HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1992.11.18 - 39914OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & -4ECREATION COMMISSION 2800 Watkins Lake Road • Waterford, Michigan 48328 (313) 858-0906 • Fax (313) 858-1683 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: Ralph A. Richard Lewis E. Wint Manager Chairman Jon J. Kipke Jean M. Fox Assistant Manager Vice Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Secretary Fred Korzon November 13, 1992 George W. Kuhn Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Thomas A. Law Lawrence Littman John E. Olsen Roy Rewold A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . .Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, Michigan TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wednesday, November 18, 1992 n . AA T M PURPOSE. . . . . . . . . . . .Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Mr. Lewis E. Wint, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, / � Ralph Richard Manager RAR/jg OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 18, 1992 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Synopsis of November 4, 1992, Commission Meeting and Budget Meeting 4. Public Comments. 5. Approval of Payment: Voucher Nos. 11-1 thru 11-178. 6. Activity Report for October, 1992. 7. Administration Building Painting. Joe Figa / 858-0906 7.a Groveland Oaks Terrace Improvements. If if 8. Fuel Tank Replacement - Red Oaks Golf Course. Mike Thibodeau / 858-4944 9. Manager's Report. Ralph Richard / 858-0909 10. Old Business. 11. New Business. 12. Adjourn. SYNOPSIS OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING AND BUDGET REVIEW November 4, 1992 A regular Commission Meeting and Budget Review was held on Wednesday, November 4, 1992; however, because there was not a quorum present, no official business was transacted. Instead, the Commission reviewed the agenda and recommended the following items be approved at the next regular meeting: Approval of Minutes of the meeting of October 21, 1992, as written. Approval of Payments: Vouchers 10-189 through 10-310; the Inter- departmental Payment Register for the September charges paid in October; Transfer Charges for the Third Quarter; and the Oak Management Credit Charges for the Third Quarter. Amendment to the 1992 Operating Budget_: Staff requested Commission approval to transfer $34,520 from the 1992 Operating Budget Contingency to Recreation Section Administration, Technical Support, and Lyon Oaks. This transfer is required in accordance with the Commission's 1992 General Appropriations Act, which incorporates the Uniform Local Budgeting Act, and will cover additional expenses to Recreation Section Administration for Special Events and Uniforms, additional expenses to Technical Support for Supplies for Repair, and Grounds Maintenance for Lyon Oaks. Receive the Statement of Operations as of September 30, 1992, and the Capital Improvement Projects Budget Update as of September 30, 1992. Award Presentation: Manager Richard presented the Commission with an award from the City of Farmington Hills for the beautification of the clubhouse at the Glen Oaks Golf Course. Concession Building Handrails - Addison Oaks: Bids were received for the purchase of aluminum handrails for the Addison Oaks con- cession building. Additional handrails and a gate have been requested, plus contingency, for a total budgeted amount of $4,315 to Elegant Aluminum. Commission concurred with staff's recommendation to approve the expenditure. Fuel Tank Replacement - Addison Oaks, White Lake Oaks, and Glen Oaks: Commission concurred with staff 's recommendation to approve the expenditure of $42,912.50 to Pro Tank Technologies for costs incurred in the replacement of outdated fuel tanks and site cleanup at Addison Oaks, White Lake Oaks, and Glen Oaks. 3-1 (Commission Meeting and Budget Review Synopsis, November 4, 1992) Storage/Workshop Building - Groveland Oaks_: Bids were received for the construction of a 40' x 64' storage/workshop building at Groveland Oaks. Commission concurred with staff 's recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, W. J. Stewart Company, with a base bid of $86,000, Alternate #1 for $1,100, and Alternate #2 for $2,100, for a total bid amount of $89,200; plus a ten percent contingency; for a total budgeted amount of $98,120. Receive Manager's Report: ---Update on projects list for new ---Proposed Controlled Deer Hunt received. ---Status on Oak Management contract administrative staff members. Policy for Addison Oaks was fee negotiations was reviewed. The next Commission meeting will be 9 a.m. on Wednesday, November 18, 1992. BUDGET REVIEW SESSION: Department Vehicles: The proposed car purchase/lease program has been put on hold while the new county executive administration has an opportunity to review the Parks' proposed program, along with other departments' programs. Commissioner Olsen suggested staff's plan be used as a model for other departments, since the Planning and Building Committee has already approved the program. Operating Equipment_: Manager Richard reviewed the proposed Operating Equipment for 1993, at a budget of $550,450. 1993 Proposed Capital Improvement Projects Budget: The proposed 1993 projects are budgeted at $3,321,636. The funds available for the Capital Improvement Projects Budget total $2,603,939. The balance includes funds obligated from the DNR grants. Manager Richard reviewed the major projects scheduled for 1993 at each park. Final approval of the budget will be at the Commission meeting on Wednesday, December 2. In accordance with state law, a public hearing will be held prior to the budget's formal approval that morning. 3-2 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Payment Appnovat Summaty Pon Meeting oj: NOVEMBER 18, 1992 VOUCHERS: Nos. I1-1 thku. 11-178 $289,760.42 TOTAL $289,760.42 11-7 11_8_ OAK |NU/ 0oU||Y ('8|<K�, NV) Nl) ||oU Cot |U|;��|oU V0Ik]It- < |WG|�}[K NOVENBER, 1992 � VLU(X}K N|() fT|N( AAI �|N| N1'|<0\ (l)'---- ------- State of - ----- M|/M| State -Po-lice VOID Kommer/M/ Consu|fanfs,lno' �� Durab|e Fence Company Pro -Tank Technologies, |_Kieft EnQinee[ing,]nc,-- Nich' Rental Service AT&T _^}ea»`s,Hardwa[e'_-______ Sama|ski Building a|fies______--__--_-_| Nadison Electric Leslie Electric _ _ Pioneer Hardware � _ ' S.L.C. Meter Service -- _Acme Cleaning Service Newton & Crane, |-uo, � -----' �---- -| Drayton Poo} & Spa � _�Supp!y .8/5/92-_ PUN^0\[ Miso,Exp',rogisfrafion fees for two new underground Prof,Sorvioes,|obby|sf on |egisf. matters for the month -of Nove-m-be-r,---19-92-.Adm�.--_--- _-_-_'__-_______-' Cap' Proj.,Fenoing_8dd._ (payment #3) � Cap.Proj',Fue\ Tank & Pump Installation -Glen Oaks �-(Paymenƒ #_2}�_Reolaou-Fue1--Ianks-Wb.Lk~ 1payouen±A3)----- -- 'Cap'PrQj,',.W]nfe['Park_A r --- -_-----_-_'-_-__--_' Communicat ions-Wh, Lk` B|dQ'Mainf,,Equip.Moinf',Grounds Mainf.,Sm'Tou|s & _Uniforms-Glen Grounds ex�_Sup_.--__-__-- Grounds Mainf.-Add,&YAC;B|dQ,Mainf.-8dd,Conf,Cfr.,Grnvp. & |ndep, Bldg. Mainf'-Sp[ing':Renfa|_Prop,Meinf'-Wafer, B|dg.Moinf,-Wh,Lk.&W,O.W,Purk;Equip'Mainf',8rounds Maint., Hskp.Exp,&Renfa| Prop.Mainf,-Wh, Lk. Bldg. Moin+,_Add____ Bldg. Muinf,,window cleaning for Sep+.,192-G|en Oaks Bldg.M i f -C|e Oaks -a-�� �a_' Bldg. Majn+._W,O,W,Park__-_'____ �H0UH( 200,OO �-__--J,000.0.0-_ _-15,896.00_ 87^O0 __---'45,5g 247'5O 0AK1.ANI) COUH I Y PARKS AND IE[Mt _, 11011 CORM I SS I MI VOUCHER REGISTER NOVEMBER, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 11-18 Professional Paint & Repair Bldg. Maint.,stain all exterior wood fascias, soffits, window frames & trim—Admin. 2,990.00 11-19 Paint "N" Stuff _ Bldq. Maint.,paint supplies —Grove. 256.65 11-20 J—Turner Septic Service Bldg.Maint.—Grove.,Indep. & Wh.Lk. 2,730.00 11-21 11-22 Lakeland Soft Water Co. John A. Biewer Bldg. Maint.—Spring. Equip. Maint.—Red Oaks 30.00 10.00 11-23 MI Coffee Service ^_ Equip. Rental,rental fee for three water machines for one month—Admin. & Tech. Sup. _ 74.85 11-24 Mid —States Petroleum Spartan Oil Corporation Pifer, Inc. _Equip.Rental,rental of two tanks —Glen Oaks Equip.Maint__,oi I —Glen Oaks _ _ _ 4 _ Equip. Maint.—S rp inq. 100.00 11-25 208.45 11-26 8.23 11-27 Safety Supply America Equip. Maint.—Add. 78.31 11-28 Mid —States Petroleum Industrial Vehicle Sales NBC Truck Equipment Equip.Maint.—Grove.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks&Spring. Equip = Maint.—Water. & Glen Oaks _ Equip. Maint.,Bucket for Boom Truck —Tech. Sup. _ 3,531.31 69.70 11-29 11-30 246.00 11-31 Safety Kleen Corp. — Equip. Maint.—Add. 95.00 11-32 Thesier_Equipment Co. Certified Laboratories Equip. Maint.—Glen Oaks —Equip. Maint.,premalube red & diesel mate —Glen Oaks 304.48 11-33 180.88 11-34 Painters Supply Equip. Maint., Weed Harvester —Add. 148.55 �n N VOUCIiER NUMBER 11-35 11-36 11-37 1 1-38 11-39 11-40 _-1 1- 41_- 11-42 11-43 11-44 1 1-45 11-46 11-47 11-48 11-49 11-50 11-51 v-i w OAI<I_Al,ll) C011111 Y PARKS A110 R[CRr A 1 1 011 C0t.1111 SS I ON VOUCI ILR R[G I S I CR NOVEMBER, 1992 VENDOR AHD PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAI- OATL PURPOSE Haus of Trailers GoodYear Service Ctr. D & C Distributors Boomer Company _ Universal Equipment__ Pontiac Stamp, Stencil & Tykes-�tt i ng_,—�nc _ Tr i_-C-i_ty__Aggrega.te_s_ _Edward C. Levy_.___.,__ Arrow Uniform Rental Harvard's Plaza Cleaners MI Turfgrass Foundation_ Professional Golfer's Assn. of _America Pritchett Publishing Games Fun Promotions, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Grove. & Mob•Rec.,bleachers Equip. Maint.-Spring. Equip. Mai.nt. & Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks Grounds Mai-nt.-R.O.W.Park Grounds Maint.,safety fence-R.O.W.Park AMOUNT 61 .11 10.75 146.194 --- ---262.00 143.80 Grounds-Maint., mQsQn__sand_-Add_. &__GI-en___Oaks____ _--------- -- Gr_ounds_Mai_nf_-_,_s�.a.g-�r_Qv�-�_-----_.---------------------_ ----36�•�--- ----- Laundry&Dry Cleaning—Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,YAC, Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks, Spring.,R.O.W.Park&W.O.W.Park 381.09 Laundry & Dry Cleaning-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Red -- ------Oaks.,R.O.W. Park & Nat- P-rog.----- --- - ------------- - - - . 138.70... —Launder & Dry_CIcaninq-Add..Grove. & Indep____— 135_35_ _ Membersh i_p renewa I_ for A._ Wumme I -Wh . Lk. _ _ 10.00_ v _ Membersh i pirenewa I for G.Berschbach-S.Rr i ng. _ _ 162.25 _ Publications,reference material-Admin. __.33.70 _Pub_lications,subscrip tion renewal-Rec. Admin._ _ — 27.95 Special Events,medals & ribbons for Mt. Bike Race - Add. 327.60 VOUCHER NUMBER 11-52 11-53 11_GA 11-55 11-56 1 1-57 11-58 11-59 iin=l 9= 11-62 11-63 11-64 11-65 Onl<I_nln) COU1a 1 Y PARKS nrlD RECRt_,, 11011 C(1HH I S S I Ord V011CI IER REG I S TER NOVEMBER, 1992 VENDOR AND PPIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL_ DATE Meijer, Inc. State of MI/Residen Trust AGA Gas, Inc. Entire Reproductions Detroit Edison Consumers Power Company Tri—County Custom Sports Sundry (Instructors) Sundry (Miscellaneous) Madison Electric My Place Cafe Angie's Kitchen MI First Aid Gordon Food Service PURPOSE_ AMOUNT Misc.Exp.,food—Admin.;Public Info.—Admin.;Off.Sup.—Nat. — Prog.&Admin.;Rec.Sup.—Nat. Prog $ 107.95 Misc.Exp.,prisoner labor for the month of September,192— Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Red Oaks & Lyon Oaks 2,176.72 Special Events,helium—Rec. Admin. 15._86 _ _ _ _ Cap.Proj.,Conf.Ctr.Imp.—Add.&Storage/Workshop Bldg — _ _ _ Grove.;Public Info. & Off. Sup.—Admin. 183.08 Utilities-Grove_.,_Indep.,Glen Oaks,YAC & Nat. Pry. 5,872.10 Utilities —Glen Oaks,Water. & W.O.W.Park 1,142.97 Special Events,(2)Leather Basketballs—Rec. Admin. 77.00 _ Instructor's fee to Marclif,Inc. $434.00 Round Dance,F. Venice $252. 0 Ballroom Dance,S.Hill $227.50 Golf,R. _ James ��3OO�'oga,M.Marion $330.00 Ballet&Jazz,D.Masel $670.00 Dog Obed.,J.Snook $600.00 Ballroom Dance,K. Spence $750.00 Aerobics —Water. _ 3,398.50 Special Events,W/C Basketball Officials fee to F.Erkins $5O,R_.1-lardy__$75,C..Hob_b25_,,F.H-ughes_-$15O�.G.Jones__.$25_,.D_,- Jones $1OO,L.Jones $75,P.Jones $1OO,T.Judson $S.O,M. ^ _ _.^Kemp_er $25,_B ._Standacher _$25 _& D-._W_i-_I_son_$5O-Rec _Adm_i_n ..__ -_ 750_.00_ Bldg. Main_t.—Add. Conf. Ctr. & Grove. _ 522.37 Misc.Exp.,lunch for trusty crew, 10/15&16/92—Grove.' 55.00 Misc.Exp.,lunch for trusty crew,10/16&23/92—Add. Misc. Exp.,medical supplies—Admin. & Glen Oaks Special Events,food for ther. prop.—Rec. Admin. 52.59 174.58 OAK1 AND C(1U111 Y PAPKS ACID IZFCIZEA 1 1 011 C01,11•i l SS 1011 VOUCHER REG I S T E R NOVEMBER, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND I,IUMt3ER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNI 11-66 Waterford Twnshp.P&R Special Events,dog obed.,ballet,belly,ballroom,square,� round&aerobic dance,golf,woodcarving,yoga,bridge&misc.- _ _ Water. 500.00 11-67 MI Square Dance News Dave Smith DDB Needham Worldwide Special Events,full page ad for Oct.,1992-Water. Uniforms,reimb. for purchase of safety shoes-YAC Public Fni`o.,4-Color printing of Outdoor Transit Board "Wet Your Pants"-Admin. 65.00 11-68 11-69 50.00 2,582.97 11-70 Ann Healey Photography Public Info.,Mt.Bike Race photo-Admin. 45.00 11-71 NRPA Bean Bros. Award & Trophy Supplies American Business Concepts Public Info.,gold medal award video-Admin. Off. S-u P_.-SP _r i n __ . - g- - ------ ------ - -- - - -------- -- ---- -- Off. Sup.,ribbons & tape for Merlin-Admin. 40.00 -- -- -1 Il_ 40_. 136.85 1 1-72 11-73 _ 1 1-74 Federal Express Corp__ _ _ _ _ __Off. Sup .-Admin . _ _ `- _ _ - 15_50 11-75 Ric's Antlers & Anchor Rec. Sup.,worms-Nat. Prog. Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. _ ^ _ - 5.70 11-76 Moby Dick Pet Store 41_56_ 1 1-77 _ Tr i arco Arts & Crafts _.Rec_.__Sup.-Nat. Prog. - _ _ -_ _ Rec. Sup.,donuts-Nat. Prog. , _ _ -`_- _ _44_ 62 _ 33.60 11-78 Felice Family Food Ctr. _ _ _ _ 11-79 Dot First Aid & Safety Engan-Tooley & Assoc. Rec. Sup.,replacement lens for Space_Shield-W.O.W.Park Rec. Sup.,(4)Bike Racks -Add. 141.60 11-80 996.00 11-81 Wesco _- Maint. Sup. -Tech. Sup. 70.45 OAK I_AHD COIIH I Y PARK S AHD IZI.CRE A l l OI I COMA I SS 1 011 V01.I(;11FR [ZFG 1 S 1 FR NOVEMBER, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATF 11-82 Hornung's Pro Golf Sales 11-83 Trico Contracting 11-84 William Braun S. DeVonce, Cust. William Gerhardt 11-85 11-86 11-87 11-88 11-89 Janet Pung Sammy's To Go Sundry (Refunds)_ Sundry (Refunds) 11-90 11-91 VOID Sundry (Payroll) 11-92 11-93 Erb Lumber 11-94 Weingartz Supply 11-95 W.F. Miller Company �n rn PURPOSE AMOUNT Sm. Tools -Red Oaks Sm. Tools,(1)Saw & Grinder -Tech. Sup. Refund of greens fees -Glen Oaks Petty Cash Reimb.-Rec. Admin. Refund of camping -fee -Add. $ 17.70 117.20 30.00 57.32 12.75 _ _ Travel Reimb. for attending the Highly Effective People Seminar in Farmi_MI on_1 0/27192-Adm i n`__,_�_-_ Travel&Conf.,lunch for Comm.Mtg.&Budget Work Session held i n Waterford , M I on _10/22/927Adm in ._ .. _ ..-----_----__._-_ -- Damage Dep.refunds to M.Fisher $50 & County Folk Art S how_ s, I n_ c $_ 15C-YAC------------ ----------- - --- - -- Facilities Rental refunds to Friends of L.Brook Patterson $650.00, J .Kees l i-g_-$50.00&J .Grubb $50.00-Water. ---------__.74_ 88 -- 200.00_._. 750.00 Pay period ending 10/30/92-Ail Parks _ ap�ProJ:;Picn(6aR&F)=l-naep:&CTuG1i6_u-se-1-- scaping-Red Oaks;Bldg.Main,t.-Grove.,lndep.&W.O.W.Park; 126,158.49 Grounds Maint.-Spring. 928.45 Equip.Maint.-Orion,lndep.&Glen Oaks;Sm.Tools-Spring. 949.63 Equip.Maint.-Indep.,Wh.Lk. & Spring. 1,225.78 OAKI...AND COUN I Y PARKS AHO RECRLi I 1011 COHII I SS 1 ON VOUca chit RIG I S T ER NOVEMBER, 1992 VOUCHER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 11-96 Van's Auto Supply, Inc. Equip.Maint.-Tech.Sup.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks & Spring.;Sm. Tools-Wh.Lk. u 323.05 11-97 Burke Building Center -_^ --- ---- ----------- _-__- — _ Cap.Proj.,Conf.Ctr.Imp.-Add.;Bldg.Maint.-Admin.,Tech.Sup. Grove.,lndep.,Wh_Lk.,Glen Oaks&YAC;Equip.Maint.-Tech.Sup. Grounds Maint.-Orion,lndep.,W.O.W.Park&Lyon Oaks;Sm.Tools --Tech .��p_&Spr_-ing-�----------------------------- __B-Ldg.-_.Mai.nt..-Grove...& _Y.AC_---_-- __-_----.------.-_---_-.--------------_...-- Bldg.Maint.-Admin.,Grove.,Indep.,Water.&W.O.W.Park;Maint. Sup.-Tech.Sup.;Grounds_Maint.-Indep.&Water.;Equip.Maint__ _ _ _^ _ -------6b_9_.82_._. --._._21J_.5.0_ —----------------- _ Burke _Bu._Id_i-n-g_Center_ _. _—�I_dP11's_H_ ����_—_--- 11-98 11-99 — T.Complex&Mob.Rec.,trucks;Rec.Sup.,sp.event mob.-Mob.Rec. Sm.Tools-Mob.Rec.&T_Complex;Rental Prop.Maint.-Water.;Sp. Elden's Hardware Events,photography_ Indep. — -` - ^"- Bldg. Maint.-W.O.W.Park Bldg. Maint. & Equip. Maint.-Indep. 246.17 11-100 10.28 11-101 Auto Parts by Mazza 108.92 11-102 State Plumbing & Htg. Bldg.Maint.,Boiler repair -Add. Conf. Ctr. 188.40 11-103 Young Supply Detroit Hinge National Chemsearch Bidg.Maint.-Add. Conf. Ctr. & Indep. Bldg. Maint.,hinge for Info. sign in park-Indep. Bldg. Maint.-R.O.W.Park Bldg.Maint.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Add.Conf. Ctr.,Grove.,lndep.,Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park, YAC,Water.,W.O.W.Park,T.Complex & BMX Bldg.Maint.-Add.,Wh.Lk. & Water. 26.52 114.06 11-104 11-105 118.37 11-106 Eiden Equipment 11-107 Bronner's 298.24 293.39 11-10 Davisburg Lumber Co. Bldg. Maint.-Spring. 70.67 OAKI. AND ('01J1.11 Y PARKS AHD PHR(:A 11011 COb1r11 ;SIGN VOUCI 11=R Rf_G I S 1 -R NOVEMBER, 1992 VOUCIfErz VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPRO 1 1-109 Fire Control, Inc. Service Plumbing & 11-110 Heating Co__ _ 11-111 Neutron Industries, Inc. 11-112 Crown Battery Mfg., Co. 11-113 Cloverdale Equipment 11-114 Munn Ford Tractor, Inc. 11-115 Painters Supply 11-116 Thesier Equipment Co. 11-117 Blavat Bobcat Sales 11-118 Capitol Equipment, Inc. 11-119 GoodYear Service Ctr. GoodYear Wholesale Tire 11-120 Ctr_-- — -- -, _ 11-121 Hy Reach Air Center 11-122 A. Larson Company 11-123 Pontiac Steel 11-124 Vidosh Landscape Ctr. 11-125 NRPA /A(_ DATE PURPOSE Bldg. Maint.,sprinkler system semi-annual maint.-YAC Bldg. Maint.,repipe gas main to new boilers`Add. __ Bldg. Maint.-Add. Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. Equip. Maint.-Wh. Lk. Equip. Maint.,Weed Harvester -Add. Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. _ Equip. Maint.=Indep. Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. _E 9 u _i P __Mai n t . - I_n---------- Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup. Grounds Maint.-Indep. Grounds Maint.-Indep. Grounds Maint.-Add. & Red Oaks Membership dues for J.Kipke-Admin. AMOUNT 150.00 2,961.61^ 103.78 -_------_59.78 40.29 40_68_ 154.21 45.00 65.53 296.88 46.82 _._ 160 -7_Z-- 36.99 196.36 132.44 793.75 55.00 0AI(I_A1,11) COUN I Y PA[ZK S AIID ItECRLn I I MI C.01i 1I SS I OtI VOLICI F-R RFG I S i EIt NOVEMBER, 1992 VOUCIIER VENDOR AND NUMBER PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE _ 11-126 Gordon Food Service _ 11-127 State of Michigan Dept. of Labor 11-128 Ruth McClelland L.L. Bean, Inc. WearGuard 11-129 11-130 11-131 Industrial Cleaning Sup. Co. 11-132 11-133 Trico Contracting Tidd Tech, LTD 11-134 Joyous Concepts 11-135 Eiden Equipment Co. 11-136 M. Thibodeau, Cust. L.B.R. Enterprizes Contractor Publishing 11-137 11-138 11-139 Leisure Industry/Rec. News 1 1-140 Ha I b i gl_s_Landscap_i n_9_____ JRE Tires _ 11-141 11-142 Sullair Corporation _ 8/21/91 PUf?POSE Misc.Exp.,food-Admin.;Special Events,ther prog.-Rec.Admin. Misc. Exp.,boiler inspection -Spring. & YAC Special Events,clogging instructor -Wafter. Uniforms,(1)Parka-Admin. Uniforms,(1)Parka-Admin. Hskp. Exp.-Admin.,Tech.Sup. & Water. Maint. Sup. -Tech -Sup. Off. Sup. -Add. & Indep. Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. Sm. Tools -BMX Petty Cash Reimb.-Red Oaks Cap.Proj.,Pole Barn-Indep.;Maint.Bldg.Add.-Spring.(pay.#3) Publications,reference material -Tech. Sup. Pub 11cat ions,"Leisure Indust Report"-Admin. _ Cap ..Pro J ._, Bu i I_d i ng _Equip. Ma i nt.-Red Oaks Equip._Maint.-Tech. Sum^ AMOUNT 72.96 40.00 216.00 152.50 67.49 252.00 32.32 46.00 11 .95 202.81 73.77 15,327.00 6.00 _ 145.00 _ 411_00� 10.00 42.28 11-144 11-145 11-146 11-147 11-148 11-149 11-150 11-151 11-152 11-1,53 11-154 iM1001 �11-157 11-158 11-159 A VENDOR AND PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL_ DATE 0AI(1_ ANI) COUI.1 I Y PAIZI<S AI'ID IZECRE A I I OI I CUPIt, 1I ;S I ON VOUCI II:R IZEG I S I FIZ NOVEMBER, 1992 VOUCI IER NUMBER 11-143 Schram —Auto & Truck Parts _ Lake Orion Lumber"Co. New Hudson Lumber Co. Insty Prints Waterford Marine Federal Express, Corp Mr. Uniform & Mat Rentals ASCAP Donna Burton Shirley Spina Robert- Dancy_._--- _....-_. Pro —Tank Technologies, Meteor Photo —Comp anx .Clawson _Concrete Comp _any Fire EauiDment Co. ton Pivwoo PURPOSE AMOUNI Equip. Maint.—Indep. 65.00 Equip. Maint. & Grounds Maint.-Add. Grounds Maint.,installation of fence —Lyon Oaks 93.40 101.91 Off.Sup.—Admin.;Grounds Maint.—Lyon Oaks;Special Events, ther. prog.—Rec. Admin. Rec. Sup.,ring buoys & spool rope—W.O.W.Park 316.45 151.83 Off. Sup.—Admin. 15.50 _------------------------ - H-skp_.Exp..-Admi-n_.,Add.,.I_ndep_,_,YAC-._&-.-Water-.--------._.-_-------.---_-_ Special Events,fees for '92 Traveling_ Music_Show`Mob.Rec. Refund of security deposit —Water. ---- 49.00 50.00 Refund of security deposit—YAC 50.00 Refund of camping fee —Add. _S,peci_al _Ev_ent_s-,band for _-sr_.citizen _dance,12/11/92_Add.- _Cap-, Pro j_, Fue I Tank&P-ump_ Instal l_a_t i on-G I _en Oaks (Pay._#4 ) Acct.Rec.—Admin.(To be reimb. by Oakland Parks Foundation) Public Info.—Admin. 8.50 252.00 1,250.00 224.47 _B 1_dg .__Ma-i-nt . , concrete —Add . Maint.—Red Oaks 370.65 -Bldg. ` " Ma i nt.=Si ng. & Water._^__ _ __ __ _16.50 __ _ 348.85- OAK i8HD C0111-1|Y |`N\KS At |<[CkFx||o|| ('oNH|SF)|0U V011Ui[|< |([G!SlB< NOVEMBER, 1092 V0UC/|ER VENDOR AND NUND[rZ PRIOR COMMISSION hPPROVAL UA7E 11-161 Ecotec Pest Control' 11-162 Oil Recovery, Inc. Builder's Square Wimsatt Building Materials Corp. 11-163 11-164 Ace Lawn Care & Snow 11-167 One Hour Harbour Photo The Art Camera Mart, Inc. 11-168 11-170 Felice Family Food Ctr. Mob-y--D-ick Pet Store 11-171 11-172 M. Thibudeou Cusf, 11-173 K. Dougherty,C f � 11-174 � M'E.S'R.8' --------------- -- -----------'--- '--- ---' 11-175 Astronomical Data Serv. 11-176 Sundry (Misc.) PURPOSE AMOUNT Petty Cash Reimb.—Wh,. Lk. Cash Reimb.—Nat._Proa. 24.07 74.49 _Petty Special Events,prize money from Treasure Hunt to W.Hopp OAK L8MD ('0UH|Y PARKS) At |{ECR[x||UU [01,11,11SS|0|| VOVC118{ |{EC|SlB< NOVENBER, 1902 VOUO/ER VENDOR AND NUNOEC PRIOR C0NN/S3/0N 1PPRUVAL DATE PURPOSE AH0UN7 mtg. of 11/4/92—Admin. 163.00 11-178 Sundry (Commission) 289,760.42 SUB —TOTAL FOR VOUCHER REGISTER COAII;INED TOTALS OF MONTHLY ACTIVITIES FOR OCTOBER, 1992 TOTALS - GOLF COURSES RECREATIONAL & TOTALS - SPECIAL EVENTS TOTALS - DAY USE PARKS GRAND TOTALS GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing RED OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Cross Country Skiing SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Cross Country Skiing WHITE LAKE OAKS COIF COARSE Rounds flayed - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 19 Holes Cross Country Skiing TOTALS - GOLF COURSES Leagues/Groups Participants Leagues/Groups Participants 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 .1992 1991 1992 32 18 12,177 13,964 2,166 2,161 218,032 207,631 194217 16,904 19,558 2,390 2,530, i,259,581 276,747 3,504 4,295 28,648 28,295 89,746 78,780 852,163 740,460 3,730 4,53Q 57,729 61.817 94,302 83,471 1,329, 776 1,224,8 GOLF COURSES - MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1992 YVAR TO DATE Leagues Participants Leagues Participants 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 28 15 2,267 3,407 717 649 51,303 47,431 0 0 43 1,070 4 3 11,636 10,901 0 0 0 0 0 0 775 0 0 0 2,586 2,786 291 318 40,015 37,497 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 0 1 3 1,137 1,189 487 489 28,126 27,725 3 0 1,811 1,522 3 0 20,494 18,109 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 0 0 0 3,091 2,634 656 699 50,436 50,016 0 0 1,242 1,359 8 3 14,842 15,952 0 0 0 0 0 0 295 0 32 18 12,177 13,964 2,166 2,161 218.,032 207,631 RECREATIONAL AND SPECIAL EVEN" MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1992 MOBILE RECREATION ----------------- Airsport Skate Mobile Mime Group Broadway. Revue Puppet Mobile Sports Mohi7_e Buses Show'Mobile Dunk Tank High Striker WATERFORD OAKS Activity Center Tennis Complex BMX ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM Nature Center Outreach -Nature Trail Usage SPRINGFIELD OAKS Y A C SPECIAL EVENTS HALLOWEEN HOP HALLOWEEN HAPPINESS i N TOTALS .,NOT TNCfXDEU TN TnTAC,S YEAR TO DATE Groups Participants Group Participants 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 0 0 0 0 83 78 12,680 15,99 0 0 0 0 101 123 13,172 20,54 0 0 0 0 28 35 4,402 7,59 0 0 0 0 44 28 5,211 3,26 0 0 0 0 58 75 5,128 12,75 0 0 0 0 66 61 7,752 13,96 18 12 552 343 288 187 11,416 5,99 0 0 0 0 106 126 0 0 0 0 0 28 32 3,161 7,45 0 0 0 0 23 24 3,215 3,60 78 105 5,173 3,323 562 689 33,448 27,11 4 6 208 582 132 168 10,175 16,44 0 0 0 0 49 56 11,273 6,15 51 53 34355 3,238 378 444 22,890 26,47 4 3 416 407 180 144 31,200 29,37 0 0 2,159 2,986 0 0 51,160 52,98 39 38 7,200 11,665 264 260 84,458 80,02 397 357 I 194 217 16,904 19,558 2,390 2,530 259,581::�: 276,74 DAY USE PARKS AND FACILITY AT7 )ANCE REPORT - MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1992 ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers CROVELAND OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK Day Use Day Camper Overnight Group Campers ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GLEN OAKS BANQUET FACILITY SPRINCFII:LD OAKS CLUBHOUSE WHITE LAKE OAKS BANQUET FACILITY WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK RED OAKS WATERPARK RED OAKS GOLF DOME & SPORTS VILLAGE nRTnN nAKC TOTALS rn i w THESE FIGURES ARE ESTIMATED YEAR TO DATE I Groups Participants Groups Participants 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 175 177 2,645 2,784 2,702 2,448 40,980 36,271 335 383 1,174 1,688 13,062 11,765 50,424 58,821 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,023 7,701 175,730 133,853 0 0 0 0 17,294 11,279 64,676_ 43,247 0 0 0 0 21 13 914 417 2,929 3,675 10,254 12,868 47,533 44,632 166,386 ( 158,760 3 0 93 0 228 192 14,165 10,898 3 0 326 0 32 28 1,518 990 34 38 4,445 4,800 253 283 33,010 35,382 17 16 2,275 2,223 153 112 18,466 16,950 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 6 976 559 59 65 6,261 6,436 0 0 0 0 164 126 66,851 41,012 0 0 0 0 222 136 108,848 68,533 0 0 6,480 3,373 0 0 *103,698 *128,890 0 0 0 0 0 0 236 0 3,504 4,295 28,648 28,295 89,746 78,780 852,163 740y460 1 ITEM #7 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING PAINTING The condition of the administration building's facia, soffits and windows warranted the need for restaining. Specifications prepared included cleaning of all wood surfaces, priming any bare portions and restaining. Bids were received from Purchasing and the contract was let to the low bidder, Professional Paint and Repair of Rochester Hills in the amount of $2,990. During the cleaning of the wood surface, several areas were found that required additional preparation and a second coat of the stain. The extra work, completed on a time and material bases which amounted to $184, brings the total amount of the contract to $3,174. Staff requests approval of the total project amount of $3,174. 7-1 GROVELAND OAKS TERRACE IMPROVEMENT The terrace at Groveland Oaks requires additional low concrete walls and two short walks to correct erosion problems and permit accessibility to all levels of the terrace. The county has the company of Trio Contracting, Inc. under blanket order contract for concrete work. A quote of $5,000 was given for this work. Staff has reviewed the quote and would recommend that the work be authorized. A presentation and further explanation will be presented at the commission meeting. 7A-1 ITEM #8 FUEL TANK REPLACEMENT RED OAKS GOLF COURSE We have received an invoice from the R. V. Seaman Company (the contractor that was awarded the bid) for removal of 66 yards of contaminated soil that was removed from the site at the Red Oaks Golf Course. This 66 yards of contaminated soil is the total amount needed to be removed, and we now have a clean site assessment there. Staff requests you approve the payment of $3,960 to the R. V. Seaman Company for removal of this soil. Funds for this expenditure will come from the operating contingency. 8-1 ITEM 19 MANAGER'S REPORT ---Have been notified by Park Supervisor Tom Jackson that he is officially retiring from the department on January 14, 1993, after 26 years of service to the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. ---This year's MRPA Annual Conference will be in Dearborn from February 6 - 10, 1993. All commissioners are invited; please let Karen know as soon as possible whether or not you are planning to attend. ---Staff is anticipating having only one meeting in December, on December 2, at which the commission is scheduled to adopt the 1993 Budgets. ---Road Grader Update: On April 24, 1992, the commission purchased a 1967 M-100 B Allis-Chalmers road grader from Federal Surplus for $7,000.00. It was delivered and checked over for needed repairs. The parts to repair this unit cost $1,078.00. We repaired it and put it into service on May 15, 1992. In the first week of service we contacted the Oakland County Road Commission, and they had an operator train six parks operators on the use and care of the grader. In the five months this grader has been in the system, it has been used four times at Addison Oaks, four times at Independence Oaks, three times at the Springfield YAC. It was also used during the 4-H Fair to build the track for the truck and tractor pull and for cleanup afterwards. Maintenance cost has been very low ($177.36). We have had to replace the cutting edge and an oil line on the turbo charger. In 1992 we have used the grader twelve times, for a total of 178 hours, at a total cost of $8,255.36. This cost includes the purchase price of the grader. In 1991, the Parks' cost for grading just one time at each of the parks and at Springfield was $5,200.00. The grader has already paid for itself. ---Please note the following for your calendar: Country Folk Art Show, Springfield YAC, Nov. 20-22 Jingle Bell Ball for the mentally and physically impaired, Springfield YAC, Dec. 2, 6:30 p.m. Commission Meeting/Budget Adoption, Dec. 2, 9 a.m. 9-1 VIA SATELLITE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1992 - PARK FEES TAKE A HIKE: If you're planning to drive or hike through a national park, you'll need to bring along some extra money after Jan. 1. That's when the National Park Service is raising single -visit entrance fees at 126 locations, including Utah's Canyonlands, Idaho's Cra- ters of the Moon, Montana's Little Bighorn Battlefield, wyomings Devils Tower, and Pennsylvania's Valley Forge. At most parks, fees will increase $1 to $4 per vehicle or $2 per person. The last price hike was in 1987. 9-2