-284 United States Golf Assn. Membership Dues,new member-Admin. 100.00 9-285 Gloria Buchanan Mileage reimb. for the month of August, 1989-Admin. 12.50 9-286 _ TAS Graphic Public Info.,(515O)Banquet,(1O35O)Nat.Ctr.&(515O)Spring. brochures-Admin. 11900_06 9-287 Crescent Lk. Racquet Club S ecial Events t nnis . 9-288 Kevin Poeppe Travel Reimb. for attending the Landscape Seminar in Lansing/MI on 8 3l 89-Inde . OAKLANO COUNTY PARKS A, 'RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER- VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-289 Radunz Travel Airline Tickets for J.Figa to Atlanta,GA on 11/16-21/89- Admin. -13.00 9-290 Day -Timers, Inc. Off. Sup.-Admin. 38.40 9-291 Tri-County Sports Rec. Su .-T.Com lex 75.00 9-292 W.Bloomfield Optimist Club Rental-Busing,refund for cancelled bus -Mob. Rec. 210.00 9-293 Helen Ebejer League fee refunded -Glen -Oaks 42.50 9-294 Lynn Forgette Security Deposit refunded -Water. 50.00 9-295 Kwik Sanitation Bldg. Maint.-Grove.,Indep.&Wh.Lk.;Grounds Maint.-Wh.Lk. & Spring. 3,702.00 9-296 Howell Parks & Recreation Rental-Skatemob.,duplicate payment -Mob. Rec. 125.00 9-297 Detroit Edison Acct.Rec.-Admin.(To be reimb.by Oak.Golf Dome);Utilities Wh. Lk. & Red Oaks 3,967.01 9-298 Detroit Edison Utilities-Water.,W.O.W.Park & T.Complex 9,479.56 9-299 Consumers Power Utilities-Indep.,R.O.W.Park & Spring. 4,468.70 9-300 Apex Asphalt Cap.Proj.,Cart Path Imp.-Wh.Lk.,Pave Maint.Area,Drive & Cart Paths -Glen Oaks& - 9-301 Raymond Delasko, Cust. PettV Cash Reimb.-Inde . 14.39 9-302 Asbestos M mt.,Inc. Cap. Pro'.,Asbestos Abatement Pr ., a .#3,final-Add. 1,389.00 9-303 VOID 9-304 Hartsig Supply Cap. Pro'.,Picnic Shelter,Conc.Bld .,BMX -Water. 106.60 9-305 Century Rain Aid Cap.Proj.,Beach Level Pump-Indep.&Drainage Imp. -Glen Oaks;Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks & Red Oaks 809.96 i N 0 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS F, ,'RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER.. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-306 Detroit Edison Utilities -Add. & Water. 93.50 9-307 Oakland Hardware Bldg. Maint.-Add. 190.79 9-308 Scott's Lock & Key Bldg. Maint.-W.O.W.Park 3.60 9-309 Jidas-Turner Septic Bldg. Maint.,pumped septic tanks -Add. 585.00 9-310 Young Supply Bldg. Maint.-Add. & Water. 136.30 9-311 Lake Orion Lumber Bldg. Maint. & Grounds Maint.-Add. 335.91 9-312 Pontiac Steel Bldg. Maint.-Add.;Grounds Maint.-Grove. 98.17 9-313 Lamphere's Tree Service Grounds Maint.,tree work -Add. 380.00 9-314 Alexander Nursery Grounds Maint.,(1)Canadian Hemlock Tree -Add. 129.00 9-315 Souter Oil Grounds Maint.-Add. 45.00 9-316 Warren Brothers Trucking Grounds Maint.,rental of semi -truck -Orion Oaks 2,860.00 9-317 Rottman Sales Equip. Maint.-Add. 9.26 9-318 Auto Parts by Or-Ox Equip. Maint.-Add. & Orion Oaks 20.55 9-319 Parts Associates Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 99.10 9-320 MI Cash Register Equip. Maint.,register repair -Spring. 134.00 9-321 Robert S. Means Company Publications-Admin. 19.70 9-322 Baker Advertising Public Info.,Public Relations & Event Mrkt. Services for month of Se t. 1989-Admin. 2,100-00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS A RECREAI'ION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER.. VENDOR PURPOSE AM O U f l T 9-323 Industrial Cable Sm. Tools,(1)coil chain,ratchets & hooks -Tech. Sup. 192.42 9-324 Phyllis Koehler Camping Refund -Add. 6.50 9-325 Larson Company Cap. Proj.,Picnic Shelter/Conc.Bldg.,BMX-Water. 97.59 9-326 Mr Uniform & Mat Equip.Rental-Add.&Indep.;Hskp.Exp.-Water.&YAC;Laundry & Dry Cleanin -Admin. 191.13 9-327 Van's Auto Supply Equip Maint.-Tech. Sup. 46.60 9-328 Clawson Tank Equip. Maint.-Indep. 12.48 9-329 American Business Concepts Off.Sup.,ribbon for Merlin-Admin. 120.50 9-330 Moby Dick Pet Store Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 35.35 9-331 Henderson Glass Bldg. Maint.-Add. 78.67 9-332 Moby Dick Pet Store Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 12.56 9-333 Triarco Arts & Crafts Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 32.49 9-334 Moore's Tire Equip .Maint.,Prorata(All Units),trucks & buses-Mob.Rec. 91.00 9-335 Sundry (Refunds) Damage Deposit refunds to R.Ruggles $50.00 & M.French 50.00-YAC 100.00 9-336 MI Portable Toilets Rental Facilities-W.O.W.Park & T.Complex 90.00 9-337 Billie Swiger Refund of Wedding Reception fee -Water. 650.00 9-338 Elden's Hardware Cap.Proj.,Parking Lot Lighting,P atform Tennis Rep..& Picnic Shelter/Conc.Bldg.,BMX-Water.;Acct.Rec.-Admin., To be reimb. by Oa .Foundation ;Equip.Maint.,s atemo .& Prorata(All Units)-Mob.Rec.&Tech.Sup.;Sm.Tools-Tech.Sup. Grounds Maint.-In ep.;B g.Maint.-A min.,W.O.W.Par & Indep.;Off.Sup.-Rec.Admin.;Rec.Sup.-Nat.Prog. 184.09 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS A- 'RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER_ VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-339 Doug Wood Special Events,concert held at Amphitheater on 10/1/89, musical fee -Nat. Pr 400.00 9-340 Detroit Ball Bearing Adv.Regist. for G.Scarborough,T.Gibbs&R.Lissner to attend the Ball Bearing Seminar in Detroit,MI on 10/23- Tech.Sup. 348.00 9-341 MI Recreation & Park Assoc. Misc.Income,outside ticket sales-Admin. 325.65 9-342 Sundry (Advance) Adv.Regist.for R.Richard,J.Kipke,F.Trionfi,M.Thibodeau, J.Mansfield,J.Laidlaw,C.Roche&L.Gee to attend the Maint. Seminar in Barcelona,MI on 10/5-6/89-Admin.,Indep.,Red Oaks & Spring. 737.20 9-343 Sundry (Payroll) Pay period ending 9 22 89-All Parks 128,084.95 TOTAL FOR VOUCHER REGISTER $ 497,116.80 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS A—i'RECREATION COMMISSION INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1989 (For Month of August, 1989) SOURCE DEPARTMENT PURPOSE AMOUNT Inv. #942 Computer Services Fund Off.Sup.-Admin. & Rec.Admin.;E ui .Rental-Admin. 1 829.86 Inv. #814 Facilities & Operations Fund Cap.Proj.,Platform Tennis Rep.-Water.;Bldg.Maint.-Admin. Grove.,Spring.&W.O.W.Park;Grounds Maint.-Add.,Water., W.O.W.Park,T.Complex & BMX 8,791.20 Inv. #539 Communications Fund Acct.Rec.-A min.(To be reimb.by Oak -Golf Dome);Communi- cations-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,YAC,Water.,W.O.W.Park,T. Com lex BMX & N t. 54031.11 Inv. #337 Fringe Benefits Fund Fringe Benefit Charges for the month of Aug. 89-All Parks 146,571.24 Env. #224 General Fund Property Tax Refund-Admin. 7.92 Env. #225 General Fund Security Charges for Aug.,1989 & Overtime Adj.for July, 1989-Add.,Grove.,Orion Oaks,Inde .,R.O.W.Park YAC&W.O.W. Park,Special Events-BMX&YAC,hot air balloon fest.;Mile- age paid to Parks Commissioners, T.Law, R.Kuhn & J.Olsen for meeting of 8/2/89 60 ,530.06 .nv. #910 Office Equipment Fund Equip.Rental-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove., Inde .,S rin .,YAC,Water.,Nat.Pro .&Orion Oaks;Securit Exp.-Add. 362.55 .nv. #100 Co. Bldg. & Liability Ins. Fund Liability Ins. Spring., Dr. Range, Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk. Orion Glen Oaks Red Oaks R. O.W. Park, W.-O. W.Park 85,488.00 :nv. #723 Printing & Mailing Fund Acct.Rec.-Admin.(To be reimb.by Oak.Parks Foundation); Off.Sup.-Admin.&BMX;Special Events,dog obed.,ballet, belly dance,sq.dance,ballroom dance,round dance,aerobic dance,photography&misc.-Water.&Mt.Bike Race -Add. 1,963.01 nv. #170 Radio Communications Fund Radio Maint.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Gfove., Orion Oaks,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,S rin .,R.O. W.Park,l'AC,Water.,W.O.W.Park,Mob.Rec.&Nat.Prog.;Equip. Maint.-Add.,Wate"r.,BMX&Mob.Rec.,showmob.,skatemob.& u - _ et Maint.-Grove. & Spring. 3,551.08 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS h,—, RECREATION COMMISSION INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1989 (For Month of August, 1989) nII nCDADYMCAIT PURPOSE AMOUNT JUUr%%lL nv. #749 v`�n" ���� Materials Management Fund Acct.Rec.-Admin.(To be reimb.by Oak.Parks Foundation)& BMX(To be reimb.by MRPA);Public Info.-Admin.;Hsjcp.Exp.- min., ec up., .,Grove.,Orion Oa s,In ep.,Wh.Lk., Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,Water.&W.O.W.Park;Off.Sup.- min., ., rove.,In ep.,G en Oa s,R.O.W.Par &Water.; B1dg.Maint.-Rec.Admin.;Grounds Maint.-Add.&R.O.W.Park; Rec.Sup.-Add.;Equi.p.Maint.-Grove.,W.O.W.Park&Mob.Rec., .M _ - Mob.Rec.,day camp;Special Events,sr. citizen-Indep.& Water.•Hsk .E - nv. #378 Motor Pool Fund Misc.Exp.,oil-Admin.;Transportation-Admin.,Rec.Admin., Tech.Su Add. G ove. Ori n k Red Oaks,Spring.,YAC,Water.,Mob•.Rec.&Nat.Prog.;Equip. M 'nt.-T h. Red ]c 22,590.49 TOTAL FOR INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER $ 342,407.19 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION TRANSFER VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 A T C h I T PURPOSE AMOUNT SOURCE OCP R 11 TV 8-602 F.M. & 0 Cap Prod ,Picnic Shelter/ on Rldq ,RMX-Wafer TOTAL FOR TRANSFER VOUCHER REGISTER t $ 2,000-00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ANALYSIS OF FUND BALANCE AS OF 8/31/89 FUND BALANCE, 1/1/89 ADDITIONS: REVENUE OVER OPERATING EXPENSE AS OF 8/31/89 NET COLLECTIONS ON ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE DNR GRANT - GROVE. PHASE III NET DEPRECIATION EXPENSE NET INCREASE IN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DECREASE IN MERCHANDISE FOR RESALE DEDUCTIONS: PAYMENTS ON CAPITAL PROJECTS NET OPERATING EQUIPMENT PURCHASES INTERDEPARTMENTAL INVOICES IN TRANSIT SUMMARY OF FUND BALANCE CASH ON HAND INVESTMENTS WITH THE COUNTY TREASURER 5-1 $2,832,173.91 596,590.57 118,624.37 309,056.67 244,173.83 1,945.13 ------------- $1,047,406.85 539,447.94 342,407.19 ------------- $ 2,826,112.24 4,102,564.48 -------------- $ 6,928,676.72 1,929,261.98 -------------- $ 4,999,414.74 -------------- -------------- $ 761,168.68 4,238,246.06 -------------- $ 4,999,414.74 -------------- -------------- OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR MONTH ENDING 8/31/89 COMBINED STATEMENT YEAR TO 1989 OVER(-), % OF ******** REVENUE ******** DATE BUDGET UNDER BUDGET BUDGET MILLAGE & INTEREST INCOME $5,125,619.33 $5,072,000.00 $-53,619.33 -1.1% RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 4,899.63 14,200.00 9,300.37 34.5% ADDISON OAKS: PARK 145,837.38 195,100.00 49,262.62 74.8% CONFERENCE CENTER 26,046.62 80,400.00 54,353.38 32.4% GROVELAND OAKS 344,796.99 395,600.00 50,803.01 87.2% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 150,268.64 215,500.00 65,231.36 69.7% ORION OAKS 0.00 0.00 0.00 GLEN OAKS 494,461.27 660,900.00 166,438.73 74.8% RED OAKS: GOLF COURSE 187,437.21 230,950.00 43,512.79 81.2% DRIVING RANGE 5,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 50.0% WATER PARK 457,120.02 621,250.00 164,129.98 73.6% SPRINGFIELD OAKS: GOLF COURSE 432,395.39 523,500.00 91,104.61 82.6% WHITE LAKE OAKS 434,460.46 508,800.00 74,339.54 85.4% SPRINGFIELD YAC 23,505.62 146,000.00 122,494.38 16.1% WATERFORD OAKS: PARK 56,036.63 76,200.00 20,163.37 73.5% WATER PARK 258,245.08 339,500.00 81,254.92 76.1% TENNIS COMPLEX 16,605.00 24,000.00 7,395.00 69.2% BMX 46,265.30 70,600.00 24,334.70 65.5% MOBILE RECREATION 59,410.31 134,500.00 75,089.69 44.2% NATURE PROGRAM 3,103.50 5,100.00 1,996.50 60.9% THERAPEUTIC PROGRAM 8.00 3,200.00 3,192.00 0.3% TOTAL REVENUE $8,271,522.38 $9,327,300.00 $1,055,777.62 88.7% ** OPERATING EXPENSES *** ADMINISTRATION $864,044.59 $1,340,600.00 $476,555.41 64.5% RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 164,357.82 216,400.00 52,042.18 76.0% TECHNICAL SUPPORT 357,621.68 529,840.00 172,218.32 67.5% ADDISON OAKS: PARK 462,478.69 643,800.00 181,321.31 71.8% CONFERENCE CENTER 36,938.20 60,300.00 23,361.80 61.3% GROVELAND OAKS 415,244.57 551,700.00 136,455.43 75.3% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 477,693.66 665,950.00 188,256.34 71.7% ORION OAKS 50,816.64 98,200.00 47,383.36 51.7% GLEN OAKS 323,578.92 449,850.00 126,271.08 71.9% RED OAKS: GOLF COURSE 207,388.84 289,450.00 82,061.16 71.6% DRIVING RANGE 1,721.32 4,000.00 2,278.68 43.0% WATER PARK 356,064.77 475,600.00 119,535.23 74.9% SPRINGFIELD OAKS: GOLF COURSE 314,234.54 465,650.00 151,415.46 67.5% WHITE LAKE OAKS 282,502.81 423,250.00 140,747.19 66.7% SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC 96,487.32 165,280.00 68,792.68 58.4% WATERFORD OAKS: PARK 132,635.74 202,375.00 69,739.26 65.5% WATER PARK 233,619.97 289,800.00 56,180.03 80.6% TENNIS COMPLEX 33,031.87 38,200.00 5,168.13 86.5% BMX 54,387.20 83,000.00 28,612.80 65.5% MOBILE RECREATION 234,931.64 318,800.00 83,868.36 73.7% NATURE PROGRAM 136,332.06 208,380.00 72,047.94 65.4% THERAPEUTIC PROGRAM 7,423.06 19,550.00 12,126.94 38.0% CONTINGENCY* 195,812.56 86,000.00 -109,812.56 -127.7% TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $5,439,348.47 $7,625,975.00 $2,186,626.53 71.3% REVENUE OVER/UNDER EXP. $2,832,173.91 $1,701,325.00 $-1,130,848.91 -66.5% 1989 1988 1987 ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: 88.7% 93.5% 94.2% BUDGET BALANCE: 11.3% ACTUAL EXP. TO DATE: 71.3% 70.8% 68.8% BUDGET BALANCE: 28.7% *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. CONTINGENCY BUDGET FIGURE: $14,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO MOBILE RECREATION. 5-2 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND Rr 110N COMMISSION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT T FOR 1989 AS OF 8/31/89 SUMMARY TOTAL FOR ALL PARKS ESTIMATED 1988 1989 NET NEW ESTIMATED AMOUNT PAID CONIRACT(S) PROJECT PARK PROJECT COST ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT PROJECT COST (NET RETAINER) AWARDED BALANCE BALANCE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ADMINISTRATION $2,928,789.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,928,789.00 $(808,469.61) $0.00 $2,120,319.39 ADDISON OAKS 593,085.68 (121,198.06) 68,953.78 (52,244.28) 540,841.40 (187,986.59) (26,771.47) 326,083.34 GROVELAND OAKS 1,454,185.11 (771.219.11) 17,949.73 (753,269.38) 700,915.73 (667,593.65) (9,683.08) 23,639.00 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 913,042.75 (626,615.75) 15,270.43 (611,345.32) 301,697.43 (217,967.03) 0.00) 83,729.40 ORION OAKS 652,301.00 (200,301.00) 30,601.20 (169,699.80) 482,601.20 (381,966.65) (634.55) 100,000.00 GLEN OAKS 226,129.30 (144,053.30) 3,393.02 (140,660.28) 85,469.02 (39,127.70) (6,963.51) 39,377.81 RED OAKS 5,097,437.00 (4,997,471.00) 0.00 (4,997,471.00) 99,966.00 (21,517.72) (77.94) 78,370.34 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 379.742.00 (89,677.00) 12,455.00 (77,222.00) 302,520.00 (266,951.84) (8,025.59) 27,542.57 WHITE LAKE OAKS 312,729.00 (127,488.00) 0.00 (127,488.00) 185,241.00 (27,412.50) (7,000.00) 150,828.50 WATERFORD OAKS 608,084.01 (118,084.01) (15,000.00) (133,084.01) 475,000.00 (77,969.91) 0.00 397,030.09 CONTINGENCY 67,718.15 0.00 46,499.63 46,499.63 ,114,217.78 0.00 0.00 114,217.78 CAPITAL PROJECTS TOTAL $13,233,243.00 $(7,196,107.23) $180,122.79 $(7,015,984.44) $6,217,258.56 $(2,696,963.20) $(59,157.14) $3,461,138.22 COMBINED TOTALS OF MW Y ACTIVITIES FOR AUGUST, 1989 TOTALS - GOLF COURSES RECREATIONAL & TOTALS - SPECIAL EVENTS TOTALS - DAY USE PARKS GRAND TOTALS GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing RED OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Cross Country Skiing Golf Dome SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 19 Holes Cross Country Skiing i TOTALS - GOLF COURSES Leagues/Groups Participants Leagues/Groups Participants 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 531 577 36,627 49,387 1,942 1,838 215,660 214,476 348 291 73,116 59,620 2,052 1,800 228,324 257,492 17,855 17,341 166,208 156,198 83,740 68,891 677,668 581,045 18,734 18,209 275,951 265,205 87,732 72,529 1,121,652 1,053,013 GOLF COURSES - MONTH OF AUGUST, 1989 YFAR TO DATE Leagues Participants Leagues Participants 1988 1989 1983 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 151 179 9,103 11,462 618 572 46,089 41,079 18 13 2,919 2,884 32 24 13,926 11,327 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,550 0 63 89 5,506 8,013 273 309 29,802 31,015 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 1,987 3,250 0 0 38,611 44,702 105 124 5,110 6,528 450 3.56 24,587 23,727 7 4 3,694 4,479 12 7 17,162 15,450 0 0 0 0 0 0 125 0 181 168 6,279 10,286 549 566 33,074 36,936 6 0 2,029 2,485 8 4 10,364 10,225 0 0 0 0 0 0 325 15 531 577 36,627 49,387 1,942 1,838 212,660 214,476 RECREATIONAL AND SPECIAL EVENTS - MONTH OF YEAR TO DATE MOBILE RECREATION Airsport Skate Mobile Mime Group Broadway Revue Puppet Mobile Sports Mobile Buses Show'Mobile SPRINGFIELD OAKS Y A C WATERFORD OAKS Activity Center Tennis Complex BMX ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM Nature Center Outreach SPECIAL EVENTS Great American Duck Race 4-H Fair Groups Participants Group Participants 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 14 23 5,245 13,090 55 61 13,805 41,887 34 26 6,015 11,535 99 83 12,773 22,222 23 5 12,790 1,545 71 38 27,935 20,607 0 3 0 105 0 30 0 5,086 27 9 8,568 1,700 87 58 18,253 12,170 31 16 8,983 3,095 83 50 15,317 10,927 56 61 2,368 4,012 318 255 13,856 14,174 23 32 - - 85 81 - - 13 10 20,580 13,590 209 192 40,427 42,825 47 47 3,106 3,645 530 467 25,361 26,708 40 18 1,404 2,162 155 89 6,893 7,210 8 8 1,693 2,750 36 32 16,420 14,309 28 25 2,076 2,040 236 264 16,212 15,987 4 8 288 351 86 100 21,072 23,380 348 291 73,116 59,620 2,050 1,800 228,324 257,497 DAY USE PARKS AND FACILITY ATTENDANCE REPORT - MONTH OF AUGUST, 1989 ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers GROVELAND OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK Day Use Day Camper Overnight Group Campers ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GLEN OAKS CLUBHOUSE SPRINGFIELD OAKS CLUBHOUSE WHITE LAKE OAKS CLUBHOUSE WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK RED OAKS WATERPARK ORION OATS J W TOTALS YEAR TO DATE Groups Participants Groups Participants 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 488 665 9,165 10,514 1,871 1,941 27,751 31,251 3,053 2,822 11,841 11,455 14,082 10,607 56,288 42,292 0 0 0 0 1 6 26 222 1,849 2,379 40,753 40,982 6,968 7,318 142,473 142,722 3,141 3,284 11,557 12,826 15,584 13,498 56,465 50,481 6 2 112 46 17 12 521 469 9,160 8,016 32,087 28,068 44,395 34,708 155,640 121,547 27 26 1,870 1,395 137 89 8,459 6,523 8 6 260 205 30 21 1,086 1,401 33 42 3,592 5,005 204 190 21,319 20,542 14 15 2,035 2,436 120 124 15,539 16,009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 11 703 1,259 43 55 4,259 5,964 39 42 19,175 15,069 157 170 71,117 50,412 29 31 32,940 25,024 131 152 115,847 88,489 0 0 112 1,914 0 0 878 2,721 17,855 17,341 166,208 156,198 83,740 68,891 677,668 581,045 c'�eat�On n e the�cri� annul d te�ey�ed ��o 1-Vevept 1n MR1,� s 1 Pzesent an a aCo y55;0a s 1nvo 1 Staff w�oclat1o'a gos tY,e and paxk As G01-t O,ativ'f Se.�o�,az shiF g-1 TENT PACKAGE DAY USE PARRS AND SPECIAL EVENTS Staff is requesting Commission approval to purchase rental tents from Midwest Rental Center, Inc. The vendor has been in contact with staff regarding the possibility of purchasing these tents, which have become available due to the vendor getting out of the tent rental busi- ness. The following package has been offered: 3 each 20' x 40' Tents $1,000 each Purchase date 4/88 3 each 20' x 30' Tents 750 each Purchase date 2/87 1 each 20' x 20' Tent 475 Purchase date 2/87 OR Package $5,200 All 7 tents All sidewalls/sidewall stakes (10) All stakes (100) Ropes (100) All poles All tent bags The Commission purchased a 20' x 40' tent recently at a price of over $4,000. Staff has rented these tents from Midwest in the past for use at Addison Oaks for group picnic rentals; these tents are of good quality and are in good condition. These tents would be used for special events and for group picnic rentals in the parks. Staff expects the payback period for this purchase to be one year. Funds for this purchase will come from the 1989 Operating Equipment Surplus. ITEM #9 DUST COLLECTION SYSTEM TECHNICAL SUPPORT BUILDING Bids were received for the purchase and installation of a dust collection system for the Technical Support building. This dust col- lection system is required by BOCA, MIOSHA and OSHA safety standards for the workworking and carpentry shop, as directed by Risk Management. The bids received are as follows: E & B Sales, Inc. NO BID Milford, MI Glen Wing Power $16,690.00 Birmingham, MI Scarlett Associates 17,511.36 Grand Rapids, MI Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to award the con- tract to the low bidder, Glen Wing Power, in the amount of $16,690.00. Funds for this project are coming from the Capital Improvement Contingency. 9-1 ITEM #10 ROOFING MATERIALS TECHNICAL SUPPORT BUILDING Bids were received for roofing material for the Technical Sup- port building, both for the repair of the existing building and for the proposed addition. The roof repairs on the existing building will be completed by the Technical Support crew; the roof on the proposed addition will be installed by the contractor. The roofing materials for the proposed addition are being purchased now in order for the shingles to be from the same dye lot so the shingle color will match. The bids received are as follows: Oakland Wholesale $4,493.50 Pontiac, MI Erb Lumber 5,100.00 Birmingham, MI Lakeland Builders Supply Responded, No Bid Clarkston, MI RSI Wholesale No Response Sterling Heights, MI Wimsatt Building Materials 4,218.11 Pontiac, MI Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to award the bid to the low bidder, Wimsatt Building Materials from Pontiac, in the amount of $4,218.11. Funds for this project have been allocated in the Technical Support Building Improvements capital project. 10-1 ITEM #11 44 PASSENGER BUS MOBILE RECREATION Bids were received for the purchase of a 1990 model, 44-passenger bus budy and chassis for the Mobile Recreation busing program, as fol- lows: GMC Truck Center Pontiac, MI Red Holman Pontiac Westland, MI BODY CHASSIS TOTAL Ward $14,934.00 $20,657.00 $34,591.00 Thomas $12,870.00 $20,657.00 $33,527.00 NO BID $20,545.00 Incomplete McFadden Corp. $13,443.00 NO BID Incomplete Lansing, MI This bus will replace one of the two buses sold in the 1989 fall auction. Staff concurs with Purchasing and recommends awarding the bid to the low bidder, GMC Truck Center, for the Thomas Coach in the amount of $33,527.00. Acceptance of the bid will be based upon Commission approval of the 1990 budget; monies are proposed in the 1990 Operating Equipment Budget. Attached you will find information and statistics on the busing program. This information is based on staff's recommendation to con- tinue with the busing program; however, we will reduce the fleet by one, leaving us with four buses. BUS FEE HISTORY 1984 June 15 thru September 15 $ 90.00 $ 10.00 each hour over 8 hours 1984 September 16 thru June 14 $ 110.00 $ 10.00 each hour over 8 hours 1985 June 15 - September 15 $ 100.00 $ 12.00 each hour over 8 hours 1985 September 16 - June 14 $ 170.00 $ 12.00 each hour over 8 hours 1987 All Year $ 170.00 $ 12.00 each hour over 8 hours 1988 All Year $ 185.00 $ 17.50 each hour over 8 hours 1989 Senior and Youth Programmed Groups $ 215.00 $ 17.50 each hour over 8 hours 1989 Adult Programmed Groups Going to Oakland County Owned Park $ 215.00 $ 17.50 each hour over 8 hours 1989 Adult Programmed Groups $ 245.00 $ 17.50 each hour over 8 hours # OF BUSES PARTICIPATION HISTORY YEARLY BUS HISTORY 1984 4 12,912 719 1985 4 14,075 715 1986 5 14,652 946 1987 5 17,248 829 ""'988 5 18,154 617 11-2 DESTINATION BREAKDOWN 1987 137 buses travelled outside of Oakland County 692 buses stayed within Oakland County 829 total visits of which: 20 buses travelled outside of Oakland County for in-house events 51 buses stayed within Oakland County for in-house events 71 total in-house visits 1988 162 buses travelled outside of Oakland County 455 buses stayed within Oakland County 617 total visits of which: 23 buses travelled outside of Oakland County for in-house events 55 buses stayed within Oakland County for in-house events 78 total in-house visits 1989 (following information as of 8-21-89) 102 buses travelled outside of Oakland County 148 buses stayed within Oakland County 250 total visits of which: 13 buses travelled outside of Oakland County for in-house events 45 buses stayed within Oakland County for in-house events 58 total in-house visits 11-3 Number of Buses Year Revenue 5 5 5 1989 1988 1987 1986 MOBILE RECREATION BUS ANALYSIS 58,369.80** 63,146.70 53,592.90 41,217.10 Expense Breakdown 11,736.56 16,201.48 1,167.41 19,103.41 47,966.81 1,170.00 175.98 97,521.65* 11,809.54 16,201.48 1,167.41 13,032.95 36,674.14 1,170.00 236.25 80,291.77 11,663.57 17,842.58 1,337.73 13,032.95 3,510.30 1,170.00 228.00 48,785.13 19,711.94 19,301.96 1,394.36 7,372.95 3,019.18 936.00 452.00 52,188.39 . igures for Salaries and Fringes taken from 1988. *Projected in 1989 Budget. Equipment Repair Recreation Supplies Salaries (drivers) Fringe Benefits Depreciation Insurance Radio Repair Uniform Expense Equipment Repair Recreation Supplies Salaries (drivers) Fringe Benefits Depreciation Insurance Radio Repair Uniform Expense Equipment Repair Recreation Supplies Salaries (drivers) Fringe Benefits Depreciation Insurance Radio Repair Uniform Expense Equipment Repair Recreation Supplies Salaries (drivers) Fringe Benefits Depreciation Insurance Radio Repair Uniform Expense -39,151.85 -17,145.07 +41807.77 -10,971.29 11-4 `AOBILE RECREATION BUS ANALYSIS .ige 2 Number of Buses Year Revenue Expense Breakdown 4 1985 37, 052.42 26, 963.14 Equipment Repair -241709.72 -- Recreation Supplies 34,799.00* 61,762.14. 4 1984 32, 332.74 28, 809.01 Equipment Repair -31, 275.27 -- Recreation Supplies 34,799.00* 63,608.01 3 1983 23,945.10 13,537.05 Equipment Repair -24,390.95 -0- Recreation Supplies 34,799.00* 48,336.05 3 1982 24,561.10 13, 258.56 Equipment Repair -23, 499.76 3.30 Recreation Supplies 34,799.00* 48,060.86 3 1981 16, 593.76 13,162.80 Equipment Repair -31, 389.42 21.38 Recreation Supplies 34,799.00* 47,983.18 3 1980 $ 9,719.55 9,065.97 Equipment Repair -341259.09 113.82 Recreation Supplies 34,799.00* 43,978.64 *Estimated figure using average cost of Salaries, Fringe Benefits, Depreciation, Insurance, Radio Repair and Uniform Expense of 1987 and 1988. 11-5 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT BUSES uantit Price Each �____--- Total Price Rate $ 49,920.00 3 $16,640.00 June, 1976 31,204.75 1 31,204.75 November, 1984 33,960.00 October, 1986 1 33,960.00 32' 00 32,230.00 1988 1 $147,314.75 TOTALS 5* *This figure was reached due to the fact that when the bus arrives in 1988, one of the original buses will immediately be sold. 11-6 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) PROS Visibility and good public relations tool to the general public. Provides outreach program to disadvantaged. Promote services and facilities. Serves handicapped and senior citizens. Provides employment opportunities (summer and full-time. Supplement to other programs: Great Escape Special Events Day Camp Cross Country Ski Wave Pools Golf Programs Public Relations Socialization aspect. Provides unique recreational opportunities at lower cost to the community. CONS Cost/expense. Increase staff demands and scheduling. Limited mileage capability. Mechanical difficulties if not in use for a period of time. Competition with commercial carriers. Immediate response requirement. Increased insurance premiums with commercial carriers. Increased liability with commercial carriers. 11-7 Charter Bus Unlimited Inc. 1255 Wash Blvd. Detroit 334-3833 Deluxe Motor Stages Inc. 33200 Schoolcraft Livonia 1-800-252-2340 Groups Only Inc. 26049 Southfield Road Southfield 569-5020 Aerobus Company 1250 Rankin Troy 588-1190 Tower Bus 363 N. Gratiot Mt. Clemens 1-800-248-6937 Pontiac Travel Service Greyhound Bus Lines 1600 West Side Track Drive Pontiac 334-2595 Ambrose Tours Inc. 26049 Southfield Road Lathrup Village 569-8050 National Trails Inc. 20921 Mapleridge Southfield 353-9510 BUS COMPANIES AND COSTS, 1989 $425 - $485 (lower rate applies Mon. thru Thurs.) Restrooms and Air Conditioning $369 (6:00 p.m. - Midnight) 25% deposit required 5 days after booking Balance due 10 days prior to trip Cancellation notice 10 days prior to date 51 Passenger Bus, Restrooms and Air Conditioning $385 (Fri, Sat., & Sun.) Guarantee lowest price 43 Passenger, Restrooms, Reclining Seats Air Conditioning and $450 (6 hour minimum) $100 deposit 24 hour cancellation - full refund less than 24 hours - lose deposit Restrooms and Air Conditioning $452 (7 hour minimum) 47 Passenger 25% deposit required 7 days after booking Balance due 3 weeks prior to departure 72 hour cancellation - full refund after 72 hours no refund Restrooms, Air Conditioning and Reclining Seats Does not handle local trips $330 - $360 (depending on day and time) Cancel - 10 days prior 43 Passenger Restrooms and Air Conditioning $340 (midweek) or $410 (weekend) $200 deposit 21 days cancellation - full refund Restrooms and Air Conditioning $375 $25 deposit Balance due 2 weeks prior to departure Restrooms and Air Conditioning 11-8 Phoenix Lines Inc. $400 (8 hours) 18720 Grand River Avenue $250 deposit Detroit 30 day cancellation - full refund 837-6622 less than 10 days - no refund Americar Rental System No longer rents buses Michigan Trailways $452 (7 hours minimum) 12154 N. Saginaw 25% deposit required 7 days after booking Clio Balance due 3 weeks prior to departure 755-0360 72 hour cancellation - full refund after 72 hours - no refund 46 Passenger Indian Trails Motorcoach 109 E. Comstock Owosso 1-800-292-3831 $370 (6 hours) $100 deposit Cancellation 14 days - full refund less than 14 days - no refund Restrooms and Air Conditioning 11-9 ITEM #12 ADDISON OAKS SEWAGE TREATMENT FACILITY The firm of Schleede Hampton and Associates has completed their analysis of the Addison Oaks sewage treatment facility. This report was reviewed and forwarded to the Department of Natural Resources for their review and recommendation. The original cost for this project was $13,000 and authorized at the May 3, 1989 Commission meeting. During the initial meetings by the consultants and the DNR, it was determined that another monitoring well, soil testing and well test- ing was required. The additional cost for this service is $1,120, for a contract price of $14,120. Staff recommends this amendment to their contract be approved. Staff will also present a brief update on the consultant's analysis. 12-1 ITEM #13 GROVELAND OARS IRRIGATION Bids were received and presented at the August 2, 1989 commission meeting for the irrigation system at Groveland Oaks Concession. Due to the bid quotes, it was recommended that staff would explore the possibility of reducing the cost of the project with the low bidder Michigan Automatic Sprinkler. They have submitted a reduction with revised cost of $10,868.38. The system still meets all of our basic needs with the reduction except the areas of future expansion, which really is not necessary. Therefore, staff recommends award of this contract to the low bidder, Michigan Automatic Sprinkler Company, in the amount of $10,868.38 plus a 5% contingency of $543 for a total budgeted amount of $11,411.40. 13-1 ITEM #14 GLEN OAKS REPOINTING Bids were received for the repointing of the stone at Glen Oaks Clubhouse. There are a considerable number of areas that require removal and replacement of mortar. This process is very labor intense and due to the heights of gables, fireplaces and working in the area of the slate roof, expertise and care is very important. The bids are as follows: W.H.Kelly Novi $2190 Gruenwell/Cashero Detroit $6988 Acquarion Builders Detroit NO BID The cost estimated for this project was approximately $7,000. Due to the sizable difference in the two bids, staff is reviewing the bids and will present a recommendation to the commission meeting. 14-1 I`tEM # 15 00� GTe. rop°Sea of ataina�e Gy�i e p Rg tY► fitVL e zep°xt te�ata�..a�tou �11is . Tile ew this has tece�'vea t'Rthe City offyarm� tetai�sea t° xevti Staff is pt°posed by f A�bot was outse- osati woUtid imps°vemeusohus°�' Old, goy oU�a Wave ° oUx cthe atativase ptopt1u 3oh4s°n> nson7 it w° that °otta° Soh tie impact t1,at �oa11y inaiGates teas- Staff �s fission meet�n tot. and The xepott bas o the ad�aceut a attend tre Covz attaG,�ea rep°t otaty an impxovemeut t See if they can �uest1°ns• See to apex°ve a temp�eau be hnson aua boy to tt and answer Val covsAaetatio� eau °'at- T��s c ed 3° eseut tlleit rep° estias Covz-s o east ao the c1 Yi �s not couSid- pt f is teV at hyc Sta f zm1u ton tot �u the barl 7 w easement to �a feet t1,e proper Y ont wi11 not of wetiaaas . 15-1 303 N. Main Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 313 662 4457 2828 Routh Street, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75201 214 8719220 Planning/ Landscape Architecture/ Urban Design/Civil Engineering Johnson -Johnson & Royiinc 21 September 1989 Mr. Steven Vanden Bossche, ASLA Design and Development Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, MI 48054-1697 Re: Glen Oaks Golf Course Stormwater Management Concerns JJR No. 15411.00/18 Dear Mr. Vanden Bossche: Subsequent to our site visit at Glen Oaks Golf Course on 6 September 1989, I have met with representatives of the City of Farmington Hills and Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc., the City's consulting engineers, to discuss the proposed improvements of the Franklin Knolls Branch of Pebble Creek, as well as the City's long term stormwater management plans for the area within and adjacent to the Golf Course property. Of particular concern was what impact, if any, the proposed improvements would have on the golf course property. The proposed drain improvement is intended to alleviate existing drainage problems associated with the present storm sewer system which passes underneath Northwestern Highway, as well as improve the condition of the drainage way associated with that portion of the property located north of the golf course. The proposed plans call for cleaning out apd expanding the capacity of the existing east branch of the drain, constructing an earthen berm across the downstream portion of the branch before it joins the branch flowing from the north, and placing a 42" culvert through the berm. The culvert has been sized to allow normal streamflow to pass unrestricted, while restricting and regulating flow during a major storm event. An existing stormwater retention basin which was constructed to accommodate the adjacent Tri Atria development, but situated on county property, will remain intact and functional, following the construction of proposed drainage improvements. Several areas within the course are presently subject to frequent inundation. One area of concern is located in and around the woods situated adjacent to and directly north of greens number 6 and 11. This area has become increasingly subject to flooding and long term periods of inundation in recent years. This forested tract presently drains to the north through a narrow drainage swale into the eastern branch of Pebble Creek scheduled for improvement. The drainage swale appears to be overgrown with vegetation, 15-2 Mr. Steven Vanden Bossche, ASLA Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission 21 September 1989 Page 2 partially restricting flow away from the golf course. It is my opinion that the proposed drain improvement will enchance the drainage conditions associated with this area. It may be necessary, however, to partially clean out portions of this drainage swale in an effort to improve its drainage characteristics sufficiently to allow the excess water to drain from this forested area, north into the improved section of the drain. A question has arisen as to what effect the surrounding development, in particular that development associated with the construction of the Orchard Place units located northwest of the golf course, might have on contributing to flooding in this area. It is my opinion that the Orchard Place development does not contribute to flooding in this forested area because Orchard Place is situated in a downstream portion of the watershed. Regardless of whether the proposed improvements on the east and west branches of Pebble Creek are implemented, the golf course will continue to be subject to periodic and costly flooding. Many portions of the stream corridor are relatively shallow, narrow, and do not possess the necessary capacity to carry the type of stormwater flow generally associated with even minor rainfall events. The result is periodic and repeated flooding of several of the fairways, tees, and greens which are situated in low lying floodplain areas adjacent to the creek. This situation has been aggravated in recent years with the construction or upgrading of storm sewer lines which pass through golf course property and outlet into the creek. The worst problem appears to exist in the stream corridor just north of the clubhouse. An existing storm line was upgraded to a much larger pipe, introducing both increased volumes and velocities of runoff into the stream corridor adjacent to the number 9 green. Not only has this situation contributed to increased flooding in the area around the green, but it has also contributed to accelerated streambank erosion which continues to threaten the stability of the green. In 1982, the City commissioned Hubbell, Roth & C1ark;-Inc., to develop a Master Storm Drainage Plan for the City of Farmington Hi�ltls. One result of the study was a recommendation to create a series of regional or community stormwater detention basins to be located primarily in large, publically owned properties throughout the city. These community stormwater detention basins would be designed to provide for flood control in those areas generally associated with existing development where adequate storage capacity is not available, but they may also be designed to accommodate future growth or development as well. It must be noted, however, that any future development must adhere to the City's stormwater control ordinance, and thus provide on - site detention storage. The study identified two sites within the Glen Oaks Golf Course property as potential locations for community detention basins. One of the sites is situated in the downstream portion of the stream corridor between the tees and greens of holes 15, 16, & 18. An earthen berm would be constructed over the drainageway just east of the 15th fairway. A culvert would be placed in the stream allowing normal streamflow to pass through unrestricted while utilizing 15-3 Mr. Steven Vanden Bossche, ASLA Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission 21 September 1989 Page 3 the earthen berm to temporarily detain excess flow in the stream corridor during major storm events. No additional grading is anticipated in this area. Rather, the intent is to utilize the natural contours of the stream valley to provide the required temporary storage. Although it may require further investigation to insure that adequate storage is available in this portion of the stream corridor, such that the proposed detention storage would not adversely affect the play of the golf course by inundating tees or greens, I believe it may be possible to utilize this portion of the stream corridor for temporary detention storage without impacting the golf course. An emergency spillway would be incorporated into the berm construction to provide an outlet for stormwater in excess of the designed detention storage capacity. This would allow for excess stormwater to flow through the stream corridor without backing up into adjacent lower lying areas of the golf course. The second area which was identified as a potential detention basin site coincides with that portion of the stream corridor situated between the number I fairway and the number 9 fairway, north and west of the number 9 green. The construction -of a berm across the floodplain in this area would also be necessary to provide for the desired storage. It would require, however, that the berm be constructed across the entire number 9 fairway, thus affecting the current configuration of the golf course. It was my impression, based on our site visit, that there may be sufficient room available within this area of the golf course, through selected excavation and regrading in and around the stream corridor, to provide for the desired temporary detention storage capacity without adversely affecting the current configuration of the golf course. Furthermore, I believe it may be possible to incorporate this earthwork in such a manner as to provide the desired storage, while at the same time enhancing the aesthetic qualities and playability of the golf course. This could be accomplished by excavating to create the desired landform, and replanting with native wetland species which can tolerate periodic inundation while providing year-round color and interest. 12 The City is also interested in cleaning out that portion of the Creek which flows through the woods adjacent to the number 4 fairway in an effort to improve the drainage in this portion of the stream. If approached in a sensitive manner, I believe this can be accomplished without creating adverse impacts to the existing resources in the stream corridor. This stream maintenance may be necessary to improve the drainage through this portion of the stream corridor sufficiently to prevent flooding along hole number 4. The City has expressed an interest in working with the Parks & Recreation Commission to further investigate these community stormwater detention basin alternatives and to attempt to identify and implement solutions for existing golf course flooding and erosion problems. It is my opinion that community detention basins could be designed in such a manner as to facilitate the stormwater management needs of the City of Farmington Hills as well as those of Glen Oaks Golf Course, and I would recommend that this concept be further studied. 15-4 _ AS�A Comm�ss�o� s vande a� s & Recreation do not eve P P,ease Parks aakland maer 1g89 this m Meet . ofter \s ire further 21 Sept e conoer"i�\ please to endatio Page 4 s or comet Z would an P an au eoomm question o f. -\Ce ss these 9 from y have any ta�t °u to disou to hear hes Late Comm,s,o k foard ReGreati and detail SinoereA -) SpN & nG JQNNSCN J mes M . F atChett Ja th & Cl ark Ni l l s 30.0 bhell R° rmington Nu of F a cc Frank guu �� .. Gity R°ger 15-5 ITEM #16 MANAGER'S REPORT ---Budget work sessions have been taking place with staff, and the pre- liminary budget will be given to you on October 17. The Commission's work session will be scheduled some time between October 25 and November 3, depending upon the availability of the Commission. A date will be set at the October 4 meeting. ---Construction has begun on the addition for the Addison Oaks Con- ference Center. Tentative opening date is April, 1990. In conjunction with this project, the state is reviewing our lagoon plans. Will keep you informed as information becomes available. ---Construction has also begun on the Red Oaks Golf Dome and Sports Center. ---The Commission's grant applications for the land acquisition at the rookery and the beach development at Orion Oaks have progressed through the first two cuts and are still under consideration for approval. ---Staff has met with Baker Advertising (formerly BAC&K) to begin pre- liminary plans for millage strategy. A formal presentation will take place later this year. ---The Fall Color Car Classic will be held at Independence Oaks on Sunday, October 1, from noon to 4 p.m. 16-1 ROBERT L. CONAWAY Executive Director CAROLYN C. MacADAM Chairman August 28, 1989 Mr. Ralph Richards, Manager Parks « Recreation 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, MI 48054 Dear Mr. Richards: Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency CX!ISK 196 Oakland Ave., P.O. Box 598 Pontiac, Michigan 48056-0598 (313) 858-5126 f.tiUN-N RKS COMM AU G 3 1 19€39 E C- VED We would like to thank you for making our annual picnic an enjoyable event. Independence Oaks is a beautiful park. The Twin Chimney's area is ideal for large groups such as ours. The park staff 41 was friendly and cooperative. We would like to thank you for helping make the picnic possible by waiving the rental fee on the picnic area. Sincerely, ,.&e,� �� - Eileen L. Hawthorne Personnel Specialist E LH: ch 41 A COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY" Governing Board 16-2 Stan Arnold, Wilmer E. Bryant, Jr., Tom W. Buckingham, John P. Bueno, Debra Cheresko, Booker T. Dennis, James Diefenthaler, David D. Galley, Donald W. Jensen, John D. Maas, Carolyn C. MacAdam (Chairman), Ruel E. McPherson, Louis L. Miller, Kathleen Murray, Kathleen L. Obey, Harry Shiovitz, Kenneth W. Smothers, Thomas Turner, Estelle Wade, Dorothy Walker, Ernest (Ernie) J. White