HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1995.11.15 - 39967GA000i4KLAND COUNTY PARKS 2800 Watkins Lake Road -Waterford, Michigan 48328-1917 810.858.0906 Fax 810.858.1683 TDD 810.858.1684 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: Ruth A. Johnson Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. George W. Kuhn Chairman Thomas A. Law Ralph A. Richard Jean M. Fox John E. Olsen Manager Vice Chairman L. Brooks Patterson Jon J. Kipke Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Kay Schmid Assistant Manager Secretary Richard Skarritt November 8, 1995 A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: PLACE. . . . . . . . . . . .Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI TIME . . . . . . . . . . . .Wednesday, November 15, 1995 9:00 a.m. PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, Ralph Richard Manager OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING November 15, 1995 Parks and Recreation Administration Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes for November 1, 1995 Meeting. 4. Public Comments. 5. Approval of Payment: Interdepartmental Payment Register For the Month of September. 6. Award Presentation. Ralph Richard / 858-0909 7. Addison Township Cost Recovery Request - Addison Oaks. Dan Stencil / 858-4944 8. Cellular One Request - White Lake Oaks. Ralph Richard / 858-0909 9. Waterford Oaks Waterpark Renovation. Joe Figa / 858-4620 Ralph Richard / 858-0909 10. Roof Repair - Springfield Oaks Golf Course. Mike Thibodeau / 858-4630 11. Manager of Parks and Recreation Position. Pecky Lewis / 280-2600 12. Manager's Report. Ralph Richard / 858-0909 13. Old Business. 14. New Business. 15. Adjourn. NAD BogGel 9 \01A Oe r00 ON GOM g95 r tin the 0"4e eOr ge \N G KIND GOVN� O �domrr'at 9-01�5 edmxv\ od IDKuhn Jr ar ad to he MeetWQd \ecteak�o 00- Xk 30 \nso kyepacy5 ON q�ceM5aSov",d , _e,4\s, , .t,et501 \' per-M lalloy�s c ,\ Olsen, S S. EMBER AOe r SOON cGote\02vagk O f ,gerN ces N,a,Ctalph ?opr,P555atS -S30V3. yv\ &xeOa(anon Got" 0� 0. jge.\1609 es a�\on fan �\9' -6k O'ecte�'qa' el 01 GO\i an Joe odea\), ", acV S 'PSOO Al - ei. 0 oi ect - esk\o et Da 0 0 sergeant e 'Nt FcapPbou V\l Joe vGe 'a?\O %�c�ayt anOT O ,e su f ners acgC\ee\es es\de\ k . S e kd \k oiC'00 6\sqnnresk 0.G50atd?ST\s v\'owkeem09101Ovs. vea eee 005-D-%0neetOva( vovsdetesek "\l0ays sib\\fStan buyer, \ evkec, ONS\re �es`de n k sAenk G\eGhav\eAj"Teevsxr\ dk xv40\l Harp, 11 presidentdel t okall N\aM Ve?T.0 s ..Ne minute 01, the meet\V\g Bass© o VWOje tead "V)6\5 e to swlaO S\,Ppo,�,ed W,OTre&o�\S- prase operationto)c)e G ' k\le ,\,,,\ge k�\e IP . 'S'scoP Sj�'on PpP �995"N\Vy\ �\So k'ms e°mm\0/0. oojedOl ,N' , q\\ejO� -ad ev to Te I ky\e Ockob xAe* _,,\,\ge kk\e A(y/o re 01 \,,del �� of W age I 'A� ,Ne 0% 3 be Xe vaN es . s d v150/0 lest oqeta�\Ov� Fees ane �,Oe \\O-1 f OsAl budget ,page e sen`O� at at reduced bl d'JdM\ v \ d ve d,SC �sse . s Gomm, -Me . n Meeting, November 1, 19g5) �Commtiss+o Schmid, Skarritt ($) AYES• Johnson, G. Kuhn, R Kuhn Lewis' Olsen' Patterson, NAYS (o) a voice vote. carried °n in volunteers boa d, Motion finan��allY and both construction Of sen TI N: tribution, clean up, cons He pre ted AWARD pRESENTA oted on the con laning, Park Orion Oaks Commission in Stencil repoincluding tree P fishing dock at plaque from the O erations Dan ens Volunteers accessible with a Pioneers ban Volunteers, Orion Oaks- e Chief of Pte Ameritech construction of a pioneers ork at Foundation to b made by at recently, meritech all of their w Ameritech FOun +n0 ntative of A support for walk, and a represe d volunteer Check ftom the Marge pollick, financial an ted a $1,000 ninon of the and presen rec09 mission the COm Orion Oaks. thanked the projects at res5ed Ms. polGck Golf Course, exP designated towards of Glen Oaks Commission s �S west b°undar`I concerns included the idth use of the EN roject. a standard anticipate in the Con pUNJQ COMMadjacent Road paving P make the road 01 Glen Oaks Subdivision, order to the Commission► s refusal to P anger about the Greening and ang along the road in ate, and reflect Re . concer s ht-Of way he parks service g .The minutes theira ten -foot rig proposal. denial to give trucks for access to t the ate the terms Of the I by h of the paving• were distributed t0 pro-ject. the cost sharing 995 Commissionm +ngo direct staff to rene9ot+ of the P onion 1 rofect, hick as paving P the April 5, `� hare„ of the P ect and to Minutes from ,s action on this P „their fairs this pi01 the COrnmission to reconsider paying ain reg arding laced on the urged the COMMIS City ton Hills one When this item will be P City of Farming residents Residents ur9 staff to contact the. also contact the directed Staff Commissiondirected the Commission• report back Vouchers agenda.aprovthe Payment Oust charges ROYAL OF PAYMENTS supported by Mrs. JohnsonmentRe9 ster for the Aug err suP' ental Pay Mr- Skanritt, lnterdePahnl Moved by 561; and the 8-1 through 8- ber. paid in SePtem Schmid, Skarritt CAL (8} L VOTE: Law, Lewis, McC°nnell, ROLL S. Johnson, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, AYE NAYS' (0} voted, the motion cannied. A sufficient majority having OPERATI NS. TATE ENT OF 3 2 ovembet ,\ ,\gg5i s accepted as fried• ed. Meet�rg N a accepted as f�\ b `Gomtci�ss�on 5eptem ec 3a, DP��. 1g96 was 09 era��Ons as ° �s BVOG�� VP f SePtetnber 3o, th e he statement o{AMENS PROJEG dget update as ° d the conat R°se 0ac a\us i� PL \N\PRpv t pro\ects 8u °n to SNN {a`m {ence base bid op the GpP ita\ \mptOvetner , ROSP OPKS d by Mr 60� feet o it 51,2a� {o� P\tee � r 60 �On -the GaP NG\N�, on SuPp�oXmate\y ,fie a�'Ounand $16 8a aced {coo nt °f 9 t , PEFt\M���R by Mrs 30 \ aeon °� de Fence' e ec c o pa k a��a; pUd9eted am Moped and \n Nat�or t the petc2 0 {ee dot a t purcha how bcdde��ate #1 {O\cnate\y 5,ot to the 13 dot oke o{ a.Ppt°Xfcrgency 6i �1er me e� den lug a 5��� con itt, �°rns°n l o{ the park' P wtis Sc\-Oc\ Skatr e Gptt detiwoC3 FZOLL DES G Kuhn, m&Or carried v`nrert t uti� P �a� voted' the WectOt G ecreafton were NP�S. ha�ir9 changer p\an Pecs°n of Packs and R ,6c6ce t m \°ccty d act\e. Skcatco su n rd Goun Mana9et Large an d P OS\-�\ON ec tcOm the\p°sctcon °{ gested oi� the sa\aN the packs PNPG�RS P Ce'Ned a resurvey {ot that the ag ew sec o rted by M ar Le\N\ u\ts °� a saianJ s' c°nc he9ceatcon °j a position app Oak\and Phe So nev s ces sled the fcnd to ceAuest n beG°stem. n t° the d mec\t isscOr do t were un�c\Ccn9 0{ thcs p°sce� met\t syste Gom�cicsscOsa\ac`1 , cached °n Gomtr b\e, ba osscb\C\ aed �co'm th \{ o'kthe paa aget`S �tthas been to teas°ran \t cussed thee ekc\u on be o� the M dectscon meetcng- to obta \°n a\s°csscon and b to dta�t a` oethe teVice whereveNove'bet A5 Gotnmcss n Gomm r bewcs them otc them \ at the The oi Recteatc° ed Ghaktme s, apprcn s9\Or weed W egg,Ova \ eXperse ds r author` ot�m�ss�O arks Gotn e preset Op,K dd�t�ora cjb\c `Jar at Gotn,�cs �oacd °� d that thelP\ester `N\\\ b �P��RFORO approve th ate\y 2,5 a�et featutusget GOurtY status an tNon• 1h VEST hrsOn t0 s ap 0r he rew w eraticr9 Gem. stem` merda t RE ts. �° toces ;\te Of gg5 Op e l0e sang tecOm POOiS\ NP orted by e ldmg tOKp g at thftom the MAimtenanc 6 GR\HOER t Skatritt e o\o9ces�cotc'the ct a sjett �t �'rOunds IV Mo,4ed b� GOmp°st arcumuiated w\\\ be ring pudg a nds eta ,� 50 debt\s these �u Oaks OP A ated°td Skartytt (61 °� addcticora0aks" e`N at0ovd to th en, schtn Gont�ngercy `ewis, p\s hnson,R. Kuhn, PEES. Jo ice vote. tt\ed or a Mot1or ca (Commission Meeting, November 1, 1995) MANAGER'S REPORT: - In addition to the Manager's Report filed in the agenda, the following was noted: ---Manager Richard reviewed the status of the appraisal and environmental study being conducted on the proposed property acquisition at Waterford Oaks. Vice Chairman Johnson noted that in the future, Equalization may be able to do some appraisals for us on small parcels. ---Staff is working on a contract between the Parks Commission and Chris Pedano to coordinate our tennis program. Vice Chairman Johnson requested staff bring that contract back before the Commission. WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK RENOVATION: Bids were received on October 25 for the portion of the Waterford Oaks Waterpark renovation that included the splashdown pools and mechanical equipment, mechanical equipment storage structures, bathhouse renovation, installation of the children's water feature, utility upgrading, landscaping, lifeguard facilities and storage, and paving. The low bid received was in the amount of $1,970,000, in line with the projected budget for this portion of the project. However, the low bidder withdrew his bid, stating an error had been made; and the second low bid is $2,642,000, approximately $700,000 over that projected budget. Staff is working with the second low bidder for options to reduce our costs, including cutting specific costs throughout the contract, excluding the children's water feature, and scratching everything but the splashdown pool for the group tube ride and the bathhouse renovation. Staff will be reviewing all of these options and making a recommendation at the November 15 meeting. Commissioner Skarritt expressed his concerns that the consultant had not projected the extensive utility services upgrade required for this project. The meeting was adjourned to a tour of the Waterford Oaks Waterpark at 11:35 a.m. The next Commission meeting is scheduled for 9 a.m. on Wednesday, November 15, 1995. Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Karen Smith Secretary Recording Secretary 3-4 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION OCTOBER, 1995 SOURCE DEPARTMENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER (FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER) PURPOSE AMOUNT Inv. #707 O.C. Convenience Copier Fund Off. Sup.-Admin. $ 208.79 Inv. #963 O.C. Facilities & Operations Fund Bldg.Maint.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Indep., Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,SAC,W.O.W.Park,T.Complex, Spring.,R.O.W.Park,BMX & Toboggan Comp.;Equip. Maint.-Grove.;Grounds Maint.-Admin. 1,951.57 Inv. #437 O.C. Fringe Benefit Fund Fringe Benefits,2nd & 3rd Qtr. Disability charges for the month of September, 1995-All Parks 204,907.90 Inv. #843 O.C. General Fund Security Exp.,8/19-9/15/95-Add.,Grove.,Indep. & R.O.W.Park 30,712.45 Inv. #844 O.C. General Fund Property taxes refunded-Admin. 1,100.87 Inv.#1767 O.C. Information Technology Fund Off.Sup.-Admin.;Travel & Conf.,Computer class for K.Dougherty-Nat.Prog.;Info.Technology-Operations- Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep., Water&Nat.Prog.;Info.Technology-Development-Admin. 13,352.79 Inv. #861 O.C. Materials Management Fund Misc.Exp.,cups-Admin.&Indep.&coffee items, Add.&Grove.;Off.Sup.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup., Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks, Spring.,R.O.W.Park,SAC,Water.&Nat.Prog.;Hskp.Exp.- Tech.Sup.,Add.,Wh.Lk.,Indep.,Glen Oaks,Spring.& SAC;Grounds Maint.& Uniforms-Indep.;Bldg. Maint.- W.O.W.Park 4,161.06 Inv. #335 O.C. Motor Pool Fund Transportation,Insurance&Equip.Maint.-Tech. Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.&Mob.Rec.,sportsmob.,trucks&buses; Transportation-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Orion,SAC, Water.&Nat.Prog. 18,757.19 Inv. #972 O.C. Printing & Mailing Fund Public Info.-Admin.;Off.Sup.-Admin.,Add.,Orion, Indep. & Nat. Prog.;Special Events,Halloween flyers-Rec. Admin. 4,288.47 Inv. #473 O.C. Radio Communications Fund Communications-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add., Grove.,Indep.,R.O.W.Park,Water.,W.O.W.Park,Nat. Prog.;Equip.Maint.-Admin.;Radio Maint.-Admin., Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Orion,Indep.,Wh. Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,Water., W.O.W.Park,Mob.Rec.,Toboggan Comp. & Nat. Prog. 4,413.06 Inv. #721 O.C. Telephone Communications Communications-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add., Fund Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring., R.O.W.Park,SAC,Water.,W.O.W.Park,T.Complex,BMX, Toboggan Comp.,Mob.Rec. & Nat. Prog. 10,403.71 1.TgM AW ARC PRESENTS 6--1 ERY R�QVEgT SZ R,�CpV 1P CO 1-CS gON TOWNSp piSON OP SupeNisor Ppp1 Pdd�s°n from to 'Padraiy offset ached is a letter annua, payment scue seNices to A'd d re sting a $3,��� eaue medical , fire, an Robert K°ski r eases in pr°�idrn9 ,s e' P f Ken G°ok, and the township 0 r Koski Fire Ghee ks. Townsh\p SupeNIs Addison pa icon this reauest� 1e fr°m be the 1996 Add i\able to drscuss be lot made a�a�lab staff will ava Monies r this payment can Operat�n9 gu d9et G°ntingency . November 7, 1995 J.:Stencil i. e':Parks Operations ak 0 , I'? Wat ins e Road,: to pr: or I chi9 an*48328 Recovery A,-t fq-r* Stencil: During our previous d iscus8ion w,h possibility ich included Addison ef`JiM Coon, w d iscus"Sed the -Of a r 'Pala St i�ecovery Pro ity qrat. for services the Fire D 'ht Performs at Addison baks. -Park. As :of this date, the firedepartment-two, huhdrec :;; ­­'. .11. .1 thirty-five ells;_ has responded to -Park;wenty-eight were from Addison As I stated we are a Township of 5 000 tesidoht's trying to se:�v,.6 , before,, I -'. ­.­ � : service a park with a Capacity of 10,000. t 8 train of h our. fire de b­ d, difficult, far on, u 116, get.. Partment�:� operating _d, , to Sustain. We would also like it 'twice a e; ,noti�!! that gear the V.ir* 'h P Department covers fire works ayp: a. a in the proQess Of. establishing a dive team and AYWe .are0 Pkitq-#aped an emerge 7., , . emergency respbe 'boat U these as well as the -Service makes us a 'valuable-: asset t 4hq. e h** o the park. 'Chief has also Su zd t Qp �fgqs e. a, D-oint earch and rescue the f: S �.e.r on 'be t Hre, epartme wee .0t and the park personnel. A ll*of this puts a strain on the.operating budget. At our- S 6 U$ 8 i on In September, we reached a co nnua '! fee of 3,000 trust �h compromise for an $ 0 O.t. is agrees with ieco. e'(�Itiorjs. th your Thank you for Your time and consideration in this matter.. Road - Leonard.• Sincerely, --I-eatze )'�X: V Robert Koski Supervisor ,:." &Ukwnt for ag &xowlf 48367, 810-62 8-331.7 * 81 P_ 01 ITEM #8 CELLULAR ONE REQUEST WHITE LAKE OAKS Cellular One staff have contacted us with a proposal to put in a Cellular One tower at White Lake Oaks Golf Course. This tower would be located on the far northern corner of the property. A copy of the report is attached. Staff is requesting Commission direction on this issue. 8-1 Proposal for Oakland County Parks & Recreation Department (White Lake Oaks Golf Couse) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Proposal Letter 2. Photo of Tower 3. Typical Site Layout 4. Aeriel View 5. View of Location from the South, West & North CELWLARONE" 26935 Northwestern Highway Suite 100 Southfield, Michigan 48034 (810) 915-3000 November 8, 1995 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Board of Commissioners Dear Sirs & Madames: Cellular One is interested in leasing an approx 50' x 50' piece of property located at the northern most end of the White Lake Oaks Golf Property. We will provide surveying, site plan, soil test, legal for the lease and zoning, required for construction of our communications site. The lease will be for ten years with four ten year options. Annual payments of $9,500 will be made at the start of the lease year. This amount compares with a lease we recently negotiated with the City of Detroit, for Kemeny Park. We will also move your radio antennae to our monopole to help improve radio reception, if desired. If we are allowed to construct our tower close to M-59 we can reduce the height from 120' to 1001. Due to the proximity of the airport, this will greatly improve the chances for FAA approval. Sincerely, Ellen Tencer Site Acquisition Specialist ,•.•rl law�.F .C:,�1�i.7k F�•f::s .art•• �N;O -�. r•� r *S!r.�n •�" •- r.-T.. ��_ +�-=•ISM GcN;'.'��-_��t+!'!'.vr,• qJ o v `—- • -��:- —T -! • _ . - "as •:jq�; 49' - 0" MIN. 5' 81 z o 5' Lo MIN. MIN. MIN. ll'-3"x 26'-0" z 1 \ EQUIPMENT SHELTER N Lo i NOTE: PARKING SPACE IS USUALLY OUTSIDE OF FENCED/LEASED AREA WITH THIS TYPE OF SHELTER TYPICAL MONOPOLE SITE WITH SMALLER SHELTER SCALE: 1 "=10' 5'x 5' CONC. STOOP MIDWESTERN °"� Environnlol Tron.portoUon Engin•u CONSULTING Planners, Surveyor. 'Quality since 1967" DATE: JAN. 18, 1995 ,l ,�%fj'�! vvif �? ..: _,. -- tiu All Y9L .3 ILL L• ' ' r , , � �� 1. I + III.' � � •+• r / I/+� �• ' / • �\\ •As ..' IL 4 �6�"-•+�. .. I � -• � lk.yn,� .+� _. - i -_ - r r .... � : r � .:�` A' ..� ...fir.. ,' ,'' � . � ' 41 d e', it, A P. ITEM #9 ORES WpTERFN� pT1ON W pTERp pRK bidder on Inc., the low duce this amount so the S Contractors have been meeting d looDfOr ways to re and has and staff ha of $2 642,000 consultants, to the our consultants his bid s from ou�dget presented reject, to Ceview estion uit these this p Can proceed- along with SQ9 ovenmber 1 budget a res th PrOje iewed his b $2 2g2 000. T e budget drope provides us `�'�ith e ids, has rev d cost of 200. adjusted fig The contractor. adjusted Was $2,906, This us with an tjngenO, of $456,200 vihich is provided With c 0p4, a savings s' e structure,lanned COMMr,hanges i to'$2 450, odificatson en condensed to on following rn structure as originally p same project with the as be i ment storage, h echanlCa been condensed ►n one Mechanical eq rear of the existing m Se-also ce bo be brought ►n• located at the rimarily the aeatfo ane a natural color• The utilities, P tang then of nlzed • elinmkna lieu of galva Lion, e has been eliminated �n in lieu location, fencing reject. cret ted from the etics of the p The Color con been elimina With the aesth color has of interfere wire a reduced The vinyl -clad Where it will n Wi11 acq sand trustees We crew This in areas en eliminated With park and shrubs C a' and be installing them reject. The treest mate discuss the project al The • quaor�ty of plan meeting to review and the origin concept. lab t the m d from Will be a project Wi11 not be altere s follows'_ sultants 016.6 % is a Staff and Con of theContingency d the qua�it� udes a The features an Whichincludes $2 298,000 total project cost' 152,0p0 WW Bid Cost 572,922 Contingency 120,0p0 g5 and er 16, Raft Ride $3�j42�922 pctob Water Feature 1 dated September 20, 1 Seta et estimates is a viable ect s budget feels this plus a is the prof of the Costs staff 2g8 p00, included punt °f $2, liable in the Also consultants. reduction the am ava 19g5 from our ith the Sin Funds are savings w the project to �� 50 pQO. the c0nsiderablds awarding endWe of $2� Contingency' Cr .ec and re j $A52,0p0' f men Projects Budget p ontin en ,, s Capital Impr° dep 9-1 Passes Tube Rental Locker Rental C&alr Rental Waterford Oaks 50,227 $257,720.76 $2.00 2,146 ($4,292.00) 3,132 $6.50 30,703 $199,570.76 $8.00 2,774 $22,192.00 4,276 $0.00 4,060 $0.00 216 $0.00 7,656 $35,500.00 $4.50 5,556 $25,000.00 $5.00 2,100 $10,500.00 1,250 $4,750.00 $4.75 1,000 $4,750,00 $0.00 250 $0.00 $40.00 436 $17,450.00 $0.00 $5,500.00 $42, 000.00 $1.75 20,000 $35,000.00 $0.25 8,000 $2,000.00 $1.00 5,000 $5,000.00 Total Revenue $322,670.76 Total Ex eases �338,808.00 Total Net Waterford Oaks % Increase in % Increase in Expenses 20% Numbers 25% Rental er Rental Rental 62,784 $488,568.11 $2.00 2,683 ($5,365.00) 3,915 $9.00 38,555 $346,993.25 $11.50 3,468 $39,876.25 5,345 $27265.00 $5.00 5,075 $25,375.00 $7.00 270 $1,890.00 9,569 $70,923.61 $7.00 6,944 $48,611.11 $8.50 2,625 $22,312.50 1,500 $8,875.00 $6.50 1,250 $8,125.00 $3.00 250 $750.00 $40.00 432 $17,280.00 $0.00 $6,875.00 $46,250.00 $1.75 25,000 $43,750.00 $0.25 10,000 $2,500.00 0 $0.00 Total Revenue $558,973.11 Total Ex eases $406.569.60 Total Net $15Z5t Giffels Hoyem Basso, Inc. Waterford Oaks Park Oakland County Parks Water Park Renovation Budget Estimate Children's Activity Feature GHB Project No_ 94647-3000 September 20, 1995 Pool and Mechanical Systems $539,800 SCS Play Structure'* 146,845 Subtotal $686,645 Group River Ride Feature Pool and Mechanical Systems $315,300 ProSlide Family/Group Raft Ride " 545 640 Subtotal $860,940 Building Structures Activity Pool Mechanical Building/Surge Tank $145,000 Plunge Pool Mechanical Building/Surge Tank 138,800 Bathhouse Renovation _ 189.200 Subtotal $473,000 Sitework Site Utilities: Water, Gas, Sewers, Electric Earthwork, Fencing, Irrigation Landscape Deck and Walkways Subtotal $428,800 Total Project Cost * All costs include contingency, insurance/bonds, and contractor's overhead and profit. "' Owner direct purchase bid prices. $2,449,385 $2,450,000 FAPR0J\94647\A\D0C0I .DOC 9/14/95 9-3 ..1. , .11��111, "I'll 11- „", ­m ..... Fl. M ... ,. 1 10 , . a.,. ,. 11 1 1 11. Giffels Hoyem Bassc. Inc. To: J. Figa, OCP From: D. Battle, GHB Date: October 16, 1995 Subject: OCPRC Waterford Oaks Park Water Park Renovation FINAL COST ESTIMATE GHB Project No.: 94647-3000 MEMORANDUM CHILDREN'S ACTIVITY FEATURE G.C. Bid P.O. Activity Pool and Mechanical Systems S 475,000 SCS Play Feature Structure $ 146,845` Installation $ 18,000 Mechanical System $ 42,000 Mechanical Building/Surge Tank S 156,000 - Subtotal S 691,000 $ 146,845* GROUP RIVER RIDE FEATURE Plunge Pool and Mechanical Systems $ 175,000 ProSlide Group Raft Ride Raft Ride & Tower $ 545,650 Mechanical System $ 100,000 Mechanical Buildina/Surge Tank S 128,000 Subtotal $ 403,000 $ 545,640 BATHHOUSE RENOVATION Architectural S 165,000** Mechanical $ 8,000 Electrical S 7,000 Subtotal S 180,000 SITEWORK Earthwork, Site Utilities, Hardscape, Landscape $ 410,000 Site Electrical $ 32,000 Subtotal $ 442,000 � •aaora.e.ruvew: ooc 9-4 C GHB Project No.9<:647-3000 October 16, 1995 Pape 2 COUNTY PARKS Funbrellas (8 at S2,000) S 16,000 - Tube Storage Structure (800 SF at 350/SF) S 40,000 Sionace Allowance S 20 000 Subtotal S 76,000 PROJECT TOTALS Subtotal G. C. Bid S 1,716,000 Construction Contingency (10%) $ 171.600 Subtotal S 1,887,600 General Conditions (5%) $ 94,400 Contractor Overhead/Profit (10%) S 188,760 Insurance/Bonds (2%) S 37,800 Total G.C. Bid S 2,208,560 Total OCP P.O. S 692,485 PROJECT GRAND TOTAL $ 2,901,045 Approximately $ 2.9 Million * Deduct approximately $20,000 to eliminate theming. ** Includes deduct alternate renovation of staff areas. *** Items are not included in the project grand total. Copy: H. Diamond, GHB W. Harnsakunatai, GHB G. Minito, GHB S. Braska, GHB M. Russell, GMA D. Myers, WTI F:\PR0J\94647\AWEM02.00C 1= .ITS 10 OF ROGr, R gpGO U CoUR . R,NGFrELG ppiC flat TOO' 'of 01 anew Sp °ut installaatlon Thr°ugh Qur�hasin9 staff b4 ummanl ld oaks �'°lf Course• a� will have a s h°use at SPrin- vember 13, and stall the club due °n �° bane The bids are meeting t the C°remission a p olYure o1 roof were written fior oaks has had at the trine e the new White yak SpeG��icat�ons fOr finisb. s raY with a silicone ears. of roof for 9 Y field has insulation p this type I at Spring foa+•r' t ecIorman°e from in9le embrane roo m exoellen p repa1rin9 s eX�st�ng 9 year of Gontrnue maN The roblems to e bid sum loped too many p rnendat�ons with th deve Staff will have reco 10-1 TTO #11 raft defter sect to pttaohed `sad revrew arr 'ar' `ewes G` this defter. ,y s montr for oll you earlier tht .\s reauesti\n9 �orktiation to s\qn C om,�rrssion aut �Rp,FT November 2, A9 9 5 been reviewing the mission has Lion. During • anon Cam d Recrea ear Commissioner Recre of parks an of parks and D Parks and anager salary survey d County status of the M The paklan system artment conducte of Nlichig 6 an merit sY October 2 , salary, title, the personnel D outside of the state z� to a letter dated conducted for this review, managers in andOnn pepartm lower than Vincent Lu nager is a recreaiion rr" el Director C • Aerate fort the ma Support perso hed Suryey which the oul aced on the As stated by e atta the salary fate comparis° range b g5 „Based °necreation CommissioThe labor 1 ,, Ossible salary 19 sand R agencies. 77 gg7 . A p the park e for surveyed rate of $ the average a maximum Salary range with as follows I „ maximum rate is ear 2 $22 $77'ag7 for future roviding this jnformation Big 3 $7 g49' egg ,37 1 am p e parks Commission, ways in which to when of th ssing behalf currently discu gins systems - on ou With other p touch with Y mission is linen we will be consideration Recreation C°m ring him in The parks and er in order to b or clus�o nag rnendatlan con comp to °ar spa ' ' recom ensa ec�f�c we decide on Sincerely, further. Lewis, Jr. pecky D. Chairman 11-2 ITEM #12 MANAGER'S REPORT ---As directed by the Commission, staff has contacted the City of Farmington Hills officials and requested more details on the paving cost of Greening Road. ---Enclosed is a breakdown of lawsuits and claims that Risk Management is handling on behalf of Parks and Recreation. Staff will answer any questions you may have. ---Parks operations staff from our camping parks, Addison and Groveland, have reviewed the Commission's direction for the 1996 senior citizen camping fee discount to be 20% of the established fees. Staff requests the camping discount for seniors be expressed in a stated dollar amount and not a percentage. This makes our fee schedule easier to explain to patrons and reduces the cash handling of change. An appendix is attached detailing staffs recommendations and the net effect on fees and revenues. Staff will answer any questions you may have. ---For your information, attached are the projects staff is working on for the month of November. 12-1 L/ GATIO FIL - OPENCASES LOSS UAB FILE Oc CLAIMANT/ CASE DATE !DATE -OF DATE YEAR NUMBER DEFENDANT PLAINTIFF NUMBER MOD .OPENING CASE S NOP IS 1 2 92/0511 t 11992 91/M2 :19'91 95.62.01 93-15-D I P & R ISPRNGFLD OAKS RUEBELMPN htAR JO -95-496923-NO P & R 1 WAT OAKS IKUBINSKI KATH 93-054360. O 95148/15 93/05125 95108/21 ©ODILY INJURY WHEN CART CRASHED INTO 4A POST IN PARK 93105125 'BODILY INJURY; SLIPPED d. FELL ON HATS OPEN GL CLAIM 1 Lam_ LIAR FILE OC DEFENDANT/ F CLAIMANT DATE CASE PAYMENT DATE IYEAR # DEPT-DIVISION NAME REC'0 STATUS DATE LOSS DESCRIPTION i I 1976 1976 GLC91039 P & R (RED M) MI ONR 91/09/27 OPEN ALLEGES CONTAMINATION 93/07122 1993 GLC93034 P & R BUNN, ROBERT 93108104 OPEN HIT SHOULDER ON SLIDE 93107126 1B93 GLC94001 P & R CKRICH, MIKE 94/01/13 OPEN FELL OFF SLIDE ON HEAD 94/071Z8 1994 GLC94037 P & R HELLE, ANENDA 94108/31 OPEN BROKEN WINDSHIELD FROM MOWER , 95108112 11995 GLC95045 P & R IREINHOLZ, JANE 95/08118 OPEN CLOTHING RUINED BY BLEACH 95/05/21 1 1995 GLC95020 P & R ADDISON OAKS HLAVATY, JUSTIN 95105/21 OPEN BIG TOE FRACTURED ON MOON WALK 95/06127 1995 GLC95026 p & R ADDISON OAKS tHOULIMAN DANIEL 95IM28 OPEN CHILD DROWNED 94/09/06 1994 GLC94044 P & R GR OAKS :FORSYTH CHAR 94/10/20 OPEN ISAT ON TABLE; TIPPED TABLE; [NJ SELF 95107129 1995 GLC95042 P & R GROV OAKS WENS, SCOTT R 95/08/23 OPEN STEPPED IN PKG LOT HOLE; INJ LAN KLE 94108/08 1994 GLC94057 P & R MOBILE REC BANCHERO Al -EX 941=18 1 OPEN ICHILD DAMAGED TEETH ON MOONWALK 95/06/17 1995 GLC95028 P & R RED OAKS CAMPBELL, DARRYL 19510&29J OPEN :ALLEGES P & R STAFF ADMINISTERED MEDICINE WE WOULD RECO"WND THAT ALL 3ENIOR CITIZENS RECEIVE A $ 3.00 PER NIGHT DISCOUNT. THIS WILL KEEP THE FEE'S EASY TO EXPLAIN TO CUSTOMERS, WILL BE BETTER RECEIVED BY SENIORS AND WILL (;ENERhTE ]MORE REVENUE THAN THE CURRENT 25% DISCOUNT. THIS WILL ALSO KEEP THE OPERATIONS SINPLIFIRD. PRIMITIVE SITES: SHN.DISC. SEN.DISC. SEN.DISC. STRAIGHT SENIOR.RATE EXTRA IF 10% IF 20% IF 25-% 3.00 OFF W/ 3. 00 OFF REVENUE DISCOUNT PER NIGHT REG.RATE 16.00 1.60 3.20 4.00 $ 3.00 13.00 1.00 RES. DISC. 12.00 1.20 2.40 3.00 3.00 9.00 0.00 SEKEE-MODERN SITES: 1W. RATE 18.00 1.80 3.60 4.50 3.00 15.00 1.50 S. DISC. 14.00 1.40 2.80 3.50 3.00 11.00 .50 JfODJ3RN SITES: SM. RATE 20.00 2.00 4.00 5.00 3.00 17.00 2.00 V,S . DISC. 16.00 1.60 3.20 4.00 3.00 13.00 1.00 On the Desk of Ralph Richard November, 1995 RALPH RICHARD Golf Meeting Lyon Oaks Land ExNet Waterford Oaks Land Trails for Parks Marketing Groups DAN STENCIL Groveland Camping Revenue Projection Christmas Tree Recycling Rose Oaks House Removal #2 Addison Oaks Deer Management Program Winter Project Plans 1995 ---Budget Closure FRANK TRIONFI 1996 Budget Additional PC Requests Accounting Upgrade Computerize Cashiering at Wave Pools 1995 Millage Funds Recruitment ExNet, 1996 MIKE THIBODEAU Glen Oaks Drainage Glen Oaks Cart Paths Fuel Tank, Indendence & Groveland Springfield Clubhouse Roof Steel Piling, WL-O & S-O Springfield #18 Green JON KIPKE Fridge Lift and Building Water Tower, Springfield Recognition Banquet Nature Center Exhibit Tennis Contract - Food Report, Austin, Texas JOE FIGA Springfield Oaks Fencing Rose Oaks Fencing Waterford Oaks Pool Renovation Waterford Master Plan Revision Groveland Renov. Design Eng. Independence Oaks Nature Ctr. JAN PUNG 95-96 Fridge Marketing Plan Cost -saving Brochures/Flyers ExNet/Dream Team Mtgs. Sponsor Proposal Handbook Misc. Marketing Annual Report SUE DELRIDGE Winter Programs Computer Tickets with Pools Fridge Programming ExNet-Recruitment of Staff Sponsorships for 1996 Programs Volunteer Report 12-4