HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1992.06.17 - 39908OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION 2800 Watkins Lake Road • Waterford, Michigan 48328 (313) 858-0906 • Fax (313) 858-1683 Ralph A. Richard Manager Jon J. Kipke Assistant Manager June 12, 1992 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: Lewis E. Wint Chairman Jean M. Fox Vice Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Secretary Fred Korzon George W. Kuhn Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Thomas A. Law Lawrence Littman John E. Olsen Roy Rewold A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Rd. Waterford, MI TIME • . • • • • . • • . • . . .Wednesday, June 17, 1992 9:00 A.M. PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Mr. Lewis E. Wint, Chairman, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, �a4z%e Ralph Richard Manager RR/jg OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING June 17, 1992 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes for June 3, 1992 Meeting. 4. Public Comments. 5. Approval of Payment: Voucher Nos. 6-1 thru 6-281. Interdepartmental Payment Register: Charges Paid in May. 6. Activity Report for Month Ending May, 1992. 7. Gold Medal Award Nomination Slide Presentation. Jan Pung / 858-0906 8. Toboggan Side - Waterford Oaks. Joe Figa / 858-0906 9. Renovation - Waterford Oaks Wave Pool. If" 10. Irrigation Repairs - Glen Oaks Golf Course. Mike Thibodeau / 858-4944 11. Manager's Report. 12. Old Business. 13. New Business. 14. Adjourn. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING June 3. 1992 The meeting was called to order at 9:13 a.m. by Vice Chairman Jean Fox in the banquet room of the Glen Oaks Clubhouse. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairman Jean Fox, Secretary Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Fred Korzon, George Kuhn, Thomas Law, John Olsen COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman Lewis Wint, Richard Kuhn, Jr., Larry Littman, Roy Rewold ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Oakland Co. Purchasing DDB Needham APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Ralph Richard, Manager Jon Kipke, Assistant Manager Joseph Figa, Chief, Design & Development Jan Pung, Public Communications Officer Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf Dan Stencil, Chief of Parks Sheila Cox, Accountant III Frank Trionfi, Chief, Admin. Services Susan Wells, Chief of Recreation Carol Farwell, Storekeeper III Skip Roche, Gr. Maint. Supervisor Les Gidcumb, Gen'l Maint. Mechanic Don Greenup, Parks Maint. Aide Les Barron, Jr., Groundskeeper II Jeff Sanborn, Gr. Equipment Mechanic Amy Moore-Luettke, Buyer II Ernie Baker, Chairman Dee Marx, Account Supervisor Moved by Mr. G. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Law to approve the minutes of the meeting of May 20, 1992, as written. AYES: Fox, Korzon, G. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Olsen (6) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENTS: No comments were made by, nor questions received from, the public. STAFF INTRODUCTIONS: Chief of Golf Mike Thibodeau and Grounds Maintenance Supervisor Skip Roche intro- duced their staff to the Commission. 3 - 1 (Commission Meeting, June 3, 1992) APPROVAL OF PAYMENTS: Moved by Mr. Lewis, supported by Mr. Olsen to approve the payment of Vouchers 5-215 through 5-347. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Korzon, G. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Olsen, Fox (6) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS: Moved by Mr. Korzon, supported by Mr. G. Kuhn to accept the Statement of Operations for the month ending April 30, 1992. AYES: Fox, Korzon, G. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Olsen (6) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BUDGET UPDATE: Moved by Mr. Lewis, supported by Mr. Olsen to approve the Capital Im- provement Projects Budget Update as of April 30, 1992, plus approve the designation of $209,517.40 from the Capital Improvement Projects Budget to the Future Acquisition and Improvement line item. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: G. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Olsen, Fox, Korzon (6) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. BIDS: As per the information filed in the agenda, the following bids were approved: Moved by Mr. G. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Lewis to approve the purchase of the Generac generator for Groveland Oaks from Burke Equipment in the amount of $8,495.00, contingent upon confirmation that the equip- ment is of sufficient American -made content. Discussion followed; motion and support withdrawn. Commission directed staff to rebid the generator. Moved by Mr. Korzon, supported by Mr. Lewis to approve the purchase of the following items as reviewed and recommended by staff and Pur- chasing: 3 - 2 (Commission Meeting, June 3, 1992) Removal and replacement of two heating boilers at the Addison Oaks Conference Center to the second low bidder, Hydronic Supply, in the amount of $14,187.00. Hydraulic aerator for the four golf courses from Wilkie Turf Equipment Company in the amount of $21,950.00. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Law, Lewis, Olsen, Fox, G. Kuhn, Korzon (6) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. DDB NEEDHAM PROJECTS AND PROGRESS REPORT: Dee Marx, Account Supervisor from DDB Needham, reviewed the projects and programs DDB Needham and the Parks are involved in, touching on the Parks' awareness pro- gram, sponsorships, radio programs, and the Tiger baseball clinics. Commission accepted the report, complimenting Ms. Marx on the job being done on behalf of the Parks and requesting a periodic update. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Moved by Mr. Olsen, supported by Mr. Law to adjourn to Executive Ses- sion. AYES: Fox, Korzon, G. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Olsen (6) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 10:12 a.m. Meeting re -convened at 10:32 a.m. MANAGER'S REPORT: In addition to the Manager's Report filed in the agenda, the following was noted: ---Commissioners were reminded to notify Karen Smith as soon as possible as to whether or not they will be attending the national conference in October. Next meeting will be 9 a.m. on Wednesday, June 17, 1992, at the administration office. Meeting adjourned at 10:34 a.m. Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Karen Smith Secretary Recording Secretary 3 - 3 Y OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS ANU RECREATION COMMISSION Payment Appnovat Swm+any Pon Meeting o j : JUNE 17, 1992 VOUCHERS: Nos. 6-1 them 6-281 INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS: Apn it change6 paid in May $530,855.23 167,680.95 TOTAL $6981-536.18 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-1 MRPA Misc.lncome,reimb.for tickets sold, a ment #1—Admin. $ 468.25 6-2 Acushnet Company Golf Mdse-for Resale,golf bal.ls—Wh. Lk. 222.66 6-3 Ric's An-i-lers & Anchor Mdse. for Resale,worms—Indep. 20.00 6-4 Gean—Edwards, Inc. Golf Mdse. for Resale,socks—Red Oaks 148.38 6-5 Entre Computer Center CUAC Cap.Equip.,Software Programs (Unix System, WordPerfect, Lotus 123 & DataFase)—Admin 6,545.00 6-6 Cats Company CUAC Ca _ E uip. Software Programs (WordPerfect)— 868.00 1,318.00 6-7 MI Rental Service Cap.Equip.,(1)Stone/Soil Compactor —Tech. Sup. 6-8 Steel Equipment Company _ Ca i pE u• q p .. (_4 )�bM�.d m_in - _ 6-9 Schleede—Ham ton Assoc. 1 15 92 Cap -Pr oj. Sewage System Renov.—Add. (payment #3) 12,326.45 6-10 Premium Air Systems 1ZM4j9 ---�-ap.Proi.,Conf.Ctr. Imp. —Add. (Rayment #3) 2,614.10 6 -11 American Aggregates _ Cap.Proj.,Drainage Imp. & Material Storage Bins —Glen Oaks:Gro nd5Maint.—Add. & Indep. _ 2,505.38 6-12 Century Rain —Aid Cap. Proj.,Clubhouse Landscaping —Red Oaks;Grounds Maint. — er9_ak . 113.32 6-13 H drop nam i cs Inc. Cap Pro j.,Dra i nage I mR —G-J en Oaks 3344.00 6-14 Lesco Inc. CaD.Proj. Drainage Imp. —Glen Oaks 1,800.00 6-15 Kammer/Michigan Consultants Inc. Prof. Services,lobbyist on legist. matters for the month of June, 1992—Admin. 1,000.00 6-16 • Wilkie Turf Equipment Division 4/15/92 *Cap. Equip.,(3)Utility Vehicles —Red Oaks & R.O.W.Park; Group ds Maint —Wh Lk &Red Oak _;Fquip.Maint.—Red Oaks 17,759.85 6-17 Burke BuildingCenters Bldg.Maint.—Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,YAC&W.O. W.Park;Maint.Sup.—Tech.Sup.;Grounds Maint.—Orion,lndep., Spring.&YAC;Equip. Maint.—Water. & W.O.W.Park;Rec.Sup.— Nat. Prog. 1, 559.49 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND . _.;REAIION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-18 Pioneer Hardware Bldg.Maint.—Wh.Lk.&Spring.;Grounds Maint.—Wh.Lk.&Spring.; Hskp.Exp.—Wh.Lk.;Sm.Tools—Wh.Lk.&Spring.;Equip.Mairit.— 1 Spring. 223.21 6-19 AT&T Communications—Wh. Lk. 45.59 6-20 UZ Engineered Products Maint.Sup.—Tech.Sup.;Equip.Maint.—Add.,lndep. & R.O.W. Park;Hskp.Exp.—R.O.W.Park 603.39 6-21 Eiden Equipment Company Misc.Exp.,floor guards—Tech.Sup.;Maint.Sup.&Sm.Tools- Tech.Su .•Bld .Maint.—Wh.Lk.•E ui .Maint.&Hsk .Ex .—W.O. W.Park 923.97 6-22 W.F.Miller Company Equip.Maint.—Add.,Grove.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks&Spring.; Grounds Maint.—Spring. 931.72 6-23 O.C. Road Commission Grounds Maint.,rock salt & sand —Add. & Indep. _ 1,782.74__ 6-24 Harrison Piping Equip. Maint.,piping supplies—W.O.W.Park 349.88 6-25 United Hort. Supply 3/18/92 Grounds Maint.,fertilizer—Add.,Grove.,lndep. & Red Oaks 5,666.40 6-26 MI Coffee Service Equip. Rental —Add. 24.95 6-27 Fire Control, Inc. Bldg. Maint.,maint. & labor for sprinkler system—Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks & YAC 432.00 6-28 Service Plumbing and Heating Bldg. Maint.—Spring. 71.17 6-29 Jesse W. Eakins Company Bld .Maint.,(3)Filter Vessels —Grove. 2,700.00 6-30 Acme Cleaning Service Bldg. Maint.,window cleaning services —Glen Oaks 115.00 _ 6-31 Detroit Ball Bearing Equip.Maint.—Tech.Sup.;Bldq.Maint.—W.O.W.Park 152.06 _ 6-32 Certified Laboratories Equip. Maint.—Red Oaks 86.30 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHED. VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-33 Bandit Industries Equip. Maint.,lnfeed pan for a Chimer machine—Indep. 232.00 6-34 _ _ AGA Gas Equip. Maint.—Tech. Sup. 4.20 6-35 Spartan Oil Corporation Equip. Maint.,oil—Red Oaks 222.85 6-36 Graybar Electric Co. Equip. Maint.—Add. 8.50 6-37 Safety Kleen Corp. Equip. Maint.—Glen Oaks 47.80 — 6-38 Wolverine Hydro Systems, nc.10.00 6-39 Ca itol Equipment, Inc.ip Maint.—Grove. & Indep. 819.66 6-40 Goodyear Wholesale Tire Center _ _ Equip.Maint.—Tech.Sup.,Glen Oaks&Mob.Rec.,buses �— _ _ 284.92 6-41 O.C. Soil & Water Conse vation District__ Grounds Maint..tree_spedIings—Add. & Grove. 138.46 6-42 nd's Nursery_ Grounds Maint.,(2)Trees—Add. 199.97 6-43 .Wieaa AAA Topsoil, Inc. Grounds Ma i nt..toDSO_LL_L[Ld�R. _ 170.00 6-44 6-45 B I a Q y Tree Trani Hartsig Supply Co. Inc. Grounds Ma i nt.,.trees transit I an-l-ed—Indep Grounds Maint.,boi er drain & faucet —Add 10250.00 _. 103.76 6-46 D & C Distributors Grounds Maint golf ball washers—Wh. Lk. 890.00 6-47 Milford Sand & Gravel Grounds Maint.—Glen Oaks 40.92 _ 6-48 VOID 6-49 Arbor Springs Water Co. ff.Su .—I e .;Grounds Maint.—Glen Oaks 2.50 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND , .REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-50 Harvard's Plaza Cleaners Laundry & Dry Cleaning—Add.,Grove. & Indep. y 124.10 6-51 Angie's Kitchen ' Misc.Exp.,lunch for trusty cr,ew,5/15,21&22/92—Add. 97.57 6-52 State of Michigan Resident Fund Misc.Exp.,prisoner labor for April, 1992—Tech.Sup.,Add., Grove.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks & Spring. 2,965.00 6-53 Ga anene's Floral ConceDtS Public Info.,palm fronds for Emp. Recog. Banquet held on May 8, 1992—Admin. 69.00 6-54 Pontiac Mailing Public I — 332.33 6-55 U.S. Post Office Public Info—mailing..of Acorn Newsletter—Admin. 500.00 6-56 Christ Keats AdvertiSin Public Info.,Layout and Design for Seniors,Golf & Ski Brochures—Admin. 1,800.00 6-57 Jeff Ellis & Associates 3/18/92 Training(Seminars),lifeguard training—R.O.W.Park & W.O. W.Park 500.00 _.. 6-58 Hank Gniewek Trophies Uniforms,red lifeguard jackets-Add.,Grove. , Indep.R.O.W. Park & W.O.W.Park 1,374-50 6-59 Dayton Stencil Works Off. Sup..lmprinted Key Tags—Sprinq. 152.58 6-60 Boise Cascade Office Off. Ste.—Indep. _ _ 20.58 6-61 Albin Business Copiers Off.Sup.,meter charges on Konica copiers—Adrnin.,Grove. & _-prina. 6-62 Entire Reproductions Off. Sup. —Mob. Rec. _ _ 6.14 6-63 Kmart Off. Sup. —Tech. Sup. 59.97 6-64 Oakland Schools Public Info.—Admin.;Off.Sup.—Add.,Red Oaks & Nat. Prog. _ 47.72 _ 6-65 Water Safety Products Rec.Sup.,(4)Rescue Tubes—R.O.W.Park & W.O.W.Park 173.74 6-66 Tierra Arts & Design Rec. Sup. —Add. 76.09 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND ,-REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-67 Spill Solutions Co. Sm.Tools,(2)Containment Units w/cover-Add. & Grove. g; 830.00 6-68 Palmer Tool Co. Sm. Tools,tube handle & hammers -Glen Oaks 110.15 6-69 Madison Heights Senior Center Refund,overpayment for golf league -Red Oaks 1,144.00 6-70 Sundry (Miscellaneous) Misc.Exp.,reimb. for pesticide applicator's certificate fee to B.Newton & K.Lindsey (Ea $50 00)-Add. 10(L-0.0 6-71 MI Flag Pole Grounds Maint.,(1)Flagpole & eagle -Add. 994.00 6172 Petrolane Utilities -Grove. 125.57 6-73 Detroit Edison Utilities-Add.,Add.Conf.Ctr.,Grove. 5,085.37 6-74 Detroit Edison Utilities -Glen Oaks,Spring. & YAC 7,808.38 6-75 Graphmark Services Special Events,shirts for Mt.Bike Race -Add-. 1,689.48 6-76 Ric's Antlers & Anchor Mdse. for Resale,worms-Add. & Grove. 149.30 6-77 Michigan Firewood Mdse. for Resale,firewood-Add. 570.00 6-78 Knight -Rummel Associates Bldg. Maint.-Grove. 92.28 6-79 Con -Way Central Express Bldg. Maint.-Grove. 52.08 6-80 H.L. Claeys & Co. Bldg. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 49.08 6-81 Robertson Brothers Bldg. Maint.,(1)Grate-R.O.W.Park 175.00 6-82 Leslie Electric Bldg. Maint.,lamp bases,bulbs & wire-YAC 104.02 6-83 Tire Warehouse Outlet Equip. Maint.-Add. 12.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND i. REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-84 PB Electronics Equip. Maint.—Add. _ 35.00 6-85 Chemsearch Equip. Maint.,vin I cleanin •solution—Wh. Lk. 101.50 6-86 John A. Biewer Equip. Maint.,wax & cleaner for slides—R.O.W.Park 197.52 6-87 Meijer, Inc. Misc.Exp.,food for mtg.—Admin.;Public Info.—Admin.;Off. Sup.—Admin.&Rec.Admin.;Bldq.Maint.—R.O.W.Park;Rec.Sup.— _ Mob. Rec. & Nat. Prog.;Special Events,ther. prog.—Rec. Admin. & Mt.Bike Race —Add. 432.16 6-88 Mid States Petroleum Equip. Maint. diesel & unleaded fuel —Grove. 642.96 6-89 Ralph A. Richard Travel Reimb. for attending the Sp. Park Forum in Lincroft,NJ on 4/28 thru 5/3/92—Admin. - 164.32 6-90 Daniel J. Stencil Travel Reimb. for attending the Sp. Park Forum in Lincroft NJ on 4/28 thru 5/3/92—Admin. 5.00 6-91 Karen Smith, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.—Admin. 242.24 6-92 Robert Coffey, Cust. PettyCash Reimb.—Add. 62.23 6-93 Wesco Maint. Sup.,energy saving lights —Tech. Sup. 3,152.80 _ 6-94 Van's Auto Supply, Inc. Equip. Maint.—Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Spring. & Water.;Sm. Tools—Wh. Lk. 479.47 6-95 Jean's Hardware Sm.Tools,Grounds,Bld . & E ui . Maint.—Glen Oaks 384.81 6-96 John R Lumber Bldg. Maint.,Equip.Maint.,Grounds Maint. & Sm.Tools- Red Oaks;Bldg. Maint.—R.O.W.Park 205.12 6-97 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry&Dry Cleaning—Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh. Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,YAC,Water., W.O.W.Park & Nat. Prog. 488.47 6-98 Century Rain Aid Grounds Maint.—Glen Oaks,Spring. & R.O.W.Park 965.32 i rn OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND ,-REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER. VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-99 Hornung's Pro Golf Sales Golf Mdse for Resale,spikes,tee bags,ball spotters,shoe laces & Off.Su .-S rin . $ 424.94 6-100 Henderson Glass, Inc. Bld . Maint. clear lexi lass-W.O.W.Park 113.68 6-101 The Boomer Company Bldg. aint.-R.O.W.Park 22.50 6-102 Lakeland Builders Supply_ Bldg. Maint.-Grove. 8.65 6-103 Giant Plumbing & Heating Supply Bldg. Maint. wall hung closet &gasket -Grove. 292.26 6-104 American Lockers Security Systems Bldg. Maint.,misc. security items-R.O.W.Park 117.40 6-105 MI Coffee Service Equip. Rental-Rec. Admin. 24.95 6-106 Mtjnn Ford Tractor, Ines_ Equip. Maint.-Add. & Red Oaks _ _ 360.36 _ 6-107 Burington Golf Car Distributors Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk.,Red Oaks & Spring. 250.20 6-108 Pifer, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. & Red Oaks 105.41 6-109 Parts Associates Equip. Maint.-Spring. 73.19 _ 6-110 Lawson Products----.-.----.— Eqy ip. Maint.,restock nuts & boli-s-Add. 167.35 6-111 King rothers Equip. Maint.-Add. 20.51 6-112 D & C Distributors Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks;Equip. Maint.-Water. 375.01 6-113 American Aggregates Grounds Maint.,road gravel-Indep. & Water. 484.72 6-114 Universal Equipment Grounds Maint.-Add. & R.O.W.Park 350.51 6-115 Recreonics Corporation Grounds Maint.-Inde . _ _ 53.28 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND . REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-116 EZ—Doz—It Laundromat Laundry & Dry Cleaning —Spring. q 18.00 6-117 AT&T Communications —BMX 1 13.35 6-118 Petrolane Maint. Sup.,propane—Tech. Sup. 23.76 6-119 MI First Aid Misc. Exp.,medical supplies —Grove. & R.O.W.Park 25.93 6-120 Effective Productions Special Events,video editing—R.O.W.Park 130.50 6-121 AGA Gas Special Events,helium container—Rec. Sup. 3.90 6-122 MI Square Dance News Special Events,one year subscription —Water. 12.50 6-123 Gordon Food Service Special Events,Tiger Clinics—Rec.Admin. & Seniors South Pacific Day—YAC _ 213.80 6-124 EMW Custom Apparel Uniforms,(100) Lifeguard Hats—Add.,Grove.,Indep.,W.O.W. Park & R.O.W.Park 200.00 6-125 Waterford Tw shi . P&R Public Info. ad in brochure—Admin. 250.00 6-126 Meteor Photo Co. Public Info.,slides & prints—Admin. 238.88 6-127 Camera Mart, Inc. Off. Sup. —Nat. Prog.;Public Info.—Admin. 126.32 6-128 Harvey's Office World Off.Sup.—Add.,Indep.,Spring. & Water. 152.15 6-129 Entire Reproductions Off.Sup. & Public Info.—Admin. 49.02 6-130 Bean Bros. Award & Supply Rec. Sup.,engraved plate & trophies —BMX 192.00 6-131 Hornung's Pro Golf Sales Sm.Tools,(26)Rental Carts—Wh. Lk. & Glen Oaks 1,638.00 6-132 Benham Chemical Corp. I Sm. Tools,Lawn Spreader —Glen Oaks 195.00 I OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND i REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-133 Sundry (Payroll) Pay period ending 6/5/92—All Parks 199,775.00 1 6-134 B. L. French & Sons Grounds Maint.,topsoil—Wh. Lk. 150.00 6-135 Ray Wiegand's Nursery Grounds Maint.,bushes—Add. 98.50 6-136 Sherwin Williams Paint Grounds Maint.—Add. 32.52 279.82 6-137 EMED Graphic Communicat!or Grounds Maint.,signs—Indep.&Orion 6-138 AAA Topsoil, Inc. Grounds Maint.,topsoil—Indep. 170.00 6-139 Benham Chemical Corp. Grounds Maint.,e>pedite broadleaf —Glen Oaks 147.00 6-140 Champion America, Inc. Grounds Maint.,(1)Yellow Speed Bump —Grove. _ 136.91 6-141 Baldwin Cafe Misc.Ex .,lunches for trusty crew,5/21,22&27/92—Orion 62.28 _ 6-142 Angie's Kitchen Misc. Exp.,lunches for trusty crew,5/28-29/92—Add. 98.19 6-143 Varon & Associates, Inc. Public Info.,(15,000)paper bags w/imprint—Admin. 651.50 6-144 Christopher McLallen Public Info.,Add.Oaks Disc Golf '& Glen Oaks G.C. photo- _dmin. 81.00 6-145 United Artists Cable Public Info ,voice narrati.on&studio time—Admin. 180.00 6-146 MI Square Dance News Special Events full page ads —Water. _ 130.00 6-147 Janet Pung Travel Reimb. for attending the Leadership Mtg. in Auburn Hill, MI on 5/21/92-Admin. 10.00 6-148 Fitness First Rec. Sup (100)Blue Mats—W O.W.Park 1,010.00 6-149J Marine Rescue Products Rec. Su (10)Water Tubes—R.O.W.Park & W.O.W.Park 420.95 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND , .REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-150 Northwest Tool Supply,lnc. Sm. Tools,lawn equipment —Add. 947.95 6-151 Tim Wooland Refund of Mt. Bike Race fee —Add. 20.00 6-152 Lauri Parks Refund of Golf League fee—Wh. Lk. 142.50 6-153 Waterford Township Water & Sewer System Utilities —Water. 131.60 6-154 ep . ot Hub—F—ic Works Water & Sewage Charges —Add. & Add. Conf. Ctr. 859.50 6-155 City of Madison Heights Utilities —Red Oaks & R.O.W.Park 2,042.79 6-156 Northwest Parks & Rec. Assn. Adv.Regist. for J.Dunleavy,S.Edson,A.Eidson,M.Brady,M. Boyd&J.Jablonski&2 Others to _attend the Idea Exchange Wo�lishop_ in Rochester.Ml o 6 1 /92_Mob_Rec,____`_____ Adv.Regist.for S.Ball to attend the Sound Sec. Practice Workshop in Ann Arbor MI on 7 14/92—Admin: ___ 35.00 _ 6-157 _ Padgett —Thompson 125.00 6-158 Burke Equipment Cap.Equip.,(1)Hot Water Pressure Washer —Tech. Sup. 2,968.00 6-159 Hamblin Sign Cap.Proj.,Nat. Ctr. Landscape—Indep. _ _ 1,420.00 6-160 _ Vidosh Landscape Ctr._____ Cap.Proj.,Protective Fencing —Red Oaks;Grounds Maint.—Red Oaks & Glen Oaks _ _1,380.00 122.00 6-161 O.C. Sheriff's Dept. Marine Division Misc.Exp.,boat inspection —Add. & Grove. 6-162 Baldwin Cafe Misc. Exp.,lunch for trusty crew,5/12/92—Orion 20.80 E-163 State of Michigan Resident Trust Misc. Exp.,prisoner labor for the month of April, 1992— Indep. & Glen Oaks _ 1,052.68 6-164 DOT Health Care Products Misc. Exp.,first aid kits for swimming pools—R.O.W.Park& W.O.W.Park _-.__—. 127.91 _ _f)-165 MI Tile & Supply __ Bldg. Maint.,.walI the —Add. Conf. Ctr. 164.21 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND ,-REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-166 Blakeley Products Co. Bldg. Maint.,waterproof carpet-R.O.W.Park 304.07 6-167 Winter Seal of Flint Bldg. Maint.-Grove. 51.60 6-168 Boston Tile & Terrazzo Bldg. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 33.48 6-169 Northern Wire & Cable CUAC Bldg. Maint.,cables for Office Automation System-Admin. 180.00 _ 6-170 Satterlund Supply Co. Bldg. Maint.,piping supplies-R.O.W.Park 401.76 6-171 Corrosion Fluid Products 5/6/92 Bldg. Maint.,repair of valves-W.O.W.Park 5,021.28 6-172 Robertson Brothers Bldg. Maint.-W.O.W.Park 47.20 6-173 Chet's American Rental Bldg. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 24.38 6=174 Advance Floor Covering Bldg. Maint.-W.O.W.Park 13.50 6-175 Pontiac Paint Company Bldg. Maint.-Indep. & R.O.W.Park 260.25 6-176 Oxford Lumber Company Bldg. Maint. & Grounds Maint.-Add. 79.80 6-177 VOID 6-178 Quality Industries, Inc. Grounds Maint.,picnic table -Grove. 389.00 6-179 Falcon Lawn Sprinkler___ Grounds Maint.,installation of underground sprinklers- Indep. 2,965.00 6-180 United Hort. Supply 3/18/92 Grounds Maint. fertilizer -Glen Oaks 6.083.51 6-181 Stanley Industries, Inc. Grounds Maint.,-Grove.;Bldg. Maint.-W.O.W.Park 556.15 6-182 H S & S, Inc. E ui Maint. adlocks for rental boats -Add. 119.96 6-183 I Quality Lawn E ui ment—]— Equip.Maint.,installed rebuilt engine, isolator&belt set for tractor-YAC 2,804.91 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND � ,REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT Equip. Maint.—S ring. 21.00 6-185 Auto Supplies by Herks Equip. Maint.—Grove. 6.58 6-186 Industrial Vehicle Sales Equip. Maint. �rove.,Indep.,Glen Oaks & Water. 199.81 6-187 JRE Tires Equip. Maint.—Red Oaks 15.00 6-188 Capitol Equipment, Inc. Equip. Maint.,(6)Scarifier&(1)Cutting Edge—Indep. 291.50 6-189 Waste Management North Rubbish Removal —Glen Oaks 65.00 6-190 Market Share Coupons Public Info.,coupon insertion—Admin. 1,000.00 67191 City of Huntington Woods Public Info.,newsletter inserts—Admin. _ 200.00 6-192 Showspan, Inc. Public Info.,rental of booth for Camper Show—Admin. 190.00 6-193 United Artists Cable Public Info.,edit for Gold Medal presentation—Admin. 125.00 6-194 VOID 6-195 U.S. Post Office Public Info.,mailing of Acorn Newsletter—Admin. 1,386.10 6-196 VOID 6-197 Nine Mile Rent —All Grounds Maint.,rental of cement trailer—R.O.W.Park 177.40 6-198 Linda Oehrlein Special Events,dancers for the Sr. South Pacific Event- YAC 50.00 6-199 VOID 6-200 AllGraphics Corporation 4/15/92 Uniforms,blue summer shirts—Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add., Grove. 0 io R.O.W.Park,YAC,Water.,W.O.W.Park,T.Complex,Mob.Rec. & BMX 11,536.80 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND .-REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-201 Industrial Cleaning 1 Supply Co. Hskp. Exp.—Indep.,Water. & BMX 142.71 6-202 Steelcrete Company Rec. Sup.,pool chemical supplies—R.O.W.Park 1,035.00 6-203 Sullair Corporation Sm. Tools —Tech. Sup. 21.59 6-204 Kennedy Elementary School Refund of Dunk Tank fee —Mob. Rec. 200.00 6-205 Freeway Sport Center Cap. Equip.,(2)Fishing Boats&(2)Rowboats—Add. 2,350.00 6-206 City of Madison Heights Cap. Pro fee —Red 8 ,Maint.,Building Imp.,site plan examination aks 250.00 6-207 Burington Golf Car Distributors 2/19/92 Cap. Equip.,(39)4—Whl Dr.Yahama Golf Cars—(3)Wh.Lk.,(4)- Red Oaks & (32)—Spring. 73,801.84 6-208 C & H Landscape 9/4/91 Cap. Proj.,Conf. Ctr. Imp. —Add. (payment #3) 8,176.12 6-209 So. Huron Industrial Grounds Maint.,sprayed calcium chloride—Add.,Grove. & Indep. 9,840.00 6-210 One Hour Harbour Photo Center Public Info.—Admin. 75.50 6-211 Bush Brothers Asphalt 3 18 92 Cap. Pro1..Material Storage Bins —Glen Oaks 16,967,00 6-212 United Parcel Service Off. Sup.—Admin. 10.00 6-213 American Business Concepts Public Info.,merlin tape & ribbon—Admin. 273.70 6-214 Smiley Electric Bldg. Maint.—Grove. 10.40 6-215 Tom's Hardware Sm.Tools,Equip. Maint. & Grounds Maint.—Add. 183.19 6-216 Schram Auto & Truck Parts Equip Maint —Grove & Mob Rec ,buses 295.00 _ 6-217 Pontiac Steel Company E ui .Maint.—Add.•Bld . Maint.—W.O.W.Park 324.68 i w OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND . REAlION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-218 MI First Aid Misc. Exp.,medical supplies-W.O.W.Park 238.87 6-219 Lake Orion Lumber Company Grounds Maint.-Orion & Add. . 125.00 6-220 Insty-Prints Public Info.-Admin.;Off.Sup.-Add.,Grove.,lndep&R.O.W. Park;Special Events -Co Ems -Rec Admin Fishing-Indep Jr.Tourn.-Wh.Lk.&Spring.,Sr.Citizens-Red Oaks&YAC,Sq. Dance -Water. 983•85 6-221 Herk's Oxford Automotive Equip. Maint.-Add. 29.74 6-222 Fire Equipment Company Bldg. Maint.-Red Oaks & R. .W.Park 156.40 6-223 Drayton Plywood Bldg. Maint.-Glen Oaks 67.80 6-224 Camera Mart Inc. Special Events sr . C i t i zep,5 e1�Y�C —_ —� L0,14__ 6-225 Universal TV & VCR Repair Equip Maint repair of slide pro_jectors-Admin. 105.00 6-226 Vidosh Landscape Ctr. Grounds Maint—trees-Add. 72.50 6-227 Farmington Hills Dept. of Special Services Public Info — ad in summer brochure-Admin. 425.00 6-228 American Aggregates Grounds Ma i nt mason sand-R .0..W_,._ar1L&_A_d_d__ 3920.1 , 83 6-229 Rochester -Avon Recreation Authority Public - 373.20 6-230 Coach's Corner Rec. Sup. -Grove. 7.25 6-231 The Quonset Bldg. Maint.-Grove. 4.25 6-232 AAA Topsoil, Inc. Grounds Mai_nt_..topsOil-Ind. 170.00 6-233 J& A Spring & Tires E ui Maint.-Add. 49.00 i .A OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND ,-REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-234 Henderson Glass Bldg. Maint.-Red Oaks y 64.50 6-235 Country Oaks Landscape Supply Grounds Maint. trees-Inde . 390.00 6-236 H S& S Inc. Equip. Maint.-Add. 62.95 6-237 Diversified Business Products Off Sup ,monthly billing on Ricoh copier-Admin. 286.65 6-238 O.C. Sheriff's Dept. Marine Division Misc Exp inspection of boats-Indep. 84.00 6-239 O.C. Planning Division Off .Su .-S rin .•Rec.Su .-Nat. Pro . 15.00 6-240 O.C. Department of Public Works Utilities -Glen Oaks 504.21 6-241 G.A. Thompson & Sons Grounds Maint.-Wh. Lk. _ _ _ 69.88__ 6-242 Lawn Equipment Service & Sales_. *4/15/92 **3 18 92 Cap.Equip.,*(2)3-Wheel Turf Trucksters-Glen Oaks&Spring. & * (1)Spraying Unit- Wh. Lk. 267374.00 6-243 An ie's Kitchen Misc-Exp.,Iunches for trusty crew 6/2/92-Add. 41.51 6-244 R. J.Thomas Mfg. Company.Grounds Maint.,lumber for picnic tables-Indep. 1,620.00 6-245 NCS Cleaning Services Custodial Services-Admin. Rec.Admin. & Tech -Sup. 1,300.00 6-246 Industrial Appraisal Professional Services,property record report-Admin. 391.00 6-247 Dick Blick Rec.Sup.-Grove. i 64.35 6-248 Hartsig Supply Co. Inc. Grounds Maint. faucet w/access.-Add. 139.90 6-249 W.W. Grainger, Inc. Capitol Equipment. Inc. 5/6/92 Cap. Equip.,(l)Drill & Press Machine -Tech. Sup. 3,164.42 6-250 I Equip. Maint.-Add. & Grove. ` 277.57 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND . :REATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-251 Symar Safe & Lock, Inc. Grounds Maint.—Add. 60.00 6-252 Mr. Uniform & Mat Rental Inc. Hsk .Ex .—Admin.,lnde .,Water.,lndep. & YAC 153.56 6-253 Warren Do —It Center Bldg. Maint.—Red Oaks&R.O.W.Park;Grounds Maint.—Red Oaks; Sm. Tools—R.O.W.Park 384.37 6-254 Ray Wie and's Nursery Grounds Maint.—Add. 62.50 6-255 Tierra Arts & Design Rec. Sup. —Add. 58.47 6-256 Aaro Disposal Rubbish Removal —Grove. & Orion 1,225.00 6-257 Walter E. Kutch Company Grounds Maint.,bronze plaque—Indep. 127.00 6-258 Bada Engineering Cap. Proj.,Maint.Building Imp. —Red Oaks & Bldg. Renov. Carpet, W.P.—Water. 500.00 6-259 Oakland Lawn & Garden Equipment Equip. Maint. & Sm. Tools —Glen Oaks 258.38 6-260 Steel Equipment Cap. Equip.,(13)Chairs—Admin. 2,533.44 6-261 United Artist Cable Public Info.,studio time & duplication—Admin. 100.00 6-262 Oxford Co —Op Elevator Grounds Maint.—Add. & Inde .•Rec. Sup. —Nat. Pro . 146.25 6-263 Mac's Service E ui . Co. Equip. Maint. (24)Batteries—Glen Oaks 936.00 6-264 Tri—CityAggregates Public Info.—Admin.;Grounds Maint.—Water.;Special Events sr. citizens—YAC 617.05 6-265 Michigan Roofing & Sheet Metal Company Bldg. Maint.—Indep. & W.O.W.Park 5,659.00 6-266 Mid —States Petroleum,lnc. Maint.—Wh. Lk. & Red Oaks 528.35 6-267 Julianne Kou ar _Equip. Special Events,payment for Amphitheater performance- Nat. Pro . 175.00 i rn OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND R `=ATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REG13iER JUNE, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 6-268 VOID $ __ 6-269 Laura Kelly Refund of damage de osit—YAC - 50.00 6-270 Kathleen Mahaned Refund for overpayment on Youth Camp —Add. 10.00 6-271 Ron Reeves Refund of entrance fee —Grove. 4.50 6-272 Patricia Moore Refund of securit de osit—Water. 50.00 6-273 Sue Ann Patrello Refund of damage de osit—YAC 50.00 6-274 Gene Sparrow Refund of league fee —Glen Oaks 80.00 6-275 Judith Blower Refund of damage de osit—YAC 50.00 6-276 Michelle Schoenick Refund of security deposit —Water. 50.00 6-277 Lorne Lovelace Refund of league fee —Glen Oaks 152.00 6-278 Ralph A. Richard Cash Adv. to attend the NACo Annual Conf. in Minneapolis, MN on 7/8-12/92—Admin. 640.33 6-279 Sundry (Refunds) Refund of league fees to A.Wasserman $80.00 & S.Friedrich $7.50—Glen Oaks 87.50 6-280 Sundry (Refunds) Refund of camping fees to J.Burger $18,S.Thronson $13, R.Salada $13,R.Edwards $9,S.Blatchford $9,J.Arold $18 & C.Edwards $13—Grove. 93.00 6-281 Sundry (Commission) Per Diem & Mileage paid to Parks Commissioners for mtg. of 6/3/92—Admin. 188.50 SUB —TOTAL FOR VOUCHER REGISTER $ 530,855.23 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS 01D RECREATION COMMISSION 114TERDEPARTMENIAL PAYHE-Ni REGISTER MAY, 1992 (For month ending April, 1992) SOURCE DF(1ART14FHT n11nPnc17 Amr)IMiT Communications—Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove., Inv. #303 Communications Fund Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,YAC, $ Water.,W.O.W.Park,T.Complex,BMX & Nat. Prog. 3,297.92 Inv. #596 Computer Services Fund Prof.Services—Admin.;Equip.Rental—Admin.&Add.;Off.Sup.— Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.&Grove.•Travel&Conf.,WordPerfect Class attended by Parks Personnel—Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech. Sup.,Add. & Grove. 11,747.51 Grounds Maint.—Grove. & Water.;Bldg. Maint.—Indep. & Glen Inv. #448 Facilities & Operations Fund Oaks 118.41 Fringe Benefits charges for the month of April, 1992 & Inv. #183 Fringe Benefit Fund 1ST Quarter Disability—Admin. 102 122. 22 Hskp.Exp.—Admin.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,YAC, Inv. #386 Materials Management Fund Water.&BMX;Off_Sup.-Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Grove.,Indep;,Gl�n Oaks,Red Oaks,Mob.Rec.&Na-f-Prog.;Rec.Sup.—Na-l-.Prog.;Bidg. _ — Maint.—Tech.Su .•Grounds Mai —A — Exp.,coffee supplies—Grove.&Add.;Special Events,Ballroom _ Dance—Water.&Spring. Event—YAC 9,351_h� Transportation—Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove., Inv. #197 Motor Pool Fund Orion,lndep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red OOaks.Spring_ YAC,Moh Rec.,Water.&Na1-.Prog.;Equip.Maint.—Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove., _ Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks.Sprino & Mob. Rec. 21,839.72 Equip.Rental—Admin.,Rec.Admin,Tech.Sup.,Spring.,YAC, Inv. #506 Office Equipment Fund Water. & Mob.Rec. 314.35 Public Info.—Admin.;Off.Sup.—Admin.,Add.,Grove.,lndep., Inv. #398 Printing & Mailing Fund Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Sprinq.,BMX & Nat. Proq.;Special Events,Mt.Bike Race—Add.,Dog Obed,Belly,Square,Ballroom, Aerobic&Round Dance,Golf,Woodcarving,Yoga,Misc. & Bridge— _ Water. 9,139.26 Radio Maint.—Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Orion,lndep., Inv. #95 Radio Communications Fund _Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks, Spring..R.O.W.Park,YAC.Waterr.. _ W.O.W.Park.,Mob.Rec.&Nat.Prog.;Equip.Maint.,skate mob.— ' Mob. Rec. 9,749.93 TOTAL FOR INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER $ 167,680.95 co TOTALS - GOLF COURSES RECREATIONAL & TOTALS - SPECIAL EVENTS TOTALS - DAY USE PARKS GRAND TOTALS GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing RED OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Cross Country Skiing SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 holes Cross Country Skiing WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 19 Holes Cross Country Skiing TOTALS - GOLF COURSES Leagues/Groups Participants Leagues/Groups Participants 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 510 410 39,912 32,650 541 447 60,896 45,477 257 215 17,827 17,241 884 903 82,092 79,353 10,850 6,358 83,327 55,635 20,994 17,911 187,031 139,459 11,617 6,983 141,064 105,526 22,419 19,261 330,019 264,289 GOLF COURSES - MONTH OF MAY, 1992 YEAR TO DATE Leagues Participants Leagues Participants 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 1 1991 1992 172 115 10,330 7,384 189 124 15,182 9,512 0 0 2,463 959 0 0 3,797 959 0 0 0 0 0 0 775 0 69 60 6,684 6,371 69 60 10,670 8,510 0 0 0 0 0 0 075 0 107 95 5,582 4,887 113 106 7,482 6,720 0 0 3,297 2,491 0 0 5,040 3,597 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 0 161 140 9,150 8,222 169 157 13,670 12,496 1 0 2,406 2,336 1 0 3,875 3,683 0 0 0 0 0 0 295 0 510 410 39,912 32,650 541 447 60,896 45,477 RECREATIONAL AND SPECIAL r TS - MONTH OF MAY, 1992 MOBILE RECREATI-ON ---------------- Airsport Skate Mobile Mime Group Broadway. Revue Puppet Mobile Sports Mobile Buses Show"Mobile Dunk Tank High Striker WATERFORD OAKS Activity Center Tennis Complex BMX ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM Nature Center Outreach -,Nature Trail Usage SPRINGFIELD OAKS Y A C SPECIAL EVENTS SPRING MOUNTAIN BIKE RACE TIGER ALUMNI CLINICS SO. PACIFIC SENIOR PICNIC MICH. SPORTS FESTIVAL FOR PHY. DISABLED DISC. GOLF TOURNAMENT rn i N TOTALS :;NnT Tnu;(,UDI:D TN TnTAL,S YEAR TO DATE Groups Participants Group Participants 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 5 10 1,075 2,050 7 11 1,395 2,255 4 11 704 1,837 4 11 704 1,837 2 0 494 0 2 0 494 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 394 170 2 1 394 170 2 1 548, 229 2 1 548 229 37 20 1,169 639 88 73 3,175 2,314 10 20 0 0 13 22 0 0 1 1 150 233 1 1 150 233 1 3 200 450 1 3 200 450 61 47 4,105 3,030 287 31'3 16,218 13,788 3 2 293 421 19 26 589 921 12 12 1,591 1,447 12 12 1,591 1,447 79 57 3,991 3,743 187 181 10,130 11,155 6 5 403 417 100 101 26,034 27,215 0 0 6,316 3,852 0 0 23,642 20,782 32 25 2,710 2,575 159 147 20,470 17,339 1,500 100 300 300 150 257 215 17,827 17,241 884 903 82,092 79,353 DAY USE, PARKS AND FACILITY TENDANCE REPORT - MONTH OF MAy, 1992 ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers GROVELAND OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers INDEPENDENCE. OAKS PARK Day Use Day Camper Overnight Group Campers ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GLEN OAKS BANQUET FACILITY SPRINGFIELD OAKS C'MM)000SH WRITE LAKE OAKS BANQUET FACILITY WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK RED OAKS WATERPARK RED OAKS GOLF DOME & SPORTS VILLAGE �il�i�i7\:may TOTALS rn i w YEAR TO DATE Groups Participants Groups Participants 358 305 5,416 4,325 385 324 5,704 4,599 1,422 910 5,080 3,185 2,117 1,590 7,537 5,571 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 781 768 16,138 14,468 781 784 16,138 15,333 1,806 706 6,541 2,624 1,806 721 6,541 2,677 5 2 42 76 5 2 42 76 6,336 3,561 22,176 12,469 15,579 14,262 54,527� 49,923 58 35 2,755 1,297 132 51 4,756 1,804 6 2 157 104 6 3 157 116 42 46 5,101 4,750 92 98 11,746 12,512 22 10 2,564 1,533 69 47 7,750 6,423 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 7 1.,270 776 20 23 21285 1,983 2 2 2,946 236 2 2 2,946 236 0 4 5,648 363 0 4 5,648 363 0 0 7,491 9,429 0 0 61,018 37,843 0 0 0 0 0 0 236 0 10,850 6,358 83,325 55,635 20,994 17,911 187,031 139,459 ITEM #7 GOLD MEDAL AWARD NOMINATION SLIDE PRESENTATION For the first time in its history, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been selected as a finalist for the 1992 Gold Medal Award. Other finalist organizations in Class I (communities with a population of 250,000 or more) are Hennepin County, Minnesota Regional Park District; Columbus, Ohio Recreation and Parks; and City of Mesa, Arizona Parks, Recreation and Cultural Division. Along with the following extensive written entry, staff has produced and submitted a slide presentation which will be shown at the commission meeting. The winner will be announced at the National Recreation and Park Association national conference in October. 7-1 _,reet Address City/State/Zip`. _. ANSWER ALL:OUESTIONS AS COMPLETELY AS POSSIBLE IN THE SPACE PROVIDED. ADDITIONAL PAGES. WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED IN JUDGING. 1. To what extent have the mark and recreation needs of your community been assessed during the five-year period of 1987 through 1991:(Please list in chronological order and document the significance of this information). The following community and professional assessments have resulted in the most comprehensive and challenging long-range plan in the park system's 26-year history. FEASIBILITY RESEARCH Nov. 1987 — Community organizations including hospitals, government, service groups, advocates for the disabled, and educational institutions participated in a workshop to solicit input on the development of a new "universally -accessible" park. March 1989 — Ketchum Inc. of Chicago, Illinois conducted a personal interview feasibility study among 100 Oakland County leaders on the potential of development and funding for Orion Oaks. The development of Orion Oaks was placed on the 1990 ballot. MILLAGE BALLOT PROPOSAL At more than 30 slide presentations, reaching 3,000 persons, during the 1990 miIlage campaign, citizens were asked to respond regarding their understanding of the issue and level of support. TELEPHONE SURVEY In 1991, a 12 minute telephone survey conducted by Nordhaus Research Inc. solicited citizen comment. Four hundred registered voter households participated. Results: 1) Major task is increasing awareness while creating a unique identity; 2) Overall, opinions about the parks are excellent; 3) Strongest market segment consists of younger, more educated households with children; 4) Strategic planning should focus on group activities. 5) Cleanliness and good maintenance received high marks; 6) Land acquisition for the protection of wildlife should be a high priority; 7) Residents are highly unlikely to vote for more taxes to cover land purchases; 8) Serving the needs of senior citizens, and handicapped is a widely -accepted role; 9) Oakland County Parks are seen as a valuable asset to the community; 10) Increased awareness could 7-2 . . _ ___._ -.____ ­__ --- t............. 4� A to+n +k. 1QQ9 41%o %mar mac+ar niAn. 1990 -3- Concession Building -- Bathhouse/Concession building & terrace $ 653,350.00 Golf Cart Storage 57,920.00 BMX -- Restroom/Concession/Control Building 75,689.00 Platform Tennis -- replacement of two courts 32,882.00 1991 Milk House -- Restoration of a 100 year facility at Addison Oaks 30,916.00 Grant 6,000.00 Land Acquisition -- 93 acres.at Addison Oaks - 422,259.00 Grant 205,000.00 Play Area -- two modular play units 30,601.00 Maintenance Building New golf course maintenance facility 173,901.00 Parking Lot Lighting -- 34 new decorative parking: lights 61,687.00 Parking Lot -Lighting -- new and expanded golf course:parking of I i ghfi i rig: ;. 57,195.00 Technical Support .F.4c i i i ty -- new 1Z,000 sq ,:.:ft park system Maintenance Facility 531.281.00 3. What areas and facilities owned or leased by your agency are available for recreational use and to what extent are they utilized? Areas 1987 1991 Acreage (total) . 3777 4,053 Acreage . deyel6 ed 2, 032 2,045 ( ) 1,082 1,107 P Acreage set aside for reservation Compare the number of recreation facilities and total atterdcnce of each type of facility for the years 1987 and 1991. 1987 . '1991 Type of Facility Number User Visits Number User Visits Golf Courses (3:18-hole, 1 9-hole) 4 202,342 ;..4 218,661 Covered Golf Dome/Sports Village (opened 1990) 36-hole Adventure Golf, 7 batting cages, Mini cars 56-station driving range, children's play lot 1 41,974 1 117,063 Campgrounds 740 campsites Day Use Parks 2 4 softball fields, 14 pavilions, 6 play lots 30 miles hiking trails, 3,040 acres open space 6 lakes, 3 beaches, 2 basketball courts 9 volleyball courts, boat rentals 5 miles mountain bike trails 34 miles cross-country ski trails Sports Complex 8 Tennis courts, 4 sand volleyball courts 2 picnic shelters, shuffleboard and horseshoe courts Bicycle Motocross track, 2 platform tennis courts i Wave Pool/Waterslides - including Groveland Oaks 2 Activities Centers 2 Banquet Facilities 5 Nature Center 1 Environmental Awareness Program -outreach 70 Cross Country Ski Trails (34 Miles) 4, TOTALS 941 202,342 2 316,260 4 70,085 197,259 104,862 78,586 18,609 22,577 1 2/3 2 5 1 80 12,798 5 1,267,694 110 216,710 302,973 57,995 191,410 116,980 76,895 24,269 31,699 10,797 1,365,452 7-4 -5- THERAPEUTIC RECREATION -- The parks system was chosen by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to serve as a pilot for the establishment of inclusive recreation programs for the physically and mentally disabled. With the implementation of the Americans With Disabilities Act, Oakland County Parks will become a model for more than 83 counties, and 217 cities and townships. Research feedback from communities pointed to the need for local programming. Oakland County Parks responded with events ranging from holiday festivals, bowlathons, and miniature golf to wheelchair basketball. Oakland County's recreation therapeutic supervisor is the state wheelchair basketball director and serves on the state Cerebral Palsy sports committee. Oakland County also enjoys the distinction.as region a l.-,coordinatpir of special events, resource center, and information clearinghouse.on therapeutic recreatton'for the county's one million -plus residents. Oakland County Parks events have often been featuredon a state public television program focusing on outdoor recreation for�the disabled. 6. Compare your park and recreation revenue sources, operating expenditure and capital expenditure for 1987 and 1991. Revenue Sources 1987 1991 a. Local (City; County, District) Special Tax Levy 4, 259, 719 5,598,153 General Fund 100; o0o 100,000 Bonds/Levies Fees and Charges 3, 779, 865 4,852,337 COritIlhlltioriS%DOriat10IIS Oakland Parks Foundation 9,067* ('85-'87) 43,148* ('88-'91) Interest on Local Funds 258,455 393,074 Other Grants ` Inc revenue-totaIS - Total (a) 8,398,039 10,943,564 b. State (specify types) '. C_e vetion Fund 1�g,ggggg - Q 1987 MQch�san Land IImU3 Fund328;751 Herit e Co era t orb &�crealson erv.:ice (202,669) Total(b) 70t,420 307,500 1991 Michi an Natural Resources Trust Fund (307,500) c. Federate (specify types) Total (c) d. Other_ Revenue Resources Gross Sales 196,576** 202,124** 1987 1991 7,698** 24,000** Oak Mgmt 2,209,601 2,589,396 Total (d) 204,274** 226,124** Golf Dome 235,782 800,000 **Contracted percentage revenue Total of ar4 9,099,459 11,251,064 reflected to section a, Fees & Charges 1987 1991 Operating Expenditures 1987 1991 6,124,568 8,611,981 Improvements 1,828,139 1,607,637 Capital Expenditures Improvement Reserve 7,784,374 6,417,781 10,171,922 8,537,700 Equipment 559,409 412,282 Per Capita Expenditures 7.95 Total money received through grants for the last five vears 7-6 (Total annual operating expenditures for 1991 divided by total population in your community.) 0 1.160.370 8. What steps were taken to evaluate your program during the five-year period of 1987 through 1991? Business reply "Comment Cards" are distributed at all parks and facilities. The cards ask users to respond to the quality of facilities, staff cooperation, service, program content and more. Hundreds of cards are returned annually. Park supervisors respond to unfavorable comments or suggestions within two days with a personal phone call or letter. Statements made by park users are tabulated and prove instrumental in planning future facilities and programs. A four -year -old, award -winning "Scooter"..programutilizes volunteers who act as park ambassadors. They solicit feedback, assist visitors and provide information on the park system. Individual surveys have been conducted at local shopping malls as well as at speci1. al events and selected facilities. in addition, each program and event is :evaluated by staff on cost effectiveness, participation, interest and user satisfaction. Immediate feedback is obtained at more than 25 slide presentations:each year. The presentations include slides and general information about the park system. Comments are':solicited and relayed to appropriate staff, who take action at the facilities — Direct -mail campaigns always include a coupon -type incentive_` Returns are used to evaluate project effectiveness and direct the focus of future.marketing programs. All :meetings of the parks commission are'open to the public and.a€ten draw citizens with new proposals, Ideas and concerns. Staff.iupdates on park operations are presented.at each meeting. Prior to any major development project, public' hearings are publicized and conducted:::to solicit county resident input. Administrative staff, park supervisors and commissioners set development goals which are evaluated annually. Each unit's ongoing goals are monitored monthly. All employees participate in a yearly performance appraisal, which takes Into consideration whether goals have been met and what new standards should be set. 9. What steps were taken to develop professional, volunteer, and board member leadership during the years 1987 through 1991? The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission invests in itself, encouraging personal and professional staff development. Customer service skills are taught to the "front line" staff, .MO new and returning seasonal employees (mainly students and retirees), in a two-hour orientation. Service Effectiveness Training concepts, including expectations and attitudes, are covered. Supervisors expand training at work sites. Additionally, lifeguards must pass a water safety test and compete in annual "oi'ympics". in 1988, a weekend retreat was initiated for commissioners and administrative staff. A mission statement, goals, and objectives were developed and included in the system's master plan. The commission chairman and manager presented this model at a Michigan Recreation and Parks Association (MRPA) conference. Most commissioners and staff attend developmental seminars hosted by MRPA and the National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA). The chairman attends NACo and the manager participates in NACPRO legislative sessions in Washington, D.C. The secretary takes part in the Citizen Board Member Branch. Many attend Special Park District Forums and speak at conferences and universities. Topics have included professionalism, Marketing for Parks and Recreation, Programming for Pre-Schoolers, and Using Music in Nature Study. One parks naturalist writes a weekly nature column, hosts his own radio program and cable TV nature show. Additionally, staff has earned credits or graduated from classes and seminars on motivation, aquatics, revenue resources management, the Americans With Disabilities Act, winter emergency care for skiers and waterpark risk management. Their superb leadership has been recognized by the Michigan Special Olympics, the Michigan Audubon Society, MRPA, NRPA and the Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Education, to name a few. The Oakland County Parks realize many accomplishments would not be possible without the efforts of over 300 volunteers. Volunteers are recruited in the parks, through service and professional organizations, referrals, senior citizen groups, volunteer service networks, posted notices and the media.They are trained for such positions as Scooter (on -site weekend park ambassador), golf course rangers, trail guides, Oaklowns (clown troupe), bicycle motocross (BMX) race coordinators and the cross-country ski patrol. 7_8 ITEM #8 TOBOGGAN SLIDE WATERFORD OAKS Harley Ellington Pierce Yee Associates, our consultants for the refrigerated toboggan slide, have completed the site feasibility study. The study, which included looking at a variety of elements and alternates including topography, wetlands, vegetation, existing and future park uses, appears to be very positive in recommending this project. A cost estimate has been prepared based on the scope of this project. A decision has to be made at this point to proceed with the next phase of the project, which is the design and construction documents. Our consultants have redefined their proposal based on the current cost estimate and a revised project scope. The results of the feasibility study and the contract for the next phase will be presented at the Commission meeting. We have included a copy of the consultant's proposed contract for your information. 8-1 CONTRACT OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION PROFESSIONAL 8ERVICES CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT, made this day of , 1992, between the OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION (OCPR) COMMISSION, a statutory body of the County of Oakland, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, hereinafter called 'County,' and Harley Ellington Pierce Yee Associates, Inc., First Center Office P6azA 26913 Northwestern Highway, Southfield, Michigan 48034, hereafter called 'Contractor,' For and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto that the County shalt retain Contractor as an independent Contractor, with the parties agreeing to the following terms and conditions. SCOPE OF WORK The Contractor shall provide the necessary planning, design, and engineering services to prepare Contract Documents suitable for bidding and constructing a refrigerated toboggan slide facility at Waterford Oaks County Park. This agreement Is based on the project scope as described below: 1. Project Scope a. Two flume, refrigerated, toboggan slide with above grade starting platform (each flume to be approximately 1000' in length). b. Gravel access road and gravel parking lot for 130 cars, Existing unimproved road to lowland to remain for service and emergency access. c. Warming shelter (adapted, pre-engineered structure, approximately 4,000 sf) with: Restrooms Sled storage and rental area (sleds are N.).C,) Fireplace and gathering space for 100T persons (furnishings by Owner) Food Prep area (equipment by others) 1,000 sf attached wood deck d. Site amenities Benches Walkways Slide pageantry e. Site utilities Sanitary sewer shall connect to on -she collector Water source to be on -site well f. Landscaping for: Climate control Visual Interest and buffering Environmental restoration (does not include wetland or woodland mitigation) g. She lighting for: Roadway Parking lot Walkways Flumes 8-2 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT Page 3 c. The Contractor will submit all necessary documents to OCPR for transmittal to the appropriate state and local agencies for review and approval. d. The Contractor will advise OCPR of any adjustments to the preliminary cost estimate. The Contractor's Contract Documents will require that the manufacturers of the toboggan slides and the refrigerant systems provide maintenance manuals at the completion of their Construction Contract, 4. Bid and Award a, The Contractor will attend two meetings with OCPR staff to review and evaluate construction contractor bids. 5, Construction Phase (Administration of the Construction Contract) a. The Contractor will interpret and make decisions on matters conoerning the requirements of the Contract Documents. b. The Contractor will prepare Change Orders and Construction Change Directives for clarification of the Contract Documents. ADDITIONAL SERVICES The Contractor can provide the following additional services to the Contract: 1. preparation for, or participation In, review and approval meetings beyond those outlined in Contractor Services, Items 1-5, 2. Special promotional graphics, plans, or models for public presentation or publication. 3. Special conveyance systems (ADA lift requirements) as determined by OCPR staff. 4. The preparation of bid alternates that involve evaluation, design, engineering, and documentation. SCHEDULE This agreement anticipates the following time frames for the Contractor's completion of each phase of the work, This represents the time required for ttte Contractor's work and does not include time periods which are beyond the Contractor's control for data procurement, reviews, or approvals. 1. Schematic Design ....... . ..................... 4 weeks 2. Design Development ... I .................. . .... 6 weeks 3. Construction Documents ........................ 7 weeks 8-4 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT Page 5 INSURANCE The Contractor (Provider) agrees to obtain the fokwing Insurance: 1. $1,0W,000 Combined Slagle Limit Comprehensive General Liability Broad Form Endorsement/or the following as minimum requirements; • Products and completed operations; • Broad form property damage; • Premises/Operations; Independent Contractors; • (Blanket) Broad form Contractual; Personal Injury. -delete contractual exclusion 'A' and employee exclusion 'C'; and • Additional Insureds —the County of Oakland, and employees and elected and appointed officials of Oakland County; 2. Worker's Compensation as required by law If applicable $100,OW Employers' Liability If applicable. S. $1,040,000 Combined Single Limit Automob%e t.lability, including hired and leasod vehicles, and owned and non -owned autos. No Fault coverage as required by law, If applicable. GENERAL CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE All Certificates of insurance and duplicate policies of any outside vendor or the Contractor shall contain the following clauses: 1, "The insurance company(s) issuing the policy or poiioles shall have no recourse against the County of Oakland for payment of any premiums or for assessments under any form of policy.' 2. 'Any and all deductibles in the above-descr bed Insurance policies shall be assumed by and be for the account of, and at sole risk of, the Contractor.' All Certificates are to provide 50 days notice of material change or cancellation, Certificates of Insurance and insurance binders must be provided no less than ten (10) working days before commencement of work to the Oakland County Risk Management Office, Insurance carriers are subject to the approval of Oakland County. Coverages and limits are also subject to the approval of Oakland County as to conformity to contract regt4rements. CONTFLACTS WITH COUNTY EMPLOYEES Pursuant to the provisions of Public Act 317 of 19U, as amended (MCL 15.321, at. seq.), no contract shall be entered Into between the County, including all agencies and departments thereof, and any employee or officer of the County who Is paid for working an average of more than 25 hours per week for the County. No County employee or officer shall directly or indlrectly solicit any contract between the County and (a) himself; (b) any firm (meaning a co -partnership or other unincorporated 8-6 OAK.IAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT Page 7 2. 'To the extent of Harley Ellington Pierce Yee Associates, inc.'s (HEPY) actual degree of fault, HEPY agrees to be responsible for any liability for loss or damage to property or injury, damage or death to persons imposed upon the County as a direct result of the negligent performance of the services of this Contract, and further agrees to protect and indemnify the County against all claims or demands of every kind involving allegations of such negligent performance and to hold the County harmless from any liability for loss or damage imposed upon the County directly resulting from any errors, omissions or negligent acts by HEPY in the performance of the services of this contract. Such responsibility shall not be construed as a liability for damage caused by or resulting from the sole negligence of the Cc L!ly or its agents, other than HEPY or its employees; however, the obligation to indemnify herein snail be limited solely to liability imposed upon the County as a direct result of HEPY's actual faiAt with respect to the occurrence of the loss or damage." 3. This Contract shall become effective on the day and date first above written, and shad terminate on or before a period of twelve months, It is expressly understood and agreed by and between the parties that any change or extension of this termination date must be mutually agreed upon by both parties, IN WITNESS WHSREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the respective dates hereunder Indicated. WITNESS: WITNESS: OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION 28D0 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, Michigan 48328 (Manager) (Date) (Service Administrator) pate) Harold F. VanDine SeNof Vice President Harley 511ington Pierce Yee Associates, Mo., First Center Office Plaza PO Box 5030 Southfield, Michigan 48085-5030 (Date) 8-8 HARLEY ELLINGTON PIERCE YEE ASSOCIATES, INC. G.GELLETLY SHEET !i OF %J DATE: JUKE 111 1992 JOB NO 66000 TRADES: ARCH/STRUCT TITLE TOBOGGAN SLIDE CLIENT: WATERFORD OAKS COUNTY PARK ESTIMATE, CONCEPTUAL DESCRIPTION QUA14TITYUNIT UNIT !`1 'L' SUB -TOTAL TOTAL PRICE 01 FOUNDATIONS: EXCAVATION 1111.11 CY a 3.50 = 3889 DISPOSE ON SITE 370.37-CY Cm 4.50 = 1667 BACKFILL AND COMPACT 740.741 CY @ 5.00 = 3704 CONC SPD FTG 3X3 1 EA a 50.00 = 50 C014T SPD FOOTING 90 LF @ 25.00 = 2250 GRADE WALL 90 LF 0 40.00 = 3600 DEWATERING 1 ,SOB C 500.00 = 500 TOTAL 01 FOUNDATIONS 15659 02 SUBSTRUCTURE: SLAB ON GRADE 2000 SF @ 2.50 = 50b0 BASEMENT WALL 90 LF 0 185.00 = 1665G TAL 02 SUBSTRUCTURE: 21050 03 SUPERSTRUCTURE: WOOD FRMG FLOOR 2000 SF @ 4.30 = 8600 WOOD STUD EXT WALLS 1800 SF @ 2.00 = 3600 WOOD FRMG ROOF 2000 SF 0 3.80 = 7600 MISC STEEL FRMG 1 JOB @ 500.00 = 500 TOTAL 03 SUPERSTRUCTURE: 20300 04 EXTERIOR CONSTRUCTION: M.SONRY 8", 114SUL, BRICK 900 SF @ 19.00 = 17100 REDWOOD SIDING 1X6 STAINED 2080 SF @ 3.80 = 7904 WINDOWS OPERABLE INSUL 4X6 12 EA @ 750.00 = 9000 LOUVERS 20 SF 9 25.00 = 500 DOOR,FRM & HDW FM 3X7 5 EA @ 650.00 = 3250 OBSERVATION DECK (INCL FDN) 1 JOB @ 25000.00 = 25000 MISC TRIM AND DETAILS 1 JOB 9 2500.00 = 2500 TOTAL 04 EXTERIOR CONSTRUCTION: 65254 8-10 HARLEY ELLINGTON PIERCE YES ASSOCIATES, INC. G.GELLETLY SHEET OF r/ DATE: JUNE 11, 1992 JOB NO 66000 TRADES: ARCH/STRUCT TITLE TOBOGGAN SLIDE CLIENT: WATERFORD OAKS COUNTY PARK ESTIMATE CONCEPTUAL DESCRIPTION QUANTIVUNIT UNIT SUB—TOT:.L TOTAL PRICE 08 MECHANICAL: HV,PLUMBING,FIRE PROTECTION 4000 SF @ 12.00 = 48000 TOTAL 08 MECHANICAL: 09 ELECTRICAL: SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION, LIGHT, POWER, MECHANICAL, AND TELEPHONE TOTAL 09 ELECTRICAL: 113 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION: TOBOGGAN SLIDE FTUMES AND START PLATFORM ,BOGGAN SLIDE REFRIGERATION TOTAL 113 SPrCZAL CONSTRUCTION: 121 SITE PREPARATION: CLEAR LAND 2.7 ACRE SITE EARTHWORK ALLOWANCE EROSION C014TROL ALLOWANCE TOTAL 121 SITE PREPARATION:: A 4000 SF 0 6.75 = 27000 1 JOB @ 411000 = 411000 1 JOB @ 220000 = 220000 1 JOB @ 10000.00 = 10000 1 JOB @ 40000.00 = 40000 1 JOB 0 10000.00 = 10000 48000 27000 631000 Noll 8-12 DIMOt Personnel Expense �W 9/1191 through 12/31/92 - Classification Hourly Rate Range Project Executive (President) $150,00 Flat Rate Project Executives, Project Managers and Department Directors $35.50 to $62.50 Assistant Department Directors and Senior Project Architects/Englneers/ Planners/Designers $24.50 to $42.00 Project Architects/EVneers/Planners/Designers $23.00 to $30.50 Architects/Engineers/Planners/Designers $19.00 to $29.50 Junior Architects!Engineers/PlahnersiDesigners and Senior Drafters/Coordnators $15.00 to $25.50 Drafters, Junior Drafters and Administrative Personnel (when functloning as technical personnel) $8.50 to $23.50 8-14 ITEM 19 RENOVATION WATERFORD OAKS WAVE POOL You are aware that the present wave pool complex at Waterford Oaks has reached a point where renovation is needed if we are to continue to provide a quality recreation service as we have in the past. The pool and slide not only need to be evaluated as to future repairs and replacements, but for the addition of new water features and other site amenities to develop this into a true water park which is competitive with other facilities. Staff has been researching this with various design and construction professionals in the field of water facilities. One of the firms we feel has a good background in this area is Giffels/Hoyem Basso. This firm was indirectly involved in the development of Waterford Oaks and prepared the design plans for Red Oaks' construction. We feel both of these parks are excellent facilities, although in the case of Red Oaks, we did not go far enough in the variety of features due to budget constraints. We have discussed this with Hoyem Basso, who is preparing a proposal for our review for services required to evaluate, renovate, and develop and design new facilities and water features for this park and Red Oaks. Due to its age and condition, and the need to rectify certain conditions identified by the Health Department, Waterford becomes the more critical and urgent of the two. Staff will be making a presentation regarding this issue at the Commission meeting. 9-1 ITEM #10 IRRIGATION REPAIRS GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE In the process of completing the drainage project at Glen Oaks, the contractor disrupted numerous sections of our new irrigation system. These disruptions were an expected part of the project. To assure that the irrigation system would be ready for the golf season, staff made arrangements with Sprinkler Services, the contractor who originally installed the system, to make the necessary repairs. These repairs were made under the understanding that Parks and Recreation would be reimbursed through the Drain Commission for these repairs. Sprinkler Services has completed these repairs at a cost of $11,500.00, and staff requests that we pay the amount and invoice the Drain Commission for reimbursement. Funds for this expenditure would come from the Capital Improvement Projects Budget and be reimbursed to the Capital Improvement Projects Budget. 10-1 ITEM #11 MANAGER'S REPORT ---Note for your calendar: The Summer Stroll for Epilepsy will be held at Addison Oaks on Saturday, June 20, 1992 at 6 p.m. Detroit Pistons Dennis Rodman will be participating in this event, which is being co -sponsored by Oakland County Parks, WJBK-TV2, and WNIC. ---The next Commission meeting will be on Wednesday, July 1, at 9 a.m. at Addison Oaks. The final Addison Oaks master plan will be presented.