HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1991.07.10 - 39885OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48054-1697 • (313) 858-0906 • Fax (313) 858-1683 July 6, 1991 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: Ralph A. Richard Lewis E. Wint Manager Chairman )on J. Kipke Jean M. Fox Assistant Manager Vice Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Secretary Fred Korzon George W. Kuhn Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Thomas A. Law John E. Olsen Alice Tomboulian Richard V Vogt A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wednesday, July 10, 1991 9:00 A.M. PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Springfield Oaks Y A C 12451 Andersonville Rd. Davisburg, MI PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Mr. Lewis E. Wint, Chairman, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, Ir ;":: Z Ralph Richard Manager RR/jg OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING July 10, 1991 I. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes for June 19, 1991 Meeting. 4. Approval of Payment: Voucher Nos. 6-122 thru 482. 5. Statement of Operations for Month Ending May 31, 1991. 6. Capital Improvement Budget Update as of 4/30/91. 7. Activity Report for May, 1991. 8. Master Plan Revisions - Addison and Groveland Oaks. Joe Figa / 858-0906 9. Safety Paths - Independence Oaks. Joe Figa / 858-0906 10. Grant Resolution - Waterford Oaks. Ralph Richard / 858-0909 11. Resolution - Trees, Reforestation and County Land. Ralph Richard / 858-0909 12. Tree Work - Waterford Oaks. Jon Kipke / 858-0909 13. Master Plan Revision - Springfield Oaks Y A C. Joe Figa / 858-0906 14. EXECUTIVE SESSION. 15. Manager's Report. 16. Old Business. 17. New Business. 18. Adjourn. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING June 19. 1991 The meeting was called to order at 9:18 a.m. by Chairman Wint in the commission room of the administration office. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Lewis Wint, Vice Chairman Jean Fox, Fred Korzon, George Kuhn, Richard Kuhn, Jr., Thomas Law, John Olsen, Alice Tomboulian, Richard Vogt COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Secretary Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Oakland Co. Planning Div. Oakland Co. Purchasing Ralph Richard, Manager Jon J. Kipke, Assistant Manager Joseph Figa, Chief of Design & Development Frank Trionfi, Chief, Admin. Services Daniel Stencil, Chief of Parks Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf Sheila Cox, Accountant III Susan Wells, Chief of Recreation Gary Gould, Accountant I Desiree Marcks, Public Comm. Asst. Jordan Warren, Intern Margit Beutel, Arch. Engineer II Tom Jackson, Park Supervisor Dean Schantz, General Maintenance Mechanic Bennie Ellout III, Parks Maintenance Aide Steve Poniatowski, Summer Employee Larry Falardeau, Landscape Arch./Planner Russ Lewis, Architect/Planner Lloyd Hampton, Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Mr. Olsen, supported by Mr. R. Kuhn to approve the minutes of the meeting of May 15, 1991, and of the commission/staff retreat of April 13 & 14, 1991, as written. AYES: Fox, Korzon, R. Kuhn, Olsen, Tomboulian, Wint (6) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. APPROVAL OF PAYMENTS: Moved by Mrs. Fox, supported by Mrs. Tomboulian to approve the payment of Vouchers 5-150 through 5-374 and 6-1 through 6-121, and the Inter- departmental Payment Register for the April charges paid in May. 3 - 1 (Commission Meeting, June 19, 1991) ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Fox, Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Olsen, Tomboulian, Wint (8) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BUDGET TRANSFER: Moved by Mr. G. Kuhn, supported by Mrs. Fox to approve the transfer of $811,255.17 from the 1990 Operating Budget to the 1991 Capital Im- provement Projects Budget, of which $311,255.17 will go to the Capital Improvements Projects Contingency and $500,000 will go to the Land Ac- quisition Project fund. AYES: Fox, Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Olsen, Tomboulian, Wint (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BUDGET UPDATE, AND ACTIVITIES REPORT: Moved by Mr. G. Kuhn, supported by Mrs. Fox to accept the Statement of Operations as of April 30, 1991, the Capital Improvement Projects Budget Update as of April 30, 1991,-and the Activities Report for April, 1991. AYES: Fox, Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Olsen, Tomboulian, Wint (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. STAFF INTRODUCTIONS: Sheila Cox introduced Gary Gould, who transferred from Equalization to fill our new Accountant I position. Joe Figa introduced Jordan Warren, a student of Lawrence Institute of Technology who is working for Joe for the summer. SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC MASTER PLAN: Larry Falardeau and Russ Lewis from the Oakland County Planning Division reviewed the master plan revisions as proposed by the Planning Division for the Springfield Oaks Youth Activities Center and adjacent site. The priority lists for the short-term improvements for both the building and site were reviewed; staff concurred that the top priority project to address is the circulation/paving/parking problem. The plan has already been submitted to the Planning and Building Committee for their review and concurrence; any funding for these improvements would be approved through them. 3 - 2 (Commission Meeting, June 19, 1991) Staff requested Commission concurrence of the plan revisions plus encouraging the Planning and Building Committee to approve funding for the road improvements and the front entrance area improvements. Commission discussed the amount of use the YAC receives vs. the cost and focus of the proposed improvements. Moved by Mrs. Fox, supported by Mr. R. Kuhn to concur that the Spring- field Oaks YAC needs to be upgraded and that the most pressing problem is the circulation/paving/parking project. AYES: Fox, Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Olsen, Tomboulian, Vogt, Wint (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Commission will hold its next meeting on July 10 at the YAC and tour the facility. A motion to approve the plan and encourage the Planning and Building Committee to appropriate funding for these projects will be considered at that time. Vice Chairman Fox temporarily assumed the Chair. CARPETING - WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK: Moved by Mrs. Tomboulian, supported by Mr. Olsen to approve the expenditure of $4,869.50 to United Carpet, Inc., for the installation of carpeting at the Waterford Oaks Waterpark. AYES: Fox, Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law., Olsen, Tomboulian, Vogt (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. GROUP CAMPING RENOVATION - GROVELAND OAKS: Moved by Mr. Vogt, supported by Mrs. Tomboulian to approve the expendi- ture of $14,518.56 to Madison Electric Company for the purchase of wire for the Group Camping Renovation Project at Groveland Oaks. AYES: Fox, Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Olsen, Tomboulian, Vogt (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Chairman Wint re -assumed the Chair. BIDS: As per the information filed in the agenda, the following bids were approved: 3 - 3 (Commission Meeting, June 19, 1991) Moved by Mr. Vogt, supported by Mrs. Tomboulian to award the bid for the purchase of five handicap accessible porta-johns and two Poly John porta-johns for Addison Oaks, Independence Oaks and Orion Oaks to the low bidder, Great Lakes Sanitation, in the amount of $5,873. Units will be picked up by staff rather than be delivered. AYES: Fox, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Olsen, Tomboulian, Vogt, Wint (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voic6`Vote. Moved by Mr. R. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Law to award the contract for the purchase and installation of play equipment at the Waterford Oaks Court Games Complex to Clayton Corporation in the amount of $8,957. AYES: Fox, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Olsen, Tomboulian, Vogt, Wint (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Moved by Mrs. Tomboulian, supported by Mr. Vogt to award the contract for the addition and renovation of the Addison Oaks concession/restroom facility to the low bidder, James E. Johnson, in the amount of $159,160 for the base bid, plus a 10% contingency of $16,000, for a total budgeted amount of $175,160. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Tomboulian, Vogt, Wint, Fox (7) NAYS: Olsen (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. 25TH ANNIVERSARY ACTIVITIES: Staff reviewed the activities planned for the Commission's 25th anniversary cele- bration, including the proposed radio promotion/vehicle pass giveaway. MANAGER'S REPORT: In addition to the Manager's Report filed in the agenda, the following was noted: ---Commissioner Law suggested staff and Commission consider addressing the resident and non-resident golf fee structure during the budget review this year, citing a difference of $5 for 9 holes at a course in Florida. OLD BUSINESS: ---Commissioner Vogt received a status report on the department's schedule for the new computer maintenance program from Computer Services. 3 - 4 (Commission Meeting, June 19; 1991) ---Commissioner G. Kuhn informed the Commission that the Oakland County Drain Commission is expecting the construction permit from the Department of Natural Resources for the Pebble Creek Drain Project by the end of the week, and that the project is scheduled to go out for bid on July 23. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Moved by Mrs. Fox, supported by Mr. R. Kuhn to adjourn to an Executive Session. AYES: Fox, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Olsen, Tomboulian, Vogt, Wint (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 11:46 a.m. The next Commission Meeting will be at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, July 10, at the Spring- field Oaks YAC. Meeting adjourned to a tour of Waterford Oaks at 12:05 a.m. Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Secretary Karen Smith Recording Secretary 3 - 5 Payment Approval Summary u r W-1- Nos. 6-122 thru 6-482 O- For Meeting of: JULY 10, 1991 $886,816.93 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1991 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AmmINT 6-122 Sundry (Advance) Adv.Regist.for R.Richard,L.Wint,J.Kipke,F.Trionfi,J.Figa, J.Fox,P.Lewis,J.Olsen,R.Vo t,G.Kuhn,F.Korzon,T.Law & S. Wells to attend the 1991 NRPA Congress in Baltimore,MD on 10/17-21/91-Admin. 1 1,512.00 6-123 Van's Auto Supply B1dg.Maint.-Wh.Lk.; i .Maint.-Wh.Lk.,5 rin . & YAC 373.47 6-124 Paint "n" Stuff Cap.Proj.,Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water.;Bldg.Maint.- Admin.&R.O.W.Park;Grounds Maint.-Add.&Inde .;E i . Maint.-Indep.&Grove. 1,308.16 6-125 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry&Dry Cleaning-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh. Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,S rin .,R.O.W.Park,Water.,YAC, W.O.W.Park & Nat. Prog. 340.72 6-126 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry & Dry Cleaning-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh. Lk -,Glen Oaks,S rinc.,YAC,Water.,W.O.W.Park & Nat.PrO . 434.84 6-127 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry&Dry Cleaning-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,S rin.,R.O.W.Park,YAC,Water.,W.O.W.Park & Nat. Pro . 361:16 6-128 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry & Dry Cleanin-Tech.Su .,Water.&W.O.W.Park 87.40 6-129 State of Michigan Grounds Maint.,under round gas tank re ist.-Inde . 200.00 6-130 MI Portable Toilets Grounds Maint.,rental for April -Glen Oaks 20.00 6-131 Ray.Wiegand's Nursery Grounds Maint.-Add. 90.00 6-132 South Huron Industrial Grounds Maint.,s ra ed calcium chloride -Add. 3,502.50 6-133 MI Square Dance News S ecial Events,full pg. ads in Ma June issues -Water. 130.00 _ 6-134 UZ Engineered Products Bld .Maint.-Grove.;Maint.Su .-Tech. Sup. 65.90 I OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1991 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMM INT 6-135 Gemini Forms & Systems Off. Sup.,Courtesy Pass Book-Admin. $ 411.99 6-136 Commercial & Industrial Chemicals Grounds Maint.-Wh. Lk. 99.84 6-137 Church's Lumber Yards Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 99.61 6-138 Tri-City Aggregates Grounds Maint,mason sand-T.Complex 300.56 6-139 Utica Distributors Grounds Maint.-Add. 43.30 6-140 Rich Sign Grounds Maint.-Add. 99.00 6-141 A & J Auto Parts Bldg.Maint.-Red Oaks;Equip.Maint.-Red Oaks & R.O.W.Park 521.39 6-142 The Hunt Sign Company Grounds Maint.,signs-Add. 185.33 6-143 Lawson Products Grounds Maint.-Add. 96.50 . 6-144 Vidosh, Inc. Grounds Maint.,evergreens-Indep. 180-.00 6-145 Signs & More Grounds Mai.nt.,signs-Grove. 121.60 6-146 Aaron's Lock & Key Grounds Maint.-R.O.W.Park 72.90 6-147 American Aggregates Grounds Maint.,mason sand -Add. 733.37 6-148 NRPA Membership renewal for R.Coffey-Add. 55.00 6-149 Bureau of Business Practice Publications,subscription renewal-Admin. 69.36 6-150 City of Madison Heights 1 Public Info.,full page ad in brochure-Admin. 250.00 6-151 DDB Needham Worldwide Public Info.,Public Relations & Event Marketing Service for Jan. -May, 1991-Admin. 12,000.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1991 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSF AMniIMT 6-152 1 Waterford Township P & R Public Info.,full page ad in brochure-Admin. $ 250.00 6-153 City of Royal Oak'P & R Public Info.,full page ad in brochure-Admin. 400.00 6-154 Survival Technologies Special Events,heavy Weather Water Safety Prog.-R.O.W. Park 292.28 6-155 Business Television Video Off. Sup.-Admin. 68.97 6-156 RMS, Inc. Off. Sup.-Admin. 57.41 6-157 Madison -Troy Office Supply Off. Sup.-R.O.W.Park 5.28 6-158 Triarco Arts & Crafts Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 42.15 6-159 Filmstrip House Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 54.27 6-160 American Fishing Center Mdse.for resale,worms-Add.;Rec.Sup.-Nat. Prog. 42.33 6-161 Moby Dick Pet Store Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 14-87 6-162 Grunwell=Cashero Company Misc,chimney temoval&repairs-Add.Conf.Ctr. 3,800.00 6-163 VOID 6-164 Turfgrass, Inc. Uniforms-Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks & Spring.;Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks;Sm. Tools -Glen Oaks 310.00 6-165 AT&T _ Communications-Wh. Lk. 42.40' 6-166 O.C. Dept. of Public Works Utilities -Glen Oaks 6-167 Royal Oak Lions Club Acct.Payable,reimb. on tickets sales for Rodeo held at YAC on 5 31 6 1-2 91-Admin. 6-168 1 American Fishing Center Mdse. for resale worm -Ind 118.75 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1991 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AmmINT 6-169 Lowrie's Landscape Cap. Proj.,New Trees-Wh. Lk. $ 7,713.75 6-170 McKearney Asphalt Cap.Proj.,Tennis Courts Resurfacing -Water. 18,500.00 6-171 Silberg & Associates Cap. Proj.,Twin Chimneys Imp.-Indep. 550.00 6-172 Lakeland Builders Cap. Pro.,Tech. Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water. 88.80 6-173 Foster-Kilby Supply Cap.Proj.,Tech. Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water. 11.76 6-174 W.F. Miller Cap.Equip.,(1)Jacobsen Sweeper-Wh.Lk.;Equip.Maint.-Wh. Lk. 7,550.47 6-175 Regal Feed & Supply Bldg. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 7.98 6-176 Brinker's Plumbing Bld . Maint.-Inde . 23.67 6-177 Giant Plumbing Bldg. Maint,,Faucets-Grove. 185.97 6-178 G.N.E. Paint & Supplies Bldg. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 166.56 6-179 Riemer Floors B1dg.Maint.-W.O.W.Park 35.80 6-180 Young Supply Bldg.Maint.-Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Glen Oaks&Water.;Maint. Su .-Tech.Su .;Sm.Tools-Tech. Su . 676.36 6-181 Mazza Auto Supply Equip Maint.-Tech.Su .&Mob.Rec.,trucks & buses 112.82 6-182 Wesco, Inc. Bldg. aint.-Add. 81.90 6-183 Giant Plumbing. Bldg. Maint.,urinals-Indep. 427.52 6-184 Radio Shack Equip. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 43.85 6-185 Perry Screw & Bolt Equip. Maint.-Inde . 211.50 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1991 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR plippnSF AMr) IrMT 6-186 Miracle Recreation Equip. Maint.-Indep. $ 73.21 6-187 NBC Truck Equipment Equip. Maint.1--Indep. 123.76 6-188 Drayton Plywood Bldg. Maint.-Add.,Indep.,Wh.Lk. & Spring. 66.18 6-189 Munn Ford & Tractor Bldg. Maint.,hydraulic oil-W.O.W.Park 292.50 6-190 Auto Supplies by Herk's Equip. Maint.-Grove. 61.18 6-191 Spartan Oil Equip. Maint.-W.O.W.Park 185.45 6-192 Commercial Wire Equip. Maint.,tractor hydraulic oil-W.O.W.Park 116.12 6-193 Wide Track Automotive Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 32.32 6-194 Johnson Fishing Equip. Maint.-Indep. 35.40 6-195 Sears, Roebuck & Company Equip. Maint.-Add. 75.98 6-196 Mid -States Petroleum Equip. Maint.,gasoline&diesel fuel -Add. & Spring. 942.77 6-197 Smiley Electric Equip. Maint.,Beach Pump=Indep.&Air Conditioner-Wh.Lk. 416.05 6-198 Gregware Equipment Equip. Maint.-Tech Sup. 25.98 6-199 Ideal Mower Equip. Maint.-Water. 187.78 6-200 Glenn Wing Power Tools Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 13.20 6-201 Oxford Hydraulics Equip. Maint.-Add. 49.00 6-202 Lawn Equipment Equip. Maint.,bedknifes-Red Oaks 100.90 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1991 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMMIMT 6-203 Dra ton Swimming Pool E i .Maint. & Rec. Su .-W.O.W.Park $ 128.43 6-204 Tom's Hardware EcTuip. Maint. & Grounds Maint•.-Add. 168.07 6-205 Lake Orion Lumber Grounds Maint.-Add. 73.16 6-206 Richland Research Grounds Maint.-Inde . 99.95 6-207 The Larson Company Grounds Maint. 1 s e - 254.45 6-208 Quality Industries Grounds Maint.-j_si ns-Inde . 323.68 6-209 Harvey's Office Supply Off.Sup.-Admin.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.&Spring.;Bldg.Maint.- Add.;Rec.Su .-Grove. 271.12 6-210 Edward C. Levy Company Grounds Maint. sla -Grove. 347.35 6-211 Waterford Block & Ready Mix Grounds M in o cr 6-212 North Electric Grounds Maint.-Add. 150.59 6-213 Country Oaks Landscape Grounds Maint.-In e . 45.00 6-214 Rich Sign Grounds Maint.-A 6-215 American Aggregates Grounds Maint. mason sand-indep. 1,565.18 6-216 Aah erd Publications Publications reference book on Special Events-Admin. 6-217 Woodsmith Publications subscription renewal -Tech. Sup. 15.95 6-218 United States Yacht Racing Union Membershi renewal for J.Ki ke-Adm'n. 6-219 1 Bean Bros: Trophies Special Events tennis tourn.-T.Com lex 204.75 4 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1991 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOt1NT 6-220 Gniewek's, Inc. Public Info.-Admin.;Special Events,sr.citizens-Red Oaks $ 496.50 6-221 Greater Flint Federation Special Events,sq.dance ad in newsletter -Water. 20.00 6-222 Baldwin Cafe Misc.Exp.,lunch for trusty crew,4/3,10&17/91-Indep. 63.20 6-223 Building Officials Misc.Exp.,publications-Tech. Sup. 29.00 6-224 Done Right Engraving Misc.Exp.,plaque-Indep. 10.00 6-225 Camera Mart Public Info.,items for Rec.Banquet-Admin. 298.65 6-226 Farmington Hills Special Services Public Info.,ad in summer brochure-Admin. 400.00 6-227 Mr. Uniform & Mat Laundry & Dry Cleaning-Admin.;Equip.Rental-Add.&Indep.; Hsk .Ex .-YAC & Water. 146.19 6-228 Rochester -Avon P & R Public Info. ad in summer brochure-Admin. 6-229 City of Huntington Woods Public Info. inserts in newsletter-Admin. 19300 6-230 Sundry (Misc.) Misc.Exp.,ski patrol dues not included in other dues already reimb.to C.Alle rina H.F ank M.F nk M.F J.Johnson,J.Meloche,A.McInnis,T.Smith,L.Wolek,D.Wilson, B.Winter-In .& .P ' 6-231 Inde endence Township Public Info. full page ad in summer brochure-Admin. 6-232 Insty-Prints, Inc. Public Info.-Admin.•S ecial Events fl ers-Re . Admin, 100.20 6-233 Sammy's To Go Travel&Conf.,reimb.regarding the Parks Appraisal/Ins. Mt .in Waterford,MI on 6 6 91-Admin. 17.05 6-234 Jon Kipke Travel reimb. regarding the Heavy Weather Demonstration held in Madison Ht s.,MI on 6 5 91-R.O.W.Park(3 Lunches) 17.50 6-235 Lakeland Soft Water Rec. Su .-W.O.W.Park 90.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1991 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-236 Forbes Printing Off. Sup. -Grove. $ 10.40 6-237 Madison -Troy Office Supply Off. Sup.-R.O.W.Park 40.03 6-238 PB Electronics Off. Sup.,(3)Calculators-Admin. 480.00 6-239 Golf Associates Scorecard Off. Sup.,Scorecards-Spring. 2,300.00 6-240 Sundry (Miscellaneous) Special Events,first of two payments to Performers in the 1991 Travelling Music Show:A.Howard,C.Monroe,M.Oliver', V.Minetola,M.Young&J.Hoemke, Ea. $750.00-Mob. Rec. 4,500.00 6-241 Sundry (Mileage Reimb.) Mileage paid through May, 1991 to G.Berschbach $50.75- $27.75,D.Marcks $3O.75,D.Marion $8.25,C.Neef $17.5O,F. - Creith $28.75&J.Stickley $61.25-Rec.Admin.;N-Seets 26.50-Wh.Lk.;C.Garbacz $1175&Z.McNai_rn 17.00-Nat.Proq. & S.DeVonce 60.50-Mob. Rec. 516.00 6-242 McKay's Hardware Bldg.Maint.,Equip.Maint.,Grounds Maint. &Sm.Tools-Grove. -Bldg. Maint.-YAC 294.79 6-243 M - - 6-244 Burke Building Centers Cap. roj.,Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water.;Bldg.Maint.- Tech.Sup.,Add.Conf.Ctr.,Groye.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,YAC&W.O.W. Park;Grounds Maint.-Add.,Grove.,Indep.,R.O.W.Park,BMX & W.O.W.Park;Sm.Tools&Equip.Maint.-YAC 991.88 6-245 Burke Building Centers B1dg.Maint.-Grove.;Grounds Maint.-Indep. 138.69 6-246 Pioneer Hardware B1dg.Maint.,Grounds Maint.,Sm.Tools & Hskp.Exp.-Wh.Lk.; Grounds Maint.-S rin . 409.78 6-247 Pioneer Hardware Grounds Maint.-S r'n . 11.85 11 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND kLCREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1991 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-248 John R Lumber Centers B1dg.Maint.,Equi.p.Maint.&Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks & R.O. W.Park;Hsk .Ex Off.Su .&Sm.Tools-R.O.W.Park $ 671.57 6-249 John R Lumber Centers Grounds Maint.&Off.Su .-R.O.W.Park 58.89 6-250 Wilson Welding Supply Public Info.-Admin.;Equip.Maint.-Tech.Sup.,Add.,R.O.W. Park&W.O.W.Park;Rec.Su .-R.O.W.Park&W.O.W.Park•S ecial Events,helium-Rec. Admin. 95-25 6-251 Warren Do -It Center- Equip.Maint.,Grounds Maint.&Sm.Tools-Red Oaks & R.O.W. Park;Bld .Maiint.-R.O.W.Park 6-252 Eiden Equipment Center ain up.-Tec .Sup.;Sm.Too s-Tech.Sup.,Add.&Glen Oaks; Equip.Maint.-Grove.,Water.&BMX;B1dg.Maint.-W.O.W.Park 967.36 6-253 Pontiac Truck Center Equip.Maint.-Tech.Sup. & Mob.Rec.,trucks & buses 265.41 6-254 Wilkie Turf Equip. Maint.-Add.,Red Oaks & Spring.;Grounds Maint.- Red Oaks 6-255 O.C. Road Commission Grounds Maint. rock salt & sand -Add, & Tndejp. 941.78 6-256 Bordine's Grounds Maint.-Add.,Grove.,Glen Oaks,S rin . & YAC 518.31 6-257 Oakland Schools Off. Sup.-Admin.,Orion,T.Complex,Mob.Rec.,BMX & Nat. Prog. 58.74 6-258 United Industries Rec. Su .,rescue tubes&life hooks-W.O.W.Park 231.48 6-259 Radio Shack Rec. Sup.,skate mobile-Mob.Rec. 21.97 6-260 Tierra, Inc. Rec. Sup. -Grove. 97.39 6-261 John Biewer Company Rec. Sup.,megaphone-Indep. 221.32 6-262 Moore's Disposal Rubbish Removal -Glen Oaks 203.50 6-263 Kitty Donohue Special Events,payment for performance at the Cohn Amp. on 6/29/91-Nat. Pro . 300.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1991 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-264 Pontiac Post Office Public Info.,mailing of Acorn Newsletter-Admin. $ 1,584.00 6-265 American Fishing Centers Mdse. for resale,worms-Add. 25.20 6-266 Midwest Tool Cap. Proj.,Tech. Sup. Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water.;Equip. Rental-Indep. 96.35 6-267 United Carpet Cap.Proj.,Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water. 29.40 6-268 Steel Equipment Cap.Equip.,(1)Shelf Unit&(2)Tackboards-Admin. ' 280.32 6-269 Thesier Equipment Cap. Equip .,(1)Sunshade &GolfbalI. Screen for Mower -Red Oaks 895.00 6-270 Davisburg Lumber Company Bldg.Maint.-Spring.;Equip.Maint.-Spring.&YAC;Grounds Maint.& m.Tools- r'n 77.52 6-271 Security Safe & Lock Bldg. Maint.-Glen 6-272 H.L. Claeys Bldg. Maint.-Add. & R.O.W.Park 43.92 6-273 Parker Hannifin Bldg. Maint.-W.O.W.Park 97.20 6-274 American Locker B1dg.Maint.,cylinder repairs-R.O.W.Park 517.63 6-275 Wesco, Inc. B1dg.Maint.-Grove. 19.50 6-276 J & H Hydraulic Bldg. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 93.30 6-277 Aaron's Lock & Key Bldg. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 96.29 6-278 Color Tile Bldg. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 89.36 6-279 MI Rental Service Equip. Rental-Indep. 5.00 6-280 Thesier Equipment Equip. Maint.-Grove. 29.97 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND KLCREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1991 VOUCHER NUtIBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-281 Belson Manufacturing Equip. Maint.-Indep. $ 99.00 6-282 Miesel/Sysco Food Service Equip. Maint.,Barbecue warmers -BMX 199.78 6-283 Lawson Products Equip. Maint.-Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks & Spring. 345.75 6-284 Tire Wholesalers Equip. Maint.-Grove. 42.00 6-285 Capitol Equipment Equip. Maint.-Add. ' 37.35 6-286 MI First Aid Misc. Exp.,medical supplies-Add.,Glen Oaks,R.O.W.Park & W.O.W.Park 626.14 6-287 Oliver Supply E i Maint.-Water. & BMX 70.53 6-288 Detroit Ball Bearing Company Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 91-24 6-289 Pontiac Steel E i Maint.-Grove. 6-290 Boat Owners Association Equip. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 6-291 Cybulski Farms Grounds Maint.-Grove. 60.00 6-292 Tri-City Aggregates Grounds Maint.,sand-YAC 370.99 6-293 Turf Chemicals Grounds Maint.,embark-Glen Oaks 178.00 6-294 Church's Lumber Yards Grounds Maint.;cement mix -Glen Oaks 119.83 6-295 Sunshine Plants Grounds Maint.-Water.,W.O.W.Park,T.Complex & BMX 2,068.40 6-296 U.S. Sand & Stone Grounds Maint.,top soil -Add. 257.25 6-297 Southlane Maintenance Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks 75.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RLuREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1991 VOUCHER HIP4RFR VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-298 RS Electronics Rec. Sup., skatemob. &puppetmob. sound systems -Mob. Rec. $ 1,317.90 6-299 Steelcrete Company Rec. Sup.,pool chemicals-W.O.W.Park & R.O.W.Park 1,196.00 6-300 Sales Control Systems Off.Su mai -Add. 700.00 6-301 EZ-DOZ-IT Laundromat Laundry & Dry Cleaning -Spring. 40.55 6-302 ManagersEdge Publications,set of reference material-Admin. ' 103.50 6-303 City of Berkley P & R Public Info.,ad in summer brochure-Admin. 250.00 6-304 Rich Sign Public Info.(20)Banners-Admin. 11080.00 6-305 P.C. Bukowski Special Events,payment for costumes -Mob. Rec. 575.00 6-306 Waterford Township P & R Special Events,ad for dog obed.,belly dance,golf,square dance,ballroom dance,round dance,aerobic dance&misc- Water.&swimming class-W.O.W.Park;Off. Sup. -BMX 11000.00 6-307 Cash Register System Off. Sup. -Add. & Indep. 26.00 6-308 O.C. Planning Division Off. Sup. -Add. 10.00 6-309 Lesco Corporation Rec.Su Jr.Ran r badges - Grove. & Inde . 1,312.50 6-310 Hodges Supply Cap.Proj.,Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water.;Bldg.Maint.- Add. Add.Conf.Ctr. Grove. Inde _ Wh.Lk. G en Spring.&W.O.W.Park;Grounds Maint.-Indep.;Equip.Maint.- Grove.&Inde .;Sm.Tools-Inde . 6-311 City Building Maintenance Bldg. Maint.-Admin. & Tech. Sup. 6-312 Johnston Company Bldg. Maint.-YAC 81-70 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND ncCREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1991 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-313 Sound Engineering Rec. Sup.,megaphone w/siren-R.O.W.Park $ 387.12 6-314 Aaro Disposal, Inc: Rubbish Removal-Add.,Grove. &,Indep. _ 3,850.00 6-315 Done Right Engraving Off. Sup.-Admin. 34.10 6-316 Witbeck Household Appliances Rec. Sup -,VCR -Add. 398.95 6-317 Lawn Equipment Cap. Equip.,(1)Bedknife Grinder -Glen Oaks ! 4,295.00 6-318 Fire Control, Inc. Bldg. Maint.,(4)Extinguishers-Red Oaks 236.00 6-319 Burington Golf Cars Equip. Maint.-Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks & Red Oaks 320.32 6-320 AGA Gas, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 17.07 6-321 Builders Square Grounds Maint.-Add. 59.76 6-322 Lawson Products Grounds Maint.-Add;Sm.Tools-Grove. 147.19 6-323 Count of Oakland Y Security Exp.-Add.,Grove.,Orion,Indep.,R.O.W.Park,YAC & W.O.W.Park 21,297.81 6-324 Wayne Williams Special Events,reimb-for Heavy Weather sem.-R.O.W.Park 71.01 6-325 Waterford Recycling Rubbish Removal -Tech. Su Grove. S rin YAC & Water. 562.00- 6-326 Kathleen Dougherty Travel Reimb. regarding the Bluebird Festival on 3/9-10/ 91 in Jackson MI -Nat. Pro . 15.00 6-327 Jon Ki ke Travel Reimb. regarding the Heavy Weather Demonstration in Madison Ht s. MI on 6 5 91-R.O.W.Park (10 Dinners) 27.75 6-328 Ralph Richard Travel Reimb. regarding the Hass Lk. Campground Tour in Novi MI 6 12 91-Admin. 29.00 6-329 AIS Continental Cap. Equip.,(1)Trailer-Tech. Sup. 11,725.00 OAKLAND COUNTY .PARKS AND RtuREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1991 VOUCHER NUt1BER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-330 Bike City Rec. Sup. -BMX $ 76.00 6-331 Century Rain Aid Cap.Proj.,Irrigation Imp.-Wh.Lk.;Grounds Maint.-Grove., Wh.Lk. & R.O.W.Park 610.72 6-332 Madison Electric Cap.Proj.,Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water.&Group Camp- ing Elec.-Gr ve.- W.Park,W.O.W.Park&Glen Oaks;Misc.Exp.,energy test device -Tech.Su 1,353.81 6-333 Lawson Products E i .Maint.-Add.&S r'n .;Sm.T ols- v e. 423.24 6-334 Wein ratz Supply E i .Maint.-Add.&Grove.-Grounds Maint.-A 6-335 R. Harwood Uniforms -Grove. Orion & Indelp. 701-60 6-336 Arbor Spring Water E ui . Rental & Off. Sup. -Spring. 5-337 Sales Control Systems Off. Su .,Annual Maint.A reement on Cash Register -Grove. 1-30.00 6-338 Albin Business Copiers Off. Su .-Add.•& Admin. 2 mos. usage on Konica Copier 816,52 6-339 Artcraft Blueprint Off. Sup.-Admin. 189.42 6-340 Gestetner Corporation E ui Maint.,re air on Copy Machine-Admin. 366.04 6-341 Wickes Lumber Acct.Rec.-Admin.(To be reimb.by Oak Mgmt.);Cap.Proj., Tech.Su ./Mob.Rec.Fac.Im .-Water.•Bld .Maint.-S rin . & Inde . 669-.10 6-342 Consumers Power Utilities-Add.,Add.Conf.Ctr.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks Red Oaks R.O.W P k 6-343 Consumers Power -Water. & W.O.W.Park 499.84 6-344 Detroit Edison Utilities-Wh. Lk. Red Oaks & Water. 3,619.60 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND Rt.CREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1991 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-345 JRE 'fires Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks $ 90.95 6-346 Lisa Henderson Refund of belly dance class fee -Water. 30.00 6-347 GE Supply Bldg. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 24.50 6-348 Miesel/Sysco Food Equip. mai.nt.-BMX 46.78 6-349 L.C. Betts General Excavation Grounds Maint.,grading roads-Grove.,Indep. & Add. 5,200.00 6-350 O.C. Department of Public Works Sewage Charges -Add. & Add.Conf. Ctr. 859.50 6-351 American Fishing Center Mdse. for resale,worms-Add. 52.80 6-352 Sillous Pressnell Golf Mdse. for resale,golf balls-Wh.Lk. 180.00 6-353 Karsten Manufacturing Golf Mdse. for resale,wood covers-Wh. Lk. 10.81 6-354 Town Talk Golf Mdse. for resale,golf caps -Glen Oaks 165.66 6-355 Aeration Industries Cap. Equip.,(2)Water Aerator Pumps-Indep. 6,760.00 6-356 Price Brothers Cap•Proj.,Repave Road,G.C.-Red Oaks;Grounds Maint.- Add. 529.50 6-357 Jean's Hardware Public Info.-Admin.;Bldg.Maint.,Equip.Maint.,Grounds Maint. & Sm. Tools -Glen Oaks 378.66 6-358 Sundry (Misc.) Cap.Proj.,Land Acquisition -Add. 413,512.94 6-359 Wolverine Steam Clean Bldg. Maint.,cleaning carpet areas-Inde . .354.38 6-360 Winter Seal Bldg. Maint.-Grove. 38.28 6-361 Giant Plumbing Bldg. Maint.,toilet & urinal -Add. 507.90 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1991 VOUCHER t110ARca vFNnnR PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-362 UZ Engineered Products Bldg.Maint.-YAC&W.O.W.Park;Hskp.Exp.-Admin. $ 226.55 6-363 Auto Parts by Or=Ox Equip. Maint.-Add. 2.70 6-364 Main Auto Supply Equip. Maint.,filters-Add. 176.62 6-365 Hoekstra Truck Equip. Maint.-Spring. 94.74 6-366 GoodYear Auto Service Equip. Maint.,replaced tires on truck-S rin . ' 328.20 6-367 GoodYear Auto Service Equip.Maint.,tires-Add.,Red Oaks & Spring. 247.92 6-368 Moore's Tire Equip. Maint.,tire repair & mounting-Wh. Lk. & Spring. 239.45 6-369 Olson Anderson Company Equip. Maint.-Grove. 76.42 6-370 Signs & More Grounds Maint.-Grove. 90.45 6-371 UAP Special Products Grounds Maint.-Add. 18.76 6-372 State of Michigan Grounds Maint.,underground gas tank regist.-Red Oaks 200.00 6-373 American Aggregates Grounds Maint.,sand-Add. 372.73 6-374 Rich Sign Grounds Maint.-Add. 78.00 6-375 Dick's Lawn Equipment Grounds Maint.-Wh. Lk. 25.95 6-376 Shemin Nurseries Grounds Maint.,flowers & flower pots -Add. 102.34 6-377 Nordic Wood Grounds Maint.,water-proof stain-Indep. 275.00 6-378 Tri-City Aggregates Grounds Maint.,sand-Spring. 570.44 i rn OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1991 VOUCHER fi"MpC0 - vFNnnR PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-379 Frank Venice Special Events,band for Ballroom Dance,7/7/91-Water. $ 252.00 6-380 O'Brien & Company Special Events,Mt.Bike Race timing fee -Add. 1,420.00 6-381 MRPA Special Events,co-sponsorship of Walk Mich.-Rec. Admin. 335.00 6-382 Bean Bros. Trophies Special Events,tennis tourn.-T.Com lex-Rec.Su .-Add. 357.75 6-383 Moby Dick Pet Store Rec.Su .-Nat. Prog. 20.86 6-384 Felice Family Food Center Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 33.99 6-385 Kit Parker Films Rec.Su .-Grove. 82.75 6-386 Belson Manufacturing Rec. Su ., 25 Grills -Add. 2,264.00 6-387 Leisure -Time Rec. Su ., 7 icnic tables -Add. 1,750.00 6-388 Done Right Engraving Uniforms,bad es -Nat. Pro .__ 9-3 6-389 Metro -Detroit Therapeutic Society Special Events,membershi renewal-Rec. Admin. 25.00 6-390 Marine Rescue Products Misc. Ex .,(5)Cervical Collars-W.O.W.Park 75-50 6-391 Reed -Joseph International Misc.Ex .,bird scare tactics-Inde . 124.50 6-392 L.Gee, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Red Oaks 29.41 6-393 Oxford Township P & R Public Info.,inserts in summer brochure-Admin. 300.00 6-394 Novi Parks & Recreation Public Info.,full pg. ad in summer brochure-Admin. 500.00 6-395 DDB Needham Worldwide Public Info.,Public Relations&Event Marketing Services for June,1991-Admin. 2 400.00 ��ON COMM155`0� D RAG 5 � �P OOUN�� vOVON�R R�0�R 0 PK�-P�0 1991 0SE drain V ��OOR UOp,ER t�1^8R alk0n Ass°Clatesa�rt0nville ReC- 6-396 W na, -,--ovelan Bra anon 6-39'1 Sterling Sault 6-393 6-399 Unlim6 Glass 6-400 Oulia Weir 6-401 Sunar �Refunds� 6_402 `pa r°lli Suna s 6_4g3 La`�son Pr°auct 6_404 Mis�'1 SunarY 6�405 Pu Cara ma nets -A n- o-r�3000,Busines�ex.broc�ure,Aam�. Pu�l1c 1nf 0.r1n5ert in su pudic 1 Removal TecY'• SuperSup- Rub�ysY� s Iamm rles Sm-T0015 as Maint • Water - 25 & M' �- tat prop- aea Water- chalski 590' Ben Dep • re fun d�a t �, •Tar 0 Security s re�un• Lk," k,s Pp10 i gue Fee 61-'7 All Par MuSir— Leaelly 4/`�1- ove' ling To°ley 5 Engan- is 6,--''� Spalding Spor SpeC�'altles 6-40� Building i Gamalsk u 1 6-408 Tool & 5 McCall 6,409 Tray Kilt°n lnn 6_410 Edison 6-411 Eetroyt co ls0'0� 15-7 -B 7 1� 50 .29 mar main 6Slp-/1 T°01s-Gr Travel etola erioa ring- 7Sm atumes -o6r 40&,� •Min -Ma�nt•-Aaa elms•° A MalaneY6 quip vents r e50'00 r Park �peCi t 3 •Roes rk & W "0 •W - k; Sr°v r 0 •W •Pa Glen 0a 96 M°�' ReC• Clay s R• la Cacki' Maim. �9 • e L100�L0vn (balls&disp Water . �glag Equip•' 01 e Cap • e • �0r resato g•Rc-FaC'Z'- s / GOl-TeC�' Sup h , ams0r the ReavY Cap Su - - Wi111 TecYi- & £or-W- Maint' 10aging R • ti Events I S min Spe�la r Safet 1g� 2,343 ���N ��MM1SSioN S� P PRt4s RN REG� S-CER 0 PKLPN� co�N v 6NSNE , 1991 E .� •p `w - �� uRP�s slide cc oR v ti \i an twt� ?\ State Of,Micr �P�oducts 6,-412 inee�ed Pz°ducts 13 UZ Engsa.f�-ed Business DlVer P0o1 6-4 4 5w1 D�aYt°n �1ng 6'4l5 Elden Equi? nt 6-416 eft En91nee�1n9 6-41 Mac City City 41S 6_Bodine s 6 41g 6% 6- 2 6' `�� - shine 425 Sun C°m a 6- Edward Le 6_426 n,MtCull Th°m so 6-42'l D AleXander C � 6�p2a Water ectl°n fee .E�p•pe�yt&1nsp t+ Sup' �ecr• S °pler-'Aamin- Misc ns & Main Rico'n ° �bti 11 ng °n �Sm' IA SLsc Xp.�m°nth1Y �l y cnlnealnt.SUp" pff• Sup p.W,Par 1 points rayn . Sup , W • Dovetal Maynt . �� Add . Cap'`�ech'S 1 yti°n- s Maint-. Too (Land Acqu Gr ,�j ;Ground o ° ptog- CapDx '..rTxee �1a,LandsCape fat. Cap• p °-'Nat.Ct� Cap' Mai W.Payk PMa�N� 46.7 'C3 2633 OAKL.AND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1991 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMMIMT 6-429 J. Stickley, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Mob. Rec. 130.00 6-430 R. Coffey, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Add. 100.63 6-431 J. Mansfield, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-R.O.W.Park 183.63 6-432 Douglas Kidd Damage Deposit Refunded-YAC 50.00 6-433 Otho Smith Camping Fee Refunded -Grove. 26.00 6-434 Harriet Bernstein Golf League fee refunded -Glen Oaks 70.00 6-435 Gordon Goodwin Uniforms,reimb.for the purchase of safety shoes -Spring. 38.45 6-436 Sundry (Refunds) Golf League refunds to J.Shovlin $52.00 & C.Taylor 52.00-Red Oaks 104.00 6-437 Schleede-Hampton Associates Cap.Proj.,Sewage System Renov.-Add. 9,540.00 6-438 Petrolane Gas Utilities -Grove. & Indep. 794.03 6-439 Jeffrey Groehn & Nancy J. Quigley. Cap.Proj.,Land Acquisition -Add. 411,671.34 6-440 American Fishing Centers Mdse. for Resale,worms-Add. & Indep. 157.20 6-441 Universal Equipment Company Cap.Proj.,Repave Road, G.C.-Red Oaks 40.86 6-442 Chet's American Rental Cap.Proj.,Repave Road, G.C.-Red Oaks 74.75 6-443 VOID 6-444 Elden's Hardware Cap.Proj.,Tech.Sup./Mob.Rec.Fac.Imp.-Water.;Equip.Maint. -Admin.,Inde .,BMX&Mob.Rec.,showmob.;Off.Su .-Rec.Admin. 494.04 i N 0 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1991 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR P1IppncP 6-445 lElden's Hardware Bldg.Maint.-Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.Conf.Ctr.,Indep., W.O.W.Park&BMX;Maint.Sup.-Tech.Sup.;Grounds Maint.-Add., $ Grove.,Indep.,Water.,T.Complex&BMX;Misc.Exp.-Add.;Rec. Sup.-Indep.,W.O.W.Park;Rental,Prop.Maint.-Water. 401.83 6-446 Elden's Hardware Sm. Tools-Mob.Rec.&T.Complex;Bldg.Maint.-T.Complex 249.66 6-447 Auto Parts by Mazza B1dg.Maint.,Equip.Maint.&Grounds Maint.-Indep. 249.05 6-448 Seton Identification Products Bldg. Maint.-Indep. 41.77. 6-449 G.N.E. Paint Supplies Bldg. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 162.72 6-450 Oliver Supply Bldg. Maint.-Add.Conf.Ctr. 11.92 6-451 Gamalski Building Specialties Bldg. Maint.-Grove. & Indep. 301.12 6-452 Jidas-Turner Septic Bldg. Maint.,pumped septic tanks -Grove. & Wh. Lk. 1,665.00 6-453 Corrosion Fluid Products B1dg.Maint.,fiberglass grating-W.O.W.Park 987.00 6-454 Roadway Express Bldg. Maint.-W.O.W.Park 54.08 6-455 Pontiac Steel Equip. Maint.-Indep. & Mob. Rec.,tent 38.93 6-456 Pfeiffer -Lincoln Mercury Equip. Maint.-Add. & Indep. 418.20 6-457 GameTime Equip. Maint.,(9)pine Logs for playground equip.-Indep. 351.00 6-458 Perry Screw & Bolt Equip. Maint.-Indep. 78.69 6-459 Capitol Equipment Equip. Maint.,air filters-Indep. 125.38 6-460 Spartan Oil Equip. Maint.,10W-40 oil -Glen Oaks 218.45 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1991 VOUCHER NUMBER- VENDOR PURPOSE AMMINT 6-461 Safety Services Equip. aint.-Inde.;Uniforms-Inde . $ 179.43 6-462 Aguacide Company Grounds Maint.-Inde . 52.65 6-463 American Aggregates Grounds Maint.,road ravel-Inde . 272.80 6-464 James Layman Grounds Maint.,well drillin -Inde . 1,657.62 6-465 Price Brothers Grounds Maint., i eside rings -Grove. rings-Grove. 430.00 6-466 Rich Sign Grounds Maint.-Add. 34.00 6-467 Signs & More Grounds Maint., 5 Si ns-Grove. 103.45 6-468 Oxford Co -Operative Elevator Grounds Maint.-Add.&Inde .•Rec.Su .-Nat. Pro . 131.00 6-469 NRPA Membership dues for D.Stencil-Admin. 55.00 6-470 Foam Design Rec.Su .,(105)Mats for Waterslide-W.O.W.Park 672.00 6-471 Reed -Joseph International Misc.Ex .,s innin scare wheels for eese-Indep. 33.00 6-472 VOID 6-473 Jack Donahey & Associates S ecial Events,Fall Mt.Bike Race fee -Add. 171.00 6-474 Business Television Off. Su .,VCR & Carrying Case-Admin. 490.00 6-475 Cash Register System Off. Su .-W.O.W.Park 13.00 6-476 Kit Parker Films Rec. Su .,Jun le Book movie -Grove. 157.75 6-477 John A. Biewer Company Rec. Su .-Inde . 85.23 Z�ON GOMM�SS\ON D REc?' R �N� P AR s 5l RE0 ER ORK�RNa CO v01991 PURP% � �NaOR v OVO�A N�Ma�R ScY'ool Tec-' a , 6-4k7B & SXi Marro �,79 gvn company 6- teelcrete 6-4 � r ro�`ti0 -may Lnmper Erb 6,4g2 cj=¢'LSD 6-358 Rec• S�p,_Snd Rec. SUp'-pdd••Qark & R_p, rs for ip • Malnt - �` emical5 �� •� P rks Co `ls5 SUp • /tAo t cn S Sap.rp° cr e pald o �ove'&Te Ree . diem 9ti Adm �Campinq EleC A G' - G�ovndSa�nt •- P 6 il9 r Group •� M 5ka eOt mote Cap?-Co-3 •W _ e faint• Znd p' le� p .l� -Groe ale I e•� nd .,-- -�ro� • rLcanc AMO�N� 41 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ANALYSIS OF FUND BALANCE AS OF 5/31/91 FUND BALANCE, 1/l/91 ADDITIONS: REVENUE OVER OPERATING EXPENSE AS OF 5/31/91 NET COLLECTIONS ON ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE DNR GRANT - INDEP. WETLANDS NET DEPRECIATION EXPENSE DECREASE IN MERCHANDISE FOR RESALE DEDUCTIONS: PAYMENTS ON CAPITAL PROJECTS NET OPERATING EQUIPMENT PURCHASES NET PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNTS PAYABLE INTERDEPARTMENTAL INVOICES IN TRANSIT INCREASE IN MERCHANDISE FOR RESALE SUMMARY OF FUND BALANCE CASH ON HAND INVESTMENTS WITH THE COUNTY TREASURER 5-1 $3,927,708.49 828,332.1C 20,189.70 209,548.32 0.00 ------------- $ 473,487.89 202,168.59 301,681.47 148,251.11 13,582.88 ------------- $ 3,993,918.75 4,985,778.61 -------------- $ 8,979,697.36 1,139,171.94 -------------- $ 7,840,525.42 $ 569,004.11 7,271,521.31 -------------- $ 7,840,525.42 -------------- -------------- OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR MONTH ENDING 5/31/91 *********** REVENUE ************ MILLAGE & INTEREST INCOME RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. ADD ISON OAKS: PARK CONFERENCE CENTER GROVELAND OAKS INDEPENDENCE OAKS ORION OAKS GLEN OAKS RED OAKS: GOLF COURSE DRIVING RANGE WATER PARK SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE WHITE LAKE OAKS SPRINGFIELD YAC WATERFORD OAKS: PARK WATER PARK TENNIS COMPLEX BMX MOBILE RECREATION NATURE PROGRAM TOTAL REVENUE ****** OPERATING EXPENSES ****** ADMINISTRATION RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. TECHNICAL SUPPORT ADDISON OAKS: PARK CONFERENCE CENTER GROVELAND OAKS INDEPENDENCE OAKS ORION OAKS GLEN OAKS RED OAKS: GOLF COURSE DRIVING RANGE WATER PARK SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE WHITE LAKE OAKS SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC WATERFORD OAKS: PARK WATER PARK TENNIS COMPLEX BMX MOBILE RECREATION NATURE PROGRAM CONTINGENCY* TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES REVENUE OVER/UNDER EXP. ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: BUDGET BALANCE: YEAR TO DATE $5,712,174.26 3,879.00 44,348.55 7,263.43 52,087.31 71,617.18 0.00 274,938.74 1C4,296.88 0.00 17,213.50 210 543.90 244,226.90 15,292.12 43,219.50 12,198.00 3,575.00 1,131.75 21,905.95 3,327.52 $6,843,239.49 $554,742.94 78,996.57 272,495.67 239,247.26 29,C94.15 187 046.63 248,015.53 17,579.74 195,867.58 118,567.73 2,555.60 97,3C5.51 186,268.57 175,377.85 61,384.88 93,266.42 77,472.65 6,641.35 14,261.9C 108,786.99 98,697.50 51,857.98 $2,915,531.00 $3,927,7C8.49 1991 66.C% 34.0% 1991 BUDGET $5,901,600.00 14,420.00 223,6CO.00 75,000.00 427,600.00 191,80C.00 0.00 705,660.00 256,850.00 24,000.00 522,900.00 605,200.00 633,60C.00 149,500.00 104,050.00 320,000.00 27,310.00 56,800.00 112,OCC.00 9,000.00 $10,360,890.CO $1,608,210.00 307,285.00 694,637.00 683,954.00 64,COC.00 620,332.00 688,345.00 77,96C.CO 534,180.00 323,036.00 4,CCC.CG 472,654.00 518,63C.00 457,825.CC 183,039.00 254,185.CC 319,698.00 42,755.00 69,575.00 350,72C.CC 241,202.0C 80,COC.CO $8,596,222.00 OVER(-), UNDER BUDGET $189,425.74 10,541.00 179,251.45 67,736.57 375,512.69 120,182.82 0.00 430,721.26 152,553.12 24,OOC.00 505,686.50 394,656.10 389,373.10 134,207.88 6C,83C.50 307,8C2.00 23,735.00 55,668.25 90,094.05 5,672.48 $3,517,650.51 $1,053,467.C6 228,288.43 422,141.33 444,706.74 34,9C5.85 433,285.37 440,329.47 6C,380.26 338,312.42 2C4,468.27 1,444.4C 375,348.49 332,361.43 282,447.15 121,654.12 16C,918.58 242,225.35 36,113.65 55,313.10 241,933.C1 142,504.50 28,142.02 $5,68C,691.00 % OF BUDGET 96.8% 26.9% 19.8% 9.7% 12.2% 37.3% 39.0% 40.6% 3.3% 34.8% 38.5% 10.2% 41.5% 3.8% 13.1% 2.C% 19.6% 37.0% 66.0% 34.5% 25.7% 39.2% 35.0% 45.5% 30.2% 36.0% 22.5% 36.7% 36.7% 63.9% 20.6% 35.9% 38.3% 33.5% 36.7% 24.2% 15.5% 2 C . 5 % 31.0% 4C.9% 64.8% 33.9% $1,764,668.00 $-2,163,040.49-122.6% 1990 1989 58.0% 60.5% ACTUAL EXP. TO DATE: 33.9% 33.4% 34.6% BUDGET BALANCE: 66.1% *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. CONTINGENCY BUDGET FIGURE: $20,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO MOBILE RECREATION. 5-2 PARK ADMINISTRATION ADDISON OAKS GROVELAND OAKS INDEPENDENCE OAKS ORION OAKS GLEN OAKS RED OAKS SPRINGFIELD OAKS WHITE LAKE OAKS WATERFORD OAKS CONTINGENCY CAPITAL PROJECTS TOTAL OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECHLATION COMMISSION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FOR 1991 AS OF 5/31/91 SUMMARY TOTAL FOR ALL PARKS ESTIMATED 1990 1991 NET NEW ESTIMATED CONTRACT(S) CONTRACT(S) PROJECT PROJECT COST --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- ADJUSTMENT ------- -------- PROJECT COST --------------- AMOUNT PAID --------------- RETAINER --------------- AWARDED BALANCE --------------- BALANCE --------------- $3,022,237.CC $0.00 $(500.00) $(500.00) $3,021,737.00 $(5,519.5C) $0.00 $0.00 $3,CI6,217.50 1,311,716.00 0.00 (300.0C) (300.00) 1,311,416.00 (269,C90.66) 8,866.00 (99,486.CC) 951,705.34 172,966.00 1,014.84 C.00 1,C14.84 173,980.84 (30,900.68) 0.00 0.00 143,C80.16 179,898.00 0.00 5,COC.00 5,00C.CC 184,898.CC (39,304.59) C.00 O.CO 145,593.41 0.00 O.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.00 370,571.CC 10,077.81 2,188.26 12,266.07 382,837.07 (256,161.03) 0.00 (81,649.67) 45,C26.37 176,286.00 0.00 8,335.72 8,335.72 184,621.72 (83,627.86) 0.00 C.CO 100,993.86 178,179.CC 0.00 622.76 622.76 178,801.76 (87,903.08) C.CC O.CC 9C,898.68 378,436.00 10,538.16 3,945.8C 14,483.96 392,919.96 (351,897.21) 0.00 O.CC 41,022.75 1,213,666.00 615.90 6,692.76 7,308.66 1,220,974.66 (652,417.4C) O.CO C.CO 568,557.26 210,2C8.CC (22,246.71) (25,985.30 (48,232.01) 161,975.99 O.CO C.00 0.00 161,975.99 --------------- $7,214,163.00 --------------- $ 0.00 --------------- $ 0.00 --------------- $ 0.00 --------------- $7,214,163.00 --------------- $(1,776,822.C1) --------------- $8,866.00 --------------- $0 81,135.67) --------------- $5,265,01.32 COMBINED TOTALS OF MONTH ACTIVITIES FOR MAY 1991 TOTALS - GOLF COURSES RECREATIONAL & TOTALS - SPECIAL EVENTS TOTALS - DAY USE PARKS GRAND TOTALS GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing RED OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Cross Country Skiing Golf Dome SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing WIITTL' LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 19 Holes Cross Country Skiing i TOTALS - GOLF COURSES Leagues/Groups Participants Leagues/Groups Participants 1990 1991 1990 1991 1990 1991 1990 1991 457 510 42,090 47,403 489 541 88,679 121,914 237 257 21,081 17,827 1,111 884 81,814 82,092 8,870 10,850 61,570 75,834 17,345 20,994 103,124 126,013 9,564 11,617 124,741 141064 18,945 22,419 273,617 330,019 GOLF COURSES - MONTH OF MAY, 1991 YVAR TO DATE Leagues Participants Leagues Participants 1990 1991 1990 1991 1990 1991 1990 1991 159 172 9,877 10,330 176 189 13,522 15,182 0 0 2,483 2,463 0 0 3,577 3,797 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 775 69 69 7,371 6,684 69 69 10,762 10,670 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 75 0 0 2,999 7,491 0 0 33,292 61,018 102 107 5,229 5,582 106 113 6,720 7,482 0 0 3,521 3,297 0 0 4,987 5,040 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 35 127 161 8,125 9,150 138 169 11,623 13,670 0 1 2,485 2,406 0 1 3,901 3,875 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 295 457 510 42,090 47,403 489 541 88,679 121,914 RECREATIONAL AND SPECIAL L'vENTS - MONTH OF MAY, 1991 YEAR TO DATE MOBILE RECREATION ----------------- Airsport Skate Mobile Mime Group Broadway. Revue Puppet Mobile Sports Mobile Buses Show'Mobile Dunk Tank High Striker WATERFORD OAKS Activity Center Tennis Complex BMX ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM Nature Center Outreach *Nature `frail Usage SPRINGFIELD OAKS Y A C SPECIAL EVENTS Mountain Bike Race V N TOTALS *NnT TN(',T,UDEI) TN TOTALS Groups Participants Group Participants 1990 1991 1990 1991 1990 1991 1990 1991 4 5 920 1,075 6 7 1,095 1,395 3 4 3,000 704 5 4 3,150 704 0 2 0 494 0 2 0 494 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 350 394 1 2 350 394 3 2 1,700 548 3 2 1,700 548 26 37 1,142 1,169 26 88 3,016 3,175 10 10 - - 23 13 - - 1 1 300 150 1 1 300 150 0 1 0 200 0 1 0 200 76 61 5,033 4,105 334 287 16,323 16,218 1 3 100 293 29 19 724 589 12 12 1,352 1,591 290 12 1,793 1,591 66 79 3,809 3,991 178 187 9,602 10,130 4 6 177 403 77 100 23,425 26,034 0 0 3,695 6,316 0 0 13,979 23,642 30 32 3,198 2,710 138 159 20,336 20,470 1,500 237 257 21,081 17,827 1,111 884 81,814 82,092 ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers GROVELAND OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK Day Use Day Camper Overnight Group Campers ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GLEN OAKS CLUBHOUSE SPRINGI+IELD OAKS CLUBHOUSE WHITE LAKE OAKS CLUBHOUSE WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK RED OAKS WATERPARK ORION OATS V W TOTALS DAY USE PARKS AND FACILITY ATTENDANCE REPORT - MONTH OF MAY, 1991 YEAR TO DATE Groups Participants Groups Participants 1990 1991 1990 1991 1990 1991 1990 1991 288 358 4,583 5,416 336 385 5,330 5,704 1,895 1,422 6,931 5,080 3,117 2,117 11,294 7,537 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 793 781 14,262 16,138 793 781 14,262 16,138 1,272 1,806 4,520 6,541 1,272 1,806 4,520 6,541 0 5 0 42 0 5 0 42 4,486 6,336 15,715 22,176 11,543 15,579 40,700 54,527 54 58 2,403 2,755 111 132 35,954 4,756 6 6 146 157 7 6 182 157 43 2 4,775 5,101 65 92 7,753 11,746 20 22 2,480 2,564 57 69 6,610 7,750 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 12 958 1,270 39 20 3,522 2,285 3 2 922 2,946 3 2 922 2,946 2 0 3,719 5,648 2 0 3,719 5,648 0 0 156 0 0 0 356 236 8,870 10,850 61,570 75,834 17,345 20,994 103,124 126,013 ITEM #8 ADDISON AND GROVELAND OAKS MASTER PLAN REVISIONS Requests For Proposals were received for the revisions of the existing master plans for Addison and Groveland Oaks. A total of 21 proposals were received from 11 firms. Criteria consisting of capabilities/qualifications (the firm's experience in parks and recreation and general master planning), professional personnel (their personnel's professional expertise and experience), approach (completeness, understanding of the scope, etc.), time frame, and other criteria were used to evaluate each firm. The firms were rated by a five man team consisting of R. Richard, J. Kipke, J. Figa, S. VandenBossche, and L. Falardeau. This evaluation narrowed the selection to the top 5 firms. Fees and interviews with the personnel of the firms enabled us to further reduce the number and recommend the following: PARK FIRM AMOUNT Addison Oaks Pollack Design Associates $17,844 Ann Arbor, MI Groveland Oaks Ford and Associates $13,726 Lainsburg, MI The 1991 Capital Improvement Project Budget allocated $35,000 for this project. Staff recommends Pollack Design Associates and Ford and Associates for a combined total amount of $31,570, with the remaining funds being used for reimbursable expenses such as civil engineering reviews, civil hydrology, etc. 8-1 7-91 ITEM #9 Independence Oaks Safety Path Last year the Commission discussed the installation of a safety path (8' concrete walk) from the Independence Oaks entrance south along Sashabaw Road to the property line, approximately 465 ft., connecting with the total safety path system throughout the township. The estimated cost at that time was $18,500, including engineering, inspection, layout, and other administration costs. Bids were received by the township for this project and our cost is $10,838.30, excluding the engineering and administration cost. When completed, this safety path system will provide access to our park from many areas within Independence Township and eventually the adjacent communities. Staff recommends participation in this program and approval of the expenditure of $10,838.80. There is $20,000 allocated in the 1991 Capital Improvement Project Budget for this project. 7-91 9-1 ITEM #10 GRANT RESOLUTION WATERFORD OAKS The department has received official word from the Department of Natural Resources on their approval of a $250,000 matching grant for our refrigerated toboggan run at Waterford Oaks. We will be contacting engineering companies to draw up plans and specifications for the project with an opening date of the winter of 1993. Attached is a resolution for the DNR on the acceptance of the grant for your approval. 10-1 RESOLUTION Upon motion made by and supported by , the following Resolution was adopted: RESOLVED, that the Oakland County, Michigan, Parks and Recreation Commission, does hereby accept the terms of the Agreement as received from the Michigan De- partment of Natural Resources, and that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission does hereby specifically agree, but not by way of limitation, as fol- lows: 1. To appropriate the sum of Two hundred seventy thousand ($270,000.00) dollars to match the grant authorized by the DEPARTMENT and to appropriate such additional funds as shall be necessary to complete the project. 2. To maintain satisfactory financial accounts, documents, and records to make them available to the DEPARTMENT for auditing at reasonable times. 3. To construct the project and provide such funds, services, and materials as may be necessary to satisfy the terms of said Agreement. 4. To authorize Ralph Richard, Manager, to be the local Authorized Repre- sentative to sign documents on behalf of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. 5. To comply with any and all terms of said Agreement including all terms not specifically set forth in the foregoing portions of this Resolution. The following aye votes were recorded: The following nay votes were recorded: STATE OF MICHIGAN ) ss COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) I, Karen S. Smith, Recording Secretary of the Oakland County Parks and Rec- reation Commission, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of the Resolution relative to the Agreement with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources which Resolution was adopted by the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission at a meeting held July 10, 1991. Karen S. Smith Title Dated: 10-2 ITEM #11 RESOLUTION TREES, REFORESTATION AND COUNTY LAND Attached is a letter from County Commissioner Richard Skarritt, Chairperson of the Government Committee, regarding a resolution on "Trees, Reforestation and County Land." Our response is also attached. OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COM MSSIONERS 1200 NORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD — PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48053 (313) 858-0100 - VW FROM: DATE: MEMORANDUM Ralph Richard, Manager Parks and Recreation Richard G. Skarritt, Chairperson General Government Committee June 18, 1991 The General Government Committee recently discussed the enclosed resolution re: Trees, Reforestation and County Land. The committee has some concerns regarding the resolution and is interested in receiving your input. Could you comment on the pros and cons relative to the concept of citizen participation in planting trees on county land. We will appreciate hearing from you. 5. MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION No. #91105 5-9-91- By: Commissioner Serra - Dist. 18 In Re: Trees, Reforestation and County Land To: THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS -Mr. Chairman; Ladies and Gentlemen: , WHEREAS numerous private organizations, including McDonald's Corporation, Global Releaf and others are promoting the distribution of trees .for free and; WHEREAS many Oakland County citizens do not own property on which to plant a tree and; WHEREAS trees are a valuable community resource and environmental augmentation and; WHEREAS the County of Oakland owns considerable amounts of land including County Parks; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners' asks the Oakland County Department of Parks and Recreation as well as all other County Departments to identify County property in need of tree planting and to publicize the location of such property, encouraging school children and others who would like to•plant a tree to do so on County land. wiz i - . ��,� -tip . �- • �-��. �,�� ��.� OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION 2800 Watkins Lake Road • Waterford, Michigan 48328 (313) 858-0906 9 Fax (313) 858-1683 July 1, 1991 Mr. Richard G. Skarritt, Chairperson General Government Committee Oakland County Board of Commissioners 1200 North Telegraph Road Pontiac, MI 48341 Dear Chairperson Skarritt: �� erce�' Ralph A. Richard Manager Jon J. Kipke Assistant Manager RE: Resolution #91105 - Trees, Reforestation and County Land The reforestation program is something the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been active in for the past four years. Lewis E. Wint Chairman Jean M.Fox Vice Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Secretary Fred Korzon George W. Kuhn Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Thomas A. Law John E. Olsen Alice Tomboulian Richard V. Vogt At Orion Oaks alone, 10,000 seedlings and trees have been planted, and over half of those were planted by volunteer groups, churches, and scouts. Also, in 1991, Addison Oaks had 1,800 trees planted, and Inde- pendence Oaks 5,000, again with the help of volunteer groups. The Commission has also planted 220 trees at Groveland Oaks, 75 at White Lake Oaks, 49 at Glen Oaks, 35 at Red Oaks, 505 at the YAC and Springfield, and 24 at Waterford Oaks. The Parks and Recreation Commission applauds the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for this resolution and hope that with all of us working together, we can make the County facilities a green show- place for all the residents of Oakland County. RR:ks If you have any other questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Ralph Richard, Manager Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission 11-4 ITEM #12 TREE WORK WATERFORD OAKS There has been considerable need for tree maintenance work at Waterford Oaks. Other than severe storm damage removal, a tree pruning and removal program has not been conducted at the park in about 15 years. Many trees were in need of trimming for vehicle safety at the wave pool, rubbing against the waterslide chute, and hanging over the waterslide pool. A number of trees were interfering with electrical wires and so dense with limbs that they were potentially dangerous in high winds or winter storms. Several of these trees were surrounding our ad- ministrative office building. A good tree program will do this type of work about every seven (7) years. Also, two trees and five stumps were removed. All brush and logs were chipped and hauled from the site. Davey Tree Expert Company was awarded the blanket bid for county tree work by the Purchasing Department. They do all the tree work for the department of Facilities, Maintenance and Operations. When Davey started their work, it was at the time the lawn service/flowers/ tree trimming was being negotiated through FM&O. It was thought at that time Davey Tree Company would be paid by FM&O and Parks and Recreation would reimburse FM&O through a transfer of funds as is done with the other grounds maintenance. However, that was not correct, and Parks and Recreation was billed directly for this tree work. Therefore, staff is requesting the payment of $7,098.74 for the work done at Waterford Oaks Park. Work completed: 2 complete tree removals 5 stumps removed 85 trees trimmed 3 person crew with equipment at $94.48/hour 75+ hours x $94.48 = $7,098.74 Funds for this will come from the Waterford Oaks grounds maintenance budget. 12-1 ITEM #13 MASTER PLAN REVISION SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC After a tour of the facility, the Commission will consider a motion to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners' Planning and Building Committee on future improvements for the YAC. 13-1 ITO #14 SESS-Lpl� F sc� 14'1 DRAFT COPY "... NOT FOR OFFICIAL USE Recently several embarrassing incidences have occurred in the Oakland County Parks over the use of the lifetime passes, which has prompted this letter to all the passholders. Over the years we do get forgetful, so we thought we would update you on the pass policy and its details: The intent of the lifetime pass is to provide holders with admittance to parks, participation in programs, and for golf privileges. It is not intended to be used for the privileges of other individuals without the card holder being present. All lifetime pass recipients must personally present their card for themselves and their guest. The commission feels that since you are the one who served on the Parks and Recreation Commission, the benefits of the card are for you only, along with your guest with you at that time. I hope this clarifies the use of the card for your personal enjoyment. If you have any questions, please contact me. ks Sincerely, Lewis E. Wint Ralph Richard Chairman Manager DRAFT ■ NOT FOR OFFICIAL USE 14-2 RAFT COPY MT FOR OFF UAL UI Recently several embarrassing incidences have occurred in the Oakland County Parks over the use of the lifetime passes, which has prompted this letter to all the passholders. Over the years we do get forgetful, so we thought we would update you on the pass policy and its details: The intent of the lifetime pass is to provide holders with admittance to parks, participation in programs, and for golf privileges. It is not intended to be used for the privileges of other individuals without the card holder being present. All lifetime pass recipients must personally present their card for themselves and their guest. I am sure you will remember awkward situations with the cards happening while you were employed and would not wish to be the cause of one yourself. The commission feels that since you are the one who was employed by the Parks and Recreation Commission, the benefits of the card are for you only, along with your guest with you at that time. I hope this clarifies the use of the card for your personal enjoyment. If you have any questions, please contact me. ks Sincerely, Lewis E. Wint Ralph Richard Chairman Manager DRAFT COP NOT FOR OFFICIAL USLE 14-3 ITEM #15 MANAGER'S REPORT ---Copies of the two meetings the Commission hosted with the local parks and rec- reation commissions around Oakland County are attached. A follow-up letter to all the directors and commissions thanking them for their attendance is being sent. ---Attached is a letter from Corporation Counsel answering your question on a computer hardware/software purchase. ---Enclosed are golf comparisons from 1989-90 that we are able to generate with the help of computers to provide staff with information on comparing cash flow within the golf operations. Thought you would be interested in seeing this. Mike will be available to answer any questions you may have. ---Enclosed is a fact sheet on White Lake Oaks Golf Course giving the history of the course and course rules and policies for your information. ---Meeting schedule for the next few months: Date Location August 7, 9 a.m. Groveland Oaks August 21, 9 a.m. Addison Oaks September 4, 9 a.m. Administration office, Waterford Oaks September 18, 9 a.m. Administration office, Waterford Oaks 15-1 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AND LOCAL PARKS DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS AND COMMISSIONERS MEETING Wednesday, May 15, 1991 The meeting was called to order by Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Chairman Lewis Wint in the banquet room of the Glen Oaks Golf Course Clubhouse at 7:41 p.m. PRESENT: Oakland County Parks Beechwood Acres Homeowners Assoc. Berkley Parks and Recreation Bloomfield Hills Parks & Recreation Clawson Parks & Recreation Farmington Hills Parks & Recreation Hazel Park Parks & Recreation Novi Parks & Recreation Oak Park Parks & Recreation Royal Oak Parks & Recreation Southfield Parks & Recreation Trov Parks and Recreation Lewis Wint, Chairman George Kuhn, Commissioner Jack Olsen, Commissioner Ralph Richard, Manager Frank Trionfi, Chief, Admin. Services Joe Figa, Chief, Design & Development Dan Stencil, Chief of Parks Sue Wells, Chief of Recreation Sandy DeVonce, Therapeutics Sandy Zhihar Pam Hardy Betty Fuertsch Kevin Price Steve Lackey June Hamilton Janet Strote Jerry Bronersky Heidi Mason Gary Beeson Barb McCann Dennis Fitgerald Mary Foran Andrew Lang Mike Horner Don Potter Dean Pollard Bill Upina Nick Valenti Diana Canup Phil Koneda Gerald Shulman Dan Davis Bob Pheiffer Jerry Naftaly Philip Cutler Chuck O'Malley James Emanuel Steven Woodberg Myron Korobkin Sheryl Schmidt Susan Wedley Robert Muller Bob Weber Jim Roberts David Richards Bonnie Powers Leon Avedisian Paul Cooper Chuck O'Neil Bill Waterhome Jef Farland Bunny Marquardt 15-2 May 15, 1991 Page Two The Oakland County Parks slide presentation was shown. Chairman Wint welcomed all and thanked them for coming. He introduced the Oakland County Parks Commissioners and staff who were present. DIRECTION FOR THE PARK SYSTEM: Chairman Wint stated that our goal is not to duplicate what is done in the local communities. The direction for the past 25 years has been basically acquisition and development. The Parks Commission is starting to take a different direction, looking at the historical aspects of the site, as well as the location. If the location is right, and we can fill a need, the size is not important. Parcels as small as seven acres have been considered. Manager Richard also stated that there may be a need for some special use parks. As an example, there are only six truly active farms left in Oakland County. The Commission may decide to preserve and operate one of those farms. The Commission sets aside $300,000 per year for land acquisition. We are currently trying to purchase the Lyon Township Rookery property. In response to a question on the county's future development plans for the Novi area, Mr. Richard stated that several communities in that portion of the county are not interested in having a county park in their area. In the future, a wave pool, possibly indoor, in the southwest. part of the county could be considered. Steve Woodberg, Oak Park, noted that people in his community do use and appreciate the Oakland County facilities. A comment came from Farmington Hills with regards to a wave pool or ice arena in Farmington Hills, noting that the majority of their citizens would like to see a facility like this in their area. A question was raised as to the future developments at Glen Oaks. Mr. Richard stated that Glen Oaks -is currently at their maximum development. - Sue Wells, Chief of Recreation for Oakland County Parks, explained what the Mobile Recreation program has to offer. Most communities make use of the Mobile Recreation program. There is a community assistance program available for all communities which is very helpful. A county -wide master plan was considered to help communities acquire their own land or link properties together. The Oakland County Planning Division is currently working on a master plan for a trail system throughout the county to link trails together. The Parks Commission has no plans to own the right-of-way for trail systems. Commissioner Olsen stated that a recent survey has been sent out regarding a state-wide master plan for bike trails. 15-3 May 15, 1991 Page Three ORION OAKS: Chairman Wint commented on how appreciative the Commission was of the community support received on the recent operating millage renewal. We successfully renewed our 1/4 mill for ten years. Orion Oaks, with help from local communities and groups, was planned to create a camping experience for youth of Oakland County via school camps, band camps, educational programs, etc., and also.to accommodate the handicapped. The plan is currently on hold due to the recent 1/2 mill proposal defeat. Royal Oak passed a resolution not to support the millage for Orion Oaks. They liked the concept, but with the cutbacks and recession, felt the timing was not very good. It appears that the voters were more receptive to preservation and acquisition rather than development. The Commission will review Orion Oaks and make some changes before they come back to the voters. To develop Orion Oaks in phases, it would take approximately 17 years. The general consensus was to continue with plans for the development of Orion Oaks, feeling there is a definite need. THERAPEUTICS: The Commission will be taking an active role in programs for therapeutic and handicapped groups. We are looking at how we can help the various communities include handicapped individuals in a regular sports program; the same thing is being considered for a Senior Citizen program. We are going to commit a two-year time span to establish programming in these two areas. Farmington Hills supported the county's move back into that area, feeling County coordination is the key to make the program work. Mr. Richard discussed how the State of California promotes and successfully passes their millages. There will be a sign up sheet after the meeting for anyone interested in additional information regarding municipalities that have been successful in passing millages. We also are interested in forming an informational committee for county -wide millages. The directors at the directors' meeting were very supportive of this. Th meets adjourned at 9:02 p.m. 6 . Sue DeMasellis Recording Secretary *As of 6/10/91, Mickey Alderman and Dennis Fitzgerald were the only two people who signed up for a special millage committee. 15-4 SPECIAL MEETING FOR PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIONS Thursday, June 13, 1991 Independence Township Offices Approximately 20 representatives of parks and recreation commissions from Springfield, Independence and Orion Townships were present, along with Ralph Richard and Dan Stencil from Oakland County Parks. --the Oakland County Parks slide presentation was viewed. --the Orion Oaks ballot issue was discussed. The various communities expressed interest in potentially building an indoor pool complex that could be funded by the communities and then operated by Oakland County Parks. --they were very supportive of the Commission's commitment to land acquisition for the immediate future. ---an interest was expressed for future involvement in the special populations program. --the various communities also expressed interest in the special county -wide millage and would be interested in further updates on the potential development of such a millage. IM 15-5 q--'OAKL Daniel T. Murphy, Oakland County Executive C O U N T Y M I C H I G A N Jack C. Hays, Director 858-0557 DEPARTMENT OF CORPORATION COUNSEL Linda E. Wasielewski, First Assistant 858-0553 Gordon R. Wyllie 858-0555 Donald F Slavin 858-0554 John F. Ross, Jr. 858-0558 Karl W. Randall 858-0556 Michael Blaszczak 858-0551 MEMORANDUM TO: FRANK J. TRIONFI, Parks & Recreation FROM: LINDA E. WASIELEWS First Assistant C po i Counsel DATE: May 13, 1991 RE: Computer Hardware and Software I am responding to your May 7, 1991, Memo which asks whether there is a prohibition precluding the Commission from directly purchasing computer hardware and software from outside vendors. I find no legal prohibition. This may violate County policy. Ordinarily, Accounting will not honor purchases over $100 unless previously approved by Purchasing. For the purchase of computer equipment, Computer Services and CUAC must pre -approve the purchase, as well. For details on the policy, you may want to contact the Accounting Division or the Purchasing Division. LEW/egm 15-6 Court Tower - West Wing • 1200 North Telegraph Road • Pontiac, Michigan 48341-1043 • (313) 858.0550 • Fax (313) 858-1003 U of Players) WHITE LAKE GLEN OAKS RED OAKS SPRINGFIELD WHITE LAKE GLEN OAKS RED OAKS SPRINGFIELD 1989 LF COMPARISON GOLF 9 18 2nd 9 9 18 2nd 9 9 18 2nd 9 Non- Holes Holes Holes Holes Holes Holes Holes Holes Holes Resident Regular Regular Regular Senior Seniors Seniors Weekend Weekend Weekend Twilight 121 8,983 1,336 1,011 6,656 2,597 872 8,514 7,050 641 3,526 $90.75 3,042 10,191 1,775 906 9,861 1,760 1,377 10,598 7,435 670 3,589 $2,281.50 4,606 8,254 -0- 351 8,784 -0- 304 11,225 -0- 203 1,691 $2,303.00 1,187 3,473 2,921 766 1,813 6,937 749 4,203 9,669 477 2,928 $890.25 CARTS 9 Holes 18 Holes 2nd 9 Seniors Seniors Seniors Regular Regular Regular 9 Holes 18 Holes 2nd 9 Cart Cart Cart Cart Cart Cart 5,064 2,793 353 1,426 988 185 3,787 2,819 236 2,100 792 288 1,830 -0- 64 1,030 -0- 54 4,919 4,683 313 1,210 3,441 276 1990 GOLF COMPARISON GOLF (# of Players) 9 18 2nd 9 9 18 2nd 9 9 18 2nd 9 Non- Holes Holes Holes Holes Holes Holes Holes Holes Holes Resident Regular Regular Regular Senior Senior Senior Weekend Weekend Weekend Twilight WHITE LAKE 2,816 10,760 1,706 2,025 8,561 2,787 1,896 8,367 7,472 804 3,893 $4,928.00 GLEN OAKS 8,910 14,017 3,080 2,035 11,807 2,430 2,413 9,440 7,312 611 3,946 $15,592.50 RED OAKS 7,942 9,570 -0- 427 8,497 -0- 506 10,179 -0- 178 1,860 $13,898.50 SPRINGFIELD 5,732 A,182 3,378 1,493 1,824 7,519 1,231 4,007 8,693 618 3,179 $10,031.00 WHITE LAKE GLEN OAKS RED OAKS SPRINGFIELD 9 Holes 18 Holes 2nd 9 Regular Regular Regular Cart Cart Cart 4,928 2,824 347 4,065 2,965 234 1,879 -0- 36 5,092 4,403 426 CARTS Seniors Seniors Seniors 9 Holes 18 Holes 2nd 9 Cart Cart Cart 1,822 1,141 251 2,669 815 623 1,124 -0- 8 1,324 3,732 241 C7 �iJ DMEMEM ui �da� etc/' OAMIND COUNTY PARKS ING-1991 WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF CaWE Twin Lakes Golf Course was dedicated in 1928, and built by the Vantine family. There was only the front nine at that time, and the clubhouse was very small. At the end of our hallway you can still see the brick wall which was the outside wall of the original starter building. Where the existing banquet room is was once a huge practice putting green, and a large willow tree. Oakland County bought the golf course from the Vantine brothers in the fall of 1970, roughed in the back nine the spring of 1971. The new clubhouse was rebuilt in the fall of 1971, and the back nine was officially opened for play on July 19, 1972. , White lake Oaks Golf Course runs from approximately April 1 through the second week in November, seven days a week unless "Mother Nature' dictates otherwise. We open approximately 15 minutes after sunrise, and close at dark. A limited supply of golf supplies are carried in our pro -shop (tees, new and recycled golf balls, socks, peds, spikes, hats, towels and gloves). Weekend reservations can be made by calling us on the Wednesday evening prior to the weekend starting at 6:15 p.m., or you may make a tee time in person starting at 6:00 p.m. All tee times made for #1 tee prime time (open til 1:00) are mandatory 18 holes. Nine hole reservations may be made for early tee -off the Lack nine, or for after 1:00. Our pro -shop and starter will join all groups to form threesomes or foursomes. Twilight rates are available Monday through Friday evenings for golf after 7:00 p.m. You may call during the day to make a twilight reservation. The earlier you call, the better or earlier time you will receive. We do not guarantee you will complete 9 holes of golf. Tee times start at 6:30 P.M., but twilight rates don't start until 7:00 p.m. We offer senior and junior discount rates. You must be 62 or older to obtain senior rates, and 17 or younger to receive junior rates. These rates are only good Monday through Friday (excluding holidays). We only accept senior and/or junior 18 holers until 1:00 and 9 holers until 3:00 p.m. This is the policy at all Oakland County golf courses. In an effort to make golf more enjoyable for all, we are attempting to encourage faster play; hours and 15 minutes for 9 holes, and 4 hours and 30 minutes for an 18 hole round. 1. If you have taken 10 swings at the ball and still have not reached the green, pick up your ball and go to the next tee. 2. Please practice continuous putting rules, honors are for pros!!! 3. Look only TIUE MUM for a lost ball, allow the group behind you to play through. 4. If you want to teach someone to play, do it on a driving range, not on the golf course. 5. Be prepared to play when its your turn, select your club, line up your shot or putt, and take one practice swing while others are hitting. 6. Forget honors, FIRST PERSON ON THE TEE OR GREEN - HIT THE RUIN! Walk to your ball, play when ready in the fairway as long as it does not interfere with other golfers. 7. You are given minutes between nines to come to the clubhouse for refreshments. If you lose your position on the tee, the starter will work you in when time permits. You cannot stop for lunch and receive honors on the number 10 tee. . . . 15-9 19J1 KAM5 You are required to stow proof of OAKLAND COUNTY RESIDENCY. If you are from out of county, or unable to show proof, you.will be charged $2.00 more.per nine holes. FEES WEEKDAY 9 18 2nd 9 SENIORS 9 & JUNIORS 18 2nd 9 E• Mu • HOLIDAYS .. • POWER CARTS $ 7.00 RBAHARS 9 $ 9.00 12.00 18 17.00 + 1.00 Key Dep. 5.00 2nd 9 8.00 $ 4.75 SENIORS 9 $ 7.00 8.50 18 12.00 + 1.00 Key Dep. 3.75 2nd 9 5.00 $ 9.00 PULL -CARTS $ 1.50 + .50 dep. 15.00 6.00 RENTAL CLUBS $ 3.00 w/security $ 5.00 CLUB. STORAGE $20.00 yearly TOURNAM= JUNIOR TOURNAMENT - White Lake Oak June 21, 1991 SENIOR TOURNAMENT - White Lake Oaks August 9, 1991 THREE -WOMAN SCRAMBLE - White Lake Oaks September 22, 1991 COURSE POLICIES 1. After you have checked in with pro -shop, check in with starter. 2. Starters will join up everyone to form a THREESOME OR FOURSOME. 3. Power carts are not permitted in the parking lots. 4. No more than two persons or two sets of clubs per golf cart. 5.- No coolers or insulated beverage containers allowed on course. 6. Water will only go out on 850 or hotter days (When we have man -power). 7. Not mandatory to wave up on Par 3's, but we do appreciate when done. 8. Rain Checks are only given out for inclement weather, not slow play. 9. Norr-playing walkers and caddies not permitted on golf course. 10. Each golfer must have their own set of clubs and bag. 11: Must be 18 and possess a valid drivers license to rent power carts. 12. No children, 16 or under, may ride on a power cart at any time. 13. Please cooperate with our staff, they are only doing their job. MiNDAY TURII FRIDAY S'CHEDUIE MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Leagues on Leagues on Leagues on Leagues on No leagues one side 0 G one side 0 G one side 0 G one side 0 G in morning 7:45-10:30 P 0 7:15-10:30 P O 6:30-10:00 P O 8:20-11:00 P O Waterford P& R Ji E L N F E L E L E L 8 week, Mid-sumrmer N F N F N F Leauges on both Leagues on both Leagues on both Leagues on both Leagues on both nines. NO OPEN GOLF nines. NO OPEN GOLF nines. NO OPEN GOLF nines. NO OPEN GOLF nines. NO OPEN GO 3:40-6:30p.m. 3:40-6:30p.m. 3:40-6:30p.m. 3:40-6:30p.m. 4:30-6p.m. LEAGUES MAKE-UP POLICIES: Can only be made up on weekdays during open golf hours, including twilight golf. Make -ups cannot be made up on weekends or holidays. All make -ups have to be made by October 31, 1991. Make -ups do not carry over to the next year. 15-10 MANAGER: Nancy Seets Acne Ps: 698-2700 & 698-2701