HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1992.04.09 - 39896OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION 2800 Watkins Lake Road • Waterford, Michigan 48328 (313) 858-0906 9 Fax (313) 858-1683 April 2, 1992 To the Members of the OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328 Ladies and Gentlemen: Ralph A. Richard Manager Jon J. Kipke Assistant Manager Lewis E. Wint Chairman Jean M.Fox Vice Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Secretary Fred Korzon George W. Kuhn Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Thomas A. Law John E. Olsen Alice Tomboulian Richard V. Vogt Attached is the agenda for the retreat being held at the Bonnymi.11 Inn in Chesaning on April 9 - 10, 1992. A map is enclosed for your information; general directions are north on I-75 to 57, then west on 57 to Chesaning. The Bonnymill Inn is "on the boulevard" in town. A gauge for time: The drive is expected to take approximately 1-2 hours from our office. As you will remember at the last retreat, four main areas were chosen for the Commission and staff to work on for the '91-'92 year: Human - Jon Kipke Physical - Joe Figa Consumer - Jan Pung Financial - Frank Trionfi At this retreat, Robert Frost will help us measure the results of last year's goals and objectives. Also to be discussed is the future direction for the department's '92-193 goals and objectives. The goals and objectives in the package have been formulated with the input from the supervisors in the department. I have also enclosed for your review the Parks Commission's mission statement and the individual mission statements of the four areas. See you in Chesaning. RR:ks Sincerely, Ralph Richard, Manager Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION BOARD/STAFF RETREAT April 9 - 10, 1992 Date Thursday, April 9 Check in after 3 p.m. into the Bonnymill Inn 6 p.m. Reception at the Chesaning Heritage House 7 p.m. Dinner at the Chesaning Heritage House 8 p.m. Brainstorming Session Friday, April 10 8 a.m. Breakfast at the Inn 9 a.m. Review of 1991-92/92-93 Goals and Objectives 1. Consumer Resources - Jan Pung 2. Human Resources - Jon Kipke 12 Noon Lunch at the Inn 1:30 p.m. Review of 1991-92/92-93 Goals and Objectives (Cont.) 3. Physical Resources - Joe Figa 4. Financial Resources - Frank Trionfi Open Discussion 4:30 p.m. Adjournment OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MISSION STATEMENT To provide all residents of Oakland County with recreational leisure and learning experiences, parks, open spaces, facilities, professional staff and fiscal management resulting in a comprehensive county park system that enhances the residents quality of life. Tipp CO�l� Issip � EQ,�{L.S O�'0D c0� to administer 2AT 1 tra1ned staff m�ssyon result, S Sp"liR�'S MlSsipll ent, Prof ess�onal d &ecreat1on com trons . � �`�' r°v�'de a comPet s on the parks a�'s stem for its Pa T° Pcles and Program ccessible Pats y the P°11a h quality a e of high hl�q'�allty ing yn �. dents a wide ran � an enhanced �tS �iISSIpN STAT kland c°unty resyes which res°lt yth. CO�STi o Provide all Oa eation eXPelc e- and metal heal ,l le, safe, rear better Pk'`Js3"ca1 aff°rd e lifestyle and is of Oakland s 1.elsur IOC S,�ATF,I�1L�' f°� all redden hysical res°"rce L LtESO�cy-S MISS e� and ma1nta1n' sally designed P al ProPert�es� p�SICA acqulre� imPr°v erslfied� unyver.on of recreat1°n nt and future 20 yearrround� divfective utiliZati meeting of prese county ' the of and the in wh1ch resul n natural areas of Pteservatio eas. anafe, recreatl°nal ne sp4na fiscal m Oakland S t+lISSIpN STAB Oakland county ed°r a qualsty l3�CIp,T� REsp�,c� the c1t1Zens of er income util1Z FI t° an th To Prov.�de venu d o es ent °f voted taX re m park system county CONSUME, "(1991-1992 ) GOALS/OBJECTIVES Goal 1 Provide recreational activities and services that meet the needs and wants of Oakland County residents. OUTCOME MEASURES Objective(s) ( 1.1 Document enhanced card 1.1 Provide more opportunities for distribution visitors to receive comment cards 1.2 Improve comment card response by ( 1.2 Detail staff response staff and integrate suggestions into) strategy to card facilities/programs comments 1.3 Conduct more scientific research method to survey public support for 1.3 - 1.4 Report on survey ballot proposal ( results 1.4 Conduct a survey measuring resident opinions for: master plan update, 1.5 Submit recommended grants, and future development and hunting control acquisition program procedures 1.5 Review hunting requirements and control (Orion Oaks) -------------------------------------------+--------------------------- Goal 2 1 Promote the visibility and image of the park system to existing and potential users. Objective(s) 2.1 Dollar discount for weekly camping to members of National Campers and Hiking Assoc. 2.2 Series of articles on Oakland Co. Parks camping sent to Michigander publication 2.3 Previous methods to reach senior campers evaluated and new methods explored 2.4 Promotional plan developed for Red and Waterford Oaks Waterparks 2.1 Report on promotional success 2.2 Two articles submitted for publication 2.3 Report on proposed new methods reviewed STAFF ASSIGNED All chiefs Jan Jan Ralph Dan -+-------------- Jan ATTAINMENT Met Partially Not Met Met XX XX XX XX XX -----+-----+-----------+----------- Jan, and Nature Center staff Jan 2.4 Promotional plan Jan submitted XX I XX XX XX CONSUNEW (continued) GOALS/OBJECTIVES OUTCOME MEASURES STAFF ASSIGNED ATTAINMENT Met I Partially I Not Met 1 1 Met 1 Goal 3 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I Promote a better appreciation of Oaklandl County's natural environment through 1 1 outdoor experiences and programs. 1 Objective(s) I 3.1 Better publicize and continue r 3.1 Four articles printed ( Jan, and Nature ( XX 1 environmental recycling and/or in Acorn, Oaknotes, and) Center staff ( 1 preservation information in Acorn, other publications ( I 1 Oaknotes, and other publications ( 1 3.2 Seek sponsorship to assist in ( 3.2 Report on sponsor 1 .Jan 1 ( XX promotion of environmental education) support for I 1 programs in schools and Nature 1 environmental programs I Interpretive Program -------------------------------------------+----------------------------+--------------------+-----+-----------+--------- Goal 4 Use consumer response to facilitate better planning. Objectives) 4.1 Provide quicker response residents on all concerns park system -------------------------------- to about the 4.1 Report on improved response system All chiefs ( XX I I ---------+----------------------------+--------------------+-----+-----------+--------- CONSUMERS RESOUR( (1992-1993) GOALS/OBJECTIVES Goal 1 Provide recreational activities and services that meet the needs and wants of Oakland County residents. 'Objective(s) 1.1 Present a park orientation program specifically designed for what you want your employees to know and what your expectations are of them. 1.2 Expand our policy, or make a re- commitment, to be more sensitive and responsive to the park visitors. (Better ways to be more responsive.) 1.3 Keep current information available to those people answering the parks telephones. 1.4 Choose more carefully the people you hire for your parks. 1.5 Improve telephone communication to our park inquiries. (Example: provide electronic information message about parks while they are on hold.) 1.6 Implement environmental, recycling education programs and oppor- tunities. (Expand into our other parks; outreach more with the interpretive programs.) 1.7 Mail back mobile recreation evaluations rather than having them returned immediately in person. 1.8 Develop tracking system for com- ment cards. Objectives in progress. OUTCOME MEASURES STAFF ASSIGNED Jan/Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Jan/Nature Center Staff ATTAINMENT Met Partially Not Met Met In Progress In Progress Page 2 --Consumers ;(Others:) 1.9 Provide fees and charges, and the rationale, for the park and golf course users. 1.10 Promote golf education. 1.11 Promote more events to encourage physical fitness. 1.12 Revise questions on mobile recre- ation comment card. 1.13 Survey golfers on course - midway through course (outsider rather than staff.) 1.14 Scientific in -park studies. 1.15 On golf schedules, put comments on daily schedules. (Get more feedback from staff at parks/golf courses.) 1.16 Develop overview of the park (or the entire system) so visitors can select what areas they may want to see while visiting the park. ------------------------------------------ ,,Goal 2 Promote the visibility and image of the park system to existing and potential users. '''Objective(s) 2.1 Advertise new parks features; make sure people associate them _ with Oakland County. 2.2 Implement the parks highway signage program. 2.3 Enhance the entrance of our parks and golf courses - signs. 2.4 Expand information exchange with local parks and recreation de- partments and cities. 2.5 Management staff visible at parks, pools, and golf courses, rather than just first part-time/ seasonal staff. Jan/Staff Dan Joe Ralph Staff Page 3 - Consr ,-rs 2.6 Expand nature center weekend programming. 2.7 Resurrect the parks photo contest. '(Others:) 2.8 Advertise with theater promo- tions - "your tax dollars at work" programs. 2.9 Expand cable programming. 2.10 Reconsider adopt -a -highway pro- gram. 2.11 Continue to enhance services/ personnel of Scooter program. -------------------------------------------- Goal 3 Promote a better appreciation of Oakland County's natural environment through outdoor experience. Objective(s) 3.1 Inform people that Oakland County is banking open space for future park use. 3.2 Compile a historical background of the parks. 3.3 Reconsider Orion Oaks' day use commitment. 3.4 Provide plant identification at the parks and golf courses. ioal 4 Use consumer response to facilitate better planning. Nature Ctr; Staff Jan Ralph/Joe Staff Page 4 - Const—rs Objective(s) 4.1 Be attuned to the.park visitors who have complaints and/or sug- gestions. (Possibly have staff complete the form and forward it to Manager.) 4.2 Evaluate annual free day in parks (for less advantaged). (Others:) 4.3 Consider a promotional user service award. 4.4 Evaluate annual free day in parks (for less advantaged.) ------------------------------------- Staff Staff Staff HUNAN RESOU]k..s (19 91-19 9 2 ) GOALS/OBJECTIVES i goal 1 Identify staffing and position needs OUTCOME MEASURES STAFF ASSIGNED Met ATTAINMENT Partially I Not Met Met I Objective(s) 1 1.1 Recommendations I Ralph, Imo[ I I I 1.1 Review staff needs in relation to: ( developed for staffing ( Commission I XX -proposed new property acquisition ( in relations to: Chief I I I -Americans with Disabilities Act 1 of Recreation, A.D.A., I Jon -the implementation of the Chief of l and new property l Recreation position I acquisitions ( I I -------------------------------------------+----------------------------+--------------------+-----+------------ Goal 2 1 2.1 Distribute minimum of 31 1 1 1 Continue to provide funding and oppor- tunities for staff training. I different workshop I I I opportunities and I All chiefs l 1 XX I budget monies per I I appropriate employee 1 Objectives) 1 2.1 Select and distribute conf./workshopl 2.2 Report on method for material and budget for attendance I evaluation and 2.2 Evaluate effectiveness of training I perceived success efforts I Ralph, Jon ( I XX I I XX 2.3 Review and present staff need for i 2.3 Provide listing of I XXXXKXXKXK Jon commercial driver's license and I regulations, costs, andl certification for chemical applic. I staff for training 2.4 Promote the benefit of C.E.U.s and ( I tuition reimbursement 12.4 Disseminate information) Ralph, ,Jon I or inservice staff re. 1 CEUs or tuition reimbursement I -------------------------------------------+----------------------------+--------------------; XX it II 1 I XX I -----+-----------+---------- HUXAN RESO ES (continued) GOALS/OBJECTIVES { OUTCOME MEASURES { STAFF ASSIGNED ATTAINMENT { { {Met { Partially { Not Met { { { { Met { -------------------------------------------+----------------------------+--------------------+-----+-----------+------------- Goal 3 { { { I { Provide staff with up-to-date equipment { { { { and facilities. { { { { { Objective(s) ( { { { { 3.1 Provide monetary support for ( 3.1 Priority equipment { XXXXXKXNXK Jon ( XX { { replacement or new equipment needs ( purchased { { { { 3.2 Explore new equipment options via { 3.2 Report attendance on 4 { MN Jon - Chiefs{ XX { { workshops, exhibitions, { opportunities { { { { demonstrations, etc.) { { { { 3.3 Begin utilizing County Purchasing { 3.3 - 3.6 Report on { XYYXKKX;SXN Frank { XX { { computer for purchases { implementation of { { ( { 3.4 Increase use and refinement of { expanded ( Dan, Frank { ( XX { campground computer program { computerization { ( { { 3.5 Expand campground computer ( { Dan, Frank ( { XX scheduling program XjXX)UYKEDbN= { { { { { 3.6 Expand campground computer { { Dan, Frank { { { XX scheduling program to Groveland Oaks{ { { { -------------------------------------------+----------------------------+-------------------- Goal 4 { { { ( { Provide open lines of communication for ( { { { staff to address needs and concerns. { { { { { 1 4.1 Report on obtained ( All chiefs { { Objective(s) { staff feedback { { 4.1 Solicit feedback from staff on ( { { improved communication { 4.2 Report on success of { _Ralpfi �j�� { 4.2 Schedule employee appreciation night{ appreciation event { XX "-------------------------------------------+----------------------------+--------------------+------ { XX { ------------+------------- (continued) HUXAN RESODA%,ES (continued) GOALS/OBJECTIVES Goal 5 Nurture opportunities for informal communication between commission and staff. Objective(s) 5.1 Have commissioners more involved as dignitaries and presenters at special events/activities 5.2 Hold staff/commission retreat 5.3 Have commissioners be more identifiable when visiting facilities 5.4 Have more meaningful park tours 5.5 Direct questions/concerns to staff prior to commission meetings 5.6 Be prompt and prepared for commission meetings 5.7 Introductions and interaction with program staff during commission OUTCOME MEASURES 5.1 Schedule and record events with commissioners as dignitaries 5.2 Report on retreat interaction success 5.3 Identify the observed results of enhanced commissioner identity 5.4 Schedule and evaluate park tours 5.5 Staff report extent of precommission meeting interaction STAFF ASSIGNED R. Richard Commission All chiefs Commission All chiefs Commission Ralph _ Lew All chiefs meetings 1 5.6 Commission self -rating I Commissioners on meeting preparedness) 5.7 Scheduled interaction I Commissioners, with 4 program staff I All chiefs ATTAINMENT Met Partially Not Met Met XX XX XX XX �I XX (I XX XX (at parks, at coffee and doughnut time) -------------------------------------- -----+----------------------------+--------------------+-----+-----------+------------- HUMAN RESOURCES '1992-1993) 'GOALS/OBJECTIVES OUTCOME MEASURES STAFF ASSIGNED ATTAINMENT Met Partially Not Met Met ;Goal 1 Identify staffing and position needs. 'Objective(s) 1.1 Review staff needs in relation to: --volunteers as rangers --part-time naturalist at various parks --Scooter - volunteers (seniors and adults --volunteer/community service coordinator --bike flags on range carts Jon/Sue .Goal 2 Continue to provide funding and oppor- tunities for staff training. Objective(s) 2.1 Encourage staff training and develop an evaluation for effec- tiveness of training efforts. Jon 2.2 Review and evaluate the tuition reimbursement program for possible recommendation of in- creases and use. Jon I(Others:) 2.3 Create position for pay at lower rates, but not limited to students and retirees. 2.4 Implement a four-year rate for park attendant positions. --------------------------------------------------- 'Goal 3 Provide staff with up-to-date equip- ment and facilities. Page 2 - Human Objective(s) _ 3.1 Implement and evaluate office automation program 3.2 Investiage a master reservation program to include facility rental, Mobile Recreation unit reservations, etc. (Others:) 3.3 Further investigate uses of county Purchasing program on computer. 3.4 Implement and evaluate Landcad computer system. --------------------------------------- Goal 4 Provide open lines of communication for staff to address needs and concerns. :Objective(s) 4.1 Improve communications for CIP projects with park staff. 4.2 Communicate to staff on major issues, such as current status and/or future direction, etc. 4.3 Solicit feedback from staff on improved communication. (Super- visors and staff meetings; open door policy.) 4.4 Meeting with chiefs at various parks to meet with staff on a _ regular basis. I(Others:) 4.5 When parks and recreation staff enter any park, stop and identify yourself at the office or contact station so the park is aware that you are there. 4.6 Voice mail at main office. ------------------------------------------ Frank/Staff Sue/Frank Joe/Staff Staff Staff Staff Page 3 - Humar Goal 5 Nurture opportunities for informal communication between commission and staff. Objective(s) 5.1 Have commissioners more in- volved as dignitaries and presenters at special events/ activities. 5.2 Direct questions/concerns to staff prior to commission meetings. 5.3 Have more meaningful park tours. 5.4 Have commissioners be more identifiable when visiting facilities. 5.5 Introductions and interactions with program staff during com- mission meetings. ;;(Others:) 5.6 Hold staff/commission retreat. 5.7 Be prompt and prepared for com- mission meetings. 5.8 Highlight each different section, such as in the administration office or at the nature center at Independence Oaks. 5.9 Commission to write thank you letters to staff for good year. 5.10 Commission to look to future. ------------------------------------------ Staff/Commission Commission Staff Staff/Commission Commission PHYSICAL REST :ES (1991-1992) GOALS/OBJECTIVES J OUTCOME MEASURES I STAFF ASSIGNED I I I Goal 1 I i Acquisition of appropriate lands --to I 1 meet defined needs. 11.1 Identify 3 grants or I Ralph, Joe I other funding Met ATTAINMENT Partially I Not Met Met Objective(s) I possibilities ( 1 1 I 1.1 Monitor grants and pursue other I 1 means of funding acquisitions i.e. i 1.2 Develop position/policy) Joe, Ralph I I XX Nature Conservancy I paper in relation to 1.2 Definition of acquisition goal as tot land acquisition (next I ( I I type of appropriate lands, size, I 2 years) I I I location, etc. I I 1.3 Follow through on Rose Township ( 1.3 Report on acquisition I Joe ( XX acquisition J status I -------------------------------------------+----------------------------+--------------------+-----+-----------+------------- Goal 2 I I I I I Maintain and update existing facilities.) ( i 1 2.1 Listing of projects I Joe - Ralph Objectives) I scheduled and their I I I 1 2.1 Prioritize 1991 C.I.P. and schedule I status I I XX I I construction 1 1 2.2 Tentatively prioritized C.I.P. 12.2 Projected prioritized ( Joe - Ralph schedule based on future funding 1 listing of capital (1992-1995) i funding for 1992-1995 -------------------------------------------+----------------------------+----------------- Goal 3 I I Review Orion Oaks plan in light of I I funding and new conditions - determine I 1 direction I I !' Objective(s) 13.1 Report on alternative 1 Joe - Ralph 3.1 Review plan for alternate or phasing) choices based on if funding available I funding I a-------------------------------------------+----------------------------+----------------- I I -------+------------- I XX -+-----+-----------+------ (continued) PHYSICAL RESO►AtES (continued) GOALS/OBJECTIVES Goal 4 Promote and implement universally designed facilities. Objective(s) 4.1 Review new laws to see how they apply to report and to future and to existing facilities OUTCOME MEASURES STAFF ASSIGNED 4.1 Submit a report listings All chiefs impacting legislation and suggested implementation positions -------------------------------------------+----------------------------+-------- Goal 5 1 1 Develop facilities that are adaptable to changing needs. ----------+ ATTAINMENT Met Partially Not Met Met XX ---+-----------+------------I I - Objectives) 1 5.1 Submit completed plans ( Joe 5.1 Complete revisions to plans for for revisions for XX Addison Oaks and Groveland Oaks Addison and Groveland 5.2 Survey work, outline required Oaks revisions, and retain consultant if I XX necessary to complete revisions to 5.2 Report on Master Plan Joe Recreation Master Plan revision -------------------------------------------+----------------------------+--------------------+-----+-----------+------------- Goal 6 Continue the development of park standards. 6.1 Submit recommendations Joe Objective(s) for necessary standards) 6.1 Review each park for existing design] and resulting proposed XX integrity and need for standards design changes ADA -------------------------------------------+----------------------------+--------------------+-----+-----------+------------- 'GOALS/OBJECTIVES PHYSICAL RESOURCF"; (1992-1993) OUTCOME MEASURES STAFF ASSIGNED ATTAINMENT Met Partially Not Met Met Goal 1 Acquisition of appropriate lands to meet defined needs. Objective(s) 1.1 Re-establish land acquisition policy --buy, develop, protect. Commission 1.2 Research land needs including local, state and county, where we have a deficit and don't serve that recreational need. For example, historical, wildlife habitats. Staff/Commission 1.3 Re-evaluate parks for future land needs. Ralph/Joe/Comm. 1.4 Acquire the rookery property in 1992-93. Staff/Commission (Others:) 1.5 Acquire a modern-day farm to operate for visitors. 1.6 Develop Festival of Lights at a park, perhaps Groveland because of its available power sources throughout the park. °.Goal 2 Maintain and update existing facilities. 'Objective(s) 2.1 Pre -plan 1993 Capital Improve- ment Projects. 2.2 Evaluate the possibility of dividing the CIP Budget into two categories --existing and new (maintenance and improvement). 2.3 Develop a facility maintenance and design standard checklist. 2.4 Tentatively prioritize CIP schedule based on future funding. Staff Joe/Staff Dan/Joe/John Staff !;Page 2 - Physi 7 2.5 Prioritize facility restoration based on evaluation. ,(Others:) 2.6 Revenue -producing facilities are to be maintained first and fore- most. 2.7 Continue to have a facilities safety checklist. 2.8 Staff should lay groundwork for CIP projects further in advance, like one year. 2.9 Review parking at all facilities. ---------------------------------------------- (Goal 3 Review Orion Oaks plan in light of funding and new cveditions--determine direction. 'Objective(s) 3.1 Review plan for alternate or phasing if funding available. 3.2 Implement day use at Orion Oaks -- the northeast corner would be developed with parking, shelters and a trail to get to the lake. (Others:) 3.3 Review or evaluate effects of hunting at Orion Oaks --how the physical changes we made because of hunting will affect the use -- good or bad. ----------------------------------------- Goal 4 Promote and implement universally - designed facilities. Objective(s) 4.1 Implement based on ADA guide- lines. Staff Chiefs/Comm. Chiefs/Comm. Joe Page 3 - Physiral 4.2 Develop children's_ water areas at two waterparks. (Others:) 4.3 Educate staff and consumers on ADA. 4.4 Develop facilities for week-long camping lodge for school -age children at Independence or Groveland. Goal 5 Develop facilities that are adaptable to changing needs. 'Objective(s) 5.1 Initiate revisions to the Independence Oaks master plan. (Others:) 5.2 Develop a plan and potential funding for bike paths at Inde- pendence Oaks. 5.3 Promote facility identification/ awareness. 5.4 Promote facility identification/ awareness to the public. ------------------------------------------ `Goal 6 Continue the development of park standard. Objectives) 6.1 Implement or initiate the de- signing of the actual standard for design integrity based on review of each park. a. Signage b. Control gates c. Lighting Joe/Staff Joe Joe Page 4 - Physi 'l 6.2 Develop programs for land use, forest, and meadow management. 6.3 Purchase an additional golf course. ;(Others:) 6.4 Develop park signage plan. 6.5 Do we need a glitz facility. --------------------------------------- Staff Staff FINANCIAL RESC jES (1991-1992) GOALS/OBJECTIVES Goal 1 Promote passage of commission's millages. OUTCOME MEASURES I STAFF ASSIGNED I � J J I I 1.1 Report submitted on J Jan Ralph Joe public opinion research) J J Objective(s) 1 1.2 Review and list ( WAIREXXX 1.1 Research public opinion on funding J potential new funding J Chiefs for park acquisition/programming J sources J 1.2 Research new funding sources 1.3 Determine impact of property tax laws (freeze) -------------------------------------------+ Goal 2 Review established user fees to assure they are reasonable and equitable, and to maintain the concept of a self- supporting operation. 1.3 Report on budget impact) Frank in budget document I ---------------------------+-------------------- Objective(s) I I 2.1 Implement change in fees and charges) 2.1 Report on the effect ofl -annual permit (U.P.) fee and charge changes J -air conditioning units J -island and shelter rentals -Groveland waterslide J -deposits for rentals -nonresident park fees J -golf rates I -snowmobile rates -Y.A.C. rentals I J -nonresident wavepool fees J J -swim lessons J i -camping fees Frank -Staff ATTAINMENT Met J Partially J Not Met Met � J Revilwed; TabledJtil '94 J 1 1 J XX XX I I XX I Adjusted Budget for '92 -----+-----------+--------- XX --------_-----------------------------------+----------------------------+--------------------+------ Goal 3 - Aggressively pursue grant funding. 3.1 List of monies accessed) Joe I XX Objective(s) 3.1 Pursue money payable on completed J grants J 3.2 Formulate decision on the utilization of Orion Oaks J from completed grants J ( 3.2 Position statement to I All Chiefs board projecting future) utilization of Orion I (J ( Increased Dropped Same Changed No change Increased Increased Increased Increased J Started in4rease Increased J Increased ------------+------ Rookery Rose i XX I Open to lifited day use.) FINANCIAL RESI %ES (continued) GOALS/OBJECTIVES I OUTCOME MEASURES I STAFF ASSIGNED ATTAINMENT I I I I Goal 4 Met I Partially I Not Met Met I I I Provide funding for future capital I I Joe, Ralph, XX IC I I I improvement and acquisition 14.1 Report completed on I I prioritized future ( ( I XX I Objective(s) I capital needs for 4 yrsl 4.1 Develop a projection of future I I capital needs (4 year time frame) ( 4.2 Position statement I Frank, Ralph I 4.2 Formulation of decision on I identifying funding utilization of funds for acquisition) formula on a percent and development I basis for 4 yrs I -------------------------------------------+----------------------------+---------- Goal 5 I I I Increase efficiency for cost reductions i I I objective(s) I 5.1 Reduce vehicle lease costs 5% ( I 5.2 Reduce utility costs 5% 15.1 - 5.3 Submit report ( Frank 5.3 Implement cost savings in staff ( listing cost savings I productivity and utilities I attained I 5.4 Review cost savings in relation to I private vs. county contractors 15.4 Identify potential I Frank (computing, vehicles, etc.) I savings from 5.5 Establish on-line computer I privitization I maintenance program (if endorsed by I XX I Funds com�itted I I for 2 ylears I I I --------+-----+-----------+--------- I I I legal opinion) ( 5.5 Report projected savingl Frank - John i from computer program I I ( I I I I I I I I I � I -------------------------+----------------------------+--------------------+- XX I I XX I XX II II I --+-----------+--------- 'Page 2 - Finan-'31 :Goal 3 _ Aggressively pursue grant funding. Objective(s) 3.1 Aggressively pursue other grant funding. 3.2 Pursue money payable on completed grants. '',(Others:) 3.3 Update commission's position on Orion Oaks in regards to grant funding. ------------------------------------------ Goal 4 Provide funding for future capital improvement and acquisition. Objective(s) 4.1 Formulation of decision on utilization of funds for acquisition and development. (Others:) 4.2 Develop a projection of future capital needs (4-year time frame). 4.3 Address ADA funding requirements for implementation of access- ibility. ----------------------------------------- :Goal 5 Increase efficiency for cost reduc- tions. Objective(s) 5.1 Evaluate cost benefits. 5.2 Implement an incentive program for those who reach financial goals. 5.3 Review cost savings in relation to private vs. county con- tractors. Staff Frank Frank Frank/Staff Frank/Staff Frank/Staff FINANCIAL RESOURC` (1992-1993) GOALS/OBJECTIVES OUTCOME MEASURES STAFF ASSIGNED ATTAINMENT Met Partially Not Met Met '',Goal 1 Promote passage of commission's millage. Objectives) 1.1 Increase public awareness and support of continued passage of millage. Jan (Others:) 1.2 Research new funding sources (i.e. corporate adopt -a -park). 1 2 Review established user fees to assure they are reasonable and equitable, and to maintain the concept of a self- supporting operation. ective(s) 2.1 Implement change in fees and charges --annual motor vehicle permit --island and shelter rentals --deposits for rentals --golf rates --YAC rentals --camping fees 2.2 Consider one sticker that is collaborated with other park systems. (Others:) 2.3 Use credit cards at Springfield and Addison for all purchases in 1992. 2.4 Possible camper storage at day use parks. ----------------------------------------- Frank/Staff Frank Dan/Staff !Page 3 - Finar *al `',(Others:) - 5.4 Implement cost savings in staff productivity. 5.5 Evaluate on-line computer main- tenance program. 5.6 Evaluate new technology for management. ---------------------------------------- Goal 6 Provide appropriate, significant fund- ing for public awareness. G SESg7,pt1 B Ij15`�p i N iwwos on xe TV-p e sow Paxk.s £ox 9 x 2xyonf� tyon on lip e ln�oxma Attached is ental Charges Dan gtenc1l 1- intexdepaxt'axks OPexat�ons e of P gameltYiat 2- Agenda anning too'). tabs on pl e 3. Cenexae uses sects ,,,,,,Se 1 a o� the P e t 1 Cell gauge 4. pa nag Pxo�ected �oo3age 4 • SuSAm o fxola 1g90 Rene es R.a1Ph Rychaxd Ra1P1' Richard 1991 INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES O.C. Communications Fund O.C. Computer Services Fund O.C. Facilities & Operations O.C. Fringe Benefits O.C. General Fund * O.C. Materials Managment Fund ** O.C. Motor Pool Fund O.C. Office Equipment Fund O.C. Printing & Mailing O.C. Radio Communications Fund TOTAL INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS - 1991 $ 58,056.36 59,764.88 43,403.22 1,284,993.72 18,521.29 62,608.61 321,045.21 4,230.50 49,720.09 29,464.81 $1,931,808.69 *Miscellaneous Interdepartmental Charges such as, property tax refunds, Commission member's per diem & mileage, airline tickets, reimbursement of employee's commercial drivers license fee. **This fund manages O.C. Central Stores & O.C. Stationery Stock. 1 - 1 * PARKS OPERATIONS MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 2 1992 10:30 A.M. - NOON WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER *'AGENDA I. Identification / Collection of "Bio-facts" - Kathleen Dougherty. II. Park Deputy Schedule / Trusty Program. III. Budgets - Review. A. Project Budgeting. IV. Park Staff Meetings. V. Certified Pesticide / Herbicide Applicator. VI. Federal Government Surplus Trips. VII. First Aid Training Class Schedule? VIII.Department Owned Vehicles Service Update. IX. Twilight Day Use Fee Proposal. X. $.50 Change Test Program. XI. Other Topics. A. B. C. D. NEXT MEETING: Monday, April 6, 1992. 2 - 1 PARKS OPERATIONS MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1992 10:30 A.M. - NOON ** A G E N D A** I. PARKS DEPUTY PROGRAM A. 1992 Schedule B. Public Relations C. In -park Orientation D. Trusty Schedule II. BUDGETS A. 1992 B. 1993 III. CAMPGROUND RECREATION PROGRAM (11:15 a.m.) IV. DNR A. Goose Round -Up B. Fisheries Update C. Trails Grant V. 1992 RISK ASSESSMENT VI. ADA PARK ASSESSMENTS VII. PARK COMPLAINT SURVEYS (Gate, -Boat Rental & Misc.) VIII.CORPORATION COUNSEL AND RISK MANAGEMENT IX. MEDICAL ASSISTANCE MAPS X. TORNADO/SEVERE WEATHER PROCEDURES XI. SEASONAL EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION/PARK PUBLIC RELATIONS XII. CONFERENCE/SEMINAR REPORTS 2 - 2 XIII.COMPUTERS A. Update B. 1992 Mailing Lists XIV. PARKS RECYCLING PROGRAM XIV. OTHER TOPICS A. Winter Windbreathers - Brad B. "Adopt -a -Park" Program Proposal C. Park "Free" Entry Weekend (June 6 & 7) D. Employee Incentive Committee Update E. F. NEXT MEETING: MONDAY, MAY 3, 1992 - 10:30 A.M. SITE TO BE ANNOUNCED 2-3 Ralph Richard DNR Rookery Grant Radio Tower Department Goals, 92 Retreat Update - April Foundation Audit Report, 91 C.I.P. Meeting Dan Stencil Trusty Program Park Budget Review Management Interpretive Trail Programs, Addison & Independence Park Directional Road Signs Trees Donation Complete for 1993 Campground Reservations Park Awareness Frank Trionfi -5% Utilities, 92 Computer - Programs, 92 Review Budget 1991 Park Safety Program Toboggan Operation Report Vehicle Refund Insurance Rebates Mike Thibodeau Capital Improvement Projects Glen Oaks Drain Program Gas .Pumps Golf Fees Survey On the Desk of Ralph Richard April 1, 1992 Jon Kipke Supervisors Mtg. Schedule Technical Support Schedule Wave Pool Review Operations, 91-92 Conservation Ethic Review - April Dinosaur Contract State W/P Meeting Radio Study Joe Figa Addison Oaks Lagoon Capital Improvement Projects Toboggan Run - Waterford Oaks - Contract Addison Conference Center Master Plans A/0 G/O Jan Pung DOB Needham Mailing List Sponsorships Marketing, 92 Bus Transit Signs Awards Direct Mail Campaigns Sue Wells Wave Pool Schedule, 92 Therapeutic Recreation Special Events Schedule, 92 Waterford Oaks Pool Leak A. D. A. Update 3 - 1 STAFF LONG-RANGE NATURE CENTER WORKSHOP STRONG AREAS OF NATURE CENTER PROGRAMS AND STAFF TO THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 1. F.T. and PIP's are relevant. 2. Preschool programming effective and growing. 3. Good staff/diversity. 4. Customer service. 5. Use of volunteers. 6. Effective major events educational/entertaining. 7. Outreach broad -ranging. 8. Staff input to department. 9. Impressive building exhibits. 10. Change of environment for human use. 11. Environmental education. 12. Flexible in procedures. 13. Good relations between park staff. 14. Finances good/commission support. 15. Good public relations. 16. Environment -sensitive commitment. 17. Positive response from public. 18. Foster lifelong recreation. NATURE CENTER STAFF STRENGTHENING AREAS IN DEPARTMENT 1. Environmental assessment of facilities. 2. Development assessment. 3. Outreach to "non -believers," i.e. golfers, bikers, etc. 4. Cross -departmental information. 5. Multi -use of trails and effective interpretation. 6. Access of nature center by trails. 7. Promotion/advertise. 8. Staff/staff enrichment. 9. Service seniors. 10. Teacher networking. 11. Campground programs; 8 new for 1992. 12. Park staff environmental education. 13. Computers/new technology -- staff and patrons. 14. Clerical staff. 4 - 1 (Staff Long -Range Nature Center Workshop) Page 2 NATURE CENTER STAFF STRENGTHENING AREAS IN DEPARTMENT (Cont.) 15. Change exhibits. 16. Living history characters. 17. Planning/evaluating. 18. Pre/post-teacher material. 19. Teen programs. 20. Trail exhibits. NEW FOR FUTURE OF NATURE CENTER AND STAFF FOR PARK *l. Astronomy display. *2. Self -guided trail. *3. Pond. *4. Recycling facilities in all parks. 5. Animal displays. 6. Useable trails. 7. Master plan for Independence Oaks and natural resources plan for all parks. 8. Living history/future program; working farm/cabin. *9. System -wide plant identification. 10. Voyagers canoe. 11. Another/larger classroom decorate. 12. Satellite facility for nature interpretation. 13. Audio-visual room in classroom. 14. More props for programming. 15. Observatory. 16. Recycling exhibits. 17. Amphitheater roof. 18. Develop south end of park with a satellite structure. *Starting in 1992. 4 - 2 ACTUAL AD PROJECTED MILLAGE REVENUE SUMMARY 06/11/91 (2) (3) MILLAGE MILLAGE * CHARGES TOTAL CAPITAL (1) TAX RATE REVENUE REVENUE AND OTHER OPERATING OPERATING IMPROVEMENT YEAR S.E.V. HEADLEE COLLECTED RECEIVED REVENUE REVENUE EXPENSES PROJECTS 1990 $ 26,184,997 0.2173 $ 5,690,000 $ 5,251,651 $ 4,845,787 $ 10,097,438 $ 7,882,077 $ 2,215,361 1991 27,630,005 0.2173 6,004,000 5,690,000 5,166,724 10,856,724 8,563,526 2,293,198 1992 28,320,691 0.2450 6,938,569 6,004,000 4,928,760 10,932,760 9,029,589 1,903,171 1993 29,028,708 0.2400 6,966,890 6,938,569 5,175,198 12,113,767 9,481,068 2,632,699 1994 29,754,426 0.2350 6,992,290 6,966,890 5,433,958 12,400,848 9,955,122 2,445,726 1995 30,498,286 0.2300 7,014,606 6,992,290 5,705,656 12,697,946 10,452,878 2,245,068 1996 31,260,743 0.2250 7,033,667 7,014,606 5,990,939 13,005,544 10,975,522 2,030,023 1997 .32,823,780 0.2200 7,221,232 7,033,667 6,290,486 13,324,153 11,524,298 1,799,855 1998 34,464,969 0.2150 7,409,968 7,221,232 6,605,010 13,826,241 12,100,513 1,725,729 1999 36,188,218 0.2150 7,780,467 7,409,968 6,935,260 14,345,229 12,705,538 1,639,690 2000 37,997,629 0.2150 8,169,490 7,780,467 7,282,023 15,062,490 13,340,815 1,721,675 2001 39,897,510 0.2150 8,577,965 8,169,490 7,646,124 15,815,615 14,007,856 1,807,758 2002 41,892,386 0.2450 10,263,635 8,577,965 8,028,431 16,606,395 14,708,249 1,898,146 2003 43,987,005 0.2400 10,556,881 10,263,635 9,579,444 19,843,078 15,443,661 4,399,417 *NOTE: MILLAGE REVENUE IS RECEIVED IN THE YEAR PROCEEDING IT'S COLLECTION (1) BASED ON INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY EQUALIZATION WITH 5% YEARLY INCREMENT 1992-95 SEV REPRESENTS ONLY A 2.5% INCREASE OVER 1991 GIVEN THE TAX FREEZE (2) BASED ON A 5% YEARLY INCREMENT (3) BASED ON A 5% YEARLY INCREMENT