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Agendas/Packets - 1996.01.17 - 39977
CZ.J,,�'AOKLAND COUNTY PARKS 2800 Watkins Lake Road -Waterford, Michigan 48328-1917 810.858.0906 Fax 810.858.1683 TDD 810.858.1684 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: Ruth A. Johnson Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. George W. Kuhn Chairman Thomas A. Law Ralph A. Richard Jean M. Fox John E. Olsen Manager Vice Chairman L. Brooks Patterson Jon J. Kipke Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Kay Schmid Assistant Manager Secretary RichardSkarritt January 12, 1996 A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATIONS COMMISSION as follows: PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . .PARKS AND RECREATION OFFICE 2800 WATKINS LAKE ROAD WATERFORD, MI 48328 TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1996 9:00 A.M. PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, Ralph Richard Manager RAR/J g OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 17, 1996 Parks and Recreation Administration Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3a. Approval of Minutes for Public Hearing December 6, 1995. 3. Approval of Minutes for Meeting December 6, 1995. 4. Public Comments. 5. Approval of Payment: Voucher Nos. 11-1 thru 11-358 Interdepartmental Payment Register: October charges paid in December November charges paid in December Oak Management Inc. Credits: 4th Quarter, 1995 Transfer Voucher Register: 4th Quarter, 1995 Red Oaks G.D. and S.V. Credits: 4th Quarter, 1995 6. Statement of Operation for Month Ending 11/30/95. 7. Activity Reports for November and December, 1995. 8. Election of Officers. 9. Outstanding Invoice - Addison Oaks. M. Thibodeau / 858-4630 10. Outstanding Community Billing - Mobile Recreation. S. Delridge / 858-4634 11. Water Towers - Addison and Springfield Activity Center. J. Kipke / 858-4605 12. Property Acquisition Grant Extension - Lyon Oaks. J. Figa / 858-4620 13. Agricultural Leases. D. Stencil / 858-4944 14. Proposed Land Swap - Rose Oaks. 11 11 15. Sanitary Sewer Easement Request - Orion Oaks. n u 16. Bid Item: Electrical Equipment - Waterford Oaks Wave Pool. J. Kipke / 858-4605 17. Nature Center Exhibits - Independence Oaks. K. Dougherty / 625-6473 18. EXECUTIVE SESSION. 19. Manager's Report. R. Richard / 858-0909 20. Old Business. 21. New Business. 22. Adjourn. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING PUBLIC HEARING December 6. 1995 The public hearing was called to order at 9:04 a.m. by Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. in the commission room of the Parks and Recreation Commission's administration office. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Vice Chairman Ruth Johnson, Secretary Richard Kuhn, Jr., George Kuhn, Thomas Law, John Olsen, L. Brooks Patterson, Kay Schmid, Richard Skarritt COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Nancy McConnell ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Ralph Richard, Manager Jon Kipke, Assistant Manager Daniel Stencil, Chief of Parks Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf Joe Figa, Chief of Design/Development Sue Delridge, Chief of Recreation Sheila Cox, Accountant IV Frank Trionfi, Chief, Admin. Services Jan Pung, Public Comm. Officer Clyde Herb, Park Supervisor Staff noted that the proposed revenue budget for 1996 is $13,699,323, an increase of 5.4% over the proposed budget for 1995. Of this amount, $5,555,373 comes from fees and charges, and the balance of $8,143,950 will come from the millage and interest on investments. The proposed operating budget for 1996 is $10,557,998, an increase of 4.9% over the 1995 proposed budget. The remaining balance of the revenues, after the $10,560,096 for operations, is for operating equipment and capital development. The amount of $555,265, of which approximately $347,665 is for replacement equipment and vehicles, is for operating equipment. Estimated new funds for capital development for 199 is $3,020,281. The proposed 1996 projects are budgeted at $2,995,707, with estimated new funds at $3,020,281. No questions were asked; therefore, the public hearing was declared closed at 9:05 a.m. "`" Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Karen Smith Secretary Recording Secretary 3a-1 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING AND BUDGET REVIEW December 6. 1995 The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. by Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. in the commission room of the Parks and Recreation Commission's administration office. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Vice Chairman Ruth Johnson, Secretary Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., George W. Kuhn, Thomas Law, John Olsen, L. Brooks Patterson, Kay Schmid, Richard Skarritt COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Nancy McConnell ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Development and Planning Central Services OCSD - Parks Division Cellular One APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Ralph Richard, Manager Jon J. Kipke, Assistant Manager Frank Trionfi, Chief, Admin. Services Sheila Cox, Accountant IV Jan Pung, Chief of Communication Joe Figa, Chief of Design/Development Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf Dan Stencil, Chief of Parks Sue Delridge, Chief of Recreation Clyde Herb, Park Supervisor Kathleen Dougherty, Park Naturalist Larry Falardeau, Associate Planner Dave VanderVeen, Director Joe Lambourn, Sergeant Ellen Tencer, Site Acquisition Specialist Moved by Mr. R. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Olsen to approve the minutes of the meeting of November 15, 1995, as written. AYES: Johnson, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, Olsen, Patterson, Schmid, Skarritt (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no questions asked, nor comments made, by the public. AWARD PRESENTATION: Chief of Parks Dan Stencil presented the Commission with an award from Clarkston SCAMP in recognition and appreciation of outstanding support of their program. 3-1 (Commission Meeting, December 6, 1995) APPROVAL OF PAYMENTS: Moved by Mr. Skarritt, supported by Mr. G. Kuhn to approve the payment of Vouchers 10-1 through 10-320. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Johnson, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Olsen, Patterson, Schmid, Skarritt (9) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. ACTIVITIES REPORT: The Activities Report for the month of October, 1995, was accepted as filed. 1996 BUDGET ADOPTION: Moved by Mrs. Johnson, supported by Mr. Patterson to approve the resolution adopting r the parks and Recreation Commission's 1996 Appropriations Act incorporating the 1996 operating Budget and to approve the adoption of the Commission's 1996 Capital Improve- ment Projects Budget. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Olsen, Patterson, Schmid, Skarritt, Johnson (9) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. PARK SECURITY CONTRACT: Secretary Kuhn requested the word "City" in the last paragraph of the proposed contract be deleted. Moved by Mr. R. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Skarritt to approve the contract between Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and the Oakland County Sheriffs Department for law enforcement services throughout the parks for 1996 through 1998. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: R. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Olsen, Patterson, Schmid, Skarritt, Johnson, G. Kuhn (9) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. 1995 OPERATING BUDGET AMENDMENT: 3-2 (Commission Meeting, December 6, 1995) Moved by Mr. Patterson, supported by Mrs. Schmid to approve the transfer of $15,000 from the 1995 Operating Budget Contingency to the Mobile Recreation Part -Time Salaries, Fringe Benefits, and Equipment Maintenance line items, plus the transfer of $26,000 from the 1995 Operating Budget Contingency to the Waterford Oaks Waterpark Part -Time Salaries, Fringe Benefits, and Building Maintenance line items; both of these transfers are in accordance with the Commission's 1995 General Appropriations Act, which incorporates the Uniform Local Budgeting Act. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Law, Lewis, Olsen, Patterson, Schmid, Skarritt, Johnson, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn (9) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. PARAMED SERVICES PAYMENT: Moved by Mr. G. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Law to approve the expenditure of $6,039.00 to Paramed, Inc. for first aid and stand-by ambulance service for on -site special events and weekly programs held in the parks in 1995. The amount of $2,341.50 for services covering the 4-H Fair will be reimbursed by the 4-H Fair Board to the Parks Commission. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lewis, Olsen, Patterson, Schmid, Skarritt, Johnson, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law (9) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. CELLULAR ONE TOWER PROPOSAL - WHITE LAKE OAKS: Central Services Director David VanderVeen reported that the Federal Aviation Agency has not yet responded to the inquiry as to whether or not the 100-foot monopole proposed by Cellular One for erection at White Lake Oaks will impact on the Oakland -Pontiac Airport's flight path. Preliminary reports using the FAA's criteria show that the pole will probably not be a problem. Director VanderVeen suggested authorizing negotiations with Cellular One contingent upon approval from both the FAA and the airport. Director VanderVeen also requested he be personally involved in those negotiations. Moved by Mr. G. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Olsen to authorize staff to negotiate with Cellular One for the proposed erection of a 100-foot monopole at White Lake Oaks, contingent upon approval from the Federal Aviation Agency and the Oakland -Pontiac Airport. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lewis, Olsen, Patterson, Schmid, Skarritt, Johnson, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law (9) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. 3-3 (Commission Meeting, December 6, 1995) WATERFORD OAKS MASTER PLAN REVISION: Moved by Mr. R. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Olsen to award the contract for the revision of the Waterford Oaks Master Plan to the low bidder, Scott/Anderson, in the amount of $10,700, which includes the fee for one optional workshop. AYES: Johnson, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Olsen, Schmid, Skarritt (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Commission concurred that whenever a major project is being planned for any park, that park's master plan should be revised to incorporate that project and keep it current. GROVELAND OAKS ROAD AND CAMPGROUND IMPROVEMENTS: Moved by Mrs. Johnson, supported by Mr. Olsen to award the contract for the design and engineering of the east side of Groveland Oaks, including the easterly section of the main entrance road, the day use parking area, the group camping areas, and the easterly campgrounds of approximately 350 campsites, to the low bidder, Becket Reader & Associates, in the amount of $44,828. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Olsen, Schmid, Skarritt, Johnson, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Lewis (8) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. Chief of Design Joe Figa reported that the only expense not covered by this contract will be for the topographical map of the park. That expense may be more than $5,000; if so, staff will bring it back before the Commission for approval. INDEPENDENCE OAKS NATURE CENTER EXHIBITS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: Bids for the design only of the exhibits for the Independence Oaks Nature Center were received and reviewed by a selection committee comprised of Assistant Manager Jon Kipke, Chief of Design and Development Joe Figa, and Park Naturalist Kathleen Dougherty. This contract will include design of the new exhibits for the expanded section of the nature center plus design of replacements for the existing exhibits. Assistant Manager Jon Kipke summarized the committee's selection of the firm Design + Planning, Inc., including the firm's innovative creativity, work with technology, references received, and the firm's schedule to complete the job. He requested Commission approval to award the contract to Planning + Design, Inc. in the amount of $49,500. Moved by Mr. R. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Law to award the contract for the design of the nature exhibits for the Independence Oaks Nature Center to Planning + Design, Inc. in the amount of $49,500. 3-4 (Commission Meeting, December 6, 1995) ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Lewis (4) NAYS: Schmid, Skarritt, Johnson, Olsen (4) A sufficient majority not having voted, the motion was denied. Commission directed staff to review the project, possibly renegotiating the bid price with Planning + Design or rewriting the bid package and resending the Request For Proposals. BICYCLE/SAFETY PATH STATUS REPORT: In response to an earlier request from the Commission, Chief of Design Joe Figa reported on the bicycle/safety path requirements from the townships/cities in which the County parks are located plus an estimated cost for installation. Associate Planner Larry Falardeau reviewed the County's "Linked Recreation Trail System" concept, showing both the existing pathways and the proposed. FUEL TANK REPLACEMENT AND CLEAN-UP REPORT: Chief of Golf Mike Thibodeau updated the Commission on the progress of the fuel tank replacement and clean-up project throughout the parks, noting clean up has been completed at Glen Oaks, White Lake Oaks, and Red Oaks. However, clean up is continuing at Springfield Oaks where contamination had been detected earlier. Hydrogeological studies have been submitted to the Department of Natural Resources; the next step is to submit a Final Assessment Report and follow up with a Corrective Action Plan, which must be submitted to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality by October 1, 1996. Estimates for this report and action plan are $22,000. Commissioner George Kuhn requested staff contact his (staff engineers for their input, noting their knowledge and experience on similar projects. Vice Chairman Johnson also requested staff contact Springfield Township Supervisor Collin Walls and update him on the progress of this project. MANAGER'S REPORT: In addition to the Manager's Report filed in the agenda, the following was noted: ---Manager Richard updated the Commission on the contact made with the Farmington Hills officials regarding the Greening Road project adjacent to Glen Oaks. He requested Commission recommendation for an offer to present to the city or for how much negotiating power to allow him in conjunction with the proposed renovation at the park. Commission directed staff to contact Corporation Counsel to discover what our obligations are for this road. Commission also directed staff to get a copy of the city's public hearing and the assessment rolls for the Greening Road project. 3-5 (Commission Meeting, December 6, 1995) ---Staff has been approached by investors interested in purchasing 38 acres of parkland at Orion Oaks. This acreage is located on the west side of Baldwin and is not included in any development plans for the park. According to new rules through the DNR, parkland purchased by grant funds can be sold, but the funds from the sale must be used to purchase additional parkland. Staff will research the new rules carefully to ensure the legality of this transaction and update the Commission on any further progress. ---Commissioner Skarritt requested information on the mineral rights of parkland purchased with grant funding. Chief of Design Joe Figa will report back to the Commission at the next meeting. The next Commission meeting is scheduled for 9 a.m. on Wednesday, January 3, 1996. The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 a.m. Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Secretary Karen Smith Recording Secretary MQ OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION PAYMENT APPROVAL SU14MARY FOR MEETING OF: JANUARY 17, 1996 VOUCHERS: Nos. 11-1 thru 11-358 INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER: October charges paid in December November charges paid in December OAK MANAGEMENT, INC. CREDITS: 4th Quarter, 1995 TRANSFER VOUCHER REGISTER: 4th Quarter, 1995 RED OAKS G.D. & S.V. CREDITS: 4th Quarter, 1995 742, 609. 29 Al .' 204,544.03 198,656.56 403,200.59 500.00 279.86 900.00 $1,147.489.74 s AAPS60BR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE j FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADORESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE 20800 5110001 EVANS, DAVE SAND a GRAVEL 00175601 157387 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS Z6619Z 116795 RID.-CLBHSE. LANDSCPG.,PHAS.XI MASON SAND VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110002 VIDOSH LANDSCAPE CENTRE 00008473 157387 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS 266193 110795 RID.-CLBHSE. LANDSCPG.,PHAS.II SOD VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110003 ERB LUMBER COMPANY 00054742 IS7604 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS 266194 110795 ORI. -PARK DEVELOPMENT Dock Pro j . 13420003242 GROVELAND OAKS BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES Repair Light Pole 13428003242 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES Window Replacement 13446003242 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES Repair Brake System 13455003442 LYON OAKS LANDS i GROUNDS MAINTENANCE Build --Trail Post & Signs 13460003442 ROSE OAKS GROUNDS MAINTENANCE Build Trail Post & Signs VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110004 SCOT DIVISION-ARDOX CORP 00176091 13446003242 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 266195 110795 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES WINTER STARTUP AT FRIDGE VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110005 AERO FILTER 00009501 13437003Z42 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK 266196 110795 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110006 MAXI -SWEEP INC 00021371 13437003Z4Z WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK 266197 110795 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES FILTER CARTRIDGE VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110007 KEINEDY INDUSTRIES 00077401 1343700324Z WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK 266198 110795 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110008 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING 00174561 13"6003242 WATERFRII OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 266199 110795 PRODUCTS INC BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES L� n AMOUNT 434.60 434.60 135.00 135.00 2,007.87 207.36 452.60 ZZ8.42 359.30 359.30 3,614.85 182.06 182.06 19.38 19.38 271.70 Z71.70 307.51 307.51 48.72 AAPS60BR PARKS AMD RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER ir2 VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 2• FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR 40. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT VOUCHER TOTAL 48.72 20800 5110009 FRISCH, G.A. INC. 00029632 1343SG0324Z WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 266200 110795 319.75 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES REPAIR ROOF LEAK 13437003242 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK 399.25 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES REPAIR ROOF LEAK VOUCHER TOTAL 719.00 20800 5110010 NORTH ELECTRIC SUPPLY 00000661 13438003242 WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 266726 110895 55.30 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13446003242 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 233.71 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES VOUCHER TOTAL 289.01 20400 5110011 OAKLAND HEATING SUPPLY 00020651 13430003242 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 266727 110895 54.69 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES VOUCHER TOTAL 54.69 20800 5110012 HOME QUARTERS WAREHOUSE 00075771 13428003342 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 266728 110895 119.93 DEPT. 01315219559653 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. 13428003442 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 45.69 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 13431003242 RED OAKS WATER PARK 24.12 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES VOUCHER TOTAL 189.74 20800 5110013 JOHNSTON, GEORGE L. CO 00053931 13425003242 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 266729 110895 95.97 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES FILTERS 13435003662 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER, 95.97 RENTAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE FILTERS VOUCHER TOTAL 191.94 20800 S110014 LESLIE ELECTRIC 00002ZSI 13410003770 TECHNICAL SUPPORT' 266730 110895 10.35 UNIFORMS 13430003242 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 54.30 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13446003242 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 55.01 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES VOUCHER TOTAL 119.66 20800 5110015 ENGINE SUPPLY OF NOVI 00176101 13439443342 MOBILE RECREATION PROGRAM 266201 110795 17.37 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 17.37 AAP560BR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 3 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT Z0800 5110016 GOODYEAR SERVICE CTR. 00002962 1343000334Z SPRINGFIELD OAKS 266202 110795 245.00 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. TIRES VOUCHER TOTAL 245.00 20800 5110017 GOODYEAR WHOLESALE TIRE 00005762 13427003342 GLEN OAKS 266203 110795 27.45 CENTERS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 27.45 20800 5110018 ROCHESTER LAWN EQUIPMENT 00031951 1343SO0334Z WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 266204 110795 139.91 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 139.91 Z0800 5110019 VESCO INDUSTRIAL 00086281 13435003342 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 266205 110795 168.25 LUBRICANTS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 168.25 ?0400 5110020 DETROIT BALL BEARING 00004182 13430005342 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 266206 110795 155.54 EQUIPMENT FAIRS & MAINT. 134260C3342 WHITE LAKE OAKS 4.30 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 159.84 20800 5110021 AT&T 00035454 13401003342 ndependence 266207 110795 249.20 DIRECT MARKETING EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. FAX IMAGE DRUM VOUCHER TOTAL 249.20 20800 5110022 PAINTERS SUPPLY 00028391 1341SO03342 ADDISON OAKS 266208 110795 331.29 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. REPAIR OF BLOWER&SCRAPER VOUCHER TOTAL 331.29 20800 5110023 PERRY SCREW & BOLT CO. 00058751 13446003342 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 266209 110795 174.90 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & HAINT VOUCHER TOTAL 174.90 20800 S110024 WELCH MOTORS 00175591 13410003342 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 266210 110795 12.00 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 12.00 20800 5110025 METRO-Z5 TIRE CENTERS 00132522 13439433342 MOBILE RECREATION PROGRAM 266211 110795 35.00 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 35.00 20800 5110026 DICK'S LAWN EQUIPMENT CTR 00080541 13426003342 WHITE LAKE OAKS 266212 110795 26.95 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 26.95 I i p AAPS60BR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 4' FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT 20800 5110027 WEINGARTZ SUPPLY 00047351 13410003342 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 266213 110795 46.26 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. 13428003342 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 177.56 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 223.82 20800 S110028 UNIVERSITY LAWN 00007441 13428003342 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 266214 110795 51.22 EQUIPMENT, INC. EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. 13435003342 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 33.43 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. 13439443342 MOBILE RECREATION PROGRAM 74.35 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 159.00 20800 5110029 MILLER, W. F. COMPANY 00001052 1341000334Z TECHNICAL SUPPORT 266215 110795 4.90 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. 1341SO03342 ADDISON OAKS 310.33 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. Repair Snowtrack 13420003342 GROVELAND OAKS 38.50 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. 13426003342 WHITE LAKE OAKS 121.78 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & NAINT. 13427003342 GLEN OAKS 1,221.64 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. Repair -Tractor 13430003342 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 411.86 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 2,109.01 20800 S110030 DETROIT EDISON 00004211 13415003390 ADDISON OAKS 266216 110795 2,746.83 HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 13417003390 ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 1,731.27 HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 13420003390 GROVELAND OAKS 201.13 HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 13430003390 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 1,822.10 HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 13432003390 SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC 1,166.51 HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER VOUCHER TOTAL 7,667.84 20800 5110031 MICHIGAN RECREATION 00080931 13401003727 ADMINISTRATION 266731 110895 60.00 & PARK ASSOCIATION TRAINING RENEWAL FOR R.RICHARD w �� AAPS60BR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 5 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT VOUCHER TOTAL 60.00 20800 5110432 MICHIGAN FORESTRY 00081932 13401003514 ADMINISTRATION 266732 110895 30.00 & PARK ASSOC. MEMBERSHIP DUES & PUBLICATIONS MEMBERSHIP RENEW/D.STENCI VOUCHER TOTAL 30.00 20600 5110033 SKILLPATH SEMINARS 00015651 13401003752 ADMINISTRATION' 266733 110895 149.00 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE REGIST: FOR M.WAGNER VOUCHER TOTAL 149.00 20800 5110034 U.S. SAND & STONE CO. 00055031 1343SO03442 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 266734 110895 1,821.61 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE TOPSOIL/MASON SAND VOUCHER TOTAL 1,821.61 20800 5110035 FIRST OF AMERICA 00062961 Z33001 ACCRUED PAYROLL 265219 110295 141,937.20 SOUTHEAST ACCRUED PAYROLL PAY PERIOD END 10/29/95 VOUCHER TOTAL 141,937.20 2U8QU 51l6'dBG kiditUff MUM 06637441 134246034,4Z bfON OAKS 266735 110895 120.00 TOILETS, INC. LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICE OF UNITS 13425003442 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 260.00 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICE OF UNITS 1342700344Z GLEN OAKS 80.00 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICE OF UNITS 13455003442 LYON OAKS 10.00 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICE OF UNITS VOUCHER TOTAL 470.00 20800 5110037 RICH SIGH SHOP ODOIZ562 13415003442 ADDISON OAKS 266736 110895 30.00 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE LETTERS 13425883704 INDEPENDENCE DAYS 200.00 SPECIAL PROJECTS CAR SHOW CARDS/LETTERS VOUCHER TOTAL Z30.00 Z0800 5110038 AGA GAS, INC.. 000675OZ 13405993704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. Z66737 110895 4.80 DEPT. L-0036 SPECIAL PROJECTS 13410003342 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 19.50 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 24.30 20800 5110039 CLAEYS, H. L. & CO. 00029281 13417003242 ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 266738 110895 15.77 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES VOUCHER TOTAL 15.77 AAP5609R PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PACE 6 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT MO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE 20800 5110040 WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC 00039832 IU37003242 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK 266739 110895 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13446003442 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX LANDS i GROUNDS MAINTENANCE VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110041 BSN SPORTS 00031451 13405933704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 266740 110895 SPECIAL PROJECTS VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110042 HODGES SUPPLY CO 00007341 13417003242 ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 266741 110895 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13420003242 GROVELAND OAKS BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13430003662 SPRINGFIELD OAKS RENTAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 13432003242 SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13437003242 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK Air Eliminator Tank for Chi'l ler Pump BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13446003242 NATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110043 WILSON WELDING SUPPLY 00060442 13401003597 13405993704 13410003342 13410004882 13410004926 1341500334Z 13415923704 13425003342 ADMINISTRATION 266742 110895 PUBLIC INFORMATION RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. SPECIAL PROJECTS TECHNICAL SUPPORT EQUIPMENT REPAIRS i MAINT. TECHNICAL SUPPORT MAINTENNANCE SUPPLIES TECHNICAL SUPPORT SMALL TOOLS ADDISON OAKS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS A MAINT. ADDISON OAKS SPECIAL PROJECTS INDEPENDENCE OAKS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS i MAINT. AMOUNT 67.90 460.00 527.90 133.97 133.97 188.99 117.94 174.44 2.80 125.37 1,331.99 1,941.53 18.00 34.Z5 22.00 82.90 1.26 5.50 18.00 63.02 AAP560BR PARKS AMBM RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 71 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT 13431004918 RED OAKS.WATER PARK 105.00 RECREATION SUPPLIES 13437003242 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK 11.00 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13439594918 MOBILE RECREATION PROGRAM 14.60 RECREATION SUPPLIES VOUCHER TOTAL 375.53 20800 5110044 ARROW UNIFORM RENTAL 00078241 13410003452 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 266743 110895 315.11 LAUNDRY & CLEANING 13425003452 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 24.21 LAUNDRY & CLEANING 13426003452 WHITE LAKE OAKS 14.60 LAUNDRY & CLEANING 13427003452 GLEN OAKS 29.65 LAUNDRY & CLEANING 13428003452 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 11.80 LAUNDRY & CLEANING 13430003452 SPRINGFIELD OAKS) 28.55 LAUNDRY i CLEANING 13431003452 RED OAKS WATER PARK 5.90 LAUNDRY & CLEANING 13432003452 SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC 4.35 LAUNDRY & CLEANING 13435003452 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 37.20 LAUNDRY i CLEANING 13437003452 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK 37.20 LAUNDRY CLEANING ' l VOUCHER TOTAL 508.57 20800 5110045 OAK CO TREASURER 30840534 13401007429 ADMINISTRATION 266744 110895 29.03 XLYDIA WHITE PROPERTY TAX LEVY DELINQUENT TAX ADJUSTMENT VOUCHER TOTAL 29.03 20800 5110046 LEE SPECIALTY COMPANY 00080342 1342SU3704 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 266745 110895 290.60 SPECIAL PROJECTS CAR SHOW DASH PLATES VOUCHER TOTAL 290.60 Z0800 S110047 GAULT RACE MANAGEMENT 00166141 13415923704 ADDISON OAKS 266746 110895 750.00 ANNE GAULT SPECIAL PROJECTS TIMING&FINISH LINE SERVIC VOUCHER TOTAL 750.00 AAP56ORR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE $ FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNXT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT 20800 5110048 ALLGRAPHICS CORP 00034931 1341S923704 ADDISON OAKS 266747 110895 2,506.00 SPECIAL PROJECTS T-SHIRTS VOUCHER TOTAL 2,506.00 20800 5110049 ARBOR SPRINGS WATER CO 00089581 13425004898 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 266748 110895 11.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 13426003340 WHITE LAKE OAKS 15.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 13426004898 WHITE LAKE OAKS 7.60 OFFICE SUPPLIES 13428004898 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 17.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 13430003340 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 30.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL VOUCHER TOTAL 80.60 20800 5110050 PONTIAC STAMP STENCIL 00012071 1340SO04898 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 266749 110895 19.50 TYPESETTING, INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 13431004898 RED OAKS WATER PARK 3.25 OFFICE SUPPLIES 13437004898 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK 3.25 OFFICE SUPPLIES 13439004898 MOBILE RECREATION PROGRAM 6.S0 OFFICE SUPPLIES VOUCHER TOTAL 32.50 20800 5110051 PONTIAC STAMP STENCIL 00012071 13424003442 ORION OAKS 266750 110895 117.00 TYPESETTING, INC. LANDS S GROUNDS MAINTENANCE Signs 13460003442 ROSE OAKS 264.50 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE sl9n s VOUCHER TOTAL 381.50 20800 5110052 THOMAS, DON SPORT MAUS 00033381 13439374918 MOBILE RECREATION PROGRAM 266751 110895 34.99 RECREATION SUPPLIES VOUCHER TOTAL 34.99 20800 5110053 GLENN WING POWER TOOLS 00038261 13410004926 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 266752 110895 99.00 SMALL TOOLS VOUCHER TOTAL 99.00 20800 5110054 UZ ENGINEERED PRODUCTS 00093341 13410003342 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 266753 110895 44.73 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS S MAINT. w.. .. .... ..... AAPS60BR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE tj FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE 13410004926 TECHNICAL SUPPORT SMALL TOOLS 13435004860 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR INSECTICIDE 13437004860 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR INSECTICIDE 13446004966 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE INSECTICIDE VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110055 INDUSTRIAL CLEANING SUPPLY CO. 20800 5110056 VOID 20800 5110057 KENNEDY, J STEPHEN 20800 5110058 GOODWIN, GORDON PARKS & RECREATION 20800 5110059 ROBERTSON BROTHERS 00007631 13401004860 ADMINISTRATION 266754 110895 HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR ROLL TOWEL 13405004860 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR ROLL TOWEL 13426003342 WHITE LAKE OAKS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. 13435004860 WATERFORD OAKS'ACTIVITY CENTER HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR ROLL TOWEL 13437003242 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES SHOWER CURTAIN 13438004860 WATERFORD OAKS _TENNIS COMPLEX HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR ROLL TOWEL VOUCHER TOTAL 10563031 13401003597 ADMINISTRATION 266755 110895 PUBLIC INFORMATION PHOTOGRAPHER VOUCHER TOTAL 30008601 13430003770 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 266756 110895 UNIFORMS REIMB. FOR SAFETY SHOES VOUCHER TOTAL 00049881 13437003242 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK 266757 110895 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES WATER CONTROL. VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110060 CLUB CAR 00036592 13427003342 GLEN OAKS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. 13427004926 GLEN OAKS SMALL TOOLS 13430003342 SPRINGFIELD OAKS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. i ................ Repair of Carts 266758 110895 a AMOUNT 60.96 119.40 59.70 59.70 344.49 124.57 62.27 33.68 124.58 297.50 62.28 704.88 45.00 45.00 58.00 58.00 690.50 690.50 40.00 93:00 449.72 AAP560BR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 10 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT VOUCHER TOTAL 582.72 20800 5110061 AT&T 00035454 13401003342 ADMINISTRATION 266759 110895 269.20 DIRECT MARKETING EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. FAX IMAGE DRUM VOUCHER TOTAL 269.20 20800 5110062 THESIER EQUIPMENT CO. 00068861 13426003342 WHITE LAKE OAKS 266760 110895 22.95 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. FILTERS 13427003342 GLEN OAKS 253.01 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. FILTERS VOUCHER TOTAL 275.96 20800 5110063 D & C DISTRIBUTORS 00043521 13426003442 WHITE LAKE OAKS 266761 110895 31.50 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE ROLLERS 1342700334Z GLEN OAKS 549.30 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. ROLLERS VOUCHER TOTAL 580.80 20800 5110064 A & J AUTO PARTS 00004491 13428003342 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 266762 110895 128.04 & ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. 13428004926 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 7.98 SMALL TOOLS VOUCHER TOTAL 136.02 20800 S110065 IRON AGE CORPORATION 000IBS71 13428003770 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 266763 110895 50.00 UNIFORMS VOUCHER TOTAL 50.00 20800 5110066 AT&T 00078025 13426003278 WHITE LAKE OAKS 266764 110895 48.95 COMMUNICATIONS VOUCHER TOTAL 48.95 20800 5110067 CHET'S AMERICAN RENTAL 00054112 13428003242 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 266765 110895 61.43 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES VOUCHER TOTAL 61.43 20800 S110068 CLAWSON CONCRETE 00050453 157486 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS 266766 110895 575.00 SPR.-MAIMT. BLDG. IMPROVE,G.C. GRAVEL VOUCHER TOTAL 575.00 20800 5110069 BRINKER'S PLUMBING & 00082682 13437003242 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK 266767 110895 13.20 HEATING BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 1344600324Z WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 29.60 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES w .� AAPS60BR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADWFSS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT VOUCHER TOTAL 42.80 20800 5110070 SAMMY•S TO GO 00022582 13437003752 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK 2 66768 110895 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE 50.70 VOUCHER TOTAL 50.70 20800 5110071 NOSY DICK PET STORE 00037571 13450004918 NATURE PROGRAM 266769 110895 60.94 RECREATION SUPPLIES VOUCHER TOTAL 60.94 j• 20800 5110072 ASHTON ORCHARDS 00077011 134S0004919 NATURE PROGRAM 266770 110895 52.50 RECREATION SUPPLIES VOUCHER TOTAL 52.50 20800 5110073 DMF BAIT SHOP 00043781 13450004918 MATURE PROGRAM 266771 110895 11.90 RECREATION SUPPLIES 'VQU0iER TOTAL 11.940 idw S`110iA m3T 8UY 66lik 661ghAg,, i349666sd61, skINF,elfft Y .aft 266772' 110895 499.94 SOS12-0918 RENTAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE GASRANGE VOUCHER TOTAL 499.94 20800 5110075 MARCLIFF, INCORPORATE 00038311 13435673704 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 266773 110895 70.00 SPECIAL PROJECTS ROUND DANCE INSTRUCTOR VOUCHER TOTAL 70.00 20800 5110076 SPENCE, KATHLEEN 10106971 13435753704 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 266774 110895 914.20 SPECIAL PROJECTS AEROBICS INSTRUCTOR VOUCHER TOTAL 914.20 20800 5110077 SAGE, JUDI 10721011 13435603704 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER' 266775 110895 1,035.00 SPECIAL PROJECTS DOG OBEDIENCE INSTRUCTOR VOUCHER TOTAL 1,035.00 20800 5110078 MARION, MINDY 10320171 13435613704 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 266776 110895 987.00 SPECIAL PROJECTS BALLET INSTRUCTOR VOUCHER TOTAL 987.00 20800 5110079 VENICE, BAN 10798601 13435653704 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 266777 110895 292.00 SPECIAL PROJECTS BALLROOM DANCE INSTRUCTOR VOUCHER TOTAL 292.00 20800 5110080 MAC, ANETTE J. 10004471 13435653704 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 266778 110895 180.00 SPECIAL PROJECTS SOCIAL DANCE INSTRUCTOR VOUCHER TOTAL 180.00 F AAP560SR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 12 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS, VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT 20800 5110081 RIECK, BETTE 10095061 13435623704 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 266779 110895 75.00 SPECIAL PROJECTS BELLY DANCE INSTRUCTOR VOUCHER TOTAL 75.00 20800 5110082 KUHN, GEORGE N 30006051 075004 ACCOUNTS REC-CASH ADVANCES 266780 110895 650.65CR DRAIN COMMISSIONER KUHN, GEORGE N. NRPA CONGRESS 13401003752 ADMINISTRATION 729.55 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE NRPA CONGRESS VOUCHER TOTAL 78.90 20800 5110083 LAN, THOMAS 30007902 075170 ACCOUNTS REC-CASH ADVANCES 266781 110895 875.60CR PARKS & RECREATION LAN, THOMAS NRPA CONGRESS 13401003752 ADMINISTRATION 1,520.63 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE NRPA CONGRESS VOUCHER TOTAL 645.03 20800 5110084 KIPKE, JON J 30000361 075150 ACCOUNTS REC-CASH ADVANCES 266782 110895 512.40CR PARKS & RECREATION KIPKE, JON J. NRPA CONGRESS 13401003752 ADMINISTRATION 524.95 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE, NRPA CONGRESS VOUCHER TOTAL 12.55 20800 5110085 SMITH, KAREN 30000102 13401003752 ADMINISTRATION 266783 110895 20.48 PARKS & RECREATION TRAVEL A CONFERENCE PSI MEMBERSHIP MTG. VOUCHER TOTAL 20.48 20800 5110086 MARCKS-RUSH, DESIREE 30842851 13401003752 ADMINISTRATION 266784 110895 27.00 PARKS & RECREATION TRAVEL & CONFERENCE BUSINESS COMM. MTG. VOUCHER TOTAL 27.00 20800 S110087 HARVEY'S OFFICE SUPPLIES 00042871 13401004898 ADMINISTRATION 266785 110895 8.87 OFFICE SUPPLIES 13415004898 ADDISON OAKS 107.93 OFFICE SUPPLIES 13420004898 GROVELAND OAKS 7.99 OFFICE SUPPLIES 13432004898 SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC 4.96 OFFICE SUPPLIES 13450004898 NATURE PROGRAM 18.71 OFFICE SUPPLIES VOUCHER TOTAL 148.46 20800 5110088 METEOR PHOTO CO. 00029872 13401003597 ADMINISTRATION 266786 110895 538.87 PUBLIC INFORMATION INTERHEGAT.,PRINTS&SLIDES w ; AAPS60BR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 15 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110089 ECOTEC PEST CONTROL 00095741 1340500324Z RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13410003242 TECHNICAL SUPPORT BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13415003242 ADDISON OAKS BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13415003442 ADDISON OAKS LANDS i GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 13426003242 UNITE LAKE OAKS BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13427003242 GLEN OAKS BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13428003242 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13430003242 SPRINGFIELD OAKS BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13432003242 SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13435003242 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13445003242 BICYCLE MOTO CROSS PROGRAM BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 20800 S110090 SPARTAN DISTRIBUTORS 00064141 166271 FIXED ASSETS -EQUIPMENT GLN.-MAINTENANCE 13410003342 TECHNICAL SUPPORT EQUIPMENT REPAIRS L MAINT. 13426003342 WHITE LAKE OARS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS i MAINT. 13427003342 GLEN OAKS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS i NAINT. 134Z7003442 GLEN OAKS LANDS 0 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 1342800334Z RED OAKS GOLF COURSE EQUIPMENT REPAIRS A MAINT. 13432003242 SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES VOUCHER TOTAL BLADE CUT UNIT. BLADE Repair of Tractor Sprinkler/Pilot Valves 266787 110895 266788 110895 AMOUNT 538.87 25.00 25.00 43.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 343.60 1,560.00 12.74CR 364.92 1,615.96 273.64 157.54 9.48 Q AAP560BR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 14 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT VOUCHER TOTAL 3,967.80 20800 5110091 BEAN BROS. AWARD & 00097351 13401003597 ADMINISTRATION 266789 110895 10.00 TROPHY SUPPLIES PUBLIC INFORMATION TROPHIES & PLAQUES 13415923704 ADDISON OAKS 631.50 SPECIAL PROJECTS TROPHIES & PLAQUES 13424004898 ORION OAKS ' 38.72 OFFICE SUPPLIES TROPHIES & PLAQUES 13425004898 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 69.64 OFFICE SUPPLIES TROPHIES & PLAQUES 134ZS883704 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 1,218.10 SPECIAL PROJECTS TROPHIES & PLAQUES 13438833704 WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 7.00 SPECIAL PROJECTS TROPHIES & PLAQUES 1344SO04918 BICYCLE MOTO CROSS PROGRAM 217.00 RECREATION SUPPLIES TROPHIES & PLAQUES VOUCHER TOTAL 2,191.96 20800 5110092 ALBIN BUSINESS COPIERS 00006441 13401004898 ADMINISTRATION 266790 110895 277.48 OFFICE SUPPLIES COPIER METER CHARGES 13405004898 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 28.32 OFFICE SUPPLIES COPIER METER CHARGES 13410004898 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 28.44 OFFICE SUPPLIES COPIER METER CHARGES 1341SO04898 ADDISON OAKS 44.10 OFFICE SUPPLIES COPIER METER CHARGES 13420004898 GROVELAND OAKS 1.01 OFFICE SUPPLIES COPIER METER CHARGES 134ZS004898 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 11.76 OFFICE SUPPLIES COPIER METER CHARGES 13426004898 WHITE LAKE OAKS 12.36 OFFICE SUPPLIES COPIER METER CHARGES 13428004898 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 8.05 OFFICE SUPPLIES COPIER METER CHARGES 13430004898 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 6.78 OFFICE SUPPLIES COPIER METER CHARGES 134SO004898 MATURE PROGRAM 30.65 OFFICE SUPPLIES COPIER METER CHARGES VOUCHER TOTAL 448.95 � l AAP560BR . PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PACE 15 FUND VOUCHER HAKE/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE 20800 5110093 NEIJERS COMMERCIAL CHG 00015369 070001 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 266791 110895 ADMINISTRATION 13401003528 ADMINISTRATION MISCELLANEOUS 13401003597 ADMINISTRATION PUBLIC INFORMATION 13401003727 ADMINISTRATION TRAINING 13405703704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. SPECIAL PROJECTS . 13405933704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. SPECIAL PROJECTS 134GS993704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. SPECIAL PROJECTS 13415923704 AODISON OAKS SPECIAL PROJECTS. Fbod for Mt.BTke Race 13420004860 GROVELAND OAKS HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE i JANITOR 134ZW3704 INDEPENDENCE OAKS SPECIAL PROJECTS 13432903704 SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC SPECIAL PROJECTS 13435003528 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER MISCELLANEOUS' 13437003442 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 13450004918 NATURE PROGRAM RECREATION SUPPLIES VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110094 ERB LUMBER COMPANY 0005474Z IS7124 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS ADD. -PRIMITIVE CAMP.,PHASE II Camping Cabins 13446003342 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX EQUIPMENT REPAIRS t MAINT Repair Braking System VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110095 AERO FILTER 00009501 13426003242 WHITE LAKE OAKS BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13432003242 SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 266792 110895 266793 110895 AMOUNT 26.84 21.75 34.31 36.52 115.71 26.97 58.04 232.34 15.66 113.15 23.89 7.29 11.96 145.88 870.31 190.74CR 485.17 294.43 39.75 146.65 d W5605R PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 16 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT MO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT VOUCHER TOTAL 186.40 20800 5110096 JOHNSTON, GEORGE L. CO 00053931 13428003242 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 266794 110895 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 125.95 13435003242 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 1,226.00 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES REPAIR AIR Conditioning Unit VOUCHER TOTAL 1,351.95 20800 S110097 GRAINGER, W.W. INC. 00046934 13417003242 ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 266795 110895 6.29 DEFT 232-816381040 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13425003342 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 26.76 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. 1343700324Z WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK 111.72 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES VOUCHER TOTAL 144.77 20800 5110098 GRAINGER, W.W. INC. 0004693S 13410003242 TECHNICAL SUPPORT Z66796 110895 16.82 DEPT 232-818978371 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 1341000334Z TECHNICAL SUPPORT 124.63 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 141.45 20800 5110099 MAUS OF TRAILERS 00063861 13420003342 GROVELAND OAKS 266797 11D895 13.46 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 13.46 20800 5110100 SEAT COVER KING 00035131 13446003342 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 266798 110895 937.00 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & WANT TOBOGGAN PADS VOUCHER TOTAL 987.00 20800 S110101 OIL RECOVERY INC. 00064271 13426003342 WHITE LAKE OAKS 266799 110895 75.00 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 75.00 20800 5110102 BOOMER COMPANY 00028491 13446003442 WATERFRO OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 266800 110895 322.00 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE INSTALL DRAIN VOUCHER TOTAL 322.00 20800 5110103 TRI-CITY AGGREGATES 00022423 13424003442 ORION OAKS 266801 110895 1,317.12 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE ROAD GRAVEL 134ZS003442 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 239.03 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE ROAD GRAVEL 13430003442 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 161.48 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE ROAD GRAVEL w AAP560BR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 17 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT VOUCHER TOTAL 1,717.63 ` 20800 5110104 OXFORD FARM & GARDEN 00000441 1342500344Z INDEPENDENCE OAKS 266802 110895 87.50 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 13450004918 NATURE PROGRAM 81.50 RECREATION SUPPLIES VOUCHER TOTAL 169.00 20800 5110105 ONE HOUR MARTINIZING 00027321 13415003452 ADDISON OAKS 266803 110895 44.88 DOUGLAS J MCDONALD LAUNDRY & CLEANING 13420003452 GROVELAND OAKS. 41.14 LAUNDRY & CLEANING 13425003452 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 32.41 LAUNDRY & CLEANING VOUCHER TOTAL 118.43 20800 S110106 PIZZA PLUS 00076641 13435003528 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER '266804 110895 42.03 MISCELLANEOUS VOUCHER TOTAL 42.03 ' 20800 5110107 REGAL FEED & SUPPLY CO 00063661 13435993704 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 266805 110895 17.00 SPECIAL PROJECTS VOUCHER TOTAL 17.00 20800 5110108 BBDO 00024052 13401003597 ADMINISTRATION 266806 110895 3,000.00 PUBLIC INFORMATION RADIO SPOT MEDIA FEE VOUCHER TOTAL 3,000.00 20800 5110109 LANDS' END 00141753 13401003597 ADMINISTRATION 266807 110895, 120.09 PUBLIC INFORMATION PARK LOGO SWEATERS 13401003770 ADMINISTRATION 141.09 UNIFORMS PARK LOGO SWEATERS 13450003770 NATURE.PROGRAM 35.27 UNIFORMS PARK LOGO SWEATERS VOUCHER TOTAL 296.45 20800 5110110 DONE RIGHT ENGRAVING 00060821 13450003770 NATURE PROGRAM 266808 110895 11.38 UNIFORMS VOUCHER TOTAL 11.38 20800 5110111 SPARTAN OIL CORP. 00099431 13410003342 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 266809 110895 218.55 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. FUEL & OIL 13446004918 NATERFRO OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 3,948.00 RECREATION SUPPLIES FUEL & OIL AAPS60BR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 1B FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT M0. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT VOUCHER TOTAL 4,166.55 20800 5110112 QUALITY LAWN EQUIPMENT 00014351 13446004926 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX Z66810 110895 299.90 SMALL TOOLS LEAF BLOWERS VOUCHER TOTAL 299.90 20800 5110113 CITY WASTE SYSTEMS INC 00123692 13410003372 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 266811 110895 148.00 GARBAGE i RUBBISH DISPOSAL 13426003372 WHITE LAKE OAKS 79.00 GARBAGE i RUBBISH DISPOSAL 1343000337Z SPRINGFIELD OAKS 103.00 GARBAGE i RUBBISH DISPOSAL 13432003372 SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC 52.00 GARBAGE A RUBBISH DISPOSAL 13435003372 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 128.00 GARBAGE i RUBBISH DISPOSAL 13438003372 WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 38.00 RUBBISH REMOVAL VOUCHER TOTAL 548.00 20800 5110114 MCCOMIELL, NANCY 10259801 13401003072 ADMINISTRATION 266812 110895 37.80 FEES A MILEAGE MEETING OF 10/18/95 VOUCHER TOTAL 37.80 20800 5110115 KUHN, RICHARD JR 10077111 13401003072 ADMINISTRATION 266813 110895 35.00 FEES 8 MILEAGE MEETING OF 10/18/95 VOUCHER TOTAL 35.00 20800 5110116 LEWIS, PECKY D. JR. 10096302 1340100307Z ADMINISTRATION 268553 112095 40.60 FEES i MILEAGE MEETING OF 10/18/93 VOUCHER TOTAL 40.60 20800 5110117 COUNTRY OAKS 00055931 134ZS993704 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 266010 110695 13.44 LANDSCAPE SUPPLY SPECIAL PROJECTS VOUCHER TOTAL 13.44 20800 5110118 WATERFORD TOWNSHIP 00035872 13435003390 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 266814 110895 1,451.7Z WATER Z SEWER SYSTEM HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS i WATER 13437003390 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK 3,04Z.02 HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS A WATER 13438003390 WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 607.74 HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS i WATER VOUCHER TOTAL 5,101.48 AAPS60BR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OB.ECT SUB UNIT/DESC 20800 5110119 OAK CO DRAIN COW 30840351 13427003390 GLEN OAKS WATER & SEWER OPER. HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS i WATER 20800 5110120 CITY OF MADISON HEIGHTS 00041131 13428003390 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 13431003390 RED OAKS WATER PARK HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 20800 5110121 CONSUMERS POWER CO. 00007583 1342SO03390 INDEPENDENCE OAKS HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS i WATER 13426003390 WHITE LAKE OAKS HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 13427003390 GLEN OAKS HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 13435003390 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 13437003390 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 20800 511012Z DETROIT EDISON 00004216 13420003390 GROVELAND OAKS RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 19 CHECK DATE 266815 110895 VOUCHER TOTAL VOUCHER TOTAL VOUCHER TOTAL FEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 13425003390 INDEPENDENCE OAKS HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 13427003390 GLEN OAKS HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 13430003390 SPRINGFIELD OAKS HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 134S0003390 MATURE PROGRAM HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER VOUCHER TOTAL 20890 5110123 IN -LINE SPORT SYTEMS, INC 00176451 166013 FIXED ASSETS -EQUIPMENT ADM. -RENTAL VEHICLES (M. REC.) SKATE BORDER & GOALS VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110124 STICKLEY, JANET - CUST. 30004661 134OS993704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. PARKS & REC MEREST CASH SPECIAL PROJECTS MOB.REC. PETTY CASH 13420993704 GROVELAND OAKS SPECIAL PROJECTS MOB.REC. PETTY CASH 266816 110895 266817 110895 266813 110895 266819 110895 266820 110895 AMOUNT 2,373.51 2,373.51 1,706.87 102.67 1,809.54 71.68 277.25 612.35 373.37 12.73 1,347.38 10.23 729.26 4,509.25 1,227.53 470.70 6,946.97 4,028.00 4,028.00 31.00 4.61 I AAP560SR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 20 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE 13425983704 INDEPENDENCE OAKS SPECIAL PROJECTS MOB.REC. PETTY CASH 13439003752 MOBILE RECREATION PROGRAM TRAVEL & CONFERENCE MOB.REC. PETTY CASH 13439433342 MOBILE RECREATION PROGRAM EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. MOB.REC. PETTY CASH 13439483342 MOBILE RECREATION PROGRAM EQUIPMENT REPAIRS ,& MAINT. MOB.REC. PETTY CASH VOUCHER TOTAL 20900 5110125 ELDEN HARDWARE 00044931 1340SO04860 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR 13410003242 TECHNICAL SUPPORT BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13410003342 TECHNICAL SUPPORT EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. 13410004882 TECHNICAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 13410004898 TECHNICAL SUPPORT OFFICE SUPPLIES 13425003242 INDEPEIDEENCE OAKS BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13425003342 INDEPENDENCE OAKS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. 134ZS004926 INDEPENDENCE OAKS SMALL TOOLS 13435003242 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13435003442 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 1343SO04960 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR 13437003242 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13439443342 MOBILE RECREATION PROGRAM EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. 13445003442 BICYCLE MOTO CROSS PROGRAM LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 1344600324Z WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 266821 110895 AMOUNT 9.80 7.70 15.00 4.00 72.11 17.64 17.33 11.96 1.00 10.36 8.70 4.98 16.49 23.43 6.58 2.99 5.49 14.37 2.79 52.54 AAPS60ER PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 21 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO.. . UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE 13446003342 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX EQUIPMENT REPAIRS Z MAINT 13446004860 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE 134SS00344Z LYON OAKS LANDS Z GROUNDS MAINTENANCE VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110126 ELDEN HARDWARE 00044931 13401004898 ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 1341SO0334Z ADDISON OAKS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS Z HAINT. 13424003442 ORION OAKS LANDS Z GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 13425003242 INDEPENDENCE OAKS BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13425003342 INDEPENDENCE OAKS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS Z MAINT. 134ZS004926 INDEPENDENCE OAKS SMALL TOOLS. 13446003442 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX LANDS Z GROUNDS MAINTENANCE VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110127 OAKLAND PRESS 00000551 157557 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS WTR.-WAVE POOL COMPLEX RENOV. BID REQUES/WOW WATER RIDE VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110128 MADISON ELECTRIC 00039792 157124 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS Cabins ADD. -PRIMITIVE CAMP.;PHASE II 13410003770 TECHNICAL SUPPORT UNIFORMS 13410004882 TECHNICAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 1341500324Z ADDISON OAKS BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13425003242 INDEPENDENCE OAKS BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13430003242 SPRINGFIELD OAKS BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES m � �II 266822 110895 266823 110895 266824 110895 AMOUNT 25.84 70.00 60.72 353.21 16.99 3.60 19.74 3.99 6.34 6.69 10.39 67.74 552.15 552.15 56.89 5.13 6.64 10.81 87.10 125.23 AAPS609R PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE I2/14/95 PACE 22 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUE UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT 13437003242 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK 695.86 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES Lihght-Bulbs w/changer poles 13446003242 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 255.28 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES il nsta 11,; El,,ec.; vOut I ets $'OUCIER TOTAL 1,242.94 20800 5110129 SHILEY ELECTRIC 00013441 134ZSC03242 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 266825 110895 217.76 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES PUMP REPAIR VOUCHER TOTAL 217.76 20800 5110130 KRAUS BRICK & SUPPLY CO. 00005081 13446003242 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 266826 110895 134.85 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES VOUCHER TOTAL 134.85 20800 5110131 ROBERTSON BROTHERS 00049881 13437003242 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK 266827 110895 500.00 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES COPING STONES VOUCHER TOTAL 500.00 20800 5110132 HERO FILTER 00009501 13430003242 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 266828 iiam 32.64 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES VOUCHER TOTAL 32.64 20800 5110133 PARTS ASSOCIATES 00080431 13427003342 GLEN OAKS 266829 110895 179.36 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 179.36 20800 5110134 VAN'S AUTO SUPPLY, INC 00051981 13426003342 WHITE LAKE OAKS 266830 110895 34.94 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. 13430003342 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 63.75 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 98.69 20800 S110135 WEINGARTZ SUPPLY 00047351 13428003342 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 266831 110895 103.25 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & KAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 103.25 20800 5110136 GLENDALE AUTO SUPPLY 00035931 13427003MZ GLEN OAKS 266832 110895 Z3.57 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS A MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 23.87 20800 5110137 MORRIS & SONS REBUILDERS 00168591 13427003342 GLEN OAKS 266833 110895 30.00 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS A MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 30-00 20800 5110138 CENTURY RAIN AID 00041753 13426003442 WHITE LAKE OAKS 266834 110895 210.71 LANDS a GROUNDS MAINTENANCE PIPING AAP560ER PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 23 FUND VOUCHER HAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT 13427003442 GLEN OAKS 325.20 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE PIPING, 1342800334Z RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 13.73 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & NAINT. PIPING " 13430003442 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 143.04 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE PIPING.% VOUCHER TOTAL 692.68 20800 5110139 SAND SALES COMPANY 00053281 1342600344Z WHITE LAKE OAKS 266835 110895 728.00 LANDS a GROUNDS MAINTENANCE TOPDRESS SAND VOUCHER TOTAL 728.00 20800 S110140 LAKE ORION LUMBER CO. 00020711 13415003442 ADDISON OAKS 266836 110895 15.98 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE VOUCHER TOTAL 15.98 20800 5110141 TURFGRASS, INC 00021492 13427003442 GLEN OAKS 266837 110895 520.00 BOX T LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE GRASS SEED VOUCHER TOTAL 520.00 20800 511014Z B & R SPORTING GOODS, INC 00176461 13405933704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 266838 110895 320.00 SPECIAL PROJECTS WHEELCHAIR B-BALL T-SHIRT VOUCHER TOTAL 320.00 20800 5110143 OAKLAND CONSERVATION DIST 00176431 13425993704 INDEPENDENCE.OAKS - 266839 110895 SPECIAL PROJECTS wJ(L1ft-(-,ffl1DQ..LSeedFIng5 60.00 VOUCHER TOTAL 60.00 20800 5110144 OAKLAND SCHOOLS 30842161 13401003597 ADMINISTRATION 266840 110895 1.19 PUBLIC INFORMATION 13401004898 ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 2.28 13425883704 INDEPENDENCE OAKS SPECIAL PROJECTS 13.90 13450004898 NATURE PROGRAM OFFICE SUPPLIES 21.06 VOUCHER TOTAL 38.43 20800 5110145 GWYER BLUEPRINT 00123361 13401004898 ADMINISTRATION 266841 110895 OFFICE SUPPLIES 86.06 VOUCHER TOTAL 86.06 20800 5110146 HARVEY•S OFFICE SUPPLIES 00042871 13415004898 ADDISON OAKS 266842 110895 OFFICE SUPPLIES 43.42 AAPS60SR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12J14/95 PACE 24 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. lNrT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT 134ZS004898 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 6.29 OFFICE SUPPLIES 13430004898 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 34.20 OFFICE SUPPLIES 13432004898 SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC 4.96 OFFICE SUPPLIES VOUCHER TOTAL 98.87 20800 5110147 GENERAL TRAILER 00028883 13410004982 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 266843 110895 15.60 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES VOUCHER TOTAL 15.60 20800 5110148 GIANT PLUMBING i HEATING 00016302 13410004926 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 266844 110895 12.99 SMALL TOOLS VOUCHER TOTAL 12.99 20800 5110149 BROWNING-FERRIS IND. 00012833 13420003372 GROVELAND OAKS 266845 110895 325.00 NORTHERN MICH DIST GARBAGE i RUBBISH DISPOSAL VOUCHER TOTAL 325.00 20800 5110150 INSTY PRINTS 00024192 13401003597 ADMINISTRATION 266846 110895 19.41 PUBLIC INFORMATION 13401004898 ADMINISTRATION 212.10 OFFICE SUPPLIES NOTE/POSTER CARDS,ENVELOP 13405933704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 87.60 SPECIAL PROJECTS 13425883704 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 41.65 SPECIAL PROJECTS VOUCHER TOTAL 160.76 20800 5110151 DRAYTON PLYWOOD 00053301 13446003342 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 266847 110895 36.75 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS i MAINT VOUCHER TOTAL 36.75 20800 5110152 HERK'S OXFORD 00007293 13415003MZ ADDISON OAKS 266848 110895 47.57 AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT REPAIRS i MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 47.57 20800 5110153 MIDWEST TOOL A EQUIPMENT 00032791 13405993704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 266849 110895 20.97 SPECIAL PROJECTS 13417003242 ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 47.99 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES VOUCHER TOTAL 68.96 w �{ AAP560BR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 , RUN DATE 12/14/95 PACE 25 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR Na. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE 20800 5110154 AUTO SUPPLIES BY HERKS 00081Zll 13420003342 GROVELAND OAKS 266850 110895 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS KAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5116155 ASSN OF CONTRUCTION 001224SZ 13410003514 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 266851 110895 INSPECTORS MEMBERSHIP DUES & PUBLICATIONS MEMBERSHIP DUES VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110156 KEEP MICHIGAN BEAUTIFUL 00176441 13401003514 ADMINISTRATION 266852 110895 INC MEMBERSHIP DUES NE PUBLICATIONS NEW MEMBERSHIP DUES VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110157 OLSEN, JOHN E. 10016001 13401,003072 ADMINISTRATION 266853 110895 FEES & MILEAGE MTG. OF 11/1/95 VOUCHER TOTAL Z9608 5110158 LEWIS, PECKY D. JR. 10096302 .13401003072 ADMINISTRATION 266854 lioags FEES A MILEAGE MTG. OF 11/1/95 VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110159 KUHN, RICHARD JR 10077111 1340100307Z ADMINISTRATION 266855 110895 FEES & MILEAGE RTC. OF 11/1/95 VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110160 FOSLIEN, HELEN 10143571 13446003770 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 266856 110895 UNIFORMS REFUND OF SWEATSHIRT FEE VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110161 ADKINS, DAVID 1014MOI 13420002135 GROVELAND OAKS 266857 110895 FEES -CAMPING REFUND OF CANCEL RESERVAT VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110162 DAMOTH, NANCY 10143611 1343200ZS36 SPRI NGFIELD OAKS YAC 266858 110895 RENTAL -FACILITIES DAMAGE DEPOSIT REFUND VOUCHER TOTAL 20880.5110163 HATCH, VIRGINIA 10143581 1343200ZSU SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC* 266859 110895 RENTAL -FACILITIES DAMAGE DEPOSIT REFUND VOUCHER TOTAL 20804 5110164 ROMIG, SHELLEY 10143561 13437002125 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK 266860 110895 ENTRANCE FEES -SWIMMING CLASSES REFUND OF SWIM CLASS FEE VOUCHER TOTAL 26800 5110165 RICHARD, RALPH A 30000081 075232 ACCOUNTS REC-CASH ADVANCES 268028 111695 PARKS A RECREATION RICHARD, RALPH A. W.PARK TRADE SHOW REIMB. AMOUNT 71.96 71.96 165.00 165.00 25.00 25.00 35.00 35.00 40.60 40.60 35.00 35.00 25.00 25.00 86.00 86.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 40.00 40.00 499.11CR AAP56ORR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/9S PAGE 26 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT 13401003752 ADMINISTRATION 569.15 TRAVEL i CONFERENCE W.PARK TRADE SHOW REIMB. VOUCHER TOTAL 70.04 20800 5110166 RICHARD, RALPH A 30000081 13401003752 ADMINISTRATION 268029 111695 13.80 PARKS i RECREATION TRAVEL i CONFERENCE W.PARK RENOV.BUDGET MTG. VOUCHER TOTAL 13.80 20800 5110167 PROSLIDE TECHNOLOGY INC 30942841 204626 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 268554 112095 130,927.00 ZPARKS i RECREATION PROSLIDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. ,, ��PIeXS-RppAY#3 WAVE POOL 218626 RETAIN 2 OF CONTRACTS PAYABLE 13,092.70CR PROSLIDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. CAD8/Z/95,PAYO3 WAVE POOL Complex Renov. VOUCHER TOTAL 117,834.30 20800 5110168 QUALIFIED CONSTRUCTION 00026111 204672 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 2665SS 112095 1,024.00 CORP. QUALIFIED CONSTRUCTION CADS/3/95,PAYY4 FINAL TrailsTde Restrooms - 218672 RETAIN 2 OF CONTRACTS PAYABLE 4,908.30 QUALIFIED CONSTRUCTION SA 55/3//9 m PAYiL4 INAL KR tt a de VIOUCiST HERTOTAL 5,932.30 20800 5110169 KING, JOHN i COMPANY 00026373 204415 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 268556 112095 75,863.20 KING i CO., IMC., JOHN CAO8/16/95,PAYY2,MAT.CTR. Exp. 218415 RETAIN 2 OF CONTRACTS PAYABLE 7,586.30CR KING i CO., INC., JOHN CAD8/16/95,PAYM2,NAT.CTR. Exp. VOUCHER TOTAL 68,276.90 20800 5110170 BUSH BROTHERS 00032111 157342 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS 268557 112095 4,983.00 ASPHALT PAVING GLN.-PAVE CART PATHS ASPHALT RESURFACE/PATHS VOUCHER TOTAL 4,983.00 20800 5110171 BADA ENGINEERING 00128541 157326 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS 268558 112095 467.50 WHL.-ADA IMPROVE. ENGINEERING SERVICES VOUCHER TOTAL 467.50 20800 5110172 FEDEX 00161801 157557 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS 268559 112095 9.75 WTR.-WAVE POOL COMPLEX RENOV. VOUCHER TOTAL 9.75 20800 5110173 VOID 20800 5110174 LAKELAND BUILDERS 000OZ591 157486 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS 268560 112095 99.00 SUPPLY SPR:-MAIMT. BLDG. IMPROVE,G.C. VOUCHER TOTAL 99.00 20800 5110175 CLAWSON CONCRETE CO. 00050451 157486 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS 268561 112095 632.50 SPR.-MAINT. BLDG. IMPROVE,G.C. CONCRETE AAP560BR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 27 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT VOUCHER TOTAL 632.50 20800 5110176 SECURITY FENCE & SUPPLY 00008751 157569 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS Z68562 lIZ095 372.67 COMPANY WTR.-WINTER PARK ACTIVITY REPAIR/FENCE&TRAFFIC GATE 13424003442 ORION OAKS 125.12 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE REPAIR/FENCE&TRAFFIC GATE VOUCHER TOTAL 497.79 20800 5110177 WiLDWOOD NURSERY INC. 00117951 IS7402 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS 268563 112095 999.60 RED. -TEE IMPROVEMENTS TOPSOIL 13420003442 GROVELAND OAKS 999.60 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE TOPSOIL 134Z4003442 ORION OAKS 200.34 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE TOPSOIL VOUCHER TOTAL 2,199.54 H188 §119170 W11M 9T . ; XMT WOW 1141500344Z 490160 OAKS 268564 112095 ZZ8.00 LAms A cRotww MATNTouncE CEDAR BARK VOUCHER TOTAL 228.00 20800 5110179 PONTIAC STAMP STENCIL 00012071 1345SO03442 LYON OAKS 268565 112095 190.62 TYPESETTING, INC. LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE TIME DECALS/NO TRES.SIGNS 13460003442 ROSE OAKS 284.62 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE TIME DECALS/NO TRES.SIGHS VOUCHER TOTAL 475.24 20800 5110180 JAMS LUMBER CO 00168241 13415003442 ADDISON OAKS Z68566 112095 68.21 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE VOUCHER TOTAL 68.21 20800 5110181 PARIS COMPANY, INC. 00041321 110046 INVENTORIES 268567 112095 Z56.40 WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN HOSE FLYING DISC VOUCHER TOTAL 256.40 20800 5110182 AERATION INDUSTRIES 00080821 166255 Independence'O'aks 268568 112095 180.00 NW-9340 4-l'scel f a neon s VOUCHER TOTAL 180.00 20800 5110183 TRIONFI, FRANK 30002641 13401003128 ADMINISTRATION 268569 112095 31.32 PARKS & RECREATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES REIMB.FOR CELLULAR CHGS. VOUCHER TOTAL 31.32 20800 5110184 UNITED CARPET 0002581Z 13435003242 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 268570 112095 1,216.25 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES REPAIR OF CARPET AAP56ORR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 1Z/14/9S PACE 28 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT VOUCHER TOTAL 1,216.Z5 20800 S11018S MCNAB HARDWARE 00018001 1344600324Z NATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 268571 11Z09S 61.44 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES VOUCHER TOTAL 61.44 20800 5110186 VOID 20800 5110187 SETON NAME PLATE CORP. 00003332 13425003242 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 268S7Z 112095 47.OS BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES VOUCHER TOTAL 47.05 20800 5110198 OAKLAND HARDWARE 00080061 13415003242 ADDISON OAKS 268S73 112095 71.98 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13415004926 ADDISON OAKS 14.86 SMALL TOOLS VOUCHER TOTAL 86.84 20800 5110189 JEAN'S HARDWARE 0001888Z 13427003Z42 GLEN OAKS 268S74 112095 59.99 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 134Z7003342 GLEN OAKS 30.25 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS i MAINT. 13427003442 GLEN OAKS 7.21 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 13427004860 GLEN OAKS 11.69 HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE 8 JANITOR VOUCHER TOTAL 109.14 Z0800 5110190 JEAN'S HARDWARE 00018882 13427003242 GLEN OAKS Z68575 112095 5.36 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13427003342 GLEN OAKS 40.79 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS i MAINT. 13427003442 GLEN OAKS 81.11 LANDS A GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 13427004926 GLEN OAKS 17.99 SMALL TOOLS VOUCHER TOTAL 145.25 20800 5110191 VOID 20800 5110192 DAVISBURG LUMBER CO. 0001S962 13450003242 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 26BS76 112095 82.34 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13432003MZ SPRINGFIELD OAKS VAC .60 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS i MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 82.94 20800 5110193 MICHIGAN COFFEE SERV. 0003S421 13401003340 ADMINISTRATION 268577 11209S 49.90 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FILTERED WATER SYSTEM w X ...... .... AAPS60BR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 29 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT 13405003340 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 24.95 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FILTERED WATER SYSTEM 13410003340 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 24.95 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FILTERED WATER SYSTEM 13435003340 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 24.95 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FILTERED WATER SYSTEM VOUCHER TOTAL 124"75 20800 5110194 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES 00069941 13427003342 GLEN OAKS 268578 112095 165.99 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 165.99 20800 5110195 WIDE TRACK AUTO SUPPLY 00051611 13410003342 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 268579 112095 18.68 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS S MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 18.68 g0&00 51101% SMITH fftDIHS SUPPLY ODOZ6531 13431003342 RED OAKS WATER PARK 268580 112095 205.00 I EOUYPNENT OMPANY EQUIPMENT REPAIRS A NAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 205.00 20800 5110197 STADIUM AUTO SUPPLY 00117201 13415003342 ADDISON OAKS 268581 112095 75.00 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS i MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 75.00 20800 5110198 HASH PHEUDRAULICS 00031631 13427003342 GLEN OAKS 268582 112095 401.19 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS E MAINT. NEW PUMP VOUCHER TOTAL 401.19 20800 5110199 INDUSTRIAL VEHICLE 00039841 13427003342 GLEN OAKS 268583 112095 233.72 SALES EQUIPMENT REPAIRS i MAINT. REPAIR OF TRACTOR 13430003342 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 157.45 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS i MAINT. REPAIR OF TRACTOR VOUCHER TOTAL 391.17 20800 5110200 MUNN FORD TRACTOR, INC 00000251 13415003342 ADDISON OAKS 268584 112095 32.15 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS MAINT. 13426003342 WHITE LAKE OAKS 57.58 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS i MAINT. 13427003342 GLEN OAKS 248.11 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS i MAINT. Repair of Tractor 13428003342 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 146.93 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. 13430003342 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 54.44 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS i MAINT. AAPS60BR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 30 FUKD VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT VOUCHER TOTAL 539.21 20800 S110201 PARTS ASSOCIATES 00080431 13427003MZ GLEN OAKS 268585 112095 233.93 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 233.93 20800 5110202 D & C DISTRIBUTORS 00043521 13427003342 GLEN OAKS 268586 112095 316.85 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS i MAINT. GROOVED ROLLERS VOUCHER TOTAL 316.85 20800 5110203 CHEIMSEARCH 00115991 13428003342 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 268587 112095 225.06 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 225.06 20800 5110204 CROWN BATTERY MFG. CO. 00050751 13427003342 GLEN OAKS 268588 112095 34.29 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 34.29 20800 5110205 SCHRAM AUTO A TRUCK PT 00013331 13420003342 GROVELAND OAKS 268589 112095 65.00 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 65.00 20800 5110206 CONTRACTORS CONNECTION 00101091 13427003342 GLEN OAKS 268590 112095 169.55 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & HAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 169.55 20800 5110207 TFESIER EQUIPMENT CO. 00068861 13427003342 GLEN OAKS 268591 112095 129.01 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 129.01 20800 5110208 VESCO INDUSTRIAL 00086281 1342600334Z WHITE LAKE OAKS Z6859Z 11ZO95 64.50 LUBRICANTS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 64.50 20800 5110209 STANDARD DISPOSAL SERV 00164841 13460003372 ROSE OAKS 268593 112095 290.00 RUBBISH REMOVAL VOUCHER TOTAL Z90.00 20800 5110210 SPINAL COLUMN 00028751 13401003514 ADMINISTRATION Z68594 112095 Z6.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES i PUBLICATIONS SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL VOUCHER TOTAL 26.00 20800 5110211 CAMPING & RV 0014Z331 13401003514 ADMINISTRATION 26BS95 112095 15.95 MEMBERSHIP DUES i PUBLICATIONS SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL VOUCHER TOTAL 15.95 •, w .. ,..,.. ._ ... ,�, •w. .,_„ AAPS60SR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 31 FUO1 VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT 20800 5110212 PUBLIC RELATIONS SOC. 00081293 13401003514 'ADMINISTRATION 268596 112095 80.00 OF AMER—DETROIT CMPTR MEMBERSHIP DUES & PUBLICATIONS MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL VOUCHER TOTAL 80.00 20800 5110213 NATIONAL INFORMATION DATA 00036134 13401003514 ADMINISTRATION 268597 112095 46.90 CENTER MEMBERSHIP DUES & PUBLICATIONS REFERENCE BOOK VOUCHER TOTAL 46.90 20800 5110214 MARVAC CAMPER & RV SHOW 00146021 13401003597 ADMINISTRATION 268598 112095 450.00 PUBLIC INFORMATION RENTAL BOOTH SPACE 20800 5110215 VOID VOUCHER TOTAL 450.00 20800 5110216 PIZZA PLUS 00076641 13435003528 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 268599 112095 40.33 MISCELLANEOUS VOUCHER TOTAL 40.33 20800 5110217 LITTLE DANA'S 00151481 13425003528 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 268600 112095 50.63 ATTN: KIN BURLEIGH MISCELLANEOUS FOOD FOR TRUSTY CREW VOUCHER TOTAL 50.63 20800 S110218 DOT FIRST AID & SAFETY 00128821 13410003528 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 268601 112095 25.35 MISCELLANEOUS 13435003528 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 134.16 MISCELLANEOUS VOUCHER TOTAL 159.51 20806 5110219 BBDO 0002405Z 13401003597 ADMINISTRATION 268602 112095 2,400.00 PUBLIC INFORMATION AGENCY FEE FOR NOV. VOUCHER TOTAL 2,400.00 20806 5110220 EFFECTIVE PRODUCTIONS 00058681 13401003597 ADMINISTRATION 268603 112095 110.00 PUBLIC INFORMATION PUBLIC SERVICE VIDEO VOUCHER TOTAL 110.00 20800 5110221 GORDON FOODS SERVICE 00030371 13405933704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 268604 112095 264.06 SPECIAL PROJECTS FOOD/THER.HALLOWEEN PARTY VOUCHER TOTAL 264.06 20800 5110222 DEVONCE, SANDY 30041331 13445993704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 268605 112095 185.45 PARKS & RECREATION SPECIAL PROJECTS REIMB.FOR HALLOWEEN PARTY VOUCHER TOTAL 185.45 20800 5110223 LEE SPECIALTY COMPANY 00080342 13425883704 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 268606 112095 230.84 SPECIAL PROJECTS DASH PLATES FOR CAR SNOW VOUCHER TOTAL 230.84 r � i b AAP5603R PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 32 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR 140. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT 20800 5110224 MISTER UNIFORM AND 00072671 13401004860 ADMINISTRATION 268607 112095 97.14 MAT RENTALS, INC. HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR 13415004860 ADDISON OAKS 32.76 HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR 13420004860 GROVELAND OAKS 17.28 HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR 134ZS004960 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 18.99 HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR 13432004860 SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC 18.00 HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR 13435004860 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER I5.00 HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR 13446004960 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 46.68 HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE VOUCHER TOTAL 245.85 20800 5110225 MISTER UNIFORM AND 00072671 13401004860 ADMINISTRATION 268608 112095 145.71 MAT RENTALS, INC. HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR 1341500486C ADDISON OAKS 58.68 HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR 13425004860 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 18.99 H0USEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR 13432004860 SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC 36.00 HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR 13435004860 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 15.00 HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR 13446004860 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 46.68 HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE VOUCHER TOTAL 321.06 20800 S110226 THIBODEAU, MIKE -CUSTODIAN 30840962 13426003242 WHITE LAKE OAKS 268609 112095 8.96 PARKS & RECREATION BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES PETTY CASH -WHITE LAKE 13426003342 WHITE LAKE OAKS 40.48 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. PETTY CASH -WHITE LAKE 13426004898 WHITE LAKE OAKS 5.80 OFFICE SUPPLIES PETTY CASH -WHITE LAKE VOUCHER TOTAL 55.24 20800 5110227 THIBODEAU, MIKE -CUSTODIAN 30840062 13428003342 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 268610 112095 121.96 PARKS & RECREATION EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. PETTY CASH-RO GOLF CRSE. W �7-' AAPS60BR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 33 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR 140. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT 13428004898 RED OAKS GOLF.COURSE 35.72 OFFICE SUPPLIES PETTY CASH-RO GOLF CRSE. VOUCHER TOTAL 157.68 20800 5110229 SMITH, KAREN CUST PKS & 30000101 13401003597 ADMINISTRATION 2686ll 11209S 26.32 REC-IMPREST CASH PUBLIC INFORMATION PETTY CASH-ADMIN. 13401004860 ADMINISTRATION 3.38 HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR PETTY CASH-ADMIN. 13401004898 ADMINISTRATION 146.14 OFFICE SUPPLIES PETTY CASH-ADMIN. 13410003342 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 2.92 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & NAINT. PETTY CASH-ADMIN. 13410004898 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 8.40 OFFICE SUPPLIES PETTY CASH-ADMIN. 13424003442 ORION OAKS 2.04 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE PETTY CASH-ADMIN. 134ZSU3704 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 10.00 SPECIAL PROJECTS PETTY CASH-ADMIN. 13430003528 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 27.40 MISCELLANEOUS PETTY CASH-ADMIN. 13435003528 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 47.83 MISCELLANEOUS,._. PETTY CASH-ADMIN. 13445004898 BICYCLE MOTO CROSS PROGRAM 31.79 OFFICE SUPPLIES PETTY CASH-ADMIN. 13446003242 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 5.44 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES PETTY CASH-ADMIN. 13"0003528 ROSE OAKS-,,. 6.77 MISCELANEOUS PETTY CASH-ADMIN. VOUCHER TOTAL 318.43 20900 5110229 FIRST OF AMERICA 00062961 233001 ACCRUED PAYROLL 268030 111695 129,058.63 SOUTHEAST ACCRUED PAYROLL PAY PERIOD ENDIN 11/10/95 VOUCHER TOTAL 129,058.63 20800 5110230 TRICO CONSTRUCTION 00044281 13410004926 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 268612 112095 97.61 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT SMALL TOOLS 13435005528 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 40.00 MISCELLANEOUS 13437003442 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK 24.00 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE h u` I AAP560ER PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAIL 34 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT VOUCHER TOTAL 161.61 20800 5110231 DOUGHERTY, KATHLEEN 30004811 075060 ACCOUNTS REC-CASH ADVANCES 268613 112095 1,188.25 PARKS i REC-INDEP. OAKS DOUGHERTY, KATHLEEIN KAI CONE. VOUCHER TOTAL 1,188.25 20800 511OZ32 TERRA -LINK 00014911 157361 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS 268614 112095 377.06 GLN.-DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS VOUCHER TOTAL 377.06 20800 511OZ33 HO IGMAN MILLER SWARTZ 0004096Z 157749 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS 268615 112095 1,000.00 AND COHN ROS.-LAND ACQUISITION LEGAL SERVICES VOUCHER TOTAL 1,000.00 20800 5110234 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC. 00027MI 157604 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS 268616 112095 39.51 ORI.-PARK DEVELOPMENT VOUCHER TOTAL 39.51 20800 5110235 WILSON WELDING SUPPLY 00060442 13405993704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 268617 112095 34.25 SPECIAL PROJECTS 13410003342 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 22.00 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 9 MAINT. 1341S003342 ADDISON OAKS 5.50 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS A MAINT. 13428003342 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 22.20 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS A, MAINT, 13431004918 RED OAKS WATER PARK 105.00 RECREATION SUPPLIES 13437004918 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK 5.50 RECREATION SUPPLIES VOUCHER TOTAL 194.45 20800 5110236 DUNLEAVY, JAMES C 30002561 13439003278 MOBILE RECREATION PROGRAM 268618 112095 16.05 PARKS A RECREATION COMMUNICATIONS REIMB. FOR BUSINESS CALLS VOUCHER TOTAL 16.05 20800 511OZ37 CASH REGISTER SYSTEM 00049371 13446003342 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 268619 112095 85.00 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS i MAINT VOUCHER TOTAL 85.00 20800 5110238 SEAT COVER KING 00035131 13446003342 NATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 268620 112095 240.00 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS i MAINT REPAIR OF TOBOGGAN PADS VOUCHER TOTAL 240.00 , . ,.. V Q 'r AAP560RR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 35 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT 20800 5110239 HOME QUARTERS WAREHOUSE 00075771 13428003342 RED OAKS CALF COURSE 268621 112095 25.00 DEPT. 01315219559653 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS i MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 25.00 20800 5110240 AMERICAN AGCREGATES 00004654 13415003442 ADDISON OAKS 268622 112095 39.20 OF MICHIGAN LANDS A GROUNDS MAINTENANCE VOUCHER TOTAL 39.20 20800 5110241 ONE HOUR MARTINIZING 00027321 1341500345Z ADDISON OAKS 268623 112095 33.66 DOUGLAS J MCDONALD LAUNDRY A CLEANING 13420003452 GROVELAND OAKS 33.66 LAUNDRY i CLEANING 134ZS003452 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 29.92 LAUNDRY 3 CLEANING' VOUCHER TOTAL 97.24 20800 5.110242 GOVERNMENT FINANCE 00099262 13401003514 ADMINISTRATION 268624 112095 105.00 OFFICERS ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP DUES i PUBLICATIONS MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR S.COX VOUCHER TOTAL 105.00 20800 5110243 AMER SOCIETY OF LANDSCAPE 00002715 13401003514 ADMINISTRATION 268625 112095 249.17 ARCHITECTS MEMBERSHIP DUES A PUBLICATIONS MEMBERSHIP.RENENAL/J.FIGA VOUCHER TOTAL 249.17 20800 5110244 PIZZA PLUS 00076641 13435003528 WAIERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 268626 112095 107.00 MISCELLANEOUS FOOD FOR TRUSTY CREW VOUCHER TOTAL 107.00 20800 5110245 ANGIE'S KITCHEN 00079391 13415003528 ADDISON OAKS :.. 268627 112095 159.50 MISCELLANEOUS FOOD FOR TRUSTY CREW VOUCHER TOTAL 159.50 20800 5110246 REINHOLZ, JANE 10146261 13431003528 RED OAKS WATER PARK 268628 112095 149.56 MISCELLANEOUS DAMAGED CLOTHES FEE REFUN VOUCHER TOTAL 149.56 20800 5110247 MYRON MANUFACTURING 00119271 13405703704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 268629 112095 377.89 CORPORATION SPECIAL PROJECTS VOLUNTEER RECOG. GIFTS VOUCHER TOTAL 377.89 20800 5110248 OAK CO DEVELOPMENT i 30648961 13432903704 SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC 268630 112095 35.00 PLANNING SPECIAL PROJECTS VOUCHER TOTAL 35.00 20800 5110249 ELLIS, JEFF L ASSOC. 00124571 13431003752 RED OAKS WATER PARK 268631 112095 50.00 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE AAP56ORR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 17/14/95 PAGE 36- FUND VOUCHER MANE/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT VOUCHER TOTAL 50.00 20800 5110250 OFFICE MAX CREDIT PLAN 00048775 13410004898 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 268632 112095 11.65 DEPT. 18-004000314 OFFICE SUPPLIES 13410004926 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 49.99 SMALL TOOLS 13435004898 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 49.81 OFFICE SUPPLIES VOUCHER TOTAL 111.45 20800 5110251 BAKER, BRADLEY 0 30002111 1343SO03752 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 268633 112095 110.00 PARKS i RECREATION TRAVEL i CONFERENCE MRPA STRATEGIC PLAN CONE. VOUCHER TOTAL 110.00 20800 5110252 BALL, SUZANNE J 30000091 13401003752 ADMINISTRATION 268634 112095 16.00 PARKS i RECREATION TRAVEL A CONFERENCE PSI CONE. VOUCHER TOTAL 16.00 Z0800 511OZ53 IRON AGE CORPORATION 00018571 13431003770 RED OAKS WATER PARK 268635 112095 50.00 UNIFORMS VOUCHER TOTAL 50.00 Z0800 511OZ54 GEE, LAWRENCE 30840051 13428003770 RED OAKS GOLF C0URSE Z68636 112095 47.65 PARKS i RECREATION UNIFORMS REIMB.FOR SAFETY SHOES VOUCHER TOTAL 47.65 Z0800 5110255 AABACO INDUSTRIES 00006221 13426003770 WHITE LAKE OAKS 268637 112095 149.79 UNIFORMS 13430003770 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 160.79 UNIFORMS VOUCHER TOTAL 310.58 20800 5110256 SHAMROCK FORMS 00073521 13446004898 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 268638 lIZ095 80.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES VOUCHER TOTAL 80.00 20800 512OZ57 ATAT 00078025 13401004898 ADMINISTRATION 268639 112095 42.51 OFFICE SUPPLIES 13415004898 ADDISON OAKS 42.51 OFFICE SUPPLIES 13420004898 GROVELAHD OAKS 42.51 OFFICE SUPPLIES VOUCHER TOTAL 127.53 20800 5110258 VOID AAP5605R PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 1Z/14/95 PAGE 37 FUND VOUCHER NANE/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT 20800 511OZ59 UNITED STATES TENNIS ASSN 00083591 13438833704 WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 268640 112095 420.00 SPECIAL PROJECTS TENNIS SANCTIONING FEE VOUCHER TOTAL 420.00 20800 5110260 MCDONALD, ALVIN 10146221 13415002135 ADDISON OAKS 268641 112095 18.00 FEES -CAMPING CAMPING REFUND VOUCHER TOTAL 18.00 20800 5110261 WHEELER, DEL 10146241 13415002135 ADDISON OAKS 268642 112095 120.00 FEES -CAMPING GROUP CAMPING REFUND VOUCHER TOTAL 120.00 20800 5110262 GELDHOF, DOROTHY 10146251 13435602597 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 268643 112095 60.00 SPECIAL CONTRACTS REFUND/DOG OBED.CLASS FEE VOUCHER TOTAL 60.00 ;4§0 ?119zb3 KREILACtir ARXAN 30844741 1 957�37, �TAPM AECRO A%ZM- ?d i4 112095 1009 00 ffirl WIT"T Pff& NdwIr €? 6wAOC(C. VOUCHER TOTAL 100.00 20800 S110264 TEAGUE, CATHY 30003371 13405713704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 268645 112095 10.00 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SPECIAL PROJECTS PRIZE MONEY FOR EMP.BOWL VOUCHER TOTAL 10.00 20800 511OZ65 TAYLOR, KATHY 30000812 13405713704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 268646 112095 5.00 DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING SPECIAL PROJECTS. DOOR PRIZE FOR EMP.BOWLIN VOUCHER TOTAL 5.00 20800 5110266 GOHL, ROBERT 30000321 13405713704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 268647 112095 5.00 SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT SPECIAL PROJECTS PRIZE MONEY FOR EMP.BOWL VOUCHER TOTAL 5.00 20800 5110267 BERTRAM, KEVIN 30005781 13405713704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 268648 112095 5.00 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SPECIAL PROJECTS DOOR PRIZE FOR EMP.BOWLIM VOUCHER TOTAL 5.00 20800 5110268 KUJAWA, RAY 30003341 13405713704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 268649 112095 150.00 SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT SPECIAL PROJECTS PRIZE MONEY FOR EMP.BOWL VOUCHER TOTAL 150.00 20800 5110269 STOKES, BILL 30005591 13405713704 RECREATION 'StCTIDN AN N, 268650 112095 200.00 PARKS & RECREATION SPECIAL PROJECTS . PRIZE MOWN FOR EMPADWL VOL19 ER TOTAL 200.00 20800 5110270 41 RECREATIONAL DIVING 00002791 13431004918 RED OAKS WATER PARK 269145 112295 30.95 SYSTEMS INC RECREATION SUPPLIES t AAPS60BR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 3a FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT VOUCHER TOTAL 30.95 20800 5110271 SPOT SHOP 00176941 13401004898 ADMINISTRATION 269146 112295 24.30 OFFICE SUPPLIES VOUCHER TOTAL 24.30 20800 5110272 SAMMY'S TO GO 00022585 1343SO03528 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 269147 112295 54.83 ATTN: STEVE MISCELLANEOUS VOUCHER TOTAL 54.83 20800 5110273 GIBBS, ED 30009291 134OS713704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 269148 lIZZ95 5.00 XNANCY SEETS, PARKS & REC SPECIAL PROJECTS DOOR PRIZE/EMP.BOWLING VOUCHER TOTAL 5.00 20800 5110274 DOUGHERTY, KATHLEEN CUST 3000ZS31 134S0003342 NATURE PROGRAM 269149 112295 3.15 O.C. PARKS IMPREST CASH EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. PETTY CASH - NAT.CTR. 134S0004898 NATURE PROGRAM 5.31 OFFICE SUPPLIES PETTY CASH - NAT.CTR. 13450004918 NATURE PROGRAM 78.34 RECREATION SUPPLIES PETTY CASH - NAT.CTR. VOUCHER TOTAL 86.80 Z0800 5110275 ARROW UNIFORM RENTAL 00078241 1341000345Z TECHNICAL SUPPORT Z69150 112295 270.96 LAUNDRY & CLEANING 13415003452 ADDISON OAKS 97.60 LAUNDRY & CLEANING 13420003452 GROVELAND OAKS 53.40 LAUNDRY & CLEANING 13425003452 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 96.84 LAUNDRY & CLEANING 13435003452 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 176.35 LAUNDRY & CLEANING 134370034S2 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK 22.35 LAUNDRY & CLEANING VOUCHER TOTAL 717.50 20800 5110276 BURKE BUILDING CENTER 00034201 1341SO03528 ADDISON OAKS 269151 112295 S.66 MISCELLANEOUS 134200035ZB GROVELAND OAKS 5.66 MISCELLANEOUS 13425003242 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 27.95 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES AAP560BR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 39 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR 140. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT 13430003442 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 6.60 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 13430003528 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 5.66 MISCELLANEOUS ' 13431003528 RED OAKS WATER PARK 11.31 MISCELLANEOUS 13432003442 SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC 2.48 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 13432003528 SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC 5.65 MISCELLANEOUS 13437003528 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK 11.30 MISCELLANEOUS 13446003242 WATERFRD OAKS. TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 13.47 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13450004918 NATURE PROGRAM 14.03 RECREATION SUPPLIES 13450004926 NATURE PROGRAM 15.99 SMALL TOOLS VOUCHER TOTAL 125.76 20800 5110277 VOID 20800 5110278 MADISON ELECTRIC 00039792 157120 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS 269152 112295 55.21 ADD.-CONF.CHTR. IMPROVEMENTS 157267 CAPITAL PROJECTS'IN PROCESS 579.55 IND.-TRANSFORMER 13410003770 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 7.17 UNIFORMS 13415003242 ADDISON OAKS 319.65 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES Light Fixture 13417003242 ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 33.50 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 134ZS003242 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 532.32 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES Install Elec.-Outlets 13432003442 SPRINGFIELD OAKS VAC 20.15 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 13435003442 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 367.50 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE Entrance Sign Lights 1343500366Z WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 17.05 RENTAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 1343700344Z WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK 37.14 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE AAP5609R PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/9S PAGE 40 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT 13438003242 WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 396.15 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES Install Elec. Outlets 1344600324Z WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX Install Elec. Outlets 8 Winter Sete- Up 332.93 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES VOUCHER TOTAL Z,698.32 20800 5110279 BADA ENGINEERING 00128541 IS7326 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS 2691SS 112295 467.50 WHL.-ADA IMPROVE. CLUBHOUSE BATHROOM RENOV. VOUCHER TOTAL 467.50 20800 5110280 THOMAS, KATHLEEN 30003961 13450003752 NATURE PROGRAM 269154 112295 65.00 PARKS i RECREATION TRAVEL i CONFERENCE ANIMAL CONTROL CONE. VOUCHER TOTAL 65.00 20800 5110Z81 SKILLPATH SEMINARS 00015651 13427003752 GLEN OAKS 2691SS 112295 59.00 TRAVEL i CONFERENCE D.WHITNEY/CUSTOMER WORKSH VOUCHER TOTAL 59.00 20800 SIIOZ82 YOUNG SUPPLY 00007931 13417003242 ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 269156 112295 81.00 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13446003242 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 35.70 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES VOUCHER TOTAL 116.70 20800 S110283 MILLER, W. F. COMPANY 00001052 13415003342 ADDISON OAKS 269157 112295 91.08 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS i MAINT. 13427003342 GLEN OAKS 209.30 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS i MAINT. 13430003342 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 589.00 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS i MAINT. 1343SO03342 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 58.60 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS i MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 947.98 20800 5110294 AUTO PARTS BY MAZZA 00008591 13424003342 ORION OAKS 269158 112295 7.92 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS i MAINT. 134ZS00324Z INDEPENDENCE OAKS 79.00 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13425003342 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 70.38 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS i MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 157.30 20800 S11028S DOT FIRST AID i SAFETY 00129821 13410003528 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 269159 112295 53.79 MISCELLANEOUS vs �}' AAP560BR FUND VOUCHER PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 1Z/14/95 PAGE 41 NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT VOUCHER TOTAL 53.79 20800 S110286 HERO FILTER 00009501 13426003242 WHITE LAKE OAKS BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 269160 112295 122.40 VOUCHER TOTAL 122.40 20800 S110287 ELLIS, JEFF a ASSOC. 00124571 13431003752 RED OAKS WATER PARK TRAVEL & CONFERENCE � 269161 112295 50.00 VOUCHER TOTAL 50.00 20800 5110288 NACPRO 00083942 13401003514 ADMINISTRATION C/O LOS ALAMOS CO RECMS MEMBERSHIP DUES i PUBLICATIONS NACPRO MEMBERSHIP 269162 112295 55.00 VOUCHER TOTAL 55.00 20800 5110289 PATTISON, JEFF 30009281 13405713704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. EQUALIZATION SPECIAL PROJECTS DOOR PRIZE WINNER 269163 112295 00 S. VOUCHER TOTAL 5.00 20800 S110290 CONKLIN, WENDY 30009271 13405713704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. EQUALIZATION SPECIAL PROJECTS DOOR PRIZE WINNER 269164 112295 5.00 VOUCHER TOTAL 5.00 20800 511OZ91 PELKEY, CAROL 30009261 13405713704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. ROAD COMMISSION SPECIAL PROJECTS DOOR PRIZE WINNER 269165 112295 5.00 VOUCHER TOTAL 5.00 20800 5110292 NEWLIN, CHRISTY 30009251 13405713704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. XM ONUSKANICH-CHILD VILL SPECIAL PROJECTS PRIZE FOR EMP.BOWLING 269166 112295 ' 10.00 VOUCHER TOTAL 10.00 20800 511OZ93 ZACK, RICH 30009241 13405713704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. LB STOKES, PARKS i REC SPECIAL PROJECTS PRIZE FOR EMP. BOWLING 269167 112295 10.00 VOUCHER TOTAL 10.00 20806 5110294 DEAVER, KAREN 30009231 13405713704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. EQUALIZATION SPECIAL PROJECTS PRIZE FOR EMP. BOWLING 269168 112295 10.00 VOUCHER TOTAL 10.00 20800 5110295 GOLDING, CARL 30009201 13405713704 RECREATION'SECTION ADMIN, PARKS A RECREATION SPECIAL PROJECTS 2ND PLACE PRIZE/EMP.BOWL 269169 112295 250.00 VOUCHER TOTAL 250.00 20800 5110296 HEGER, TOM 30009191 13405713704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. CHILDREN'S VILLAGE SPECIAL PROJECTS DOOR PRIZE WINNE/EHP.BOWL 269170 112295 5.00 VOUCHER TOTAL 5.00 AAP56ORR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 42 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE 20800 511OZ97 VERCH, PAM 30009181 13405713704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 269171 112295 XK TAYLOR-DEV i PLAN SPECIAL PROJECTS PRIZE FOR EMP. BOWLING VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110298 SHAW, ROBERT 30009171 13405713704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 269172 112295 YDENISE SHAW, EQUALIZATON SPECIAL PROJECTS PRIZE FOR EMP. BOWLING VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110299 VOID 20800 5110300 AUSTRENG, JEFF 30009151 13405713704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 269173 112295 ;B KREILACH, SHERIFF'S SPECIAL PROJECTS ENP.BOWLING PRIZE MONEY VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110301 SHAW, DENISE 30009141 13405713704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 269174 11229S EQUALIZATION SPECIAL PROJECTS STH PLACE PRIZE/EMP.BOWL VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110302 BURKE BUILDING CENTER 00034201 157486 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS SPR.-MAINT. BLDG. IMPROVE,G.C. 157538 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS WTR.-WTR FEATURE ACTIVITY,W.P. 157569 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS WTR.-WINTER PARK ACTIVITY 157604 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS ORI.-PARK DEVELOPMENT 1340500324Z RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13424003442 ORION OAKS LANDS A GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 13430003442 SPRINGFIELD OAKS LANDS a GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 13430003662 SPRINGFIELD OAKS RENTAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 13432003242 SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13435003442 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER LANDS A GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 13438003242 WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13446003242 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13446003442 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX LANDS 8 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 270433 113095 AMOUNT 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 125.00 125.00 73.58 104.70 227.17 19Z.05 4.94 202.34 74.58 200.48 14.76 19.60 51.00 135.67 38.72 kf AAP56ORR FUND VOUCHER PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 1Z/14/95 PAGE •43 NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT VOUCHER TOTAL 1,339.59 20800 5110303 KIEFT ENGINEERING INC 00025421 157361 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS GLN.-DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT 270434 113095 115.00 VOUCHER TOTAL 115.00 20800 5110304 HARRISON PIPING 00010401 13446003242 NATERFRO OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES WJnter;iSe�t' Up 270435 113095 402.38 VOUCHER TOTAL 402.38 20800 5110305 FIRE CONTROL, INC 00060502 13435003242 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 270436 113095 100.00 VOUCHER TOTAL 100.00 20800 5110306 GAMALSKI BUILDING 00034651 13415003242 ADDISON OAKS SPECIALTIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 270437 113095 14.50 13438003242 WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 18.00 VOUCHER TOTAL 32.50 20800 5110307 BRUNSWICK MAINTENANCE 00067521 13435003296 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER CUSTODIAL SERVICES CLEANING FOR NOVEMBER 270438 113095 1,040.00 VOUCHER TOTAL 1,040.00 20800 S110308 MILLER'S BIG RED 00114241 13415003528 ADDISON OAKS APPLE ORCHARD _ MISCELLANEOUS DEER APPLES 270439 113095 150.00 VOUCHER TOTAL 150.00 20800 5110309 STATE OF MICHIGAN 00061685 13415003528 ADDISON OAKS DEPT OF HEALTH/ACCTG-NS MISCELLANEOUS WATER SUPPLY ANNUAL FEE 270440 113095 162.99 13420003528 GROVELAND OAKS" MISCELLANEOUS HATER SUPPLY ANNUAL FEE 407.49 1342S003528 INDEPENDENCE OAKS MISCELLANEOUS WATER SUPPLY ANNUAL FEE 597.63 13426003528 WHITE LAKE OAKS MISCELLANEOUS HATER SUPPLY ANNUAL FEE 54.33 13430003528 SPRINGFIELD OAKS MISCELLANEOUS HATER SUPPLY ANNUAL FEE 54.33 13432003528 SPRINGFIELD OAKS YAC MISCELLANEOUS HATER SUPPLY ANNUAL FEE 54.33 13446003528 NATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX MISCELLANEOUS HATER SUPPLY ANNUAL FEE S4.33 VOUCHER TOTAL 1,385.43 j,� AAP560RR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 44 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT 20800 5110310 ART PAD, THE 00101Z51 13401003597 ADMINISTRATION 270441 113095 37.94 PUBLIC INFORMATION VOUCHER TOTAL 37.94 20800 5110311 M.E.S.R.A. 00060812 13405003752 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 27044Z 113095 40.00 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE REGIS/S.DELRIDG&J.MANSFIE VOUCHER TOTAL 40.00 20800 5110312 BUSINESS NEWS 00084061 13410003514 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 270443 113095 19.95 PUBLISHING COMPANY MEMBERSHIP DUES & PUBLICATIONS VOUCHER TOTAL 19.95 20800 5110313 MAZZA AUTO PARTS INC 00094Z91 13410003242 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 270444 113095 330.00OR BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13410003342 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 381.45 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. 13410004882 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 126.24 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 13410004926 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 11.31 SMALL TOOLS 1341SO03342 ADDISON OAKS 26.54 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. 13420004926 GROVELAND OAKS 18.25 SMALL TOOLS 1343500334Z WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 26.50 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. 13439433342 MOBILE RECREATION PROGRAM 369.95 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. Buses 13439483342 MOBILE RECREATION PROGRAM 30.52 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 660.76 20800 5110314 MICHIGAN FIRST AID & 0006ZS32 13415003528 ADDISON OAKS 270445 113095 125.32 SAFETY COMPANY MISCELLANEOUS 13427003528 GLEN OAKS 40.20 MISCELLANEOUS 13431003528 RED OAKS WATER PARK 18.42 MISCELLANEOUS VOUCHER TOTAL 183.94 20800 511031S NORTH ELECTRIC SUPPLY 00000661 13410004882 TECHNICAL SUPPORT Z70446 113095 49.60 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES w �r AAP5608R PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 45 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE 13410604926 TECHNICAL SUPPORT SMALL TOOLS 13446003242 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES W Inter Set Up VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110316 IRON AGE CORPORATION 00018571 13435003770 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 270447 113095 UNIFORMS 13437003770 WATERFORD'DAKS WATER PARK UNIFORMS VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110317 AGA GAS, INC. 00067502 13405993704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 270448 lisogs DEPT. L-0036 SPECIAL PROJECTS 13410003342 TECHNICAL SUPPORT EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110318 ABDO 00024052 13401003597 ADMINISTRATION 270449 113095 PUBLIC INFORMATION AGENCY FEE FOR NOV. VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110319 AARON'S LOCK KEY INC 00036181 13428003242 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 270450 113095 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 51103ZO TOM'S HARDWARE 00002133 13415003442 ADDISON OAKS 270451 113095 LANDS &.GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 13424003342 ORION OAKS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 S110321 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC. 00027361 13415003342 ADDISON OAKS 270452 113095 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110322 HARP'S SALES & SERVICE 00029661 13415003342 ADDISON OAKS 270453 113095 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & KAINT. ADD.OAKS SNOWMOBILE REPAI VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110323 TURFGRASS, INC 00021492 13427003442 GLEN OAKS 270454 113095 BOX T LANDS A GROUNDS MAINTENANCE FERTILIZER VOUCHER TOTAL AMOUNT 20.90 321.59 392.09 58.00 58,00 116.00 4.96 20.15 . 25.11 2,400.00 2,400.00 19-a4 19.84 12.23 11.49 23.72 432.25 432.25 499.42 499.42 523.00 523.00 I AAP560BR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUNBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC 20880 5110324 ECOTEC PEST CONTROL 00095741 1340SO03242 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13410005242 TECHNICAL SUPPORT BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13415003242 ADDISON OAKS BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13426003242 WHITE LAKE OAKS BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13430003242 SPRINGFIELD OAKS BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13435003242 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 20800 5110325 VOID 20800 5110326 A i J AUTO PARTS A ACCESSORIES 20800 5110327 SCOTTS COMPANY, THE 20800 5110328 CAMERA MART, INC 20800 S110329 PLAY ENVIRONNE14TS w 00004491 13428003242 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 13428003342 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE EQUIPMENT REPAIRS i MAINT. 13428004926 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE SMALL TOOLS 00006121 13426003442 WHITE LAKE OAKS LANDS A GROUNDS MAINTENANCE FERTILIZER 13430003442 SPRINGFIELD OAKS LANDS i GROUNDS MAINTENANCE FERTILIZER 00001681 13401003597 ADMINISTRATION PUBLIC INFORMATION 13410004898 TECHNICAL SUPPORT OFFICE SUPPLIES 134ZS004898 INDEPENDENCE OAKS OFFICE SUPPLIES 134ZS883704 INDEPENDENCE OAKS SPECIAL PROJECTS 13455004898 LYON OAKS OFFICE SUPPLIES 00150641 Z04620 CONTRACTS PAYABLE PLAY ENVIRONMENT RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 46 CHECK DATE 270455 113095 VOUCHER TOTAL VOUCHER TOTAL VOUCHER TOTAL PROCESSING/FILM PROCESSING/FILM PROCESSING/FILM PROCESSING/FILM PROCESSING/FILM VOUCHER TOTAL CAD 8-16-95,PAYY1 FINAL Play Lot 270456 113095 270457 113095 270458 113095 270459 113095 AMOUNT 25.00 25.00 43.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 168.00 11.98 112.63 2.99 127.60 396.00 594.00 990.00 405.16 7.86 8.41 35.13 45.24 501.80 17,162.00 AAP56ORR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 47' FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. URNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110330 VIDOSH LANDSCAPE CENTRE 00008473 157569 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS 270460 113095 WTR.—WINTER PARK ACTIVITY PINE TREES, 13420003340 GROVELAND OAKS EQUIPMENT RENTAL ZENT OF AUGER 13424003340 ORION OAKS EQUIPMENT RENTAL RENT OF AUGER 13426003340 WHITE LAKE OAKS EQUIPMENT RENTAL 'RENT OF,AUGER 13428003340 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE EQUIPMENT RENTAL RENT OF AUGER 13435003340 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER EQUIPMENT RENTAL RENT OF AUGER VOUCHER TOTAL 2tYaY0l1 1T03S1 AIIGIE'S ICITttll€}f 6007939'1 13415005528, ADDISON OAKS MISCELLANEOUS FOOD FOR TRUSTY CREW VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110332 SEAT COVER KING 00035131 13446003342 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT REPAIR'OF TOBOGGAN PADS VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110333 STRIGGOW FARMS 00063511 13415003442 ADDISON OAKS LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE HOLIDAY ROPING VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110334 HUNT SIGN COMPANY 0003ZZ32 13415003442 ADDISON OAKS LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110335 J—TURNER SEPTIC SERVICE 00060351 1342600324Z WHITE LAKE OAKS BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES PUMPED SEPTIC TANK VOUCHER TOTAL 20800 5110336 CITY WASTE SYSTEMS INC 00113692 13410003372 TECHNICAL, SUPPORT GARBAGE & RUBBISH DISPOSAL 13426003372 WHITE LAKE OAKS GARBAGE & RUBBISH DISPOSAL 13430003372 SPRINGFIELD OAKS GARBAGE & RUBBISH DISPOSAL 13432003372 SPRINGFIELD OAKS VAC GARBAGE & RUBBISH DISPOSAL 270461 113095 270462 113095 270463 113095 270464 113095 Z70465 113095 270466 113095 a AMOUNT 17,162.00 1,039.50 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 1,639.50 111.65 111.65 896.00 896.00 280.00 280.00 67.37 67.37 225.00 225.00 1'48.00 79.00 52.00 52.00 AAP560BR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 48 FUND VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT MO. UNIT/OBJECT SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT 1343SO03372 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 52.00 GARBAGE & RUBBISH DISPOSAL 13446003372 NATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 38.00 GARBAGE & RUBBISH REMOVAL VOUCHER TOTAL 421.00 20800 5110337 VOID 20800 5110338 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF MI- 00112854 13415003372 ADDISON OAKS 270467 113095 63.00 MIDEAST COMM SVCS GARBAGE & RUBBISH DISPOSAL 1342SO03372 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 47.00 GARBAGE & RUBBISH DISPOSAL VOUCHER TOTAL 110.00 20800 5110339 SMITH WELDING SUPPLY 00026531 134ZS003342 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 270468 113095 72.15 & EQUIPMENT COMPANY EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 72.15 20800 S110340 AUTO PARTS OF OR-OX 00080331 1341SO03342 ADDISON OAKS 270469 113095 11.95 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER TOTAL 11.95 20800 5110341 LESLIE ELECTRIC 00002251 13438003242 WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 270470 113095 70.96 i BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES VOUCHER TOTAL 70.96 20800 5110342 RICHARD, RALPH A 30000081 13401005752 ADMINISTRATION 270471 113095 20.00 PARKS A RECREATION TRAVEL & CONFERENCE MESRA AUCTION LUNCHEON VOUCHER TOTAL 20.00 20800 S110343 SMITH, KAREN 30000102 13401003752 ADMINISTRATION 270472 113095 36.48 PARKS & RECREATION TRAVEL & CONFERENCE PSI MEMBERSHIP MTG. VOUCHER TOTAL 36.48 20800 S110344 BUCHANAN, GLORIA 30009491 134010037SZ ADMINISTRATION 270473 113095 24.15 PARKS & RECREATION TRAVEL & CONFERENCE AUDIT OF ROGO&SV VOUCHER TOTAL 24.15 20800 S110345 COX, SHEILA M 30006481 134010037SZ ADMINISTRATION 270474 113095 24.15 PARKS & RECREATION TRAVEL & CONFERENCE AUDIT OF ROGD&SV VOUCHER TOTAL 24.15 20800 S110346 MCNAMARA, STACEY 30009SOI 134S00037SZ NATURE PROGRAM 270475 113095 35.00 PARKS & RECREATION TRAVEL & CONFERENCE SUNSHINE FARM & GARDEN VOUCHER TOTAL 35.00 20800 5110347 MENGHINI, BRIAN 30009481 13401003752 ADMINISTRATION 270476 113095 24.15 PARKS & RECREATION TRAVEL & CONFERENCE AUDIT OF ROGD&SV w �r. AAP560BR PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NUMBER VOUCHER MONTH 11/95 -', FUND, VOUCHER NAME/ADDRESS VENDOR NO. ACCT NO. UNIT/OBJECT RUN DATE 12/14/95 PAGE 4S f. SUB UNIT/DESC CHECK DATE AMOUNT VOUCHER TOTAL 24.15 20800 5110348 NEEF, CYNTHIA 30009471 13401003752 ADMINISTRATION PARKS i RECREATION TRAVEL i CONFERFINCE AUDIT OF ROGD&SV 270477 113095 16.10 VOUCHER TOTAL 16.10 20800 5110349 PUNG, JANET 30009511 13401003752 ADMINISTRATION ° PARKS i RECREATION TRAVEL i CONFERENCE METROPRKS MRKT. MTG. 270478 113095 14.15 VOUCHER TOTAL 14.15 20800 5110350 RICFUIRD, RALPH A 30000081 13401003SZB ADMINISTRATION PARKS i RECREATION MISCELLANEOUS SP.PRK.IIIST.FORUN CO. NE 270479 113095 170.00 VOUCHER TOTAL 170.00 20800 51103SI BIDINGER, PAUL, 30006041 13405713704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. . SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT SPECIAL PROJECTS 1ST PLACElCO.EMP.BOWLING 270480 113095 300.00 VOUCHER TOTAL 300.00 20800 5110352 BIDINGER, PAUL 30006041 13405713704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT SPECIAL PROJECTS PRIZE MONEY/CO.EMP.BONLIN 270481 113095 10.00 VOUCHER TOTAL 10.00 20800 S110353 FAIRLANES BOWL 00177141 13405713704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. SPECIAL PROJECTS RENTAL OF BOWLING ALLEY 270482 113095 500.00 VOUCHER TOTAL 500.00 20800 5110354 MCCON ELL, NANCY 10ZS9801 13401003072 ADMINISTRATION FEES i MILEAGE MTG. OF 11/15/95 270483 113095 37.80 VOUCHER TOTAL 37.80 20800 5110355 LEWIS, PECKY D. JR.. 10096302 13401003072 ADMINISTRATION FEES & MILEAGE MTG. OF 11/15/95 270484 113095 40.60 VOUCHER TOTAL 40.60 20800 5110356 KUHN, RICHARD JR 10077111 13401003072 ADMINISTRATION FEES i MILEAGE MTG. OF 11/15/95 270485 113095 35.00 VOUCHER TOTAL 35.00 20800 5110357 OLSEN, JOHN E. 10016001 13401003072 ADMINISTRATION FEES i MILEAGE HTG. OF 11/15/95 270486 113095 35.00 VOUCHER TOTAL 35.00 20800 5110358 FIRST OF AMERICA 00062961 233001 ACCRUED PAYROLL SOUTHEAST ACCRUED PAYROLL PAYROLL ENDING 11/24/95 Z70487 113095 121,857.88 VOUCHER TOTAL 121,857.88 ppv56° vat F� � *Sub fin, fii�s°� C�� 1 n �► Duv" VoTN 11/98 wit/SSG V wit 1p8'eET • Date. 155j°n P�°Va, Pp CO,°m° mee�s Gam" .�a ppE� 4pIV 12J14 9',cKapSE RUB F U*o 10S p` p�{pUMt �42,�0`1.29 Page 51 OAKLAND COUN. DECEMBER, 1995 SOURCE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION DEPARTMENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REG: :R (FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 199�,j PURPOSE AMOUNT Inv. #793 O.C. Convenience Copier Fund Off.Sup.-Admin. $ 267.93 Inv.#1055 O.C. Facilities & Operations Fund Bldg.Maint.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Indep., Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W.Park,SAC, W.O.W.Park,T.Complex,BMX & Toboggan Comp.;Grounds Maint.-Water.;Equip.Maint.-Grove. 1,218.36 Inv. #915 O.C. General Fund Security Exp.,9/16-22/95,9-30/10-13-95-Add., Grove.,Indep.,R.O.W.Park & SAC,hot air balloon fest. 25,146.05 Inv. #916 O.C. General Fund Travel & Conf.,airline ticket for R.Richard to Orlando,FL-Admin. 202.20 Inv. #488 O.C. Fringe Benefit Fund Fringe Benefit charges for the month of October, '95-All Parks 135,816.86 Inv.#1928 O.C. Information Technology Fund Off.Sup.-Admin.;Info.Technology-Admin.,Rec.Admin., Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Water.&Nat.Prog.; Travel&Conf.,computer training for P&R staff- Admin.,Nat. Prog.&Indep. 7,283.35 Inv. #972 O.C. Materials Management Fund Off.Sup.-Admin.&Spring.;Hskp.Exp.-Tech.Sup.,Add., Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Spring.&Water.;Grounds Maint.& Misc.Exp.,trusty refreshments-Add.;Rec.Sup.- Nat.Prog. 1,955.56 Inv. #383 O.C. Motor Pool Fund Transportation-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Orion,SAC,Water. &Nat.Prog.;Equip.Maint.,Transportation&Insurance- Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,Mob.Rec.,trucks & buses 18,991.41 Inv.#1081 O.C. Printing & Mailing Fund Public Info.-Admin.;Off.Sup.-Admin.,Orion,Toboggan Comp.,Nat.Prog.&Lyon Oaks 4,064.45 Inv. #529 O.C. Radio Communications Fund Communications&Radio Maint.-Admin.,Rec.Admin., Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Red Oaks,R.O.W. Park,Water.,Mob.Rec.&Nat.Prog.;Radio Maint.- Toboggan Comp.,W.O.W.Park,Spring.,Glen Oaks, Wh.Lk.&Orion 4,203.10 Inv. #804 O.C. Telephone Communications Communications-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add., Fund Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring., R.O.W.Park,SAC,Water.,W.O.W.Park,T.Complex,Mob. Rec.,BMX&Toboggan Comp. 5,394.76 TOTAL FOR INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER $ 204,544.03 v ............ ... .,,.... .. .. ,.. .<.a>a �. .n .x>s ta., 9P ., ..i,., .,em ,s ,. a,.o "I'll rays -1c OAKLAND COUN" PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION DECEMBER, 15 SOURCE DEPARTMENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGT—PER (FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 5) PURPOSE AMOUNT Inv. #877 O.C. Convenience Copier Fund Off.Sup.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks, $ Spring. & Mob.Rec. 318.13 Inv.#1143 O.C. Facilities & Operations Fund Bldg.Maint.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Grove., Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.,R.O.W. Park,SAC,W.O.W.Park,T.Complex,BMX&Toboggan Comp.;Equip. Maint.-Tech.Sup.,Grove.,Add.,Red Oaks,R.O.W.Park& Water.;Grounds Maint.-Water. 4,470.63 Inv. #540 O.C. Fringe Benefit Fund Fringe Benefit charges for the month of November, 1995-All Parks 130,082.69 Inv. #992 O.C. General Fund Security Exp.,10/14 thru 11/10/95-Add.,Grove., Indep. & R.O.W.Park 21,596.00 Inv. #993 O.C. General Fund Property Taxes Refunded-Admin. 6,211.54 Inv. #994 O.C. General Fund Travel&Conf.,credit for decrease in airline fare for R.Richard&J.Figa to Kansas City, KS-Admin. (66.00) Inv.#2089 O.C. Information Technology Fund Off.Sup.-Admin.;Travel&Conf.,comp.classes-C.Neef, G.Buchanan,B.Menghini,D.Steele,S.Cox,R.Coffey&R. Granitz-Admin.,Add.&Nat.Prog.;Info.Tech.- Operations-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add., Grove.,Indep.,Water.&Nat.Prog. 7,793.05 Inv.#1076 O.C. Materials Management Fund Off.Sup.-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Grove.,Glen Oaks&Nat. Prog.;Bldg.Maint.-Add.,Grove.,Spring.,SAC,R.O.W. Park&W.O.W.Park;Rec.Sup.-Nat.Prog.;Hskp.Exp.- Indep.,Add.,Glen Oaks&SAC;Misc.Exp.-Indep.&Add., coffee&supplies 998.51 Inv. #427 O.C. Motor Pool Fund Transportation-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Orion,Glen Oaks,SAC,Water.&Nat.Prog.;Transportation, Equip.Maint.&Insurance-Tech.Sup.,Add.,Grove., Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Red Oaks,Spring.&Mob.Rec.,trucks& buses;Insurance-Glen Oaks 12,973.54 Inv.#1199 O.C. Printing & Mailing Fund Public Info.-Admin.;Off.Sup.-Admin.,Rec.Admin., Add.,Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,SAC, Water.,Toboggan Comp.,Orion & Lyon Oaks 4,296.01 Inv. #584 O.C. Radio Communications Fund Radio Maint.&Communications-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech. Sup.,Add.,Grove.,Indep.,R.O.W.Park,Water.,W.O.W. Park,Mob.Rec.&Nat.Prog.;Equip.Maint.-Indep.;Radio Maint.-Orion,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring.& Toboggan Comp. 4,248.69 Inv. #887 O.C. Telephone Communication Fund Communications-Admin.,Rec.Admin.,Tech.Sup.,Add., Grove.,Indep.,Wh.Lk.,Glen Oaks,Red Oaks,Spring., R.O.W.Park,SAC,Water.,W.O.W.Park,T.Complex,Mob. Rec.,BMX,Toboggan Comp. & Nat.Prog. 5,733.77 w TOTAL FOR INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT RA.-ISTER $ 198,656.56 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION OAK MANAGEMENT, INC. DATE w Dnvu nn r.,r-- CREDIT FOR SERVICES RENDERED REGISTER Page 53 (FOR 4TH QUARTER, 1995) OUC�R �G,�S�R ��g V 00 tv 5a page S AND RECREATION COMMISSION OAK�D CGOLF PARK& SPORTS VILLAGE, INC. RED OAKS GOLF DOME PARK OR FAD DATE 12131j95 Administration pgRPOSE Misc. Exp.-Park Forum ExT Pag® 55 SERVICES RENDERED REGISTER CREDITIFOR SiUARTER, 1995) (EOR p�oUNT $ 900.00 es $ 900.00 TOTAL FOR R.O•G•D &5. V, CREDIT REGISTER w OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ANALYSIS OF FUND BALANCE AS OF 11/30/95 FUND BALANCE, 1/1/95 $ 6,590,058.32 ADDITIONS: REVENUE OVER OPERATING EXPENSE AS OF 11/30/95 $4,208,182.54 NET COLLECTIONS ON ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 1,017,102.20 DNR GRANT - LYON OAKS ROOKERY ACQUISITION 230,011.00 DNR GRANT - WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 0.00 DNR GRANT - GROVELAND OAKS PLAY LOT 31,775.00 DONATION - NATURE CENTER EXPANSION 30,000.00 DONATION - COHN AMPHITHEATER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 8,825.00 DONATION - MUSIC IN THE PARK SUMMER PROGRAM 1,500.00 DONATION - ORION OAKS DEVELOPMENT 5,750.00 DONATION - ORION OAKS BARRIER FREE FISHING DOCK 3,000,00 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 432,772.45 DECREASE IN MERCHANDISE FOR RESALE 0.00 INCREASE IN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 0.00 OPERATING EQUIPMENT DISPOSALS/ADJUSTMENTS 161,754.81 6,130,673.00 ---------------------------- $ 12,720,731.32 DEDUCTIONS: PAYMENTS ON CAPITAL PROJECTS $2,202,001.20 OPERATING EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 462,012.20 NET PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 467,551.29 INTERDEPARTMENTAL INVOICES IN TRANSIT 403,200.59 INCREASE IN MERCHANDISE FOR RESALE 1,675.78 DECREASE IN ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION 161,754.81 3,698,195.87 $ 9,022,535.45 --------------- --------------- SUMMARY OF FUND BALANCE CASH ON HAND (INCLUDES IMPREST/CHANGE FUND) (55,516.61) INVESTMENTS WITH THE COUNTY TREASURER: SHORT TERM INVESTMENT FUND (STIF) $1,078,052.06 CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 8,000,000.00 9,078,052.06 ---------------------------- $ 9,022,535.45 6-1 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR. MONTH ENDING 11/30/95 YEAR TO 1995 OVER(-), % OF tffffftitff REVENUE ttttttttatt DATE BUDGET UNDER BUDGET BUDGET MILLAOE 6 INTEREST INCOME $1,152,685.22 $1,165,465.00 $12,115.18 99.81 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN, 21,500.50 45,550.00 24,049.50 ADDISON OAKS: PARK 312,756.47 261,327.00 -51,429.41 CONFERENCE CENTER 91,423.41 1101000.00 18,576.59 83.1% GROVELAND OAKS 560,018.14 416,176.00 -83,302.14 -11.511 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 243,828.97 225,192.DO -18,636.97 -8.31 ORION OAKS 2,015.50 2,000.00 -15.50 -0.8% GLEN OAKS 164,568.94 884,539.00 -80,029.94 -9,011 RED OAKS: GOLF COURSE 353,699.00 318,250.00 -35,449.00 -11.1% DRIVING RANGE 24,750.00 33,000.00 8,250.00 75.0% WATER PARK 602,422.59 499,500.00 -102,922.59 -20.0 SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 754,764.00 755,600,00 836.00 99.9% WHITE LAKE OAKS 882,353.16 834,700.00 -47,653.16 -5.1% SPRINGFIELD AC 21,593.31 43,300.00 t5,706.63 63.711 WATERFORD OAKS: PARK 61,520.13 82,804.00 21,274.87 14.3% WATER PARK 375,580.84 296,400.00 -79,189,84 -26.7% TENNIS COMPLEX 28,614.92 29,255.00 580.08 98.0% BMX 25,731.41 33,350.00 7,618.59 71.2% TOBOGGAN RUN 68,293.09 142,000.00 73,106.91 49.1% MOBILE RECREATION 180,258.30 127,600.00 -52,658.30 -41.3% NATURE PROGRAM 12,908.87 1,500,00 -5,408.87 -12.1% LYON OAKS 5,767.00 12,000.00 6,233.00 48.1% ROSE OAKS 0.00 7,000.00 1,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE $13,353,191.83 $12,993,108.00 $-360,083.83 -2.8% fftfft OPERATING EXPENSES fftttt ADMINISTRATION $1,723,102.79 $1,955,947.00 $232,844.21 88.1% RECREATION SECTION ADMIN, 284,T79.68 318,151.00 33,911.32 $9.3% TECHNICAL SUPPORT 662,914.29 721,061.00 58,146.11 $1.9% ADDISON OAKS: PARK 769,715.20 833,149.00 63,433.80 92.4% CONFERENCE CENTER 51,446.04 55,159.00 3,712.96 93.3% = GROVELAND OAKS 662,084.18 739,932.00 11,847.22 89.5% INDEPENDENCE OAKS $74,258.85 732,445.00 58,186.15 92.1% ORION OAKS 28,776.52 36,309.00 1,532.48 19.3% GLEN OAKS 59S,359.51 626,121.00 27,161.43 95.6% RED OAKS: GOLF COURSE, 350,243,41 381,406.00 39,162.53 89.9% DRIVING RANGE 1,387.17 1,551.00 163.83 89.4% WATER PARK 524,900.66 579,413.00 54,572.34 90.61 SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 545,665.18 557,699.00 12,033.82 97.8% WHITE LAKE OAKS 515,361.27 546,990.00 31,628.73 94.2% SPRINGFIELD OAKS AC 186,594.85 210,923.00 24,328.15 88.5% WATERFORD OAKS: PARK 325,464.76 326,245.00 780.24 99.8% WATER PARK 351,106.12 358,231.00 7,124.88 98.0% TENNIS COMPLEX 43,327.29 47,694.00 4,366.71 90.8% BMX 44,421.15 63,693.00 19,265.85 69.9% TOBOGGAN RUN 109,331.90 154,691.00 45,353.10 10.1% MOBILE RECREATION 334,427.75 352,552.00 18,124.25 94.9% NATURE PROGRAM 285,043.61 330,887.00 45,843.33 86.1% LYON OAKS 4,888.50 10,627.00 5,738.50 46.0% ROSE OAKS 6,358.11 9,410.00 3,051,89 67.6% CONTINGENCY$ 61,037.72 107,037.00 45,999.28 57.0% TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $9,145,009.29 $10,065,983.00 $920,973.71 90.9% REVENUE OVER/UNDER EXP. $4,208,182.54 $2,927,125.00 %-1,281,057.54 -43.8% 1995 1994 1993 ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: 102.8% 105.0% 99.5% BUDGET BALANCE: -2.9% -5.0% 0.5% ACTUAL EXP. TO DATE: 90.9% 97.91 90.7% BUDGET BALANCE: 9.1% 2.1% 9.3% $CONTINGENCY Y71) FIGURE: INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. CONTINGENCY BUDGET FIGURE: $100,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED FROM IS94 OPERATING EQUIPMENT BUDGET SURPLUS AND $408,898 TO MOST BUDGET UNITS (JAN.) $37,315 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO RED OAKS WATERPARK (OCT.) $5,750 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO WATERFORD OAKS PARK (NOV.) $tS,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO MOBILE RECREATION (DEC.) 126,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK (DEC.) OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS REVENUE AND EXPENSE COMPARISON FOR MONTH ENDING 11/30/95 YEAR TO DATE YEAR TO DATE REVENUE OVER, PARK 00A00 00 REVENUE EXPENSE UNDER H EXP. ADMINISTRATION $7,152,685.22 $1,723,102.79 $6,029,582.43 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 21,500.50 284,779.68 -263,279.18 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 0.00 662,914.29 -662,014.29 ADDISON OAKS: PARK 312,756.47 769,715.20 -456,958.T3 CONFERENCE CENTER 91,423.41 51,446.04 39,977.37 GROVELAND OAKS 560,078.14 662,084.78 -102,006.64 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 243,828.17 674,258.85 -430,429.88 ORION OAKS 2,015.50 28,776.52 -26,761.02 GLEN OAKS 964,568.94 598,359.57 366,209.37 RED OAKS: GOLF COURSE 353,699.00 350,243.47 3,455.53 DRIVING RANGE 24,750.00 1,387.17 23,362.83 WATER PARK 602,422.59 524,900.66 1T,521.93 SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE T54,T64.00 545,665.18 209,098.82 WHITE LAKE OAKS 882,353.16 515,361.27 366,991.89 SPRINGFIELD AC 27,593.37 186,594.85 -159,001.48 WATERFORD OAKS: PARK 61,529.13 325,464.76 -263,935.63 WATER PARK 375,589.84 351,106.12 24,483.72 TENNIS COMPLEX 28,674.92 43,327.29 -14,652.37 BMX 25,731.41 44,427.15 -18,695.74 TOBOGGAN RUN 68,293.09 109,337.90 -41,044.81 MOBILE RECREATION 180,258.30 334,427.75 -154,169.45 NATURE PROGRAM 12,908.87 285,043.67 -272,134.80 LYON OAKS 5,767.00 4,888.50 818.50 ROSE OAKS 0.00 6,358.11 -6,358.11 CONTINGENCY* 0.00 61,037.72 -61,037.72 TOTAL $13,353,191.83 $9,145,009.29 $4,208,182.54 *CONTINGENCY YTO FIGURE: INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. 6-3 COMBINED TOTALS OF MONTHLY °4 CTIVITY FOR NOVEMBER, 1995 GOLF COURSES RECREATIONAL AND SPECIAL EVENTS DAY USE PARKS GRAND TOTALS GLEN OAKS ROUNDS PLAYED - 9 HOLES ROUNDS PLAYED - 18 HOLES BANQUET FACILITY RED OAKS ROUNDS PLAYED - 9 HOLES SPRINGFIELD OAKS ROUNDS PLAYED - 9 HOLES ROUNDS PLAYED - 18 HOLES ACTIVITY CENTER WHITE LAKE OARS ROUNDS PLAYED - 9 HOLES ROUNDS PLAYED - 18 HOLES BANQUET FACILITY TOTALS V I ti WAR Tn nATF LEAGUES/GROUPS PARTICIPANTS LEAGUES/GROUPS PARTICIPANTS 1994 1995 1994 1995 1994 1995 1994 1995 44 47 10,746 7,835 2,788 2,719 340,117 356,755 109 92 5,938 3,633 2,488 2.488 2 1,910 2,727 13,789 15,989 89,933 94,311 803,031 842,588 2,063 j 2,866 30,473 27,457 95,209 99,518 11,375,921 1,441,684 GOLF COURSES - MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1995 LEAGUES PARTICIPANTS LEAGUES PARTICIPANTS 1994 1995 1994 1995 1994 1995 1994 1995 0 0 1,642 600 707 684 52,893 50,174 0 0 457 124 9 0 16,664 14,572 16 26 2,512 3,621 163 177 20,200 22,661 0 0 342 178 307 313 43,768 37,536 0 0 391 0 531 482 27,446 24,790 0 0 398 33 3 3 17,767 15,027 24 15 2,227 2,030 229 209 85,752 121,979 0 0 1,689 482 746 772 53,285 47,558 0 0 786 134 12 10 15,226 16,147 4 6 302 633 81 69 7,114 6,311 44 47 10,746 7,835 2,744 2,719 340,117 356,755 )BILE RECREATION AIRSPORT SKATE MOBILE IN -LINE MOBILE BROADWAY REVUE PUPPET MOBILE SPORTS MOBILE SHOW MOBILE DUNK TANK HIGH STRIKER BUSES 'ATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER TENNIS COMPLEX BMX "THE FRIDGE" ?NVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM NATURE CENTER OUTREACH *NATURE TRAIL USAGE SPECIAL EVENTS V I N TOTALS *NOT INCLUDED IN TOTALS RECREATIONAL AND SPECIAL EVENTS FOR NOVEMBER, 1995 YEAR TO DATE GROUPS PARTICIPANTS GROUPS PARTICIPANTS 1994 1995 1994 1995 1994 1995 1994 1995 0 0 0 0 122 135 25,010 27,655 0 0 0 0 87 74 14,529 12,358 0 0 0 0 19 42 3,173 7,014 0 0 0 0 54 65 6,880 7,800 0 0 0 0 99 115 16,830 19,550 0 0 0 0 83 95 19,007 22,089 4 4 0 0 155 143 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 84 11,484 17,580 0 0 0 0 31 45 4,899 7,350 20 29 792 972 356 340 13,101 12,108 0 17 657 420 556 368 18,371 17,946 0 0 120 80 153 155 11,937 13,845 0 0 0 0 0 0 27,055 13,764 0 0 0 144 0 116 3,993 11,957 42 40 1,758 1,657 456 462 30,818 29,466 43 2 2,611 360 267 249 25,686 21,859 0 0 2,547 2,611 0 0 53,660 54,247 109 92 5,938 33,633 2,488 2,488 232,773 242,341 DDISON OAKS PARKS CAMPERS DAY USE DAY CAMPERS ROVELAND OAKS PARR CAMPERS DAY USE DAY CAMPERS INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK DAY USE DAY CAMPERS OVERNIGHT GROUPS CAMPERS )RTnW OARS WDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CNTR JATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK RED OAKS WATERPARK RED OAKS GOLF DOME AND SPORTS VILLAGE V 1 W DAY USE PARKS AND FACILITY ATTENDANCE REPORT FOR NOVEMBER, 1995 YEAR TO DATE GROUPS PARTICIPANTS GROUPS PARTICIPANTS 1994 1995 1994 1995 1994 1995 1994 1995 0 0 0 0 2,795 2,648 45,714 50,083 0 0 0 0 12,557 12,016 60,883 50,808 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,734 8,396 176,910 190,713 0 0 0 0 13,753 15,072 54,437 53,285 0 0 0 0 5 4 228 232 1,882 2,278 6,588 7,973 49,158 51,000 172,126 179,556 0 0 0 0 118 91 8,186 12,160 0 3 0 42 16 17 1,042 620 263 425 921 1,488 3,217 4.�461 121182 15,614 2E 21 2,988 3,095 294 296 40,433 39,552 0 0 0 0 125 136 48,125 56,693 0 0 0 0 161 174 70,665 88,284 0 0 3,292 3,391 0 0 112,100 104,988 1,910 2,727 13,789 15,989 89,933 94,311 803,031 842,588 COMBINED TOTALS OF MONTHLY ' CTIVITY FOR DECEMBER, 1995 i GOLF COURSES RECREATIONAL AND SPECIAL EVENTS DAY USE PARRS GRAND TOTALS GLEN OAKS ROUNDS PLAYED - 9 HOLES ROUNDS PLAYED - 18 HOLES BANQUET FACILITY RED OAKS ROUNDS PLAYED - 9 HOLES SPRINGFIELD OARS ROUNDS PLAYED - 9 HOLES ROUNDS PLAYED - 18 HOLES ACTIVITY CENTER WHITE LAKE OAKS ROUNDS PLAYED - 9 HOLES ROUNDS PLAYED - 18 HOLES BANQUET FACILITY TOTALS V I YEAR TO DATF. LEAGUES/GROUPS PARTICIPANTS LEAGUES/GROUPS PARTICIPANTS 1994 1995 1994 1995 1994 1995 1994 1995 55 37 5,506 4,701 2,843 2,756 354,623 361,456 2,516 . 2,137 1 521 17,960 16,354 92,070 95,83 820,991 858,942 2.221 1,586 GOLF COURSES - MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1995 LEAGUES PARTICIPANTS LEAGUES PARTICIPANTS 1994 1995 1994 1995 1994 1995 1994 1995 0 0 446 270 707 684 53,341 50,444 0 0 27 0 9 0 16,691 14,572 19 14 2,100 1,717 182 191 22,300 24,378 0 0 0 128 307 313 43,768 37,664 0 0 102 96 531 482 27,548 24,886 0 0 74 0 3 3 17,841 15,027 29 16 1,357 1,588 258 225 87,109 123,567 0 0 370 299 746 772 53,655 47,857 0 0 278 0 12 0 15,504 16,147 7 7 752 603 88 76 7,866 6,914 55 37 5,506 4,701 2,843 2,756 345,623 361,456 )BILE RECREATION AIRSPORT SKATE MOBILE IN -LINE MOBILE BROADWAY REVUE PUPPET MOBILE SPORTS MOBILE SHOW MOBILE DUNK TANK HIGH STRIKER BUSES ATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER TENNIS COMPLEX BMX "THE FRIDGE" ?NVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM NATURE CENTER OUTREACH *NATURE TRAIL USAGE SPECIAL EVENTS vio'-a` *NOT INCLUDED IN TOTALS V RECREATIONAL AND SPECIAL EVFNTS FOR DECEMBER, 1995 VF.AR TO DATE GROUPS PARTICIPANTS GROUPS PARTICIPANTS 1994 1995 1994 - 1995 1994 1995 1994 1995 0 0 0 0 122 135 25,010 27,655 0 0 0 0 87 74 14,529 12,358` 1 0 167 0 20 42 6,880 7,014 0 0 0 0 54 65 6,880 7,800 0 0 0 0 99 115 16,830 19,550 0 0 0 0 83 95 19,007 22,089 1 4 0 0 156 147 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 84 11,481 17,580 0 0 0 0 31 45 4,899 7,350 14 18 471 489 370 358 13,572 12,597 0 0 967 848 556 368 19,338 18,794 0 0 80 100 153 155 12,017 13,945 0 0 0 0 0 0 27,055 13,764 0 2 923 6,605 0 118 4,916 18,562 15 4 1,035 214 471 466 31,853 29,680 0 0 0 0 267 249 25,686 21,859 0 0 3,817 3,166 0 0 57,477 57,413 31 28 3,643 8,256 2,519 2,516 236,416 250 597 DDISON OAKS PARKS CAMPERS DAY USE DAY CAMPERS ,ROVELAND OAKS PARK CAMPERS DAY USE DAY CAMPERS INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK DAY USE DAY CAMPERS OVERNIGHT GROUPS CAMPERS )RTON OAKS kDDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CNTR WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK RED OAKS WATERPARK RED OAKS GOLF DOME AND SPORTS VILLAGE THERAPERTICS JINGLE BELL BALL HOLIDAY FESTIVAL WHEELCHAIR BASKETBALL TRAIN. WHEELCHAIR BASKETBALL GAME TOTALS DAY USE PARKS AND FACILITY ATTENDANCE REPORT FOR DECEMBER, 1995 YEAR TO DATE GROUPS PARTICIPANTS GROUPS PARTICIPANTS 1994 1995 1994 1995 1994 1995 1994 1995 0 0 0 0 2,795 2,648 45,714 50,083 0 0 0 0 12,557 12,016 60,883 50,808 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,734 8,396 176,910 190,713 0 0 0 0 13,753 15,072 545437 53,285 0 0 0 0 5 4 228 232 1,908 1,236 6,678 4,327 51,066 52,236 178,804 183,883 0 0 0 0 118 91 8,186 12,160 0 0 0 0 16 17 1,042 620 194 256 681 896 3,411 4,717 12,863 16,510 35 29 3,938 4,302 329 325 44,371 43,854 0 0 0 0 125 136 48,125 56,693 0 0 0 0 161 174 70,667 88,284 0 0 6,663 6,829 0 0 118,763 111,817 300 300 30 45 2,137 1,521 1 17,960 1 16,354 1 92,070 95,832 820,991 858,942 ITEM #8 ELECTION OF OFFICERS As per the Commission's By -Laws, the election of officers shall be held at the first meeting of the year. 8-I ITEM #9 OUTSTANDING INVOICE ADDISON OAKS In June, 1993, Parks and Recreation purchased two above -ground fuel storage tanks from Clawson tank for $12,000. The installation and hook-up of these tanks was completed by Pro Tank for $3,240. In the process of hooking up these tanks, another $470 cost was incurred, which Pro Tank felt was above and beyond the terms of their contract. Clawson Tank was called several times to try and resolve this; however, another company manufactured the outside tank, which further complicated matters. No action has been taken for the past 18 months, so staff is recommending you approve the payment of the outstanding invoice in the amount of $470. 9-1 ITEM #10 MOBILE RECREATION OUTSTANDING COMMUNITY BILLING The following are outstanding invoice from a group who has rented a mobile unit: UNIT RENTAL GROUP DATE AMOUNT SKATE Burton Bass Aston (Cancellation Family Reunion 1994 $50.00 Fee) $50.00 Staff has tried several times to collect monies from this organization. Staff is seeking your authorization to write this account off because it is uncollectible. 10-1 ITEM #11 WATER TOWERS ADDISON AND SPRINGFIELD ACTIVITY CENTER In the spring of 1995, the water tower at Springfield Oaks Activity Center was inspected to determine its mechanical condition as well as painting requirements. Based on the estimated $60,000+ for repair and painting, staff decided to explore removal of the tower. It has since been determined that removal is out of the question because of the fire sprinkler system. Therefore, staff is continuing with repair and painting of the tower. To do so, it is staffs request that Dixon Engineering be contracted to develop bid specifications and contract documents, and project administration and field inspection of the work being done. Attached are proposal documents of their services. We have also been experiencing problems with Addison Oaks' water tower and feel it should be inspected and evaluated by Dixon Engineering. A proposal for this service is also attached. At the end of this packet is a client referral list. Several communities were contacted; all had similar comments: They wouldn't have their staff do specifications or inspections; Dixon did a great job; and they don't know of any other company that specializes in this type of work. In summary, staff is requesting the following: Springfield Activity Center Tower: Bid and Contract Documents $ 3,100 Project Administration/Inspections 13,725 Addison Oaks Inspection/Recommendations $ 2,155 ENGINEERING AND s INSPECTION SERVICES FORTHE COATING INDUSTRY December 18, 1995 Oakland County Michigan 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328 Attn: John Kipke, Re: 50,000 gallon Addison Oaks Tank and 150,000 Gallon Springfield Oaks Spheroid Dear John, 1104 Third Avenue Cake Odessa, Mf 48849 Fax 1-616-374/7116 Telephone 1-616-374/3221 Please find enclosed three separate proposals (2 copies each) to perform consulting and inspection for Oakland County Michigan, per your request. The first proposal is for a preliminary structural inspection on the 50,000 gallon Addison Oaks tank. The same inspection service was performed on the Springfield Oaks 150,000 gallon sphere on April 19, 1995. The fee for this service is $2,155, and includes the laboratory costs. The other two proposals are for the repainting of the Springfield Oaks tank. The first proposal is for specifications and contract documents and bid consulting work. The fee is $3,100. The second proposal is for the actual inspection services, which includes the pre -construction meeting, project aduldnistration and the actual field inspections. The fee is $13, 725. I hope these proposals are in the format which will best facilitate your efforts in repainting of the above referenced tank. These proposals are developed to reflect the costs associated with the spot power tool cleaning and repainting of the exterior surfaces, as well as the dry interior spot repairs and wet interior full blast cleaning and repainting. Some adjustments have been made to the exterior surface preparation recommendations after further investigation into the coating system and newer surface preparation methods, which have given excellent results. The new surface preparation entails high pressure water jetting of the exterior surfaces at approximately 18,000 psi, as opposed to a typical power wash of 2,500 psi. The result is that the topcoat paint system is literally blasted off leaving only the lead based primer. Some of the extremely well adhering topcoat will remain, and will provide an excellent substrate for the new paint system. It should be noted that using this method, as well as the originally recommended spot clean and recoat method (recommended in the 1995 report), will limit you to an aluminum or a tinted aluminum final finish. The abrasive blast cleaning approach would allow a wide variety of Members: Steel Structures Painting Council American Water Works Association Consulting Engineers Council I C LU DIXON Does More: • Inspection • • Project Administration • Budget Estimates • Air Quality Monitoring • Industrial Hygiene Review • Decontaminaiton Trailer • Blood Tests • Employee Air Quality • Employee "Right to Know" training for lead exposure • Alternative dispute Resolution =12 DIXON was formed in 1981 to offer full design and field inspection services for the construction of new tanks and towers. Over the ensuing years, many additional services have been added to keep DIXON on the cutting edge to serve of the needs of the industry. One thing that has not changed is the dedicated and professional approach to each new challenge. Thorough and thoughtful planning is the key to DIXON's success. • Phase One: Preliminary inspection comes first. The results of this inspection allow a definitive analysis of the condition of the structure and the creation of a cost-effective budget picture. • Phase Two: Preparation of technical specifications for the solicitation of competitive bids. Complete and accurate specifications prepare the way for proper management of lead projects. Good specifications will assist the inspector, protect the owner, and help the contractor with efficiency throughout the entire project. • Phase Three: Continued inspection services as the project progresses. Flexible scheduling is planned based on the demands of conditions which vary from project to project. • Phase Four: The one-year warranty inspection conducted by DIXON. This inspection will cover problems that may arise from defective materials or workmanship for which the contractor may be responsible. • Phase Five: Additional inspections performed every three to five years by skilled DIXON technicians. While the demands of each project demand carefully considered flexibility, the entire DIXON team employs their combined skills and talents to assure a successful project from start to finish — and beyond. DIXON ENGINEERING AND 1104 Third Avenue INSPECTION SERVICES lake Odessa, MI 48849 Fax 1-616-37417116 FOR THE COATING INDUSTRY Telephone 1-616-374/3221 PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT AGREEMENT 50,000 gallon Addison Oaks water tank 22-63-65-02 This agreement between the Oakland County Parks Dept, in Pontiac, Michigan hereinafter called OWNER and DIXON ENGINEERING, INC. hereinafter called PROFESSIONAL, is as follows: The OWNER agrees to engage the services of the PROFESSIONAL for Preliminary Structural Inspection services hereinafter set forth. A. PROFESSIONAL agrees to perform the Consulting and Inspection services as detailed in attached SCHEDULE A. B. OWNER agrees to pay the PROFESSIONAL as compensation for his services the sum of Two Thousand, One Hundred, and Fifty Five dollars ($2,155). Terms of payment shall be as detailed in SCHEDULE B. C. If additional services are requested by the OWNER which are not within the proposed scope of services as defined in ITEM A., then these services will be charged on the basis of the PROFESSIONAL'S Fee Schedule as detailed in attached SCHEDULE C. D. The OWNER and PROFESSIONAL agree to the conditions as set forth in the attached GENERAL PROVISIONS of the agreement. E. Prices stated in the proposal are subject to change after 90 days and will be mutually agreed upon by the OWNER and PROFESSIONAL unless approved as a contract prior to 90 days. F. OWNER agrees to pay the PROFESSIONAL $100/yr. (or part of year) as compensation if the OWNER requests to be named as additional insured on Dixon Engineering, Incorporated's insurance policy. (Year ends June 30) This contract format shall include this cover sheet, Schedules A, B, C, and General Conditions. If this proposal/contract is for more than one service, multiple Schedules A and B may be used. Any changes in this proposal/contract should be addressed by a separate addendum. Mari Anne Eldridge December 14 1995 PROPOSED BY DIXON ENG., INC. DATE (Not a contract until approved by an officer) CONTRACT APPROVED BY OWNER POSITION APPROVED BY DIXON ENG., INC Members: Steel Structures Painting Council American Water Works Association Consulting Engineers Council CO -SIGNATURE IF REQUIRED DATE OFFICER DATE Scope of Services Performed by Professional Clean the interior surfaces of the tank with high pressure water. Cleaning is necessary for the Professional to be able to remove all the mud. This allows the Professional the ability to see any deterioration of the steel, pitting, etc. High pressure water also enables the Professional to perform a very low cost adhesion test on the remaining coating. The Professional would notice if the coating is wavering, etc. which would indicate very poor adhesion and anticipated failure. The amount of mud removed from a torus tank is dependent upon Owner's preference, time allotted, and cleaning equipment available. 2. Remove all spent cathodic rods which pose a potential hazard to the Professional when descending down the riser. If, in the opinion of the Professional, the tower must be repainted in the near future, some of the rods may be left as long as they are away from the riser and could not possibly fall or be dragged down the riser. If repainting is not required for several years, the Professional will remove all of the spent rods. Inspect the tank's interior coating for remaining intactness and anticipated life. Review all interior girders and appurtenances for possible structural damage from icing or corrosion. 4. Review all interior surfaces for corrosion and/or damage, and qualify damage for repairs. All repairs are to be quantified by extrapolation of a measured area. All quantities are estimates (usually high) because corrosion will continue between inspection and repair. Inspect the exterior coating and perform cross -cut adhesion tests where coating adhesion is questionable. If it is evident that repainting is not necessary for several years, no destructive adhesion tests will be performed. 6. Review all exterior appurtenances for damage due to corrosion. 7. Review all safety requirements for ladders, cages, etc., interior and exterior. 8. Review all health aspects of the tank, including screening of the vent, overflow pipe, and other possible contamination sources. 9. Review the exterior of the exposed foundations. 10. Prepare a report documenting all items found and recommendations for repair, including budgetary items. The Engineering report is to include: Conclusions and recommendations, base report, photographs with descriptions, and a field inspection I eport. Photographs will be attempted; if they fail to develop, they will be deleted from the report. 11. Chlorinate the tank per AWWA Method No. 3 C-652-92. This item may be relocated to SCHEDULE B Preliminary Structural Inspection Oakland County, Addison Oaks Tank Pontiac, Michigan The Professional's fee for Items 1 and 2 of Scope of Services performed by the Professional is $130 per hour with an estimate of 2 hours ($260). Time will not be exceeded without authorization of the Owner. This is a time and material item because the Professional cannot estimate the amount of mud or time necessary for removal. The degree of cleanliness (i.e. 95% removal of the mud, etc.) will be established between the Professional and the Owner prior to the cleaning of the tank. Removal of the rods is also time and material as that also cannot be estimated. Dixon Engineering, Inc. will supply personnel based on the anticipated work and time. If an additional man is sent and found not to be necessary because the Owner provides an additional man, a fee will be necessary It will be at a reduced level and negotiated dependent upon the level of employee. 2. Fee for Items 3 through 10, travel time and the preparation of the report is a fixed fee item of $1,450. 3. The fee for furnishing and applying the chlorine, Item 11, shall be the fixed fee of $80. 4. The fee for the rental of the valves is $25 per valve per week. The Engineer will ship the valves UPS to the Owner. The Owner shall return them using'the same or similar traceable delivery service at his expense. ($50 has been included in this proposal.) 5. The fee for collection of a paint sample (scrapings) and laboratory analysis, Item 13, is $315. Required Testing: Wet Int. Ext. Total Lead 4 @ $45/each = 1 3 $180 Total Cadmium 1 @ $45/each = 1 45 Total Chrome 2 @ $45/each = 1 1 90 Total $315 6. All professional service invoices which are paid within ten (10) days of date of issue shall be discounted (Owner's favor) one and one-half percent (1.5%). 7. All professional service invoices which are outstanding more than thirty (30) days from date of issue shall be assessed (Professional's favor) one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month interest from date of issue. 8. Request for visits shall be forthcoming from the Owner in writing unless other arrangements may be agreed upon by the Owner and Dixon Engineering, Inc. Failure to notify Dixon Engineering, Inc. of the necessity to change inspection dates twenty-four (24) hours in advance, and which results in unnecessary travel and expense to Dixon SCHEDULE C Engineering Services Fees Labor Class Principal.......................................................................... Expert Witness (Office, Travel & Court) ........................... ProjectManager............................................................... Registered Professional Engineer ....................................... Staff Engineer - Level IIL.................................................. Staff Engineer - Level II .................................................... Staff Engineer - Level I .... ............................................... CAWI or CWI Welding Inspector ...................................... Inspector- Level III............................................................ Inspector - Level II ............................................................ Inspector- Level I............................................................. Secretarial Services........................................................... Bookkeeping Services....................................................... Project Status Meetings w/Project Engineers and Council or BoardMeetings................................................................ Expenses Mileage.......................................................................... Meals& Lodging............................................................ WithoutLodging........................................................... AirTravel..................................................................... Per Hour $125.00 $160.00 $ 90.00 $ 85.00 $ 65.00 to 70.00 $ 58.00 to 65.00 $ 52.00 to 60.00 $ 58.00 to 70.00 $ 55.00 to 65.00 $ 50.00 to 57.50 $ 45.00 to 52.50 $ 40.00 and expenses $ 40.00 Time and Expenses, including Preparation Time $ .40/mile $80.00 per diem per person (may be increased based on location) Actual plus 10% handling Business fare from Grand Rapids, Na or Milwaukee, WI (On all travel requiring air fare, car rental or other arrangements are necessary. Charges for car rental will be full sized car and invoiced at cost). FEES EFFECTIVE THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1995 IL a l ENGINEERING AND 1104 Third Avenue INSPECTION SERVICES lake Odessa, MI 48849 FOR THE COATING INDUSTRY Fax 1-616-37417116 Telephone 1-616-374/3221 PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT AGREEMENT 150,000 gallon Springfield Oaks spheroid 22-63-65-01 This agreement between Oakland County Parks Department, in Pontiac, Michigan hereinafter called OWNER and DIXON ENGINEERING, INC. hereinafter called PROFESSIONAL, is as follows: The OWNER agrees to engage the services of the PROFESSIONAL for Preparation of Technical Specifications and Contract Documents services hereinafter set forth. A. PROFESSIONAL agrees to perform the Consulting and Inspection services as detailed in attached SCHEDULE A. B. OWNER agrees to pay the PROFESSIONAL as compensation for his services the sum of Three Thousand, One Hundred dollars ($3,100). Terms of payment shall be as detailed in SCHEDULE B. C. If additional services are requested by the OWNER which are not within the proposed scope of services as defined in ITEM A., then these services will be charged on the basis of the PROFESSIONAL'S Fee Schedule as detailed in attached SCHEDULE C. D. The OWNER and PROFESSIONAL agree to the conditions as set forth in the attached GENERAL PROVISIONS of the agreement. E. Prices stated in the proposal are subject to change after 90 days and will be mutually agreed upon by the OWNER and PROFESSIONAL unless approved as a contract prior to 90 days. F. OWNER agrees to pay the PROFESSIONAL $100/yr. (or part of year) as compensation if the OWNER requests to be named as additional insured on Dixon Engineering, Incorporated's insurance policy. (Year ends June 30) This contract format shall include this cover sheet, Schedules A, B, C, and General Conditions. If this proposal/contract is for more than one service, multiple Schedules A and B may be used. Any changes in this proposal/contract should be addressed by a separate addendum. Mari Anne Eldridge PROPOSED BY DIXON ENG., INC. (Not a contract until approved by an officer) CONTRACT APPROVED BY OWNER POSITION APPROVED BY DIXON ENG., INC. Members: Steel Structures Painting Council American Water Works Association Consulting Engineers Council December 14, 1995 DATE CO -SIGNATURE IF REQUIRED DATE OFFICER DATE SCHEDULE B Specifications and Contract Documents 150,000 gallon Springfield Oaks Spheroid Oakland County, Pontiac, Michigan Payment for scope of services, Schedule A, Preparation of Specifications and Contract Documents, is the lump sum fee of $3,100; Preparation of specifications is Two Thousand Nine Hundred dollars ($2,900) due upon completion of specifications; the remaining Two Hundred dollars ($200), shall be due upon completion of the contract documents. 2. All Professional service invoices which are paid within ten (10) days of date of issue shall be discounted (Owner's favor) one and one-half percent (1.5%). All Professional service invoices which are outstanding more than thirty (30) days from date of issue shall be assessed (Professional's favor) one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month interest from date of issue. 4. Requests for attending council meetings shall be forthcoming from the Owner in writing unless other arrangements are made between the Owner and Dixon Engineering, Inc. Attendance of council meetings shall be considered additional service and Dixon Engineering shall be compensated under the provisions of Schedule C of the Contract. GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 1 OWNER'S RESPONSMTLM_rZS 1.1 OWNER shall provide all c: itcna and full inforrnacien as OWNER rc qu -c,^icnts for the Project' designate a person to act with aurlroriry o OW4'ER's behalf in respect of all aspects of the Project; examine an respond promptly to PROFESSIONAL's submissions; and give pro written notice to PROFESSIONAL when eve; he obsc �cs or otherws becomes aware of any defectinthe workorbreachofConL-ac orportio conducted by PROF:=rSSIONAL. 1.2 0 M\FER shall also do the following and pay all costs is cidatt thcr et Guarantee access to and make all provisions for PROFES- SIONAL to enter upon public and private prcpc:y as may necessary. - Furnish approvals and permits From all govc nmcrr.al authorities having jurisdiction over the Project. 1.3 OWNER shall pay all cost incident to obtaining bids orproposals from Contractor(s). SECTION 2 - MEAY NG OF TERMS 2.1 Direct Labor Costs used as a basis for payment mean salaries an wages (basic and incentive) pald to all personnel enraged directly on th SECTION 3 - MISCELLANEOUS 3.1 Reuse of Documents All documents including Drawings and Specifications prepared by PROFESSIONAL pursuant to this Agreement are instruments ofservice in respect of the Project- They are not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse by OWNER or others on extensions of the Project of on any otherproject. Any reuse without wrictenv�cadonoradaptadon by PROFESSIONAL for the specific purposes intended will be at OWNER's sole risk and without liability or Iegal exposure to PROFES- SIONAL; and OWNER shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend PROFESSIONAL from all claims, damages, losses andexpeases arising ut of or resulting thcrefrorn. Any such verification or adapdon will entitle PROFESSIONAL to further compensation at rates to be agreedL upon by OWNER and PROFESSIONA 3.2 Late Payment If OWNER fails to make any payment due PROFESSIONAL for e S= 1104 Third Avenue ENGINEERINGAND Lake Odessa, M1 48849 INSPECTION SERVICES Fax 1-616-37417116 FOR THE COATING INDUSTRY Telephone 1-616-37413221 PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT AGREEMENT 150,000 gallon Springfield Oaks spheroid 22-63-65-01 This agreement between Oakland Coun!y Parks Department, in Pontiac, Michigan hereinafter called OWNER and DIXON ENGINEERING, INC. hereinafter called PROFESSIONAL, is as follows: The OWNER agrees to engage the services of the PROFESSIONAL for Paint Inspection services hereinafter set forth. A. PROFESSIONAL agrees to perform the Consulting and Inspection services as detailed in attached SCHEDULE A. B. OWNER agrees to pay the PROFESSIONAL as compensation for his services the sum of Thirteen Thousand, Seven Hundred, and Twenty Five dollars ($13,725). Terms of payment shall be as detailed in SCHEDULE B. C. If additional services are requested by the OWNER which are not within the proposed scope of services as defined in ITEM A., then these services will be charged on the basis of the PROFESSIONAL'S Fee Schedule as detailed in attached SCHEDULE C. D. The OWNER and PROFESSIONAL agree to the conditions as set forth in the attached GENERAL PROVISIONS of the agreement. E. Prices stated in the proposal are subject to change after 90 days and will be mutually agreed upon by the OWNER and PROFESSIONAL unless approved as a contract prior to 90 days. F. OWNER agrees to pay the PROFESSIONAL $100/yr. (or part of year) as compensation if the OWNER requests to be named as additional insured on Dixon Engineering, Incorporated's insurance policy. (Year ends June 30) This contract format shall include this cover sheet, Schedules A, B, C, and General Conditions. If this proposal/contract is for more than one service, multiple Schedules A and B may be used. Any changes in this proposal/contract should be addressed by a separate addendum. Michael Tracy/mae PROPOSED BY DIXON ENG., INC. (Not a contract until approved by an officer) CONTRACT APPROVED BY OWNER POSITION APPROVED BY DIXON ENG., INC. December 18, 1995 DATE CO -SIGNATURE IF REQUIRED DATE OFFICER DATE Members: Steel Structures Painting Council American Water Works Association Consulting Engineers Council 7. Collect appropriate samples for pre -disposal laboratory testing. 8. Prepare daily inspection report detailing above mentioned items and daily progress. V. Interior Painting: One (1) visit to set standard for interior abrasive cleaning and examine surface profile created for compliance with specifications. 2. Two (2) visits to inspect wet interior abrasive blast cleaning for thoroughness, surface profile, and compliance with specifications, prior to application of the primer coat. 3. Two (2) visits to inspect the interior primer coat for uniformity, coverage, and dry film thickness, prior to application of the intermediate coat. 4. Two (2) visits to inspect the interior intermediate coating uniformity, coverage, dry film thickness, and holiday detection, prior to application of the topcoat. (one wet interior, and one dry interior) Two (2) visits to inspect the interior topcoat for uniformity, coverage, performance, and dry film thickness for compliance with specifications. Examine the overall project for possible damage caused by equipment removal. Review all contract items to assure they have been completed according to the contract requirements. (one wet interior and one dry interior) VI. Exterior Painting: Two (2) visits to inspect the exterior intermediate coating for uniformity, coverage, and dry film thickness prior to application of the topcoat. 2. Two (2) visits to inspect the exterior topcoat for uniformity, coverage, performance, and dry film thickness for compliance with specifications. Examine the overall project for possible damage caused by equipment removal. Review all contract items to assure they have been completed according to contract requirements. One (1) visit to finalize the project to assure all items in the contract specifications have been completed, and the quality of workmanship meets contract requirements. Collection of samples will be taken during regularly scheduled visits. If additional sampling is requested that cannot be completed during a regular visit, it shall be considered an additional service. 7. Invoices will be compiled after the 20th. of the month and shall include from the 20th. of the preceding month to the 20th. of the invoiced month. 8. All Professional service fees which are paid within ten (10) days of date of issue shall be discounted (Owner's favor) one and one-half percent (1.5%). 9. All Professional service fees which are outstanding more than thirty (30) days from date of issue shall be assessed (Professional's favor) one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month interest from date of invoice issue. 10. If inspection services can be combined during one visit, the per visit fee of one visit shall apply for the main inspection item, and the additional item shall be considered an additional service, and the Professional shall be compensated under the provisions of Schedule C of the contract. Expenses from laboratory testing shall be invoiced separate and in addition to this contract. Laboratory shall be an additional service with fees invoiced based on actual costs incurred from the selected laboratory. 11. Request for visits shall be forthcoming from the Owner in writing unless other arrangements may be agreed upon by the Owner and Dixon Engineering, Inc. Failure to notify Dixon Engineering, Inc. of the necessity to change inspection dates twenty-four (24) hours in advance, and which result in unnecessary travel and expense to Dixon Engineering, Inc. shall be compensated for as travel and expense under the provision of Item C of the contract. The compensated expenses may equal but not exceed the per visit fee. GENERAL. PROVISIONS SECTION I - Ow' t R'S RESPOtvSM TLMES 1.1 OWNER shall provide all trite^a a.-nd full info rmatiea as O WINE require.-nents for the Project; designate a person to act with au!horiry OWNER's behalf in respect of all aspects of the Project; examine respond promptly to PROFESSIONAL's submissions; and give pro SECTION 2 - MEA1`TWG OF TERMS 2.1 Direct Labor Costs used as a basis for payment meat sala.-ies an wages (basic and inceadve) paid to all personnel engageddirecly on th Project, including, but not limited to, engineers, designers, drafusme specification writers, estimators, other technic --I personnel, stenogra phcts, typists and clerks; but does not include indirect payroll related costs or fringe beaefucs. 2.2 Acimbursable Expenses mean the actual expenses incurred directly or indirectly in connection with the Project for, tramsportlon and subsistence incidental thereto; obtaining bids or proposals from Contractor(s); furnishing and maintaining field office facilities; subsis- tence and transportation of Resident Project Representatives and their v.,_,.,.wassissrants; toll telephone calls and telegrams; reproduction of Reports, Drawings, Specifications, and similarPro jest -related itemms in addition to those required under Section 1; expenses of photographic production techniques; and, if authorized in advance by OWNER, overtime work requiring higher than regular rates. Where compensation for Basic Services is on the basis of Direct Labor Costs times a factor, Reimbur- sable Expenses shall include the amount billed to PROFESSIONAL by special consultants employed by PROFESSIONAL (other than as an authorized Additional Service under Section 2) for suca consultants' services and Reimbursable Expenses times afactor of 1.10 and shall also include expenses incurred for computer time and other highly special- ized equipment, including an appropriate charge for previously estab- lished programs and expenses of photographic production te•:hniques times a factor of 1.10. SECTION 3 - MISCELLANEOUS 3.1 Reuse of Documents All documents including Drawings and Specifications prepared by PROFESSIONALpursuant to this Agreement are instruments ofservice in respect of the Project. They are not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse by OWNER or others on extensions of the Project of on any othcrproject. Any reuse without written verificadonoradaptadoa by PROFESSIONAL for the specific purposes intended will be at OWNER's sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to PROFES- SIONAL; and OWNER shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend PROFESSIONAL from all claims, damages, losses and expenses arising ut of or resulting therefrom. Any such verification or adapdcn will entitle PROFESSIONAL to further compensation at rates to be agreed L upon by OWNER and PROFESSIONA 3.2 Late Payment If OWNER fails to make any payment due PROFESSIONAL for mpt 1 1104 Third Avenue ENGINEERING AND take Odessa, MI 48849 INSPECTION SERVICES Fax 1.616-374/7116 FORTH E COATING INDUSTRY Telephone 1-616-374/3221 REPRESENTATIVE CLIENTS It has been our privilege to serve more than 400 clients, including: Cities Michigan Wisconsin (Cont.) Adrian Racine Alma Wauwautosa Battle Creek Wisconsin Rapids Bay City Benton Harbor Illinois Big Rapids Collinsville Cadillac Decatur Elk Grove East Lansing Highland Park Escanaba 1 Hanover Park Flint C ���C� `` Lake in the Hills Grand Blanc Mokena Grand Ledge �,1 Park Ridge ©� Jackson Villa Park .'cL Kalamazoo o Wilmette Marshall Saginaw Villages and Townships �— St. Charles Michigan St. Clair St. Johns Delta St. Joseph Dewitt Sault Ste. Marie Kingsley Chickaming 6P Ohio Ford River 1T Lake Odessa Akron Saginaw Bowling Green Oberlin Counties Ottawa Norwalk Michigan Pataskala Genesee Sandusky Saginaw Wisconsin Industries Ashwaubenon BOC Lansing Beloit Chrysler Corporation Brookfield Fletcher Paper Company Burlington Fluoral-Daniels Company Clintonville Ford Motor Company Germantown General Motors Corporation Howard Menasha Corporation Kenosha Midland Dow Chemical Company Marshfield Saginaw Steering Gear Menominee Falls Mequon Milwaukee Mukwonago eenMembers: Stub es Painting Council N American Water Works Association Ift t p' Consulting Engineers Council p'fr:� ITEM #12 L.YON OAKS PROPERTY ACQUISITION GRANT EXTENSION We had anticipated that the 188 acre acquisition of property adjacent to Lyon Oaks Park would be completed by this date, but due to a delay in receiving approval of the appraisal from the Department of Natural Resources we have not completed the acquisition. Because this acquisition is being enabled by a matching grant from the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund, we need to request the grant project agreement be extended. This must be accomplished with a resolution from the Parks Commission. (See Attached) Staff will make a brief update on this project. 12-1 WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been notified by the Department of Natural Resources that the grant agreement for the Lyon Oaks County Park Addition, TF 31-037 expired on December 31, 1995; and WHEREAS, an extension period is available for when project completion date is extended due to delays in acquisition; and WHEREAS, the Lyon Oaks County Park Addition project has shown sig- nificant and continued progress toward completion; and Whereas, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has ap- propriated matching funds and is actively pursuing the completion of the acquisition, thereby meeting the criteria for extension. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recrea- tion Commission recommends amending the grant with the appropriate extension. fly`0 : on Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public in and for the County of Oakland and State of Michigan, this th day of January, 1996. t, 12-2 ITEM #13 AGRICULTURAL LEASES Staff request Commission approval for four agricultural leases involving Lyon Oaks, Springfield Oaks, and Addison Oaks County Parks. These requests are summarized as follows: Lessee/ # of Rent Total # of Years Park Residence Acres /Ac Lease Leased Addison Oaks Pat Bell/Metamora 118 $15 1,770 17 Lyon Oaks Paul Elkow/Fm Hls 155 30 4,650 3 Lyon Oaks Robert Brock/Milford 100 15 1,500 3 Springfield Oaks John Cylbulski/Holly 30 10 300 3 Attached is a sample lease agreement that has been reviewed by Corporation Counsel and Risk Management. Please note that these leases are renewable annually with lease rates having been based upon market standards and farming demand. The agricultural activity at these three parks is beneficial to maintaining open space, providing wildlife opportunities, and providing revenue for the Commission. 13-1 S THIS MEMORANDUM WITNESSETH: That the OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION/COUNTY OF OAKLAND. hereinafter designated as the Lessor, do hereby Let and Lease to JOfD4 CYBULSKI: 9100 OAK HILL ROAD; HOLLY, MI 48442. hereinafter designated as the Lessee, the following property in the Township of Springfield, Oakland County, Michigan, viz: 30 acres of property known and designated as Springfield Oaks County Park. These premises will be used by said Lessee for agricultural purposes only. The term of this Lease shall be on an annual basis beginning the first day of January of each year and ending on the 31st of December of that same year. The Lessee shall be notified in writing by certified mail at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of said termination, to quit and deliver up possession of the described property. PROVIDED, in case any rent shall be due and unpaid or default be made in any of the covenants herein contained, then it shall be lawful for the Lessor, his certain attorney, heirs, representatives and assigns to re-enter into, repossess the said property and the Lessee to remove and put out. The Lessee hereby hires said property for the term aforesaid, and covenants: 1. To pay the Lessor as rental for the 30 acres a rate of $10.00 per acre, a sum of $300.00 on or before the 31st of December for each rental year. 2. To use and occupy the said property for purposes which they are let to him. 3. To observe all reasonable regulations and requirements concerning the use and condition of the property. 4. That the Lessee will not assign this Lease nor sublet the property nor any part thereof without the consent of the Lessor thereto endorsed hereon in writing, 5. The Lessee must provide the Lessor with a copy of the enclosed, executed Hold Harmless Agreement. 6. The Lessee must provide the Lessor with a certificate of insurance evidencing the liability protection of a minimum of $1,000,000.00 combined single limit per occurrence with the Lessor and the County of Oakland, its elected officials, employees and volunteers as additionally named insured to said policy. 7. The Lease shall be subject to review/renewal annually and can be terminated by either party, in writing, be certified mail at least ninety (90) day prior to the date of said termination. 8. The per acre rental fee will be reviewed annually and may be adjusted, with notice in writing, based on agricultural use and/or local market value. Signed, Sealed and Delivered this: IN PRESENCE OF AND WITNESSED BY: OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION by RICHARD, MANAGER PECKY D. E S, CHA ROAN DATE: S. 13-2 ITEM #14 ROSE OAKS PROPOSED LAND SWAP Jana and Andy Kivari residing at 10476 Fish Lake Road, on a three -acre parcel bordered on three sides by Rose Oaks Park, have submitted the attached proposal for an equal land swap. The proposed swap would move the current north property line, which is immediately adjacent to their driveway and an outbuilding. Mr. Kivari will make a brief presentation regarding his request. 14-1 JRN-12-1996 10:30 FROM O'BRIEN & GERE MI. TO 1e1085e16e3 P.02 January 12, 1995 Mr. Dan Stencil Chief of Park Operations Oakland County Parks and Recreation Department 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI. 48328 Re: Property Lines Dear Mr. Stencil: After measuring the north and south property lines and comparing these measurements to the survey provided by DEL-TEC, we arc prepared to propose the following property exchange: Based on my measurements we propose to slide the southerly and northerly property lines at the same bearing and distance, 35 feet north. If Oakland County agrees to this proposal we will have the "new" property corners staked by our surveyor, provide ,a legal survey document, and record the survey at the Oakland County Register of Deeds. Thank you for the time in considering this proposal. We can be reached at 810-6344198 (residence) or 810-348-2510 (business) if you would like to discuss this item further. Sincerely, c Andrew and Jana Kivari. 10476 Fishlake Road Holly, Michigan 48442 14-2 JF.N-12-iS56 10:30 FK(I 0-ERIEN & GERE M1. TO 18108581683 P.03 PROPOSED PROPERT Y EXCHANGE B Y AREA r- ���Q'•HAR°Y KcN! r- �. LAN SUP,VEY�:; i rAvgp..-1 Rd• Fa , �n�ry 303.0 9 d LQ Z g'Ye2{ t.i ,: t: ¢e� eie is is" 44 Y> N .u.. 7-77 S Sfi" 44. DEL -TEC A Surveying & Engineering 5800 Twelve Mile Rd. JOB NO. SCALE _ �� Go Warren, MI 48092 DATE /- 0 4-9 14-3 (810 ) 573-8288 :- BOUNDARY -MAP `7 E. JORTHWEST AR T R O'S .�. L-�4 L'^ I .. '•`ti• �.+ •I _ 133 �-i L.L%%SU�e �: �OYJoi' L.:J• �._. cce ON 0 / //-� -C O� a h G A r• /�/ / �` C 0EL - ✓II.�/ O C'+J �VL:/' //: .'+/ _7 Z7 0 �` .�0 -' / L • ` L^J.GC�s `� w y f\ `\v�� 0 v !-'L I �; ✓ `• o f%Q1/' `� �e% Cl/Qr7 - F a� M� v p J V �'JT�^c-%zs �� O4p O�Ge o0 0� �/S Te/•� Za S /o oCl ° u o J .� v -cce /c. )W4� wl LOl7�/ 3 .joo-oi5 Z os n�� S o Z=• o a �'Y.G -ILI 0/0/b-Oo0?o09 Co/• o. Lro� / 07 8 Q. o c5, o°t ' -;��-0S0•~2`I'^/QoL 4; ou j,' 0o zi �� oo-oso�• rC% — 1 / ARflSON I ' co-oilCQ- - oo-o-' I I Jt ?lCf /bfjcr io P' y 100 _ zoo co- ? Q/TT oa_ �yo0 7 �/occCL o co -cog L.S � f ' 7 Lca s Cnc�ie �Pa ;'men r 2Gt,a //ips 4'0 /i cre� �Co• /o.a OJ 80 Zoo6/2.o+ 019 -f 2co-o:z o-004 ��� I;ZoL� a z� ;..�; c ,/ ESLER13 �b GE r c�' ° o Achim ° o �. Ij °N o ooa 0 , Cohn .;_� o o raL M N \ 5ol7awl/ 50 0 S ac %' / -� C J• o o , ^off fG 0 o-7= `M /7 o-o:a -c• J oos o o 1 P c o° c /b. z3 :a/-c o ks Ch e S T el a 24h 4�� a� /0./ gPa�r/ne�fs G o PERV1 f% 0.01:. / ./Q e.5c 7,=i -^ Cw 8/ v ' �c PLA o, ,y a o9 00 cy To : ///0.22 ,./•; G c- Fol of oo — 5 40o-oso .. 400.003 c c'y i1BRIDG j { Y�+ ' 0. - C o fh/c L a./7 �'00D B - 30 4 / .12:A•001 4 2::..00, i s k IL :r ,[� nx;r gyp.\ w0 • M - also d� .q+=!_/Q�VeL/� �r: �`p- "'0 °o _ _ C ZCCl77a-/7 t� 100.O1Vf�Y�-^^y .Vi%%�.J� �Q •� "�4 .`��.!'rE,' r•.c:.�:"='n ... •l-_��. "•_!n= ; ITEM #15 ORION OAKS SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT REQUEST At the May 3, 1995 Commission Meeting, approval was given to cooperatively participate with Orion Township and Orion Community Schools for the installation of a sanitary sewer through Orion Oaks Park to the Orion Oaks Elementary(under construction)/Orion Township DPW Building (proposed) on the east side of Joslyn The amount of $145,265 was approved by the Commission for this development. Proposed language for a sanitary sewer easement to be granted to Orion Township, a proposed letter of agreement and revised construction cost estimate for the terms of this project is expected at the meeting. Bids for this project are being requested at this time. Construction is anticipated to begin in mid -March and completed by the end of May. The new elementary school is scheduled to open for classes in August, 1996. County Commissioner Obrecht will be at the meeting. The funds for this cooperative project are included in the 1996 Orion Oaks Capital Improvement Project Budget. 15-1 ITEM #16 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT BIDS WATERFORD OAKS WAVE POOL Attached is a summary of the bids for materials to upgrade the existing electrical system at the Waterford Oaks Wave Pool. This electrical control system is 20 years old and is in need of many replacements parts. The attached is a bid summary for these compatible parts, and as you can see Wesco is the only company that can supply the entire list of items. The general consensus of the other companies is that they did not carry the specific brand or were not interested in finding the comparable substitute. Therefore, staff is recommending purchasing the low and only complete bidder, Wesco, for $39,987.98. These funds will come from the 1996 Operating Budget for the Waterford Oaks Waterpark. 16-1 M E M O R A N D U M to: JOIN KIPKE from: JOHN SOWELS, TECHNICAL SUPPOR re: ELECTRICAL EQUIPi\IENT BIDS 41 date: DECLMBER 28,199-3 We are requesting Commission approval for the electrical equipment for the complete Waterford Nave Pool 1VaveT\4aking Control System with all the required safety systems. The Electrical Equipment is a replacement for the 20 year -old A�Vave Tech Control Panel. The present system is outdated and obsolete. The replacement parts are no longer manufactured. This past season, we had to bypass some of the control systems which limits the safety of the whole system. The present system needs to be replaced with an updated control and safety system to maintain the efficiency of the pool and to eliminate future breakdowns and customer complaints. The new replacement equipment is expected to be approximately 20% more energy efficient and the estimated net payback period is 5.06 years in energy savings. The Bid Request was a comprehensive list of electrical components and parts that was. recommended by specifications from Instrument Specialties, controls specialists in this electrical field. On the requisite it was stated that John Sowels was to be notified with any substitutions. Bids were requested from Purchasing and the bids are as follows: Wesco $39,987.98 - All Items Rhodes & Assoc. Partial Bid - $ 4,544.74 (only low bid on 5 wire items & 3 Square D alternates) Graybar Bid was submitted late - Refused Fife Electric No Bid, not a Cutler -Hammer distributer. Teal Electric No Bid, no quote, not a Cutler -Hammer distributer GE Supply No Reply Leslie Electric No Reply, handles only Cutler -Hammer, could only supply part of Purchase Req. Madison Electric No Reply, could only supply partial order McNaughton-McKay No Reply All bidders were contacted as to why bids were not submitted. It is our recommendation to go with Wesco, the only complete Bid. 16-2 ITEM #17 INDEPENDENCE OAKS NATURE CENTER EXHIBITS Staff will be reintroducing a proposal from Planning + Design for a contract to create and design the Independence Oaks Nature Center exhibits. After this stage of the project is complete, bids will be sent out for fabrication and installation of the exhibits. This proposal is a reduction from the original quotation of $56,000 to $49,500, and now to $45,000. Staff still feels that, after re -reviewing the proposals, this firm will give us the best concepts and designs for the future of the nature center. A slide presentation and pertinent information will be presented at the meeting. 17-1 EX dull c�E,SS% IS-1 EXECUTIVE SESSION ORION OAKS: Over the years, a number of developers have shown an interest in the 38 acres of Orion Oaks located on the west side of Baldwin Road. Staff would like to get the Commission's feeling on the possible disposal of this property, since it was purchased with state funds. I have rechecked with the Department of Natural Resources and found that we can sell this property, but the funds from the sale must go toward the acquisition of new property. In checking with Pat Campbell, Property Management, the county would have to get an appraisal of the said property and then put it out to bid, with the highest bidder having the right to purchase it. Further questions will be answered at the meeting. LYON OAKS: Attached is a letter from Judge Richard Kaufman regarding the possibility of acquiring an additional 40 acres of property adjacent to Lyon Oaks. The 81-acre parcel the Commission recently acquired at Lyon Oaks was purchased at a cost of $1,405 per acre. 18-1 Richard C. Kaufman 1019 City -County Bldg. Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 224-6100 December 15, 1995 Ralph Richard County of Oakland 2800 Watkins Lake Rd. Waterford, MI 48238 Re: Potential Sale of Approximately 40 Acres of Property in Wixom to Oakland County for Expansion of Lyon Oaks Park Dear Mr. Richard: As you know I am one of the owners of a parcel of property in Wixom that is approximately 40 acres that lies between Ford Motor Company and Lyon Township. The owners of this ,parcel :of property are interested in determining whether or not the County of Oakland would want to purchase it. Previously, we had some discussions with respect to the purchase of this property. However, the County of Oakland, at that time, chose not to purchase the property because of concerns that the property might be polluted as a result of activity on the adjacent Ford property. At an appropriate purchase price, the owners of this parcel of property would be willing to enter into a contingent purchase offer that would require the owners of the property to complete a phase two environmental study in order to assure the County of Oakland that this property is pollution free. This contingent sales agreement would only require the County of Oakland to proceed with the sale if the phase two environmental assessment showed that the property was pollution free. If the property was not pollution free the sale would be canceled. The cost of this phase two environmental study would be borne by either the owners or if the owners can get Ford to pay for that study we would get Ford to pay for it. I look forward to your response. RCK/cros OAKI AND COtJN—PT PARKS & RECREATION GOMM►. DEC 18 1995 Thank you very much, C Richard C. Kaufman "r% E C Ew luf i as 18-2 ITEM #19 MANAGER'S REPORT ---1995 Deer Management: During five scheduled hunt dates, 71 volunteer hunters provided over 400 hours that resulted in 32 Whitetail Deer being harvested. An additional 200 hours o volunteer support was provided by the Michigan Sportsmen Against Hunger Program in facilitating the processing and delivery of over 1,000 pounds of ground venison to the Pontiac Salvation Army. ---The Parks Commission, at a previous meeting, inquired about the breakdown of mineral rights on park land purchased with State of Michigan funding. Staff has reviewed this matter and has determined that mineral rights are established by the percentage of matching funding indicated by the grant funding agreement. Specifically, if the State funding is equal to 65% of the total and Commission funding is the remaining 35%, then the mineral rights are established accordingly--65% for the State and 35% for the Commission. ---Attached for your information is a copy of the 1995 volunteer report. The Commission received 372 volunteer hours throughout the parks, with a total savings of more than $86,500 in staff time. ---Congratulations to Chief of Parks Dan Stencil, who has won the MRPA Program Leadership Award for 1996. He will be honored with this award at The Van Andel Museum Center in Grand Rapids on Tuesday, February 6, during the Association's Annual Conference. ---Attached is the master calendar for 1996, listing the meetings and special events planned for 1996. Please make a special note of the annual recognition banquet, which is scheduled for Friday, March 15, at White Lake Oaks. This event honors both employees and commissioners for their service to the parks system. ---Attached for your information is a list of publications in which Fridge discount coupons can be obtained. 19-1 To: Ralph, Jon, Chiefs and Supervisors From: Sandy DeVonce, Recreation Supervisor Oakland County Parks and Recreation Date: January 4, 1996 Subject: Overview of 1995 Volunteer Hours NUMBER OF LOCATION VOLUNTEERS HOURS Springfield - Golf 11 2,475 Orion Oaks 13 406 Lyon/Rose 1 550 Springfield YAC 100 1,200 White Lake 8 620 Glen Oaks 10 780 BMX 35 3,780 Mountain Bike 4 80 Caldean Federation 4 140 Water Safety 4 46 Mobile Recreation 24 587 Independence Oaks 12 319 Independence - Metal 195 Nature Center 125 1,925 Senior/Therapeutics 18 595 Addison Oaks 3 25 Total 372 13,723 (rate calculated at Parks Helper salary $6.31) TOTAL SAVINGS $86,592.13 19-2 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 1996 MASTER CALENDAR Wednesday, January 17 Regular Commission Meeting February 4-7 MRPA, Grand Rapids Wednesday, February 7 Regular Commission Meeting Thursday, February 8 30th Anniversary of Park System Sunday, February 12 MRPA Conference, Detroit Wednesday, February 21 Regular Commission Meeting Wednesday, March 6 Regular Commission Meeting Friday, March 15 Recognition Banquet, White Lake Oaks Wednesday, March 20 Regular Commission Meeting Wednesday, April 3 Regular Commission Meeting Wednesday, April 17 Regular Commission Meeting (tentative) Friday -Saturday, April 19-20 Retreat, Port Huron Wednesday, May 1 Regular Commission Meeting Wednesday, May 15 Regular Commission Meeting (tentative) Wednesday, June 5 Regular Commission Meeting June 5 - 8 Special Park Districts Forum Wednesday, June 19 Regular Commission Meeting Wednesday, July 17 Regular Commission Meeting Wednesday, August 7 Regular Commission Meeting Wednesday, August 21 Regular Commission Meeting (tentative) Wednesday, September 4 Regular Commission Meeting Monday, September 16 Lewis E. Wint Memorial Golf Outing, Springfield Oaks (tentative) Wednesday, September 18 Regular Commission Meeting Wednesday, October 2 Regular Commission Meeting Wednesday, October 16 Regular Commission Meeting and Budget Work Session Wed -Sunday, October 23-27 NRPA Congress, Kansas City Wednesday, November 6 Regular Commission Meeting Wednesday, November 20 Regular Commission Meeting Wednesday, December 4 Regular Commission Meeting with Budget Adoption 19-3 1-2-96 FRIDGE DISCOUNT COUPONS The following is a list of locations where Fridge coupons can be obtained -- many patrons have asked for them. (Unless specified, the coupons are good for $2 off entry to The Fridge.) 1. Farmer Jack Bonus Savings Club mailer. Members of this "clipless coupon" club received a mailer with a Fridge coupon inside. They will show their, club card and coupon to receive the discount. 2. Acorn: Oakland County Parks newsletter. This is due out before Christmas and contains a Fridge coupon. 3. Summit Place Kid's Club Mailer. Parents can sign their bids up for this mailer that comes from Summit Place Mall. It contains info about the mall and a Fridge coupon. 4. Ad in the Oakland Press. Fridge ad/coupon running in mid -December. 5. Ad in the Observer & Eccentric newspapers. Fridge ad/coupon running in mid -December. 6. Ad in Metro Parent Magazine. Fridge ad/coupon running in January. This free publication is available at Media Play, Barnes & Noble bookstores and more. 7. Community recreation booklets. Fridge ad/coupon is running in January issues of these booklets in several communities. One booklet will be mailed to each household; additionally, extra booklets are available at the parks and recreation offices in these communities. Independence Twp, Waterford Twp, Clawson, Farmington Hills, Hazel Park, Lake Orion, Novi, Madison Heights, Oxford, Pleasant Ridge, Royal Oak and Wixom. 8. 1996 Gold C Coupon Books: Fridge coupon is included in this publication. Good for $2 off after 4 p.m. Books are available at Dam -man Hardware. 19-4