HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1991.04.13 - 39875OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48054-1697 • (313) 858-0906 • Fax (313) 858-1683 April 9, 1991 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: Ralph A. Richard Manager Jon J. Kipke Assistant Manager Lewis E. Wint Chairman Jean M.Fox Vice Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Secretary Fred Korzon George W. Kuhn Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Thomas A. Law John E. Olsen Alice Tomhoulian Richard V. Vogt A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saturday, April 13, 1991 9:00 A.M. PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thomas Edison Inn Port Huron, MI PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Mr. Lewis E. Wint, Chairman, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, 1'4z Ralph Richard Manager RR/jg OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Saturday, April 13, 1991 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes of the Meeting of March 20, 1991. 4. Approval of Payments: Vouchers 3-120 through 3-273, and 4-1 through 4-63; Interdepartmental Payments for the January charges paid in February, and February charges paid in March; Oak Management, Inc. credit for the lst Quarter of 1991 5. Statement of Operations as of 2-28-91. 6. Capital Improvement Projects Budget Update as of 2-28-91. 7. Bid Item: Swim Pond - Independence Oaks; Dan Stencil. 8. Bid Item: Replacement Windows - Addison Oaks; Jon Kipke. 9. Bid Item: Power Outlets - Groveland Oaks; Jon Kipke. 10. Bid Item: Grass Cutting Service - Waterford Oaks; Jon Kipke. 11. Bid Item: Insulation - White Lake Oaks; Mike Thibodeau. 12. Bid Item: Golf Car Batteries - White Lake Oaks, Glen Oaks, and Red Oaks; Mike Thibodeau. 13. Bid Item: Golf Cars - Springfield Oaks Golf Course and Addison Oaks; Mike Thibodeau. 14. Bid Item: Asphalt - Red Oaks and Springfield Oaks Golf Course; Mike Thibodeau. 15. Bid Item: 4-Color and 2-Color General Brochures; Jan Pung. 16. Electrical Easement Request - Addison Oaks; Joe Figa. 17. Old Business. 18. New Business. 19. Adjourn. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING March 20, 1991 The meeting was called to order at 9:11 a.m. by Chairman Wint in the commission room of the Parks and Recreation Commission's administration office. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Lewis Wint, Vice Chairman Jean Fox, Fred Korzon, George Kuhn, Richard Kuhn, Jr., Thomas Law, John Olsen, Alice Tomboulian COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Secretary Pecky Lewis, Jr., Richard Vogt ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Corp. Counsel/Real Estate Div. Purchasing APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Ralph Richard, Manager Jon Kipke, Assistant Manager Sheila Cox, Accountant Frank Trionfi, Chief, Admin. Services Joe Figa, Chief, Design and Development Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf Daniel Stencil, Chief of Parks Susan Wells, Recreation Supervisor Jim Dunleavy, Recreation Specialist Clyde Herb, Park Supervisor Patrick Campbell Lloyd Hampton, Manager Moved by Mr. Olsen, supported by Mrs. Fox to approve the minutes of the meeting of March 6, 1991, and the public hearing of March 6, 1991, as written. AYES: Fox, Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Olsen, Wint (6) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. APPROVAL OF PAYMENTS: Moved by Mr. Korzon, supported by Mr. G. Kuhn to approve the payment of Vouchers 3-1 through 3-119. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Fox, Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Olsen, Wint (6) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. 3 - 1 (Commission Meeting, March 20, 1991) 1991 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS SUMMARY AND ACTIVITIES REPORT: Moved by Mr. Olsen, supported by Mr. G. Kuhn to receive the 1991 Capital Improvement Projects Summary as of January 31, 1991, and the Activities Report for February, 1991. AYES: Fox, Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Olsen, Tomboulian, Wint (8) NAYS: (0), Motion carried on a voice vote. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Moved by Mr. Korzon, supported by Mr. R. Kuhn to adjourn to Executive Session. AYES: Fox, Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Olsen, Tomboulian, Wint (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Meeting adjourned to executive session at 9:25 a.m. Meeting re -convened at 10 a.m. ADDISON OAKS PROPERTY: Moved by Mrs. Tomboulian, supported by Mr. Law to authorize staff to work with Corporation Counsel to make an offer to the owners of the 90-acre parcel adjacent to Addison Oaks at a price of $4,500 per acre. AYES: Fox, Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Olsen, Tomboulian, Wint (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. BIDS: As per the information filed in the agenda, the following bids were approved: Moved by Mr. G. Kuhn, supported by Mrs. Fox to award the bid for the purchase of two Excel 320 Hustler mowers for Groveland Oaks to W. F. Miller in the amount of $14,719 each, for a total purchase price of $29,438. AYES: Fox, Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Olsen, Tomboulian, Wint (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. 3 - 2 (Commission Meeting, March 20, 1991) Moved by Mrs. Fox, supported by Mr. G. Kuhn to approve the following bids as recommended by staff and Purchasing: An Ingersoll-Rand generator for Technical Support from the low bidder, Cloverdale Equipment, in the amount of $1,249. Contract for the labor and materials to construct the foundation and block walls for the ventilation system improvements at the Addison Oaks Conference Center to Grunwell-Cashero Company in the amount of $4,825, plus a 5% contingency of $241.25, for a total budgeted amount of $5,066.25. Split the bid for the purchase of fertilizer for the parks and golf courses and award the purchase of 35 tons of general use fertilizer to the low bidder, Lesco, in the amount of $8,820; and award the pur- chase of 38 tons of fairway and 8 tons of greens fertilizer to the low bidder, Turfgrass, in the amount of $20,696. The total price for the fertilizer purchase is $29,516. Contracts for the landscaping project at Glen Oaks to be awarded to the low bidders, C & H Landscaping, for the purchase and installation of larger evergreen and deciduous trees in the amount of $5,200.00; and to Alexander Nursery Inc. for the purchase of smaller trees in the amount of $2,120. Total budgeted amount for these contracts is $7,320. Contract for the purchase and installation of 35 trees at the Red Oaks Waterpark to the low bidder, C & H Landscaping, in the amount of $3,625. Contract for the purchase and installation of 58 evergreen and deciduous trees for landscaping at White Lake Oaks from the low bidder, Lowries Landscaping Inc., in the amount of $6,022.75. Purchase of a mobile stage unit for the Mobile Recreation program from Century Industries Inc. in the amount of $44,278. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Fox, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Olsen, Tomboulian, Wint (7) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. MANAGER'S REPORT: In addition to the Manager's Report filed in the agenda, the following was noted: ---Highway signs project: Staff would like to standardize the directional highway signs that lead to the Oakland County parks and facilities with a general format. There are approximately 45 signs involved in this project, which is coordinated through the Oakland County Road Commission. Staff will update the Commission with further information on cost, location, and specifications. 3 - 3 (Commission Meeting, March 20, 1991) Commission recommended staff keep Commissioner Vogt informed of the progress on this project. ---Commissioner G. Kuhn informed the Commission that the Oakland County Drain Commission's request for a construction permit for the Glen Oaks Drain Project is still denied; his office is appealing and working toward a May 1, 1991, dead- line to receive an approved permit. ---Manager Richard invited those commissioners with time to view the progress of the Technical Support building addition after the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m. Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Secretary 4671L,-Zi J_ne_,R- Karen Smith Recording Secretary 3 - 4 Payment Approval Summary For Meeting of: APRIL 13, 1991 fto'llejLID+: Nos. 3-120 thru 3-273 Nos. 4-1 thru 4-63 January charges paid in February February charges paid in March OAR MGMT.,INC. CREDITS: 1st Quarter $283,522.71 20,313.25 303,835.96 86,348.28 126,919.10 213,267.38 12.281 _14 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND -- ,REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1991 VOUCHER '1UMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-120 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry&Dry Cleaning-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Orion,Indep,Wh. Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red oaks,S rin .,R.O.W.Park,YAC,Water.,W.O. $ W.Park & Nat. Prog. 380.61 3-121 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry&Dry Cleaning-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Orion, Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,R.O.W.Park,Spring.,YAC,Water.,W. O.W.Park & Nat. Prog. 314.57 3-122 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry&D Cleanin-Tech.Su .,Orion,Water. & W.O.W.Park 68.96 3-123 Harvey's Office Off.Sup.-Add.,Inde .,Wh.Lk. & Spring. 315.69 3-124 Petrolane Oil Utilities-Grove.,Inde . & T.Com lex 977.56 3-125 NRPA Membership renewals for R.Richard & the O.C.Park Commis- sioners-Admin. 650.00 3-126 James Starnes Misc.Ex .,reimb.for golfball damage to car-Wh.Lk. 250.00 3-127 Barbara Pennington Refund of ski lesson fee-Inde . 6.00 3-128 Karen Day Refund of security deposit -Water. 50.00 3-129 Frank Venice Special Events,music provided for the Ballroom Dance on 4/5/91-Water. 3-130 MRPA Adv.Regist.for R.Richard,J.Pung,J.Dunleavy,T.Jackson,N. Seets,D.Vine ,C.Farwell,G.Berschbach B.Laione E.Sorenson & J.Mansfield to attend the "Service Image"Seminar in Water., MI on 3/13/91-Adm.in.,Add.,Inde .,Wh.Lk. Glen Oaks,Red Oak Spring.,YAC,Water. & Mob.Rec. 380.00 3-131 O.C. Planning Divison Ca .Proi.,Future Acquisition & Imp.-Admin. 10.50 3-132 Gamalski Building Cap.Proj.,Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water.;Bldg. Maint.- Add. 3,907.53 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND i. REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1991 TOUCHER LUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-133 Waterford Fuel Cap.Equip.,(1)Snow Thrower-Add.;Equip.Maint.-Indep.&YAC; Bld Maint.-Inde . & YAC $ 897.24 3-134 GreenHeck Bldg. Maint.,exhaust fan-Wh. Lk. 909.00 3-135 Jan Overhead Door Bldg. Maint.,repair doors-Indep. 114.54 3-136 Oakland Hardware B1dg.Maint.,Equip. Maint. & Sm. Tools -Add. 298.04 3-137 Har 's Sales Equip. Maint.-Inde 12.91 3-138 Time Emergency Equip. Maint.-Indep. 69.10 3-139 Wesco, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 263.78 3-140 Smiley Electric Equip. Maint.-Tech.Sup. 117.25 3-141 Gregware Equipment Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 33.81 3-142 Learning Technologies Equip. Maint.-Nat. Prog. 15.00 3-143 Miltona Turf Products Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks 93.46 3-144 Angie's Kitchen Misc.Exp.,trusty crew lunches for 3/l/91-Add. 6.96 3-145 D & E Fire Specialties Misc Exp.-Grove. 30.88 3-146 Charles Limban Misc.Exp.,trusty crew lunches for 3/1/91-Grove. 36.00 3-147 One Hour Harbour Photo Public Info.-Admin. 52.50 3-148 Giltspur/ExpoSystems Public Info.,screenprinting-Admin. 1,901.54 3-149 Moby Dick Pet Store Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 14.87 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND i_.REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1991 !OUCHER IUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-150 Tierra Inc. Rec. S p.-Nat.$43-18 3-151 Sugar Bush Supplies Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 11.57 3-152 Oxford Co -Operative Elevator Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 19.90 3-153 Diversified Business Off. Sup.-Admin. 286.65 3-154 UZ Engineered Products Maint. Sup. -Tech. Sup. 212.93 3-155 Cougar Cutting Products Sm. Tools,chain saw -Glen Oaks 187.45 3-156 Industrial Cleaning Cap. Equip.,(1)Scrubber w/acces.-Grove. 2,693.00 3-157 Fuller Appraisal Cap.Proj.,Lyon Rookery Acquisition-Admin. 6,000.00 3-158 Ecotec Pest Control Bldg. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 16.00 3-159 Aaron's Lock & Key Bldg. 43.50 3-160 Ashton's Lock & Key Bldg. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 21.90 3-161 NCS Cleaning Services Custodial Services for February, 1991-Admin. 900.00 3-162 Pioneer Hardware Bldg. Maint.-Wh.Lk. & Spring.;Sm.Tools & Grounds Maint.- Wh. Lk. 39.34 3-163 Davisburg Lumber Bldg. Maint. & Sm. Tools -Spring. 67.58 3-164 King Brothers Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 58.60 3-165 Perry Screw & Bolt Equip. Maint.-Add. 24.85 3-166 AGA Gas Equip. Maint.-Tech.Sup.,Wh.Lk. & Glen Oaks 74.70 t w OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND . .:REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1991 TOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-167 Sportime, Inc. Rec.Su .,s rtsmobile-Mob. Rec. $ 320.16 3-168 Sue DeMasellis Utilities,refund for water & sewer charges -Water. 13.67 3-169 Turfgrass, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 22.00 3-170 Trends Distributing Misc. Exp.,ski patrol gear-Indep. 73.35 3-171 Adams Publishing Public Info.,ad for Public Hearing-Admin. 159.60 3-172 Sundry P 3-173 Sundry (Advance) Hotel:Dep.&Cash Adv.for L.Wint,R.Richard,J.Pung&D.Stencil to attend the '91 Special Parks Forum in Oakland,CA on 4/1-4/91-Admin. 1,200.96 3-174 Twister Display Cap.Equip.,(1)Deluxe Dunk Tank -Mob. Rec. 2,795.00 3-175 Bostwick -Braun Company Cap.Equip.,(1)Generator-Spring. 474.27 3-176 Metropolitan Office Equipment Cap.Equip.,(1)Panasonic Typewriter w/access.-Admin. 1,471.65 3-177 Jursik Truck Equipment Ca .E i ., 3 Salt S readers-S rin .,Wh.Lk. & Inde 1 ea. 2,741.00 3-178 Paint "n" Stuff Cap.Proj.,Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water.;Bldg.Maint.- Add.,Inde .,Water.&W.O.W.Park;E i .Maint.-Grove. 1,687.00 3-179 H.H. Barnum Equip. Maint.-W.O.W.Park 135.23 3-180 Parts Associates Equip. Maint.-S rin . 78.31 3-181 Barron's Business Products Equip. Maint.-Tech.Su . 27.44 3-182 McKay's Hardware Equip. Maint.-Grove. 53.18 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND R-,�REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1991 (OUCHER 1UMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-183 Oakland Hardware Equip. Maint. & Sm. Tools -Add. $ 102.87 3-184 American Aggregates Grounds Maint.-Add. 19.38 3-185 County of Oakland Security Exp.-Add.,Grove.,Orion,Indep.,R.O.W.Park,YAC & W.O.W.Park 13,521.92 3-186 Lakewood Lanes Special Events,food for O.C.Emp.Bowl Tourn.-Rec. Admin. 140.00 3-187 Lakewood Lanes Special Events,bowling fees for the 1991 O.C.Emp. Tourn.- 3-188 Main Auto Supply E i Maint.-Add. 54.66 3-189 Pifer, Inc. Equip. Maint.-S rin . 134-12 3-190 Ralph Richard Travel Reimb.paid for the O.C.Comm./Staff Retreat Mtg. in Waterford MI on 3 7 91-Admin. 39-17 3-191 Tom Gibbs Uniforms,safety shoes reimbursement -Tech. 3-192 Sportime, Inc. Rec. Sup.,sports mobile -Mob. Rec. 10-34 3-193 Flaghouse, Inc. RQc. Sup.,sports mobile -Mob. R 3-194 BSN Sports Rec. Sup.,sports mobile -Mob. 3-195 Glades Herp, Inc. Rec. Sup. -Nat. Pr 3-196 Dick Eash Travel Exp.paid for attending the M.D.L.A. Trade Show in Detroit MI on 3 13 91-A mi . 20.00 3-197 Wilson Sporting Goods Inventories-Wh. Lk. & Spring. (Golf Balls) 408.00 3-198 Gordon Food Service Acct.Rec.=Admin.(To be paid by MRPA) 15.85 3-199 Specialty Sealants Cap.Proj.,Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water. 154.35 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND r,_..REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1991 OUCHER LUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-200 Gra bar Electric Company P P $1,7-53-12 3-201 Silberg & Associates Cap.Proj.,Twin Chimneys Imp.-Indep.& Bathroom Renov.(Con- cession Bldg.) -Add. 165.00 3-202 Madison Electric Cap.Proj.,Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water.;Bldg.Maint- Add. & Grove. 879.57 3-203 Champion America Company Bldg. Maint.-W.O.W.Park 148.15 3-204 Builders Square Bldg. Maint.-Add. 31.80 3-205 Overhead Door Bldg. Maint.,labor & parts on door-Indep. 132.36 3-206 Leslie Electric Company Bldg. Maint.-Spring. 79.94 3-207 Pontiac Steel Equip. Maint.-Grove.;Bld . Maint.-Inde . 20.00 3-208 H.L. Claeys Equip. Maint.-Add. 10.62 3-209 Bike City Equip. Maint.-BMX 76.00 3-210 D & C Distributors Equip. Maint.-Wh.Lk. 26.90 3-211 Auto Parts of Or-Ox Equip. Maint.-Add. 13.03 3-212 Marine Rescue Products Equip. Maint.-Grove. 31.50 3-213 Hoekstra Truck Equipment Equip. Maint.,trucks & buses -Mob. Rec. 23.95 3-214 Van's Auto Supply Equip. Maint.,(1)Air Drill-Wh. Lk. 188.70 3-215 McCally Tool & Supply Sm.Tools-Add.&Tech.Sup.;E i .Maint.-Tech.Su . 252.76 3-216 Wilson Welding Supply Equip.Maint.-Tech.Sup.,Add. & Indep.;Special Events,helium -Rec.;up. 38.25 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND 1. _REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1991 TOUCHER LUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-217 Eiden Equipment Equip.Maint.-Tech.Sup.;Uniforms-Tech.Sup.&Spring.;Sm.Tool -Add.,Tech.Su .&Grove.•Bld .Maint.-Red Oaks $ 11367.79 3-218 Bordine's Better Blooms Grounds Maint.,pine roping -Add. 798.64 3-219 Citizens Disposal Grounds Maint.-Grove. 16.00 3-220 MI Portable Toilets Grounds Maint.-Indep. 80.00 3-221 Consumers Power Company Utilities -Grove. & Indep. 390.75 3-222 Detroit Edison Utilities -Red Oaks & Water. 2,427.21 3-223 Detroit Edison Utilities -Add. & Water. 98.60 3-224 Harvard Plaza Cleaners Laundry & Dry Cleaning-Indep. 39.60 3-225 BOCA International Membership renewal for J.Sowels-Tech. Sup. 100.00 3-226 Nat'l Assn. for Interpretation Membership renewal -Nat. Prog. 100.00 3-227 Angie's Kitchen Mysc.Exp.,lunch for trusty labor crew,3/8/91-Add. 23.88 3-228 Safety Services, Inc. Uniforms -Grove. 89.88 3-229 Neutron Industries Hskp. Exp.-Red Oaks 85.14 3-230 Oliver Supply Hskp. Exp.-Water. 9.00 3-231 Albin Business Copiers Off.Sup.-Admin.,Grove. & Indep. 285.41 3-232 Sears, Roebuck & Company Sm. Tools -Glen Oaks 163.41 3-233 O.C. Road Commission Per Diem paid to R.Vogt for mtg. of 3/6/91-Admin. 35.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND R,—REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1991 OUCHER UMBER VENDOR PURPOSE nnnnrmrr 3-234 Cathy Gabrys Refund of cancelled belly dance fee -Water. $ 27.00 3-235 Specialty Sealants Cap.Proj:,Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water. 183.81 3-236 Sundry (Mileage Reimb.) Mileage reimb.for Feb.,1991 paid to G.Berschbach $48.50- Spring.;M.Beutel $10.50&C.Neef $7.00-Admin.;J.Bramble $23.00-Rec.Admin. 89.00 3-237 Sundry (Refunds) Refunds of damage deposit to C.Barnowski $50.00 & B.Long - 150.00 3-238 Susan DeMaggio Public Info.,reimb.for using charge card to rent table & chairs at Builder's Show-Admin. 133.50 3-239 US Jack Ca .E i 1 2 Ton Air End Lift-Tech.Su . 715.20 3-240 Wesco Bld .Maint.-Tech.Su . 58.50 3-241 Industrial Cleaning B1dg.Maint.-Add.;Hskp. Exp.-Water.;Equip. Maint.-Nat. Pro . 115.19 3-242 VoTp 3-243 Zep Manufacturing ' i . Maint.-Glen Oaks 70.50 3-244 Perry Screw & Bolt Equip. Maint.-Grove. 146.68 3-245 King Brothers Equip. Maint.,repair of Kubota - 128.30 3-246 Petrolane Oil Utilities-Inde . & Nat. Prog. 382.32 3-247 The Larson Company Grounds Maint.-Inde . 44.04 3-248 MI State University Publications,reference uDdates on Travel-Admin. 25.00 3-249 1 Construction Specifications Off. Sup.-Admin. 10.50 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND R__AEATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1991 OUCHER UMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AWITN'T' 3-250 Brown & Associates Sm. Tools -Tech. Sup. $ 96.18 3-251 G.H. Stenner & Company Equip. Maint.,(1)Chemical Feed Pump-W.O.W.Park 279.15 3-252 Fidelity Products Public Info.,Color Tint Selector-Admin. 133.03 3-253 World Wide Games Rec. Sup.,sports mobile -Mob. Rec. 149.95 3-254 Allstate Industrial Equipment Sm. Tools,(1)Welder-Add. 320.00 3-255 Town Talk Inventories,caps & visors-Wh. Lk. 909.97 3-256 Oakland University Adv.Regist.for K.Smith,S.DeMasellis&L.Baker to attend the Secretaries Briefing in Rochester,MI on 4 24 91-Admin. 175.00 3-257 Consumers Power Utilities-Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks,R.O.W.Park,S rin . & YAC 31982.64 3-258 Detroit Edison Utilities-Grove.,Wh.Lk.,S rin .,YAC & W.O.W.Park 3,470.67 3-259 Carolina Academic Press Publications,Law Enforcement Book-Admin.,Add.,Grove.& Inde .;Misc.Ex .,Law Enforcement Book-R.O.W.Park 436.97 3-260 Aaro Disposal Rubbish Removal-Add.,Grove. & Inde . 220.00 3-261 Arbor Springs Water Off. Su .-Tech. Sup. & Inde . 234.90 3-262 Capitol Equipment Ca .E i .,(1)Rota Cutter,Mower&Post Hole Digger -Add. 4,171.37 3-263 Scott's Lock & Key Equi2 Maint.-Add. 10.05 3-264 State Wire & Terminal Equip. Maint.-Add. 9_18 3-265 Wilkie Turf 3-266 VOID OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND R _tSATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1991 'DUCHER UMBER VENDOR PURPOSE n Mry rnrn 3-267 Meier, Inc. Misc.Exp.-Admin.;Off.Sup.-Admin.,Indep.& Grove.;Bldg. Maint.-Water.;Rec. .P $ Race -Add. 286.64 3-268 Quality Lawn Ca E i p. qu p.;(1)Generator-Add.;Equip.Maint.-Spring. 2,366.94 3-269 Calvert Sales Equip. Maint.,(1)Fan-Tech. Sup. 380.00 3-270 Sundry (Commission) Per Diem & Mileage paid to Park Commissioners for meeting of 3 20 91-Admin. 3-271 Star International, Inc. Airline Tickets for R.Richard,L.Wint.,J.Pung & D.Stencil 3-272 SundrySpecial (Miscellaneous) Events,bowling tourn.prize money to R.Gohl $350.0 M .M' R.Wagner,D.Abdoo,G.Banghart,P.Verch,R.Gohl,G.Banghart,F. ..Speer, Teagiip,,J-WAisanpn,T-Allpn,K-rnllipr.M-Swppt.n- Austin & L.Capaldi, ea.$15.00,R.Bertram&K.Fritzinger,ea. S87-50&P.Pement-$30.00-Rec.Admin. 1,305.00 3-273 Sundry (Payroll) Pay period ending 3/22/91-All Parks 101,716.79 SUB --TOTAL FOR VOUCHER REGISTER' $ 283 522.71 TOTAL FOR VOUCHER REGISTER FOR MARCH 354 382.04 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER APRIL; 1991. VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 4-1 Kammer/MI Consultants Prof.Services,lobbyist on legist. matters for the month of April, 1991-Admin. $ 1 000.00 4-2 Erb Lumber Cap.Proj.,Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water.;Sm.Tools-Tech. Sup.;Bldg.Maint.-Glen Oaks 1,552.29 4-3 Madison Electric Cap.Proj.,Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water.;Equip.Maint.- Add.;Bld .Maint.-Inde . 250.34 4-4 G.H. Stenner & Company Bldg. Maint.-W.O.W.Park 32.05 4-5 MI Coffee Service Equip. Rental-Admin. & Tech. Sup. 74.85 4-6 Detroit Ball Bearing Equip. Maint.-Add. 4.53 4-7 AGA Gas, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 3.36 4-8 GoodYear Tire Equip. Maint.-Add. 119.56 4-9 A & J Auto Parts Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 178.77 4-10 Lawn Equipment Equip. Maint.-Spring. 137.72 4-11 Welch Motor Equip. Maint.-Indep. 15.00 4-12 McCally Tool & Supply Maint. Sup. -Tech. Sup.;Equip. Maint.-Indep. 184.60 4-13 Industrial Cleaning Grounds Maint.-Add. 11.70 4-14 MI First Aid Misc. Exp.,medical supplies -Grove. & Wh. Lk. 223.40 4-15 Oakland Parks Foundation Public Info.-Admin. 100.00 4-16 Marclif, Inc. Special Events,round dance cuer fee -Water. 196.00 4-17 Ralph Richard Travel Reimb.for attending the NACo Conf.in Washington, D.C. on 3/15-18/91-Admin. 35.05 4-18 Groveland Twp. Fire Department Adv.Regist.for C.Herb to attend the Groveland Fire Dept. First Response Class in Holl ,MI on 3/5&4/23/91-Grove. 45.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER APRIL, 1991. VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 4-19 Daniel Stencil Travel Reimb.for attending the MI Campground Conf. in Midland,MI on 3/21/91-Admin. $ 6.90 4-20 Robert Coffey Travel Reimb.for attending the MI Campground Conf.in Mid- land, MI on 3/21/91-Add. 6.90 4-21 Keith Lindsey Travel Reimb.for attending the Detroit Trade Show on 3/12/ 4-22 O.C. Dept. of Public Works Sewage Charges -Add. & Add. Conf. Ctr. 859.50 4-23 FNT Industries Rec. Sup. -Grove. 54.31 4-24 Moby Dick Pet Store Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 30.97 4-25 American Fishing Center Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 2.25 4-26 Museum Products Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 58.45 4-27 Daniel Stoicu Security Dep. Refunded -Water. 50.00 4-28 AT&T Communications-Wh. Lk. 42.40 4-29 Raven Golf Ball Company Golf Mdse.for Resale,golf balls-Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks 2,290-00 Goll Mdse. for Resale,tees&bal markers&0 .Sup.,penci s- Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks &-Spring. 2,657,00 4-31 Grainger, Inc. Cap.Equip.,(1)Saw-Grove. 1,137.32 4-32 Sullair Corporation Cap.Equip.,(1)Chipping Hammer w/access.-Tech.Sup.;Sm.Tools Cap.Equip.,(1)Tile Saw-Tech.Sup.;Equip.Maint.&Sm.Tools- 4-34 Oakland Heating Cap.Proj.,Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water. 346.39 4-35 Johnston, Company Cap.Proj.,Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water. 1,651.63 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER APRIL; 1991. VOUCHER . NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 4-36 Leslie Electric Cap.Proj.,Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water.;Bldg.Maint.- Add. $ 78.87 4-37 Wesco, Inc. B1dg.Maint.-Tech.Sup.;Equip.Maint.,showmobile-Mob.Rec. 104.25 4-38 H.L. Claeys Bldg. Maint.-Red Oaks 8.04 4-39 Acme Cleaning Bldg. Maint.-Glen Oaks 115.00 4-40 John R Lumber B1dg.Maint.,Equip.Maint. & Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks 151.57 4-41 Perry Screw & Bolt Equip. Maint.-Add. 35.19 4-42 MI Cash Register Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 124.50 4-43 Herk's Oxford Automotive Equip. Maint.-Add. 34.05 4-44 Spartan Oil Equip. Maint.,motor oil -Grove. 257.05 4-45 RMS, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Admin. 98.50 4-46 Burington Golf Cars Equip. Maint.-Wh.Lk. & Red Oaks 180.30 4-47 Waterston's Machinery Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 79.90 4-48 Safety Kleen Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 80.50 4-49 Moore's Disposal Rubbish Removal -Glen Oaks 113.50 4-50 Rochester Midland Grounds Maint.,sanitizer-YAC 702.75 4-51 D & C Distributors Grounds Maint.-Add. & Indep. 79.80 4-52 MI & Border Cities Membership renewal for J.Laidlaw-Spring. 40.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER APRIL; 1991 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 4-53 Oakland Press Publications renewal for 1yr.-Admin. $ 104.00 4-54 John Sowels Misc.Exp.,reimb.for business phone calls -Tech. Sup. 40.60 4-55 Dan Yessian Music Public Info.,band for Emp.Recognition night to be held on 5 21 91-Admin. 375.00 4-56 Oakland Press Public Info.,ad for public hearing-Admin. 187.05 4-57 Bette Rieck Special Events,Sq.Dance Caller for March,1991-Water. 287.50 4-58 Gerald Scarborough Travel Reimb.for attending the Builders Show in Detroit, MI on 3 17 91-Tech.Su . 27.00 4-59 UZ Engineered Products Maint. Su .-Tech.Su . 216.48 4-60 Flaghouse, Inc. Rec. Sup.,sports mobile -Mob. Rec. 360.44 4-61 Sound Engineering Rec. Su .,(4)M a hone-W.O.W.Park 448.60 4-62 Brown & Associates Sm. Tools -Tech. Sup. 45.18 4-63 Sundry (Refunds) Yoga Class refunds to J.Guilds & J.Davis, ea. $15.00- Water. 30.00 SUB -TOTAL FOR VOUCHER REGISTER $ 20,313.25 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER FEBRUARY, 1991 (For month of January, 1991) SOURCE DEPARTMENT pllppncG Inv. #50 Communications Fund Communications-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Grove.,Wh.Lk.,Indep., Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,YAC,Water., Hrivur++ W.O.W.Park,T.Com lex,BMX & Nat. Prog. 3,301.73 Inv. #82 Com uter Services Fund Off.Sup.-Rec.Admin.;E i .Rental-Admin. & Add. 2,169.75 Inv. #92 Facilities & Operations Fund Equip.Maint.-Add.;Bldg.Maint.-Water.;Grounds Maint.-W. 160.31 Inv. #39 FringeBenefit Fund Fringe Benefit Charges for Jan. 1991-All Parks 55 657.63 Materials Management Fund Off.Sup.-Admin.,Add.,Indep_&Nat.Prog.;Bskp.Exp.-Add., Inde .&Water.•Misc.Ex .-Inde .•Rec.Su .-Nat.Pr .; 1 n iz n -W to . 1,252.29 Inv- 433 Motor Pool Fund Transportation-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove., n Wh.L e Oaks Red Oaks rin YAC Nat. Prog./Water.&Mob. Rec. ;Equip.Maint.-Mob. Rec., trucks&buse O n W .L ed Oaks rin . Water. A d. 19 809.51 Equip.Rental-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Orion,lndep., Wh.Lk. r'n YA Water.& N t.Pr 351.65 468 P n & Mailin Fund Off.Sup.-Admin.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks&Spring.;Rec. Su .-Mob.Rec. da cam •Public Info.-Admin.•S ecial Events,jr. tourn.-Wh.Lk. & S rin . 1332.42 Inv. #14 Radio Communications Fund Radio Maint.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove., Orion Inde Wh.Lk. Glen Oaks Red Oaks R.O.W.Park,YAC, Spring.,Water.,W.O.W.Park,Mob.Rec.&Nat.Prog.;Bldg. Maint.-Add. 2,312.99 TOTAL FOR INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER $ 86,348.28 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS At :ECREATION COMMISSION INTERDEPARTMENTAL NAYMENT REGISTER March, 1991 (For the month of February, 1991) SOURCE DEPARTMENT PHRPACIF AMni 1hT Communications-Admin.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks, !ll I V V I Y I Inv. #136 Communications Fund Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,YAC,Water.,W.O.W.Park,T. _ Complex,BMX & Nat. Prog. 3,202.01 Off.Sup.-Admin.&Rec.Admin.;Equip. Rental-Admin. & Inv. #241 Computer Services Fund Add. 3,449.59 Cap.Proj.,Tech.Sup. Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water.;Equip.Maint. Inv. #216 Facilities & Operations -Admin.;Grounds Maint.-Water.;Off.Sup.-Admin. 1,146.19 Inv. #93 Fringe Benefit Fund Fringe Benefit Charges for Feb.,1991-All Parks 91,731.00 Inv. #38 General Fund Property Taxes Refunded-Admin. 914.44 ��39 General Fund Membership dues for F.Trionfi for the Gov't.Finance Off. .Inv. Assoc. Inv. #174 Acct.Rec.-Admin.(To be reimb.by Oak.Parks Foundation); Materials Management- Wh.Lk. Glen Oaks YAC&Water.;Off.Sup.-Admin.,Grove.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks&Nat. - •Misc.Ex .-Grove. Inde . Wh.Lk.&Water.;Uniforms-Indep.;Special Events,sr.citizen - - Oaks; is - 2,790.67 Transportation-Admin..Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove., Inv. #86 Motor Pool Fund Orion Indep.,Wh.Lk. Glen Oaks Red Oaks S rin YAC Water.,Mob. Rec.&Nat. Prog.; Equip.Maint.-Tech.Sup., _ Add.,Orion,Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks,Sprin .,&Mob.Rec.,trucks & buses 16,448.24 Inv. #238 Equip.Rental-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Orion,Indep., Office Equipment Fund Spring.,YAC,Water.&Nat.Prog. 339.10 Inv. ��172 Printing & Mailing Fund Public Info.-Admin.;Off.Sup.-Admin.,Add.,Grove., .0. .Park BMX & Nat.Prog.;Special Events,co.emp.&ther.prog.-Rec.Admin., ci iz n sc amble&'r. urn.-Wh.L sr.citizens-Glen Oaks&Red Oaks,jr.tourn.-Spring.,spring event-YAC,dog obed. ballet bell dance olf s .dance ballroom dance round dance,aerobic dance&misc.-Water. 4,140.04 rn SOURCE Inv.#39 OAKLA`NCOUNTY PARKS - TEE RDEPARTMENTALPAYMENT AREGISTTION OCOMMISSION REGISTER March, 1991 t (For the month of February, 1991) PURPOSE DEPARTMENT Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,GroYA Radio Maint.-Admin., C, Radio Communication Lk.,Indep.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,R.OgW.Park,Spring.aint.- Water.,W.O.W.Park,Mob.Rec.Nat.Pro &Orion;Bl g. Add. & Inde . TOTAL FOR INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER AMOUNT 2,510.16 1 IS51a0 WD 1" P�F��� o ° ccFS 1991 I �2ti AdminiStra Is Adm�nl5tr a..--�'.`..--- at on 2�Str,.— d� 2/19/91 Add:�5on 1r 5 VOR Shy uwir l held at ���� lS2 E enebaum unda' n tot - 8 Park P° 1 recep from Oa are`�el 0 due rk5 & Znfo. �F of $25 &City Pa Publi ©ak5 orrn5�p- f and Glen eetin�3 f ark 5taf kfa5t teen P ate°a5• _e Gas tionl of - ,Brea eetlnq be i©n oiler pt of to a�el&Co neon m conoe55 for 5 �r �Lunc dnq Remy,. &Coat. e rear roje._ Trave 551onair f -Ctr .1mp Beok. CaQ-pe Co f Center s for 1 �. CREST M. 66 11 5C� OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ANALYSIS OF FUND BALANCE AS OF 2/28/91 FUND BALANCE, 1/1/91 ADDITIONS: REVENUE OVER OPERATING EXPENSE AS OF 2128191 NET COLLECTIONS ON ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE NET DEPRECIATION EXPENSE DECREASE IN MERCHANDISE FOR RESALE DEDUCTIONS: PAYMENTS ON CAPITAL PROJECTS NET OPERATING EQUIPMENT PURCHASES NET PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNTS PAYABLE INTERDEPARTMENTAL INVOICES IN TRANSIT INCREASE IN MERCHANDISE FOR RESALE SUMMARY OF FUND BALANCE CASH ON HAND INVESTMENTS WITH THE COUNTY TREASURER 5-1 $2,569,673.86 754,735.07 81,132.02 30.67 ------------- $ 262,474.88 9,201.17 379,350.85 126,919.10 0.00 ------------- $ 3,993,918.75 3,405,571.62 -------------- $ 7,399,490.37 777,946.00 -------------- $ 6,621,544.37 -------------- -------------- $ 97,113.12 6,524,431.25 -------------- $ 6,621,544.37 -------------- -------------- OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR MONTH ENDING 2128191 REVENUE YDATETO BUDGET UNDERRBUDGET BUDGET *********** ************ MILLAGE & INTEREST INCOME RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. ADDISON OAKS: PARK CONFERENCE CENTER GROVELAND OAKS INDEPENDENCE OAKS ORION OAKS GLEN OAKS RED OAKS: GOLF COURSE DRIVING RANGE WATER PARK SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE WHITE LAKE OAKS SPRINGFIELD YAC WATERFORD OAKS: PARK WATER PARK TENNIS COMPLEX BMX MOBILE RECREATION NATURE PROGRAM TOTAL REVENUE ****** OPERATING EXPENSES ****** ADMINISTRATION RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. TECHNICAL SUPPORT ADDISON OAKS: PARK CONFERENCE CENTER GROVELAND OAKS INDEPENDENCE OAKS ORION OAKS GLEN OAKS RED OAKS: GOLF COURSE DRIVING RANGE WATER PARK SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE WHITE LAKE OAKS SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC WATERFORD OAKS: PARK WATER PARK TENNIS COMPLEX BMX MOBILE RECREATION NATURE PROGRAM CONTINGENCY* TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES REVENUE OVER/UNDER EXP. ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: BUDGET BALANCE: $3,360,454.53 C.CC 4,872.00 C.00 2,835.00 37,840.8C 0.00 5,781.5C 12.00 0.00 0.cc -22.CC 2,001.40 6,478.50 17,766.00 C.00 965.0C C.00 4,658.50 686.75 $5,901,6CC.00 14,42C.00 223,60C.00 75,COC.00 427,60C.00 191,8CC.00 C.00 705,66C.0O 256,85C.00 24,000.00 522,9Cc.CC 605,2CC.00 633,60C.00 149,500.00 1C4,05O.00 320,OOC.00 27,31C.00 56,80C.00 112,OOC.CO 91O0C.00 $2,541,145.47 14,42C.00 218,728.00 75,O00.00 424,765.00 153,959.20 O.00 699,878.50 256,838.00 24,OOC.00 522,900.00 6C5,222.00 631,598.60 143,021.50 86,284.00 32C,OOO.O0 26,345.00 56,8CC.00 IC7,341.50 8,313.25 56.9% 2.2% C.7% 19.7% 0.8% C.C% -0.C% C.3% 4.3% 17.1% 3.5% 4.2% 7.6% $3,444,329.98 $10,36C,89C.00 $6,916,56C.02 33.2% $194,968.32 3C,013.43 83,933.23 80,262.86 16,309.97 39,692.21 81,995.59 8,643.10 47,144.92 29,531.06 C . 0 C 17,498.59 52,8C1.81 41,284.43 15,233.54 32,397.12 8,339.87 902.82 5,51C.48 19,306.46 34,860.31 34,C26.O0 $874,656.12 $1,608,21C.00 307,285.00 694,637.00 683,954.00 64,CCC.00 620,332.00 688,345.00 77,960.00 534,18C.CC 323,036.00 4,OCC.O0 472,654.00 518,63C.00 457,825.00 183,C39.00 254,185.O0 319,698.00 42,755.CC 69,575.CC 350,72C.00 241,2C2.00 80 COO.00 $8,596,222.00 $2,569,673.86 $1,764,668.00 $1,413,241.68 277,271.57 61C,703.77 6C3,691.14 47,69C.C3 58C,639.79 606,349.41 69,316.90 487,035.08 293,504.94 4,000.00 455,155.41 465,828.19 416,540.57 167,8C5.46 221,787.88 311,358.13 41,852.18 64,064.52 331,413.54 2C6,341.69 45,974.00 12.1% 9.8% 12.1% 11.7% 25.5% 6.4% 11.9% 11.1% 8.8% 9.1% 3.7% 1C.2% 9.C% 8.3% 12.7% 2.6% 2.1% 7.9% 5.5% 14.5% 42.5% $7,721,565.88 1C.2% $-805,005.86 -45.6% 1991 199C 1989 33.2% 33.9% 31.6% 66.8% ACTUAL EXP. TO DATE: 1C.2% 9.9% 1 C . 8 % BUDGET BALANCE: 89.8% *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. CONTINGENCY BUDGET FIGURE: $20,OOC HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO MOBILE RECREATION. 5-2 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RE(,. .ilON COMMISSION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FOR 1991 AS OF 2/28/91 SUMMARY TOTAL FOR ALL PARKS ESTIMATED 1990 1991 NET NEW ESTIMATED CONTRACT(S) CONTRACT(S) PROJECT ---- - ----- -----PARK--- - PROJECT -COST- - - ADJUSTMENT --------------- ADJUSTMENT -------- ------- - ADJUSTMENT ----------- --- PROJECT COST --------------- AMOUNT PAID --------------- RETAINER --------------- AWARDED BALANCE --------------- BALANCE --------------- ADMINISTRATION $3,022,237.00 $C.00 $(SCC.CO) $(50C.CO) $3,021,737.CC $491.CC $C.CC $(6,CCC.CC) $3,016,228.CC ADDISON OAKS 1,311,716.CC C.CC 0.00 O.CO 1,311,716.00 (262,C97.64) 8,465.0C (2C,44C.CC) 1,037,643.36 GROVELAND OAKS 172,966.CC 1,C14.84 O.CC 1,C14.84 173,980.84 (18,980.58) 0.00 C.CC 155,CCC.26 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 179,898.CC C.CO (1C,CCO.CC) (1C,CCC.CC) 169,898.CO (38,097.09) C.CC C.00 131,8CC.91 ORION OAKS 0.00 0.00 O.CO O.CO 0.00 0.00 O.CC C.CC C.00 GLEN OAKS 370,571.CO 10,C77.81 O.CC 10,C77.81 38C,648.81 (217,284.02) 2,188.26 (117,699.84) 47,853.21 RED OAKS 176,286.00 C.CC 5,832.54 5,832.54 182,118.54 (77,918.38) O.CC 0.00 104,200.16 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 178,179.CC C.CC 622.76 622.76 178,BC1.76 (82,627.89) C.CC C.00 96,173.87 WHITE LAKE OAKS 378,436.00 10,538.16 3,915.05 14,453.21 392,889.21 (279,189.38) 0.00 (72,699.83) 41,000.CC WATERFORD OAKS 1,213,666.CC 615.9C (4C,CCC.CC) (39,384.IC) 1,174,281.90 (591,892.28) C.CC C.CO 582,389.62 CONTINGENCY 210,2C8.CC --------------- (22,246.71) --------------- 40,129.65 -.,------------- 17,882.94 228,09C.94 C.CC 0.00 C.CC 228,C9C.94 CAPITAL PROJECTS TOTAL $7,214,163.CC $(C.CC) --------------- $C.CC $C.CC --------------- $7,214,163.00 ------------------------------ $(1,567,596.26) $10,653.26 --------------- $(216,839.67) --------------- $5,440,38C.33 rn I ITEM #7 SWIM POND INDEPENDENCE OAKS Bids have been received to purchase equipment to aerate the water at the swim pond at Independence Oaks. Due to the small size of the pond and its popular use, the quality of water has been a concern to the Oakland County Health Department for the past two summers. To improve the circulation and quality of water, staff is recom- mending the purchase and installation of two aerators from Aeration Industries. This is the only company staff and Purchasing has been able to find that makes a suitable unit for this application. The units will be installed away from the actual swim area and will have a cover that looks like a rock. Peterson & Matz Inc. of Farmington Hills is the only local dis- tributor, and they quoted us a price of $3,380 each, for a total of $6,760. There is $6,600 budgeted in the Operating Equipment Budget for this purchase. The balance of $160 will come from the Operating Equip- ment Surplus. 7-1 MAP.-01` 91 13: —27 ID: TEL M0:171088915786 4671 P02 e, Aeration Industries International, Inc. P.O. Ba(59144 • MfnneaOis, MN 55459 - USA Telephone:1(612)448-6ng • Wex: 91057808.38 • FacshT0e:1(612)446-7293 ' AIRE•02 63&5HP AIR&O20 Aeration System r. The AMY-O, aerator in an electric mo;ordriveu proPeRer aspirator aerator which induow the now of atmocpharic air below the surface, of the water. The propeller c mtm a horizontal flow pattani ranching in graaW aeration and circulation effidendea AERATION The HIRE-0, system provides rich diwtsived oxn0a level for optimal production of all Specie& independent tests chow the Amr,01 unit provider high oxygen ttwetr rate¢ in twxiard and field oonditiom Field ragas are dependant upon amdronmental oanditiont CIRCULATION TU AMFI03 system dreulatw large vdumee of water. unif=dy distni tmg temperature and diarolved OMez in pond: of hay depth or dm Indepeadant taste, show the AIRE-0, unit provides eomptate bor=ntal and vertical mixing complewy daatratifymg the inure Paid vnlumt NOTE AMF-O, uWUe are avaiLtUs In any oomman voltage, phis r, and hz oombinstloa SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO (:SAN({g WITHOUT NOTICE 4i I9W Aeration Industries Intl, Inc 7-2 ALL RIGHM RESERVED Part d 224-068 ITEM #8 REPLACEMENT WINDOWS ADDISON OAKS Staff is requesting the purchase of replacement windows for the Addison Oaks maintenance complex buildings. The new windows will replace all windows on the ground floor of all the maintenance buildings. (The upper floors were completed in 1990.) These windows, which will be installed by Technical Support staff, are energy efficient and insulated. A single source bid was requested from Oxbowindo Company, Milford, to match the windows installed in 1990, and their response was a price of $7,385.89. Staff has reviewed the bid and recommends awarding this purchase to Oxbowindo Company. Sufficient funds are budgeted in the 1991 Capital Improvement Proj- ects Budget for this purchase. 8-1 ITEM #9 POWER OUTLETS GROVELAND OAKS Staff has requested the purchase of 51 new electrical power outlets for the group camping areas at Groveland Oaks. These will replace power. outlets are were installed over 20 years ago. The new outlets will bring the park area up to all state, local, and Health Department codes for camping. Bids were requested from four vendors, with their responses as follows: Madison Electric $13,432.00 Detroit Wesco Electric NO BID Oak Park Leslie Electric 13,585.00 Pontiac Teal Electric 14,000.00 Troy Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to award this purchase to the low bidder, Madison Electric, in the amount of $13,432.00. There are sufficient funds budgeted in the 1991 Capital Improvement Projects Budget for this purchase. 9-1 ITEM #10 GRASS CUTTING SERVICE WATERFORD OARS Bids for the grass cutting service for Waterford Oaks are due on April 10. Staff will review and present them at the Commission meeting. 10-1 ITEM #11 INSULATION WHITE LAKE OAKS We have received from Purchasing the following bid for insulating the new maintenance building at White Lake Oaks: Energy Shield $5,760.00 Pontiac United Spray Foam NO BID Oxford Thermochem NO BID Oxford Dana Energy NO BID Warren This project will consist of spraying on 1 1/2 inches of foam, plus 1/2 inch of Zonolite as a fire protectant, to 2,400 sq. ft. of ceiling area. Energy Shield was the only company that could supply the 1/2 inch Zonolite which is required by code. Staff recommends you award the bid to the single bidder, Energy Shield, for $5,760.00. Energy Shield installed this same product last year in the main- tenance building at Groveland Oaks. Funds for this insulation will come from the Capital Improvement Budget. ITEM #12 GOLF CAR BATTERIES WHITE LAKE, GLEN OAKS, AND RED OARS We have received from Purchasing the following bids for the purchase of 450 golf car batteries for White Lake, Glen Oaks, and Red Oaks Golf Courses: Exide Westland $16,843.50 Michigan Lead Battery Did not meet specs. Auburn Hills Wide Track Automotive 16,816.50 Pontiac These batteries will replace 3-year old batteries that are worn out. They will be installed in 75 3-year old carts, which we expect to use two more years. Staff recommends awarding the bid to the low bidder meeting speci- fications, Wide Track Automotive, for Exide GC4 batteries in the amount of $16,816.50. This price includes exchange of the old batteries. Funds for these expenditures will come from the equipment budget of each golf course. 12-1 ITEM #13 GOLF CARS SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE AND ADDISON OAKS We have received from Purchasing the following bids for the purchase of three 4-wheel gasoline golf cars for Springfield Oaks Golf Course and Addison Oaks: Burrington $7,385.00 Pontiac Pifer 7,320.00 Holly Club Car Did not meet specs. Livonia (Has 4-cycle engine) These cars will replace existing golf cars that are 6-years old. Two of these cars will be placed in the rental fleet at Springfield Oaks, and the other cart will be used as a maintenance vehicle around the campground at Addison Oaks. This bid price included the trade in of two EZGo golf cars from Springfield. The low bidder, Pifer, allowed us $825 per car for trade in. Staff recommends you award the bid to the low bidder who met speci- fications, Pifer, for $7,320. We paid $2,850 last year for this same type of golf car. There is $9,800 in the Operating Equipment Budget for these cars. 13-1 ITEM #14 ASPHALT RED OAKS AND SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSES We have received from Purchasing the following bids for the recapping of the service drive at Red Oaks and additional cart paths at Springfield. Bids were sent out to eight other vendors, but with no response. Bush Brothers Red Oaks Springfield Oaks $20,875 $6,900.00 Farmington Hills Asphalt Specialists 25,715 NO BID Pontiac The project at Red Oaks consists of capping approximately 40,000 sq. ft. of service drive and additional cart paths around the cart barn and three greens near wet areas. The existing service drive at Red Oaks is over ten years old and in poor condition. The project at Springfield consists of installing 5,880 sq. f t. of new paths and capping 6,020 sq. f t. of existing cart paths. Staff recommends awarding the bid to the low bidder, Bush Brothers, for a total of $27,775, plus a 5% contingency of $1,388.75, for a total budgeted cost of $29,163.75. There is $20,000 budgeted for Red Oaks and $10,000 budgeted for Springfield Oaks in the Capital Improvement Projects Budget for these two projects. 14-1 ITEM #15 FOUR-COLOR BROCHURE AND TWO-COLOR BROCHURES Public Communications Reprints for 25,000 (25M) four-color and 50,000 (50M) two-color brochures are being requested. This literature is distributed at malls, community centers, businesses, camper shows, the builders show and to city/township halls, libraries, and many other locations. The four-color brochure order is expected to last 2 years. These brochures are distributed sparingly when a colorful impact is important. The rise in cost is due to an increase in paper costs and bindery labor costs. Bids for the four-color brochure were requested from six vendors: Pontiac Letter Shop Pontiac No Bid Mastro Troy $11,995.00 G-Graphics Brighton 9,558.00 Michigan Repro -Graphics Pontiac No Bid TAC Farmington Hills 10,653.00 Dearborn Lithograph Livonia 9,220.00 In 1989, 25,000 four-color brochures were ordered from Dearborn Lithograph at a cost of $7,571.00. Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to award this purchase to the low bidder, Dearborn Lithograph, in the amount of $9,220.00. There is $35,000 budgeted in 1991 Public Communications Publications Budget for the purchase of brochures. 15-1 Four -Color and Two -Color Brochures for Public Communications Page 2 The two-color brochures are expected to last 1-12 years. They are distributed at slide presentations, with some exhibits and when large numbers of copies are needed. Bids for the two-color brochure were requested from eight vendors: Pontiac Letter Shop Pontiac $ 9,700.00 Mastro Troy 9,295.00 G-Graphics Brighton 11,640.00 Michigan Repro -Graphics Pontiac 11,550.00 Pontiac Graphics Pontiac 7,915.00 TAC Farmington Hills 6,971.00 Great Lakes Oak Park 9,242.00 Dearborn Lithograph Livonia 6,700.00 In 1990, 50,000 two-color brochures were ordered from Dearborn Lithograph at a cost of $7,286.00. Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to award this purchase to the low bidder, Dearborn Lithograph, in the amount of $6,700,00. There is $35,000 budgeted in the 1991 Public Communications Publications Budget for purchase of brochures. 15-2 ITEM #16 ELECTRICAL EASEMENT REQUEST ADDISON OAKS Staff has reviewed the attached request for an electrical ease- ment for a new residence on Walker Road adjacent to Addison Oaks. Joe Figa will make a presentation on tapping into our power line at the north end of Addison Oaks and running it under the road --all at the homeowner's expense. If all criteria from Corporation Counsel is met, staff will recommend Commission approval of this request. 16-1 OAKLAND COUNTY INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMO Date March 29, 1991 Daniel J. Stencil, Chief of Park Operations rom To: -Pat Campbell, Civil Counsel , Subject: Electrical Equipment Request - L. Alice Felsman/703 Walker Road. Parcel ID 05-3 14 Staff has received the attached request from L. Alice Felsman requesting an electrical easement for a new residence to be erected at 703 Walker Road. This request has been reviewed by staff and we recommend approval subject that all service installation be completed underground. Your assistance in processing this request, subject to the Oakland County Road Commission formal approval on April 13, is most appreciated. Please call me if you have any questions. DJS : j eb cc: Ralph Richard, Manager Jon Kipke, Assistant Manager Joe Figa, Chief of Design & Development Rob Coffey - Addison Oaks Park Supervisor Enclosure 16-2