HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1992.07.01 - 39905RKS & �`� P P N G�uN �SS�O PNp G�MM R EG R E P M�chwgan d Water�Ord, O Wack\ns `�KF2 t3131 g5$ �gg3 2ao 8_0906 �313i 85 �8 �a\ph P ��chard Manager 0r istanP Manager i992 June 25� e. W\nt ohair n Jean M aioman vice pecKoy D $ecretary Fred Ko l Kuhn 1r. George ID. Kuhn, F`ohardP haw Thom ice Uhman �awreE \Sen John ewo\d Foy F Members A Z� e So�iSSSoN �N COMMISSioN EAgKs ADD out' y� Mlchiga RCZS AMA �gogg��% axK 0ak1a".d and Gentlemen' cared of tyLe P� °n oaks Cgo d E Ladies s been .Addis g°so`e° 4$350 meeting ba 1480=d MI 1992 full°ws: Le° July 1� as • esda9� EDGE. •We 00 A d . � ajo eetin� an . ' Ea lc. 't°uz �oriZat1pn TZ • w1t�' tre Re teation • acc°tdance Eatics and E�EpSE• l-led .,a nd ooutity bas bee"' man' oakla This mee �'a W!Dt, o�'ay� Lewis Sinc erel�' C mmissi J(,.h �1chard Ralf Manager gg./ � S OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING July 1, 1992 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes for June 17, 1992 Meeting. 4. Public Comments. 5. Approval of Payment: Voucher Nos. 6-282 thru 6-577. 6. Statement of Operations for Month Ending 5/31/92. 7. Capital Improvement Budget Summary as of May 31, 1992. 8. Park Security Contract. Frank Trionfi / 858-0907 9. Addison Oaks Sanitary Sewer - Recreation Bond Grant. Joe Figa / 858-0906 10. Lyon Rookery Acquisition - Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Grant. " 11. Asphalt - Glen Oaks Golf Course. 12. Addison Oaks Master Plan. 13. Wave Pool Renovation - Waterford Oaks. 14. Manager's Report. 15. Old Business. 16. New Business. 17. Adjourn to Park Tour. Mike Thibodeau / 858-4944 Joe Figa / 858-0906 tt OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING June 11. 1992 The special meeting was called to order at 10:58 a.m. by Chairman Wint in Com- mittee Room A of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Auditorium. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Wint, Vice Chairman Jean Fox, Secretary Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Fred Korzon, George Kuhn, Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., Thomas Law, John Olsen, Roy Rewold COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Lawrence Littman ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Ralph Richard, Manager Frank Trionfi, Chief, Admin. Services Corporation Counsel Jack Hays, Corporation Counsel Linda Wasielewski, First Asst. Counsel Pat Campbell, Real Estate Division The purpose of the meeting was to review the proposed purchase agreements for the Lyon Township property. Manager Richard updated the Commission on the status of the proposal, noting the terms have been agreed upon, including the price, which had been previously set at $4,950,000. Staff has also been notified verbally that the State's grant funding is in place for this acquisition. The only problem staff foresees is meeting the deadlines the seller has requested, which are June 25 for the $300,000 deposit and closing on July 15. The Parks Commission must receive approval from both the Planning and Building Committee and the Finance Committee, plus full Board of Commissioners approval, by June 25. Staff presented two purchase agreements; the first is for the main parcel of 637.50 acres, and the second is for the smaller parcel of 34.75 acres. The smaller parcel will be purchased entirely from Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission funds, rather than being purchased with the assistance of the grant funding, which will enable the Commission to sell at a later date, if desired. Commissioners voiced their concerns about the developer using our $300,000 deposit for the Phase II clean up of the property. Commissioner Olsen suggested putting the $300,000 deposit into an escrow account with a clause stipulating the funds can be used for the clean up only. Commissioner Korzon commented on the Commission's lack of protection for both the return of the deposit and the ability to purchase the property if the deadline is missed because of the seller's inability to obtain the clean up certificate. He suggested adding a contingency that the closing date be extended at the option of the purchaser. 3 - 1 (Special Commission Meeting, June 11, 1992) Moved by Mr. Olsen, supported by Mr. Rewold to approve the purchase agreements between Jerome F. Leber and the County of Oakland, Parks and Recreation Commission, to purchase one parcel of 637.50 acres in the amount of $4,680,618 and a second parcel of 34.75 acres in the amount of $269,382, both parcels located in Lyon Township. Approval of these agreements will be contingent upon the following two conditions: 1. The $300,000 deposit be placed in escrow with funds being released only for Phase II clean-up costs. 2. In the event the clean up is not completed before the July 15 clos- ing date, the deadline may be extended at the purchaser's option. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Olsen, Rewold, Wint, Fox, Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Lewis (9) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. If the seller does not agree to these conditions, staff will call another emer- gency meeting for Tuesday, June 16, 1992, at 8:30 a.m. Meeting was adjourned at 11:51 a.m. Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Secretary Karen Smith Recording Secretary 3 - 2 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING June 17, 1992 The meeting was called to order at 9:10 a.m. by Chairman Wint in the commission room of the Parks and Recreation Commission's admin- istration office. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Lewis Wint, Vice Chairman Jean Fox, Secretary Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., George Kuhn, Richard Kuhn, Jr., Thomas Law, Lawrence Littman, John Olsen, Roy Rewold COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Fred Korzon ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Central Services Oak. Co. Sheriff's Dept/Parks Div. Harley Ellington Pierce Yee Assoc. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Ralph Richard, Manager Jon Kipke, Asst. Mgr. Frank Trionfi, Chief, Admin. Services Sheila Cox, Accountant Dan Stencil, Chief of Parks Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf Janet Pung, Public Comm. Officer Joe Figa, Chief of Design and Development Sue Wells, Chief of Rec. Paul Carroll, Intern Lloyd Hampton, Director Sgt. Joe Lambourn Wendy Frye Jack Goodnoe Moved by Mr. Lewis, supported by Mr. R. Kuhn to approve the minutes of the meeting of June 3, 1992, with the following correction: Page 3 - 2: Under Capital Improvement Projects Budget Update, change the phrase following "...plus approve the designation of $209,517.40... " to read "...from the 1991 Operating Budget to the 1992 Capital Improvement Projects Budget Future Acquisition and Improvement line item." AYES: Fox, R. Kuhn, Lewis, Littman, Olsen, Rewold, Wint (7) 3a-1 (Commission Meeting, June 17, 1992) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Comments were made by Chairman Wint and Vice Chairman Fox. No other comments were made by, nor questions received from, the public. APPROVAL OF PAYMENTS: Moved by Mr. Rewold, supported by Mrs. Fox to approve the payment of Vouchers 6-1 through 6-281, and the Inter- departmental Payment Register for the April charges paid in May. Commission directed staff to review the maintenance program costs for the Ricoh copier. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Fox, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, Littman, Olsen, Rewold, Wint (8) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. ACTIVITIES REPORT: Commission directed staff to provide a breakdown on the attendance and finance figures of the Red Oaks Golf Dome and Sports Village. Moved by Mr. Olsen, supported by Mr. G. Kuhn to receive the Activities Report for the month of May, 1992. AYES: Fox, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Littman, Olsen, Rewold, Wint (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. GOLD MEDAL AWARD SLIDE PRESENTATION: Jan Pung announced that the Parks Commission has been selected as one of four Class I finalists for the 1992 Gold Medal Award. 3a-2 (Commission Meeting, June 17, 1992) Winner of this prestigious award, which is sponsored by The Sports Foundation, Inc., and the National Recreation and Park Association, will be announced at NRPA's annual conference in October. A slide presentation, which was produced for this award, was shown at the meeting. REFRIGERATED TOBOGGAN RUN - WATERFORD OAKS: Wendy Frye, from Harley Ellington Pierce Yee, reviewed the finding of the Phase I Site Feasibility Study for the proposed refrigerated toboggan run at Waterford Oaks. Consultants broadened the scope of the feasibility study, which included identification of the wetlands, ridges and high points, proposed entrance, and selected location for the toboggan run facility itself. Target date to open this facility is October/November, 1993. Commission directed staff to report on the proposed operating budget for this facility. Staff requested approval of the proposed contract with HEPY to provide the planning, design, and engineering services to prepare the bid and construction documents for the refrigerated toboggan run facility. Moved by Mr. Rewold, supported by Mr. Littman to approve the contract with Harley Ellington Pierce Yee Associates for the planning, design, and engineering services to prepare the bid and construction documents for the re- frigerated toboggan run at Waterford Oaks in the amount of $94,000.00, plus additional services as outlined in the contract and reimbursable expenses. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Littman, Olsen, Rewold, Wint, Fox (9) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. Commissioner Law expressed his concerns about safety at this facility and requested Risk Management review this project. He suggested staff consider having patrons sign a release before they ride down the toboggan run. 3a-3 (Commission Meeting, June 17, 1992) WATERFORD OAKS WAVE POOL RENOVATION: Staff noted that the proposal for the wave pool renovation at Waterford Oaks has not yet been received and will be presented at the July 1 Commission meeting. Vice Chairman Fox temporarily assumed the chair. IRRIGATION REPAIRS - GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE: Staff requested Commission approval of the expenditure for irrigation repairs at Glen Oaks Golf Course, which were completed by Sprinkler Services in the amount of $11,500.00. These repairs were made in conjunction with the drainage project recently completed at the golf course and will be reimbursed by the Oakland County Drain Commission. Moved by Mr. Rewold, supported by Mr. Lewis to approve the expenditure of $11,500.00 to Sprinkler Services for the irri- gation repairs at the Glen Oaks Golf Course; expenditure will be reimbursed by the Oakland County Drain Commission. AYES: Fox, G. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Littman, Olsen, Rewold (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Chairman Wint re -assumed the chair. MANAGER'S REPORT: In addition to the Manager's Report filed in the agenda, the following was noted: ---The next Commission meeting will be at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, July 1, at the Addison Oaks Conference Center. Staff plans to present the final master plan for Addison Oaks; lunch will be provided. ---The County's fleet policy was discussed; staff was directed to look at a car leasing program, keeping in mind that it will be pre- sented to the Board of Commissioners for consideration. Meeting was adjourned at 11:14 a.m. Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Secretary Karen Smith Recording Secretary 3a-4 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Payment Approval Summary For Meeting of: JULY 1, 1992 VOUCHERS: Nos. 6-282 thru 6-577 $723,674.80 TOTAL $723,674.80 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RF :ATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REG I ., ER DUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-282 O'Brien & Company Special Events,timing fee for Mt.Bike Race -Add. 1,636.00 Special Events,payment for performance at Amphitheater - Nat. Prog. 110.00 6-284 VOID 6-285 University of Michigan Special Events, purchase of tickets for Co. Emp. Outing- Rec ._AdmJ_n_, —�553-140�-__ Eguip. Maint.,fuel-Add. Grounds Maint.-Add.&Grove.;Bldg.Maint.-Grove.,lndep., i 448.31 6-286 Mid -State Petroleum _ 6-287 Paint "n" Stuff Wh.Lk.,R.O.W.Park,YAC & W.O.W.Park 1,651.48 6-288 Paint "n" Stuff Bldg. Maint.-Wh.Lk. & W.O.W.Park 306.86 6-289 Oakland Heating Supply BIdg.Maint.-Add.Conf.Ctr.,lndep.&W.O.W.Park;Rental Prop. _ a-Lnt.-Add. 51.90 6-290 Q-L_Equ_ pme "off any _51C21-9_2.--__ —B 1 d_a . Ma i nt • , (6) A�t�-al ors Va f vas-W 0 W Park �__ 14.948.00 6-291 State Wire & Term i na I — _ __-- - �Ld�. Mai-n-t•=Inde &1AC__ 6-292 Harrison Piping Bldg. Maiot.,pi-pin9 sip Ip ies-W 0 W Park _- 484.59 _ 6-293_ Pont i ac S_- e I . Com-p n-y 6-294 Lakeland Builders SupperMaint•.cement-W.O.W;Park 247.50 Gamalski Building - 6-295 Specialties Bldg. Maint.,replace door-W.O.W.Park 863.90 _6-296 Robertson Brothers_^ _ _ Bldg__Mai_nt.,00l ac�greate-W.O.W.Park 118.00 6-297 Mazza Auto Part-s,__Inc. Eq_u_i..p. Ma1nt.-Tech. Sup. & Water. 87.00 _ 6-298 AIS Continental _ _ E au;D Maint.-Tech`Sup. 35.82 v, i OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RE ATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGIS,ER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-299 Don Thomas Sport Haus Equip. Maint.,skatemobile-Mob. Rec. 198.00 6-300 MI Rental Service Equip. Maint.-Grove. 60.00 6-301 J. Mansfield, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-YAC 104.09 6-302 Harp's Sales & Service Equip. Maint.-Add. 32.00 6-303 Calvert Sales Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 15.41 6-304 Wittek Golf Supply Equip. Maint.,brushes-Glen Oaks 133.72 6-30.5 Fauver Equip. Maint.,repair of pump -Add. 920.00 6-306 Halbigs Landscaping Grounds Maint.,topsoil-Add.,Glen Oaks,Water.&Spring. 1,503.00 6-307 Bush Brothers Asphalt — Grounds Maint.,replace concrete-W.O.W.Park 1,976.00 6-308 American Vault & Concrete Products Grounds Maint.,parking bump ers-Indep - 2,937.25 6-309 Sherwin Williams Paint Grounds Maint. semi -gloss paint -Add. 108.77 6-310 Avondale School Distri_ct _ _ Public (nfio.,ad in summer brochure-Admin 375.00 6-311 Springfield Township Parks & Rec. _ Public Info..insert in summer brochure-Admin. 132.61 6-312 Russ & Associat_es�_Inc.^ _ T_ Public Info.,photographer's fee for polaroids taken at the Emp.Rec.Banguet-Admin. 226.25 6-313 Frances Price Special Events,Polynesian Fantasy Dancers for the Sr. _,_mouth P a c i f i c out i ng-YAC 201.00 578.44 26.00 6-314 Fun Promotion Services Special Events,medals,ribbons & award trophy for Mt. Bike Race -Add. 6-315 Done Right Engraving _ Uniforms -Nat. Prog. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RF ;ATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REG I , . CR JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER. VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-316 Wesco Maint. Sup. -Tech. Sup. 62.10 6-317 DOT Health Care Products Uniforms,face masks -Tech. Sup. 179.88 6-318 American Business Concepts Off. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 22.85 6-319 S.E.M.T.A. Off. Sup.-T.Complex 25.010 6-320 NCS Corporation Off. Sup.,pad tickets-R.O.W.Park 192.27 6-321 Woodkrafter Kits Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 30.48 6-322 Moby Dick Pet Store Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 51.44 6-323 Ric's Antlers & Anchors Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 12.77 6-324 VOID 6-325 Quality Lawn Equipment Sm. Tools,hand blower -Tech. Sup. 159.99 6-326 Shoreline Services, Inc. Sm. Tools,(2)Lake Rakes-Indep. 183.00 6-327 Tricc Con_t_racting S_m_.Tools-Tech.Sup.;Bldg. Maint.-W.O.W.Park 103.49 6-328 MRPA Adv.Regist.for R.Richard,F.Trionfi,J.Kipke,D.S-tencil,R. Coffey,S.Wells,S.DeVonce,J.Dunleavy,G.Kuhn,J.Olsen,P. Lewis,J.Fox&L.Wint to attend the NRPA Conf.on 10 14 to 10/19/92 in Cincinnati3OH-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Add. & Mob. Rec. (Room Deposits Only) 1,193.50 6-329 MI Firewood Steel Equipment Mdse. for Resa I e, f i rewood-Add. _ _ 570.00 6-330 Cap. Equip.,(5)Chairs,(1)Desk & (3) Panels-Admin. _ 2,818.92_ OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RE -ATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGI3IcR JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PI IRPnSF AAAni IAIT ipment Company D-E Equipment Bldg. Maint.,valves rebuilt & ball float-W.O.W.Park 442.00 6-332 Harrison Piping _ 4/15/92 Bldg. Maint.,(1)Hot Water Heater -Grove. 5,500.00 6-333 Scott's Lock & Key Bldg.Maint.-Indep.;Grounds Maint.-Orion 34.45 6-334 Wilson Welding_SupplY_ _ Special Events,helium-Rec.Admin.;Equip.Maint.-Tech.Sup., Add.&Indep.;Rec.Sup.-R.O.W.Park & W.O.W.Park 431.10 6-335 MI Coffee Service _ — _ Eguip. Rental-Admin. & Tech. Sup. 74.85 6-336 AGA Gas, Inc. Equip. Mainl-.-Tech.Su .;S ecial Ewnts,helium-Rec.Admin. 8.10 6-337 Waterford Recycling Co. __— Rubbish Removal-Tech.Sup.,Wh.Ll<.,Spring.,YAC,llater. & BMX 1,228.00 6-338 Sunshine Plants, Inc. Grounds Maint.-YAC & Grove. 145.35 6-339 South Huron Industrial - Grounds Maint.,sprayed calcium chloride-Indep. 1,020.00 6-340 C & D Alexander, Inc. Misc.Exp.,donuts for trusty crew,5/15/92-Indep. 6.-58 6-341 MRPA _ Misc.Exp.,application fee for Provisional Prot. Certi- fication for J.Dunleavy -Mob. Rec. 35.00 _ 6-342 6-343 6-344 _ 6-345 Marc I i f , Inc. � ` Me i Jer, I n Gordon Food Service Frank Venice _ _ Special Events,cuer's fee for round dance class on __5/8_&5/ 2-2-492-Water . �pgc i a l Events_th-RAdm i n. Specia( Events,ther prog -Rec Admin. Special Events,_baad #ter ballroom dance -Water. 1_$Q,_25_. 24.46 332.06 252.00 - 6-316 • Madison -Troy Office Supply--- -------_ �jf _�_up--L3 _4_L1^ .irk i `-- 43.16 6-347 Oak I and Schoo I � ____0f-f_-__S_up_=Adm i n _ & Nat. Prog . 9. 1 1 I OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND R( -ATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REG 1 3 i ER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT Off. Sup.,(550)Watercraft Safety Decals—Admin.,Add., 6-348 Darson Corporation Grove & Index 557.00 6-349 Rec Diving— Rec. Su .—R.O.W.Park 53.00 — 6-350 Sears, Roebuck & Co. _ _ _ Sm. Tools1 mechanics tools —Grove. —& R.O 375.35 Travel Reimb. for expenses incurred while attending the 6-351 Ralph A. Richard Mtq. in Waterford,Ml on 6/11/92, also attending_ 27.65 ---------------Rookery L._Wint.,K.Smith,P.Lewis_& F.Trionfi-Admin. Travel Reimb. for expenses incurred while attending the 6-352 Ralph A. Richard Waterford Pool Repair Mtq. in Bloomfield Hills, MI on 6/8/92, also attending: D.Battle,H.Diamond,J.Figa & S. Van_d_e_nBo_s_sche_ —Adm i n . 30.29 Travel Reimb. for expenses incurred while attending the 6-353 Jon J. Kipke Heavy Weather Demo. in Bloomfield Hills, MI on 6/19/92, _ also attending: P.Carroll,L.Creeth,A.Eidson,J.Humpert, B.Baker & C.Kottmeier—R.O.W.Park 39.21 —Spec i a vents, ns r�-or�-ee or ay, o i ec c{^ 6-354 Sundry (Instructors) $486.00 Belly Dance & Sq. Dance,W.Gesaman $231.00 Round Dance,K.Spence $61.88 Aerobics & R.McClelland $40.50 —Water. 819.38 —^ �Cloc_gin Cap.Proj.,Protective Fencing —Red Oaks;B dg. ain .— d. 6-355 Hodges Supply Company____________ Conf.Ctr.,Grove.,Indep.,W.O.W.Park,R.O.W.Park&Glen Oaks;Grounds Maint.—Glen Oaks 5,700.04 Bldg.Maint.—Wh.Lk.,Spring.,YAC,Red Oaks,Add.,TeC .Sup., 6-356 Ecotec Pest Control Rec.Admin.&Water.;Rental Prop.Maint.—Water. 210.00 6-35*7 Davisburg Lumber Co. Bldg.Maint.—Spring.;Sm.Tools&Bldg.Maint.—YAC 219.86 BIdg.Maint.—Add.,Add.Conf.Ctr.,Grove.,R.O.W.Park,Water. 6-358 Madison Electric _ _ _ &W.O.W._Park ;Grounds Maint.—Add. _ 879.46 Burington Golf Car _ 6-359 Distributors Equip. Ma_int.—Wh. Lk & Glen Oaks 1,198.74 _ OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RE -ATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGI �R JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-360 W.F. Miller Company Equip. Maint.—Add. Grove. Inde . & Glen Oaks $ 1,006.00 Equip.Maint.—Tech.Sup.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,W.O. 6-361 Van's Auto Supply, Inc. W.Park,S rinq.&Mob.Rec.,show mobile;Sm.Tools—R.O.W.Park 413.29 Cap.Proj.,Clubhouse Landscaping —Glen Oaks;Grounds 6-362 Bordine's Better Blooms Maint_—Add.,Indep.,Glen Oaks,Spring. && YAC Grounds Maint.—Add.,Grove. & Indep. 1,198.93 6-363 Henderson Glass_, Inc. 16.20 _ _ Laundry&Dry Cleaning—Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh. 6-364 Arrow Uniform Rental Lk _ Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,YAC,Water.,W.O.W.Park& Nat Proq. 454.03 - Laundry&Dry Cleaning—Tech.Sup.,Add.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen 6-365 Arrow Uniform Rental Oaks,Red Oaks,R.O.W.Parl<,Water.,W.O.W.Par_k & Nat. Prog. 248.00 _ Misc. Exp.,medical supplies—Rec. Admin.,lndep. & Mob. 6-366 MI First Aid Rec. _ 274.54 6-367 Entire Reproductions _ Public Info. & Off. Sup.—Admin. 198.08 Bean Bros. Award & Rec. Sup.—BMX;Public Info.—Admin.;Special Events,tenni 6-368 Supplies_ tourn.—T.Complex _ 550.95 Bldg.Maint.—Add.,Grove.,lndep.&Glen Oaks;Equip.Maint.-- 6-369 Erb Lumber Company _ _ Grove.;Grounds Maint.—Grove.&Wh.Lk.;Sm.Tools—Glen Oaks 941.98 A & J Auto Parts & Equip. Maint.—Red Oaks & R.O.W.Park;Grounds Maint. & res-t_R.O.W_.Park__ Sm.Tools—Tech.Sup.&Add.;Hskp.Exp.—Tech.Sup.;Equip. 6-371 Eiden Equi-pment Co. _ Ma-i nt —Add &R 0 W. Park:Gx�n_ds_Mai nt —Add ;B I dg Ma i nt. Add.Conf.Ctr. & R.O.W.Park 1,513.86 6-372 Oakland Hardware Sm.Tools,Bldg.,Equip. & Grounds Maint.—Add. _ 530.23 — — _--- -- — _ Equip.Maint.—Add.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks&R.O.W.Park;Sm. 6-373 UZ Engineered Products__ __._TooIs—Add.&Indep _;Uniforms Spring. _ 835.76 _ __ __�_-_ Equip. Maint.,Grounds Maint. & Misc.Exp.,trusty prog. 6-374 Oliver Supply Company sugar dispenser —Add. 4 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RE ATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGI�,,tR DUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMN INT 6-375 M_eijer,_Inc. _ _ Misc.Exp.,Emp.Orientation supplies-Admin.&phone-W.O.W. Park;Public Info.-Admin.;Off.Sup.-Admin.,Red Oaks,.R.O. W.Park;Special Events,ther.prog-Rec.Admin.&sr.citizens events-YAC;Sm.Tools-Tech.Sup.;Rec.Sup.-Nat.Prog.,R.O.W. Park,Grove.&skate mob.-Mob.Rec.;Equip.Maint.-W.O.W. Park&dunk tank & skate mob.-Mob.Rec.;Communications- —_-- —_ _-- — W.O.W.Park 895.83 6-376 Petrolane Gas Service _ Utilities -Add. 210.38 6-377 Petrolane Utilities -Grove. 97.92 6-378 Consumers Power Company Utilities-Grove.,Indep.,Red Oaks & R.O.W.Park —Utilities-Wh.Lk.,Red 4,576.27 6-379 6-380 6-381 Detroit Edison Detroit Edison Key Publications Oaks,R.O.W.Park,Water.,W.O.W.Parlc& _T Complex �Ut i I i t i ��-Add . &Water . 9,08 45 101 144 0 6-382 Gean-Edwards, Inc. Golf Mdse. for Resale socks -Glen Oaks 601.44 6-383 —Ric_'s Antlers_&.Anc_h.gr_—----------SZQO--- Tex -Net, Inc. ,on_ Ca.Proc_aRed Oaks 6-384 839.Z0 6-385 Tri-CityAggregates Cap.Pro_jTPicnic Shelter(Beach)-Indep 143.45 6-386 Waterford Block & Ready Mix _ CaD.Proj_ Picnic Shelter (Beach) -Index. 145.78 _ 6-387 . Ha I b id s —Cap. Proj.,Clubhouse Landscaping -Glen Oaks;Grounds Ma i nt.-G I_en Oaks _ _ _ _ Bldg. Maint.,services for cutting down blinds -Add. Conf. Ctr. _ _ 882`00 6-388 Best Impressions _ _ — _ 100.00__ OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND R EATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER. VENDOR AND 1,11 HAPFr prj op rnMM I CS I nN APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-389 6-390 Aaron's Lock & Key, Inc. Pontiac Steel Company Bldg. Maint.—Red Oaks Cap. Proj.,Picnic Shelter (Beach)—Indep.;Equip. Maint., skate mob. —Mob. Rec. $ 38.20 68..10 6-391 Advance Floor Covering Bldg. Maint.—Indep. 16.24 6-392 Advance Floor Covering— Maint.,adhesive glue—W.O.W.Park 155.97 6-393 VOID _ _ __Bldg. Brinker's Plumbing & 6-394 HeatingBld . Maint. & E i .—W. . 11.36 6-395 Geor e_L. Johnston Co. _ Bld_a. Maint.—Tech. SUp. & W.O.W.Park 26.49 6-396 Red Valve Co�an�_`— �1 9_2 _Bldg. Maint—. control valves—W.0.W_Park _ 41566_88 Overhead Door of Greater 6-397 Detroit Bldg Maint.—Spring. Wimsatt Building 6-398 Materials Corp..Bldg.Maint —W 0 W Park 89.73 Giant Plumbing & Heating 6-399 Supply Bldg Maint ,toilet—W O.W.Park 141.63 Service Plumbing & 6-400 Heat i n9-- -- — __B l dg . MaJ_ t—,_pD_oJ ci_r_cu_Iati 1,375.00 6-401 Arbor Springs Water Co. Equip Rental —Spring 21 no 6-402 MI Coffee Service Equip. Rental —Add. 6-403 Su I I a i r Corporation Equip. Mai nt .—Te_r_h__SU_p . 19 •-99-- 6-404 Paddle Wheeler _ Equ i_p__Ma i_nt.=G_rove____ 6-405 Pifer, Inc. _ — E_quip.Maint.—Glen Oaks,Red Oaks & S rin — OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND R. EATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PHRPOSE= AAA/V IKIT 6-406 j Industrial Vehicle Sales Equip. Maint.—Grove. & Glen Oaks g 171.74 6-407 Stadium Auto Supply Equip. Maint.—Add. 40.00 6-408 ood ear o esa e Tire Center Equip. Maint.,repair of Hustlers—Indep. 147.95 6-409 GoodYear Service Center Detroyer Lock & Key Equip. Maint.—Indep. 90.70 6-410 Equip. Maint.—Add. 50.00 6-411 Tire Wholesalers Co. Equip. Maint.—Grove. 22.00 6-412 Lawson Products__ _ _ Equip. Maint.,bolts—Add. 191.21 6-413 Perkins Flowers, Inc. Grounds Maint.,geraniums—Add. 100.80 6-414 Sherwin—Williams Grounds Maint.—Add. 18.20 6-415 Signs & More Grounds Maint.,safety signs —Grove. 135.44 6-416 Christenson's Plant Ctr. Grounds Maint.,(16)Juniper bushes—W.O.W.Park 321.10 6-417 Green Gardens Grounds Maint.,(12)Hanging Baskets —Add. 191.88 6-418 Accounting Aid Society Membership for G.Gould—Admin. 10.00 6-419 NRPA Membership renewal for D.Stencii—Admin. 55.00 6-420 6-421 State of Michigan OCC/ - Prof_ _Cnmmer_c —De.p_ State of Michigan OCC/ Prof. Commerce Dept. _ Renewal of Landscape Architect License for J.Figa- —_Adm_i-n------ ___ _ 80.00 80.00 _ Renewal of Landscape Architect License for S. VandenBossche—Admin. 6-422 Angie's Kitchen Misc.Exp.,lunch for trusty crew,6/12/92—Add. 39,87 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND R, EATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMniiNT 6-423 Don Thomas Sport Haus Rec. Sup.,skate mobile —Mob. Rec. $ 198.00 6-424 Oxbowindo Rental Prop. Maint.,window w./screen—Wh. Lk. 293.65 6-425 Springfield Twnshp. P&R Special Events,2 parking fee revenues & 2 candy exp. for Spring Fling—YAC 434.91 6-426 Hank Gniewek Trophies _ Special Events,sr.citizens—Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks & Red Oaks, �jr. tourn—Wh.Lk. & Spring. 1.260.00 6-427 Jeff Ellis & Associates 3/18/92 _ Training(Seminars),lifeguard training—R.O.W.Park & W.O. W.Park 733.75 6-428 Clinton Roche Reimb. for safety shoes —Glen Oaks 48.87 6-429 R.L. Harwood, Inc. Uniforms—Add.,Orion & Indep. 220.70 . 6-430 J. Stephen Kennedy Public lnfo.,site photography—Admin. 42.86 6-431 City of Hazel Park, Dept. of Parks & Rec. Public Info.,printing charge for inserts--Admin. 75.00 6-432 MI Cash Register Off. Sup.,maint. contract—Add.,Indep.,R.O.W.Park,W.O. W.Park,T.Complex & BMX 770.00 6-433 Pontiac Stamp & Stencil Off. Sup.—Admi_n. 25.35 6-434 Wolverine Sports Sup. Rec. Sup.—lidep. 79.92 6-435 Steelcrete Company Rec. Sup.,pool chemical supplies—W.O.W.Park 690.00 6-436 Wesco Maint. Sup.,energy saving lights —Tech. Sup. 405.58 6-437 Hornung's Pro Golf Sales Equip. Maint.—Wh.Lk.;Off. Sup. —Glen Oaks;Sm. Tools- Red Oaks — 302-21 6-438 VOID 6-439 Firesiders Refund of group cam in fee —Add. 180.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND R. EATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-440 Eunice Toroni Refund of dog obed. class fee -Water. $ 60.00 - 4 (Payroll) Pay period ending 6 12 92-All Parks 212,910.54 6-442 Shemin Nurseries, Inc. Cap. Pro'. Clubhouse Landscaping -Red Oaks 70.00 6-443 Cruse Communication Co. CBM Computer Center Cap. Equip.,(i)Overhead Projector w/lamp charger & carte ii ng case-Adm i n . 547.00 6-444 CUAC Cap.Equip.,(4)Laser Printer,(2)Envelope Feeder & (2) Letter Trays-Admin. 4,538.00 6-445 H.L. Claeys & Compan Bld q. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 73.66 6-446 Sherwin-Williams Paint Bldq. Maint. & Grounds Maint.-Add. 173.84 6-447 Certified Laboratories Equip. Maint.,lubra-lift-Glen Oaks 191.67 6-448 VOID 6-449 Pifer, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. & Red Oaks 102.55 6-450 Bandit_ Industries Equip. Maint.-Indep. 44.20 6-451 Utica Distributors, Inc.. Grounds Maint.-Add. 57.60 6-452 Hunt Sign Company Grounds Maint.,(13)Safety Signs -Add. 296.07 6-453 S.E.M.T.A. Special Events,half page ad in yearbook-T.Compiex 250.00 6-454 VOID 6-455 Insty-Prints Acct.Rec.-Admin.(To be reimb by Northwest);Public Info. -Admin.;Off.Sim.-AdmiD.,R.O.W.Park&L CompI ex; Spec ial _ Events-R.O.W.Park,kite flying-Rec.Admin. & fishing - Add. 731.18 0 OAKLAND COUNTY VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PARKS AND RL_,<EATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 PURPOSE A hAr)H MT 6-456 Camera Mart, Inc. Off. S6p.—Nat.Prog.;Public Info.—Admin. $ 121.12 6-457 Division Printing, Inc. Public Info.,printing of Acorn Newsletter—Admin. 2,021.00 6-458 City of Clawson Public Info.,ad in brochure—Admin. 125.00 6-459 Novi.Park & Recreation Public Info.,ad in summer brochure—Admin. 400.00 6-460 Independence Township Parks & creation huh I i r I nfo. i n -,iimmAr hr=hiire—Acim i n 250.00 6-461 Oxford Parks & Rec. -Rd Public Info.,ad in summer brochure—Admin. 300.00 6-462 U. S. Games Rec. Sup.,sports mobile —Mob. Rec. 53.90 6-463 Fred Pryor Resources Adv.Regist.for S.Kici,J.Carland & L.Baker to attend the Exceptional Assistant seminar in Troyon 7/29/92— Admin. & Tech. Sup. ` 297.00 6-464 Petrolane Utilities —Grove. 120.00 6-465 Wilson Welding Sup I y__ Rec. Sup.—W.O.W.Park & R.O.W.Park;Equip. Maint.—R.O.W. Park 671.60 6-466 Rich Sign Shop Grounds Maint.,� 4)Plywood signs —Glen Oaks 225.00 6-467 Ann Shaheen Special Events,payment for Amphitheater performance on 6/13/92—Nat. Pro . 125.00 6-468 S rinkIer Services Co. 6 17/92 Acct.Rec.—Admin.(To be reimb...by Drain Commission) 11 500.00 6-469 Pollack Design Assoc. 7/10/91 Cap. Proi.,Master Plan Update —Add. (payment #7) 535.32 6-470 Robert Ford & Assoc. 7/10/91 Cap. Pro.i.,Master Plan Update —Grove. (payment #6) 2,477.56 6-471 Burke Building Center Cap.Proj.,Picnic Shelter (Beach)—Indep.;Sm.Tools—Tech. Sup.&YAC:Bld .Mai t.—Grove. Inde .&W.O.W.Park• 1,015.75 OAKLAND COUNTY VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PARKS AND kL-CREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 PURPOSE 6-472 Burke Building Center Equip.Maint.-Grove.,&T.Complex;Grounds Maint.-Grove.,YAC, ^_ Inde .,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks & W.O.W.Park $ 1.091.05 6-473 Drayton Pool & Spa Supply — - Bldg. Maint. & Equip. Maint.-W.O.W.Park;Rec. Sup.-W.O.W. Park 490.41 6-474 Wolverine Steam Clean Bldg. Maint.,cleanin /scotch uardin car et-Inde . 432.38 6-475 Stanley Industries, Inc. Equip_Maint.-Add.;Bld . Maint.-W.O.W.Park 83.50 6-476 Detroit Ball Bearing _v- Equip. Maint.-Water. 86.62 6-477 Shemin Nurseries, Inc. Grounds Maint., rass seed -Water. 104.10 6-478 Recreonics Corporation _ _ Grounds Maint.-Indep. 53.28 6-479 DDB Needham Worldwide Public Info.,Public Relation & Event Marketing services for the month of May, 1992-Admin• 2 400.00 6-480 Gordon Food Service Special Events,Sr. Citizen South Pacific da -YAC 53.25 6-481 Jefferson Beach Marine Store Co. Special Fvents;h-R.O.W.Park 39.95 6-482 Dixie Flog -Mfg., Co. _ _ Special Events,storm signals-R 0 W Park 177.45 6-483 Don Thomas Sport Haus Rec. Sup.,skate mobile -Mob. Rec. 195.00 6-484 Adolph Kiefer & Assoc. Rec. Sup.,Kiefer Barbells-R.O.W.Park 162.99 6-485 Cranbrook Gardens Auxiliary Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prop. 80.00 6-486 Michelle Szabo fund o cancelled Aerobic class fee -Water. 30.00 _ 6-487 Cindy Parker Refund of cancelled swimming class fee-W.O.W.Park 27.00 6-488 Jim Grumblatt Refund of cancelled ballroom dance fee -Water. 60.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND t. CREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AM01INT 6-489 Sundr (Milea e Refund) Mileage for Jan. -June, 1992 to G.Berschbach $38.25- Spring G Buchanan $ll.50,S.Cox $36 00,G G'QuId $53 25,n ' $ Marcks-Rush $127.50,C.Neef $12.00&M.Zednik $108.00-Admin., D.Donovan $85.00-Red Oaks J.Mansfield 158.75- YAC & Z.McNairn $30.00-Nat. Prog. 660.25 b-490 Ph i I i p R. Seaver _ 61 Cap. Proj.,Lyon Rookery Acquisition,down payment on _ps�r�ll�s p��p_e�ty-film i n . _ _ 280, 000.00 6-491 Philip R. Seaver 6/11/92 Cap. Proj.,Lyon Rookery Acquisition,failure to close damage deposit fee-Admin. 20,000.00 6-492 Consumers Power Company Utilities-Add.,Add.Conf.Ctr.,Glen Oaks,Water. & W.O.W. _ Park 3,027.96 6-493 Detroit Edison Utilities-Wh.Lk..Spring. & YAC 5,899.60 6-494 Consumers Power Company Utilities-Wh.Lk. Spring & YAC 1 6-495 VOID _ ,571.08 6-496 Billy M re Rec.Sup.,DJ services for 7/9, 7/16, 7/24 & 7/30/92- Grove. 600.00 6-497 Blavat_ Bobcat Sales 5/6/92 cap__EAuip.,(1)Hydraulic Breaker w/access.-Tech Sup 7,918.69 6-498 Wilkie Turf Equipment Division Cap.Equip.,(1)Tooth Rake,Rake Mount Kit & Dozer Blade- Glenn OakS:Eaulp.Maint.-Grove.&Wh Lk Tools-Wh LILT _ Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks 2,501.16 6-499 Wimsatt Building Car). Pro'. Picnic Shelter (Beach)-Inde . 2,023.80 —_6=50_ Bldg. Maint.,Grounds Maint. & Sm. Tools-Grove.;Grounds Ma i nt.-YAC 265.00 6-501 Elden Hardware Cap.Proj.,Picnic Shelter(Beach)-Indep.;Off. Sup.-Admin. &W.O.W.Park;Bldg.Maint.-Rec.Admin.,Grove.,lndep.,YAC, _ Spring.,W.O.W.Park&T.Complex;Equip.Maint.-Tech.Sup., Grove.,Indep.,Water.,T.Complex&BMX;Maint.Sup.-Tech.Sup. 339.05 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND k- REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-502 Elden Hardware Grounds Maint.-Orion,lndep.,T.Complex&BMX;Sm.Tools-Tech. Sup.&T.Complex;Rental Prop.Maint.-Water. $ 320.18 6-503 Elden Hardware Bld .Maint.-Indep. & W.O.W.Park 57.91 6-504 American Locker Security Systems ald .Maint.-R.O.W.Park &.W.O.W.Park 528.85 120.00 6-505 Moore's Tire Service _ _ _E Quip_ Maint.,buses-Mob. Rec. 6-506 Miller Equipment Company _ Equip. Maint.,repair of roadgrader-Inde . 275.87 6-507 VOID 6-508 New Tribe Equip. Maint. & Sm.Tools-Indep. 175.00 6-509 Aaro Disposal Rubbish Removal for June, 1992-Inde . 425.00 6-510 Universal Equipment Grounds Maint.-Add. 58.10 6-51 1_ 6-512 B-G-O Recreation Commission I�(easant R i dge Recreation _.Pub_l_i-c__Ln_f-o_.+in so - Public Info.,insert in summer flyer-Admin. _ 250.00 60.00 6-513 American Speedy Printing Public Info.,(4) Maps-Inde . 199.00 6-514 Triarco Arts & Craft [sec. Sup. -Nat. Proq. 36_ 6-515 Detroit Edison Utilities -Grove. & YAC __46 4,996.18 6-516 Judith Grigg Refund of security deposit -Water. 50.00 6-517 Mary C. Smith Refund of swimming class fee-R.O.W.Park 30.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND , REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 VOUCIiER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-518 Sundry (Refunds) Refund of Golf League fee to C.Goga $120.00 & B.Mcllroy $70.00—Wh. Lk. ' $ 190.00 6-519 Sundry (Refunds) _ 3/4/92 * Refund of Swimming Class fee to R. Schlaff $18.00 & K. Casagrande $54.00—W.O.W.Park . 72.00 6-520 Sundry (Misc.) Special Events,first of two payments to Performers in the 1992 Travelling Music Show:A.Malaney*$2,100,J.Fritz, G.Fortner,E.Szymanski,A.Howard,J.Hoemke&M.Young,(Ea. $750.00)—Mob. Rec. _ 6,600.00 _ -- 6-521 --------^--i----------- Weingartz Supply -----�----�-- _ Cap. Equ i p. , (1 ) Rotary Mower—Indep . ;Equip . Ma i nt.—Add . , Grove.,Red Oaks & Water.;Sm.Tools—Add.&Grove. — 2.548.94 6-522 Sherwin Williams Paint Grounds Maint.—Add.;Bld . Maint.—Add.Conf.Ci-r. 255.48 6-523 Cybulski Farms Grounds Maint.—Grove. 50.00 6-524 American Aggregates Grounds Maint.—Add. & Indep. 684.18 6-525 Shemin Nurseries, Inc. 5/20/92 Grounds Maint.,flowers—Indep.,Wh.Ll<.,Glen Oaks & R.O.W. Park .. 3,440.65 _ 6-526 Ric's Antlers & Anchor Mdse. for Resale,worms—Grove. & Indep. 80.75 _ 6-527 city Animation Company Cap. Equip.,(1)Speaker Monitor & Carrying case (for VHS VCR Pla_yer)—Grove. 598.00 _ 6-528 Hartsig Supply Company, Inc.-- Bldg. Maint.—Add. _ 31.95 6-529 Blakeley Products Co. Blda. Maint.,adhesive for ar et—R.O.W.Pa k 187.20 6-530 Aga Gas Inc. Equip. Maint.—Tech. SUD 4.34 6-531 Industrial Cleaning Supply Co. Equip_._Mainfi=Indep. 21.80 6-532 Parks Maintenance, Inc. _Equip. Maint.—Indep. 36.73 6-533 Michigan Cash Register Equip. Maint.—T. Complex & BMX _269.00 i rn OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND k,-6REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-534 Lawson Products Equip. Maint.-Indep. 51.17 6-535 Safety K l een Corp'. Equip. Ma i nt.-Wh . Lk. 66.40 6-536 Steelcrete Company Equip. Maint.-W.O.W.Park 261.75 6-537 Turfgrass, Inc. Recreation Supply Co. 4/15/92 -- — Grounds Maint.,turf chemicals-Wh.Lk.;Glen Oaks,Red Oaks& -� p r-i n 9-- --- — 3.�44Q. 2 5 186.26 6-538 Misc. Exp.,first aid head immobilizer-W.O.W.Park 6-539 Kincaids Family Dining_ Misc. Ex trust crew lunches -Grove. 75.00 6-540 MI First Aid Misc.Exp.,medical supplies -Grove. & R.O.W.Park 218.94 6-541 Safety Services, Inc. Misc.Exp.,gloyes-Indep, 108.62 6-542 State of Michigan Dept. of Licensing & Reg. Misc. Exp.,ride permit & inspection flees for water slides-W.O.W.Park 120.00 6-543 Meteor Photo Company Public Info.,colorprints-Admin. 114.75 6-544 Pontiac Post Office Public Info -,mailing of info. to new Oak.Co. homeowners- Admin. 990.00 6-545 _UJesco _ Maint. Sup.,energy saving lights -Tech. Sup.;Bldg. Maint. __01W_Par_k__ _ 1 , 391 . 10 6-546 City of Berkley Parks & Recreation Public Info..ad in summer brochure-Admin. 250.00 6-547 Target Stores Public Info.-Admin. 12.44 6-548 Bradley 0. Baker _ Reimbursement for purchase of uniform-Indep. 43.45 6-549 EMW Custom Apparel Uniforms,blue jackets-Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove., Orion,lndep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Sprinq.,R.O.W. Park,YAC,Water.,W.O.W.Park,T.Complex,Mob.Rec.,BMX & Nat. Proq . 1,368.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND i._-'REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-550 Sales Control Systems Off. Sup.,repair of register-Indep. $ 167.70 6-551 Highland Superstores Rec. Sup.,tape deck for skatemobile-Mob. Rec. 120.00 6-552 Gordon Food Service Rec. Sup.,day camp -Mob. Rec. 3.20 6_ 553 Albin Business Copiers Off.Sup_-Admin.,Add.,Grove. & Spring. 533.33 6-554 Town Talk Golf Mdse. for Resale,visors-Glen Oaks & Spring. 171.66 6-555 C & H Landscape ` _ 3 18 92 Ca .Pro'. New Trees-Wh. Lk. & Spring_. 8,150.00 6-556 Parker Hannifin Corte. _5/6/92 Bldg. Maint.,hydraulic cylinders-R.O.W.Park 3,165.60 6-557 H.L. Clae s & Co__ _ Bldg. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 47.38 6-558 Acme Cleaning Services Bldg. Maint.,window cleaning for May, 1992-Glen Oaks 115.00 6-559 Michigan Fence Co. ^_ Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks 31.00 6-560 MI Portable Toilets, Inc. _ Grounds Maint.,rental & service of units-Add.,Orion,Glen Oaks & _Indep___ _ 530.00 6-561 Pontiac Mailing Public Info —labeling newsletters-Admin. 133.02 6-562 Radio Shack Off -Sup. -Red Oaks;Special,Events,windscreen-Mob. Rec. 44.60 6-563 EarthCare Products Rec. Sup.,recycled picnic table-R.O.W.Park 465.00 6-564 Jones Chemicals, Inc. — Rec_ Sup .,Poolchemicals-W.O.W.Park 440.00 6-565 Palmer Too[ Compaq Sm. Toois,mechanics tools- Glen Oaks 189.08 6-566 R. Coffey, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Add. 163.31 00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND i.<>REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NU1413ER PRIOR COMMISSION! APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT ^ 6-567 Waterford Township Parks & Recreation ' ^Special Events,sr. citizen events—YAC;Public Info.— Admin.;Off.Sup.—W.O.W.Park&BMX;Secial Events,dog obed., ' belly dance,golf,sq.dance,ballroom dance,round dance, aerobic dance o a brid e & misc.—Water. 1,075.34 _ 6-568 Jean's Hardware Cap.Proj.,Clubhouse Landscaping —Glen Oaks;Bldg. Maint., Ecuip. Maint.,Grounds Maint. & Sm.Tools—Glen Oaks 851.95 6-569 Jean's_ Hardware _ Equ i_D. Mai nt.—G I en Oaks 3.37 6-570 John R Lumber Bldg. Maint.—R.O.W.Park & Red Oaks;Equip. Maint. & Maint.—Red Oaks 186.60 6-571 John R Lumber _Grounds Bldg. Maint.—R.O.W.Park & Red Oaks;Hskp.Exp.—R.O.W.Park; Equip. Maint & Grounds Maint.—Red Oaks 486.06 6-572 Pioneer Hardware Bldg.Maint.—Wh.Lk.&Red Oalcs;Equip.Maint.—Wh.Ll<.;Grounds Maint.—Wh.Lk.&Sprinq.;Sm.Tools—Glen. Oaks&Wh.Lk.;Rental Prop. Maint.—Wh. Lk. _ 300.99 i 6-573 Lawn Equipment Service & Sales _ Equip.Maint.—Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Spring. & Water. 1,375.83 6-574 D & C Distributors Grounds Maint.—Wh.Lk. Glen Oaks & Red Oaks 1.256.70 6-575 Century_Rain Aid _ Grounds Maint.—Wh.Lk. Glen Oaks Red Oaks & R.O.W.Park 1,695.75 _ 6-576 Sundry (Commission) _! Per Diem & Mileage paid to Parks Commissioners for mtg. of 6/11/92—Admin. 286.50 6-577 Wondqraphics5/6/92 Grounds Maint.,1/2 payment for Tee Signs—Wh. Lk.,Glen Oaks,Spring. & Red Oaks 2,200.00 SUB —TOTAL FOR VOUCHER REGISTER $ 727,,674.80 TOTAL FOR VOUCHER REGISTER $ 1,254,119.52 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ANALYSIS OF FUND BALANCE AS OF 5/31/92 FUND BALANCE, 1/1/92 ADDITIONS: REVENUE OVER OPERATING EXPENSE AS OF 5/31/92 NET COLLECTIONS ON ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE DNR GRANT - INDEPENDENCE OAKS WETLANDS ACQUISITION DNR GRANT - GROVELAND OAKS LAND ACQUISITION MI DEPT. OF COMMERCE GRANT-ADD.CONF.CTR. IMPROVEMENT DEPRECIATION EXPENSE DECREASE IN MERCHANDISE FOR RESALE INCREASE IN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE OPERATING EQUIPMENT DISPOSALS/ADJUSTMENTS DEDUCTIONS: PAYMENTS ON CAPITAL PROJECTS OPERATING EQUIPMENT PURCHASES NET PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNTS PAYABLE INTERDEPARTMENTAL INVOICES IN TRANSIT INCREASE IN MERCHANDISE FOR RESALE DECREASE IN ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION SUMMARY OF FUND BALANCE CASH ON HAND INVESTMENTS WITH THE COUNTY TREASURER $3,532,992.93 904,526.74 12,870.10 28,068.65 22,147.18 216,743.57 0.00 0.00 69,158.43 ------------- $ 223,556.55 203,635.17 309,032.72 280,123.44 16,777.42 69,158.43 $ 5,056,280.11 4,786,507.60 -------------- $ 9,842,787.71 1,102,283.73 -------------- $ 8,740,503.98 -------------- -------------- $ 225,066.08 8,515,437.90 -------------- $ 8,740,503.98 -------------- -------------- NOTE: DNR GRANT - INDEPENDENCE OAKS WETLAND ACQUISITION (1986-1988): FINAL REIMBURSEMENT, $25,894.32, IS $13,024.22 MORE THAN ORIGINALLY EXPECTED IN ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AMOUNT OF $12,870.10. ADDITIONAL AMOUNT IS IN REVENUE. DNR GRANT - GROVELAND OAKS LAND ACQUISITION (1987): FINAL REIMBURSEMENT, $28,908.76, IS $840.11 MORE THAN ORIGINALLY EXPECTED IN ACCOUNTS REVEIVABLE AMOUNT OF $28,068.65. ADDITIONAL AMOUNT IS IN REVENUE. 6-1 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR MONTH ENDING 5/31/92 YEAR TO 1992 OVER(-), % OF *********** REVENUE ************ DATE BUDGET UNDER BUDGET BUDGET MILLAGE & INTEREST INCOME RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. ADD! SON OAKS: PARK CONFERENCE CENTER GROVELAND OAKS INDEPENDENCE OAKS ORION OAKS GLEN OAKS RED OAKS: GOLF COURSE DRIVING RANGE WATER PARK SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE WHITE LAKE OAKS SPRINGFIELD YAC WATERFORD OAKS: PARK WATER PARK TENNIS COMPLEX BMX MOBILE RECREATION NATURE PROGRAM TOTAL REVENUE ****** OPERATING EXPENSES ****** ADMINISTRATION RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. TECHNICAL SUPPORT ADDISON OAKS: PARK CONFERENCE CENTER GROVELAND OAKS INDEPENDENCE OAKS ORION OAKS GLEN OAKS RED OAKS: GOLF COURSE DRIVING RANGE WATER PARK SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE WHITE LAKE OAKS SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC WATERFORD OAKS: PARK WATER PARK TENNIS COMPLEX BMX MOBILE RECREATION NATURE PROGRAM CONTINGENCY* TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES REVENUE OVER/UNDER EXP. ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: BUDGET BALANCE: ACTUAL EXP. TO DATE: BUDGET BALANCE: $5,633,675.56 5,868.50 55,981.54 0.00 49,441.42 71,067.44 376.00 186,631.05 87,360.59 12,943.68 2,042.50 203,333.66 247,508.65 11,613.56 39,602.32 5,109.50 4,736.00 1,440.75 27,102.95 3,693.75 $6,649,529.42 $747,539.64 106,743.79 319,610.11 231,986.68 23,003.54 169,463.46 256,350.02 8,022.90 197,434.70 111,402.49 956.03 111,283.66 172,852.30 177,947.33 59,491.98 96,414.74 70,488.28 7,709.99 7,232.34 68,803.71 105,425.40 66,373.40 $3,116,536.49 $3,532,992.93 1992 61 . 3% 38.7% 34. 5% 65.5% $6,205,600.00 24,250.00 238,950.00 85,000.00 463,900.00 217,850.00 0.00 761,520.00 274,850.00 24,000.00 543,900.00 666,700.00 668,800.00 72,800.00 101,150.00 325,000.00 29,050.00 28,800.00 105,900.00 9,740.00 $10,847,760.00 $1,684,986.00 243,394.00 736,447.00 781,165.00 64,000.00 696,216.00 719,647.00 35,770.00 574,926.00 351,665.00 2,700.00 523,268.00 571,861.00 491,082.00 195,586.00 265,709.00 349,657.00 42,553.00 50,675.00 316,030.00 276,597.00 66,405.00 $9,040,339.00 $571,924.44 18,381.50 182,968.46 85,000.00 414,458.58 146,782.56 -376.00 574,888.95 187,489.41 11,056.32 541,857.50 463,366.34 421,291.35 61,186.44 61,547.68 319,890.50 24,314.00 27,359.25 78,797.05 6046.25 $4,198:230.58 $937,446.36 136,650.21 416,836.89 549,178.32 40,996.46 526,752.54 463,296.98 27,747.10 377,491.30 240,262.51 1,743.97 411,984.34 399,008.70 313,134.67 136,094.02 169,294.26 279,168.72 34,843.01 43,442.66 247,226.29 171,171.60 31.60 $5,923,802.51 90.8% 24.2% 23.4% 10.7% 32.6% 24.5% 31.8% 53.9% 0.4% 30.5% 37.0% 16.0% 39.2% 1.6% 16.3% 5.0% 25.6% 37.9% 61.3% 44.4% 43.9% 43.4% 29.7% 35.9% 24.3% 35.6% 22.4% 34.3% 31.7% 35.4% 21.3% 30.2% 36.2% 30.4% 36.3% 20.2% 18.1% 14.3% 21.8% 38.1% 100.0% 34.5% $1,807,421.00 $-1,725,571.93 -95.5% 1991 1990 66.0% 58.0% 34.0% 33.9% 33.4% 66.1% *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. CONTINGENCY BUDGET FIGURE: $8,595 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO GROVELAND OAKS (APR IL). $25,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK (MAY). 6-2 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS REVENUE AND EXPENSE COMPARISON FOR MONTH ENDING 5/31/92 YEAR TO DATE YEAR TO DATE REVENUE OVER, ************* PARK ************* REVENUE EXPENSE UNDER(-) EXP. ADMINISTRATION $5,633,675.56 $747,539.64 $4,886,135.92 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 5,868.50 106,743.79 -100,875.29 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 0.00 319,610.11 -319,610.11 ADDISON OAKS: PARK 55,981.54 231,986.68 -176,005.14 CONFERENCE CENTER 0.00 23,003.54 -23,003.54 GROVELAND OAKS 49,441.42 169,463.46 -120,022.04 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 71,067.44 256,350.02 -185,282.58 ORION OAKS 376.00 8,022.90 -7,646.90 GLEN OAKS 186,631.05 197,434.70 -10,803.65 RED OAKS: GOLF COURSE 87,360.59 111,402.49 -24,041.90 DRIVING RANGE 12,943.68 956.03 11,987.65 WATER PARK 2,042.50 111,283.66 -109,241.16 SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 203,333.66 172,852.30 30,481.36 WHITE LAKE OAKS 247,508.65 177,947.33 69,561.32 SPRINGFIELD YAC 11,613.56 59,491.98 -471878.42 WATERFORD OAKS: PARK 39,602.32 96,414.74 -56,812.42 WATER PARK 5,109.50 70,488.28 -65,378.78 TENNIS COMPLEX 4,736.00 7,709.99 -2,973.99 BMX 1,440.75 7,232.34 -5,791.59 MOBILE RECREATION 27,102.95 68,803.71 -41,700.76 NATURE PROGRAM 3,693.75 105,425.40 -101,731.65 CONTINGENCY* 0.00 66,373.40 -66,373.40 TOTAL $6,649,529.42 $3,116,536.49 $3,532,992.93 *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. 6-3 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND REC 'ION COMMISSION CAPITAL IMPROVEPTNT BUDGET FOR 1992 AS OF 5/31/92 SUMMARY TOTAL. FOR AI.L PARKS ESTIMATED 199) 1992 NET NEW ESTIMATED CONTRACT(S) CONTRACT(S) PROJECT PARK FRO ECT COST ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT PROJECT COST AMOUNT PAID RETAINER AWAI+DED BALANCE BALANCE ----------------- ---------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- ADMINISTRATION $4,336,663.00 $0.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $4,342,663.00 $O 2,019.50) $0.00 $0.00 $4,330,643.50 ADDISON OAKS 1,205,171.00 0.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 1,245,171.00 (573,027.95) 6,570,73 (110,927.01) 567,786.77 GROVELAND OAKS 437,000.00 0.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 445,000.00 (12,770.72) 0.00 (4,117.80) 428,111.48 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 289,060.00 5,849.43 459.54 6,308.97 295,368.97 (147,700,70) 10,814.87 (25,817.60) 132,665.54 ORION OAKS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 GLEN OAKS 139,258.00 0.00 11,674.33 11,674.33 )50,932.33 (57,166,87) 0.00 ()6,967.00) 76,798.46 RED OAKS 105,295.00 0.00 (2,000.00) (2,000.00) 103,295,00 (2,189.37) 0.00 (6,)25.00) 94,980.63 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 105,351.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 105,353.00 (28,345.26) 2,084.35 (24,462,50) 54,627.59 W71TE LAKE OAKS 163,792.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 163,792.00 (985.75) 0.00 (11,940.00) 150,866.25 WATERFORD OAKS 882,568.00 0.00 (600.00) (600.00) 881,968,DO (11.124.69) 0.00 (10,000.00) 860,843.31 CONTINGENCY 559,401.00 (5,849.43) (63,533.87) (69,383.30) 490,017.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 490,017.70 CAPITAL PROJECTS TOTAL ------------------------------ $8,223,559.00 --------------- $0.00 --------------- $ 0.00 $0.00 --------------- $8,223,559.DO ------------------------------ $(845,330.81) $19,469.95 --------------- $(210,356.91) --------------- $7,)87,341.23 v N ITEM #$ ECUR�TY C��TgACT the Oakland P Agg S es a5 approved by t the 1992_1993 rates tit' 1992• 615.00 i,,Crease are on $8� a Attached CoT! 5sloners 54 , 483. 00 is an is $26'i , p66 , 00 County Board ° ate total of %2 1993 rate total x e act The 1992 rate total- Th ter Into a contx ark over the 1991 over 1992. aP'Aroval to en t to Provide p r)r, ed 4.9. increase nests Co��"ssla rl��+� DePartmen attached PreSCry staff ,Vests County she and 1993 at the e k 19 2 with the oa .budget Year 9 security fox rates' 8-1 Oakland County Sheriff's Department Law Enforcement Patrol Services - Parks & Recreation 1992 - 1993 Rates - Detail ----- 1992 ----- Rate Per Rate Per Fixed Rates Position ----------- Total --------- Position --------- Salary & Fringe Rates Sergeant (1 position) Salary $42,597 $42,597 $44,514 Fringes 18,623 18,623 19,991 Deputy I (2 positions) Salary $26,431 $52,862 $27,621 Fringes 13,378 $26,756 --------- 14,512 --------- Total Salary & Fringes $140 838 $42,133 Operating & Operational Support Rates (Full Time Positions) Uniform Cleaning 212 636 222 Radio Rental 470 1,410 470 Transportation 6,300 18,900 6,480 Deputy Supplies 454 1,362 474 Uniform Cost 247 741 258 In -Car Terminals 1,000 2,000 1,000 Liability Insurance 0 0 0 Dispatch $0 0 $0 $25,049 Total Full -Time Rate $165,887 Operating Expenses (Part -Time Parks Deputies) Uniform Cleaning 61 917 64 Deputy Supplies 131 1,964 137 Ur:iform Cost 71 1,069 74 Liability Insurance 0 0 0 $3,950 Total $169,837 1993 ----- Total $44,514 19,991 $55,242 $29,024 $148,771 666 1,410 19,440 1,422 774 2,000 0 0 $25,712 $174,483 961 2,051 1,116 0 $4,128 $178,611 ?er Month Charge $14,153 $14, 884 Variable Rates Parks Deputies Salary Fringes (11.7%) Rate Per Position $5,052 75,780 591 8,866 $84,646 Rate Per Position $5,279 79,190 618 9,265 $88,455 ?ark Deputy Per Hour Rate $9.41 $9.83 Overtime Rates (Including Fringe Benefit Rates) Sergeant Overtime Rate $38.88 $40.62 Deputy I Overtime Rate $24.13 $25.21 Park Deputy Overtime Rate $14.11 $14.74 File:w:\dave\p&r9293.wkl 8-2 27-Apr-92 ff, s De'Pa st &e Recseatl°n .an She ces Y ark ou kland Ce=v� t-r°1 5 Rates nf° 0 ement Y 992 - f,993 $ 11 ing Rates La`r7 E Su�aZY ° Rate 1 gergean �15 M°nthlY crarges f oPerat'.Tlg fo es d I 2 Deputy ut19 pos tions. Pare' DeP Rate Yex 8°uz Y ark DeF�'tY ZI. fie Rates Olvetie Rate ,rtl BIZ , Ove se-,.Z Overt tizn ?,ate gate e DegatY utY Over ' Park' DeP .�dave\P�r9293'wxl File'W S9,41 $38-g8 $24.13 $14.11 S 3 1993 Rate $141884 Sg , 83 S40'62 S2` .21 $14'_74 2�_APr_92 ,io #9 KY SEw�R DD1'0N DAipN BOriD GRANT e th A RECREAT Gently received on re ant for arks and Recreation B°nd Grant h�-s is Oakland County P acceptance of the sewer system. T to pe agreement for the Addison Oaks sanytarY QQQ► with �?4►QQQ ,grantex 2Q► e renovate°n of the t not to Geed $2 th atGhing gran . have to be signed► a 75/25 m Parks and ,,creation grant, agreements our review' matched by order to accept this g is included for y meeting• In esolution► which at the commission r incJ-siding a Cation will be made A Presen 9-1 RESOLUTION Upon motion made by , seconded by , the following Resolution was adopted: County of Oakland "RESOLVED, that the Parks & Recreation Comm. , Michigan, does hereby accept the terms of the Agreement as received from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, and that the Co. of Oakland, Parks & Rec. Comm.does hereby specifically agree, but not by way of limitation, as follows: 1. To appropriate the sum of Seventy-four thousand dollars ($ 74,000.00 } dollars to match the grant authorized by the DEPARTMENT and to appropriate such additional funds as shall be necessary to complete the project. 2. To maintain satisfactory financial accounts, documents, and records to make them available to the DEPARTMENT for auditing at reasonable times. 3. To construct the project and provide such funds, services, and materials as may be necessary to satisfy the terms of said Agreement. 4. To authorize Ralph Richard Manager (Title), to be the local Authorized Representative to sign documents in behalf of Co of Oakland,Parks & Rec. Comm., Michigan. 5. To comply with any and all terms of said Agreement including all terms not specifically set forth in the foregoing portions of this Resolution." The following aye votes were recorded: The following nay votes were recorded: STATE Or MICHIGAN } } ss COUNTY Or I, , Clerk of the , Michigan, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of the Resolution relative to the Agreement with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources which Resolution was adopted by the at a meeting held , 19 _ Signature Title Dated: SAMPLE RESOLUTION 9-2 ITEM 110 LYON ROOKERY ACQU TRUST FUND GRANT MICHIGAN NATURAL RESOURCES recently received the Recreation parks and Natural Oakland County the Michigan e of for the accePtanCthe grant agreement continued acquisition of Fund Grant for the rant not to Resources Trust 67J33 matching g This is a and property- by parks Lyon Township P to be matched exceed $837,500, with $412,500 rant, agreements have to be signed, Recreation- In order to accept this g rev, resolution' which is included for your including a r at the Commission meeting• A presentation will be made 10-1 Upon motion made by - 8 - RESOLUTION and seconded by the following Resolution was adopted: WHEREAS Public Act 101 of 1985 establishes the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund which provides for acquisition and development of lands for public recreational purposes. County of Oakland AND WHEREAS the Dept. Of Pks & Rec Comm, desires to acquire lands for public recreational purposes. AND WHEREAS the aforementioned unit of government agrees to be solely responsible for the operation and maintenance of the property as setforth in said Agreement. County of Oakland THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Department of Pks & Rec Comm. is authorized to enter into the Project Agreement with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and agrees to perform the terms and conditions of said Agreement. The following aye votes were recorded: The following nay votes were recorded: State of Michigan ) ss County of ) I, Clerk of the , Michigan, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of the Resolution relative to the Agreement with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources which Resolution was adopted by the of at a (regular or special) meeting held 19 Signature Title Dated: 10-2 ITEM #11 ASPHALT GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE We have received from Detroit Concrete Products an invoice for the paving of 8,800 square feet of asphalt around the Glen Oaks clubhouse and the cart path for #1 tee. This project is the one that was brought to your attention at the May 20 Commission meeting. Detroit Concrete Products was the company that the Oakland County Drain Commission had do all of the asphalt work for their major drainage project at Glen Oaks. Staff felt it would be to our benefit, and to the benefit of the golfers, to have this work completed at this time rather than causing further disruption in play later in the year. Staff requests Commission approval to pay the expenditure of $8,200.00 to Detroit Concrete Products. There is $20,000.00 budgeted in the Capital Improvement Projects Budget for asphalt paving at Glen Oaks. ITEM 112 ADDISON OAKS MASTER PLAN The completed master plan for Addison Oaks will be presented Peter Pollack and Associates, at the Commission by the consultants, es recommended by meeting. This plan incorporates all of the chang the Commission and staff. our approval and adoption. This plan will be submitted for y 12-1 ITEM #13 RFNO,VATSON WAVE -POOL OAKS WATERFORD gassa will the firm of GiffelslHoYem Proposal prepared by ion• The e C on for discuss was uded in your the ammissi incl be presented to which description, See the attached une 17 Commission meeting. agenda packet from the J 13-1 Y,Y v RS W vE at water ford WATEggO'Rg pA ool comPle� � we are to resent wave Pn is needed 1 nave in the e P a o e t aware that thvahexe reaov tl service as w luated as o You axe shed a Polnt ivy recreatio eed to be eva of new water Oaks has rea rovide a qua e not only T the addj'tyon a tr'le water nue to P nd slid but for is into Conti The Pool a e laGements► t° develop t'n and Past. airs and x P e amenit1es ex facilities' ryous design x future sand otY,ex s itive with of this with var facilltles • area feature lch is co%Pet researching Meld of orate round in this the Park wh atf has been ionals in the a good backg ly inv°lved '"a tor Stat Profess s we feel has was indirect des Plans to constxu e of the t ix'm This firm rePared the d hough On els/Hoyem Basso. ford pales and P acllities► alt rietY is ryft Water ellent f n the va eveloPment of tion , rks axe eX,C ar en°ugh y d � constxuC of these Pa d not gat axing a Oaks both we di rep we teel ed Oaks► traints. o► who is P evaluate► the case of R to budget Cons ith .xoyem 'Basso to featuxe5 an features due Cussed this w x services xt1es and water s o ° We have di ux review t n new taCill certain osal fox o elaP and desig eed t° rectify becomes Prof vate ► and dev Red Oaks + on ► and then nt ► Water ford re''O this Park. and e and condyti alth DePartme slue at fox Due to its ag ed by the Ke the two, ding this 1 ions identl. nd urgent of entat on regar ti condlt re Critical a making a Pxes the m gtatt will be tang Comm�'ss�on mee 3 the •2 ITEM 114 MANAGER'S REPORT ---The Oakland County Board of Commissioners approved the purchase of the Lyon Township rookery property at their July 25 meeting. Purchase agreements were signed at 2 p.m. that day, with all of the commissioners' concerns addressed. Closing date is scheduled for July 15. ---Enclosed is a copy of the Red Oaks Sports Village revenue comparison for 1990-91. For 1992, we will begin basing attendance on the revenue received each month by the Parks and average that figure. ---The Oakland County Department of Public Works is working with staff to establish a weather station at Independence Oaks to keep a record of temperatures, wind, and rain and snow accumulations at the park. This is being done at no cost to the Parks System. ---Attached is miscellaneous correspondence on the Parks' BMX and Wheelchair Basketball programs for your information. ---Staff is working in conjunction with the United States Luge Team on an experimental luge program with the Parks Commission this fall. This is an opportunity for 80 youths in Oakland County to try a luge sled; those showing the most promise will be invited to Lake Placid to try the real thing. This program is co -sponsored by the 3M Corporation. More information will be provided as plans are firmed. ---Manager Richard will be attending the NACo annual conference in Minneapolis in July as a NACPRo board member. He will be accepting, on behalf of the Commission, an award for the Com- mission's facility maintenance building and computer program. ---Note for your calendars: Staff is not planning a Commission meeting for July 15. The next meeting will be 9 a.m. on Wednesday, August 5, at Red Oaks. Fireworks Displays will be held on Friday, July 3 at Addison Oaks and Saturday, July 4 at Groveland Oaks, both beginning at dusk (approximately 10 p.m.). The Clarkston SCAMP/Rotary picnic has been tentatively set for Monday, July 13, at the Independence Oaks Twin Chimneys shelter. 14-1 Red Oaks Golf Dome & Sports Village, Inc. Revenue Comparison 1990 & 1991 1990 1991 January $ 48,475.42 $ 54,218.00 February 60,896.80 74,151.72 March 70,749.10 78,387.58 April 30,766.51 84,579.28 May 9,161.20 81,549.34 June 59,472.80 125,133.96 July 167,933.07 118,442.07 August 135,308.90 111,323.24 September 54,339.84 38,690.50 October 20,746.10 12,988.49 November 14,476.75 16,557.99 December 27,553.10 35,269.75 Audit Adjustment 2,920.41 164.08 Total Revenue $702,800.00 ----------- ----------- $831,456.00 ----------- ----------- Commission Revenue $ 24,000.00 $ 24,943.68* *$943.68 will appear as revenue in 1992's financial statements. Note: Monthly figures were calculated from daily financial revenue information sheets during the Audit. The Audit Adjustment figure was included in order to make the yearly total the same as the total reported in the R.O.G.D. & S.V. financial statement for each year. Pg. 1 of 2. 14-2 Excerpt from Lease between O.C. Parks & Recreation Commission (Lessor) and Red Oaks Golf Dome & Sports Village (Lessee) 7. RENTAL RATE. LESSEE shall pay as rental and as compensation for the right and privilege of operation the park facility the following amounts on a quarterly basis: a. Years one through three (January 1, 1990 - December 31, 1992): Twenty-four Thousand Dollars ($24,000.00) per year or three percent (3°) of gross revenue from all sources, whichever sum is greater. b. Years four through five (January 1, 1993 - December 31, 1994): Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) per year or four percent (4%) of gross revenue from all sources, whichever sum is greater. C. Years six through seven (January 1, 1995 - December 31, 1996): Thirty-three Thousand Dollars ($33.,000.00) per year-or"five percent (5%) of gross revenue from all sources, whichever sum is greater. d. Years eight through nine (January 1, 1997 - December 31, 1998)= Thirty-five Thousand Dollars ($35,000.00) per year or six percent (6%) of gross revenue from all sources, whichever sum is greater. e. Years ten through twenty -(January 1, 1999 - December 31, 2009): Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) per year or seven percent (70) of gross revenue from all sources, whichever sum is greater. f. Starting with year one, if gross revenues reach and exceed $1,000,000, the LESSEE shall pay the LESSOR ten percent (100) of the gross revenues exceeding $1,000,000, in addition to the prescribed rental as indicated in a through e above. The obligation of the LESSEE to pay rent shall commerce on the date that the improvements hereinafter referred to are completed and capable of opening to the public for use. If the facility is not open for business during the calendar year of 1990, then no rental payment shall be due that year. If a portion of the facility is open during the calendar year, there shall be a rent of 30 of gross, per facility that is open and collecting revenues, in lieu of the contract minimum. The total minimum would therefore be in effect beginning the second year, no matter what facilities are open. The LESSEE shall have the right to petition the LESSOR for review and/or relief of the contract. LESSEE shall furnish LESSOR a statement by a certified public accountant setting forth the aggregate amount of gross revenues for the yearly term, within 90 days of the end of the year's term. The LESSEE shall provide the LESSOR a quarterly summary of gross revenues. LESSOR shall have the right to audit LESSEE'S records on a cuarterly basis, which includes the review ,of all accounting records as well as cash receipts. 14-3 Pg. 2 of 2. VICKI ZUITHOF BMX Coordinator (313) 858-0915 ldffi �1 KELLY BURNETTE Track Maintenance (313) 625-1518 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 2800 Watkins Lake Rd. Waterford, MI 48328 June 18, 1992 McGuires Motor Inn 120 South Telegraph Waterford, MI 48328 Dear Mr. McGuire: On behalf of Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and the Waterford Oaks BMX Volunteer Association, I would like to thank you for your generous donation of $100.00 for our 1992 bicycle racing season. The continued success of this program is due to people like yourself and the many volunteers that spend numerous hours serving the riders of the sport. As in the past, we will continue to mention your support throughout the season at each event. Many many thanks Mr. McGuire, and have a great summer ! Sincerely, :� Vicki J. Zuith BMX Coca: d i natar cc: Ralph Richard, Manager Jon Kipke, Asst. Manager Sue Wells, Chief of Recreation Sandy DeVonce, Recreation Specialist 14-4 SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF FERNDALE JEANNE A. MCINTYRE THEODORE ROOSEVELT SCHOOL PRINCIPAL 2610 PINECREST FERNDALE. MICHIGAN (48220) Oakland County 'Parks 2800 Watkins Lake Rd. Waterford, MI 48328 Dear Sandy: & Recreation Commission June 22, 1992 TELEPHONE 548-1 950 On behalf of the Roosevelt School Disabilities Awareness Week Team, I want to thank you for your help in bringing the wheelchair basketball team to our school. It was a wonderful experience for all of the staff who participated in this activity. Parents and children who came to watch the game commented positively on the experience as well. This basketball game was an important part of our overall program that focuses on heightening awareness about handicaps and stresses we are more alike than different. It was particularly helpful for our children to see that handicaps do not have to keep people from enjoying sports. As a player, I realized just how difficult it is to manage a wheelchair and a basketball at the same time. I admire the players' -,skill and strength. Give our best to the players and let them know again how much we appreciated their visiting our school. This is a great program that needs more exposure. Enclosed is a small token of our appreciation for your visit. Sincerely, � eanne McIntyre Principal 14-5