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Agendas/Packets - 1992.05.06 - 39911
1 P PROS � G O v N� � �'* s \OVA s W\nt M � �7 chairman `O V t gn 4g32$ M nag Rrctrard Ice a0. OmaWis, Jr. r+ R rh 9 �e R F, Waterford, M Jon is KIP Manager Peck • AsSIstan Secretary \�s Lake Fto3d 1$$$16$3 GB r9 W Ku n, fir. 2$pp Wat p906 ,Fax l Ftico d P, X-aW a 9� Ch a �e uvv n APx 1l 30 , 19 John n O\sen 0 VkewO\d o f the Otw gjss -Loll jss-joN To the �q REGR�A M �c ll man REGREATSGN GpI"1 oa an GountY� emen: f the FADS ADD b, 1992 Ladles add Gent1 as been called o .Weave M: May Oiijce meeting h 9;p� c�eat�en as £o lows ; .parks Wa a Rz�.5 Lake Ra. tk TIME wgate,� ford � MY • �la� Meeting i7'ati.0a PLAGE• .Reg the aut°e tyon • acco�da tce Pa ks and Rec EUREGS�Go . been Cale Oakland wn y m meetltig nt � Gha1� a This E• W S1nrely' Al is ce ot C m 1SS1on. ��-Char. d g,alPh anager M gRJ�g OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MAY 6, 1992 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes for April 15, 1992 Meeting. 4. Public Comments. 5. Approval of Payment: Voucher Nos: 4-94 thru 4-321 Interdepartmental Payment Register: March Charges paid in April Transfer Voucher Register: 1st Quarter charges. Oak Mgmt., Credits: 1st Quarter. 6. Statement of Operations for Month Ending 3/31/92. 7. Capital Improvement Budget for 1992 as of 3/31/92. 8. 1991 AUDIT REPORT. Frank Trionfi / 858-0907 9. Purchasing Policy. Ralph Richard / 858-0909 10. Bid Item: Indpendence Oaks Beach Shelter. Joe Figa / 858-0906 11. Bid Item: Addison Oaks Entry Terrace. " " 12. Bid Item: Addison Oaks Perimeter Fencing. " " 13. Bid Item: Irrigation Repair - Springfield Oaks G.C. Mike Thibodeau / 858-4944 14. Bid Item: Asphalt - Springfield, White Lake & Red Oaks. " 15. Bid Item: Tee Signs - Golf Courses. 16. Bid Item: Waterford Oaks Wave Pool. Jon Kipke / 858-0909 17. Bid Item: Generator - Groveland Oaks. " 18. Bid Item: Hydraulic Breaker for Melroe Bobcat - Technical Support. " 19. Bid Item: Wilton Drill Press - Technical Support. " 20. Bid Item: Friedrick Air Conditioning Units - Addison Oaks Conference Center " 21. Bid Item: Hydraulic Cylinders - Waterford Oaks Wave Pool. " con't v,a1Ph R1°haj:d 'Vianagel: ,s ReP°fit. 0 14 B�5i�ess. jAew 25. Ad�°,3,1vo, OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING April 15, 1992 The meeting was called to order at 9:12 a.m. by Chairman Wint in the commission room of the Parks and Recreation Commission's administration office. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman. Lewis Wint, Secretary Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Fred Korzon, George Kuhn, Richard Kuhn, Jr., Lawrence Littman, John Olsen, Roy Rewold COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice Chairman Jean Fox, Thomas Law ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Central Services Purchasing Dinosaur Hill Astronomical Society Board of Commissioners Private Citizen APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Ralph Richard, Manager Jon Kipke, Assistant Manager Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf Janet Pung, Public Communications Officer Joe Figa, Chief of Design and Development Sandy DeVonce, Recreation Specialist Susan Wells, Chief of Recreation Desiree Marcks-Rush, Public Comm. Asst. Frank Trionfi, Chief, Admin. Services Dan Stencil, Chief of Parks Jim Dunleavy, Recreation Specialist Jerry Scarborough, Mechanic II Lloyd Hampton, Director Caroline Leahey, Buyer Michael Bennett, President Rudy Serra, Commissioner John Kinney Moved by Mr. Lewis, supported by Mr. Rewold to approve the minutes of the meeting of March 18, 1992, as written. AYES: Korzon, G. Kuhn, Lewis, Littman, Olsen, Rewold, Wint (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENTS: No comments were made nor questions received from the public. APPROVAL OF PAYMENTS: Moved by Mr. Korzon, supported by Mr. Olsen to approve the payment of Vouchers 3-170 through 3-342 and 4-1 through 4-93, and the Interdepart- mental Payment Register for the February charges paid in March. 3 - 1 (Commission Meeting, April 15, 1992) Secretary Lewis suggested staff add another column to the Voucher Register to include whether or not that item was approved by the Commission, and if so, what the approval date was. Commission also suggested Jan Pung reinstate her periodic reports on the projects handled by the Commission's marketing consultant. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: R. Kuhn, Lewis, Littman, Olsen, Rewold, Wint, Korzon, G. Kuhn (8) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BUDGET UPDATE AND ACTIVITIES REPORT: Moved by Mr. R. Kuhn, supported by Mr. G. Kuhn to receive the Capital Improvement Projects Budget Update as of February 29, 1992, and the Activities Report for March, 1992. AYES: Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, Littman, Olsen, Rewold, Wint (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. WATERFORD OAKS ALCOHOL POLICY: Moved by Mr. Littman, supported by Mr. Korzon to adopt a no alcohol policy at the Waterford Oaks Waterpark, consistent with the policy at the Red Oaks Waterpark. Commission directed staff to monitor the BMX facility at Waterford for possible inclusion in this policy. AYES: Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, Littman, Olsen, Rewold, Wint (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: Recreation Specialist Sandy DeVonce reviewed the proposed Intent to Comply Statement, Welcoming Statement, and the Grievance Policy staff recommended for adoption in conjunction with the guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Intent to Comply Statement, as follows, will be disseminated on brochures and publications to inform individuals our intentions to meet the rules and regulations of the ADA: 3 - 2 (Commission Meeting, April 15, 1992) "Oakland County Parks and Recreation will comply with the spirit and intent of the Americans with Disabilities Act. We will provide support and make reasonable accommodations to assist people with disabilities to access and participate in our recreation programs, facilities, and services." Commissioners expressed concerns with some of the aspects of the Grievance Policy; staff explained that the policy is being set up to keep staff informed of, and to address, specific complaints. Commission also suggested minor changes to the wording of the Grievance Policy. Moved by Mr. Korzon, supported by Mr. R. Kuhn to approve the Intent to Comply, the Welcoming Statement, and the Grievance Policy as recom- mended by staff for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, contingent upon review by Corporation Counsel. AYES: Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, Littman, Olsen, Rewold, Wint (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. DINOSAUR HILL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY AGREEMENT: Staff presented the proposed agreement between the Parks Commission and the Dino- saur Hill Astronomical Society, which includes the revisions requested by the Commission at its November 6, 1991 meeting. Commission questioned the Parks Commission's involvement in lawsuit claims for liability in injuries arising out of the use of this building as noted in para- graph 12; staff noted this is a standard statement releasing the Parks Commission from responsibility, with wording by Corporation Counsel. Moved by Mr. R. Kuhn, supported by Mr. G. Kuhn to approve the agreement between the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and the Dinosaur Hill Astronomical Society for the construction and operation of observation buidings at Addison Oaks, contingent upon review by Corporation Counsel. AYES: Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, Littman, Olsen, Rewold, Wint (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. BIDS: As per the information filed in the agenda, the following bids were approved: Moved by Mr. R. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Olsen to approve the purchase of the following items as reviewed and recommended by staff and Pur- chasing: 3 - 3 (Commission Meeting, April 15, 1992) Annual supply of turf chemicals for the golf courses to be split and awarded as follows: 80 gallons herbicide, 7 cases Clearys, 10 cases Daconil, and 2 gallons of Colorant to the low bidder, Turfgrass, for $3,383.00; award the 4 Spill Response Drums to the low bidder, Turf Chemicals, for $900.00; and award the 7 gallons Banner and 2 gallons insecticide to the low bidder, UAP, for $1,592.00. 14 hp hydrostatic utility vehicle for Red Oaks from Wilkie Turf in the amount of $16,650.00. Two each 22 hp turf trucksters for Springfield Oaks and Glen Oaks Golf Courses from Lawn Equipment in the amount of $8,505.00 each, for a total of $17,010.00. Fireworks for Fourth of July displays at Addison Oaks and Groveland Oaks from Rozzi's Fireworks in the amount of $9,000.00. Olathe sweeper for Addison Oaks from Wilkie Turf in the amount of $8,818.00. 1991 Excel demonstration Model 440 Hustler mower for Addison Oaks, in- cluding the trade in of one Excel 340 mower and one Excel 250 mower, from W. F. Miller for a net purchase price of $13,500.00. 52" Scag riding trim mower for Addison Oaks from the low bidder, Wein- gartz Supply Company, in the amount of $5,142.00. Remanufactured 366 gas engine for Mobile Recreation's bus 84-915, in- cluding a 36-month or 30,000 mile warranty, from the low bidder, Vic Canever Chevrolet, in the amount of $3,417.00. 17 dozen men's supplex swim shorts for the day use parks and waterparks from Gulbenkian Swim, Inc., in the amount of $4,233.00. 124 dozen summer shirts for part-time staff from the low bidder, All - graphics Corporation, in the amount of $11,536.80. Used Allis-Chalmers road grader for road maintenance in the parks from the federal surplus outlet in Cadillac, Michigan, in the amount of $7,000.00, including delivery. Replacement installation of three Lochinvar boilers and water storage tanks at several Groveland Oaks restroom facilities from the low bidder, Harrison Piping Supply, in the amount of $8,595.00. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lewis, Olsen, Rewold, Wint, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn (6) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. Moved by Mr. R. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Rewold to approve the payment for the appraisal of 171 acres in Lyon Township to Stoppert's Inc. in the amount of $4,500.00. 3 - 4 (Commission Meeting, April 15, 1992) AYES: G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, Olsen, Rewold, Wint (6) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Moved by Mr. R. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Olsen for staff to pursue alter- natives for the repair of the two stone fireplaces at the Twin Chimneys Picnic Shelter at Independence Oaks not to exceed $10,000.00. AYES: G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, Olsen, Rewold, Wint (6) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. MANAGER'S REPORT: In addition to the Manager's Report filed in the agenda, the following was noted: ---Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority has announced plans for a major waterpark at Indian Springs Metropark. Commission expressed concerns about competing with our facilities and directed staff to notify them that we oppose those plans. Staff also suggested a possible joint meeting between Oakland County Parks and the Huron -Clinton Metropolitan Authority boards to discuss future plans. Staff will keep the Commission updated on this issue. ---Commissioners were requested to notify Karen Smith with their plans to attend the NRPA conference in Cincinnati, Ohio. The next meeting will be 9 a.m. on Wednesday, May 6, 1992. The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 a.m. Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Secretary Karen Smith Recording Secretary 3 - 5 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Payment Appnova a Su mean y Ton Meeting oj: MAY 6, 1992 VOUCHERS: Nos. 4-94 tvcu 4-321 INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER: Mauch changes paid in Ap4it $446,966.05 189,679.53 TRANSFER VOUCHER REGISTER: ls# Quan#en changes 15,594.15 OAK MGMT., CREDITS: Ist Quan#eA 780.08 TOTAL $653,019.81 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER APRIL, 1992 VOUCHER NU?1l3ER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 4-94 Thesier Equipment Cap. Equip.,(1)Brush Hog Mower--Indep. $ 2,816.00 4-95 Church's Lumber Yards Bldg. Maint.—Add. Conf. Ctr.. 28.62 4-96 Gamalski Building Specialties Bldg. Maint.—Add. & Wh. Lk. 543.86 4-97 Madison Electric Company Training (Seminars)—Admin.;Bldg.Maint.—Admin. & Add. Conf Ctr 969.95 4-98 Oliver Supply Company Bldg.Maint.—Grove.;Hskp. Exp.—Water. 84.46 4-99 Pontiac Steel Company Equip. Maint.—Grove. & Indep. 181.42 4-100 Detroit Ball Bearing Equip. Maint.—Grove. & Mob. Rec.,buses 93.93 4-101 AGA Gas Equip. Maint.—Tech. Sup. & Glen Oaks 15.65 4-102 Arbor Springs Off.Su .—Inde .;E ui . Rental—Spring 4.95 4-103 Albin Business Copiers Off.Su .—Admin.,Grove. & Inde . 320.56 4-104 Marine Rescue Products Rec. Su umbrellas—W.O.W.Park 250.00 4-105 Eiden Equipment Sm. Tools—Tech.Sup.,lndep. & Wh. Lk.;Bldg. Maint.—Wh. Lk ;Hskp Exp.—Wh. Lk. 263.87 4-106 Cit of Madison Heights Utilities —Red Oaks & R.O.W.Park 93.22 4-107 Michigan Department of Treasury State Sales Tax Pa able—Inde .,Wh.Lk. & Red Oaks 2.40 a 4-108 Atlas Pen & Pencil Golf Mdse. for Resale,tees—Red Oaks 576.00 4-109 Town Talk Golf Mdse. for Resale,visors&ca s—Wh. Lk. & Red Oaks 616.94 4-110 Hornung's Golf Mdse. for Resale,s ikes—Red Oaks 49.17 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND ,,ECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER APRIL, 1992 VOUCHER r.AMOUNT nunnrn VENDOR PURPOSE 4-111 Mei'er's Acct.Rec.—Admin.(To be reimb.by Northwest P&R);Cap. Pro'.,Material Storage Bins —Glen Oaks;Misc.Ex .,food— $ Admin.;Rec.Sup.—Add.;E ui .Maint.—Grove.;Off.SU .—Inde . 347.39 * 4-112 Clafton & Keating, Inc. Cap. Proj.,Twin Chimneys Imp.—Indep. (Pay. #5) 21,596.54 *4-113 Pollack Design Cap. Proj.,Master Plan Update —Add. (Pay. #5) 1,784.40 4-114 Schleede Hampton Associates Ca Pro'.,Sewa e System Renov.—Add. (Pay. #1) 7,313.68 4-115 Oliver Supply Company Cap. Pro'.,Conf. Ctr. Imp. —Add - 1,667.00 4-116 Midwest Tool & Equipment Cap. Proj.,Conf. Ctr. Imp. —Add. 29.68 4-117 Foster—Kilby Supply Cap. Proj.,Conf. Ctr. Imp. —Add. 116.35 4-118 Herald Advertiser Ca Pro'. Master Plan Update —Grove. 18.85 4-119 Lawn Equipment Service Cap. Equip .,(1) Mower Deck—Water.;Equip.Mai nt.—Glen Oaks, Spring. & Water. 2 923.47 4-120 Wein artz Supply Cap.Equip.,(1)Pressure Washer—W.O.W.Park'& Leaf Blower- Glen Oaks•E ui . Maint.—Add. & Red Oaks 4,338.55 4-121 Robertson Bros. Service Bldg. Maint. re air pool floor—W.O.W.Park 4 286.00 4-122 Hartsig Supply Bldg Maint.—Add. 31.44 3 4-123 Oxford Lumber Bldg. Maint.—Add. 34.22 a 4-124 Tom's Hardware Bld Maint.—Add. 2.77 — 4-125 H.L. Claeys & Company Bldg. Maint.—Add. 329.78 4-126 Pontiac Plastics Bldg. Maint.—Add. 60.00 v, N *PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND itECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER APRIL, 1992 VOUCHER AMOUNT VENDOR PURPOSE 4-127 Pontiac Paint Grounds Maint.-Inde .;Bld .Maint.-Wh. Lk. $ 170.07 4-128 D & C Distributors Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks;E ui• . Maint.-S rin . 309.95 4-129 Country Oaks Landscape Grounds Maint.-Indep. 20.00 4-130 Turfgrass, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Wh. Lk. 201.14 4-131 Century Rain Aid Grounds Maint.-S rin 39.78 4-132 Harvard Plaza Cleaners Laundry & Dry Cleanin -Add. Grove. & Inde . 112.05 4-133 Golf Course Supt. Association Membership dues for 1 yr.-Admin. 210.00 4-134 MI Boating Industries Membership dues for 1yr.-Admin. 33.30 4-135 Walled Lake Consolidated Schools Public Info.-Admin. 80.00 4-13 The Art Pad Public Info.-Admin. 15.50 4-137 Pontiac Post Office Public Info.,mailing of flyers to new homeowners-Admin. 6 4-138 Crown Battery E ui Maint.-Grove. 38.71 4-139 AIS Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 7.04 } 4-140 Herk's Oxford Automotive Equip. Maint.-Add. 45.45 I 4-141 Parts Associates Equip. Maint. tire valves -Glen Oaks 176.92 4-142 Fire Equipment Equip. Maint. showmob.&trucks-Mob. Rec. 99.00 4-143 W.F. Miller Equip. Maint. bed knife w access. -Red Oaks 899.79 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER APRIL, 1992 VOUCHER l]HMAt: R \/FNnnR PURPOSE AMOUNT 4-144 UZ Engineered Products Equip.Maint.-Add.,Glen Oaks & R.O.W.Park;Hskp.Exp.-Glen aks•Sm.Tools-Glen Oaks $ 867-88 4-145 Industrial Cleaning Supply E ui .Maint.-Inde .•Hsk .Ex :-Inde . & Red Oaks 1 l.11 4-146 Mr. Uniform & Mat Hskp.Exp.-Admin.,Add.,lnde . & Water. 155.24 4-147 East Side Vacuum Hskp. Exp.-Spring. 34.95 4-148 Insty-Prints Off.Su .-BMX;S ecial Events-R.O.W.Park 23.25 4-149 Gordon Foods Special Events,ther. ro .-Rec. Admin. 7.90 4-150 National Bicycle League Special Events -BMX 24.30 4-151 Scott Machine Development Off. Sup.-Rec. Admin. 52.17 4-152 The Impressive Type Off. Su .-Glen Oaks & Red Oaks 100.00 4-153 Genium Publishing Off. Sup. -Add. 39.00 4-154 MI First Aid Maint. Sup.-Tech.Sup.;Misc.Exp.,medical supp.-Indep. 126.36 4-155 Camera Mart Misc. Exp.,film-Grove. 72.56 4-156 Wesco, Inc. Maint. Sup.,_energy savin lights -Tech. Sup. 1,885.40 4-157 Recreation Supply Rec. Sup.,(2)T.ilting Umbrella&Backboard-Inde . 499.93 i 4-158 Sears, Roebuck & Company Sm. Tools -Grove. 33.43 4-159 GlenWing Power Tools Sm. Tools-Inde . 29.10 4-160 Spill Solutions Sm. Tools -Grove. & Inde . 530.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER APRIL, 1992 VOUCHER HHMRGR \/f wnnR PURPOSE AMOUNT 4-161 MI Municipal League Adv.Regist. for J.Kipke,T.Jackson,C.Austin&C.Schepke to attend the Water Safety Operation in Ann Arbor,Ml on $ 5/1-2/92—Admin.,R.O.W.Park,W.O.W.Park & Water. 435.00 4-162 Service Plumbing & Heating Cap. Proj.,Conf. Ctr. Imp. —Add. 122.50 4-163 Madison Electric Cap.Proj.,Conf.Ctr.Imp.—Add.;Bldg.Maint.—Tech.Sup.&Add. Conf Ctr ;Equip Maint —Nat Prog ;Sm Tools-fech. Sup. 1,055.43 *4-164 W.F. Miller Cap.Equip.,(5)Mowers&access.—Spring.,(3)Mower Decks—Indep &(1)Utility T uck—G v — Oaks 4-165 Wilkie Turf Cap.Equip.,(1)Sweeper—Grove.,(2)Mowers—Glen Oaks&Wh.Lk.; Eguip.Maint.—Glen Oaks,Red Oaks &-Spring 44,325.86 4-166 Gamalski Building Specialties Bldg. Maint.—Tech. Sup. & Wh. Lk. 284.40 4-167 Pioneer Hardware Bldg. Maint.—Wh.Lk. & Spring.;Grounds Maint.,Sm. Tools & Hsk . Ex .—Wh. Lk. 307.15 4-168 Jean's Hardware Bldg. Maint.,Grounds Maint.,Equip. Maint. & Sm. Tools- Glen Oaks _ 524.27 4-169 Jean's Hardware Equip Maint & Bldg. Maint.—Glen Oaks 25.69 4-170 Wolverine Steam Clean Bldg. M — 4-171 Builders Square Bld Maint.—Add. 336.56 4-172 Fire Equipment Company Bldg. Maint.—Tech. Sup. 16.00 4-173 McKay Hardware Bldg. Maint.,Equip. Maint.,Grounds Maint.,Sm. Tools & Rental Prop. Maint.—Grove. 260.30 4-174 Oakland Hardware Bldg. Maint.,Grounds Maint.,Sm. Tools&Off.Sup.—Add.; Bldg. Maint.—Add. Conf. Ctr. 654.23 4-175 NCS Cleaning Services Custodial Services—Admin. & Tech. Sup. 1,300.00 �' *PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL v, VOUCHER 1.nudnr0 LTAWI TiT OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER APRIL, 1992 PURPOSE AMOUNT 4-176 Sears, Roebuck & Company Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks $ 8.99 4-177 Production Tool Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 22.20 4-178 Munn Ford Tractor Equip. Maint.-Add. 450.70 4-179 Pifer, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks & Glen Oaks 333.16 4-180 Aaro Disposal Rubbish Removal -Add. & Grove. 135.00 4-181 O.C. Dept. of Public Works Utilities -Glen Oaks 611.77 4-182 Consumers Power Company Utilities-Add.,Add. Conf. Ctr.,Glen Oaks,Water. & W.O.W. Park 29 4-183 Detroit Edison Utilities-Add.,Glen Oaks,S rin .,YAC & Nat. Prog. 6,155.99 4-184 Aabaco Industries Grounds Maint.-Wh. Lk. 90.27_ 4-185 Angie's Kitchen Misc.Ex .,trust crew lunches 4 3 92-Add. 28.47 4-186 C & D Alexander Misc. Exp.,donuts for trusty crew,3/20 & 27/92- Ind 4-187 Ric's Antlers & Anchors Rec. Su .-Nat. Pro . 7.25 4-188 UZ Engineered Products Maint. Su .,drawer slide rack&solder-Tech. Sup. 97.03 4-189 Highsmith Company Off. Sup.,(1)Video Table -Nat. Prog. 169.53 4-190 American Business Concepts Off. Su .-Nat. Pro . 76.50 4-191 Oxford Co -Operative Elevator Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 34.15 4-192 Waterford Township Special Events,ad for Spring brochure for dog obed., ballet,bell ,s .&ballroom dance olf round dance wood- carving,aerobic dance, oga,brid e & misc.-Water. 550.00 VOUCHER r.R uA R r n VFNr)nR OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER APRIL, 1992 PURPOSE AMOUNT 4-193 Sundry (Payroll) Pa eriod ending 4 3 92-AII Parks $ 108 710.05 4-194 H. J. Glove Golt Mdse- for Resale,gloves-Glen Oaks,Red Oaks & Spring. 7,772.10 4-195 Wilson Golf Gclf Mdse for Resale gloves-S rR ina 7.00 4-196 M.J. Boyle Associates Cap. Pro'. L o - 1, 5on-no 4-197 Clawson Concrete Ca .P - 346.80 4-198 Lakeland Soft Water Bldg. Maint.-Wh. Lk. 85.00 4-199 Ajax Trailers Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 37.86 4-200 Parks Maintenance Equip. Maint.-Grove. 30.00 4-201 Vermeer Sales Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 22.73 _ 4-202 Eiden Equipment Equip.Maint.,Uniform Exp.&Maint.Sup.-Tech.Sup.;Sm. Tools-Tech.Su .,Add. & Inde . 937.64 4-203 Wesco, Inc. Maint. Sup.,energy bulbs -Tech. Sup. 2,257.37 4-204 GoodYear Tire Equip. Maint.,skate mobile -Mob. Rec. 226.20 4-205 GoodYear Auto Service Equip. Maint.,s . event mob. -Mob. Rec. 51.00 4-206 Paddle Wheeler Equip. Maint.,repair of paddle boats -Grove. 414.10 i i 4-207 Wide Track Automotive Equip. Maint.,buses-Mob. Rec. 3.90 4-208 Security Fence Grounds Maint.-Indep. 14.00 4-209 Green & Grow, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 125.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER APRIL, 1992 VOUCHER NUM(3ER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 4-210 NCOA Publication Sales Publications,reference books -Add. & Grove. $ 143.90 4-211 Nature Conservancy Misc.Exp.,(14)shopping bags -flat. Prog. 70.00 4-212 United Cable Television Publications,vhs dubb-Admin. 10.00 4-213 Frank Venice Special Events,band for sr.citizen dance,5/l/92-Water. 252.00 4-214 UZ Engineered Products Equip.Maint. & Maint. Sup. -Tech. Sup.;Sm. Tools- Add. 512.90 4-215 Snap-On Tools Sm.Tools-Grove. 49.00 4-216 Diversified Business Products Off. Sup.,monthly service on Ricoh copier-Admin. 286.65 4-217 Perfect Pets Rec. Sup. -Nat. Pro . 40.00 4-218 Petrolane Gas Utilities -Grove. Inde . & T. Complex 416.47 4-219 Wilson Welding Special Events,helium-Rec. Admin.;Equip.Maint.-Tech. Su .,Grove.,Red Oaks&Add.•Bld .Maint.-Grove.;Malllt.Sup.- Tech Sup_._183.50 4-220 VOID 4-221 Mid -States Petroleum Equip. Maint.,fuel-Red Oaks 323.39 4-222 O.C. Dept. of Public Works Sewage Charges -Add. & Add. Conf. Ctr. 859.50 4-223 Overhead Door of Greater Detroit E uip. Maint.,skate mob. -Mob. Rec. 1,270.00 4-224 Erb Lumber Bld .Maint.,plywood sheets -Spring 1,282.16 4-225 Industrial Cleaning Supply Bldg.Maint.-YAC;Hsk . Exp.-Water. 69.93 I OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER APRIL, 1992' VOUCHER HMAB a VFNDNR PURPOSE AMOUNT 4-226 American Red Cross Rec. Su .-R.O.W.Park $ 35.00 4-227 Atlas Pen & Pencil Golf Mdse.for Resale,pencils-Glen Oaks;Off.SU .-Glen Oals 1,279.50 *4-228 City Animation Company Cap. Equip ,(I)Projector-Grove. 3,248.00 *4-229 Pioneer/Michigan Cap Equip ,(10)Keyboards & Computer Monitors-Admin. 30850.00 4-230 John R Lumber Bld .Maint. & Sm. Tools -Red Oaks 110.96 4-231 United Carpet Bldg. Maint.-Wh. Lk & W.O.W.Park 249.80 4-232 Johnston Company Bldg.Maint (I)Air Conditioning Unit -Glen Oaks 887.00 4-233 Fire Equipment Company Bld .M - 168.60 4-234 Rochester Elevator Bldg, Maint,- 203.35 _ 4-235 Century Rain Aid Grounds Maint.-Glen 4-236 G. A. Thompson & Sons Grounds Maint -Wh Lk. 48.50 4-237 Turfgrass, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Wh. 4-238 Tri-Safety Symbol Signs Grounds Maint.,(4)No Swimming Signs -Grove. 127.80 4-239 Leslie Electric Company Grounds Maint.-Grove.;Bldg. Maint.-Spring. 84.35 4-240 MI Coffee Service Equip. Rental-Admin. & Tech. Sup. 74.85 4-241 Rich Sign Equip. Maint.,skate mob. -Mob. Rec. 195.00 4-242 Grainger, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Grove. 85.55 v, *PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL i OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER APRIL, 1992 VOUCHER NUI1(3ER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 4-243 Mazza Auto Parts Equip. Maint.—Tech. Sup. & Mob.Rec.,bleachers $ 106.61 4-244 Auto Parts by Mazza Equip. Maint.—Orion & Indep. 74.79 4-245 M. G. Sales & Service Equip. Maint.—Indep. 75.90 4-246 Wilkie Turf Equip. Maint.—Add.,Red Oaks & Spring. 967.98 4-247 Detroit Edison Utilities —Add. & Water. 101.80 4-248 Pritchett Publishing Publications,"Service Excellence" manual—Admin. 3.63 4-249 Regal Feed & Supply Misc.Exp.,bird seed—Admin. 28.12 4-250 IABC Membership renewal for one year for J.Pung—Admin. 205.00 4-251 Chris Keast Advertising Public Info.,lndep. Oaks map—Admin. 165.00 _ 4-252 Insty—Prints Public Info.—Admin.;Rec. Sup.,day camp —Mob. Rec. & Special Events,ther. prog.—Rec. Admin. 396.05 4-253 Lisa Minetola Special Events,piano playing for Travelling show—Mob.ReC 25.00 4-254 The Community House Adv. Regist. for C.Herb,B.Baker & R.Coffey to attend the Customer Service seminar in Birmingham,Ml on 4/27—Add., Grove. & Indep. 39.00 4-255 Trico Contracting Uniforms,(7 pr.)Yellow Boots —Tech. Sup. 112.00 4-256 RWL Service Hskp. Exp.,disinfectant—R.O.W. Park 258.00 4-257 Sundry (Mileage Reimb.) Mileage Reimb.for March, 192 to G.Berschbach $89.00- Springy •G Gould $4 50 D Marion $6 00 D.Marcks—Rush $35.50&J.Pung $3.50—Admin.;J.Sanborn $63.50—Glen Oaks; J.Ma s iel 80. 0—R .A m' . & AC 282.50 VOUCHER HH?ARrR VFNDnR OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER APRIL, 1992 PURPOSE AMOUNT 4-258 Consumers Power Utili ies-Indep.,GrovP-,Red$ 2,081.42 4-259 Detroit Edison Utilities-Wh. Lk.,Red Oaks,R.O.W.Park,Water.,W.O.W.Park & T.Com lex 12 051.79 4-260 Mid -States Petroleum Equip. Maint. unleaded fuel -Spring. 2.92 4-261 WKQI Radio Public Info.,station appearance for the Earth Fair-Admin. 300.00 4-262 W.T. Andrew Company Cap. Proj.,Conf. Ctr. Imp. -Add. 147.17 4-263 Pontiac Steel Cap. Proj.,Conf. Ctr. Imp. -Add. 131.00 4-264 AGA Gas Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 4.34 4-265 O.C. Dept. of Public Works Utilities -Glen Oaks 74.54 4-266 Consumers Faucet Grounds Maint.,repair of faucets -Add. 140.10 4-267 Certified Laboratories Grounds Maint.-YAC 109.08 4-268 Kathleen Thomas Mileage reimb. for March, 1992-Nat. Prog. 40.50 4-269 Jack Donahey & Associates Special Events,biker insurance for the Spring & Fall Mt. - 1 076.00 4-270 J. H. Corporation S ecial Eventslasticpennants-Add. 147.30 i 1 4-271 Triarco Arts & Crafts Rec. Sup. -Nat. Pro . 11.59 i 4-272 4Joodkrafter Kits Rec Sup. -Nat. Proq. 30.64 4-273 Moby Dick Pet Store Rec. Sup. -Nat. Pro . 18.97 4-274 Grainger, Inc. Sm. Tools,ste ladder -Nat. pro . 118.11 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER APRIL, 1992 VOUCHER HMARr P \/FNr)nR PURPOSE AMOUNT 4-275 Sharon Kramer Refund of ballet class fee —Water. $ 37.50 4-276 Debbie Shipman Refund of daily pass fee—Indep. 4.50 4-277 Telecommunication Contractors Prof. Services,installation of hardware for Office Auto System—Admin. 1 168.79 4-278 M.Thibodeau, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.—Glen Oaks 108.41 4-279 M.Thibodeau Cust. PettyCash Reimb.—Wh. Lk. 85.09 4-280 U.S. Toy Company Public Info. items for Em .Reco nition Banquet—Admin. 343.25 4-281 Zandra Borde Public Info.,entertainment for the 1992 Recognition Banquet—Admin 199.99 4-28 Mid —States Petroleum E ui Maint.,diesel&unleaded fuel—Wh. Lk. 696.87 4-28Z Raven Golf Ball Company Golf Mdse. for Resale, goIfbaIIs—Wh.Lk. ,GIen OaksR.Red Oak 1,500.00 4-28z Butki Carbide & Tool Ca .E ui .,(1)Band Saw & Stand w/Motor—Add. 1,139.00 4-28f W.W.Grain er Ca .E ui .,(1)Pum—W.O.W.Park;Sm.Tools—Inde . 712.02 4-28 State of Michigan Misc. Exp.,three—year boat registrations -Add. Grove. & Inde . 129.00 4-287 C. J. Colein & Associates Cap. Pro'. Fairwa Irri ation—S rin . 666.25 4-288 Advance Floor Covering Ca Proj.,Conf.Ctr.Im .—Add. 34.00 4-28 Acme Cleanin Services Bld Maint.,window cleaningservices—Glen Oaks 115.00 4-29 Pontiac Steel E ui Maint.—Grove.•Bld . Maint.—Inde . 32.40 4-291 Madison Electric Cap.Proj.,Conf.Ctr.Imp.—Add.;Bldg.Maint.—Admin.,Add. Conf.Ctr.&Inde .;Uniforms —Tech. Sup. 1,921.79 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND itECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER APRIL, 1992' VOUCHER NI114BFR VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 4-292 Hodges Supply Cap.Proj.,Conf.Ctr.lmp.—Add.;Bldg. Maint.—Add. & W.O.W. Park;Grounds Maint.—Inde . $ 1,271.59 4-293 W.F. Miller Equip. Maint.—Grove.,Wh. Lk. & Glen Oaks 1,394.18 4-294 Van's Auto Supply Equip Maint.—Wh. Lk.,S rin . & Water. 486.44 4-295 A & J Auto Parts Equip. Maint. & Sm. Tools —Red Oaks 241.17 4-296 UZ Engineered Products Equip. Maint.—Grove.&Wh. Lk.;Bldg. Maint.—Wh.Lk.;Sm. Tools—Wh. Lk. & Spring._ 1,509.28 4-297 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry&Dry Cleaning—Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk. Glen Oaks Red Oaks S rin R.O.W.Park YAC Water. W.O.W. Park & Nat. Proq. 591.65 4-298 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry&Dry Cleaning—Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Red Oaks S rin R.O.W.Park YAC Water. W.O.W.Park&Nat. Pro . 304.25 4-299 The Wittbold Company Equip Maint. (1)Weed Harvester —Add. 189.36 4-300 Paddle Wheeler Equip. Maint.—Grove. 53.50 4-301 J & A Spring & Tires Equip Maint.—Add. 12.95 4-302 Safet —Kleen Equip. Maint.—Wh. Lk. 66.40 - 4-303 Burin ton Golf Car Equip. Maint.—Wh. Lk. & Red Oaks 663.40 i 4-304 Spartan Oil Equip. Maint. oil—Inde . 222.85 4-305 Eiden Equipment Bldq.Maint.&Sm.Tools—Wh. Lk. & Red Oaks 593.39 4-306 Arbor Springs Water Equip. Rental—Inde . 21.00 4-307 Michigan Coffee Equip. Rental —Add. 24.95 L OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER APRIL, 1992 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 4-308 Aaro Disposal Rubbish Removal-Indep. $ 65.00 4-309 VOID 4-310 Entire Reproductions Public Info. & Off. Sup.-Admin. 111.68 4-311 Albin Business Copiers Off.Su .-Tech.Su Add. Grove. & Spring. 51.70 4-312 Sundry (Payroll) Pay period ending 4 17 92-All Parks 118 428.13 4-313 Neutron Industries Hsk . Ex screen-Inde . 102.84 4-314 Wesco, Inc. Maint. Sup.,energy saving lights Tech. Sup. 2,244.30 4-315 MI Portable Toilets Grounds M aint.-Orion & Inde . 70.00 4-316 Signs & More Grounds Maint.-Grove. 78.78 4-317 O.C. Soil Conservation District Grounds Maint.-Add. & Grove. 138.46 4-318 Crain's Detroit Business Publications subscri tion renewal-Admin. 35.00 4-319 An ie's Kitchen Misc-Exp.,Iunch for trusty crew 4 16 92-Add. 13.95 4-320 The Finals Uniforms,women swimsuits-Add.,Grove.,Indep.,R.O.W.Park 4,698.00 4-321 Safety Services Uniforms,rain gear-Indep. 21.42 SUB -TOTAL FOR VOUCHER REGISTER $ 446,966.05 TOTAL FOR VOUCHER REGISTER $ 540,072.49 *PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL i OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS J RECREATION COMMISSION INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER APRIL, 1992 (For the month of March, 1992) SOURCE DEPARTMENT PURPOSE nt.,n ll,ff Insurance—Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Add.Conf.Ctr.,Grove., Inv. #11 Co. Bldg. & Liability Ins. Fund YAC,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park, $ R.O.Dr.Range,Water.,W.O.W.Park,T.Complex,BMX & Nat. Pro . 34,240.00 Communications—Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove., Inv. #219 Communications Fund Inde .,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,S rin .,R.O.W.Park YAC Water.,W.O.W.Park,T.Complex,BMX & Nat. Proq. 5,927.94 Equip. Rental—Admin.,Tech. Sup.,Add. & Grove.;Off. Sup. — Inv. #426 Computer Services Fund _ Rec. Admin. 4,620.41 Inv. #327 Facilities & Operations Fund Bldg. Maint.—Add.,Grove.,Indep.&W.O.W.Park;Grounds Maint.—Grove_,Water_ & W 0 W Park 317.79 Inv. #134 Fringe Benefit Fund Fringe Benefit Charges for the month of March,192—Admin. 97,043.03 Off Sup.— Admin. ,Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks, Mob. Rec. &Nat.Prog.;Hskp. Inv. #272 Materials Management Fund Exp —Rec Admin Tech Sup Add index Wh Lk Glen Oaks & YAC;Misc. Exp.,coffee—Grove.;Equip. Maint.,buses—Mob. ec.'Misc. Ex coffee—lnde . 3,636.74 Transportation—Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove., Inv. #142 Motor Pool Fund Orion Inde Wh.Lk. Glen Oaks Red Oaks S rin YAC Mob. Rec.,Water.&Nat.Prog.;Equip.Maint.—Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove., Indep. Wh.Lk. Glen Oaks,Red Oaks Spring &Mob Rec buses• Insurance—Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks, Red Oaks,Spring. & Mob. Rec. 24,719.10 Equip. Rental—Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Spring.,YAC, Inv. #371 Office E ui ment Fund Water. & Mob. Rec. 330.65 Public Info.—Admin.;Off.Sup.—Admin.,Indep.,Add.,Wh.Lk., Inv. #259 Pri.ntinq & Mailing Fund Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O._W.Park,W.O.W.Park,BMX & Nat.Prog.;Special Events,Mt.Bike Race—Add.;Rec.Sup.,day _ camp —Mob. Rec. 8,744.69 _ Radio Maint.—Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Orion,lndep., Inv. #69 Radio Communications Fund Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Sprinq.,R.O.W.Park,Water.,YAC, W.O.W.Park,Mob.Rec. & Nat.Prog.;Equip. Maint., skate mob. —Mob. Rec. 10 099.18 TOTAL FOR INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER $ 189,679.53 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION TRANSFER VOUCHER REGISTER 1ST QUARTER, 1992 COURCE DEPAOT14ENT PURPOSE MOUNT TV 1-302 Computer Services Net Balance due on Computer Equipment purchased in 1991. Additional charges, $2,484.00-Grove. & Credit for over- $ payment, $2,446.65-Tech. Sup. 37.35 TV 3-351 Computer Services Quarter Development costs -Accounts Payable (check for Voucher No. 3-184 to O.C. Computer services has been cancelled) 15,556.80 TOTAL FOR TRANSFER VOUCHER REGISTER 15,594.15 i rn OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AN RECREATION COMMISSION OAK MANAC414U" , INC. CREDIT FAR SERVICES RENDMED REGISTER 1ST QUARTER,1992 DATE PARK OR FUND PURPOSE 2/29/92 Addison,Groveland,lndependence, Red Oaks Water Park & Waterford Oaks Safety Services, Park Deputy Orientation held on 5/22/91 at White Lake Oaks $ 160.08 Wave Pool 3/31/92 White Lake Oaks BIdg.Maint.,Reimbursement for material & installation of hallway carpeting 620.00 TOTAL $ 780.08 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ANALYSIS OF FUND BALANCE AS OF 3/31/92 FUND BALANCE, 1/l/92 ADDITIONS: REVENUE OVER OPERATING EXPENSE AS OF 3/31/92 NET COLLECTIONS ON ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE DNR GRANT MI DEPT. OF COMMERCE GRANT-ADD.CONF.CTR. DEPRECIATION EXPENSE DECREASE IN MERCHANDISE FOR RESALE INCREASE IN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE OPERATING EQUIPMENT DISPOSALS/ADJUSTMENTS DEDUCTIONS: PAYMENTS ON CAPITAL PROJECTS OPERATING EQUIPMENT PURCHASES NET PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNTS PAYABLE INTERDEPARTMENTAL INVOICES IN TRANSIT INCREASE IN MERCHANDISE FOR RESALE: DECREASE IN ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION SUMMARY OF FUND BALANCE CASH ON HAND INVESTMENTS WITH THE COUNTY TREASURER $4,123,923.19 821,658.26 0.00 22,14'7.18 126,613.09 0.00 0.00 33,138,00 ------------- 138,739.31 23,245.72 693,077.11 192,705.93 788.97 33,138.00 ------------- $ 5,056,280.11 5,12'7,4'79.72 -------------- $10,183,759.83 1,081,695.04 -------------- $ 9,102,064.79 -------------- -------------- $ 85,945.04 9,016,119.-75 -------------- $ 9,102,064.79 -------------- -------------- I OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR MONTH ENDING 3/31/92 YEAR TO 1992 OVER(-), % OF *********** REVENUE ************ DATE BUDGET UNDER BUDGET BUDGET riiLLAGE & INTEREST INCOME RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. ADDISON OAKS: PARK CONFERENCE CENTER GROVELAND OAKS INDEPENDENCE OAKS ORION OAKS GLEN OAKS RED OAKS: GOLF COURSE DRIVING RANGE WATER PARK SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE WHITE LAKE OAKS SPRINGFIELD YAC WATERFORD OAKS: PARK WATER PARK TENNIS COMPLEX BMX MOBILE RECREATION NATURE PROGRAM TOTAL REVENUE ****** OPERATING EXPENSES ****** `I N I STRAT I ON n,:CREATION SECTION ADMIN, TECHNICAL SUPPORT ADDISON OAKS: PARK CONFERENCE CENTER GROVELAND OAKS INDEPENDENCE OAKS ORION OAKS GLEN OAKS RED OAKS: GOLF COURSE DRIVING RANGE WATER PARK SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE WHITE LAKE OAKS SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC WATERFORD OAKS: PARK WATER PARK TENNIS COMPLEX BMX MOBILE RECREATION NATURE PROGRAM CONTINGENCY* TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES REVENUE OVER/UNDER EXP, ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: BUDGET BALANCE: $5 , 5'16, 439. 65 3,283.00 24,639.00 0.00 6,9'10.00 50,793.01 376.00 650.00 39'7.'12 0.00 0.00 552.00 3,744.06 5,13'7.00 28,963.50 0.00 939.00 0.00 10,146.45 1,745.00 $5,714,775.39 $3'/1, 840.16 66,670.67 156,114.88 117,394.44 12,133.79 -73,0.75.65 136,996.56 3,722.02 88,938.32 54,016.86 0.00 41,155.66 86,014.99 '1'1 , 85 6 .19 30,237.53 52,984.13 28,304.81 4,447.65 562.14 33,849.16 61,900.09 92,636.50 $1,590,852.20 $4,123,923.19 1992 52.7 0 4'7.3% $6,205,600.00 24,250.00 238,950.00 85,000.00 463,900.00 217,850.00 0.00 761,520.00 274,850.00 24,000.00 543,900.00 666,700.00 668,800,00 '12'800.00 101,150.00 325,000.00 29,050.00 28,800.00 105,900.00 9,740.00 $10,847,760.00 $1,684,986.00 243,394.00 736,447.00 781,165.00 64,000.00 687,621.00 7191647.00 35 , 7'10 .00 574926.00 351:665.00 2,700.00 523,268.00 571,861.00 491,082.00 195,586.00 265,709.00 324, 657 .00 42,553.00 501675.00 316030.00 2.16:59 7 .00 100,000.00 $9,040,339.00 $629,160.35 20,967.00 214,311.00 85,000.00 456,930.00 167,056.99 -3'76.00 '760,870.00 2'14 , 452.28 24,000.00 543,900.00 666,148.00 665,055.94 67,663.00 72,186.50 325,000.00 28,111..00 2.8,800.00 95,753.55 7,995.00 $5,132,984.61 $1,313,J45.84 176,723.33 580,332.12 663,'I'/0.56 614,545,36 582,650.44 32,047.98 485,987.68 29.1 , 648 .14 2 ,'700.00 482,112,34 485,846.01. 413,225.81 165,348.47 212,'/24.87 296,352.19 38,105.35 50,112.86 282,180.84 214,696.91 7,363.50 $7,449,486.80 89.9% 13.50 10,3% 1,5. 23.30 0.10 0.lo 0.10 0.6% 7.10 28.6% 3.20 9.6% 17.90 52.'1% 22.10 27.40 21.20 15.0% 1.9.0% 10.6% 19.0% 10.40 15.5% 1.5.40 '1.90 15.Uo 15.90 15.50 10.5% 1.l. 10 . '/ a 22.4 92.6% 17,b $1,807,421.00 $-2,316,502.19 -128.2,E 1991 1990 50.7% 48.30 6-2 ACTUAL EXP. TO DATE: 17.6% 16.50 16.60 BUDGET BALANCE: 82.40 - OAKLAND COUNTYPARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS REVENUE AND EXPENSE COMPARISON FOR MONTH ENDING 3/31/92 YEAR lO DATE YEAR lO DATE REVENUE OVER, *******x***** PARK ***x********* REVENUE EXPENSE UNDER(-) EXP. ADMINISTRATION $5`576`439.65 $371`840.36 $5`204`599.49 RECREATION SECTION ADMW 3,283.00 66'670.67 -63.387.67 TECHNICAL SUPPORl 0.00 06,114.83 -156,114.83 A0UlSON OAKS: PARK 24/639.00 ll7,394.44 -92,/5b.44 CONFLRENC[ C[NlLR ().0J l3].79 -l2`]33.7? GHOVELAND OAKS 6'970.00 /3,075.65 -66,105.65 lNDLPENUENCL OAKS sU`/93,01 l36`996.56 -861203.k) ORION OAKS 3422.02 GLEN OAK; 650 DU zi3`938.32 -83`2C&32 RED OAK��� GUL[ 39/.72 �':)4,016.86 -53'619.1� })PlVlN6 VANf:�L 0.("10 c).V0 0.0V WAF[K PARK 0.00 11,155.66 �PR)NG|�lLLU OAK�:; GU|| [I)UKSI .DO 4.99 'S5`462.99 WH{ln LPKi UAKS 3444,06 //'8s6.lY -/4.112.l3 SPRlN(|)L||) YAC 5`l37.Vc.) 3o`237.53 -?n.l00, m� WATERR]R|) OAKS: PARK 28,Y63.jU W'Y84.13 -24102U,&3 WAILK PhKK V.VU n,3V4.Hl -23004.8l l% OV 4.44/65 UMt 0.VV "162.34 -562.3� MUB{|l HWREWUlN 10,146.4b 33,849.16 -23,/02.0, NA|URE PROGRAM 1445.00 61`900,DY -60`lhh.OY �~=[NTlN6ENCY* 0.00 92`636,S0 -92'6360U 101AL $5014`77509 $1,S90052.20 04`123,923.0 XCONTlNGENCY YTD FIGURE; lNTERDEPAR[MENTAL PAYMLN|5 IN [KhNSlT. 6-3 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RLCREW ION COMMISSION STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS AS OF 3/31/92 ADMINISTRATION CURREN| YEAR TO 1992 OVER(-)` % UF REVENUE MON[H DATE BUDGET UNDER BUDGET 8UDGE1, INTEREST DELINOU[NT TAX 5 0.00 0.00 $ 200.00 200.00 INTEREST INVESTMEN|S 23'449.0 42'6/0.13 200,000.00 lj7,329.8} 21.3% MISCELLANE)US lNCOM[ 11500,00 11530,00 1`400.00 -130.00 -9.31% TAX REVENUE 1,824934.83 5,532`239,52 6'004'000.UO Wl,/6O.4O 92W BUD6LT RALANC[ (),VO 0.00 O.D0 0, 00 |OTAL RLVLNUE $1=2,SS4.3/ $50/6,439.65 $6'205'600.00 629'160.35 89.9,1�11 NA OPERA|lNG W[NSU& xzx SALA|UES ' h U| / l]MF $ /� . � /Y �� � ?D8 `359 22 I U41`693 . 0D n 633 ,23Y/O 24 .8T SALARIES PAR ||ME 56^000 .DD 48'76YJ3 12.Y% SALARIES - 0VU8}ME 0,00 V�� .'�DV� I�0 UD FRINGE HEW (TS �`/':(�4�l 83'l1/.45 AV, |43.O0 260'O2bw 24.2% MlLLAGL PROFESS/UNAi ��ERV[CE�� l ,U����0 3143Dj0 50.000.00 46,56Y.50 6.9% 6U1L1)lNU OAlN|FNANCL COMMUNlCA[IONS 7O2.�/ l.��4.%� l8^YOV.00 l/'3Oov7 8.4� CUSlODI0( SEKVlCL� 2`200.00 2,200.00 12`000.00 91800.00 l8.3% ~WEPREClHTlON 1,934,45 5'804.64 33'600.00 27,/95.36 l/.3%, .NTAL FXPENS[ 3`686.00 6`777.42 45`800.00 39,022.58 14.81%, EQUIPMENT REPAIR & MAlNT. 50.45 115.45 1,000.00 824.55 l].b% INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 11/00.00 l`}UD.bo LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING O. O 0.00 100.00 \OU.D0 DUES & PUBLICATIONS /02.87 1026.92 61000.00 A&73.O8 25.4% MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE 116.64 265.2b 11500.00 1'234.0 17.7% PERSONAL MlLEAGL 63.25 249.00 200000 2,251.00 10,0% PUBLIC INFORMATION 10,072.83 29'006.61 148000.00 119'493.39 19.5% RADIO REPAIR CONTHACl 669.12 l`338.24 4,000.00 2`661.76 3B.5� TRAINING SEMINARS 0.00 0.00 3'000.00 3,000.00 TRANSPORTATION 2,751.90 5`051.84 32`000.00 26`948.16 15.8% TRAVEL & CONFERENCE 2,912.85 6,500.13 25,000.00 l8,499.87 26.8% UNIFORMS; 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 HOUSEKEEPING SUPPLI& 175.98 364.32 2,000.00 1,635.68 18,2% OFFICE SUPPLIES 946.34 4`563.72 46`000.00 41`436.28 9.9% BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 0.00 0.00 0.O0 0.0 0 TOTAL EXPENSES; S 140`479.28 1 371,840.16 $1`684`9O6.00 $1013,145.84 22.lT l992 1991. ACTUAL EXP. TO DAT� 22.1% 19.2% BUDGET BALANCE 77.9% OAKLAND COUNTY PAh.,-' ND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON AD14INISTRATI0N MONTH OF: MARCH IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE: 3-31-92 1991 1992 VARIANCE ; REVENUE ITEM 1991 1992 VARIANCE $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ; INT. DELINQUENT TAX ; $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 23,450 23,450 ; INT. INVESTMENTS 27,738 42,670 14,932 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16,100 1,530 (14,570) ; MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 89 1,530 1,441 1,733,021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1,827,935 94,914 ; I 1 I I I 1 TAX REVENUE ----------------- 5,081,749 I ---- ------ I I 5,532,240 450,491 ----------------------------I-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __-____-__-.__________________._-_-___-_________-__________-_______-____---__---___---I____-____-----_-_-------------_-----_--_---___ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 1,749,121 $ 1,852,91.4 I I I I I I I $ 103,793 -------------------I- ------------------------------ - TOTALS I I i $ 5,109,576 $ 5,576,440 $ 466,864 ON i v, CO,JN*l-',,,' P(-;RKS A.Nf) RECREATION COMMISSION STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS AS Ok 3/31/92 RECREATION ADMINISTRATIOlk" I YENR TO 1992 OVER % 0 1-: REVENUE KXKKKNKK MONTH DATE BUDGET UNDER wiDUET BUDGET M*1,!-'-;(*-'l.-.lLAN1.=0US RKVENUK 0.00 6 0.00 $ 500,00 5 0 0 . 0 SPECIAL PROOPANS 10 , 0 Cl 1 1.3 01 ,()0 ".3, 1".) () , 0 c) 10, ou 2,IU5.00 16,000,00 13,415.00 13 7.11'11. '.31-io Jj(), 9i8,00 6,950.00 6032.0U 0 13 660.00 1 Y,YS3.00 $ 24,20.00 t 20,W,00 18 51";* OPERATING EXPENSES SALARIES - WL TIME 13,643.95 5 38,404.37 128,202.00 1 89,198.6a 30.0111" SALARIES - PARTIME 371,71 1,492,69 isluou.00 13001,31 10 '0*1„ SALAWS - OVERTIMI:. 14.64 370.Vl 2,500.00 21029.2v 6. u FRINGE RENQ(T'.--; 5,00,65 10,692.26 51,236.00 26,54j.& 25 QUILDING MQNWNANC. 1109 84,61 1,500.00 1,415W 0. W, i0OMMUN 1 CIA F 1 0iS 64.00 130,02 2,soo.00 2,30.18 5 .0.1 CUSTODIAL SEHVICKS 2CY"i Cl EQUIPMENT C, GJ ("I Q TJ RADIO REPAIR CONTRACT 6,244.6/ ',43530 �&Wbs,00 15,M19,10 33 .0111 1 RANSPORTA! 1 ii, "i 0 . C.; ll..), 00 2AU0,00 11 , 1 -1;,- TRAWL C0NFWENW::-: 596,19 2,326.34 3,400.00 1,113,66 6 v . 2.11K, .J 11 -26 W , B6 1 -01,281,61 T-2 1 11 00 s-155,06,33 � 8 , 0 AcruAL FXP. TO Dnk: WOW RALANkh. 1992 21,1% 12, 6'*. OAKLAND COUNTY PAAAS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON RECREATION ADMINISTRATION SECTION MONTH OF: MARCH IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE: 3-31-92 1991 1992 VARIANCE REVENUE ITEM ; 1991 1992 VARIANCE $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ; MISCELLANEOUS INCOME ; $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 ; SPECIAL EVENTS - MISC. ; 0 180 180 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,890 310 (1,580) ; COUNTY EMPLOYEE PROGRAM ; 1,890 2,185 295 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 350 350 ; THERAPEUTIC PROGRAM ; 0 918 918 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- -------- ----------------------- ---------I --------- ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 1,890 $ 660 $ (1,230) ---------------------- TOTALS $ 1,890 $ 3,283 $ 1,393 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i J OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION srATLMENF OF OPERAriof) AS op xx opERArING EXPENSES KNA SALARIES - FULL lIMK SALARIES - PARr TIM].:-.' SALARIES - OWHlIMt:* FRINGE BENEFITS BUILDING MAINTENANCE U)MMUNICATIONS CUSTODIAL SERVICES DEPRECIATION EQUIPMPNT RRNTAL EQUIPMENT REPAIR & MAINT. GARBAGE & RU118101 REMOVAL INSURAFRA.'.' L(.'J_JNl)1?Y & D!,".Y CIA_-*.:Af%.l:fN(.."' DUES & PUBLICATIONS MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSI:.* RADIO REPAIR CONTRACT TRANSPORTATIOf-4 VRAVEL & CONFERKNCI�:-.' UNIFORM KXPENSL ' 14OUSE1`'.EEPINU '-*,,U!--'PL.fl-.%!3 SUPPLIES FOR REPAIR OFFICE SUPPLW'�; SMALL JOOLS HUDGET ADjUSTMENI' CURRENT YEAR TO 19?2 OVERP), % OF 11101H Rl DAHH HuQuFf UNWR BuNk F APW I 28,61201 $ =363.20 351,610.00 $ 266.306,80 24,2',,, 513.54 1,21sm 17,00.00 15,90.15 11803 453,45 12,000.00 11,546.55 12,601.59 3/448.19 162,227.00 124,08.81 23,3,,, 10535 330,82 8,000.00 1,66Y,la 4.11!1 130.18 232.02 2,100.00 1,847.98 12.0,n 200.00 200.00 S,000.00 2000.00 5,140,86 ls,lawo Y1,300.00 56,118.10 21.Xl, 239,90 454.85 6,soo,aa 6,045,15 1. O."ll.l. 2V6.53 711,00 18,000.00 1/1289.00 4 , 0 0. 00 108,00 1,200.00 1,092,00 9. 0 0,00 0.00 2,600.00 2,6000*) 89 300OX0 2,Blb.11 17 . 9 %11 195.00 19b.00 - 010.00 155,00 51 . 491.36 2,110.12 a,000,00 5yawag 26,&t,,' 21 6 C", . 0 "J 720.00 1,800.00 I,oaomo 4 0 , 0ni' =S410 A205,39 45.000.00 wjqcm 16,0. 63.3/ 247.34 3,000.00 2,712.66 8 . W, 99.98 341,52 2X00,00 1.80443 7 . 1 lt-'. is J111 , Cl Clf ll.. 4 .00 21000,00 1,06.00 3 01*, 679.24 2.015.92 a,unoxo 10.08 71.99 42/by l,suo.00 110003 28'4�1 303'sR 344.20 lo,semoo lo,invoo (i . (]" () Cl . c) 0 . "], c.1 0 . ll_; C! WWI BALANC& 18. ll"-' 16,114,88 1 1991. 19 .0111 NEW W)KI-AIND COUINTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SlAlWNT OF OPERAHONS W3 OF 3/31/92 N)W)N OAKS, 0 i:. PINNIAM REVENUE mom DA FG AiDW UNDER BUDGET WOUG COMMISSION CONfRACIS S> 000 Wo 0.00 1 0.00 1 01 1"*",(.) 0 . lit , ;--:! o 0 . --, 2,000 .00, WES - DAY usi:-. 0.00 4,504.UO 5s,000.00 50,466.00 8 , 01.' FEES - CANPIN't, 163.00 1,263.00 851000.M) E3,137.00 1 MiSCMANFOUS INCOMF. 1,050,00 1,050.00 6,000.00 4,950.00 11,5%� 225,00 6/1 X0 2,/00.00 2,025.00 2 5 , 0 111, RENTAL - FACILITIRS 7,500,00 14,100,00 41,500,00 32.800,GC 30.9.1*lill RENFAL - EQU(PNEW 0,00 1,40n.00 14,500,00 13,00ano 10,0'6, SAW - mRRChANDy9?: 0. " r () , U1.1 21,5/... .0U 4 . I BUDGET ADjUSINENi )01 C: Ci , 0 C-1 24,60.00 $ 238,950.U0 $ 214,311,00 OPPRAIING WhNsps SALARIES - FlILL HME 5 0,785,62 1 Q.9008 1 114,652,00 1 180,616.42 SALARIES - PARF FIML-.* 503.12 3,442.41 115,000.00 111,352,19 3 , 0 "'K SALARIFS - OVKRIJM`,. Q.14 60,50 9,0woo 8,agmu 60% FRIN6E 8EHGFIQ,, ;,102m 21,02,60 1(:i0,425.Q0 /a&42,00 21 BUIKDING MAINAWNC!-. 2,566.1i sibyl./o 14,7u1:) uo 11,06803 2 4. ) "t qIRCIMT101,11 51414.85 16,200.55 WOOD.% /019ib.05 18 1% MUNKNT 141n 1 , y/ 51000.2c 4,099 03 16, 6 GQU(PMWV R&W & MA{Nr, 110,314 3,//9.53 20,000.00 16,220,4/ 1 B RVIABSIA Rujiflill- '. ., ;-'.I , (J ") --� 3 0, 00 31000,00 21/90,00 /3"I'll ii F I L.1 r I ES 2,825,0 6,u;/,v3 29,400.00 23,3/2,0/ 2 0 Z ANSURANCI,*.-' 13, 01.') C. 00 91luo.co 9 1 100, ul-D /02,04 1,00.63 32,000.00 30,219.3/ 5 '41%, -�&. 96 1.600.00 1,224.04 116.64 116,60 JU0.00 123,26 As .9 1.1'r" "."6 Ily 12,000,00 1001hy? 16 , 51%, Roofo &PAIR QN&,mcr 042,5? D Qvi 04 4,mum 1,614,06 Aj -Wi*i NPINT, 14.31 174-11 woo.GD 181,89 n 4 sm4cy SFRWCH �A W 01/42.00 QUCIAL FWNH; C'!(", &TANSPOR11•`IM.'-1" 1 .0&08 3 . 0 13.6 i 21,000.UC u,926.Y6 14 wl�l WAVEL & WNHALNUL 718.15 50,42 LWOW 1.461,58 26.9% SRWAGG PXPPNSI.-. QW/5 I.&Y.25 5,500.00 4.21000 i ItAJS� :', ("] r.i 115,61 510.8y b,00umo 4,489.13 10 . Z., 1` 1"":: 1 1A IN 1)). S l':. V�*Ol,',' 0 1. *1 -,*--, �-,O F, 166,69 /0,95 13, 0.;" RWRW WN 1=1;ON1 d"! i W705 61000,uo 41598,ob 29, s'llu QW, Wo-S 51000.00 WOW! (AWN) IM110 u 0 $ 40,92/.8/ IWWA.44 1 /81,165.00 663,//0±6 15 . 0 1% REVENUE UVWUNDW &P. 5 -31,689.82 1 -02455.44 1-542,21b.00 $-449,09,56 1/.Bt'l 1992 1991. ACVUAL KXP, TO DAVE: 15,0% 1/ .01.1 BALANCL: OAKLAND COUNTY PitKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON ADDISON OAKS MONTH OF: MARCH IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE; 3-31-92 1991 ---------- ---- 1992 ------------ VARIANCE ; .------------ REVENUE ITEM --.._,., --- -------- ; 1991 ---- --------- 1992 -- ------- VARIANCE $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ; COMM. - FOOD SERVICE ; $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 ; FEES - DAY USE ; 1,095 2,230 1,135 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36 0 (36) ; - ANNUAL PASS ; 1,431 2,304 873 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 550 463 (87) ; FEES -- CAMPING i 680 1,263 583 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 1,050 1,050 ; MISCELLANEOUS INCOME ; 0 1,050 1,050 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 175 225 50 ; RENT - HOUSE ; 525 675 150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1,600 7,500 5,900 ; RENT - FACILITIES ; 2,125 14,700 12,575 ------------------------------------------- 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0; RENT - EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; RENT - PEDAL BOATS ; 0 0, 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; - ROWBOATS ; 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; - SHOWERS i 0 0 0 ------------------------.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; - LIFE JACKETS 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 ; - SKIING ; 1,299 1,492 193 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; SALES - MERCHANDISE ; 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 ; SPECIAL EVENTS ; 78 925 847 $ 2,361 $ 9,238 $ 6,877 ---------------------------- TOTALS $ 7,233 $ 24,639 $ 17,406 o OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS -AS OF 3/21/92 ADDISON OAKS CONF. CENFEI,,' CLRTWNT XXXXXXXX REVENUE MONTH COMMISSION — FOOD SWICE 0.00 $ MISCELLANEOUf) is ,0O BUDGET ADjUSlMEN*l 0 . 0 0 0.00 xx OPERATING EXPENSES YEAR TO 1992 OVER P), % 0! 0.00 s U5,000.00 s U5.000.0(3 0,00 01 . 0a U 10 0 . 011'.) cl , 0 1") J,GIO 0,00 s U5,000.00 s 85,000,0() BUfLDING MAINTENANCE s 2.250.70 $ 2,328,03 $ 4,000,00 $ 1,671.91 urfLIfIES 4,606,94 8,06.51 02,000.00 43,03.49 I NSUR0[-,JCl-.-_ 0, Q0 000 2,0U,00 2,500. oo SKWAGE Eice, PENW:.*-_* 429,75 1,09.25 5,500.00 4,210.75 TOTAL FXPWSES 5 V,20709 $ 12.133,79 $ 64,000,00 $ 51,866.21 REVENU& OVER/UNOER EXP. 1 —7,20,39 $ —12,133,79 $ 21,000.00 1 33 133.79 ACTUAL EXP, FO DAW: BUDGET BAKANCK: 1992 1 y 91 19.0% 8 1 . 0.11". 6-11 OAKLAND COUNTY PmKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER MONTH OF: MARCH IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE: 3-31-92 1991 1992 VARIANCE REVENUE ITEM ; 1991 1992 VARIANCE $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ; COMM. - FOOD SERVICE ; $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; MISCELLANEOUS INCOME i 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ---------------------------------------------I------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- -----------------I- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------I------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTALS ; $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 OAKLAND COUN-EY PARKS AND RECREAIION COMMISSION STATEMENT OF :OPERATIONS AS OF 3/31/92 GROVEL -AND OAKS CURRENT YEAR TO 1992 OVER (-i, % OF 't*w: *x*X REVENUE* xKXxx*fX MONTH DATE BUDGET UNDER BUDGET BUDGET COMMISSION - CONTRACTS $ 0.00 0.00 $ 0.00 `v 0.00 COMMISSION -- FOOD SERVICE 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 FEES -- DAY USE 0.00 12.00 70 ;000.00 69,V28.00 0. 1 % FEES t -- CAMPING 31088.00 4,573.00 300,000.00 295,427.00 1 .5% MISCELLANEOUS I: NCOML 000 00 0.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 RENTAL - HOUSE 325.00 975.00 3,900.00 2,925.00 25 .0% RE: N IAL_ - FACILITIES; 900.00 1,350,00 �' Lc3,C1(J.J.Ui1 1.1,650,00 LO, I% RENTAL - EQU :I: PMEN I 0.00 0.00 23,000.00 23,000.00 GALLS '-- MERCHANDISE 0,00 0.00 2,000,00 2,000,00 SPECIAL. EVENTS 0,00 0.00 O.00 0.00 WATER SL :I: DI O , 00 10.00 sfi ; 000.00 as , O00 , 00 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 0.00 0.00 0.0O 0.()0 10101.. RI.I:TI Nt..11:.. 1 4, 3i:.3.00 `e'> 60/0, )0 $ 463,100,00 s 456;9aO,00 i ,';'All X OPWAT I NG EXPE:_N`:11:::S SALARIES FULL lIME U.60531 S 25,430.45 `I> 102,116,00 S , , ,,::. _ 5 ,. ..,.; 248,t, SALARIES - PART TIME:: 0.00 0.00 1':;0 ,000 .00 IS0 ,000 ,CIO SALARIES OVFRIIME: 0,00 0,00 8;000.00 f:3;000.0c) 3 �I FRINGE L.I::PdE_F I: l `3 .Is ,7..r, ..; 9 , 35 11,260.52 63 0' i(:) , 00 ,. /'. b 1. /W , S 1 / . ` % 1llL)lNU MAINTENANCE i ,fO),;i 4,553,0H tt;000,00 442 i;, ( 'A SHOR I AGE/OVE::RAGl::-: 0 .00 0.00 i.i .00 0 ,00 .COMMUNICATION'-.; 149.40 282,39 2,000.00 2,01Y.61 1 ;_ .::3% EPRLCIATION 3,383.04 10,082.60 55,900.00 45,811.40 18.0% RENTAL. EXPENSE 126,00 483.1.1 5,500.00 ,500.00 5,016.89 8 , 8% EQUIPMENT REPAIR & MAINT, 885.37 2,721..90 1.5,000.00 12,278.10 18.1.% RUBBISH REMOVAL 65.00 1.95.00 1.6,000.00 15,805.00 1 . '% UTILITIES 1,` 3.'S.8.1 2,815.59 41,600.00 38,184,41 6.8% INSURANCE 0.100 0.00 13,500.00 0,500.00 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE_ 2174.83 1.,07%I.83 :30,00O.Oi) ;?f3,) ,i.3.7 3.115% LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING 111.65 214.19 1,200.00 985.81 1.7.8% DUES & PUBLICATIONS 0.00 15.00 150.00 135.00 10 .0% MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE 1,039.08 2,501.54 9,000.00 6,492.46 '7 . 9% RADIO REPAIR CONTRACT 1,542.52 3,005.04 4,300.00 1,214.96 71 .7% REN i AL PROPERl Y MA I NT . 0.00 i. 9 . ,5 'i 1200.00 1. 80 , 4.-5 9.8% SAFETY SERVICES Woo 47.06 74,705.00 74,657.94 0.1. % SPECIAL EVENTS 0.00 0.00 4,500.00 i ; :i00 , 00 TRANSPORTATION 1,543.13 3,089.31 18,000.00 14,910.69 17 .2% TRAVEL & CONFERENCE Y92,17 1,037.0 2.000.00 962,83 51 , 9% AN I FORM EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 2 ,500 .00 2,500.00 HOUSEKEEPING SUPPLIES 0.00 0,00 11,500.00 1.1. , 500.00 SALES -- MERCHANDISE 0.00 000 1,500.00 I ,500 ,00 OFFICE. SUPPLIES 146.8:3 1023,90 7,000.00 5,176.10 26.1% RECREATION PROGRAM 471.44 560.33 6,000.00 5 , 439 .67 9 .3% SMALL TOOLS 041.41 I , 769.09 3 „i00 , 00 1 , i' 3O m 50 . ,5% BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL AL. L>,PE.N_,L.; $ 27,173.48 $ ; <3 ; 07_; . r>., 681,621,00 ., 614,545.35 1. u . 6 WVE-NUE_ OVER/UNDER EXP . Sd 2:3 , 460 , /_8 $ - 66 , 105 .65 S-- '3 , 21 .00 S--15/ ,61'S .3'S 29 4'' 6-13 1992 i 99 i. ACTUAL UAL. EXP . TO DATE: E : 1. U ..'1;% `l , % WWI 13AK ANC:i ' 8 .-i% OAKLAND COUNTY 0 AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON GROVELAND OAKS MONTH OF: 14ARCH IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE: 3-31-92 1991 1992 VARIANCE REVENUE ITEM ; 1991 1992 VARIANCE $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ; COMM. - FOOD SERVICE ; $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; FEES - DAY USE ; 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 ; - ANNUAL PASS ; 0 72 72 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,772 3,088 1,316 ; FEES - CAMPING 3,332 4,573 1,241 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; MISCELLANEOUS INCOME ; 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 300 325 25 ; RENT - HOUSE 900 975 75 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 400 900 500 ; RENT - FACILITIES ; 1,075 1,350 275 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 0 0; RENT - PEDAL BOATS ; 0 0 0 ---------------------- 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0- ROWBOATS ; 0 0 ' 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; - SHOWERS 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; - LIFE JACKETS ; 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 0 0- CANOES 0 0 0 ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 0 0; WATER FEATURE RIDE ; 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; SALES - MERCHANDISE ; 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0; SPECIAL EVENTS ; 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 2,472 $ 4,313 $ 1,841 TOTALS $ 5,307 $ 6,970 $ 1,663 6, .A 0AKL(-'iN[,, COUt-,H'Y PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS AS OF 3/31/92 INDEPENDENCE OAKS CuIRRI'-NT YEAR JO 1992 OVER P), Oi XXXXXXXK REVENUE MON TH DATE HUDGEF UN)ER HUCGEf HU090' COMMISSION CONTRACTS 0,00 $ 0.00 0.00 $ 0 , 0 ("'OHNISIS)fON f"001) () .0O -15i .05 2,SOO,00 2,748.95 FEES DAY USE 250.00 la,374.50 120,000.00 101.62b.50 15 . lll, FEES CAMPfNf., 0.00 0,00 800.00 800 .0c.", MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 1.50 5,521.50 A000.00 1,418.ba 18,01, RENTAL - FACILITIES 7,525.00 22,073.00 60.000.00 37,927.00 3 6 8 RENTAL - EQUIPMENT 20.00 4=1.00 20.000,00 15,30.00 2 3, 4 c% SALES - ME( CHANDISI- 0.00 0.96 1,250.00 1,249.04 0 1 111; SPECIAL EVEWS (11.01") 91,00 6,000.00 51909.00 10.111", HUDGRT AojusrNENI' 0 .00 0.1"),'.) 0.00 0,00 * [ 0 * f () IL R V i � N i. j ! .- AVY6.50 $ SU,793,01 211,850.00 2p W&W,9Y 23, XX OPERATING EXPENSES SALARIES - FUl L 'I *f M L. 17.260.27 $ 53,955.73 21440.00 160,02.2V 2 5, 1 SALARIES - PART TIME 2,34044 9,613.80 V11700,00 82=6,20 10,31% SALARIES - OVKRjJMl.'-. 0.00 123.16 1,000.00 6,216.84 10 . FRINGK BENEFITS 8,315.53 21,372.YO 114,686.00 89,312.30 22. 1, BUILDING MA!NlLNANCl---: 88&W a.00Z.6b 26,000,00 22.99205 11 '6!"; COM11,111-iN ICAT I 11-IF 167.16 295.15 2,noamo W 8*. DEPRECIATION 4,226,44 12,132.44 /2,500,00 60,20.0 16 , RLNTAL EXPENW�--' 2. 11 Wuo,vo 2.70 SO 10J."ll, (.,*.!U :i: F-11 t-1 I' I P M (R & NA 1 NY 1,106.52 3,160.yg is 00.00 14,939,21 RUT31SH RKmovni- 65,00 195.00 Z,yuywo 2,SW00 U FILITIE'-3 2,440,46 >1334.86 lololu,uo 10,665,14 33 0'-.. (TWUNDS MAWKNANCL', C31 04 5,256,40 40,000,00 34,743,60 13 W, LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING 151.60 a96,82 1,660.10 16, Dum mucArION'S 01 , G Cj Cl . C.", �:." "..: , C.".1 C', EXPFNSF 1,645,bb 2,860,97 10,000,00 W59,02 20, PERSONAL MILRAG;-.*-. () t ("'ll'-11 (".., , (31 0 l'-" , f j 0 661 , U4 ndukuo 1=436 ly, 41,. 4 . W 08 160,00 38,59Q.Q 0 4]� 03,02 ,Wo.wo 4,W009 1. 0, rRANSPOR TAT 1 W1 262,26 122, 18 191W.U0 WWI.& 16, W.; TRAWL & UGNFERENGI�-- 516,28 1,260my -,pumoo 35/11 451.11 5140u,00 21912.80 13 . HOUREWPING SUPPLIKS C)GO, ou 5,149.0 14, OFFICk SUPPLIH.; -/04.91 RECREAVION SUPPLIE!.-, 0.00 2,996.00 ITAWT ADjUSTWW () . 0 IC! 0 , () (), I. -I " *, 0nw,Yl $ 15639606 A 71Y.W.00 592,W,.! 1:'XI) -05460 .21 $ -46,&S.55 a-SWAVI.00 W-415,0S.10 ly 'KI., 1992 1991, ACH.JAI.. TO, 1111*1::-:: 19.0% 18. 1 6-15 BUDGLI RALANCF: 8 1 , 0!11 OAKLAND COUNTY ;KS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON INDEPENDENCE OAKS MONTH OF: MARCH IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE: 3-31-92 1991 1992 VARIANCE REVENUE ITEM ; 1991 1992 VARIANCE S 26 $ 0 $ (26) COMM. - FOOD SERVICE $ 140 $ 51 $ (89) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 ; FEES - DAY USE ; 7,668 6,544 (1,125) -------------------------- 72 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 250 178 ; - ANNUAL PASS 11,238 11,831 593 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; FEES - CAMPING ; 0 0 0 ---------------------- 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 2 ; 14ISCELLANEOUS INCOME ; 50 5,522 5,472 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4,100 7,525 3,425 ; RENT - FACILITIES ; 13,250 22,073 8,823 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; RENT - PEDAL BOATS ; 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; - ROWBOATS ; 0 0 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; - LIFE JACKETS & OARS ; 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; - CANOES ; 0 0 0 -------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; I--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - LOCKERS ; 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------=------------------------------------------------------ (6) 20 26 ; - SKIING 9,428 4,681 (4,747) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; SALES - 14ERCHANDISE ; 0 1 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 ; SPECIAL EVENTS ; 257 91 (166) $ 4,192 $ 7,797 $ 3,605 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTALS 42,031 $ 50,793 $ 8,762 ----------------------------------- -$ ------------ rn COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION STATEMENT OF OPERAlION-S AS OF 2/31/92 ORION OAKS, CUP11:0,11 YLAR TO 19?2 OVER XXXXXXXX REVENUE XXxxxxxv MONFH WE HUDGET UNDER BUDW 1110@0 1 W6.00 $ OX0 I Wo. 01".) 0I C., 0 0 . 00 () . 0 0 C. . Q BUDGET ADJUSIMEN! 0 Go 0 . 0 01 0 , C)fj .0 , C'l TOTAI... 1 20.00 376.00 s 0,00 s -376.00 NX OPERAIINE EXPENSES SALARIES - FULL TIME SALARIES - PnRT r!N!:.-*. SALARILS - OVERJIMI::. FRINGE HENW103 BUILDING MAINIENANCI-ii. COMMUN I CA r f om, DEPRECIATION RENTAL EXPENS!-.-. EQUIPMENT REP. & MAIN], RUH81SH REMOVAL GROUNDS MAIN rENnNQ*.-.' LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANIN(:.i & RADIO REPAIR CuNrWi TRANSPORTA F 1 UN TRAWL & CCTvPRhNCK LXPHNSI':. SMALL. I :; BUDGET HALANQ-- s189.54 OX0 0.00 461 .20 10,000.00 91534.80 -49.14 0.00 200.00 200. 0Cl 0 -3 4 .0 7 11020.00 96n.41 is 234.24 104.22 30200,00 2,4950a WWI,: 0,00 231.11 1,000,00 /68.89 23.1i, 21,10 21.10 600,UO 528.90 30"ll" 0 .Oij 0 , 0 C ':; c) 0 . Cj Q .1 3 C-1 11; . C21 C.) 0 . G 0,00 1yoo,00 1 '800, 00 40.00 22/,28 8,000.00 yjnm 4 1 . 0. 00 C; Cl () , ( - 11 1*.�.l 0 011.) cl 0 0 'D Ci c C//2 '00 1,300,00 223.00 14 W j 380,00 160.00 0,600,00 16 5 0 , G i.']l C", I.D . 0 Cl 32,01non L 0 -W.06.02 T -05,7/0,00 -whin.ma 1992 10.4% 11%. 15 '01,1111. 6-17 OAKLAND COUNTY S AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON ORION OAKS MONTH OF: MARCH IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE: 3-31-92 ---------------- -------------- - ---------- __ ------ -----------__--------_-_- 1991 1992 VARIANCE REVENUE ITEM ; 1991 1992 VARIANCE $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ; MISCELLANEOUS INCOME ; $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 20 20 ; FEES - ANNUAL PASS ; 0 376 376 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------------I------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------I ----- --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 376 $ 376 °� $ 0 $ 20 $ 20 TOTALS $ $ OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS AS OF a/31/92 GLEN C)AKS CURRENT YEAR 10 1992 OVER(-) % 0 1:., fXXXXXXX REVENUE MONTH DATE BUDGET UNDER BUDGET WWI' CONNISSICA-,11 -- COINTRACI S $ 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 COMMISSION - FOOD SERVICE 0.00 0,00 P0,000.00 88 1000,01") GREENS FEES 20.00 20.00 590,000.00 529,9SO,00 0 . 0 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1 1 000.oj:.*,- RENTAL - HOUSE 210.00 630.00 2.520.00 11890.00 25, 0% RENTAL - E( UIPMEW 0,00 0 .00 11,500.00 11 500.00 RENTAL - GOLF CARI!:; Woo 0.00 112,000.00 112, 000. 01") -.- PRO SHOP ,00 0.00 16,000.00 16,000.0C) SPECIAL EVENTS () 0 0,00 _`)oo' 00 ".0]; , OCi AJOGET ADjUSVMEN-1" 0 Q Cj Cl . 0 0 . C" J0*l(:fl._ 1-"I.:aV"EIN`Ul '<310 650.00 $ 161,520,00 $ 160070.00 0 . 1 AN OPERATING EXPENSES 10'. SALARIKS - FULL TIME 12.151.89 1 32,020W $ 101,10400 $ 124.04.82 20.8,. SALARIES - PARF 53,06 135.02 S9,500.00 e9,364.9B 0 '21% SALARIES - DUERJIME 63.21 193.91 10,000.00 91806.09 1. T.". FRI NOE BENSF 1 1,5/mw 11,821.95 S8,las.00 V2,306.03 1 / '9 BUILDING MAINWANCA-'. 1,123.11 11743.66 14,000.00 12,256.0 12, -0001? rw/owwr-". 0 . C, Cj 0 . C., () 01 . 0 () 30MMUN I cyff I CAI:f 247.02 472,19 0,000,00 400.81 9. A Dow (A r i 0,360,01 13,080.03 50,200.00 45,119,0/ 22 , &."I RKNIAl FXPkNW CJ C."ll"i *'. 11 , 11 400,00 164,H9 Q 011, l�*.-.(..'I1.13.!.')I,11:.--*r)l' & MAINF. 1,924.U5 1,818,61 30,000m 2y,101,39 9 'W`, RUBBISH W&VAL 140,00 230,00 KU00,00 &Q-00 21 , Wil; C*.iOl_.;'.' I' ;-'E*.".i I'AL () , 0 C*.-I 1 i iC1 .- - - C]' ;') . (_1 I() ".". " � " 1_11 U. . 'C", I.) UTILIT 10; o,489,43 13.634,69 00,000,00 240650Y a5 . 011 IRTURANCI::: (.1 . () (i 0.00 11,400.00 11 '400,lilt !_NAI!II 'l 662,11 862.14 21,000,00 31,1026 2 , 0l LAURAW & 20 GLEANING J. " 31 I. , " .� / .12 11500.00 1 2swas 16 . 0 ltl) DLES & PUBLICANICNS 0. 00'.11 lono 100.00 90,00 10. W, PERSONAL NILLAGi- 0' 0() cC.. I C., I.!I,) 1. C.; 0 SPECIAL WW'S C., 0 TRANSPOR FA r 10-1 C." II 1,465,10 1,623., W00,00 06.0b 05, 0'11 UNIFORM EXPENS!'* 13.18 186.68 2,200.00 2,31sw / &"�� 243.56 WW W00,00 1,1W44 12, & CA, F I CAI SUI)i 11 KS 625,21 1,wom 1,074./a 8H. Qlili _1*001...S 8/4.82 1 WWI 31300.00 2,423,29 so '112'6 BUDGKI ADJUSYNLN! 0. oll.", C., , 'C"i () _' ,',J Al. .,'.,!.-,!.......;":.(� s 06,861.84 $ 58,90.32 5 5/4,020.00 $ 485,9HI.68 15 , 0 z'; -0,631 . B4 T S4.288.3? 5 %009A,00 5 2/4.02.0 4 /. W,'. 1992 1991 -1-0 0A 1*1....* 15.5% 14 6-19 BUDGET BALANCA-.: OAKLAND COUNT' aRKS AND RECREATION REVENUL COMPARISON GLEN OAKS 140NTH OF: MARCH IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE: 3-31-92 1991 1992 .----.,_---- VARIANCE ; — ------ ------ REVENUE ITEM ---- ----------- ,,------- - � ; 1991 -_-- - - _- _ 1992 � - _ _ __- VARIANCE ....... - --- $ 144 $ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 $ (144) ; COMM. — CONTRACTS ; $ 144 $ 0 $ (144) 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 1 COMM. — FOOD SERVICE i 0 0 0 9,129 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 (9,109) ; GREENS FEES ; 9,513 20 (9,493) 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 ; MISCELLANEOUS INCOME ; 5,000 0 (5,000) 180 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 210 30 1 RENT — HOUSE 540 630 90 312 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 (312) ; RENT — EQUIPMENT i 312 0 (312) 57 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 (57) ; RENT — GOLF CARTS i 57 0 (57) 424 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 (424) ; SALES — PRO SHOP i 424 0 (424) 0 -------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 0 ; •--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL EVENTS ; 38 , , --I— ---- 0 (38) $ 10,246 $ 230 $ (10,016) TOTALS $ 16,028 $ 650 $ (15,378) O OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION STArEM&NT OF OPERATIONS AS OF 3/31/92 RED OAKS GOUI MJURSf.-.' CUlusirf XXXXXXXX REWNUK XAhXXKXK MONTH DATE 1992 OVERP) % oi� BUDGEr UNDER HUDW RUDOW COMMISSION - ITOD SLRVICF 5 0. ou z 0,00 S 350,00 $ W. W.) OWNS FEE!) 381,50 301.50 230,000.00 229,612,10 MISCELLANEOUS INCOMI.--. cl , () 0 0.00 1100000 1 000.0u 1' 12 .0(1 12.00 9,000.00 8 1991 ,00 RENTAL GOLF CARTS 0 " 00 0.00 28.000.00 2B. (11JU. 00 PRO :Si 10!) I . 2. /.22 6 1000 .00 5,992. TE SPECIAL EVENTS 0.0 Cl 0.00 500.00 500, 00 BUDGET ADJUSTM&Nl Cj 10 Q Q . 0 cl 0 . ()() (J.0( - J TOTAL RFVKNUF_ 391,12 39Y.12 t 20,850.00 $ 274,452.2a XX OPERATING EXPENSES NA SALARIES - FLILL TIMi -SALARIES - PART TIM! SALARIES - OVKRTIM[_-_ FRINGE BENEFITS, BUILDING MAINIRNANCI SHORTAGE/OVERAGI--'. DEWC I AT 1 ON RENTAL E;Li ENSL EQUIPMENT R&PAIR f N S U I N Cl.'-: PFRSONAK SMALL TOOLS BUDGET ADjUS7MENl' S,00.01 1 24,61127 21/.15 .11--.31 - Y75 .05 0.00 631.52 21728.19 l",363.56 117,97 582.13 0 0.00 6 i A,16.17 2,114,5s 6,312.0/ 2,468,63 1,439.80 2,294.82 2.150.18 0 0 , 184.09 104.09 I:), AW .86 19014,00 $ 0002.13 19,000.00 58,201,91 2000.00 1062.4a S3,026.00 41,662.44 21100.00 1,62a.83 31,000.00 24,0/33 200,00 _31,11 24,00000 2A.W0,00 20,105.1B 20,10.0 /00,00 4/1-OV 1,261,42 I'D J. EXP -20,141 55 -53,619 .14 1 -/6,815 00 1 -?j 10 V, 1902 199J. ll.! 1:*.-.',','I'i . 1 (), i)i) 1 15.4% 14 .81.1, B1.)tJiNIC.,84 . 6.111*1 1 1 1 . 9`;: 32,0, I 6-21 OAKLAND COUP ?ARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON RED OAKS GOLF COURSE MONTH OF: MARCH IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE: 3-31-92 1991 1992 VARIANCE ; REVENUE ITEM ; 1991 1992 VARIANCE $ 0 $ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 $ 0 ; COMM, - FOOD SERVICE ; $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 2,858 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 382 (2,477) ; GREENS FEES ' , 2,871 382 (2,490) 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0; 14ISCELLANEOUS INCOME ; 0 0 0 147 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 (138) ; RENT - EQUIPMENT 147 9 (138) 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0; RENT - GOLF CARTS ; 0 0 0 124 ------------------------------------- 7 (117) ; SALES - PRO SHOP ' 124 7 (117) 0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------- 0 0; r r SPECIAL EVENTS ' , , ' 0 - -- -- ----------------------- 0 - ----------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- 0 --------- ----------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------ ----------------- r - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , ------------------------ - ----------------------------- - ---------------------------------- - ---------------------------------- ------------- $ 3,129 $ 398 ----y-----�-731) r �--------------==TOTALS=====_______________________________________________________=__ (`, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ , $ 3,142 $ 398 $ (2,744) N CI('IKLAND CCIUINTY• PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION STATEM0F OF OPERATIONS AS OF 3/31/92 NO) OAKS DRIVING Rt'iriGE C! 11 WNT YEAR R 99 t t R_ % oi: E rruE XXXXhXXX `• �i ; :�:.t.< < REVENUE rO a rH TE DATE r;Gcr UNDER :uce_ r tumT M I SC EL.l_.AN',=OUS ! NCCIW 0.00' 0.00 0.00 i0 RqN i ail_. — 1: AC I L.I i J. k' S 0 .00 0 .00 24,000.00 24,000.00 BUDGET f'IL).J U;> :'IL_N1 t_I . 00, LI . (ILA i.I . UL.I tJ , LI'vl TOTll_. RI_:VE,11llji:: s`= 0.00 1 0.00 $ 24,000.00 24 000.00, OPLRAI INO EXPENSES :t S IR INC.F_ 0.00 0.00 2.100.00 i) ;700.00 PISC__Ah:O S EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,010 BUDGET I AD.l:_ISi (lL ( 0.00 0, IO I C.. CIO G Yi1 A 0.00 0.00 S 2,700,00 `> 2 , 0 , i.i 0.00: 0 0.00 $ .21.300.00 $ 21000.00 1992 199.11. ACTUAL W . TO DATE: BUDGET B 1i_At' GE ; 100, 011il, OAKLAND COUN' ARKS AND RECREATION REVENUz COMPARISON RED OAKS DRIVING RANGE MONTH OF: MARCH IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE: 3-31-92 1991 1992 VARIANCE REVENUE ITEM ; 1991 1992 VARIANCE $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ; MISCELLANEOUS INCOME ; $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; RENT - FACILITIES ; 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------!- ---------- ------- --------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I 1 I ------------------------------------I- I 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I 1 i -----------I- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I 1 I $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTALS ; S 0 $ 0 $ 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I N .A OiAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION CONINISSION Sl'ATEMIENT OF AS ()� 1: :V<2 RI-D) OAKS WA, TO Z PfYl<K CURRENT y i __* Al i "I 10 992 OVER % 0 F REVENUR XXXXXXXX MONTH OATE 1.:U130T UNDER BUDGEF HU001' C*(R.IMISSIOIN __ C01114111r'IC:•IS $ CpMNISSION - FOU) S&RVICC ENJRANCE FEES: SWIMMING CLASSEzS GENERAL ADMISSION MISCELLANEOU'-.; RENIAL QQUIPMKNT SPECIAL EVENVS BUDGET ADJUSJNLN*I- 030 0.00 1 0.00 $ 0. c) 0.00 0.00 10,500.00 10,500.0o 0 . 0 .1.) 0. 00 71000.00 7, 000. ao 0.00 0.00 463,000.00 465,000,00 0. OIJ 0.00 0.00 0. CIO 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 6,000.0ci 0 . CIO 0.00 55,000.00 55,000.0011 0.00 0.00 400.00 400.00 0'.00 0. CC, 0. (jo cl. . 10 0 TOl"I'li... fl. ") i.*..Nl! ji'. 0 , 0 0 !111 NX OPERAIING EXPENSES SALARIFS FLL . L - I IMF ANSI 1 SALARIES - PART TIM!:*.-' 0.00 SALARIES - OVERIIMV.*.� 0.00 FRINGS HENEFirs 1,16S.43 HUILDING MAINTEt' ANCL . 11118 SHORTAGE/OVERAOL'.' 0.00 i',lf). ON 1,516.28 EQUIPMENT REPAIR & MAINT. 0.00 II flES) 10,892.80 1 NSURANCIE 0() 6 i -.It J!..J I'll., i "IS .(..I f.) LAL.`,,N1:)V*.ZY F,- iJ!*),Y :-.1 E._.(;N*.11.lNK-i . l't* 3 [Ill. L L AN 01 , () Q PLRSONAL MILEAGE 0.00 RADIO REPAIR CONTRACT 292.00 SAFFTY SERVICES— ---- 0,00 TRAVEL & CONVERG11CF 595.0 UNYORM EXPENSE HOUSLKLEPING SUPPLIES 1.50 SMALL TOOK BUDERT ADjUSTMENT 0 1.) a 21,999.40 !`..; REKNUF 0VQR/UNDFR VXK 1 -21,999.40 a nc nim. EXP. TO DATf-. 0,00 $ 542,900,00 $ 543,900.00- 7.655.08 41,490.00 $ 33.834.92 18.5111, 0.00 192,000.00 192 0 00 .0 --0 252,92 71000,00 6160.08 5, 0.,Z* :1,602.18 41,810.00 38,24/m i15.98 12,000.00 11.801.02 1 0 . () 0 Cl . () 0 U., . C2 ".), 174.53 2,700.00 2.525.41 6.0'� v,728.8; 22,800.00 leyrw 20 Y*; 545.11 6,700,00 6,1Y.69 8.11% 16,849.19 01200.00 6SASOYI 20.01 j.QO 22,900.00 22 voo. oo 0 c 1 .2 0.00 200.00 200. Of-1 1,58voo 11300.00 -224.00 -21 .01`1." a2,34 50.320.00 - 50,20.66 oas 1 0 4 21900.00 2,711.66 4 .3 .5% 05.4/ ;1000.00 404.50 590.zl'./ 4,000.00 3,950.00 1 0"Ill, 216.50 11200.00 983.20 18.0. 4,216.04 15,000.00 301125.% 61 11 500.00 428-89 12 V% 41,15S.66 T 521,268.00 $ 482,112.24 Y.Q�l 0.155.66 $ 20=2.00 $ 61,181.66 -199,5% 6-25 OAKLAND COUNTY PA ;AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON RED OAKS WATER PARK MONTH OF: MARCH IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE: 3-31-92 1991 1992 VARIANCE REVENUE ITEM 1991 1992 VARIANCE $ 0 $ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 $ 0 COMM. - FOOD SERVICE $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0; FEES - SWIMMING CLASSES ; 0 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 0; - GENERAL ADMISSION 0 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 0; MISCELLANEOUS INCOME ; 0 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 0; RENT - LOCKERS ; 0 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0; - RAFTS 0 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0; - LAWN FURNITURE ; 0 0 0 0 0 0; SPECIAL EVENTS 0 0 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTALS ; $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OAKLANO COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION CON;"llISSION STAT0ff.-.N-l' OF OPE't'RATIONS, -,S OF 3/31/92 SPRINGFIELO OAKS G. C. CURRFNf YEAR TO 1992 OVER( - OF REVENUE XXXXXXXX MONTH DATE BUOGET UNDER GUOUET HUDGW' COMMISSION - FOOD SERVICE 0.00 5 0,00 S 16,000.00 $ 16,000.00 OREENS FEES -40,00 -48.00 450,000.00 450,048.00 - 0 , 0 MISCELLANEOUS iNCOMI.E. 0. 00 0.00 11000.00 1 , 000. Oo I'AL -- 200.00 600.00 2,400.00 1,800.00 2 5 . 0,; RENIAL - EQUIPMENI 0.00 0.00 4000.00 4.800.00 RENTAL - GOIJ CARTS 0 .0 CJ 0 .00 175,000.00 171,000.0c, SALES - PRO SHOP. 0.00 0.00 13,U00.00 la,000.00 SPECIAL EVENTS 0 . 0 f-1 0.00 4.500,00 4,500.00 BUDGET ADjUSTMEKI- 0.00 0 00 01, CIO 0 , I00 I7-11(*--'VE--,NjU:---. 160.00 152.00 $ 666,700,00 $ 666,148.00 0 . 1 1% NX OPFRAVING EXPENSES SALARIES - WIT JIME 13.349.73 1 41.734.59 $ INSIST itt,&26.47 242% - SALARIES - PART rimE 0,00 0.00 S6,000.00 16,000.0o SALARIES - OVERIIMI.-- 0.00 0.00 9.500,00 9,500.00 FRINGE BENEFITS 5,746.92 18,039.38 e4,131.00 66,091.62 2 1 . 4,i; BUILDING MAINIGNANCI*.-- 18,32 337.21 8,000.00 A66239 4. 2i,, St' OR rAGE/OVERAGl---. 0 , 0 I.D -10 . 01, 0 0 , l-,; C, 0 .0C. COM."I"Ut,11 CAI 322,81 362.85 a,aoo.uo 81431.15 4, 1% DEPR03IATIOi'%-,' 4,SOO.03 13,SOO.15 90,400.00 16,299.8m 14 .11 RENVAL EXPPNSL 14.90 50,80 W.00 449.20 3 0 . 2,,". EQUIPMENT RUPAIR & MATNr. 2,20Y.71 4,515.16 21=0,00 16,484,64 21 RUBBISH REMOVAL 0.00 100.00 1,000.00 WOW 10. 0'% u I-ILITIKS 2,1/3.3/ 3,416.63 26,210.00 22,793.3/ 13 2,,� /=lo .91 26,000,00 21,259W 2 . W� i.AUNDRY & DRY CLEANING 163.05 307.59 2,100.00 1.292.41 14, 0'.', DUES & PU&ICATIONS 0 . 0 1.) 105.00 500,00 295.00 21 .0111, M)SCFLLANLOUS EXPENSE 0,00 150.00 M00.00 1 W. 00 1 7, 5 PERSONAL MILEAGE O;Ou - 67 ;'i:*-*.,.,..,F--- -- -- - /5... /A 8.411,11, RADIO PEPAIR CONTRACT 198,00 396,00 05,00 5. 6.`,", TRANSPORT AT! 5013? V60,46 n,00,00 4.43V.04 3 V. b"I'll" 14TAVEL 1010 1,50.00 06.00 3 A , 4n 1 0 0 1,00,00 11414.00 11 . 6%, 1020KEEWNG 1") .00 1 , vl*, (.1 11J .0.1.) 1. 1 1", (), I A.) (..;0i I- FOR k, L i_-. -C), 0.0 cl., 00 V,750.00 9 1750, 01"ll OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,10 319.98 2,500.00 2,180,OY 12 � B."i; SMALL TOOLS 131,99 131.99 Y,000.00 2186s,ul 4. 4 `11; 0 . IOTAL EXPENSES MAW a 86,014,99 a 50.061.00 a 4 1 85.06,01 1. -29,3/1 -S5,462.99 $ 94,239.00 $ 180,301,91 .73 1992 0.,) IT:*.: 15.0% 16.5% BUDGET BALANCE: Y i 6-27 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVEN COMPARISON SPRINGFIELL uAKS GOLF COURSE }ryfONTIIM1OF: ryMARCH IN ---------- DOLLARS ------------------------- ------F31M92�_���_ � � __-----� - 1991 1992 -. --------- --- VARIANCE ; __-.---------------- REVENUE ITEM -_---- ,..._..---- ' 1991 ------------ 1992 VARIANCE $ 0 $ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 $ 0 ; COMM. - FOOD SERVICE ; $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 3,388 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (40) (3,428) ; GREENS FEES' 3,366 (48) (3,414) 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0; MISCELLANEOUS INCOME ; 0 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 200 200 ; RENT - NOUSE ; 0 600 600 64 - ---------------- - 0 -- --------- (64) ; ----^--------------------- RENT -- EQUIPMENT ' 64 0 (64) 5a. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- (58'7) ; RENT - GOLD' CARTS ----------------------- 17 378 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 (378) ; SALES - PRO SHOP ; 378 0 (378) 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 0; I I 1 I SPECIAL EVENTS ' 0 ' I , ' i ' I 0 0 ---------- - --- ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $ 4,417 $ 160 $ I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 (4,257) ; TOTALS 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' i 1 ; $ 4,395 $ 552 $ (3,843) OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS AS OF 3/31/92 _TE LAKE OAKS CURRENT YEAR TO 1992 OVER (-) o OF, ******** REVENUE ******** MONTH DATE BUDGET UNDER BUDGET BUDGET COMMISSION - FOOD SERVICE $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 GREENS FEES 1,559.50 1,583.00 485,000.00 483,41'7.00 0.30 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 RENTAL - HOUSE 725.00 1,775.00 6,300.00 4,525.00 28.20 RENTAL - EQUIPMENT 334.00 334.00 9,000.00 8,666.00 3.7% RENTAL - GOLF CARTS 0.00 0.00 128,000.00 128,000.00 SALES - PRO SHOP 52.06 52.06 16,000.00 15,947.94 0.30 SPECIAL EVENTS 0.00 0.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL REVENUE $ 2,670.56 $ 3,744.06 $ 668,800.00 $ 665,055.94 0.6% ** OPERATING EXPENSES *** SALARIES - FULL TIME $ 10,575.55 $ 31,218.66 $ 125,847.00 $ 94,628.34 24.80 SALARIES - PART TIME 0.00 0.00 81,000.00 81,000.00 SALARIES - OVERTIME 39.84 98.52 8,000.00 7,901.48 1.20 FRINGE BENEFITS 4,880.71 14,615.12 70,400.00 55,784.88 20.80 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,371.40 1,938.09 16,000.00 14,061.91 12.10 SHORTAGE/OVERAGE 1.21 1.21 0.00 -1.21 Or,MMUNICATION 173.20 352.57 3,200.00 2,847.43 11.0% RECIATION 4,140.24 12,420.72 57,000.00 44,579.28 21.80 RENTAL EXPENSE 0.00 231.11 500.00 268.89 46.20 EQUIPMENT REPAIR & MAINT. 1,152.69 2,666.49 30,000.00 2-1,333.51 8.90 RUBBISH REMOVAL 0.00 74.00 1,000.00 926.00 7.40 UTILITIES 4,37'7.18 6,686.55 2-7,300.00 20,613.45 24.50- INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 9,800.00 9,800.00 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 136.19 688.75 26,000.00 25,311.25 2.6% LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING 107.98 208.92 1,"/00.00 1,491.08 1.2.3% DUES & PUBLICATIONS 0.00 10.00 '75.00 65.00 13.3% MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE 307.69 307.69 2,000.00 1,692.31 15.40 PERSONAL MILEAGE 0.00 9.25 200.00 190.15 4.6% RADIO REPAIR CONTRACT 297.00 594.00 560.00 -34.00 -6.11. RENTAL PROPERTY MAINT. 40.10 244.47 300.00 55.53 81.5% SPECIAL EVENTS 0.00 0.00 1,700.00 1,700.00 TRANSPORTATION 380.00 760.00 5,400.00 4,640.00 14.1% TRAVEL & CONFERENCE 0.00 66.70 1,500.00 1,433.30 4.4`a UNIFORMS 0.00 50.00 1,600.00 1'550.00 3.10 HOUSEKEEPING SUPPLIES 108.22 111.11 1,500.00 1,388.89 7.40 GOLF MDSE. FOR RESALE 39.05 39.05 12,000.00 11,960.95 0.30 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,027.23 3,388.24 3,500.00 111.76 96.8% SMALL TOOLS 849.34 1,074.9.7 3,000.00 1,925.03 35.80 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 32,005.42 $ 7'7,856.19 $ 491,082.00 $ 413,225.81 15.9% ENUE OVER/UNDER EXP. $ -29,334.86 $ -74,112.13 $ 1'/'/,`118.00 $ 251,830.13 -41..'10 1992 1991 ACTUAL EXP. TO DATE 15.9% 15.20 BUDGET BALANCE 84.1% 6-29 OAKLAND COUNTY ' S AND RECREATION REVENUE GA PARISON WHITE LAKE OAKS MONTH OF: MARCH IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE: 3-31-92 1991 1992 VARIANCE ' REVENUE ITEM ' 1991 1992 VARIANCE $ 0 $ --------------------------------------------------- 0 $ 0 COMM. - FOOD SERVICE ' --------------------------------------;----------------------------------- $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 11,241 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,560 (9,682) , GREENS PEES , 11,710 1,583 (10,127) 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0; MISCELLANEOUS INCOME ; 0 0 0 300 725 425 ; RENT -- HOUSE 900 1,775 875 200 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 (158) ; RENT - GOLF EQUIPMENT 200 ------------------------ 42 -- (158) 28 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 292 264 ; - SKIING 944 292 (652) 598 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 (598) ; RENT - GOLF CARTS 598 0 (598) 394 52 (342) ; SALES - PRO SHOP 411 52 (359) 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 SPECIAL EVENTS p -- ----p---------------p- $ 12,761 $ 2,67:I $ (10,090) -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------- TOTALS $ 14,763 $ 3,744 $ (11,019) i w 0 OAKLANC; COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION OF OPERATIONS AS OF Q/41/92 WINGFIELD OAKS YAC CURRENT YEAR 1992 OVVR(-), % 01. REVQNUE XXXXXXXX MON? I TO DATE RUDGET UNDER BUDGET BU000' COMMISSION - FOOD SERVICE 0.00 0.00 s s,noo.00 s 3,500,00 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME -57.00 43.00 500.00 457.00 8 6,,, SUBSIDY - OAKLAND COUNTY 0.00 0.00 lsloWoo 15.000.00 • RENTAL - FACILITIES 600.00 4A50.00 41,000.00 36,850.00 10 1 1%, SPECIAL EVENrS; 360.00 944,00 12,800.00 11056.00 . 1.41 BUDGET AOjUSTMJNf 0,00 O.o() 0.00 Q C., 0 'I O'l At R'll V 1- N.-UlE 903,00 5,137.00 t 72000.00 S 67,663.00 NX OPERArINU EXPENSES xx*,!,'. SALARIES - FULL SALARIES - PART TIN!*.-, SALARIES - OVER`fIME FRINGE HENEFITS BUILDING MAIN! ENANCF..-. SHORTAGE/OVEQAGi.*.-_ COMMUNICATIONS; DEPRECIATION RUNTAL EXP00 EQUIPMENT REPAIR & MAINT. RUBBISH UTILITIES 1 1.11, `.a (.111 *.? A F LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING PFRSONAL NILFAGI�'. RADID REPAfR CONTRACT SAFEJY SERVICRS SPEC! W EVENTS - UbHFOl*l WAS!. - OFFICE SUPWLS SNiAl.._L *1,0(.,.*,,l_.!) BUDGET 6DJUS10MI, TOTAL EXPENSES REVENUE OVER/UNDPH EXP. 3.340.18 8.582.89 T 01,390.00 42.807.11 16 . 4,, 676.84 11861 .39 20.000.00 18,138.61 9 .3 0.00 428.32 41500.00 4,00,60 9, 5,1.,, 1,246.71 3,848.66 27.271 .00 23,422.34 14 . I% 110.51 138.41 7,000.00 6, a6l, 59 2, 0 4Z 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 W .45 704.16 61000,00 5,29504 11. 7,% 392.00 1,1/6.00 3,600.00 2,424.00 32,/% 23,80 278.71 100.00 _12831 -178.2% 23.58 82.59 21000.00 1,91/.41 4 , 1 llr3 0.(00 :'j, 8 0 0 1,200.00 1.092.00 9. 0%, , 6,344.51 lu,lum wjomao 21,282.41 32 . 1,` 0. Ull. 00 6.700.00 6,100. an., 59.10 10,000.00 9,940.30 0,61"" 23.05 46.10 200,00 255,vo 15 4.11,11. 25,87 65.82 600,00 b34,13 11 , 011. 252.44 504.88 200,00 -304.28 15 2 4'l - 0.00 0.00 0.00 Ck T', 263.08 633,33 12,100.00; 11466.6/ -5.20 499.30 894.90 18,4% 0 , 100 S, 5=0,00 9/1.65 2,0, 31.13 54.82 100,00 80.18 0. 14,357.30 =231.53 a 10,06,00 3 165,318.0 15.5% -13.45400 3 -25,100,ba s-j&.yQ6,00 q -97,6yS,lZ 2 0. 1 OAKLAND COUNTY PP' AND RECREATION REVENUE Cu.-ARISON SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC MONTH OF: MARCH IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE: 3-31-92 1991 1992 VARIANCE ; REVENUE ITEI4 ; 1991 1992 VARIANCE $ 0 $ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 $ 0 ; COMM. - FOOD SERVICE $, 0 $ 0 $ 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (57) (57) ; MISCELLANEOUS INCOME ; 0 43 43 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0; SUBSIDY - OAKLAND COUNTY ; 0 0 0 5,956 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 600 (5,356) ; RENT - FACILITIES 12,434 4,150 (8,284) 430 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 360 (70) ; SPECIAL EVENTS 430 944 514 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 6,386 $ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 903 $ (5,483) TOTALS $ 12,864 $ 5,137 $ (7,727) u_otI `�-: !) I 1A.) I I� Ar_nk STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS AS OF 3/31/92 WATERFORD OAKS PARK CURRENT YEAR 1992 OVER(-), % OF XxxNANXX REVENUE *XxmxxKx MONTH TO DATE BUDGET UNDER BUDGET BUDGEI* COMMISSION - FOOD SERVICE S 000 0,00 $ 71000.00 $ 71000.00 `CELLANEOUS INCOME 24.00 74,00 350.00 276.00 21.1% HOUSE 1,687.50 4,07.50 17,700.00 13.062.50 26.2`il*,' RENTAL - FACILITIES 1130000 4,735,00 18,000,00 13,265.00 26,3T, FEES - DOE OBEDIENCF. 81000 2,580.00 6,400.00 3,a20.00 4001ill, - 8ALLEl 1,575,00 31000,00 3,400.00 400.00 88.2% - BELLY DANCING 18030 180.00 200,00 20,00 90,011i, - GOLI:-' 1,076,00 1,706,00 2,700.00 994.00 63,2% - SQUARE DANCING 1,205.50 3.650.00 19,000.00 15,350.00 19.2n, DANCIr-VJ --270,00 -60.00 6,000.00 6,060,00 -1.0% - SENIOR CIIIZEN<� 189.00 585.00 2,700,00 2,115.00 213% - ROUND DANCING 136.50 3,262.00 10,900.00 7,638.00 29.9% - DANCE FITNESS 1,615.00 31159.00 5,000,00 1,041.00 63.2%, - PHOTOGRAPHY 0 ,00 0 . 0 0 0 , () 0 0 . 10 - WOODCARVING 0,00 120.00 0.00 - 12 0. on - YOGA 600.00 1,125,00 0.00 -1,1250) - CLOGGIN('� 0.00 138.00 000 _1880C) - BRIDGE 7 (a0 C) . Ir".1 () -- - 72' , 010 - NEW EVENTS 0.0 C." l.0 1,800.00 1,00.00 - TOTAL REVENUI::' 1 10,924.50 $ 2S,963,50 $ 101,150.00 $ 72=600 28.6% IN OPERATING EXPENSES SALARIES - FULL lIME $ 5,910.49 $ !Y.412.90 $ 6B,566.00 51,090,10 25.5.5,, SALARIES - PART TIME 641,35 2,162,78 9,500,00 1,337.22 22.81% SALARILS - O1,'RRjlN1-_ 0,C)o 55.99 500.00 444.01 11,01'', FRINGE BENEFITS 2,55Y,88 A698.09 31,443.00 23,744.91 24,5% PPILDING MAINTENANCIF. 542.54 1,162.18 10,000,00 8,07.82 11.611�1r 0 . Q Q 0 .C)0 Q , 0 CI 0 .00 /046 151.27 1'90000 1448da 8. olil", DEPRECIATION 804,6a 2,414.04 6,150.00 3,m 96 39 0'%* EQUIPMENT RENfnL 16,30 263,21 200,00 -63./i EQUIPMENT REPA(R & NAlNr, 218.02 306,48 1,300.00 903,5? 30.51'ro RUBBISH RLMOV(I!_ C", . CK) I Cls, 00 11000.00 892,00 10,8% UTILITIES 6,864.99 11,31 44,600.,II 32,926.69 26.2% INSURANCI::. 0 , ('11 Gf "'). , C' 0 ) , () 0 0 , 0 C) '.i " (", 0 Cl , ".,:j ") GROUNDS MAfN%NANC!_-_. 132do 239.0 22,000.00 22,260,09 1.1% LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANANt.-i 7() b7.40 aOO'OO 242,60 19, 1 DUES & PUBLICAF10% 0 , ".10 0 , C., Q "'D ,0 MISC&LANUCUS ETPRNS[L:. 0(a 00 .)O RADID REPAIR CONIRA01' 396' 00 3/5.00 -21,00 -5 RQN01L PROPERlY MAINT, - al 1 1500.00 1,291.69 SAFETY SERVJUE�_'i 1.1 .(K) C! .0 0 9,60,00 9 655 .0',-) SPKCIAL FVhNb.; c/0307 6,79408 sa,000,00 al,205,12 1/0't, TRANSPORTATION 680.00 11060,00 8,520,00 1,160.00 160',; TRAVEL & C0NPERENC[__-__ 0.00 0,00 aOO'OO aoo'o) 0 . () C" 550.00 550,00 HOUSEKELPING QXPENSI::. 79,21 30,61 21200,00 1,866.3B 15,2% OFFICE SUPPLfE,-, ", .1. .1lea 300,00 292,84 2 '41% SUPPLIES 0, C"C", (', , 0 0 1,000m , 1 Ono. ac" 1*001...S' 12.99 12.99 250,00 23/'Ol 5 '21% BUDGET ADjUSTNLN'l 0 , U 0 Cl , () 0 n , "'.) 0 C) , f. 'j 0 VOVAL EXPENSES $ 23,680,9/ $ 52,984.13 265,109.00 212,224,81 OV:R',/UNDER EXP. $ -12.156,41 $ -24,020.63 0164,559.00 %-1,0=80Y 14.01, X1992 199.6% 1. 6-33 ACTUAL EP. TO DATE: 19.9% 20 BUDGET BALANCE, 80.11,111, OAKLAND COUNTY P S AND RECREATION REVENUE v_.&ARISON WATERFORD OAKS MONTH OF: MARCH IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE: 3-31-92 1991 1992 VARIANCE ; REVENUE ITE14 ; 1991 1992 VARIANCE $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 COMM. - FOOD SERVICE ; $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 24 14 ; MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 54 74 20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,400 1,688 288 ; RENT - HOUSE 3,700 4,638 937 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,370 1,300 (70) ; RENT - FACILITIES ; 4,320 4,735 415 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•------------------------------.- 1,800 810 (990) ; FEES - DOG OBEDIENCE ; 3,610 2,580 (1,030) 1,290 1,575 285 ; - BALLET 2,533 3,000 417 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 183 180 (3) ; - BELLY DANCE i 183 180 (3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 872 1,076 204 ; - GOLF CLASS i 1,502 1,706 204 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 772 1,206 434 ; - SQUARE DANCE 3,608 3,650 42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,650 (270) (1,920) ; - BALLROOM DANCE 3,240 (60) (3,300) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 255 189 (66) ; - SENIOR CITIZENS ; 744 585 (159) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 819 837 17 ; - ROUND DANCE 2,828 3,262 434 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1,443 1,675 232 ; - DANCE FITNESS 2,787 3,159 372 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 120 0 (120) ; - WOODCARVING 270 120 (150) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 120 600 480 ; - YOGA ; 393 1,125 732 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 0 0 - CLOGGING 0 138 138 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 36 3 ; - BRIDGE 81 72 (9) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 0 0; - NEW EVENTS ; 0 0 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 12,137 $ 10,925 $ (1,213) TOTALS ; $ 29003 $ 28,964 $ (940) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oN----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i w .A CIA.KLAND COUNTY PARKS FIND IRECREA-110N *N T OF 01--)MATIONS -STA A S OF 3 / 3 1 / 51 2 (IAKS 6-4AIT.-'R PARK p t j ENFR"ANCEE. SkIfNNING Cl-ASSE-S ADM.(SSfl')f-,l INCOME- Ri-'-'N]*Al.- I.-OCKU-JR-S C L 1 f 1 * f I'll, Ti) DATF 0.00 0.00 8,000 .00 8 - 0 0 0 C; f i 0.0i1 1. 4 0,00 . On- 1 /4 - 0 C-1 0 . 0 0 o of) 0 . oCl 2'c 3 0 0 0- 0 . fl'l 0 2130,000 .0Cl 0.00 0.00 0. CIO 0 C-0 0.01) 0.00 00 1:,.. `D.n. 00 0 0 .CIO .00 18 rD 0 Cl , 0 CI Cl Q :-I - " ( .(-I() , 0 1") (" . on 0 . Cl D 0 r)r-I 0.00 A I%J: rl I 11"'c; SF'j At,,' FLJ`l-L TIME fffl.. 0 E i 11. 1 E` BLY.Q [j)ANK-ii (*,'('.'t-- !,"'I i..J N1 C I D NIS r I tj f S Vhl'lf.NIPCHN A : f.; t*.' 1- It !J 3 ........ SMALL— f C I t 'I OTA-1- t:.v/lP1-:.HS? E: S I .20 0 7 . 0 0 2, 2 D, 0 Cl 0, 00 I 2r)") .`3 6 1 603. 09 -0 xi 0 . 2`7 0,00 0 C-1 I-W .617,11 1 .5 0 4 7 10 "i".1 U'll Gl 0 A J31,Y.." I. 42 5 1) -D . 0 0 Ulki -Z J. Uk) UU C G. (Yl J. UU U DO Of LJ f-I tj 415 3 , rl 9 U U f 'I 0 f.) 6 .6� io f-1 2 6) cl o 2 o tv (- . 1 - A, 1" 4, 21. , " 1'* N1 t i V..' i j N 1-1 l.: I VX IP k 0 'i.." 3 1. -1. -) ., " " - n 1 1 . , A, -1, U A 1.. 1. . 'XP I'D I I' L.., � ) /IY 4 4 . 6-35 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE t ARISON WATERFORD OAKS WAVE POOL 14ONTII OF: MARCH - - ----11--_ -_- --- ------ -------- IN DOLLARS ------- -1_1--- 1--l- - - ------ YEAR TO DATE: ____-_-_- 3-31-92 1991 1992 VARIANCE REVENUE ITEM 1991 1992 VARIANCE $ 0 $ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 $ 0 ; COMM. - FOOD SERVICE ; $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 0 --------------------------------------------- 0 0; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEES - SWIMMING CLASSES ; 0 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0; - GENERAL ADMISSION ; 0 0 0 0 ---------------------------------- 0 0; MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 0 0 0 300 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 --- •------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (300) ; RENT - FACILITIES 300 0 (300) 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------••---------------------------------------------------------- 0 0; RENT - LOCKERS 0 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0; - RAFTS ; 0 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0; - LAWN FURNITURE 0 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0; SPECIAL EVENTS ; 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 300 $ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 $ (300) TOTALS $ 300 $ 0 $ (300) 0AKLAiND COUN1Y PARKS AND RLC I' -..T tON COHNIISS:tim 5 TA TEME:NT OF OPERATIONS (1S OF 3/ c31/92 _ 1WI'l='D WKS TENNIS COMPl_E:;< CURPI M YEAR 10 i. 992 OVEN - ; OF ;r }� f;E:'•JE:NJJ' r1i)NT I Jr11 i : "1 I.D.G T Uf Ir_f, COrENISSi.CiN -- F0,01.) SET<':JIC:E 0.00 $ 0.00 ui 0,100 ; 1rr . 1J TE_NN I •`3 0 .00 0.00 :3 , 0-D0 .00 :3 , ?00 .00 PLACI F01'\' t 1-ENN I S S%IJ . 00 4.30 , 00 C3 ; 5O! ii . C3 ; 0 CI.00! (OI Pla,>C:1=1_L_F;tIEGU5 INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00) RENTAL_ - f=AC):I__:C1*11-_-.S 00.00 15GII0.0l'J i3,000.00 I,5G.-J.00 RENTAL - EC.UIPr1111- 0.00 0. C!C) 50.00 50.00 5r-;!_.t::5 0 .0ia 9.00 SC) .00 ;..00 SHUT V:1_k_I-3C)(;E U 0.0) 0.00 50.00 0 . 1.1 la .0..) �.,�71�!0 .00 ,60D .lit;! k1.rN.I.Sl 'r0UIli'1N! 0.fvu0 0,f'1 0 i;1 /;4-_0.00 St=J::C1:AL. E:'•:c;dl':3 0.00 0.0f..) 0.0... 0 C:!i) V0l_L.f_YL'(-`!f_L 0' 00 O , 0!o "'00, 00 00 .UDG 'f 0 00 0 .007 O .00 _ u . A.1 1 O AL REVENUE. :s 12`90 , 00 5!: I 3'1. 00 s 7 , 0S1.0.00 _A i. ,.. Ci'J :3 . <"`' fv' XXX N t.Ji_L I I r•1E $; O . CiiYI °i CIlti 1 <I' ;,• � i�f , Imo! _ - iJ 7i:l I .tf C7.' 0 .0.) )-a yl iiiI 1 C, ;() OC) 0.00 r ,'-�.I�' I, !. ,.?•L l! ,00 k:` J:iLI)J:Id:a r';I;•�1•ii'IE'•1::k_ CCIh tj ti,lh,E I: C:(t i IONS 8'1.3 0.GIC) Eritl:t 'r'lk:;f'•1f F?Ff';'.1:1; `'I rtr� I Nl '._'.,=;0 f;_.:10 !!.+..Ji'I t„ I iJ1:31 :C `. Ir l { rt!7'•i,`J_. 0 .00 0 . C:)Ci ;� 0-01 . C)O >r+r C)C) :...., . GI'CUJr1Ci`; ri1"I'T l iJr1r1C Ir". <.i. 3.4-') _'l}i..IV i, r7;. :7 I- :i .00i 1 lJrdt�'�(iEi�E E:;�;1'{::rJ:3:: C)Ci llC GI 00 U , Liu ri!�IJ . IJIi Lj (;i(i flf-I 0! .i?!:7 lJ .C)!:j ;i,i!!;i),s.!._i i .i:li) St li'iLL ! CJCJi_S �7 . i.1C) it . l)(:) ;",U . OD i.! ".0 I01'!^L I'll/KPILHISEES r f�r_r. 9 44'.6:'i ;i; /t_i.l'i17 "i0..i 1...\rE•/,7 . %/ •? :7,.`)1i 3 Ali -J_:3,,`?Q 3 .:7.) .!•7C! F3llI:7Cil: ! k:3t1L.;';NCf= 1119.511, - :. 6-37 OAKLAND COUNTI RKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX MONTH OF: MARCH IN DOLLARS YEAR TO DATE: 3-31-92 1991 1992 VARIANCE ; REVENUE ITEM ; 1991 1992 VARIANCE $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ; COMM, - FOOD SERVICE ; $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; TENNIS ; 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 90 (10) ; PLATFOR14 TENNIS ; 740 430 (310) 0 0 0 HORSESHOES 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MISCELLANEOUS INCOME ; 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 200 150 ; RENT - FACILITIES ; 350 500 150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; RENT - EQUIPMENT ; 0 0 0 --------------------------------- 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 ; SALES - MERCHANDISE ; 25 9 (16) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; SHUFFLEBOARD ; 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'----------------- 0 0 0; TENNIS LESSONS ; 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 0 0; TOURNAMENTS: TENNIS ; 0 0 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; SPECIAL EVENTS ; 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0; VOLLEYBALL ---------------- --------------- ------------------------------ ; 0 --I- 0 0 $ 150 $ 290 $ 140 TOTALS , $ 1,115 $ 939 $ (176) ON w 00 OAKLAND COUNI Y PARKS ANWRECREATION COMMISSION STAT6MENr OF OPERATIONS AS OF 3/31/92 ILE RECREATION cuiRENT YKAR 10 1992 OVER % Oi: REVENUE MON rf-i BUDGET UNDER Buma Huowi, MISCFLLANEOUS INCOME $ 0.00 1 485.95 100.00 1 -383.95 -384.0% RENTAL - STAGE SHOW 600.00 11100.00 S,000.00 3,300.00 34 .0; - SHOW MOBILE 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 - SKATE MOBILE 250.00 250.00 6,000.00 5,750.00 4 - MIME NOBLL 0,00 112.50 500.00 382.50 22.5% - PUPPET MOBILE 0.00 125.00 3,000.00 2,87S.00 4 .2 - I ENT S 0 cQ- 0. co 2.00000 2,000.00 DUNK TANK Q -D 10 (", ;Qo.00 2,500.00 1,S00.00 2 8 . 0 SPORTS MOBILE 0,00 0.00 4,000.00 4,000.m.) BUSIC'.S •31565.00 4,675.00 20,000.00 25,32S.00 13 .6 il;* AIR BOUNCE 1,000.00 2.000.00 a,ocomo 6,000.00 25.0,, BLEACHERS Q . cl I"? C., , cl 0 ", C. 'I."., . 0 to 13010 . 00 HI STRIKER loo.od 100.00 a,500.00 3,46al6o-1 Q19% y DIrIly CANP 0.00 111.00 26,000.00 26,000.00 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 0.O i 0.00 0. c. 0.00 TOTAL REVENUE $ 6,015.00 $ 10,146.4S 7 10S,900.00 9545305 9 .6 IN OPERA4ING EXPFNSES NNN F'"ARIFS - FULL 'i'INl! 1; 21,129.60 Y.03,0 $ 24,04. 00 a 17.150,2a 0 1 . ? *,,. L_rile IES - PARF TIN;-.-.' 1,126.17 2,10.43 90,000m 8/1805.57 2 . 4,% SALARIES - OvkRilmi": 39,61 yadl la,000vo 1.Y.926.29 0. 4% FR (NGE HENEF 103 1,094.86 2140 .20 18,S46.49 140�11, -,l I (-, A * 1".1. 0 N ii 00 ci, 00 2. 1 OU. 00 2 . 1CIO . 0 DEPREC 1 AT I O"N' 2,410,55 lo,wl .65 46,600.00 26,248,31 2 2 .2 RQUIPMLNT REPAjR MAINI. 11295.15 2,046,17 19,000.00 16,953,03 1 Q. 8.%i EQULPMENT RENFAL 15.00 30.00 200.00 170.00 15 0. 0 0 14,600.00 14.600, U,0 DUES -0.00 11,00- -- -- ilia. YLLANSOUS VXPHNSl.*. C" C', Al 0 RADIO REPAIR CDNlRAC'l 516.85 11031,Y& 3,aunw 2,Y66,24 2/0"., SPECIAL EVENT!,-, " Kl-_, . (" "]; :322.51 12,00u,no 11,0830 2 I RANspulf Al I O.N, 3165.00 61015,00 W80OZO =125.00 14. 0 1PAVEL. & CONVIDIENtl'- 0.00 404,09 1,20am /95,91 3 L54 1 F ORNS oo 109.46 w.46 1,synwo �11465,54 6,9% SLPPL 1 ES 335,66 lth.66 16,000.00 15,864,34 0.8% TOOLS C, .00 0 . Q(r I 1 '000.100 (4)JUS' H'ILN"! 0 . 0 00 10 14,29S.94 33,09.16 t 316,030.00 s3 02,180.0 to OAKLAND COUN ARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON MOBILE RECREATION MONTH OF MARCH -- 4 - - - -� IN DOLLARS ------N-YEAR -TO---DATE: 1 -3-31-92 --- __ ------- --_-1JJ1 F - 1192 N--VARIAIICE - REVENUE ITEM -._^NNM1-- - -- ----- ___ryMF-NF�1992 M---F-F�-MN VARIANCE $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ; MISCELLANEOUS INCOME ; $ 1,846 $ 484 $ (1,362) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 600 550 ; RENT - STAGE SHOW ; 50 1,700 1,650 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 450 0 (450) ; -- SHOW MOBILE ; 1,100 0 (1,100) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 250 250 ; - SKATE MOBILE ; 0 250 250 ---------------------•------------------------- 0 0 0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - MIME MOBILE i 0 113 113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 ; - PUPPET MOBILE ; 125 125 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; - TENTS 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 500 500 ; - DUNK TANK ; 0 700 700 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 125 0 (125) ; - SPORT'S MOBILE i 250 0 (250) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,312 3,565 2,253 ; - BUSING PROGRAM ; 2,474 4,675 2,201 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 1,000 1,000 ; - MOONWALK MOBILE ; 750 2,000 1,250 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; - BLEACHERS 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 100 100 ; - III -STRIKER ; 0 100 100 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0; ---;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - DAY CAMP ; 0 0 0 $ 1,937 $ ---------------------------------------------------------------I---------------------------------------------- 6,015 $ 4,078 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; TOTALS $ 6,595 $ 10,146 $ 3,551 .A 0 Or=1KLANU COUNTY PARKS AND RF_CREOTION CUrl USSION STA rE:Mc:N r bF OPL-RAT I ON'i AS OF :3/ 31 / 9'2 _ CUIRRL-"NT YE 1 '10 i CJ UNIX"R (-'•kJG(J =T B, t-1C) -, I' r l :(sC:k :Ll_.r-;ta�C11_fS 1 r�C:CiF'1k= s= 0 . i +� :1- 0. on s 0.00 :; O . Cif) F1:rrli-• fQ,I PI"Iirar a .o,a 0.00 700 .aa ; G 0.a0 SF FC A,L F_l-FN I S 0.00 0 ,C,0 20,000.00 ::'a ,Gi +0 00 1AEEKL.Y RA( ES, 0.00 0.00 1,1.00 .0"1 2 , 1.00 .00 SANC*f I C1NLk) RACE S 0.00 0.00 S . CII�+,j . a10 6, 000, [?a VOLUNTEER AT-30CIr;T HON 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TCH AL REVI_NUE $ 0 , fir I 6$1 0.00 �: _C , =;C;v . CO ,ll FULL 'i .I. ME `. 0,00 "z 0.00 `!i 0.00 `1i 0. i� J 1-I.1I:'.: 0.0r, 0.0+0 0 0 "]; 101 00 '0,010a.r)0 _S11)[ IRILFti - ovi-:RT:IMU. _ 0.00 _ 0 iCI a.fifj 0 rjij FRINGE.-*. li1 rJEF= 11"S Ci .taa 0 .ni:i �� �';;u 000 .00; Li1.JI1...DING r1 :I:rr11=P'J a1C:k t).O0 0 Oct 50:. 00 1:.0'10 0 0 `3k-1(i1-%TA(:,1_/0VERAG1:: 0.00 a .C',0 0.00 0.00 (:cirlru_1N I r_:f-i r ?:CiF :i "I , <3 t; • Z.,- t.; ; , I -fC :, - «• I)1.-A IRECIA`, FJ(;N 1.1.5 .9% 3= 7 .`2I h,EN'I', IL_ I.;.{ :A]SF C . G.: 0 . C+.J Cj , i..a 5.. EQ1JL1')N:- I K�:I'�rtl1, I:< hl,'i1rJ1 . (I •Olj U .11Ci 4.t: ,+.Ula 1U.) .UIU 1-=:L1!31. 1. S1 I I:L-!'i' 1'.!r r!_ i.i . fth! i j . Oia :'Cf' . ai) 0.C)f Ci.(.'li ,i ....f:ii: ,iIDD fa;; GRZOUrJI)S) a . i:i0 0. ali r1.0 . JU 4 ,r!i:i:. i0 Ia1J1::`> !='U1. L.:l(:=i Lj:( FJ`.: i:2 .O0 (:I .t}"i t.._ ,Cl0 ,_.._ 0C) �'7 . as _ u . l:)Ci :;; .tali r •'1.. Ci`. P1::Fz50rlr1L. P11:1_.EAGE i) .ai a ,Oia a .1i10 Cik�k_C:I.r1(_ I!:'ErJl:: (].00 0.0.a ,v iJ.UJ 1.,r,fJUC..UU Tr? 1NS!:)C1fRt ftl 1:(arJ is .t)I:) 0 .Cis) 0.00 C1 ,00 ;` . .. l- ;'C=,;1-r_.v.:;,_ . 1 I I 1. , .,'.. _ U. n,! J , l... I iifi ,sC ::... LI i:....:'., -I( 1_. !� ,•,:. .,1.1 . I I;: r ..I,! _ _ •''i I,ii.i - ------ , • , 1 tIU _ _ ___ __ _ _ 01:1=11`:k_ ;=iUPP'!_:I.I_(;„i.i,!) I I,..i - ;:r;'..": i, t.`Ab .l`:If) 1::+ .tali .. `'�.i .i'i) '.:' - ...._..';0i..' IC) .... C!i) 1:i1.11:i(:i1':T f)I)J1J:� ! r Er'J I 0 .I:ita 0 .ia A. .. . 3 , - �ii::�: � fit• - - f IC ! UPIL 1':.C!'' l 0 1);`I 1 c: B'LiD(-.iEJ BALANCE i l c,,. C,, /ro 6-41 _ OAKLAND COUN ARKS AND RECREATION REVENUE COMPARISON BICYCLE MOTO CROSS PROGRAM MONTH OF: MARCH �- - �- M - --- -- - ,.,. _ -IN DOLLARS-- ---------- YEAR -TO�DATE��3�31�92����-��- ----_- NM-1991 -1992 - -- VARIANCE NN, REVENUE - --- -_ - -- -'-- - F--�� ----- ^� �1992 -VARIANCE $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ; MISCELLANEOUS INCOME ; $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; RENT - EQUIPMENT ; 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; SPECIAL EVENTS ; 0 0 0 -------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEEKLY RACES ; 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 0 0; SANCTIONED RACES ; 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I----------------------------------------------- ----------- -------------- - 0 0; VOLUNTEER ASSOCIATION I I I I I I I ; 0 0 0 ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I---------------------------------------------- ------------ -------------------------------------------I---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $ 0 $ ------------------------------I---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 0 1 I ; TOTALS I I ; $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 .p N - - - . Ut Ik L('tNt) CCIUNTY PA KS� `AND RECREATION COMM` c --- --- _ I �S I QN - 0,Q0Y; STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS AS OF 3/31/92 JK N;-11•tJf;l: Pfa)f3I?�111 :: CURIZt_N'h , r_F;l� TO 1992 ' Ql'1=1a -1, GI= MXXKxkgx REVENUE XKKxmxkX MON11 DATE': BUDGET UNDER BUDGET BUDGET MISCELLANEOUS SCELLANEOUSi INCOME `5 2 5.00 aOO.00 S 4,500.00 1 4,200.00 6. 7 m SPECIAL. EVENTS �556.7`5 i,445.00 �-,24 3,70.00 27 1, TOTAL_ REVENUE 481.15 .745.0!0 $ 9.740.00 ,, 7,995.00 9% cK OPERATING EXPENSES �x SAL01'Z I I_S - FULL TIME 1. 1 , 8 32- la W d<3 , 768.96 a 130099.00 :;: 96 ; 8-30i . 0 4 2 5.9% .;Ai._r'RIE.S -- PARr TIME 1,707.78 5,222.78 33,000.00 27,767.22 1 ' 9% SALARIES - OVr Rl I ME 0.00 0,00 500.00 :.500.00 F'Rl.hd'.E BENEFITS 5,1.aa. s:3 111577.85 66,038.00 'SO `•.,_.. 5 23,Kill, C N` NUNICAT f.QNS 125.51 265.41. 3,400.00 3,134.59 .59 :,13i :L" DEPRECIATION a i87.Gc 851.40 4,400.00 ,3,,)=i:s'�.v0 i 9 .=:-% - -- -_. RENTAL EXPENSE _ _ _ _ 0 . i)0 - - 0. 00 4 -,:-•,- 0_ 4.500.00 _ EQUIPMENr 'a'=')AIR " MAfNT. 0.00 0.00 550.00 550.00 U•LILI•LIE=S 1,00309 2,389.83 8,300.00 5,91.0.17 , 8 % INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 800.00 800.00 l_r-'UNDRY & DRY CLEANING 92.20 202.84 960.00 257.16 %, 1I IE :i & PUBLICATIONS 154.40 206.90 500.00 293.10 41.. 4% MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE 0.00 0,00 ll;.13 l i , 010 5O0.0 i RADIO REPAIR CONTRACT F 198.00 8.00 396.00 390.00 -_ .6.00 •-4 . ,.'_`L: SPECIAL EVENTS 1;'`:i .0!:i 1.7`5 .Cii:i ,C:.)�) .0C) :,: :3,�•3;':5 .0i) 4 .<.i-,1; I F- N S F) CZA I C' 504.16 !a,ie 904.16 0%.1:4,800.00 ,8 00 . 00 9 , 0095.84 B. ,:✓ TRAVEL & L'.(:'•'i-t:icC:1.10E 1.13.50 113.50 2,500.00 _ ,;. -...0 45 UNIFORM EXPENSE - 0,00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000,00 OFFICE SUPPL• 1 E43 344.53 419.10 41000.00 a 580 9 Ci 5 RECREATION SUPPLIES ES 836,11 1.154.19 ,'s'li t . 00 a,145.81 3 '>% SMAl__L.. TOOLS 166.32 242.17 850.00 607.83 5 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O I l'II.. a 22,179.901 61,900,09 $ 1-.t t. A.,/ r.!1J $ 210696.91 _t__ , % FZEllFatli.E OVER/UNDER QXP 6 --21..698. 3 $ -60. 55 f-•!,: 0266057.00 0 0 AC FLJr;I_- EXP . To D,Ill=: ,. say + 3 % BUDGET BALANCE: V7 6;;; OWN&6-43 :; OAKLAND COU PARKS AND RECREATION REVhi,oE COMPARISON NATURE CENTER MONTH OFNMMARGH --- INDOLLARS------- -�---- �-------YEAR O�------- 2-------- —1—---- — M 1991. 1.992 ry VARIANCE REVENUE ITEM N M- ry�- _ �1991-� �� ���1992— N VARIANCEMM-- $ 155 $ 25 $ (130) ; MISCELLANEOUS INCOME $ 155 $ 300 $ 145 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 649 457 (192) ; SPECIAL EVENTS ; 1,336 1,445 109 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------..-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----..-..----- --------------- - - ------ ---------------------------------------- ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 804 $ 482 $ (322) TOTALS ; $ 1,491 $ 1,745 $ 254 i -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS ------ ECREATION COMMISSION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENO BUDGET FOR 1992 AS OF 3/31/92 SUMMARY TOTAL FOR ALL PARKS ESTIMATED 1991 1992 NET NEW ESTIMATED CONTRACT(S) CONTRACT(S) PROJECT PARK ---- ---------------- PROJECT COST --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- ADJUSTMENT ------------- -- ADJUSTMENT -------------- PROJECT COST --------------- AMOUNT PAID --------------- RETAINER --------------- AWARDED BALANCE --------------- BALANCE --------------- AD141 NISTRATION $4,336,663.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,336,663.00 $(6,019.50) $0.00 $0.00 $4,330,643.50 ADDISON OAKS 1,205,171.00 0.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 1,245,171.UO (530,233.72) 6,570.73 (74,649.50) 646,858.51 GROVELAND OAKS 437,000.00 0.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 445,000.00 (12,751.87) 0.00 (4,117.80) 428,130.33 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 289,060.00 5,849.43 459.54 6,308.97 295,368.97 (110,752.81) 8,415.25 (32,393.66) 160,637.75 ORION OAKS 0.00 0.00 U.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 GLEN OAKS 139,258.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 139,258.00 (56,965,33) 0.00 0.00 82,292.67 RED OAKS 105,295.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 105,295.00 (1,995.62) 0.00 0.00 103,299.38 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 105,351.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 105,351.00 (27,478.41) 2,084.35 (8,632.50) 71,324.44 WHITE LAKE OAKS 163,792.00 U.00 0.00 0.00 163,792.00 (792.00) 0.00 0.00 163,000.00 WATERFORD OAKS 882,568.00 0.00 (600.00) (600.00) 881,968.00 (11,124.69) 0.00 00,000.00) 860,843.31 CONTINGENCY 559,401.00 (5,849.43) (47,859.54) (53,708.97) 505,692.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 505,692.03 --------- 1----- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- CAPITAL PROJECTS TOTAL $8,223,559.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,223,559.00 $(758,113.95) $17,070.33 $0 29,793.46) $7,352,721.92 A V I N OAKLAND COUNTY PA ND RECREATION COMMISSION CAPITAL IMPROVLVENT BUDGET FOR 1992 AS OF 3/31/92 ACTG. D. & D. ESTIMATED 1991 1992 NET NEW ESTIMATED CONTRACT(S) CONTRACT(S) PROJECT NO. NO. ADMINISTRATION PROJECT COST ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT PROJECT COST AMOUNT PAID RETAINER AWARDED BALANCE BALANCE ----- ------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------------------------ 011 ADM-03 FUTURE ACQUISITION & IMP. $4,330,643.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,330,643.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,330,643.50 013 ------ LYON ROOKERY ACQUISITION 6,009.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,009.00 (6,009.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 014 ------ ROSE TOWNSHIP PROPERTY 10.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.50 (1U.50) 0.00 0.00 0.00 --------------- ADMINISTRATION TOTAL ----------------------------- $4,336,663.00 --------------- $0.00 --------------- $0.00 $0.00 ------------------------------ $4,336,663.00 --------------- $(6,019.50) --------------- $0.00 $0.00 $4,330,643.50 A 9 OAKLAND COUNTY PA VD RECREATION COMMISSION CAPITAL IMPROv,vENT BUDGET FOR 1992 AS OF 3/31/92 ACTG. D. & D. ESTIMATED 1991 1992 NET NEW ESTIMATED NO. NO. ADDISOW OAKS PROJECT COST ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT PROJECT COST AMOUNT PAID ----- ------------------------------------- --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- 084 AO-46 FENCE 089 AO-02 BOTAN ICAL GARDENS 093 AO-40 SUN DECK, CONCESSION BLDG. 095 AO-04 CONCESSION BLDG. REPAIR 099 AO-39 PICNIC SHELTER (LAKE) 104 AO-10 PLAY LOT III AO-17 MASTER PLAN UPDATE 115 AO-21 YOUTH GROUP SHELTER 117 AO-48 BOILERS (2) 120 AO-28 CONF. CTNR. IMPROVE. 123 AO-34 SEWAGE SYSTEM RENOVATION 126 AO-45 GAS TANK REPLACEMENT ADDISON OAKS TOTAL V I W $70,000.00 $0.00 6,000.00 0.00 2U,OOU.OU 0.00 193,703.00 0.00 40,000.00 0.00 30,000.00 0.00 20,00O.OU 0.00 150,000.00 0.00 O.00 0.00 480,138.00 0.00 165,330.00 0.00 30,000.00 0.00 $1,2U5,171.00 $0.00 rt 9 CONTRACTS(S) CONTRACT(S) PROJECT RETAINER AWARDED BALANCE BALANCE ------------------------------.-------------- $0.00 $0.Uu $/0,000,00 $0.00 $U.00 $0.00 $70,000.O0 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.UO 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 193,703.00 (189,706.07) 0.00 0.00 3,996.93 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 O.00 0.00 2u,000.Ou (13,534.90) 0.00 (4,461.00) 2,004.10 0.00 0.00 150,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 150,000.00 40,000.00 4U,000.UO 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 O.UO 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 480,138,u0 (296,474.87) 6,570.73 (26,068.50) 164,165.36 0.00 0.00 165,330.00 (30,517.88) 0.00 (44,120.OU) 90,692.12 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 -------------------------- $40,000.00 $40,000.O0 --------------- $1,245,171.00 --------------- --------------- $(530,233./2) --------------- $6,570.73 --------------- $(74,649.50) $646,858.51 OAKLAND COUNTY PA ND RECREATIO14 COMMISSION CAPITAL- IMPRO-,CNT BUDGET FOR 1992 AS OF 3/31/92 ACTG. D. & D. ESTIMATED 1991 1992 NET NEW ESTIMATED CONTRACT(S) CONTRACT(S) PROJECT NO. NO. GROVELAND OAKS PROJECT COST ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT PROJECT COST AMOUNT PAID RETAINER AWARDED BALANCE BALANCE --- --- --- - - ------ -------- - ------------------------------ -------------- ------------------------------ --------------- ------------------------------ ----------- 151 GRO-24 GROUP CAMP AREA $IUO,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100,000.00 152 CR 0-31 PLAY LOT 110,000.U0 0.00 0.00 0.00 110,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 110,000.00 160 CRO-Ul TREE PLANTING & LANDSCAPING 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 179 GRO-34 CAMP RENCY. - EAST SIDE 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 (114.95) 0.00 0.00 49,885.05 190 GRO-36 PRIMARY ELECTRIC UPGRADE 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50o000.00 195 GRO-30 MASTER PLAN UPDATE 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 (12,284.60) 0.00 (4,117.80) 3,597.60 196 CR0-25 PARKING IMPROVEMENT 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 198 GRO-33 SEWAGE STUDY & IMP. 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2U,000.00 199 GIO-27 STORAGE/WORKSHOP BLDG. 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,UU0.UU (352.32) 0.00 0.00 49,647.68 200 GRO-39 BOILER, CONCESSION BLDG. 0.00 0.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,000.00 GROVELAND OAKS TOTAL --------------- -------------- $437,OOU.O0 --------------- $0.00 ------------- $8,000.00 - $8,000.00 --------------- --------------- $445,000.00 --------------- $0 2,751.87) --------------- $0.00 --------------- $(4,117.80) $428,130.33 10 OAKLAND COUNTY PA NO RECREATION COMMISSION CAPITAL. IMPRL.-r NT BUDGET FOR 1992 AS OF 3/31/92 ACTG. D. & D. ESTIMATED 1991 1992 NET NEW ESTIMATED CONTRACT(S) CONTRACT(S) PROJECT NO. ----- NO. ------- INDEPENDENCE OAKS ------------------------------ PROJECT COST --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- PROJECT COST --------------- AMOUNT PAID --------------- RETAINER --------------- AWARDED BALANCE --------------- --------------- BALANCE 231 I0-25 EW IRONMENTAL CENTER $16,631.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $16,631.00 $(2,495.16) $0.00 $0.00 $14,135.84 233 I0-11 TWIN CHIMNEYS IMP. 92,540.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 92,540.00 (69,326.30) 6,319.90 (23,996.16) 5,537.44 245 I0-03 NATURE CENTER LANDSCAPE 10,263.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,263.00 (7,262.62) 0.00 0.00 3,000.38 251 10-35 PICNIC SHELTER (AMPHITHEATER) 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 (3,245.16) 0.00 0.00 1,754.84 259 10-30 PICNIC SHELTER (BEACH) 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 269 I0-27 HIKE TEACHING STATION 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 U.00 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 210 10-24 NEW PARK OFFICE 1b,000.00 0.00 U.00 0.00 15,000.U0 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 271 10-29 BIKE PATH TRAIL 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 (385.00) 0.00 0.00 14,615.00 272 10-23 POLE BARN 34,626.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34,626.00 (21,729.60) 2,095.35 (8,397.50) 6,594.25 273 10-41 3" WELL/TWIN CF61. RESTROO`1 0.00 5,849.43 459.54 6,308.97 6,308.97 (6,308.97) 0.00 0.00 0.00 274 I0-22 MA1NT. STORAGE BINS 4,000.UO 0.00 0.00 U.OU 4,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 275 10-36 DREDGING 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 INDEPENDENCE OAKS TOTAL --------------- $289,060.00 -------------- $5,849.43 --------------- $459.54 --------------- $6,308.97 --------------- $295,368.97 --------------- $0 10,752.81) --------------- $8,415.25 --------------- --------------- $(32,393.66) $160,637.75 A OAKLAND COUNTY PA O RECREATION COMMISS1014 CAPITAL IMPROVLrTNT BUDGET FOR 1992 AS OF 3/31/92 ACTG. D. & D. ESTIMATED 1991 1992 NET NEW ESTIMATED NO. NO. GLEN OAKS PROJECT COST ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT PROJECT COST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 342 GLO-08 PAVE CART PATHS 351 GLO-02 CLUBHOUSE LANDSCAPING 361 GLO-12 DRAINAGE IMP. 364 GLO-17 FUEL TANK & PUMA 369 GLO-24 MATERIAL STORAGE BINS GLEN OAKS TOTAL. CONTRACT(S) CONTRACT(S) PROJECT AMOUNT PAID RETAINER AWARDED BALANCE BALANCE ------------------------------------------------------ $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 17,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17,000.00 62,258.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 62,258.00 (56,965.33) 0.00 0.00 5,292.67 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 --------------- 0.00 --------------- 0.00 --------------- 10,000.00 ----------------------------- $139,258.00 --------------- $0.00 --------------- $0.00 --------------- $0.00 --------------- $139,258.UU $(56,965.33) $0.00 $0.00 $82,292.67 ACTG. D. & D. NO. N0. RED OAKS 376 RO-17 CONCRETE DRIVE, W.P. 387 RO-01 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT 390 RO-19 MAINT. BLDG. IMPROVEMENT 393 RO-29 GOLF TEE SIGNS 394 RO-07 PROTECTIVE FENCING 405 RO-26 GAS PUMPS RED OAKS TOTAL V i V OAKLAND COUNTY PA NU RECREATION COMMISSION CAPITAL IMPRu- 4 NT BUDGET FOR 1992 AS OF 3/31/92 ESTIMATED 1991 1992 NET NEW ESTIMATED CONTRACT(S) CONTRACT(S) PROJECT PROJECT COST --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- --------------- ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT --------------- PROJECT COST --------------- AMOUNT PAID --------------- RETAINER --------------- AWARDED BALANCE ------------------------------ BALANCE $5,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 16,295.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,295.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,295.00 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 (1,995,62) 0.00 0.00 8,004.38 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 --------------- 0.00 --------------- --------------- 30,000.00 --------------- $105,295.00 -------------- $0.00 --------------- $0.00 --------------- $0.00 --------------- $1U5,295.00 --------------- $(1,995.62) $0.00 $0.00 $103,299.38 A OAKLAND COUNTY PA: 'ID RECREATION COMMISSI014 CAPITAL 1MPRU -PENT BUDGET FOR 1992 AS OF 3/31/92 ACTG. D. & D. ESTIMATED 1991 1992 NET NEW ESTIMATED CONTRACT(S) CONTRACT(S) PROJECT NO. ----- NO. -------- SPRINGFIELD OAKS ------------------------------- PROJECT COST --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- ADJUSTMENT --------------- PROJECT COST --------------- AMOUNT PAID ------------------------------ RETAINER AWARDED BALANCE ------------------------------ BALANCE 453 SO-18 FAIRWAY IRRIGATION $10,000.00 $U.00 $0.00 $U.UU $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 464 SO-04 CART PATH IMPROVEMENT 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 474 SO-09 NEW TREES 4,000.U0 0.00 O.UU 0.00 4,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 477 SO-12 IMPROVE N15 TEE 7,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 (4,217.63) 0.00 0.00 2,782.37 482 SO-14 GAS PUMP 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 (990.00) 0.00 0.00 29,010.00 484 SO-15 MAINT. BLDG. ADDITION 44,351.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 44,351.00 (22,270.78) 2,084.35 --------------- (8,632.50) --------------- --------------- 15,532.07 SPRING. OAKS G.C. TOTA- --------------- $105,351.00 -------------- $0.00 --------------- $0.00 --------------- $0.00 --------------- $105,351.00 --------------- $(27,478.41) $2,084.35 $(8,632.50) $71,324.44 V I 00 OAKLAND COUNTY PA _-,ID RECREATION COMMISSION CAPITAL. IMPROVLOINT BUDGET FOR 1992 AS OF 3/31/92 ACTG. D. & D. ESTIMATED 1991 1992 NET NEW ESTIMATED CONTRACT(S) CONTRACT(S) PROJECT NO. NO. WHITE LAKE OAKS PROJECT COST ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT PROJECT COST A14OUNT PAID RETAINER AWARDED BALANCE BALANCE --- - ---- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------I------------------------------------------------------------------- 301 WLO-18 HEATING/COOLING RENOVATION $30,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $30,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $30,000.00 307 WL 0-15 PAVE NORTH PARKING LOT 85,792.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 85,792.00 (792.00) 0.00 0.00 85,000.00 313 WLO-03 CART PATH IMPROVEMENT 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 320 WLO-16 REPLACE GAS TANKS 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 322 W-0-11 NEW TREES 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 --------------- O.OU 6,000.UO --------------- W41TE LAKE OAKS TOTAL --------------- -------------- 1.163,792.00 --------------- $0.00 --------------- $O.UO --------------- $0.00 --------------- $163,792.00 --------------- $(792.UO) $0.00 $0.00 $163,000.00 A OAKLAND COUNTY P AND RECREATION COMMISSION CAPITA. IMPR-r1ENT BUDGET FOR 1992 AS OF 3/31/92 ACTG. D. & D. ESTIMATED 1991 1992 NET NEW ESTIMATED CONTRACT(S) CONTRACT(S) PROJECT NO. NO. WATERFORD OAKS PROJECT COST ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT PROJECT COST AMOUNT PAID RETAINER AWARDED BALANCE BALANCE 529 WAO-20 PLAY LOT $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15,O00.00 $(9,157.00) $O.OU $0.00 $5,843.00 530 WAO-26 BLDG. RENOV./CARPET, W.P. 3UO,OOO.O0 0.00 0.00 0.00 300,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300,000.00 534 WAO-28 AIR CONDITIONING, A.C. 35,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35,000.00 569 WAO-05 WINTER PARK ACTIVITY 520,030.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 520,030.00 (29.69) 0.00 (10,000.00) 510,000.31 572 WAO-18 SIGN SYSTEM 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 576 WAO-11 W.P. FENCING & SHELTER* 0.00 0.00 (300.00) (300.00) (300.OU) 300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 579 WAO-24 BUILDING DEMOLITION 7,538.00 0.00 O.OU 0.00 7,538.00 (2,538.O0) 0.00 0.00 5,O00.00 580 WAO-10 PICNIC SHELTER/CONC. BLDG., BMX* O.UO 0.00 (3OO.UO) (300.OU) (300.00) 300.OU O.UU 0.00 --------------- 0.00 WATERFORD OAKS TOTAL --------------- $882,568.OU -------------- $O.OU --------------- $(60U.00) --------------- $(600.00) --------------- $881,968.O0 --------------- --------------- $0 1,124.69) $0.00 --------------- $(10,000.00) $860,843.31 *BOND REFUND V 1 0 ITEM #8 1991 AUDIT REPORT Enclosed is a copy of the audit report of the financial records for 1991 of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. The report shows we are in sound financial condition. We exceeded our revenue budget by $582,674; $109,241 remains from the 1991 operating budget. However, we did incur prior year utility charges at Red Oaks Waterpark in the amount of $125,000 and paid the first payment of $25,000 (see page 7, note E - long-term debt). This means we will have $566,915 more for capital. As indicated on page 11 of the audit report, several of our cost centers show an excess of expenditures over budget; however, the total expenditures for operations are $109,241 under the total budget. Therefore, in compliance with the Michigan Uniform Local Budgeting Act and the Commission By-laws, staff recommends the Comm- ission amend the 1991 operating budget to $8,486,981 with the individual amounts for each budget center to be the same as those shown in the "actual" column of page 11 of the report and to approve the prior period expense obligation of $125,000. The net worth of the Commission as of December 31, 1991 was $40,301,046, with a fund balance of $5,855,959. Of that amount, $3,387,113 was committed to capital projects. 8-1 ,to 19 OR�''SI�G p01��-�' e�asiu� Po�.i.cY 2 ur our ��Bu9 Amerfoa�" Pthe age�aa for a nets art,�otie o for yne1Us1oz� �.n Attae�ea 1s a� fox requested �airm that V roe eats. regiev aua ooaau 9—L 'Comment W'ndecker sound VOTIC ts arebasi- BY L.R' Win 1—'rer is head of "Buy American,,, when applied to L.R • A,utodatum, a l,lvo- roducts, is sound American arch firm• value-competitivep create n!abasedre nomic policy pzodu o e to the tax flows. Those concep trans_ cally untrue.'Final assembl o Ay Te_ plants and their workers areand placements for closed Plan e workers in another area, The laid-off a of a new domestic p same is tru is are heavy un- Also, as trans rtS1ap o�imately one Porters dom tic supplier plant is eco rovide inc job in a al assembly job in a jobs and jobs des to the govern?nen" " erica" lost for each operation- In sonOe casQg citizens anThat is lantts a1e more efficient, m articularly when referring transplant uy tat bodies of thus country' should mase, p t Utter r The fact that we PrO- the transp not. economic real es are virtually to automobiles.roduce some they are,obs handling imp°xts incomeS and pious governmen-,,orders but do p A] po obs. They only re - arable. The rang duce no cam' o, insep competitive vehic�onfuse the auto' are not additional j d railroad or tal bodies in this country up cor In an effort to oars have lace jobs lost at iT►lan aT � as dlstri- from township to federal --soak ue, some imp • Ttation Y ately one third of our na- motive iss e, dlan built vehicles as Pluck tTanspo e economic�h did approxim Governments spend described There is .howev- bution sYsxns tional efforts, wisely, some un- American•aan neutral. A Toyota executive, w being uT1" automotive be noted: when asked some of the mOne� collect their tax- er, a U.S'Cana whi rfect, is not want to q ,"We know wisely,buttheY other. They actthat,while S. °bs» butldon't es and fees one way Orusual revenues trade p tJ g• and Canadian about"nQw 1 obs, relatively neutral• North they are nbert, new (executive cannot obtain the and unemployed Vehicles with substantialT content are tbink (RA any) is g° from closed plants can increase American parts and "bO resident of the comp obs ' Governments balance. High North vice-p re lacement 1 workers. Go inrelativebalan vehicles mgtocallthem replacement takes and fees onthe o ersmtoamaake up American content Can vehi- The owners of importe workers and emp y more tax- American they provide local ,us adding are not un- cult dealershipstblebase. That is also the shortfall --aP benefits to the un- cles are not un-Canadian..t it is dif�i jobs an dfeestop y dedeal- es andditionally, govern- us Ithasbeen s.iidatn �encan car• untrue, as the imported, cment for a employed. A deeper into debt, thus to tell just what lcult. Just ask is usually ° deep ser- isn't that diff g ership finished or unbuilt domes meats can additional revenues to It really closed, dim , the same requiringwhat percent of the orth America"- tic dealeT3hip, most often arts andlabor are N d market- However, there are a vice the interesttffor 1 a professor of distribution ancommunity' yank of Mich- P ore the dis ber of new but fully University Ign thin the United States, limitednum enient jobs in economics at the overnm u,_ ing costs wl they are neutral, duplicative want and import °p" igan, comT°entmg o t on, Said' for as we shaU see+ ow the . otivecompanieskn volvedintran3p attitudes about tare Vernments as an The autom , content data, some erationa Products payers are seen by g be drawn on manufacturing tbuyers to know American automotive P ool that can are competitive. Amen loved insuranceP „)Nrlien discussing simply don't wan is wouldbe to share the costs• atterns, Some say content on difficult. Not so. truck prices are on averag aver - world economic a nsive andufac- prices, the quality world trade and aidthat"the solvency too expe antes know the man than import p styling for Stafford alsos stems is one of The comp vehicles ages are virtually even, rejections of our own social Y turing Content of their own of their vea and xej uestions (to be COnsideenc)an d and have the data for many both receive Ta economic advante the q etitive American an If a $2 box of breakfast and the national Buying comp or create j a corapetitora• list of goes to the domestic bxan� lied products to sustain sound, y be labeled for a long when applied cereal can andvitamins, a $20,000 "Bugg American, be they eye - pro ins, is economically Tide cal cbemi� d another line on competitive Products, t has been mostly is alogical the concep h illog► car or truck can step glasses or automobiles: Perhaps culed or dismiasedteents One ap- the window sticker. d suc- onomic policy. onebuya iderablean eTi_ nationalec subvertedby or emotional COM every There is a u° to convince Amen- that is why It is being pzoach is to say so what cessNA campaign xs• d roducts, s la" plants the importe some imPoxte it does matter* cans that the fobs pand create new does it ma!1I.Yetily that anyone ate many new j Another ipoY camcorder owning a 9-2 W'ndecker sound VOTIC ts arebasi- BY L.R' Win 1—'rer is head of "Buy American,,, when applied to L.R • A,utodatum, a l,lvo- roducts, is sound American arch firm• value-competitivep create n!abasedre nomic policy pzodu o e to the tax flows. Those concep trans_ cally untrue.'Final assembl o Ay Te_ plants and their workers areand placements for closed Plan e workers in another area, The laid-off a of a new domestic p same is tru is are heavy un- Also, as trans rtS1ap o�imately one Porters dom tic supplier plant is eco rovide inc job in a al assembly job in a jobs and jobs des to the govern?nen" " erica" lost for each operation- In sonOe casQg citizens anThat is lantts a1e more efficient, m articularly when referring transplant uy tat bodies of thus country' should mase, p t Utter r The fact that we PrO- the transp not. economic real es are virtually to automobiles.roduce some they are,obs handling imp°xts incomeS and pious governmen-,,orders but do p A] po obs. They only re - arable. The rang duce no cam' o, insep competitive vehic�onfuse the auto' are not additional j d railroad or tal bodies in this country up cor In an effort to oars have lace jobs lost at iT►lan aT � as dlstri- from township to federal --soak ue, some imp • Ttation Y ately one third of our na- motive iss e, dlan built vehicles as Pluck tTanspo e economic�h did approxim Governments spend described There is .howev- bution sYsxns tional efforts, wisely, some un- American•aan neutral. A Toyota executive, w being uT1" automotive be noted: when asked some of the mOne� collect their tax- er, a U.S'Cana whi rfect, is not want to q ,"We know wisely,buttheY other. They actthat,while S. °bs» butldon't es and fees one way Orusual revenues trade p tJ g• and Canadian about"nQw 1 obs, relatively neutral• North they are nbert, new (executive cannot obtain the and unemployed Vehicles with substantialT content are tbink (RA any) is g° from closed plants can increase American parts and "bO resident of the comp obs ' Governments balance. High North vice-p re lacement 1 workers. Go inrelativebalan vehicles mgtocallthem replacement takes and fees onthe o ersmtoamaake up American content Can vehi- The owners of importe workers and emp y more tax- American they provide local ,us adding are not un- cult dealershipstblebase. That is also the shortfall --aP benefits to the un- cles are not un-Canadian..t it is dif�i jobs an dfeestop y dedeal- es andditionally, govern- us Ithasbeen s.iidatn �encan car• untrue, as the imported, cment for a employed. A deeper into debt, thus to tell just what lcult. Just ask is usually ° deep ser- isn't that diff g ership finished or unbuilt domes meats can additional revenues to It really closed, dim , the same requiringwhat percent of the orth America"- tic dealeT3hip, most often arts andlabor are N d market- However, there are a vice the interesttffor 1 a professor of distribution ancommunity' yank of Mich- P ore the dis ber of new but fully University Ign thin the United States, limitednum enient jobs in economics at the overnm u,_ ing costs wl they are neutral, duplicative want and import °p" igan, comT°entmg o t on, Said' for as we shaU see+ ow the . otivecompanieskn volvedintran3p attitudes about tare Vernments as an The autom , content data, some erationa Products payers are seen by g be drawn on manufacturing tbuyers to know American automotive P ool that can are competitive. Amen loved insuranceP „)Nrlien discussing simply don't wan is wouldbe to share the costs• atterns, Some say content on difficult. Not so. truck prices are on averag aver - world economic a nsive andufac- prices, the quality world trade and aidthat"the solvency too expe antes know the man than import p styling for Stafford alsos stems is one of The comp vehicles ages are virtually even, rejections of our own social Y turing Content of their own of their vea and xej uestions (to be COnsideenc)an d and have the data for many both receive Ta economic advante the q etitive American an If a $2 box of breakfast and the national Buying comp or create j a corapetitora• list of goes to the domestic bxan� lied products to sustain sound, y be labeled for a long when applied cereal can andvitamins, a $20,000 "Bugg American, be they eye - pro ins, is economically Tide cal cbemi� d another line on competitive Products, t has been mostly is alogical the concep h illog► car or truck can step glasses or automobiles: Perhaps culed or dismiasedteents One ap- the window sticker. d suc- onomic policy. onebuya iderablean eTi_ nationalec subvertedby or emotional COM every There is a u° to convince Amen- that is why It is being pzoach is to say so what cessNA campaign xs• d roducts, s la" plants the importe some imPoxte it does matter* cans that the fobs pand create new does it ma!1I.Yetily that anyone ate many new j Another ipoY camcorder owning a 9-2 ITEM 110 INDEPENDENCE OAKS BEACH SHELTER Bids were received for a 5" reinforced concrete floor for the beach shelter at Independence Oaks. There is approximately 4,000 square feet of concrete required for this floor. The bid includes all labor and material. The bids are as follows: COMPANY AMOUNT UNIT TOTAL OF CONCRETE COST McCarthy Construction 56 cubic yards $173.00 $9,688.00 Walled Lake Bush Brothers 60 cubic yards $179.00 $10,740.00 Farmington Hills LDS Contractors 56.8 cubic yards $205.99 $11,700.00 keego Harbor T & M Asphalt Paving 71 cubic yards $212.00 $15,052.00 Milford No bids were received from Ernie Concrete, Akins Construction, Barton Malow, or Calculus Construction. Staff has reviewed the bids and recommends awarding the contract to the low bidder, McCarthy Construction, in the amount of $9,688, plus a 5% contingency of $484, for a total of $10,172. The following are the costs for this project: Shelter Structure $12,798.00 (to be constructed by staff) Roofing - approximate $2,000.00 (shingles and roofing paper) $14,798.00 Concrete (this bid) $10,172.00 Total $24,970.00 The Capital Improvement Budget indicates $50,000 has been allocated for this project. 10-1 ilo #�i OM axdeu A��isp xxac 0po teto �at�ox� e -aev e ex al y4 S o f 1 t ma estaty ti d e landsc cl aes all F ag o an cey�ed is p oect i� d w11a1ce a Pt B� ds aays n sae s, t1�e$e e Ls - at Dante 1eA oa se aid qua �eseLt� tie co yS51 Stern �eVLaat�Qn a s .tv-1 ITEM #12 ADDISON OAKS PERIMETER FENCING Bids were received for perimeter fencing for the newly purchased property at Addison Oaks. Included in the base bid is approximately 7,174 feet of 6-foot chain link fence, all labor, and materials. The three alternates are as follows: Alternate No. 1 One set of double gates, 20 feet (two 10-foot gates) - Unit price per set - Alternate No. 2 Vinyl -clad fencing in lieu of galvanized chain link along Kline Road (approximately 1,446 feet) Alternate No. 3 Widening of existing gates to 20 feet (two 10-foot gates) - Unit price to include removal of existing - The following bids were received. COMPANY BASE BID ALT. #1 ALT #2 ALT #3 TOTAL Michigan Fence $56,820.15 $1,180.00 $11,799.65 $530.00 $70,329.80 Sterling Heights D. A. Corbin $49,120.20 $1,380.00 $ 9,847.95 $690.00 $61,038.15 Detroit Durable $40,226.50 $1,350.00 $10,814.00 $610.00 $53,000.50 Sterling Heights Staff has reviewed the bids and recommends awarding the contract to the low bidder, Durable, in the amount of $53,000.50 including Alternates 1, 2, and 3, plus a 5% contingency of $2,650, for a total budgeted amount of $55,650.50. The 1992 Capital Improvement Budget allocated $70,000 for this project. 12-1 I� #13 NIV- SE -LRR�GATZpNS GO F CpU� the instal.. 0 fox SER.XNGg�,FY� following bras ld pales Golf uxchasius the at Spxingf1e eceiled from L' he dk12 fa�xwa9 x t We haveion fox irrigat 7 �3� lat1°n of new CoUxse" tton 9 19gp .Op xc x ford Wa ex Services i2'Spp'p0 xinkl t 2pp feet Sp Detxol f Zxrigation xo imatel9 la n thi 1lieilt e plea ant t of replacing ap head$ that axe M t w111 cons1s the spr1n�lex We is Fxo�ec an e lacing . ears ago. 2h and wixe� � x p installed b 9 Ipe 013. �k12 the Fast °f pipe and equipment was 25� in the Ip fairway' n give breaks and e,Xisti g c1ng nUmexovs cUxxingfaixwa9 °nl9 been c;xpexien break$ keep °c curxed °n �k12 axse. three years and the ,A has 50 fax ocst of the golf colow Mader 1 Marc thx this pipe fail ntin"e on t11e re xo,ect to the .n• t co this p is ndget we hope �t wo commends awaxdting vement Exo,ec B Staff xe�1�340•pp' the Capital IMP ro Uutt°n' fox is ��,0ppp,pp 1n ,fhexe fox tY'!s Fxo�ect• -j3-1 �14 �Sp� *T y= , 0 tallaty°TL glQ,p WB�TE ids f or the 1us cart paths SpRZG the following halt drl�es and°tal chasing in& asp iyed fr pur ink of exist ke ged Oaks 602 42 have r ece d the caPP WY'i to j,a 1 > 591 •50 We alt cart Paths an SPr-'ngf 1eld13 g62 •g2 26'�55'�0 of asPh � � 142.10 b �i� 5 •p0 nstructi°l'' 11�94`0-()o 00 26,97 Allied Co field 8�'491, SPrrng alties "�` 11�915.00 321135'00 ,�lt S e0i g00.00 ? ?985.0rj d ps F ontiac 8 13 ,615.00 ath an s ew P others ills 00 feet of feet Bus ya ul-past°n h 10,4�5 • 2?9'S s�luare ' 91555 s�.uare 0 square Oo%Pao'ies installing if se d 11 '35 T &,A 1f°rd ill cous�-st °f yugfield Oaks O° 1te .,ak'e Oaks az� t w S r Wh a Ibis Prolec caPP1ng at f caPPing t howeyes, square feet of 50 square feet o ng this asPhalt� at as addi, 4'S25 w Paths and 10 d Oaks. Price for installr has been quoted of ne °f caPP1ng at Reor a complete Pri materials which t SPeclal, feet We have asked f addrtio°al base d two inches • w b1dder , AsPhal corer au areas will need as needed be9°n o3ect to the to contingenc9 to some al Price Per ton s awarding the Prlus a ten Percent t1°u Siff rec°fiend of �26,555'00� P ea- the �'� the am°uat curbyngT 1f ueede°r these Pto3ects• tie �tl°real base or 00.00 budgeted f add here is �31 0 _,00 #15 OS f the t Putchase GO toll°witi� b1c1s of e from PUtchasing t We have teoeiVed otse tee signs' total O tan�te g°�£ co 0 o $235 ,00 of 16 $4, ti05 5 ,9$$ •00 295 ,p0 Wood, G=a hlcs 6,3$4•p0 439,00 Flak pp that .have L sta net G°lf Co, ed ' ��'O0•old good tee signs Des1g Markets 13nlym1t lace the 5-9eat ecause of its Golf signs will teP e lacing• d statf feels b get mote These 112ed of need t Pe a standatd� an Wring' we shoald en vanda w becom of moU be Granite has �° secmetve hod the wood s1gns- in the event si s tabyl1ty and a ,Ore ham e have tYi yt Pt-ce Pet si �tyx�g °od tee syg� dueats of setv1ce tso te4uested a �� replace the eX-s aak.s� l staff had al it�.onal signs to k,s � flue at Glen eed to order add use' laced at Red Oa aPh�`cs 1l in be P d Gt that ate sti these signs will SPtingtield• e low biddety W°o dine of .�ak,eand one at this bid to tYi midget for one at White commends awatd1ng ement pto3ects B Staff tpp• he Capital ZmPt°v tot $4,400- is %4i00p•pp is t There tee signs• these 15`1 OEM ITEM #16 WATERFORD OAKS WAVE POOL As part of the repairs to the wave pool, it is necessary to replace a number of the control valves which distribute return water to the filters and drains. Due to the age and condition, it is necessary to replace four (4) Red Valves, twenty-five (25) Butterfly or Wafer Valves, and six (6) Fisher Actuators. These valves have been installed since the construction of the pool in 1976. In addition to 16 years of service, the chlorine, muriatic acid and general quality of Waterford Township water have deteriorated the sealing condition to the point of severe leaking. None of these valves are repairable. There is a timely need to purchase these valves due to the opening date of the facility on Friday, May 22. Faxed quotations have been received as follows: Red Valves (4) Garett Burgess Co. Novi Hodges Supply Pontiac W. T. Andrew Detroit Butterfly or Wafer Valves (25) Corrosion Fluid Products Corp. Farmington Hills D. E. Equipment Co. Birmingham B & B Pools Livonia Paddock Pools W. Bloomfield Harrison Piping Livonia Bertsch Co. Novi $ 4,566.88 4,886.56 5,023.57 $ 5,481.48 (In stock; 1 week delivery) 8,173.00 8,670.00 NO BID 3,919.30 (4 - 6 week delivery) 4,518.10 (4 - 6 week delivery) 16-1 (Waterford Oaks Wave Pool) Fisher Actuators (6) Fisher Company (factory outlet) Farmington Hills Paddock Pools W. Bloomfield B & B Pools Livonia D. E. Equipment Birmingham $11,180.00 (6 - 8 week delivery) NO BID 16,282.00 14,948.00 (In stock; 1 week delivery) Staff requests the purchase of the Red Valves from the low bidder, Garett Burgess Company for $4,566.88. The Butterfly or Wafer Valves are requested from Corrosion Fluid Products Corp. for $5,481.48 because of their one week delivery time. The Fisher Actuators are requested from D & E Equipment for $14,948.00 because of their one week delivery time, also. All quotations and buying procedures have been reviewed and approved by the Couunty Purchasing Department. Monies for this purchase will come from the operating budget contingency funds. 16-2 (25) Butterfly: Shut off, directional, and drain valves. 16-3 ITEM 117 GENERATOR GROVELAND OAKS Over the past few years, staff has been equipping its shower/ restroom buildings and wells with back-up generators so these facilities can continue to operate in case of power failure. Without this emergency back-up system, these facilities are unusable during a power failure. This normally happens three or four times per summer and not always associated with a severe storm. Also, the park usually has several hundred persons in attendance when it occurs. With so many persons in the park, it is imperative that we keep the services of restrooms and lights in continuous operation. Presently there are back-up generators at three of the four rest - room buildings. This purchase will complete the outfitting of all faciliities in the park. Staff is recommending the purchase of another Generac generator. We currently have two of this particular brand and are very satisfied with their performance. Bids were requested for the purchase of a 16.5 kw Generac generator. Bids were sent to six companies; only Burke Equipment submitted a bid, which was in the amount of $8,495.00. Last year an identical unit was purchased from Burke for $8,400.00. There is $10,000.00 budgeted in the Operating Equipment Budget for this purchase. Attached is a memo which indicates Generac Corporation complies with the Buy America Act. 17-1 ;s#a ;s�8 TLOk T1.Ia' Q� jai 1a4� a,c�d sua�sa;►t� 'a�-�,-tu, 1Q Ta a 7, r fl ��� lGlU r37 L`i t�`�'ij.L �V '"� ors• e,,�. ,�1�1.1 cY�,,� Y T,..i •.YCS U •, y�l.'•:t-%� ° _,.�.�+�cirlllti?(..1'ir � i yL �,t,�'i.,�-�F=``�% ����' �NFi�'.��Q �? ,�15 �,�T �'F�t�'i 5.�.e1•a�ai� } ITIO . �y��^�n_©-�% ^a i1�L11`� ,�`�'� "'' �rt�� �i�.� ,` ' "„ •Q2�Qa�," t„ 7Yy`C}�� 'Q �3. S'` uIP��EI�LLS �t=2;�x�h2t� a3Q a, 7 2tiQ ssaY �d ,tr µ aka asn �aq �ot�`, `�` 0 naa'ax �=a i a s i = cli sip �' ql 1 =-qaaWn cl Szq h• 0 `71 i+^ -Y ^ rTnP BANa t-� , LIQUID COOLED GAS ENGINE GENERATOR 16KW (60 Hz) 16KVA (50 Hz) CONTINUOUS STANDBY ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEM ■ INNOVATIVE DESIGN & PROTO-TYPE TESTING are key components of GENERAC'S successful quarter century of "IMPROVING POWER BY DESIGN". But it doesn't stoD there. Total commitment to component testing, reii- ability testing, environmental testing, destruc- tion and life-testinc, plus testing to applicable CSA. NEMA. EGSA and other standards. allows you to choose GENERAC CONTINUOUS STANDBY ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS with the confidence that these systems will provide superior performance. ■ TEST CRITERIA APPLICABLE TO THE SG016 SYSTEM: ✓ PROTO-TYPE TESTED ✓ SYSTEM TORSIONAL TESTED ✓ ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INTERFERENCE ✓ NEMA MG1-22 EVALUATION ✓ MOTOR STARTING ABILITY ✓ SHORT CIRCUIT TESTING 2 SOLID-STATE. FREQUENCY COMPEN- SATED VOLTAGE REGULATION. This state- of-the-art power maximizing regulation system is standard on all Generac models. It provides optimized FAST RESPONSE to cnang- ing load conditions and MAXIMUM MOTOR STARTING CAPABILITY by electronically torque - matching the surge loads to the engine. POWER MATCHED GENERAC 12GN ENGINE e SINGLE SOURCE SERVICE RESPONSE from GENERAC'S Stancoy Distributor Group, provides parts and service know-how for the entire unit, from the engne to the smallest electronic component. You are never on your own when you own a GENERAC ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEM. MULTI -FUEL CAPABIUTY. Natural Gas, LPG and gasoline moceis are available. ■ GENERAC MANUFACTURED TRANSFER SWITCHES AND ACCESSORIES. Long -life reliability is synonymous with GENERAC'S CONTINUOUS STANDBY ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS. One reason for this confidence is that GENERAC manufactures its own transfer systems, accessories anc controls for total sys- tem compatibility. 17-4 ITEM #18 HYDRAULIC BREAKER FOR MELROE BOBCAT TECHNICAL SUPPORT The parks operations staff at Technical Support request the purchase of a hydraulic breaker with moil point, cross cut chisel, inline chisel, blunt tool, asphalt cutter, and tamping pad. The hydraulic breaker will be used for demolition work, which will include concrete and asphalt removal. The use expectancy of this breaker is approximately 15 years. Bids were received as follows: BLAVAT BOBCAT $7,918.69 Dearborn CALVERT SALES No Bid Lake Orion PANTHER SALES No Bid Bloomfield Hills Staff recommends purchasing the hydraulic breaker from Blavat Bobcat of Dearborn, the sole qualified bidder of this specified unit, in the amount of $7,918.69. There is $6,200.00 budgeted in the 1992 Operating Equipment Budget for this purchase. The balance of $1,718.69 will come from the 1992 Operating Equipment Budget Contingency. 18-1 ITVA #19 SS GIA WZLTDRI SGR2 ess far �eohuioal ���IC�' tan Ot111 pr ut�hase of aperatious atf requests for all Sri-itiin�aucY of St ess Wi1� be used Zhe use expert Support' dti11 pr taker n The WlIto tial f of all pat�telY 15 Yeats . e, mate tox1ma °t steati�1 press is aped as tol�O`S%��'64.42 r this eoetiv B1ds Were 9011$3 ,459 ,00 W-W' GV-Xl $3.,544-OO tens tram the STO�+ S SOGZATy-S the Wjltau alo-v 4.42' et BROWN ADD �S euas p o�hasits amouut of $3�16 Yquipmeut $ua� Staff reaomm GtaiuSer> i:a the the 1992 Opetatlug 1oW bidaet , W 'W -4'p00 b,,agetea �n 2hete is $ t this purchase fa. 19-1 PRESSES! AND'.>MILL'ING_1•TABLE 20" 'PRODUCTION, DRILL, PRESSES'" MANUAL AND POWER FEED MODELS lr/e" in steel with !:' j<i 'Y S�.'^ l .`CW •. <ffv i'�I ' id cast iron and cast iron and 1" in steel with power is one of the most powerful of its size t motor,1725 RPM,115/230V, �� S E Sy.y ( l a 54 :itor•start manual reset thermal protec- fc Ls.. ??. ;;7_ wrings, �y,5�)4 -'1'� „ail ' low as 85 RPM. This _ ,5•) e at speeds as diameter pulleys and steel pinion �? iber gear for powerful, quiet opera- turning the hand- gvickly,bysimply ided by massive, 14" high } 1 z frilling provr/s" d 3' dia uill and 4dia column. Ful ), } q feed model; 63/4" stroke on power feed with i" quill and has heavy-duty ball � ed t bearings at bottom. Provides mil es drilling deflection. iket power feed pi'8videS'four rates .009, and 0.012 inches per revolution: stant at all spindle speeds and rate frill is running with positive position tical,mill. Oversized components along indle enable it to be used as a vertical the optional milling i•table and table . ,..,, .t4nra rnr n IILLING_•';=TABLE table has . horizontal planes of 0.001". comes with . ngitudinal ;three1/2"T-slots'andcoolant trough..Sen-,'_1, ipterplatesitive feed' is provided by ball bearing 1y to work- mounted liandles and 0.200" travel per esses,allos., . revolution.. Adjustments are. in metrics. Wace uracy Wilton brand (510456). uoi; '! Surloa No. ; `"S9,Workin9.Siack.List","t ' 2235e x 91he 3Z714 ; y1658.00 S1514.58. 191.0 R, t�"3ti,�1 INFORMATION (7N'YHvc vrrv�r.�• •�••- — — - i7 X. 1037' ITEM #20 FRIEDRICK AIR CONDITIONING UNITS ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER Staff requests the replacement of two 10-year old window air conditioners at the Addison Oaks Conference Center. The old air conditioning units will be used for spare parts. The Friedrick air conditioning units will help in the reduction of energy saving. The use expectancy of these units are approximately 10 years. Bids were received as follows: GEORGE L. JOHNSTON CO. $3,910.00 Detroit DETROIT SAFETY FURNACE $3,940.00 Detroit FRIEDRICK AIR CONDITIONING No Bid San Antonio, TX Staff recommends purchasing the Friedrick air conditioning units from the low bidder, George L. Johnston of Detroit, in the amount of $3,910.00. There are monies budgeted for this purchase in the park's operating budget building maintenance line item. 20-1 ITEM #21 HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS WATERFORD OAKS WAVE POOL Staff requests the replacement of six (6) 17-year old hydraulic cylinders at the Waterford Oaks Wave Pool. The old cylinders will be used for spare parts. The hydraulic cylinders are necessary for the wave -making equipment at the pool. These cylinders are 100% American made. Bids were received as follows: PARKER HANNIFAN $3,165.00 NOTE: Parker Hannifan manufactures the cylinders and sells them direct. Staff recommends purchasing the hydrualic cylinders from Parker Hannifan, the sole qualified bidder of the specified cylinders, in the amount of $3,165. Parker Hannifan is a single -source vendor. There are monies budgeted for this purchase in the park's operating budget building maintenance line item. 21-1 ITEM #22 MANAGER'S REPORT ---Independence Oaks Twin Chimneys Fireplace Renovation Update: At the last meeting, staff was directed to consider a masonry fireplace rather than a steel heat-o-later, at a price not to exceed $10,000. Quotes were received for the masonry work; low bid was $5,150.00 from Creative Stone of Davisburg. Monies expended for work through Grunwell Cashero to remove the existing heat-o-later totalled $3,729.00, making the total expense for this project $8,879.00. ---The Oakland County Parks Environmental Management brochure, "Here Today, Here Tomorrow", is enclosed for your review. ---An updated golf fees study is enclosed for your review, comparing rates of golf courses in and around the county. ---Attached is a letter from the City of South Lyon in support of the heron rookery purchase. ---Next Commission meeting will be on Wednesday, May 20, at the Indepen- dence Oaks Nature Center for the dedication of the new shelter donated by the Hoo Hoo Club. 22-1 1992 SPRING 9 HOLE COURSE SURVEY COURSE WEEKDAY FEES WEEKEND FEES REGULAR CARTS SENIOR FEES SENIOR CARTS 9 / 2ND 9 9 / 2ND 9 9 / 2ND 9 9 / 2ND 9 9 /2ND 9 BEECHWOOD 7.25 3.75 8.75 4.25 354-4786 +1.50 NON-RESIDENT CLARKSTON 8.00 4.00 10.00 8.00 394-0020 COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE 6.50 3.50 8.00 4.00 420-0144 EVERGREEN HILLS 7.25 4.25 8.75 4.25 354-4866 +1.50 NON-RESIDENT ' HAMPTON G.C. 8.00 5.00 9.00 4.00 852-3250 HAWTHORNE VALLEY 8.00 5.00 9.50 5.00 422-3440 LINCOLN HILLS 6.50 5.50 7.50 6.50 647-4468 MUST BE RESIDENT NORMANDY OAKS 6.50 4.00 7.50 4.00 546-6336 +2.00 NON-RESIDENT ROYAL OAK 6.50 4.00 7.50 4.00 546-6333 +1.50 NON-RESIDENT SAN MARINO 8.25 5.25 9.25 6.25 476-5910 +2.00 NON-RESIDENT SILVER LAKE 9.00 4.00 10.00 5:.p0 673-1611 SPRINGDALE 6.50 5.50 7.50 6.50 644-2254 +2.50 NON-RESIDENT WESTLAND G.C. 8.00 6.00 9.00 6.00 721-6660 NON-RESIDENT 8.50 6.75 9.50 6.75 1992 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE FEES RESIDENT 6.50 5.00 8.00 5.00 NON-RESIDENT 8.50 7.00 10.00 7.00 11.00 7.00 5.25 3.25 11.00 7.00 9.00 9.00 5.00 4.00 7.00 5.00 8.00 4.00 5.00 ALL DAY8.00 10.00 11.00 7.00 5.25 3.25 11.00 7.00 9.50 6.50 5.50 2.50 9.50 6.50 9.00 7.00 6.00 3.00 9.00 7.00 9.00 6.00 4.00 3.00 9.00 6.00 10.00 6.00 4.00 3.00 6.00 4.00 10.00 10.00 4.00 3.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 5.25 3.25 12.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 3.00 10.00 10.00 9.00 6.00 4.00 3.00 9.00 9.00 M - F TILL 2:00 9.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 7.00 4.00 M - F TILL 3:00 6.00 4.50 10.00 8.50 4.00 3.00 7.50 5.50 6.00 5.00 22-2 18 HOLE COURSE SURVEY SPRING 1992 COURSE WEEKDAY FEES WEEKEND FEES REGULAR CARTS SENIOR FEES SENIOR CARTS 9 / 18 9 / 18 9 / 18 9 / 18 9 / 18 ARROWHEAD 10.00 15.00 12.00 18.00 12.00 18.00 7.00 12.00 8.50 14.00 373-6860 Mon & Thurs until 12:00 ONL BALD MOUNTAIN 9.50 17.00 12.00 20.00 12.00 20.00 8.50 14.50 6.00 9.00 373-1110 BOGIE LAKE 8.50 12.50 11.00 16.00 10.50 17.50 6.00 7.50 10.50 17.50 363-4449 BONNIE BROOK 8.00 12.00 9.50 14.00 8.00 15.00 5.50 8.00 8.00 15.00 538-8383 BRAMBLEWOOD 8.00 11.00 11.00 15.00 10.00 16.00 4.25 6.50 6.50 9.50 634-3481 TUE - THURS ONLY DUNHAM HILLS 17.00 30.00 25.00 40.00 12.00 20.00 - 887-9170 w/cart w/cart w/cart w/cart GENESEE VALLEY 9.00 14.00 11.00 18.00 11.00 19.00 5.50 11.00 6.00 10.00 732-1401 GOODRICH 8.00 14.00 11.00 18.00 11.00 19.00 5.00 7.00 7.00 13.00 636-2493 WEEKDAYS UNTIL 1:00 HARLEY'S 8.00 13.00 9.00 16.00 10.00 18.00 7.00 11.00 10.00 18.00 363-8510 No Snr Cart Rates HARTLAND GLEN 10.00 14.00 12.00 20.00 10.00 20.00 8.00 11.00 10.00 20.00 887-3777 Wkdy spec. 18 holes $20/pp w/cart HEATHER HLNDS 9.50 16.00 13.00 22.00 11.00 20.00 6.50 11.00 11.00 20.00 M -FONLY HIGHLAND HILLS 9.00 15.00 10.00 18.00 10.00 18.00 5.00 8.00 8.00 12.00 887-4481 M - F ONLY 1:00 KENSINGTON 9.00 14.00 10.00 16.00 10.00 17.00 6.00 9.00 8.00 12.00 685-1561 M - F ONLY INDIAN SPRINGS 9.00 14.00 10.00 16.00 10.00 17.00 6.00 9.00 8.00 12.00 625-7870 M - F ONLY WISPERING WLLWS 11.00 18.00 15.00 19.50 12.00 20.00 3.50 7.00 11.00 19.00 476-4493 LIVONIA RESIDENTS ONLY M - F ONLY MAPLE LANE 12.00 18.00 14.00 20.00 10.00 20.00 12.00 18.00 10.00 20.00 795-4000 MULBERRY HILLS 8.00 12.00 10.00 14.00 9.00 18.00 5.00 8.00 9.00 18.00 628-2808 M - F OXFORD HILLS 9.50 15.50 11.00 19.00 11.00 20.00 7.50 9.50 11.00 20.00 628-2518 M - F UNTIL 12:00 PINE KNOB 20.00 36.00 20.00 39.00 14.00 18.00 625-4430 Includes cart PLUMBROOK 12.00 16.00 13.00 19.00 10.00 1S.00 12.00 16.00 10.00 18.00 264-9411 PONTIAC C.C. 10.00 15.00 13.00 22.00 9.00 18.00 10.00 15.00 9.00 18.00 682-6333 (NO SENIOR RATES) PONTIAC MUN. 7.00 12.00 8.00 13.00 10.00 17.00 5.00 8.00 7.00 12.00 858-8990 + $1.00 Non -Residents M - F ONLY RACKHAM 8.00 12.00 10.00 19.00 12.00 1S.00 5.00 6.50RES 10.00 15.00 543-4040 Non -Residents of Detroit & Hunt Woods MORE 22-3 1992 18 HOLE COURSE SURVEY PAGE 2 RIVERVIEW HLDS (R)7.00 11.00 7.00 11.00 479-2266 Non -Residents $2 more per 9 ROCHESTER 12.00 18.00 14.00 20.00 852-4800 10.00 18.00 4.00 5.00 10.00 18.00 M-F BEFORE NOON 10.00 20.00 12.00 18.00 10.00 20.00 SALEM HILLS 10.50 16.50 13.00 18.00 11.00 20.00 10.00 32.00 437-2152 M-F ONLY 2 w/cart SHANANDOAH 9.00 15.00 12.00 25.00 10.00 18.00 9.00 15.00 10.00 18.00 682-4300 Powercarts required M-F 11-5 SS til 4 SPRING LAKE 9.00 15.00 11.00 20.00 10.00 20.00 6.00 9.00 10.00 20.00 625-3731 M - F ONLY ST CLAIR (Member)8.50 13.00 9.50 14.00 9.00 16.00 5.50 9.50 7.50 13.00 294-2000 Non -Res more $ STONEY CREEK 10.50 16.00 11.00 18.00 11.00 19.00 10.00 13.00 11.00 18.00 781-9166 M - F ONLY SYLVAN GLEN (Res)8.00 11.50 8.75 14.50 10.00 17.00 4.25 7.00 7.00 12.00 879-0040 (NonRes) ONLY RESIDENTS GET SNR RATE WARREN VALLEY 9.50 14.50 10.50 17.00 10.00 20.00 6.50 9.50 7.00 12.00 561-1040 M - F WESTBROOK 10.00 15.00 12.00 18.00 10.00 20.00 9.00 9.00 10.00 20.00 349-2723 9 OR 18 2 with cart $30.00 WILLOW METRO 9.00 14.00 10.00 16.00 10.00 17.00 6.00 9.00 8.00 12.00 753-4040 M - F 1992 OAKLAND COUNTY GOLF COURSE FEES RESIDENT 7.50 13.00 10.00 16.00 10.00 17.00 5.00 9.00 7.50 13.0C NON-RESIDENT 9.50 17.00 12.00 20.00 10.00 17.00 7.00 13.00 7.50 13.0C 22-4 MAYOR JEFFREY L. POTTER COUNCIL KEVIN GRATTON GLENN KIVELL REYNOLD SWEET KEITH WELLS April 24, 1992 V�t of "$- Jaut4 ?:1Jvn 214 W. LAKE STREET SOUTH LYON, MICHIGAN 48178 AREA CODE 313-437-1735 FAX 313-486-0049 Oakland County Parks and Recreation 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, MI 48054 ATTN: Mr. Ralph Richard RE: Support for Blue Heron Rookery Purchase Dear Mr. Richard: CITY MANAGER RODNEY L. COOK CITY CLERK JULIE C. ZEMKE TREASURER -ASSESSOR GAIL M. SMOLARZ APR RECEIVE D 2 7 im Recently, representatives from the South Lyon City Council and the South Lyon Parks and Recreation Commission met with representatives from the City of Novi and Lyon Township to consider how we could best meet the future recreation and open -space needs of our growing communities. One specific issue discussed was the possibility of forming a consortium for regional park land acquisition; also discussed was the potential of future coordination of park and recreation activities to avoid duplication and raise the possibility of practical coordination of regional projects such as bicycle trails. While there was no consensus at this stage that a formal consortium could be formed among the respective communities, there was general agreement expressed that communities in southwest Oakland County can benefit from working together more closely on these issues, and future meetings are planned. A particular interest expressed was the proposed acquisition by the Oakland County Parks of the area known as the Blue Heron Rookery in Lyon Township near Pontiac Trail. We feel this presents a unique and timely opportunity for our citizens to help preserve this resource for future generations, and appreciate your consideration and favorable action is this effort. 22-5 As a result of these discussions, and in the interest of preserving an area of natural beauty and unique environmental value and benefit, the City of South Lyon wishes to express its support for the purchase of the Rookery and any adjoining land necessary to support this purpose. Also, our Parks and Recreation Commission would be appreciative of any Opportunity which could be afforded for continuing input on how the development of this property can best suit our areas' needs, and to be apprised of any opportunity to offer continuing support to this valuable effort. Sincerely, 7 - - Je, fret', L. Pot i:�ter Mayor Sue Massuch, Chairperson Parks and Rec. Commission CC: Kay Schmid, County Commissioner Jim Atchison, Lyon Township 22-6 1992 SPRING 9 HOLE COURSE SURVEY COURSE WEEKDAY FEES WEEKEND FEES REGULAR CARTS 9 / 2ND 9 9 / 2ND 9 9 / 2ND 9 _ECHWOOD 7.25 3.75 8.75 4.25 11.00 7.00 354-4786 +1.50 NON-RESIDENT CLARKSTON 8.00 4.00 10.00 8.00 9.00 9.00 394-0020 COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE 6.50 3.50 8.00 4.00 420-0144 EVERGREEN HILLS 7.25 4.25 8.75 4.25 354-4866 +1.50 NON-RESIDENT HAMPTON G.C. 8.00 5.00 9.00 4.00 852-3250 HAWTHORNE VALLEY 8.00 5.00 9.50 5.00 422-3440 LINCOLN HILLS 6.50 5.50 7.50 6.50 647-4468 MUST BE RESIDENT NORMANDY OAKS 6.50 4.00 7.50 4.00 546-6336 +2.00 NON-RESIDENT AL OAK 6.50 4.00 7.50 4.00 546-6333 +1.50 NON-RESIDENT SAN MARINO 8.25 5.25 9.25 6.25 476-5910 +2.00 NON-RESIDENT SILVER LAKE 9.00 4.00 10.00 5:D0 673-1611 SPRINGDALE 6.50 5.50 7.50 6.50 644-2254 +2.50 NON-RESIDENT WESTLAND G.C. 8.00 6.00 9.00 6.00 721-6660 NON-RESIDENT 8.50 6.75 9.50 6.75 1992 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE FEES RESIDENT 6.50 5.00 8.00 5.00 NON-RESIDENT 8.50 7.00 10.00 7.00 11.00 7.00 9.50 6.50 SENIOR FEES SENIOR CARTS 9 / 2ND 9 9 /2ND 9 5.25 3.25 11.00 7.00 5.00 4.00 7.00 5.00 5.00 ALL DAY8.00 10.00 5.25 3.25 11.00 7.00 5.50 2.50 9.50 6.50 9.00 7.00 6.00 3.00 9.00 7.00 9.00 6.00 4.00 3.00 9.00 6.00 10.00 6.00 4.00 3.00 6.00 4.00 10.00 10.00 4.00 3.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 5.25 3.25 12.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 3.00 10.00 10.00 9.00 6.00 4.00 3.00 9.00 9.00 M - F TILL 2:00 9.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 7.00 4.00 M - F TILL 3:00 6.00 4.50 10.00 8.50 4.00 3.00 7.50 5.50 6.00 5.00 COURSE WEEKDAY FEES 9 / 18 ARROWHEAD 10.00 15.00 373-6860 BALD MOUNTAIN 9.50 17.00 373-1110 BOGIE LAKE 8.50 12.50 363-4449 BONNIE BROOK 8.00 12.00 538-8383 BRAMBLEWOOD 8.00 11.00 634-3481 DUNHAM HILLS 17.00 30.00 887-9170 w/cart w/cart GENESEE VALLEY 9.00 14.00 732-1401 GOODRICH 8.00 14.00 636-2493 ,ZLEV S 8.00 13.00 363-8510 HARTLAND GLEN 887-3777 HEATHER HLNDS 18 HOLE COURSE SURVEY SPRING 1992 WEEKEND FEES REGULAR CARTS 9 / 18 9 / 18 12.00 18.00 12.00 18.00 12.00 20.00 12.00 20.00 SENIOR FEES SENIOR CARTS 9 / 18 9 / 18 7.00 12.00 8.50 14.00 Mon & Thurs until 12:00 ONLY 8.50 14.50 6.00 9.00 11.00 16.00 10.50 17.50 6.00 7.50 10.50 17.50 9.50 14.00 8.00 15.00 5.50 8.00 8.00 15.00 11.00 15.00 10.00 16.00 25.00 40.00 w/cart w/cart 11.00 18.00 4.25 6.50 6.50 9.50 TUE - THURS ONLY 12.00 20.00 11.00 19.00 5.50 11.00 6.00 10.00 11.00 18.00 11.00 19.00 9.00 16.00 10.00 18.00 10.00 14.00 12.00 20.00 10.00 20.00 Wkdy spec. 18 holes $20/pp w/cart 9.50 16.00 13.00 22.00 11.00 20.00 HIGHLAND HILLS 9.00 15.00 887-4481 KENSINGTON 9.00 14.00 685-1561 INDIAN SPRINGS 9.00 14.00 625-7870 WISPERING WLLWS 11.00 18.00 476-4493 MAPLE LANE 12.00 18.00 795-4000 ,"''I. -BERRY HILLS 8.00 12.00 -2808 OXFORD HILLS 9.50 15.50 628-2518 PINE KNOB 20.00 36.00 625-4430 Includes cart ni iinennnnv I- -- -- 10.00 18.00 10.00 16.00 10.00 16.00 15.00 19.50 14.00 20.00 5.00 7.00 7.00 13.00 WEEKDAYS UNTIL 1:00 7.00 11.00 10.00 18.00 No Snr Cart Rates 8.00 11.00 10.00 20.00 6.50 11.00 11.00 20.00 M -FONLY 10.00 18.00 5.00 8.00 8.00 12.00 M - F ONLY 1:00 10.00 17.00 6.00 9.00 8.00 12.00 M -FONLY 10.00 17.00 6.00 9.00 8.00 12.00 M -FONLY 12.00 20.00 3.50 7.00 11.00 19.00 LIVONIA RESIDENTS ONLY M - F ONLY 10.00 20.00 12.00 18.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 14.00 9.00 18.00 11.00 19.00 11.00 20.00 20.00 39.00 14.00 18.00 5.00 8.00 9.00 18.00 M - F 7.50 9.50 11.00 20.00 M - F UNTIL 12:00 1992 18 HOLE COURSE SURVEY PAGE 2 VERVIEW HLDS (R)7.00 11.00 7.00 11.00 479-2266 Non -Residents $2 more per 9 ROCHESTER 12.00 18.00 14.00 20.00 852-4800 10.00 18.00 4.00 5.00 10.00 18.00 M-F BEFORE NOON 10.00 20.00 12.00 18.00 10.00 20.00 SALEM HILLS 10.50 16.50 13.00 18.00 11.00 20.00 10.00 32.00 437-2152 M-F ONLY 2 w/cart SHANANDOAH 9.00 15.00 12.00 25.00 10.00 18.00 9.00 15.00 10.00 18.00 682-4300 Powercarts required M-F 11-5 SS til 4 SPRING LAKE 9.00 15.00 11.00 20.00 10.00 20.00 6.00 9.00 10.00 20.00 625-3731 M - F ONLY ST CLAIR (Member)8.50 13.00 9.50 14.00 9.00 16.00 5.50 9.50 7.50 13.00 294-2000 Non -Res more $ STONEY CREEK 10.50 16.00 11.00 18.00 11.00 19.00 10.00 13.00 11.00 18.00 781-9166 M - F ONLY SYLVAN GLEN (Res)8.00 11.50 8.75 14.50 10.00 17.00 4.25 7.00 7.00 12.00 879-0040 (NonRes) ONLY RESIDENTS GET SNR RATE` WARREN VALLEY 9.50 14.50 10.50 17.00 10.00 20.00 6.50 9.50 7.00 12.00 1-1040 M - F WESTBROOK 10.00 15.00 12.00 18.00 10.00 20.00 9.00 9.00 10.00 20.00 349-2723 9 OR 18 2 with cart $30.00 WILLOW METRO 9.00 14.00 10.00 16.00 10.00 17.00 6.00 9.00 8.00 12.00 753-4040 M - F 1992 OAKLAND COUNTY GOLF COURSE FEES RESIDENT 7.50 13.00 10.00 16.00 10.00 17.00 5.00 9.00 7.50 13.00 NON-RESIDENT 9.50 17.00 12.00 20.00 10.00 17.00 7.00 13.00 7.50 13.00 ADDISON OAKS TERRACE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING Bids were received for the landscaping and lighting for the new entry terrace at Addison Oaks Conference Center. The landscaping consists of a variety of plant material, installation, and guarantees. The two alternates are as follows: 1. A Flowering Dogwood to be substituted for a Japanese Stewartia. This is a deduct alternate. 2. Complete installation of low level lighting throughout the area including material and installation. The following bids were received: FIRM BASE BID ALT. NO. 1 ALT. NO. 2 TOTAL Jeff Swayne $4,928.00 No Bid No Bid $4,928.00 Ortonville C & H Landscaping 7,991.00 —2,000.00 $3,960.00 $9,951.00 Waterford Loweries Landscape 8,812.00 No Bid No Bid 8,812.00 Clarkston Alexander Nursery 9,095.00 No bid No Bid 9,095.00 Mt. Clemens Marine City Nursery 10,280.00 No Bid No Bid 10,280.00 Marine City Designed Landscape 13,202.00 No Bid 3,684.50 16,886.50 Royal Oak -; Included Alternate No. 1 in base bid. Staff has reviewed the bids and recommends the award of the contract to the low bidder that meets all of the specifications, C & H Landscaping, in the amount of $9,951.00 including Alternates 1 and 2, plus a 5% contingent of $498, for a total budgeted amount of $10,449. A total of $12,000 was allocated for this item in the conference center budget. There is $164,165.36 remaining in this line item. INDEPENDENCE OAKS SHELTER CONCRETE {,CORK Staff would like to recommend adding additional concrete work to the Independence Oaks shelter concrete work. A concrete approach needs to be constructed at the storage/workshop area of the Independence Oaks maintenance center. This would consist of a concrete area 20' X 80', six inches in depth. The low bidder indicated that they would perform this work for the same per yard fee as in the shelter bid. There is approximately 30 cubic yards, at $173 per cubic yard, for total additional amount of $5,190. NEWS RELEASE Attached is a news release from the National Sporting Goods Asso- ciation announcing the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission is one of four finalists in Class I for the 1992 National Gold Medal Award. This award is the highest award given by the National Recreation and Park Association for excellence in parks and recreation services. n FOR FURTHER INFOR`IATION, CONTACT LARRY WEINDRCCH OR THONIAs G. DRAKE ..ATIONAL SPORTING GOODS ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTAERS • 1699 WALL STREET • MT. PROSPECT, IL 60056-5780 0 708/439-4000 - FAX 708/439-0111 April, 1992 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MT. PROSPECT, ILLINOIS THE SPORTS FOUNDATION, INC. ANNOUNCES NAMES OF FINALISTS FOR THE 1992 NATIONAL GOLD MEDAL & SPECIAL RECREATION AWARDS PROGRAM Finalists for the 1992 National Gold Medal & Special Recreation Awards program were announced by The Sports Foundation, Inc. These awards are presented annually to communities throughout the United States for excellence in park and recreation administration and for outstanding service to the handicapped, in cooperation with the National Sporting Goods Association (NSGA) and the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA). This year's finalists are: CLASS I (CITIES OVER 250,000) SUBURBAN HENNEPIN REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT (HENNEPIN PARKS) - PLYMOUTH, MN, NOMINATED BY: ALL STAR SPORTS - NEW HOPE, MN COLUMBUS RECREATION. AND PA. KS - COLUMBUS, OH NOMINATED BY: AGLER DAVIDSON SPORTING GOODS, INC. - COLLMBUS, OH OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION - WATERFORD, MI NOMINATED BY: DUNHAINS - WATERFORD, MI CITY OF MESA PARKS, RECREATION AND CULTURAL DIVISION - MESA, AZ NOMINATED BY: SPATS PRO STUFF, INC. - MESA, AZ CLASS II (100,000 - 250,000) PLEASURE DRIVEWAY AND PARK DISTRICT OF PEORIA - PEORIA, IL NOMINATED BY: RUNNING CENTRAL, INC. - PEORIA, IL METROPOLITAN PARK DISTRICT OF TACOMA - TACOMA, WA NOMINATED BY: DUFFLE BAG - TACOMA, WA CITY OF SCOTTSDALE, COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT - SCOTTSDALE, AZ NOMINATED BY: ANTIGUA SPORTSWEAR - SCOTTSDALE, AZ CITY OF FORT LAUDERDALE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT - FORT LAUDERDALE, FL NOMINATED BY: WEBSTERS SPORTS CENTERS - FORT LAUDERDALE, FL Sponsors of NSGA World Sports Expo, the NSGA Western Market and the NSGA Management Conference