HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1989.09.06 - 39854OAKLAN D COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48054-1697 • (313) 85&0906 August 31, 1989 Ralph A. Richard Manager Jon J. Kipke Assistant Manager Lewis E. Wint Chairman Jean M.Fox Vice Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Secretary George W. Kuhn Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Thomas A. Law Daniel T. Murphy Ralph Nelson John E. Olsen Richard V. Vogt To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday, September 6, 1989 9:00 a.m. PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Rd. Pontiac, MI PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting. This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Mr. Lewis E. Wint, Chairman, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, l Ralph Richard Manager RR/Jg OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING September 6, 1989 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes of the August 16, 1989 Meeting. 4. Approval of Payment: Voucher Nos. 8-1 thru 8-402 Interdepartmental Payments: June Charges paid in July July Charges paid in August Transfer Vouchers: July Charges 5. Statement of Operations for Month Ending 7/31/89. 6. Capital Improvements Budget Update. 7. Activity Report for July, 1989. 8. Award Presentations. 9. Orion Oaks Plan Completion Request. 10. Bid Item: Parking Lot and Walkway Lighting - White Lake and Springfield Oaks. 11. Bid Item: Activity Center Roof Replacement - Waterford Oaks. 12. Bid Item: Beach Parking Lot Expansion - Independence Oaks. 13. Emergency Sewage Disposal Services - Groveland Oaks. 14. Trusty Work Program Update. 15. Manager's Report.. 16. Old Business. 17. New Business. 18. Adjourn. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Payment Approval Summary VOUCHERS: Nos. 8-1 thru 8-402 INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS: June Charges paid in July July Charges paid in August TRANSFER VOUCHERS: July Charges For Meeting Of: September 6, 1989 187,810.45 155,984.80 $ 732,671.72 343,795.25 3,045.72 TOTAL $ 1,079,512.69 OAKLAI4D COUNTY PARKS AND . tEATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 VOUCHER NINRER . VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUIIT 8-1 Michigan Recreation & Parks Assoc. Misc,."Income, Outside -Ticket Sales-Admin. (Payment #3) $ 2,268.85 8-2 Billy Myre Rec. Sup., D.J. Services for 8/9/89-Grove. 150.00 8-3 Goodyear Auto Service Center Equip. Maint.-Add., Indep. & Red Oaks 428.70 Public Info.-Admin.; Off.Sup.-Admin. & Nat. Prog.; 8-4 Oakland Schools Rec. Sup., Skatemobile-Mob. Rec. 74.23 Cap.Proj.,New Concession Bldg.-Grove.,BMX Improvements, 8-5 Burke Building Centers Picnic Shelter & Platform Tennis Re air-Water.;E i . 526.61 Maint.-Tech.Sup.,YAC,Bleachers,Moonwalk Mobile & Prorata 8-6 (All Units)-Mob.Rec.;Bldg.Maint.-Add.,Indep.,Wh.Lk., Spring.,Water. & W.O.W.Park;Grounds Maint.-Grove.,Tndep., Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,YAC & W.O.W.Park;Sm.Tools-Indep. & Mob.Rec.;Rental Property Maint.-Water.;Rec.Sup.,Stage _ 488.01 -Show Conf. Regist. Fee for R.Lay,K.Poeppe & L.Barron to atten 8-7 MSU Extension Service a Landscape Class in Wayne Schools & Macomb Metro Parks, MI on 8/9 & 8/23/89-Indep. 90.00 Cap.Proj.,New Concession Bldg.-Grove.,Beach Level Pump- 8-8 Elden's Hardware Indep.,Parking Lot Lighting & Platform Tennis Repair- 508.61 Water.;Off.Sup.-Admin.&Mob.Rec.;Bldg.Maint.-Rec.Admin., 8-9 Indep., Spring., Water. 1W.0.W.Park&T.Complex; Equip. Maint. - 360.85 Tech.Sup.,Grove.,Orion Oaks,Indep.,BMX,Showmobile, 8-10 Skatemobile,Truck&Buses,Moonwalk Mobile,Prorata(All Unit ) 332.52 & Sp.Events Mobile-Mob.Rec.;Sm.Tools-Tech.Sup.,Orion 8-11 " Oaks,Indep.,T.Complex,Mob.Rec.&Nat.Prog.;Grounds Maint.- _ Indep.,Glen Oaks,W.O.W.Park&BMX;Hskp.Exp.-T.Complex; Rec.Sup.,Stage Show-Mob.Rec.&Nat.Pr .;S .Events -BMX 353.39 8-12 American E'ishing Center Mdse. For Resale,Bait-Indep. 74.50 8-13 Roy Thorington Cap. Proj.,.Upgrade Green #3-Spring. 99.50 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND ZEATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER- VENDOR PURPOSE Ati=ff 8-14 Silberg & Assoc. Cap.Proj.,Parking Lot Lights-Wh.Lk.,Golf Cart Storage- Red Oaks & Parking & Lighting Im rove.-S rin . 1.�7zR.00 8-15 Vidosh Inc. Cap.Proj.,Upgrade #3 Green -Spring. 640.00 8-16 Erb Lumber Cap.Proj.,New Contact Station -Add. & Cart Path Imp.-Wh. Lk.;B1dg.Maint.-Wh.Lk.;E i .Maint.,Prorata A11 Units Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,R.O.W.Park & YAC 1,375.58 8-17 Artcraft Blueprint Co. Cap.Proj.,Cart Path Imp.-Wh.Lk. & Pave Maint. Area, Drive & Cart Paths -Glen Oaks; Off.Su .-Admin. 2.6.64 8-18 Wilkie Turf ap. roj., ew Contact 6tation-Add.;Grounds Maint.-Add.& Red Oaks- 'Equip.Maint.-Wh.Lk. ,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks & Spring. Sm.Tools-Spring. 2,439.75 8-19 R.J. Reilly Platform Tennis Courts Cap.Proj.,Platform Tennis Repair -Water. 5,632.00 8-20 Lawn Equipment Service & Sales Cap.Equip.,(1) ea. Air Blower-Wh.Lk. & Glen Oaks 1,150.00 8-21 Kammer/Michigan Consultants, Inc. Professional Services, To represent O.C.P.R.'s'appropriat interests before legislative bodies and state govern- mental agencies-Admin. 1,000.00 8-22 Scott's Lock & Key B1dg.Maint.-Indep. & T.Complex 30.85 - 8-23 Acme Cleaning Services B1dg.Maint.,Window Services for June 1989-Glen Oaks 115.00 8-24 Fire Control, Inc. B1dg.Maint.,Alarm Syst.Maint.-Admin. 100.00 8-25 AT & T Communications-Wh.Lk. 42.40 8-26 Harvard Plaza Cleaners Laundry -Add. & Indep. 87.05 8-27 Mr. Uniform Laundry-Admin.;Equip.Rental-Add. & Indep.;Hskp.Exp.- YAC & Water. - 145.46 OAKLA14D COUNTY PARKS AND . REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 VOUCHER N11MRF.R . VENDOR PURPOSE At-IOUNT 8-28 P.B. Electronics Equip.Maint.-Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks & Red Oaks 500.00 8-29 Gregware Equip. Co. Equip.Maint.,Repair on Trencher-Tech.Sup. 88.77 8-30 Mid -States Petroleum Equip.Maint.-Add.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Spring.&YAC 1,516.91 8-31 Crown Battery Mfg. Equip.Maint.,Batteries-Glen Oaks 110.49 8-32 Olson Anderson Co. Equip.Maint.,Maint. on Cassette Tape Unit-Nat.Prog. 67.00 8-33 Sun & Ski Marina Inc. Equip.Maint.-Grove. 39.18 8-34 Dick's Lawn Equip. Center Equip.Maint.-Wh.Lk. 7.05 8-35 Rich Sign Co. Equip.Maint.,Signs for All Units-Mob.Rec. 210.00 8-36 Hydro Dynamics Grounds Maint.;Repair on Irrigation Equip. -Glen Oaks 3,037.15 8-37 Industrial Vehicle Sales Equip.Maint.-Grove., Indep. & Red Oaks 189.96 8-38 Waterford Fuel & Supply Equip.Maint.-Add.,Indep.,Wh.Lk. & YAC 202.45 8-39 Lawn Equip. Service Equip.Maint.,Frame for Lawn Mower -Red Oaks 159.22 8-40 D & C Distributors Equip.Maint.-Grove.;Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 181.60 8-41 }' W.F. Miller Co. Equip.Maint.-Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk. & Glen Oaks; Grounds Maint.-Wh.Lk. 1,607.18 8-42 Gamalski Building Specialties B1dg.Maint.-Tech.Sup.;Grounds Maint.-YAC 610.90 8-43 Waterford Disposal Service Rubbish Removal-Wh.Lk.,Spring.,YAC,Water. & BMX;Grounds Maint.-T.Com lex•Mi c.E - 392.00 8-44 Oakland Disposal, Inc. Rubbish Removal for July 1989-Add. 350.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND I, tEATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER.. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 8-45 Detroit Edison Utilities -Add. Conf. Ctr. 2,502.12 8-46 Petrolane Gas Service Utilities -Grove. 507.17 8-47 Century Rain Aid Grounds Maint.-Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks,Spring. & T.Complex 1,036.66 8-48 Associated Specialties Co. Grounds Maint.-R.O.W.Park 19.00 8-49 Ray Wiegand's Nursery Grounds Maint.,Bushes-Add. 89.00 8-50 Amcorn Hybrids, Inc. Grounds Maint.,Grass Seed -Glen Oaks 220.00 8-51 Arrow Uniform Rental Laun ry-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Orion Oaks,Indep.,Wh.Lk., Glen Oaks/Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,XAC,Water., W.O.W.Park & Nat. Prog. 343.42 8-52 Arrow Uniform Rental faundry-Tech.Sup.,Orion Oaks,Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks,R.O.W.Park, Water. & W.O.W.Park 68.92 8-53 LeBudget Photo Shoppe Public Info.-Admin. 57.50 8-54 Genesee Welding Supply g pP y Equip.Maint.-Tech.Sup.,Grove. & Red Oaks;Sp.Events,Misc. Rec.Admin.;Maint.SU .-Tech.Su . 167.38 8-55 Burke Building Centers S .Events Trim Frame & Chloride Flakes -BMX 103.53 8-56 Flaghouse Inc. Rec.Sup.,(4) Child's Head Support Life Jackets-Indep. 83.38 8-57 Camera Mart, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Grove.;Off.Sup.-Nat.Prog.;Acct.Rec.-Admin. (To be Reimb. by Oakland Parks Foundation) 52.37 8-58 Drayton Swimming Pool Supply Rec.Sup.-W.O.W.Park 29.23 8-59 Robertson Bros. Service Rec:Sup:=R.O.W.Park 17.00 8-60 Meijer Bldg.Maint.-Grove.;Sp.Events-BMX 106.47 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND I kEATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER-- VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 8-61 Waterford Township Cap.Proj.,Fencing & Shelter,W.Poo1-Water. 332.00 8-62 J.H. Corp. Sp.Events,Plastic Pennants -BMX 95.64 8-63 Michigan Recreation & Park Assn. Membership Dues,Renewal-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Indep.&Water. 650.00 8-64 The Clarkson News Publications,Subscription renewal-Admin. 11.00 8-65 National Recreation & Park Assn. Membership Dues,Renewal-Admin. 55.00 8-66 The Reminder Zone II, Inc. Sp.Events,Hot Air Balloon Fest. Ad-YAC 403.20 8-67 John Tishuck Misc. Exp. ,Reimb. for lost sweater at golf course -Glen Oak 43.36 8-68 Great Lakes Skier Public Info.,Ads in Holiday & Mid -Winter issues-Admin. 779.00 8-69 Helen Vergin Sp.Events,Reimb. for 1989 Hot Air Balloon Fest. expenses for DQstage ($10,75)- 40.75 8-70 Spinal Column Sp.Events,Hot Air Balloon Fest. Ad-YAC 45.24 8-71 Chris Keast Advertising, Inc. Public Info.,Design & Typesetting for a'Corporate Pocket Folder" "Full Color Parks Brochure" &' Senior z Brochure & Banquet Brochure"-Admin. 1,730-00 8-72 Diversified Business Products Off.Sup.,CopV Machine Monthly Maint. billing-Admin. 273.00 8-73 Clem Williams Films, Inc. Rec.Sup.,Movie Film -Grove. 77.00 - 8-74 Triarco Arts & Crafts Rec.Sup.,Art Supplies -Grove. 48.00 8-75 Arlene Hay Refund, Damage Deposit-YAC 50.00 8-76 Margo Owens Refund, Skatemobile cancellation-Mob.Rec. 125.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND i .11EATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER. - VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 8-77 Patricia Carroll Refund,Swim Lessons-W.O.W.Park 23.00 8-78 Irene Harlick Refund,Golf League -Red Oaks 38.50 8-79 Jim Mansfield, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-R.O.W.Park 116.71 8-80 Frank Ostrowski, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Add. 98.55 8-81 Janet Stickley, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Mob.Rec. 20.44 8-82 Sundry (Refunds) Security Deposit to J.Brink ( 50) & W.London 50 -Water. 100.00 8-83 Sundry (Refunds) Camping refund to A.Brown ($9), A.Lingenfelter ($68), H.McDowell Jr. ($9) & J.Pecho ($65)-Grove. 151.00 8-84 Sundry (Instructors) Instructor's fee for W.Gesaman,Round Dance ($98),D.Rieck, Sq.Dance ($445)& Marclif,Inc.,Round Dance ($254) & Sq.Dance ($311.25)-Water. 1,108.25 8-85 Sundry (Misc.) Sp.Events,l/3 payment for professional services rendered for the "Broadway Revue" to M.EI ,C.Slade,M.Krontz,B.Pi e J.Roberts ($500 ea.)& M.Krontz ($1,166) on 8/17/89-Mob.Re 3,666.00 8-86 VOID 8-87 Sundry (Travel Reimb.) Reimb. for C.Neef,G.Buchanan,S.Cox/L.Baker,M.Baker & P.Seaman ($6.90 ea.) & Mileage Reimb. to P.Seaman 10 _ for attending a "How To Be A Better Support Person" conf. held in Southfield, MI on 7/24/89-Admin. 51.40 8-88 Sundry (Payroll) Pay ending 7/28/89-All Parks 216,817.37 8-89 Hodges Supply Co. Cap.Proj.,New Contact Station-Add.,New Concession Bldg.- Grove. & Beach Level Pum Inde .•Bld .Maint.-Add.Conf. 3,674.96 8-90 �� �� �� Ctr.,Grove.,Wh.Lk.,S rin . & YAC 1,249.40 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND R_ AEATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER_ VENDOR I' U R P O S E AM O U I! T 8-91 Meijer Acct.Rec.-Admin.(To be reimb. by the Oakland Parks Found. Misc.Exp.-Admin.;Bldg.Maint.-Add.&R.O.W.Park;Sm.Tools-Add ; Grounds Maint.-Indep.&BMX;Off.Sup.-Indep.;Sp.Events-BMX; Rec.Sup.-Nat.Prog.,Puppet Mobile,S orts Mobile&Da Cam - Mob.Rec. 473.07 8-92 City of Madison Heights Acct.Rec.-R.O.Dr.Range (To be reimb. by the Oakland Golf Dome);Utilities-Red Oaks & R.O.W.Park 3,211.75 8-93 Michigan Bell Communications -Add. 266.28 8-94 AT&T Communications -Add. 61.47 8-95 O.C. Dept. of Public Works Utilities -Glen Oaks 790.13 8-96 Waterford Twp. Water & Sewer Dept. Utilities -Water. & W.O.W.Park 13 366.00 8-97 Detroit Edison Utilities-Add.,Add.Conf.Ctr.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks & Nat.Prog. 10 993.32 8-98 Consumers Power Utilities -Glen Oaks,Water. & W.O.W.Park 1,802.15 8-99 Lori E. Taylor Cap.Pro'.,Environmental Center-Inde . 100.00 8-100 Security Fence & Supply Cap.Proj.,New Concession Bldg. -Grove. 98.26 8-101 Church's Lumber Yards Cap.Proj.,New Contact Station -Add. 67.23 8-102 Michigan Rental Service Cap.Proj.,New Concession Bldg. -Grove. 60.00 8-103 Flint Pipe Well Supply Co. Cap.Proj.,Beach Level Pump-Indep. 18.02 8-104 The Larson Co. Cap.Proj.,Drainage Imp. -Glen Oaks;Bldg.Maint.-Add.; Grounds Maint.-Add. & Inde . 811.32 8-105 Madison Electric Co. Cap.Proj.,New Contact Station-Add.,New Concession Bldg.- Grove.&Parkin Lot Li htin-Water.•Bld .Maint.-Admin. Add.,Add.Conf.Ctr.,Indep.,YAC,Water.&W.O.W.Park;Sm.Tools- Tech.Sup.;Equip.Maint.,Snowmobile-Mob.Rec.;Sp.Events-BMX 1,179.60 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND R EATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 8-106 H.L. Claeys Co. B1dg.Maint.,Misc. Plumbing Supplies -Add. 107.07 8-107 Kerr Pump & Supply B1dg.Maint.,Service on Pool Controller-R.O.W.Park 123.20 8-108 Nelson Co. B1dg.Maint.,Faucet-R.O.W.Park 66.45 8-109 American Locker Security Systems Bldg.Maint.,Lock Cylinders-W.O.W.Park 623.38 8-110 Industrial Cleaning Supply B1dg..Maint.-Wh.Lk. & YAC 11.40 8-111 Leslie Electric Co. B1dg.Maint.-Grove. 41.02 8-112 Young Supply Co. B1dg.Maint.-Grove. 50.95 8-113 James Layman B1dg.Maint./Well repair -Spring. 501.17 8-114 Most Dependable Fountains Bldg.Maint.,Hose bibb for fountain-Indep. 70.00 8-115 Glass Unlimited B1dg.Maint.-Water. 10.42 8-116 Knight -Rummel Assoc. B1dg.Maint.,Mixer valve for showers -Add. 332.00 8-117 The Rosch Co. B1dg.Maint.,Complete Water Treatment System-W.O.W.Park 2,000.00 8-118 State Wire & Terminal Bldg.Maint.-Grove.;Equip.Maint.-Wh.Lk. 225.82 8-119 Smiley Electric Equip.Maint.,Repair on Irrigation Pump -Red Oaks 715.98 8-120 Panther Sales Equip.Maint.-Grove. 27.66 8-121 Industrial Communication Co. Equip.Maint.-R.O.W.Park 212.83 8-122 DMM Industries Equip.Maint.-Grove. 58.50 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND i tEATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 8-123 Kirk's Automotive E ui .Maint.-Te h.S 48.40 8-124 Turfgrass, Inc. Grounds Maint.,Pesticide-YAC 149.13 8-125 DeWitt Barrels, Inc. Grounds Maint.,(40) Barrels-YAC 480.00 8-126 Tri-City Aggregates Haulers, Inc. Grounds Maint.,Road Gravel-Indep. 281.16 8-127 Cook's Farm Dairy Grounds Maint.-Indep. 15.00 8-128 Herk's Oxford Automotive quip.Maint.-Add. 31.50 8-129 Quality Lawn Equipment quip.Maint.-Spring. & YAC 54.50 8-130 Oxford Lumber Co. Bldg.Maint. & Grounds Maint.-Add. 261.23 8-131 VOID 8-132 Raymond Delasko Cash Advance to attend the NRPA Park Planning & Maint. School & the Park & Rec. Safety School to be held in Colorado Spgs.,Co. on 8/12-8/19/89-Indep. 737.06 8-133 Erb Lumber Equip.Maint./Materials for Picnic Tables Repair -Grove. 3,280.00 8-134 Goodyear Auto Service Center Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup.,Indep. & Showmobile-Mob.Rec. 355.06 8-135 Detroit Ball Bearing Equip.Maint.-Grove. 137.60 8-136 Burington Golf Car Dist. Equip.Maint.-Indep.,Wh.Lk. & Glen Oaks 235.46 8-137 Pfeiffer Lincoln-Mercury Equip.Maint.,Repair parts for truck-Indep. 118.10 8-138 Safety-Kleen Corp. Equip.Maint.-Glen Oaks 56.75 OAKLA14D COUNTY PARKS AND 1, AEATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 VOUCHER AMOUNT LVUI' MIM. V LLVL 1 Equip.Maint.-Grove. 20.00 8-139 Tire Wholesalers Co. Equip.Maint.-Tech.Sup.,Wh.Lk.,Spring. & YAC 261.51 8-140 Van's Auto Supply Inc. Cruise -Out Marine E ui .Maint.&Grounds Maint.-Add. Grove.&Inde 2 3.12 8-141 8-142 Mazza Auto Parts Equip.Maint.-Tech.Sup.,Add.&Indep.;Sm.Tools-Indep. 306.02 8-143 Certified Laboratories Grounds Maint.,Insecticide Spray-Wh.Lk. 91.03 Grounds Maint.,Fish Sign-Indep.;Public Info.-Admin. 424.81 8-144 Meteor Photo Co. Misc.Exp.-Admin. 9.99 8-145 Regal Feed & Supply Co. Michigan First Aid Misc.Exp.-Admin.,Add.,Indep.,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,W.O.W. Park & Mob.Rec. 2 9 8-146 Sp.Events,Hot Air Balloon Festival-YAC 18.75 8-147 Flint Area Newspapers 8-148 The Herald Advertiser Sp.Events,Hot Air Balloon Festival-YAC 41.10 Sp.Events,Sr. Citizens Events,Deposit for Pig Roast for Srs. Mexican Fiesta on 8/23/89-Inde . 300.00 8-149 Porky's Little Hot House _ 8-150 Billy Myre Rec.Sup.,D.J. Services for 8/16/89-Grove. 150.00 8-151 Lorio-Ross Entertainment Sp.Events,Sr. Citizens Events,Entertainment for Senior's Mexican Fiesta on 8/23/89-Indep. 650.00 Cap.Proj.,New Concession Bldg. -Grove. 8/456.00 8-152 Purves Excavating Inc. 8-153 Career Track, Inc. Regist. Fee for J.Pung to attend a Management Effective- ness Seminar to be held in Sterling 9 11-9 12 89-Admin. 295.00 8-154 Aco Polymer Products Cap.Proj.,Swim Pond Renov.-Indep. 3,162.00 i 0 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND , ZEATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER.. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT Cap.Proj.,Swim Pond Renov.,Air Freight for Grates - 8-155 Advantage Air Express Indep. 412.50 Cap.Proj.,Swim Pond Renov.,Ground Freight for Grates from 8-156 Oshen Air Truck Company to Airport-Indep. 230.80 Cap.Proj.,Swim Pond Renov.,Ground Freight for Grates from 8-157 Yellow Freight System Airport to Park-Indep. 147.33 Sp.Events,Sr. Citizens Events,Senior Citizens Band for 8-158 Frank Venice Ballroom Dance on 9/1/89-Water. 252.00 8-159 Safety Services, Inc. Sp.Events,Misc.-Admin.;Uniforms-Tech.Su . 78.34 8-160 United Cable Television Public Info.,8 Tapes-Admin. 80.00 Public Info.-Admin.;Sp.Events,Mountain Bike Race -Add.; 8-161 Insty-Prints Rec.Sup.,Stage Show-Mob.Rec. 89.70 8-162 Bean Bros. Bowling & Trophy Supply Sp.Events,Tennis Tourn.-T.Com lex;Rec.Su .-BMX 743.77 8-163 Jones Chemicals Rec.Sup.-R.O.W.Park & W.O.W.Park 1,938.00 Acct.Rec.-Admin.(To be reimb. by the Oak. Parks Found.); 8-164 Harvey's Office Supply Off.Sup.-Admin.,Add.,Indep.,Spring.,YAC & Nat.Prog. 154.68 8-165 McCally Tool & Supply Co. Sm.Tools,(l) Impact Wrench Kit-Tech.Sup. 189.00 8-166 Waterford Ready Mix Cap.Proj.,Beach Level Pump-Indep.;Bldg.Maint.-Add.Conf.Ct . 264.00 Per Diem & Mileage for J.Fox ($43.50),P.Lewis ($41.75) & 8-167 Sundry (Commission) A.Tomboulian ($43.50) for Commission Mtg. on 8/2/89-Admin 128.75 Cap.Proj.,New Concession Bldg. -Grove., Environmental Center 8-168 Elden's Hardware & Beach Level Pum -Inde .;Bld .Maint.-Admin.,Tech.Su ., 360.07 �� �� Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Water.,W.O.W.Park & T.Complex;Equip.Maint. 237.46 8-169 Tech.Sup.,Indep.,Water.,Skatemobile,Pu etmobile,Truck & �� Buses,Moonwalk Mobile,Prorata (All Units) & Nat.Prog.; 194.82 8-170 �� Maint.Sup.-Tech.Sup.;Sm.Tools-Tech.Su p.,YAC,W.O.W.Park & Mob.Rec.;Grounds Maint.-Indep.,Glen Oaks,YAC,Water., 8-171 W.O.W.Park & BMX;Hsk Ex Inde & T.Com lex;Off.Su p, p.- p, p p.- Indep.;Rental Property Maint.-Water.;Rec.Sup.,Skatemobil , Tent & Stage Show-Mob.Rec.;Sp.Events,Misc.-Rec.Admin. 10.43 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND 1`1 iEATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER.• VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 8-172 Drayton Plywood Co. Cap.Proj.,Environmental Center-Indep.;Bldg.Maint.-Admin.& Wh.Lk.;Maint.Sup.&Sm.Tools-Tech.Sup. 323.45 8-173 Henderson Glass B1dg.Maint.,(1) 50"x46" Glass-R.O.W.Park 664.00 8-174 Munn Ford Tractor & Equip. Equip.Maint.,Misc. repair parts -Grove. 87.25 8-175 JDX Corp. Equip.Maint.-Orion Oaks 5.75 8-176 Herk's Auto Supplies Equip.Maint.,Misc. repair parts -Grove. 99.64 8-177 North Electric Grounds Maint.-YAC 41.33 8-178 Benham Chemical Corp. Grounds Maint.-Indep. 29.22 8-179 Portable Aggregate Producers, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Add. 23.66 8-180 R.T. VanSice Misc.Exp.,Reimb. for golf ball damage to picnic table - Red Oaks 42.52 8-181 Sue Gerard Misc.Exp.,Reimb. for golf ball damage to car-Wh.Lk. 100.00 8-182 Jacobsen's Flowers Misc.Exp.-Admin. 8.95 8-183 Michigan Portable Toilets, Inc. Sp.Events,Hot Air Balloon Fest.-YAC 270.00 8-184 Sherman Publications, Inc. Sp.Events,Hot Air Balloon Fest.-YAC 38.00 8-185 J.H. Corp. Sp. Events, Plastic Pennants -BMX 99.00 - 8-186 Michigan Cash Register Off.Sup.-Add. 24.50 8-187 Day -Timers, Inc. Off.Sup.-Admin. 28.26 8-188 Bass Pro Shops, Inc. Rec.Sup.-Add. & Indep. 483.00 8-189 Clem Williams Films, Inc. Rec.Sup.,Movie Film -Grove. 122.00 OAKLAND COUN'(Y PARKS AND , AlEATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 VOUCHER 1.1i1MP PD 1/F.NTXiR PURPOSE AMOUNT 8-190 Edward C. Levy Co. Cap.Proj.,New Concession Bldg. -Grove. 395.70 8-191 Bush Brothers Asphalt Paving, Inc. Cap.Proj.,Rewire West Side of Park -Add. 3,760.00 8-192 American Fishing Center Mdse. for Resale,Worms-Indep. 77.50 8-193 Silberg & Assoc. Cap.Proj.,Parking Lot Lights-Wh.Lk.,Golf Cart Storage - Red Oaks&Parking & Lighting Improve. -Spring. 742.00 8-194 Graybar Electric Co. Cap.Proj.,New Contact Station -Add. 3,157.86 8-195 U.S. Sand &.Stone Co. Cap.Proj.,Pave Maint. Area, Drive & Cart Paths & Drainage< Imp. -Glen Oaks 2,644.61 8-196 Turfgrass, Inc. Cap.Proj.,Drainage Imp. -Glen Oaks 243.50 8-197 Amcorn Hybrids, Inc. Cap.Proj.,Upgrade #3 Green -Spring. 84.50 8-198 The Quonset Cap.Proj.,New Concession Bldg. -Grove. 19.35 8-199 The Larson Co. Cap.Proj.,Drainage Imp. -Glen Oaks;Grounds Maint.-Indep. & Glen Oaks 144.39 8-200 Phoenix Wire Cloth, Inc. Bldg.Maint.,Steel Wire-R.O.W.Park 261.00 8-201 McKay's Hardware Cap.Pro�.,New Concession Bldg.-Grove.;Bldg.Maint.-Grove.& Spring.;Grounds Maint. & Sm.Tools-Grove. 291.12 8-202 Burke Building Centers Cap.Proj.,New Contact Station-Add.&New Concession Bldg.- Grove.;Bldg.Maint.-Rec.Admin.,Add.Conf.Ctr.,Indep.,Wh.Lk. 594.20 8-203 Water.,W.O.W.Park & T.Complex;Grounds Maint.-Grove.,Indep Wh Lk ,Glen Oaks&YAC;Equip Maint -Indep &Prorata (All , _ Units);Sp.Events,Misc.-Rec.Admin.;Sm.Tools-Indep.;Rental Pro ert Maint.-Water. 48h 78 8-204 Ecotec Intergrated Pest Control B1dg.Maint.-Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park & YAC 144.00 8-205 Done Right Engraving, Inc. B1dg.Maint.,Signs-R.O.W.Park 292.56 N w OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND i i tEATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 8-206 Neutron Industries Inc. B1dg.Maint.,Paint-Red Oaks 98.96 8-207 Clawson Concrete Co. B1dg.Maint.-Add.Conf.Ctr. 482.50 8-208 Leslie Electric Co. B1dg.Maint.- Spring. 36.72 8-209 Davisburg Lumber Co. B1dg.Maint.&Grounds Maint.-Spring.&YAC;Equip.Maint.&,rSm. Tools-YAC 164.99 8-210 Tom's Hardware B1dg.Maint. & Grounds Maint.-Add. 119.80 8-211 VOID 8-212 Clyde's Frame & Wheel Service Equip.Maint.-Add. 31.60 8-213 Pfeiffer Lincoln-Mercury, Inc. Equip.Maint.,Repair parts for truck -Add. 77.90 8-214 Napa Auto Parts quip.Maint.,Tune-up parts -Add. 57.80 8-215 Ideal Mower Sales quip.Maint.,Repair parts for mowers -Glen Oaks 63.33 8-216 Spartan Oil Corp. quip.Maint.,Oil-Red Oaks 225.05 R-217 Rochester Lawn Equip. Center quip.Maint.,Tune-up parts -Add. 82.35 8-218 ZEP Manufacturing Co. quip.Maint.,Grease & Dry Graphite -Glen Oaks 120.00 8-2I9 Moore's Disposal Service quip.Maint.-Tech.Sup.,Showmobile-Mob.Rec.&BMX 38.42 8-220 Standby Power Inc. quip.Maint.,Gasket Kit & Air Tube-Indep. 84.38 8-221 Robertson Bros. Service Equip.Maint. & Rec.Sup.-R.O.W.Park 175.10 8-222 Michigan Cash Register ff.Sup.-Add.&R.O.W.Park;Equip.Maint.-Indep. 355.90 H �A OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND i AEATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 VOUCHER NITIMPPIP V rvMR PURPOSE AMOUNT Oakland Disposal Rubbish Removal-Add.,Grove.,Indep. & Glen Oaks 3,950.00 8-223 8-224 Turf Chemicals Inc. Grounds Maint.,Fertilizer-Wh.Lk. 63.00 8-225 Warren CO-OP Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks & R.O.W.Park 89.28 8-226 Scott's Lock & Key Shop Grounds Maint.-Inde . 15.00 8-227 Jacobsen's Garden Town Grounds Maint.,Landsca in materials -Add. 131.18 8-228 Pontiac Plastics Grounds Maint.-Add. 31.00 8-229 Boice Builders Supply Grounds Maint.,Expansion stri s-Glen Oaks 147.00 8-230 Astro Oil Co. Grounds Maint.,Pentaseal S ra -Inde . 3,087.50 8-231 Bordine's Better Blooms Grounds Maint.-Add.,Inde .,Glen Oaks&S rin .;Sm.Tools-In e . 258.93 8-232 Danny Paris Service Equip.Maint.,Compressor for refrigerator-Admin. 95.95 8-233 Gemini Sp.Events,Concert performance at the Cohn Amphitheater on 8/20Z89-Nat Proa 750.00 8-234 Asbestos Management Inc. Cap.Proj.,Asbestos Abatement Program -Add. (Paymt. #2) 7,278.05 8-235 Utica Distributors, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Add. 55.71 '= 8-236 Re -Nu Electric Co., Inc. Grounds Maint.,Motor repair on irrigation pumps -Red Oaks 270.00 8-237 Oxford Co-operative Elevator Grounds Maint.-Add.;Rec.Sup.-Add. & Nat.Prog. 224.25 8-238 Drayton Swimming Pool Supply, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Add.;Rec.Sup.-W.O.W.Park 237.98 8-239 Green Gardens Greenhouse & Nursery Grounds Maint.,Flowers-Add. 247.45 OAKLA14D COUNTY PARKS AND I. kEATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER.. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT Michigan & Border Cities Golf Course 8-240 Superintendent's Assn. Membership Dues,Renewal of Annual Dues for 1990-5 rin . 40.00 8-241 Executive Strategies Publications,Reference publication of "Executive Strategies" 24 issues-Admin. 51.72 8-242 MSU Co -Op Ext. Service Publications,Reference subscription of "Landscape Alert" for 1 year -Add. 15.00 8-243 R.S. Means Co., Inc. Publications,Reference Book "Building Construction Cost Data - 1989" -Admin. 34.25 8-244 William Bonk Misc.Exp.,Reimb. for golf bail damage to screen -Red Oaks 34.45 8-245 Sundry (Mileage Reimb.) Mileage Reimb. to G.Buchanan ($7.25),S.Cox ($6.75), J.Jensen-($57.75);J.Pun ( 18.75),P.Seaman 4.50 F.Trionfi ($37.75) & M.Zednik ($92.50) for Jul 89-Admin. 225.25 8-246 Doya Video Systems, Inc. Public Info.,Videocassettes-Admin. 197.50 8-247 Jack A. Donahey Sp.Events,Mtn. Bike Race,Insurance for Fall Mtn. Bike Race -Add. 367.00 8-248 Sue Wells Sp.Events,Summer Event,Entertainment for the "Flashback To Summer Special Event"-Inde . 200.00 8-249 Bette Rieck Sp.Events,Belly Dancing,Instructor fees for June -July 1989-Water. 150.00 Equip.Rental & Off.Sup.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup., 8-250 Absopure Water Co. Add.,Indep. & Spring. 239.60 Off.Sup.-Admin. & Rec. Admin.;Bldg. Maint.-Add.;Rec.Sup., 8-251 Oakland Schools Stage Show-Mob.Rec. 15.42 8-252 American Business Concepts (ABC) Off.Sup.,Merlin Senior Ribbons-Admin. 96.60 8-253 Pontiac Stamp/Stencil & Typesetting Off.Sup.-W.O.W.Park 47.2E 8-254 The Darson Corp. Off.Sup.-Add.,Grove. & Indep. 1,000.00 8-255 Artcraft Blueprint Co. Off.Sup.,Misc. Art Supplies-Admin. 81.21 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND 1� %EATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 8-256 Ecclestone Industrial Chemicals Corp. Rec.Sup.,Sodium Bicarbonate for Pool-R.O.W.Park 92.75 8-257 Lake Louise Boat Livery Rec.Sup.,Fishing Supplies -Grove. 147.80 8-258 Robert Cowper Refund for Camping -Grove. 66.00 8-259 Amy Drumm Refund for Security Deposit -Water. 50.00 8-260 Troy Parks & Recreation Refund for Damage Deposit for Showmobile-Mob.Rec. 100.00 8-261 S.L.C. Water Service Products Cap.Proj.,New Concession Bldg.-Grove.;Equip.Maint.- Inde .•Grounds Maint.-Wh.Lk. 315-00 8-262 Michigan Bell Communications-W.O.W.Park 20.01 8-263 NCS Cleaning Services, Inc. Custodial Services -Cleaning for July 1989-Admin. 1,000.00 8-264 Beaumont Foundation/W.B. Hospital Rental-Moonwalk,.Donation to the Beaumont Foundation from the Great American Duck Rac -M 81.92 8-265 Porky's Little Hot House Sp.Events,Sr.Citizens Events,Balance for Pig Roast for the Srs. Mexican Fiesta on 8/23/89-Inde . 620-00 8-266 O.C. Dept. of Public Works Water '& Sewage Charges -Add. & Add. Conf. Ctr. 859.50 8-267 Detroit Edison Utilities -Add. & Water. 93.50 8-268 Detroit Edison Acct.Rec.-R.O.Dr.Range(To be reimb. by the Oak.Golf Dome); Utilities- Red Oaks ,R.O.W.Park ,Water. & T.Com lex 3,953.71 8-269 Consumers Power Utilities -Add. & Add. Conf. Ctr. 623.90 8-270 Marine Rescue Products Inc. Cap.Equip.,Rescue Boards-Add.,Grove. & Indep. 3,575.00 -' 8-271 Welch Motors, Inc. Cap.Equip.,Cap for Sp.Event Trailer-Mob.Rec. 665.00 8-272 AIS Continental Cap.Equip.,(1) Ditch Bucket-Tech.Sup. 690.00 OAKLA14D COUNTY PARKS AND rEATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 VOUCHER �r�nirnn PURPOSE AMOUNT 8-273 Church's Lumber Yards Cap.Proj.,New Contact Station -Add. 67.23 8-274 The Larson Co. Cap.Proj.,Drainage Imp. -Glen Oaks 240.00 8-275 Tri-City Aggregates Haulers, Inc. Cap.Proj.,New Concession Bldg. -Grove. 17,206.65 8-276 Leslie Electric Co. Cap.Proj.,New Concession Bldg. & B1dg.Maint.-Grove.; Grounds Maint.-YAC 119.90 8-277 Century Rain Aid Cap.Proj.,Drainage Imp. -Glen Oaks;Grounds Maint.-Indep., Glen Oaks,Red Oaks & R.O.W.Park 822.12 8-278 Vidosh Inc. Cap.Proj.,New Concession Bldg. & Grounds Maint.-Add. 2,200.00 Madison Electric Co. Cap.Proj.,New Concession Bldg.-Grove.,Beach Level Pump- Inde . & Parking Lot Li htin-Water.•E i .Maint.-Tech. 8-279 Sup.,Prorata (All Units) & Sp.Events Mob.-Mob.Rec.;Bldg. Maint.-Add.,Add.Conf.Ctr. Grove. Water. & W. . Grounds Maint.-YAC 3,334-97 Oakland Hardware Cap.Proj.,New Contact Station; B1dg.Maint., Grounds Maint. & Sm. Tools -Add. 81-97 8-280 Meijer cc ec.- min. o be rei y the Oak. Parks Found. Public Info.-Admin.;Off.Sup.-Rec.Admin.&Indep.;Grounds 8-281 Maint.-BMX;B1dg.Maint.,Show Mobile-Mob.Rec.;Rec.Sup.- Add.,Grove.,R.O.W.Park Skatemobile Mime Mobil Mobile,Day Camp & Stage Show-Mob-Rec. 380.44 8-282 Pioneer Hardware Cap.Proj.,Upgrade #3 Green-Spring.;Bldg.Maint.,Equip. Maint.,Grounds Maint. & Sm.Tools-Wh.Lk. 441.12 8-283 Halbig's Landscaping Cap.Proj.,New Concession Bldg. -Grove. & Upgrade #3 Green- S rin .;Grounds Maint.-Add. 31066-00 O.C. Health Dept. B1dg.Maint.-Wh.Lk. 30.00 8-284 8-285 Eastman Fire Protection Co. B1dg.Maint.,Fire Extinguisher Accessories -Add. 73.13 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND tEATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 VOUCHER AMO U I IT tar rnnnco �rFnTmR P 11 R P O S E 8-286 H.L. Claeys & Co. B1dg.Maint.,Misc. Plumbing Supplies-R.O.W.Park 97.20 8-287 Hydro Dynamics B1dg.Maint.,Repaired (2) Submersible Pumps -Add. 4,650.27 8-288 Riemer Floors, Inc. B1dg.Maint.-Wh.Lk. 4.87 8-289 Pontiac Plastics B1dg.Maint.-Add. 38.40 Lake Orion Lumber Co. B1dg,Maint. & Grounds Maint.-Add. 537.53 8-290 8-291 Industrial Cleaning Supply Co. B1dg.Maint.-YAC; Hskp.Exp.-Red Oaks 27.30 8-292 Mr. Uniform & Mat Rental Service Laundry-Admin.;Equip. Rental -Add. & Indep.;Hskp.Exp.- YAC & Water. 145.46 8-293 Jean's Hardware Cap. Proj.,Drainage Imp., Bldg. Maint.,Equip. Maint./Grounds Maint.._& Off.Sup.-Glen Oaks Equip.Maint. & Sm. Tools -Red Oaks & R.O.W. Park; Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks 220.38 232.09 8-294 C & I Auto Parts, Inc. 8-295 John R Lumber Equip.Maint. & Grounds Mai.nt.-Red Oaks & R.O.W.Park;Bldg. iMaint: & Sm.Tools-R.O.W.Park _ 325.13 8-296 Pontiac Truck Center Equip.Maint., Bus Repair-Mob.Rec. 1,033.23 8-297 Weingartz Supply Co. Equip.Maint.-Grove.,Indep. & Red Oaks 223.70 8-298 M & H Chemical Inc. Equip.Maint.,(1-55 gal.) Antifreeze -Grove. 356.60 8-299 Howard's Equip. Service Equip.Maint.-Add. 6.34 a 8-300 Certified Laboratories Equip.Maint.-Wh.Lk.;B1dg.Maint.-R.O.W.Park 257.80 8-301 Lawn Equipment Service Equip.Maint.,Repair parts for mower -Spring. 126.31 8-302 Industrial Vehicle Sales Equip.Maint.-Grove.,Indep. & Red Oaks 276.43 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 VOUCHER NIT 1MRTA vFNnnR PURPOSE AMOUNT 8-303 Spartan Oil Corp. Equip.Maint.-Grove. & Red Oaks 169.9 8-304 Tennant Co. Equip.Maint.,Squeegee Blades-R.O.W.Park 88.85 8-305 M.E. Miller Tire Co. Equip.Maint.,Tire & Tube -Glen Oaks 91.43 Parts Associates, Inc. Equip.Maint.-Glen Oaks 31.71 8-306 8-307 American Locker Security Systems, Inc. Equip.Maint.,Lockers-R.O.W.Park 627.71 8-308 Wolverine Golf Cars Inc. Golf Cart Rental,(20) Golf Cars on 7/13 & 7/20/89-Glen OakE 520.00 8-309 Associated Specialties Co. Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks & Red Oaks 71.90 8-310 Utica Distributors, Inc. Grounds Maint.,(1) Sprayer -Add. 99.99 8-311 Michigan Portable Toilets, Inc. Grounds Maint.,(2) Units for July 1989-Glen Oaks 100.00 8-312 Southlane Maint. Co. Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks 18.00 Tri-Safety Symbol Signs Grounds Maint.,(3) Signs-Indep. 96.23 8-313 8-314 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Orion Oaks,Indep.,Wh.Lk., Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,S rin R.O.W.Park YAC Wa er. Park & Nat.Pr 8-315 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry-Wh. Lk.,RedOaks,R.O.W.Park,Water. & W.O.W.Park 32.7 8-316 G.A.Thompson & Sons, Inc. Rental Property Maint.-Wh.Lk. 10.81 8-317 Baker, Abbs, Cunningham & Klepinger,Inc. Effective Productions Public Info., Marketing Services for August, 1989-Admin. 2,100.00 Public Info.,Video Editing-Admin. 135.00 8-318 i N 0 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS ANI) 'tEATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER.. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 8-319 Madison Heights Parks & Rec. Public Info.,Ad in 1989 Summer Brochure-Admin. 210.00 8-320 Travel Hub, Inc. Sp.Events-,County Employees, Deposit on lodging portion for St. Louis Weekend Getaway on 11 10-12 89-Rec.Admin. 200.00 8-321 Merchants Equip. Co. Sp.Events,Fall Event,(400) Orange Boards-Indep. 296.00 8-322 Richard Brown Sp.Events,Hot Air Balloon Fest.,Weather Balloons for games & Fuel for Mobile Home Balloonists Office site-YAC 25.90 8-323 Ralph Richard Travel Reimb. for attending a Liaison Mtg. w/Planning & Building Committee Chairman, Orion Oaks Milla e, held in Pontiac, MI on 8/1/89-Admin. 7.64 3-324 Diversified Business Products, Inc. Off.Sup.,Copy Machine Service for July, 1989-Admin. 273.00 8-325 Steel Equip. Co. Off.Sup.,Shelf & Shelf Dividers-Admin. 133.5 8-326 BSN Corp. Rec.Sup.,(4) Megaphones -Grove. & Inde . 407.44 8-327 Robertson Bros. Service, Inc. Rec.Sup.,(1) Frame & Grate for Pool-R.O.W.Park 52.00 8-328 Clem Williams Films, Inc. Rec.Sup.,Movie Films -Grove. 168.50 8-329 Jones Chemicals Rec.Sup.,Hypochlorite Solution-R.O.W.Park & W.O.W.Park 5,076.00 8-330 Frances Edington Refund for Group Reservation -Grove. 90.00 8-331 Karen Smith, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Admin. 228.36 8-332 Sundry (Mileage Reimb ) Mileage"Reimb. to J.Condon ($29.50)-Admin.,G.Berschbach ($34.50)-S rin . & R.Granitz 10.75-Nat.Pr 74.7q 8-333 Sundry (Payroll) Pay period ending 8/11/89-All Parks 212,225.03 8-334 Total Building Concepts, Inc. Cap.Pro-j./New Concession Bldg. -Grove. (Paymt. #k7 Final) 20,030.88 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND IkAEATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER- VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 8-335 R.J. Reilly Platform Tennis Courts Cap.Proj.,Platform Tennis Repair -Water. (2nd Payment) 11,264.00 8-336 Sundry (Misc.) Misc.Exp.,Ski Patrol Dues for C.Allegrina,S.Berney, D.Brown,S.Campbell,B.Winter,K.Doughert ,H.Frank,M.Frank, M.Freed,L.Marsh,A.McInnis,J.Meloche,T.Smith,D.Stencil, L.Wolok,J.Johnson,P.Bafile,D.Wilson,S.Penn & B.Bartle ($42 ea.) -Add. & Indep. 840.00 8-337 Consumers Power Utilities-Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks,R.O.W.Park, S rin & YAC 21,514.45 8-338 O.C. Dept. of Public Works Utilities -Glen Oaks 55.16 8-339 Western Tennis Assn. p. ven s, ennis Tourn.,Sanction fee for May 25-27,1990 llth Annual MI Memorial Open-T.Complex 30.00 8-340 Detroit Edison Utilities-Grove.,Red Oaks,Spring.,YAC,Water. & W.O.W.ParR 15,170.28 8-341 Comcast Sound Communications Cap.Equip.,Sound Equipment for Stage Show-Mob.Rec. 81950.00 8-342 North Electric Supply Co. Cap.Proj.,New Concession Bldg. -Grove. 144.17 8-343 Advance Floors Cap.Proj.,New Concession Bldg. -Grove. 10.40 8-344 Sludge Management Corp. B1dg.Maint.,Concession B1.dg.-Grove. 5,210.00 8-345 Eiden Equipment Co. Cap.Proj.,Picnic Shelter/Conc. B1dg.,BMX-Water.;Equip. Maint.-Tech.Su .,Add.&Red Oaks;Sm.Tools-Tech.Su . B1dg.Maint.-Add. & Spring. 865.09 _ 8-346 Young Supply Co. Bldg.Maint.-Add.;Cap.Pro'.,New Concession Bldg. -Grove. 203.00 8-347 O.C. Road Commission Per Diem to R.Vogt for mtg. on 8/2/89-Admin. 35.00 8-348 Pontiac Paint Co. Bldg.Maint.-Add.,Indep.&Wh.Lk.;Grounds Maint.-Add.,Wh.Lk. & Glen Oaks;Equip.Maint.-Indep.;Rental. Prop. Maint.-Wate . 963.73 i N N OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND 1, (EATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER. • VENDOR PURPOSE AtA n i l r i T 8-349 Jo -John Gallery B1.dg'.Maint.,Artwork,Matting & Framing-Admin. 116.48 8-350 Scott's Lock & Key B1dg.Maint.-YAC & W.O.W.Park 49.35 8-351 Glass Unlimited Bldg.Maint.-Water. 10.42 8-352 Balance Engineering Co. B1dg.Maint.,Balance Fans for Wave Pool-W.O.W.Park 240.00 8-353 Drayton Swimming Pool Supply Inc. Grounds Maint.-Add.;Bldg.Maint. & Sm.Tools-W.O.W.Park 196.66 8-354 Michigan Portable Toilets, Inc. Equip. Rental -Orion Oaks & BMX 315.00 8-355 Petrolane Gas Service Equip.Maint.-Add. 274.53 8-356 University Lawn Equipment Inc. Equip.Maint.-Add. 15.90 8-357 Tennant Co. Equip.Maint.,Solid 12x4x8 Tire-R.O.W.Park 205.00 8-358 Michigan Cash Register Corp. Equip.Maint.-R.O.W.Park 45.00 8-359 Alternator -Starter Shop II Equip.Maint.,Repair on Generator -Add. 68.00 8-360 Industrial Cleaning Supply Co. Equip.Maint.-YAC 32.27 8-361 Stadium Auto Supply Equip.Maint.-Add. 10.00 8-362 Mid -States Petroleum, Inc. Equip.Maint.-Add.,Grove.,Glen Oaks & Red Oaks 1,035.54 8-363 Petrolane Gas Service Utilities -Grove. 483.12 8-364 Turf Chemicals, Inc. Grounds Maint.,Fertilizer-Wh.Lk. 126.00 8-365 The Larson Co. Grounds Maint.-Indep. 24.92 i N W OAKLANO COUNTY PARKS AND 1, EATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 P11RPnSF AMOUNT - 8366 ` BNS Sports Grounds.Maint.,Windscreen-T.Complex 192.50 8-367`: oxford Mining Co. Grounds Maint.,Road Gravel-Wh.Lk. 181.43 . 8-368 ' Resident Trust Fund Misc.Exp.,Prisoner Labor for June, 1989-Add. ,Grove., Indep. & YAC 447.50 8-369 Baker,Abbs,,Cunningham & Klepinger,Inc Public Info.,Payments for space for "Cowabunga" Waterpar billboards-Admin. (2nd & 3rd of 3 pa._ym=n t 4,500.00 -8-370 TAC Business Forms, Inc. Public Info,,51400 Camping & Wave Pool Brochures-Admin. 1,503.89 Effective Productions Public Info.,Video Editing-Admin. 120.00 8-371 Annalee.Associates Public Info.,O.C.P.&R. logo Lapel Pins-Admin. 362.00 8-372 Tom Maynard. Sp.Events,Hot.Air Balloon Fest.,Payment for Balloonists _ Services Jul 22 100.0�0 8-373 8-374 Jackio.Mc'Parlane Sp.Events,Sr.Citizens-Events,Reimb. for.the purchase of 4 Pinatas for Mexican Fiesta-Indep. 35.96 Lee.Specialty Co. .Gnie'wek's Inc,. Sp.Events,Volunteer Recognition,Quartz Clocks w/ O.C.P.R.C. Logo-Rec Admin. Sp.Events,Sr.Citizens Events,Golf Trophies for Srs./ Retirees Tourn.-Wh.Lk. & Glen Oaks 1,023.01 ' 560.00 8-375 8-376 areer.Track. Conf. Regist. Fee for S.Cox to attend a seminar "How to deal Conf dentl & S �� 8-377 to be held in Southfield, MI on 9/13%89-Admin. 48.00 8-378. Michigan State University Conf. Regist. Fee for J.Sowels to attend a "Project Management Seminar to be held in Troy, MI on 11,/6-11/8/89-Tech.Su ' 925.00 8-879 King's Court Travel & Conf.,R.Richard,•.McParlane,J.Figa,P.SteVens & J M.Wright attended an Orion .Oaks%Mllage Planning Mtg. in Pontiac, MI on 7/25/89-Admin." 30.10 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND i ZEATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 VOUCHER NUMBER., VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 8-380 Mary Zednik Regis. Reimb.'for the "Metro Detroit Convention & Visitors Bureau" Conf. to be held in Detroit, MI on 9/11/89-Admin 20.00 8-381 Kevin Poeppe Reimb. for Travel Exp. for attending a Landscape Class held in Macomb County Parks on 8 9 89-Inde . 10.00 8-382 Les Barron Reimb. for Travel Exp. for attending a Landscape Class held in Macomb County Parks on 8/9/89-Inde . 10.00 8 383 Robert Lay Reimb. for Travel Exp. for attending a Landscape Class held in macomb County Parks on 8/9/89-Inde . 10.00 8-384 Done -Right Engraving, Inc. Uniforms -Nat. Prog. 9.75 8-385 Day -Timers, Inc. Off.Sup.-Admin. 23.91 8-386 Construction Assn. of MI. Off.Sup.-Admin. 2.50 8-387 Memorex Corp. Off.Sup.-Admin. 43.08 8-388 American Business Concepts Off.Sup.-Admin. 89.20 8-389 Madison -Troy Office Supply Off.Sup.-R.O.W.Park 16.05 8-390 Pontiac Stamp,Stencil & Typesetting Off -.Sup. --Logo Stamps-R.O.W.Park 50.00 8-391 Stromberg Products Off.Sup.-Mob.Rec. 43.93 8-392 American Fishing Center Mdse. for Resale-Indep.;Rec.Sup.-Nat.Prog. 72.65 8-393 Moby Dick Pet Store Rec.Sup.tFishing Supplies-Nat.Prog. 59.12 5 8-394 Clem Williams Films, Inc. Rec.Sup.,Movie Films -Grove. 57.00 8-395 Janet Stickley, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Mob.Rec. & Rec.Admin. 114.39 - 8-396 Ray Delasko, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Indep. 53.71 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND 1,_'REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER AUGUST, 1989 VOUCHER NrIMRFR . VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 8-397 Joan Allison Refund for Camping -Add. 77.00 8-398 James Mansfield Refund for Damage Deposit-YAC 50.00 8-399 Sundry (Refunds) Fees,Camping refund to D.Watson ($65) & M.Lecours ($5.50) Grove. 70.50_ 8-400 Sundry (Refunds) Entrance Fees,Swim Class refund to R.Bastedo ($46) & N.Morse ($46)-W.O.W.Park 92.00 8-401 R.J. Reilly Platform Tennis Courts Cap. Proj. Platform Tennis Repair -Water. 3rd & final t. 10,464.00 8-402 Total Building Concepts, Inc. Cap.Proj.,New Concession Bldg. -Grove. (Paymt. #7) 17,995.89 SUB -TOTAL FOR VOUCHER REGISTER FOR AUGUST $ 752,702.60 8-334 Total Building Concepts, Inc. Cancelled check due to incorrect amount. (20,030.88) NET SUB -TOTAL FOR VOUCHER REGISTER FOR AUGUST $ 732,671.72 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AN, .<ECREATION COMMISSION INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER July, -1989 (For Month of June, 1989) SOURCE DEPARTMENT PURPOSE AMOUNT Acct.Rec.-R.O.Dr.Range (To be reimb. by Oak. Golf Dome); Inv. #375 Communications Fund Communications-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Add.,Grove.,Indep., $ Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,YAC,Water., W.O.W.Park T.Com lex & Nat.PrQg. 6,091.72 Inv. #652 Computer Services Fund Equip.Rental & Public Info.-Admin.;Off.Sup.-Rec.Admin. 1,565.19 B1dg.Maint.-Admin.;Grounds Maint.-Orion Oaks,Water., Inv. #569 Facilities & Operations Fund W.O.W.Park,T.Com lex & BMX 5,846.72 Inv. #233 Fringe Benefit Fund Fringe Benefit Charges for the month of June,89-All ParRs 102,366.43 Inv. #155 General Fund Property Tax Refund-Admin. 80.39 Security Charges for June,1989 & New rate adj. for Jan.- Inv. #156 General Fund June -Add. Grove.,Orion Oaks,Inde .,R.O.W.Park,YAC & W.O.W.Park;Mileage paid to Parks Commission-R.Kuhn,T. Law&J.Olsen for June, 1989 27.75 &Per Diem. id to Parks Commission-G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, T. Law&J. Olsen thru June, 1989 ($490_)-Admin. __ Acct. Rec. -BMX ( To be reimb. by the BMX Volunteer Assn.} Inv. #512 Materials Mgmt. Fund Cap.Pro'.,Platform Tennis Re air-Water.•Hsk .Ex .-Admin. Add.,Grove.,Orion Oaks,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks, Spring.,R.O.W.Park,YAC,Water.&W.O.W.Park;Off.Su .-Admin. Tech.Sup.,Add.,,Grove.,Indep.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,T.Comple , •Rec.Su Maint.-Grove.,Indep.&Moonwalk Mobile-Mob.Rec.;Grounds _ Maint.-Grove. Wh.Lk.&BM Jr.Tourn.-Wh.Lk.&Spring.,Sr.Citizens Events-Water.&BMX; r Bld .Maint.-W.O.W.Park " Transportation-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove., Inv. #267 Motor Pool Fund Orion Oaks,Inde Wh.Lk. Glen Oaks,Red O k Water.,Mob.Rec.&Nat.Prog.;Insurance-Tech.Sup.,Add., Grove.,Orion Oaks Inde Wh.Lk. Glen Oaks,Red k Spring.&Mob.Rec.;Equip.Maint.-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove., Orion Oaks,Inde .,Wh.Lk. Glen Oaks,Red Oak r'n Water.,Truck & Buses-Mob.Rec.&BMX 21,974.47 i N J OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS ANC .ECREATION COMMISSION INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER July, 1989 (For Month of June, 1989) SOURCE DEPARTMENT PURPOSE AMOUNT Inv. #637 Office Equipment Fund Equip.Rental-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove., Inde p.,Spring.,YAC,Water.&Nat.Prog.;Sp.Events,Golf Classes -Water. 355.55 Inv. #502 Printing & Mailing Fund Public Info.-Admin.;Off.Sup.-Admin.,Grove.,Mob.Rec.& Nat.Pr .;Rec.Su .-Grove.;S .Events Sr.Citizens Events- Wh.Lk. & Glen Oaks, Scramble -Spring., Square Dancing - Water. 3,059.00 Inv. #117 Radio Communications Fund Radio ain .- min., ec. min., ec .Sup.,A .,Grove., Orion Oaks,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring., R.O.W.Park,YAC,Water.,W.O.W.Park,Mob.Rec.&Nat.Prog.; E ui .Maint.-Tech.Su .,Inde .&Pu etmobile-Mob.Rec.; B1dg.Maint.-Inde . 4,023.20 TOTAL FOR INTERDEPARTMENTAL VOUCHER REGISTER $ 187,810.45 N •o' c OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER August, 1989 (For Month of July, 1989) SOURCE DEPARTMENT PURPOSF AMn1JNIT Acct.Rec.-R.O.Dr.Range (To be reimb. by Oak. Golf Dome); Inv. #457 Communications Fund Communications-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk., $ Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,YAC,Water.,W.O.W. Park,T.Com lex & Nat.Pr 5,246.16 Inv. #792 Computer Services Fund E ui .Rental-Admin.;Off.Su .-Admin. & Rec.Admin. 1,853.04 Cap.Proj.,Platform Tennis Repair-Water.;Bldg.Maint.- Inv. #692 Facilities & Operations Fund Admin.&Tech.Su .•Grounds Maint.-Water.,W.O.W.Park&T.Com ex 5,666.45 Inv. #285 Fringe Benefit Fund Fringe Benefit Charges for the month of July, 1989-All Parks 108,445.23 Inv. #186 General Fund Property Tax Refund-Admin. 640.54 Security Charges, Part of July -Add., Grove., Orion Oaks, Inv. #187 General Fund Inde .,R.O.W.Park & W.O.W.Park;S .Events-BMX;Milea e paid to Parks Commission-R.Kuhn ($2), J.Olsen ($20) & T.Law 3.75 thru July, 1989-Admin. 4.053.59 Hs p.Exp.-A min.,Tec .Sup., ., rove., n ep., ., Inv. #631 Materials Management Fund Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,YAC&W.O.W.Park; Off.Sup.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk., Red Oaks&R.O.W.Park•Rec.Su .-Add.&Da Cam-Mob.Rec.- Misc.Exp.-Indep.;Sp.Events,Sr.Citizen Events -Water.; E ui Maint. Prorata All Units-Mob.Rec. 4,534.84 asc.Exp.-A min.;Transportation-A min.,Rec.A min.,Tec . Inv. #322 Motor Pool Fund Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Orion Oaks,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks, Red Oaks,Spring.,YAC,Water.,Mob.Rec.&Nat.Prog.;Equip. Maint.-Tech.Su Grove. Orion Oaks Inde Wh.Lk. Red Oaks S rin Water. Truck & Buses-Mob.Rec. & BMX 21,488.97 gdepnan- min.,Rec.A mzn.,Tec .Sup.,A .,Grove., Inv. #774 Office Equipment Fund In.,S prg.,YAC,Water.&Nat.Prog. 350.55 Inv. #617 Printing & Mailing Fund Public Info.-Admin.;Sp.Events,Hot Air Balloon Fest.-YAC; Off.Sup. -Admin. I Rec.Admin. I Indep. I Spring. &Nat. Pr iRec.Sup.-Add.&Grove. 1,566.78 OAKLA14D COUNTY PARKS AND ,cCREATION COMMISSION INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER August, 1989 , (For Month of July, 1989) SOURCE DEPARTMENT PURPOSE AMOUNT Inv. #143 Radio Communications Fund Radio Maint.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove., Orion Oaks,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,S rin ., $ .O.W.P k A 2,138.65 TOTAL FOR INTERDEPARTMENTAL VOUCHER REGISTER $ 155,984.80 I� .A w 0 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION TRANSFER VOUCHER REGISTER JULY, 1989 SOURCE DEPARTMEtIT PIJRPnSF AMn11MT 7-231 General Fund Current Year Taxes,Correction of earlier distribution of single business tax-Admin. $ 2,433.67 7-486 General Fund Fringe Benefits-Disability,2nd Quarter reserve for premium increase-Admin. 272.57 7-631 General Fund Bldq.Maint.,Alarm System Materials & Locks-Addison,Grove. & R.O.W.Park 339.48 TOTAL $ 3,045.72 t OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ANALYSIS OF FUND BALANCE AS OF 7/31/89 FUND BALANCE, 1/1/89 ADDITIONS: REVENUE OVER OPERATING EXPENSE AS OF 7/31/89 NET COLLECTIONS ON ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE DNR GRANT - GROVE. PHASE III NET DEPRECIATION EXPENSE DEDUCTIONS: PAYMENTS ON CAPITAL PROJECTS NET OPERATING EQUIPMENT PURCHASES NET PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNTS PAYABLE INTERDEPARTMENTAL INVOICES IN TRANSIT INCREASE IN MERCHANDISE FOR RESALE SUMMARY OF FUND BALANCE CASH ON HAND INVESTMENTS WITH THE COUNTY TREASURER $3,139,534.79 592,029.85 118,624.37 265,849.05 ------------- $ 934,685.93 524,417.94 178,126.22 155,984.80 4,960.19 ------------- $ 2,826,112.24 4,116,038.06 -------------- $ 6,942,150.30 1,798,175.08 -------------- $ 5,143,975.22 -------------- -------------- $ 902,025.35 4,241,949.87 -------------- $ 5,143,975.22 5-1 OAKLAND COUNTTATERKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION PEATIONS FOR MONTH ENDING 7/31/89 COMBINED STATEMENT YEAR TO 1989 OVER(-), % OF ******** REVENUE ******** DATE BUDGET UNDER BUDGET BUDGET MILLAGE & INTEREST INCOME $5,095,362.53 $5,072,000.00 $-23,362.53 -0.5% RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 4,899.63 14,200.00 9,300.37 34.5% ADDISON OAKS: PARK 104,724.28 195,100.00 90,375.72 53.7% CONFERENCE CENTER 26,046.62 80,400.00 54,353.38 32.4% GROVELAND OAKS 243,862.86 395,600.00 151,737.14 61.6% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 121,853.71 215,500.00 93,646.29 56.5% ORION OAKS 0.00 0.00 0.00 GLEN OAKS 396,012.44 660,900.00 264,887.56 59.9% RED OAKS: GOLF COURSE 147,407.26 230,950.00 83,542.74 63.8% DRIVING RANGE 5,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 50.0% WATER PARK 327,189.52 621,250.00 294,060.48 52.7% SPRINGFIELD OAKS: GOLF COURSE 336,673.75 523,500.00 186,826.25 64.3% WHITE LAKE OAKS 344,840.70 508,800.00 163,959.30 67.8% SPRINGFIELD YAC 22,830.62 146,000.00 123,169.38 15.6% WATERFORD OAKS: PARK 50,839.13 76,200.00 25,360.87 66.7% WATER PARK 179,278.57 339,500.00 160,221.43 52.8% TENNIS COMPLEX 10,406.50 24,000.00 13,593.50 43.4% BMX 42,691.30 70,600.00 27,908.70 60.5% MOBILE RECREATION 44,070.01 134,500.00 90,429.99 32.8% NATURE PROGRAM 1,941.50 5,100.00 3,158.50 38.1% THERAPEUTIC PROGRAM 8.00 3,200.00 3,192.00 0.3% TOTAL REVENUE $7,505,938.93 $9,327,300.00 $1,821,361.07 80.5% ** OPERATING EXPENSES *** ADMINISTRATION $732,421.35 $1,340,600.00 $608,178.65 54.6% RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 140,030.51 216,400.00 76,369.49 64.7% TECHNICAL SUPPORT 302,389.12 529,840.00 227,450.88 57.1% ADDISON OAKS: PARK 368,500.49 643,800.00 275,299.51 57.2% CONFERENCE CENTER 29,091.03 60,300.00 31,208.97 48.2% GROVELAND OAKS 322,489.82 551,700.00 229,210.18 58.5% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 386,310.00 665,950.00 279,640.00 58.0% ORION OAKS 41,896.01 98,200.00 56,303.99 42.7% GLEN OAKS 264,304.32 449,850.00 185,545.68 58.8% RED OAKS: GOLF COURSE 170,227.29 289,450.00 119,222.71 58.8% DRIVING RANGE 1,721.32 4,000.00 2,278.68 43.0% WATER PARK 255,886.90 475,600.00 219,713.10 53.8% SPRINGFIELD OAKS: GOLF COURSE 262,818.36 465,650.00 202,831.64 56.4% WHITE LAKE OAKS 233,031.84 423,250.00 190,218.16 55.1% SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC 76,894.95 165,280.00 88,385.05 46.5% WATERFORD OAKS: PARK 110,522.02 202,375.00 91,852.98 54.6% WATER PARK 155,828.57 289,800.00 133,971.43 53.8% TENNIS COMPLEX 24,953.52 38,200.00 13,246.48 65.3% BMX 47,644.00 83,000.00 35,356.00 57.4% MOBILE RECREATION 187,306.75 318,800.00 131,493.25 58.8% NATURE PROGRAM 114,480.29 208,380.00 93,899.71 54.9% THERAPEUTIC PROGRAM 5,936.24 19,550.00 13,613.76 30.4% CONTINGENCY* 131,719.44 86,000.00 -45,719.44 -53.2% TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $4,366,404.14 $7,625,975.00 $3,259,570.86 57.3% REVENUE OVER/UNDER EXP. $3,139,534.79 $1,701,325.00 $-1,438,209.79 -84.5% 1989 1988 1987 ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: 80.5% 83.8% 85.2% BUDGET BALANCE: 19.5% ACTUAL EXP. TO DATE: 57.3% 56.1% 57.8% BUDGET BALANCE: 42.7% *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. CONTINGENCY BUDGET FIGURE: $14,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO MOBILE RECREATION. 5-2 vet�eut e capital I.mPr° �oPs1s G�PZT the a°�ltoxs t'° bases I, �it�' a sY ,. uest gtom a ,�°nttilY a teg ola resP°TLse to be brought to Y°�ageaaa gUattetl9• the saae max'�et et SuamatY well 1u°luded iu the ve this report i Bv.d�all the Pt°jets com�'issti°a tece�. °t stagf requests eratyo.os, e State�eut of OP as th 6-1 rn N OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RE ION COMMISSION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Bb, .f FOR 1989 AS OF 7/31/89 SUMMARY TOTAL FOR ALL PARKS E511MAIED 1988 1989 NET NEW ESTIMATED AMOUNT PAID CONTRACT(S) PROJECT PARK ----------------------- PROJECT COST --------------- ADJUSTMENT ------------ --- ADJUSTMENT --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- PROJECT COST --------------- (NET RETAINER) --------------- AWARDED BALANCE --------------- BALANCE --------------- ADMINISTRATION $2,928,789.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,928,789.00 $(808,579.48) $0.00 $2,120,209.52 ADDISON OAKS 593,085.68 (121,198.06) 54,116.90 (67,081.16) 526,004.52 (173,216.74) (26,583.44) 326,204.34 GROVELAND OAKS 1,454,185.11 (771,219.11) 800.00 (770,419.11) 683,766.00 (614,179.98) (9,683.08) 59,902.94 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 913,042.75 (626,615.75) 11,317.80 (615,297.95) 297,744.80 (212,769.94) (1.00) 84,973.86 ORION OAKS 652,301.00 (200,301.00) 30,601.20 (169,699.80) 482,601.20 (381,966.65) (634.55) 100,000.00 GLEN OAKS 226,129.30 (144;053.30) 0.00 (144,053.30) 82,076.00 (35,043.32) (2,463.51) 44,569.17 RED OAKS 5,097,437.00 (4,997,471.00) 0.00 (4,997,471.00) 99,966.00 (21,252.72) (77.94) 78,635.34 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 379,742.00 (89,677.00) 12,455.00 (77,222.00) 302,520.00 (264,795.23) (8,025.59) 29,699.18 WHITE LAKE OAKS 312,729.00 (127,488.00) 0.00 (127,488.00) 185,241.00 (26,212.19) (7,000.00) 152,028.81 WATERFORD OAKS 608,084.01 (118,084.01) 11,484.96 (106,599.05) 501,484.96 (46,226.03) 0.00 455,258.93 CONTINGENCY 67,718.15 0.00 59,346.93 59,346.93 127,065.08 0.00 0.00 127,065.08 CAPITAL PROJECTS TOTAL $13,233,243.00 $(7,196,107.23) $180,122.79 $(7,015,984.44) $6,217,258.56 $(2,584,242.28) $(54,469.11) $3,578,547.17 i CAPITAL VEMENT BUDGET FOR 1989 NS OF 7/31/89 ACTG. D. & D. ESTIMATED 1988 1989 NET NEW ESTIMATED AMOUNT PAID CONTRACT(S) PROJECT NO. ----- NO. ------- ADMINISTRATION ----------------------- ------- PROJECT COST --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- --------------- ADJUSTMENT PROJECT COS] --------------- (NET RETAINER) --------------- AWARDED -BALANCE -------------- BALANCE ---- ----------- 010 ADM-02 NEW ADMINISTRATION BLDG. $788,789.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $788,789.00 $(777,199.65) $0.00 $11,589.35 011 ADM-03 FUTURE ACQUISITION & IMP. 2,100,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,100,000.00 0.00 0.00 2,100,000.00 012 ADM-04 SITE DEVELOPMENT & IMP. 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 (31,379.83) --------------- 0.00 --------------- 8,620.17 --------------- ADMINISTRATION TOTAL --------------- $2,928,789.00 1 -------------- $0.00 --------------- --------------- $0.00 $0.00 --------------- $2,928,789.00 $(808,579.48) $0.00 $2,120,209.52 rn I W rn OAKLAND COUNT !KS AND RECREATION COMMISSION CAPITAL _ JVEMENT BUDGET FOR 1989 AS OF 7/31/89 ACTG. D. & D. ESTIMATED 1988 1989 NET NEW ESTIMATED AMOUNT PAID CONTRACT(S) PROJECT NO. ----- NO. ------- ADDISON OAKS ------------------------------ PROJECT COST ------------- -- ADJUSTMENT --------------- ADJUSTMENT ------------------------------ ADJUSTMENT --------------- PROJECT COST (NET RETAINER) --------------- AWARDED BALANCE ----------- ---- --------------- BALANCE U87 AO-01 OLD MILKHOUSE $15,150.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15,150.00 $(150.00) $0.00 $15,000.00 089 AO-02 BOTANICAL GARDENS 15,431.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,431.00 (4,430.53) 0.00 11,000.47 094 AO-03 ROOF REPAIR* 56,370.00 (56,370.00) 0.00 (56,370.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 095 AO-04 CONCESSION BLDG. REPAIR 15,285.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,285.00 (4,284.60) 0.00 11,000.40 098 AO-06 NEW DOCKS 14,980.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,980.00 (5,316.32) 0.00 9,663.68 IOU AO-08 TREE PLANTING* 6,459.00 (6,459.00) 0.00 (6,459.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 101 AO-09 PAINT WATER LOWER* 2d,317.00 (20,317.00) 0.00 (20,317.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 103 AO-16 X-COUNTRY SKI TRAIL* 21,718.00 (21,718.00) 0.00 (21,718.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 104 AO-10 PLAY LOT 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 105 AO-11 REPAIR SPLIT RAIL FENCE* 13,760.00 (13,760.00) 0.00 (13,760.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 106 AO-12 CONF. CNTR. IRRIGATION 16,571.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,571.00 (6,579.97) 0.00 9,991.03 107 AO-13 FORMAL GARDEN -ARBOR REPAIR* 1,223.00 (1,223.00) 0.00 (1,223.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 108 AO-14 REWIRE WEST SIDE OF PARK 85,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 85,000.00 (70,108.90) (3,650.00) 11,241.10 109 AO-15 NEW CONTACT STATION 30,500.00 0.00 9,756.68 9,756.68 40,256.68 (27,140.44) (13,116.24) 0.00 110 NONE SUPERVISOR'S RESIDENCE RENOV.* 605.68 (605.68) 0.00 (605.68) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 III AO-17 MASTER PLAN UPDATE 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 112 AO-18 FIRE HYDRANT PROGRAM 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 113 AO-19 MAINI.BLDG.RENOVAIION 31,686.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 31,686.00 (16,442.92) 0.00 15,243.08 114 AO-20 CAMPING PHASE 11* 30.00 (30.00) 0.00 (30.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 115 AO-21 YOUTH SHELTER AREA 45,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45,000.00 0.00 0.00 45,000.00 NONE AO-25 CONF. CNTR. BOILER** 10,000.00 (10,000.00) 0.00 (10,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 116 NONE ASBESTOS ABATEMENT PROGRAM 0.00 9,284.62 31,360.22 40,644.84 40,644.84 (30,827.64) (9,817.20) 0.00 118 AO-26 BANQUET ROOM HEATING, C. C. 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 119 AO-27 CAMPING SEPTIC FIELD 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 120 AO-28 CONF. CTNR. IMPROVEMENTS 100,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 (16.25) 0.00 99,983.75 121 AO-30 GROUP CAMP SHELTER 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 (3,990.00) 0.00 6,010.00 122 AO-31 ELECTRIC, PRIMITIVE CAMPING 8,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,000.00 (3,929.17) 0.00 4,070.83 123 NONE SEWAGE SYSTEM RENOVATION 0.00 0.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 0.00 0.00 --------------- 13,000.00 ADDISON OAKS TOTAL --------------- $593,085.68 -------------- $0 21,198.06) ------------------------------ $54,116.90 --------------- $(67,081.16) $526,004.52 --------------- $(173,216.74) --------------- $(26,583.44) $326,204.34 *CLOSED TO FIXED ASSETS **1988 OPERATING BUDGET VHRLNNU WUNt YR�, HNU KtLK[RlIUN tUmm1Z1.11UN CAPITAL )VEMENT BUDGET FOR 1989 AS OF 7/31/89 ACTG. D. & D. ESTIMATED 1988 1989 NET NEW ESTIMATED AMOUNT PAID CONTRACT(S) PROJECT NO. ----- NO. ------- GROVELAND OAKS ------------------------------ PROJECT COST --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- ADJUSTMENT ------------------------------ ADJUSTMENT --------------- PROJECT COST (NET RETAINER) --------------- AWARDED BALANCE ------------------------------ BALANCE 160 GRO-01 TREE PLANTING & LANDSCAPING $23,966.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $23,966.00 $(11,965.74) $0.00 $12,000.26 161 GRO-12 CAMPING -PHASE IIIB* 260,000.00 (260,000.00) 800.00 (259,200.00) 800.00 (800.00) 0.00 0.00 178 GRO-05 REMODEL BATHROOM -SECTION A* 37,826.00 (37,826.00) 0.00 (37,826.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 181 GRO-07 LAND ACQUISITION* 311,754.00 (311,754.00) 0.00 (311,754.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183 GRO-19 OLD CONC. BLDG, DEMOLITION* 8,600.00 (8,600.00) 0.00 (8,600.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 184 GRO-10 NEW CONCESSION BLDG. 533,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 533,000.00 (507,052.98) (9,683.08) 16,263.94 185 GRO-11 ENTRANCE GATE IMP.* 12,,290.00 (12,290.00) 0.00 (12,290.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 187 GRO-09 RAMPAGER RENOVATION* 125,000.00 (125,000.00) 0.00 (125,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 189 GRO-16 POST MARKERS & FENCING 95,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 95,000.00 (90,594.26) 0.00 4,405.74 191 GRO-19 HOUSE REMOVAL* 8,500.00 (8,500.00) 0.00 (8,500.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 192 GRO-20 BEACH IMPROVEMENTS 8,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,000.00 (2,451.42) 0.00 5,548.58 193 GRO-21 GROUP CAMP ELECTRIC 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 (1,315.58) 0.00 1,684.42 194 NONE COMFORT STATEIONS IMP.* 7,249.11 (7,249.11) 0.00 (7,249.11) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 195 GRO-30 MASTER PLAN UPDATE 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 --------------- --------------- 20,000.00 GROVELAND OAKS TOTAL --------------- $1,454,185.11 -------------- $(771,219.11) --------------- --------------- $800.00 --------------- $(770,419.11) $683,766.00 --------------- $(614,179.98) $(9,683.08) $59,902.94 *CLOSED TO FIXED ASSETS i OAKLAND COUN' 2KS AND RECREATION COMMISSION CAPITAL MOVEMENT BUDGET FOR 1989 AS OF 7/31/89 ACTG. 0. & D. ESTIMATED 1988 1989 NET NEW ESTIMATED AMOUNT PAID CONTRACT(S) PROJECT NO. ----- NO. ------- INDEPENDENCE OAKS ------------------------------ PROJECT COST --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- ------ ADJUSTMENT --------- --------------- PROJECT COST (NET RETAINER) --------------- AWARDED BALANCE ------------------------------ BALANCE 231 10-25 ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 $0 10.00) $0.00 $9,890.00 233 10-11 TWIN CHIMNEYS IMP. 27,261.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27,261.00 (24,348.57) 0.00 2,912.43 238 10-10 EXISTING TRAILS IMP. 16,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,000.00 (8,632.65) 0.00 7,367.35 239 I0-01 WETLANDS ACQUISITION* 548,173.00 (548,173.00) 2,715.00 (545,458.00) 2,715.00 (2,715.00) 0.00 0.00 242 10-12 WORKSHOP ENCLOSURE* 4,427.00 (4,427.00) 0.00 (4,427.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 243 10-02 SHELTER BLDG. ROOF REPAIRS* 36,727.00 (36,727.00) 0.00 (36,727.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 245 10-03 NATURE CENTER LANDSCAPE 4,900.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,900.00 (2,900.46) 0.00 1,999.54 249 10-06 AMPHITHEATER* 15,270.00 (15,270.00) 0.00 (15.270.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250 10-07 NATURE CENTER LOGO* 795.00 (795.00) 0.00 (795.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 253 10-09 DOCK & BOARDWALK REPAIR 49,373.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 49,373.00 (38,311.86) 0.00 11,061.14 254 I0-17 HEATING IMP.-MAIN1. BLDG.* 6,805.22 (6,805.22) 0.00 (6,805.22) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 256 NONE SUPERVISOR'S RESIDENCE RENOV.* 7,613.53 (7,613.53) 0.00 (7,613.53) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 258 I0-16 EXPAND BEACH PARKING 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 259 I0-17 MAINTENANCE BLDG. INSULATION* 6,805.00 (6,805.00) 0.00 (6,805.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 260 I0-18 SWIM POND RENOVATION 75,000.00 0.00 4,844.07 4,844.07 79,844.07 (79,843.07) (1.00) 0.00 261 10-19 FENCE S.E. PROPERTY 49,393.00 0.00 3,758.73 3,758.73 53,151.73 (53,151.73) 0.00 0.00 262 10-20 PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 263 10-21 RESIROOM VENT SYSTEM 4,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 (2,756.60) 0.00 1,243.40 264 10-32 REPLACE WOOD FENCE 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 265 10-33 HTG. CONVERSION, CONTACT BLDG. 7,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 266 I0-34 BEACH LEVEL PUMP 4,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 267 I0-35 LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENT 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 --------------- 3,000.00 INDEPENDENCE OAKS TOTAL --------------- $913,042.75 -------------- $(626,615.75) ------------------------------ $11,317.80 --------------- $(615,297.95) $297,744.80 --------------- $(212,769.94) --------------- $0.00) $84,973.86 *CLOSED 10 FIXED ASSETS UAKLAnU LVUNII •tt R� nnu KLUK liIIV" wriru �dI Vf1 4 CAPITAL 3VEMENI BUDGET FOR 1989 NS OF 7/31/89 ACTG. D. & D. ESTIMATED 1988 1989 NET NEW ESTIMATED AMOUNT PAID CONTRACT(S) PROJECT NO. ----- NO. ------- ORION OAKS ------------------------------ PROJECT COST --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- ADJUSTMENT ------------------------------ ADJUSTMENT --- PROJECT COST ------------ (NET RETAINER) --------------- AWARDED BALANCE ------------------ BALANCE ----------- 602 00-02 MASTER PLAN* $67,760.00 $(67,760.00) $0.00 $(67,760.00) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 603 00-03 FENCING* 132,541.00 (132,541.00) 0.00 (132,541.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 604 00-04 PARK DEVELOPMENT 352,000.00 0.00 30,601.20 30,601.20 382,601.20 (381,966.65) (634.55) 0.00 NONE 00-05 MAINTENANCE CENTER 100,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 0.00 0.00 --------------- 100,000.00 ORION OAKS TOTAL --------------- $652,301.00 -------------- $(200,301.00) --------------- --------------- $30,601.20 --------------- $(169,699.80) $482,601.20 --------------- $(381,966.65) --------------- $(634.55) $100,000.00 *CLOSED TO FIXED ASSETS rn V OAKLAND COUNT' 9RKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION CAPITAL OVEMENT BUDGET FOR 1989 AS OF 7/31/89 ACTG. 0. & D. ESTIMATED 1988 1989 NET NEW ESTIMATED AMOUNT PAID CONTRACTS) PROJECT NO. ----- NO. ------- GLEN OAKS ------------------------------ PROJECT COST --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- --------------- ADJUSTMENT PROJECT COST --------------- (NET RETAINER) --------------- AWARDED -BALANCE -------------- --------------- BALANCE 327 GLO-06 FENCING -FRONT OF COURSE* $24,000.00 $(24,000.00) $0.00 $(24,000.00) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 345 GLO-01 AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM* 42,825.00 (42,825.00) 0.00 (42,825.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 351 GLO-02 CLUBHOUSE LANDSCAPING 20,766.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,766.00 (20,185.07) 0.00 580.93 352 GLO-03 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT* 31,324.00 (31,324.00) 0.00 (31,324.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 353 GLO-04 PARKING LOT LIGHTS 31,310.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 31,310.00 (1,628.00) 0.00 29,682.00 357 07 & 08 PAVE CART PATHS* 45,424.00 (35,424.00) 0.00 (35,424.00) 10,000.00 (33.36) 0.00 9,966.64 358 GLO-09 REMODEL OLD MAIN]. BLDG.* 5,034.00 (5,034.00) 0.00 (5,034.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 361 GLO-12 DRAINAGE IMP. 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 (13,196.89) (2,463,51) 4,339.60 362 NONE IMPROVE #12 GREEN* 3,019.30 (3,019.30) 0.00 (3,019.30) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 363 NONE NEW TREES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 364 GLO-17 FUEL TANK & PUMP* 2,427.00 (2,427.00) 0.00 (2,427.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 --------------- --------------- 0.00 GLEN OAKS TOTAL --------------- $226,129.30 -------------- $(144,053.30) --------------- --------------- $0.00 $(144,053.30) --------------- $82,076.00 --------------- $(35,043.32) $(2,463.51) $44,569.17 *CLOSED TO FIXED ASSETS I OAKLAND COI"' PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 4 CAPI MPROVEMENT BUDGET FOR 1989 AS OF 7/31/89 ACTG. D. & D. ESTIMATED 1988 1989 NET NEW ESTIMATED AMOUNT PAID CONTRACT(S) PROJECT NO. ----- NO. ------- RED OAKS ----------------------------- ------ PROJECT COST --------------- ADJUSTMENT ------------------------------ ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT --------------- PROJECT COST --------------- (NET RETAINER) --------------- AWARDED BALANCE --------------- --------------- BALANCE 387 RO-01 LANDSCAPE IMPROVE.* $18,815.00 $02,345.00) $0.00 $0 2,345.00) $6,470.00 $(2,470.00) $0.00 $4,000.00 388 RO-03 WATER PARK* 4,957,708.00 (4,957,708.00) 0.00 (4,957,708.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 389 RO-02 INSTALL RESTROOM* 6,547.00 (6,547.00) 0.00 (6,547.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 392 RO-04 REPAVE COURSE & PRKG., RANGE* 15,278.00 (15,278.00) 0.00 (15,278.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 394 RO-07 PROTECTIVE FENCING* 3,827.00 (3,827.00) 0.00 (3,827.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 395 RO-08 W.P. ENTRANCE SIGN (CANCELLED) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 396 RO-09 GOLF CART STORAGE 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 (848.00) 0.00 19,152.00 397 RO-10 W.P. AIR CONDITIONERS (INC.-388) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 398 RO-11 W.P. FIRE HYDRANT (POSTPONED) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 399 RO-12 W.P. RAFT RENTAL BLDG. 37,496.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37,496.00 (8,159.72) (77.94) 29,258.34 400 RO-13 W.P. TICKET DSPNSING SYSTEM* 1,766.00 (1,766.00) 0.00 (1,766.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 401 RO-14 W.P. GARBAGE SCREEN 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 402 RO-22 TEE EXPANSION & BERMS 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 403 RO-24 W.P. GRATES 11,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,000.00 0.00 0.00 11,000.00 404 RO-25 W.P. WAIERSLIDE IMPROV. 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 (9,775.00) 0.00 5,225.00 RED OAKS TOTAL --------------- $5,097,437.00 ----------------------------- $(4,997,471.00) $0.00 --------------- $(4,997,471.00) --------------- $99,966.00 --------------- $(21,252.72) --------------- --------------- $(77.94) $78,635.34 *CLOSED 10 FIXED ASSETS rn �O I j OAKLAND COUN'" PARK) AND KLUKtAIIUN GUMMI"IUN 1 CAPITA ROVEMENT BUDGET FOR 1989 AS OF 7/31/89 ACTG. D. & D. ESTIMATED 1988 1989 NET NEW ESTIMATED AMOUNT PAID CONTRACT(S) PROJECT N0. ----- NO. -------- SPRINGFIELD OAKS ------------------------------ PROJECT COST --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- ADJUSTMENT ----------------------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- PROJECT COST (NET RETAINER) --------------- AWARDED BALANCE ------------------------------ BALANCE 454 SO-02 CLUBHOUSE RENOVATION $202,065.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $202,065.00 $(200,669.74) $0.00 $1,395.26 464 SO-04 CART PATH IMPROVE.* 26,236.00 (26,236.00) 0.00 (26,236.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 466 SO-01 GOLF COURSE IMPROVE.* 7,517.00 (7,517.00) 0.00 (7,517.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 470 SO-03 WATER TIMER SYSTEM REPLACEMENT 50,000.00 0.00 12,455.00 12,455.00 62,455.00 (53,693.41) (8,025.59) 736.00 471 50-05 UPGRADE N3 GREEN 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 (10,432.08) 0.00 1,567.92 473 SO-07 STARTER BOOTH* 21,561.00 (21,561.00) 0.00 (21,561.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 475 SO-08 PAINTING DAVIS HOUSE* 0,235.00 (4,235.00) 0.00 (4,235.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 476 SYAC-02 FUEL TANK REMOVAL YAC* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 477 SO-09 COURSE TREES (CANCELLED) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 478 SO-10 HEATING & COOLING* 21,628.00 (21,628.00) 0.00 (21,628.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 479 SYAC-03 REMOVE BARN YAC* 8,500.00 (8,500.00) 0.00 (8,500.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 480 SO-11 PARKING & LIGHTING IMP 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 481 SO-13 DREDGE PONDS 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 --------------- 20,000.00 SPRING. OAKS G.C. TOTAL --------------- $379,742.00 -------------- $(89,677.00) --------------- --------------- $12,455.00 --------------- $(77,222.00) $302,520.00 --------------- $(264,795.23) --------------- $(8,025.59) $29,699.18 *CLOSED TO FIXED ASSETS AC1G. D. & D. NO. NO. WHITE LAKE OAKS ---------------------------------- 302 WLO-05 ROOF REPAIR 309 WLO-01 IRRIGATION & AUTO SPRINKLER* 310 WLO-02 BUILDING REMODELING* 313 WLO-03 CART PATH IMPROVEMENT 315 WLO-06 PUMP HOUSE REPAIR* 316 WLO-07 PARKING LOT LIGHTING 317 WLO-08 MAINT. BLDG. RENOV. 318 WLO-09 FENCING* 319 WLO-13 DREDGE PONDS WHITE LAKE OAKS TOTAL *CLOSED 10 FIXED ASSETS VAKLANU LUVNI' -AKIC:> ANU KtLKCA1IVN LVMrI1Z-Z1VN CAPITAL OVEMENI BUDGET FOR 1989 AS OF 7/31/89 ESTIMATED 1988 1989 NET NEW ESTIMATED AMOUNT PAID CONTRACT(S) PROJECT PROJECT COST --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- ADJUSTMENT ------------------------------ ADJUSTMENT --------------- PROJECT COST (NET RETAINER) --------------- AWARDED BALANCE ------------------------------ BALANCE $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15,000.00 $(4,287.92) $0.00 $10,712.08 63,495.00 (63,495.00) 0.00 (63,495.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 44,258.00 (44,258.00) 0.00 (44,258.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,241.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,241.00 (20,364.27) 0.00 9,876.73 18,279.00 (18,279.00) 0.00 (18,279.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 120,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 120,000.00 (1,560.00) (7,000.00) 111,440.00 1,456.00 (1,456.00) 0.00 (1,456.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 --------------- $312,729.00 -------------- $(127,488.00) --------------- --------------- $0.00 --------------- $(127,488.00) $185,241.00 --------------- $(26,212.19) ------------------------------ $(7,000.00) $152,028.81 OAKLAND COV 'ARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION CAPITA, AOVEMENI BUDGET FOR 1989 AS OF 7/31/89 ACTG. D. & D. ESTIMATED 1988 1989 NET NEW ESTIMATED AMOUNT PAID CONTRACT(S) PROJECT NO. ----- NO. ------- WATERFORD OAKS -------------------------------- PROJECT COST --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- ADJUSTMENT ------------------------------ ADJUSIMENT PROJECT COST --------------- (NE1 RETAINER) --------------- AWARDED BALANCE ------------------------------ BALANCE 548 WAO-02 ACTIVITIES CENTER INTERIOR* $15,000.00 $0 5,000.00) $0.00 $(15,000.00) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 559 WAO-01 TECH. SUP. BLDG. IMP. 260,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 260,000.00 (7,712.62) 0.00 252,287.38 569 WAO-05 WINTER PARK ACTIVITY 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 (29.69) 0.00 19,970.31 570 WAO-17 W.P.SIORAGE/RAFT BLDG. 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 571 NONE LIGHTING BMX* 4,646.01 (4,646.01) 0.00 (4,646.01) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 572 NONE SIGN SYSTEM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 573 WAO-07 PARK FENCE* 88,438.00 (88,438.00) 0.00 (88,438.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 574 WAO-09 PARKING LOT LIGHTING 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 (16,053.07) 0.00 3,946.93 575 WAO-10 BMX IMPROVEMENT 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 (1,912.27) 0.00 28,087.73 576 WAO-11 W.P. FENCING & SHELTER 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 (8,976.40) 0.00 16,023.60 577 WAO-12 ACTIVITY CENTER ROOF 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 578 WAO-13 ACT. CNTR. BOILER REPLACEMENT* 10,000.00 (10,000.00) 0.00 00,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 579 NONE BUILDING DEMOLITION (POSTPONED) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 580 NONE PICNIC SHELTER, BMX 0.00 0.00 11,484.96 11,484.96 11,484.96 (11,484.96) 0.00 0.00 581 WAO-08 MASTER PLAN 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 NONE WAO-23 PLATFORM TENNIS REPAIR 70,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 70,000.00 (57.02) 0.00 69,942.98 WATERFORD OAKS TOTAL --------------- $608,084.01 -------------- $0 18,084.01) ------------------------------ $11,484.96 $(106,599.05) --------------- $501,484.96 --------------- $(46,226.03) --------------- --------------- $0.00 $455,258.93 *CLOSED 10 FIXED ASSETS GUMBINED TU1AL5 Ul" MUN 111 hu TOTALS - GOLF COURSES RECREATIONAL & TOTALS - SPECIAL EVENTS TOTALS - DAY USE PARKS GRAND TOTALS GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing RED OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Cross Country Skiing Golf Dome SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 19 Holes Cross Country Skiing TOTALS - GOLF COURSES Leagues/Groups Participants Leagues/Groups Participants 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 444 337 39,153 40,403 1,411 1,261 179,033 165,089 520 399 55,908 68,318 1,702 155,208 197,872 21 940 21,781 202,308 201,165 65,885 51,550 511,460 424,847 22,904 22,517 297,369 309,886 68,998 845,701 787,808 GOLF COURSES - MONTH OF JULY, 1989 YEAR TO DATE Leagues Participants Leagues Participants 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 143 123 9,932 8,727 467 393 36,986 29,617 7 3 2,919 2,555 14 11 11,007 89443 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,550 0 69 65 6,017 6,437 210 220 24,296 23,002 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 2,134 3,148 0 0 36,624 41,452 105 22 5,405 5,328 345 232 19,477 17,199 3 0 3,893 3,500 5 3 13,468 10,971 0 0 0 0 0 0 125 0 117 124 6,902 8,421 368 398 26,795 26,650 0 0 1,951 2,287 2 4 8,335 7,740 0 0 0 0 0 0 325 15 444 337 39,153 40,403 1,411 1,261 179,033 165,089 RECREATIONAL AND SPECIAL hvr'NTS - MONTH OF JULY, 1989 YEAR TO DATE MOBILE_ RECREATION Airsport Skate Mobile Mime Group Broadway Revue Puppet Mobile Sports Mobile Buses Show'Mobile SPRINGFIELD OAKS Y A C WATERFORD OAKS Activity Center Tennis Complex BMX ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM Nature Center Outreach SPECIAL EVENTS Hot Air Balloon Festival TOTALS Groups Participants Group Participants 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 1988 1989 27 17 5,620 14,200 41 38 8,560 28,797 51 36 4,088 3,760 -65 57 6,758 10,687 36 19 11,205 5,025 48 33 15,145 19,062 0 26 0 3,981 0 27 0 4,981 49 32 7,275 3,470 60 49 9,685 10,470 33 16 2,749 2,420 52 34 6,334 7,832 93 59 4,146 4,620 262 194 11,488 10,162 39 21 0 0 62 49 0 0 18 23 1,749 12,178 196 182 19,847 29,235 61 53 3,863 3,771 483 420 22,255 23,063 45 22 2,581 2,627 115 71 5,489 5,048 10 16 9,302 8,805 28 24 14,727 11,559 50 45 3,079 2,830 208 239 14,136 13,947 9 10 251 631 82 92 20,789 23,029 11,000 520 395 55,908 68,318 1,702 1,509 155,208 197,872 DAY USE PARKS AND FACILITY - ftENDANCE REPORT - MONTH OF JULY, 1989 ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers GROVELAND OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK Day Use Day Camper Overnight Group Campers ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GLEN OAKS CLUBHOUSE SPRINGFIELD OAKS CLUBHOUSE WHITE LAKE OAKS CLUBHOUSE WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK RED OAKS WATERPARK ORION OAKS J W TOTALS YEAR TO DATE Groups Participants Groups Participants 1988 1989 1988 1989 554 565 7,905 9,758 1,383 1,276 18,586 20,737 3,342 3,049 13,247 12,124 11,029 7,785 44,447 30,837 0 0 0 0 1 6 26 222 2,056 2,297 42,072 50,936 5,119 4,939 1019720 101,740 4,965 5,721 18,277 21,355 12,443 10,214 44,908 37,655 2 2 59 71 11 10 409 423 10,765 9,889 37,698 34,654 35,235 26,692 123,553 93,479 63 37 4,208 2,675 110 63 6,589 5,128 12 11 581 634 22 15 826 1,196 29 31 3,246 3,486 171 148 17,727 15,537 15 13 1,988 1,695 106 109 13,504 13,573 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 763 569 35 44 3,556 4,705 70 83 29,043 22,710 118 128 51,942 35,343 62 79 43,701 40,192 102 121 82,907 63,465 0 0 150 306 0 0 760 807 21,940 21,781 202,308 201,165 65,885 51,550 511,460 424,847 ITEM # 9 �Oys't P �rw �ZOL1 Stevens ucludes OAS rker utili� oR10� chmidt Copeland p build s� roads to lug .:. ct with S far the e 1� due e current contra ruction documents au vrigyrl Ehas Well as revisions Th leti°u °f const eats outlined rn ted by staffI as Ehase 1 has the campnd srte impr°yem n phase 1 fn1tj-a s at Orion Qa1cs � ed. ties? cons and cx aT, Ind characteristr velopmeut rncreas anded phase 1> vise e la de e-O reecessitatea by th the scope of tb1sdocomeuts f°r tb red. p er meetings n d and ction requi sum to been modifie lete the c°n'stru ��2�Wrll be. Sion approve thisntatyou TO comF 1 expenditure of d that the C°mmIs that the docume au adaiti° it is recommeUde ? artcer Stevens s° me tit staff 7 eland u ion dace n.ts W h d to Scidt fop allow conttr ct ront� roaa,s1 be par completed euditure Would hall! Waterf ties fields can be additional exp e center � dining -y�,cs and activi the Wetlands Ih1s ab1ns' maintenau nts� pedestrian Wcess• Iu additjoue state anal for the c yte i%proveme the bid Pr° lesion at th completed Utilities s ed and ready for n throvg'� t° comp rocess Will be seat time to be compl oceSs Will be fakeer plan appr°val ptatlon at the preelym1nate approval Pr° and the mast this documen as Well as soWnsYaip level CI Completing and coutiolity � rker ith otiou ToWU p ect efficiency me anal costs. mrdt Copeland pa the W oUld maintain Pro�srve start-up t� d ScY'II`�at of ScYi osts o as Well as W eu 'toad e c the need for exps a letter from ter detail o¢ t11 util Attached rovrdes much Brea 1, e pus aside u evens that p ud expanded phase esed� they may b s• St anal phase 1 a menu are compl tan far oriou oak orig docU ect once these 1`�90 millage el after the August Schmidt Copeland Parker Stevens August 23, 1989 Mr. Ralph Richard Manager Oakland County Parks & Recreation. Commission 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, r'�Iichigan 48054 Dear Ralph: Based on our review with you, Joe, and Jackie on 7/25/89, and oar follow-up phone conversations, we have outlined the additional services completed to date and the work required to complete Phase I, through construction documents. As discussed, we plan, to finish the work initiated under our current professional service agreement by the end of the year. This will allow bid- ding and construction to begin as soon as possible after voter approval of the levy next August. We recommend co-ntin..uinq ser,:- ic`.e uninterrupted and the completion- of construction documents tlow to maintain project effic'lency and cont- -Ln,.lty. Otopp-,ng -1. this point would unduly complicate completion next -_year; aid cigr,ifi.cantly to the project start-up t;.me, and add cons ider:al)ie. time and .cost to the ontire pro,:.ess . At tti.s `i-1.me, construction documents for the cabins anti aan.i nt,�- nanc r� c.eliter are complete, and the wetland application submitte:�.. Ti ii iti-es, roadways, waterfront, dining hall, and various site imnycvr: event 3 remain to be completed. In comple?.i.ng t.his work we havt� p:=rforLied a series of additional and revision ,services thu—t- rc.tlect changes and modifications to the scope of d`,-elopirlent . We nutl i.ned these services prior to their_ completion in project d - d: 2 23/89, 7/' 5/89 and PEA's letter (civil encr .neer, of 2/' /69. This work was completed with the unders: andinc; that we would not complete all elenG--cis of the original scope; result- inq in less than 100% comple':�-'ion of services oucli.ned i-n our agreement.. AS �f 6 /1 /89, we 1) :°.Te _-=_voi^cd OCPRC a total of � 3G3, 3€ 5 . 4'1 including $10, 000 . 01, credited from the retai n,7 r . The original contract amount was 4339,.."00.00 leaving a balar]c F c fi $ '_', 634 . 53 in professional services to invoice and a $35, 001 , Dc,l l ar rot ai- ner balance, The.. $30', ?Fa.4'.' invo cod to date e 'r;-- c...iiJd:=S ? r, 2 -1 . 07 '_'1 addi ti0 ]Sl. and r''viSi oI: Ser"T1GeS Architecture Landscape Architecture Planning Interior Architecture A Professional Service Corporation 1220 West Sixth Street The Bradley Building Cleveland, Ohio 44113 216.696.6767 9-1 Todd Warner Schmidt AIA architect 1309 Gregory A. Copeland ASLA landscape architect Richard T. Parker AlA architect Patricia J. Stevens ASLA landscape architect Schmidt Copeland Parker Stevens Mr. Ralph richard August 23, 1989 Page Two We need approval of additional funding to continue our work and complete the unfinished elements of Phase I. The total amount requested for additional and revision services in $72,300.00. This amount is defined in detail in our 7/15/89 recap and in- cludes the additional work completed; as well as that remaining. The Commission will need to release an additional $97,923.00 in 1989, as indicated below, to complete the Ihase I scope of work outlined later in this request. Contract Sum (10/20/88) $339,000.00 Additional & Revision Services (thy-,) 1-2/30/89) 72,300.00 Adjusted Contract Sum $411,300.00 Paid To Date t,293 365.45 Retainer Credit 10,01010.00 Total Balance to Invoice ',10-7,934.55 To Invoice in 1989 $97,934.55 Retainer Credit 10,000.00 Subtotal $107,934.55 The current .retainer balance of $35,000.00 Dollars will be cred- ited to the remaining work as indicated above. The remaining $25,000.OG Dollar balance will be held on account and credited throughout construction, as we complete Construction Contract Administration and Observation Services. We have reviewed our costs to determine if this request can be reduced in any area, as you requested. Unfortunately, the majority of these costs are engineering or professional services previously completed. These, along with the associated reimburs- able expenses, represent costs already incurred by Schmidt Cope- land Parker Stevens, and therefore difficult to adjust after the fact. Please be assured we have made every effort to minimize this situation, including negotiations with the engineers and eliminating our mark-up on additional engineer fees. We met with PEA (civil engineers) on 8/21/89 to review their charges in detail. We were able to get them to agree to substantially less than their original request, although their total still remains higher than that we discussed and outlined in our 7/25/89 recap. 9-2 Schmidt Copeland Parker Stevens Mr. Ralph Richard August 23, 1939 Page Three We have made every effort to hold costs to a minimum and reduce expenses whenever possible, starting with the original contract. Our fee is based on the total scope of work, as if it were a single project and not a series of separate buildings and con- struction processes (i.e. utilities, site development, roadways, etc.). Taken individually these would add up to significantly more than the present contract sum. In addition, we have passed on only a small portion of the start-up/stop charges incurred over the past six months and the costs associated with modifica- tions to the scope of work, all it an effort to keep the project alive. This.involved additional time and service, for revised cost estimates, adjusted designs, as well as, added conferences and Commission meetings. We have also absorbed many of the associated expenses, i.e. calls, postage, production, and uti- lized park how's .ng, often driven a� r,er than flew, and made every effort possible to reduce outside casts where possil-le. O-Krer the past year, we have contributed our time in effc_•ts to raise money, secure donors, and in general to promote the project. -.•7e will conti_n-u to donate time in this manner and do whate�Ter possible to zelp promote Orion :yaks and move this prc. jest for- ward. The following is our current understanding of the scope of work. The present request is for completion or construction documents for the "Expanded Phase I". "_'he remaining items will be consid- ered at some point in the future. ORIGINAL P14ASE I - EXPANDED PHASE I - 3 cabins dining hall_ maintenance center waterfront roads utilities s-i to imprcveri:ents 4 cabins enlarged dining hall quarters t-t7aint.enance center pai,ded waterfront roads - utilities cl arkston site impro -ements pedestrian walks activity fields with staff,/infirmary corridor, lift station 9-3 Schmidt Copeland Parker Stevens Mr. Ralph Richard August 23, 1989 Page Four items to consider adding to Phase I in the future and preparing construction documents within the next year so rhar. construction can be initiated simultaneously: seasonal village activity shelter in meadow boat house parking between dining hall and activity center graphic program Ralph, I hope that both you and the Commission realize the extent of our efforts to date and the complexity of issues we have vrerked through in trying to find a fundable approach to this project. it is almost impossible to track all of the associated time and charges, therefor,- vie hope you will understand the _� r ritica.l nature of the costs Sae havf- identified, ahndl she nee,J to have your support and the Commission's approval of i_hls request. Please let us know if you navy any quests uns or nrFea any f;hti;re inforatati.on. Sincerely, SCHMIQLLCOPELAND PARKER STEVENS W16 • Todd warner Schmidt AIA prInci_pal cc: J. MacPar_lane J. Figa P. Stevens PJS:eeg 8841.00 0823pjs.l-:_r �1 P S. We ilaVc' t`E E'!i t^JGrki12­ -,n ci t?7 'e,^T rl KJOrti1 Carolina and have core acr ,ss some camps you fihay be interested in seeing. Keep it in mind. 9-4 ITEM #10 WHITE LAKE & SPRINGFIELD OAKS COUNTY PARKS PARKING LOT AND WALKWAY LIGHTING Bids were received for the lighting installation for White Lake Oaks and Springfield Oaks parking and walkway lighting. The lights selected for both White Lake and Springfield Oaks parking lots are basic H.P.S. shoebox design (see attached). The walkway lights for Springfield Oaks are more stylized lighting fixtures to enhance the area adjacent to the clubhouse. The bids are as follows: FIRM WHITE LAKE SPRINGFIELD OAKS 5-fix./poles 3-fix./poles Madison Electric $8,142.00 $3,666.00 Detroit, MI Dingman Electric $8,511.55 $3,795.00 Belleville, MI Graybar Electric $8,134.50 $3,630.00 Auburn Hills, MI Luux NO BID $ 433.00 ea. Birmingham, MI WALKWAY NO BID NO BID NO BID $1,440.00 ea. Purchasing and staff have reviewed the bids and recommend the following: Award the bid to Graybar Electric for White Lake and Springfield Oaks parking areas for the total of 8 fixtures and poles in the amount of $11,764.50, plus a 5% contingency of $588.00, for a total approved cost of $12,352.50. The amount of $16,000.00 was approved in the 1989 Capital Development budget. The walkway lights (see attached), also bid for Springfield are an additional $5,760.00, which if approved, would exceed the allocated cost. Staff will present a recommendation on the walkway lighting at the September 6 Commission meeting. tSiIIil « ' h• di� i, 1 J�; if �' t' k �1��i�IFt'�,r4d'i�' +•' � t \�,•t'`'�TI){ 'tu }i{'►jit{ttrt � r,,i, ', t ;, ,,,i•R'r:, Qt�;�,il� f.:'11y� ,i111i! t�t, � t, h t'��•�ir" tt' �'� � u�; rq��� `�+ 4 �,` k'� R' irk ; �t�'3 .+� +{�,.:,itkt��+ �. �rh �i+,, �,l,t i,t.: Fly,t ti'�1,}�� (� ir: +\ y{{,4� ��}�' � �\1 •..♦y,+�, ,l ,Y,, plt,r; �:," t�f�`�,}�.��� ��,A) ��i1 ,%v .fit i:..t ,'i••••.+ , r.5,r:.;; .�`5t <t:`�i�Y 13,��+`f�akr��•'}\ ,•`t•, { 1 1 r�♦.Yy;'(,�.�A+�1`1 �.l+r!t' N:. fir{ � ?' i'7�•r•J •n' r• t �: -.t,t •. t. t, f1 `+ i "th \ \ ,.j ,� t\ 1��� +.,. 1` 45'!1�'bi1 yk� , t+� �. kl R Y;':+ � � 'S1t`i"h !.• ti , � t !�`l;1 � , k��,1 ",e ' ` �'D t r,eti �1��, + !7'��A��'�,G�1�.''f. 5a`L �.�f :�`a, !.•4 p ;. r; •�tr . ; S � - t 'n •♦� Z t \',,11 t' t kk +, y� ,�{ n�' �, 5,1 a , `d; 5 I} 1 ` t A M i, t ! ! i \ \ y . ,t •, 1+` .p �� �` .� � 7q., � i 4,t K, , 14 M r� 5 It 6i ;� ,�,t \ l `, a � t t, t ,t: �\r;�t.Q;,i •�,r�'`, 1��, Id'yik.ft .-tM(►'' 4. �h� #Any ,yl l''�kt r +}x•.,�, �'i , 'r, t! . til,� ♦t! i.`. t t ,',t ?,� f �' \1� �; ht",�R,ti4;, �\��6, y�M'��1 ,�}.t",i�.�.�; �k�l�ll.,,�fK R�+'.t't4�*' � r:�/''� ;{'sF �•� 't�{���'r.+ t i'•� ' � r ?. k'' , P' tit` a t 'Y tT %'• t4• 1 .b '4y i `r r r f�`j.. 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F a � l.,{� 4 t r �, 1 N7it peal' F45 ��� M�/1 i,; 'Y'�\■ �t f +. ! I r I� , . :i� . 1 �r( .(Sir 4„ 'C't'r .a,r7i, f I r�:• �.�, �iCi �.'^" �*t�:11!{,',� f3 •,}4f:! Y.� ell�.:r' 'r� fit.: M' by � v r ( 'apt , �.� G n i� � �t�Y{�, ..yrtu t� r�f@'i �9 •tt , ' « • � !; r <h� , y,li.3r ti.F n�.�,, s x t ,.A�� r r.` 'S rr'4I t•, ,:P•w.rylr�14�f1,,, i :{,,-, r. ,rr ,+�ff'ffL .N iR )t a ' i •, h.,*a15 r�``s +, is� .Ncc t�'.i%{X fi .�S Nil —i qi e;.k .�. ..rho' -d1rn r1.r tt.: rt �rrt � : r�i+ tiit r pt(- {: t ,a �'� i ,tr y_ t 1 {�!,', '.'+a � �, �y t�ia-°r•� r l�?��' , ITEM #11 WATERFORD OARS COUNTY PARR ACTIVITY CENTER ROOF REPLACEMENT Bids were received for the installation of a new roof for the Waterford Oaks Activity Center. The existing roof has deteriorated to the point where it has continuous leaks. The base bid includes removal of the old roof and the installation of a new asphalt shingle roof for the curved portion and an Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) single membrane roof for the flat portions. The bids are as follows: Newton & Crane Co. $29,875.00 Pontiac, MI Detroit Cornice & Slate $52,758.00 Ferndale, MI Price Bros. NO BID Pontiac, MI Hartford Roofing NO BID Pontiac, MI AFC Roofing & Insulation NO BID Plymouth, MI Michigan Roofing NO BID Detroit, MI Purchasing and staff has reviewed the bids and recommends award to the low bidder, Newton & Crane Co. of Pontiac, in the amount of $29,875.00, with a 5% contingency of $1,425.00, for a total approved cost of $31,300.00. The amount of $30,000.00 was approved in the Capital Development Budget. The additional $1,300.00 can be transferred from the Capital Development contingency fund. +TETi #12 TY PARK DENCF JOT EXpp'N5ION at Yndependence Z BEA g pARgING the beach area the past few of adjacent to its high use for The part' l uate due to which been inadeq d the Parkir►g r t interfering oaks has to e%Pan s withou ears, eveloped plans 62 Parking Space staff has d additional and required ld allow for an natural areas, concrete curbing wou the adjacent e gravel with nq lot- ill be reviewed r th b wi the lot .would match the e%iste tember 1 and w at the septembe rm drainage to received on 5 P ecommendation sto o be and $ids are t sentation by staff with a pre 6 meeting. ITEM 113 EMERGENCY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICES GROVELAND OAKS During the Fourth of July weekend, the aged septic field at the new Groveland Oaks Concession/Bathhouse failed. There were 700 camping units in the park at this time. In order for our staff to provide sewage disposal for the use of this facility, it was necessary to contract a private sewage trailer and the Oakland County Drain Commission on a 24-hour basis. Total charges from the Oakland County Drain Commission for sewage hauling, sewage disposal and generator rental services were $4,504.10. Staff is requesting approval of this expense. Monies are available from a 1989 Operating Budget - Contingency transfer. 13-1 ITEM #14 TRUSTY WORK PROGRAM UPDATE Our Commission golf and park facilities will continue to benefit from the human resources of trusty inmates from the Oakland County Sheriff's Department and the Michigan Department of Corrections. This fall there will be 44 trustys participating in this community service work program. They will contribute a projected 25,000 hours to the Commission. The Oakland County Sheriff's Trusty program (5-6 man crew) is seasonal (late September through early May) based upon transportation and safety officer availability. The Michigan Department of Corrections trusty program is year-round. There are two, 10-person crews, with a supervisor. One crew is permanently assigned to Technical Support as a skilled trades/construction crew. 14-1 ITEM 115 MANAGER'S REPORT ---The platform tennis courts have been installed at Waterford Oaks and should complement the other facilities at the park. Scheduled play begins the first of October. ---Staff made a presentation to the Planning and Building Committee on the Heron rookery property. We received a favorable response to the possibility of acquiring this property for the parks system and the County. ---Attached is a letter from Oak Management confirming their commitment of 25% of the lagoon system cost at Addison Oaks. The lagoon system report has been submitted to the State, and we are waiting for the review to be completed for our next step. Will keep you informed. ---Attached is correspondence of interest to the Commission. You might want to note that Mr. Robert Kish, the gentlemen who wrote last month complaining about Glen Oaks, has responded to staff's reply. ---Attached for your information is the draft of the Finance Committee's resolution for the Orion Oaks millage. 15-1 t Corp °tation, pale Manage Romeo Road 14$p es WL 41805 qx&oica 311 1999 Ausust e e Member$ ajs �11D �° L MD CgAjMT� Cgvmjssl(),3 gAKitmtx. qs Lake R°aa 69? 2$pp atRS1Z 4SO 1 tlac� Pon tlemen* and Cesa cations Lady es ,,,cent co rvee to kal s . AS per 1nc., aadis°n pa Cor-P°rats c°st at A and tepai Ci--.lis ff ? qaR Manage tent Co iss10 oon 59stem clean ou iSt o the 1a& tzu1Y Pouts J� yek,as 0 P�esydest vice 15-2 29916 Barwell Road Farmington Hills, MI 48018 PARKS & RECPF/,riCnr ,^OMAA. AUG 2 Q 1989 August 28, 1989 Mr. Mike Thibodeau Chief of Golf Operations Oakland County Parks and Recreation 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48054 Dear Mr. Thibodeau: Thank you for replying to my letter of July 26, 1989 and please commend Skip Roche and his staff for the significant improvement of the appearance and play of the Glen Oaks Golf Course over the month of August. Sincerely, Robert N. Kish rk81/jlg cc Mr. Ralph Richards, Manager Mr. John Olson, Commissioner Mr. Richard Kuhn, Jr., Commissioner Mr. Thomas Law, Commissioner ?fir. Ls, i s Wint Mr. Skip'Roche Ms. Carol Farwell 15-3 CATHOLIC INFANTS SOCIETY- COUNTY of OAKLANO 1424 E. ELEVEN MILE ROAD • ROYAL OAK, MICHIGAN 48067 • TEL.: LI 8-4044 July 29, 1989 Mr. Ralph Richard, Commissioner Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48054 Dear Mr. Richard: CISCO expresses our appreciation for the discount on admission to our annual picnic for the adopted and foster children of Oakland County held at Independence Oaks Park on June 25, 1989. We commend your staff at Independence Oaks, especially Mr. Brad Baker, who was very courteous and helpful. Independence Oaks is a wonderful park to hold an event such as ours, as it reflects our goal of family oriented organization. We thank you for your support and apologize for the delay in extending our appreciation. Sincerely, Joanne Carter President OAKLAND COUM PARKS & RECREATION CL1Mk AUG 04 1989 Catholic Social Services of Oakland County 15-4 MICHIGAN RECREATION & PARK ASSOCIATION 2722 East Michigan Avenue • Suite 201 • Lansing, MI 48912 517 ( ) 485-98 88 (313) 532-2664 'ARKS & RECREATION COMM. August 9, 1989 AUG 141 089 Mr. Ralph Richards Parks and Recreation Manager Oakland County Commission 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, MI 48054-1697 Dear Ralph: On behalf of the M.R.P.A. Arts Committee, I would like to thank you and the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission for the donation of the puppet mobile on July 14, at the Hershey State Track and Field Meet. As you know, the day can become extremely long for children and spectators while they await upcoming events. The puppet mobile provided a refreshing break for one and all. We appreciate your donation greatly. Thank you once again for providing this excellent program. Sincerely, Kelley Simpson Recreation Coordinator KS:mac 15-5 MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL RECREATION AND PARK ASSOCIATION F)AQKCQE(ST August-3, 1989 Dear Susan, On behalf of the Parkcrest residents I would like to thank the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and the per- formers of "Putting it Together"(show mobile) for a most enjoyable evening. It was a pleasure to see such'a group of talented young people, and to have the opportunity to :see a show such as this. I enjoyed working with the Oakland County ;Parks and Recreation Commission, as the personel and the performers were delightful and very efficient. We are all anxiously looking forward to next summers show. Thanks once again. Sincerely, are enwick P ogram Director 15-6 21600 W. 11 Mile Rood ■ Southfield, Michigan 48037-2033 ■` 352-3800 mw® MICHIGAN RECREATION & PARK ASSOCIATION 2722 East Michigan Avenue • Suite 201 • Lansing, MI 48912 �s 517 485-9888 1 - ( ) (3 3) 532 2664 August 21, 1989 OARKS $RECREATION�N COMM, AUG 22 1989 Dan Stencil �-Z I• Park Chief REC.' Oakland County Parks and Recreation 2400 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, MI 48054 Dear Dan, Congratulations on the MRPA Senior Olympics success story. This great event would not be anywhere without your leadership, commitment and performance. Oakland County's support has in many cases not only saved the day, but kept the event on track. Few realize your important role and dedication. I did not want 1989 to go by without acknowledging your great work. Knowing you, I am sure you will spread around the praise. But, I wanted you to know that I personally feel indebted to your efforts. Kindest personal regards and hoping to see you on Mackinac Island next spring, John F. Greenslit Executivge Director JFG/ls 15- 7 MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL RECREATION AND PARK ASSOCIATION Oakland County Parks and. Recreation Commission News Release Mary Zednik August 11, 1989 858-0906 AROUND THE YEAR ... WE'RE RIGHT HERE! MICHIGAN YOUTH CORPS BEAUTIFIES OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS OAKLAND COUNTY -- When it comes to the little things in the Oakland County Parks, the Michigan Youth Corps makes a big difference. For the past five years, youths ages 18-21 have helped improve the appearance of the nine Oakland County parks and golf courses. The Michigan Youth Corps is a state -funded summer job program whose participants work a maximum of 480 hours for non-profit organizations from June 1-Sept. 30. According to Ray Hull, assistant park supervisor at Addison Oaks County Park in Oxford, five workers have been doing lawn and building maintenance work such as weeding and trimming flower beds, cleaning lavatories, mopping floors and picking up trash and litter. At Independence Oaks County Park near Clarkston, four Youth Corps employees have worked on park beautification projects at the beach, contact station, nature center, hiking trails, Cohn Amphitheater, and picnic shelters, said park supervisor Ray Delasko. "Employment in the Michigan Youth Corps gives workers the opportunity to develop skills and work cooperatively," said Daniel Stencil, Chief of Oakland County Parks Operations. The parks system treats the workers to a day at the Waterford Oaks Wave Pool at the end of the summer to show their appreciation, Stencil added. Jennifer Coates of Lake Orion is working at Independence Oaks for her third summer. She said she wanted a job working outdoors. 15-8 MICHIGAN YOUTH CORPS BEAUTIFIES OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS August 11, 1989 - Page 2 Coates, who will be a junior this fall at MSU studying veterinary medicine, said, "There's an added benefit of the job. You can see a lot of wildlife." She has one complaint: the pay. "I've been here three years, and I'm still getting paid minimum wage," Coates said. "I think the work we do is worth more." "It is a problem getting workers at minimum wage," said Kirk Curtis, business education training placement manager for Orion Community Placement. In 1988, Curtis said he had over 80 participants. This year he has only 52. Other participants from the Lake Orion area are working for Orion Township, Lake Orion schools and Camp Franklin. Along with on-the-job skills, Youth Corps workers learn tips for writing resumes and applying and interviewing for jobs. "If you want a job outside the retail industry with a pleasant work environment, the Michigan Youth Corps may be the way to go," Curtis said. The program currently costs the state $22 million per year. However, Curtis said the state legislature may cut the funding for the 1990 program to $3 million. The state would only offer jobs to residents of communities with high unemployment like Detroit. "The Michigan Youth Corps was added in 1984 when there weren't many jobs. Now it doesn't make sense to spend $22 million when employers are begging for workers," Curtis explained. This proposed budget cut would have an adverse effect on the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. "Since that budget cut would decrease the work force we depend on, it would be significant to us," Stencil commented. "We would have to budget more funds for seasonal staffing or obtain assistance from other public work opportunity programs. For'more information, call Daniel Stencil at 858-0906 or Kirk Curtis at 693-5485. Icy Written by Jennifer Jensen 15 9 BL.y C�1RpBRSO� G WILLI� CARD ISCAD REpOR2 pISSEB DR pAtLS MILEAGE 0 �Ipt3CE C RECREASIOM pRl 1SSIpME�tS dk8g210 ARCS ADD OF COMM °ludo I� C013 Bp tip Centleae�. yscella�eo�s ges L d SO IxE 0 e-rs°n� i�adies an havinl r-eViewed is -requesting Chaff-rP�inance ittee issi°n oP the Mx, Comm Comm level She Recreation costs to ecr-e.. as f ollow s ty P ars and e tot capital he County , S -repo-rts She pakland Coun. ear p.50 millaSconsisteat with t li a °ne,timeone y p ar-k p-roject ould S ate an 0 ener- •on Oaks County Pr°posed w Op SEV x p,5 0xi ste-r p1an; Sax Levy, as 25 731'pOp l0 anon Ma o-rem p-ropexty 12'865,5op time frame 2� She Ad val g91 Revenue of � acGele-rate the to of estimated 1 ces would anal estima oval -resour- m the o-rig ailable, Mi11s�' o these additi pales y a-rk fr° the levy is a-roVal at Access t the Orion x after- voter- aPP 3i Veloping e (1 Sea xequixes f Act 62 for- de 2i yea-rs to °n osed millage e Px°nisi°ns o public twelve �1 anon of the Pr-°pcoxdance with tx' Act 218 of the �� Implement -refe-renaum in ac 3� as amended by ne,tlme a Public cts °f 193 esult in' a o lie A x of the pub ed millage will d at ,100 �pOO tion of the is 1964; th -ropos er y value m adoP c of e P t I ove A approval of .p0 on a p-roF e ttee� 5i Vote tax $2 the Fi anc r- °f n additional On behalf of Chair.2exson� Mr• MCE COMMISSEE r-t- fox eS°inS xeP°PIMA