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Agendas/Packets - 1994.09.21 - 39952
OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION 2800 Watkins Lake Road • Waterford, Michigan 48328-1917 (810) 858-0906 • Fax (810) 858-1683 • TDD (810) 858-1684 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: t9l Ralph A. Richard Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Manager Chairman Jon J. Kipke Jean M. Fox Assistant Manager Vice Chairman Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Secretary September 15, 1994 Ruth A. Johnson George W. Kuhn Thomas A. Law John E. Olsen L. Brooks Patterson Roy Rewold Richard Skarritt A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATIONS COMMISSION as follows: PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . .Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328 TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday, September 21, 1994 n -n^ _ PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, Ralph Richard Manager RAR/jg OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 21, 1994 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes for September 7, 1994, Meeting. 4. Public Comments. 5. Approval of Payment: Voucher Nos: 9-1 thru 9-238 Interdepartmental Payment Register: July charges paid in August 6. Activity Report for August, 1994. 7. Award Presentation. Chairman Lewis 8. Oakland Parks Foundation. Ralph Richard / 858-0909 9. Purchasing. itit 10. Proposal A and What It Means To The Parks. ifif 11. Bid Item: Restroom Partitions - Springfield and Red Oaks Golf Courses. Mike Thibodeau / 858-4630 12 Bid Item: Park Grade Trees - Addison, Glen Oaks, Groveland, Red Oaks, Springfield, Waterford & White Lake Oaks. Dan Stencil / 858-4944 13. Electrical - Addison Oaks. Jon Kipke / 858-4605 14. Historic Cabin - Bloomfield Township. Ralph Richard / 858-0909 15. Manager's Report. if it 16. Old Business. 17. New Business. 18. Adjourn. „ 1. ,, - ,I , , „ ter. ,,, ,�, , -10"s 051111T�G ON c '0,0165 ill . the Uzi VN se - 0mbex uavL yec)�' ration 13 Cps r-j0*.rab� ew -C by w -OD�q OA .cc to arks x at and -?Lec'C -fetagichaxd .;Arva's ca Yar.)5.S y0-1. , See It the -�Le 'Wolcl, TheMeel:"N�l' TOOva 0.ERS• vff,�a -?Lol Vice e col SoeO-cg; onl GChaixR t h bSI xr., V 019t S A. '� ya- i Manager Hager C,O;- O, ,,,tte Stet ©f Yfol jaell)-1 alph Chef 0 ejelon O-9 : Ron gip tench, C 3 N sy, -e g bodgaAll-qe�;l C-reaC)a� CjjdOlt e ir_esi0o.-reat-a)F_e blet - IV TSxe e_rj(1,B,ec , Se .1 cev aVv DeAd Yaxks C NCO Sge cla Funk Txl� 1' bh COTDO ung e9 aCtl- pOT )Ss e yecpje ,,Timovaqa,Yriae Gfgiav0v TI clg 6Vattle,Y ,,qe ove the avy .tt to 0 -Basso -CTI the `0 Sg�, OL 11 il Gfels 10-ye by OCte acid sa-99 September e be tev to ION tp-,LJ, 0 g�b:�, j !Se-9 -0�' r�A lv�g; 0 1 AYY 14T - meeting �ov 'bl t):,e staf O-Or- tes of �eljejcLee -Set* t tUe ce -5.0Al VDi"15:a - eDA 0 lao6l eovlec:tl�O'C"s the e * UvAe"' se to e-005. '3-4. Puva -?Led, 0109 to 1�61 ,.,g;e Nje from Coi�Cl'%4 tVLe to ,Iced, t-ro ,jeal vote from f 11 slec txa -,cle c aouoow -?Le*0ld" ..V;e Cotes ,,ge CALL'tbTTled, VOL sou e ,motionca NAYS 4 0-ritl . .... . . lit 001 .,,tj&je (Commission Meeting, September 7, 1994) PUBLIC COMMENTS: Chief of Recreation Sue Delridge introduced Craig Thompson, an intern who will be working with Jim Mansfield at the Springfield Oaks Activities Center. Chairman Lewis updated the Commission of the Lewis E. Wint Golf Outing to be held at Springfield Oaks Golf Course on September 19. Manager Richard reviewed the upcoming autumn special events in the parks. APPROVAL OF PAYMENTS: Moved by Mr. Rewold, supported by Mrs. Fox to approve the payment of Vouchers 8-117 through 8-396. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Fox, Johnson, G . Kuhn, R . Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Rewold, Skarritt, ,Vogt (9) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS: The Statement of Operations for the month ending July 31, 1994, was accepted as filed. ACTIVITIES REPORT: The Activities Report for the month of July, 1994, was accepted as filed. AWARD PRESENTATION: Chief of Recreation Sue Delridge presented an Outstanding Silver National Safety Award from Ellis and Associates recognizing the Commission for our lifeguard safety training. Our lifeguards placed in the top six percent in the United States. Commissioner Law suggested staff bring this award to the attention of Risk Management as reference against possible future lawsuits. 1994-1995 PARK SECURITY CONTRACT: Chief of Administrative Services Frank Trionfi reviewed the proposed contract for park security services for 1994-1995 with the Oakland County Sheriff's Department. The total projected contract cost for 1994 is approximately $286,134 and $296, 633 for 1995. Staff recommended the Commission approve the contract as proposed. Moved by Mr. Rewold, supported by Mr. Law to approve the contract with the Oakland County Sheriff's Department for park security services for 1994-1995 as proposed. a-2 Septe�bex I ) lgg4) onlmisslon Meeting � old, Skarxltt ? Vogt iC Lewis � Rew CALL VpTE• KuhaI Law g pL l' Kuhn R' AYES' Fox,°hnson rxied' 0) yated> t1le.m°tion 1pN ' waterf°rd NAYS ` lent ma3°ritY having Co EX RE pV AT gents made at ah old facihtY N pl' ve d A suf f lc S W AV E ppOL irapof the 2�'Y pAK d the xecentxenovation waterpool pg.D views lolled eciali%e wave ppOtures wATERF doe Figa oxl with a p awes th press The new fe �Ox all of DesIV . conlun eral camp Lion of tares • eatuxes fatal Chief ve goal �n o oral to . the rela water f e and others ing struc Oaks VZa sts f or pr pectiye is t of some n children t the eXi sentgequerop°sal obelvelopmen or younger looking a • s. from £aabties �e ax a and th aactiylties also h1cluu5 relati°n51vP detled wastd, of watersl�.d yids addltl op°sal woulspacial and lets and call be -P stI act -ton wOUld cups • TIle 9 al style j the coos ed p p e > wier n of the mobn'tr,ables age g ons I arch als I n°tUec� e a pr°pos fee °f S -P se, 911"s rel sofor can d the Prop hat firm get plan an Suction pha s l oyeul come Staff revie e Basso o fax the'x' ents and can l from G�f 1 s . Staff veaGiffels I Hoc im-ed $24 ��� bid locum t the prop°s as reimbuxsa oject . n°t-to'ex the desi ssianacce 4,()Q0' Alex with the p is'Planne atoi casts f ox led the C° o exceed wing f'�`rth Ideate w breast of wh Staff rec°mmlan study nbefOre pr°ce we d° n°t f yell keep ala the waste e Cow -sslon dL tern that ark staf osal back t° th exi3resse Sox ngs MetT picati°n • ccept the -9 Qyation Chairn'al t°Xat India vex to ayOWL FoX to a ve pool re plus Vie water f ae at park �n or ted by JArs . oaks w a d $24 y �0 th at th Sapp°r water x to eXcee fa planned Mxs • Sohn Bass°fox amount n°t Mope Gbffels I HoYe a in an Kuhn (8) from tan Stu Y G . master ablesFOXI °hnson reim • Lewis, 51Larritt s Vogl' V Orr E g,OLL CALL R , Kuhn 1 Law > carried . ,,YES • the motion d for auditing NAYS • 0) m oxi Y having voted s cal t 1 dent a7 the - � °p�yeral other1994 A Saffi io�i reviewrovide t %13,5tia for OpoSA1,: es Frank Tta services -o °posed a A�D1T plZ nistratlye S ht as cata5eservices are p of Adm� % & Kn�g & Knig 6 Chief es from Janfor Jan% p for lg9 servlc d Fees ag3 j��Q for 1.995, an $1 a 3 rs 1994 thr°'agh tember 't , igg4i ght for the `lea of ion meetix�g SeP irm of zan� &� retain t' on f °Cth r LC°ass retaix g the f G . K'ah he Com as ,� pp for rep°be ended Ported by aVi s ser°ices `rill 19g6. Mr • ,� ogt dorm yees ' oa f o 1996 ' �� (8) Movedht to P x' .igg6 • d $13,9 R Jane & 4 tlO or . 995 ? G . an g,ahn' years 113 Ipp for oX Johnson' g4, F 19 OBE: karr. o gt> g,OLL CALL I,aw LeWis S motion carried . AYES • d the t SAYS: �0� rity having °ote BBE�T • e meant aMQcY�ga d I mad° O� GRANT AGg , on toe ec5 . be � 5t F`7`nd axl A AKS AC U1S1�1 oval of a resO Oa0 p00 f °m the he YOIS O r t to 63 t L Commissi anresadlacerit, vet , ssioa- to apl'r° siti°n requestedi°Y' °f 48v�st Vill, ecreatGrai°n Coin G • huh for the acg llll Staff acO; ces `fir and by Mr • e'en al for the Res°'ar e Parks orted xlt a ee n 148, t 1`1a35rpOp from tx' Fox sue pate the e Mic�kvgevelo-9 $3 by NITS atipz' to e Tay°� Oak bushes t on a:nd d Moved resol , cent to 5 esta cg'�`isi of f ollo`� agres adaa l pl °f 1ovides f or a ot County of lg8 public Ana which al P,arP°ses • om�ssionl P'"rP°ses EREP'S rust F'a ecreation eatioxi Cecreatiozia es to be geso'arcefor Public r s and Ror Pubvc r exit ag QPerty as of lands FPS they ��re lands unit of g°�ance f the Pr ER to ANp a d desires aforeme exa ox1 atjolDe nd ma1YL and Ree Yrojec Oak SAS the or the °P arks to th and D wgFRonsi�blet Bement' that the dYo exat —%esoa es A� ely resP said W LVEL uth°rite �atus eeme at. se fO'r in BE Z`r o S' klanD p xtmex'tsoof said A 'rKERBFOo of C° tYie Mickug and con�ti°n Commissi t VA the term Kahn (� eexnen erform G • guhn R . Ag stop .,gee 3ohnsoxi, ALL yOTE: rlttVo ? gt FoX� ROLL Car n carried • TE YES , Lewis Sk Qoted' the motio BMX lgg4 LipDA A YS • �p� xca�°city 1'aaing MFIO!iSxIp OF ��''' A sufficient �Cl �ORI,,D CKA w OA ATBRyo .w arld Bsf s r ? l994) epart fr roe, th h°te1 be nar9 r evens e lon Meeting' Sep awed th Ming r the r en5es from the (C°ass r ion K.ip) we area p t • final report the exp taut Maras mooting ththe final o cl de the f cha'a'piul besinded ed staff als � the which an Lewls reg'� est hn t0 app � • St C�sairm alland. X; G • gti aver e lgg4 trip to FOg�D ON BM arced VY c se o 5hlp o BMA gac RAVEL VJA�Bg r- Vo p2.p4 for*or-tvLe d Champion mitt' Op, (8� G a by M $6?1 15C1 Sha M ved to e of far the Lewis Sa d a da oa 5 , S'aw Waterf or G • R K 3ohnson� S: FoX� ve the P'l YS : (Oi ed an a voice vote s . Fax fr Riat 0 NA MOtian Carrl p OAFS : ported h erOf ge lgg4 atV� fi �RFOR nhn svp he p'�r of BMX (8� Nt A 1� for ship V o 51G1.1s � Mr • g ,'gg ' gg Cha'�'plon karritt .NM°v ed h �e of U CI * orl� heVis > S e�pendl for the jaw U,Ysn company nhn g, - 1'y Oaks' G - K .nson > YES: FoX� doh te• was rated: A Y S� (g� d on a v area v o da � the following conside le NA Motion carrle the agen t1anbeing the 90991 5 REpORY : , s Report filed in ssyo a O Rt eOrc clua ing GER a er omm ton e MAN A to the Mang d .Ue the Chn hn v'pdate camber 21 y at t In addition G. K�illoqeSeV rnmissione tatl e t pat Red Oaks • n *ednesdal' -__Coosgole faces 9 m• ° avoid -? an of the be at g a. expa.'�si siOn Meeting w1�1 s the neXt- ati�011o'fflce. ed at ig,gy a.m• � `,�'t-� vqas The meetizlg Caren dsimig Secretary .decor l�uhn �r R e� etarY- a 5 5 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Payment Approval Summary For Meeting of: September 21, 1994 c Tr%T Tr SIT: VC • Nos. 9-1 thru 9-238 $377,670.34 INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER: July charges paid in August 312,938.48 TOTAL $690,608.82 OAKLAND COUNTY PARRS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1994 VOUCHER VENDOR AND PRIOR NUMBER COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-1 Consumers Power Company Utilities-Add.,Add.Conf.Ctr.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks & R.O.W. $ Park 4,243.95 9-2 Detroit Edison Utilities-Indep.,Spring.,SAC & Nat. Prog. 9,016.06 9-3 Detroit Edison Utilities-Add.,Add.Conf.Ctr. & Grove. 12,130.27 9-4 Amerigas Utilities -Add. 214.01 9-5 Burke Building Center Cap.Proj.,Storage/Workshop Bldg.-Grove.,River Trail & Dock-Indep:&Bldg.Renov./Carpet,W.P.-Water.;Bldg.Maint.- Indep.;Grounds Maint.-Water.&BMX;Sm.Tools&Sup.for Repair- Tech.Sup. 1,042.74 9-6 Burke Building Center Cap.Proj.,Bldg.Renov./Carpet,W.P.-Water.;Bldg.Maint.- BMX&Indep.;Grounds Maint.-BMX&SAC;Sm.Tools-BMX 1,971.03 9-7 Burke Building Center Cap.Proj.,Bldg. Renov./Carpet,W.P.-Water. 284.48 9-8 Thalner Electronic Laboratories, Cap.Equip.,(1)Projector,VHS Recorder,Speaker,Case & Inc. access. -Add. 4,174.00 9-9 Harvey's Office Pros Cap.Equip.,(1)Chair & Arms-Spring.;Off.Sup.-Admin., Grove.,Add.,Indep.,Glen Oaks,Spring.,W.O.W.Park & Nat. Prog.;Grounds Maint.-Add.;Special Events,World Race -BMX 705.41 9-10 Weingartz Supply Cap.Equip.,(1)Grooming Mower-Spring.;Equip.Maint.-Add., Grove.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Water. & SAC 3,324.39 9-11 W.F. Miller Company Equip.Maint.-Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks & Spring.;Grounds Maint.-Wh.Lk. 1,360.50 9-12 Mister Uniform & Mat Rental,Inc. Hskp.Exp.-Water.,Indep.,Admin.,SAC & Add. 153.28 9-13 Albin Business Copiers Off.Sup.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep., Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks & Spring. 458.98 9-14 Meteor Photo Company Off.Sup.-Nat. Prog.;Public Info.,custom prints-Admin. 579.28 9-15 Impressive Type Off. Sup. -Red Oaks 70.00 9-16 Nat.11 Bicycle League Off. Sup. -BMX 22.81 5-1 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1994 VOUCHER VENDOR AND PRIOR NUMBER COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE 0.1110IIRio 9-17 Wilson Welding Supply Special Events,helium-Rec.Admin.&Indep.;Equip.Maint.- $ Tech.Sup., Add.&Indep.;Rec.Sup.-R.O.W.Park&W.O.W.Park; Sm.Tools-Tech. Sup. 931.63 9-18 John R Lumber Grounds Maint.&Bldg.Maint.-Red Oaks&R.O.W.Park;Hskp.Exp.& Equip.Maint.-Red Oaks;Rental Prop.Maint.-Wh.Lk. 518.86 9-19 John R Lumber Bldg.Maint.-Red Oaks&R.O.W.Park;Equip.Maint.&Sm.Tools-Red Oaks;Grounds Maint.-R.O.W.Park 276.23 9-20 S.DeVonce, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb-BMX 380.47 9-21 S.DeVonce, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-BMX 274.45 9-22 R.Delasko, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Indep. 146.87 9-23 Laidlaw Waste Systems Rubbish Removal-BMX,Water.,SAC & Tech. Sup. 385.64 9-24 Bean Bros. Award & Trophy Supplies Special Events,tennis trophies-T.Complex;Rec.Sup.-BMX 390.50 9-25 Oakland Heating Supply Cap.Proj.,Bldg.Renov./Carpet,W.P.-Water.;Equip.Maint.- Water.;Bldg.Maint.-Indep. 169.25 9-26 Century Rain Aid Cap.Proj.,Greens Imp. -Glen Oaks;Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks & Wh. Lk. 194.27 9-27 Oakland Lawn & Garden Equipment Equip. Maint.-Water. & Glen Oaks 214.13 9-28 Skillpath, Inc. Adv.Regist. for K.Smith&L.Baker to attend the Management Skills seminar in Dearborn,MI on 9/22/94-Admin. 138.00 9-29 Robert A. Coffey Travel Reimb. for attend the Fall Mt.Bike planning mtg. in Waterford,MI on 8/23/94-Add. 26.76 9-30 Daniel J. Stencil Travel Reimb. for attend the Sp.Park Dist. Forum in Vancouver, B.C. on 6/13-19/94-Admin. 679.30 9-31 Jeff Ellis & Assoc. Travel & Conf.,lifeguard training-Add.,Grove.,Indep., W.O.W.Park & R.O.W.Park 1,800.00 9-32 Michigan Firewood Mdse. for Resale,firewood-Add. 604.50 5-2 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1994 VOUCHER VENDOR AND PRIOR NUMBER COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE 41 41IRY 9-33 Kelly's Outfitters, Inc. Mdse.for Resale,worms-Grove.;Special Events,sr. citizens- Indep. $ 89.40 9-34 Northern Boulder Cap.Proj.,balance due on Greens Imp. -Glen Oaks 1,580.04 9-35 Pontiac Steel Company Cap.Proj.,Greens Imp. -Glen Oaks;Grounds Maint.-Indep.; Equip. Maint.-Add. 210.87 9-36 Steelcrete Company Rec. Sup.,pool chemicals-W.O.W.Park 339.00 9-37 Time Emergency Equipment Rec. Sup.-Indep. 53.50 9-38 Trico Contracting Cap.Proj.,Bldg.Renov./Carpet,W.P.-Water.;Sm.Tools-Tech. Sup.;Misc.Exp.,gloves-Water. 534.79 9-39 Wimsatt Building Materials Corp. Cap.Proj.,Bldg.Renov./Carpet,W.P.-Water. 21.60 9-40 The Quonset Bldg. Maint.-Grove. 40.42 9-41 Eaton Air Filter, Inc. Bldg. Maint.,air filters-Admin. 211.18 9-42 Wesco Distribution, Inc. Bldg. Maint.-Indep. 49.02 9-43 Balance Engineering Bldg. Maint.,repair on wave making blower-W.O.W.Park 150.00 9-44 Quik Chicken Misc.Exp.,lunch for trusty work crew -BMX 99.62 9-45 Global Equipment Co. Bldg. Maint.,rack & parts bin -Tech. Sup. 144.67 9-46 Acme Cleaning Service Bldg. Maint.,window cleaning services -Glen Oaks 115.00 9-47 Trumbull Recreation Supply Bldg. Maint.-Grove.;Special Events,restroom signs -BMX 344.22 9-48 Hank Gniewek Trophies Special Events,trophies-Glen Oaks 320.00 9-49 Independence Professional Fireworks, Inc. Special Events,firework display -BMX 1,500.00 9-50 Julie's Floral Design Special Events,bouquets-BMX 444.00 9-51 Aircut Pneumatic Pruning Equip. Equip. Maint.-BMX & Indep. 231.23 9-52 Mid -States Petroleum Equip. Maint.,fuel-Wh. Lk. 1,102.08 OAKLAND COUNTY PARRS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1994 VOUCHER VENDOR AND PRIOR Srnvnvn fVWMTCCTnM AUURnIMT. MTR PURPOSE 9-53 DMM Industries Equip. Maint.,repair of pedal boats-Indep. $ 203.52 9-54 Wolverine Hydro Systems, Inc. Equip. Maint.,tractor cylinder -Glen Oaks 191.20 9-55 Jan's Sport Shop Equip. Maint.-Grove. 10.95 9-56 J. H. Bennett & Company Equip. Maint.,seal & piston kit-R.O.W.Park 243.11 9-57 Jacobson Trailer Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 49.00 9-58 Vesco Industrial Lubricants Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks & Wh. Lk. 77.75 9-59 J & H Hydraulic Equip. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 23.70 9-60 Oakland Hardware Equip. Maint.,Grounds Maint.,Sm.Tools & Special Events, campground entertainment -Add. 760.97 9-61 Turfgrass, Inc. Cap.Proj.,Bldg.Renov./Carpet,W.P.-Water.;Grounds Maint.- Glen Oaks,Red Oaks & Water. 3,337.44 9-62 Smith Welding Supply Equip. Maint.-Indep. 6.60 9-63 H.L. Claeys & Co. Equip. Maint.-Add. 27.48 9-64 Chet's American Rental Grounds Maint.,stripping paint cases -Red Oaks 100.00 9-65 Zep Manufacturing Co. Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks 12.70 9-66 J. Davis Marking Systems Grounds Maint.,sprinkler caps -Red Oaks 461.90 9-67 Michigan Portable Toilets, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Indep. & Orion 370.00 9-68 Tri-City Aggregates Grounds Maint.-Spring. & Indep. 542.76 9-69 Barco Products Co. Grounds Maint.,sand-BMX 291.88 9-70 Hunt Sign Company Grounds Maint.-BMX 87.84 9-71 Sanifill, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Grove. 34.50 9-72 Seton Name Plate Corp. Grounds Maint.-Water. 42.90 5-4 OAKLAND COUNTY PARRS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1994 VOUCHER VENDOR AND PRIOR MTTMRRR [Y)MMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE 9-73 Oak. Co. Sheriff Dept. Misc. Exp.,inspection of boats -Add. $ 70.00 9-74 Vallen Safety Supply Misc. Exp.,rainsuit-Grove. 13.17 9-75 Ray Wiegands Nursery Grounds Maint.,ivy & bushes -Add. 105.50 9-76 John Sowels Misc. Exp.,reimb. for CDL license -Tech. Sup. 20.00 9-77 Home Health Care of Michigan Misc. Exp.,medical supplies-W.O.W.Park 102.85 9-78 Reed -Joseph Int'l. Co. Misc. Exp.,wildlife mgmt.-Add. 177.00 9-79 State of Michigan Misc. Exp.,(50)Crop Damage Block Permits -Add. 150.00 9-80 Harwoods Uniforms Uniforms -Toboggan Complex & Nat. Prog. 194.85 9-81 Drayton Pool & Spa Supply Rec. Sup.,pool supplies-W.O.W.Park 213.95 9-82 DMF Bait Shop Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 17.00 9-83 Sunshine Farm Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 17.70 9-84 Moby Dick Pet Store Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 17.99 9-85 American Business Concepts Off. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 67.00 9-86 Perfect Pets Rec. Sup. -Nat. Prog. 57.00 9-87 Miltona Turf Products Sm. Tools,cup cutter-Wh. Lk. 119.25 9-88 Industrial Cleaning Supply Co. Equip. Maint.-Wh.Lk.;Hskp. Exp.-Red Oaks 80.17 9-89 City Waste Systems, Inc. q Grounds Maint.-W.O.W.Park;Rubbish Removal -Grove. 2,381.40 9-90 Waste Management of MI -Mideast Rubbish Removal-Indep. 468.00 9-91 Salopek Golf Cars, Inc. Golf Cart Rental,(9)cars-Glen Oaks 225.00 9-92 Tim Neilson Refund of golf fee-Wh. Lk. 59.00 GARLAND COUNTY PARRS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1994 VOUCHER VENDOR AND PRIOR NUMBER COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE AMOUNT 9-93 Joseph J. Hanish Refund for overpayment of golf fees -Glen Oaks 64.00 9-94 Hodges Cap.Proj.,Bldg.Renov./Carpet,W.P.-Water.;Bldg. Maint.- Grove.,Indep.,W.O.W.Park&R.O.W.Park;Rental Prop. Maint.- Wh.Lk. 2,771.77 9-95 Madison Electric Cap.Proj.,Bldg.Renov./Carpet,W.P.-Water.&Storage/Workshop Bldg.-Grove.;Bldg.Maint.-Admin.,Indep.,Glen oaks,R.O.W. Park & SAC 2,960.15 9-96 Vidosh Landscape Center Cap.Proj.,Bldg.Renov./Carpet,W.P.-Water.;Grounds Maint.- Water. & R.O.W.Park 1,719.00 9-97 City of Madison Heights Utilities -Red Oaks & R.O.W.Park 6,382.44 9-98 Midwest Tool & Equipment Cap.Proj.,Bldg.Renov./Carpet,W.P.-Water.;Sm.Tools-Tech. Sup.;Bldg.Maint.-Water. 1,307.56 9-99 Tri-City Aggregates I Cap.Proj.,Primary Elec. Upgrade -Grove. 2,254.69 9-100 Antlers & Anchor Mdse. for Resale,worms-Grove.,Indep. & Add. 643.00 9-101 Gamalski Bldg. Specialties Grounds Maint.-Grove.&Indep.;Bldg.Maint.-W.O.W.Park 179.13 9-102 Munn Ford Tractor, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Grove.,Indep.,Water. & Add. 342.46 9-103 Dot First Aid & Safety Misc. Exp.,medical supplies-Indep.,SAC,W.O.W.Park & BMX 463.71 19-104 Wolverine Sports Sup. Grounds Maint.-BMX 84.60 9-105 Southeastern Oak. Co. Resource Recovery Rent,lease of incinerator plant property for use as a golf course -Red Oaks 7,000.00 9-106 Utica Distributors, Inc. Grounds Maint.-Add.,Grove. & Red Oaks 318.75 9-107 Mid -States Petroleum Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks,Spring. & Indep. 1,814.06 9-108 Spartan Distributors Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks,Red Oaks&Spring.;Equip.Maint.- Wh. Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks & Spring. 1,172.36 9-109 Arbor Springs Water Co. Off.Sup.-Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring. & SAC 649.20 10 Animal Care Equip. & Service Sm.Tools-Indep. 173.00 E9--11 George L. Johnston Co. Sm.Tools-Tech.Sup.;Bldg.Maint.-SAC & Toboggan Complex 1,024.64 5-6 OAKLAND COUNTY PARRS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1994 VOUCHER VENDOR AND PRIOR 1J Tkml2A lYWMTCCTnm APPRnVAT. nATR PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-112 Sundry (Payroll) Pay period ending 9/2/94-All Parks $203,008.82 9-113 R.Coffey, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-Add. 171.06 9-114 E.Cook, Cust. Petty Cash Reimb.-R.O.W.Park 72.64 9-115 Valley Turf, Inc. Cap.Proj.,Greens Imp. -Glen Oaks 144.00 9-116 Steadfast Bridge Company 6/l/94 Cap.Proj.,Greens Imp. -Glen Oaks 5,888.00 9-117 Wilson Sporting Goods Golf Mdse. for Resale.,irons-Spring. 149.83 9-118 Titleist Drawer CS Golf Mdse. for Resale,golf balls-Wh. Lk. 487.84 9-119 Eaton Air Filter, Inc. Bldg. Maint.,filters for air conditioning unit -Nat. Prog. 101.46 9-120 Global Equipment Co. Bldg. Maint.-Tech. Sup. 45.40 9-121 Barco Products Co. Bldg. Maint.-Indep. 52.73 9-122 James Layman Water Systems Bldg. Maint.,pump repair -Grove. 868.20 9-123 Trumbull Recreation Supply Bldg. Maint.,shower repair -Grove. 316.28 9-124 McMasters Filtration, Inc. Bldg. Maint.-W.O.W.Park 64.54 9-125 Overhead Door Company Bldg. Maint.,door sections repaired -Grove.. 760.45 9-126 McNab Hardware Bldg. Maint.-W.O.W.Park 5.98 9-127 Smiley Electric Bldg. Maint.-Spring. & Grove. 157.25 9-128 Young Supply Bldg. Maint.-Admin.,Spring. & Add.Conf.Ctr. 264.12 9-129 Leslie Electric Bldg. Maint.-Grove. 47.40 9-130 AT&T Communications-Wh. Lk. 48.95 9-131 Tire Wholesalers Company Equip. Maint.-Grove. 31.50 9-132 Lawson Products Equip. Maint.-Add. & Indep. 368.91 5-7 GARLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1994 VOUCHER VENDOR AND PRIOR ImvuvD lVWMTCCTnN AAURnUAT. nA'TTit PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-133 Al's Service Center #2 Equip.Maint.,buses-Mob. Rec. $ 20.00 9-134 Glendale Auto Supply Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks 6.74 9-135 Burington Golf Car Distributors Equip. Maint.-Add. & Red Oaks 82.62 9-136 J & H Hydraulic Equip. Maint.-Red Oaks 81.14 9-137 Clyde's Frame & Wheel Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks & Mob.Rec.,buses 33.98 9-138 Mid -State Petroleum Equip. Maint.,tank rental -Water. 100.00 9-139 King Brothers Equip. Maint.,whip cutting heads -Add. 113.73 9-140 Road Commission for O.C. Grounds Maint.-Toboggan Complex 72.10 9-141 Lakeland Builders Supply Grounds Maint.-Grove. & Indep. 52.50 9-142 Orion Stone Depot Grounds Maint.,cedar bark -Add. 112.00 9-143 Benham Chemical Corp. Grounds Maint.-Spring. 224.60 9-144 Regal Feed & Supply Co. Grounds Maint.-Wh.Lk. & Toboggan Complex 176.25 9-145 Falcon Lawn Sprinkler Grounds Maint.,installed system-Indep. 490.00 9-146 Sunshine Plants Grounds Maint.,plants for World races -BMX 390.00 9-147 Regal Feed & Supply Co. Grounds Maint.-Wh.Lk. & Spring. 196.02 9-148 Shemin Nurseries, Inc. Grounds Maint.,grass seed -Water. 147.00 9-149 B.L. French & Sons Grounds Maint.,topsoil-Wh. Lk. 495.00 9-150 S & M Market Misc.Exp.,lunch for trusty work crew,8/15,17,19,23-26/94- Add. 80.38 9-151 Broner Glove Company Misc.Exp.,scrapers for trusty work crew -Add. 33.50 9-152 The Art Pad Public Info.,matting-Admin. 160.73 5-8 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1994 VOUCHER VENDOR AND PRIOR NUMBER COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-153 Meteor Photo Company Public Info.,negatives & prints-Admin. $ 751.75 9-154 Nationwide Fence & Supply Special Events,fencing for World races -BMX 920.00 9-155 Superior Mailing & Printing Serv. Special Events,labels for Mt.Bike races -Add. 77.18 9-156 Michigan Recreation & Park Assoc. Adv.Regist. for B.Baker,R.Delasko,K.Peoppe,B.Lay,D. Eash, M.Willhite,C.Herb,K.Lawrence,R.Brewer,K. Lindsey&B.Newton to attend the Fall Equip. Workshop in Novi,MI on 8/13/94-Add.,Grove. & Indep. 187.00 9-157 Harwoods Uniforms Uniforms,shoulder emblems-Add.,Grove. & Indep. 485.00 9-158 Jones Chemicals, Inc. 7/6/94 Rec. Sup.,pool chemicals-W.O.W.Park 1,288.00 9-159 Bostwick -Braun Company Sm. Tools,bit sets -Tech. Sup. 202.28 9-160 Mity-Lite, Inc. Sm. Tools,tables-SAC,Water. & Toboggan Complex 8,732.00 9-161 Frank J. Trionfi Travel Reimb. for attending the park security mtg. in Waterford, MI-Admin. 10.97 9-162 Jason Richardson Special Events,prize money for World races -BMX 96.25 9-163 Township of Independence Special Events,smokehouse demo. -Grove. 100.00 9-164 Stu & His Crew Productions Special Events,dj for campground entertainment -Grove. 600.00 9-165 Gordon Goodwin Uniform,reimb. for safety shoes -Spring. 50.00 9-166 Celia M. Frye Refund of park permit fee-Indep. 22.00 9-167 Betty Stevenson Refund of golf league fee-Wh. Lk. 72.00 9-168 Betty Pilchak Refund of jr. tourn. fee-Wh. Lk. & Spring. 35.00 9-169 Lee A. Risley Refund of golf league fee -Red Oaks 99.75 9-170 Steve Martinez Refund of golf outing fee -Spring. 640.00 9-171 Steve Roehl Refund of security deposit -SAC 50.00 9-172 Tammy Ayer Refund of security deposit -Water. 50.00 5-q OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1994 VOUCHER VENDOR AND PRIOR MTTNRRR COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-173 Jewish Community Center Refund for overpayment on waterpark fee-W.O.W.Park $ 67.50 9-174 Boys & Girls Club of So. Oak. Co. Refund for overpayment on waterpark fee-W.O.W.Park 36.00 9-175 Arrow Uniform Rental Laundry & Dry Cleaning-Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,SAC & Nat. Prog. 395.50 9-176 Totline Publications Publications,subscription renewal-Nat.Prog. 18.00 9-177 Mich. & Border Cities Membership renewal for M.Thibodeau-Admin. 65.00 9-178 ASTM Publications,reference publication-Admin. 23.00 9-179 Amer.Soc.of Landscape Architects Membership renewal for J.Figa-Admin. 230.00 9-180 Sundry (Refunds) Camping Refund to L.Bellant $22.00,G.Johnson $65.00,L. Gossett&D.Schaefer,ea. $11.00,L.Poirier $8.25,C. Burtoft $26.00,D.Jones $15.00,D.Williams&T.Bateman, ea. $13.00,S. Helmore $9.00,M.Waltower&H.Traub,ea. $17.00,L.Fowler&F. Kelly, ea. $33.00&St.Lawrence Church $96.50-Grove. 389.75 9-181 Sundry (Misc.) Special Events,disc jockey fee to M.Murdock for camp- ground entertainment -Grove. & Add. 450.00 9-182 Sundry (Misc.) Reimb. Northwest Parks & Rec. for playground workshop - Mob. Rec. 98.00 9-183 VOID 9-184 U.S. Sand & Stone Company 9/7/94 Cap.Proj.,Bldg.Renov./Carpet,W.P.-Water. 6,102.04 9-185 Nationwide Fence & Supply Cap.Proj.,Fencing-Water. 1,910.60 9-186 American Aggregates of Michigan Cap.Proj.,Play Lot -Add. 393.07 9-187 Zeyn N. Uzman, P.E. Cap.Proj.,Storage/Workshop Bldg. -Grove. 1,340.00 9-188 Fred W. Moote Electrical Cap.Proj.,Maint. Bldg. Imp. -Red Oaks 2,150.50 9-189 Erb Lumber Company Cap.Proj.,Bldg.Renov./Carpet,W.P.-Water.;Bldg.Maint.- Wh.Lk.,SAC & Tech.Sup.;Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks; Equip. Maint.-Add. 4,050.33 5-10 OAKLAND COUNTY PARRS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1994 VOUCHER VENDOR AND PRIOR NUMBER COMMTSSION APPROVAL DATE • 11: _ ON 151 AMOUNT 9-190 Glenn Wing Power Tools Cap.Proj.,Storage/Workshop Bldg.-Grove.;Sm. Tools - Tech. Sup. 498.40 9-191 Cougar/Bullet Golf Golf Mdse. for Resale,golf clubs-Wh. Lk. 234.38 9-192 Elliott Saw Works Equip. Maint.-R.O.W.Park 27.75 9-193 Capitol Equipment, Inc. Equip. Maint.,repair of tractor -Add. 256.23 9-194 UZ Engineered Products Equip. Maint.,repair parts for terminals-Indep. 575.15 9-195 Marine Rescue Products Equip. Maint.-R.O.W. Park 24.50 9-196 Green Oak Tire, Inc. Equip. Maint.,buses-Mob. Rec. 135.00 9-197 Twister Display Equip. Maint.,repair of Hi-Striker-Mob.Rec. 73.40 9-198 F.J. LaFontaine & Sons 4/20/94 Cap.Proj.,Paving - Parking Lot-Wh. Lk. (First & Final Payment) 15,690.80 9-199 Thesier Equipment Co. Equip. Maint.-Grove. 87.29 9-200 Industrial Cleaning Supply Co. Bldg. Maint.,containers-Tech. Sup. 205.45 9-201 J-Turner Septic Service Bldg. Maint.,pumped septic system-Wh.Lk. 225.00 9-202 Overhead Door Company Bldg. Maint.,install wood stop moulding -Grove. 150.00 9-203 Pontiac Paint Company Bldg. Maint.,paint supplies-Indep. 280.66 9-204 Drayton Plywood Bldg. Maint.-Add. & Tech. Sup. 422.65 9-205 Turfgrass, Inc. Equip. Maint.-Glen Oaks;Grounds Maint.-Glen Oaks & Red Oaks 948.34 9-206 Tom's Hardware Grounds Maint.-Orion & Add. 120.83 9-207 Tri-City Aggregates Grounds Maint.,road gravel-Indep. 251.88 9-208 Six-S Trucking & Supply Grounds Maint.,topsoil-Indep. 432.00 9-209 D & C Distributors, Inc. Grounds Maint.,signs-Grove. 410.00 AM OAKLAND COUNTY PARRS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1994 VOUCHER VENDOR AND PRIOR NUMBER COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE AMOUNT 9-210 South Huron Industrial Grounds Maint.,sprayed calcium chloride-Indep. 762.50 9-211 Edward C. Levy Grounds Maint.-Grove. 368.81 9-212 Warren Do -It Center Grounds Maint.-Red Oaks 59.60 9-213 Slide Lock Tool Company Sm. Tools-Grove.;Publications,reference material -Grove. 122.00 9-214 Michigan Natural Resource Publications,subscription-Admin. 9.97 9-215 Publish Public Info.,reference book-Admin. 23.97 9-216 Oxford Township P & R Public Info.,ad in summer brochure-Admin. 300.00 9-217 Rochester -Avon Recreation Auth. Public Info.,ad in summer brochure-Admin. 300.00 9-218 Berlet Films Publications,videocassette of seasons -Nat. Prog. 99.00 9-219 City of Huntington Woods Public Info.,insert in newsletter-Admin. 95.00 9-220 Hank Gniewek Trophies Special Events,trophies-Red Oaks 8.00 9-221 Deer Lake Racquet & Country Club Special Events,rental of court for matches-T. Complex 400.00 9-222 Broner, Inc. Uniforms,rainsuits & boots -Add. 181.40 9-223 Insty Prints Off.Sup.-Nat.Prog.,Mob.Rec.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks & Spring.;Special Events,flyers-Indep. 709.20 9-224 Madison -Troy Office Supply Off.Sup.-R.O.W.Park 10.07 9-225 Hello Direct, Inc. Off. Sup.,(3)Hanger & Amplifier w/access.-Tech. Sup. 197.80 9-226 Officemax Credit Plan Off. Sup.-Admin. 6.16 9-227 RMS Off. Sup.,copier repair-Admin. 336.00 9-228 Day -Timers, Inc. Off. Sup. -Tech. Sup. 51.00 9-229 Jones Chemicals, Inc. Rec. Sup.,pool chemicals-W.O.W.Park 887.50 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VOUCHER REGISTER SEPTEMBER, 1994 VOUCHER VENDOR AND PRIOR NUMBER COMMISSION APPROVAL DATE PURPOSE PXcelijkly 9-230 Siesta Key Swim Shop Rec. Sup.,rescue tubes-R.O.W.Park $ 100.00 9-231 Benson's Oakland Wholesale, Inc. Sm. Tools -Tech. Sup. 26.59 9-232 Builder's Square Sm. Tools -Glen Oaks 54.58 9-233 Sundry (Commission) Per Diem & Mileage paid to Parks Commissioners for mtg. of 9/7/94-Admin. 120.12 9-234 Sundry (Refunds) Golf League fee refunded to M.Hastings $47.25 & L.Boulan $31.50-Red Oaks 78.75 9-235 Sundry (Refunds) Airsport fee refunded to Judson Park Homeowners & Village Acres Subdivision, ea. $250-Mob. Rec. 500.00 9-236 Sundry (Refunds) Refund of camping fee to M.Young&B.Mitchell, ea. $13,E. Williams $33 & B.Pogazelski $39-Grove. 98.00 9-237 VOID 9-238 Leisure Pursuit Misc. Income, reimb. for M.R.P.A. tickets sold, final payment-Admin. 5,182.25 SUB -TOTAL FOR VOUCHER REGISTER $377,670.34 5-� OAKLAND COUN PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AUGUST, 1994 • ��e w: 0 _qVA Uw1.'ww INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGi__ER (FOR THE MONTH OF JULY, 1994) PURPOSE AMOUNT Inv. #1066 O.C. Computer Services Fund Computer Services - Operations-Admin.,Add.,Grove. & $ Indep. 4,182.91 Inv. #766 O.C. Facilities & Operations Fund Bldg.Maint.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Indep.,Wh. Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,Water., W.O.W.Park,T.Complex,BMX&Toboggan Comp.; Communications-Grove.,Indep.,R.O.W.Park&BMX;Grounds Maint.-Indep.,Water.,W.O.W.Park,T.Complex&BMX; Misc.Exp.,gloves-Mob.Rec. 4,940.03 Inv. #330 O.C. Fringe Benefit Fund Fringe Benefit charges for the month of July,1994- All Parks 220,703.84 Inv. #618 O.C. General Fund Security Exp.,6/25-7/22/94-Add.,Grove.,Indep., R.O.W.Park&W.O.W.Park;Special Events,overtime for Hot Air Balloon Fest.&World Races-SAC&BMX 36,706.95 Inv. #619 O.C. General Fund Property Taxes Refunded-Admin. 2,381.43 Inv. #620 O.C. General Fund Per Diem & Mileage paid to Parks Commissioners G. Kuhn,mtg. of 5/4,L.Brooks Patterson,mtgs. of 4/20&5/4,R.Skaritt,mtgs. of 3/16,4/20&5/4,R.Kuhn, mtgs. of 3/16 & 5/4&R.Johnson,mtgs. of 2/16,4/20 & 5/4-Admin. 385.00 Inv. #664 O.C. Materials Mgmt. Fund Off.Sup.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Grove., Wh. Lk.,R.O.W.Park,W.O.W.Park&Nat.Prog.;Rec.Sup.-Nat. Prog.;Grounds Maint.-Indep.;Equip.Maint.&Misc. Exp.,insect repellant-Add.;Hskp.Exp.-Add.,Grove., Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,SAC, Water.&W.O.W.Park;Special Events,garbage bags -BMX 6,821.02 Inv. #289 O.C. Motor Pool Fund Transportation-Admin.,Nat.Prog.,W.O.W.Park,Water., SAC,R.O.W.Park&Orion;Transportation,Equip.Maint.& Insurance-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks,Spring.,&Mob.Rec.,trucks&buses;Insurance-Glen Oaks;Special Events,World races -BMX 24,225.33 Inv. #862 Office Equipment Fund Equip. Rental-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Spring. & Water. 71.50 Inv. #713 O.C. Printing & Mailing Fund Public Info.-Admin.;Off.Sup.-Admin.,Orion,Glen Oaks,Spring.,Mob.Rec.,Nat.Prog. & Lyon Oaks;Special Events,dog obed.,ballet,belly,square,ballroom, round&aerobic dance,clogging&bridge-Water. 2,370.51 OAKLAND COUN PARRS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AUGUST, 1994 INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REG'- _BR (FOR THE MONTH OF JULY,1994) enrmfrw flRPARTMRNT PURPOSE AMOUNT Inv. #383 O.C. Radio Communications Fund Communications&Radio Maint.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech. Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,R.O.W.Park,Water.,W.O.W. Park&Nat.Prog.;Special Events,ther. prog.-Rec. Admin.;Radio Maint.-Orion,Wh.Lk.,Glen oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,SAC,Mob.Rec.,Toboggan Comp.&Nat. Prog.;Communications-Nat.Prog.;Equip.Maint.-BMX & Mob.Rec.,buses $ 3,895.88 Inv. #562 O.C. Telephone Communications Fund Communications-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup., Add., Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring., R.O.W.Park,SAC,Water.,W.O.W.Park,T.Complex,BMX & Nat. Prog. 6,254.08 TOTAL FOR INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER $ 312,938.48 5 - 55 COMBINED TOTALS OF MONTHLY __�TIVITY FOR AUGUST, 1994 TOTALS GOLF COURSES RECREATIONAL & SPECIAL EVENTS DAY USE PARRS GRAND TOTALS GLEN OARS Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played = 18 Holes' Banquet Facility RED OARS Rounds Played - 9 Holes SPRINGFIELD OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Activity Center WHITE LAKE OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Banquet Facility TOTALS YEAR TO DATE LEAGUES/GROUPS PARTICIPANTS LEAGUES/GROUPS PARTICIPANTS 1993 1994 1993 1994 1993 1994 1993 1994 539 562 84,176 92,137 3,253 2,466 260,384 271,489 337 382 42,717 40,480 1,824 2,109 173,679 209,041 16,042 14,944 166,331 164,178 77,559 75,136 710,359 691,019 16,918 15,888 293,224 296,795 82,636 79,711 1,144,422 1,171,549 GOLF COURSES` - MONTH OF AUGUST, 1994 LEAGUES PARTICIPANTS LEAGUES PARTICIPANTS 1993 1994 1993 1994 1993 1994 1993 1994 145 152 8,728 9,052 699 654 40,024 41,197 7 7 2,466 2,307 8 7 10,746 11,529 15 13 1,811 1,710 111 114 13,337 13,273 84 80 7,287 7,358 328 283 33021 34,225 111 123 4,948 5,458 473 489 22,917 23,284 3 2 2,961 2,484 3 2 12,892 12,872 9 9 43,850 50,700 199 175 66,876 75,112 157 167 9,151 9,976 666 682 43,130 42,271 0 3 2,292 2,526 3 4 11,934 12,689 8 6 682 566 56 56 5,507 5,037 539 562 84,176 92,137 3,253 2,466 260,384 271,489 RECREATIONAL AND SPECIAL EV I'S FOR AUGUST, 1994 MOBILE RECREATION Airsport Skate Mobile In -Line Mobile Broadway Revue Puppet Mobile Sports Mobile Show Mobile Dunk Tank High Striker Buses WATERFORD OARS Activity Center Tennis Complex BMX The Fridge ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM _ Nature Center Outreach *Nature Trail Usage *SPECIAL EVENTS BREAKFAST IN THE PARK - WHEELCHAIR DAZE TOTALS `*NOT INCLUDED IN TOTALS o� 1 N YEAR TO DATE GROUPS PARTICIPANTS GROUPS PARTICIPANTS 1993 1994 1993 1994 1993 1994 1993 1994 28 28 5,690 5,740 88 112 17,930 22,960 31 25 5,177 4,175 95 87 15,681 14,529 12 8 2,604 1,336 37 18 8,029 3,006 5 21 600 2,920 41 54 5,040 6,880 23 32 3,910 5,440 65 92 11,050 15,640 16 25 3,664 5,725 68 79 15,572 18,091 37 38 - - 102 125 - - 13 16 3,029 3,728 31 48 7,223 11,184 7 8 1,050 1,200 27 28 4,100 4,200 19 65 619 2,464 166 294 5,402- 10,873 38 43 2,165 926 474 449 17,102 13,649 40 36 3,194 2,687 165 151 11,658 10,422 0 0 1,964 2,387 0 0 10,196 26,529 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 3,993 37 28 2,737 1,372 293 341 23,794 24,090 6 9 264 380 116 223 241902 22,995 0 0 6,270 5,976 0 0 51,158 44,266 125 300 337 382 42,717 40,480 1,824 2,109 173,679 209,041 DAY USE PARKS AND FACILITY E ?ENDANCE REPORT FOR AUGUST, 1994 ADDISON OARS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers GROVELAND OARS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK Day Use Day Campers Overnight Group Campers ADDISON OARS CONFERENCE CENTE WATERFORD OARS WATERPARK RED OAKS WATERPARK RED OAKS GOLF DOME AND SPORTS VILLAGE ORION OAKS TOTALS o� I W YEAR TO DATE GROUPS PARTICIPANTS GROUPS PARTICIPANTS 1993 1994 1993 1994 1993 1994 1993 1994 571 582 8,689 9,873 2,115 2,203 31,547 35,167 2,773 2,367 14,599 121230 11,778 10,592 52,725 50,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,146 1,925 34,536 49,650 7,005 7,067 124,940 157,490 2,813 2,424 10,491 9,673 12,223 13,246 45,002 52,596 2 0 48 0 23 5 1,187 228 7,609 7,037 26,652 24,630 43,833 39,268 153,525 137,506 17 18 1,908 993 66 115 9,821 8,086 2 0 64 0 18 14 642 584 32 37 4,591 4,677 208 201 27,196 27,738 26 31 13,577 11,730 130 125 50,025 47,863 51 33 27,204 14,316 160 161 87,726 70,110 0 0 23,972 24,691 0 0 126,023 95,365 0 490 0 1,715 0 2,139 0 7,486 16,042 14,944 166,331 164,178 77,559 75 136 710.359 691 019 ITME #7 AWARD PRESENTATION 7-1 ITIO #$ 01-flboo V 015 ael�vittlll eel: 113-% en -tuto e o OWN aatlolc� be pre5e�,t at d Pars Y 11 V4:Iola yoaj�aq� OaYW, aac,iutu�01 the Goo aid the pally 0 with the address Oakland Parks Foundation President Claude J. Brittingham C.J. Brittingham&Associates September 16, 1994 Vice President John W. Jickling, F.A.I.A Jickling, Lyman & Powell Treasurer TO: The Oakland County Parks and Donald E. VanLoo, C.P.A. Janz &Knight Recreation Commission Secretary FROM: The Oakland Parks Foundation Kathryn King BBDO Advertising Walter Gaer D'Arcy Mosius Benton &Bowles The.Oakland Parks Foundation has celebrated Robert Larsen eleven years of success in raising funds on Oakland Intermediate Schools behalf of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. system. Chm., Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission During that period of time, the Foundation has been Lorna McEwen able to fund many new facilities and innovative Henry Ford Hospital programs that have greatly benefitted the parks James C. Scott, A.S,L.A, and park users. James C. Scott & Associates, Inc. John A. Thurber At the Commission meeting on September 21, 1994, Miller, Canfield, Paddock & Stone the Foundation would like to review the results of Daniel F.Travis the boards recent future direction review process Froncosteel Corporation and share the direction the Foundation desires to Executive Director take. By Parrott We would like to review some of the major difficulties in raising funds on behalf of the Oakland County Parks system and our plans for strengthening the Foundation. We look forward to being with you on September 21st. Claude J. Brittingham, President 8-2 2800 Watkins Lake Road • Waterford, Michigan 48328 • (810) 335-2771 • FAX (810) 858-1683 ,to 19 Obe oak�ardL Cerra 710 ic+s ., dL Ust Ot the -ty1e bi dL&Tess Mr Soe 'Olf to a ,,celolce, Oee -Og -90 le the Area lid a, ve 6,01rs pal 6L ott� war e-c related a, aid allay y-S) CO. ITEM #10 A TO THE P E ualization, Robert VanderMark, Manager of Oakland County q will be prese nt to explain what Proposal A did and how it will affect the Parks an d Recreation Commission's millage. He'll be available to answer any questions in regards to this . 10-1 7-To #11 pAgTITIoN CC.�g5ES pL d TL X14D R p OAS G far t1le pura�ase ax,ld LD ds traoms at Sprilagfie SpgII�iGFIE fallo`�ng bi e purchasing t 1°n for all four res have received from estroom partlt e t lastic use Amy of solid "�' Clubh° installation , ged.Oaks roomat and the wensComtec vet 61050,00 Gee Co' Dearborn 61 tea Santana �Detrait 91 ' 0� Detroit Doogeights Madison Np DID Gamals� B� 'ding Aube NC -BID ternational Banding oases In ivonla lied Wren the clabk' e tar oeniX Wire Cloth estrooms were insta ed several times , ba need e r San d and paint geld p Tray de aoms at 5pringF s in thes e existing partition ve beela two Upstairs restr Th These partitions ha e lso ? th � e amav`nt of were built. A th ing to rust through w bidder , Airtec no.�l start accessibility. ' to the lO be updated for aV1arding the bid rovement protects .toStaff recomcome mends from the Capitol Imp $6 p50 ' oo far this expendlttare wig Funds gadget' (90IMN �ts- The originator of the Integral Hinge System, Sontana combines the strength of HOPE with the durability of nylon to give you an incredibly strong, reliable hinge that eliminates tradi- tional exposed hinges. ) AI1' NANCE- FREE Unlike conventional products, Santana's HOPE solid plastic prod- ucts resist the common abuse from an unpre- dictable public. They are easy to clean. SMOOTHS CLEAN LOOK �. - Santana achieves a smooth, dean look by eliminating the need for rs. f'ltuto shrxcs nptianal ,\'rN!lvnuVn•M�lls on hnntptlastm. Standard is theit pnxd stylr thawgh•MIts. SOLID PLASTIC SHOES CONMO[fS Our solid plastic shoes PU.MC provide durability, ease W.Ul of maintenance, and BRICKET can be color coordi- Our continuous now with yourflooe plastic wolf bracket colorscheme. system odds struc- tural support and aesthetic appeal. %)es and wall brackets onlu atudable in solid Caton. integral Hinge System Santana, the originator of the Integral Hinge System, pro- vides designers the opportunity to offer a positive opening and dosing action that is free of resistance and enables a barrier -free, accessible environment Plus, it's backed by our t 5-year warranty. 11-2 n;� -TVA #12 DE Tg,EES ,R,V S P � KS GROV p DTE S OO AN �DISON , D� *rE1tFOR'D implemented a SPRINGxEs e staff hav erati°ns ark and if and park op for general p Since 1�92, g laming program tree purchase 1 p t e erf ectiOns a path gr r buff er plantings ' urchased v,7ith slight imp staff . perimete erally p lamed by par These trees are gesi are p e d they rehase of 190 trees • Th _ rip a of wizolesale prices an bids for the p'� rovided at the 25 t ou 1 be p s sen top°sal wh purchasing ha lg chasing p tember d staff put will be returned Sep bid summary an pace the bids in the ective park resp meeting I si Table commission urchases are avai Funds for these p ance line item rounds mai c t a operating budgets , g 12 1 ITEM 113 ELECTRICAL ADDISON OAKS As part of the 1994 improvement projects, additional electrical service and lighting was added to the group camp area. The project consisted of two electrical panel boxes for trailer hook up, mainly for our mobile recreation unit special event visits and night recreation programs. Also, lighting and electrical outlets were added to the gazebo shelter in that area. A total of 600 feet of underground wire was pulled. Originally this was to be done by our Technical Support section with only the cost of materials to be charged out. Because Technical Support was overwhelmed with World BMX, it was decided to have Moote Electrical perform the work under the County's blanket order. Total billing for both projects is $6,673.79. Staff is requesting payment of this amount to F . W . Monte Electrical, Inc. Funds for this expenditure are contained in the Addison Oaks Operating Budget. 13-1 ,TO #14 I S`�Cg'IC 2oA�S14 g1Y ted in -the e BLCCM��hD old cahini° tvnity �°r th . le on a �5��year`do.cati°nal °gyp°r er art�c toricalie a to s ap 'his ce ed is a .new p Table as a stem of feting s � early Attach at might be a�a of ",he pars $ onstrataxLg hie th �bility dem �ownsltip .garbs • e p°ssl ce for ds akland County e to d3scass tb become a resoxrVAT ed throe gh fun C V3e wo,�ld hh which could tely ,be Ocq e are req,�esting the ca�'ln t appr°prla then Ot I w ommU` cared display os ° might be c land Coanty ,puildiz1 might mn foax�dati°n� °r e�aests Cab Be U,se this rical preser`�at1°t nit. • D°n°r r tra sp°rtatl°n� om a donor listO 1°re such opp°r s is °f d�smath' fr sent to exp then mean the cos o er y°ur con the me&101 and Quid need to c°�,�r path facilities thr°''gh financial eft w .bin at one of o A of the ca and reb�ildixig 14-1 e Oakland Press/DOUG BAUMAN f its 155-year6old log cabin In Bloomfield Township is on the real estate market: There is no protection from its being tom down .J;Storic cabin,co- ace sad end ;y JENNIFER BOTT f The Oakland Press If a 155-year-old doomfield Township log abin doesn't find the right uyer it could meet a bull- ozer. The cabin, part of a house caned by Mark and Roberta Itewart, was built in 1839. 'he historic section of the souse, including a loft, is pow used as a guest bed- oom. However, the fate of the souse is in question. The Itewarts have just listed it n the market and Realtor luzanne M. Boris of 'rudential Great Lakes fealty in Bloomfield Hills, aid that like many other ,omes in the area, the cabin ould be bought and then orn down to make way for a irger home. Because available property a so - -rce in the neighbor- ,006 any builders are buy- ag houses only to have them torn down to make room for million -dollar residences, Boris said. "It would be a shame," she said, adding that the risk is probably little considering the value of the home, listed at $489,500. Boris said the 1.4-acre lot on Lone Pine Road between Telegraph and Franklin roads is worth nearly $300,000. The log cabin stands in the front of the house, nearly untouched with original plank floors and a brick fireplace. In the cor- ners, the floors slant toward the road and the window sills sit crooked beneath ancient - paned windows. Historians have claimed the cabin is the third oldest structure standing in' Bloomfield Township Many say it is surprising the cabin has survived as long as it has considering the high property values in the area. The 16-by-22-foot cabin originally was the residence of William Craig and his wife, Sara, who reared their 13 children there. Craig worked in what is now Royal Oak. He would leave on Sunday and return home by foot on Friday. Historians tell tales of his wife being terrified of the American Indians living just across the road who would occasionally sneak in and . sleep in the cabin. Once, Sara Craig was being harassed by hunters begging for money. Suddenly, she saw feathers pass the windows and was rescued by the Indians who from that day on became her protec- tors: The Stewarts have tried to preserve this history in the house. The log cabin has been incorporated into the 3,246-square-foot house. The latest addition to the quar- ters was made in 1986 and includes a kitchen, great room, lower level and master bedroom with bath. Stewart, vice president of investments for Prudential Securities in Bloomfield Hills, said that when he and his wife decided to make the large addition they were careful working with their builder and architect to avoid overpowering the cabin. Roberta Stewart is an administrative officer at the Cranbrook Academy of Art in Bloomfield Hills. Her family bought the house in 1974 as a home for her and her sister Debbie. Later, Debbie mar- ried and soon after, Roberta married Mark and the two of them bought the house from her father. Stewart said the cabin is not listed on any historic. reg- istries mainly because there are sometimes rules involv- ing remodeling and addi- tions. Occasionally, a curious passerby will stop by the house to inquire about the cabin, Stewart said. Once a photographer even used it for a Christmas card. Petition to recair-mayor rejected IV, A: at', co W ch wi ar NI In H: Ja H: ml at he At O:: th- m th la tr_ be N1 w: irr ca P F F d L P' F S o- u t: defending herself in the IFFF C,RFFN ___L_ __i_ L,- _ _ a: _ r "Thic hnrl hcan n "misappropriation" is a crim- 0 ITS #15 GEg� s REp�g� meeting on A a �� -be resen d J°e Flg ° make a p i h g�chrt C°�ttee e tember �1 ? o�seDls Dak5 have �°°l- S p ton �1 �la�bo e ged be the the Oah$ w deck gf°r th °k°mot�°dee for °n re °ut for the �'`e r , �tnre for heebacl� and �$lds a eg'�e5ted fort the�1'lds11 ,,,Beds ha£ anlo�pQbe meeting' ��id�ee�tat�°n at the .prey 1-9-1-