HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1990.10.05 - 39871Y �0 O d Y tO J GJ L 3 OAKLAND COUNTY Ralnager hard Manager Chairman Chairman PARKS & RECREATION C AT I O N ntM AssJon istant Assistant Manager JeanC Fox Vice Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. COMMISSION Secretary Fred Korzon George W. Kuhn Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Q Thomas A. Law v 28W Watkins Lake Road John E. Olsen Pontiac, Michigan 48054-1697 • (313) 858-0906 Alice Tomboulian Richard V. Vogt 3 September 26, 1990 O C 0 O To the Members of the O PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Q1 Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as _ Y follows: O 'S Ce TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday, October 5, 1990 9:00 A.M. PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Office Y p 2800 Watkins Lake Rd. Waterford, MI 48328 C v cC PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting v c — This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Mr. Lewis E. Wint, Chairman, Oakland County Parks and Recreation N Commission. Y �9 aSincerely, C �.. J/ Ralph Richard Manager Y A O RR/Jg c ry U Y O C 9 Q OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION --- --- COMMISSION MEETING October 3, 1990 1. - Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes of the September 5, 1990 Meeting. 4. Approval of Payment: Voucher Nos. 8-444 thru 8-445 and Nos. 9-1 thru 9-325. Interdepartmental Payment Register: July Charges paid in August Transfer Voucher Register: August Charges. 5. Statement of Operations for Month Ending August 31, 1990. 6. Capital Improvement Budget for 1990 as of August 31, 1990. 7. Activity Report for August, 1990. 8. Presentation. 9. Pebble Creek Drain Project Update. 10. Camp Tamarack. 11. Bid Item: Boiler Repair - Addison Oaks Conference Center. 12. Bid Item: Heating - Technical Support Addition. 13. Bid Item: Air Conditioning - Technical Support Addition. 14. Bid Item: Residence Replacement Windows - Independence Oaks.• 15. Bid Item: Trucking Contract Addendum, 16. Michigan Equity Grant - Addison Oaks Conference Center. 17. Camp Franklin. 18. EXECUTIVE SESSION. 19. Manager's Report. 20. Old Business. 21. New Business. 22. Adjourn. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING September 5, 1990 The meeting was called to order at 9:15 a.m. by Chairman Wint in the main lodge at Camp Franklin in Lake Orion. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Lewis Wint, Secretary Pecky Lewis, Jr., Fred Korzon, George Kuhn, Richard Kuhn, Jr., John Olsen, Alice Tomboulian, Richard Vogt COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice Chairman Jean Fox, Thomas Law ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Oakland Co. Drain Commission Oakland Co. Board of Commissioners Lake Orion Lions Club Camp Franklin/Wright Settlement Orion Township Parks & Rec. Oakland Parks Foundation Observer -Eccentric Newspapers Private Citizen APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Ralph Richard, Manager Jon Kipke, Assistant Manager Joseph Figa, Chief, Design and Development Daniel Stencil, Chief of Parks Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf Janet Pung, Public Communications Officer Frank Trionfi, Chief, Admin. Services Cindi Neef, Account Clerk Jackie McParlane, Recreation Supervisor Glen Yrjanainen, Engineer Nancy McConnell, Vice Chairman Al Kassin Craig Hartges, Camp Manager Mark Vagi, Director Fran Greenebaum, Executive Director Pat Murphy, Reporter Tony Rothschild Moved by Mr. G. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Olsen to approve the minutes of the meeting of August 1, 1990, with the following correction: Com- missioner Richard Kuhn, Jr. should be listed as present; and the minutes of the meeting of August 15, 1990, with the following correction: Commis- sioner Richard Vogt should be listed as present. AYES: Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, Olsen, Tomboulian, Wint (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. APPROVAL OF PAYMENTS: Moved by Mr. R. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Korzon to approve the payment of Vouchers 8-1 through 8-443; the Interdepartmental Payment Register for the June charges paid in July; and the Transfer Voucher Register for the July charges. 3 - 1 (Commission Meeting, September 5, 1990) ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, Olsen, Tomboulian, Wint (7) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. 1990 OPERATING BUDGET AMENDMENT: Because of a planned capital improvement project that must be designated as a maintenance project at Glen Oaks and an unanticipated cost to replace concrete curbing on John R Road at Red Oaks, staff requested a transfer of $13,025, plus a $650 contingency if needed, to Glen Oaks and $1,190 to Red Oaks; the total of $15,575 will come from the Operating Budget contingency. Staff also requested a transfer of $17,661 from the Technical Support budget to the Springfield Oaks Golf Course budget to cover 1j2 the salary and fringe bene- fits of a full-time position being split between the two budget centers. These changes will comply with the Commission's 1990 General Appropriations Act and will not affect the total 1990 Operating Budget, which will remain at $8,297,685. Moved by Mrs. Tomboulian, supported by Mr. G. Kuhn to approve a transfer of $15,575 from the Operating Contingency account of the 1990 Operating Budget; $13,675 to the Glen Oaks Golf Course and $1,190 to Red Oaks. An additional transfer of $17,661 from Technical Support to Springfield Oaks Golf Course was also approved. These transfers will comply with the Commission's 1990 General Appropriations Act. AYES: Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, Olsen, Tomboulian, Wint (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BUDGET UPDATE, AND ACTIVITIES REPORT: Moved by Mr. Lewis, supported by Mr. R. Kuhn to accept the Statement of Operations for the month ending July 31, 1990; Capital Improvement Projects budget as of July 31, 1990; and the Activities Report for the month of July, 1990. AYES: Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, Olsen, Tomboulian, Vogt, Wint (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. PEBBLE CREEK DRAIN RIGHT-OF-WAY UPDATE - GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE: Glen Yrjanainen, Oakland County Drain Commission Engineer, updated the Commis- sion on the status of the Pebble Creek Drain Right -of -Way, including the Drain 3 - 2 (Commission Meeting, September 5, 1990) Commission's difficulties in receiving the permit from the Department of Natural Resources and the easements from residents downstream from the golf course. If these are not obtained in time for the project to begin October 1, the Drain Commission will be unable to guarantee the work on the golf course will be com- pleted before winter; therefore, the project will have to be delayed for one year. The Drain Commission will update and advise the Commission within the next month on the project status. f: t As per the information filed in the agenda, the following bid was approved: Moved by Mrs. Tomboulian, supported by Mr. Korzon to award the bid for the restoration of the milkhouse at Addison Oaks to the low bidder, LBR Enterprises, in the amount of $26,900, plus a $1,500 contingency, for a total budgeted amount of $28,400. Of the total, $20,000 will come from the Capital Improvement Projects Budget, $6,000 from the Oak- land Parks Foundation, and $2,400 will be transferred from the Capital Improvement Projects Budget contingency. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Olsen, Tomboulian, Vogt, Wint, Korzon (7) NAYS: Lewis (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. MICHIGAN NATURAL RESOURCES TRUST FUND GRANTS: Staff received correspondence from the Department of Natural Resources notifying us that the Commission is the recipient of three grants: Addison Oaks Acquisition; Orion Oaks Beach Development; and Lyon Rookery Acquisition. Moved by Mr. Olsen, supported by Mr. G. Kuhn to accept two Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund grants as follows: $410,000 to acquire 139 acres adjacent to Addison Oaks; $1,500,000 for potential acquisi- tion of 768 acres in Lyon Township, and to authorize staff to proceed with the projects agreements through the appropriate committees and the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: R. Kuhn, Lewis, Olsen, Tomboulian, Vogt, Wint, G. Kuhn (7) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. PAVING ADDITION - INDEPENDENCE OAKS: Staff requested Commission approval to amend the paving contract with T & M Asphalt to add the paving of approximately 4,100 square feet of unpaved trails between the boathouse and Twin Chimneys shelter at Independence Oaks. 3 - 3 (Commission Meeting, September 5, 1990) Cost for the additional paving, including excavation, grading, and compaction, is $5,750. New contract total for the paving at Independence Oaks will be $65,870. Moved by Mr. Vogt, supported by Mr. R. Kuhn to amend the contract with T & M Asphalt to include an additional 4,100 square feet of trails be- tween the boathouse and Twin Chimneys shelter at Independence Oaks in the amount of $5,750. AYES: G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, Olsen, Tomboulian, Vogt, Wint (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. MAINTENANCE BUILDING - WHITE LAKE OAKS: Staff requested Commission approval to amend the contract with Usztan for the following changes to the White Lake Oaks Maintenance Building project beyond the scope of the original contract: 1. A sewer separator required by the township, which consisted of a holding tank, pump, and extra plumbing. 2. Removal of existing metal siding on existing building and replacement with T-111, including staining. Approximately $2,300 is available in the project's contingency; the balance will come from the Capital Improvement Projects contingency. Moved by Mr. Vogt, supported by Mrs. Tomboulian to amend the contract with Usztan for the maintenance building at White Lake Oaks to include the sewer separator, and removal of the metal siding on the existing building and add T-111 replacement siding. Total of the contract amend- ment will be $9,815. AYES: G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, Olsen, Tomboulian, Vogt, Wint (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. ORION OAKS LEAF STORAGE PROPOSAL: Oakland County had originally proposed to have leaf compost sites available for Oakland County municipalities. Various events have caused a delay in the imple- mentation of the program, and residents now have no facilities for their use. Therefore, Oakland County Department of Solid Waste Management has proposed a leaf storage project be conducted at Orion Oaks for leaves collected for a ten - week period in the fall of 1990 and to be removed from the site during the fall of 1991 as the permanent sites are open for operation. 3 - 4 (Commission Meeting, September 5, 1990) The Department of Solid Waste Management has also proposed to pay for all neces- sary site improvements and for the salary of the Parks employee needed at the site. Any small quantities of inappropriate material brought to the site will be de- posited in an open top container to be provided on location. Larger quantities of material dropped at the site will be removed by hauler on a case -to -case basis. Staff noted that the park area to be used is approximately 600 yards into the park -- off into the central meadow. Orion Township Supervisor JoAnn Van Tassel is aware of the proposal and is sup- portive. Moved by Mr. G. Kuhn, supported by Mrs. Tomboulian to approve a proposal from the Oakland County Department of Solid Waste Management to participate in a leaf storage plan at Orion Oaks, contingent upon a contract agreement for the specified time. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lewis, Olsen, Tomboulian, Vogt, Wint, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn (7) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Commission urged the Department of Solid Waste Management to present this infor- mation to the local residents and general public promptly and in a positive manner in order to avoid any misunderstandings about the project. The Commission does not want the local residents to think that, since the Orion Oaks millage was de- feated, the park will be used as a dumping ground. Staff will contact Supervisor Van Tassel today and inform her of the Commission's decision to participate in this program. MANAGER'S REPORT: In addition to the Manager's Report filed in the agenda, the following was noted: ---Copies of correspondence to staff and the Orion Oaks neighbors on trapping and archery hunting at Orion Oaks were reviewed. Commission expressed concern with trapping and directed staff to make every effort to have all trappers register with the office and ensure they follow all the state hunting rules and regulations. ---Staff met with County Commissioners Ruth Johnson and Richard Kuhn, Jr., along with Oxford Township Supervisor Rose Ann MacGuire, to discuss the Department of Natural Resource's interest in an off -road vehicle park in southeast Michigan, possibly at the Oxford Mining quarry in Oxford. Staff will respond to the DNR's inquiry, noting the Commission is not providing funds for the development of any ORV programs plus the local communities' opposi- tion to them. The letter will also include a comment on the Commission's experi- ences with ORV's at Orion Oaks. 3 - 5 (Commission Meeting, September 5, 1990) CAMP FRANKLIN: Chairman Wint announced that Recreation Supervisor Jackie McParlane has been ac- cepted into medical school at Michigan State University and will be leaving the Commission's employ on September 7. In preparing for the Camp Franklin proposal, Jackie reviewed her concerns for the Commission's continued interest in both the development of the Orion Oaks property and the services to the groups who were prior targets for Orion Oaks. Jackie noted that Camp Franklin is a 92-acre facility proposed for Commission consideration to purchase in order to develop a program to serve those groups targeted for Orion Oaks, but on a smaller scale. Meeting adjourned to a tour of the Camp Franklin facilities at 11:08 a.m. Next meeting will be Wednesday, September 19, at 9 a.m. Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Secretary Karen Smith Recording Secretary 3 - 6 Payment Approval Summary For Meeting of: Nos. 8-444 thru 8-445 $200,329.56 Nos. 9-1 thru 9-325 616,127.83 July charges paid in August .ia1• • a�• August Charges TOTAL $ 816,457.39 201,447.89 129.60 $1,018,034.88 U 0v��3R tO '' .undL"1 \ coy,.\ �,5 \ 0\\ ON g9 0 NO I IT 1 end MNY� 2991329 -56 929 r� �9 s OAKLAND COUNTY PARES AN, ECREM ION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER) 1,990 VOUCHER NUMBER. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-1 VOID $ 9-2 Boyne U.S.A. Adv.Regist.for R.Richard,F.Trionfi,M.Thibodeau,L.Gee, ,I-Mansfi�-ld,,T.T,aidlaw,A.Wummel&C.RQche to attend the Goll' Maint.Seminar at Boyne Mountain,MI on 9/30 to 10/2/90- Admin.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks & Spring. 600.00 9-3 VOID 9-4 The Delfield Company Acct. Rec.-Admin.(To be reimb. by Oak Mgmt.) 336.59 9-5 Meijer, Inc. Acct.Rec.-Admin.(To be reimb.by Oak.Parks Found.);Misc. -Exp.&Public Info.-Admin.;Rec.Sup.-Grove.,Mob.Rec.&Nat. Prog. 179.51 9-6 Cap Proj„ Tech Sty Mob Rec Fac Imp -Water 15,274.00 9-7 Centu Rain -Aid Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,W.O.W.Park & T.Com lex 1,380.23 9-8 Kammer MI Consultants Prof.Services,lobbyist on legist. matters for the month of September, 1990-Admin. 1,000.00 9-9 Jidas-Turner SQptic Bldg. Maint.,pumped septic tanks-Wh. Lk. 160.00 9- 0 City Building Maintenance Bld .Maint.-A min. & Tech. Sup. 216.00 9-11 Wolverine Steam Clean aint.-Admin. 59.85 9-12 Koffler Sales Bldq. Maint.,roll of rubber runner -Water. 680.00 9-13 Jean Gordon Special Events,payment for storytelling prog.-Nat.Prog. 100.00 9-14 Harry Seavey Ca .Pro'.,Rewire West Side of Park -Add. 350.00 9-15 VOID 9-16 Michigan Bell Communications -Add. 300.70 OAKLA14D COUNTY PARKS AN ECREAI' 1 ON COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER VOUCHER NUMBER. VENDOR PURPOSE Ar 01HIT 9-17 Petrolane Gas Utilities -Grove. 948.82 9-18 Consumers Power Utilities-Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,R.O.W.Park, Spring. & YAC _ 4,333.69 9-19 Detroit Edison Utilities-Add.,Add.Conf.Ctr.,Grove. & Indep. 10,355.24 9-20 Detroit Edison Utilities-Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,YAC,Water. & W.O.W.Park 21,753_67 9-21 Michigan Coffee Equip. Rental-Admin. &Rec. Admin. 74.85 9-22 Bill's Signs -Equip. Rental,crane rental -Add. 320.00 9-23 Spartan Oil Equip. Maint.-Add. & Red Oaks 178.20 9-24 Mid -States Petroleum Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring. & YAC 2,576.01 9-25 Safety-Kleen Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 94.20 9-26 Universal TV & VCR Equip. Maint.-Admin. 35.00 9-27 PB Electronics Equip. Maint.-Admin.;Off. Sup. -Grove. 137.50 9-28 Wolverine Golf Cars Golf Cart Rentalf30 cars for tournament -Glen Oaks 878.00 9-29 Wilkie Turf Grounds Maint.-Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks & Red Oaks;Equip. Maint. Spring. 569.28 9-30 Southlane Grounds Maint.-R.O.W.Park 54.44 9-31 Turfgrass, Inc. Grounds Ma int.-Glen Oaks 85.50 9-32 Amcorn Hybrids Grounds Maint.-Wh. Lk. 52.50 9-33 Harvard Cleaners Laundry & Dry Cleaning -Add. & Indep. 67.50 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AN, ECREAl-ION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1.990 VOUCHER NrIMnr.R VrNMR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-34 Resident Trust Fund Misc.Exp.,prisoner labor for July, 1990-Tech.Sup.,Add., Grove ,Orion,Indep.,Glen Oaks,Sprinq.&YAC 1,262.69 9-35 Atlas Foodland Misc.Exp.,groceries-YAC 62.45 9-36 Evelyn Brady Misc.Exp.,reimbursed for golf ball damage-Wh. Lk. 50.00 9-37 Adolph Kiefer & Associates Misc.Exp.,spineboard-W.O.W.Park 233.36 9-38 Baker Advertising Public Info.,misc. expenses-Admin. 128.84 9-39 Trish Sangelo -Public Info.,photography charge-Admin. 60.75 9-40 Hornung Pro Golf Sales Special Events,jr. tournament-Wh. Lk. & Spring. 209.49 9-41 Jon Fruytier Speciai Events,reimb.for phone exp. incurred or the Travelling Music Show -Mob. Rec. 32.56 9-42 Wilson Welding Special Events,helium-Rec.Admin.;Equip.Maint.&Maint.Sup. Tech.Su .•E i .Maint.-Add. Red Oaks&R.O.W.Park•Rec.Su . R.O.W.Park 397.79 9-43 Leadership Oakland Adv.Regist. for J.Pung to attend the Leadership seminar in Oakland County on 10/3&24,11/14,12/5/90,1/16,2/12, 3/13,4/17&5/8/91-Admin 1,000.00 9-44 Sheila Cox Travel Reimb.for attending Accounting Section meeting on 8 28/90 in Waterford, MI.-Admin. 16.05 9-45 9-46 Nat'l Society of Fund Raising Exec. Star International Adv.Regist.for F.Greenebaum to attend the 1990 Voices & Vision in Philanthropy on 10/26/90 in Novi, MI-Admin. Airline tickets for J.Fox,A.Tomboulian & G.Kuhn to Phoe- nix, AZ on 10/14/90-Admin. 105.00 356.36 9-47 Midwest Publishers Off. Sup.-Admin. 63.40 9-48 Young Entomologists Society Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 83.20 OAKLANU COUNTY PARKS ANL -CREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER VOUCHER NUMBER. VENDOR PURPOSE At OMIT 9-49 Steelcrete Company Rec. Sup.-R.O.W.Park & W.O.W.Park 3,103.50 9-50 MI Society of Architecture Adv.Regist.for M.Beutel to attend the AIA-MSA Design Conf. in Torch Lk. MI on 9 14-16 90-Admin. 85.00 9-51 VOID 9-52 R.Delasko, Cust. Pett Cash Reimb.-Inde . 51.67 9-53 Freda Moore Damage Deposit refund-YAC 50.00 9-54 Dawn Huff _ Damage Deposit refund-YAC 150.00 9-55 -Kari McMillan Golf League refund -Red Oaks 75.00 9-56 Barbara De _ Security Deposit refund -Water. 50.00 9-57 Thelma DePew Camoin refund -Grove. 40.50 9-58 Sundry (Refunds) Security Deposit refunds to C.Abernathy $50.00 & J. _MacDonald $50.00-Water. 100.00 9-59 _Sundry (Refunds) Camping Refunds to J.Carr $33.00,A.Alef $33.00,A.Bauer $22.50,K.Bauer $24.00&L.Holmes $13.00-Grove. 125.50 9-60 Sundry (Refunds) Camping Refunds to J.Couture $13.00,L.Kelley $26.00,P. Haley $39.00,R.Bader $24.00,C.Strong $20.00&J.Stronq III $20.00-Grove. 142.00 9-61 VOID 9-62 Sundry (Instructors) Instructor's fee for August,1990 to W.Gesaman $150.00 & Round Dance & B.Rieck $456.00 Sq.Dance-Water. 606.00 9-63 SundryInstructors) Instructor's fee for August,1990 to D.McLand $200.00 Dog Obed. & P.Ott $79.50 Sq.Dance-Water. 279.50 9-64 AT&T Communications-Wh. Lk. 70.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PAItI<S A1, ECItEAT 1 ON COhIH I SS 1 ON VOUCHER REGISTER VOUCHER NUMBER. VENDOR PURPOSE: AMOUHT 9-65 Purves Excavating Cap.Proj.,Sewage System Renov.-Add. $ 2,200.00 9-66 State Chemical Bldg. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 95.05 9-67 G.A. Frisch, Inc. Bldg. Maint.-Add. Conf. Ctr. & W.O.W.Park 5,000.00 9-68 Panther Sales Equip. Maint.-Add. 80.91 9-69 The Wittbold Company Equip. Maint.,misc. parts -Add. 242.00 9-70 King Brothers _Equip. Maint.-Add. 8.40 9-71 Glass Unlimited Grounds Maint.-Water. 71.76 9-72 Aquacide Company Grounds Maint.,pellets-Indep. 390.90 9-73 MI Society of Architects Adv.Regist.for M.Beutel to attend the AIA-MSA Convention in Detroit,MI on 10/18/90-Admin. 100.00 9-74 Fox Valley Systems Grounds Maint.-Add. 52.74 9-75 MI Industrial Shoe Uniforms -Add. 38.45 9-76 Sundry (Refunds) Camping Refunds to B.Demick $10.00 & S.Tarrants $13.00- rove. 23.00 9-77 MRPA Misc. Income,outside ticket sales-Admin. 4,704.15 9-78 Discount Air Compressor Cap.Equip.,(1)Generator-Add. 549.00 9-79 Drayton Plywood Acct.Rec.=Admin.(To be reimb. by Oak Mgmt.);Bldg. Maint. Wh. Lk. & Red Oaks 301.25 9-80 Lakeland Builders Cap. Proj.,Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water. 92.25 9-81 Waterford'Ready Mix Cap. Proj.,Chemical Storage -Spring. 227.78 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS ANL _CREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER [.Y�J �uli •��7 VOUCHER NUMBER. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-82 Artcraft Blueprint Cap.Proj.,Drainage Imp. -Glen Oaks&Park Bulletin Board- Wh.Lk.;Off.Sup.-Admin. 209.10 9-83 Lake Orion Lumber Bldg.Maint.-Add.;Sm.Tools-Orion;Grounds Maint.-Orion & Add. 464.80 9-84 O.C. Road Commission Per Diem & Mileage for R.Vogt,mtg. of 8/l/90-Admin. 35.00 9-85 AT&T Communications -BMX 10.50 9-86 Turfgrass, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 85.50 9-87 Dillman & Upton -Grounds Maint.-Add. } 49.69 9-88 Effective Productions Public Info.-Admin. 99.00 9-89 Ray Lang Public Info.-Admin. 78.75 9-90 VOID 9-91 American Rod & Gun Special Events,fishing-Add. & Indep. 499.23 9-92 Dave Smith Reimbursement for purchase of safety shoes-YAC 38.45 9-93 Done Right Engraving Uniforms -Nat. Prog. 7.50 9-94 Moby Dick Pet Store Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 44.87 9-95 Excell Corporation Camping fee refunded -Add. 40.00 9-96 State Chemical Bldg. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 41.05 9-97 The Wittbold Company Equip. Maint.-Add. 96.43 9-98 Country Oaks Landscape Grounds Maint.-Indep. 36.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS ANL _Cli[A71ON COMMISS1014 VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1.990 VOUCHER NUMBER. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUIIT 9-99 Waterford Township Parks & Rec. Special Events,sr. citizens-Indep. $ 11.21 9-100 Recreational Diving Systems Equip.Maint. & Rec.Sup.-R.O.W.Park 96.20 9-101 F. Ostrowski, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Add. 81.71 9-102 F. Ostrowski, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Add. 9.74 9-103 R. Coffey, Cust. Cash Adv.for deposit toward dining cost for the O.C. Treasure Hunt, 10/20/90-5 rin . 9-104 Sundry (Mileage Reimb.) Mileage for August, 1990 to G.Berschbach $39.50-Spring.; N.Seets $39.00-Wh.Lk.;G.Buchanan $23.75,S.Cox $24.25, .150.00 D.Marion $17.50,K.MCDonald $75.50,C.Neef $16.25,J.Pung $25.00,F.Trionfi $178.25&M.Zednik $41.75-Admin. 480.75 9-105 Sundry (Refunds) Camping Refunds to P.Jenkins $8.00,L.Renaud $12.00 & D. Copeland -Schroeder $24.00-Grove. 44.00 9-106 VOID 9-107 Marclif, Inc. Special Events,round&sq.dance caller for August -Water. 729.50 9-108 Usztan Construction Cap.Proj.,Maint.Bldg.Renov.-Wh. Lk. 56,628.00 9-109 Vidosh, Inc. Cap.Proj.,Drainage Imp. -Glen Oaks 146.80 9-110 Price Brothers Cap.Proj.,Tech_Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water.;Grounds Maint.-Add.&Grove. 1,162.88 9-111 Midwest Rental Cap.Proj.,Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water.;Equip.Rental 223.34 9-112 Camera Mart Acct.Rec.-Admin.(To be reimb.by Oak.Parks Foundation); Equip.Maint.&Public Info.-Admin.;Rec.Sup.-Nat.Prog. 67.76 9-113 Meteor Photo Acct.Rec.-Admin.(To be reimb.by Oak.Parks Foundation); Public Info.-Admin. 488.88 9-114 Oliver Supply Bldg. Maint.-Spring. 26.69 I OAKLAND COUNTY I'AM/\S AN. .tECItEAT 1 ON COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER VOUCHER NUMBER. VENDOR 11( RPnSF AMni111-r 9-115 Acme Cleaning Services Bldg. Maint.,window services for July -Glen Oaks $ 115.00 9-116 Commercial & Industrial Chemicals Bldg. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 99.00 9-117 Waterford Hills Bldg. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 20.00 9-118 Tom's Hardware B1dg.Maint.,Equip.Maint.&Grounds Maint.-Add. 88.09 9-119 Madison Electric Bldg.Maint.-Add.,Grove.,Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks,R.O.W.Park&W.O. W.Park;Grounds Maint.-Ad Wh.Lk. e O k &T. m Eguip.Maint.-Grove. 1,679.68 9-120 H.L. Claeys Bldg. Maint. & Grounds Maint.-Add. 86.19 9-121 Ellis Sales Equip. Maint.-BMX 46.17 9-122 Jidas-Turner Septic Systems Grounds Maint.-Add.;Bldg. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 2,456.25 9-123 Tennant, Inc. Equip. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 134.20 9-124 Herk's Auto Supplies Equip. Maint.-Grove. 57.84 9-125 Zep Manufacturing Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 112.80 9-126 Tire Wholesalers Equip. Maint.-Grove. 10.00 9-127 Monsanto Company Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 70.00 9-128 American Aggregates Grounds Maint.,road gravel -Add. 232.09 9-129 Trish Sangelo Public Info.,photo services-Admin. 24.75 9-130 Kathleen Spence Special Events,.swing fitness teacher for August -Water. 195.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS A. RLCREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER y •..� VOUCHER NUMBER. VENDOR PURPOSE AFIOUNT Bean Bros. Trophies Special Events/ten. tourn.-T.Complex;Rec.Sup.-BMX 1,061.70 9-131 9-132 McCally Tool Maint. Sup. -Tech. Sup. 58.17 9-133 Grainger, Inc. Sm. Tools -Red Oaks 49.48 9-134 McCally Tool Sm. Tools -Glen Oaks 25.01 9-135 Freda Moore Reception Rental fee refunded-YAC 475.00 9-136 9-137 City of Madison Heights Ralph Richard Acct.Rec.-R.O.Dr.Range(To be reimb.by Golf Dome);Utili- ties -Red Oaks & R.O.W.Park Gash Adv.to attend the Golf Maint.Seminar,also attending are F.Trionfi,M.Thibodeau,L.Gee,J.Mansfield,J.Laidlaw,A. Wummel&C.Roche on Boyne Mountain,MI on 9/30/90-Admin.,Wh Lk ,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks & Spring. 5,070.16 760.00 9-138 Silberg & Associates Cap.Prcj.,Conf.Ctr.Im .-Add. 165.00 9-139 Pontiac Paint Bldg. Maint.-Spring. 110.27 9-140 Sound Engineering Bldg. Maint.,intercoms & power supply-W.O.W.Park 981.71 9-141 Oakland Hardware B1dg.Maint.,Equip.Maint. & Sm. Tools -Add. 247.29 9-142 Warren Co -Operative Grounds Maint.&Sm.Tools-Red Oaks & R.O.W.Park;Bldg.Maint &Equip.Maint.-R.O.W.Park 229.23 9-143 McKay's Hardware Bldg.Maint.,Equip.Maint.,Grounds Maint.-Grove.&YAC;Sm. Tools -Grove. 201.08 9-144 AT&T Communications-Wh. Lk. 42.40 9-145 J & A Spring Rebuilders Equip. Maint.,spring parts-Indep. 120.00 9-146 Herk's Automotive Equip.Maint.-Add. 55.31 I 0AKLA11D COUNTY ['ARKS AN1. _`CREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER WDIUM7911 ; ..� VOUCHER NUMBER. VENDOR PURPOSE AM01111T 9-147 Amtek Services Equip. Maint.,Currency/Change Machine -Red Oaks 275.00 9-148 Rochester Lawn Equipment Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 95.66 9-149 Eastern Oil Equip. Maint.-Add. 75.00 9-150 W.F. Miller Equip.Maint.,Axle & parts-Wh. Lk. 732.95 9-151 North Electric Equip.Maint.-Grove.;Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks 91.01 9-152 The Hunt Sign Company -Grounds Maint.-Add. 65.05 9-153 Shemin Nurseries Grounds Maint.,grass seed -Grove. 339.50 9-154 Amcorn Hybrids Grounds Maint.-Orion 73.00 9-155 Gniewek's, Inc. Special Events,sr. citizens-Wh. Lk. 290.00 9-156 ASCAP Special Events,sr.citizens & ballroom dance -Water. 120.00 9-157 Oakland Disposal Rubbish Removal-Add.,Grove. & Indep. 1,797.50 9-158 City of Madison Heights Refund for overpayment of snowmobile fee-Mob.Rec. 50.00 9-159 Independence Twpshp. Parks & Rec. Refund for duplication of Airsport fee -Mob. Rec. 250.00 9-160 VOID 9-161 Aabaco Industries Misc.Exp.,gloves & rope-Wh. Lk. 89.45 9-162 Sundry (Commission) Per Diem & Mileage paid to Parks Commissioners for mtg. of 8/15/90-Admin. 168.25 9-163 Meijer, Inc. J Acct.Rec.-Admin. To be reimb.by Oa .Par s Foundation); Misc.Exp.,donuts-Admin.&Tech.Sup.;Public Info.-Admin.; _ Rec.Sup.-A .,Nat.Prog.&Mo .Rec.,puppet mo .; pecia Events-Ther.Prog.&Indep.,sr.citizen 346.73 OAKLAHD COUNTY PARKS Ai, RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER VOUCHER NUMBER PURPOSE AMOUIlT 9-164 Seco Products Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 59.95 9-165 Pontiac Truck Center Equip.Maint.,trucks & buses -Mob. Rec. 56.22 9-166 State Wire & Terminal Equip. Maint.,Prorata (All Units) -Mob. Rec. 24.24 9-167 Walkon Associates Uniforms,emblems-Add.,Tech.Sup.,Grove.,Orion,Indep.,Wh. Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,YAC,Water., W.O.W.Park & Nat. Prog. 322.05 9-168 Oakland Schools Off. Sup.-kdmin.&Nat.Prog.;Special Events,Mt.Bike Race- Add. 24.50 9-169 9-170 Sundry (Payroll) O.C. Sheriff Department Pay period ending 9/7/90-All Parks_ Misc.Exp_,paddle & rowboat.inspections-Add. 187,022-80__ 9-171 Young Supply Bldg.Maint.-Add.Conf.Ctr.,Wh.Lk.,YAC & Water. 152.39 9-172 Spartan Oil Equip. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 29.76 9-173 Wolverine Hydro Systems Equip. Maint. & Maint. Sup.-Tech.Sup. 11.70 9-174 Pontiac Plastics Grounds Maint.-Indep. 43.00 9-175 Absopure Water Equip.Rental-Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Indep.&Spring.; Off.Sup.-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Indep. & Sprin . 154.50 9-176 Detroit Edison Utilities -Red Oaks,Water. & T.Complex 3,028.63 9-177 Consumers Power Utilities-Add.,Add.Conf.Ctr.,Grove.,Water.&W.O.W.Park 1,328.77 9-178 Harrison Site Services Cap.Proj.,Pave Maint.Area,Drive &Cart Paths -Glen Oaks 7,470.00 9-179 MAEOE Adv.Regist. or K.Doug erty &C.Gar acz to attend e Wild Facilitator Workshop in Wayland,MI,9/28/90-Nat.Prog. 100.00 OAKLAND COUN'FY PARKS AN LCR[A"f ION COMM I SS I ON VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1.990 VOUCHER NUMBER. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-180 Hodges Supply Cap.Proj.,Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.&Picnic Shelter/Conc. Bld .,BMX-Water.;Maint.Su .-Tech.Su .;E i .Maint.-Add.• $ Bld .Maint.-Add.Conf.Ctr.,Inde .,Wh.Lk. & YAC 3,892.47 9-181 Pontiac Paint Cap.Proj.,Maint.Bldg.Renov.-Wh.Lk.&Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac. Imp, Water.;Bldg.Maint.&Grounds Maint.-Add. 316.31 9-182 Metropolitan Office Equipment Cap.Equip.,(1)Panasonic Typewriter w/access.-Nat.Prog. 1,471.65 9-183 Hilde Taxidermy Cap:Proj.,Environmental Center-Inde . Nat.Prog. 150.00 9-184 Bush Brothers -Cap.Proj.,Golf Course Storage Fac.-Spring. 6,748.00 9-185 Ecotec Pest Control B1dg.Maint.-Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,YAC&R.O.W. Park; Rental Prop Maint -Water 194.00 9-186 Builders Square Bldg. Maint.-Add. 97.00 9-187 Overhead Door Bldg. Maint.-Spring. 7.90 9-188 Aaron's Lock & Key Blfg.Maint.-Red Oaks 15.50 9-189 Davisburg Lumber Bldg.Maint.-Spring.;Equip.Maint.&Sm.Tools-YAC 92.90 9-190 Schram Auto & Truck Equip. Maint.-Indep. 95.00 9-191 Weingartz Supply Equip. Maint.-Add. 95.42 9-192 Burington Golf Car t Equip.Maint.-Indep.,Wh.Lk. & Red Oaks 245.44 9-193 Dick's Lawn Equipment Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 92.98 9-194 Lawn Equipment Equip.Maint.-Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks & Spring. 54.51 9-195 Munn Ford Tractor Equip.Maint.-Add.,Orion,Glen Oaks & Red Oaks 199.87 OAKLAND COUN*FY [ARKS AND CREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER VOUCHER NUMBER. VENDOR I'URPOSL AMOUNT 9-196 Pfeiffer Lincoln Mercury Equip. Maint.-Indep. & YAC $ 384.30 9-197 Eiden Equipment Equip.Maint.-Admin.,Glen Oaks&Red Oaks;Sm.Tools-Red Oaks 438.54 9-198 C & I Auto Parts Equip.Maint. & Sm.Tools-Red Oaks & R.O.W.Park;Bldg. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 306.14 9-199 Mazza Auto Parts Equip. Maint. & Hskp. Exp.-Indep. 140.49 9-200 Wilkie Turf Equip.Maint.-Red Oaks&Add.;Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks & S rin .;Sm.Tools-S rin . 609_04 9-201 Petrolane Gas Utilities -Grove. 346.24 9-202 _MI Automatic Sprinkler Grounds Maint.-Grove. 51.45 9-203 Southlane Maintenance Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks 60.00 9-204 Bordine's Better Blooms Grounds Maint.-Spring. 137.25 9-205 Tri-City Aggregates Grounds Maint.,road gravel-Indep. 299.38 9-206 VOID Grounds Maint.-R.O.W.Park 95.50 9-207 Price Brothers 9-208 Larson Company Grounds Maint.-Add.,Indep. & Glen Oaks 253.68 9-209 Southland Maintenance Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks 80.00 9-210 EZ-Doz-It Laundry Laundry & Dry Cleaning -Spring. 101.40 9-211 MI First Aid Misc.Exp.,medical supplies -Spring. & R.O.W.Park 34.40 9-212 Tribune/United Cable Public Info.-Admin. 70.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS ANL LCRLATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER VOUCHER NUMBER. VENDOR I' U R I' 0 S L AMO U 1 1 T 9-213 Baker Advertising Public Info.,Public Relations & Event Mrkt.services for Sept., 1990-Admin. 2,100.00 9-214 County of Oakland Security Charges-Add.,Grove.,Orion,Indep.,R.O.W.Park,YAC & W.O.W.Park 25,000.84 9-215 Frank Venice Special Events,ballroom dance band,1O/5/90-Water. 252.00 9-216 Roger Brundage Special Events,entertainment for Magic Show-Nat.Prog. 75.00 9-217 Erik Sanderson Special Events,entertainment for Magic Show -Nat. Prog. 75.00 9-218 Jack Smith 'Special Events,entertainment for Magic Show-Nat.Prog. 99.00 9-219 Gordon Food Service Special Events-Ther.Prog.&sr. citizens-Indep. 143.07 9-220 Cindi Neef Travel Reimb.for attending the Positive i u e em.in Detroit,MI on 9/10/90-Admin. 6.90 9-221 Darlene Marion Travel Reimb.for attending the Positive Attitude Sem. in Detroit, MI on 9/10/90-Admin. 13.15 9-222 Pam Seaman Travel Reimb.for attending the Positive Atti u e em. in Detroit, MI on 9/10/90-Admin. 6.90 9-223 Gloria Buchanan Travel Reimb.for attending the Positive Attitude Sem. in Detroit, MI on 9/10/90-Admin. 6.90 9-224 Diversified Business Products Off. Sup.,monthly billing on copier-Admin. 273.00 9-225 The Darson Corporation Off.Sup.,(5OOO)Vehicle Stickers-Add.,Grove. & Indep. 1,000.00 . 9-226 Madison -Troy Office Supply Off.Sup.-R.O.W.Park 48.33 9-227 Moby Dick Pet Store Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 48.56 9-228 Parts Associates Sm. Tools -Glen Oaks 51.35 9-229 Methodist'Children's Home Refund for overpayment of skatemob. fee-Mob.Rec. 4.20 I 0AKLAI1U COUNTY PARKS ANL _:CItEAT I ON COMm I SS I ON VOUCHER REGISTER * *j VOUCHER NUMBER. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUIIT 9-230 VOID $ 9-231 L. Gee, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Red Oaks 99.17 9-232 Kevin Bullock Special Events,Fall Event-Indep. 200.00 9-233 Ed Harms Misc.Exp.,reimb.for golfball damage to window -Red Oaks 249.18 9-234 Sundry (Refunds) Camping Refunds to G.Bowden 1 ,H.Blue ,J. -Huffman $13.00&J.Cuthrell,Jr. $8.00-Grove. 57.00 9-235 Sundry (Commission) Per Diem & Mileage paid to Parks Commissioners for.mtg. of 9/5/90-Admin. 128.25 9-236 Protech Welding Grounds Maint.;(Water Tower Safety Cages) -Add. & YAC 14,250.00 9-237 Sundry (Advance) Adv.Regist.for L.Wint, R.Richard,J.Kipke,F.Trionfi,J.Fox, Tomboulian to attend the 1990 NRPA Congress in Phoenix, AZ on 10/11-15/90-Admin. 6,019.86 9-238 GameTime Equip. Maint.-W.O.W.Park 85.31 9-239 Syndeco RealtV Ca .Pro'.,Land Acquisition -Grove. 500.00 9-240 O.C.Road Commission Per Diem & Mileage for R.Vogt, mt . of 8/15/90-Admin. 35.00 9-241 Michigan Bell Communications-W.O.W.Park 20.24 9-242 Consumers Power Utilities-Grove.,Wh.Lk.,R.O.W.Park & Spring. 3,281.23 9-243 Detroit Edison Utilities-Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,W.O.W.Park& 14,740.85 Utilities -Add. & Water. 96.00 OAKLAND COUN*FY PARKS At ;ECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER VOUCHER NUMBER• VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-245 Drayton Swimming Pool Bldg. Maint.-W.O.W.Park 69.80 9-246 Ashton's Lock & Key B1dg.Maint.-Wh. Lk. 14.40 9-247 Detroit Cornice & Slate Bldg. Maint.,slate roof repair -Glen Oaks 1,150.00 9-248 James Layman Bldg. Maint.-Spring. 26.00 9-249 Michigan Rental Equip. Rental -Spring. 36.00 9-250 Goodyear Tire _ Equip. Maint.-Tech.Sup. & Add. 89.82 9-251 Goodyear Tire Equip. Maint.-Indep. & BMX 286.48 9-252 Auto Parts by Or-Ox Equip. Maint.-Orion Oaks 36.15 9-253 Mid -States Petroleum Equip.Maint.-Add.,Indep.,Red Oaks & Spring. 1,542.47 9-254 Moore's Tire Grounds Maint.-Orion Oaks 74.87 9-255 Capitol Equipment Equip. Maint.-Add. & Indep. 161.35 9-256 Safety-Kleen Equip. Maint.-Spring. 81.00 9-257 Pontiac Truck Center Equip. Maint.-Orion Oaks 3.92 9-258 Oakland Disposal Rubbish Removal -Glen Oaks 45.00 9-259 Shemin Nurseries Grounds Maint.,grass seed -Glen Oaks 258.00 9-260 North Electric Grounds Maint.-Add. 18.50 9-261 Royal Oak .& Birmingham Tent Grounds Maint.-Add. 98.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS A, kLCItEAT I ON COhIH I SS 1 ON VOUCHER REGISTER VOUCHER NUMBER. VENDOR 1'IJR110SE At -in lit IT 9-262 Oscar W. Larson Company Grounds Maint.-Spring. $ 48.25 9-263 Amcorn Hybrids Grounds Maint.,grass seed -Spring. 144.00 9-264 South Huron Industrial Grounds Maint.,sprayed calcium & chloride-Indep. 686.25 9-265 Monsanto Company Grounds Maint.-Spring. 119.00 9-266 Benham Chemical Grounds Maint.,grass seed -Glen Oaks 351.75 9-267 Oxford Co -Operative Elevator Grounds Maint.-Add.;Rec. Sup. -Add. & Nat. Prog. 161.75 9-268 Warren Pool Rec. Sup.-R.O.W.Park 55.72 9-269 Spinal Column Publications,subscription renewal-Admin. 19.00 9-270 One Hour Harbour Photo Public Info.,contact sheets-Admin. 105.00 9-271 Ric Brown Special Events,Hot Air Balloon Fest.-YAC 33.30 9-272 The Coach's Corner Special Events,Mt. Bike Race -Add. 81.00 9-273 MI Portable Toilets Special Events -BMX & sr. citizens-Indep. 290.00 9-274 Helen Vergin Special Events,Hot Air Balloon Fest.-YAC 27.23 9-275 Statewide Portable Sanitation Special Events,sr. citizen events-Indep. 175.00 9-276 O.C. Dept. of Public Works Sewage Charges -Add. & Add. Conf. Ctr. 859.50 9-277 American Red Cross Off.Sup.-R.O.W.Park 86.80 9-278 Albin Business Copiers Off. Sup.,service charge on copier-Admin. 335.86 OAKLAIID COUNTY PARKS AN. .,ECREAT I ON COMM I SS I Otd VOUCHER REGISTER VOUCHER NUMBER. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-279 Glades Herpetoculture Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 88.00 9-280 J. Stickley, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Mob. Rec. 11.42 9-281 J. Mansfield, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Red Oaks 30.00 9-282 J. Mansfield, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Wh. Lk. 90.94 9-283 Jim Sparre Uniforms,summer deposit refunded-W.O.W.Park 25.00 9-284 Sharon Lipton -League Fee Refunded -Glen Oaks 39.00 9-285 Rodney Morrill Security deposit refunded -Water. 50.00 9-286 Barbara Cox Ballroom dance fee refunded -Water. 58.00 9-287 Dick Raylege Skate Mobile fee refunded -Mob. Rec. 125.00 9-288 Sundry (Refunds) Damage Deposit refunded to R.Burton & C.Stafford, ea. $50.00-YAC 100.00 9-289 Advance Concrete Cap. Pr oj.,Maint.Bldg. Renov.-Wh. Lk. 1,060.00 9-290 Tri-City Aggregates Cap. Pro'.,Tech.Su ./Mob.Rec. Fac. Imp. -Water. 149.76 9-291 Dave Evans Sand & Gravel Cap.Proj.,Drainage Imp. & Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 914.60 9-292 Erb Lumber Cap.Proj.,Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water.;Grounds Maint.-T.Complex 745.94 _ 9-293 Madison Electric Cap.Proj.iMaint.Bldg.Renov.-Wh.Lk.&Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec. Fac.Imp.-Water.;Equip.Maint.-Admin -Bldg Maint -Spring & Water. 600.64 9-294 Burke Building Centers Cap.Proj.,Maint.Bldg.Renov.-Wh.Lk.&Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec. Fac.Im .-Water.;E i .Maint Maint.Su .-Tech.SDp. _ 7177 OAKLAND COUN-rY PARKS AN,. .,ECItEAT I ON COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER VOUCHER NUMBER. VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-295 Burke Building Centers Uniforms-Tech.Sup.;Bldg.Maint.-Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,YAC&W.O.W.Park;Grounds Maint.-Wh. ., rove., pring., AC, .O.W.Par ,T.Comp ex & BMX;Rec. Sup.-Nat.Prog.;Rental Prop.Maint.-Wh.Lk. 480.16 9-296 Elden's Hardware Acct.Rec.-Admin.(To be reimb.by Sr.Olympics);Cap.Proj., Nat.Ctr.Landscape-Indep.&Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.- Water.;Bldg.Maint.-Admin.,Indep.,Spring.,YAC,W.O.W.Park; Equip.Maint.-Tech.Su .,Inde .,Water.,BMX&Mob.Rec.,s its mob.&Prorata (All Units);Maint.Sup.-Tech.Sup.;Sm.Tools- Tech.Sup.,Mob.Rec.&BMX;Grounds Maint.-Orion,Inde .,T. 424.57 9-297 Elden's Hardware Complex,Spring.&BMX;Hskp.Exp.-Water.;Rec.Sup.-Nat.Prog. 209.06 9-298 Pifer, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Grove.,Indep.,Glen Oaks,Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks & Spring. 911.93 9-299 Leslie Electric Cap.Proj.,Tech.Sup. Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water.;Bldg.Maint.- Add.;Equip.Maint.-Grove.;Grounds Maint.-Spring. 759.98 9-300 W.F. Miller Equip.Maint.-Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.&Glen Oaks;Grounds Maint.-Spring. 1,525.47 9-301 Jean's Hardware Uniforms,Bldg.,Equip. & Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 149.47 9-302 John R Lumber Bldg. Maint.,Equip.Maint.&Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks & R.O.W.Park;Sm.Tools-Red Oaks 446.82 9-303 Century Rain -Aid Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks,Red Oaks & R.O.W.Park;Bldg. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 558.34 9-304 O.C. Soil & Water Grounds Maint. seedlin s-Orion Oaks 649.10 9-305 Acushnet Company s Golf Mdse. for Resale,balls-Wh. Lk. 91.50 9-306 Burroughs Materials Cap.Proj.,Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water. 35.51 9-307 Paint "n" Stuff Bldg. Maint., aint-Glen Oaks 355.86 9-308 Paint "n"Stuff Bldg. Maint.-Add. & YAC 689.68 i N 0 OAKLAIIU COUNTY PARKS ANG CREA'1' I ON COMH I SS I Otl VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 2,990 VOUCHER NUMBER. VENDOR PURPOSE AtIOUNT 9-309 Safety-Kleen Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. & Glen Oaks 141.75 9-310 Spartan Oil Equip. Maint.,55 gal. oil -Spring. 212.95 9-311 AGA Gas, Inc. Special Events,helium-Rec.Admin.;Maint.Sup.-Tech.Sup.; Equip.Maint.-Add.,Orion Oaks & Tech.Sup. 115.16 9-312 Wolverine Golf Cars Golf Cart Rental -Glen Oaks 675.00 9-313 MI Portable Toilets Grounds Maint.-Orion Oaks 40.00 9-314 Harvard Cleaners -Laundry & Dry Cleaning -Add. & Inde . 63.60 9-315 Woodsmith Publications,subscri tion renewal -Tech. Sup. 15.95 9-316 Personal Report Publications,subscription renewal-Admin. 39.72 9-317 Gra hmark Services Special Events,(6O0)t-shirts-Add. 2,628.00 9-318 Gordon Food Special Events,Mt.Bike Race -Add. 27.60 9-319 MI Square Dance News Special Events,full pg. ad -Water. 65.00 9-320 Janet Pung Travel Reimb.for attending the WJR Radio mtg. in Fern- dale,MI-Admin. 10.52 9-321 Ralph Richard Travel Reimb. for attending the Rookery Mtg. in South Lyon,MI on 9/17/90-Admin. 12.00 9-322 K. Smith, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Admin. 222.50 9-232 Lori Cleland Special Events,entertainment for car show-Indep. 250.00 9-324 Wilson Welding Public Info.-Admin.;Special Events,helium-Rec.Admin.; Equip.Maint.-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Indep.&R.O.W.Park;Rec.Sup.- R.O.W.Park;Maint.Sup.-Tech.Sup. 416.29 OAKLANU COUN-rY PARKS Ar, MC EATION COMMISSION AMOUNT VOUCHER REGISTER VOUCHER NUMBER - PURPOSE I OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS Ai._ RECREATION COMMISSION INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMINT REGISTER AUGUST, 1990 (FOR THE MONTH OF JULY, 1990) SOURCE DEPARTMENT PURPOSE AMOUNT Communications-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk., Inv. #384 Communications Fund Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,S rin p g.,R.O,.W.Park,YAC,Water.,W.O.W. Park,T.Complex,BMX & Nat. Prog. 6,774.61 Equip.Rental-Admin. & Add.;Off.Sup.-Rec.Admin.;Prof. Inv. #669 Computer Services Fund Services-Admin. 5,295.11 Cap.Equip., 1 Bus-Mob.Rec.;Misc.Exp.-Admin.;Transporta- Inv. #262 Motor Pool Fund tion-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Orion,Wh. Lk.,Indep.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,YAC,Water.,Mob. Rec.&Nat.Prog.;Equip.Maint.-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Orion, Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks,Spring.,Water.&Mob.Rec.,trucks & buses 57,058.95 B1dg.Maint.-Admin.;Grounds Maint.-Grove.,Water.,W.O.W. Inv. #516 Facilities & Operations Fund Fringe Benefit Charges for July, 1990-Admin.;2nd Quarter Inv. #242 Fringe Be g Benefit Fund Disability Premium increase -Grove. 115,731.46 Equip.Rental-Admin.,Rec.Adnin.,Tech.Sup.,Grove.,Orion, Inv. #646 Office Equipment Fund Inde .,S rin .,YAC,Water. & Nat. Prog. 358.65 Acct.Rec.-BMX(To be reimb.by BMX Volunteer Assoc.);Off. Inv. #519 Materials Management Fund Su .-Admin.,Add.,Grove.,Inde .,YAC,BMX&Nat.Prog.;Hskp. Exp.-Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks,R.O.W.Park,YAC,Water.&W.O.W.Park;Misc.Exp.-Add.; Public Info.-Admin.;Grounds Maint.-R.O.W.Park;Equip. Maint.-Mob.Rec.,Prorata(All Units);Special Events,cups- Rec.Admin.;Rec.Su .,sta e show&da camp-Mob.Rec. 5,133.78 Public Info.-Admin.;Off.Sup.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Add.,Wh. Inv. #504 Printing & Mailing Fund Lk.,Orion,Inde .,Red Oaks,Water.,Mob.Rec.&Nat.Prog.; Special Events-Nat.Prog. & dog obed.&misc.-Water.;Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 2,319.48 Radio Maint.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove., Inv. #110 Radio Communications Fund Orion,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W. Park,YAC,Water.,W.O.W.Park,Mob.Rec.&Nat.Prog.;Equip. Maint.-Grove.,Indep.&YAC 2,290.26 TOTAL FOR INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT ;;G�ISTER$ 201,447_89 OAMM COUNTY PARRS AND RECREATION COMMISSION TRANSFER VOUCHER REGISTER ' AUGUST, 1990 SOURCE DEPARTIIENT PURPOSE AMOUNT Bldg. Maint.,Safety Alarm Installation Material -Glen 8-286 General Fund Oaks & Spring. 1 $ 129.60 TOTAL FOR TRANSFER VOUCHER REGISTER 3 • .• OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ANALYSIS OF FUND BALANCE AS OF 8/31/90 FUND BALANCE, 1/1/90 $ 3,127,909.24 ADDITIONS: REVENUE OVER OPERATING EXPENSE AS OF 8/31/90 $3,209,507.35 NET COLLECTIONS ON ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 968,095.53 NET DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 331,172.69 4,508,775.57 --------------------------- $ 7,636,684.81 DEDUCTIONS: PAYMENTS ON CAPITAL PROJECTS $ 767,623.28 NET OPERATING EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 474,297.69 NET PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 396,878.13 INTERDEPARTMENTAL INVOICES IN TRANSIT 217,696.43 INCREASE IN MERCHANDISE FOR RESALE 4,747.96 1,861,243.49 --------------------------- $ 5,775,441.32 SUMMARY OF FUND BALANCE CASH ON HAND $ 479,123.32 INVESTMENTS WITH THE COUNTY TREASURER 5,296,318.00 -------------- $ 5,775,441.32 -------------- -------------- 5-1 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS COMBINED STATEMENT FOR MONTH ENDING 8/31/90 YEAR TO 1990 OVER(-), % OF ******** REVENUE ******** DATE BUDGET UNDER BUDGET BUDGET MILLAGE & INTEREST INCOME $5,446,215.97 $5,471,800.00 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 4,565.50 24,240.00 ADDISON OAKS: PARK 170,043.03 206,700.00 CONFERENCE CENTER 40,558.07 80,000.00 GROVELAND OAKS 359,103.50 433,400.00 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 159,844.91 190,100.00 ORION OAKS 0.00 0.00 GLEN OAKS 548,669.13 686,300.00 RED OAKS: GOLF COURSE 201,551.34 226,150.00 DRIVING RANGE 12,000.00 10,000.00 WATER PARK 452,696.98 523,000.00 SPRINGFIELD OAKS: GOLF COURSE 468,080.40 564,000.00 WHITE LAKE OAKS 490,876.64 545,800.00 SPRINGFIELD YAC 25,087.53 149,100.00 WATERFORD OAKS: PARK 65,858.76 77,700.00 WATER PARK 255,054.13 338,000.00 TENNIS COMPLEX 16,511.10 28,050.00 BMX 28,930.06 59,200.00 MOBILE RECREATION 68,001.25 117,500.00 NATURE PROGRAM 3,945.96 5,500.00 THERAPEUTIC PROGRAM 244.00 2,500.00 TOTAL REVENUE $8,817,838.26 $9,739,040.00 ** OPERATING EXPENSES *** ADMINISTRATION $1,050,261.29 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 132,662.00 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 402,428.09 ADDISON OAKS: PARK 426,815.19 CONFERENCE CENTER 30,231.08 GROVELAND OAKS 409,099.00 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 454,847.56 ORION OAKS 90,910.88 GLEN OAKS 341,894.37 RED OAKS: GOLF COURSE 231,494.47 DRIVING RANGE , 5,420.61 WATER PARK 334,956.22 SPRINGFIELD OAKS: GOLF COURSE 338,682.06 WHITE LAKE OAKS 307,249.69 SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC 102,536.11 WATERFORD OAKS: PARK 164,661.53 WATER PARK 252,894.32 TENNIS COMPLEX 33,364.06 BMX 46,439.31 MOBILE RECREATION 227,205.41 NATURE PROGRAM 152,095.00 THERAPEUTIC PROGRAM 9,949.72 CONTINGENCY* 62,232.94 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $5,608,330.91 REVENUE OVER/UNDER EXP. $3,209,507.35 1990 ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: 90.5% BUDGET BALANCE: 9.5% ACTUAL EXP. TO DATE: 67.6% BUDGET BALANCE: 32.4% $1,536,136.00 211,055.00 608,362.00 679,674.00 69,000.00 597,301.00 697,868.00 161,165.00 503,150.00 313,592.00 5,900.00 496,576.00 504131.00 433:032.00 177,989.00 225,395.00 304,818.00 38,165.00 71,025.00 266,400.00 228,795.00 19,481.00 148,675.00 $8,297,685.00 $25,584.03 99.5% 19,674.50 18.8% 36,656.97 82.3% 39,441.93 50.7% 74,296.50 82.9% 30,255.09 84.1% 0.00 137,630.87 79.9% 24,598.66 89.1% -2,000.00 -20.0% 70,303.02 86.6% 95,919.60 54,923.36 124,012.47 11,841.24 82,945.87 11,538.90 30,269.94 49,498.75 1,554.04 2,256.00 $921,201.74 $485,874.71 78,393.00 205,933.91 252,858.81 38,768.92 188,202.00 243,020.44 70,254.12 161,255.63 82,097.53 479.39 161,619.78 165,448.94 125,782.31 -75,452.89 60,733.47 51,923.68 4,800.94 24,585.69 39,194.59 76,700.00 9,531.28 86,442.06 $2,689,354.09 83.0% 89.9% 16.8% 84.8% 75. 5% 58.9% 48.9% 57.9% 71.7% 9.8% 90.5% 68.4% 62.9% 66.1% 62.8% 43.8% 68.5% 65.2% 56.4% 68.0% 73.8% 91.9% 67.5% 67.2% 71.0% 57.6% 73.1% 83.0% 87.4% 65.4% 85.3% 66.5% 51.1% 41.9% 67.6% $1,441,355.00 $-1,768,152.35-122.7% 1989 1988 88.7% 93.5% 70.8% 68.8% *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. CONTINGENCY BUDGET FIGURE: $20,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO MOBILE RECREATION. 17,286 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO ADDISON. 6,964 HAS BEEN TRANSFEERED TO SPRING. YAC 1,500 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO ADMINISTRATION. 1,900 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO RED OAKS DRIVING RANGE. $13,675 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO GLEN OAKS. 5-2 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS ANF ;EATION COMMISSION CAPITAL IMPROVEMEN JGET FOR 1990 AS OF 08/31/90 SUMMARY TOTAL FOR ALL PARKS ESTIMATED 1989 1990 NET NEW ESTIMATED CONTRACT(S) CONTRACT(S) PROJECT ---------PARK- -- ----- PROJECT COST --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- PROJECT COST --------------- AMOUNT PAID --------------- RETAINER --------------- AWARDED BALANCE --------------- BALANCE ---------------- ADMINISTRATION $2,405,000.00 $0.00 $322,236.50 $322,236.50 $2,727,236.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,727,236.50 ADDISON OAKS 621,308.00 0.00 2,950.00 2,950.00 624,258.00 (238,530.33) 6,535.00 (3,300.00) 388,962.67 GROVELAND OAKS 701,116.00 76,543.81 14,068.90 90,612.71 791,728.71 (678,728.45) 0.00 0.00 113,000.26 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 191,900.00 1,370.00 (5,403.96) (4,033.96) 187,866.04 (39,646.08) 0.00 (60,120.00) 88,099.96 ORION OAKS 454,901.00 979.70 2,262.50 3,242.20 458,143.20 (458,143.20) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 GLEN OAKS 248,091.00 5,221.26 (9,034.86) (3,813.60) 244,277.40 (88,872.47) 0.00 (18,777.00) 136,627.93 RED OAKS 147,821.00 0.00 47,161.30 47,161.30 194,982.30 (59,457.17) 0.00 (113,536.)3) 21,989.00 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 303,056.00 0.00 28,854.82 28,854.82 331,910.82 (238,219.85) 0.00 (33,414.00) 60,276.97 WHITE LAKE OAKS 298,560.00 0.00 19,220.95 19,220.95 317,780.95 (115,312.14) 7,012.50 (65,775.00) 143,706.31 WATERFORD OAKS 657,743.00 925.93 169,760.22 170,686.15 828,429.15 (589,625.13) 0.00 0.00 238,804.02 CONTINGENCY 132,139.00 ---------- (85,040.70) --------------- 71,728.89 --------------- --------------- (13,311.81) 118,827.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 118,827.19 CAPITAL PROJECTS TOTAL $6.161,635.00 $0.00 $663,805.26 $663,805.26 --------------- $6,825,440.26 --------------- --------------- $(2,506,534.82) $13,547.50 --------------- $(294,922.13) --------------- $4,037,530.81 rn t-� COMBINED TOTALS OF MONT"TY ACTIVITIES FOR August, 1990 1 TOTALS - GOLF COURSES RECREATIONAL & TOTALS - SPECIAL EVENTS TOTALS - DAY USE PARKS GRAND TOTALS GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing RED OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Cross Country Skiing Golf Dome SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 19 Holes Cross Country Skiing TOTALS - GOLF COURSES Leagues/Groups Participants Leagues/Groups Participants 1989 1990 1989 1990 1989 1990 1989 1990 577 579 49,387 58,381 1,838 1,953 214,476 232,624 291 299 59,620 79,304 1,800 1,920 257,492 249,880 17,341 18,236 156,198 183,098 68,891 67,696 581,045 586,168 18,209 19,114 265,205 320,783 72,529 71,569 1,053,013 1,068,672 GOLF COURSES - MONTH OF August, 1990 YL'AR TO DATE Leagues Participants Leagues Participants 1989 1990 1989 1990 1989 1990 1989 1990 179 184 11,462 12,033 572 640 41,079 44,849 13 0 2,884 2,579 24 2 11,327 10,715 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 89 82 8,013 8,011 309 284 31,015 31,379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 3,250 9,082 0 0 44,702 52,197 124 131 6,528 7,504 356 435 23,727 25,043 4 1 4,479 3,944 7 1 15,450 15,091 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 168 181 10,286 12,298 566 591 36,936 41,639 0 0 2,485 2,930 4 0 10,225 11,416 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 200 577 579 49,387 58,381 1,838 1,953 214,476 232,624 RECREATIONAL AND SPECIAL VENTS - MONTH OF YEAR TO DATE MOBILE RECREATION Airsport Skate Mobile Mime Group Broadway Revue/Yankee Doodle Med. Puppet Mobile Sports Mobile Buses Show'Mobile Dunk Tank WATERFORD OAKS Activity Center Tennis Complex BMX ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM Nature Center Outreach Nature Trail Usage SPRINGFIELD OAKS Y A C * SPECIAL EVENTS V 1 N TOTALS *NET TNCLUDED TN TOTALS Groups Participants Group Participants 1 1990 1989 1990 1989 1990 1989 1990 23 18 13,090 3,860 61 66 41,887 14,209 26 20 11,535 2,614 83 87 22,222 15,294 5 10 1,545 5,865 38 45 20,607 11,115 3 9 105 - 30 37 5086 - 9 18 1,700 3,645 58 58 12,170 11,424 16 21 3,095 6,045 50 69 10,927 18,935 61 43 4,012 2,053 255 170 14,174 9,730 32 17 - - 81 97 - - 0 9 0 2,425 0 21 0 7,425 47 60 3,645 4,772 467 512 26,708 28,973 18 19 2,162 1,847 89 88 7,210 6,774 8 12 2,750 2,049 32 52 14,309 10,530 25 27 2,040 2,610 264 316 15,987 18,962 8 11 351 414 100 119 23,380 25,398 0 0 0 *7,967 0 0 0 *32,878 10 5 13,590 41,105 192 183 42,825 71,111 291 299 59,620 79,304 1,800 I 1,920 257,492 249,880 DAY USE PARKS AND FACILI,, ATTENDANCE REPORT - MONTH OF AUGUST, 1990 ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers GROVELAND OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK Day Use Day Camper Overnight Group Campers ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GLEN OAKS CLUBHOUSE SPRINGFIELD OAKS CLUBHOUSE WHITE LAKE OAKS CLUBHOUSE WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK. RED OAKS WATERPARK ORION OAKS V W TOTALS YEAR TO DATE Groups Participants Groups Participants 1989 1990 1989 1990 1989 1990 1989 1990 665 736 10,514 12,505 1,941 2,073 31,251 35,147 2,822 2,717 11,455 11,990 10,607 10,177 42,292 42,277 0 0 0 0 6 0 222 0 2,379 2,867 40,982 56,520 7,318 7,478 142,722 142,025 3,284 3,430 12,826 13,231 13,498 12,866 50,481 48,578 2 1 46 11 12 3 469 263 8,016 8,275 28,068 28,966 34,708 34,009 121,547 119,353 26 35 1,395 1,745 89 227 6,523 10,736 6 3 205 73 21 25 1,401 1,085 42 34 5,005 4,710 190 169 20,542 20,277 15 18 2,436 2,449 124 110 16,009 13,459 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 11 1,259 1,275 55 65 5,964 6,856 42 48 15,069 17,913 170 170 50,412 54,869 31 61 25,024 31,650 152 184 88,489 90,113 0 0 1,914 60 0 140 2,721 1,130 17,341 18,236 156,198 183,098 68,891 67,696 581,045 586,168 ITEM #8 PRESENTATION ITEM #9 PEBBLE CREEK DRAIN PROJECT UPDATE Attached are letters from Tom Biasell of Farmington Hills and Glen Yrjanainen of the Oakland County Drain Commission recommending the work on the Pebble Creek Drain going through Glen Oaks not begin this year. Staff has been in contact with George Kuhn's office and is recom- mending a starting date next year of September 15. 9-1 OF O 0 GEORGE W. KUHN • OAKLAND COUNTY DRAIN COMMISSIONER ONE PUBLIC WORKS DRIVE rcFilGj� PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48054 858-0958 ROBERT H. FREDERICKS FAX # (313) 858-1066 Chief Deputy Commissioner 858.0970 MEMORANDUM Date: September 25, 1990 To: The Drainage Board for the Pebble Creek Drain Mr. Kuhn Mr. Rewold Dr. Caddell From: Glen Yrjanainen, P.E., Deputy and Chief Engineer Drain & Lakes Engineering Subject: Cancellation of Bids GLEN YRJANAINEN Chie%Engineer 858-0981 As you are aware, the Pebble Creek Drain consists of the con- struction of a detention facility on-line of the Pebble Creek at the Glen Oaks Golf Course, which is located in the City of Farmington Hills. As part of the drain work Fairway No. 9 will be filled and raised approximately four feet in elevation. Also, Green No. 9 will also be raised approximately four feet in eleva- tion, and will be re -constructed at a somewhat different location. As a condition of easement for being able to construct the deten- tion facility at the golf course, which is under the jurisdiction of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, we had to commit to a tight construction schedule that entails moving onto the golf course this October, then completing work on Fairway and Green No. 9 before the onset of winter, including vegetative restoration, so that golf may resume on this hole by late Spring, 1991. Also, construction of the detention facility must be completed prior to Spring, 1991. Not meeting the time table described means that the golf course will lose the use of.the full hole for the entire 1991 golf season, resulting in golfers having to play a much shortened hole with a temporary green. Further, golfers will have to contend with the construction'of the detention facility. Additionally, we cannot proceed with any work whatsoever on this project without the issuance of a construction permit from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR). To date, this permit has not been issued. 9-2 OAKLAND COUNTY DRAIN COMMISSIONER MEMORANDUM The Pebble Creek Drainage Board September 25, 1990 Page Two We have recently learned (see attached letter dated September 10, 1990) that the residents immediately adjacent to and downstream of the proposed detention facility have requested that the MDNR hold a Public Hearing before issuing a permit for this project. We have further been advised, by both Mr. Barry Horney and Mr. Les Thomas of the MDNR, that the hearing will be scheduled sometime in late October, and that pending a favorable hearing outcome, that the issuance of the permit will not occur until late November. It is therefore apparent that we will be unable to meet the commitment made to the golf course to complete the work on Fairway and Green No. 9 this fall. Also, not being able to begin work in early October will delay the completion of the detention facility. The scheduling problem was then discussed with Mr. Ralph Richard and Mr. Michael Thibideau of the Parks and Recreation Department, who were both of the opinion that if we cannot live up to the tight construction schedule committed to in the easement agreement, then we should consider delaying the project until the Fall of 1991. Also, Mr. Richard indicated that if we wait until next year to proceed that they will allow us to begin work at the golf course as early as September 15th. For the reasons as stated herein, it is my recommendation, as Chief Engineer, that we have no choice but to delay the project. We should proceed to cancel the taking of bids, scheduled for September 25, 1990 at 1:00 P.M., E.D.S.T. until a later date, after the issuance of the required MDNR permit. len Yrja a nen, P.E. td Attachment 9-3 GENE & CHRIS NEFF 30029 SOUTHBROOK FARMINGTON HILLS, MI 48334-2339 PHONE # (313) 851-7281 FAX # ( 313 ) 851-7602 Date: September 10, 1990 Michigan Department of Natural Resources Land & Water Management Division 24SS North Williams Lake Road Pontiac, MI 480b4 Re:, -.-File_:# .90-14=650c ��7• c ".+pplication for Permit City,. -of -Farmington Hills fit. We hereby request a Public Hearing on the above Application for; Permit for the following reasons, as well as any other areas that may be objectionable at the time of the hearing. 1. Dust & Noise from using the Service Road next to'our property Line. 2. Final Plans for the construction has not been seen by us in -order to determine if there are any objections. S i ner�7e l y , r' Gene Neff 9-4 Department of Public Services Division of Building Maintenance 473-9520 Division of Engineering 473-9590 Division of Public Works 553-8580 313/473-9521 FAX 313/474-5925 Ury 1 ton 11 r PARKS & RKRFATION Nzoor 31555 ELEVEN MILE ROAD, FARMINGTON HILLS, MICHIGAN 48018-4099 September 24, 1990 SEP RECEIVED George W. Kuhn Oakland County Drain Commissioner No. 1 Public Works Drive Pontiac, MI 48054 Re: Pebble Creek Drain/Glen Oaks Golf Course Dear Mr. Kuhn: This confirms our telephone conversation today concerning the likelihood of obtaining the necessary Michigan Department of Natural Resources permit to do the work on the Glen Oaks Golf Course. It is my understanding that the following circumstances exist: 1. The bid date is tomorrow, September 25, 1990. 2. The easement with the Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission requires that work begin in early October, 1990. This commitment was made by both the Drain Commissioner's Office and the City of Farmington Hills. This would allow the ninth fairway and green to be out of service the minimum amount of time. 3. The permit from the MDNR was applied for in May, 1990. In accordance with State requirements, a public hearing must be offered prior to the issuance of a permit. A public hearing was requested on September 11, 1990. The hearing will be held at the end of October, 1990. Therefore, the soonest the permit could be issued would be the first part of December 1990. 4. Work cannot begin without the MDNR permit. Based on the above, we concur with your conclusion that the project cannot be completed in 1990/91 in accordance with our commitments to the Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission. 9-5 We, therefore, feel it would not be in the best interest of both the City and County to accept bids on the project tomorrow. We also understand that the Parks & Recreation staff would recommend that the project proceed in the fall of 1991 in accordance with the seasonal considerations. It is unfortunate that we will not be able to provide this needed storm drainage relief with the urgency that the situation dictates. We are confident that you as Drain Commissioner, the City staff and the Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission and Department did everything they could to work together for the betterment of the City and County. Please proceed with dispatch to obtain the necessary approvals and permits so that we can begin construction as soon as possible next fall. Ve y tr 1 yours, Thomas P. Biasell Director of Public Services cc: William Costick, City Manager Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission Oakland County Parks & Recreation Department Hubbell, Roth & Clark TPB/sas 9-6 ITEM #10 CAMP TAMARACK Staff and board members from Camp Tamarack will make a presenta- tion at the meeting. Camp Tamarack is requesting the Commission consider cooperative use of their facility, which is located in Groveland Township. Staff has met with representatives from Camp Tamarack on three occasions and have toured the facility. Staff will make recommendations after discussing ideas for this proposal. 10-1 ITEM #11 BOILER REPAIR ADDISON OARS CONFERENCE CENTER The State Boiler Department is requiring that one of the two boilers at the Addison Oaks Conference Center be repaired. Staff contacted Purchasing, who recommended we request a bid from Service Plumbing and Heating, who already has a contract with the county. Service Plumbing and Heating quoted a repair cost of $9,971.00 to repair all the leaks in the boiler. The work will include removing and replacing insulation, burner, and mud legs to the height of 21". All of the welding will be certified and in accordance with a state boiler permit. Staff recommends awarding the contract for this work to Service Plumbing and Heating for the sum of $9,971.00. Funds for this project will come from the Addison Oaks building maintenance line item. ITEM # 12 HEATING SYSTEM TECHNICAL SUPPORT BUILDING ADDITION Bids were received for the purchase of a Sterling fin -tube radiant heating system for the new Technical Support building addition as follows: Taylor Engineering $7,347.25 Livonia Nelson Company 6,370.00 Royal Oak Hodges Supply 5,900.00 Pontiac W. T. Andrews Detroit NO BID Hydraulic Supply NO BID Troy Installation will be completed by Parks staff. Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to award the pur- chase to the low bidder, Hodges Supply, for $5,900.00. Funds for this project are coming from the Technical Support Build- ing Improvement Project. 12 - 1 ITEM #13 AIR CONDITIONING TECHNICAL SUPPORT BUILDING ADDITION Bids were received for a ten -ton air conditioning unit to be in- stalled in the Technical Support and Mobile Recreation office area within the new Technical Support facility; bids are as follows: Mortz Brothers $7,794.00 Farmington Hills Outwater Trane 7,294.00 Farmington Hills Temperature Engineering NO BID Sterling Heights Young Supply NO BID Pontiac York Systems NO BID Troy Carrier NO BID Livonia Installation will be completed by Parks staff. Technical Support staff has reviewed the bids and concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to award the purchase to the low bidder, Outwater Trane, for $7,294.00. Funds for this project are budgeted in the Technical Support Build- ing Improvement project. 13 - 1 ITEM # 14 Replacement Windows Park Supervisor's Residence Independence Oaks Bids were requested to install replacement windows at the park supervisor's residence at Independence Oaks. The park supervisor residence at Independence Oaks was built in 1975. The windows of the residence are the original; they are energy inefficient and many have leaking seals. The contract will include the replacement of 11 windows and 1 doorwall. Staff recommends the replacement of these windows to increase energy efficiency and resident comfort. Bids received are as follows: Arrow Modernization $11,050 Utica Newmeyer Inc. $11,069 Walled Lake Budman Inc. Southfield $11,245 Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to award this contract to the low bidder, Arrow Modernization, of Utica in the amount of $11,050.00. There was $11,500.00 budgeted in the Independence Oaks building maintenance line item for this project. 14 - 1 ITEM # 15 ADDENDUM TO TRUCKING CONTRACT At the July 18, 1990 Commission meeting, Warren Bros. Trucking of Pontiac was awarded a contract for the purpose of trucking woodchips and topsoil for several park locations and golf courses. The original contract was for the total amount of $7,000.00. The actual costs were $8,133.50, a $1,133.50 difference. This overage is attributed to several factors: the trucking took place over four different days; time tickets were not provided to one central location; and the vendor substituted larger trucks that were slightly more expensive per hour to haul material at a greater cartage for the money expended. During the four days, over 1,500 yards of woodchips and 600 yards of topsoil were transported, with a retail value of over $15,000.00. Staff requests authorization for payment of the total contact amount of $8,133.50, thus amending the original contract by $1,133.50. Cost for the trucking will be split between the parks that benefitted from the material deliveries. 15 - 1 ITEM 116 MICHIGAN EQUITY GRANT ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER With approval, and on behalf, of the Oakland County Parks and Rec- reation Commission, Addison Township has agreed to submit an application for funding for renovation of the Addison Oaks Conference Center under the Michigan Equity Program. Guidelines limit the request to under $100,000 for this convention facility. The Oakland Parks Foundation is seeking Commission support for this project. There will be further explanation at the Commission meeting. 16-1 ITEM 117 CAMP FRANKLIN On September 5, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission toured Camp Franklin and discussed the possibilities of purchasing or leasing the facility. The Commission will make a final decision on these options at this meeting. 17-1 ITEM #18 EXECUTIVE SESSION Staff is requesting an executive session to discuss a proposed land acquisition. 18-1 ITEM #19 MANAGER'S REPORT ---Leaf Storage: At the September 13 meeting of the Oakland County Board of Com- missioners, the leaf storage project at Orion Oaks was approved with a budget of $62,750. The projected cost breakdown is attached. An agreement is still being worked out by Anne Hobart, Roger Smith, and staff, for the specifics of the project. The Department of Solid Waste Management is contacting the residents of the area and also the township officials in regards to this proposal as per your request. There does not seem to be a major request from communities for this service; we do not anticipate a large participation in this project. ---A draft of a proposed park district legislation is attached with a letter from the Department of Natural Resources requesting our review, pages 19-4 through 19-23. The DNR's request is mainly due to the success that Illinois has had over the years with this form of legislation. Staff will bring you up to date on the ramifications this could have on our parks system. ---Attached per your request is a breakdown of the revenues generated if the Com- mission requested a .25 mill for land acquisition and development in 1992. As noted in the report, no revenues would be received until 1994; this is a 3-year delay in potential acquisition and development projects. We have no recommendation on this now; this is just a point of information. ---Included in this report is a detailed explanation of how we count attendance in our Mobile Recreation program. It identifies a number of ways the count is done for different units and at different activities. ---In case you missed it, attached is an article from the Oakland Press regarding smoke -free and alcohol -free county facilities. ---I have included a few letters we have received recently on activities in our parks. ---Attached is a report from DDB Needham (formerly Baker Advertising) on the amount of broadcast coverage we had on the radio and television for the millage campaign. ---For your information attached is an article from the Spinal Column regarding the Rookery property. 19 - 1 >C Misc. 90225 By Planning and Building Committee IN RE: Solid Waste/Parks and Recreation - TEMPORARY LEAF STORAGE AT ORION OAKS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS delay in implementation of the County's Solid Waste Program has left a number of municipalities with no place to deposit their fall leaf collections; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission, at its meeting of September 5, 1990, has agreed to allow the storage of these municipal leaf collections which will be deposited at Orion Oaks between October 1, 1990 and December 8, 1990; and WHEREAS such stored leaves will be removed from Orion Oaks during the Fall of 1991 and all site improvements necessary to accommodate this storage will be the responsibility of the Department of Solid Waste. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby .authorize the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners to enter into an agreement with the Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission for the temporary storage of leaves at a cost not to exceed $62,750. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the_ Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Larry P. Crake,'Chairperson , Fiscal Note (Misc. 90225) By Finance Committee IN RE: Department of Solid Waste Management - Parks & Recreation - TEMPORARY LEAF STORAGE AT ORION OAKS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-G of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed the aforenamed resolution and finds: 1) The leaf storage program is proposed for the Oakland County Orion Oaks Park; 2) The leaves would be accepted from October 1, 1990 through December 8, 1990 and would be transferred during the fall of 1991 to permanent compost operations; 3) The proposed Orion Oaks site requires certain improvement including an entrance road culvert, gravel entrance road, entrance gate, snow fencing, etc. at a cost not expected to exceed $40,000; 4) The operational costs for staffing, dumpster rental and other miscellaneous costs are not expected to exceed $22,750; 5) The total maximum cost for the 1990 leaf storage program is $62,750 6) Funding in the amount of $62,750 is available in the Solid Waste Special Contingency and be advanced to the Department of Solid Waste Management as follows: Account Number Account Name Amount 4-10100-909-01-00-9912 Special Contingency ($62,750) 4-10100-101-01-00-8330 Transfer to -Solid Waste 62,750 General Fund Total -0- Revenue 3-83300-101-01-00-8101 Transfer from General Fund 62,750 Expense 4-83300-101-01-00-3704 Special Projects 62,750 Total Solid Waste Fund -0- 7) The Department of Solid Waste is authorized to commit up to $25,000 and any additional expenditures up to $62,750, with the approval of the Planning and Building Committee; 8) This advance shall be recovered from the sale of system bonds for the Oakland County Solid Waste Management System. 9) The Department of Solid Waste Management shall collect $4.00 per cubic yard for all leaves deposited on the site. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Crake supported by Caddell the resolution be adopted. AYES: Moffitt, Oaks, Olsen, Pappageorge, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Wolf, Aaron, Bishop, Caddell, Crake, Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, R. Kuhn, Law, McConnell, McPherson. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. 19-2 Orion Oaks Leaf Storage Project ------------------------------- August 31, 1990 'stimated Costs Site Related ------------ Minimum Maximum Entrance road culvert $5,000 $15,000 Entrance road base $10,000 $20,000 Miscellaneous (gate and snow fence) $5,000 $5,000 Manpower (10 weeks) $5,000 $7,500 $25,000' $47,500 Contingency @ 10% $2,500* $4,750 Total - Site Related $27,500 $52,250 ,emoval of Inappropriate Material --------------------------------- Dumpster rental $1,500 $3,000 Load, haul and disposal $5,000 $7,500 --------- $6,500 --------- $10,500 ` Grand Total Estimate - Fall, 1990 --------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------ $34,000 $62,750 Future Costs for Removal of Stored Leaves ----------------------------------------- ---=------------------------------------- Summer and Fall, 1991 To Be Determined after close of fall, 1990 storage project. 19-3 STATE OF MICHIGAN NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION THOLES J. A N 4 MARLENE J. FLUHARLUHARTY ��..,,^^,�, 30RDON E. GUYER KERRYELLWO D A. M ELLWOOD A. MATTSON JAMES J. BLANCHARD, Governor 0. STEWAMOND POUPORE MYERS RAYMOND DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES _ , STEVENS T. MASON BUILDING P.O. BOX 30028 LANSING, MI 48909 DAVID F. HALES, Director September 14, 1990 Mr. Ralph Richard Manager Oakland Co. Parks & Recreation 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, MI 48054-1697 Dear Mr. Richard: The Recreation Services Branch has just completed the following draft documents: "Proposed Park District Legislation" A Guide For Establishina Parks and Recreation Commissions The first document, "Proposed Park District Legislation", was written in response to the many request our branch has received from local units of government who are interested in developing park districts. Park districts are independent units of governments headed by a Board of Commissioners who have the authority to levy a tax on all real and personal property of each participating unit of government. Participants in a park district can be a city, county, village, township, a school district or any combination of two or more local government units. Michigan does not have a current statute that will accomplish this. The closest form of a park district is the Huron -Clinton Metropolitan Authority. The legislation that created this authority is specific to this authority only. The second document, A Guide For Establishing Parks and Recreation Commissions, also was written in response to request for local units of government. This document is actually a revision of our existing document of the same title. This revised edition contains more information on the different and new enabling laws as well'as discussions on types of commissions, administrative structures and park districts. We would like you to review both documents and give us your comments and/or recommendations. Please send your comment to: R1026 3/89 19-4 '4^ C4 Page Two - Richard Murdock Jemerson Community Recreation Consultant MDNR/Recreation Division Knapp's Centre P.O. Box 30028 Lansing, MI 48909 Your immediate attention to this request would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Hector Chiunti, Chief Recreation Services Branch Recreation Division (517) 335-3040 Enclosure HC:mlf cc: Mr. Murdock Jemerson, MDNR 19-5 AN ACT to authorize local government units to create park districts; to prescribe the powers and duties of park districts; and to authorize park districts to levy a property tax. The People of the State of Michigan enact: Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the "Michigan park district act". Sec. 3. As used in this act: (a) "Articles" means a park district's articles of incorporation provided for in section 5. (b) "Board of Commissioners" or "Board" means the governing body of the park district. (c) "Certify" and "certification", when used in connection with election of officers or referenda, refers to the certification, in accordance with the general election law, of offices, candidates or propositions to county clerks and boards of election commissioners for inclusion on the ballot at an election. (d) "Chief Executive Officer" means the County executive or chairman of the board of commissioners of a county, the mayor or city manager of a city, the president of a village, or the supervisor of a township. 19-6 (e) "District" means a park district established pursuant to this act. (f) "District area" means the combined territory of the participating cities, villages, and townships. (g) "Governing Body" means the elected body of a local governmental unit having legislative powers. (h) "Largest" means, if used in reference to a county, the county having the greatest population residing in participating cities, villages, and townships. "Largest", if used in reference to a participating local governmental unit, means the participating local governmental unit having the greatest population. (i) "Local government unit" means a county, township, city, village or school district. (j) "Parks" means an area of .land or water, or a combination of both, dedicated to 1 or more of the following uses: (i) Recreation purposes, including but not limited to, landscaped tracts; picnic grounds, playgrounds, athletic fields, camps, campgrounds, zoological and botanical gardens, swimming, swimming pools, community centers, museums, boating, hunting, fishing, binding areas, motorized and non -motorized trails and bridle paths. 19-7 (ii) Open or scenic space. (iii) Environmental, conservation, nature, or wildlife areas. (k) "Participating", if used in reference to a local governmental unit, means 1 of the following: (i) After formation of a park district, a local government unit that has joined in the formation of the park district or been added to the park district pursuant to section 21 and that has not withdrawn pursuant to section 33. (ii) Before formation of a park district, a local governmental unit named in the articles of incorporation as a participating local governmental unit. (1) "Submit" and "submission", when used in connection with a referendum on a proposition or question, refers to the submission to the voters, in accordance with the general election law, of the proposition or question by county clerks and boards of election commissioners. (m) "Voter" or "legal voter" or "elector" means a person qualified to vote under general election law. Sec. 5. (1) A combination of 2 or more local government units may form a park district for the purpose of planning, promoting, and/or acquiring, constructing, owning, developing, maintaining, and operating, either within or without their limits, parks, parking facilities, and/or limited access 19-8 highways, as well as such connecting drives as may be deemed necessary or convenient to provide access to and between the same by adopting articles of incorporation pursuant to the requirements of sections 7 and 9. (2) A park district is a public corporate body with power to sue and be sued in any court of the state. (3) A park district is an authority under section 6 of article IX of the state constitution of 1963. (4) A park district possesses all the powers necessary for carrying out the purposes of its formation. The enumeration of specific powers in this act shall not be construed as a limitation on the general powers of a park district, consistent with its articles. (5) A park district may fix and collect fees and charges for use of facilities under its control, and, for its uses, may sell or purchase lands and may acquire and succeed to any or all the rights, obligations, and property pertaining to parks or highways of the state or of any county, city, village or township comprising territory with the limits of the said park district: Provided, that no county, city, village or township shall surrender any such rights, obligations, or property without the approval of a majority vote of the electors of any such county, city, village or township, voting on such proposition. Sec. 7. (1) A park district's articles shall state the name of the park district; the names of the participating local governmental units; the purposes for which the park district is formed; the powers, duties, and limitations of 19-9 the park district and its Commissioners; the qualifications, method of selection and terms of office of the Commissioners; the manner in which participating local governmental units shall take part in the governance of the park district; the general method of amending the articles; the method of amending the articles to reflect the addition of a local governmental unit, which shall require the adoption of a resolution by a vote of not less than 2/3 of the Commissioners serving on the Board of Commissioners; and any other matters that the participating local governmental units consider advisable. (2) The articles may authorize the park district to levy on all the taxable real and personal property within the park district area an ad valorem tax of not to exceed mills of the state equalized valuation on each dollar of assessed valuation of taxable property. The levy of a tax under this subsection is subject to the requirements of sections 25 and 27. Sec.9. (1) The articles of a park district shall be adopted and may be amended by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members elected to and serving on the governing body of each participating local governmental unit. (2) Before the articles or amendments are adopted by any "participating local governmental unit, the articles or amendments shall be published by the clerk of the largest participating local governmental unit at least once in a newspaper generally circulated within the participating cities, villages, and townships. 19-10 (3) The adoption of articles or amendments by the legislative body of a local governmental unit shall be evidenced by an endorsement on the articles or amendments by the clerk of the local governmental unit in a form substantially as follows: These articles of incorporation (or amendments) were adopted by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members serving on the legislative body of a a meeting duly held on the day of , A.D., (4) Upon adoption of the articles or amendments, a printed copy of the articles or the amended articles shall be filed by the clerk of the largest participating local governmental unit with the secretary of state, the clerk of each county in which is located all or part of a participating city, village, township or school district, and the clerk of each participating city, village, township or school district. Sec. 11. (a) In organizing any park district under this act not less that 5% of the registered voters residing within the limits of such proposed park district may petition the circuit judge of the county in which such territory, or the greater or greatest portion thereof, in area, lies, to cause the question to be submitted to the legal voters of such proposed park district whether they will organize as a park district. Such petition shall clearly define the territory intended to be embraced in such park district and the name of such proposed park district. The petition must include an affidavit 19-11 attesting that notice of intent to petition for formation of a park district has been published as required by the general election law. (b) An organization petition under Section 11-a shall be filed in the offices of the clerk of the circuit court in which such proposed park district is situated together with a request that the circuit judge set a date and time for a public hearing thereon. The organization petition shall contain a plat survey of the legal boundaries of the proposed park district. The circuit judge shall fix a date and time, not less than 30 days nor more than 180 days after the date of filing of such petition and hearing request, for a public hearing on the subject of the petition. Notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be given by the clerk of the circuit court at least 20 days prior to the date fixed for such hearing by at least one publication thereof in one or more daily or weekly newspapers having a general circulation within the proposed park district. If no request for a hearing accompanied the petition or if a hearing on the petition has not been held within the time required by this Section, such petition shall be void and shall be dismissed by the circuit judge. , (c) If the circuit judge finds, upon such hearing, that the 'petition meets the requirement of this Act and the general election law, and that the boundaries as defined are reasonable boundaries for the formation of a park district the circuit judge shall order the question submitted to referendum and, if applicable, the election of 7 commissioners in such proposed park district at the next regular election at which the question may be submitted in accordance with the general election law. Thereupon the clerk of the circuit court shall certify said proposition and, if applicable, offices to the proper 19-12 election authority which shall conduct such election at the time and in the manner provided by the general election law. Nomination petitions for this initial election, if applicable, shall be filed within the time provided by the general election law. (d) The ballots to be used at such election shall be substantially the following form: (Selection One) For Park District Against Park District (Select Only One Option) For Elected Park Commissioners (Vote For Seven) (Here insert names of nominees, if any, with square at left opposite each, and three additional blank lines for voters to write in names if desired.) For Appointed Park Commissioners and shall include the names of all nominees for commissioners together with five blank lines for voters to write in names if desired; provided however in election jurisdictions where voting devices are utilized, voters may write in names in the manner provided in the general election law governing such voting systems. If the proposed park district shall have appointed commissioners, the chief executive officer of each governmental unit shall appoint a commissioner. provisions for voting for commissioners shall be omitted from the ballot. 19-13 (e) The circuit court shall canvass such returns and shall enter a judgement of record determining and declaring the results of the election, which judgment shall be filed in the court and if such park district shall lie in more than one county, a -certified copy thereof shall be delivered to the clerk of the circuit court of each such other county who shall file the certified copy of record in the circuit court of such county. (f) In cases a majority of the votes cast upon the question so submitted shall be in favor of the establishment of such park district, said park district shall then be deemed organized having the powers, duties and obligations provided for in this act subject to the election of the initial commissioners. (g) If a majority of the voters should vote "Against Park District", the referendum may again be submitted to the electors by petition signed by at least 5% of the electors within the boundaries of the proposed park district. (h) Candidates for park commissioner elected at the election to determined whether or not a park district shall be formed shall be nominated in the same manner and form as prescribed in the general election law, except that the petition for nomination shall be filed with the clerk of the circuit court and shall have the signatures of no less than 25-qualified voters. candidates for the initial board of Commissioners shall file nomination petitions within the time prescribed by the general election law. In the event that such park district is organized, then the five persons who shall have received the highest number of votes for commissioners each at such election shall be declared the commissioners of said park district. 19-14 Sec. 13. The park district shall be directed and governed by a board of commissioners. Commissioners may be elected or appointed to the position pursuant to Section 11. The terms of the Commissioners shall be staggered so that not more than one term shall expire in any one year, and after the first board no terms of the elected Commissioners shall be in the order of the populations of each governmental unit represented within the boundaries of the park district. The Commissioners for the most populous governmental units will have the longest terms. Commissioners shall serve terms as follows: 2 for terms of 2 years, 2 for terms of 4 years, and 3 for terms of 6 years. Sec. 15. The Board of Commissioners shall hold a meeting within one month after its selection, on the call of the Commissioner representing the largest governmental unit within the park district at such time and place as such Commissioner may designate. At such meeting the Board shall elect from its membership a chairperson, secretary and treasurer. The Board shall adopt rules governing its procedures and the holding of regular meetings. Special meetings may be held when called in the manner provided in the rules of the board. Meetings of the board shall be open to the public in accordance with he Open Meetings Act, Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1976, as amended, being Sections 15.261 to 15.275 of the Michigan Compiled Laws. The Board may also, from time to time, select such other officers and/or employees and engage such services as shall be deemed necessary to effectuate its purposes. Sec. 17. The Secretary shall cause to be kept a written or printed record of every session of the board, which record shall be public. The board shall. also provide for a system of accounts to conform to any uniform system required by law, and for the audit at least once yearly of the accounts of the Treasurer 19-15 by a competent certified public accountant or by the audit general of the state. The Board shall require of the treasurer a suitable bond by a responsible bonding company, such bond to be paid for by the Board. Sec. 19. The Board of Commissioners may levy for the purposes of the park district a tax of not more than mill upon each dollar of the assessed value of the property of the park district. -The Board shall ascertain the total taxes or appropriation required for any year and shall thereupon certify to each governmental unit within the park district the necessary tax rate to raise such amount, which shall be uniform in the park district, and shall take into consideration the ratio that the total assessed valuation of each respective governmental unit bears to the total assessed value of all property, real and personal in the said entire park district according to the last assessments in each of said respective counties. All taxes shall be assessed, levied, collected by the governmental units in accordance with the general property tax law. All moneys collected by any tax collection officer from the tax levied under the provisions of this section shall be transmitted to the authority to be disbursed as provided in this act. Sec. 21. (1) A local governmental unit may be added to the park district after the park district's incorporation upon satisfaction of all of the following requirements: (a) A majority of the members elected to and serving on the legislative body of the local governmental unit vote to adopt a resolution stating that the local governmental unit desires to be added to the park district and that it accepts the requirements of the articles as amended to reflect the addition of the local governmental unit. 19-16 (b) The articles are amended to reflect the addition of the local governmental unit to a park district, a printed copy of the amended articles shall be filed as required by section 9 by the clerk of the local governmental unit added to the park district. Sec. 23. (1) Upon petition by not less than 5% of the registered electors residing in a nonparticipating local governmental unit requesting a referendum on the question of becoming a participating local governmental unit, the clerk of the local governmental unit, upon verifying the required number of signatures on the petitions, shall submit the question of whether the local governmental unit should become a participating local governmental unit to the vote of the electors of the local governmental unit at the next general election or special election called for that purpose, and conducted in accordance with the Michigan election law, Act No. 116 of the Public Acts of 1954, being sections 168.1 to 168.992 of the Michigan Compiled Laws. (2) The clerk of the municipality shall prepare the question for the ballot to be used at the election., subject to the election laws of the state, substantially as follows: "Should the of become part of a park district? Yes ( ) No ( ) 19-17 (3) If a majority of the electors voting on the question vote "yes", the local governmental unit shall proceed to become a participating local governmental unit in the manner provided in section 11. Sec. 25. For the purposes of acquiring, purchasing, constructing improving, enlarging, extending, or repairing any revenue producing recreational facilities, the Commissioners may issue self-liquidating bonds in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 94 of the Public Acts of 1933, as amended. Such bonds, shall not impose any liability upon the park district, but shall be secured only by the property and revenue of the facilities for the purchase and construction of which they were issued. Such bonds shall not be sold for less than par, and shall bear interest at the rate not in excess of 6%. The Commissioners shall have power to create a lien on such facilities as security, for the payment of the bonds. Sec. 27. For the purpose of the park district as herein defined, the Commissioners may purchase, accept by gift or device or condemn private property. If by condemnation, the provisions of Act No. 149 of the Public Acts of 1911, as amended, being sections 3763 to 3783, inclusive, of the Complied Laws of 1929, or such other appropriate provisions therefore, as'exist or shall be made by law, may be adopted and used for the purpose of instituting and prosecuting such condemnation proceeding. Sec. 29. (1) The articles may authorize a park district to propose standards, criteria, and suggested model ordinances to regulate the use and development of physical and natural resources within the park district area. 19-18 (2) To the extent authorized in the articles, a park district may improve, enlarge, extend, own, construct, replace, or contract for public improvements and services including, but not limited to, the following: (a) Parks, museums, zoos, wildlife sanctuaries, and recreational facilities. (b) Special use facilities. (3) A park district may establish division, bureaus, and committees, including advisory committees. Members of advisory committees shall serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for their reasonable expenses as determined by the park district. Sec. 31. (1) A park district may do 1 or more of the following: (a) Adopt bylaws for the administration of the park district. (b) Acquire and hold, by purchase, lease, grant, gift, devise, land contract, installment purchase contract, bequest, condemnation, or other legal means, real and personal property within or without the participating governmental units. The property may include franchises, easements, or rights of way on, under, or above any property. The park district may pay for the property from, or pledge for the payment of the property, revenue of the park district. A park district cannot condemn public property. 19-19 (c) Apply for and accept grants, loans, or contributions from federal government or any of its agencies, this state, or other public or private agencies to be used for any of the purposes of this act. (d) Contract with a participating local governmental unit for the provision of a service listed in section 19(2) in the participating local governmental unit for a period not exceeding 30 years. The service may be established or funded in conjunction with a service of a local governmental unit, and the provisions of a service of a local governmental unit may be delegated to a park district. A charge specified in a contract is subject to increase by the park district, if necessary to provide funds to meet its obligations. A park district may also enter into a contract with a nonparticipating local governmental unit for a period not exceeding 30 years, except that a charge for a service under a contract with a nonparticipating local governmental unit may be greater than a charge to a participating local governmental unit, and is subject to change from time to time without notice. A park district's powers under this subdivision are subject to section 19(3). (e) Hire employees, attorneys, accountants, and consultants. (2) A park district shall do all of the following: (a) Prepare budgets and appropriations acts in the manner required of local units under the uniform budgeting and accounting act, Act No. 2 of the Public Acts of 1968, being sections 141.421 to 141.440a of the Michigan Compiled Laws. 19-20 (b) If ending a fiscal year with a deficit, file a financial plan to correct the deficit in the same manner as provided in section 21 of Act No. 140 of the Public acts of 1971, being section 141.921 of the Michigan Compiled Laws. Sec. 33. (1) A public employee whose duties are transferred to a park district shall be given a position of a comparable description with the park district, and shall retain the seniority status and benefit rights of the public employment position held before the transfer. An employee of a park district is a "publ is employee" as defined in section 2 of Act No. 336 of the Public Acts of 1947, being section 423.202 of the Michigan Compiled Laws. (2) A park district may bargain collectively and enter into agreements with labor organizations pursuant to Act No. 336 of the Public Acts of 1947, being sections 423.201 to 423.216 of the Michigan Compiled Laws. When powers or duties of a local governmental unit are transferred to a park district, the park district shall immediately assume and be bound by an existing labor agreement applicable to those powers or duties for the remainder of the term of the labor agreement. The members and beneficiaries of a pension or retirement system or other benefits established by a local governmental unit, the powers or duties of which are transferred to a park district, shall have the same rights, privileges, benefits, obligations, and status with respect to the park district. A representative of the employees or a group of employees in a local governmental unit who represents or is entitled to represent the employees or a group of employees of the local governmental unit, pursuant to Act No. 336 of the Public Acts of 1947, shall continue to represent the employee or group of employees after the employees are transferred to a park district. This 19-21 subsection does not limit the rights of employees, pursuant to applicable law, to assert that a bargaining representative protected by this subsection is no longer their representative. (3) An employee who left the employ of a local governmental unit to enter the military service of the United States shall have the same employment rights as to a park district as that employee would have had with the local governmental unit pursuant to Act No. 263 of the Public Acts of 1951, being sections 35.351 to 35.356 of the Michigan Compiled Laws. (4) An employee of a park district who performs a service in the jurisdiction of a local governmental unit that withdraws from the park district pursuant to section 33 shall be protected in relation to the local governmental unit to the same extent as an employee of a participating local governmental units is protected in relation to a park district under this section. Sec. 35. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2), a participating local governmental ,unit may withdraw from membership in the park district if all of the following conditions are met: (a) Adoption of a resolution by a majority of the members elected to and serving on the legislative body of the local governmental unit requesting withdrawal from membership. (b) Payment or the provisions for payment is made regarding any obligations of the local governmental unit to the park district or its creditors. 19-22 (2) If, upon withdrawal of a city, village, or township, the city, village, or township has unpaid obligations to the park district, a tax levied by the park district pursuant to section 7(3) before withdrawal of the city, village, or township shall continue to be levied in the city, village, or township, to the extent and in an amount needed to satisfy the unpaid obligations, until the obligations are paid or the tax expires, whichever happens first. A city, village, or township that withdraws from a park district shall continue to receive services from the park district until the city, village, or township is no longer required to pay a tax levied by the park district. (3) Withdrawal of a local governmental unit from a park district shall be evidenced by an amendment to the articles executed by the secretary or, if the park district has no secretary, by the chairperson of the park district and filed and published in the same manner as the original articles. Sec. 37. (1) The business that a park district performs shall be conducted at a public meeting of the park district held in compliance with the open meetings act, Act No. 267 of the Public Acts of 1976, being sections 15.261 to 15.275 of the Michigan Compiled Laws. (2) A writing prepared, owned, used, in the possession of, or retained by a park district in the performance of an official function shall be made available to the public in compliance with the freedom of information act, Act No. 422 of the Public Acts of 1976, being sections 15.231 to 15.246 of Michigan Compiled Laws. 19-23 REVENUES GENERATED FROM AN ADDITIONAL .25 MILLS FOR 5 YEARS FOR FURTHER LAND ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT MILLAGE MILLAGE (1) TAX REVENUE REVENUE YEAR S.E.V. RATE COLLECTED RECEIVED 1993 32,640,000 .2450 7,996,800 0 4 35,251,000 .2400 8,460,240 7,996,800 5 38,071,000 .2350 8,946,685 8,460,240 6 41,116,000 .2300 9,456,680 8,946,685 7 44,406,000 .2250 9,991,350 9,456,680 9,991,350 $44,851,755 19-24 MOBILE RECREATION PARTICIPATION COUNT ViGitntinn! We do have a clear concise count each year of zations who do utilize the Mobile Recreation and paperwork. We have had an increase this People in Attendance: the number of communities or organi- units. These are due to the billing year in all units by 71 visits. The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission's Mobile Recreation program has gone through five directors within six years, thus making it difficult for us to get a concise way of counting numbers. Each person who has been supervisor has had his/her own way of estimating or guestimating the number of people who are at a unit visit. The following criteria are used at a visit to determine the number of people who are there: 1) Buses - We are mandated by state law to have signatures of each person who rides on our buses. We do have a solid figure on this number. 2) Mime Unit - Up to this year the Mime Troupe has been a program that has been both traveling and mobile. However, due to the large number of people that we do conduct in front of, we have anywhere between 500 and 1,500 people. These distorted figures are applicable in something similar to that of the Hot Air Bal- loon Festival. Although there are 1,500 people that may have the ability or may be introduced to the Mimes, the Mimes will not perform in front of all 1,500. It is up to each individual Mime to ask the contact person to estimate the number of people that they feel they performed in front of. 3) Puppet Mobile - Puppet shows are tabulated by the number of people who sit and watch the talent show. This is an estimation done at the end of the program by the Unit Leader. 4) Show Mobile - The Show Mobile is much like the Mimes. It may be at a special event, it may be in front of 10,000 people; however, only 25 people may actually watch a program that is put on on the Show Mobile. We do use the figure of the people who actually do view the program. 5) Skate Mobile, Sport Mobile and Airsport - The Mobile Recreation program esti- mated the number of people we service for each program. At times these estimates are low. At the end of each week, the clerical staff of Mobile Recreation tabulate all comment cards and turn the figure in to the Administration front office. The numbers are then turned over to the Commission for their monthly report. One factor that did hamper our program again this year was inclement weather. On the positive side, it is very much a pleasure to see that each unit, except one, has increased in utilization. This goes to show that our program is viable and necessary in the communities. 19-25 Smoke -free county may also go dry By L.L. BRASIER Y The Oakland Press County commissioners are not only considering removing cigarette machines from county property, but are con- sidering a ban on alcohol at county parks, too. A commissioners committee approved a plan Monday to re- move nine cigarette machines from county property, includ- ing cigarette machines at the Oakland County Jail and in the basement cafeteria of the courthouse. The plan, which was pro- posed by Commissioner Jim Ferrens, still must be ap- proved by the full Board of Commissioners. And while they were on the subject of vices, commission- ers considered a plan to pro- hibit alcohol on all county property, including county parks: "I'm saying let's go dry in Oakland County," said Com- missioner Dennis Aaron, who introduced the idea. Aaron cited the number of drunken -driving deaths and the toll alcohol takes on the health of people and their fam- ilies. Under Aaron's plan, drink- ing would not be allowed on any county -owned land, except for areas where companies have state liquor licenses. 19-26 September 3, 1990 Director of Parks Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48054 Dear Director of Parks, Recently we held a family reunion at your Waterford Oaks Park. We had a really fun day and part of the reason was your great park. We ranged in age from eight months to 75 years, yet there was something there for everyone. Not only that, but the park was immaculately clean. To add to the day, the employees on duty couldn't have been more polite, helpful or accomodating. Although several members of the family live in Oakland County, many had not visited the park before. However, after our day there everyone unanimously agreed to come back next year. Our congratulations and thanks to you for providing Oakland County residents with such a first class facility. t,- incerely,e C Joan Walton and The McMillan Reunion 19-27 .JNDING COe 6590 MIDDLE LAKE ROAD CLARKSTON, MICHIGAN 48346 (313) 625-3330 EXECUTIVEBOARD L®p� MM PRES t)AXNp Neal Sage S & RECRtA Clarkston September 5, 1990 y { VICE PRESIDENT f' O Edmund Scheett L7 Pontiac Mr. Ralph Richards VICE PRESIDENT �����+� Oakland County Parks and Recreation �J , Robert Cook Clarkston 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48341 TREASURER Mel LeRoy Vaara Clarkston Dear Ralph, SECRETARY Maureen Coltson Lake Orion On behalf of the Board of Directors of North Oakland SCAMP Funding PAST PRESIDENT Corporation, I would like to thank you for your involvement in our 3rd Georges. white Clarkston Annual SCAMP Golf Outing. As I'm sure you know, it takes many BOARD OF DIRECTORS businesses, organizations and volunteers to sponsor a successful fundraising event. Your door prize donation was most generous and RobertAranosian, D.O. Clarkston certainly appreciated. We were happy to include you in our program Zachary Bell -•kston which is enclosed. _ _deen Calcaterra Clarkston We are pleased to report that the outing was a great success -- 101 Sharron Catallo golfers! With your help the day raised over $3500 for SCAMP. For five Clarkston weeks this summer, 250 SCAMPers shared many rewarding Richard ClarksGlenn o experiences and were encouraged to "be the best that they could be" - and you helped make it happen. Steve Him burg Clarkston Jack Hunt Again, thank you for joining us in our efforts to reach out to the Pontiac challenged individuals in our community. We hope we can look forward Kevin Meyer Annual g to workingwith on the 4th Al SCAMP Golf Outing which is Ortonville you scheduled for July 19, 1991. Carolyn Place Clarkston Terry Thomas Sincerely, Clarkston Robert Brumback Ex Officio Member Clarkston Bunny Ne arch STAFF Executive Coordinator Rebecca A. Craig Program Coordinator Patricia J. Klanke Asst Program Coordinator Nancy R. Weightman `, Program Coordinator uunny Newmarch Executive Coordinator Mary Himburg Secretary 19-28 TDB NEEDHAM WORLDWIDE dvertising September 19, 1990 Ms. Janet Pung Public Communications Officer Oakland County Parks & Recreation 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328 Dear Jan: I have just completed tabulating the dollar value/cost of the editorial exposure received for the millage campaign. I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised (if not even shocked!) as I was, when the amount of the overall media exposure totalled $117,903.96! Broken down by print vs. broadcast exposure, print publicity came to a total of $93,998.96. Bear in mind also that this figure represents only the articles we were able to retrieve. I'm sure there were others that escaped us. I have all the calculations should you care to look them over. The broadcast coverage which include airtime and interviews on WXYZ, WDIV, WJBK, WLTI-FM, WJR-AM, WXYT-AM and WOMC-FM totalled $23,905 in airtime cost. This does not include mentions on WKBD-TV50 as I was unable to document the airdate. I know you are as pleased as I was when this was all tabulated. It will be an excellent factor of achievement for the PRSA silver anvil or the IBAC awards we plan to enter. As promised, I will investigate the time frames for these awards. Here's to winning and to continued success in 19911 MGP:jlb cc: R. Richard J. Kipke E. Baker B Cunningham P. Farago K. King Warmest regards, Marilyn G. Palliaer Public Relations Manager 19-29 DB NEEDHAM WORLDWIDE INC. 755 WEST BIG BEAVER ROAD, SUITE 900, TROY, MICHIGAN 48084. TELEPHONE: (313) 362-2339 TELEX: 224182 ADELAIDE V1STERDAM • AUCKLAND • BALTIMORE • BANGKOK • BARCELONA • BRISBANE • BRUSSELS • CHICAGO • DENVER • DETROIT • DUNEDIN • DUSSELDORF • HAMBURG ONG I<ONG • HONOLULU • I(UALA LUMPUR • LISBON • LONDON • LOS ANGELES • MADRID • MELBOURNE • MEXICO CITY • MILAN • MONTREAL - MUNICH • NEW )RK • PARIS • f ERTH • SAN FRANCISCO - SINGAPORE • STOCKHOLM • SYDNEY • TAIPEI • TOKYO • TORONTO • VIENNA - WASHINGTON. D.C. • WELLINGTON • ZURICH tanners nix plans.. for,, urea - fi l led with ` herons ..:.., By Lori Rhode site because it is a large parcel in the south- . staff writer west part of the county where there isn't The Lyon Zbwnship planning commis- much county land, it has good access. to sion wants more information from Jerome major roads, there are few landowners and Leber, a West Bloomfield Zbwnship-devel- it is one of the few. large "green" parcels ` oper, before it will approve his plans to left in the area. The parks commission ap- build on a 768-acre parcel that includes plied for the state'money a year and a half Michigan's largest heron rookery- ago. Planners denied Leber's1 request to , At that time, Leber had worked out a build a golf course, condominiums and ho- compromise with the state department of tel on the property following a public hear- natural resources to ensure development of ing Monday, September, 17. His application the property would not interfere with the didn't have enough information on how the herons. In Leber's plans, the golf course: _ development would impact the hydrology would be adjacent to the rookery and there of the site, planners said. Also, a traffic im- would be a 500-foot buffer zone to prevent pact study was not included, soils on the - the birds from being disturbed. Leber has site were not verified, the water discharge said he would only build at certain times of from the proposed: treatment facility was the year in order not -to disturb the birds. not included in the plan, and it is in conflict Ann. Sibole, who advocates protecting' with the township's master plan, planners . the rookery, said she is not opposed.to Le - said. ___her's plans for a golf course. In some re - Leber, wants to build a. 36-hole golf spects the herons could be better protected course, 840 residential'units and a 104-unit if the' rookery is on private property, Sibole' . hotel. He also wants to put in'a 17 acre of- said face complex.. ; , Although Sibole said she would prefer to - Pam Johnson, , of . the -Lyon Township see the land developed as a park, the rook- building department, said the public hear-, cry might be more difficult to protect on ing had a good turnout. Many people were ' public property. If the rookery was a park, ; simply curious about what was planned for -.: it.would beimpossible to restrict access to, the property, Johnson said. They wanted to it, she said. know'what the --impact would be :on the -roads, -roads water and wat the plans were for a,- If the the land , .would use it commission a variety f witparh- water treatment facility, she said uses. Picnic areas and playing fields would Leber could not, be reached for coin- `,ment -: be placed away from the rookery, Richard at presstime. He is expected to resub- , , said. Eventually, the park property would' mit his plans to the planning commission- be fenced to "maintain its integrity" and to Lebec has.,an option on the land:, The .protect the rookery: from disturbance, he. county parks commission, however, is also said.: "watching the process. The commission re- cently received a $1 million grant from the . ; The rookery isn't, that .easy to get,. to, " Michigan natural resources trust fund. The : Racharii. said. The. rookery. would be incor , - .`state';money'would lie combined: Paratedan.nature education plans and a,= -with $500,000 from the county parks and recrea i ' viewing platform could be buiXnearby; he ; tion commission if the land becomes avail said able. If tl% county`can't buy the land; the, The rookery is home during the spring state moneywould be -lost: The money,_cari -: am- than900 great blue herons. It con-s not be ;_ used `for .other park_'plans in the ; ; tains more than 300 heron nests. Sibole said county; said Ralph Richard, parks and rec :the poQulation of herons at the rookery has,- jeaiaon commission manager: been monitored since 1972 by the Audubon . Y Theeounty; became interested in the Society 19-30