HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1991.12.04 - 39881OAKLAN D COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION 2800 Watkins Lake Road • Waterford, Michigan 48328 (313) 858-0906 • Fax (313) 858-1683 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: Ralph A. Richard Manager Jon J. Kipke Assistant Manager November 27, 1991 C Lewis E. Wint Chairman Jean M. Fox Vice Chairman pecky D. Lewis, Jr Secretary Fred Korzon George W. Kuhn Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Thomas A. Law John E. Olsen Alice Tomboulian Richard V. Vogt A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME .Wednesday, December 4, 1991 9:00 A.M. PLACE. .Parks and Recreation Offic-e 2800 Watkins Lake Rd. Waterford, MI PURPOSE. .Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Mr. Lewis E. Wint, Chairman, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, Ralph Richard Manager RR/jg 1 • N • 1 All i ' ' " ; 1 Ic ui�u �• PUBUC HEARIlG: 1992 OPERffM BUDGET RFlRFAUON MASDR PLAN 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Special Acknowledgement - Detroit Alumni Tiger Association. 4. Special Acknowledgement - Pat Ianglois. 5. Approval of Synopsis for November 20, 1991 Meeting. 6. Approval of Payment: Voucher Nos. 11-189 thru 11-276. 7. Statement of Operations for Month Ending October 31, 1991. 8. Capital Improvement Budget for 1991 Update as of October 31, 1991. 9. 1992 Operating and Capital Improvement Projects Budgets. F. Trionfi / 858-0907 10. Recreation Master Plan. J. Figa / 858-0906 11. Bid Item: Cross-country Ski Trail Groomer - Independence Oaks. D. Stencil / 858-0906 12. Deer Herd - Addison Oaks. D. Stencil/ 858-0906 13. Manager's Report. 14. Old Business. 15. New Business. 16. Adjourn. SPECIAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT DETROIT TIGER ALUMNI ASSOCIATION More than 800 "young people" of all ages learned baseball from the legends at eight Oakland County Parks Detroit Tigers Alumni Clinics last summer. Playing tips and the importance of good sportsmanlike participation were key points of the program. Former Tiger greats Gates Brown, Jim Northrup, Jim Price, Dave Rozema, and Tom Timmerman were a hit with all participants. For their contributions to furthering the all-American sport of baseball for Oakland County residents and families, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission wishes to say thank you. Special thanks also to Gatorade which donated the cost of producing 10,000 brochures to promote the clinics. 3-1 SPECIAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PAT LANGLOIS Pat Langlois has been a part-time worker and volunteer for the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and the Michigan Wheelchair Basketball Association for the past seven years. Pat has coached, organized, scheduled and represented Oakland County with the formation of the Spinners and OHA Wheelchair teams. For Mrs. Langlois' contribution to furthering the sport of basketball for residents of Oakland County, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and the Oakland County teams wish to say thank you. 4-1 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING November 20, 1991 SYNOPSIS A regular Commission meeting was held on Wednesday, November 20, 1991; however, because there was not a quorum present, no official business was transacted. Instead, the Commission reviewed the agenda and recommended the following items be approved at the next regular meeting: Approval of Minutes of the meeting of November 6, 1991, as written. Approval of Minutes of the Budget Review Meeting of November 6, 1991, as written. Approval of Payments: Vouchers 11-1 through 11-188. Receive the Activities Report for the month of October, 1991. Amendment to the 1991 Operating Budget: Staff requested Commission approval to transfer $65,000 from the 1991 Operating Budget Contingency to the Red Oaks Water - park expense budget. This transfer is required in accordance with the Commission's 1991 General Appro- priation Act, which incorporates the Uniform Local Budgeting Act, and will cover additional expenditures of $25,000 for the initial backbill payment to Detroit Edison, $15,000 adjusted actual for utilities, and $25,000 for unbudgeted part- time salaries and fringe benefits. Grant Resolution: Staff recommended approval of the following resolution to ex- tend the grant for the Rookery Acquisition for another year: WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been notified by the Department of Natural Resources that the grant agreement for the Lyon Rookery Acquisition MNTRF 89-003 will expire on December 31, 1991; and WHEREAS, an extension period is available for situations where delay in closing is beyond the control of the grantee; and WHEREAS, the Lyon Rookery acquisition meets identified and estab- lished priorities for acquisition and development within the adopted Recreation Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has appropriated matching funds and is actively pursuing this acquisition; thereby meeting the criteria for the extension. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission recommend amending the grant with the appropriate extension. Addison Oaks Conference Center Ventilation System Bid Approval: Bids were re- ceived for the purchase and installation of a cooking ventilation system for the kitchen at the Addison Oaks Conference Center. 5-1 (Meeting Synopsis, November 20, 1991) Commission concurred with staff's recommendation to award the contract to the sole qualified bidder, Premium Air Systems, in the amount of $26,155. Chipping Green - Glen Oaks Golf Course: In conjunction with recommendations from Risk Management, staff suggested removing the chipping green at the Glen Oaks Golf Course when the parking lot expansion begins. Commission recommended removing the chipping green from its present location and constructing a smaller one at the far east portion of the site. Receive Manager's Report: ---In addition to the cost breakdown of the funds expended at Addison Oaks, staff distributed information from Industrial Appraisal Company on the Addison Oaks Conference Center. ---The MRPA Annual Conference is scheduled in Grand Rapids on February 9-12, 1992. Those Commissioners planning to attend should contact Karen Smith as soon as possible. ---The Addison Oaks master plan work session originally scheduled for Thursday, December 5, at 7 p.m. has been changed to Tuesday, December 10, 6:30 p.m., at the Addison Oaks Conference Center. The next Commission meeting will be Wednesday, December 4, at 9 a.m. Meeting was followed by an overview of the Parks' new maintenance scheduling system and proposed office automation system, then a tour of the new computer services center. 5-2 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Payment Approval Summary For Meeting of: DECEMBER 4, 1991 Nos_ 11-189 thru 11-276 $ 215,186.32 TOTAL $ 215,186.32 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS A,— RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1991 VOUCHER HIIMRGR VFNnnR PURPOSE AMOUNT 11-189 Birney Middle School Public Info. - Admin. $ 5.00 11-190 State of Michigan Design Boards Dues & Publications, Reg. fee for Landscape Architect S. VandenBossche - Admin. 1 40.00 11-191 The Grunwell-Cashero Co., Inc. Cap. Proj., Conf. Ctr. Imp. - Add. (payment #3) 20,068.20 11-192 Robert Ford & Associates Inc. Cap. Proj., Master Plan Update - Grove. (payment #4) 2,750.00 11-193 Oak. Co. Planning Div. Cap. Proj., Master Plan Update - Add. & Maint. Bldg. Addition - Spring.___ 65.00 11-194 Eiden Equipment Co. Cap. Proj., Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec. Fac. Imp. - Water.; Bldg. Maint. - Rec. Admin. & Grove.- 171.45 11-195 Industrial Appraisal Company Prof. Serv., Annual Report as of June 1 - Admin. 965.00 11-196 Rochester :Elevator Inc. Bldg. Maint., softner salt - Wh.Lk. 203.35 11-197 WESCO Bldg. Maint. - Water. 26.73 11-198 Security Safe & Lock Service, Inc. Bldg. Maint. - Glen Oaks 5.00 11-199 Paint 'n' Stuff Bldg. Maint. - Admin., Rec. Admin., Tech. Sup., Indep., Red Oaks, R.O.W.P. & W.Pool; Maint. Sup. - Tech. Su 733.44 11-200 Paint 'n' Stuff Misc. Exp. - Add., Grove., Orion, Indep., Wh.Lk., Glen Oaks, Red Oaks, YAC & Water.; Grds. Maint. - Water. 184.96 11-201 Michigan Coffee Service, Inc. Equip. Rent. - Admin. & Tech. Sup. 74,85 11-202 Thesier Equipment Company Equip. Maint. - Glen Oaks 17.97 11-203 Oliver Supply Co. Misc. Exp. - Add.; Equip. Maint. - Water. 33,18 11-204 Security Fence & Supply Co. Grounds Maint. - Indep. 41.20 11-205 Meteor Photo Company Public Info. - Admin. 802,50 d. i OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS i-_ RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1991 VOUCHER tJUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 11-206 Camera Mart Inc. Public Info. - Admin. $ 134.80 11-207 Sundry (Instructors) Instructors fee to B.Rieck, Belly Dance $75.00; F:Venice Ballroom Dance $252.00 - Water. 327.00 11-208 Country Oaks Landscape Supply II Spec. Event, straw for ha ride/Sen.Cit. - Inde . 24.00 11-209 Day -Timers, Inc. Off. Sup. - Admin. 15.62 11-210 Oxford Co-operative Elevator Rec. Sup. - Nat. Ctr. 23.00 11-211 Schat-Marine Safety Corp. Rec. Sup., 24 lifevest - Add. 474.72 11-212 Industrial Cleaning Supply Co., Inc. Small Tools - W. Pool 14.55 11-213 Michael Thibodeau, Custodian PettyCash Reimb. - Glen Oaks 91.72 11-214 Michigan State University Reg. fee for J.Sanborn to attend the Equip. Technology School, 10 wks. - Glen Oaks 500.00 11-215 National Seminars Group Reg. fees for N.Seets,C.Farwell,D.Donovan & G.Berschbach to attend the Effective Leadership Seminar held in Southfield on 1/16/92 - Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks, Red Oaks & Spring. 356.40 11-216 Sundry (Mileage Reimb.) i eage for month of Oct., G.Bersc ac 40. 0 - Spring. S.DeMasellis $17.50, D.Marcks $39.25, D.Marion $8.75 & C.Neef $9.75 - Admin.; S.DeVonce $66.75 & J.Mansfield $192.25 - Rec. Admin. & YAC 374.25 11-217 Consumers Power Utilities - Add., Conf.Ctr., Grove. & Inde . 1,295.61 11-218 Detroit Edison Utilities - Wh.Lk., Red Oaks, Water. & W.Pool 11 296.09 11-219 Ralph Richard Travel Reimb. for expenses incurred while attending the N.R.P.A. Conf. held in Baltimore, MD 10/17-10/21/91-Adm. 349.14 11-220 Jon Kipke Travel Reimb. for expenses incurred while attending the N.R.P.A. Conf. held in Baltimore, MD 10/15-10/21/91-Adm. 15.92 ,;s OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS A RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1991 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 11-221 Frank Trionfi Travel Reim . for expenses incurred while attending the N.R.P.A.Conf. held in Baltimore,MD on 10/17-10/21/91-Adm $ 21.64 11-222 Spalding Sports Inv., golf mdse. for resale -- Glen Oaks 84-00 11-223 The Boomer Co. Bldg. Maint. - R.O.W.P. 60-00 11-224 Ecotec Bldg. Maint. - Tech. Sup., Add., Wh. Lk., Red Oaks, YAC & Spring.; Rent. Prop. Maint. - Water. 160-00 11-225 G.A. Thompson & Sons, Inc. Rent. Prop. Maint. - Wh. Lk. 11-48 11-226 NCS Cleaning Services, Inc. Custodial Services for Oct. - Admin. 1,300.00 11-227 Cloverdale Equipment Co. Equip. Rent; air compressor - Wh.Lk..,Glem-Oaks & Red Oaks 925.00 11-228 UZ Engineered Products Equip. Maint., drills, taps, crimp seal - Wh. Lk. 524.09 11-229 Lawn Equipment Service & Sales Equip. Maint. - Glen Oaks & Spring. 460.71 11-230 Certified Laboratories Equip. Maint. - Wh. Lk. 77.37 11-231 Panther Sales, Inc. Equip. Maint. - Spring. 20.77 11-232 Moore's Disposal Rubbish Removal - Glen Oaks 70.00 11-233 Waterford Water & Sewer Dept. Utilities - W.Pool 1,861.40 11-234 Southlane Grounds Maint. - Red Oaks 25.0 11-235 C & H Landscape Grounds Maint., topsoil - Glen Oaks 300.00 11-236 Parts Associates, Inc. Grounds Maint. - Glen Oaks 71.72 11-237 Entire Reproductions Off. Sup. - Admin. 32.19 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS A RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1991 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 11-238 Arbor Springs Water Company Inc. Equip. Rent & Off. Sup. - Spring. $ 56.70 11-239 Meijer Misc. Exp., Public Info. & Oft. Sup. - Admin.; Spec. Ev., Co. Employees & Therapuetics - Rec.Adm.; Rec.Su .-Nat.Ctr 270.44 11-240 Pioneer Hardware Bldg., Equip. & Grounds Maint. & Small Tools - Wh. Lk. 58.65 11-241 Carlisle Associates Prof. Services, master plan update - Admin. 3,055.00 11-242 James Dunleavy Reimb. for Expense incurred from the Fall Bike Race Mtg. - Add. 29.38 11-243 Sundry (Miscellaneous) Spec. Ev., Co. Employee Fall Bowling Tourn. prizes, O.Trusty $40O.00,N.Seets $275.00,B.Miles $175.00, K.Fritzinger $125.00,B.Davis $1OO.0O1P.Pement $75.00, P.Verch $50.00, C.Teague $25.000, N._LaForm $15.00,B.Freer $10.00, R.L$50r00$L5.00,M.Berqquuist $20.00,G.Norris $25.00, $100.00,J.Sutton $60.00, . ay or ,D.Na ozny .0 ,D.Mathews $20.00, M.Onuskanich $20.00,D.Austin $20.00,J.Bieke $20.00 & D.Cervin $20.00 - Rec. Admin. 1,700.00 11-244 United States Postmaster Public Info., mailing of Fall/Winter Acorn - Admin. 2,999.70 11-245 O.C. Sheriff's Department Prof. Services, Mounted Division exp. 1991 - Admin. 6,500.00 11-246 County of Oakland Security Expense, October charges— Add., Grove., Orion, Inde R.O.W.P. YA W 11-247 Spartan Oil Corp. Bldg. Maint., antifreeze for winterizing pool - W. Pool 171.35 11-248 Bronner's Bldg. Maint., Xmas decorations Indep. 2,974.15 11-249 Trumbull Recreation Supply, Inc. Bldg. Maint., shower head assemblies - Grove. 278.21 11-250 Kirk's Automotive, Inc. Equip. Maint. - Tech. Sup. 23.16 rn i OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS A.., RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1991 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 11-251 Certified Laboratories Equip. Maint., premalube - Red Oaks $ 100.00 11-252 Hartsig Supply Co., Inc. Grounds Maint. - Glen Oaks 38.51 11-253 Public Relations Soc. of America Membership renewal for J. Pun , 1 yr. - Admin. 80.00 11-254 The Non -Profit Pub. Relations Network Membership dues for J.Pung & D.Marcks, 1 yr. - Admin. 50.00 11-255 Mi. & Border Cities G.C.Super.Assoc. Membership renewal for M. Thibodeau, 1 yr. - Admin. 40.00 11-256 National Recreation & Park Assoc. Membership renewal for J. Kipke, 1 yr. - Admin. 55.00 11-257 MESRA Membership renewal for J. Mansfield, 1 yr. - Rec. Admin. 95.00 11-258 Dinosaur Hill Nature Preserve Membership renewal for K. Dougherty, 1 yr. - Nat. Ctr. 25.00 11-259 C & D Alexander, Inc. Misc. Exp., trustee program - Indep. 38.38 11-260 Herald Advertiser Public Info., Ad,Public Hearing Grove. Master Plan - Adm. 17.40 11-261 Rich Sign, Inc. Equip. Maint., Parks Logo on Starlab unit - Nat. Ctr. 224.54 11-262 Richard Brown Special Event, Balloon Festival food and lodging expense for balloonist - Rec. Admin. 1,115.31 11-263 Sammy's To Go Travel & Conf., expense incurred for Commission Budget Review Mtg. held on 10-31-91 - Admin. 71.60 11-264 R. I-3arwood, Inc. Uniform Exp. - Glen.Oaks 48.05 11-265 O.C. Dept -of Public Works Sewage Exp., Oct. - Add. & Conf. Ctr. 859.50 11-266 Bean Bros. Bowling & Trophy Supply Off. Sup. - Admin. 69.30 11-267 RMS Off. Sup., toner cartridge for blueprint machine - Admin 139.00 I OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS A, RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1991 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 11-268 Baldwin Cooke Company Off. Sup. - Admin. $ 19.87 11-269 Kathleen Dougherty, Custodian Petty Cash Reimb. - Nat. Ctr.. 114.24 11-270 Karen Smith, Custodian Petty Cash Reimb. - Admin. 284.14 11-271 Consumers Power Utilities - Wh.Lk., Red Oaks, R.O.W.P., Spring. & YAC 1,702.11 11-272 Detroit Edison Utilities - Grove. 123.61 11-273 Detroit Edison Utilities - Wh.Lk., Red Oaks, R.O.W.P., Spring. & YAC 10,437.97 11-274 S & G Custom T'S Special Events, T-shirts for Mt. Bike Race $1,445.40 - Add. & Fall Car Show $219.00 - Inde . 1,664.40 11-275 Sundry (Payroll) Pay Period ending 11/15/91 - All Parks 107,999.05 11-276 Sprinkler Services Co. Cap. Proj., Auto.Irrig. & Sprinkler System - Glen Oaks 7,740.00 Sub Total for Voucher Register 21-),186-32 TOTAL FOR VOUCHER REGISTER 426,880.43 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ANALYSIS OF FUND BALANCE AS OF 10/31/91 FUND BALANCE, 1/l/91 ADCs I T I DNS: REVENUE OVER OPERATING EXPENSE_. AS OF 10/31/91 NET COLLECTIONS ON ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE DNR GRANT -- INDEP. WETLANDS DEPRECIATION EXPENSE DECREASE IN MERCHANDISE FOR RESALE INCREASE IN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE OPERATING EQUIPMENT DISPOSALS/ADJUSTMENTS DEDUCTIONS: PAYMENTS ON CAPITAL PROJECTS OPERATING EQUIPMENT PURCHASES NET PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNTS PAYABLE INTERDEPARTMENTAL INVOICES IN TRANSIT INCREASE IN MERCHANDISE FOR RESALE DECREASE IN ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION SUMMARY O1= FUND BALANCE CASH ON HAND INVESTMENTS WITH THE: COUNTY TREASURER 7-1 $3,303,662.28 777,126.40 20,189.70 453,293.71 3,885.70 0.00 425,591.50 ------------- $1 ,338,051 .05 501,970.22 361,305.61 154,937.72 0.00 425,591.50 31993 ,918.75 4,983,749.29 --------------- C3 ,177 ,66B .04 2,781,861.10 6,19S,806.94 163,20 '.93 6,032,599.0.1 6,195,806.94 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR MONTH ENDING 10/31/91 YEAR TO 1991 OVER(-), % OF *********** REVENUE ************ DATE BUDGET UNDER BUDGET BUDGET MILLAGE & INTEREST INCOME RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. ADDISON OAKS: PARK CONFERENCE CENTER GROVELAND OAKS INDEPENDENCE OAKS ORION OAKS GLEN OAKS RED OAKS: GOLF COURSE DRIVING RANGE WATER PARK SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE WHITE LAKE OAKS SPRINGFIELD YAC WATERFORD OAKS: PARK WATER PARK TENNIS COMPLEX BMX MOBILE RECREATION NATURE PROGRAM TOTAL REVENUE ****** OPERATING EXPENSES ****** ADMINISTRATION RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. TECHNICAL SUPPORT ADDISON OAKS: PARK CONFERENCE CENTER GROVELAND OAKS INDEPENDENCE OAKS ORION OAKS GLEN OAKS RED OAKS: GOLF COURSE DRIVING RANGE WATER PARK SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE WHITE LAKE OAKS SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC WATERFORD OAKS: PARK WATER PARK TENNIS COMPLEX BMX MOBILE RECREATION NATURE PROGRAM CONTINGENCY* TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES REVENUE OVER/UNDER EXP. ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: BUDGET BALANCE: ACTUAL EXP. TO DATE: BUDGET BALANCE: $5,883,897.53 17,967.68 218,142.69 65,658.44 448,615.95 210,115.41 1,634.85 781,480.85 293,315.07 24,000.00 621,592.09 682,370.00 714,505.79 34,085.69 88,070.42 343,573.51 29,880.25 29,055.75 115,984.64 9,426.52 $5,901,600.00 14,420.00 223,600.00 75,000.00 427,600.00 191,800.00 0.00 705,660.00 256,850.00 24,000.00 522,900.00 605,200.00 633,600.00 149,500.00 104,050.00 320,000.00 27,310.00 56,800.00 112,000.00 9,000.00 $10,613,373.13 $10,360,890.00 $1,242,612.51 170,342.37 554,665.95 645,787.58 50,150.01 562,915.01 613,267.79 26,187.44 455,489.74 291,240.35 2,556.52 483,694.90 467,018.13 424,713.41 149,873.66 214,153.19 291,501.78 40,017.28 53,340.29 305,640.73 207,269.14 57,273.07 $7,309,710.85 $3,303,662.28 1991 102.4% -2.4% 85.0% 15.0% $1,608,210.00 307,285.00 694',637.00 683,954.00 64,000.00 620,332.00 688,345.00 77,960.00 534,180.00 323,036.00 4,000.00 537,654.00 518,630.00 457,825.00 183,039.00 254,185.00 319,698.00 42,755.00 69,575.00 350,720.00 241,202.00 15,000.00 $8,596,222.00 $17,702.47 -3,547.68 5,457.31 9,341.56 -21,015.95 -18,315.41 -1,634.85 -75,820.85 -36,465.07 0.00 -98,692.09 -77,170.00 -80,905.79 115,414.31 15,979.58 -23,573.51 -2,570.25 27,744.25 -3,984.64 -426.52 $-252,483.13 $365,597.49 136,942.63 139,971.05 38,166.42 13,849.99 57,416.99 75,077.21 51,772.56 78,690.26 31,795.65 1,443.48 53,959.10 51,611.87 33,111.59 33,165.34 40,031.81 28,196.22 2,737.72 16,234.71 45,079.27 33,932.86 -42,273.07 $1,286,511.15 99.7% -24.6% 97.6% 87.5% -4.9% -9.5% -10.7% -14.2% 100.0% -18.9% -12.8% -12.8% 22.8% 84.6% -7.4% -9.4% 51.2% -3.6% -4.7% -2.4% 77.3% 55.4% 79.8% 94.4% 78.4% 90.7% 89.1% 33.6% 85.3% 90.2% 63.9% 90.0% 90.0% 92.8% 81.9% 84.3% 91.2% 93.6% 76.7% 87.1% 85.9% -281.8% 85.0% $1,764,668.00 $-1,538,994.28 -87.2% 1990 1989 99.6% 101.0% 82.9% 87.4% *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. CONTINGENCY BUDGET FIGURE: $20,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO MOBILE RECREATION. $65,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO RED OAKS WATER PARK. 7-2 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RLCREATION COMMISSION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FOR 1991 AS OF 10/31/91 SUMMARY TOTAL FOR ALL PARKS ESTIMATED 1990 1991 NET NEW ESTIMATED CONTRACT(S) CONTRACT(S) PROJECT -PARK------ ---- PROJECT COST --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- PROJECT COST --------------- AMOUNT PAID ------------------------------ RETAINER AWARDED BALANCE --------------- BALANCE --------------- ADMINISTRATION $3,022,237.00 $0.00 $499,510.50 $499,510.50 $3,521,747.50 $(5,519.50) $0.00 $0.00 $3,516,228.00 ADDISON OAKS 1,311,716.00 0.00 79,918.05 79,918.05 1,391,634.05 (862,675.56) 5,735.70 (218,180.80) 316,513.39 GROVELANO OAKS 172,966.00 1,014.84 6,916.02 7,930.86 180,896.86 (88,996.60) 0.00 (8,136.00) 83,764.26 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 179,898.00 0.00 32,387.71 32,387.71 212,285.71 (56,871.09) 0.00 (111,560.00) 43,854.62 ORION OAKS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 GLEN OAKS 370,571.00 10,071.81 23,743.60 33,821.41 404,392.41 (354,418.413) 2,000.00 3,128.65 55,102.58 RED OAKS 176,266.00 0,00 22,909.88 22,909.88 199,195.88 (121,830.95) 9,546.61 0.00 86,911.54 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 178,179.00 0.00 11,377.86 11,377.86 189,556.86 (103,091.94) 0.00 (29,476.00) 56,988.92 WHITE LAKE OAKS 378,436.00 10,538.16 9,797.33 20,335.49 398,771.49 (364,563.49) 0.00 0,00 34,208.00 WATERFORD OAKS 1,213,666.00 615,90 18,452.23 19,068.13 1,232,734.13 (691,833.87) 0.00 0.00 540,900.26 CONTINGENCY 210,208.00 (22,246.71) ----------- 106,241.99 --------------- 83,995.28 --------------- 294,203.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 294,203.28 CAPITAL PROJECTS TOTAL $7,214,163.00 $ 0.00 $811,255.17 $811,255.17 --------------- $8,025,418.17 --------------- --------------- $(2,649,801.48) $17,282.31 --------------- $(364,224.15) --------------- $5,028,674.85 00 1 1992 OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BUDGETS Staff is requesting Commission approval of the resolution (as printed in the budget) adopting the Parks and Recreation Commission's 1992 Appropriations Act incorporating the 1992 Operating Budget. In addition, approval is requested for the 1992 Capital Improve- ment Projects Budget. RECREATION MASTER PLAN Attached are the consultant's progress report and revisions to date to the Recreation Master Plan. The consultants will be in attendance at this meeting to make a presentation on the revisions and to answer any questions. If there are no major revisions to this plan after Commission input and the Public Hearing, staff will be requesting Commission approval of the attached resolution to adopt the revised Recreation Master Plan. 10-1 Carlisle Associates, Inc. 111 Noah Maim Stxeet Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 (313) 662-22Cri (313) 662-1935 Fax MEMORANDUM To: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission From: Carlisle Associates, Inc. Date: November 25, 1991 Re: 1991 Master Plan Revision Progress Report o Community Ptanntng o Zoning and Land Use o Landscape Architecture Carlisle Associates would like to provide the Commission with a progress report concerning our contribution to the County Recreation Master plan. Since the project's initiation in early September we have taken a number of steps to revise the Master Plan to reflect 1991 trends and needs, and to clearly meet the DNR's Community Recreation Planning criteria. What follows is a brief description of the tasks we have completed. Our initial step was to review the existing Master Plan, and the other materials to be incorporated into the revised Master plan such as U.S. Census data, county demographics, SEMCOG projections of population and household growth, available recreation inventories, the draft State Recreation Plan, and MDNR Recreation Master Plan Standards. To help guide our efforts, we had the input of Mr, Philip Wells, Manager, Recreation Planning, MDNR, who reviewed preliminary revisions prepared by Commission staff. The first task completed was the revision of demographic data. Currently available 1990 U.S. Census data describing selected population and housing characteristics replaced 1980 data. Socio-economic statistics which are not yet available from the Census Bureau have been replaced by data available from county sources. In some cases, 1980 census data was retained (for example, resident educational attainment) and in other cases the information was deleted (commuter ratios and travel times). The decision to retain or delete depended on whether the characteristic was expected to be described similarly by 1990 census data. The second task involved an update of the recreational facilities inventory. Carlisle Associates, with Commission staff input, updated state, HCMA and county facilities. Community facilities were inventoried by an intern employed by the Parks and Recreation Commission. School facilities and large private recreation facilities were inventoried by Carlisle Associates with the assistance of the Oakland County Planning Division. 10-2 After revising the community description and recreation inventory sections, wc; looked more closely at the organization of the text, particularly in relation to the MDNws model community recreation plan outline. With the permission of Mr. Figa, we undertook a reorganization of the text to closely parallel the MDNR outline and to eliminate redundant or unneccesary information. The reorganization of the text resulted in the elimination of the Executive Summary, and the majority of the 1986 Basis for Action Section text has become an appendix to the text. The Sections (and contents) of the 1991 Master Plan are as follows: Section I: Plan. Adoption Introduction Rewritten to incorporate pertinent 1986 information into a text which accurately introduces the 1991 revision. Plan. Adoption Contains a copy of the Commission's proposed resolution language. Includes copies of public notices, transmittal notices, public comments and trews articles. Section II: Action Plan Mission Statements Commission's Mission Statements, goals and policies: Revision completed by Commission staff. Five Year Action Plan Commission Capital Improvement Schedules for 1991-1996. Outlines Administrative as well as park facility improvements for each park except Orion Oaks. Basis for Action A policy oriented Section which relates the Commissions Mission Statements, identified recreation deficiencies, community characteristics and five year action plant. Section III: Comprehensive Planning Process Description of Planning process Includes summaries of 1986 text to provide a foundation for 1991 text. Revised text focuses on the Commission and staff retreat, telephone survey, park user response cards, joint meetings held with local recreational authorities in 1991, and discussion questions submitted to staff by Carlisle Associates. 10-3 Section TV: Recreation fnvcutory Recreation Deficiencies Includes conclusions or main points of the 1986 text as the basis of the 1991 text. Text is intended to note progress in solving and changes in recreational deficiencies since 1986 as well as identify 1991 deficiencies. Inventory of Land and Facilities Inventories state, HCMA, county and local facilities. Lists school facilities and large scale private facilities such as golf courses and boat access sites. Section V: Community Description Text revision completed as previously described, Maps updated through state and county sources. Section VI. Administrative Structure Revision completed by Commission staff'. The Appendices each have been replaced with current data except for the Barrier -free Inventory. The Barder-free Inventory will be replaced with an ADA Compliance Inventory as soon as that becomes available. Our final task has involved updating the maps and developing a suitable page layout and document format. It is our hope that the 1991 revision of The Oakland County Parks and Recreation blaster Plan will provide the Commission with a useful document for preparing facility plans and grant applications. 10-4 I?VlZnT TPPTA7J WHEREAS, the Oakland County parks and Recreation Commission has reviewed the revised "Recreation Master Plan". WHEREAS, the "Recreation Master Plan" goals and objectives were developed in response to the identified needs and deficiencies based on citizen surveys, and input from County and local governmental officials, parks and recreation department directors, and Oakland County parks and Recreation Commission and staff members, and WHEREAS, the "Recreation Master Plan" meets the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission's long-range goals, objectives, and financial funding, and WHEREAS, the goals and objectives will assist the Oakland County parks and Recreation Commission in determining future planning by lending direction while remaining flexible to allow for adjustments by creative and responsible management. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission adopts the revised "Recreation Master Plan". Moved by Supported by Date 10-5 CROSS-COUNTRY SKI TRAIL GROOMER INDEPENDENCE OAKS With cooperation from Mother Nature, Independence Oaks is known in Southeast Michigan as "the Mecca" center. The quality of cross- country skiing is a result of the varied trails, natural beauty, and trail grooming. The Excel Snow Track 440 Cross-country Ski Trail Groomer would replace a 1979 Bombardier unit with 2,785 hours on it, and which is in need of $3,000-4,000 in repairs. Independence Oaks demo'ed the unit we would like to purchase for most of the 1990-91 ski season. It currently has 200 hours of use and was recently reconditioned by the manufacturer through its local dealer. A new Snow Track would sell for $45,000; the bid price for this demo unit is $30,000 and includes a full factory warranty. This unit can also be converted to be used as a mower; interchange- able mowing decks are already available at the park on another tractor. Estimated life of the Snow Track 440 is 15+ years if used as a trail groomer only; 7 - 10 years if dual usage is employed. It is recommended by staff to award this purchase in the amount of $30,000 to W. F. Miller Company of Novi. There is $30,000 budgeted in the 1992 Operating Equipment Budget for this purchase. The Bombardier will be sold through a cross-country ski equipment vendor on consignment for $5,000-6,000 net sale. EXCEL c . .alp � _r The superior maneuverability that makes Excel Hustler the world's premier mower also gives outstanding performance in snow country with the Snow Track 440. Built to take on any winter conditions, the Snow Track is ideal for grooming cross country ski and snowmobile trails. It is also adept at snow removal in parking lots, downhill lift areas, around buildings... any areas where less maneuverable snow machines can't go. Independent track drive with dual -hydrostatic controls give unequalled maneuverability. The 12-Way front -mounted blade has hydraulic controls and retractable wings for versatile snow - handling capabilities. The blade literally can be used as a snow sculpting tool. Quick -connect hydraulic fittings are provided as standard equipment and nearly any rear attachment can be adapted to the Snow Track. Excellent visibility is provided from the pressurized, heated cab, which has tempered, rubber -sealed glass tinted on all sides to reduce glare. A sliding back window and fresh air vents let in plenty of cool air on sunny days when heat build-up can occur. Because it's a Hustler, you can be sure the Snow Track is built tough. Every detail has been considered, even foam -filled front bogie wheels to prevent punctures. Your investment in a Snow Track 440 gives you more than just a snow machine. During the summer months you can easily convert the Snow Track into a Hustler mower, getting year- round productivity from your investment. No other snow machine offers this much versatility! 11-2 DEER HERD - ADDISON OAKS Over the past two years staff noticed a large problem with deer at Addison Oaks. With that awareness, we contacted the Department of Natural Resources' biolo- gist, who has been working with us on this problem. The DNR has estimated the deer herd at Addison to be somewhere between 100 - 150 deer. The park's original 700 acres measure slightly over one square mile (square mile = 640 acres). DNR habitat statistics show that, in Southeast Michigan, one square mile should support 40 deer. Signs of the overpopulation have become very apparent during the past three years including overbrowsed ornamental plantings, pine trees (not a desired food source), and woodlands/wetlands, plus severely damaged commercial farming operations. The DNR wildlife specialists theorize that the current overpopulation problem is a recent phenomena potentially caused by the following factors: 1) A series of mild winters; 2) a healthy deer herd providing excellent breeding stock (nearly all does in the last two years have had two fawns each); 3) changing residential densities in a rural setting; 4) park fencing; and 5) food source and protective cover provided by park environment. A letter from District Wildlife Biologist Tim Payne, which details the DNR's recommendation to control the deer overpopulation problem at Addison Oaks, is attached for your review. The letter indicates our immediate action should be to harass the deer through the use of pyrotechnics (shellcrackers and propane cannons), and for the Commission to consider a special deer hunt to reduce the deer herd. The deer overpopulation problem is very real and will become very apparent this winter and early spring if the current population is not reduced. Staff recommends addressing the problem now. If we're going to consider a special hunt, the seasons end January 1. Special permits can be issued by the DNR; however, it is more complicated for them. The urgency of the problem is there; the method or mode of action can be discussed at our meeting. 12-1 NOV 26 'H1 1�i:51 NATURAL RESOURCES COMMON LARRY OEVUYST PAUL EISELE MARLENE J. PLUHARTY ORDON E. GUYER mf) HOW �. STEWART MYCn$ RAYMONO POUP014E r KUi'i 1) 1 5 I K 1 L. I 1 4 ZIZ3 kJ C4J STATE OF MiCHIGAN JOHN ENGLER, Governor DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES ROLAND HARMES, Director Southeast Michigan District Headquarters 38980 Seven Mile Road Livonia, Michigan 48152 November 26, 1991 Mr. Dan Stencil Oakland County Parks and Recreation 2800 Watkins Lake Goad Waterford, Michigan 48328 Dear Mr. Stencil: 1 --L • -- a This letter is to serve as a follow up to Wildlife Biologist Julie Parsons on site investigation on November 8th of the Addison Oaks deer concerns. In reviewing my comments of an earlier investigation on December a, 1990, I am reminded that the park at that time had severe shrub browsing and that repellents had been only moderately effective. The park had recently planted numerous conifers and every one (including spruce) had evidence of heavy browsing. •We inspected the white cedar swamp and observed that deer browsing had prevented regeneration of that stand. A sharecropper had planted corn on the area and we recommended a shift in crops. Corn provides excellent food and cover for deer and a crop such as wheat -would be less attractive to deer. We also recommeded that a recreational hunting opportunity be considered as an economical control. On November 8, 1991, DNR Biologist Parsons met with Mr. pat Bell to review current crop damage, Mr. Bell stated that he lost one third of his corn crop in 1990 and he was highly concerned for the newly planted wheat crop (approx. 90 acres). He was Concerned about the current browsing and trampling and for what might happen this next•spring. Mr. Bell speculated that unless something happens with the deer, he might incur a $20,000 loss. On,that inspection, Biologist Parsons observed 60 plus deer and estimated that the herd on the park might well be 100 plus. If this estimate is true, it is an alarmingly high number of deer for the --habitat associated with the park. The natural habitat of the park system would not be able to support this level and I would suspect severe habitat degradation would continue to the shrubs. It may well be that the crop'proaram provides a food buffer for the natural vegetation. Active deer management in the park is somewhat complicated by the surrounding land use. Lands to the south and even park property that lies within Oakland Township are closed to all firearm hunting, Lands to the east are closed to all firearm deer hunting. Only the lands to the north and east allow for firearm hunting. According'tq the recent plat map, a realty company owns the lands to the north and I suspect future development will occur. This means that the park must be an active participant in any deer control strategy. R 1026-1 9/91 12-2 Large non -hunting parcels of land such as parks create special concerns when it comes to deer. Typically what happens is that the deer lose their innate fear of man and when this happens, you will get severe browsing on ornamentals immediately adjacent to residences and to the park conference center. These deer populations do not move throughout a wide range since the basic elements they need for survival (food, cover and safety) are provided within the park and provide the opportunity for the deer herd to expand. Currently the main mortality figures for these deer come from car -kill accidents. If the current estimate of 100 plus deer is correct (and it may well be very conservative), I would suspect that with the sex ratio that occurs in that herd, deer numbers will double by next year. This can only increase the traffic hazard, �t,weil as vegetation browsing and crop damage both in and outside of the park. RECOMMENDATIONS I would recommend that the Oakland County Parks develop a pro active deer management strategy for the Addison Oaks Park. I recommend a management goal of.15-20 deer for the park lands. There should be a three -pronged approach to accomplish this goal. 1) Reduce the deer herd. The Department of Natural Resources finds that recreational hunting is by far the most economical approach. In Orion Oaks archery hunting was highly effective. Archery hunting has the added bonus in that a hunter's first archery license is good for an antlerless deer. Any reduction in the herd must include a sizable antlerless harvest. A system similar to Orion Oaks during the month of December would be a positive step in that direction, 2) Harassment techniques. This could include the use of shellcrackers and propane cannons. shellcrackers can be obtained through the Reed --Joseph Company 1-800-647-5554. Boomers can be obtained through the Department of Agriculture's Division for Animal Control - Mr. Douglas Parr 1-517-224-95I7, 3) Repellents. If additional protection is needed for newly planted ornamentals, repellents should be used. Repellents must be re -applied every few weeks to be effective. I would like to stress again that the deer numbers need to be reduced. Deer cah'and -do become accustomed to the sound of propane cannons and/or shellcrackers. When shooting (hunting) is also included, shellcrackers become far more effective. Repellents lose their effectiveness when deer numbers are high and food is short. The existing cropping program is probably providing a food buffer to the natural vegetation so that if the farming were to be eliminated, the deer would cause a higher level of browsing on the ornamentals, 12-3 NOV 26 ISI 13:52 FROM DISTRICT 14 953 0243 PAGE.003 If you are unable to satisfactorily alleviate the concerns of browsing and cropping damage, the Department stands ready to assist in other methods. We have the capability to provide Experimental Crop Damage Control Permits. tinder this system you would purchase a minimum of ten antlerless permits (at $3.00 each). You then Would hdvL- Lhe di3cretion of issuing thom to veirious licensed hunters for use during the deer seasons. Enclosed is a copy of a letter that will give you some basic information about the Deer Block Program. If I can be of any further help, do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, WILDLIFE DIVISION Timothy C. Payne District Wildlife Bio ogist 1-313-953-0241 TCP:br Enclosures cc: Edmund Tucker, Regional Wildlife Biologist Julie Parsons, Wildlife Habitat Biologist 12-4 MANAGER'S REPORT ---During the past four years, exposure and coupon redemption for the Cooperative Recreation Program has grown steadily. In 1991, 417,000 residences in Oakland County received Oakland County Parks information via their local parks and recreation publication. Cost is about one cent per household. More than 11,600 coupons were returned. See at- tached information for details. ---Scott Paper Products Update: With the environment in mind, staff initiated a test program featuring Scott Paper Products for use in rest - room operations. The use of high capacity toilet paper and rolled paper toweling in the administration office, Technical Support, and several park and golf course locations, resulted in: 1) reduced labor costs (less human resource effort for filling/checking); 2) less product use and cost (approximately 10%); and 3) waste reduction through less packaging. Comments from park patrons and staff were very favorable towards this change in paper products. ---Christmas Tree Recycling Program: During the 1990-91 holiday season, a Christmas tree recycling program was initiated at Independence Oaks. During a 3-week period operating seven days a week over 1,200 trees were collected. In addition, over 600 trees were received at Orion Oaks that were left over from a Christmas tree fundraiser by the Orion Township Firefighters Association. To realize a department goal of continued public environmental awareness through innovative programming, this year's Christmas tree recycling program will be implemented at all nine park locations. Collections will be held on three consecutive weekends: Decem- ber 28-29, January 4-5, and January 11-12. Each person dropping off a Christmas tree will receive a coupon for free vehicle park entry to the 3rd Annual Earth Day Fair on Saturday, April 25, at Independence Oaks, plus a coupon to receive a free white pine seedling at the Fair. The collected Christmas trees will be reduced to wood chips by a special projects park staff crew; the wood chips will be used at the parks for landscape mulch and/or for composting purposes. This year's Christmas tree recycling program is provided in coop- eration with the Detroit Hoo Hoo Club and Bordine's Better Blooms of Clarkston/Rochester. 13-1 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION *Cooperative Publicity Program* 1991 Report NUMBER OF -JMMUNITY BROCHURES COST* AD TYPE Berkley (BK) 9,000 $ 250 1 page Brandon/Groveland Ortonville (BGO) Clawson (CL) Farmington Hills (FH) Hazel Park (HZ) Huntington Woods (HW) Independence Township (IT) Madison Heights (MH) Northville (NVL) Novi (NO) Oak Park (OP) Oxford ( OX ) Pleasant Ridge (PR) Pontiac (PO) "ochester (RC) ,.oyal Oak ( RO ) Southfield (SF) South Lyon (SL) Springfield Township (ST) Troy (TR) Waterford Township (WT) Walled Lake (WL) 21 Communities 6,500 180 1 page 6,000 125 1 page 40,000 400 1 page 7,000 75 1 page 3,600 193 1 page 17,000 250 1 page 16,000 250 1 page 14,000 350 1 page 16,000 500 1 page 13,000 350 1 page 16,400 300 1 page 1,250 37 1 page --- Did not print a brochure this year --- 50,000 373.20 Tabloid 33,000 400 1 page 38,000 500 1 page 15,000 FREE 1 page 5,000 125 1 page 32,000 294 1 page 31,000 250 1 page 47,500 75 ; page 417,250 $5,277.20 *These are direct charges only - our artist time, camera work and printing costs are not included. PREVIOUS YEAR SUMMARIES 1990 18 communities 299,500 distr. $4,664.43 1989 17 communities 251,000 distr. $3,842.92 1988 21 communities 367,750 distr. $6,295.00 1987 22 communities 352,050 distr. $6,491.86 1986 16 communities 256,350 distr. $4,000.00 13-2 COUPON ANALYSIS FOR 1991 COOPERATIVE PUBLICITY PROGRAM Osa : Coop. Rec. Ad ($1 off) Summer Sizzler (.$2 off) Nature Center/BMX W. Pools MI Merchandiser (pools) Miscellaneous Total Redeemed Coop. Rec. Ad ($1 off) Summer Sizzler ($2 off) Nature Center/MBX W.Pools Milk Carton Ad Miscellaneous Total Redeemed 1990 Coop Rec Ad (_2 for 1) Entertainment Book. Nature. Center/BMX W. Pools Miscellaneous Total Redeemed 1991 Coop Rec Ad ($2 off) Ent. Book/Spree,(-2 for 1) Nature Center/BMX W. Pools Summer Fun Passbook Camping ($2 off first night) Miscellaneous Total Redeemed 1,274 (1,098 wavepools) 1,221 (1,145 wavepools) 981 140 158 3,774 699 (517 wavepools) 4,253 (3,971 wavepools) 1,050 147 535 2,367 (1,703 wavepools) 304 (281 wavepools) 679 184 3,534 3,631 (2,698 wavepools) 6,386 (5,574 wavepools) 752 90 608 100 11,610 13-3 n - Catch Summer's Sizzle at the Oakland County Parks Use the coupon below for the wave pool, camping or park entry. The Oakland County Parks offer: Two wave -action pools / waterslides • Camping • Fishing Swimming • Hiking • Boating • Picnics • BMX Racing Nature Center Activities • Special Events • Tennis Volleyball • Shuffleboard • Horseshoes • Golf Swim classes daily at the waterparks - 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. r-------------------------� Get $2 00a�/o ; free brochure OAKLPM COUNTY PARKS 1%6-199I at your local 1 • Waterpark admission - Red Oaks & Waterford Oaks Parks & Recreation ( (not valid on Sundays and holidays) 1 Camping - Addison Oaks & Groveland Oaks 1 officer Sfic2ff (not valid on holidays or holiday weekends) • Park Entry Addison Oaks, Groveland Oaks & /%��"L'u�L (�t'�1 C/� loa_s ' UtSf ' Independence Oaks Limit one coupon per person - per visit - valid in 1991 only. ' For i n f o rm a ion, 1 not valid for special events, reduced or group rates. SF ' Duplications or facsimiles of this coupon will not be accepted. — Not valid Call V 5 V 0 ✓ 0 V L — — — — — — — l=d with otherdiscount offers. — — — — — ! -' 13-4 EMERGENCY WELL REPLACEMENT INDEPENDENCE OAKS The 16-year old well that provided water to the boathouse and beach facilities at Independence Oaks failed in October. Numerous Oakland County Health Department tests showed that the water was contaminated. Efforts to repair the well were unsuccessful. 0. 0. Corsaut, Inc., the County's approved contractor for well repairs, installed a 4" replacement well for the amount of $3,594.29. Staff is requesting Commission approval of this expenditure. Monies for these repairs are available in the park's 1991 operating budget. AMENDMENT TO THE 1991 OPERATING BUDGET In accordance with the Commission's 1991 General Appropriation Act which incorporates the Uniform Local Budgeting Act, the Manager and his fiscal officer shall not permit expenditures to exceed the appropriation for any budget center as approved or amended by the Commission. After reviewing current costs and anticipated costs, staff feels the following changes are needed for 1991: BUDGET ORIGINAL REQUESTED CENTER EXPENSE BUDGET INCREASE PROPOSED NEW EXPENSE BUDGET Red Oaks Waterpark $472,654. $ 65,000. $537,654. The additional expenditures at Red Oaks Waterpark are for the $25,000 initial payment to Detroit Edison, $15,000 adjusted actual for utilities and $25,000 for unbudgeted part-time salaries and fringe benefits. Staff recommends the transfer of $65,000 from the Operating Budget Contingency to the Red Oaks Waterpark expense budget.