HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1992.03.18 - 39910OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION 2800 Watkins Lake Road • Waterford, Michigan 48328 (313) 858-0906 9 Fax (313) 858-1683 Ralph A. Richard Manager Jon J. Kipke Assistant Manager March 13, 1992 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: C Lewis E. Wint Chairman Jean M.Fox Vice Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Secretary Fred Korzon George W. Kuhn Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Thomas A. Law John E. Olsen Alice Tomboulian Richard V. Vogt A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wednesday, March 18, 1992 9:00 A.M. PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Rd. Waterford, MI PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Mr. Lewis E. Wint, Chairman Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, Ralph Richard Manager RR/jg OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 18, 1992 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3a. Approval of Minutes for March 4, 1992 PUBLIC HEARING. 3. Approval of Minutes for March 4, 1992 Meeting. 4. Approval of Payment: Voucher Nos. 3-1 thru 3-169. Interdepartmental Payments. January Charges paid in February. 5. Capital Improvement Budget for 1992 Summary as of 1-31-92. 6. Activity Report for February, 1992. 7. Addison Oaks - Grant Agreement Amendment. J. Figa / 858-0906 8. Radio Communication Charges. F. Trionfi / 858-0907 9. Ellis and Associates - Waterford Oaks and Red Oaks Waterparks. S. Wells / 858-0916 10. Bid Item: Tree Plantings - Springfield Oaks and White Lake Oaks. J. Figa / 858-0906 11. Bid Item: 72" Outfront Excel Hustler Mower Decks - Independence Oaks. D. Stencil / 858-4944 12. Bid Item: Vacuum - Red Oaks Waterpark. M. Thibodeau / 858-4944 13. Bid Item: Fertilizer - Golf Courses and Parks. It 14. Bid Item: Grass Seed - Golf Courses. 15. Bid Item: Concrete Storage Bins - Glen Oaks Golf Course. 16. Bid Item: Tile Repair - Red Oaks Wave Pool. 17. Bid Item: Sprayer - White Lake Oaks. 18. Bid Item: Swimsuits. J. Kipke / 858-0909 19. Bid Item: Name Embroidery Machine. 20. Manager's Report. 21. Old Business. 22. New Business. 23. Adjourn. PUBLIC HEARING OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION GRANT APPLICATIONS March 4, 1992 The Public Hearing for the grant applications was called to order at 9:12 a.m. by Vice Chairman Jean Fox in the commission room of the Parks and Recreation Com- mission's administration office. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairman Jean Fox, Secretary Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Richard Kuhn, Jr., Lawrence Littman, John Olsen COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman Lewis Wint, Fred Korzon, George Kuhn, Thomas Law, Roy Rewold ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Ralph Richard, Manager Jon J. Kipke, Assistant Manager Frank Trionfi, Chief, Admin. Services Sheila Cox, Accountant III Janet Pung, Public Communications Officer Joseph Figa, Chief of Design & Development Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf Daniel Stencil, Chief of Parks Susan Wells, Chief of Recreation Jim Dunleavy, Recreation Specialist Central Services Lloyd Hampton, Director Chief of Design Joe Figa noted that the Department of Natural Resources notified staff that the deadline to submit applications to request matching Land and Water Conservation, Natural Resources Trust, and Recreation Bond funds is April 1. This is the first required review. A public hearing is also a requirement of the DNR to qualify for funds. Notice of the hearing was advertised in two area newspapers. The project staff selected is the Groveland Oaks Camp Renovation. Staff presented the project; no comments were made or questions asked by the public on the grant. The Public Hearing was declared closed at 9:20 a.m. Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Secretary �*Itelx_) J',��, Karen Smith Recording Secretary 3a-1 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING March 4. 1992 The meeting was called to order at 9:24 a.m. by Vice Chairman Jean Fox in the commission room of the Parks and Recreation Commission's administration office. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairman Jean Fox, Secretary Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Richard Kuhn, Jr., Thomas Law, Lawrence Littman, John Olsen COMMISSTON MFMRF.RS ARCFMT• Chairman Lewis Wint, Fred Korzon, George Kuhn, Roy Rewold ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Ralph Richard, Manager Jon J. Kipke, Assistant Manager Frank Trionfi, Chief, Admin. Services Sheila Cox, Accountant III Janet Pung, Public Communications Officer Joseph Figa, Chief of Design & Development Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf Daniel Stencil, Chief of Parks Susan Wells, Chief of Recreation Jim Dunleavy, Recreation Specialist Central Services Lloyd Hampton, Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Mr. Littman, supported by Mr. R. Kuhn to approve the minutes of the meeting of February 19, 1992, as written. AYES: Fox, Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Littman, Olsen (6) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. APPROVAL OF PAYMENTS: Moved by Mr. R. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Lewis to approve the payment of Vouchers 2-177 through 2-258. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Littman, Olsen, Fox (6) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. 3 - 1 (Commission Meeting, March 4, 1992) STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS: The Statement of Operations for the month ending January 31, 1992, were received and filed. GRANT APPLICATION SUBMISSION: Chief of Design Joe Figa noted that the Department of Natural Resources notified staff that the deadline to submit applications to request matching Land and Water Conservation, Natural Resources Trust, and Recreation Bond Funds is April 1. A public hearing, which is a requirement of the DNR to qualify for funds, was conducted prior to today's Commission meeting. Notice of the hearing was adver- tised in two area newspapers. This year we are allowed to submit only one development grant, although we can apply through more than one fund. The project selected by staff is the Groveland Oaks Camp Renovation. The grant total will be $600,000. Staff will request $270,000 through the Recre- ation Bond Fund, with the Commission matching funds in the amount of $330,000; the same grant will be requested through the Land and Water Conservation Fund for $300,000, with the Commission matching funds in the amount of $300,000. This project will include renovation of 200 existing campsites to produce 120 modern sites, including individual electrical and water hook-ups, landscaping and other site amenities, plus adjacent beach renovation including retaining walls and walks. No acquisition grants will be submitted this year. Staff requested Commission approval of a resolution to submit the development grant application. Moved by Mr. Olsen, supported by Mr. Lewis to approve the resolution for the submission of the grant application as follows: WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been notified by the Department of Natural Resources that applications for the cost -sharing Land and Water Conservation Fund, Natural Resources Trust Fund, and Recreation Bond Fund may be submitted by April 1, 1992; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has identified and established priorities for acquisition and development projects within the adopted Recreation Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission recom- mends the filing of the following applications to the Department of Natural Resources for a matching grant: Groveland Oaks Camping Renovation 3 - 2 (Commission Meeting, March 4, 1992) NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission recommends submission of the above -said grant applications with the appropriate matching funds to be designated from the one -quarter mill. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Fox, Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Littman, Olsen (6) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. 1992 TRAVELING MUSIC SHOW DIRECTOR AND CHOREOGRAPHER: Moved by Mr. R. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Littman to award the contract for professional services to direct and choreograph the Commission's 1992 traveling music show to Amy Malaney in the amount of $4,200. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Law, Lewis, Littman, Olsen, Fox, Kuhn (6) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. BIDS: As per the information filed in the agenda, the following bids were approved: Moved by Mr. Law, supported by Mr. Olsen to approve the purchase of the following items as reviewed and recommended by staff and Purchasing: 400 rental tubes for the Red Oaks Waterpark from Pat Talbert and Associates in the amount of $4,100.00. Jacobsen 5-gang pull -type rough mower for Springfield Oaks Golf Course from the low bidder, W. F. Miller, in the amount of $7,488.00. John Deere 33 hp diesel utility tractor for White Lake Oaks to the low bidder, Theiser Equipment, in the amount of $10,940.00. Toro 72" diesel outfront rotary mower for White Lake Oaks to the low bidder, Wilkie Turf, in the amount of $11,042.00. Two Jacobsen riding greensmowers for Springfield Oaks and Red Oaks Golf Courses from the low bidder, W. F. Miller, in the amount of $9,962.00 each, for a total purchase of $19,924.00. Toro 5-gang hydraulic diesel fairway mower for Glen Oaks Golf Course from Wilkie Turf in the amount of $17,315.00. Sharp LCD color video projector for Groveland Oaks from the low bidder, City Animation, in the amount of $3,248.00. 3 - 3 (Commission Meeting, March 4, 1992) ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lewis, Littman, Olsen, Fox, Kuhn, Law (6) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carred. MANAGER'S REPORT: In addition to the Manager's Report filed in the agenda, the following was noted: ---Staff was directed to provide additional details on the insurance for Mobile Recreation's buses. ---Vice Chairman Fox commented on the successful Bluebird Trail and acknowledged the generous contribution volunteers Lee Deneweth and Mary Karshner made to the Independence Oaks Nature Center. OLD BUSINESS: Commissioner Law reported on information he received comparing gas and electric golf carts, batteries, resale value, plus the location of recharging plugs on electric carts. The next Commission meeting is scheduled for 9 a.m. on Wednesday, March 18. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m. Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Secretary Karen Smith Recording Secretary 3 - 4 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Payment Appnova,e Summary Eon Meeting o6: MARCH 18, 1992 VOUCHERS: Nos. 3-1 thnu 3-169 $158,910.39 INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS: January chaxged paid .in Eebicuany 145,198.42 TOTAL $304L10_8_81 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1992 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-1 VOID $ 3-2 Detroit Edison Utilities—Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Red Oaks,Wh.Lk.,R.O.W.Park & Net. Prog. 4,542.84 3-3 Detroit Edison Utilities—Spring.,YAC,Water.,W.O.W.Park & T.Complex 4,924.89 3-4 Michigan Herd Association Adv.Regist.for K.Dougherty,C.Garbacz&D.Lynch to attend the Herb Seminar on 3/25-26/92—Nat. Prog. 113.50 _ Utilities—Grove.,Indep.,Wh. Lk.,Spring.,Red Oaks,R.O.W. 5.189.70 3-6 O.C. Register of Deeds Misc.Expense,record mineral deed for Add -Oaks Land Ac- uisition—Admin. 13.00 3-7 James E. Johnson Cap. Proj.,Bathroom Renov.(Concession Bldg) —Add. (pay. #5) 9,398.36 3-8 Peter Basso Associates Ca .Pro'. Conf.Ctr.lm .—Add. (payment #1) 880.00 3-9 Premium Air Systems Ca .Pro'.,Conf.Ctr. Imp. —Add. (payment #1) 20,924.00 3-10 Kammer/Michi an Consultants Prof.Services,lobbyist on legist. matters for the month of March 1992—Admin. 1,000.00 3-11 Gamalski Building Specialties Cap. Pro'. Conf.Ctr. Imp. —Add. 620.65 3-12 R.E. Wallace & Associates Ca .Pro'. Conf. Ctr. Imp. —Add- 163.99 3-13 State Wire & Terminal Acct. Rec.—Admin. (To be reimb. by Oak M mt.) 28.74 3-14 United Carpet Acct.Rec.—Admin.(To be reimb. by Oak M mt.) 1,644.40 3-15 Erb Lumber Acct.Rec.—Admin.,(To be reimb-by Oak Mgmt.);Bldq.Maint. S rin .,Add. Grove. Glen Oaks;Grounds Maint.—Glen Oaks 1,447.93 3-16 NCS Cleaning Services Custodial Services for the month of January, 1992—Tech. Su Rec. Admin. & Admin. 1 300.00 3-17 ZEP Manufacturing Bldg. Maint.—Glen Oaks 89.30 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1992 VOUCHER NIWRFR VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-18 Wesco, Inc. Bldg. Maint.—YAC $ 14.40 3-19 Acme Cleaning Services Bldg. Maint.,window cleaning .for January —Glen Oaks 115.00 3-20 Fire Equipment Bldg. Maint.—Add. 78.77 3-21 Richland Research Corporation Bldg. Maint.—Indep. 99.99 3-22 Hydronic Supply Bldg. Maint.—Add. 16.20 3-23 Trumbull Recreation Supply Bldg. Maint.,(6)Head Assemblies —Grove. 555.50 3-24 Wimsatt Building Materials Bldg. Maint.—Add. & W.O.W.Park 197.55 3-25 Pontiac Plastics Bldg. Maint.—Add. 25.05 3-26 AT&T Communications—Wh. Lk. 42.40 3-27 Builders Square Bld .Maint.,E ui .Maint. & Grounds Maint.—Add. 247.50 3-28 Stanley Industries Bldg.Maint.,Equi .Maint. & Grounds Maint.—Inde . 580.28 3-29 Pioneer Hardware Sm. Tools—Tech.Sup.,Wh.Lk.&Spring.;Bldg.Maint.—Spring.& 463.46 3-30 Pontiac Post Office Public Info.,permit for bulk mailing—Admin. 15.00 3-31 Industrial Cleaning Bldg.Maint.—Add.;Sm.Tools—Wh. Lk.,Glen Oaks & Red Oaks; Hsk . Ex .—Inde . 1 316.99 3-32 VOID 3-33 Jean's Hardware Sm. Tools Uniforms Bld .&E ui . Maint.—Glen Oaks 337.76 3-34 UZ Engineered Products Hskp.Exp. & Maint. Sup.—Tech.Sup.;Equip. Maint.,trucks- Mob. Rec. 655.69 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1992 VOUCHER NIIlmn R vr-NnnR PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-35 Lawn Equipment Equip. Maint.—Glen Oaks,Red Oaks & Spring. $ 1,137.75 3-36 Moore's Tire Service Equip. Maint.,tire repair —Tech. Sup. 118.73 3-37 Pontiac Steel Equip. Maint.—Glen Oaks 10.00 3-38 Pifer, Inc. Equip. Maint.—Spring. 58.46 3-39 Parts Associates Equip. Maint.,misc. batter arts —Glen Oaks 179.32 3-40 AGA Gas Equip. Maint.—Tech. Sup. 4.34 3-41 Scott's Lock & Key Equip Maint.—Add. 18.60 3-42 Haus of Trailers Equip. Maint.,skate mob. —Mob. Rec. 6.08 3-43 Quali,ty Lawn Equipment Equip. Maint.—Water. 26.64 3-44 Universal Equipment Equip Maint.—Add. 15.50 3-45 A & J Auto Parts Equip. Maint. & Sm.- Tools —Red Oaks 196.26 3-46 City Waste Systems Rubbish Removal —Glen Oaks 70.00 3-47 MI Portable Toilets Grounds Maint. rental of units —Add. 200.00 3-48 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry & Dry Cleaning—Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh. Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks S rin R.O.W.Park YAC&Nat.Pr0 . 395.70 3-49 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry & Dry Cleaning—Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh. Lk. Glen Oaks,Red Oaks S rin R.O.W.Park YAC Water. W.O.W.Park & Nat. Pro . 415.30 3-50 Harvard Plaza Cleaners Laundr &Dr Cleanin —Add. Grove. & Inde . 134.25 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1992 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-51 MI State University Publications,subscription renewal —Nat. Prog. 6 6.00 3-52 BOCA International Membership renewal for 1 year -Tech. Sup. 100.00 3-53 Metro —Detroit Therapeutic Membership renewal for S.DeVonce—Rec. Admin. 10.00 3-54 Assn. of Construction Inspectors Membership dues for J.Sowels—Tech. Sup. 95.00 3-55 MI First Aid & Safety Misc.Exp.,medical su plies—Wh. Lk. 155.69 _ 3-56 Angie's Kitchen Misc.Exp.,lunch for trusty crew,2/21/92—Add. 35.26 3-57 State of Michigan Misc. Exp.,prisoner labor for the month of Jan.,1992- Indep 735.00 3-58 Meijer, Inc. Misc. Exp.,food for Comm.mtg.&Public Info.—Admin.;Rec. Sup. —Nat. Prog.;Special Events,l-her.prog.—Rec.Admin. 95.92 3-59 The Art Pad Public Info.—Admin. 64.40 3-60 DDB Needham Worldwide Public Info.,Public Relation & Event Mrkt. services for the month of Feb.,1992—Admin. 2,400.00 3-61 EMW Custom Apparel Special Events,x—country ski —Add. & fishing—Indep. 216.00 3-62 Dennis Olson Special Events,deposit in advance for performance at the Cohn Amphitheater on 10 11/92—Nat. Pro . 125.00 3-63 Sandy Middleton S ecial Events sr.citizen events—YAC 30.00 3-64 Gordon Food Service Special Events,sr. citizen events—YAC 172.90 3-65 VOID 3-66 Michael Thibodeau Travel Reimb. for attending the Golf Crse.&Trade Show in New Orleans LA on 2/13-18/92—Admin. 20.00 3-67 Michigan State University Adv.Regist. for J.Sanborn to attend the Elec.&Hydraulic School in Lake Orion MI on 1/7 thru 3/10/92—Glen Oaks 700.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1992 VOUCHER NIIMnr-a vFNr)nR PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-68 MI Arborist Association Adv.Regist. for B.Lay,K.Poeppe,B.Baker & M.Willhite to attend the Chainsaw Seminar in Pontiac,MI on 2/4/92— $ Indep. 40.00 3-69 Clinton Roche Travel Reimb. for attending the Golf Crse.Conf. in New — — 14.00 3-70 Bill Weishaar Uniforms,reimb. for safety shoes —Tech. Sup. 50.00 3-71 Industrial Vehicle Sales Cap. Equip.,(I)Kubota Tractor—Indep.;Equip. Maint.—Water. 3-72 Eiden Equipment Cap. Equip.,(I)Panel Router w/accessories—Tech.Sup.; Misc. Ex tier locker—Tech.Su .•Bld .Maint.—Wh. Lk. 2,862.54 3-73 Albin Business Copiers Cap. Equip.,( I )Konica Copier w/su plies— Tech.Su . 949.00 _ 3-74 Grainger, Inc. Cap.Equip.,(1)Hot Water Pressure Washer—Grove.;Sm. Tools —Grove. & Inde .•Grounds Maint.—Inde . 2, 248.16 3-75 Crystal Chemical Maint. Sup. —Tech. Sup. 19.90 3-76 Jack Gell & Company Hsk . Ex .—Wh. Lk. 81.84 3-77 Diversified Business Products Off—Sup—,monthlyOff-Sup-,monthly service charge on Ricoh copier—Admin. 286.65 3-78 Steel Equipment Company Off. Su (I)Exe w"Chair—Glen 3-79 Entire Reproductions Off. Sup.—Admin. 3-80 Eiden's Hardware Cap.Proj.,Conf.Ctr.Imp.—Add.;Bldg.Maint.—Admin.,lndep., W.O.W.Park&T.Com lex•E ui .Maint.—Admin. Tech.Su Add. Indep.,Water.&Mob.Rec.,skate mob.;Sm.Tools—Tech.Sup. & Inde .;Grounds Maint.—Inde .•Rec.Su .—Nat.PrO . 3-81 Elden's Hardware Prop.Maint.—Water.;Sm.Tools—Indep.&Tech.Sup.;Special Events fishing & x—country ski—Indep 3-82 Arbor Springs Off. Su .—Inde . 59.40 I OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1992 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE Af10UNT 3-83 American Business Concepts Off. Sup. —Nat. Prog. 27.30 3-84 Ric's Antlers & Anchors Rec. Sup. —Nat. Prog. 5.80 3-85 Museum Products Rec. Sup. —Nat. Prog. 81.45 3-86 The Benchmark Rec. Sup.,ski boots & skis —Add. 899.30 3-87 Moby Dick Pet Store Rec. Sup. —Nat. Prog. 29.46 3-88 Oxford Co —Operative Elevator Grounds Maint. & x—country ski—Add.;Rec. Sup. —Nat. Proa. 108.60 —89 GlenWing Power Tools Sm. Tools,(I)Jigsaw—Wh. Lk. 175.95 3-90 _ — 80.57 —9Coffee Rental Rental — . & Add. 99.80 —92 MI Rental ServiceM Acct.Rec.,rental of floor sander—Admin.(To be reimb. by 158.77 3-93 The Art -Department Public Info —litter bags—Admin. 1,847.5.0 3-94 Donna McLand Special 17vents,instructor for dog obed. for Jan.—Water.9 .0 3-95 Lakewood Lanes Special Events,food charges for O.C.Emp. Bowling tourn.- Rec. Admin. 140.00 3-96 Lakewood Lanes Special Events,bowling fee for O.C.Emp. Bowling tourn.- Rec. Admin. 420.00 3-97 Paul Ott Special Events instructor's fee for s .dance —Water. 35.00 3-98 Hodges Supply Cap.Proj.,Conf.Ctr.imp.—Add.;Bldg.Maint.—Add.,Add.Conf. Ctr.,Indep.,Glen Oaks & Water.•Sm.Tools—Add.;Grounds Maint.—Inde . 2,408.89 I OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1992 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE At�niMT 3-99 K. Dougherty, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.—Nat. Prog. $ 94.63 3-100 Grunwell—Cashero`Company Cap. Proj.,Conf. Ctr. Imp. —Add. (payment #6) 7,750.10 3-101 Spalding Sports Golf Mdse. for Resale,score sheets—Wh. Lk. 540.00 3-102 Jensen Bridge Cap. Proj.,Conf. Ctr. Imp. —Add. 33A 16 3-103 Erb Lumber Cap. Proj.,Conf. Ctr. Imp.—Add.;Bidg. Maint.—Grove.; Equip. Maint.,sp. event mob. —Mob. Rec. 115.47 3-104 Lakeland Builders Bldg. Maint.,drywall—Add. 126.10 3-105 Oxbowindo Window Bldg. Maint.—Wh. Lk. 21.61 3-106 Wesco, Inc. Bldg. Maint.,energy saving lights—Admin. 2,825.50 3-107 John Biewer Company Bldg. Maint.,safet ro e—W.O.W.Park 102.75 3-108 Ecotec Pest Control Bldg. Maint.—Tech. Sup. & Wh. Lk.;Rental Prop. Maint.— -Water. 6_00 3-109 Henderson Glass _Equip. Maint —Indgp 12.00 3-110 Safe eon 3-111 Detroit Ball Bearing Equip. Maint.—Glen Oaks 98.90 3-112 A & J Auto Parts Equip. Maint.—Red Oaks 140.86 3-113 Pifer, Inc. Equip. Maint.,repair of golf carts —Spring. 491.82 3-114 Industrial Cleaning Hskp. Exp.—Wh. Lk. & YAC 101.38 3-115 Harvey's Office Supply Ott.Sup.—Admin.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks,Mob. Rec. & Nat. Prog. 486.80 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1992 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE Amni irrr 3-116 K. Smith, Cust. PettyCash Reimb.—Admin. $ 273.11 3-117 R. Coffey, Cust.' Petty Cash Reimb.—Add. 162.59 3-118 UZ Engineered Products Equip. Maint.,fuse assortment —Glen Oaks 187.73 3-119 Main Auto Supply Equip. Maint.—Add. 74.71 3-120 Herk's Oxford Automotive Equip. Maint.—Add. & Inde . 34.80 3-121 UZ Engineered Products Equip. Maint.,fuse holder —Red Oaks 250.00 3-122 Detroit BallBearin Equip. Maint.—Glen Oaks 136.90 3-123 Certified Laboratories Equip. Maint.—Glen Oaks 76.35 3-124 Quality —Lawn Equipment -Equip. Maint. re air of tractor —Spring. 254.51 3-125 Eaton Air Filter Equip. Maint.—Admin.•Maint. Sup. —Tech. Sup. 35.64 3-126 Rich Sign Grounds Maint.—Wh. Lk. 120.00 3-127 Arbor Springs Water Grounds Maint. cone cups —Glen Oaks 375.00 3-128 George Johnston Company_Rental Prop. Maint.—Water. 70.38 3-129 NRPAAHmin Membership Renewals for R. Richard & O.C.Park Comm.— 650.00 3-130 MI First Aid Misc. Ex .,medical su lies—Inde . 124.79 3-131 Sandra DeVonce Special Events reimb. for__Iong distance calls—Rec.Admin. 27.38 3-132 MI Square Dance News Special Events,fuli page ad for Feb. 1992—Water. 65.00 I OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1992 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PiIRPnCF n anii.i� 3-133 Bean Brothers Trophies Special Events,ther. prog.—Rec. Admin. $ 1,056.00 3-134 BSN Sports Rec. Sup.,megaphone—R.O.W.Parlk 136.54 3-135 Lawson Products Sm.Tools—Add.;Equip. Maint.—Spring. 340.48 3-136 Garth Jones Special Events,official for W/C basketball—Rec. Admin. 50.00 3-137 William Gesaman Special Events,instructor's fee for round dance —Water. 306.25 3-138 Sundry (Instructors) Instructors fees for JJanuary,192 to R.Dillion $60.00 woodcarving,S.Hill $297.50 Golf,R.James $285.00 Yoga, ' 3-139 Sundry (Refunds) M.Marion $735.00 Ballet & K.Spence $735.00 Swing Fitnes —Water. Refund of Ballroom Dance fee to M.Banaszak $60,D.Cowdrey $30.T.Galdraith 160 K Hartz $60,C.HQuQh $30 & R lob c 2.112.50 3-140 Franklin International Institute _130—Water. Adv.Regist. for D.Stencil to attend the Prof.Development Sem. in Southfield, MI on 4/22/92—Admin. 270.00 90.00 3-141 MI Mountain Biking Membership fee for 1 yr.—Add. 100.00 3-142 Midwest Tool Ca .Pro'. Conf.Ctr.lm .—Add.•Bld .Maint.—W.O.W.Park 125.08 3-143 Tom Seaman Travel Reimb. for attending the MI Law Enforce.lnst. in E.Lansin MI on 2 9-14/92—Admin. 3.61 3-144 LBR Enterprises Cap.Proj.,Pole Barn—Indep.&Maint.Bldg.Add.—Spring. (pay. #2) 22,149.00 166.69 3-145 Gamalski Building Specialties Bldg. Maint.,exit device—Wh. Lk. 3-146 Tom's Hardware Bldq. Maint.—Add. 17.25 3-147 McKa 's Hardware Bld Maint.—Grove. 41.36 I OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER MARCH, 1992 VOUCHER K!HUnr_ n V F-KIDna PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-148 Detroit Ball Bearing Equip. Maint.—Add. $ 10.18 3-149 Certified Laboratories Equip. Maint.—Add. 58.35 3-150 Groveland Township Utilities,vapor lights —Grove. 318.24 3-151 MI Portable Toilets Grounds Maint.—Orion 20.00 3-152 AT&T Communications —BMX 13.35 3-153 Petrolane Gas Utilities—T.Complex 205.42 3-154 Consumers Power Company Utilities —Glen Oaks,Water. & W.O.W_Park 3,658.39 3-155 Detroit Edison Utilities—Add.,Add.Conf.Ctr.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,R.O.W. Park W 0 W Park & T. Complex 16,528,31 3-156 3-157 MI Natural Resourcea— MAPCO Adv.Regist.for C.Her ,R.Coffey&D.Stencil to attend the MI Campground Conf.in Midland,MI on 3/26/92—Admin.,Add.& Grove. 90.00 3-158 United States Tennis Association Misc.Ex .,membershi renewal for 1 r.—T.Com lex 25.00 3-159 Angie's Misc.Exp.,trusty lunches,2/28/92—Add. 20.93 3-160 Young Supply Maint. Sup. —Tech. Sup. 16.00 3-161 Drayton Plywood Maint. Sup. —Tech. Sup.;Bldg. Maint.—Grove.;Rec. Sup.- Nat. Prog. 207.90 3-162 Meteor Photo Public Info.,slides—Admin. 236.75 2-163 Mr. Uniform & Mat I T\0� GOMM\SS\0� S-\ C O P\« ANOODN� v O MpgCK �992 Spec a \ Rec. PO��Oc�day cacnp'M°b . ec. SuP•' ` de . c \n�° d °•�R c ca sh re `seers, ert 5 Sher a eemeSl for �1GNp0� ma\�� er for the vODONE� in° �/ Off Su �Pdd. C°mm;$S,°R s�y,Pr;n�s� Off. Su �o Par S Co��ro\ S stem 0�f em\ \e g e pa ,r a��e�d;�g the 5 Sa;es �_ Per D pa\d fo a Mari \ Re;mb. Carver "C r a� e A66 rn\� 61 0 C' P\atcOmm;ss\0 Sundr „a=COAPt �O OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND , RCATION COMMISSION INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER FEBRUARY, 1992 (For the Month of January, 1992) SOURCE DEPARTMENT PURPOSE AMOUNT Inv. #50 Communications Fund Communications—Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Rec.Admin.,Glen Oaks,Wh. Lk.,Red Oaks,Grove.,Indep.,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,YAC,W.O.W. $ Park,Water.,T.Complex,BMX & Nat. Prog. 2,889.75 Inv. #86 Computer Services Fund Equip. Rental—Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add. & Grove.;Off. Sup.— Rec. Admin. 3,552.67 Inv. #88 Facilities And Operations Fund BIdq.Maint.—Wh.Lk.;Grounds Maint.—T.Complex&Water. 183.23 Inv. #37 Fringe Benefit Fund Fringe Benefits charges for the month of Jan. '92—Admin. 97,606.50 Inv. #58 Materials Management Fund Hskp.Exp.—Admin.,Add.,Indep.,YAC,Water.&W.O.W.Park;Off. Su .—Admin.,Rec.Admin.&Grove.•E ui .Maint.&Misc.Ex . coffee—Add.;Rec.Sup.—Nat.Prog.;Grounds Maint.—T.Complex; Special Events,x—country ski—Add.&sr.citizens—Water. 2,462.24 Inv. #32 Motor Pool Fund Transportation—Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove., Orion,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks.SarinU.,YAC,Mob._ Rec.,Water.&Nat.Prog.;Equip.Maint.—Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove., Inde Wh.Lk. Glen Oaks,Red Oaks S rin Water.&Mob.Rec. buses 19,835.95 Inv. #99 Office Equipment Fund Equip.Rentai—Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Spring.,YAC, Water. & Mob. Rec. 330.65 Inv. #69 Printing & Mailing Fund Public Info.—Admin.;Off.Sup.—Admin.,Grove.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks&Spring.;Special Events,Heavy Weather Demo.— Admin. 7 309.26 .Inv. #15 Radio Communications Fund Radio Maint.—Admin.,Mob.Rec.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Wh. Lk.,Orion,lnde .,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,S rin .,R.O.W.Park YAC,Water.,W.O.W.Park,Nat. Prog.;Bldg. Maint.—Water. & Add.;Rec. Sup. —Add. 11,028.17 TOTAL FOR INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER $ 145 198.42 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AN, REATION COMMISSION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FOR 1992 AS OF 1/31/92 SUMMARY TOTAL FOR ALL PARKS ESTIMATED 1991 1992 NET NEW ESTIMATED CONTRACT(S) CONTRACT(S) PROJECT ---------PARK- PROJECT COST ---------- ADJUSTMENT - -------------- --ADJUSTMENT--- --ADJUSTMENT--- PROJECT COST --------------- AMOUNT PAID -Y --------------- RETAINER ---- AWARUED BALANCE --------------- BALANCE --------------- ADMINISTRATION $4,336,663.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,336,663.00 $(6,019.50) $0.00 $0.00 $4,330,643.50 ADDISON OAKS 1,205,171.00 0.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 1,245,171.00 (475,387.55) 18,950.84 (120,708.03) 668,026.26 GROVELAND OAKS 437,000.00 0.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 445,000.00 (11,016.40) 0.00 (5,386.00) 428,597.60 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 289,060.00 5,849.43 459.54 6,308.97 295,368.97 (95,624.17) 6,975.30 (46,793.16) 159,926.94 ORION OAKS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 GLEN OAKS 139,258.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 139,258.00 (54,U14.33) 0.00 0.00 85,243.67 RED OAKS 105,295.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 105,295.00 (1,995.62) 0.00 0.00 103,299.38 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 105,351.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 105,351.00 (6,634.91) 0.00 (29,476.00) 69,240.09 WHITE LAKE OAKS 163,792.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 163,792.00 (792.00) 0.00 0.00 163,000.00 WATERFORD OAKS 882,568.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 882,568.00 (1.1,724.69) 0.00 0.00 870,843.31 CONTINGENCY 559,401.00 --------------- (5,849.43) ------------------------------ (48,459.54) (54,308.97) 505,092.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 505,092.03 CAPITAL PROJECTS TOTAL $8,223,559.00 $0.00 $0.00 --------------- $0.00 --------------- $8,223,559.OU ------------------------------ $(663,209.17) $25,926.14 --------------- $(202,363.19) --------------- $7,383,912.78 In i COMBINED TOTALS OF MONTIIly ACTIVITIES FOR FEBRUARY, 1992 TOTALS - GOLF COURSES RECREATIONAL & TOTALS - SPECIAL EVEN'rS TOTALS - DAY USE PARKS GRAND TOTALS GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Boles Cross Country Skiing RED OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Cross Country Skiing SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 19 Holes Cross Country Skiing i TOTALS - GOLF COURSES Leagues/Groups Participants Leagues/Groups Participants 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 . 1992 1991 1992 0 0 380 0 0 0 1,180 0 168 175 21,684 20,142 312 318 33,621 32,910 1,762 1,640 23,061 16,196 5,388 6,412 49,620 43,417 1,930 1,815 45,125 36,338 5,700 6,730 84,421 76,327 GOLF COURSES - MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1992 YEAR TO DATE Leagues Participants Leagues Participants 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 1 1991 1992 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 225 0 0 0 775 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 0 0 0 295 0 0 0 380 I 0 0 0 1,180 0 RECREATIONAL AND SPECIAL NTS - MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1992 YEAR TO DATE MOBILE_ RECREATION Airsport Skate Mobile Mime Group Broadway Revue Puppet Mobile Sports Mobile Buses Show"Mobile Dunk Tank High Striker WATERFORD OAKS Activity Center Tennis Complex BMX ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM Nature Center Outreach Nature 'frail Usage SPRINGFIELD OAKS Y A C SPECIAL EVENTS WOODCHUCKER'S HOLIDAY WHEELCHAIR BASKETBALL TOURN. SENIOR HOOTENANY o� 1 N TOTALS *NOT TNCLUDED TN TOTALS Groups Participants Group Participants 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 12 426 343 22 21 912 620 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67 71 2,907 2,405 108 121 5,915 5,302 8 8 148 130 16 16 296 370 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 30 1,000 1,256 57 65 2,581 3,108 32 22 8,604 8,010 47 38 13,417 13,957 0 0 3,604 4,002 0 0 10,529 11,927 32 32 8,599 7,998 62 57 109500 9,553 143 300 150 168 175 21,684 20,142 312 318 33,621 32,910 DAY USE PARKS AND FACILIT_ ITENDANCE REPORT - MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1992 ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers GROVELAND OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK Day Use Day Camper Overnight Group Campers ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GLEN OAKS BANQUET FACILITY SPRINGFIELD OAKS CLUBHOUSE WHITE LAKE OAKS BANQUET FACILITY WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK RED OAKS WATERPARK RED OAKS GOLF DOME & SPORTS VILLAGE nP TnN nAVC TOTALS ri w YEAR TO DATE I Groups Participants Groups Participants 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 180 0 631 0 561 634 1,973 2,225 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,540 1,620 5,390 5,670 4,744 5,722 16,6041 20,027 20 0 383 0 43 7 8521 195 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 10 1,025 1,762 17 25 2,266 3,775 14 9 1,590 1,352 20 17 2,191 2,227 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 50 160 3 7 325 606 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,992 7,252 0 0 25,173 14,362 0 0 0 0 0 0 236 0 1,762 1,640 23,061 16,196 5,388 6412 49,620 43,417 ITEM #7 ADDISON OAKS GRANT AGREEMENT AMENDMENT Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission received a grant in September, 1990 for the acquisition of property adjacent to Addison Oaks. The original grant application included two parcels of property, an 89.26 acre parcel (the Jeffrey Groehn parcel) and a 44.63 acre parcel (the John Christopher parcel). During the period that the grant was being processed, the Christopher parcel was sold and split; thereby negating a potential sale to Oakland County Parks and Recreation. The Department of Natural Resources has indicated that we must amend our present agreement, deleting the Christopher parcel. The purchase of and reimbursement for the Groehn parcel, acquired in June of 1991, is not affected by this amendment. A copy of the resolution to amend the grant agreement is attached. r R V (ZOT.TTTTON WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission accepted from the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund the Addison Oaks Acquisition Grant, MNRTF 89-002, to acquire 139 acres adjacent to Addison Oaks county park, which is comprised of two parcels identified as the Jeffrey Groehn parcel and the John Christopher parcel; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission appro- priated matching funds and has acquired the 93.4 acre Jeffrey Groehn parcel identified in the above grant and the grant agreement dated September 1, 1990; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been notified that the John Christopher parcel is not for sale; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been notified by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources of the need to amend the above agreement to delete said parcel. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission amends the above agreement, deleting the parcel identified as the John Christopher parcel. DATE MOVED BY SUPPORTED BY 7-2 ITEM #8 RADIO COMMUNICATION CHARGES This is to inform the Commission of the unanticipated increase in Radio Communication charges for 1992. Specifically, the charges have been increased from $2,328.38/mo. in 1991 to $9,774.00/mo. for 1992. This is an annual increase from $27,940 to $117,288 or a total annual increase of $89,348. It has been explained to staff the increased charges reflect the costs associated with the 800 MHz County Wide Communication System (e.g. infrastructure costs and finance costs) which to date is not in operation. It is the staff's understanding any fee structure associated with the new communication system was to be recommended by the Radio Communications Oversight Committee (see attached) chaired by the Director of Program Evaulation, currently Mr. James Brennan. In discussing this matter with Mr. Brennan, staff was informed no new fee structure had yet been established. Mr. Brennan indicated any increase in the fee structure to date, would have been implemented without the recommendation of this committee or approval of the Board of Commissioners. Staff is exploring viable courses of action regarding this matter. One option is to pursue, with Commission support, rescinding the fee increase with appropriate refunds forthcoming, until the oversight committee has made its recommendations and those subsequent recommendations are approved by the Board of Commissioners. The other option discussed by staff, if the new fee structure is continued, would be maintain our own communication system at the old fee structure of $27,940/year and not participate in the new system. 8-1 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1991 356 AYES: Moffitt, Oaks, Olsen, Palmer, Pappageorge, Pernick, Price, Serra, Skarritt, Wolf, Aaron, Caddell, Crake, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, McConnell, McCulloch, Millard. (19) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Report (Misc. 91247) By Planning and Building Committee IN RE: Radio Communications - CONSTRUCTION, TESTING AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE 800 MHz COUNTY -WIDE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Planning and Building Committee, having reviewed the above referenced resolution, recommends its adoption with the following amended resolved paragraphs, which add the Director of Management and Budget to the Committee and more appropriately details the responsibilities of the committee. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners establishes a radio communication oversight committee consisting of the Director of Program Evaluation, who shall be the chairman, and 3 appointees by the County Executive and 2 appointees from the County Sheriff's Department, preferably the Director of Central Services, the Director of Public Services, the Director of Management and Budget, the Sheriff's Department Captain of Special Programs and the Sheriff's Business Manager. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such a committee will be responsible for monitoring: the activities of Motorola through the construction and testing phases and U W67114g the assignments of the consulting firm of Westin Engineering. The committee will also develop XAd N0 7000dt a plan for revenue generation from the available capacity of the system, and shall WOM AO recommend the appropriate departmental and agency user charges. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the acceptance of the foregoing report. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Larry Crake, Chairperson Misc. 91247 By Commissioners John Pappageorge and Lawrence Pernick IN RE: RADIO COMMUNICATIONS - CONSTRUCTION, TESTING AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE 800 MHz COUNTY -WIDE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners, on MR 90281 dated December 13, 1990, authorized the award of a contract to Motorola for acquisition of a county -wide 800 MHz radio communication system for a sum not to exceed $5,846,602.50; and WHEREAS the construction and the operation of such a system will affect several user departments, as well as future contracted agencies; and WHEREAS it is in the best interest of the total county to have a multi -departmental oversight committee monitor the construction and implementation of the system, as well as control the cost. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners establishes a radio communication oversight committee consisting of the Director of Program Evaluation, who shall be the chairman, and two appointees by the County Executive and 2 appointees from the County Sheriff's Department, preferably the Director of Central Services, the Director of Public Services, the Sheriff's Department Captain of Special Programs and the Sheriff's Business Manager. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such a committee will be responsible for monitoring the activities of Motorola through the construction and testing phases and controlling the assignments of the consulting firm of Westin Engineering. The committee will also develop and implement a plan for revenue generation from the available capacity of the system, and shall determine the appropriate departmental agency user charges. Mr. Chairperson, I move the foregoing resolution. John Pappageorge, Commissioner Dist. #13 Lawrence Pernick, Commissioner District #20 Moved by Crake supported by Pappageorge the resolution be adopted. AYES: Oaks, Olsen, Palmer, Pappageorge, Pernick, Price, Serra, Skarritt, Wolf, Aaron, Caddell, Crake, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, McConnell, McCulloch, McPherson, Millard, Moffitt. (20) NAYS: None. (0) Moved by Moffitt supported by Pappageorge the Board reconsider the vote taken on the resolution. AYES: Olsen, Palmer, Pappageorge, Pernick, Price, Serra, Skarritt, Wolf, Aaron, Caddell, Crake, Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, McConnell, McCulloch, Millard, Moffitt, Oaks. (20) NAYS: McPherson. (1) 8-2 357 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12,1991 A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion to reconsider carried. Moved by Crake supported by Pappageorge the Planning and Building Committee Report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted. Moved by Crake supported by Pappageorge the resolution be amended to agree with the Planning and Building Committee Report. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Vote on resolution, as amended: AYES: Palmer, Pappageorge, Pernick, Price, Serra, Skarritt, Wolf, Aaron, Caddell, Crake, Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, McConnell, McCulloch, Millard, Moffitt, Oaks, Olsen. (20) NAYS: McPherson. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted. Misc. 91287 By Public Services Committee IN RE: Public Services Department - EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING DIVISION BUDGET AMENDMENT - PROGRAM YEAR 1991 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #91155 established the Employment and Training Division's Administrative Budget for Program Year 1991, covering the period July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992, at $6,812,677, which was totally based on Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) funds, including estimated carry forward funds and an estimated allocation of JTPA Title IIA 6% funds; and WHEREAS final notice of allocation of JTPA funds, including final carry forward funds and Title IIA 6% funds, has been received from the Michigan Department of Labor for program periods and funding sources as outlined in Attachment A; and WHEREAS the funding sources as shown in Attachment A for the total amount of $6,605,805 serve as the Program Year 1991 fund availability, a decrease of $206,872 from the estimated fund availability approved by Miscellaneous Resolution #91155. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes that the JTPA program operations appropriation in the Employment and Training Division's Program Year 1991 Budget be decreased from $5,875,555 by $206,872 to $5,668,683, thus decreasing the Division's total Program Year 1991 budget from $6,812,677 to $6,605,805, as reflected in Attachment B. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Employment and Training Division will prepare and present a written report to the Public Services Committee on an annual basis. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COh1MITTEE Ruth A. Johnson, Chairperson Copy of Attachments "A" and "B" on file in .County Clerk's Office. Fiscal Note (Misc. 91287) By Finance Committee IN RE: Public Services Department - EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING DIVISION BUDGET AMENDMENT - PROGRAM YEAR 1991 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-G of the Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution `91287 and finds: 1) The Employment and Training Division has requested to amend its 1991 Fiscal Year Budget to reflect a decrease in total Title II A 78%/6% of ($336,930), an increase in total Title II B of $32,700 and an increase in total Title III EDWAAA of $97,358 program funds, for a total net decrease of ($206,872). 2) The net decrease of ($206,872) is based on actual JTPA funds carried forward from PY1991 and as received from the Michigan Department of Labor, which decreases the 1991 Program Year amount from $6,812,677 to $6,605,805. 3) The proposed budget amendment in the attached Schedule for program year 1991 is recommended. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Johnson supported by Serra the resolution be adopted. AYES: Pappageorge, Pernick, Price, Serra, Skarritt, Wolf, Aaron, Caddell, Crake, Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, McConnell, McCulloch, McPherson, Millard, Moffitt, Oaks, Olsen, Palmer. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. 8-3 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 13, 1990 amendments are recommended. Revenue 439 Expenses 3-70580-347-12-00-2340 Skillman Trust 4-70580-347-12-00-1001 Salaries 4-70580-347-12-00-2070 Fringe Benefit 4-70580-347-12-00-3704 Special Projects $ (34,000) $ 28,500 12,500 (75,000) $ 34,000) $ -0- FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Richard Kuhn supported by Huntoon the resolution be adopted. AYES: Rewold, Skarritt, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Ferrens, Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, R. Kuhn, Law, Luxon, McConnell, Moffitt, Olsen, Pappageorge, Pernick, Price. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 90281 By Public Services Committee IN RE: RADIO COMMUNICATIONS - AUTHORIZATION FOR SELECTION OF VENDOR TO DESIGN, CONSTRUCT AND IMPLEMENT AN 800 MHz COUNTY -WIDE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the present county radio communications system is plagued with problems including: inadequate coverage, overcrowded channels forcing the County into three unauthorized usages of existing frequencies, worn and obsolete equipment, "skip" difficulties and high -risk exposure; and WHEREAS additional channels in the frequency ranges presently used by the County are not available in the Detroit area and are unlikely to become available in the foreseeable future; nor is there any guarantee that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) would assign such frequencies to Oakland County if they become available; and WHEREAS the County, on three separate occasions in the past, has studied these problems and recommended the complete replacement of the County system with an 800 MHz trunking system, County Executive/Sheriff's Proposal dated August 31, 1987; County Executive/Sheriff's Proposal dated January 19, 1988; and Sheriff's Department/Commissioners' Program Evaluation Proposal dated August 4, 1988; and WHEREAS the County Executive, in anticipation of this situation, acquired a license for ten 800 MHz channels from the FCC which license has been extended twice and is now overdue for action by the County of Oakland; and WHEREAS the County Board of Commissioners, on Miscellaneous Resolution 89135, dated May 25, 1989, and 89349, dated December 14, 1989, created a Radio Communications Oversight Committee and authorized such committee to hire an independent consultant to conduct a complete needs study, to recommend the appropriate solution to the radio communications problems, to prepare a "request for proposal," to solicit proposals from vendors, to analyze such proposals and recommend a contract award; and WHEREAS the consultant, RAM Communication Consultants, Inc., after analyzing various possible options, has concluded that the 800 MHz trunked system is the only feasible solution to the County's radio communications problems. WHEREAS the Radio Communications Oversite Committee has reviewed the consultant's report, obtained input from various user departments and inspected other counties' communication systems, and concurs in the consultant's conclusion that the 800 MHz trunking system is the appropriate solution to the County's short and long-term radio communication needs; and WHEREAS two vendor proposals were received, one from Motorola for an 8-antenna site system and another from Ericsson -General Electric for a 4-antenna site system; and WHEREAS after considerable review and analysis of each vendor proposal, the consultant and the Radio Communications Committee have determined that the Motorola proposal best meets the County's current and long-range needs and is the "best buy" on a system component basis, and further recommends an award of contract to Motorola. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners concurs in the acquisition of the 800 MHz trunking technology for a county -wide radio communications system serving all county departments and agencies; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Executive is authorized to enter into a contract with Motorola for the construction of an 8-site, 800 MHz system and for the purchase of all related equipment for a sum not to exceed $5,846,602.50. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the Radio Communications Committee to employ a consultant to assist in the preparation of the contract and acceptance test procedures and to negotiate with the selected vendor. Mr. Chairperscn, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., Chairperson 8-4 440 -Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 13, 1990 Fiscal Note (Misc. 90281) By Finance Committee IN RE: RADIO COMMUNICATIONS - AUTHORIZATION FOR SELECTION OF VENDOR TO DESIGN, CONSTRUCT AND IMPLEMENT AN 800 MHz COUNTY -WIDE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-G of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #90281 and finds: 1) The proposed Miscellaneous Resolution to replace equipment and upgrade the county radio system will cost an additional $752,559 annually. 2) The Radio Communications Fund Budget will be increased by $752,559 for 1991 with funds coming from the 1991 General Fund Contingency. 3) Cost to employ a consultant to assist in the preparation of the contract, acceptance test procedures and negotiation with selected vendor is estimated at $100,000 with funding of this contract and $60,000 for construction contingency be authorized from the 1991 General Fund Contingency n FINANCE COMMITTEE- G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Richard Kuhn supported by Crake the resolution be adopted. AYES: Skarritt, Aaron, Caddell, Cal andro, Crake, Ferrens, Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, R. Kuhn, Law, Luxon, McConnell, Moffitt, Olsen, Pappageorge, Pernick, Price, Rewold. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. #90302 By Commissioner Chairperson, Roy Rewold IN RE: SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REVISED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENTS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution #90229, the Board of Commissioners directed the Solid Waste Finance Team to revise the Oakland County Intergovernmental Agreements (IGAs) for the Solid Waste Management System to provide for phasing of System implementation as outlined in detail in the resolution; and WHEREAS the Finance Team was directed to return the revised documents to the full Board of Commissioners upon completion of the necessary revisions; and WHEREAS the Finance Team has recommended revised Intergovernmental Agreement language as contained in the Draft IGA dated 11/19/90, as contained in the SOCRRA Draft IGA dated 11/19/90, and as contained in the Pontiac Draft IGA dated 11/19/90; all as outlined in the Finance Team Communication dated November 29, 1990. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the three IGA documents bearing a draft date of 11/19/90 in substantially the form presented to this meeting and authorizes the County Executive to distribute the IGAs to Oakland County's municipalities for their review, consideration and approval. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVLED, that the County Executive and the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners are hereby authorized to sign the IGAs in substantially the form approved after approval by each participating municipality. Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Roy Rewold, Commissioner, District #16 Moved by Rewold supported by Moffitt the resolution be adopted. AYES: Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Ferrens, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, R. Kuhn, Luxon, McConnell, Moffitt, Olsen, Pappageorge, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt. (18) NAYS: Gosling, Law. (2) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. In Accordance with Rule XXII, the following referrals were made by the Chairperson: GENERAL GOVERNMENT a. Community Mental Health - Staffing PLANNING & BUILDING a. City of Lathrup Village - (Support) Reopening of SOCRRA Incinerator 8-5 r. ITEM 19 ELLIS AND ASSOCIATES WATERFORD OAKS AND RED OAKS WATERPARKS BACKGROUND Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission operates two wave -action pools and waterslides. Currently, all lifeguards hired by Oakland County must possess a valid American Red Cross Lifeguarding Certificate. Lifeguards of both wavepools must also have a water test which utilizes resources of the Oakland County Sheriff's Department Marine Division in passive and active rescuing of individuals prior to employment. After meetings with Risk Management and recommendations from Corporation Counsel, legal counsel and administrative staff, the following changes need to take place: 1. Extensive pre -training for the staff who work at the two wave -action pools and waterslide. 2. Continued in-service training each week. The aquatic training is left up to the park supervisor and/or the park manager. At this time I would like to introduce Ellis and Associates National Pool and Waterpark Lifeguarding Program and have that program implemented in Oakland County Parks and Recreation program. 1. E & A National Pool and Waterpark Lifeguard Training Program: o E & A has a risk management program not just a course The National Pool and Waterpark Lifeguard Training Program is a comprehensive risk management program .specifically tailored to your aquatic facility. Unlike community based non-profit instructional programs that provide a lifeguarding certificate for the mass population, the NPWLTP program includes a full risk management package: o Facility design o Insurance verification o Consultation o Statistical data collection o Lifeguard training o Assistance with aquatic litigation o Audits o High risk identification o E & A train you and continue to support you year around E & A works with our facility all year providing training for supervisors in the winter, lifeguard training throughout the spring and summer, audits and consultations through the summer months, and statistical feedback and analysis in the fall. E & A provide a year-round risk management program for our facility whether it operates 100 days or 365 days annually. o E & A write the book every year The NPWLTP Lifeguard Textbook is rewritten every .single year in response to the recommendations of supervisors and lifeguards and also in response to the statistical data gathered during the season. E & A keeps current with information on cervical injuries, legal precedents, and state of the art lifeguarding techniques. 9-1 Bid Item Ellis & Associates Page 2 o Lifeguards are trained for our specific facility Lifeguards are quickly trained to provide state of the art lifeguard protection for your facility. This is not a generic course that includes nice to know information about beaches, lakes, and other facilities. It is designed to train our guards for Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. The course can usually be held on a weekday and includes: o Public relations o First responder techniques o Accident management o Lifeguarding rescue techniques o Working with difficult patrons o Legal liability o Personal health & safety concerns o Safety awareness for the lifeguard o High risk areas o Victim Identification o E & A audit your program One of the great strengths of the E & A program is the unannounced audits during the summer. E & A is then able to testify to the competency of the program based on the audits and to vouch for the quality of the program with the insurance carriers. ADVANTAGES OF THE PROGRAM 1. E & A has a stronger cost benefit to the lifeguards and the total parks and recreation system. It will give the lifeguards a valid instructional program that is waterpark related. 2. E & A will not take the place of, but will supplement, the weekly training that should take place at both Red Oaks and Waterford Oaks Waterparks. 3. Each swimming pool will have the availability of having two trained managers to teach the instructional program. 4. A unique aspect of the Ellis & Associates' program is a mandatory unannounced video audit which is conducted three times annually at the pool locations. The purpose of these audits to to ensure that the lifeguards have CPR and in -water rescue skills remain acceptable and have not eroded over time. The skills test documented on video tape can later be used by the agency to evaluate the effectiveness of their own in-service training program. S. In recognition of the importance of liability, Ellis & Associates is a leader in developing aquatic risk management programs for both waterpark and conventional pools. They have been in existence since 1983 and no Ellis clients to -date have experienced the patron drownding. Along with the lifeguard training techniques, the Ellis program stresses the professional and significant personal responsibility that is required to be a lifeguard. 6. Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commissions aquatic facilities will be protected under the Ellis & Associates Aquatic Risk Management umbrella for the duration of the contract. 9-2 Bid Item Ellis & Associates Page 3 7. The National Recreation and Park Association officially endorses the Ellis & Associates National Pool and Waterpark Training Program as a quality education program that provides personnel with opportunity to enhance overall aquatic safety skills. 8. With the City of Troy contracting with Ellis, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission will receive a 15% discount this year on the initial client retainer fee. IMPLEMENTATION OF ELLIS AND ASSOCIATES 1. To implement the Ellis training program, it is recommended that all employees go through the pre -employment test (American Red Cross Lifeguarding). 2. After hiring, all lifeguards will go through the Ellis program prior to the opening of the pools. With two waterpark locations and the City of Troy's involvement, there will be three dates available for lifeguards to participate in the training program. 3. Staff can be certified as Ellis instructors. This would enable staff (managers) to train new lifeguards. 4. Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission will continue to have an on- going training by staff and management. 5. Oakland County Parks and Recreation will pay for American Red Cross Bridge Over Course which is $20 per candidate. That program will be $25 less than the training program that Ellis teaches. 6. There will be three unannounced audit visits per year. COST OF THE PROGRAM For client - $175.00 This does not discount the 15% which Ellis has mentioned they will give to us this year. Three audits - $175.00 each = $525.00 American Red Cross Bridge Over - $20.00 per lifeguard X 74 = $1,480.00 *Training books - $14.00 each X 74 = $1,036.00 Total $3,216.00 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. The Oakland County Risk Management has recommended that we sincerely look into the Ellis & Associate program for our two wave -action pools. 2. Corporation Counsel has indicated through our legal counsel that there is a need for a stronger training program. 3. It is staff's recommendation to implement a Professional Service Contract with Ellis and Associates. Ellis and Associates is nationally recognized as an excellent aquatic training program in all 50 states. They are endorsed by NRPA to facilitate training of aquatics and to foster professional development to the internal professional staff. Total cost fot his program will be $4,696.00 9-3 ITEM #10 TREE PLANTINGS SPRINGFIELD OAKS AND WHITE LAKE OAKS Bids were received for the tree plantings at Springfield Oaks and White Lake Oaks Golf Courses. The plantings consist of three varieties of six to seven -foot evergreen trees (Norway and White Spruce and Scotch Pine), and a two-inch caliber deciduous tree (Katsura Tree). There is a total of 50 evergreen trees--20 at Springfield Oaks and 30 at White Lake Oaks; plus 11 deciduous trees--5 at Springfield Oaks and 6 at White Lake Oaks. The price includes the plant material, planting, staking, mulching, and a guarantee of one year. The bids are as follows: Springfield White Lake Total Oaks Oaks C & H Landscape $3,350 $4,800 $8,150 Drayton Plains, Michigan Lowries Landscape 3,675 5,260 8,935 Clarkston, Michigan Marine City Nursery 4,200 5,970 10,170 Marine City, Michigan Alexander Nursery 4,475 6,350 10,825 Mt. Clemens Jeff Swayne 5,998 8,628 14,626 Custom Landscaping Ortonville, Michigan Staff has reviewed the bids and recommends awarding the contract to the low bidder, C & H Nursery, in the amount of $3,350 for Springfield Oaks and $4,800 for White Lake Oaks, totaling $8,150; plus a 5% contingency of $400 for a total contract cost of $8,550. The 1992 Capital Improvement Projects Budget designates $4,000 for Springfield Oaks and $6,000 for White Lake Oaks, a total of $10,000. 10-1 ITEM if11 72" OUTFRONT EXCEL HUSTLER MOWER DECKS INDEPENDENCE OARS The park operations staff of Independence Oaks requests the re- placement of two 72" outfront Excel Hustler mower decks that are six years old. The condition of the mower housings, blade spindles, and their general condition has resulted in a poor mowing performance. The life expectancy of the replacement mower decks is 5 - 7 years. The American -made content of the decks is 100%. The old mowing decks will be sold in the county's spring auction. Purchasing received the following single source bid from W. F. Miller Company of Novi in the amount of $3,261.50 each, for a total of $6,523.00; staff recommends the purchase as specified. There is $6,400.00 budgeted in the 1992 Operating Equipment Budget for this purchase; the balance of $123.00 will come from the Operating Budget Contingency. } - A)Y 5 !1 ' '. } =i k 4/ ) } � � Y f j •^ �tr�� Y_ 'L- t�5 YJ{S�t �F�} Ham} t� �� •K tT{"iC���1+i �Ni P'W-j4�i - 7 ` S F• riven mower decks .are engineered for. agility,and tight -quarters operation ce'_on'heavywork. With yet". The 72-Inch Three -Way Deck with 18 inches of novation;' `Excel was the offset delivers a fine cut, high acreage production`, cks to'provide superior trim andexcellent trim�capability.. Heavy-duty cast iron d heavy -gauge steel gauge wheel arms offer increased durability and 1.F a f t }. s f - f F iL strength and'.durability, -and 2 provideease Qf cuttmg,heig ., :a ustment `;For t , �. e' Tolle, ,e.daes fo'prevent improvedhtraction4and,flotation'in,rolling terrain, the _ ch `Excel Mustier mower, deck, ; .'Three=Way Deck .. at treated steel blades with high The'72-Inch Heavy -Duty Dual -Trim Rotary Mower .: ;:efficient, uniformcut. Blade,:, Deck offers rear discharge and 9.75-inch offset trim aoted With tough high -carbon rr` ' capability on both'`sides! Cast iron gauge wheel bearings and a trash guard on arms and heavy duty construction provide great Jle'Attachment or removal of performance and durability, even in,rough mowing ,fast`and'e'asy 'using Hustler's conditions: is special chain front permits you to cut ch tool fbar.;, down tall weeds and grass with ease: r 60 nor 72dhch Three -Way Deck The 72-Inch'Standard Rotary Mower Deck has'18 to:choose the'discharge mode inches of offset for outstanding;t I work around t, .TW:60 Inch Three Way Deck �, , . buildings and shrubs Itsnclearly a superior side t jt#ac%, as, `` discharge deck fset'�trirr r 11=2 < z ITEM 112 VACUUM RED OAKS WATERPARK We have received from Purchasing the following bids for the pur- chase of a 5-yard pull -type 23 hp vacuum for the Red Oaks Waterpark: W. F. Miller Novi Wilkie Turf Pontiac $ 5,472.00 15,750.00 Lawn Equipment NO BID Pontiac This vacuum will be used for picking up litter inside the pool area and for parking lot maintenance. The expected life of this vacuum is 12 years. Staff recommends awarding the bid to the low bidder, W. F. Miller, for $5,472.00. There is $5,000.00 budgeted in the 1992 Operating Equipment Budget for this purchase; the balance of $472.00 will come from the Operating Budget Contingency. 12-1 r.',� �i,i�.', � , l` "' �MrnM , ITEM #13 FERTILIZER GOLF COURSES AND PARKS We have received from Purchasing the following bids for the purchase of our yearly supply of fertilizer for the golf courses and parks: 9 Tons 37 Tons 37 Tons 4 Tons Greens Tee & Fairway Lawn & Fairway Milorganite Turfgrass $4,932.00 $15,836.00 $11,751.20 $1,520.00 South Lyon Benham 4,874.00 16,043.20 12,343.20 920.00 Farm. Hills Turf Chemicals 920.00 Alt. Owosso Amcorn NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID Bradley U.A.P. NO BID NO BID 11,647.60 NO BID Clawson Frontier NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID Troy This fertilizer will be used in the 1992 growing season. Staff recommends we split the bid and award the 9 tons of greens fertilizer and the 4 tons of Milorganite to Benham Chemicals for $5,794.00; the 37 tons of tee and fairway fertilizer to Turfgrass for $15,836.00; and the 37 tons of lawn and fairway fertilizer to U.A.P. for $11,647.60. The cost for this fertilizer will be charged to each golf course or park's Grounds Maintenance line item. 13-1 ITEM #14 GRASS SEED GOLF COURSES We have received from Purchasing the following bids for the pur- chase of our yearly supply of grass seed for the golf courses: Turfgrass $4,039.00 South Lyon Turf Chemicals 4,440.00 Owosso Amcorn Bradley 3,701.50 Benham 3,405.50 Farmington Hills This bid is for 2,850 lbs. of various types of seed. Staff recommends awarding the bid to the low bidder, Benham, for $3,405.50. The cost for this seed will be charged to each golf course's grounds maintenance line item. 14-1 ITEM #15 CONCRETE STORAGE BINS GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE We have received from Purchasing the following bids for the con- struction of five 12 f t. wide x 24 f t. long by 6 f t. high concrete storage bins at Glen Oaks Golf Course: Bush Brothers $16,967.00 Farmington Hills LDS Contractors 24,390.00 Keego Harbor Bids were sent out but not received from Wisel & Wisel, Allied, McCarthy, and Rosati. Because of the limited area in our maintenance yard at Glen Oaks and no other suitable site to store material, we are experiencing con- tamination of our various types of soil and stone. Also with the close proximity of the neighbors, they are always complaining of the blowing sand. These bins should better organize our yard and eliminate some com- plaints. Staff recommends you award this contract to the low bidder, Bush Brothers, for $16,967.00. Bush Brothers have completed numerous concrete and asphalt projects for Oakland County Parks, and we are satisfied with their work. There are funds budgeted in the 1992 Capital Improvement Projects Budget for this project. 15-1 ITEM #16 TILE REPAIR RED OAKS WAVE POOL After last winter we started to have a few ceramic tiles break away from the rounded back wall of the wave pool at Red Oaks. On further examination of the wall, we discovered that approximately 208 square feet of tile is loose from the concrete wall. It is now at the point where large sections of this ceramic tile could fall away from the wall. Purchasing bid out the repair of this tile twice and received only one response, from Boston Tile for $12,130.00. Boston Tile was the original contractor for the installation of this ceramic wall (approximately 1,600 square feet). Staff feels that Boston Tile installed the original tile correctly; however, with the movement of the concrete that we have experienced at the Red Oaks Pool, this the failure is not their fault. Included in the repair of this tile is having the contractor cut in expansion joints every 10 feet along the length of the wall to take up some of the movement. This repair will have to be done in a timely manner, and the bid stated a completion date of May 15. Staff recommends awarding this repair to the single bidder, Boston Tile, for $12,130.00. 16-1 OAKLAND COUNTY Inter -Departmental Memo Date --March 12, 1�92 From:. --Ball Bo=e chas.ina To: --sue—Xi c Parkes Ae-rPai- i on 4ubject: — Your-Y,PcD, .cLii-i nn_9?_1-7 Z Cara=i r! Ti 1 e i r--- _. The bid results on the above referenced requisition were as follows: Boston Tile Detroit, MI $12,130.00 No bids or no responses were received from the following; C.V, Tile Co, .Plymouth Carlo Tile & Marble, Bloomfield Hills Tripoli Tile & Marble, Howell Michigan Tile & Marble, Detroit Micher Floor, Dearborn Heights All State Tile Company, Livonia M.G. Tile C4, Livonia Kaoud Tile Company, Livonia Northland Tile & Marble, Milford Attilio Tile Company, Ortonville, Fantozzi Marble & Tile, Rochester As you are aware this project has been bid twice. Purchasing recommends awarding to Boston Tile for $12,130.00. Please advise. 16-2 ITEM #17 SPRAYER WHITE LAKE OAKS We have received from Purchasing the following bids for the pur- chase of a self-contained 18hp 160-gallon sprayer for White Lake Oaks: Lawn Equipment (Smithco) $9,364.00 Pontiac Wilkie Turf (Toro) 9,500.00 Pontiac Theiser Equipment (John Deere) 9,594.72 South Lyon W. F. Miller (Jacobsen) 9,972.00 Novi This new sprayer would be used for spraying greens and tees, and will replace a ten-year old sprayer that we would convert over for spraying herbicides on roughs and fairways. The expected life of the new sprayer is 12 years. Staff recommends awarding the bid to the low bidder, Lawn Equip- ment, for $9,364.00. There is $10,000.00 budgeted in the 1992 Operating Equipment Budget for this sprayer. 17-1 MV }�2 4. a' ? t x:.t a�c-.a..a..i •`�- ITEM #18 SWIMSUITS Staff received samples of ladies' swimsuits from several companies. These suits are for the female lifeguards at all of our facilities. After evaluation for presentation and modesty, the suit from the company, THE FINALS, of Port Jervis, New York, was selected. Staff has received numerous complaints on the previous suit. Also, a change in color for a more visible appearance was requested. Since this is a single source item, only one bid was received from the parent company. This price is $5,528.40 for the 12 dozen suits ($38.39 per suit). Two suits are issued to each guard every year. Staff recommends awarding the purchase to THE FINALS. Funds for this purchase are contained in each facility's uniform line item account. 18-1 1419 Male American Cut Sizes: 24-38 Colors: Navy/White/Gold. Royal/White/Gold, Green/White/Gold, Purple/White/Gold, Burgundy/White/Gold, Black/White/Gold, Navy/Scarlet/White, Black`Scarlet/White. Unit Price ...................... $18.00 Team Price (12 or more ) ......... $13.50 8589 Female Patchback Sizes: 24-38 Colors: Navy/White/Gold. Royal/White/Gold, Green/White/Gold, Purple White/Gold, Burgundy/White/Gold, Black/White/Gold, his is Our Tr i -Flex . The female version Navy/Scarlet/White, Black Scarlet/White. Unit Price ...................... $36.00 Team Price (12 or more ) ......... $27.00 eatures a new back and styling for a eam suit. Both the male and female suits 8439 Female Tough Competition (Not pictured) Sizes: 24-40 Colors: Navy/White/Gold. Royal/White/Gold, Ire made out of A n t r O n, nylon / Ly c r a Green/White/Gold. Purple White,/Gold, BurgundyiWhite/Gold, Black White/Gold, 18_2 Navy/Scarlet/White, Black Scarlet/White. Unit Price ...................... $32.00 pandex and have full front linings. Team Price (12ormore )......... $24.00 ... ........ ITEM #19 NAME EMBROIDERY MACHINE Staff is requesting the purchase of a name embroidery machine for the primary purpose of putting names on all staff uniforms. For the past several years we have been providing routered plastic name tags. This system has had several breakdowns, such as employee forgot to put it on, left it home, broken, lost, the pins prick, clips fall off, wearing it crooked, and broken during maintenance job. With the name stitched directly onto the shirt or jacket, most of these problems will be resolved. This function will be handled in house without any staff increase. The pro- cess will be as quick, if not quicker, and easier than using the current engraving machine. Staff will also be able to put the logo on all of our shirts and jackets at a considerable savings to the purchase of those uniforms. In addition to resolving several problems with the plastic name tags, this process will greatly improve the appearance of our employees' uniforms. Samples of this process will be available at the Commission meeting. Bids received for the purchase of this machine are as follows: Julie Ann Fabrics $7,435.35 Cadillac, MI Lowery Sewing Warsaw, IN 7,496.00 Sewing Machine Exchange 7,995.00 Troy, MI Staff concurs with Purchasing's recommendation to purchase from the low bid- der, Julie Ann Fabrics, for $7,435.35. Delivery time is stated as three weeks. Funds for this purchase will come from the 1992 Contingency fund or the Opera- ting Equipment Surplus, if available. 19-1 m � �, o -�� �=E ITEM #20 MANAGER'S REPORT ---We are happy to announce that the Parks Commission has been notified that our $2,000 grant application has been fully awarded from the Oakland County Cultural Council for our 1992 Traveling Music Show. We thank Jim Dunleavy for his work in putting this together. ---In response to the Commission's questions at the last meeting, staff checked with Risk Management on our bus insurance and were informed the County has no deductibles on any of our vehicles for repairs. Repairs are made with funds the County sets aside for these situations. The $10,000 cost is mandatory for liability by law and is for the carrier liability, which is paid through Huttenlocker; the $6,000 is over -the -road coverage through Central Garage. ---Reports on the 1991 Environmental Awareness and Public Interpretive Programs through the Nature Center are attached for your information. ---A copy of the County auction revenue reports is included, covering 1990-91. ---Attached is a copy of a letter sent to Mr. Olsen, Chairperson, Planning and Building Committee, regarding a clarification of rumors on the County's radio communications project. ---Pet Suppliers Plus of Redford has become the Commission's sponsor for the Parks' Pet Waste Program for this year. ---Attached is a memo from Joe Hylla, Manager, Purchasing, on the County's policy statement on content of American -made products. 20-1 L 1-0730 858-041 5 1200 NORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD • PONTIAC, OAKLAND COUNTY CULTURAL COUNCIL Mr. Ralph Richard Manager, Parks & Recreation 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328 Dear Ralph: March 6, 1992 MICHI_QAN 48053 PARKS 8, R"F ON CO MAR 0 g 1992 CONGRATULATIONS! It is my pleasure to tell you that your grant application has been fully awarded in the amount of $2,000. The reviewers asked that I use the grant as an example of one well -written when conducting grants workshops (deleting names, etc.). Please convey this praise to Jim. The reviewers also felt that your project, being countywide, would answer to our desire to reach the most people and the greatest area in Oakland County. They hoped that you would make extra effort to include senior centers and homes, and very much liked the idea of family -oriented enter- tainment. Within a few days, we will be sending additional materials to you in order that your grant can be processed. Sincer ly, Virgin a DeBenham Rodgers, director Oakland County Cultural Affairs VDR/jl 20-2 The Council is made possible by the support of Daniel T. Murphy, County Executive with the Oakland County Board of Commissioners and a grant from the Michigan Council for the Arts. Environmental Awareness Programs 1991 Data Number of schools that requested programs: 87 schools Number of requests filled: 76 schools Number of requests rejected: 11 schools Number of presentations given: (maximum: 3/school) 179 presentations (Average: 2.4/school) Total it of students who heard presentations: 24,381 (Average: 321/school) Breakdown of school districts where EP.P's were given: Troy 6 Royal Oak 6 Rochester 6 Farmington 5 Southfield 5 Waterford 5 Lamphere 5 Birmingham 4 Walled lake 3 Huron Valley 3 Bloomfield Hills 3 Lake Orion 3 Ferndale 3 Pontiac 3 Oxford 2 South Lyon 2 Clarkston 2 Avondale 2 Clawson 1 Madison Heights 1 Hazel Park 1 Brandon 1 Clarenceville 1 West Bloomfield 1 Holly 1 Novi 1 Total 76 20-3 1991 PUBLIC INTERPRETIVE PROGRAMS AND MINI CLASSES WINTER PIP ATTENDANCE REVENUE Brunch for the Birds 48 $73 Snowshoe Tracks 42 (29 + 13) TYT - Winter 99 (22+22+22+33) $112 Starlight Ski 32 $30 Woodchucker's Holiday 175 $263 Amazing Blues 33 Winter Star Party 74 $118 Maple Magic 56 (20 +36) $86 What in the World is Green 7 $3 566 $685 WINTER MINI Seniors Outdoors I 5 $5 Seniors Outdoors II 7 $7 Naturally Native American 21 $198 Artisans of Animals I 9 $88 Artisans of Animals II 9 Herbal Skin Comforts 19 $158 70 $456 Winter Total Attendance - 636 Winter Revenue - $1141 SPRING PIP Egg-stravaganza 175 $252 Salamander Saunter 50 Earth Fair 275 $156 TYT - Spring 134 (36+31+31+36) $139 Bird -a -Lotto 5 $5 Flower Power 35 $32 Spring Star Party 50 $69 Celebrate Michigan 75 $94 Campfire Canoe 90 889 $747 SPRING MINI Garden of the Senses 10 $59 Bubblemania 25 $166 Orienteering 13 $99 20-4 48 $324 1991 PROGRAMS - cont. Spring Total Attendance - 937 Spring Revenue - $1071 SUMMER PIP ATTENDANCE REVENUE Family Hiker's Kit 11 $14 TYT - Summer 115 (32+34+27+22) $117 Butterfly Primer 22 Butterfly Count 9 Snakes, Oh No 58 Summer Star Party 200 $277 How Old is It 9 Labor Days 30 Recycle Sing 32 $23 486 $431 SUMMER MINI Old Roses 7 $46 Jr. Naturalists - Gardening 5 $25 Petals for the Palate 8 $38 Super Scientists I 14 $60 Super Scientists II 14 $64 48 $233 Summer Total Attendance - 534 Summer Revenue - $664 FALL PIP Harvest Moon 85 $80 Canoes and Colors 43 Migration Vacations 6 Autumn Magic 200 $328 Nature Fears 300 $480 TYT - Fall ill $113 Still Room 17 $16 Fall Star Party 80 $115 Holiday Happenings 81 $239 884 $1371 20-5 1991 PROGRAMS - cont. FALL MINI Amazing Apples Gallees Circle of Scents Fall Color Bus Tour I Fall Color Bus Tour II Monarch Butterfly Tour Fall Total Attendance - 1027 Fall Revenue - $2493 YEAR TOTALS FOR 1991 ATTENDANCE REVENUE 16 $95 19 $78 29 (12 + 17) $458 21 22 $204 combined 36 $287 143 $1122 Total Number of PIP's - 36 Total Number of Mini Classes - 20 Total Attendance at PIP's - 2825 Total Attendance at Mini Classes - 309 Total 1991 Attendance - 3134 Total 1991 Revenue - $5369 20-6 The Nature Center received its Starlab unit in December 1990 w th t,.c first �-)ograms being presented in February of 1991. Initial pi_ l .c,:.ty was sent to :,a;cia::d ".c tools via a mailing, in an effort to notify schools in the counl�y of iti,iq new program opportunity. A fee structure was est4hl:.�;hsd a.;; follo:as: Off -site Appointments: $100.00 for first program $40.00 for each additional program ($25.00 discount coupon was offered) On -site Appointments: $50.00 for first program $40.00 for each additional program ($25.00 discount coupon was offered) Seasonal Star Parties for the general public - $2.00 per person The following is a tally or starl=.bs is st yeas, of operation: OFF SITE STARLAB FIELD TRIPS Requests Shows Participants 14 ON SITE STARLAB FIELD TRIPS Requests Shows 5 9 SEASONAL STAR PARTIES Shows 11 1,763 Money Collected $2,890.00 Participants Money Collected 205 $286.00 Participants Money Collected 384 $579.00 TOTALS Requests Shows Participants Money Collected 19 80 2,352 $3,665.00 The numbers above reflect a very successful first year for Starlab. If appointments simply remain at a steady level for 1992 & 93 - Starlab would easily pay for itself by the end of the third year. Current projections for 192 look extremely promising with 7 requests for 26 programs scheduled as of 1/17/92. Plans are in the works to increase publicity this year and hopefully groups that we serviced in 1991 will invite us back. Overall the future looks bright for this unique teaching tool. The staff plans to work towards using the unit to its fullest and to continue developing innovative programs that will bring the wonder of the night sky to the residents of Oakland County. LC/rg 20-7 tV O 1 O J - 1991 AUCTION REVENUE RECEIVED ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1990 SPRING FALL ------------------------- ------------------------- NET PARK ------------------------- REVENUE ------------ ------------ EXPENSES ------------ REVENUE ------------ EXPENSES ------------ REVENUE ADMINISTRATION $ 398.00 $ (26.57) $ 185.00 $ (16.42) $ 540.01 TECHNICAL SUPPORT* 365.00 (25.19) 0.00 0.00 339.81 ADDISON OAKS 2,625.00 (181.14) 1,090.00 (96.77) 3,437.09 GROVELAND OAKS 5,257.00 (362.77) 0.00 0.00 4,894.23 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 4,260.00 (293.95) 0.00 0.00 3,966.05 ORION OAKS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 WHITE LAKE OAKS 500.00 (34.51) 0.00 0.00 465.49 GLEN OAKS 1,271.00 (87.71) 0.00 0.00 ls183.29 RED OAKS 15.00 (1.05) 0.00 0.00 13.95 SPRINGFIELD GOLF 350.00 (24.16) 0.00 0.00 325.84 SPRINGFIELD YAC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 WATERFORD OAKS 90.00 (6.22) 250.00 (22.20) 311.58 WATERFORD OAKS WAVE POOL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BMX 90.00 (6.22) 0.00 0.00 83.78 MOBILE RECREATION 0.00 0.00 245.00 (21.75) 223.25 NATURE PROGRAM 25.00 (1.74) 0.00 0.00 23.26 TOTAL $ 15,246.00 $ (1,051.23) $ 1,770.00 $ (157.14) $ 15,807.63 *NET WITH ADMINISTRATION REVENUE. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1991 SPRING FALL ------------------------- ------------------------- NET REVENUE ------------ ------------ EXPENSES ------------ REVENUE ------------ EXPENSES ------------ REVENUE $ 25.00 $ (1.70) $ 779.50 $ (51.00) $ 751.80 0.00 0.00 2,810.00 (183.85) 2,626.15 2,640.00 (171.95) 305.00 (19.95) 2,753.10 3,782.50 (246.30) 0.00 0.00 3,536.20 425.00 (27.75) 900.00 (58.90) 1,238.35 140.00 (9.15) 250.00 (16.36) 364.49 1,400.00 (91.15) 200.00 (13.08) 1,495.77 1,615.00 (105.20) 600.00 (39.25) 2,070.55 1,150.00 (74.90) 0.00 0.00 1,075.10 1,330.00 (86.65) 450.00 (29.45) 1,663.90 920.00 (59.90) 0.00 0.00 860.10 45.00 (3.00) 340.00 (22.25) 359.75 850.00 (55.35) 0.00 0.00 794.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,410.00 (92.25) 1,317.75 0.00 ----------- ------------- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ 14,322.50 $ ------------ (933.00) $ ------------ 8,044.50 $ ------------ (526.34) $ 20,907.66 3/92 1990 - 1991 ION ITEM/REVENUE EXAMPLES 1990 SPRING AUCTION 1991 SPRING AUCTION ---------------------------------------------------------- EQUIPMENT ------------------------------ ---------------------- AMOUNT ---------------------------------------------------------- EQUIPMENT ------------------------------ ---------------------- AMOUNT KROY TYPE MACHINE $ 105.00 KAI. EQUIPMENT DWELL.-TACH $ 25.00 AQUARIUM $ 1.0.00 LOT -PICNIC TABLES $ 225.00 HAMMOND ORGANS $ 25.00 - 100.00 WET/DRY VAC; FLOOR POLISHER $ 20.00 - 45.00 STACKABLE CHAIRS $ 45.00 PUMPS: TRASH, CENTRI., IRRIGA. $ 35.00 - 115.00 CUSHMAN 3-WHEEL GAS CART $ 200.00 - 275.00 STAINLESS STEEL TABLE $ 65.00 E-Z-GO GOLF CART $ 200.00 - 225.00 ANDERSON REFRIGERATION UNITS $ 20.00 LINDE MODEL WELDER $ 90.00 SEWER CLEANING MACHINE $ 325.00 CRAFTSMAN PORTABLE TOOL BOXES $ 175.00 BLADE GRINDER $ 80.00 PARTS WASHER $ 75.00 DANUSER 8" DIGGING AUGER $ 400.00 PORTABLE FLOOR JACK $ 35.00 - 60.00 FORD 3 POINT POST HOLE DIGGER $ 350.00 SET OF LOCKERS $ 10.00 KURTIS INSECTICIDE FOGGER $ 50.00 LOT OF WINDOWS $ 60.00 TRUCKSTERS $ 325.00 - 625.00 LOT OF ELECTRIC WALL HEATERS $ 45.00 GIANT LEAF BLOWER $ 310.00 HANGING GAS HEATER $ 110.00 HYDRAULIC DUMP TRAILER $ 425.00 50' HAND SEWER SNAKE $ 190.00 1985 HONDA 4 WHEEL DRIVE ATV $ 900.00 WITTEK GOLF BAIL WASHER $ 5.00 FARM WAGON $ 40.00 WEED WACKER $ 45.00 '84 & '85 CHEV. S-10 TRUCKS $ 900.00 - 1,200.00 LAWN BOY LAWN MOWER $ 75.00 1985 GMC S-15 TRUCK $ 1,100.00 GANG REELS FOR LAWN MOWERS $ 500.00 CASH REGISTER $ 55.00 JACOBSEN HYDRO LAWN MOWERS $ 350.00 - 750.00 ROCKWELL RADIAL ARM SAW $ 250.00 JOHN DEERE TRACTOR $ 3,950.00 FORD BUSH HOG MOWER $ 400.00 1967 FORD TRACTOR $ 4,300.00 HUSTLER MOWER $ 2,250.00 1984 CHEVROLET S-10 PICK-UP $ 2,000.00 SWEEPSTER FOR XL MOWER $ 475.00 TORO GROUNDMASTER 52 MOWER $ 700.00 JACOBSON 36" WALK BEHIND MOWER $ 575.00 L.AWNBOY 21" PUSH MOWER $ 45.00 TORO SNOW BLOWER $ 95.00 1990 FALL. AUCTION 1991 FALL AUCTION ---------------------------------------------------------- EQUIPMENT ------------------------------ ---------------------- AMOUNT ---------------------------------------------------------- EQUIPMENT ------------------------------ ---------------------- AMOUNT CASSETTE PLAYER TUNER $ 45.00 IBM SELECTRIC II TYPEWRITER $ 50.00 AMPLIFIER $ 30.00 WOLLENSAK DISSOLVER(PROJECTOR) $ 15.00 TRACTOR TIRES $ 20.00 LOT -POOL CHEMICALS $ 30.00 CANOPIES $ 50.00 LOT -TRUCK CAPS $ 30.00 HARMON KARDON FM STEREO $ 25.00 MOON WALK $ 1,150.00 LOT-KROY LETTERING DISCS $ 10.00 TORO RAK-O-VAC $ 200.00 SOLAR POOL PANELS $ 10.00 TRAILER MOUNTED GENERATOR $ 425.00 - 450.00 FILM PROJECTOR $ 15.00 LOT -GAS FURN. & HEAT EXCHANGER $ 5.00 WEED TRIMMER $ 60.00 STERILIZER $ 2.00 MOTT MOWER $ 140.00 SANYO ANSWERING MACHINE $ 30.00 ROGERS SWEEPER $ 475.00 HEATERS $ 22.50 - 55.00 BETRO SPREADER $ 150.00 BOGEN AMP SYSTEM $ 50.00 - 80.00 YAMAHA GOLF CART $ 325.00 LOT -SPEAKERS $ 100.00 GOLF CARTS $ 200.00 - 375.00 FERTILIZER SPREADER $ 250.00 BILLY GOAT VACUUM $ 175.00 SELF-PROPELLED MOWERS $ 20.00 - 55.00 SIMPLICITY LAWN TRACTOR $ 200.00 JACOBSON GANG MOWERS $ 550.00 - 600.00 FORD BRUSH HOG $ 225.00 3/92 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION 2800 Watkins Lake Road • Waterford, Michigan 48328 (313) 858-0906 9 Fax (313) 858-1683 Ralph A. Richard Manager Jon J. Kipke Assistant Manager March 6, 1992 Mr. John E. Olsen, Chairperson Planning and Building Committee Oakland County Board of Commissioners 1200 North Telegraph Road Pontiac, MI 48341 Dear Mr. Olsen: Lewis E. Wint Chairman Jean M. Fox Vice Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Secretary Fred Korzon George W. Kuhn Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Thomas A. Lain John E. Olsen Alice Tomboulian Richard V. Vogt It has been brought to my attention through discussions with county adminis- trators, as well as through the media, that the Parks and Recreation Commission refused to cooperate with the county in agreeing to place new radio towers on parks grounds. In reviewing this matter from the time I was contacted by members of the Oversight Committee, I am at a loss as to how this determination was arrived at. Initial discussions did take place in the spring of 1991 on situating two of the radio towers at Addison Oaks and Independence Oaks County Parks. This was the first time that I learned the parks were being considered. I indicated then the original recommendation of the placement of the towers would not be our first choice and provided additional optional sites at each of the parks. In addition, given the parks were purchased with state and federal grant monies, I indicated it would be necessary to determine if there would be any restrictions precluding the placement of the towers in the parks. I also mentioned at that time that I would be discussing this matter fully with the Parks and Recreation Commission for their recommendation and subsequent direction. The Committee was then informed of the Commission's response that they would prefer sites outside the park system be explored if at all feasible, but they would be amenable to further discussion and negotiation on this matter. Several months passed with no further contact. I assumed alternative sites had been secured and the park sites no longer needed. Then in the latter part of 1991 I began receiving feedback the 800 MHz radio communications system was being delayed and its cost escalating because the parks refused to allow towers to be placed on park land. 20-10 Mr. John E. Olsen Page 2 March 5, 1992 I would like at this time to clear up this misunderstanding and state the Parks and Recreation Commission at no time officially indicated the radio towers could not be situated in the parks. I would hope this communication would dispel the notion the Parks and Recreation Commission would in any way inhibit the estab- lishment of the radio system through any lack of cooperation. I would be more than willing to discuss this matter fully at one of your committee meetings. RR:ks If you have any questions, please let me know. Sincerely, Z_/ 2c� Ralph Richard, Manager Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission 20-11 . ter:.. !lti: i::::lul�: f `.M. Rug: �,r :lilt!"...: 1u1� .-r(4.. �1ll1. ':i.rt4:..^.. :1u1\..:ter' %/r?Ci.•:.t :::�l\. ,'�� ,.�r(n'l:t.`. rl/fl..:t.:.^.15.\\��'�r . r/J:�::::J;fil, -•ter rlr�:..:, ; '�.. !! '�t::i:,l ��\'�� r,fri '1, �;.'��'..:- .O.l»� PET SUPPLIES PLUS INC. 1068 V ADVERTISING ACCOUNT 14835 TELEGRAPH RD. REDFORD, MI 48239 n 74-1034/724 TO THE PAY 0RDER0F. /"' DOLLARS 1 I 30 Huntington Banks of Michigan I 6705 Orchard Lake Road Hung 'an W. Bloomfield Twp., Michigan 48322-3418 Banks ll'00 L0681I■ I:0 7 24 L0 3L, 31: %�,�nnm:;z•:nll. .-�_.au6zxrsm r-_,mrs•;m:ru:'.r�.'�\m :.c^:me.�er �;•'an•.�z.,yy. �••�:�mw:..:..unn.•��� \c . .,c;•,� ��_,amav,^mac .��_'nmsn.•m�e.r— �._.;z•,,,,�•.r�.,�,ar,.;^„no��.r �_•.. m�.,;.zmnu� ��,..�in.^rsxmmrer /I C O U N T Y M I C H I G A N DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET TO: Ralph Richard, Manager Parks & Recreation FROM: Joseph M. Hylla, Manager;'•., Zz Purchasing Division U SUBJECT: County Policy - American -Made Products DATE: March 5, 1992 Daniel T. Murphy, Oakland County Executive PURCHASING DIVISION Joseph M. Hylla, Manager The question has been raised regarding policy on American -made products. The County of Oakland, as well as the Purchasing Division, have established a policy of no bid preference for any groups or individual. It has long been the policy of Purchasing to treat all vendors equally and fairly; and not give special consideration to any group or product as this is contrary to open & competative bidding practices. Should you have any further questions, please contact my office. JMH/cav at]"] Executive Office Building a 1200 North Telegraph Road Pontiac, Michigan 48341-0462 (313) 858-0511 Fax (313) 858-1677