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Agendas/Packets - 1997.02.19 - 39994
r ,..�/ ARKS 19,7 (� 1 ■ P n 4$32$ ICOU N1iC . a g.16$4 Road.Watarfior TAD g10•$5 WatKt 06`FaX g1q•g5$.16$3 2$qq George W Connell t) Lewis. Jr. two Motsen John e. Patterson Pecky Chairman on Johr`s Brooks Perniok i.awren�e id Richard Ruth aD Kahn Jr. Vice Ghm Sch aa�hard Skarrltt Ralph Manager Richard gecretaN Jon J.K�p ,,age r M assistant 12, 1997 February, S � COt7NTy P o�Iss a0N Co�IssZON 0� RECRE ouno Y� Mich1g RECREATIONS C ANO Oakland Gentlemen= d °f the PARKS ON QEF�CE Ladies and has been called REcR I ROAD E A meeting .PARKSyJATKINs L 48328 as fTIg ollows. WA0 RFDRD'r MI 1�' 1997 pLA�E• NI033RUAR Y WEDESDAY0 A • lvl, . • 9;O Mee.�yng oa . Regular iZati 2ZME. author and . With the Parks E acc°rdan akland County PURPDS called is the has has been ca Jr of meeting D Lewis, Ths-s Peck of chairoanC°mmiss1on sincerely/ Recreate Ach Richard Ralp Manager OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Rd. Waterford, MI 48328 February 19,1997 Before Meeting: A short video on the state grant process will be shown to the Commission; approximately 7 minutes long. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes for February 5, 1997, Commission Meeting. 4. Public Comments. 5. Approval of Payment: Voucher Nos. 1-1 thru 1-131 6. Activity Report for January, 1997. 7. Sheriff's Department Mounted Unit Report. J. Kipke / 858-4605 8. Waterford Oaks Master Plan. J. Figa / 858-4620 9. Glen Oaks Easements. " " 10. Turnstiles - Red Oaks and Waterford Oaks Waterparks. F. Trionfi / 858-4607 11. Addison Oaks Concession Entrance Renovation. J. Figa / 858-4620 12. Amendment to January 8 Purchase; Grounds Utility Vehicle - Red Oaks M. Thibodeau / 858-4630 13. Gypsy Moth Suppression Program. J. Kipke / 858-4605 14. Heating Conversion - Addison Oaks Conference Center. " " 15. Resolution - Waterford Oaks House Removal. R._Richard / 858-0909 16. Travel Regulation Changes. " 17. Commission By -Laws Revisions. " 18. Manager's Report. " 19. Old Business. 20. New Business. 21. Adjourn. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING February 5, 1997 The meeting was called to order at 9:06 a.m. by Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. in the commission room of the Parks and Recreation Commission's administration office. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Vice Chairman Ruth Johnson, Secretary Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., Fred Korzon, George W. Kuhn, Nancy McConnell, Lawrence Pernick, Kay Schmid, Richard Skarritt COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: L. Brooks Patterson ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Oakland County Board of Commissioners Oakland County Central Services Oakland County Purchasing Carlisle & Associates, Inc. Kent Jacoby & Associates APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Ralph Richard, Manager Jon J. Kipke, Assistant Manager Frank Trionfi, Chief, Admin. Services Sheila Cox, Accountant IV Dan Stencil, Chief of Parks Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf Desiree Marcks, Public Communications Assistant Joseph Figa, Chief of Design and Development Sue Delridge, Chief of Recreation Mike Donnellon, Architectural Engineer I Lawrence Obrecht, Commissioner David VanderVeen, Director Bob Rhein, Buyer Lucie Fortin, Landscape Architect Kent Jacoby, Owner Moved by Mr. Pernick, supported by Mr. Pernick to approve the minutes of the meeting of January 8, 1997, as written. AYES: Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, McConnell, Pernick, Skarritt (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Moved by Mr. Skarritt, supported by Mr, Pernick to approve the minutes of the public hearing of January 8, 1997, as written. AYES. Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, McConnell, Pernick, Skarritt (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. 3-1 (Commission Meeting, February 5, 1997) PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no comments made, nor questions asked, by the public. APPROVAL OF PAYMENTS: Moved by Mr. Skarritt, supported by Mr. R. Kuhn to approve the payment of Vouchers 12-1 through 12-418; the Interdepartmental Payment Register for the November charges paid in December, 1996, and for the December charges paid in January, 1997; the Transfer Voucher Register for the Fourth Quarter charges; and for the Oak Management, Inc. Credits for the Fourth Quarter of 1996. AYES: Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, McConnell, Pernick, Skarritt (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BUDGET UPDATE The Capital Improvements Projects Budget Update as of December 31, 1996, as accepted as filed. ACTIVITIES REPORT: The Activities Report for December, 1996 was accepted as filed. RESOLUTION - POLLY ANN TRAIL: County Commissioner Larry Obrecht updated the Commission on the proposed plans for the Polly Ann Trail, which will connect with the Paint Creek Trail and follow the old Polly Ann rail corridor to King's Mill in Lapeer County. Commissioner Obrecht noted that this week Addison Township changed their earlier stand of opposition to this trail to a unanimous vote of support. Staff recommended Commission support the resolution in support of the trail.. Moved by Mrs. Johnson, supported by Mrs. McConnell to adopt the following resolution in support of the acquisition of the Polly Ann Rail Corridor for use as a recreation trail: WHEREAS, the northern townships of Oakland County have prioritized protecting and maintaining open space and outdoor recreational facilities as major goals; and WHEREAS, these have long been major goals of the OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION; and WHEREAS, the Paint Creek Trail, encompassing both these objectives, has met with great success; and WHEREAS, opportunity now exists for the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to acquire the old rail corridor known as the Polly Ann; and 3-2 �g9�i . nuous {i+ke, h+k+�9 and M eetmg, F ebruary to 4A V, i+\es °{ cp°t+ r9 the m+ssior+ e up �o�ect+ake �Gom can prO�id bra+\'erehe v\\\age of S th+s acAu+s+t+or` t CreeK wish p d Addison wF\EREp 'd n tNN.0the pa� Orion�o { beonard, an tra+\, an i\wou\d con kaic Gp°dd °n,vi1\age ° with horse riding OX{Or thene&Ons �NEREp'S 1 tested R°chester e +es of Roc, s�\p the vof yak\and and er Go\ nfm prOv+d+n9 con N© cOfnfN OX{ord Tow the Goon l t+nue into _apeel O oWnship at\within \\ wou\d con KIND GOUVhe po\\y n F\EREp,S, th+s tra that the O N.R. acAuirin9 �1 un+\+es R�SO�vE o{ the M :D D N R e cOMM EREFORE a\ tray\. Sent to the M' d th additiona\ is in suppO�ation GonseNancy , an NOW TH M 0 S\O use as a recce reso\ut+On be C\ON GO O{ \ts t cOP1es °fRa+1s to bra+ts RSO Of for the purpos ER RESO`�ED tha Department corr+dor E \� F-\39 Recreat+0n trict 3 k, SGhm+d, Skarr+tt �$1 er � °Unty pGomrni\ssloner {or Dis e , Nape Gounty wis, MGGonn \\ pern\c Oak\and. K°won' R. Kuhns be n. PY�S. johns°n, e recreai+on master stapU; be ft o{ th the p\an, cart+eel on a voice rote de m the finec. es \+steel \n wand Ob�ectNes MOt\On a ka� s g°a\s n R p�pN' e updates Mad and °(aster p h+ch is �1\ON MPS�E �\ates, rep+ t\1e C mM\ssi r re gew of them {ad+\it�es a�' aC+ es jot a REGR & P,SSO under \eted- \Oca\ recCeat\on un\c p p �n GarC+s\e o�ed that, 55 °r c°mp e \O ey update their re °� k uG,e F O'A chard rep ie \n progre OG \kstmg check with Vest th Manager Rf+ve \s noted' S retreat)tt from SDM nested stair GOG to reA ea ct obthE Gommiss+On noted that S o Ada ed � k alsoa ontact SSM e 19g1 pa r Schn'1d $ter Pk {fer Staff iss\one• O the ma .es they O an \\owing resO\ut�on {or th - OCO nt a�date O{ the face\It+on adopt the Master p\ Koaon to adopt the {° on has rev1ewed the curre u ested GOmn,+ssjS\,pp°hed by Mr' eaf Or+ GOmRuss+ ere Stag requ Nkr Ft. Kuhn ter p\an- Sand Recr ectNes w d tAOved b e reat\on M k\and GoUn apdark \a\ 11 god\s and Zee sur`�eyecto s, parks S, the Oa ter p\an Master p based °n artment d+r �VNEReat\on Mas s Recreate do deficlenda recreat+o� bets; and nw kgg? parks R S the „ yggdetfied n ; �{an � a\s, Pa \o� and staff n1em Oak\and GOuand WNn esp°nse\o a\ gojem ee eairon G°mm+s tev p\a�, Meeks ee d { nancrak {undin9, �e\oped and d R ks RecredWR Mas 0,6Sect+\jes' an an anputOakand C unty parks`1gg-, par O ecange g°a\s, and VVNEREP on COOM\sS+On s \ ecrea 3 _ 3 parks and R ebruary 5' 1997) kland C°untyle Cerma Wing Meet�n9 F pa Lion vdh list the direc �Comrnjssion C�NeS wi11 as ding pals and obl #utu e planning s bye managen1ent. and Recreat'on WHEREAS, the g inin9 d respon Parks determ at�ve an pakland Count`! Commission in is by ere tmen e lan • Recreation jot adlus ESCbveothatth Master P #leXIble to a11ow E BE IT R Parks ReGreattion mid, Skarritt t 9 NpV�i TNEREhorevised "1997 McConnell, Pemlck, Sch is Kuhn Kuhn, bewrs, Commission adOp AYES 3ohnson, K°Cyon, G• R. NAYS. �0) a voice vote. N pA S*. tabled m°ton back on cried °n ©EXPENp1TURE _ ORIp e {ollowkn9 Motion ca b Nlr. G. Kuhn to Place th 37 ,5g3.50 EWER EASEMENT AN rift, supported y Cove the exP o dthe sank a l cm S Skar {or �ture Mov ldb`jo rakscussion: by MC G. Kubn inc teed as Pat is expend e { ooted ease funds th Mrs Johnson, theaddktionaks County Pa GOntngency 9) „Movedoby nship through prioen pPrO�ecks Budget ernick, Schrnkd, Skarritt to pry e 19�0 a rovem McConnell, P c°nstructlon prGepital Imp {rom th G. Kuhn, F2. Kuhn, yews, Johns orzon, CeGember `� meeting, to on, K PA (Ss fission at the NAYS. (0) a voice vote' cted VY the Comm orks pirector a,be as d%re pales i public W al work w motkon carried on T ewess e ent at prion addition #rom prion prion TOw os o{ to im {rom the middle with o{{,c�als used sew the letter #rom installed• cos Barg eadOw gta## e details on the PrOP °ints coVere e,sewer line wh the edge of �d en diture finaUz the P de eoosg Wentwill run along rkston R° ctlon expry s ewer is, north to C1a sewer constru ,Net that in addition tone located {or the nita of the P o used Santa ted Cnanhole��e 20 ft• w� sa r P Sta## nOa drop Sanitary s White, the townshlP' eX15t% 9 riginal motwn authorization P pales, rOval vdi11 in to develop t such aid by where the °{ the ° elude men , o{ prion mended C°me \ s\ thathe approval e uests thatfaciC�tate privy Sta{{ rec593 50 in agre Support {uture opiate • chmid, arritt tg) oeasement. noted that s e eying they are inapP 11 Pemick, S Sk vice Cha�rmpn d sewe easement b R Kuhn Lewis, N1cCOnne as the pCOohnsOn, Korzon, G. Kuhn, EYES• NAYS: ca a voice vote. cried ° p,T1 N _ LYpN AK on tJ G `� MARKS-t EVAb 3.4 esources Pand day en9 nary competed h� ho` �o\\ c°use r n ed ar course and driving Feb Ket eva\uat\on e d Meeti\n9, � ec°mm `C©rnni\ssion orad on th cons mans {oaMOn GaKs d an 1� ro\e 90\ not odeau rep ed by the aster P\an ommende su\tams d,jntet Go\� M\1ce )�\b ns pr°eidpcom\n9 0 pant, Staff roa Gaks nO<\r9 the \osIn d for the va Gh\ef d on the Con into th the cOnsu \ar io< Ly e report, ey are c Based be incorp s prov\de ornmg master P the C* aLg y a ks becauSe th rses. and range the c°ne red ntO the up ointrnen es or the Metrop the c\osed c°u tors in then the parks Based Oe. corPOra expressed dxs pg°\f c°ors c\arif\cation f r°m any o{ the ir9 range mt range b p err``cK On other t further t\onS °n and dnv GOmrri\SS\ Ugh in{Or`nation and reques orate pred\c °\f course a\uat\on, `nG\ode m tthe cOnsu`tarts `cu\ty \n ma\a ga the prop°sed 9 the go\f maoneof an 1a'�°\e ff wi\\ Conroe noted the d` orating the p °orporate c°rstruct Sta s`Oner KO�'r°tar�ce of iro°rP G Kuhr tO `mending f e on Ga�S r Ly Gorr a!�ed the irrp° upp°Tted ocia eS ana n9 0-as tet P\an SChcntd, S�arritt <gl raster p\an' Mrs SchRes'OVI ,,to the upcomM rne\\ Perr;`ck, Movede ed by G dr\virg range �ew\s, GG° GO {p gorse and uhn, R• Kuhn, between pubC�c and o K e 9JohnSOr, Koh°r G °arse and ��e G \urn . PASS' vOte. {Ora 901, ur pions for uRs� e tanK NP�S col rr1ed Or\ a v°`ce eword` upSteatnrno\o9y \r KS GpbF GG a,OwNe stoatktnent of Motion ca ncerr over d using that GF\�t0 GP the former 9higan pep On express ested staff avo p\ tVFtti Split\N nta0-It\et\or fr se t to the M by SOi\S GOmme courses, re4 PN Up EXpEN test`r9 °f theep°rt has been was c°mp\eted Pr'va iRpNMEN� Pb GLE eau stated k\Na 1p\ere and the he repo 1 a\$9 °rK � o ao� for the ENV of GO\f M\K a s� Go i G°arse , u}red to � dev 'atta cost of $6 t\rnateS �t wi\\ cost atS90r9{'een sQuaC\ty d testing won<y s b\arKek Or this site, staff es eria\s EvV\eeTs m at viror �n vet, add\t\or9`n ens under the t it the invest\gatior ° 69 $9 to s°d and M of $6,16 orn t e ad Materia\S E has beer Spen experd�ture Of ` r v the eyp01 en o`�t rm\rat\or fr (O date, 'd6 �9 a pvova\ of the Pern�ck to aPndrtes G \, GO c t lgi arse. c\ean uP ested coffosso P supp°v hE ada)t\opSPnn9f`e\d GaKs \cK Schrrrd, Skarrt Staff reQu oved" W. er\a\ Erg\ \ �e storagOT e tangy a Mcconre\\,pert S t ��dhe former gas u R Kuhr, Lewis, SjK hn, . Johnson, K°�Or' G. PEES. S-. <g� tied on, vO,ce vote 3 ^ S M&on car (Commission Meeting, February 5, 1997) Commission requested staff compile a chronology of the project, including costs, and provide it to the Commission for information and review. BIDS: As per the information filed in the agenda, the following bids were approved as recommended by staff and Purchasing: Moved by Mr. Skarritt, supported by Mrs. McConnell to award the bid for the purchase of 28 each 4-wheel gasoline golf cars and 14 each 4-wheel electric golf cars for Springfield Oaks Golf Course, Red Oaks Golf Course, and Glen Oaks Golf Course to the low bidder, Club Car, in the amount of $121,800, less a trade in of 22 cars for $25,400, for a total purchase price of $96,400. AYES: Johnson, Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, McConnell, Pernick, Schmid, Skarritt (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Moved by Mr. Korzon, supported by Mr. R. Kuhn to award the bid for the purchase and planting of six each 25 ft. tall White Pine trees for Glen Oaks Golf Course to Boyd's in the amount of $4,890.00. AYES: Johnson, Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, McConnell, Pernick, Schmid, Skarritt (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Moved by Mrs. Johnson, supported by Mrs. Schmid to award the contract for the purchase of a Columbia Cascade play structure, installation of the equipment, and installation of a play surface for the Pine Grove picnic area at Independence Oaks to K & V Contractors in the amount of $31,205. AYES: Johnson, Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, McConnell, Pernick, Schmid, Skarritt (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Moved by Mrs. Schmid, supported by Mr. Pernick to award the bid for the purchase of a 72" 4-wheel drive outfront mower for turf maintenance at Addison Oaks to the low bidder, Theiser Equipment, in the amount of $14,095. AYES: Johnson, Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, McConnell, Pernick, Schmid, Skarritt (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. 3-6 (Commission Meeting, February 5, 1997) the r the purchase of Moved by Mr. Pernick, supported e th twat rford Oaks Acaward tiv t es Io Center, Court Games replacement bathroom partitions o Complex, and Waterpark to the low bidder, Airtec, Inc., in the amount of $2G,299. AYES: Johnson, Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, McConnell, Pernick, Schmid, Skarritt (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Moved by Mr. G. Kuhn, supported by Mrs. Johnson to adjourn the meeting to an executive session. AYES: Johnson, Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, McConnell, Pernick, Schmid, Skarritt (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. The meeting was adjourned to an executive session at 10:20 a.m. The meeting was re -convened at 10:38 a.m. PROPERTY AC UISITION: uhn to authorize staff to negotiate a purchase Moved by Mr. Korzon, supported by Mr. G. K appraised price for the 3.18-acre parcel adjacent to Rose Oaks in an amount not to exceed the value. AYES: Johnson, Korzon, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, McConnell, Pernick, Schmid, Skarritt (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Commission also directed staff to include a time limit clause for a response on the offer. MANAGER'S REPORT: In addition to the Manager's Report filed in the agenda, the following was noted: unt at ose he parks. The --A contract is being drawn up to conduct an ineetingcount ith DNR andrat five of Rose Towtnship officials onothe issue of Oaks will be used as a basis for upcoming meetings notified that some residents will be attending a future meeting bringingpossible hunting there. Staff has petitions on this issue for Commission consideration. --Commission directed staff to contact Corporation Counsel for an interpretation of a Freedom Of Information Act request from The Oakland Press. 3-7 February 5, 1997) pakland Meeting, staff to contact `Commission directed of the retreat. 1997. COrr . miss the location ed of the calenodaPr' f as it pertains to oval rather a revis copy being bid out for rem for an interpretation lot is now _.commission received arkin9 County Prose tutor Gorcyca aterpark p adjacent to the Waterford Oaks __parks __parks houseFebruary 19, than demolition. on Wednesday, The next meeting Will be (33, M. adjourned at 11:08 a.m The meeting was ,are Smith, Recording Secretary Richard 0- Kuhn, 'lr., Secretary 3-8 014 Cods -Tod Y .PAgg$ L SjgY Cp ME�T APPgpVA pF . PAYFpg M�gTZ�G '7 99 Vp�Cx�gs: VouC�eYS ,.rova+ g$gUAg� 191 1 F thr� 1-131 �-1 02/10/97 AAP560EZ - SORTED BY VOUCHER FUND 20800 - PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER MONTH 01/97 VOUCHER NAME VENDOR ACCOUNT UNIT / OBJECT DESCRIPTION CHECK DATE 7010001 RICHARD, RALPH A 30000081 075232 ACCOUNTS REC-CASH ADVANCES MRPA CONF. 362472 011497 PARKS & RECREATION RICHARD, RALPH A. >> VOUCHER 7010001 TOTAL 7010002 KIPKE, JON J 30000361 075150 ACCOUNTS REC-CASH ADVANCES MRPA CONF. 362473 011497 PARKS & RECREATION KIPKE, JON J. >> VOUCHER 7010002 TOTAL 7010003 TRIONFI, FRANK 3000Z641 075293 ACCOUNTS REC-CASH ADVANCES MRPA CONF. 362474 011497 PARKS & RECREATION TRIONFI, FRANK >> VOUCHER 7010003 TOTAL 7010004 DEVONCE, SANDY 30001331 07SO51 ACCOUNTS REC-CASH ADVANCES HRPA CONF. 362475 011497 PARKS & RECREATION DEVONCE, SANDRA >> VOUCHER 7010004 TOTAL 7010005 MICHIGAN RECREATION 00080931 53401003752 ADMINISTRATION MRPA CONF. REG. /Tr I on f I 362476 011497 & PARK ASSOCIATION TRAVEL & CONFERENCE 53420003752 GROVELAND OAKS MRPA CONF.REG./HERB TRAVEL & CONFERENCE >> VOUCHER 701000S TOTAL TU'1 0'006 VOID 7010007 LAY, ROBERT 30003991 075218 ACCOUNTS REC-CASH ADVANCES MI TURFGRASS CONF. 362477 011497 PARKS & RECREATION POEPPE, KEVIN >> VOUCHER 7010007 TOTAL 7010008 GARVEY, TOM 30840041 075079 ACCOUNTS REC-CASH ADVANCES MI TURFGRASS CONF./&ROCH 362478 011497 PARKS & RECREATION GARVEY, THOMAS >> VOUCHER 7010008 TOTAL 7010009 POEPPE, KEVIN 30003981 075218 ACCOUNTS REC-CASH ADVANCES MI TURFGRASS CONF. 362479 011497 PARKS & RECREATION POEPPE, KEVIN >> VOUCHER 7010009 TOTAL 7010010 DEROUSHA, JOE 30840031 0750SO ACCOUNTS REC-CASH ADVANCES MI TURFGRASS CONF. 362480 011497 PARKS & RECREATION DEROUSHA, JOSEPH >> VOUCHER 7010010 TOTAL PAGE 1 AMOUNT 152.26 152.26 << 152.26 152.26 << 152.26 152.26 << 98.98 98.98 « 30.00 30.00 60.00 << 143.60 143.60 << 201.66 201.66 << 133.60 133.60 << 157.96 157.96 << 02/10/97 AAP560EZ - SORTED BY VOUCHER FUND Z0800 - PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER MONTH 01/97 PAGE 2 VOUCHER NAME VENDOR ACCOUNT UNIT / OBJECT DESCRIPTION CHECK DATE AMOUNT 7010011 GEE, LAWRENCE 30840051 075080 ACCOUNTS REC-CASH ADVANCES MI TURFGRASS CONF. 362481 011497 103.60 PARKS & RECREATION GEE, LARRY >> VOUCHER 7010011 TOTAL 103.60 << 7010012 PENDER, TERRY 30000981 075212 ACCOUNTS REC-CASH ADVANCES MI TURFGRASS CONE. 362482 011497 220.12 PARKS & RECREATION PENDER, TERRY >> VOUCHER 7010012 TOTAL 220.12 << 7010013 LINDSEY, KEITH 30840011 075174 ACCOUNTS REC-CASH ADVANCES MI TURFGRAS CONF./&NEWTO 362483 011497 315.92 PARKS & RECREATION LINDSEY, KEITH >> VOUCHER 7010013 TOTAL 315.92 << 7010014 VOID 7010015 NATIONAL RECREATION 00080224 53401003514 ADMINISTRATION 362089 011397 20.00 & PARK ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP DUES & PUBLICATIONS >> VOUCHER 7010015 TOTAL 20.00 << 7010016 STEWART OXYGEN SERVICE 00194171 53415003342 ADDISON OAKS 362090 011397 90.00 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. >> VOUCHER 7010016 TOTAL 90.00 << 7010017 STATE OF MICHIGAN 0005626Z 53446003528 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 362091 011397 100.00 DEPT OF COMMERCE MISCELLANEOUS >> VOUCHER 7010017 TOTAL 100.00 « 7010018 BROKENSHAW, BOYD 30007741 075022 ACCOUNTS REC-CASH ADVANCES MI TURFGRASS CONF. 362484 011497 120.01 PARKS & RECREATION BROKENSHAW, BOYD >> VOUCHER 7010018 TOTAL 120.01 << 7010019 MICHIGAN COFFEE SERV. 00035421 53435003340 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER FILTERED WATER SYSTEM 363014 011697 49.90 EQUIPMENT RENTAL >> VOUCHER 7010019 TOTAL 49.90 « 7010020 CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIV. 00054183 53405003752 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. REGIST.FOR SUMMER EMP. 363452 012197 40.00 CTR FOR LEISURE SERV. TRAVEL & CONFERENCE Day-S.Delridge >> VOUCHER 7010020 TOTAL 40.00 << 7010021 DUTTON, MARC IRRIGATION 00205771 204143 CONTRACTS PAYABLE CAD1O/16/96,PAYNI,IRRIGA 363453 012197 27,200.00 INC DUTTON IRRIGATION, INC., MARC System -Spring. >> VOUCHER 7010021 TOTAL 27,200:00 << 02/10/97 AAP560EZ - SORTED BY VOUCHER FUND 20800 - PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER MONTH 01/97 VOUCHER NAME VENDOR ACCOUNT UNIT / OBJECT DESCRIPTION CHECK DATE 7010022 LDS CONTRACTORS INC 00020911 204448 CONTRACTS PAYABLE CAD8/4/96,PAYNI,GLEN OAK 363454 012197 LDS CONTRACTORS, INC. Chubhouse Add. & Pay#2 >> VOUCHER 7010022 TOTAL 7010023 POWELL & ASSOCIATES 00201701 204624 CONTRACTS PAYABLE CA07/17/96,PAYH2,GLEN 3634SS 012197 ENGINEERS INC POWELL AND ASSOC.ENGINEERS,INC Oak Parking Lot Improve. >> VOUCHER 7010023 TOTAL 7010024 OXFORD VILLAGE HARDWARE 00166621 5341SO03342 ADDISON OAKS 363456 012197 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. VOUCHER 7010024 TOTAL 1010025 VOID 7010026 VOID 7010027 DETROIT NEWSPAPER 00093991 53401003514 ADMINISTRATION 363457 012197 AGENCY MEMBERSHIP DUES & PUBLICATIONS >> VOUCHER 7010027 TOTAL 7010028 MICHIGAN ASSN OF 00158471 53415003514 ADDISON OAKS MEMBERSHIP DUES 363458 012197 PRIVATE CAMPGROUND OWNERS MEMBERSHIP DUES & PUBLICATIONS >> VOUCHER 7010028 TOTAL 7010029 VOID 7010030 LAKE ORION REVIEW 00044261 53401003514 ADMINISTRATION 363459 012197 MEMBERSHIP DUES & PUBLICATIONS >> VOUCHER 7010030 TOTAL 7010031 VOID 7010032 CM LIFE 30843181 53401003597 ADMINISTRATION 363460 012197 PARKS & RECREATION PUBLIC INFORMATION >> VOUCHER 7010032 TOTAL 7010033 WATERFORD TOWNSHIP 00061161 53401003597 ADMINISTRATION AD IN WINTER BROCHURE 363461 012197 PARKS & RECREATION PUBLIC INFORMATION >> VOUCHER 7010033 TOTAL 7010034 LEWIS, PECKY D. JR. 10096302 S3401003072 ADMINISTRATION MEETING OF 1-8-97 363462 012197 FEES & MILEAGE >> VOUCHER 7010034 TOTAL 701003S MCCONNELL, NANCY 10259801 S3401003072 ADMINISTRATION MEETING OF 1-8-97 363463 012197 FEES & MILEAGE VOUCHER 7010035 TOTAL PAGE 3 AMOUNT 85,464.00 85,464.00 << 4,687.50 4,687.50 << 19.24 19.24 78.00 78.00 << 460.00 460.00 << 16.00 16.00 167.20 167.20 << 250.00 250.00 << 41.00 41.00 << 38.00 38.00 02/10/97 AAP560EZ - SORTED BY VOUCHER FUND 20800 - PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER MONTH 01/97 PAGE 4 VOUCHER NAME VENDOR ACCOUNT UNIT / OBJECT DESCRIPTION CHECK DATE AMOUNT 7010036 KUHN, RICHARD JR 10077111 53401003072 ADMINISTRATION MEETING OF 1-8-97 363464 012197 35.00 FEES & MILEAGE >> VOUCHER 7010036 TOTAL 35.00 << 7010037 DAILY TRIBUNE 00002922 53401003514 ADMINISTRATION SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 364023 012497 187.20 MEMBERSHIP DUES & PUBLICATIONS, >> VOUCHER 7010037 TOTAL 187.20 << 7010038 AUSTIN RENAISSANCE HOTEL 00205961 53405003752 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. AQUATIC CONF.HOTEL REGIS 364024 012497 127.69 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE S. De I r f dge >> VOUCHER 7010038 TOTAL 127.69 << 7010039 NATIONAL RECREATION & 00080225 S3405003752 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. AQUATIC CONF.FEE/DELRIDG 364025 012497 490.00 PARK ASSOCIATION TRAVEL & CONFERENCE >> VOUCHER 7010039 TOTAL 490.00 7010040 CALVERLEY SUPPLY 00193401 157411 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS 364026 012497 67.32 RED.-HEATING/COOLING, PRO SHOP >> VOUCHER 7010040 TOTAL 67.32 << 7010041 COLEIN, C. J. & ASSOC. 00039491 157492 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS 364027 012497 157.50 SPR.-IRRIGATION SYSTEM >> VOUCHER 7010041 TOTAL 157.50 << 7010042 HOME QUARTERS WAREHOUSE 00075772 157411 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS 364028 012497 190.77 RED.-HEATING/COOLING, PRO SHOP >> VOUCHER 7010042 TOTAL 190.77 7010043 TRIONFI, FRANK 30002641 53401003278 ADMINISTRATION 364029 012497 25.31 PARKS & RECREATION COMMUNICATIONS VOUCHER 7010043 TOTAL 25.31 << 7010044 AERO FILTER INC 00009501 53401003242 ADMINISTRATION 364030 012497 84.60 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 53417003242 ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 68.16 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 53426003242 WHITE LAKE OAKS 87.70 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 02/10/97 AAP560EZ - SORTED BY VOUCHER FUND 20800 - PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER MONTH 01/97 PAGE 5 VOUCHER NAME VENDOR ACCOUNT UNIT / OBJECT DESCRIPTION CHECK DATE AMOUNT 7010044 AERO FILTER INC 00009501 53430003242 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 364030 012497 29.52 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES S3431003242 RED OAKS WATER PARK 19.00 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES >> VOUCHER 7010044 TOTAL 288.98 << 7010045 WIMSATT BUILDING 00071481 53446003242 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 364031 012497 38.29 MATERIALS CORP. BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES >> VOUCHER 701004S TOTAL 38.29 << 7010046 DAVISBURG AUTO SERVICE 00205971 S3430003342 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 364032 012497 8.00 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. >> VOUCHER 7010046 TOTAL 8.00 << 7010047 DICK'S LAWN EQUIPMENT CTR 00080S41 53426003342 WHITE LAKE OAKS 364033 012497 11.00 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. >> VOUCHER 7010047 TOTAL 11.00 << 7010048 CALVERT SALES 00019501 S3410003342 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 364034 012497 70.26 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. >> VOUCHER 7010048 TOTAL 70.26 << 7010049 SAND SALES COMPANY 00053281 S3426003442 WHITE LAKE OAKS TOPDRESS SAND 364035 012497 460.80 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE >> VOUCHER 7010049 TOTAL 460.80 << 70100SO REGAL FEED & SUPPLY CO 00063661 53426003442 WHITE LAKE OAKS 364036 012497 108.90 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE VOUCHER 70100SO TOTAL 108.90 << 7010051 SECURITY FENCE & SUPPLY 000087SI S3425003442 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 364037 012497 74.48 COMPANY LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE >> VOUCHER 7010051 TOTAL 74.48 << 7010052 AMOS, FRAN 30003261 53430003528 SPRINGFIELD OAKS REIMB.FOR LOST GLASSES 364038 012497 66.50 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MISCELLANEOUS >> VOUCHER 7010052 TOTAL 66.50 << 02/10/97 AAP560EZ - SORTED BY VOUCHER FUND 20800 - PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER MONTH 01/97 PAGE 6 VOUCHER NAME VENDOR ACCOUNT UNIT / OBJECT DESCRIPTION CHECK DATE AMOUNT 7010053 PONTIAC MAILING 00081501 53401003597 ADMINISTRATION LABELING ACORN NEWSLETTE 364039 012497 319.01 PUBLIC INFORMATION >> VOUCHER 7010053 TOTAL 319.01 << 7010054 INDIANA UNIVERSITY 00094961 53401003752 ADMINISTRATION GT.LK.PRK.TRAIN CONF. 364040 012497 67.00 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE Stenc i I 53425003752 INDEPENDENCE OAKS GT.LK.PRK.TRAIN CONF. 70.00 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE Eash 53435003752 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER GT.LK.PRK.TRAIN CONF. 140.00 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE Baker & Wi I I h i to >> VOUCHER 7010054 TOTAL 277.00 << 701005S STICKLEY, JANET - CUST. 30004661 53431094898 RED OAKS WATER PARK PETTY CASH REIMB.-MOB.RE 364041 012497 33.77 PARKS & REC IMPREST CASH OFFICE SUPPLIES 53437004898 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK PETTY CASH REIMB.-MOB.RE 13.32 OFFICE SUPPLIES 53439004898 MOBILE RECREATION PROGRAM PETTY CASH REIMB.-MOB.RE 2.39 OFFICE SUPPLIES VOUCHER 7010055 TOTAL 49.48 << 7010056 ELDEN HARDWARE 00044931 53401003242 ADMINISTRATION 364042 012497 25.03 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 53410003242 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 4.84 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 53410004860 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 3.89 HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR 53410004926 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 2.59 SMALL TOOLS 53417003242 ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 18.57 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 53425003242 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 7.99 BUIL➢ING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 53425003442 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 17.90 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 53426003242 WHITE LAKE OAKS 6.98 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 53435003442 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 12.87 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 02/10/97 AAP560EZ - SORTED BY VOUCHER FUND 20800 - PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER MONTH O1/97 PAGE 7 VOUCHER NAME VENDOR ACCOUNT UNIT / OBJECT DESCRIPTION CHECK DATE AMOUNT 7010056 ELDEN HARDWARE 00044931 53435003662 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 364042 012497 20.66 RENTAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 5343SO04926 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 11.98 SMALL TOOLS 53437003242 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK 2.18 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 53446003242 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 12.32 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 53446003442 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 14.06 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 53446003528 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 33.57 MISCELLANEOUS >> VOUCHER 7010056 TOTAL 195.43 << 7010057 FIRST OF AMERICA 00062961 233001 ACCRUED PAYROLL PAY ENDING 1/17/97 363802 012397 137,780.28 SOUTHEAST ACCRUED PAYROLL >> VOUCHER 7010057 TOTAL 137,780.28 << 7010058 CITY OF MADISON HEIGHTS 00041131 157379 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS SIGN PERMITS 364043 012497 150.00 RED. -ENTRANCE SIGN,G.C. IS7395 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS SIGN PERMITS 150.00 RED. -ENTRANCE SIGN,W.P. >> VOUCHER 7010058 TOTAL 300.00 << 7010059 TRI-CITY AGGREGATES 000224ZI IS7280 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS 364544 012997 102.00 IND.-NATURE CENTER EXPANSION >> VOUCHER 7010059 TOTAL 102.00 7010060 TESTING ENGINEERS & 00018211 157179 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS GROVE.OAKS CAMPGRD.CONSU 364545 012997 663.00 CONSULTANTS, INC. GRO.-CAMP RENOV.-E. SIDE Fee >> VOUCHER 7010060 TOTAL 663.00 << 7010061 GOLF RESOURCE ASSOC INC 00202751 201001 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CAD9/18/96,LYON OAKS 364546 012997 3,800.00 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Evaluation VOUCHER 7010061 TOTAL 3,800.00 << 7010062 CARLISLE ASSOCIATES 00111471 S3401003128 ADMINISTRATION CAD7/17/96,MASTER PLAN 364547 012997 1,190.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (Recreation) >> VOUCHER 7010062 TOTAL 1,190.00 << 02/10/97 AAP560EZ - SORTED BY VOUCHER FUND 20800 - PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NAME VENDOR ACCOUNT UNIT / OBJECT 7010063 SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP 00084011 S3432003442 SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CEN. LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 7010064 CENTURY INDUSTRIES,INC P.O. BOX U 7010065 EASTERN OIL CO. 7010066 MICHIGAN AIRGAS 7010067 STRIGGOW FARMS 7010068 U.S. GOLF ASSOCIATION GOLF HOME 7010069 MEIJERS COMMERCIAL CHG 7010070 UNITED STATES POST OFFICE 7010071 CITY OF FARMINGTON HLS 00100781 53439363342 MOBILE RECREATION PROGRAM EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. 00036SOI 53427003342 GLEN OAKS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. 00201821 53425003342 INDEPENDENCE OAKS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. 00063511 53446003528 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX COIL ROPE MISCELLANEOUS 00029121 53430003514 SPRINGFIELD OAKS MEMBERSHIP DUES & PUBLICATIONS 00015369 53415003528 ADDISON OAKS MISCELLANEOUS 53446003704 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX SPECIAL PROJECTS 00041811 53401003597 ADMINISTRATION PUBLIC INFORMATION 00047761 53401003597 ADMINISTRATION PUBLIC INFORMATION VOUCHER MONTH O1/97 DESCRIPTION CHECK DATE 364548 012997 >> VOUCHER 7010063 TOTAL 364549 012997 >> VOUCHER 7010064 TOTAL 364550 012997 >> VOUCHER 7010065 . TOTAL 364551 012997 VOUCHER 7010066 TOTAL 364552 012997 >> VOUCHER 7010067 TOTAL 364553 012997 >> VOUCHER 7010068 TOTAL 364554 012997 >> VOUCHER 7010069 TOTAL HOMEOWNERS MAILING POSTA 364044 012497 >> VOUCHER 701007Q TOTAL 364555 012997 Ad in'Brochure >> VOUCHER 7010071 TOTAL PAGE 8 AMOUNT 70.00 70.00 << 39.69 39.69 << 29.82 29.82 << 16.50 16.50 << 252.00 252.00 << 100.00 100.00 << 47.12 86.93 134.05 << 1,007.50 1,007.50 <c 525.00 525.00 << 02/10/97 AAP560EZ - SORTED BY VOUCHER FUND 20800 - PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER MONTH 01/97 PAGE 9 VOUCHER NAME VENDOR ACCOUNT UNIT / OBJECT DESCRIPTION CHECK DATE AMOUNT 7010072 STOPPERT'S INC. 00128331 157749 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS APPRAISAL SERVICES 364045 012497 1,500.00 ROS.-LAND ACQUISITION >> VOUCHER 7010072 TOTAL 1,500.00 << 7010073 BABAO, DOMINIQUE 10230021 53401003597 ADMINISTRATION PHOTOGRAPHER 364556 012997 75.00 PUBLIC INFORMATION >> VOUCHER 7010073 TOTAL 75.00 << 7010074 INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPERS 00002921 53401003597 ADMINISTRATION 364557 012997 136.00 PUBLIC INFORMATION >> VOUCHER 7010074 TOTAL 136.00 << 701007S LASERGATE SYSTEMS INC 00193022 201001 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CAD4/19/96,POInt-of -Sale 364558 012997 9,278.30 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Ticket System >> VOUCHER 701007S TOTAL 9,278.30 << 7010076 OFFICE MAX CREDIT PLAN 00048775 53405004898 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. 364559 012997 42.01 OFFICE SUPPLIES >> VOUCHER 7010076 TOTAL 42.01 7010077 OAKLAND SCHOOLS 30842161 S34SO004898 NATURE PROGRAM 364560 012997 24.93 OFFICE SUPPLIES >> VOUCHER 7010077 TOTAL 24.93 << 7010078 VOID 7010079 THIBODEAU, MICHAEL 30840061 075290 ACCOUNTS REC-CASH ADVANCES G.C.S.A.A. CONF. 364561 012997 804.40 PARKS & RECREATION THIBODEAU, MICHAEL >> VOUCHER 7010079 TOTAL 804.40 << 7010080 RICHARD, RALPH A 30000081 075232 ACCOUNTS REC-CASH ADVANCES G.C.S.A.A. CONF. 364562 012997 153.50 PARKS & RECREATION RICHARD, RALPH A. >> VOUCHER 7010080 TOTAL 153.50 << 7010081 WUMMEL, ALLEN 30000401 075300 ACCOUNTS REC-CASH ADVANCES G.C.S.A.A. CONF. 364563 012997 1,060.61 PARKS & RECREATION WUMMEL, ALLEN >> VOUCHER 7010081 TOTAL 1,060.61 << 7010082 CONSUMERS ENERGY 00002583 S3415003390 ADDISON OAKS 364564 012997 730.66 HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 02/10/97 AAP560EZ - SORTED BY VOUCHER FUND 20800 - PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NAME VENDOR ACCOUNT UNIT / OBJECT 7010082 CONSUMERS ENERGY 00002583 53417003390 ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 53420003390 GROVELAND OAKS HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 53428003390 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 53430003390 SPRINGFIELD OAKS HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 53431003390 RED OAKS WATER PARK HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 53432003390 SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CEN. HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 7010083 DETROIT EDISON 00004211 53426003390 WHITE LAKE OAKS HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 53428003390 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 53435003390 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 53437003390 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 53446003390 WATERFR❑ OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 7010084 DETROIT EDISON 00004216 53426003390 WHITE LAKE OAKS HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 53446003390 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 7010085 AHERIGAS 00067851 53446003390 WATERFRO OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER 7010086 DETROIT EDISON 00004216 5341SO03390 ADDISON OAKS HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER VOUCHER MONTH 01/97 DESCRIPTION CHECK DATE 364564 012997 >> VOUCHER 7010082 TOTAL 364565 012997 >> VOUCHER 7010083 TOTAL 364566 012997 >> VOUCHER 7010084 TOTAL 364567 012997 >> VOUCHER 7010085 TOTAL 364568 012997 PAGE 10 AMOUNT 2,383.26 201.70 182.91 616.37 698.91 1,418.41 6,232.22 << 101.33 718.36 2,103.14 13.75 231.00 3,167.58 << 369.89 1,171.13 1,541.02 << 238.88 238.88 << 25.88 02/10/97 AAP560EZ - SORTED BY VOUCHER FUND 20800 - PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER MONTH 01/97 VOUCHER NAME VENDOR ACCOUNT UNIT / OBJECT DESCRIPTION CHECK DATE 7010086 DETROIT EDISON 00004216 53435003390 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 364568 012997 HEAT, LIGHTS, GAS & WATER >> VOUCHER 7010086 TOTAL 7010087 OAK CO DRAIN COMM 30840351 53415003780 ADDISON OAKS 364569 012997 WATER & SEWER OPER. WATER AND SEWAGE CHARGES 53417003780 ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER WATER AND SEWAGE CHARGES " >> VOUCHER 7010087 TOTAL 7010088 PLAY ENVIRONMENTS 00150641 204620 CONTRACTS PAYABLE CAD12/4/96,PICNIC SHELTE 364570 012997 PLAY ENVIRONMENT (Group) -Grove. >> VOUCHER 7010088 TOTAL 7010089 ROMTEC, INC 00206201 204703 CONTRACTS PAYABLE CAD9/18/96,PAYNI,FINAL 364571 012997 ROMTEC Restroom Facility -Glen Oaks >> VOUCHER 7010089 TOTAL 7010090 STEPHENS, JANET 10305181 166013 FIXED ASSETS -EQUIPMENT PAYMENT FOR TENT 364572 012997 ADM. -RENTAL VEHICLES (H. REC.) >> VOUCHER 7010090 TOTAL 7010091 JEAN'S HARDWARE 00018882 157411 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS 364573 012997 RED.-HEATING/COOLING, PRO SHOP S3427003242 GLEN OAKS BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES >> VOUCHER 7010091 TOTAL 7010092 BURKE BUILDING CENTER 00034201 IS7411 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS 364574 012997 RED.-HEATING/COOLING, PRO SHOP S340500324Z RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES S3410003242 TECHNICAL SUPPORT BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES S3410003342 TECHNICAL SUPPORT EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. 53410004926 TECHNICAL SUPPORT SMALL TOOLS PAGE 11 AMOUNT 90.92 116.80 << 498.62 498.63 997.25 << 29,114.00 29,114.00 << 38,884.00 38,884.00 << 650.00 650.00 << 1.79 102.03 103.82 << 23.20 3.69 6.19 37.90 15.78 02/10/97 AAP560EZ - SORTED BY VOUCHER FUND 20800 - PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER MONTH O1/97 PAGE 12 VOUCHER NAME VENDOR ACCOUNT UNIT / OBJECT DESCRIPTION CHECK DATE AMOUNT 7010092 BURKE BUILDING CENTER 00034201 S3425003242 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 364574 012997 25.43 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 5342500344Z INDEPENDENCE OAKS 52.59 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 53430003242 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 63.26 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES ,. 53430003442 SPRINGFIELD OAKS 99.95 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 53432003442 SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CEN. 66.75 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 53435003442 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 132.99 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 53437003242 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK 22.94 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES S3446003242 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 21.94 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 53446003442 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 241.57 LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE >> VOUCHER 7010092 TOTAL 814.18 « 7010093 BARCO PRODUCTS CO. 00146341 53435003242 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 364575 012997 42.98 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES >> VOUCHER 7010093 TOTAL 42.98 << 7010094 RADIO SHACK 00049612 S3446003242 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 364576 012997 12.18 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES >> VOUCHER 7010094 TOTAL 12.18 << 7010095 STATE CHEMICAL 00003Z2Z 53431003242 v RED OAKS WATER PARK EQUIPMENT LUBRICANTS 364577 012997 338.08 MANUFACTURING COMPANY BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES >> VOUCHER 7010095 TOTAL 338.08 << 7010096 ARBOR SPRINGS WATER CO 00089581 5341SU03242 ADDISON OAKS 364578 012997 130.00 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES S3425004898 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 9.80 OFFICE SUPPLIES 53426004898 WHITE LAKE OAKS 20.40 OFFICE SUPPLIES 02/10/97 AAPS60EZ - SORTED BY VOUCHER FUND 20800 - PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NAME VENDOR ACCOUNT UNIT / OBJECT 7010096 ARBOR SPRINGS WATER CO 00089581 S3430004898 SPRINGFIELD OAKS OFFICE SUPPLIES 7010097 AGA GAS 00067501 5340S993704 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. SPECIAL PROJECTS 53410003342 TECHNICAL SUPPORT EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. 7010098 HAUS OF TRAILERS 00063861 5343000334Z SPRINGFIELD OAKS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. 7010099 CITY WASTE SYSTEMS INC 00113692 53410003372 TECHNICAL SUPPORT GARBAGE & RUBBISH DISPOSAL 53424003372 ORION OAKS GARBAGE & RUBBISH DISPOSAL S3426003372 WHITE LAKE OAKS GARBAGE & RUBBISH DISPOSAL 53427003342 GLEN OAKS Garbage & Rubbish Removal 53430003372 SPRINGFIELD OAKS GARBAGE & RUBBISH DISPOSAL 53432003372 SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CEN. GARBAGE & RUBBISH DISPOSAL 5343SO03372 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER GARBAGE & RUBBISH DISPOSAL S3438003372 WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX GARBAGE & RUBBISH DISPOSAL 7010100 SPENCER WATER 00159391 53426003442 WHITE LAKE OAKS CONDITIONING CO LANDS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 7010101 DOT FIRST AID & SAFETY 00128821 53425003528 INDEPENDENCE OAKS MISCELLANEOUS VOUCHER MONTH O1/97 DESCRIPTION CHECK DATE 364578 012997 >> VOUCHER 7010096 TOTAL 364579 012997 >> VOUCHER 7010097 TOTAL 364580 012997 >> VOUCHER 7010098 TOTAL 364581 012997 >> VOUCHER 7010099 TOTAL 364582 012997 >> VOUCHER 7010100 TOTAL 364583 012997 >> VOUCHER 7010101 TOTAL PAGE 13 AMOUNT 6.40 166.60 << 10.54 10.85 21.39 << 7.20 7.20 << 173.00 275.00 52.00 27.00 52.00 52.00 52.00 38.00 721.00 << 72.50 72.50 << 109.72 109.72 << 02/10/97 AAP560EZ - SORTED BY VOUCHER FUND 20800 - PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER MONTH O1/97 VOUCHER NAME VENDOR ACCOUNT UNIT / OBJECT DESCRIPTION CHECK DATE 7010102 RAY, TIMOTHY 30005461 53425003528 INDEPENDENCE OAKS REIMB.FOR CDL LICENSE 364584 012997 PARKS & RECREATION MISCELLANEOUS >> VOUCHER 7010102 TOTAL 7010103 STATE OF MICHIGAN 00080783 S3410003528 TECHNICAL SUPPORT RENEW MECH. LICENSE=GIBS 364585 012997 BUREAU OF CONST CODES ETC MISCELLANEOUS >> VOUCHER 7010103 TOTAL 7010104 COOK'S FARM DAIRY 000300SI 53420993704 GROVELAND OAKS 364586 012997 SPECIAL PROJECTS >> VOUCHER 7010104 TOTAL 7010105 SMITH, KAREN 30000102 534010037SZ ADMINISTRATION PSI MEETING 364587 012997 PARKS & RECREATION TRAVEL & CONFERENCE >> VOUCHER 7010105 TOTAL 7010106 CITY OF FARMINGTON HLS 00047761 157365 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS CAD11/15/95,SEWER USE 364046 012497 GLN.-CLUBHOUSE ADDITION Fee >> VOUCHER 7010106 TOTAL 7010107 CONSUMERS ENERGY 00002586 157411 CAPITAL PROJECTS IN PROCESS INSTALL OF GAS LINE 364588 012997 RED.-HEATING/COOLING, PRO SHOP >> VOUCHER 7010107 TOTAL 7010108 PIERCE PUBLISHING 00206211 53401003597 ADMINISTRATION FRIDGE AD IN PROGRAM 364589 012997 PUBLIC INFORMATION Guide >> VOUCHER 7010108 TOTAL 7010109 PUNG, JANET 30009511 534010037SZ ADMINISTRATION KIOSK MTG. REIMB. 364590 012997 PARKS & RECREATION TRAVEL & CONFERENCE >> VOUCHER 7010109 TOTAL 7010110 CONTRACTORS CLOTHING CO. 00060601 53410003770 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 364591 012997 UNIFORMS >> VOUCHER 7010110 TOTAL 7010111 HILTI, INC 00199971 53410004926 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 364592 012997 SMALL TOOLS >> VOUCHER 7010111 TOTAL PAGE 114 AMOUNT 50.00 50.00 « 75.00 75.00 << 42.00 42.00 << 20.50 20.50 << 12,480.00 12,480.00 << soo.00 500.00 << 500.00 500.00 << 14.62 14.62 << 191.44 191.44 << 186.67 186.67 << r � 02/10/97 AAPS60EZ - SORTED BY VOUCHER FUND 20800 - PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NAME VENDOR ACCOUNT UNIT / OBJECT 7010112 DICK'S LAWN EQUIPMENT CTR 0008OS41 S3426004926 WHITE LAKE OAKS SMALL TOOLS 7010113 GLOBAL EQUIPMENT CO 00059882 53410004926 TECHNICAL SUPPORT SMALL TOOLS 7010114 D RAT PACK CLUB 00206191 53420002135 GROVELAND OAKS %JAMES PAYNE FEES -CAMPING 701011S GRAINGER, W.N. INC. 00046934 53410003242 TECHNICAL SUPPORT BUILDING MAINTENANCE CHARGES 53410004882 TECHNICAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 53410004926 TECHNICAL SUPPORT SMALL TOOLS 5342SO04926 INDEPENDENCE OAKS SMALL TOOLS 7010116 INDUSTRIAL CLEANING 00007631 53401004860 ADMINISTRATION SUPPLY CO. HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR 5340SO04860 RECREATION SECTION ADMIN. HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR 53410004860 TECHNICAL SUPPORT HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR 53410004926 TECHNICAL SUPPORT SMALL TOOLS 53435003342 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. S3435004860 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR 53437004860 WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR S3438004860 WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR VOUCHER MONTH O1/97 DESCRIPTION CHECK DATE SNOWBLOWER 364593 012997 >> VOUCHER 7010112 TOTAL TOOL SET IN ATTACHE CASE 364594 012997 >> VOUCHER 7010113 TOTAL REFUND OF DEPOSIT 364595 012997 >> VOUCHER 7010114 TOTAL 364596 012997 SAFETY CANS SAFETY CANS >> VOUCHER 7010115 TOTAL 364597 012997 PAGE IS AMOUNT 474.00 474.00 << 172.73 172.73 << 150.00 150.00 << 79.58 65.87 277.65 625.46 1,048.56 << 271.60 37.26 149.06 20.70 40.90 235.72 108.51 124.73 02/10/97 AAP560EZ - SORTED BY VOUCHER FUND 20800 - PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER MONTH O1/97 PAGE 16 VOUCHER NAME VENDOR ACCOUNT UNIT / OBJECT DESCRIPTION CHECK DATE AMOUNT 7010116 INDUSTRIAL CLEANING 00007631 53445004860 BICYCLE MOTO CROSS PROGRAM 364597 012997 30.10 SUPPLY CO. HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR S3446004860 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 297.52 HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE & JANITOR 53446004926 WATERFRD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 24.83 SMALL TOOLS >> VOUCHER 7010116 TOTAL 1,340.93 << 7010117 ROCHE, CLINTON 30000411 075240 ACCOUNTS REC-CASH ADVANCES G.C.S.A.A. CONF. 36SO95 013097 1,099.61 PARKS & RECREATION ROCHE, CLINTON VOUCHER 7010117 TOTAL 1,099.61 << 7010118 DOUGHERTY, KATHLEEN CUST 30002531 53450003514 NATURE PROGRAM NAT.CTR. PETTY CASH 364598 012997 20.00 O.C. PARKS IMPREST CASH MEMBERSHIP DUES & PUBLICATIONS 53450003528 NATURE PROGRAM NAT.CTR. PETTY CASH 2.08 MISCELLANEOUS 53450004898 NATURE PROGRAM NAT.CTR. PETTY CASH 9.78 OFFICE SUPPLIES 53450004918 NATURE PROGRAM NAT.CTR. PETTY CASH 24.38 RECREATION SUPPLIES >> VOUCHER 7010118 TOTAL 56.24 << 7010119 BECKETT & RAEDER INC 00185181 204048 CONTRACTS PAYABLE CAD12/6/95,PAY#SA,PROF. 364599 012997 2,017.50 BECKET READER & ASSOC. Serv.,Camp.Renov.-E.SIde Grove. >> VOUCHER 7010119 TOTAL 2,017.50 7010120 LDS CONTRACTORS INC 00020911 204447 CONTRACTS PAYABLE CAD1/15/95,PAY#lO,WATER. 364600 012997 62,877.86 LDS CONTRACTORS, INC. W.Pool Comp. Renov. 218447 RETAIN % OF CONTRACTS PAYABLE CADl/15/95,PAY#10,WATER. 3,143.89 CR LDS CONTRACTORS, INC. W.Pool Comp. Renov. >> VOUCHER 7010120 TOTAL 59,733.97 << 7010121 LANDS' END 00141753 070001 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 364601 012997 40.74 ADMINISTRATION 53401003770 ADMINISTRATION 81.48 UNIFORMS 5342SO03770 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 40.73 UNIFORMS >> VOUCHER 7010121 TOTAL 162.95 02/10/97 AAPS60EZ - SORTED BY VOUCHER FUND 20800 - PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER MONTH O1/97 PAGE 17 VOUCHER NAME VENDOR ACCOUNT UNIT / OBJECT DESCRIPTION CHECK DATE AMOUNT 7010122 VESCO INDUSTRIAL 00086281 S3426003342 WHITE LAKE OAKS 364602 012997 30.75 LUBRICANTS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. >> VOUCHER 7010122 TOTAL 30.75 << 7010123 NORTHERN HYDRAULICS 00206301 S3425003342 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 364603 012997 30.17 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MAINT. 53425004926 INDEPENDENCE OAKS BENCH CHAIN GRINDER 282.91 SMALL TOOLS >> VOUCHER 7010123 TOTAL 313.08 << 7010124 GOVERNMENT FINANCE 00099262 53401003514 ADMINISTRATION 364604 012997 110.00 OFFICERS ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP DUES & PUBLICATIONS >> VOUCHER 7010124 TOTAL 110.00 << 701012S STATE OF MICHIGAN 0006328S 53426003528 WHITE LAKE OAKS REGIST. OF UNDERGRD TANK 364605 012997 200.00 DNR-UNDERGROUND STOR TANK MISCELLANEOUS 53427003528 GLEN OAKS REGIST. OF UNDERGRD TANK 100.00 MISCELLANEOUS 53428003528 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE REGIST. OF UNDERGRD TANK 100.00 MISCELLANEOUS S3430003528 SPRINGFIELD OAKS REGIST. OF UNDERGRD TANK 100.00 MISCELLANEOUS >> VOUCHER 7010125 TOTAL 500.00 << 7010126 SENCO, INC 00206311 53415003528 ADDISON OAKS BLIND FOR WILDLIFE MGMT. 364606 012997 451.69 MISCELLANEOUS >> VOUCHER 7010126 TOTAL 451.69 << 7010127 MEIJERS COMMERCIAL CHG 00015369 53401003528 ADMINISTRATION 364607 012997 27.72 MISCELLANEOUS S3410003528 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 95.88 MISCELLANEOUS 5342SO04926 INDEPENDENCE OAKS ICE AUGER 209.00 SMALL TOOLS S3425723704 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 175.89 SPECIAL PROJECTS 53435753704 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER CAMERA 192.77 SPECIAL PROJECTS >> VOUCHER 7010127 TOTAL 701.26 << 02/10/97 AAP560EZ - SORTED BY VOUCHER FUND 20800 - PARKS AND RECREATION FUND VOUCHER NAME VENDOR ACCOUNT UNIT / OBJECT 7010128 TRANSNORLD PRINTING CO 00180741 53401003597 ADMINISTRATION PUBLIC INFORMATION 7010129 METRO PROMOTIONAL SPECIALTIES 7010130 BBDO 7010131 C & H LANDSCAPING 00181351 53401003597 ADMINISTRATION PUBLIC INFORMATION 00024052 53401003597 ADMINISTRATION PUBLIC INFORMATION OB033591 204082 Z18082 CONTRACTS PAYABLE C & H LANDSCAPING RETAIN % OF CONTRACTS PAYABLE C & H LANDSCAPING Note: "CAD" in the "Sub Unit/Desc" Column means Commission Approval Dite. VOUCHER MONTH 01/97 PAGE 18 DESCRIPTION CHECK DATE AMOUNT PRINTING OF ACORN/ADDITI 364608 012997 2,398.00 >> VOUCHER 7010128 TOTAL 2,398.00 << BALLOONS,STRING & CLIPS 364609 012997 1,603.00 >> VOUCHER 7010129 TOTAL 1,603.00 << AGENCY FEE/ADS IN 364610 012997 5,260.01 Newspaper >> VOUCHER 7010130 TOTAL 5,260.01 CAD8/7/96,PAYN4,GROVE.OA 364611 012997 30,500.00 Camp. Renov.-E. Side CAD8/7/96,PAYH4,GROVE.OA 3,050.00 CR Camp. Renov.-E. Side >> VOUCHER 7010131 TOTAL 27,450.00 << -------------------------------------- FUN❑ GRAND TOTAL -------------------------------------- 485,552.49 Monthly Activity Report ( Combined Totals ) January, 1997 Golf Courses Recreational and Special Evnts Day Use Parks Grand Totals Glen Oaks Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played -18 Holes Banquet Facilities Red Oaks Rounds Played Wingfield Oaks Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played -18 Holes Activities Center White Lake Oaks Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played -18 Holes Banquet Facilities Lea ues/ Grou s Participants Leagues/Groups Participants 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 36 25 2,814 2,202 36 25 2,814 2,202 96 135 13,913 11,438 96 135 13,913 11,438 3,017 4,982 20,151 27,307 3,017 4,982 20,151 27,307 3,149 5,1421 36,8781 40,94711 3,1491 5,1421 36,878 40,947 Golf Courses- Month of January, 1997 Leagues Participants Lea ues TD Partici ants TD 1996 1 1997 1996 1997 1996 1 1997 1996 1 1997 Totals 36 251 2,8141 2,20211 361 251 2,8141 2,202 02/13/97 Mobile Recreation Bouncer Skate Mobile In - Line Mobile Broadway Review Puppet Mobile Sports Mobile Show Mobile Dunk Tank Orbitron Buses Waterford Oaks Activity Center Tennis Complex BMX The Fridge Environmental Program Nature Center Outreach X Nature Trail Usage Special Events Wheelchair Basketball Wheels Inn -Therapeutics Totals Recreational and Special Events January, 1997 Groups Participants Grou s(YTD) Partici ants(YTD) 1996 1 1997 1996 1 1997 1996 1 1997 1996 1 1997 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 11 543 368 15 11 543 368 0 0 1,572 704 0 0 1,572 704 0 0 88 144 0 0 88 144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 41 7,833 4,728 27 41 7,833 4,728 24 36 820 1,367 24 36 820 1,367 30 47 3,057 4,127 30 47 3,057 4,127 0 0 5,747 8,941 0 0 5,747 8,941 Addison Oaks Park Campers Day Use Day Campers Groveland Oaks Park Campers Day Use Day Campers Independence Oaks Park Day Use Day Campers Overnight Group Campers Orion Oaks Addison Oaks Conference Ctr Waterford Oaks Waterpark Red Oaks Water Park Totals Day Use Parks and Facilities January, 1997 Groups Participants Grou s YTD Partici ants YTD 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 • 2921 3501 1,0201 1,22511 2921 3501 1,020 1,225 1-01 101 1,5941 1,66211 16F 101 1,5941 1,662 F-3,0171 4,98211 20,1511 27,30711 3,0171 4,9821 20,1511 27,307 CS d! 02/13/97 zTO #1 �ED UN� v Kr I - F g oVp� . VANO s Depa meet e SNE`t1 \and C°until Sheri tsar`- Th y . s from` the pak w \ast year's °pera ay want Represe°tatj�e e meetm9 t° reV\e the C°m�`ssiOn � d Ur�twill be atth ions or cp°Ceres Mounte b\e fOr any Guest wi\\ be �\a with them+ e with this program+ to discuss �nter`t t° \t is OUT ?-1 ITEM #8 WATERFORD OAKS MASTER PLAN James Scott and Associates will be presenting the final master plan for Waterford Oaks. A preliminary plan was presented to the commission on October 2, 1996. The consultants have revised the plan in accordance with the suggestions from the commissioners and staff. Once accepted and adopted the plan will become the guide for future development of this park. 8-1 T,TO, #9 GtiEN OAK � of the pax�.ng v eats f ax site plan aPpx° is xequi��g tY,at ills has twa xeanixein 1) Fintn °n ills eats e Th ity of • ' on fox the clubh°nse �e xoad ixnpxOvem- e G on the Th iated `Vith the additi ) °� 6Q feet fox ngt Kills, n°t of eX sian ass°° , %Wof'way R O e qua isdicti01N °f F a '� of the V ng d l irate a 13 Iile Rd Thxs xOad is �dex th n fence' a poTfxon e IL11% an `Ve ded is only 33 feet dedicated, the exastx g an ills is s° xequ esting R °ad Conissian if O W 2) Fingt ng lot expanslOn Oland C° R Ile, be witl'in this e �' R ex) fox the new paxki d the sign �nU lnage line (stoxnl sew ion meeting lighting e osed dxa t °vex th px°p dation at the can�'lss Basemen co�.en ex explanation and xe will pxesent a � Staff g-1 ITEM #10 TURNSTILES Staff is requesting the installation of an additional turnstile at both Waterford Oaks and Red Oaks Waterparks. The parks currently have, as part of the point -of -sale cash management system, one turnstile apiece. The additional turnstiles will allow staff to process patrons more quickly and efficiently during peak periods, minimizing long lines. The additional two (2) turnstiles, with bar code scanners, will be purchased from Lasergate Systems, Inc., the company we originally purchased our current equipment and system from in the summer of 1996. Cost is $9,116 per turnstile with scanner, for a total of $18,232. Staff is requesting approval for the purchase of two (2) turnstiles for installation at Waterford Oaks and Red Oaks Waterparks at a price of 18 232, to be paid for out of the Operating Equipment Contingency fund. $ , 10-1 ITEM #11 ADDISON OAKS CONCESSION ENTRANCE RENOVATION Bids were received for renovation to the entrance of the concession facility at Addison Oaks. This project, which has been planned for the last two years, consists of a new deck on the west side, new access to the lower level, new walkways and approaches from the front and west, as well as a new porch slab. This renovation will also provide handicap accessibility to the main level and lower level. Because of the steps and ramps, handrails are also included. The deck and lower level access were constructed and completed last fall by our technical support crew. The remaining portion of the project consists of concrete work which includes flatwork, footings, and steps, as well as asphalt and concrete removal. This project was bid three times. Each time it was a single bid or the staff felt the bids were too excessive. We therefore made modifications and rebid each time. The latest bids are as follow: Company T&M Milford O'Brien Waterford Bid $89,650.00 $53,650.00 LDS Contractors Inc. $48,500.00 Keego Harbor Bids were also received on the handrails as follows: Company Bid Metro Piping $7,162.15 Clarkston Elegant Inc. $7,225.00 Roseville Davis Iron Works $9,650.00 Walled Lake Redford Steel/Stairs Does not meet Northville specifications Staff has reviewed the bids and will be making a presentation and recommendation at the meeting. An amount of $50,000 was allocated to this project in 1996. There is $32,665 remaining in this account for the project. If the low bids are approved, then an additional amount of $22,997.15 will have to be allocated to this project from the Capital Improvement Projects contingency. ,TVA #12 SE CRY g PDRD Op,�CS ENS 10 JX XA fCLE . RE p,ME UN � u1\,L\'t� °� Parks aid GRfJ the Oak\and Gou Kawasaki ut�Uty nuaN $t 1gg't , rchase of bNo on approved the pu �° Macomb Gyc\es. ion ce of $B ,900 each eted \n their 19g Gomm�ss Recreat%on 1150,,budg for the \ow bid Pr, has $ Cushman ckster. tru \jehlc\es Oaks Go\f Gourse the purchase 01 a ,ote�ded for th\s Red meet Budget for the van\ous uses 90� ,�ou1d Operating Eaup the demand and it \jeh1c\e fOrd B' a aka utii y thir M era\uat�ng e Tawas meads purGhas\r<g sta{\ fee\s that th therefore recom truckstef, required, and Gy c\esfOr 8,9gg. orm the tasks from Macomb pejeh\c\e Kawasak, utility ITA ZT #13 oN pROGMpM 1N SvppREgg� rent Jot the G�pS`{ MG nte� tnt° an agree thatwe agars e oaks, sung jot ,tgg"1. on Staff is reaue rogCam �oUC packs''Pddts d \eN SuppVessrOn P beCs su�eyed aks<< and noun Gypsy Moth enter staff mem d Whtte Lake O �atu�e C ot\on oaks' an we have endence oaks, sy Moth aGtrvrty ue ed ghat st \nde\)vtden�e o\ Gyp sar�P\rng, tits rea att o1 the �gg7 tO dense oaks be p e \rtt\e neW rcrent egg Masse sed °n t iAo` eveC, ba \ndepen d slly don \ 25 aotes at age in�o\ved ha °rea9e is tndreate appcOXr,{nate y m -the acre Cefecen°e, a sUp p�essrOn pco9Ka cogram. for your ent�tth t .\or the spray p C rnto the a95eer� ceement dual ou erne the ag e ataGred map is reauestmg y ressron Program, th Supp �° d° this, sta sy both oUnty �°� the Gyp for oak\and G eat the meeVQ wt\1 Oe a�artabi 13'�' Lam, u ` � 77- IP INE ll 9 .•,,. 7069 7074 �,�' L�(" V 7 5s J_`_ col% \ � /1117) > OIL: j ravel %� ._ 't I a I �,. ��,• .- �,. .,,,, �, o �,�1v�\,- �M AD \\ ' _J OJ 1 (ter- Un.. Q��,Q \.� I 1050 b 4)c' 1'•' US�r nTGl'1 //, 7j _• _ -- �� ° • �8 , .1 1. 11s �, M PP7 r ,� � � 053 _ -,•. - I w O1112 I f � �' i � L i /� /'-, 1 �`�'e p $ .�•. •(J 90 � l 14( �- Ill., � r' �� '��_. 1�` •1 ��� t C;) ,�j�`" �� r (I {��•) ci�;��(j � �� r�.l._jv��� ��j, yJ� ( �� �I / Q� (� , `.'\• "I�{ �. :t ; ° �.r..f l �/� � 1'ry %� \J +^, RBoat /� rTv p� (1 r '•�,�. '.,�, �_ 1 ,ll.. ,,y�%r ��:; / ;�'-�.. � ( • � ���°��� �-- ids 1/nl � c�\l�1 ii`,1�, ��.- C� 7' /' ��,�,�„t„ .��„ ,ter � 'i� rr ��/; I (• '�: r'1 �>Qs L. � �,�`�.>' ill �,,�o�� ( _-�;� �!`-'r� it '4// �� ,, 1)), !))� . _.� � �'-_��'_ vi';' � ��ll�•;���� -� �J CC y�'�• AK U PARK-" � ��• • J ;.. � IS �:��i1,% ,, tom^ Rd�=- O C i1 00 16 1094 .. _ 1110 •r 1 f00 ,O •' ..� i, /-.l i '�•y / - '%� 11!Jv ,l 0s 1 %/rill \�'- �Oo'° „•. �,. x 7036 • ,. 1D *. •.� 3_ C / CR N Y. r0631 ( �) Clintonwood / - I o/ \���' ) � °:j •_ t o ,, "L. — — 77 •\, - — 1 p• "v..o �" s rrtd\�;-:_. S°, ( n j / �l 'rin Par_k.—,,. tv j • / C Zll 1J - ` I r ^ 6 AR) ROB 7029 10 RKSTONf3010.2 591// NW Ml. TO INTERSTATE 75 25 303I. ((( elltedos a i 1:24 000 _0METERS METERS — _�..__.�_---- 2 ^ 1000 2000 �CW ut AL suRvEY, RESTON• VIRGINIA-1991 305pOO'E ROAD CLASSIFICATION Primary highway, Light -duty road, hard or hard surface ..... _--- I,O #I -I CONVE A ENC'E CENTER HECONFER OAKS resent XMISON of the Present d con &ators an the updating and r The present ra roval for t have been Cen W uest�ng ap on Oaks Conference ack to the mid-24's e control Staff is req stem at the p ddis which date b °virtually impossible to heating s Ives are the original Uri-Its,stem. It is also o h ater to the sy e too cold of w steam valves t repairs some too hot, some steam heat t sing frequen from of the expefien areas-- t system control to certain en Ling and se ufJon date the pres ea d increase heat distcib h Will up one ton an version efficient Z sump This con This will allow for more ero con and n will greatly reduce en heat• demolition. basebo tun , which In separate bid for ding the heating system, with a vendors atten conversion dons, six fitted bids• for the 1 vendors, subm efficiency uested st Far Proposals to 2 two companies Bids were Ceq Only t out Reque ce Center• asing see at the Conferee hes follows•• pem punch ld meet►n9 this conversion is a 3yp0U pre-b►d The bid summat, far $1 119'Q42 . e p1urY►aing &'Heating $ 7 ,egg ServrcWate Ord, Mk Service Rochester Plumbing bid Rochester, Mk Non_qualified Pleating low bidder, Bing & and the contract t° the Smith Plum only, in the Utica, Ml aw an, far the conversion royal to budgeted nests Commission app Mich►g 1 � g()p, for a total Waterford, Staff req Heating °f contingency of $ Service plumbing & ercent f $A19,002, plus aten p amount o ,g02• amount of $13oafl will do the demolitwn. Parks st 1�-1 RES KS HIOtA OUSE REMOVAL WpTERFoRD OA r County policy, in order forth e parks Co►�mission to sell the As per WateCpark, a resolution must Waterford Oaks residence adlacent to the oval of the house. be • e staff to request bids for the rem adopted to authonz and 'guildin9 arded to the Planning The resolution will then be forw Committee for their approval. 15-1 so�kM0tA R� ed Comrnissi°n appro ks arks and Recreation Nlaterlord Oa kland County p et Which includes the Oa d owns e wN�R�p,S, the ement?r°leas Bu g d Commission tine 1gg7 Capital lmprOv�Xpansion ?fleet' a ks and Recreate°n Oaks County park the er ark parking Lot unty pa Waterford d Co of wat p ER�PS the Oaklan R°ad Which is pah era necessary �� at 17g6 Scott Lake s waterpark, and ake Road is no 1on9 ce Oaknce at-17g6 Scott L e resider aterlord elude th adlacert to thew the reside sand he waterpark W ill in wH�REp,S, n o#wate'dord Oa sion pfolectfior t ves it aster pla an belie part of them {�S, the approved exp C mission 7g6 om wNERE ►s located; and ks and Recreation al of the house at 1 on Which the h°use Oakland County par the sale and remov site wHER�JaS, the nest bids #0 parks and s to re4 County send be advantage°u ar Bernolishing it. D that the Oakland chasing to nt pur Would ke Road rather th le f v Reso\ v nest Oakland Cou y Sc° La Ow THEREF ORE orizes staff tO re3 Lake Road ec featron N auth se at 17 g6 Scott parks and R mfission Oakland C°unhJ planning m the hou the Oakland County Recreation C° d rem°val °# that the ers #or their D to bids #Or sale an R-tl.{ER RESOLVE and this res°lujOn of Comm�ssiOn BE 1T FU orizes staff to #onN land County Board Commission Guth rnittee and the Oak and Building C°m approval. Moved by Suppo'ded by Date ZTo #16 NS CNPNGES RE3\3\ %� e� tca�el T�`v� tat�On °� the n a brief PCese� a �iii be mak�n9 u� St arges .for the °° uiat�O�' ch Cep 16-1 E 1; CHRISTMAS TREE RECYCLING/CHIPPING REPORT 1996-1997 NUMBER OF OCPRC (PARK) STAFF HOURS- 33.5 NUMBER OF OCSD (DEPUTY) STAFF HOURS- 33.0 NUMBER OF TRUSTY HOURS- 125.3 TOTAL MANHOURS- 191.8 TOTAL NUMBER OF TREES CHIPPED 3.944 TOTAL TREES CHIPPED AT EACH AREA: INDEPENDENCE OAKS- 579 ADDISON OAKS- 113 ORION OAKS- 11506 LYON OAKS- 403 GLEN OAKS- 312 GROVELAND OAKS- 88 WATERFORD OAKS- 259 SPRINGFIELD OAKS- 71 RED OAKS- 140 WHITE LAKE OAKS- 473 TOTAL TREES 3,944 49 18-2