HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1972.11.07 - 3992TOWNSHIP OF ADD I SON NOVEMBER 7, 1972 COUNTY, MICHIGAN .4•••IV A ' ' ' ' ' •„:•::. .. • „.„,,,, ,,,, ,,.•:„ •,,.::.• •,..• NI •:•i ..,.. :•vAi t • . - . • • . ..• , . . . . : . ". • • • • . ' • • ' • • • • ' • . ' . ' . • • " . • . . w_r, • • . •. • AT THE ELECTION GENERAL HELD ON NOVEMBER 7, 1972 DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS F_ OAKLAND — ---- XXXXIXXXXXXIKVOIXXXIMXXXXXXXXXXXXX MANUFACTURED BY &LEO EL EC TION S UPPLY M A NUFAC TIMERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-398 CANVASSER BOOK Specily whether General, Primary or Speclal OFFICE AND CANDIDATE NAMES TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR (D) C LA I RE SCHUMAN 00•ROBERT C . NWOOD TOWNSHIP CLERK 1.• • /1. : I I ROBERT A ..M.CALLUM TOWNSHIP TREASURER LJ PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER ‘14V 4:1 .1! TOTALS I : (e! ) HAROLD KLE I N M I LWARD E . STRONG 01) 1 H_Pj STATEMENT OF VOTES (0) HAL I NA BORIS .poNNLD.11 -1 -C.KMOTT. I TOWNSH I P TRUSTEE (D) HARVEY B . WI LDS 1.1-r or the foL1oiq iircci oinc they. wel-ch...ijivctr-, . P7.C: Ved . ... . votes. receivc votes • . • • ek%t7.8' • votes received TOTAL 1 The rAber of votes given for the office of and they wee given for the followihg ricimed•iiersoris received . ,...t received votes votes votes receive-d•. The w iven fe umber of vote he office of Tot, SHIP TREASURER Two year term] we s nd wee given for the folfowing named persons; I (0) Halina Boris (R) iDONALDHICKMOTT eceiv: votes votes 'votes ----- votes received eivPd TOTAL The whole nunther of votes given •(vote Tor...nott more than..one) • TOWNShIP . (Eöttr. Year Term and they were given for the following nained pco ID) .HARVEY. :B,ILDS.received 00—GEOROE 1:ICKE received, received received VO =9S received received received received votes received .votes• ceived votes I• received TOTAL. votes TOWNSH If' OF ADDISON or t es EVE . . • • .• . . . .....i1.1,T•FILItiita • . •!ti Tifi5.•i;Ul.1.1i0 (D) HAROLD KLE I N received (D)_MILVARD E. STRONG received • received - TOTAL ;votes.1 . . • voles Votes ;1 votes received TOTAL votes . votes . votes IL votes votes votes' votes STATEMENT OF VOTES who rnlinber of votes given for the office of (Vote for not more than two) TOWNSHIP CONSTABLE (Two Year Term 'POT. FIGUR ES • • M:Iffis COLI1MN . . and they were given. for the fol•loWing naed•persons: The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: received . votes received votes received votes _ received . 11 • _._._ received ' V6t6 I received received received votes received ..-.• vot+:35 The whole number of votes given for the office of _ was and they were given for the following named persons: received votes _ received votes received votes TOTAL The whole number of votes g iven for the office of was and they were i yen For the Following named persons: received received received received •TOTAL ) _:A.aving received the largest•nunibet of recc-tived the la1aP.,..1 nvt7, op , votes is eledec.: TOWNSH I P CLERK _ _ _ _ _ Mot - votes is elected. _ aving. Teceived the largest number votes is electe That vote § is elec Thc _having received the largest number of __havh-ig received the CERTIFICATE OF D 7:4'EATE OF MICHIGAN, '1 lat_TNTY ç OAKLAND COUNTY OAKLAND The Board of Canvassers of the__ Coury City T i i r::;j::;.: 7 E.71,.." TOWNSHIP OF ADDISON' having Ascertained and Canvassed the V.otes.of said at the_ GENERAL Ection, held on the 7th : NOVEMBER seventy-two one thousand nine hundred and Do Hereby Certify and Determine C votes is elected 2 TOWNSH I P SUPERV I SOR ,,,' , , / That --P 6---c- t-t. ;q. 7772,:_,_ (-;71„ T_OWNSH LP _ TRUSTEE. _ having received the L',14.3 e:i :l umber of T_OWNSKLP... CLONSTAfiLE „._ having receivNeltic kggo:51.- ni to ey of „ecfed_ TOWNSH I P CONSTABLE That_ _havinq the !al:1,mi nurib:.., votes is elected_______ votes is elected_ That_ votes is elected _ That _having received the img est zrontb a i votes is elected. 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Withorvi :Whitteöf,.We.have hereun •.COUNTY. OiAIRMAK, ATUST: CHAI K OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS. r • ) • MAN OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS, ---:••=—• • • • " That votes is elected having received That votes is elected That votes is elected having received th having •received the largest numbei of largest.:nuintr.ot.. largest number of NAME OF PROPOSMON NONE Do Further Hereby Determine; That votes is elected having received the